REVIEW COMMENTS Rumpf, Michael From: Sent: To Subject: Rumpf Michael Friday, June 30 2000 7 06 AM Ducoste-Amedee, Maxime PolyPlastic public meeting Until Dan returns, let's keep this process moving as we should conduct this public meeting while the permit plans are being reviewed So let's first do some checking with those affected for the best time ( or bad times to schedule the meeting) 1) First, check with Hanna and Nicole to find out if a rectified plan was ever submitted for the project Yes No 2) Contact Ed Tedtman at 734-3163 David Katz at ? Check phone book at 742 NW 11 th Street Debbie Coles-Dobay at 369-7992 Tell them that we are following-up on the requirements to notify the public during the Poly Plastic Packaging Co Inc expansion project which includes direct notification to the representatives of the HOAs and newspaper and scheduling and conducting a public meeting for general information purposes and to collect and research questions from attendees. Tell them that will receive a follow up letter Find out when each their respective communities hold their regular and next association meetings Ed David Debbie Find out if their are conflicts that should be considered when scheduling our meeting Ed David Debbie 3) Next, find out the exact progress of the project from Jose or Mike Haag Such as what are the permits that are in now - Entire project? Just a portion of the plans? Are they still in first review or have comments gone out? The permits being reviewed does represent the project that recently got conditional use approval right? 4) Next have Doris prepare a public notice that we'll send out to property notice We can use the general format of our legal ad. The city is conducting the meeting and it will likely be held in the commission chambers. Maybe use larger and friendlier font. Have Doris draft a letter to each of the association representatives that references the Commission requirement of approval for the public involvement and notifications including one public meeting to be held once permits are submitted and project initiated. It will tell them about the planned meeting time and location Uust leave blank until we know) and tell them that we attempted to contact all property owners with a direct mailing Ask them to use what means are available to them to encourage attendance of their respective residents. 5) Lastly plan out with Doris the method we'll use to affix labels on envelopes. Is there an efficient process for this? I hope not manually Discuss and work a plan with Doris. That's it Max, thanks for overseeing this. Try to have all this work completed by Thursday Mike 1 Rumpf, Michael From Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf Michael Tuesday April 04 200010'59 AM Greene Quintus Poly Plastic Packaging public notification program (draft) This seems extensive, perhaps to prevent any accusation the city has not done what it was instructed to involve the public. Let me know what you think so we can finalize it and forward to the Wilfred. Poly Plastic Packa~inl: Co. Inc. Public Notification Pro~ram As part of the approval of the Poly Plastic SIte plan modIficatIOn request, the ComnnssIOn dIrected staff to maxImIze public awareness and understandmg of thIS project. Staff proposes to complete thIS task through dIrect contacts wIth representatIves of area assOCiatIOns, one commumty meetmg, one dIrect maIlmg to affected resIdents regardmg the communIty meetmg, and newspaper releases. A. Newspaper releases and dIrect notificatIOns to representatIves of the area HaAs wIll be timed wIth the followmg pnnclple project benchmarks. 1) Submittal of the rectified plan to the CIty; 2) Issuance of a bUIldmg permIts ( structure), 3) Commencement of constructIOn, 4) Approval of the EnvIronmental RevIew process, and 5) Issuance of the final certIficate of completIOn. B A communIty meetmg IS proposed to be scheduled once permIt draWings are submItted. ApproXImately 7 to 10 days pnor to the meetmg, a pubhc notIce wIll be maIled to all reSIdents wlthm and around the Sky Lake, Laurel Hills, and Old Boynton Estates neIghborhoods mformmg them of the project, the upcommg meetmg and the CIty'S role m the notification process. All wntten notices WIll mclude a general fact sheet on the Poly Plastic busmess bnefly describmg the use, the products, the process, chemIcals, general storage reqUirements, and a descnptIOn of the expanSIOn. Staff will attempt to maximIze the mvolvement m the notificatIOn program of the owner/operator of Poly Plastic but he the agent receIved a negative response from rum when It was ongmally dIscussed. To confirm thIS pOSItIOn, staffhas requested that the agent agam dISCUSS thIS possible partiCIpation. Tasks remammg to prepare for thIS process mclude 1) IdentIfymg and contactmg representatives for neIghborhoods wlthm the adjacent area wruch IS generally defined by Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard on the south, the Boynton (C-16) Canal on the north, the M-l zomng dlstnct boundary on the east and the western boundary of Sky Lake on the west (see attached map) We have currently Identified Mr Tedtmann, Mr DaVId Katz; and Ms. DebbIe Coles-Dube, and 6'~ 2) Assembhng the names of all reSIdents wlthm the neIghborhoods described above. The ITS Department has been requested to create thIS hst of names and addresses for thIS project (Mr DeCarlo has used thIS source preVIOusly for SImIlar notificatIOn tasks) 1 Poly Plastic Packae:ine: Co. Inc. Public Notification Program As part of the approval of the Poly PlastIc sIte plan modIficatIOn request, the ComnllssIOn directed staff to maxImIze publIc awareness and understandmg of thIS project. Staff proposes to complete thIS task through dIrect contacts wIth representatIves of area aSSOCiatIOns, one communIty meetmg, one dIrect maIlmg to affected resIdents regardmg the commumty meetmg, and newspaper releases. A. Newspaper releases and dIrect notIficatIOns to representatIves of the area HaAs wIll be tImed wIth the followmg pnncIple project benchmarks 1) SubmIttal of the rectIfied plan to the CIty; 2) Issuance of a bUIldmg permIts (structure), 3) Commencement of constructIOn, 4) Approval of the EnvIronmental RevIew process, and 5) Issuance of the final certIficate of completIOn. B A commumty meetmg IS proposed to be scheduled once permIt drawmgs are submItted. ApproXImately 7 to 10 days pnor to the meetmg, a publIc notIce wIll be mailed to all reSIdents WIthm and around the Lake Boynton Estates, Sky Lake, Laurel Hills, and Old Boynton Estates neIghborhoods mformmg them of the project, the upcommg meetmg and the CIty'S role m the notIficatIon process. All wntten notIces wIll mclude a general fact sheet on the Poly PlastIc busmess bnefly describmg the use, the products, the process, chemIcals, general storage reqUIrements, and a descnptIOn of the expanSIOn. Staff wIll attempt to maxImIze the mvolvement m the notIficatIon program of the owner/operator of Poly PlastIc but he the agent received a negatIve response from hIm when It was ongmally dIscussed. To confirm thIS posItIon, staff has requested that the agent agam dISCUSS thIS possible partICIpatIOn. Tasks remammg to prepare for thIS process mclude 1) IdentIfying and contactmg representatIves for neIghborhoods wIthm the two (2) areas whIch 1) IS generally defined by Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard on the south, the Boynton (C-16) Canal on the north, the M-l zomng dIstnct boundary on the east, the E-4 Canal on the west; and 2) the Lake Boynton Estates neIghborhood located at the southwest comer of 1-95 and Boynton Beach Boulevard (see attached map) We have currently IdentIfied Mr Tedtmann, Mr DavId Katz; and Ms. DebbIe Coles-Dobe, and 2) Assemblmg the names of all reSIdents WIthm the neIghborhoods described above. The ITS Department has been requested to create thIS lIst of names and addresses for thIS project (Mr DeCarlo has used thIS source preVIously for sImIlar notIficatIOn tasks) RevIsed 4/4/00 11SHRDAT AIPlanninglSHARED\WPIPROJECTSIPOl Y PLASTIC PACKAGINGlpublic participation. doc fJry Pi.s-r?c ?uhtr Mr;fi~~ /JJ~d.~ - J) ~~rly '(Y\e<:-"hl1 GJ;~ Cc:.: it r:--~~ 1- ?~~<-"f<-~? [.Jet( ~=ll' p(~~-h-?:..s o--t--(c-nc{J l' r::...r-+tc..'r""'~<:: ? ~? ~---... 1.~'i.3l1 O'(\.ce... ~~i-ts 0-"1:"<:.. '('et(.J~s~ \ \ I J .2) N-r<. ? 'fl'\ e... ~l '- ~ 'f' eJI "3) Asso c ~ r:- -f,<..r. C<;/\"\. -f--.:=- f s <() .tk~ ~ ~f~~ ~{ed..Se - 'KCc-..f.-R ~ p ~'V\ sv<brrt( +- f-.O - f~Y-fV1,~-6- .r=z-..J-'~ I r.sS'CoI~-D -- C<~stY-....e- ~4.... c.~~'1.~ - t;:K-C ~y;.v'C,J - rf'/l,..J Cc hnfJ. 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Cf-{l (y / - tJ-/ ~ JYJ I' -7' M :3 S~o'Y") ~<C'!-( C;V''J1en -;;:.. c~s'" ft, re s L:..., -I1~r et\,,,,-~ r1, e;t:.- ne: C~'y - /-0 r.:-., -J ~ j7'-c:r/<=-' pqV c..t /C'o...rz. - ~-f7 FfcJyeL-' - j(-ff. Jh-~<=r Sk'y L<J.~ em p .{...$c'zc c~fi. ~~.....,,-<::: ~.-H c-'~<::- Cc"v'" J c...", L ...:. IVl - ( ..... 'S~ 'S.. ~~'O~-hf of He- S p mccC;r;c~flOYl..- fl~: - J<Z.r, 1-,,- '- -4'-'.. s;:r-s T<r '>-"\. - rx-~rn 0-", {,;=-C C cY1.(l.Y\" ) - .sl'rr,.~k -Ii 10~"r /7\ lL,,1 I::c.~r C C--y-y-, m ~ "f';Y ~ r, s~) ! CO}-n ~ Uy-" y 'YY7e'L r/y - -5= of cC (L- rc- ? Rumpf, Michael From Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Tuesday April 04 200010'14 AM DeCarlo Dan Contact people for Poly Plastic notifications I have confirmed and contacted the current representatives for Laurel Hills (Ed Tedtmann) and Sky Lake (David katz). Can you identify for me any persons representing separate neighborhoods not covered by that associations stated above? Let me know Thanks, MR 1 1- --- - 1/ ~---i \ I ~ , , i,~~' ~;,\ \.. '--- L.J 1 J -4 I. ':1 :-- --.:..... __-\' ~. a.....I. ----- 'l=:JiOYN;\aN~ACH ! ~]l;/// R~ ~K OF .caMMER~~~A/~/ //.~I;.. [J i....."'.,' ;. rGUANTuM PA~K) ,.~: .~l /ll~. R I I I ______ :i I~ I Ff{ L., - -1 I /..... ;/ /~I - If':u.. ~ :- l1aTo~aLA'" ~ --- ~ 1 '/7/ . t~,' ; . I \ \~~~ I I~- ! ! / ": 1 ! 0 //\~ /' ~ ~1I;jjj '~'~;~'b i 1 / ; B LV I i I. ~ I // i I __I \::::;::~:,~...~~...........L~~...- - - L J- J --~I !lL'-~~ tJ~~ :i..: ..1-. '<:'~:I:;;::r:I.;t::l:'I'~';l;' . .......~m...~ . ~;.:; :::... . 1'jl-' I' 'I 1:' . . .. '.:. ::::::::::. '.' ~ ~:1:' tr"': :':: ~::. :r. ~ :4:!-!1: ~'l r::-:~:-::.o!+: i-- -- . --"! il i i~ I' .. , t?.:l:"::.:.:r:r.::t:.:t:'~::~:'I"::~"': ::~:~:: !:~ j~t:)~l: "':!:~~ ~- '''//1'1' \ ,.:,: '.' ;... ."/"0/-< ~.:;:':::,a:':p .:. ..': ..;;,.;..; '-- ! ~l~" : .. ..... .... i+>!-~~".;..:: ,. . .... ... . .-:"':-. :^""'"' ...+1' -:-:-: I /..2. 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There is to be a seven (7) day response time . the individuals should be contacted by you advising that you are working on a response . a copy of your response is to be forwarded to the City Manager's Office to the attention of Joyce Costello for tracking You may forward a draft of your response prior to mailing if you feel it is necessary In addition, please advise what your plan of action is and the time frame for completing it. I need to know within seven days when the neighborhood informational meeting will be taking place. Poly Plastic Packaging modification - All individuals to be notified that safety standards will be put in place. Dan DeCarlo to hold neighborhood informational meeting \ .. "{. t ~ V v Joyce for Wilfred Hawkins Please let Wilfred know (with a copy to me) what your plan of action is to address this concern ~b-."".9- ~\\\. \ [o--/OJ t'- ~~ '/) {, ( " r'" ~ /Qo--i' 0/<1.- tr' _~{O~ fJ ~II(, t-,DS 'rA#. Q(~ \ ~rr-J(f" ~-~ -p {?~ 'if At. 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U tet~ - - --Oln~Jo ,tLbS +-ckol~ I i 9ob~/)..wJ M.t jJ PI 60 002- c;J,,- JZ-- sr~ ( ( 6cY (Y1R r;; IJ...-tc ~ ?c (yffu-&-hc f1~'YIO -1--' t'0)LK (t )( C<.../~'0+{ (" 0...- ~T-f A,,-~Jl C' s c&"=-~<' 1 ~ ~7' hr<:!s o--nY)v=../ /'(\5 pe= r5~ - (fc,<-Se- cre._ ""'-r [/ - r;Q~:i f.;.... -/- 5~-r c f ft-1f1rn~/c... /~-~ v - E~~'ry, k~~.s - M<:~~( C~h A5-(yIc~ S"'r-d:2 CYn- U-..c:&__ ~c::1..S€~ j - ,Nt)> ~ f<:::.c.G:-..::.rna-'1 ~ t")'') hq~<:J~~"-,d \<oJ_......... - j'(OO'(\~~~ c:tn& ~~&"-?i c.f -fd.-<n-f(s - V G>r.. -{~j..Jo.;A~ " I rt: c. K of -r7 ? .. ZO (ve ne. --- t' 'J;h n4!!.". +- 5 fff r?~ .PrQf-yr (!_~~f~_- ~ /C 7((~ In K ~Ja-(~ 0'; (. - \ 1 'i \.;. l l \.. I l d .I ~I 'I] J .) L W~+ ~ ~'<- ""fr,""~-,',+ ,,;) en "ftr-;) Cl..vrce..V1T ~-C~tP(;<:l..ncc:. ? -;:;-t<--r C'~(l~o.-nc.e e t< I s/7 7J Cor"ld?--' t7CVt~ - 5 -h ~ ~ 06-- {v APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PROJECT TITLE Po Plastics FILE #: MSPM 00-0 PRO ECT LOCATION: TYPE OF APPLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED: (Y IN) REVIEWER'S NAME AGENT ADDRESS: AGENT PHONE: FAX: DATE REC'D: AMOUNT RECEIPT NO t 2 SETS OF PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: 2 OF t 2 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED o o o o o APPLICATION/SUBMITTAL: DATE ACCEPTED: DATE DENIED: DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: t ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 1/25/00 t ST REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: 90-DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: I DATE 12 COMPLETE (ASSEMBLED) SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2ND REVIEW: 2/22/0 (J . PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AMENDED APPLICATION 2 OF12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED SURVEY LANDSCAPE PLAN FLOOR PLAN SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 2ND REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT () J ~ o DRAINAGE PLAN o ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS o COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED o MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED o TRANSPARENCY RECEIVED o PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED \ _ ...J\\ MEMO NO \~ o o o o o o RETURN DATE: ~~\LL ~d\ ~ \~ 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANS MEMO# DATE PLANS MEMO# DATE UTIL. 0 POLICE 0 PW 0 PLANNING 0 PARKS 0 BLDG/ENGR 0 FIRE 0 FORESTER 0 LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT / SIGNS INSTALLED: BOARD MEETING DATE: BOARD: CITY COMMISSION: DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER RECEIVED FROM CITY CLERK: 0 DATE: DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER SENT TO APPLICANT 0 DATE: S:\FORMS\TRACKING LOG FORM - 3/98 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 00-059 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION March 9, 2000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name Poly Plastic Packaging Property Owner' Poly Plastic Packaging Company, Inc Applicant/Agent: Robert Fetrow, Gator Engineering Services, Inc location 510 East Industrial Avenue in the Boynton Industrial Park File No MSPM 00-002 Land Use Plan Designation Industrial (I) Zoning Designation M-1 Industrial District Proposed use Manufacturing (processing of plastic film to print bags for packaging) and warehousing Number of Rooms N/A Square Footage Site Area 6,054 square feet (1 75 acres) Building Area EXISTING Manufacturing - 8066 square feet Warehousing - 7,142 square feet Office - 0 square feet*/ TOTAL EXISTING -15,208 SQuare feet ADDITION Manufacturing - 6 000 square feet Warehousing - 3931 square feet Office - 1,407 square feet TOTAL ADDITION -11,338 sQuare feet TOTAL. Manufacturing - 14,066 square feet Warehousing - 11,073 square feet Office - 1 407 square feet TOTAL BUILDING AREA -26.546 SQuare feet */ The existing 822 square footage office area will be removed as part of the demolition plan Page 2 Memorandum #00-059 Surrounding land uses and Zoning District: (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) Existing Site Characteristics Proposed Development: Concurrency a. Traffic- J\~~~cL North - An unidentified multi-tenant warehousing facility zoned M-1 South - Stor-AII storage facility (under construction), zoned M-1 East - Seaboard Airline Railroad ROW, farther east Interstate 95 ROW West - East Industrial Avenue, farther west car and truck repair and other repair service facilities (Vitae Services, Jim Brady Mobil Service and Truck Repair, Honda - Acura, Whittacker Truck Repair), zoned M-1 The subject property is a flat, previously developed, 1 75 acre lot. There is currently a 15,208 square foot building on the property, with a main section being a one-story warehouse The building is surrounded on the west and south by open paved areas with raised concrete loading docks located at each side A concrete ramp and platform extend along the east side of the building There is a small structure housing electrical equipment and two metal tanks on a concrete-covered area on the north side of the building There are currently two entry drives from East Industrial Avenue The property is enclosed by a chain link fence which currently encroaches past the property line at the south-west side of the site (encroachments are to be corrected with site modifications) There are several existing trees and palms, including Acacia, Mahogany and Black Olive The owner is proposing to add manufacturing, storage and office space to the existing facility In compliance with Chapter 2, Section 8.A.3, of Land Development Regulations the intensification of the existing use required the completion of the Environmental Review process (ER File No 00-001), which is underway To complete the process and obtain the Environmental review permit, the applicant must comply with conditions specified in respective documents issued by the Building Division and Fire Department, to ultimately ensure that the types and volumes of hazardous materials handled on site are consistent with all applicable codes A traffic study for the project has been submitted Prior to final approval staff must receive confirmation from Palm Beach County's Traffic Division regarding standards compliance b. Drainage - Conceptual drainage information was provided for the city's review The city's concurrency ordinance requires drainage certification at time of site plan approval The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred to time of permit review when more complete engineering documents are required Lt.,CATION MAP POLY PLASTIC l J I I I I I J I I ,p11 r -Rr u- I' I- - - -- ~ I I I ~. 1-' ~:,'lJ ~,'. 1~111~l .. ._E;:E;:I i ,![,--- ~,I .~ tlj~' I L " - _,.-_ ,-.~ - ,- !J J.1!\I',' ~i.f- - I R : ~ ~ I- .'-t: a:r---- --..J.:- - p;- , . II JTl ~ L E : - - -I- D-~ r L...: - -' , , ' ",; ~IT r--,! ',!,i, r I II PU D '_, _<-I- t F---< ~ t=t:= r {\ I . ' 1 _'- ,z 'r. -, -~ ~,.cJ_~:H::t: =~l'-j'~ ==1~~e- 1 ~:1 "I ~_......~"~:~.~~ ir' m [jrnOJ,,_-,- ~~. l- 1-1 f- 'II ILuu.uu' ,'jl', 'lU,I" ,!:i!~ :1! i ,i il i' L ~,--' . 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On-site traffic circulation will consist of two (2) entry drive aisles with access to East Industrial Avenue The south drive aisle is 27 feet wide, and the north drive aisle is 29 feet wide The proposed vehicular use area will provide parking areas containing the required 9-foot by 18-foot spaces (all at a 90-degree angle) and two (2) loading spaces on the south side of the manufacturing/storage addition Required parking is calculated to be 49 spaces, based on square footage of the proposed uses The site plan meets this requirement. There are currently 30 parking spaces on the property, and 19 spaces will be added, bringing the total proposed number of parking spaces to 49 including 2 designated as handicapped- accessible The landscaping of the site will fully meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated, particularly by ensuring that the existing hedges on adjacent properties to the north and south, which may be used to meet the landscape buffering requirement, meet all applicable standards Several existing trees and palms will be removed and replaced with new trees, and the existing Mahogany tree will be relocated on the site to provide space needed for the proposed addition Building and site regulations will fully meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings The proposed additions have been designed to be compatible with the existing structures They will receive metal siding and a stucco finish matching the existing buildings, surface treatments and colors will be typical of industrial warehouse type facilities The selected new windows will be treated with a green canopy Generally the proposed improvements will enhance this predominantly industrial use area. No freestanding or wall signs are proposed at this point. When the signage is proposed, a separate submittal to the Planning and Zoning Division will be required Staff recommends that this request be approved, subject to the comments included in Exhibit C"- Conditions of Approval The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc Central File S:IPlanningISHARED\WPIPROJECTSIPOl Y PLASTIC PACKAGINGISite plan staff report PolyPlastic. doc 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Project name: POLY PLASTIC PACKAGING File number: MSPM 00-002 Reference: 1 st Review. Maior site plan modification. File # MSPM 00-002 with a January 11. 2000 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE RE TT'''-'''''' JJ L'-' L PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: 1. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that utilities may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-or way. 2. Compo Plan policy 3C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable water. City water many not, therefore, be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available. 3. Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap. 4. sec. 7F). Note that Industrial Avenue currently has a substandard drainage system, and cannot accept additional storm water flows. Provisions must therefore be made for retaining all stormwater for the 3-year, 72-hour storm on-site, or providing positive outfall to a canal for rainfall exceeding the pretreatment requirement. (LDR Chapter 6, Art. IV, sec.5). Please submit revised calculations to demonstrate this design requirement. 4. Utilities Department will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. 5. LOR Chap. 6, Article IV, Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. 6. Appropriate blackflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec. 26-207. Page 2 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 7. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until Utilities Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 8. The waste stream from all manufacturing processes must meet the City's pretreatment requirements. A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of such a waste stream. (Sec. 26-143, 26-147) FIRE Comments: 9. No part of the structure may be more than 200 feet from a hydrant. LOR 6-16 10. A fire flow test is required. LDR 6-16 11. The siamese connection for the sprinkler system will be no more than 150 feet from a hydrant. BBCC 9-3 and 9-6 12. Entry gates must have approval for type and operation from Fire Marshal prior to installation. BBCC 9-15 POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 13. On the Site Plan add a general note that all plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with the permit request. 14. Show the proposed lighting on site. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.] 15. Add an engineer's certification on the paving and drainage plans that the drainage will conform with all City rules, codes and Land Development Regulations. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.] 16. Add a general note to the site and paving & drainage plans that all striping, marking and signage shall conform to City Standard Drawing Page 3 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJ""'-'''''' B-9800 I and add the appropriate markings, etc. to the above referenced plans 17. Add a $250.00 fine plate to the bottom of the handicap post sign per City Standard Drawing B-9800 I. 18. On the paving & drainage plan specify the type of drainage pipe within the exfiltration trenches. 19. On the site and paving & drainage plans show the dumpster having gates for screening purposes. [LDR Chapter 9, Section 10.E.] 20. Show a five foot sidewalk along E. Industrial A venue within the limits of the site with a six inch thick section through the driveways. [LDR Chapter 23, Article II.P.] 21. On the demolition plan clarify the disposition of the FPL service line. 22. Chapter 9, Section 10.C. specifies that "unloading and loading areas shall be screened from streets and public view by a buffer wall or continuous vegetative buffer". Provide a satisfactory resolve to the code. 23. Correct the typical Section Drain (Sheet C-3) to details of City Standard Drawing B-91 007. 24. Drainage calculations showing length provided of 307 ft. is not correct. 25. New fence and gate cannot be constructed in right-of-way. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 26. Add to the building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents the location of the handicap accessible entrance door to the area that is titled new office area. Show and label the same door on the floor plan drawing. 27. Add to the drawing titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and delineates the path of travel of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking spaces and the accessible entrance door to the building. Add text that would indicate that the label represents the accessible route and the route is designed in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide Page 4 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I detailed documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 28. Within the site data found on sheet C-l, identify the proposed finish floor elevation of the new portions of the building (lowest floor elevation). Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications and notes to the site data that address the following issues: a) From the FEMA map identify the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans. b) As the design professional-of-record for the project, state within the site data that the proposed floor elevation is above the highest 100- year base flood elevation applicable to the building site, as determined by the South Florida Water Management District's surface water management construction development regulations. [Section 3 107.1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code] c) Identify the appropriate finish floor elevation within the footprint of the building that is depicted on the floor plan, site plan and civil drawing 26. Add the following site lighting notes to the site plan drawing: State that the locations of the site lighting poles are conceptual. a) State that the site lighting will be evaluated for code compliance at time of permit review. b) State that the proposed site lighting fixtures will illuminate the site consistent with the specifications identified in the Parking Lot Code. c) Identify the overall height dimension of the site lighting pole and fixture. (Note: The overall height of the pole/fixture shall not exceed the height limitations of the Zoning Code.) 27. On the proposed site plan drawing, identify the symbol that represents the property line. 28. Add to the site data the number of stories in the new portions of the building. Within the footprint of the building that is depicted on the floor plan, indicate the number of stories in each portion of the new addition. 29. Below the drawing titled Floor Plan that is found on sheet A-I, add text that would indicate that the room layout shown on the floor plan is conceptual. 30. At time of permit review, identify on the site plan the actual setback ..-J ....., -..........-- '<oJ.} .--..."'.,II.J......b _..... "...... o..JI.....'" P.lU.l.. LJ..I.'" P""'IIIJ.IL IJUll1U.....l VI. Ltl\;,i fence. P ARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 32. The applicant must submit for a separate clearing and grubbing permit for the site in reference to the existing trees removal and replacement chart. PLANNING AND ZONING n~__ __L__ Page 5 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 I DEP AR TMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I dimension from the leading edge of the north and south face of the new building to the north and south property lines. Please note that overhang, covered walkways, canopies or awnings are considered when setbacks are identified. Add to the site plan the awnings that are shown on the elevation view drawing. Also, dimension the distance the awnings extend out from the building. The building setbacks shall comply with setback regulations specified in the Zoning Code. 31. Verify that the portion of the west fence that is within the City right-of- way is allowed by identifying on the site plan the permit number of the fence. PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 32. The applicant must submit for a separate clearing and grubbing permit for the site in reference to the existing trees removal and replacement chart. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 33. Clarify what part of the building is existing and what part is proposed on the site plan, including square footage calculation. There IS an inconsistency m square footage figures for the proposed addition between the figure provided on the site plan (11,503 sq. ft.) and the figure on which the traffic study is based (11,652 sq. ft.). Clarify. 34. The following comments relate to Chapter 4, Section 7, Site Plan submission requirements: - Include height of building on the site plan drawing. - Provide height dimension for the chain link fence. - Provide an engineer's certification in writing that drainage will conform with all rules, regulations and codes of the City of Boynton Beach. - Identify the difference between the light pole and the light pole plus light. Provide a standard lighting detail including the height dimension. - Dumpster detail does not show gates. Dumpster must be fully enclosed (Chapters 4 and 9). - Indicate the proposed colors for the building addition on the elevation drawings. The color and materials of the addition should match the existing building (Chapters 4 and 9). Page 6 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT - Include location of site lighting on the site plan and landscape plan.. - Provide a dimension for the width of the entrance drives on the landscape plan and the site plan. 35. The following comments relate to Chapter 7.5, Article II, Landscape - Code: - Indicate the number of required trees which are native species. At least 50% of required trees must be native species (Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.4.5.). - Existing hedge on adjacent property to the north and south may be used to meet the landscape requirement provided the existing hedge meets all applicable standards of the landscape code. - A portion of the existing fence and hedge in the front along Industrial Avenue is shown outside the property line. All required landscaping must be provided on -site. - Indicate location of fire hydrants on the landscape plan. 36. Provide a 5 foot concrete sidewalk to connect with existing sidewalk along Industrial Avenue (Chapter 6, Article III, Sec. II) 37. Provide a note on the site plan indicating that all rooftop equipment will be screened from view at a minimum distance of 600 feet (Chapter 9, Sec. 11). 11SHRDATAIPlANNINGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIPOLY PLASTIC PACKAGINGILST REVIEW COMMENTS. DOC 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS File # MSPM 00-002 with a DEPARTMENTS PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: 1. All utilities easements all be shown on the recti ed landscaping drawings so that ut' . ies may determine which ees may interfere with utilities. In gen aI, palm trees will be the 0 y tree species allowed within utility asements. Canopy trees m be planted outside of the easement that roots and branches wil not impact those utilities within the ease ent in the foreseeable futur LOR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilit' s the authority to remove an rees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-or way. Compo P policy 3C.3.4. requires the conse~on of potable water. City ater many not, therefore, be used ~rrigation where other s ces are readily available. 2. 3. Provide an engineer's ritten certification that drainage will conform to all rules of the Ci nd the South Florida Water Ma gement District. (LOR Chap. 4. c. 7F). Note that Industrial Ave e currently has a substandard ainage system, and cannot accept dditional stormwater flows. Pr isions must therefore be made for taining all stormwater for the -year, 72-hour storm on-site, or proy,'tling positive outfall to a cana or rainfall exceeding the pretreatme requirement. (LOR C pter 6, Art. IV, sec.5). Please submi evised calculations to monstrate this design requirement. Utilities Department will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. 5. LOR Chap. 6, Arti IV, Sec. 16 requires that points on each building will be ithin 200 feet of an exist' g or proposed fire hydrant. Please dem strate that the plan meets t s condition, by showing all hydrants 6. kflow preventers will be require on the domestic water service to t e building, and the fire sprinkle line if there is one, in accordan with Sec. 26-207. M {}~r2-- --- INCLUDE x 2000 Plannin REJECT Page 2 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 DEP ARTMENTS 7. FIRE 9. 11. POLICE ,.yCilding pe~' for this project ~ha not beZ!'ssue until Utilities /~:~rtment h approved the pIa for the w er and/or sewer improvement required to serve the p oject. (Sec. 5-15) The waste stream from all manufacturing processes must meet the City's pretreatment requirements. A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of such a waste stream. (Sec. 26-143, 26-147) Comments: ~o 6art of the str~re may bf"nore than 200 fe/rom 0Yd~'JPR A fire flow test is required. LDR 6-16 The siaQ!"ese connectio for the sptinkler si>tem wjll be no more than 150 feel from a hydr t. BBCCf9-3 and fj.6 / Entry gates must have approval for type and operation from Fire Marshal prior to installation. BBCC 9-15 Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 13. 14. 15. 16. INCLUDE x x x REJE Page 3 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 DEPARTMENTS B plans ate 17. e post sign per pe of 18. he e 19. On the site and paving & drainage plans show the dumpster having gates for screening purposes. [LDR Chapter 9, Section 10.E.] INCLUDE REJECT Show a five foot sidewalk along E. Industrial Avenue within the X limits ofthe site with a six inch thick section through the driveways. [LDR Chapter 23, Article ILP.] '""Dn thedemolition plan clarity the dlspositiun o~ St::l v iet! linp~ Chapter 9, Section lO.C. specifies that "unloading and loading areas y shall be screened from streets and public view by a buffer wall or continuous vegetative buffer". Provide a satisfactory resolve to the I code. 23. ndard h- ~' Comments: 26. Add to the building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents the location of the handicap accessible entrance door to the area that is titled new office area. Show and label the same door on the floor plan drawing. 27. Add to the drawing titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and delineates the path of travel of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking spaces and the accessible entrance door to the building. Add text that would indicate that the label represents the accessible route and the route is designed in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide Page 4 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT detailed documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 28. Within the site data found on sheet C-I, identify the proposed finish floor elevation of the new portions of the building (lowest floor elevation). Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications and notes to the site data that address the following issues: a) From the FEMA map identify the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. Ifthere is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans. b) As the design professional-of-record for the project, state within the site data that the proposed floor elevation is above the highest 100- year base flood elevation applicable to the building site, as determined by the South Florida Water Management District's surface water management construction development regulations. [Section 3 107.1.2, Chapter 3 1 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code] c) Identify the appropriate finish floor elevation within the footprint of the building that is depicted on the floor plan, site plan and civil drawing 26. Add the following site lighting notes to the site plan drawing: State that the locations of the site lighting poles are conceptual. a) State that the site lighting will be evaluated for code compliance at time of permit review. b) State that the proposed site lighting fixtures will illuminate the site consistent with the specifications identified in the Parking Lot Code. c) Identify the overall height dimension of the site lighting pole and fixture. (Note: The overall height of the pole/fixture shall not exceed the height limitations of the Zoning Code.) 27. On the proposed site plan drawing, identify the symbol that represents the property line. 28. Add to the site data the number of stories in the new portions of the building. Within the footprint of the building that is depicted on the floor plan, indicate the number of stories in each portion of the new addition. 29. Below the drawing titled Floor Plan that is found on sheet A-I, add text that would indicate that the room layout shown on the floor plan is conceptual. 30. At time of permit review, identify on the site plan the actual setback Page 5 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE dimension from the leading edge of the north and south face of the new building to the north and south property lines. Please note that overhang, covered walkways, canopies or awnings are considered when setbacks are identified. Add to the site plan the awnings that are shown on the elevation view drawing. Also, dimension the distance the awnings extend out from the building. The building setbacks shall comply with setback regulations specified in the Zoning Code. 31. Verify that the portion of the west fence that is within the City right-of- way is allowed by identifying on the site plan the permit number of the fence. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: ".------ 32. The applicant must sulJrnit for a separate clearing and grubbing permit ....---ro"dhe";,Ttelrireference to he existing trees removal and replacement -~ ) chart. I PLANNING AND ZONING / rev'~dv 1/1'3 g 33 ft' Clarify what part of the building is ex' ting and what p is proposed on ~ the site plan, including square otage ca\culaf n. There is an .t"' . nconsistency in square footage gures for the proposed addition ..,X' ,\' between the figure provided on the site plan (.1--, sq. ft.) and the "~J fi~ure. on which the trafficst dy is based (l1,6~ ft.). Clafi-fly. ~ f<elil S e, -fu, '. Jlu.~.' . ' . '. . ' 34. The following comments relate to Chapter 4, Section 7, Site Plan bmissi~l1~r,9}~i!'~me~ ~l~ Incltid~'erghtt6rbuSdi~g on the site plan drawing. ~ .' v- \f- o REJECT Page 6 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 35. \X <0 ~X 0- V 1:\SHRDA T AIPLANNTNGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIPOl Y PLASTIC PACKAGrNGI I ST REVIEW COMMENTS.DOC (/z I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I dimension from the leading edge of the north and south face of the new building to the north and south property lines. Please note that overhang, covered walkways, canopies or awnings are considered when setbacks are identified. Add to the site plan the awnings that are shown on the elevation view drawing. Also, dimension the distance the awnings extend out from the building. The building setbacks shall comply with setback regulations specified in the Zoning Code. 31. Verify that the portion of the west fence that is within the City right-of- way is allowed by identifying on the site plan the permit number of the fence. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 32. The applicant must submit for a separate clearing and grubbing permit ~ for the site in reference to the existing trees removal and replacement chart. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 33. Clarify what part of the building is existing and what part is proposed on the site plan, including square footage calculation. There is an inconsistency in square footage figures for the proposed addition between the figure provided on the site plan (11,503 sq. ft.) and the figure on which the traffic study is based (11,652 sq. ft.). Clarify. 34. The following comments relate to Chapter 4, Section 7, Site Plan submission requirements: - Include height of building on the site plan drawing. - Provide height dimension for the chain link fence. - Provide an engineer's certification in writing that drainage will conform with all rules, regulations and codes of the City of Boynton Beach. - Identify the difference between the light pole and the light pole plus light. Provide a standard lighting detail including the height dimension. - Dumpster detail does not show gates. Dumpster must be fully enclosed (Chapters 4 and 9). - Indicate the proposed colors for the building addition on the elevation drawings. The color and materials of the addition should match the existing building (Chapters 4 and 9). Page 2 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 nrcL ~ I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I 7. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until Utilities Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 8. The waste stream from all manufacturing processes must meet the City's pretreatment requirements. A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of such a waste stream. (Sec. 26-143, 26-147) ( ,- )~/! ~ d. ~ 7q 2- ~~C:;~d FIRE {/7~~V /~ ~t, a 1__ · Comments: 9. No part of the structure may be more than 200 feet from a hydrant. LOR ~ 6-16 ~ A fire flow test is required. LOR 6-16 / -------- / II. The siamese connection for the sprinkler system will be no more than 150 feet from a hydrant. BBCC 9-3 and 9-6 ~ Entry gates must have approval for type and operation from Fire ./ Marshal prior to installation. BBCC 9-15 POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 13. On the Site Plan add a general note that all plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WOO, DEP and any others, shall be included with the permit request. 14. Show the proposed lighting on site. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.] 15. Add an engineer's certification on the paving and drainage plans that the drainage will conform with all City rules, codes and Land Development Regulations. [LOR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.] 16. Add a general note to the site and paving & drainage plans that all striping, marking and signage shall conform to City Standard Drawing iage 2 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 1;}/ DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 7. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until Utilities Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 8. The waste stream from all manufacturing processes must meet the City's pretreatment requirements. A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of such a waste stream. (Sec. 26-143, 26-147) FIRE Comments: 9. No part of the structure may be more than 200 feet from a hydrant. LOR 6-16 10. A fire flow test is required. LOR 6-16 11. The siamese connection for the sprinkler system will be no more than 150 feet from a hydrant. BBCC 9-3 and 9-6 12. Entry gates must have approval for type and operation from Fire Marshal prior to installation. BBCC 9-15 POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 13. On the Site Plan add a general note that all plans submitted for specific ~ aUT permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WOO, DEP and any others, shall be included with the permit request. 14. Show the proposed lighting on site. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.] ~0T 15. Add an engineer's certification on the paving and drainage plans that the 6U{ drainage will conform with all City rules, codes and Land Development Regulations. [LOR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.] 16. Add a general note to the site and paving & drainage plans that all oVf striping, marking and signage shall conform to City Standard Drawing lage 3 Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 f tI~ ~J- )J- DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT B-9800 I and add the appropriate markings, etc. to the above referenced 0u-r plans 17. Add a $250.00 fine plate to the bottom of the handicap post sign per OJ\. City Standard Drawing B-9800 1. 18. On the paving & drainage plan specify the type of drainage pipe within (j 0-r ' the exfiltration trenches. 19. On the site and paving & drainage plans show the dumpster having gates OU~ for screening purposes. [LDR Chapter 9, Section 10.E.] ( ~ (~ Show a five foot sidewalk along E. Industrial A venue within the HJ, limits of the site with a six inch thick section through the driveways. [LDR Chapter 23, Article ILP.] 21. On the demolition plan clarify the disposition of the FPL service line. DUT. ~ ( 22. "Chapter 9, Section 10.C. specifies that "unloading and loading areas shall be screened from streets and public view by a buffer wall or HJ - continuous vegetative buffer". Provide a satisfactory resolve to the code. 23. Correct the typical Section Drain (Sheet C-3) to details of City Standard Drawing B-91 007. ()LJ7. 24. Drainage calculations showing length provided of 3 07 ft. is not correct. 25. New fence and gate cannot be constructed in right-of-way. OUT. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 26. Add to the building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents the location of the handicap accessible entrance door to the area that is titled new office area. Show and label the same door on the floor plan drawing. 27. Add to the drawing titled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and delineates the path of travel of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking spaces and the accessible entrance door to the building. Add text that would indicate that the label represents the accessible route and the route is designed in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide ~_. 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Project name: POLYPLASTIC PACKAGING File number: MSPM 00-002 Reference: 1 st Review, Maior site plan modification. and Zoning Department date stamp marking u~ File # MSPM 00-002 with a Januarv 1 L 2000 Planning I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS .r-. - s: 'NONE ( UTILITIES >/ .,/ 0....' tJ ~ ents: X'(J)/ ~ All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that utilities may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-or way. ~ Compo Plan policy 3C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable water. City water many not, therefore, be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available. ~ Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap. 4. sec. 7F). Note that Industrial Avenue currently has a substandard drainage system, and cannot accept additional stormwater flows. Provisions must therefore be made for retaining all storm water for the 3-year, 72-hour storm on-site, or providing positive outfall to a canal for rainfall exceeding the pretreatment requirement. (LDR Chapter 6, Art. IV, sec.S). Please submit revised calculations to demonstrate this design requirement. @ Utilities Department will not require surety for installation of the water ~ and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. X LDR Chap. 6, Article IV, Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. 1() Appropriate blackflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec. 26-207. Page '1. Poly Plastic Packaging File No.: MSPM 00-002 I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ~ A building permit for this project shall not be issued until Utilities Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) tP The waste stream from all manufacturing processes must meet the City's ~ pretreatment requirements. A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of such a waste stream. (Sec. 26-143, 26-147) FIRE Comments: 9. No part of the structure may be more than 200 feet from a hydrant. LOR 6-16 10. A fire flow test is required. LOR 6-16 11. The siamese connection for the sprinkler system will be no more than 150 feet from a hydrant. BBCC 9-3 and 9-6 12. Entry gates must have approval for type and operation from Fire Marshal prior to installation. BBCC 9-15 POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 13. On the Site Plan add a general note that all plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with the permit request. 14. Show the proposed lighting on site. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.B.] 15. Add an engineer's certification on the paving and drainage plans that the drainage will conform with all City rules, codes and Land Development Regulations. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.F.] 16. Add a general note to the site and paving & drainage plans that all striping, marking and signage shall conform to City Standard Drawing DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 00-057 TO: Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning and Zoning Administrator Michael E. Haag, Building Code AdministratO~5i . ~ February 29,2000 \ Poly Plastic Packaging - Major Site Plan Modification (MSPM 00-002) 2nd review comments FROM: DATE: RE: We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in compliance on the working drawings submitted for permits: Bundin!! Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) 1. As the design professional-of-record for the project state, within the site data, that the proposed floor elevation is above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the building site, as determined by the South Florida Water Management District's surface water management construction development regulations. [Section 3107.1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code] 2. Before permit review, submit a current survey of the subject site. 3. At time of permit review provide detailed drawings and documentation on the plans that will verify the accessible route that is shown from the accessible parking spaces to the accessible building entrance is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. The documentation shall include, but not be limited to, identifying the type of material proposed for the route, type of surface finish, width, cross slope, slope and length of the entire accessible route including, where applicable, landings, ramps and handrails. Building Division Memo No. 00-053 Re: Poly Plastic Packaging-Major Site Plan Modification (MSPM 00-02) 2nd Review Comments February 29, 2000 Page Two 4. At time of permit review specify, in tabular form, on the site plan and/or floor plan the proposed use of the facility, type of construction and occupancy classification of all portions of the building. The building area, occupancy classification and type of construction shall comply with the specifications identified in the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code including the City of Boynton Beach amendments to the Standard BuildingCode. Working drawings of the building shall comply with the codes specified in Chapter 20 of the Land Development Regulations. 5. Permit fees, water and sewer facility fees, Fire and Life Safety fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. 6. Permits are required to construct the improvements that are shown on the approved site plan. Permit application forms are available in the Building Division of the Development Department. A permit submittal checklist is available in the Building Division. The list identifies the basic documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an applicant submits for permit review. S:\Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\MSPM 00-002 2nd review Poly Plastic Packaging.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-012 TO: FROM: TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Lee Thompson, Police Chief Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Michael Haag, Building Division Ken Hall, Engineering Division Larry Quinn, Public Works Department John Wildner, Parks Division Jack Casler, Acting City Engineer Michael W. Rumpf ' ~ ~ t' Director of Planning and zoni7 DATE: January 14, 2000 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - Major Site Plan Modification Project Poly Plastic Packaging Location - 510 East Industrial Avenue Agent - Robert E. Fetrow - Gator Engineering . File No. MSPM 00-002 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments or e-mail to JoAnn Alea and I no later than January 25. 20005:00 P.M. on When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories; code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Lusia Galav, or myself. 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. Page 2 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me. The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted or e-mailed to JoAnn Alea and I for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum or e- mail. Scott Barber will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members. MWR:jma Attachment XC: Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Marshall Gage, Police Department John Guidry, Utilities Director Don Johnson, Building Division Larry Roberts, Public Works Director Central File J:ISHRDA TAIPLANNINGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIPOL Y PLASTIC PACKAGINGI1 STREVIEW-PLANS.DOC YV)<PrVI oo"'oeiL iDV" '~'l~-~ r;o ~.-. u ~'- I' if f .............-,.-..~... 1'.' '! 1" ,Ji,/ APR, 3 !'~ !'ead ?iIte ~e4e<<e ~--~" ........~,,,..... -~. FLOW TEST 0-,~~ heA ..... Request Date 2/8/00 Company' Gator Engineering Requested From Bob Fetrow 7289 Garden Road #104 Telephone Number' 561-841-9990 West Palm Beach, FL 33404 Facsimile Number' 561-841-9991 Location 510 E Industrial Avenue * DIAGRAM * (Include direction street names hydrant locations intersections and main sizes) I 510 i I H#8 Polyplastics N E Industrial I New I Ave Ilo... H#O Construction ,.. Hydrant 1 Hydrant 2 Static Reading 64 psi Flow Reading 42 psi = 1091 gpm Residual Reading 52 psi Assign Date 2/10/00 Test Date 2/10/00 Tested By' FF III Woznick Time Tested 1430 hrs AVAILABLE GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL 2,199 gpm Testing lab 01 the Palm Beaches, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL * ENVIRONMENTAL* CONTRACT DRILLING * CONSULTING ENGINEERING * TESTING * INSPECTIONS SFWMD USUAL CONDITION TEST Client: Gator Engineering Services, Inc. TLPB File No............: 99/130-1 Date Test Performed: 12/29/99 Project Location: 510 East Industrial Ave. Boynton Beach, FL Performed by............: BB/TR VCT #1 LOCATION By Client DEPTH 0.0'-2.0' 2.0'-5.5' 5.5'-10.0' SOIL DESCRIPTION Dark Gray fine sand (SP) Dark Brown fine sand (SP) Brown fine sand (SP) Average Q = 5.7 g/m End of Auger or Water table = 6' 0'" @ "0.5" hours KJV = 4.3 X 10-4 cfs/ft2 - ft head The test procedures were conducted in general accordance with the latest South Florida Water Management District Regulatory Criteria Usual Condition Test Procedures. The water table depth is the distance for the ground surface to the water table before the addition of water. Hole diameter: Depth of Hole: 6 inches 6 feet Rl:c I Iwp61 Idri199\99/130-1. ucl Respectfully submitted, TESTING LA OF THE ~ES, INC. BY PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES THROUGHOUT SOUTH FLORIDA SINCE 1961 421 50. "H" 5treetP.Q. Box 211. LakeWortb. Florida 33460 Phone 1561\ 585.7515 Fax (561\ 585-7622 Testing lab 01 the Palm Beaches, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL * ENVIRONMENTAL. CONTRACT DRILLING * CONSULTING ENGINEERING * TESTING. INSPECTIONS SFWMD USUAL CONDITION TEST Client: Gator Engineering Services, Inc. TLPB File No............: 99/130-1 Date Test Performed: 12/29/99 Project Location: 510 East Industrial Ave. Boynton Beach, FL Performed by............: BB/TR VCT #1 LOCATION By Client DEPTH 0.0'-2.0' 2.0'-5.5' 5.5'-10.0' SOIL DESCRIPTION Dark Gray fine sand (SP) Dark Brown fine sand (SP) Brown fine sand (SP) Average Q = 5.7 g/m End of Auger or Water table = 6' 0'" @ "0.5" hours K,v = 4.3 X 10-4 cfs/ft2 - ft head The test procedures were conducted in general accordance with the latest South Florida Water Management District Regulatory Criteria Usual Condition Test Procedures. The water table depth is the distance for the ground surface to the water table before the addition of water. Hole diameter: Depth of Hole: 6 inches 6 feet Rlc I \wp6 t \dri199\99/130-1.uct Respectfully submitted, ::STING L~a;::s, INC. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES THROUGHOUT SOUTH FLORIDA SINCE 1961 (;J<L- J'~ ( .~ ~G- ( . &<::Y" (YlQ.- <; fj...1c ~ ~c ((ffu-&~c !1gTY/O 1-' {L-~~K c v ~'0 +{ ( C'- f<7c-~:"f At,.. ~" CI $ ~~ ~ c'" -P ~/' ;-:::;':-0::'5 0-- n Y'l v~1 /'(\S jP0:=. '6~.. .... - ~-0e c('~_...,,, ~ L/ - r;Ct..,:> f.:... -I- 5~r 0 f f,Lfl1~~fc... /~-4 - E~~"& ~/1S&-~5 - ~~'~f Con %(y,<"'-4J" S"r~ CYn- 0~~",. bc;:A.s~ /, ~ 1J \ 1 ~ ' ~ v l". ~,1 /.;' - #e- - 'fc::::,,-G-~TY7(j..,' ~ /)1 hq~d~<:;VS ,\=1.-. - 3'(OO'<\.&~"6 <:tn~ ~~,f){2~ o'f -fL-~f(s - VGn-{tL{~-hClV\." 1fi:C- ft of La (ue ne.. -. ~ in n4!.-r ? f- .s-rr~?~ _Pr~lfr Ac.e.;~fe- _r'Y~=n~ ( /P 7((~ In K Sfjd--(tw..- 0';( - ;:..- j d 0' .. J ~ ; ill .1 L n J ~ha.+ ~ .j :1 J "1' ~ '<- "'f)",=;~~'~" f ,,~ (?n :m-5J" .C!...Ui'Ce...V1T ~ - C 0'0VV"\ P {; <:j". <i1 C-<::;... r -;;-10- (' C-<:/Yrl (1 ~.;.. -r, <-e e,k ;s-fl 7/ Co'n&~ 'Il~r - 5 l' (, ~ e... (;"" ((/ J-jS--oo MIeJr- ~v~ f tJ.l1 flfAltc. ~.~ . ; z (]~....--, Clt} ~d bn - G?r~ ~(J~~d. ~ - ~ t l-:.J 1to.:J ~ hu .AX' (,u~ 0.- -0.~ tfflfrtir ~ -~~~<!.L ~ but - , ~ ~1u-(!k f(L~J r~ l1JACkAaA fOJ.4-- ~ - <() c. ~ -l- &!f2.L~t e f~tr..Dk (!) (I ~~h~ - QJ.~ ~u f'2t.~ - ~ln~~ Ids+-2.kt>l~ f I ~b~~ )Ad~pf 6{)- 002- ./WI S ~ ().()-- OO() MEMORANDUM VTILITIES DEPT NO 00 - 23 ...~.~~^ ~--..-.-- ,~. ~ ~ I \ fU ,-" '_.~ I 0 ) r.. '._,_:'! I j I~. I I ~l .., I "'! ; 1 1:1. FEB . I L!i' - , 2000 . J TO' Mike Rumpf, Planning Director John A Guidry, Utilities Direct~ January 31, 2000 ~l FROM. -.J ~G AND G DEPT. DATE SUBJECT Poly Plastic Packaging Major Site Plan Modification - 151 review We offer the following comments on this project: GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utilitIes easements shall be shown on the rectIfied landscaping drawmgs so that we may determine which trees may mterfere with utilIties In general, palm trees will be the only tree specIes allowed within utilIty easements Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future LDR Sec 7 5-18 1 gives public utilitIes the authonty to remove any trees that interfere with utility serVIces, either m utIlity easements or public rights-of-way 2) Comp Plan policy 3C 3 4 requires the conservation of potable water City water may not, therefore, be used for irngation where other sources are readily available 3) Provide an engmeer's written certification that dramage will conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management DIstnct. (LDR Chap 4, sec 7F) Note that Industrial Avenue currently has a substandard drainage system, and cannot accept additional stormwater flows. ProvlSlons must therefore be made for retaming all stormwater for the 3-year, 72-hour storm on- site, or provIdmg positive outfall to a canal for rainfall exceedmg the pretreatment requirement. (LDR Chapter 6, Art. IV, sec 5) Please submit revised calculations to demonstrate this deSIgn requirement. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) This office will not require surety for mstallation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and gIven to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy 2) LDR chap 6, Article IV, Sec 16 reqUIres that all pomts on each buildmg will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condItion, by showmg all hydrants 3) Appropriate backflow preventers will be reqUIred on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec 26-207 4) A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements reqUIred to serve the project. (Sec 26-15) 5) The waste stream from all manufactunng processes must meet the City's pretreatment requirements A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of such a waste stream. (Sec 26-143, 26-147) Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office JAG/PVM Xc Skip Milar Peter Mazzella File DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO 00-021 TO Michael W Rumpf, Dlfector ofPlanmng & zo~\/ John A. GUIdry, Intenm DIrector of Engmeermg \ ~ January 26, 2000 FROM. DATE RE POLY PLASTIC PACKAGING (MSPM 00-002) MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 1 On the SIte Plan add a general note that all plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the CIty'S code reqUIrements at tIme of applIcatIOn. These permIts mclude, but are not lImIted to the followmg' SIte lIghtmg, pavmg, dramage, curbmg, landscapmg and lITIgatIOn. PermIts reqUIred from other permlttmg agencIes, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded WIth the permIt request. 2. Show the proposed lIghtmg on SIte [LDR Chapter 4, SectIOn 7.B ] 3 Add an engmeer's certIficatIOn on the pavmg and dramage plans that the dramage wIll conform WIth all CIty rules, codes and Land Development RegulatIOns. [LDR Chapter 4 SectIOn 7.F ] 4 Add a general note to the SIte and pavmg & dramage plans that all stnpmg, markmg and sIgnage shall conform to CIty Standard Drawmg B-9800 1 and add the appropnate markmgs, etc to the above referenced plans 5 Add a $25000 fine plate to the bottom of the handIcap post SIgn per CIty Standard DraWing B- 98001 6 On the pavmg & dramage plan speCIfy the type of dramage pIpe wlthm the exfiltratIOn trenches, 7 On the SIte and pavmg & dramage plans show the dumpster havmg gates for screemng purposes. [LDR Chapter 9 SectIOn 1 O,E ] 8 Show a five foot SIdewalk along E Industnal Avenue wIthm the lImIts of the SIte WIth a SIX mch thIck sectIOn through the dnveways. [LDR Chapter 23, ArtIcle H.P] 9 On the demolItIOn plan clarIfy the dISposItIOn of the FPL servIce lme 10 Chapter 9, SectIOn 10 C speCIfies that "unloadmg and loadmg areas shall be screened from streets and publIc VIew by a buffer wall or contmuous vegetatIve buffer" PrOVIde a satIsfactory resolve to the code 11 Correct the tYPIcal SectIOn Dram (Sheet C-3) to details of CIty Standard Drawmg B-91007 EngIneenng Department Memoranu....n No 00-021 Re Poly PlastIc PackagIng Major SIte Plan ModIficatIOn 1st ReVIew Comments January 26, 2000 Page Two 12 DraInage calculatIOns shOWIng length provIded of 307 ft. IS not correct. 13 New fence and gate cannot be constructed In nght-of-way Ifthere are any questIOns please contact Jack Casler CIvIl EngIneer at 742-6282 or Ken Hall at 742-6283 ~~ &,00 J-- l/ JAG' KRH.JHC/ck C''u\1y Documents\Poly Plastic Packaging Major Site Plan Mod. 1st Rev .doc /'1/',,;5 fh1 DO/DO" CITY (,. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO MIchael Rumpf FROM Ofc M, Lane DATE SUBJECT REFERENCES ENCLOSURES 01/24/00 FILE 1 st RevIew of Poly PlastIc Packagmg Mr Rumphf, I've looked over the sIte plans for the Poly PlastIc Packagmg Plan ModIficatIOn, They do meet wIth State and CIty code and there are no comments or recommendatIOns from the polIce department at thIS tIme FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No 2000-6 ct.' . .f ',t'- .... J!~ . ! ' NFPA Life Safety Code 101, National Fire Code 1, all applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to TO FROM Mike Rumpf, Director Planning & Zoning D/C Gale /' / / Fire & Life safety~ January 24, 2000 rr- .=~ i In , '! 5 ; .,~!) DEPT. DATE SUBJECT MSPM 00-002 Poly Plastic Packaging 510 E Industrial Ave No part of the structure may be more than 200 feet from a hydrant. LOR 6-16 A fire flow test is required LOR 6-16 The siamese connection for the sprinkler system will be no more than 150 feet from a hydrant. BBCC 9-3 and 9-6 Entry gates must have approval for type and operation from Fire Marshal prior to installation BBCC 9-15 Project may go forward with the above comments cc File , I DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO 00-024 JAN ? 15 TO Michael Rumpf, Plannmg and Zomng DIrector I ..v [Mr~ Michael E Haag, BUIldmg Code Admmlstrat~~ January 27, 2000 U }Crj-J -.0..-. { i f FROM DATE RE Poly Plastic Packaging - Major Site Plan Modification (MSPM 00-02) 1st review comments We have revIewed the subject plans and offer the followmg comments that shall be addressed pnor to the project bemg forwarded for Board reVIew' Buildine Division (Permit & Site Specific Comments) - Michael E. Haae (561) 742-6352 1 Add to the bUIldmg that IS depIcted on the drawmg tItled site plan a labeled symbol that represents the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance door to the area that IS tItled new office area. Show and label the same door on the floor plan drawmg. 2 Add to the drawmg tItled site plan a labeled symbol that represents and delmeates the path of travel of the accessible route that IS reqUIred between the accessible parkmg spaces and the accessible entrance door to the bUIldmg. Add text that would mdlcate that the label represents the accessible route and the route IS desIgned m comphance wIth SectIon 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 46 (Parkmg and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the Flonda Accessiblhty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. Please note that at tIme of permIt reVIew the apphcant shall prOVIde detaIled documentatIOn on the plans that wIll venfy that the accessible route IS m comphance WIth the regulatIons of the Flonda Accessiblhty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. 3 Withm the site data found on sheet C-l, IdentIfy the proposed fimsh floor elevatIOn of the new portIons of the bUIldmg (lowest floor elevatIOn) Venfy that the proposed elevatIOn IS m comphance WIth regulatIOns of the code by addmg speCIficatIOns and notes to the site data that address the followmg Issues. a) From the FEMA map IdentIfy the tItle of the flood zone that the bUIldmg IS located wlthm, Where apphcable, speCIfy the base flood elevatIOn. If there IS no base flood elevatIOn, mdlcate that on the plans. b) As the deSIgn professIOnal-of-record for the project, state wlthm the SIte data that the proposed floor elevatIOn IS above the hIghest 100-year base flood elevatIOn apphcable to the bUIldmg SIte, as determmed by the South Flonda Water Management DIStnCt'S surface water management constructIOn development regulatIons. [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edItIon of the Standard BUIldmg Code] c) IdentIfy the appropnate fimsh floor elevatIOn wlthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg that IS depIcted on the floor plan, SIte plan and CIVIl drawmg. BUIldmg DIVISIon Memo No 00-024 to MIchael Rumpf RE Poly Plastic Packaging - Major Site Plan Modification - 1 st review comments January 27, 2000 Page Two 4 Add the followmg SIte lIghtmg notes to the SIte plan drawmg a) State that the locatIOns of the SIte lIghtmg poles are conceptual. b) State that the SIte lIghtmg WIll be evaluated for code complIance at tIme of permIt reVIew c) State that the proposed SIte lIghtmg fixtures WIll Illummate the SIte consIstent WIth the speCIficatIOns IdentIfied m the Parkmg Lot Code. d) IdentIfy the overall heIght dImenSIOn of the SIte lIghtmg pole and fixture (Note' The overall heIght of the pole/fixture shall not exceed the heIght lImItatIOns of the Zonmg Code. ) 5 On the proposed site plan drawmg, IdentIfy the symbol that represents the property Ime. 6 Add to the site data the number of stones m the new portIOns of the bUIldmg, Withm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg that IS depIcted on the floor plan, mdIcate the number of stones m each portIOn of the new addItIon. 7 Below the drawmg tItled Floor Plan that IS found on sheet A-I, add text that would mdIcate that the room layout shown on the floor plan IS conceptual. 8 At tIme of permIt reVIew, IdentIfy on the site plan the actual setback dImenSIOn from the leadmg edge of the north and south face of the new bUIldmg to the north and south property lInes, Please note that overhang, covered walkways, canopIes or awnmgs are conSIdered when setbacks are IdentIfied. Add to the SIte plan the awnmgs that are shown on the elevatIon VIew drawmg. Also, dImenSIOn the dIstance the awnmgs extend out from the bUIldmg. The bUIldmg setbacks shall comply WIth setback regulatIOns speCIfied m the Zomng Code. 9 Venfy that the portIOn of the west fence that IS wIthm the CIty nght-of-way IS allowed by IdentIfymg on the SIte plan the permIt number of the fence, MER bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \DevelopmentlBuilding-6870\Documents\TRCIMSPM 00-002 1 st review Poly Plastic Packaging.doc ./hAs f Yk l)()- 6)tb) LEISURE SERVICES. PARKS DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO Michael W Rumpf Director ofPlannmg & Zonmg FROM. John Wildner, Parks Director r RE. POLY PLASTIC PACKAGING DATE January 21 2000 Jr/- I have no comments on the above-named proJect. This project should contmue m the normal review process JW\bal f'. -~ ;/ /: D[p If) ~ " r~\ \ \, \ \ : ~ ~ ' -1/V15 (N\ co ODd Parks Division Memorandum- TRC To Mike Rumpf, Director ofPlannmg and Zomng ~tr From. Kevm J Hallahan, Forester I EnvironmentalIst Subject Poly Plastic Packagmg Major Site Plan ModIficatIOn -1 st Review Date January 21 2000 1 The applIcant must submit for a separate cleanng and grubbmg permit for the site m reference to the eXIstmg trees removal and replacement chart. The project should contmue m the normal review process KJh FIle ~>-'> '.~ ~ [;l_ rn,J~ " ;., .'.-""- JAN 2 , 2000 r~ if n' .,)D .' .., T. -i PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #00-019 TO Mike Rumpf, Director ofPlanmng & ZOlllng VIA, Chnstme Roberts, Intenm Pubhc Works Director FROM Mark A. Lips, Forman III DATE January 20,2000 SUBJECT 1 st Review - Project - LocatlOn - Agent - Flle No - Major Site Plan ModlficatlOn Poly Plastic Packagmg 510 E. Industnal Ave. Robert E. Fetrow- Gator Engmeenng MSPM 00-002 The Pubhc Works Department has no comments or ObjectlOns to this project at this time, We recommend this proj ect to go forward, If you have any questlOns please contact me at (561) 742-6200 --p-~ ML/dc Attachment f!. i~ll (' JAN ? U )noo ,": 1 __~ ,...,j ; AND c 0 EPT. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 99-012 TO' TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Lee Thompson, Police Chief Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Michael Haag Building Division Ken Hall, Engineering Division Larry Quinn, Public Works Department John Wildner, Parks Division Jack Casler, Acting City Engineer Michael W Rumpf J,~ ~ Director of Planning and zoninq FROM DATE. January 14, 2000 RE. SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - Major Site Plan Modification Project - Poly Plastic Packaging Location - 510 East Industrial Avenue Agent - Robert E Fetrow - Gator Engineering File No MSPM 00-002 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments or e-mail to JoAnn Alea and I no later than January 25.20005.00 P.M. on When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories, code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval 1 Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments 2 The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Lusia Galav, or myself 3 Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents Page 2 4 Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements 5 When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified 6 If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process All comments shall be typed addressed and transmitted or e-mailed to JoAnn Alea and I for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum or e- mail Scott Barber will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members MWR.jma Attachment XC Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Marshall Gage, Police Department John Guidry, Utilities Director Don Johnson, Building Division Larry Roberts, Public Works Director Central File J:\SHRDA TAIPlANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTSIPOL Y PLASTIC PACKAGING\1 STREVIEW-PLANS.DOC 'Jl 0 -< Z -I 0 Z \)J [TI )> ~ \ I \)J I < ::1 -'\2 00 7\)--< I~ "T\ )> C'l --1 ;:j;8 I 7:;0 ~ f"T\~ !II 0'0:;;;,-" :::; =iI f"T\~I~ --1 r [Tl--1 ~QO 2Ll'II'1 >"""':jZ Z~O ~tz <1llf"TI, mS~ :;;; '0' :E~~ r=\I1 I '-1' \P~~ iTlZ)> >G"' ~~III B S;~ 7'J [Tl iJ 07'JIZ 11;1"',0 \;"--\ >(jf11 ~~~ 00 Xnf11 ?J \.J"\ QlIT".J"\ XO:-i" " I >~ --1, , o \' )> -\ o Z :;:: )> v -.....z 16~"";; 111 <>001 ~ a~n~ ~ q;~d , ~, ~ HE ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ Q " " (' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" 2- :] e ~ Ji '" ,.~ ~ ~ p gg; --1 Ie 7'0 ;r',O 3:S 7ciC -<~ ,~ ~--\ ~o ,,,,f'T1 IJS:: -<~ :;;;!l; >Z -<0 -< :y o E. !I\JDUST,~IAL ~o f>Av,::-- -"oN, \ \ \ \ 1\ \ I \ II I 1\f " \ I \ II 0;0\ ~~ ~~ ., k iGkT OF 232 - v.> IV "" ::::i. ; l ~ .('~ ~.~T.~b6 ao.c' \ ~ ~.~~ ~~ o ~e: AC ;~ CP o V' -I M " \PC\ r O:::j )> ~-< Z -\~ (',",--I Zl, 'Jl [T1 )> n J: ___z N ~" ~i -...~~~ ~ ~~~~~!~~~ ~~i:~_~~ D ~~~i~~~~~ ~~m~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~" ~~~~~2l F ~~~~~._~c .' .~.<:; c; ~,~'"~~~~ ~~~t.~~~ "i ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~::"' - ~~~~g~I~' "'c' ~ Olj~. ~'~ 0< ~;~~'B . ~ '" ~~~ ;~ ~ ~s~ ~~ t ~ c. ~~ ~ ~- ~ ~ .:;;: 8~ 8' ~~ ~~~~ ,i Es!i ~6~ s~ ~ > o2f ~5 >~;1~.~ ~ ~~ ~Sj ~~ B~~~ ~J ~~ ~~ ~~:~ ~~ B~~~ i~: i~ '- .~~ 8, k' g~~- ~~ ~lb~ ~8 ~s~~ ~~ ~~ ,~ ~:~~ ~~ ~~~" ~~ ~~ ~" ~.~~ ~~ ~,~g g~ e~ , c~ ~ c ~e' ~t ~8 tii~ ~"~E 8 ~"~~ ~~~. -~ ~~I~ : ~ii: ;~ ~i ~ ~c~ ~ ~~~, ~ ~ 5 ~~~ C ~~~~ ~ ;) -h ~ ,~~~ ., SO-' c ~ ~~' ~ !u,.i. ;!i exl~T, F.F ~'f a.. .Xl:Je ~. ~"~ ~~~~ ~ ,~ , j ty~1 f)(,H ('1" a. .20_04 '-ONG. ~~ 250.00 ~.~~ ~; ~- --1 2-70 ~~t> !j~1:' ~2----1 (i<~I> "- !,!~ ~' 7'0 7' o ~ 8-~ b~2 ~8~ ~ _.. ~ b. \.......-"M!:~T 'VW L-INE OF 5.1',J....JtJt- I I I II' I ~ 1 I I I SEA.BOARD AIRL-.II\E RAILROAD II1I · 111111' IIII! I j 1111111111111111111' III 1111 I11I1 PROJECT: POLY PLASTlG PAGKIN0 GO 510 EAST INDUSTR'-",L AVE. BOYNe-ON 5U.::'H. FL. TITLE: GA TOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, INe. SITE PLAN r*~~ ;;~U illil l;sI. ~~~~j ~I~~: ! I 181E9YC01J'YlIi"_ MI....-.sPIVlIC8V 1NS[]j000c.l>ll:01IVDll:G1 ...- 7289 GARDEN ROAD, WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33404 PH (561) 841-9990 FAX (561) 841-9991 ~CllOlT~f(fIlOW sr~J[ Cf fl.OllI),I. <V"ICAJ[NO,I'E~J LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT "A" POLY PLASTIC '1111~Ull 11-1 .611l~']'- t-------~ ':'" I T '- ......i""-'-J..J ,~" - r - tl I II JIf1I1IDj -- _ _, _...... /" r'""; r-;' ~ .... RI= t--- f I I II I . " ',;T'11' ~f-+:J ~ R ,_ ~ t-"-~ 1 _ _ ~ . _ -.... I '-L-'. E ~. 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