PERMITWARNING TO OWNER: 0 2 - 1 "YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF C0U- C~TY OF BOYNTONBEACH MENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE BUILDING DIVISION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANC- ING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR,,N~ICE Of COMMENCEMENT." Dete,~.,~: NOTICE IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY AND THERE MAY BE ADOmONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. Prepared By: C 0 N K L I N C Permit Type: Date Issued: ~ ./3 0 / 0 2.' Permit No.: I1~~1~ ~,~ ~iTEQUIRED: SEE BACK OF PERMIT CARD FOR REQUIRED City Range 08 43 OZ000014gZ INSPECTION. Twnshp. Section ] Sub Dvsn. Block ] Lot 45 7.9 Z5 006 0O00 Zoning Property Address Rat/Book/Page I Reviewed by SED 1575 SW 8TH ST Subdivision Name Owner's Name/Address/Telephone Legal Address WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PL Contractor's Name/Address/Ucense/Telephone ANDREU & ASSOC., Z75 SW 1% AVENUE POMPANO BEACH 954 9~3-703Z ALTA CHASE APARTMENTS LLC 1110 NORTHCHASE PARKWAY MARIETTA GA 30067 iMC. FL 33069 Additional Description General/Architect/Engineer TENANT: FLOATING LA~:E FOUNTAIN Construction BFE FFE Scl. Ft. FLZ Valuation i~UUU Improvements ELECTRIC PERMIT Occupancy ~du~of~es * THIS PERMIT FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE CREDITED OTHER FEES: 35.00 DATE- 4/3Q./"OZ RECEIPT~- O00001ZTZ3 O00000OOO THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOIB UNLESS THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENOE~ WITHIN ONE HUNBRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS AFTER ISSUANCE, OR IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APPROVED INSPECTION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS. Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. This permit fee is not refundable. MAR. 19.2002 5:23PM WOOD PARTNERS $'~00 lVoA,'r~ PHONg: FAX: FAx N0.1584 P, 1 WOOD PARTNERS SHEET OF PERMIT SET DO NOT REMOVE To: Kathleen Warblow From: Paul H, Edede c~pa~ Wesco Fountains F~ges:3 Fax: 941-4.84-9302 oate: March 19, 2002 Pt~e: 941-484-8224 cc: Greg Dorsey Re: Alta Chase Apartments Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Urgent For Review [] Please Reply 1. Please submit a proposal for one (1) Gauguin #10 floating Fountain. We would Bce to have flqe same fountain you fumbhed and Inst~lled for us at Alta Palms in Miramar last year. :Is the Gauguin ~10 too big for a 1/~ ao~e pond?. If so, please specify U~e correct size fountain, 2. Attached is an electrical site plan and fourd:ain riser diagram for file Alia ~ ~~'IE I VE D Too easy, huh? Rease c~li to cr~:uss. Thanks. 561-893-0094 ex~ 105 APR 2 3 2O02 eFILIE CO-Ye ~3UILDING DIVISION ~LLwoRK INVOLVED ON THIS PERMIT SHALL CONFORM DRAINAGE TF~ACT) RECEIVED APR 2 3 2~002 eFILE COPYe BUILDING DIVISION