PERMIT APPLICATIONB?200101 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Application Inquiry 12/30/02 09:13:58 Application number ..... : 01 00004005 Application status, date : CERTIFICATE ISSUED Property .......... : 2700 QUANTUM LAKES DR PCN ............. : 08-43-45-16-30-000-0600 Lot Number ......... : 60 12/09/02 Zoning ........... : PID PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEV. Application type ...... : MA MULTI-UNIT APARTMENT Application date ...... : 10/05/01 Tenant nbr, name ...... : Master plan nbr, revwd by : Estimated valuation .... : Total square footage .... : Public building ...... : NO Work description, qty . . . : Pin number ......... : 9361 2898-2924 BLDG 6 TYPE IV JP 999014 0 Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit F5=Land inq F10=Fees F11=Receipts F7=Appl names F12=Cancel F8=Tracking inq F13=Va1 calcs F9=Bond inquiry F24=More keys DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION - 0 1-4005 .BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Please Print) (~OR $~ ?~T$ ONL~ =CN# ..~ (Palm Beach County Property Control #) )wner's Name ~/E,~/ 3wner's Address ;ity ~/ ~,~ State ~/ Zip ~O~/ :ce Simple Title H~lder's Name ~/~ ~(~ - (If other than' owner's) :ce Simple Title Holder's Address (If other than owns's) ~ontractor's Company ~O~ :ontact person and ememen~y phone ~ ;ompany Address ;ity ~ ~ ~ ~ IobNam~ ~///~ ~ ~J~~ ~~ ' lob Address ' ~~~ .egal Description ~/D ~onding Company ~,onding Co. Address ~,rchitectJEngineer's Name \rchitectJEngineer's Address ,4ortgage Lender's Name .. ~ortgage Lender's Address City State ;INGLE FAMILY __ DUPLEX __ MULTI-FAMILY ~" HOTEL~ RETAIL check one) ;STIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION $ OFFICE INDUSTRIAL ~,pplication is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has :o .mmenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and egulafions governing construction Jn this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ;I~NS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. }WNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable :odes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. YARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR ~AYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT ¥1TH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. )roperty Owner's or Agent's Signature ~ Date ' '" ; ;TATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH 'he foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mc this /ho is personally known to me or who has produced ake an oath. (date) by as identification and who did (did not) SEAL) ;ignature of person taking acknowledgement ,tinted or stamped ,ontractor's Signature Name of officer taking acknowledgement- typed, Serial Number, if any ~ o.te I Ilhe foregoing instrument was acka~owledged before me this ~[tt~o3.. (date) by vho is personally kno?.w__n.n to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) ake an oat .~---'" " ,, Name of officer taking acknowledgement typed, ,,gnaturc o ~~~"~~__~,~~~ ' - · , ~~~ (Certificate of Competency Holder) .ontractor ~f g'~ra~o~N9- ~'~ ~. <5) / 7 5" ~ (0 .lability Insurance Expiration Date ~/0 ~ ~/orkers Compensation Expiration Date 7/~'/0:2 /7 {~ ~,pplication Approved By · k... ~... ~ Permit Officer Date: ~,ny change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior o starting. In consideration of granting this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building md Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. qOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has commenced. All Contractors must have falid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF TH!S PERMIT DO. ES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE APPLICATION DATE: SETBACKS: ZONE: LEFT RECEIVED BY: FRONT ADDITIONAL FEE BCAIF PARKS FEE PENALTY FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE RADON FEE ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHOOL FEE . SEWER FEE WATER FEE FIRE DEPT. FEE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE FENCE TYPE ROOF TYPE FLOOD ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FINISH FLOOR ELEV. (PROPOSED) NUMBER OF UNITS 'PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED AREA SQUARE FEET (GROSS) AREA SQUARE FEET (NET) # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS SUB-TOTAL SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Paving/Drainage Plumbing Roofing ~-~ Sign Site Lighting VALUATION REMARKS: RIGHT SUB-TOTAL REAR FE__E REQUIREMENTSfor CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CER~FICATEOF COMPLETION FINALS: __ SITE SIGN __ FIRE FENCE/BUFFER WALL DRAINAGE ' PAVING ' . OTHER SITE LIGHTING OTHER AUTHORIZATION ~rCERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZATION for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETiOh~: TOTAL LESS PLAN FILING FEE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE RECEIPT NUMBER DATE ISSUED INTERIM SERVICES FEE CALCULATIONS: Residential: X # of Units Applicable - Monthly Fee · dbmmercial: # of Sq. Ft Divided by 1,000 (rounded to Nearest tenth) X Date Base Sq. Ft Applicable Monthly Fee J:~SHRDATA\DEVELOPMENT\FORMS.DOC\PERMIT APPLICATION.DOC - Revised 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12/98, 6/99, 8/99 Interim Services Fee Base Sq. Ft Rate Interim · Services Fee B U ILD I N ~_~P_E_ _EM I T._A.P. P h I CAT 1 ON (Please Print) Permit ~ 0 1 - 4 0 0 5 (FOR SUB PERM~TS ONLY) IPaim g~}~-'~'ounty Prope_~Fty C. ontrol #l -State p~' Zip Jif Oth~r tha~ owner) Owner'. Pho.e , Contractor ~ e Phone Bonding Co. Address__ architect/Engineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address Hortgage Lender's Name City State Hortgage Lender's Address · SINGLE FAMILY: DUPLEX: MULT~iFAMILY:y-/ HOTEL: RETAIL: OFFICE: INDUSTRIAL: Jcheck one) ES IUATED VALUE or ?o.sT.uc Io.,.$ O OUD 02) A~II~E~,T-Iu--5~F~EY ~ ED o6k~lfi a p~f~it ~o ~o th6 ~ork a~d t~s~ii&~iBr, s au [hSicated. certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all wouk will be performed to meet the standards of ail laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. ! understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, PCK)LS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. owrlER'S AFFIDAVIT: I','c~rtify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with ali applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. HARIIINO TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN ~OUR PAYINg THICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCINO, CONSULT WITH YOUR LEHDER OR {%N ATTORNEI BEFOR~ ~CODIN~ IOOR NOTICE OF CO~NCE~NT. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by , who Lg personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification) as identification and who did (did uotl take ( SEAL ) Signature of persoo taking acknowledgement U~me of officer taking acknowledgeme.t--ty~P~ed or ~tam~' Title or ra~k /~.~ Serial number, If any Coatractor'. Signatur. ~ Date [~/7/0[ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACU TI'e f°regoin9 [nmtrument was ,ck,,owledged before me th~, /~(~!~o~ (date) by ~iu[~l~ T' ~'[~.~ , who is.~e~souali_y_k~ow~ to_me ' ~ Jla. produced j~ype of identification{ as identification and who did Jdid not) take an Name of officer ~akl,g acknowledqeme,t--ty~~, 6t~mPed~"-~a[~'aw~: ~..._~,,~a~ Title or ra~k serial number. If an- ~z~*~"*l~la~m~=~ ........ ~ · Z ,t~l~/~l NJ. CC 93f'99! Contz~ctor s State Certification or Registration No. ~~131~ e~h--~/J ~ Contractor's Certificate of Competency No. -- "~%-- LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIATION DaTEr /-- /- O~ · WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXPIATION DATE: ~ (,- (-Ok APPLICATION APPROVED BY Permit Of~Lc~ Dater Any cha~ge in building plan~ or ~pec[f[cat~on~ taunt be recorded with thin of[ic~, a,,y work ,tot covered above must have a valid permit prior to starting. In conslderatJo, of the gra.tJnq of th[~ permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure tn full co,npl[ance with the Build[n9 and Zoning Codes o[ the City of Boynton Beach. IIOTEt Th[g permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers ha~ bepn co,,,,,euced, all Contractors must have valid State Certtficat[ou or County Competency plu9 County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTllORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS THiS PE~iT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE · '-TBACKS: ~ LEFT ~NE: ~PE OF CONSTRUCTION CCUPANCY TYPE DOF TYPE ENCE TYPE REA SQUARE FEET LOOD ZONE ASE FLOOD ELEVATION XNISH FLOOR ELEVATION UMBER OF STORIES UMBER OF UNITS ARKING SPACES REQUIRED 'ARKING SPACES PROVIDED OF BEDROOMS OF BATHROOMS RIGtIT ~ppl [cation # Master Plan # APPLICATION DATE~ RECEIVED BY~ FRONT t EMARKS: REAR ROAD IMPACT FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE PARKS FEE SCHOOL FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE LAW ENFORCEMENT FEE RADON FEE BCAIF ADDITIONAL FEE PENALTY FEE SUB-TOTAL VALUATION SINGLE FEE Site Impr. Building Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Roofing __Drainage Excavation Landscaping ~Paving Sign Sewer SUB-TOTAL TOTAL LESS PLAN FILING FEE FEE, EQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION SITE FINAL FIRE FINAL PAVING FINAL DRAINAGE FINAL SIGN FINAL OTHER OTItER ~FENCE/BUFFER WALL FINAL SITE LIGHTIng FINAL :.O. OR C.C. AUTHORIZATION . ~ignature Date TOTAL AMOUNT DUE RECEIPT NUMBER DATE PERMIT ISSUED INTERIM SERVICES FEE CALCULATIONS Residentiail X # of units applicable monthly fee Interim Services Fee Commercial: divided by 1,000 = ~ of sq.ft. (rounded to nearest tenth) X base sq.it, a~~'~e rate monthly fee base sq. ft. rate Interim Services Fee BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Rec., - 0 [ ' 4 0 O' (Please Print) (FOR SUB PERMITS O~LY) PCN# '. . , . (Palnn Beach County Pj;opert.~Control #) . . Fee Simple Title Holder's Name (If Other than owner's) Fee S~Title Rolder's Address , , (If other than owner's) ~actor~ompan~ ~C.~ S ~. ~om~ny P~~~' ~Contact person and em~Oency ph~ .......... 5 ]~-~~ Company Address ~q~ ~_) ~~~~~Pager/~~ ~{~ ~Q-~ ~egal Description] . ~~ ~ · ~ ' - ' ~ . Zoned Bonding Company Bonding Co. Address Architect/Engineer's Name City State Architect/Engineer's Address Mortgage Lender's Name ' / Mortgage Lender's Address / SINGI.E FAMILY DUPLEX ____ MULTI-FAMILY IlOTI!I. RI'71'AII. OI:FICE INI)USTR1AI. check one) - / ~ · ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION]~ . ~I~' ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~~TRUC~ ' IFIR~ IOTHE~ Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I cedi~ that no work or installation has commenced prior to {he issuance of a permit and that all work will be pe~ormed to meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separale permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I ce~ify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulalions governing construction and zoning. WARNING'TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEYDEFORE~CORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature ~~. Date ,~ - ~ / STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY Oi7 PALM BEACH vi o is I et'~gO y k o . tu u w as c ced ~/~ ....... as ideuti tcation ant who did (did not} n~~ ~n..., ,ndlv~,~ / ' take a ..... -~% · ~*?'~ 't~ MY COMMIS~ON ~' DD015967 EXPIRES , ,. , printed or stamped ~~~ '~; V~'q//J / 3 Title or ,'~ .... ~ Serial Number, if any ~ _ 6-o / ~ ....................... ~- . STAT~ O~ FLORIDA, CO~TY OF PAL~ T~eforegoinginslru,nentwasackno,vledgedbeforemetifis . /~-~-~ /(ante> by ge-~[~S ?~',~¢~O. ~ x~ho is ~lly known.to me or Who has produced ~ / ~ - ' as identification and who did (did take a[]~~ ]eonette B. Indb~lio , I .... . ~ MYCOMM~N~ D~15967 E~RES ' , ~.....i~ · printed or stamped : ?'Y3~']"; ~5 ?','Fl~/~:!.}iL) / 'Tit]~ or ra,~ ' Serial Number, if any -. 7 7 ~'5' '~? ';~ 7~' ~'.'~ 5' ~' ~ ~'(Certificate o[ Comp~tenc~ Hold?) Contractor's State Codification of Registration ~. , QFC O20 5% q Liability Insurance Expiration Date I I,-O I ~ O~ Workers' Compensation Expiration Date ~ - ~ t 20 ~ Application Approved By Permit Officer Date: Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior lo starling. In consideYation of granting this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance.wilh the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE J:\SHRDATA\DEVELOPMENT\FORMS.DOC\PERMrT APPLICATION A.DOC- Revised 6118197, 11/4/97, 12/98, 6/99, 8/99, 5/00, 8/00, 9/25/2000 (THIS SIDE FOR .OFFICE USE ONLY) APPLICATION # APPLICATION DATE: LEFT SETBACKS: ZONE: MASTER PERMIT # APPLICATION ACCEPTED RIGHT FRONT REAR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE FENCE TYPE ROOF TYPE FLOOD ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FINISH FLOOR ELEV. (PROPOSED) NUMBER OF UNITS PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED AREA SQUARE FEET (GROSS) AREA SQUARE FEET (A/C) # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS ADDITIONAL FEE BCAIF PARKS FEE PENALTY FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE RADON FEE ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHOOL FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE FIRE DEPT. FEE OVERTIME FEE SUB-TOTAL REMARKS: Recpt # Cash ' SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Alarm Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping :M~chanical Paving Paving/Drainage Plumbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting .SUBTOTAL TOTAL VALUATION FEE LESS PLAN FILING FEE CK # Rec'd from: Accepted by: (Initials)- .IF THIS BOX IS NOT COMPLETED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date BALANCE DUE Recpt If CK # Cash Rec'd from: Accepted by: (Initials) J:\SHRDATA\DEVELOPMENT~FORMS.DOC\PERMIT APPLICATION A.DOC - Revised 6/18/97, 11/4197, 12/98, 6/99, 8/99, 5100, 8/00, 9/2512000 BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Please Print) COMPLETE EACH BOXED ENTRY Rec. # Permit # ,,- 0 t-4005 (FOR SUB PERMITS ONLY) PCN# IOwner's ~lam~ ~/, //// ,~ T ~.,~,A,,. /.4/~¢ ~ ~Wner's Addre~ _Z~ ~ ~ ' ~o~Z ~,~ ~ Ci~ , Co~ .~ ~ ~ " State_ Fee Simple Title Holder's N~me Fee Simple Title Holders Address ontractor'sCompan~ ~co~ ~/~..~Z r<~oZo~,~ ~ompany Phone ~ onlact ~erson and emergency p~one ~ / ' Company Address ~ . -Pagsr/Fa~ · state ~b Nam~ V,' /[ ~ ~ w ~o~,~' _._ f~e ~ ILegal DescriptionI ~o.~v~, f~ ,. ~'r ~o~ ~cd Bon~g Company / (Palm Beach County Property Control #) ]Owner's Phone ~ /- ?~' Zip (If other than owner's) (If other than owner's) Zip Zoned Bonding Co. Address Architect/Engineer's Name city State Architect/Engineer's Address Mortgage Lander's Name . Mortgage Lender's Address SINGLE FAMILY ~ DUPLEX ~ MULTI-FAMILY /~_ HOTEL . RETAIL OFFICE ~ INDUSTRIAL check one) ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK CHECK REVIEWER REQUIRED: ~ ~ ~ , ~STRUC~ IF!RE~ pTHER] Application Is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I ce~fy that all the foregoing information Is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN'YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing insuumeni was acknowledged before me this (date) by who is personally known to me or who hu produced '"- as identification and who did (did not) take an os--d1. BARBARA E. THOMPSON ..... NOTARY PUBLIC- STATE OF FLORIDA (~I=A/I COMMISSION # CC94126,4 ,~ ,.~",~ EXPIRES 6J23~2004 /,,,~, /. o Sig~atm'e ofpersontabkrgmolmo~toc~gmcm~Yid~C../T~Name of officer tabing acimowlcdgemcnt - typed, printed or stamped - ,--~/ /,,~'"~'ff Serial Nuaiber, if any _ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACIfft The foregoing instrmment was acknowledged before me this .]2~ S ! (date) by Si ent-- ~¢ Name of o~c~r takins acl~owl~dgemcnt -typcd, p .............. ' .... ~ 'Title or raak Serial Number, if a~y __ (Certificate of Competency Holder)- Contractor's State Certification of Registration No. " Liability Insurance Expiration Date Workers' Compensation Expiration Date APplication Approved By Permit Officer Date: Any change In building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of granting this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. ' NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. I ,S,$UANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEEI~ RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE J:\SHRDATA\DEVELOPMENT~FORMS.DOC'~PERMIT APPLICATION A.DOC - Revised 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12/98~ 6/99, ,8/9~, 5/00, 6/00, 9/25/2000 (THIS SIDE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) APPLICATION # [~PPLICATION DATE: SETBACKS: ZONE: MASTER PERMIT # APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: LEFT RIGHT FRONT REAR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE FENCE TYPE ROOF TYPE FLOOD ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FINISH FLOOR ELEV. (PROPOSED) NUMBER OF UNITS PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING sPACES PROVIDED AREA SQUARE FEET (GROSS) AREA SQUARE FEET (A/C) # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS ADDITIONAL FEE BCAIF PARKS FEE PENALTY FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE RADON FEE ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHOOL FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE FIRE DEPT. FEE OVERTIME FEE SUB-TOTAL REMARKS: IF THIS BOX IS NOT COMPLETED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY, AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date Recpt # Cash VALUATION SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Alarm Fire Sprinkler Irflgation Landscaping Mechanical 'Paving Paving/Drainage Plumbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting SUB TOTAL TOTAL LESS PLAN FILING FEE CK# FEI~ Rec'd from: Accepted by: (Initials) Recpt # BALANCE DUE CK # Cash Rec'd from: Accepted by: (Initials) PCNfl Owner's Name VILLAS Owner's Address 1062 DEPAIITMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION (Please Print) Permit ~ (FOR SUB PERMITS ONI,~ AT QUANTUM LAKESz INC. CORAL RIDGE DRiV~ (Palm Beach County Property. Cont.roIJ~4) Owner's Phone # (954) 340-4'90 City CORAL SPRINGS State FLORIDA Fee Simple Title Holder's Name Fee Simple Title Holder's Address Contractor's Company OLEN DEVELOPMENT CORP Company Phone Contact person and emergency phone #~4AR~r M_ NANSEN (954) 340-4904 Company Address 1062 CORAL RIDGE DRIVE City CO_~bT..qPRINGS Job Name -I/ILLAS @ QIIANTUM LAKE Job Address 289g-?9?A QUANTUM LAKES DRIVE, BOYNTON BEACH FL. Legal Description J,OW.q 5q;fiO, 61 AT BOYNTON BEACH P.I.D., pLA~ No. 6-P.B. Zip 33071 (Ifolherlhan owner's) (Ifotherthan owner's) (954) 340-4904 Pager/Fax# (954) 344-4608 State FLORIDA Zip 33071 57 Pg 151 Zoned Bonding Company Bonding Co. Address Architect/Engineer's Name CHARLAN-BROCK Architect]Engineer'sAddress 2600 MAITLAND CENTER~ SUITE 260, Mortgage Lender's Mortgage Lender's SINGLE FAMILY (check one) ESTIMATED VALI. DETAILED DESC City State (Archi)/ MOCK - ROSS (Eng.) MAITALNB, FL. 32/b[ ~IP'IIION ELF WORK: \MILY tIOTEL RETAIL CONSTRUCTION OF BLDG. 6, OFFICE INDUSTRIAl. TYPE IV Application is hereby required to Dbtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I cedify t.b.hat no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance o} a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standarc~-9[ ail codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information i aBcurate codes, laws, rules and reoulations governing construction and zm WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROP[ WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECi Property Owner's or Agent's Signature STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACt I The foregoing instrument was acknowledg.e_d, before me this lake ah oath. (SEAk) ~ ~. ~A~ ~_~ ~'% Signature of person takfi{~ a" _ printed or stnmped Contractor's Signature STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACI,}" The lbregoing instrument was ackoowledged beforg/me this who is personally known 1o me or who has producal rake an o~ ~nd Ihat all work will be (lone in compliance with all applicable / ¢iUB4q'TICE OF COMMENCEMENT. ~ ~"- ~{~Date ~]SEN -- as identificadou ;.md who did (did noO Name of officer taking ackoowlcdgement - typed, ,~,,..~,.--:/2C?o->v4 ,,--. Serial Number, ir Date (date) by ils ideutitication and who did (did not) Signature of person taking~~~_~ ~~~~~ Name oF officer taking acknowledgement - typed, printed or stamped d~~~~~ ~,Title or rank ~//~2e ~~= ~e~,ial Number, if any (Certificate of Competency Hold~fl Contractor's State Certification o[ Registration N~ ffl ~ Liability Insurance Expiralion~ ~ .. Workers' Compensation ~rat~t~ _/~ .... ~ I MI- Application ApprovedBy//' ' ~~~ ~mitOfficer Any change in building p~ orSpeCificat~ust be recorded wilb INs office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior to starling, tn consideration of granting this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building ~nd Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE j:\SHRDATA\DEVEI_OI}MENT\FORMS.DOC\PEIRMIT APPLICATION A.DOC - Revised 6/18/97, 1114/97, 12/98, 6/90, 8/99, 5/00, 8/00, 9~25~2000 APPLICATION # APPLICATION DATE: LEFT SETBACKS: ZONE: (THIS SIDE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) MASTER PERMIT # RIGHT APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: , ~---- FRONT ~ / REAR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE FENCE TYPE ROOF TYPE FLOOD ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FINISH FLOOR ELEV. (PROPOSED) NUMBER OF UNITS PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED AREA SQUARE FEET (GROSS) AREA SQUARE FEET (A/C) # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS REMARKS: IF THIS BOX IS NOT COMPLETED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. A~;~RIZ_~D for CERTIFICATE OF ?C?UPANCY: AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Dale ADDITIONAL FEE BCAIF PARKS FEE PENALTY FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE RADON FEE ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHOOL FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE FIRE DEPT, FEE OVERTIME FEE SUB-TOTAL SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Alarm Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Paving/Drainage Plumbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting Recpt # Cash VALUATION SUBTOTAL TOTAL FEE Rec'd from: Accepted by: (Initials)- BALANCE DUE Recpt # CK # Cash Rec'd from: Accepted by: (initials) J:\SHRDATA\DEVELOPMENT~FORMS.DOC\PERMIT APPLICATION A.DOC - Revised 6/18197, 11/4/97, 12/98, 6/99, 8/99, 5/00, 8/00, 9/25/2000 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MULTI-FAMILY WORK SHEET 01- 4O 0 APP. DATE 10/05/01 ROAD ZONE north SCHOOL-PARKS north iPERMIT NUMBER- 01-4005 ~ls This A Master? n 'Left: 15.61 'Right: 22.5 Front: Rear: 17.33 Type Of Const: vi Occupancy Type: Roof Type: 5 Finish Floor Elev: 14.5 Parking provided: 0 Parking req'd: Gross Area S.F.: 20050 Air cond. Area:# A Garage/Corr. S.Ft: Covered porch-entr~ Number of Bed rms: Number of Units: 0 o Q PLAN FILING FEE 0 Air cond. Area:# A2 0} Garage/Corr S.Ft: Covered porch-entr~ Number of Bed rms: Number of Units: EST.VAL. 0 0 $0 $4,128.00__ 0 0 $o Air cond. Area:# C Garage/Corr. S.Ft: Covered porch-entr) Number of Bed rms: Number of Units: $0 $o $o $o 0 O1 Air cond. Area:# D Garage/Corr. S.Ft: Covered porch-entr~ Number of Bed rms: Number of Units: Application Est. $860,000 TOTAL VALUATION $0 $o $o 0 $878,496 Standpipe-Sprkl N $0.00 Fire Pumps N $0.00 Fire Det N $0.00 Fire Supp. N $0.00 Plan Review Sq. FT. y $1,162.90 Other Fees $0.00 EFFECTIVE DATE ADDRESE ~ TYPE OF PERMIT J~ 1/1/00 MAST. 01-0770 Other Fees $0.00 Bcaif $100.251 Parks Fee north $5,721.36 Pub. Bldg Fee $1,747.88 Radon Fee $100.25 Road Impact Descrp. "A" north $0.00 School Fee north $8,478.14 Sewer Fee-#Bed Rm. 24 $0.00 Water Fee $0.00 Fire Dept. fee $972.66 SUB-TOTAL $17,120.54 SINGLE FEE VALUATION FEE Site(ST) $0.00 Bldg.(B) $999,014 Elec.(E) $0.00 Mech(ME) $0.00 Plmbg.(PL) $0.00 Roof(R) $0.00 Drngd(D) $0.00 Excav.(EX) $0.00 __Lands(L) $0.00 Paving(P) $0.00 Sign(S) $0.00 Sewer(SE) $0.00 $0.00 $15,984.22 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SUB-TOTAL $15,984.22 TOTAL FEE $33,104.76 LESS PFF ~ TOTAL AMT D COMM: ROAD CREDIT ISSUED$35316.54 WATER CREDIT ISSUED $14181.60 SEWER CREDIR ISSUED $2523.20 AUTHORIZATION FOR CERT. OF OCCUPANCY DATE AUTHORIZATION FOR CERT. OF COMPLETION DATE - 01-4005 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Entegra Roof Tile Corporation 1201 N.W. 18 Street Pompano Beach ,FL 33069 Your application for Notice of' Acceptance (NOA) of: Estate "S" Tile BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE [VlETRO-DADE FLAGI,ER BUII,D1NG Id0 WEST FLAGLF, I~, S'I'REF:I', SUI'I'F~ 1603 [vllAMI. FI,ORII)A 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 VAX 005) 375-2908 CONI'I~.ACTOI~. I,ICENSIN(; SI,;C~I'ION (305) 375-2527 FAX (305) 375-2558 CONTRACq'OR ENFOI~CEMENT DIVISION (305) 375-2966 FAX (305) 375-2908 I'I*.OI)UCT CONTROl. DIVISION (305) 375-2902 FAX (305) 372-6339 under Chapter 8 of the Code of Miami-Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami~Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing will be incurred by thc manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 01-0703.04 EXPIRES: 08/23/2006 Rat, I Rodriguez Chiet' Product Control Division TillS IS THE COVERSttEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by thc BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami-Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. Al'PROVED: 08/23/2001 , ~ AUG 2 ~ 2l~01 RECEI / D \\s04S000 I\pc2000\\templates\notice acceptance cover page.dot lnternet mail address: postmaster~buildingcodeonline.com Francisco J. Quintana, R.A. Director Miami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office Homepage: htt p://www.buildingcodeonline.com TAMKO ROOFING PRODUCTS, INC. - 01-4005 Acceptance No:01-0509.09 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-CateRory: Built-up Roofing Deck Type: Maximum Design Pressur.c Fire Classification: Poured Gypsum -52.5 psi' See General Limitation # 1 Approval Date: Au,2ust 23, 2001 Expiration Date: Auttust 23~ 2(10( TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: Test Product Product Dimensions S_pecification Description Awaplan 170 FR Awaplan 170TM Awaplan Heat WeldingTM Roll weight: 98 lbs.; 33' I 1" x 39 '~/d' Roll weight: 98 lbs.; 33' I 1" x 39 ~/s" Roll weight: 96 tbs.; 25' 5" x 39 '~/~" Awaplan Premium Roll weight: 101 FRTM lbs.; 33' I I" x 39 3/8" Awaplan Prem itllllTM Roll weight: lbs.; 33' I 1" x 39'~/s'' Awaflex Roll weight: 76 lbs; 33' x 39-3/8" Axvaflcx FR Roll weight: 76 lbs; 3Yx 3%3/8" ASTM D 6164 A 180 g/nV- polyester reinforced SBS Type I modified bitumen membrane surfaced with granules and treated lbr additional fire resistance. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. ASTM D 6164 A 180 g/m: polyester reinforced SBS Type I modified bitumen membrane surfaced with granules. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive. ASTM D 6164 A 250 g/m: polyester reJnfomed SBS Type II modified bitumen membrane surfimed with granules. Applied by torch and also used as a walkway material. ASTM D 6164 A 250 g/m: polyester roi,forced modified Type I[ bitumen membrane surlhccd with granules. Applied by hot asphalt and also used as a walkway material. ASTM D 6164 A 250 g/m: polyester reinforced SBS Type II modified bitumen membrane sufficed with granules. Applied in hot asphalt or cold adhesive, and also used as a walkway material. ASTM D 5147 SBS modified cap sheet constructed with a [55gm/m2 non- woven polyester mat saturated xvith asphalt, coated on both sides with SBS rubber modified asphalt and surfaced with ceramic granules for UV protection. ASTM D5147 SBS FR modified cap sheet constructed with a 155gnl/lll: non- woven polyester mat saturated with asphalt, coated on both sides with SBS robber modified asphalt, FR treated, and surhccd with ceramic ~k~::~ ~ granules for UV protection. ~c;3~rank Zu~oaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Exam{net ENTEGRA ROOF TILE CORPORATION - 01-4005 ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0703.04 Product Wood Battens Tile Nails Tile Screws Roof Tile Mortar ("TileTitetSp') Roof Tile Mortar ("Quikrete® Roof Tile Mortar # ! 140") Roof Tile Mortar ("BONSAL® Roof Tile Mortar Mix") Roof Tile Adhesive ("Polypro® AH 160") Roof Tile Adhesive TileBond Hurricane Clip & Fasteners Vertical Min. l'x 4" Horizontal Min. l"x 4" for use with vertical battens or Min. l'x 2" for use alone Min. 10dx 3" #Sx 2 I/2" long 0.335" head dia. 0.131" shank dia. 0.175" screw thread dia. N/A N/A N/A N/A Factory prcmixed canisters Clips Min. 'A" width Min. 0.060" thick Clip Fasteners Min. 8d x I 'A" --- Test Specifications Wood Preservers Institute LP - 2 PA 114 Appendix E PA 114 Appendix E PA 123 PA 123 PA 123 See PCA See PCA PA 114 Appendix E Product Salt pressure treated or decay resistant lumber battens Generic (with current NOA) Corrosion resistant screw or smooth shank nails Corrosion resistant, coated, square drive, galvanized, coarse thread wood screws Prepared mortar mix designed for mortar set roof tile applications. Prepared mortar mix designed for mortar set roof tile applications. Prepared mortar mix designed for mortar set roof tile applications. Two component polyurethane adhesive designed for adhesive set roof tile applications. Single component polyurethane foam roof tile adhesive Generic (with current NOA) Generic (with current NOA) Bermuda Roof Company, Inc, (with current NOA) Quikrete Construction Products (with current NOA) W. R. Bonsai Co. (with current NOA) Polyfoam Products, Inc. (with current NOA) Flexible Products (with current NOA) Corrosion resistant Generic clips with corrosic]~ (with current NOA) resistant nails, g~,: '~ _.., .... Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner ENTEGRA ROOF TILE CORPORATION - 01-4005 ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0703.04 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Fire classification is not part of this acccptancc~ For mortar or adhesive set tile applications, a static field uplift test shall be performed in accordance with RAS 106. Applicant shall retain the services of a Miami-Dado County Certified Laboratory to perform quarterly test in accordance with PA 112, appendix 'A'. Such testing shall be submitted to the Building Code Compliance Office for review. Minimum underlayments shall be in compliance with the applicable Roofing Applications Standards listed section 4.1 herein. 30/90 hot mopped underlayment applications may be installed perpendicular to the roof slope unless stated otherwise by the underlayment material manufacturers published literature. This acceptance is for wood deck applications, Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. INSTALLATION 4.1 Entegra Roof Tile Corporation and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with Miami Dada County Roofing Application Standard RAS 118, RAS 119, and RAS 120. 4.2 Data For Attachment Calculations Table 1: Aerodynamic Multipliers - 2~ ft3) Tile X (ft3) X (ft3) Profile Batten Application Direct Deck Application ! Entegra Estate'S' Roof Tile 0.267 0.289 Table 2: Restoring Moments due to Gravity - M~ (fi-lbo Tile 3":12" 4":12" 5":12" 6":12" 7":12" or Profile greater Entegra Estate Battens! Direct Battens Direct Battens 'Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct 'S' Roof Tile Deck Deck Deck Deck Deck 5.91 6.74 5.82 6,64 5.70 6.50 5.56 6.33 5.40 N/A Table 3: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - Mf (ft-lbf) for Nail-On Systems Tile Fastener Type Direct Deck Direct Deck Battens Profile (min 15/32" (min. 19/32" plywood) plywood) Entegra 2-10d Ring Shank Nails: 27.8 37.4 28.8 Estate'S' 1-10d Smooth or Screw 8.8 11.8 4.1 Roof Tile Shank Nail 2-10d Smooth or Screw 16.4 21.9 7.1 Shank Nails 1 #8 Screw ~..~8~"'~,~. ~ · ,,, ,. 25.8 22.9 2 #8 Screw 1-10d Smooth or Screw '~4.~r",.,- ;~~' '~/ 24.2% Rh,qnk hJnil (Fie, Irt (".lin5 SHEET OF PERMIT SET Roofing Product Control Examiner ENTEGRA ROOF TILE CORPORATION - 01-4005 ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0703.04 Table 3: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M~ (fi-lbO for Nail-On Systems 1-10d Smooth or Screw 19.0 19.0 22.1 Shank Nail (Eave Clip) 2-1 Od Smooth or Screw 35.5 3'5.5 34.8 Shank Nails (Field Clip) 2-10d Smooth or Screw 31.9 31.9 32.2 Shank Nails (Eave Clip) 2-10d Ring Shank 43.0 67.5 I 50.9 Nails' I Installation with a 4" lile headlap and faslerners are located a rain, of 2¼" from head of tile. Table 4: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment Mf (fi-lbf) for Two Patty Adhesive Set Systems Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment Profile Resistance Entegra Estate'S' Roof Tile Adhesive 26.1s 2 See manufactures component approval for installation requirements. 3' Flexible Products Company TileBond Average weight per patty 11.4 grams. Polyfoam Product, Inc. Average weight per patty 8 grams. Table 4A: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - Mf (fi-lb0 for Single Patty Adhesive Set Systems Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment Profile Resistance Entegra Estate'S' Roof Polyfoam Pol~,ProTM 86.614 Tile Pol~foam PolTPro m 45.5~ 4 Larcje paddy placement of 54flrams of PolyProm.. 5 Medium paddy placement of 24§rams of PolyPro TM . Table 4B: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M~ (fi-lbo for Mortar Set Systems Tile Tile Attachment Profile Application Resistance Entegra Estate'S' Roof Tile Modar Set 20.60 LABELING Alt tiles shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, or following statement: "Miami-Dadc County Product Control Approved". BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of thc followj4!~: ~'~: 6.1.1 This NOtice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Any othcr documcnts required by thc Building ocricial or appl~c,.~.bllit..~uilding~od,[; In order to properly evaluate thc installation of this system.__"'%~.~ '"' : :~'.~.'.' :''~ "~..,, '"'- ¢-"~. ~ - Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner ENTEGRA ROOF TILE CORPORATION - 01-4005 ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0703.04 PROFILE DRAWINGS Nail Holes ENTEGRA ESTATE'S' CONCRETE ROOF TILE F,LLE C~Py Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner - 01-4005 ENTEGRA ROOF TILE CORPORATION ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0703.04 o NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE STANDARD CONDITIONS Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall bc considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documents, including test-supporting data, engineering documents, arc no older than eight (8) years. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approval", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered iff a. There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes. b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved. c. If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product. d. The engineer who originally prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes. Thc Notice of Acccptancc number prcccded by the words Miami-Dado County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literaturc. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all time. The engineer need not reseal the copies. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 2 through 7. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. 7 Frank Zuloaga, RRC Roofing Product Control Examiner 01-A005 SBCCI PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING AND EVALUATION SERVICES INC. 900 Montclair Road, Suite A; Birmingham, Alabama :35213-1206 a P~-ticJpating Membe~ of the NES. ~c. Evaluation Reports are the opinion of the Committee on Evaluation, based on the f[ndLqgs, and do not constitute or imply an approval or acceptance by any local community. The Committee, in review of the data. submitted, finds that in their opinion the product, material, system, or method of construction specifically identified Lq this report conf~rms with or is a suitable alternate to ,that specified in the Standard Codes, SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS IN THIS REPORT. The Committee on Evaluation has reviewed the data ~r~ltted fo~ compliance with the Star. etd BugdZn.~ Co~ee. the SgCCJ Standard for Hurricar~e Re=istax~t Re~fden~al Co~t~zct]o~= 3.~TD 10-~7, ~d ~e C~BO One ~d Two F~ Dwelling C~e ~d submits to ~e Building O~ ~ oth~ ~tho~ having Jurlsdi~o~ ~e following repo~. The C~ ~ Ev~uatJon, SaCC[ PST & ESi ~d its staff ~e not responsible for ~y e~s ~ ~lssl~ to ~y do~ments, ~culations, drawlng~, spe~fication~, tests or ~~ ~ ~ s~ Uy ~e design ~ofassion~ ~ ~ of r~ ~ ~e E~ ~ ~e Subst~dat[ng Data ~ of ~s r~. Cepydghted e 1997 SaCCI PST & ESI REPORT NO.: 9755 EXPIRES: See current SBCC[ PST ~ ESI EVALUATION REPORT LISTING CATEGORY: DOORS AND Wll~S t~l~'[ SUBMITTED BY: AMARR GARAGE DOORS 5931 GRASSY CREEK BLVD. WINSTON-S~LEM, NORTH CAROI~INA 27105 1. PRODUCT TRADE NAME Amarr Garage Doors: 1.1 StratfordTM Model 600 1.2 Heril:age IiiTM Model 950 2. SCOPE OF EVALUATION Structural - Transverse wind load 3. USES Amarr Garage Doors are used as garage doors with specified allowable wind pressures. 4. DESCRIPTION 4.1 Gen~ra~ Amarr Garage Doors are constructed of galvanized steel panels textured wood grain embossing rolls or smooth rolls. The steel panels comply~with ASTM A 653, galvanized G 40, with a minimum yield strength of 22-000 psi and an ultimate strength of 42,000 psi. The steel'is;galvanized, primed, and coated with a baked-on polyester finish. The doors are reinforced with a 'R' Truss galvanized steel strut so.ion installed horizontally on the back side of the doors. The doors were load tested to establish specified allowable transverse wind toads. See Table 1 for allowable loads. 'R' Truss 22. Ga: Hat shaped section 3-5/8 inch x 3-15/1~ inch, 22 Gauge, ASTM E 415, galvanized ASTM A 653, galvanized G 40 minimum yield strength of 41,322 psi and ultimate tensile strength of 49,132 psi. 'R' Truss 20 Ga: Hat shaped section 4-1/2 inch x 3-15/16 inch, 20 Gauge, ASTM E ~.15, galvanized ASTM A 653, galvanized G 40 minimum yield strength of 41,322 psi and ultimate tensile strength of ~,9, 132 psi. 4.2 Models 4.2.1 StratfordTM Model 600:25 gauge residential raised panel door. Available with optional insulation and windows. 4.2.2 Heritage 111TM M~J 950:24 gauge residential raised panel. Available with optional insulation and windows. A.3 VVind Loads Amarr Garage Doors were subjected to transv~se load testing under ASTM E 330. Allowable transverse wind Id'~. are given in Table 1. ~- , REPOP, I r~u. ~/b~ PAGE 2 0F3 ii, 5.1 The instructions within this report govern if there are ~ny conflict2 between the manufacturer's instructions and this report. Amarr Garage Doors are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report. The manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report shall be strictly adhered to and a copy of these instructions shall be available at ail times on the job site during installation. 5.2. Allowable Transverse Wind Loads The design wind loads on the garage doors shall be determined in accordance with Section 1606 of the Standard 8uilc~ng Code© and shall not exceed the allowable transverse wind loads shown in Table 1. - 01-4005 TABLE 1 ALLOWABLE TRANSVERSE WIND LOADS Models Door Door Drawing Design Load Design Load Horizontal W {max) H (max) Number Positive Negative Reinforcing Ft-ln Ft-ln (PSF) (PSF) (Note 2) 600 & 950 9-0 8-0 SBC-580-016 33 37 'R' Truss 22 Ga 600 & 950 18-0 8-0 SBC-580-015 I 31.9 36.8 'R' Truss Notes Table 1: 1. SI Units Conversion: 1 in = 25.4 mm, Ift = 0.3 m, 1 psf = 48 Pa. 2. Doors up to 7-0 high consist of 4 sections with 1-'R' Truss per section. Doors up to 8-0 high consist of 5 sections with 1-"R' Truss per section. 3. The garage doors are also available in standard 6'-'o6' heights and widths of 8'-0% 10'-0', 12'-0% 14'-0% 15'-0', 15'-6', and I5'-8'. 6. SUBSTANTLATING DATA ~. · Panel steel, LTV Advanced Sales S~fstems, 01/10/96. 6.1 Manufacturer's descriptive literature, specifications, · 'R" trusses, Allsteel Processing, LC., 8/01/97, and installation instructions, signed by Chades Richard Abbott. 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Test reports on transverse load testing under ASTM E 330, Struc-~ral Solutions, P.A., signed and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E.: · 9' x 7' door, Project No. 97-057, June 9, 1997. · 16' x 7' door, Project 97-029, June 9, 1997.. Engineering drawings, Amarr Garage Doors, signed and sealed by Thomas L Shelmerdine, P.E.: · S8C-580-016, Max Size 9' x 8', June 9, 1997. · S8C-580-015, Max Size 16' x 8', June 9, 1997. Engineering calculations evaluating door height and door widths not tested, Structural Solutions, P.A., Project No. 97-059, June 10, 1997, signed and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. Engineering analysis of glass, Structural Solutions, P:A. Project No. 97-029, 97-057, August 20, 1997, s~gned and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. 6.6 M,II order certificates: 7. CODE REFERENCES Standard Euildtng Code© - 1997 Edition Section 103.7 Section 1606 Chapter 17 Section 1707.4 Chapter 22 Section 2204 Chapter 20, Section 2405.3 Alternate Materials and Methods Wind Loads Structural Tests and Inspections Exterior Window and Door Assemblies Steel Cold-Formed Steel Construction Glass and Glazing Wind, Snow, and Dead Loads "~ S8CC/ Standard for Hurricane Resistant Res/denUa/ Section 1 O1.4 Section 101.3 Secdon 101.6 Section 104 Append,x B P._c~GE 3 OF 3 REPORT NO. CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code - 1995 Edition t with 1996fl 997 Amendments Section 108 Section 301 Section 308.5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Alterr~te Materials and Systems Design Criteria Glazing - W~nd Loads Wall Construction Wall Covering COMMITTEE Fi~NDINGS The Committee on Evaluation in review of the data submitted finds that, in their opinion, the kmart Garage Doors as described in this report conform with or are suitable alternates to t~at specified in the Standard Euilding Code©, the SgCCI Standard for Hurricane Rexi:;tant Re~dential Construct/o~e SSTD l O-,qT, and the CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code or Supplements thereto. 9. LIMrTATIONS 9.1 This Evaluation Report and the instail~it~! instructions, when required by the building off~J~, shall 1Se submitted att the time of permit application. 9.2 The doors shall be installed in accordance with the installation instructions in this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. 9.3 The structural elements supporting door track brackets shall be designed by a registered professional engineer for the wind loads shown on the drawings. The calculations shall be signed, sealed, and dated, and submitted to the local building official when applying for a permit. 9.4 The doors shall not be ins-tailed in areas where the transverse wind loads exceed the allowable loads shown in Table 1. 9.5 Fire performance of ~ doors is outside the scope of this Evaluation Report. 10. ID ENTIFICATION - 01-4005 Each Amarr Garage Door covered by this report ~hall be labeled with the mar~facturcr's aame and/or trademark, the SBCCI Public Safety Testing and Evaluation Service~ [rm. Seal or initials (SBCC! PST &ESI}, and the number of d~is report for field identification. The phrase *Refer to thi, Evaluation Report fo~ Code c~ca' shall be printed in the manufacturer's literature and ir~stallation instructions referencing this Evaluation Report number. 1 1. PERIOD OF ISSUANCE SEE CURRENT SBCCI PST & ESI EVALUATION RE-POF~T ~ FOR STATUS OF THIS EVALUATION REPORT. For information on t~s repor~ contact: Michael P. O'Reardon, P.E. 205/599-9800 x x iii .... JUN 0 9 1997 MIAMI-DADE - 01-4005 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA NIETRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE General Products, Co., Inc. ILO. Box 7387 Fredericksburg VA 22408 Your application for Product Approval of: BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET. SUITE 1603 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-2908 CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION (305} 375-2527 FAX(305) 375-2558 CONTRACTOR ENFORCEMENT SECTION (305) 375-2966 FAX (305) 375-2908 PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION (305) 375-2902 FAX (305) 372-6339 "Benchmark" & "Legend" Inswing Residential Insulated Steel Door - Impact Resistant under Chapter 8 of !he Code of Miarni-Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Miami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This approval shall not be valid after the expiration date stated belo~v. BCCO reserv~:s the right to secure this product or material at anytime from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing will be incurred by tile manufacturer. Acceptance No.: 97-0930.09 Expires:05/30/2002 Raul Rodn~g~uez ~~ Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. Approved: 0:5/20/1999 I of 3 ~/~uintana, R.A. Director Miami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office Internet mail address: postmnster~}buildingcodeonline.com (~ Homepnge: htr p://www, buildingcodeonline.eom - 01-4005 General Products Co., Inc. ACCEPTANCE No.: APPP. OVED : 97-0930.09 MAY 2 0 1999 EXPIRES 5Iav 30, 2002 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS SCOPE This renews and revises the Notice of Acceptance No. 96-0830.01 which was issued on May 22, 1997. This approves a residential steel door system, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code (SFBC), 1994 Edition for Miami-Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION , The "Benchmark & Legend" lnswing Residential Insulated Steel Entrance Door w/ Wood Frame - Impact Resistant and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following documents: Drawing No ED-1702-B, titled "Inswing Residential Insulated Steel Door with Wood Frame", Sheets 1 through 5 of 5, prepared by Rick Wright Consulting, dated 02/21/99, bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings.' 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single door units only, as shown in approved drawings 3.2 Unit shall be installed only at locations protected by a canopy or overhang such that the angle between the edge of canopy or overhang to sill is less than 45 degrees. Unless unit is installed in non-habitable areas where the unit and the area are designed to accept water infiltration. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The residential steel door system and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with the approved drawings. 4.2 Hurricane protection system (shutters): the installation of this unit will not require a hurricane protection system. 5. I2,ABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ,6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies ofthe following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the South Florida Building Code the i stallation of this (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate O.5__~t 2//~~~ Manue~/P~rez, P.E. Pr%-'ffu~t Co/ntr~i Examiner Product-Control Division ~ Page 2 of 3 F:,L~- C~Py z 6'B' = 81-1/4" (not water approved) 8'0" = 95-5/8' (not water approved) IPRODUCT: INSWING RESIDENTIAL INSULATED STEEL DOOR WITH WOOD FRAME IP~R~ OR ~SE~IBLY: ~, m GENERAL NOTES u, I AND ELEVATIONS I IGENER^L PRODUCTS CO I[t=ll,.O. aox I--I ~£DER,CXSaURG. V^ 2 O0 O0 O0 75 · -ro 40' /i II 11 40" -- 0 0 NO DATE RE%/ISIONS I PRODUCT: INSWlNG RESIDENTIAL INSULATED STEEL DOOR WITH WOOD FRAM[; PART OR GENERAL NOTES BY AND ELEVATIONS 70' GENERAL PRODUCTS CO P.O. BOX 73B7 FREDERICKSBURG, VA 2: PH. (540) 898-5700 O0 O0 -r 32-1./2' 5B* - !1 II 7' ~ 32-1/2" =j 58" ~ JPRODUCT: INSWINO RESIDENTtAL INSULATED STEEL DOOR WITH WOOD FRAME IPART OR ASSEMBLY: GENERAL NOTES AND ELEVATIONS I[-~------I--]GENERAL PRODUCTS CO. I~lP.O- aox 7387 II ~1 FREDERICKSBURG, VA 22, PH. (540) 898-5700 ~(~ INSWlNG RESIDENTIAL INSULATED STEEL DOOR WITH WOOD FRAM[ PART OR WOOD ~E CROSS SECTIONS I['~------]GENERAL PRODUCTS CO. I[#=~lP.O. aox 73,87 I1"'='1FR£DERICKSBURG. VA 22 IPH. (540) 898-5700 01-4005 ~ ~ NO DATE RE~SIONS PRODUCT: INSWING RESIDENTIAL INSULATED STEEL DOOR Wn'H WOOD FRN~g PART OR ,~S$1~MSLY: DOOR SLAB MODELS AND DETAILS --~GENERAL PRODUCTS CO. P.O. BOX 7587 FREDERICKSBURG, VA PH. (540) 898-5700 - 01-4005 O02 NO DATE OI REViSiONS PROOUCT: INSWING RESIDENTIAL INSULATED STEEL DOOR WITH WOOD FRAM[ {PAI{I' ~ A~EMBLY: DOOR SLAB MODELS AND DETAILS GENERAL PRODUCTS CO. P.O. BOX 7387 FREDERICKSBURG. VA 22 PH. (84o) - 01-4005 SBCCI PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING AND EVALUATION SERVICES INC.' 900 Montclair Road, Suite A; Birmingham, Alabama 35213-1206 a Participating Member of the NES, Inc. Evaluation Reports are the opinion of the Committee on Evaluation, based on the findings, and do not constitute or imply an approval or acceptance by any local community. The Committee, in review of the data submitted, finds that in their opinion the product, material, system, or method of construction specifically identified in this report conforms with or is a suitable alternate to that specified in the Standard and International Codes, &U~JECT TO THE LiMiTATiONS ~N '~HI~ REPOH [. The Committee on Evaluation has reviewed the data 3. USES submitted for compliance with the Standard Building Code ~, the $8CC/ Standard for Hurricane Resistant Residential Construction~' SSTD 10, and the International Residential Code and submits to the Building Official or other authority having jurisdiction the following report. The Committee on Evaluation, SBCCI PST & ESI and its staff are not responsible for any errors or omissions to any documents, calculations, 4.1 General drawings, specifications, tests or summaries prepared and submitted by the design professional or preparer of record that are listed in the Substantiating Data Section of this report. Portions of this report were previously included in Evaluation Reports #9808A and #9927. Copyrighted © 2000 SBCCI PST & ESl REPORT NO.: 2036 EXPIRES: See current SBCCI PST & ESI EVALUATION REPORT LISTING' ' CATEGORY: DOORS AND WINDOV~J~ ~[~C~"[ SUBMITTED BY: SAFEGUARD HURRICANE PROTECTION SYSTEMS, INC. 1315 NEPTUNE DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 1. PRODUCT TRADE NAME Safeguard Hurricane Protection Systems Storm Panels: 1.1 24 GA Steel 1.2 20 GA Steel 1.3 20 GA Perforated Steel 1.4 0.063" Aluminum 1.5 0.063" Perforated Aluminum 1,6 0.050" Aluminum 2. SCOPE OF EVALUATION 2.1 Impact Resistance under SSTD 12 2.2 Structural - Transverse Wind Loads Safeguard Hurricane Protection Systems Storm Panels are Used t° protect glazed openings from windborne debris. 4. DESCRIPTION 4.1.1 24 GA Steel are 0.026 inch thick corrugated steel sections conforming with ASTM A 653 SQ Grade 40 with a minimum yield strength of 40 ksi and galvanized under ASTM A 525 G 60. The full panels are 14.75 inches wide and 2 inches deep. Panels are overlapped for unlimited width openings. Extrusions for mounting panels are 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Mounting extrusions-are "h" header, "U" Header, Angle, 1" x 2" Stud Angle, 2" x 2" Stud Angle, F- Track, F Angle, Reverse F Angle, Recess Track, Decorative Track, Build-Out F-Tracks, and i~side Mount Slide Track. See Tables 1 and 2 for minimum allowable panel lengths and allowable loads. 4.1.2 20 GA Steel are 0.035 inch thick corrugated steel sections conforming with ASTM A 653 SQ Grade 40 with a minimum yield strength of 40 ksi and galvanized under ASTM A 525 G 60. The full panels are 13.75 inches wide and 2 inches deep. Half panels nominal 7?/8 inch and 2 inches deep are available. Panels are overlapped for unlimited width openings. Extrusions for mounting panels are 6063-T6 aluminum alloy,- Mounting extrusions are "h" header, "U" Header, Angle, Stud Angle, and "F" Track. See Tables 1 and 2 for minimum allowable panel lengths and allowable loads. 4.1.3 20 GA Perforated Steel are the same as the 20 Ga Steel panels described in Section 4.1.2 above except the exterior ribs have eight staggered rows of 1/8 inch diameter holes creating a 1.5 inch wide band of perforations. See Table 2 for Allowable Loads. '~,~ ,! ,'~,~-: ~ 4~1~.~)63" Aluminum are 0.063 inch thick corrugated ~~a ,~ ...... . a~ummum ahoy sections conrormm9 with 5052-H32 ~g~ - ~ ,~-,~inum Alloy with a minimum yield strength of 23 ksi. ,~ '~ ; - 01-4005 REPORT NO. 2036 PAGE 2 OF .r The full panels are 13.75 inches wide and 2 inches deep. Half panels nominal 7z/~ inch and 2 inches deep are available. Panels are overlapped for unlimited width openings. Extrusions for mounting panels are 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Mounting extrusions are "h" header, "U" Header, Angle, Stud Angle, and "F" Track. See Tables 1 and 2 for minimum allowable panel lengths and allowable loads. 4.1,5 0.063" Perforated Aluminum are the same as the 0.063" Aluminum panels described in Section -I,.1 .,,t above except the exterior ribs have eight staggered rows of 1/8 inch diameter holes creating a 1.5 inch wide band of perforations in the flanges (flat area). See Table 2 for Allowable Loads. 4.1.6 0.050" Aluminum are 0.050 inch thick corrugated aluminum alloy sections conforming with 5052-H34 Aluminum Alloy with a minimum yield strength of 23 ksi. The full panels are 13.75 inches wide and 2 inches deep. Half panels nominal 7z/3 inch and 2 inches deep are available. Panels are overlapped for unlimited width openings. Extrusions for mounting panels are 6063-T6 aluminum alloy. Mounting extrusions are "h" header, "U" Header, Angle, Stud Angle, and "F" Track. See Tables 1 and 2 for minimum allowable panel lengths and allowable loads. 4.2 Large Missile Impact Resistance under SSTD 12 The Safeguard Hurricane Protection Systems Storm Panels were tested for large missile impact resistance under SSTD 12. The panels tested passed the large missile impact test. The panels listed in this report may be used to protect glazed openings from windborne debris. 4.3 Wind Loads The Safeguard Hurricane Protection Systems Storm Panel. were designed for wind pressures under the AlS Specification for The Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structur~ Members and the Aluminum Association Specifications fo Aluminum Structures. Allowable transverse wind loads ar, given in Table 2. The panels have been designed as non porous systems in accordance with SSTD 12. The minimun ~ength of pane;s required [o maintain non-po¢ou: classification is listed in Table 1. 5. INSTALLATION Safeguard Hurricane Protection Systems Storm Panels ar~ installed in accordance with the manufacturer's publishe( installation instructions and this report. The manufacturer's published installation instructions an( this report shall be strictly adhered to and a copy of thes~ instructions shall be available at all times on the job sit~ during installation. The instructions within this report goverr if there are any conflicts between the manufacturer': instructions and this report. 5.2 Allowable Transverse Wind Loads The design wind loads on the shutters shall be determined ir accordance with 1606 of the Standard Building Code© an( shall not exceed the allowable transverse wind loads showr in Table 2. TABLE 1 MINIMUM ALLOWABLE PANEL LENGTHS , Mounting Conditions Minimum Panel Length (Inch~§~.,~J.i'lH 1 Top Mounts ~ 2" x 2" Recess "h" or "F" 1" x 2" Hidden Deco- "F" Direct Stud Track "U" Track Stud "F" rative Angle ~ Bottom Mounts Mount Angle Wall Header Wall Angle Track Recess Ceiling Wall Wall Track Direct Mount 44" 36" 44" 36" 55" 37" 44" 62" 36" 2" x 2" Stud Angle 36" 36" 36" 36"' 37" 36" 36" 42" 36" Recess Track 44" 36" 44" 36" 55" 37" 44" 62" 36" "F" Track 55" 37" 55" 36" 74" 48" 55" 87" 37" 1" x 2" Stud Angle 37" 36" 37" 36" 48" 36* 37" 54" 36" Hidden "F" Track -44" 36" 44" 36" 57" 37" 4~" 62" 36" Decorative Recess Track 62" 42" 62" 36" 87" 54" 62" 105" 42" "F" Angle - Floor 36" 36" 4' ~]67~ ,,,36" 37" 36" 36" 42" 36" PAGE 3 OF 5 Model -. 0!- 005 TABLE 2 ALLOWABLE TRANSVERSE WIND LOAD Opening H (Max) Ft-ln Opening W (Max} Ft-ln REPORT NO. 2036 Drawing Number 24 Ga Steel Unlimited 10-7 00-053P 24 Ga Steel Unlimited 3-0 00-053P 20 Ga Steel Unlimited 12-4 00-054P 20 Ga Steel Unlimited 3-0 00-054P 20 Ga Steel Unlimited 12-4 00-O55P Perforated 20 Ga Steel Unlimited 3-1 00-055P 135 Perforated 0.063" Aluminum Unl;mi[ed ~ 2-4 00-057P 25 Design Load Neg/Pos (PSF) 35 135 25 135 0.063" Aluminum Unlimited 3-1 00-057P 135 0.063" Aluminum Unlimited 11-0 00-058P 25 Perforated 0.063" Aluminum Unlimited 3-1 00-058P 135 Perforated 0.050 Aluminum Unlimited 1 0.050 Aluminum Unlimited 3-0 00-056P 135 Table 1. 2. 1 Notes: SI Units Conversion: 1 in = 25.4 mm, 1 ft = 0.3 m, 1 psf = 48 Pa The above Table lists the maximum and minimum size panels tested. Allowable loads for panels sizes between the above extremes are shown on the engineering drawing referenced in the Table. Refer to the referenced engineering drawing for the Anchor Schedules, Minimum Separation From Glass Schedules and installation details. Anchors are Elco Textron Tapcon, Elco Textron PanelMateTM with either external or internal threads, Powers Fastening, Inc. Calk-In, Powers Fastening, Inc. Zamac Nailin, S.S. lag screws for wood connections and brass bushings for wood connections. Tables in the referenced engineering drawings provide anchor spacing with and without special inspection required. SUBSTANTIATING DATA Manufacturer's specifications, mill order certificates and installation drawings: · 24 Ga Galv. Steel Storm Panels, Drawing 00-053P, dated March 6, 2000, Revision No. 2, dated July 14, 2000, 9 sheets, prepared by Knezevich & Associates, Inc., signed and sealed by V. J. Knezevich, P.E. · 20 Ga Galv. Steel Storm Panels, Drawing 00-054P, dated March 6, 2000, Rev. 1, dated March 6, 2000, 6 sheets, prepared by Knezevich & Inc., 6 sheets, prepared by Knezevich & Associates, Inc., signed, sealed, and dated by V. J. Knezevich, P.E. · 0.063" Perforated Aluminum, Drawing 00-058P, dated March 6, 2000, Rev. 1, dated March 6, 2000, 6 sheets, prepared by Knezevich & Associates, lnc., signed, sealed, and dated by V. J. Knezevich, P.E. · 0.050" Aluminum, Drawing 00-056P, dated March 6, 2000, Rev. 1, dated March 6, 2000, 5 sheets, prepared by Knezevich & Associates, Inc., signed, sealed, and dated by V. J. Knezevich, P.E. · Mill order certificates, 20 ga. steel, Rautaruukki, Associate~.._ signed, sealed, and dated by V. J. Knezevich~P:E~ dated 26.09.96, NYI2257, DIN 50049/2.2, 45208- · 20 GA Perforated Steel, Drawing 00-055P,~:~ 01. March 6, 2000, Rev. 1, dated March 6, 20_00, ~'! %, · Mill order certificate, 0.063 Aluminum, Sheets, prepared by Knezevich & Associat~l~c., ~%'~?~ Commonwealth aluminum, FL6322, 05~27/97. signed, sealed, and dated by V. J. Kn~,evicb, P~.~ ~' ~ · Mill order certificate for extrusions, Alloy 6063-T6, · 0.063" Aluminum Storm Panel, Dra~v~,~, ~57P~'~,.~ ~%~:;~STM B 221, Eastern Metal Supply Inc., 052999-01, dated March 3, 2000, Rev. 1, dated Marc~.?~!?, C;~, '"~06-23-97. .E.O.T .O. =036 - 0 ;[ ' 0 0 5 .A E 4 Of S 6.2 Test reports on large missile impact loadings under SSTD 12, Construction Testing Corporation, signed by George Dotzler, and signed and sealed by V. J. Knezevich, P,E.: · 20 Ga. Galv. Steel Storm Panels, Report No. 97- 008, April 6, 1997. · 20 Ga. Galv. Steel Storm Panels, Report No. 96- 051, December 19, 1996. · 20 Ga Gaiv. Steel Perforated Storm Panels, Report No. 97-017, July 2-;, 1997. · 20 Ga Galv. Steel Perforated Storm Panels, Report No. 97-052, November 11, 1997. · 0.063" Aluminum Storm Panels, Report No. 97- 009, April 7, 1997. January 3, 1997. · 0.063" Perforated Aluminum Storm Panel, Report No. 97-016, July 24, 1997. · 0.063" Perforated Aluminum Storm Panel, Report No. 97-051, November 11, 1997. · 0,050" Aluminum Storm Panel, Report No. 97-021, July 24, 1997. · 0.050" Aluminum Storm Panel, Report No. 97- 045P, November 11, 1997. [;l~J~ 6.3 Test report with addendum on impact testing and static wind load testing, prepared by American Test Lab of South Florida, ATL Report No. 0402.02-98, ATL Certification #98-O213.05, dated June 24, 1998, addendum dated August 26, 1998, signed by Keith Harker, signed and sealed by William R. Mehner, P.E. and Gerard B. Sullivan, P.E. 6.4 Test report on uniform static air pressure in accordance with ASTM E' 330 and large missile impact in accordanc~ with SSTD 12-97, prepared by Construction Testing Corporation, Report No. 98-049, dated September 21, 1998, signed by George Dotzler. 6.5 Engineering calculations for allowable wind pressures using AISI Specifications and AA Specifications, signed and sealed by V.J. Knezevich, P.E.: · 20 Ga Galv. Steel Storm Panels, April 17, 1997, and October 14, 1997. Revised February 12, 1999. · 20 Ga Galv. Steel Storm Panels, 11 pages, dated March3, 2000. · 20 Ga Galv. Perforated Storm Panels, September 17, 1997. Revised February 12, 1999. · 20 Ga Galv. Perforated Storm Panels, 11 pages, dated March 3, 2000. · 0.063" Aluminum Storm Panels, April 22, 1997, and October 14, 1997. Revised February 12, 1999. · 0.063" Aluminum Storm Panels, 11 pages, d,~d March 3, 2000. e~; -~. 6.6 Engineering calculations with revisions on 24 gauge galvanized solid steel storm panels for allowable wind pressures, prepared by Knezevich & Associates, Inc., 34 pages, dated November 25, 1998, signed and sealed by V.J. Knezevich, P.E. 6.7 Engineering calculations on 24 gauge galvanized solid steel storm panels for allowable wind pressures, prepared by Knezevich & Associates, Inc., 13 pages, dated March 3, 2000, signed and sealed by V.J. ~nezevidh, P.E. 6.8 Test report on pull-out and shear testing of Brass Wood Bushings Anchors, PSI Report Numbers 225- 70060-002 & 06-225, dated July 22, 1997, Reissued July 6, 1998, signed by Gilberto Rames, .°.~..~ &i~d Jason r~..;;~l;. 6.9 Test report on uniform static air pressure and large missle impact testing, prepared by Construction Testing Corporation, Report No. 98-053, dated December 30, 1998, signed by George Dotzler. ~.10 Test report on pull-cut and shear testin~ of Brass Wood Bushings Anchors, PSI Report No. 225-70060- 001, July 22, 1997, signed by R. N. Sailappan, P.E. CO E R FEREN .S Standard Building Code - 1999 Edition Section 103.7 Section 1606 Chapter 17 Section 1707.4 Chapter 20 Chapter 22 Section 2204 Appendix J Alternate Materials and Methods Wind Loads Structural Tests and Inspections Exterior Window and Door Assemblies Light Metal Alloys Steel Cold-Formed Steel Construction Special Requirements for Buildings Constructed in Hurricane Prone Regions SBCCI Standard for Hurricane Resistant Residential Construction © SSTD ! Q-95 Section 101.3 Section 101.4 Section 101.6 Section 104 Section 104.1 Appendix B Integrity of Building Envelope Alternate Materials and Methods Design Concepts Design Criteria Wind Loads Design Load Assumptions International Residential Code - 2000 Edition Section R104.11 Alternative Materials, Design and Methods of Construction and Equipment · 0.063" Perforated Aluminum Storm Pane~?',;~,..~.~ectionR301 Design Criteria September 29, 1997. Revised February 12, 19~1~ ';~e~t~ ion R308.5 Wind, Snow and Dead Loads on Glass · 0.063" Perforated Aluminum Storm Panels, pages, dated March 3, 2000. ~.,, ~,~ ~,~. ~q~[MMITTEE FINDINGS · 0.050" Aluminum Storm Panels, October'{4~;~, Revised February 12, 1999. v;~; ~-,.,,?~, ~;f'e Committee on Evaluation in review of the data submitted · 0.050" Aluminum Storm Panels, 11 pages, dat~I~ finds that, in their opinion, the Safeguard Hurricane March 3, 2000. v~z rotection S stems Storm Panel ~1~[' Y s as described in this report ~3nform with or are suitable alternates to that specified in - 01-4005 PAGE 5 OF 5 REPORT NO. 2036 f' the Standard Building Code~, the SBCCI Standard for Hurricane Resistant Residential Construct/on© SSTD 10, and the International Residential Gode or Supplements thereto. 9. LIMITATIONS 9.1 The Storm Panels shall be installed in accordance with the installation instructions in this report and the manufacturer's engineering drawings. 9.2 The structural elements supporting the panels shall be designed by a registered professional engineer for the wind loads shown on the drawings. The calculations shall be signed, sealed, and dated and submitted to ........... ~ ........ a~'/~,.3 '-' a 9.3 Elco Textron Inc. anchors shall be installed in concrete with a minimum compressive strength of 3300 psi and hollow concrete masonry units (CMU) with a minimum f' of 1780 psi. Powers Fastening, thC anchors shall be installed~i~ concrete with a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi and hollow concrete masonry units (CMU) with a minimum f' of 3235 psi, 9.4 Wood framing shall be a minimum of #2 southern pine with a specific gravity G = 0.55 when anchoring panels to wood. 9.5 For systems requiring special inspections, see the SBCCI PST & ESI or NES report on the specific fastener for special inspection requirements. 10. IDENTIFICATION Each Safeguard Hurricane Protection Systems Storm Panel covered by this report shall be labeled with the manufacturer's name and/or trademark, the SBCCI Public Safety Testing and Evaluation Services Inc. initials (SBCCI PST & ESI) or seal, and the number of this report for field identification. The panet.s shall also be labeled in accordance with Section 102 of SSTD 12. 11. PERIOD OF ISSUANCE & co; c','AL~AT;~;4 RcFCR, LISTING FOR STATUS OF THIS EVALUATION REPORT. For information on this report contact: Woods McRoy, P.E. _ x ~ ~ ~ o zo ~ ~z~ ,~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ I I / / ,-~ ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ .6~o ~-, ~ I~ I,.,~ ~~-I ~ ~ I~ ~~ ......., -. ....... ~ I~ ~ I I,- ri~ ~1~.1~ ,I - ~,,~ o ~ IW-- I ~'I ./~ , Io I ~? ~I:, o, , ~, .,.o,~ ._ .... ~ ~1-.:5~' Cj~ ,~, ..... , o.o~o ~oA .'.~ , ' °~' t~ [ SafeguardHurncane ) :.: . ::':~}~[[:~:Prolec ~s, Inc. .~:. ~ ~,~,,~ - i 0 C Z --4 0 ..................... X ;: 0 o 0 j L It__ - ................. ~ IEL:(~)~2.2~ · f~: 1511 g { h,B~ -~ 1115I::.:'-1 :.F:..:.::':::'==':LIII Prot~o,o~ Systems, Inc./II ~ ~ ~ ~ ........... 131~ Nel)lUn~ Biiv¢ ...... ~ .... ~ .............. Fq Idl-- // ~11:~,/ I~1; .- =~ Ir.,r .... I~H .... ;~,h.~' ']ltso,-'D s rEEL STOHM I'AN~LSJIIcoN~U~..~ ~.om.~.~ · ~.O~UOT ~N~-EdllI ~ I;11~,/I ~11 ~llb~/ ~.~lI,-l.- / F .................. -II/uro[ec[Ion bys[ems, inc. III ~,,,,,,~,~,,~o..,.~.~,,,~,,=. I1~ I ~ iii TEl (561) ~32 ~08 F~(56]) 732 143~ JIt - 01-4005 ~C-nc I ]1~ 11 il[. i-lL -.". L~ .¢' _,':-, ~.llg: ..... '-""-!"!-""-~-: ---)11'-',, ':~^- GX~'LV'/~'NIZEI3'II/KN£ZEVICtt & ~ . Protection Systems, Inc. w,:,,,,~.,,..,,,,,,,~,~,,,,:,,~o,.,. ,~.~.,-,~,,,:o.;l/l~llIj .o. ~ ~ ~ ~ ¢ ~ I '. -* '.'J -7 3 5 Nop Uno Ollvu /J-.-. Il!Il ~r'" 'l .a~ ~,~Iml.-/ ..... J./ ................... Iii Bo~,,,on Beach FL 3]426 /Irc ~ *~ ..................... fEI 56~ ~32 8106 * F~:~ 56] 732-143§ ................. - 01-4005 EXISTING HOLLOW CONCRETE BLOCK CONCRETE SrRUCTURE ~ i o o o o 0 o o o o 0 o o o o 0 0,0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 0 ~tm~ WOOD EXISTING STRUCTURE 0oooo ooooo0o o o o mX~- ..... m~ ...... Z ~ - 01-4005 METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Designer Windows of Palm lteaehes 6451 E. Rogers Cir. Boca Raton ,FL 33487 Your application £or Notice of' Acceptance (NOA) of': 76" wide x 38" Radius Arch Aluminum Fixed Window BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE METRO-D^DE FLAGI.ER BUll. DING 140 WEST FI,AGLER S'I'RI';I'71'. SUITI'~ 1603 MI^MI. I:l,ORII}^ 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-290X CONTRACI'OR I.ICENSING Si'X?I'ION (305) 375-2527 VAX (305) 375.255X (X)N'rR,kC"I'OII ENFORCEMENT DIVISION (305) 37~-2966 FAX (305) 375-2q0S PROI)UC'I' CONTROl, DIVISION 005) 375-2902 FAX (305) 372-fi339 under Chapter 8 of the Code of Miami-Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types or' Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for' acceptance by the Miami-Da& County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 01-0209.10 EXPIRES: 04/09/2006 Raul Rodrigucz Chick Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET~ SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE T_his application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami-Dade County, Florida under the conditions sci forth above. Francisco J. Quintana. R.A. ~- Director M lam i- Dado County APl'ROVED: 04/26/2001 Building Code Compliance Off]cc DO NOT \\s04SO00 I\pclOOO\\templaces\nocice accapr~nca cover page. doc Intcrnet mail address: postmaster(~butldingcodeonline, com ~ Homepage: hitp://www.buildingcodeonlinc.com ,/ Designer Windows of Palm Beaches e 01--40015 ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0209.10 APPROVED: APR 2 ~ 2001 EXPIRES: Aoril 09, 2006 NOTICI~ OF ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS SCOPE This renews the Notice of Acceptance No.97-0723.05 that was issued on 04/09/98. It approves an aluminum fixed window as described in section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code, (SFBC), 1994 Edition for Miami-Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings~ PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The 76" wide x 38" Radius Arch Aluminum Fixed Window and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following document: Drawing No. 97-002, titled "76" wide x 38" Radius Arch Window", Sheet I of l, dated 01/31/97,revised on 02/14/98, signed and sealed by K. Venkatesan, P.E., bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control approval stamp with the Notice of' Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit applications ofaluminum fixed windows, as shown in approved drawings. 3.2 Units with dimensions equal to or smaller than those shown in approved drawings shall qualify under this approval. 4.2 INSTALLATION: The aluminum fixed window and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the approved drawings. Hurricane protection system (shutters): the installation of this unit will require a hurricane protection system. 5. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". BUll. DING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Appli'~ation for building permit shall be accompanied by two copies of thc Following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of'the approved drawings, as identified in section 2 o/'this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected For thc proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other do~atwfl'l~t~ttPce",d~.,~e Building Of'ficia~ or thc South Florida Building C',odc (SFBC) in or/}dt't6' br~0~r'ly~e(;aqti'~te the instal~ion .of this syst~4'n.'~ ' ' Prod~'CControl Division Designer Windows of Palm Beaches o ' 01-4005 ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0209. t0 APPROVED: EXPIRES: April 09, 2006 . NOTICF__n. OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than eight (8) years. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product' Control Approved", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if: a. There has been a change in the South Florida Bdilding Code affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved. c. If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product; d. The engineer, who originally prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process; b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purpose. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for insp~,tion at the job site at all times. The engineer does not need to rcscal the copies. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal of Acceptance. This Acceptance contains pages 1,2, and this last page 3. ACCEP ANC C~'~ - ,. ~.,~,.,'l Manuel/~'re/z,-'P. E., Product Cont/r~xamincr ProductLGOhtrol Division FIL~, C~PY 3 BU~L~'t;-,IG I~tVh3ION - 01-4005 t 1 :2 C~-"RN ER ASS~'MSL¥ M~AM - 01-4005 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. FLORID.-\ METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING PRODUCT CQNTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Designer Windows of Palm B6aches 6451 E. Rogers Cir. Boca Raton ,FL 33487 Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of: 72" wide x 72" Rectangular Aluminum Fixed Window BUll. DING CODE COIHPI. IANCE OFFICE METRO-I)ADI.~ FI,AGI.EI~, II!.jlI.I)ING 14(} WEST I:[.AGI.ER STI{I~I~'I'. SUITE 1603 MIAMI, FI.ORII}A 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-29OS C¢)N'rRA(Yi'¢)I,t I.ICENSINC (305) 375-2527 FAX (305) 375-255~, CON'I'iL.~,C. rOl~[ ENFOli(~I.;,MI.~NT I)IVISION (305) 375-2966 FAX (305) 375-290:s I'I{OI)U(.'I' CON'I'I{OI. DIVINION (305) 375-2902 FAX (3U5) 372-633q under Chapter 8 of the Code of Miami-Dade County governing the usc of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended/'or acceptance by thc M iami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. TI.tis NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant tbr quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, il'' it is determined by BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 01-0209.11 EXPIRES: 04/09/2006 Rat, I Rodrigt,ez Chief Prodt,ct Control Division THIS IS TIlE COVERSItEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOIl SPECIFIC AND GENEI:b\L CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by thc Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami-Dade County. Florida under the conditions set Francisco J. Quintana. R.A. -.. Director Miami- [)adc Cot,nty API'ROVEI): 04/26/2001 Building Code Complia,~cc ()Fi'icc \\s04S000 I\pcl000',\cemplatesV~ocice acceptance cover pace. dot lnternct mail address: postm.aster(f~buildingcodeonline.com ~ Desiener Windows of Palm Beaches - 01-4005 ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0209.11 APPROVED: APR 2 6 2001 EXPIRES: April 09, 2006 NOTIC,E OF ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS SCOPE This renews the Notice of Acceptance No. 97-0723.04 that was issued on 04/09/98. It approves an aluminum fixed window as described in section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code, (SFBC), 1994 Edition for Miami-Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The 72" wide x 72" Rectangular Aluminum Fixed Window and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following document: Drawing No. 97-001, titled "72" wide x 72"Rectangular Window", Sheet I of l, dated 01/31/97, revised on 02/14/98, signed and sealed by K. Venkatesan, P.E., bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit applications of aluminum fixed window, as shown in approved drawings. 3.2 Units with dimensions equal to or smaller than those shown in approved drawings shall qualify under this approval. INSTALLATION: The aluminum fixed window and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the approved drawings. Hurricane protection system (shutters): the installation of this unit will require a hurricane protection system. 5. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". BUIL~DING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Appli'eation for building permit shall be accompanied by two copies of thc foIlo~ving: 6.1.I This Notice of Acccptance. 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in section 2 ofthis Notic¢ of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for thc proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official or thc South~A~a Building Code (SFBC) in or~t'~?~, ~:Yl~cq, al'u.~ thc instal4ationof this systcrff. C .T - 5 Man e ez, P.E.Product Co~"r~l Examiner Prod~ Control Division F~,,.,~ ¢,~,' ,, Designer Windows of Palm Beaches - 01-4005 ACCEPTANCE No.: APPROVED: 01-0209.11 APR 2 6 2001 EXPIRES: April 09, 2006 NOTICI~ OF ACCEPTANCE: ST-ANDARD CONDITIONS Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than eight (8) years. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered iff a. There has been a change in the South Florida Bt~ilding Code affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved. c. If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product; d. The engineer, who originally prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing of a revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this office. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process; b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purpose. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all times. The engineer does not need to reseal the copies. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal Acceptance. This Acceptance contains pages 1,2, and this last page 3. 1..;...,, - 3 t.,~-.,, Manuel/{Serez, P. E., Product Contr~-Examine Productkq>~ntrol Division F!!...~ C 01-4005 - 01-4005 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA METRO-D^DE FL^GLER BUILDING PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Binnings Pan American 2805 N.E. 185 St. Miami FL 33163 Your application for Product Approval of: Series PA-9, Models A, B, attd C Aluminum Sliding Glass Door BUILDING CODE CObIPL[ANCE O$1qCE METRO. DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET. SUITE 1603 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-290I FAX (305} 375-2905 CONTRACTOR LICENSING SECTION (305) 375-2527 FAX (305) 375-2558 CONTRACTOR ENFORCEMENT SECTION (305) 375-2966 FAX (305) 375-2908 PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION (3053 375-2902 FAX (305) 372-6339 under Chapter 8 of the Metropolitan Dade County Code governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described in the plans, specifications'and calculations as submitted by: Applicant, along with Drawing No.'PA-O9-DC, Sheets I thru 6 of 6. (TltLv NOA renews NOA No. 95-0831.01.) has been recommended for acceptance by the Building Code Compliance office to be used in Dade County, Florida under the specific conditions set forth on pages 2 et. seq. and the Standard Conditions on page 3. This approval shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Office of Code Compliance reserves the right to secure this product or material at anytime from ajobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, the Code Compliance Office may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. The applicant shall re-evaluate this product or material should any ammendments to the South Florida Building Code be enacted affecting this product or material. The Building Code Compliance Office reserves the the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by the Building Code Compliance Office that this product or material fails'to'meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. Acceptance No.: 98-1110.06 Expires:Il/16/§1 ~ Product Control Supervisor THIS IS THE COVERSttEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Dade County Building Code Compliance Department and approved by the Building Code Committee to be used in Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. Lha:rles Danger, g,.~.' - Director Building Code Compliance Dept. C~. t _~ ~} 2t951 Metropolitan Dade County Approved: 12/03/98 ' 802.?.'[:?.(~ Inlernel mall address: postma$ler~bulldinseodeonline. Homepage: bllp:l/www, buildlnle°deenllne.e°m - 01-4005 ACCIE~ANC~ No.: . 98-1110.06 i.' ~PROVF, D : DEC 0 3.1998, L ~COPE, -i' ~"~ ' ; 1.1 This mews tbN~i~,m'%fA~ No. 95.0831.01. whteh wu.b.med onNovember 16, 1995. it 3.1 3.2 S, 5.1 apl~mV~.S an slumlnmu sliding 6~ d~, u ~~ h ~on-2 oC ddt. ~otf~ o~ A~~. for ~ l~fiom ~ ~ ~e ~, u ~~ by S~C Chnp~ 23, do not The Serbs 1'~ Almtdmlm Sliding Glfm Door, Mo(Ids A,'B tnd C, and its compomma shall consm,ci~ In sU'Ic~ complimce with.b ~ollowtnf documenu: Drtwh~ No. PA-0~.DC, Sheets 1 through 6, tided "PA-9 Slidin8 (}hss Do~ Model A, Modal B and Model C" prepared by Robt. E. l~ishcr ~ M. ~ P.]L Cof~eins lJasfnee~ d, fa[ lor2~f, bemlnS tho ~lmnf*U,,de Coun~ Product Conuol Appmvul ramp with tim Notice of AccepmEe number md rpprov~ d~e~ b~ the This mnv, d q, plles u si~e unit sppUomta~ c~. u .bowu in .ps. red chwi~. I-Ieod recep~r Is not ~llow~ um bused In this lnmll~on.. The lltllnJ~ fl~d!fll gm door ~xl its com~ shall be inst~leil in strict compliance with thc bch pmi ldnU~.bmr t permtnfet hbd with'th, nm, m~'~s ri,me or ~oso. ,i~,. ~ BUU,DmG i'ERMFF Applicttion fbr bulM]~'permit dull be eocompeulcd.by copies of the followinf: 6.1.2 Duplimm~ copies of the approved drtwln~, u identified in Section 2 of this Notice of' Acceptmz~ cbarly Imrkod to show gu compot~es selecScd for the proposod imttllatiofl, 6.1.:3 Any oth~ doouments requh, ed by the Buildln~ Official or th0 South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in order to prol:m'ly.cv~l.,, ua~ the imttlbdion ofthls, sysmm. NOTIC'~ 01~ ,,u, tqtovn) : BEC 0 3 1998 i~.''~. ' ~,.,: .. ' gXlsl]t~ : N~her IL~MI e 1~ csu~ for mnnhRim of ~ ~ unless Fdor wrimn ~ has bsen request.d (e~ou~ the filins or.a m,isim sl~leatim ~ ~ h) md mind by mis S~EET OF Pi- "'DO NOT Binnings Pan American 1.I e ACCEPTANCE No.: 99-0114.0 I' APPROVED : FFI iS tqq9 EXPIRES : February. 01, 2002 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS SCOPE This renews the Notice of Acceptance No. 98-0608.10, which was issued on November 26, 1998. [ approves a structural clipped mullion system, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code, 1994 Edition for Miami-Dade County for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23, do no exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The PA-8 Aluminum Mullions (I-1/8' x 3", 3-I/2", 4" & 4-I/2") - Non Impact Resistant and the PA-8 Aluminum Mullion (1-1/8" x 4") - Impact Resistant and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following documents: Drawing No. PA2-DET. DXF, titled "Mullion," prepared by the manufacturer, dated 01/10/96, revised on 10/22/98, Sheets 1 through 6 of 6, bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. LIMITATIONS This approval applies only to a clipped mullion system used ~vith aluminum windows manufactured by Binnings Pan American with a current Notice of Acceptance, installed as shown in approved drawings. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The structural clipped mullion system and its components shall be installed in strict compliance witk the approved drawings. 5. LABELING 5.1 Each mullion shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 The Notice of Acceptance of each window or door attached to mullion 6.1.3 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice o: Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.4 Any other ~..cume~s r,qlc~!u/'l~.~.~ the Budding Officml or the South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in orcler to proper~'y ev~.T~ate the mstallatton of this system. F;~...~ aG~:oV Man~el~.Perez, P. ET, }ro~Jt~ontrol Examiner ProdlIEt Control Division"'-"' 2of3 Jo[b C~ ~ PANEL HEIGHT ---'- b - 01- 00 MIA~II-DADE COUNTY, FL©RID,,\ METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Binnings Pan American 3000 N.W. 125 Street Miami ,FL 33167 Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of: Series PA-14 Aluminum Single Hung Window BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE METRO-DADE FI.AGLER BUILDING I.lt) WEST FL,'XGLI'~R STRI';E'I'. SUITE 161)3 MIAMI, FI.ORIDA 33131}-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX (305) 375-2908 CON'I'R,\CI'OI{ I,ICI,'.NSINC, SI,iCI'ION (3{15) 375-2527 I"AX (305) .175-2558 CONTRACq'OR ENFORCE.MENT DIVISION (305} 375-2966 FAX 0O5) 375-2908 PI.tODUCI' CONTROl, DIVISION (305} 375-2902 FAX 005) 372-6339 under Chapter 8 of the Code of Miami-Dade County governing the use of Alternate Materials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the iMiami-Dade County Building Code Cornpliance Office (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by BCCO that this product or material tails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 01-0226.04 EXPIRES: 07/09/2006 Raul Rodriguez Chief Product Control Division TI:lIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Miami-Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. Francisco J. Quintana, R.A. Director M lam i-Dade County APPROVED: 07/05/2001 Building Code Compliance OFfice <Y, EET OF PL' '.:" :" NOT i': \\s04SO00 I\pc2OOO\\cemplaces\nodce acceptance cover page. doc Internet mail address: postnmsterc~buildingcodeonline.com ~ Homepage: ht'tp://www.huildingcodeonline.can~ - 01-4005 BinninEs Pan American ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0226.04 JUL 0 5 2001 APl'ROVED : EXPIRES : .luly 09, 2006 NOTICE OF ACCEI'TANCE: STANDARD CONI)ITIONS Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been tiled and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, arc no older than eight (8) years. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with tim manufacturer's name, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if': a) There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes; b) The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; c) If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product; d) Thc engineer who originally prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4. Any revision or change in.thc materials, usc, and/or manufacture of thc product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing o[a revision application with appropriate fcc) and granted by this office. 5. Any of thc following shat1 also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a) Unsatisfacto~ performance of this product or process. b) Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other pu¢ose. 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in adve~ising literature. If any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entireW. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall be provided to the user by thc manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all time. The engineer need not rcseal the copies. 8. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for termination and removal Acceptance. 9. This ~oticc off~cq~ff~~ff pages t, 2 and tt~is last page 3. C~ '" ~ g~oF oF THIS ACCE F x ,,:': C,.~ Y Manuel.S, P.E. ~rodu~ C;nt~xaminer ~rodu~ntro[ Division 3 - 01-4005 Binnings Pan American ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0226.04 APPROVED : JUl_ 0 5 21301 EXI'IRES : July 09, 2006 NOTICE OF ACCEI'TANCIs': SPECIFIC CONI)ITIONS SCOPE This renews the Notice of Acceptance No. 97-1027.09, which was issued on July 09, 1998. This approves an aluminum single hung window, as described irt Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to con'tply with the South Florida Building Code (SFBC), 1994 Edition for Miami-Dade County, tbr the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Series PA-14 Aluminum Single Hung Window and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following documents: Drawing No PA-14DC, Sheets 1 through 8 of 8, dated 10/22/97, revised on 5/31/0l, 6/'1/01, 6/4/01 and 6/7/01, signed and sealed by Wm. M. Meyers, P.E., bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control. approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit applications only, as shown in approved drawings. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 Thc aluminum single hung window and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with the approved drawings. 4.2 Hurricane protection system (shutters): the installation of this unit will require a hurricane protection system. 5. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". BUILDING PERNIIT REQUIREMENTS Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.I This Notice of Acceptance 6.1.2 Duplicate copies o['the approved drawings, as identified irt Section 2 of this Notice o[ Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for thc proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by thc Building OFficial or thc South Florida Building Code (SFBC) in ord~ to proocrl~ evaluate thc installation off this system. CCI - 5 2 51 Prodh-cf'Control Division 2 ~,b!b b b b b oooooo 0090 ~o 8888,~8 0 bbobbbb bbbbbbb bbbbl I, ooooo oooooo[?_ im mz mz m m ~ z z o ~. ~ !pooooooo ~ 0~0~00000 ~]~bbbbbbbb Cg~°bbbbb'bb ..... ~oooEoo__~ ~000000__~ '''1''' 9 P ~ m o OOlO o o ' I= ~oo~~oooo~ ~bb~bbbbb ~bbb ~0100 ....... m m o 7 ?~o~ ~-,~ zTM. ~ c;,? .... i ...... . . ~~~ ...... .......... .......... .......... ~,~ ~'''~, · ~ ~ o o o o o o oio ~ ~' ~bbbbbbbb;b ~ooooooooo:o ~' kbbbbbbbbb ~oogaoaooa ...... ~ooooSaaa , ~!~ ..... ~~, oooooo~ ~~,§!°°°° ~ooo , , , ; , , , !,'I' ...... ~'i" · ~ ~ 0 0 '0 0 0!o o, ~1 ~ o~oo g~bb§'bbbb' ~,~ ~.... ~,, ~bbbbbbr~§ ¢ ~bbbbbb~ / / ~2X:~,bbbb:bb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b~ b'bb b b ~ ~ O000C ~',~' <rn ~o m LO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0!0 bbbbbbbbbbbbb ~ooooooooooioo__8 0 0 0 0!0 00i 0000800000800 - 888888s!ss'ssss~ 8000°08888818° ~ ~1oooooooo . °°°°O°l°°~ ~ ~888oooooo,oo~I - bbobb:bb:bbbb " OiO 0 0 0 0 o o 0 o o o o i~' ~ o ~.>> A ~DAYLIGHT OF'E~ING -- DUCK, DIM ~"N,~ION PREPARED 12/02/02, 16:06:46 PAYMENTS DUE RECEIPT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PROGRAM BP820L APPLICATION NUMBER: 01-00004005 2700 QUANTUM LAKES DR FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE RED TAG 25.00 TOTAL DUE 25.00 01-4005 Please present this receipt to the cashier with full payment. Oper: MONCflYOB Bate: 1E/g3/SE Total tendered Total nayment Receipt no: 68143 $25.88 BP820U01 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Payment Due Selection Application nbr : Property ..... : 01 00004005 2700 QUANTUM LAKES DR Select fees due, press Enter. 1=Select entire amount Opt Amount to apply 100 25 972 66 1747 88 5721 36 100 25 8478 14 11856.22 Fee Type BC FD PB P2 RA S2 PF Trans amt 100.25 972.66 1747.88 5721.36 100.25 8478.14 15984.22 Amount due 100.25 972.66 1747.88 5721.36 100.25 8478.14 11856.22 Str/Seq Permit 000 000 BP 00 12/04/01 08:04:36 Inspection Total F3=Exit 28976.76 F5=Select all fees F10=View 2 F12=Cancel F21=User defaults Ope~': M(3#~YOD Date: 1~/85/81 81 Receipt no: 67&7~ Total tendered $R8976.76 To~al payment ~8976.76