PERMIT APPLICATIONBP200101 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Application Inquiry Application number ..... : 02 00001620 Application status, date : FINALED Property .......... : 510 INDUSTRIAL AVE PCN ............. : 08-43-45-20-00-000-0071 Lot Number ......... : Zoning ........... : MI Application type ...... : FA Application date ...... : 5/01/02 Tenant nbr, name ...... : Master plan nbr, revwd by : Estimated valuation .... : Total square footage .... : Public building ...... : NO Work description, qty . . . : Pin number ......... : 4528 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 2400 0 SED Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit F5=Land inq F10=Fees F11=Receipts F7=Appl names F12=Cancel FS=Tracking inq F13=Val calcs 12/18/02 13:04:57 7/09/02 F9=Bond inquiry F24=More keys DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Please Pdnt a_ _ Date: Original Permit # ~/~/_)~) / ~ Master Permit Project Name: ~~ ~~~ ~~ . ~/-- - : ~ . Project Address: :~/~ ~~/~/~ Contractors Name: ~~~~ Total Estimated Value of this Revision $ Description of Work: (Please specify in detail what is being revised from original permit.) Building: Value of Work: $ Electrical: ~)~~ ~ "~ P<~x./_~ . Value of Work: $ Fire Sprinkler: Value of Work: $ Irrigation: Value of Work: $ Mechanical: Value of Work: $ Plumbing: Roofing: REC IVEO Value of Work: $ Value of Work: $ ii ~;,~ q 3NN9 Sign: FiLE COPY Value of Work: $ Site Lighting: Value of Work: $ Clearing & Grubbing: Value of Work: $ Paving/Drainage: Value of Work: $ Fill/Excavation: Value of Work: $ Landscaping: Value of Work: $ I wish to revise the above referenced permit to p~orm the work described herein. I certify that all work will be constructed in conformance with all laws, codes, regulations, rules, etc. gov, emi0g I~.dynton Beach, and I ceytify that Lhe above information is true and correct Co ac o' S'ga e _{~??./)_~/Z/~/_/_~~~,. j a : ntr t rs i n tur Dte STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing lnstrumentwas /,-,- ",, 'C'n / .LL,. acknowledged before me this ~ <.._J -(,~..~"l (date)by X.....J~.._.)( ;;[ ! ~ '~_o is personally known to me or who has procluced - /~, As identification and who did (did not) ke ~t~].j;~j~ Christina Ouifarro /J ~ // (SEALI ..;~My commission ccs93677 / / .CI Y LO.. ["'/"~.~) ~.~1~,~ E~oires,13ecernbe[08, 2003, . Q..~' ~/~J J ,, //"%/'"]! ~lgnature oT,pe'rson taking acKnow~eogement '"' ~ [ I LA / 7//( J Name of officer taking acknowledgement typed, printed or stamped /~ / - -- , Title or rank , , ,/~ ~ SerilaU~umber, if any Application approved by ~-~_ ~_.~. ~/~._- Date ~ Permit-~)~c-~r ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE S:\DEVELOPM ENT~FORIvlS&TEMPLATES\BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REV[SION-Igl-Rev. 12/98, 6~99, 8/00, 10/01, 11/0 l (For Office Use Only) Original Permit # PCN Application Accepted By: Master Permit # (Palm Beach County Property Control #) Type of Construction Occupancy Type Fence Type Roof Type Flood Zone Base Flood Elevation Finish Floor Elev. (Proposed) Number of Units Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Area Square Feet (Gross) Area Square Feet (Net) Number of Stories Number of Bedrooms Remarks: ~' I Acceptance Date · ~. , ~le~ ~Mech Plumb Struct P&Z Eng ~ Completed by Date to P&Z records Utilities Police Parks Forester Der Dept Completed by Date records Date entered into Permit Log Date called for comments Initials Initials Permit # Review F H Submittal Acceptance Date Completed by Date to P&Z records UtiliUes Police I P.W. r Parks Completed by Date records Forester Dev Dept Date entered into Permit Log Date called for comments Initials Initials ADDITIONAL FEE(S) BCAIF Parks Fee Penalty Fee Public Building Fee Radon Fee Road Impact Fee School Fee Sewer Fee Water Fee Fire Department Fee Overtime Fee Sub-Total SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Plumbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting Sub-Total Less Plan Filing Fee VALUE FEE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Receipt Number ~:~. (.~.p~---~ "-¥--"~ Date Permit Issued Permit # Review F H ' ~S~ebc.mittalA~e~cl~P.tancepDuatmebn1 Structure P&Z Eng. Fire / Completed by Date to P&Z records Utilities Police P.W. Parks Completed by Date records Forester Dev. Dept Date entered into Permit Log. Date called for comments Initials Initials S :\DEVELOPM ENT~FORMS&TEMPLATESLB UILDING PERMIT APPLICATION REVISION-lgI-Rev. 12/98, 6/99, 8/00, 10/01, 11/01 " DEPARTMENT OF DEVELO']PME T BUILDING DIVISION - ..... ,~, ..... .._, _ ............ iiI i jl~l ~ BUILDING pERMIT APPLICATION (Please Print) Permit # PON~ ~- ~3 ~ ~'~ ~- ~ ~ ~ / . (Palm Beach County Property Control Owner's Narne'~~ ~~ P~ d~~' Owners Phono~ Owner's A ress , City /~~j ~~ - State ~ Zip Fee Simple Till~HolOer's Na~e (If oihef Ihaa o~ner'a) Fee Simple Tille Holder's Address (If olher than owner's) Contractor's Company ~ b%~~)~ ~j~ Company Phone. ~* / Contact person and e~ergency phone ~ ~~ ~ '7/~'5 ~¢ .. Compaax~ddres% &~¢/ ~/1~ ~~ ~. yager/Fax¢ City ~¢~/~ ~~ ~ .. ~ State ~fi. Zip , Job Name , ~~¢~ ~j~~ ..... ~ , ' Job Address ~-~lO ~/~~D ~ /~~ ~ Legal Description ~ ,1¢ , I~ ~ ..... ~ ~ ~C . ~1 ~ .~ Bonding Company Bonding Co. Address Architect/Engineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address Mortgage Lender's Name Mortgage Lender's Address SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX {check one) ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: MULTI-FAMILY I HOTEL RETAIL .. t~mc'~ __ IN STIq · ' BUILDING DIVISION [AL ~ Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I cod!fy that ~o'wdrk or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed Io meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand lhat a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING. SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. OWNEWS AFFIDAVIT: I codify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws. rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature Date STA'FE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing inslrument was acknowledged before mc this who is personally known lo mc or who has produced lak~ an oath. (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement (date) by as Mcntificalion-and who did (d~d not) Name of officer taking acknowledgement - typed, printed or stamped ....... ~n __. ~.= ~ , .2_...~aq~ or rank .Sc. rial Number, if any Contractor's Signature ~//"~' '~ STATE OF FLORIDA, CO~W OF PALM BEACH / /~h° ~a~l~-~h~ lO/~-~ho l~roduced ~ as idcnuficatmn and who did (did not) Signature ofperson Inking acknowledgcment~~ff M~~mc of ~ccr ~k/ng acknowledgement - t~cd, t,,-mled or sl;nnpcd .... ' ........ Titl~ 0r,~lk. ~~/~~Sc,'ial Nnmbur, il'any (Codifiq~o of$ompotency Ho~ar) Contractor's State Codification of Reglstra~on No. ~ F~DO Liability Insurance Expiration Date ~) Workers' Compensation Expiral~ DC / ~ Application Approved By ~~~~ Permit Any change in buildin~ plans or specifications musl bo rocorded wilh Ibis ollica. Any work eel covered above must have a valid pormll prior ~o s~adin9. In considmalion ~1 ~ran~ing lhis parmil. Ihe owner and buildor agree lo erect this slmcluro in tull compliance ~ith lbo ~uildin~ and Zo,in~ Codes or tbs City Or Boyntoa Beach. NOTE: This permit VOID a~er 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has.commenced. All Conlractors musl have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Ll'canses prior Io oblainiag parmil. ISSUANC[ OF THIS PERMIT ~OES NOT A~IHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRIClIONS FEES ARE NOT , ,.a-~r~n~Ta,r~F-VF;I nPMFNT~FORMF. ~'ff'~c'iPffRMIT APPt tGAT ON Or)C. - R¢.,,i.ed 6/1D/97, 1~14tg?. 1~/g8, 6lOg, OeO0 ~LICATION fl ~LICATION DATE: ETSACKS: LEFT ~|~1. O|U~ PU|~ brl'tb~ Ub~ UNLT~ 'MASTER PLAN # RECEIVED BY: RIGHT FRONT REAR ONE: YPE OF CONSTRUCTION CCUPANCY TYPE ENCE TYPE OOF TYPE _ODD ZONE ~SE FLOOD ELEVATION NISH FLOOR ELEV. (PROPOSED) UMBER OF UNITS ~RKING SPACES REQUIRED ~,RKING SPACES PROVIDED REA SQUARE FEET (GROSS) qEA SQUARE FEET (NET) OF STORIES OF BEDROOMS ADDITIONAL FEE BCAIF PARKS FEE PENALTY FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE RADON FEE ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHOOL FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE FIRE DEPT. FEE SUB-TOTAL EMARKS: -~QUIREMENTS for ~RTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ".RTIFICATE OF COMPLETION NALS: SITE SIGN FIRE FENCF_JBUFFER WALL DRAINAGE PAVING OTHER SITE LIGHTING OTHER JTHORIZATION for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: JTHORIZATION [or CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing ~//Dratnage ~ Electrical Excavatio~ Fill Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Paving/Drainage Plurnbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting .VALUATION FEE SUB-TOTAL TOTAL LESS PLAN FILING FEE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE RECEIPT NUMBER DATE ISSUED -IRDATA~OEVELOPMENT\FORMS.DOC~PERMIT APPLICATION.DOC - Revised 6/18/g7, 11/4/g7, 12/98, 6lPg. 8lPg Applicable Interim Monthly Fee Services Fee Divided by 1,000 = (rounded to Base Sq. Ft Nearest tenth) Rate Base Sq. Ft # of Sq. Ft # of Units Commercial: INTERIM SEP,qCES FEE CALCULATIONS: Residential: X Applicable Interim Monthly Fee Services Fee PREPARED 6/05/02, 13:12:29 PAYMENTS DUE RECEIPT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PROGRAM BP820L APPLICATION NUMBER: 02-00001620 510 INDUSTRIAL AVE FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE PLAN CHECK FEE 120.00 TOTAL DUE 120.00 "1620 Please present this receipt to the cashier with full payment. Oper: To%al ~;ende'red Total Receipt .o: ~76777 ~5.~ PREPARED 5/01/02, 9:39:14 PAYMENTS DUE RECEIPT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PROGRAM BP820L APPLICATION NUMBER: 02-00001620 510 INDUSTRIAL AVE FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE PLAN CHECK FEE 38.40 TOTAL DUE 38.40 02-1520 Please present this receipt to the cashier with full payment. Date: 5/~II!2 ~ Total te~deeed Total pa~.t Receipt ~o: 2~1~5 $~.4~ $~.~ PREPARED 5/08/02, 9:13:38 PAYMENTS DUE RECEIPT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PROGRAM BP820L APPLICATION NUMBER: 02-00001620 510 INDUSTRIAL AVE FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY FEES 25.00 TOTAL DUE 2S.00 02-1520 Please present this receipt to the cashier with full payment. Ope?: Date: 5/~lli2 ~ Receipt no: 249432 Total te.de~ed Total oa~ment E $ L 02-1620 P R 0 D U C T I N F 0 R M A T I 0 N B U L L E T I N 521 SERIES 02-162 Low Profile, Self-Diagnostic, Two- Wire, Photoelectric Smoke Detector with CleanMeTM UL Model numbers: 521B, 521BXT, 521CRXT ULC Model numbers: 528B, 528BXT (~) ~ California State Fire Marshal Approved LISTED · CleanMeTM remote maintenance reporting reduces 'false alarms · Smart dual fixed/rate of rise heats work with photo chamber to catch fires faster · Built-in drift compensation reduces false alarms · Field replaceable optical chamber makes servicing a snap · Small, Iow profile design blends in with any environment ((I, leanMe'" COMPATIBLE For a current list of CleanMe compatible control panels, go to wv~v. sentrohcom/product$/esl and click on the CleanMe logo;, The ESL 521 Series self-diagnostic, two-wire smoke detectors are the industry's first conventional direct-wire smoke detectors with analog features such as remote maintenance/trouble reporting (CleanMeTM), drift compensation, and multi-criteria detection. The 521 Series continually monitor their own sensi- tivity and operational status, and provide a visual and remote trouble condition if they drift out of the sensitiv- ity range or fail internal diagnostics. This meets NFPA 72 field sensitivity testing requirements without the need for external meters. The 521 has a unique feature enabling it to send a signal (CleanMe) to the ESL 505 module (sold separately) when it has drifted outside of its UL Listed sensitivity range or has failed its internal diagnostics test. The 505 is an interface module that will signal any panel via relays when the 521 is dirty. Several control panels have the CleanMe software built in, eliminating the need for the 505 module. When CleanMe is not desired, simply leave the switch on the 521 off and it will work as a normal two wire detector. CleanMe allows the installer time to schedule a service call and avoid a false alarm. Time between cleaning detectors is dramatically increased because of the 521's built-in drift compensa- tion. This feature, us[Jally only available in analog systems, allows the detector to automatically adjust its sensitivity over time as it becomes dirty, increasing dust life. , ~ ~ ; ..~: ~ And when the 521 has to ,I~.~~ ~t~nln~'T'S necessary, it's literally a snap with ESL's patented field replaceable optical chamber. ¥' ' continued SpectrAlertTM Series Horns, Strobes, and Horn/Strobes G-25( 02-162 Section: Audio/Visual Devices GENERAL 4~ System Sensor SpectrAlert Series strobes, horns, and combina- tion horn/strobes are UL listed for primary signaling in life safety systems and meet ADA public mode visible signaling requirements. SpectrAlert products can be connected to the alarm indicating cir- ~ cult of a fire alarm control panel and are compatible with DC line supervision. The SpectrAlert product line mounts to standard backboxes using a universal mounting plate included with each unit. An optional small footprint mounting plate fits to a single-gang box. An accessory backbox skirt gives a cosmetic finish to a 4" x 4" x 1-1/2" or a 2" x 4" x 1-7/8" surface-mounted backbox. All strobe and horn/strobe mounting options require only one screw attach- ment of product to plate. ~ These products are designed for 12 and 24 VDC and full-wave rec- ~ .~ tiffed unfiltered power. Full-wave rectified operation requires more current than DC operation. For detailed current draw information, consult the Current Draw Tables (page 2). The horn/strobe combi- California nation products are factory-assembled with jumper wires for in-tan- State Fire dem operation. For independent wiring of horn and strobe, remove Marshal jumper wires. When wired for independent operation, the strobe will continue to run while the horn can be silenced. However, the strobe must be running for horn to operate. Horns -- The SpectrAlert Series horns and horn/strobes provide two different field-selectable/reversible tones, a high-low field-se- lectable/reversible sound output setting (Iow setting on 24-volt models only) and a field-selectable/reversible temp 3 pattem or non- temporal continuous pattern. These field-selectable features are ac- complished using pins and jumpers located on the back of each SpectrAlert horn and horn/strobe. An accessory module is not needed to make these field selections. The horn on horn/strobe models will operate on a coded power supply. Those horn.only models with "HC" in thelr part numbers will also operate on a coded power supply. The horn and horn/strobe series includes weatherproof models. Strobes -- The ADA-compliant SpectrAlert strobes are electronic visible warning signals that flash at 1 Hz over their operating volt- age range. These products are available in 24-volt models at 15, 15/75, 75 and 110 candela intensities and in 12-volt models at 15 and 15/75 candela intensities. The strobe series includes weather- proof models. SpectrAlert products feature dramatic reductions in current requirements. Sync.Circuit Module (MDL) -- The Sync. Circuit Module is available for synchronization of strobes and horns and can syn- chronize two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) cir- cuit. The module can also generate a synchronized temp 3 tone for System Sensor's Multi-AlertTM and PA400 horn products.* The synchronization module allows the SpectrAlert horns on combina- tion horn/strobes to be silenced on two-wire systems. SpectrAlert's Sync-Circ~Jit Module can be daisy-chained for multiple zone syn- chronization. The Module does not operate on a coded power sup- ply. *For Multi-Alert and PA400: Strobes must be wired to a continuous source of power (non-coded power supply). Thisdocumentisnotinlended robe used forinstallation purposes. We tryto keepour product II information up-to-date end accurate. We cannol cover all specific applications or anticipate ell requirements. All specifications are subject Io change without notice. For more information, contact: 1750 Clint Moore Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431 Security Services Inc. Phone: (561) 988-3600 FAX: (561) 241-1923 290 ~pdl9,1998 ~ S4011 & S5512 (P1215, P121575, P2415, P241575, P2475, P24110). S5512 (S1215, S121575, S2415, S241575, S2475, S24110). S4011 (HC12/24). '~ CS549 (P2415A, P241575A, P2475A, P24110A, S2415A, S241575A, S2475A, S24110A). CS548 (H12/24A, HC12/24A). (P1215, P121575, ~- ~FM~ 0BSA4.AY P2415, P241575, P2475, P24110, S1215, S121575, S2415, S241575, S2475, S24110, H12/24). 0D4A7.AY (HC12/24). 7135-1209:173 (P1215, P121575, P2415, P241575, P2475, P24110). 7125-1209:t74 (S1215, S121575, S2415, S241575, S2475, S24110). 7135-1209:143 (H12/24, HC12/24). M EA~ 319-96-E (P1215, P121575, P2415, P241575, P2475, P24110, S1215, S121575, S2415, S241575, S2475, S24110, H12/24, HC12/24). SpectrAlertTM, Sync-CircuitTM, and Multi-AlertTM are trademarks of System Sensor, a division of Pittwa~ Cqrpol;atioD..* !~,1 .... i' 'b~'5'~(~- Page 1 of 6 Un/mode $(C) Fire Alarm Control Panel with built-in DACT and remote-site Upload/Download capability (future). Section: Control/Communicators GENERAL The Unlmode 5 lsa 24-volt, five-zone fire alarm control panel with built-in communicator and remote-site Upload/Download capability (future option). The integral communicator transmits event information (alarms, troubles, supervisor/es, faults, etc.) to the UCS (Universal Communication System). The Un/mode S232 5 may be used in a variety of cost-effective applications, includ- (Un/mode 5) lng: local fire alarm control panel (communicator disabled), fire alarm control panel/communicator, stand-alone sprinkler su- pervisory communicator or slave communicator to a UL-listed host fire alarm panel (requires N.O. dry contacts to trigger five channels). CS68 FEATURES (Un/mode 5C) · Five programmable Initiating Device Circuits (zones). Each zone may be programmed for: v' Two-wire smoke detectors. v' N.O. contact devices (pull, heat). v' Four-wire smoke detectors. V' Supervisory operation. · v' Auto-reset Supervisory operation. · Additionally, Zone 3 may be programmed for Waterfl0w op- eration. · Two built-in, Class A or B (Style Z or Y) Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC). · Notification Appliance Circuits may be programmed: / Silenceable. Un/mode 5 v' Non-Silenceable (a strobe circuit can keep flashing after the panel is silenced). ,," Auto-Silence (Program 5 to 30 minutes). V' Silence Inhibit (60 seconds). / Coding (March Time, Temporal, California). ·3.0 amps of Notification Appliance power expandable to 5.0 · amps (meets the critical power requirements for ADA and UL- 1971 devices). ' · Two built-in Form-C Alarm and Trouble relays. · Supervisory and communication fail outputs. · Dual-line rotary- or Touch-Tone® dial DACT interfaces to public telephone network (leased phone lines are not re- quired). · 24-volt operation. · Built-in voltmeter measures: ' / Zone voltage. ' V' Primary AC line voltage. /* Battery voltage. V' Notification Appliance Circuit(s) voltage. V' Resettable 24-volt power. · Surface Mount Technology (SMT). information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all rnents. All specifications are subjec! to change without notice. For more information, contacl: I' ~ecurity- - ~ervlces- ' ' 1TS0 Cllnt Moore Road, Boca Raton. FL 33431 I Inc. Pho,e: (SSl)9eS-3600 FAX: (SS~)24~-~S23 23 FCC 1W6USA- 74525-AL-E (Un/mode 5) A3-300 February 19, 1998 · Fully programmable via built-in keypad. · Complies with NFPA 72-1993 edition (Local, Central Station and Remote Station [DACT only - not polarity reversal] Fire Alarm Systems). ADT FSK II Reporting Format. Fuseless, power-limited technology meets new UL power- limiting requirements, effective May 1, 1995. Programmable Alarm Presignal timer, Alarm Verification timer and Optional Trouble reminder. Single-person walk test. Fire drill function. 32-event history buffer with time and date stamp. Accurate real-time clock/calendar. Extensive built-in transient protection. Electronics and operational controls fully enclosed in Iockable cabinet. Optional contact-by-zone module, optional ground start mod- ule and optional remote annunciator. · Optional printer interface for on- or off-line printing. · Communicator Active and Kissoff LEDs. INDUSTRY ME~ CANADA 21325785A 131-94-E (Unlmode 5C) (Un/mode 5) California State Fire Marshal 7165-0085:17, (Unimode 5] GENERAL The Fire. Lite BG-12 Series is a cost-effective, feature- packed, non-coded series of manual fire alarm pull sta- tions, it was designed to meet multiple applications with the installer and end-user in mind. The BG-12 Series fea- tures a variety of models including single- and dual-action versions. The BG-12 Series provides Fire-Lite Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs) as well as other manufacturers' controls, initiating input signal· Its innovative with a manual alarm ...... ,~ ,~ Itinle mounting op- design, durable construcuon, ,,. .... uto~install, maintain, tions make the BG-12 Series simple and operate. FEATURES . Aesthetically pleasing, highly visible design/color. · Attractive contoured shape with light textured finish. · Meets ADA 5 lb. maximum pull-force. · Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. · Easily operated (single- or dual-action), yet designed to prevent false alarms when bumped, shaken,' or iarred. Q ~ California State Fire Marshal C US 7150-0075:184 (except BG- I£LOB) LISTED s711 0 ._ ~ APPROVED · PUSH iN/PULL DOWN handle latches in the down posi- tion to clearlY indicate the station has been operated. appears on the top of the handle · The word ,ACTIVATED" operation of the sta- in bright yellow, further indicating tion. . Operation handle features white arrows showing basic operation direction, for non. English-speaking persons. · Braille text included in finger-hold area of operation handle and across top of handle. · Multiple hex- and key-lock models available. · U.S. patent-pending hex-lock needs only a quarter-turn to lock/unlock- · Station can be opened for inspection and maintenance without initiating an alarm. . Product ID label viewable by simply opening the cover; label is made of a durable long-life material, · The words ,NORMAL" and ,,ACTIVATED" are molded into the plastic adjacent to the alarm switch (located inside)· . Four-position terminal strip molded into backplate. . Terminal strip includes phillips combination-head cap- tive 8/32 screws for easy connection to initiating Device Circuit . Terminal screws backed-out at factory and shipped ready . to accept field wiring {up to 12 AWG/3.25 mm2)· · Terminal numbers are molded into the backplate, elimi- station. · for labels. tallation purposes. We try to keep our ack t888} 388~29~, '1620 Switch contacts are normally open. · Can be surface (with SB-10) or semi-llush mounted. semi-flush mount to a standard single-gang, double- gang, or 4" (10.16 cml square electrical box. o Backplate is large enough to overlap a single-gang backboX cutout by up to 1/2" (12.7 mm). · Optional trim ring · Spanish version (FUEGO) available (BG-12LSP). o Designed to replace the popular BG-10 Series. in attractive, clear plastic (pVC}, o Models pack. age_d, . ~ D,~ asa packages. Packag- clamshell-style, I"°mt'""'rrch - in shape o! pull lng includes a cutaway d~st/paint cover SYSTEM LAYOUT Sprinkler Monitoring Layout "low Switch Riser 02-1620 3/4" Plywood Backboard I'ADT Fire Control ----~-~RJ31X Jacks Phone Lines (2) 110VAC Indicate the location of the Control Unit (CU), Touch Pads (TP), Telco Line (TEL), Electdc Panel (EP) and all sensors. Sensor Legend: ~ Contact ~' Manual Pull ,~-'J Horn/Sounder ~ Control Unit ~ Motion Der. (H_-'~, Heat Der. ~} } Horn/Strobe ~ TouchPad ~ Glass Break ~') Smoke Der. ~( Strobe ABNORMAL CONDITIONS: [] Concealed Wire [] Plenum Ceiling [] Under Consb'ucfion DESCRIBE 'BUILDING STRUCTURE /ABNORMAL CONDITIONS [] Hazardous Area DRIVING DIRECTIONS 02-1620 Specification Sheets for: POLY PLASTICS (Additions) Boynton Beach, Florida Unimode 5 0 e 0 Fire Alarm Control Panel with built-in DACT and remote-site Upload/Download capability (future)· Section: Conventional Fire Alarm Control Panels September 18, 1997 GENERAL The Un/mode 5 is a 24-volt, five-zone fire alarm control panel with built-in communicator and remote-site Upload/Download capability (future option). The integral communicator transmits . event information (alarms, troubles, supervisor/es, faults, etc.) to the UCS (Universal Communication System). The Un/mode S232 5 may be used in a variety of cost-effective applications, includ- lng: local fire alarm control panel (communicator disabled), fire alarrn control panel/communicator, stand-alone sprinkler su- pervisory communicator or slave communicator to a UL listed host fire alarm panel (requires N.O. dry contacts to trigger 5 channels). CS68 FEATURES · 5 Programmable Initiating Device Circuits (zones). Each zone may be programmed for: v' 2-wire smoke detectors. v' N.O. contact devices (pull, heat). v' 4-wire smoke detectors. ,/ Waterflow operation. ,/ Supervisory operation. ,/ Auto-reset Supervisory operation. · 2 built-in, Class A or B (Style Z or Y) Notification Appliance Circuits (NAG). · Notification Appliance Circuits may be programmed: v' Silenceable. · / Non-Silenceable (a strobe circuit can keep flashing after the panel is silenced). ,/ Auto-Silence (Program 5 to 30 minutes). v' Silence Inhibit (60 seconds). ,/ Coding (March Time, Temporal, California). · 3 amps of Notification Appliance power expandable to 5 amps (meets the critical power requirements for ADA and UL-1971 devices). · 2 built-in Form-C Alarm and Trouble relays. · Supervisory and communication fail outputs. · Dual-line, Rotary or Touch-Tone® dial DACT interfaces to public telephone network (leased phone lines are not re- quired). · · 24 Volt operation. ' · Built-in Voltmeter measures: ,/ Zone Voltage. · / Primary AC line voltage. V' Battery Voltage. ,/ Notification Appliance Circuit(s) voltage. v' Resettable 24 volt power. · Surface Mount Technology (SMT). I information up-to-date and accu~0 .......... ' p t I ..... : .............. ,,=,L.. .we cannot cover all SpeClTIC applicat ohs or anticipate al men[s. ~n specmcauons are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact; ...... . 1750 Glint Moore Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431 Security ~ervlces InC. Phone: (561) 968-3600 FAX: (561) 241-1923 FCC INDUSTRY mF~i~ 1WEUSA- CANADA 74525-AL-E 21325785A 131-94-E California State Fire Marshal 7165-0085:174 Un/mode 5 · Fully programmable via built-in keypad. · Complies with NFPA 72,1993 edition (Local, Central Station and Remote Station Fire Alarm Systems). · ADT FSK II Reporting Format. · Fuseless, power-limited technology meets new UL Power Limiting Requirements, effective May 1, 1995. · Programmable Alarm Presignal Timer, Alarm Verification Timer and Optional Trouble Reminder. Single person walk test. Fire Drill function. · . ',. A32 Event histo~ b.~e~'W, ith time and ,date ccurate real til~'C~(~r~/c~t~n~r~, ' . ~ Extensive built-in tra~.~ie~n[~ P~'~tJcti0n. Electronics and operational controls fully enclosed in Iockable cabinet. · Optional contact-by-zone module, optional ground start mod- ule and optional remote annunciator. · Optional printer interface for on or off-line printing. · Communicator Active and Kissoff LEDs. Made in the U.S.A. DN-5201 -- Page 1 of 2 Remote Site Upload/Download (future option) The Unimode 5 may be downloaded or uploaded, without _affecting the system fire protection (future software release). ,~ecifications Single PC board design using Surface Mount Technology (SMT). Two modular telephone jacks for connection to RJ31X/ Modules. AC Power · 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.3 amps. · Wire size: 14 AWG with 600 volt insulation. · Built-in brown out circuitry. · Built-in voltmeter. Communicator · TWo line active indicators. · "Kiss-Off" signal LED. · Dual Iow telephone voltage detect circuitry. · Programmable event codes per each format. · Up to 62 transmitted events/messages. · Selectable/deselectable transmissions of 62 events. · 5 zones may be configured to 5 channels as a slave communicator (channels are auto-resettable). Communication Format Initiating Device Circuits (zones) Zhe Unimode 5 includes five programmable Initiating Device cults (zones). Circuits 1, 2, 4, and 5 are Style B (Class B). ,.4rcuit 3 is Style D (Class A). Use the CAC-5F, Class A converter module, to convert Class B circuits to Class A. Each zone may support 2-wire smoke detectors. Program- ming options include: ' Waterflow-Silencea ble/Non-Silenceable. · Supervisory-Standard/Auto_Reset. · Pull Station. · Normally Open Contact device. All circuits are power-limited and also fully supen, ised. They allow up to 100 ohms of line resistance and allow for use of 12 to 18 AWG wire. Notification Appliance Circuits · Two Style Z/Y (Class A/B) (i~ 2.5 amps each. · All circuits are fully power-limited and meet the New UL Power Limiting Requirements, effective May 1, 1995, us- lng fuseless technology. Auxiliary Outputs · Resettable four-wire smoke detector power @ 300mA. · Non-resettable power @ 300 mA. · Integral Form-C Alarm and Trouble relays. · Relay drivers for supervisory and communication fail. Page 2 of 2 -- DN-5201 CABINET The cabinet is red with a dark blue overlay. Knock-outs on the top, sides, and back provide ease of wire entry. The cabinet can be surface or semi-flush mounted and is compact in design. Dimensions: Door: 15- 7/32" high x 14-7/32" wide. (36.65 cm. high x 36.114 cm. wide). Backbox: 15" high x 14-1/2" wide x 3" deep. (36.1 cm. high x 36.83 cm. wide x 7 cm. deep). PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description Unimode5 Five zone, 24 volt, Fire Alarm Control Communicator (includes backbox, transformer, technical manual, and a frame & post operating instruction sheet). Unimode 5C Same as above with ADT-DPUnimode5 Dress Panel and ULC listing. XRM-24 120 VAC, 100 VA transformer expands NAC power from 3.0 to 5.0 amps. RM-SF Five-zone Relay Module provides contact-by- zone. RZA-$F Five-zone Remote Annunciator mounts to a single gang box (requires ADM-24). ADM-24 Annunciator Driver Module. CAC-SF Class A Conve~er Module. Converts Class B Initiating Device Circuits (zones) to Class A. ADT-DPUnimode5 Internal Dress Panel (required by ADT Service Group for all applications, included when ordering Unimode 5C). PRT-24 Printer Interface Module provides an EIA-232 printer output. Includes cable, DB9F and DB25 adapter. MCBL-7 DACT phone cord, 7 feet long, (two required). BB-17F Battery backbox. Required for batteries over 7 A.H. PS-1242 Battery, 12 volt, 4.2 A.H. (two required). PS-1270 Battery, 12 volt, 7.0 A.H. (two required). PS-12120 Battery, 12 volt, 12.0 A.H. (two required, requires BB-17F backbox). PS-12170 Battery, 12 volt, 17.0 A.H..(two required, requires BB-17F backbox). RZA-SF 2.8 Optional Boards 02 -1620 ADM-24 Annunciator Driver Module The Annunciator Driver Module supports the RZA-SF Remote Annunciator. Annunciator wiring is supervised for open conditions by this module. The Annunciator Driver Module mounts to J3 in the upper right corner of the main board. ~,. ,~ ,~,. ,., ,.,m.~ =,. ,.=.,~.,.=,~, ~ ~ ~ ~nnector located on Main Board ~ '' - -i. ~ Standoff ADM-24 Figure 2-9:ADM-24 The RZA-5F Remote Annunciator mounts on a standard single-gang box, and provides LED indication of the following: Alarm Zone 1 (red) Alarm Zone 2 (red) Alarm Zone 3 (red) Alarm Zone 4 (red) Alarm Zone 5 (red) System Trouble (yeltow) The remote annunciator provides individual zone alarm LEDs, a system trouble LED, a piezo sounder and a remote sounder shut off switch. A Local Trouble Sounder and Silence Switch are also provided. Ail LEDs and their wiring are supervised for open conditions. Any open condition will cause the System Trouble LED to illuminate. NOTE: The Remote Annunciator requires the use of an ADM-24 Annunciator Driver Module. rI [] Zone 1 [] Zone 2 [] Zone 3 [] Zone 4 [] Zone 5 O EET OF F2R !!T SET 24 50017 Rev B 3/28/95 P/lq 50017:e Figure 2-10: RZA-5F FIre-LiTe' ALarms November 15, 199g F-050 BG- 12 Series Manual Fire Alarm Pull Stations Secth3n: Conventional Initialing Devices GENERAL The Fir~,~.ite gG-12 Sen'es is a cost-effects'ye, feature- packed, no~-cod~d sedes of ma~ua~ lire a~arm pu[~ sta- tions. It was designed to meet multiple applications with the installer and end-user in mind. The BG~12 Sedes fea- tures a variety of mo~els including single- and dual-action versions. The BG-12 Sodas provides Fire-Lite Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs), as well as other manufacturers' con~'ols, with a manual alarm initiating input signal. Its innovative design, durable construction, and multiple mounting op- tions make the BG-12 Sedes simple to install, maintain, and operate. FEATURF~ · Aesthetically pleasing, highly visible design/color. · Atlxactlve contoured shape with light textured finish. · Meets ADA 5 lb. maximum pull-force. · Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. o' Easily operated (single- or dual-action), yet'designed to prevent false alarms when bumped, shaken, or jarred. o PUSH )N/PULL DOWN handle laiches )n the down posi- tion to clearly indicate the station has been operated. , The word "ACTIVATED" appears on the ~op o! tlqe handle in bright yellow, further indicating operation of the sta- tion. · Operation handle features white arrows showing basic operation direction, for non-English-speaking persons. · Braille text included in finger-hold area of ol~eratlon handle and across top of handle. · Multiple hex- and key-lock models available. · U.S. patent-pending hex-lock needs only a quarter-tum to Jock/unlock. · Station can be opened for inspection and maintenance without initiating an alarm. · Product ID label viewabia by simply opening the cover, label is made of a durable long-life material. · The words "NORMAL" and "ACTIVATED" are mo~ded into the plastic adjacent to the alarm switch (located inside). · Four-position terminal strip molded into backplate. · Terminal strip includes Phillips combination-head cap- tNe 8/32 screws for easy connection to Initialing Device Circuit (IDC). · TerminaJ screws backed-out at facto~ and shipped ready to accept field wiring (up to 12 AWG/3.25 mmz). · Terminal numbers are molded into the backplate, elimi- nating the need for iabets. U.S. PATENTS PENDING ( ~ California State Fire Marshal 7150-0075:184 S711 · Switch contacts are normally open. · Can be surface (with SB-10) or semi-flush mounted. Semi-flush mount to a standard single-gang, double- gang, or 4" (10.16 cra) square electrical box. · Backplate is large enough to overlap a single,gang backbox cutout by up to 1/2' (12.7 mm}. Optional trim ring (BG-TR). Spanish version (FUEGO) available (BG-12LSP). Designed to replace the popular BG-10 Series. Models packaged in attractive, clear plastic (PVC), clamshell-style, Point-of-Purchase packages. Packag- ing includes a cutaway dust/paint cover in shape of pull station. Place. Nom'~erd. Conr,~:~t 06472. Pt~ne: (800) 627,3473. Tea Free FAX: (877) 6,.~41(~. FAX ISO 000.1 2(, CONSTRUCTION · Cover, backplate and operation handle are all molded of duraOle polycarbonate material. o Cover features white lettering and trim. · Red color matches System Sensor's popular SpectrAlertTM horn/strobe series. OPERATION The BG-12 manual pull stations provide a textured finger- hold area that includes Braille text. In addition to PUSH IN and PULL DOWN text, there are arrows indicating how to operate the station, provided for non-English-speaidng per- SOftS. Pushing Jn and then pulling down on the handle activates the normally-open alarm switch. Once latched in the down position, the word "ACTIVATED' appears at the top in bright yellow, with a portion of the handle protruding at the bot- tom as a visible flag. Reselting the station is simple: in- · sort the key or hex (model dependent), twist one quarter- turn, then open the station's fro~t cover, causing the spring- loaded operation handle to return to its original position. The alarm switch can theft be r-~,et to ~,ts normal (non-alarm) position manually (by hand) or by cJosthg the station's front cover, which automatically resets the switch. SPECIFICATIONS Physical Specifications: BG-12 SB-10 WP-10 Height: 5.500 ir~hes 5.500 inches 6.000 inches (13.97 cra) (13.97 cra) (152.4 cra) Width: 4.121 Inches 4.125 inches 4.690 inches (10.4673 cra) (10.4775 cra) (11.9126 cra) Depth: ~.390 inches 1.375 inches 2.000 inches (3.5306 cra) (3.4925 cra) (5.08 cra) Electrical Specifications: Switch contact ratings: gold-plated; rating 0.25 A @ 30 VAC or VDC. ENGINEERS' & ARCHITECTS' SPECIFICATIONS Manual Fire Alarm Stations sha, tl be non-code, with a key- or hex-operated reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot be restored to normal except by use of a key or hex. An operated station shall automatically condition i/self so as Co be visually detected as activated. Manual stations shall be constructed of red colored LEXAN~ (or pofycarbonate equivalent} with clearly visible operating in- structions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in white letters, 1.00 inches (25.4 mm) or larger.* Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting on matching backbox SB-10; or semi- flush mounting on_a standarc[ single-gang, double-gang, or 4' (10.16 cra) square electrical box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or per natlonaVlocal requirements. Manual Sta- tions shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed. · NOTE: The worff$ -FIRE/FUEGO~ on the BG-12LSP shall appear on the front of the station in white letters, approximately 3/4' high. 02"162 0 Model Description BG-12S Single*action pull station with pigtail connec- tions, hex lock. BG-12 Dual-action pull station with SPST N/O switch, screw terminal connections, hex lock. BG-12L Same as BG-12 with key lock. BG-12LSP Same as BG-1L~L with Engtlsh/Spanish (FIRE~ FUEGO) labeling. . BG-12LWP. Same.as BG-12L. with .~outdoor use' listing. Includes WP-10 weatherproof backbox, and sealing gasket. FUTURE OFFERING - p/e~ contact the factory for availability. V~Ire Lengt · ,~trtp Gaug (25.4 Page 2 o! 2 -- C)F-52004 02"1620 FIFe-LITe®ALarms incorPoraTeD March 30, 2000 G-250 SpectrAlertTM Series Horns, Strobes, and Horn/Strobes Section: Audio/Visual Devices GENERAL System Sensor SpectrAlert Series strobes, horns, and combina- tion horn/strobes are UL listed for primary signaling in life safety systems and meet ADA public mode visible signaling requirements. SpectrAlert products can be connected to the alarm indicating cir- cuit of a fire alarm control panel and are compatible with DC line supervision. The SpectrAlert product line mounts to standard backboxes using a universal mounting plate included with each unit. An optional small footprint mounting plate fits to a single-gang box. An accessory backbox skirt gives a cosmetic finish to a 4" x 4" x 1-1/2'" or a 2" x 4" x 1-7/8" surface-mounted backbox. All strobe and horn/strobe mounting options require only one screw attach- ment of product to plate. These products are designed for 12 and 24 VDC and full-wave rec- tified unfiltered power. Full-wave rectified operation requires more current than DC operation. For detailed current draw information, consult the Current Draw Tables (page 2). The horn/strobe com- bination products are factory-assembled with jumper wires for in- tandem operation. For independent wiring of horn and strobe, re- move jumper wires. When wired for independent operation, the strobe will continue to run while the horn can be silenced. How- eve.;, the strobe must be running for horn to operate. Horns -- The SpectrAlert Series horns and horn/strobes pro- vide two different field-setectable/reversible tones, a high-low Iield- selectable/reversible sound output setting (Iow setting on 24-volt models only) and a field-selectable/reversible temp_.3 pattern or non-temporal continuous pattern. These field-setectable teatures are accomplished using pins and jumpers located on the back of each SpectrAlert horn and horn/strobe. An access~ module is not needed to make these field selections. The horn on horn/strobe models will operate on a coded power supply. Those horn-only models with "HC" in their part numbers will also operate on a coded power supply. The horn and horn/strobe series includes weatherproof models. Strobes -- The ADA-compliant Spec[tAler[ strobes are elec- tronic visible warning signals that flash at 1 Hz over their operating voltage range. These products are available in 24-volt models at 15, 15/75, 75 and 1 10 candela intensities and in 12-volt models at 15 and 15/75 candela intensities. The strobe series includes weath- erproof models. SpectrAtert products feature dramatic reductions in current requirements. Sync. Circuit Module (MDL)--The Sync-Circuit Module is available for synchronization of strobes and horns and can syn- chronize two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module can also generate a synchronized tamp 3 tone for System Sensor's Multi-AlertTM and PA400 horn products.' The synchronization module allows the SpectrAlert horns on combina- tion horn/strobes to be silenced on two-wire systems. SpectrAlert's Sync-Circuit Module can be daisy-chained for multiple zone syn- chronization. The module does not operate on a coded powersup- ply. *For Multi-Alert and PA400: Strobes must be wired to a continuous source o! power (non-coded power supply). ~ S4011 & S5512 (Pt215, P121575, 92415, P241575, P2475, P24110). S5512 (S1215, S121575, S2415, S24t575, S2475, S24110). S4011 (HC12/24). CS549 (P2415A, P2¢1575A, P2475A, P24110A, S2415A, S241575A, S2475A, S24110A). CS548 (H12./24A, HC12../24A). 0B8A4.AY(P1215, P121575, ~- ~ FM "~ P2415, P241575, P2475, P24110, S1215, S121575, S2415, S241575, S2475, S24110, H1~24). 0D4AT.AY (HC1~24). California State Fire Marshal 7135-1209:173 (P1215, Pt21575, P2415, P241575, P2475, P24110). 7125-1209:174 (S1215, S121575, S2415, S241575, S2¢75, S24110). 7135-1209:143 (H12/24, HC12/24). M EA-~ 319-96-E (P1215, P121575, P2415, P241575, P2475, P241t0, SI215, S121575, S2415, S241575, S2475, S24110, H1~24, HC1~24). Spectra artTM, Sync-Circuitr~ a~d MbEiJA marks of System Sensor, a division of Pit[way Corporation. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without nodce. For more information, contact Fire-Lite. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 (~ One Fire-Lite Piece, Northford, Connecticut 06472 FtreLITe'ALarms ISO-9001 Engineering and Manufacturing Qualib/System Certified to International Standard IS0-9001 DF-51609 -- Page 1 of 6 02"I620 0 ·, i RED WHITE ! voltage candela avg. mA' ~ avg. rnA' nom. VP.~ nom. ~ 124 167 P121575 J ~121575W 12 15/75 152 181 Horn/Strobes 72¢15 P2415W 24 15 78 98 P241575 ¢241575W 24 15/75 91 ~1~ P2475 J 72475W 24 75 167 P24110 I ~24110W 24 110 165 209 P241575K (weatherproof)I -- 24 15/75 91 111 P2475K (wea~e,rproo 0 -- 24 75 148 187 P24110K (wea~herproo0 -- 24 t~0 165 209 ?~4'15A P2¢15WA 24 '15 78 98 P241575A P241575WA 24 15/75 91 111 P2475A P2475WA 24 75 I 148 167 Canadian Models, P24110A P2¢110WA 24 110 t65 207 Horn/Strobes P241575KA (wea~erproof) -- 24 15/75 91 111 P2475KA (wea~edproo0 -- 24 75 148 167 P24110KA (wea~qerprcof) -- 24 ~i0 165 209 Spanish Labeling, HIS P241575F (FUEGO) 24 15/75 91 111 S1215 S1215W 12 15 114 157 Strobes S121575 S121575W 12 15/75 142 171 S2415 S2415W 24 15 53 80 S241575 S241575W 24 15/75 I 65 93 S2475 S2475W 24 75 123 149 S24110 S24110W 24 110 140 191 S2¢1575K (w~at~erproo0 -- 24 15/75 6~ 93 S2475K (wea~erproof) -- 24 75 123 159 S24t10K (wea~erproo0 -- 24 110 140 191 S2415A S2¢15WA 24 15 53 80 S241575A -' S 241575WA 24 15/75 65 93 S2475A S2¢75WA 24 75 123 149 Canadian Modets~ S24110A S2411dWA 24 110 140 191 Strobes S241575KA (weatheq2roo0 -- 24 1~J75 65 93 S2475KA (weathe .rproo0 -- 24 75 123 149 S2¢110KA (weadqerproo0 -- 24 110 140 191 Spanish Labeling, Strobes S241575F (FUEGO) 24 15/75 65 93 . H12/24 H12/24W 12/24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 H12/24K (weal~erpr000 -- 17./24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 Horns HC12/24 (coded power) HC12/24W (coded power) 12/24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 HC12/24K (weabherproot, for coded power) -- 12/24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 H12/t4A H12/24WA 12/24 NA 12 / 23 12 / 21 H12/24KA (wea, l~erproo0 -- 12/24 NA 12 t 23 12 / 21 Accessories ~ HC12/24A (coded power) HC12/24WA(coded power) 12/24 NA 12/23 12/21 M DL M DLW 12/24 NA 16 24 Sync-Circuit Module MDLA MOLWA 12/24 NA 16 24 Small Footprint Mounting S-MP S-MPW NA NA NA NA Plate for Single-Gang ONLY (replacement) D-MP D-MPW MA i' !, N~,.';.,! ! ! I ; ,, !U CIAL- Weatherproof Backbox WES -- NA NA NA NA NOTES: 1) Canadian model numbers end in "A". 2) Latin American model numbers end in "F". 3} All weatherproof models must use weatherproof backbox model WBB. 4) All SpectrAlert products are designed for wall-mount only. 5) Installation of less than 75 candela strobes may be permissible under the equivalent facilitation clause of the ADAAG (Sec. 2.2). However, it is the responsibility of the person or entity designing the fire alarm system to determine the acceptability of less than 75 candeia strobes. 6) All 15/'75 candela strobes or horn/strobes are recommended for 20' x 20' rooms or less. *For a complete listing of SpectrAlert current require- ments, please refer to the Current Draw tables on page 2 of this document, or the Instruction Manual. Horn and horn/strobe current draws assume the horn is set at Temp 3, electromechanical tone, and high audibility. Page 8 of 6 -- OF-51509 02-1620 CONVENTIONAL INITIATING DEVICES XAL-53 Copper-free aluminum alloy construction %" NPT feed-through conduit openings Red textured powder epoxy paint finish provides high visibility Normally open and normally closed contacts The XAL-53 is an extremely rugged double-action fire alarm station suitable for hazardous locations. The device is activated by lifting the front cover and pulling down the ring. This two-step process prevents unintentional operation. The station is reset by depressing the exposed shaft and returning the cover plate to its original position. XAL-53 fire alarm stations are suitable for areas that are hazardous due to the presence of flammable gases or vapors, combustible dusts, or easily-ignitable fibers or flyings. Install in petroleum refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants, storage areas, and other processing facilities where hazardous substances are handled or stored and in areaswhere emergency control of an alarm or signal circuit is required. · Class I, Div. I and 2, Groups C and D · Class II, Div. 1 and 2, Groups E, F and G ? · Class III · NEMAType 7, Groups C and D · NEMAType 9, Groups E, F and G Catalog Ship Number Description Wt. XA[.-53 Hazardous Location Fire Alarm Station 10 (4.5) ~ 2Q80 EST Printed n U,S.A. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.S. SALES: SAFLASOFA, FL 941-73~46~J8; FAX941-727-1214 · CANADASALES: OWEN SOUND, ON §!~376-2430; FAXS~9-376-7258 INTERNATIONC~LSALE$:905-270-~,711;FAXg05-270-9553 · CORPORATENEADQUARTERS:CHESH!RE, CT · U.$.MANUFACTURING:?I~-SFI~LD, ME It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or a nticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this specfica:ion sheet, contact ES~. Ir, sue I Literature Shee~ ~8B001-0371 Page 1 of 1 02-1620 NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES 97DEX Series UL 1971 listed Approved for use in Class I, II, or III locations Diode polarized for field wiring supervision 70 flashe~ per minute High impact glass dome with dome guard Pendant, bracket, or ceiling mount models · Clear polycarbonate lens 97DEX Series hazardous location strobes are diode polarized life safety signaling appliances designed for installation in hazardous environments. Rigid specifications and state-of~the-arttechnology provide for high visual output and Iow maintenance. 97DEX strobes are UL 1 971 listed as visual signaling appliances for the hearing impaired in non-sleeping areas and may be used to meet ADA requirements. 97O EX Series hazardous location strobes are designed for use in compatible EST fire alarm systems and other applications requiring electrical supervision of signaling circuit field wiring. They are suitable for many locations including mines, granaries, flour mills, tankers, refineries, laboratories and other applications where environmental hazards may he present. 97DEX Series hazardous location strobes are particularly well-suited in areas of high noise levels where standard bells or horns are not satisfac- tory. Model 97DEXBC and model 97DEXCC signals are for indoor applications only. Weatherproof model 97OEXC is suitable for outdoor applications. 97DEXBC-GW Bracket Mount 97DEXCC-GW 97DEXC-GW Ceiling Mount Pendant Mount Model Description Ship Wt. Diode Polarized Hazardous Location/ 97DEXC-GW Weatherproof Strobe - Pendant Mount 97DEXBC-GW Diode Polarized Hazardous Location 16 (7.3) Strobe - Bracket Mount 97DEXCC-GW Diode Polarized Hazardous Location Strobe - Ceiling Mount 'in "0T REMOVE EDWARDS SYSTEMS T~LOGY U.S. SALES: SARASOTA, FL 94]-739-4200: FAX 941-727 0740 CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND, ON 519-376-2430; FAX 5~9~375-7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES: 905-270-17~ 1; FAX 905-270-9553 ~ CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT · U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELD, ME Issue I . .~,~erature Sheet ¢~85001-0401 Page 1 of 2 02-1620 I Model 97DEXC-GW 97DEXBC-GW 97DEXCC-GW Vlounting Pendant Bracket Ceiling Operating Environment Indoor or outdoor Indoor only UL Listed Hazardous Classificafion~ Class I, Divisions 1 b 2, Groups C & D; Class II, Divisions 1 & 2, Groups E, F ~ G; Class III ADA Compliance UL 1971 listed signaling appliance for the hearing impaired in non-sleeping areas Electrical Rating 1,4 amps @ 24 to 28 Vdc Lens Color Clear polycarbonate Strobe Type Xenon - clear/nominal white flash _i 97DEXC-GW ~___~ Pendant Mount ~:~ ~. -¢~ Jesigned for hazardous location installa- tion on ~" (19 mm) conduit. 97DEXCC-GW Ceiling Mount Designed for ceiling hazardous location installation on a 4" (102 mm) square mounting box. 97DEXBC-GW Bracket Mount Designed for bracket hazardous location installation on a 4" (102 mm) square mounting box. EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet, contact EST. 20(30 ES-r Printed i~ U.SA. Pacje 2 o¢ 2 Literature Sheet #85001-0401 Issue 02-1 20 NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES Model 888D-N5 & 889D-AW Diode polarized Corrosion resistant heat flowed epoxy finish - red Low current drain 888D and 889D hazardous location horns are diode-polarized, heavy duty, high decibel vibrating horns intended for use in life safety systems in hazardous (classified) locations. These horns may be mounted to any solid surface using two bolts (by others). Each unit is supplied with a sealing fitting for ~-inch -14 National Pipe Taper (NPT) nipple, and wire leads for the electrical connec- tion to the life safety system notification appliance circuit. Catalo~ Ship Number Description Wt. 888D-N5 Hazardous location horn - 120 Vac 9 (4.1) 889D-AW Hazardous location - 24 Vdc 888D and 889D hazardous location horns are UL-listed for installation in the following classified locations: · Class I groups B, C and D · Class II groups E, F and G · Class III hazardous locations, for Div. 1 and 2 Catalo9 Number 888D-N5 8890-AW Rated Voltage 120 Vac 24 Vdc Alarm Current 0.13A 0.16A Sound output 100 dBA measured in an anechoic chamber on an "A" weighted decibel scale at 10 ft (3m} ~ 2000 EST EDWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY P~edHUS~ U.S. SALES: SARASOTA, FL 94!-739-4200; FAX 941-727-0740 - CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND, ON 519-376-2430; FAX 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES: 905-270-1711; FAX 905-270-9553 - CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT · U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELD, ME It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specif'~c applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this speciflcatfon sheet, contact EST Issue 1 Literature Shee~ #85001-0397 Page I of I