AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Meeting Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Meeting Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office ~ March 21 2000 D April 4, 2000 D April 18, 2000 D May 2, 2000 March 8, 2000 (5'00 p.m.) o May 16, 2000 D June 6, 2000 o June 20, 2000 o July 5 2000 May 3 2000 (5'00 p.m.) March 22, 2000 (5'00 p.m.) May 17 2000 (5'00 p.m.) April 5 2000 (5'00 p.m.) June 7 2000 (5'00 p.m.) April 19 2000 (5'00 p.m.) June 21 2000 (5'00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative ~ Consent Agenda o Public Hearing D Bids o Announcement o Development Plans o New Business D Legal o Unfinished Business o Presentation RECOMMENDA nON Please place the request below on the March 21, 2000 City Commission Agenda under Consent - Ratification of Planning and Development Board action. The Planning and Development board with a unanimous vote, recommended approval subject to all staff comments. For further details pertaining to this request see attached Department of Development Memorandum No PZ 00-059 EXPLANA TION PROJECT POLY PLASTIC PACKAGING, INC AGENT Robert E. Fetrow, Gator Engineering OWNER. Poly Plastic Packaging, Inc. LOCA nON 510 East Industrial Avenue DESCRIPTION Request for major site plan modification to expand the existing industrial facility by 11,503 square feet, to a total of 26,711 square feet and related site improvements. PROGRAM IMPACT FISCAL IMP ACT ALTERNATIVES. ent o~velopment Director U ~~ .x:!Jdc.v '<- M 11<'-', ,Zuj.< f1~ Planning and Zonin Director City Manager's Signature City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources 1 ISHRDATAIPLANNlNGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIPOL Y PLASTIC PACKAGJ;\IGIAGENDA REQUEST FOR CC 3-21-00 .DOC 6.A.2 POLY PLASTIC PACKAGING NEW SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 00-059 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION March 9, 2000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name Poly Plastic Packaging Property Owner' Poly Plastic Packaging Company, Inc. Applicant/Agent: Robert Fetrow, Gator Engineering Services Inc. Location 510 East Industrial Avenue in the Boynton Industrial Park File No. MSPM 00-002 land Use Plan Designation Industrial (I) Zoning Designation M-1 Industrial District Proposed use Manufacturing (processing of plastic film to print bags for packaging) and warehousing Number of Rooms N'A Square Footage Site Area. 6,054 square feet (1 75 acres) Building Area EXISTING Manufacturing - 8,066 square feet Warehousing - 7,142 square feet Office - 0 square feet*' TOTAL EXISTING -15,208 SQuare feet ADDITION Manufacturing - 6,000 square feet Warehousing - 3,931 square feet Office - 1,407 square feet TOTAL ADDITION -11.338 SQuare feet TOTAL. Manufacturing - 14,066 square feet Warehousing - 11 073 square feet Office - 1,407 square feet TOTAL BUILDING AREA -26,546 SQuare feet *' The existing 822 square footage office area will be removed as part of the demolition plan Page 2 Memorandum #00-059 Surrounding land uses and Zoning District: (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) Existing Site Characteristics Proposed Development: Concurrency North - An unidentified multi-tenant warehousing facility, zoned M-1 South - Stor-AII storage facility (under construction), zoned M-1 East - Seaboard Airline Railroad ROW, farther east Interstate 95 ROW West - East Industrial Avenue, farther west car and truck repair and other repair service facilities (Vitae Services, Jim Brady Mobil Service and Truck Repair, Honda - Acura, Whittacker Truck Repair), zoned M-1 The subject property is a flat, previously developed, 1 75 acre lot. There is currently a 15,208 square foot building on the property, with a main section being a one-story warehouse The building is surrounded on the west and south by open paved areas, with raised concrete loading docks located at each side A concrete ramp and platform extend along the east side of the building There is a small structure housing electrical equipment and two metal tanks on a concrete-covered area on the north side of the building There are currently two entry drives from East Industrial Avenue The property is enclosed by a chain link fence which currently encroaches past the property line at the south-west side of the site (encroachments are to be corrected with site modifications) There are several existing trees and palms including Acacia, Mahogany and Black Olive The owner is proposing to add manufacturing, storage and office space to the existing facility In compliance with Chapter 2, Section 8.A.3, of Land Development Regulations, the intensification of the existing use required the completion of the Environmental Review process (ER File No 00-001), which is underway To complete the process and obtain the Environmental review permit, the applicant must comply with conditions specified in respective documents issued by the Building Division and Fire Department, to ultimately ensure that the types and volumes of hazardous materials handled on site are consistent with all applicable codes a. Traffic - A traffic study for the project has been submitted Prior to final approval, staff must receive confirmation from Palm Beach County's Traffic Division regarding standards compliance b Drainage - Conceptual drainage information was provided for the city's review The city's concurrency ordinance requires drainage certification at time of site plan approval The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred to time of permit review, when more complete engineering documents are required Page 3 Memorandum #00-059 Driveways Parking Facility landscaping Building and Site Regulations Community Design Plan Signage RECOMMENDATION. On-site traffic circulation will consist of two (2) entry drive aisles with access to East Industrial Avenue The south drive aisle is 27 feet wide, and the north drive aisle is 29 feet wide The proposed vehicular use area will provide parking areas containing the required 9-foot by 18-foot spaces (all at a 90-degree angle) and two (2) loading spaces on the south side of the manufacturing/storage addition Required parking is calculated to be 49 spaces, based on square footage of the proposed uses The site plan meets this requirement. There are currently 30 parking spaces on the property, and 19 spaces will be added, bringing the total proposed number of parking spaces to 49, including 2 designated as handicapped- accessible The landscaping of the site will fully meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated, particularly by ensuring that the existing hedges on adjacent properties to the north and south, which may be used to meet the landscape buffering requirement, meet all applicable standards Several existing trees and palms will be removed and replaced with new trees, and the existing Mahogany tree will be relocated on the site to provide space needed for the proposed addition Building and site regulations will fully meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings. The proposed additions have been designed to be compatible with the existing structures. They will receive metal siding and a stucco finish matching the existing buildings, surface treatments and colors will be typical of industrial warehouse type facilities The selected new windows will be treated with a green canopy Generally, the proposed improvements will enhance this predominantly industrial use area. No freestanding or wall signs are proposed at this point. When the signage is proposed, a separate submittal to the Planning and Zoning Division will be required Staff recommends that this request be approved, subject to the comments included in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc: Central File S:IPlannlngISHAREOIWP\PROJECTSIPOL Y PLASTIC PACKAGINGISite plan staff report PolyPlastic. doc -- :7----.. ....... ,...../' ..;r" ~~ .,;. -' '" ./ /' .:- ~/' .. ,.- - ... - - ... - .... \ ... 'Y''' .. .,........ t ,. r;....--~ EXHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP POLY PLASTIC i _J / PUt:) UDl bL B~tGHT LACE" I + I i 1 I I I I 0 1/8 Ii Of. 1111 'I .: \::, 0 400 800 FE~T 1/ I' \ PL.ANNIN If 3~2cotJ - r 1;< ::( z .... o z ~ ; ~ i ~ \ II \jl r < V 2~~~ ~~J'I.;; ..,~8' S~~~ ~O~~ '""~ 'v 1"", ",'J~" - -:r ~~=~ ~ r- oJ'f'T"._ ~?~i? > ~~~~ . ",0 ~~i;; ?\S~ :l: oJ' oJ'- <-~ <~m i"'" r oJ' v-- O:G'~ "'Z> "'~~ "'''' ~- -oJ' '" '" o H+""-I! ,~" Ilr ~ '2i~~I~il ~=~'HBS j("T1 \) 1- ~g~~ ~ I!.,~ i i i :0 ~ H ~ r p (j\ " '~~If, ~ I' ~8qj ~-i I ~Ec .~ ("T1':' .!e~~! !!!.~ 11 ; r I Z,.. e~J ,.. . .' ~. b l i $, 1/''0 ~ ~~eS~U. ~";5~r ~ ! i ~ E :i Si.;(~S ~~~-... : I' ~ ~ U~. ' 2 " e ! ~ " i ~ ~ S2~~.ij ~ ,. (Ce ~ - ~~~ i: ... --0: I ~I !j :j ~! : E ! I" i-;-' I~ .::! Ii ! ,~ f' i !...-LJ L: I i i r " . -! :: .. - ~: ::J . < ---:1 ~. I JIl: J' f 'f .. f . . 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I I I I I I I . i J I I I ! I t Ii! I 'I'. I II t I J : I I 1'1 I I I I' t r I i I! I I I ='.=:-" P:.-~:;i":' p;. _< .; __ I ~ .,:, :: ~:; - ~;= _':' -~ ~ _ ~ E , ~:Y~~"'=r ~:: _,.- =_ , ; -------- C4.TOR E\CI\EERI\ C 5ERl ICES !\C ,'-1'" ','If! j!i:!Ji r ca' ,"!": ,HJUI I,j!,'. I .. J1 /;,;;., ! !.l .....;: ;:,. 72B9 CARDE.:V ROAD WE.~T P~LJ{ BDCH FL 33..04 fH (S6l) 841-9990 F~X (S61) 841-9991 \ t;;l o -< z z~ i~~ tf::r~ l;;;> E> r ... ?o 7'< m >< I - -..--... ---..... _.._..~ - -H '- - -.-- .....~ ...~...:;..._. - - EXHIBIT "e" CondItIOns of Approval PrOject name POLY PLASTIC PACKAGING File number MSPM 00-002 Reference' 2nd Review. MaJOr site plan modIficatIOn. FIle # MSPM 00-002 with a February 22. 2000 Plannmg and Zoning Deoartment date stamp markmg. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. NONE UTILITIES Comments 1 UtIhties Department wIll not reqUIre surety for mstallation of the water and X sewer utIhtIes, on conditIOn that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter IS set. Note that settmg of a permanent water meter is a prereqUIsite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy 2 The waste stream from all manufactunng processes must meet the City'S X pretreatment reqUIrements. A samphng pomt must be provided to allow momtormg of such a waste stream. (Sec. 26-143, 26-147) FIRE Comments. 3 Prior to signing off of a rectified plan, a fire flow test IS required. LDR 6-16 X 4 Entry gates must have approval for type and operation from Fire Marshal X pnor to mstallation. BBCC 9-15 POLICE Comments. NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION 5 Show a five-foot sidewalk along E. Industnal Avenue Within the limits of X the site With a six-inch thick section through the driveways. [LDR Chapter 23, Article n.p] or obtam Sidewalk Waiver 6 Dramage calculatIOns showmg length provided of 307 ft. IS not correct. X BUILDING DIVISION 7 As the design profeSSIOnal-of record- for the project state, within the site X data, that the proposed elevatIOn IS the above the highest 100-year base Page 2 Poly Plastic PackagIng FIle No MSPM 00-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT flood elevatIOn applicable to the buIlding site, as detenmned by the South Flonda Water Management Distnct's surface water management constructIOn development regulatIOns. [Section 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 editIOn of the Standard BUildIng Code] 8 At the time of permit review proVide detailed drawings and documentatIOn X on the plans that will venfy the accessible route that IS shown from the accessible parking spaces to the accessible bUildIng entrance is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for BUildIng Construction. The documentation shall include, but not be hmited to, IdentifyIng the type of material proposed for the route, type of surface finIsh, width, cross slope, slope and length of the entire accessible route includIng, where apphcable, landings, ramps, and handrmls. 9 At the time of permit review speCify, in tabular form, on the site plan and/or X floor plan the proposed use of the faclhty, type of constructIOn and occupancy classificatIOn of all portions of the buildIng. The buIldIng area, occupancy and type of constructIOn shall comply wIth the speCificatIOns identified In the 1997 edition of the Standard BuildIng Code Including the City of Boynton Beach amendments to the Standard BUildIng Code. Working drawings of the building shall comply with the codes specified In Chapter 20 of the Land Development RegulatIOns. 10 Permit fees, water, and sewer faclhty fees, Fire and Life Safety fees, County X fees and State fees will be determined at the time of permit review II Permits are required to construct the Improvements that are shown on the X approved site plan. Permit apphcation forms are available In the BuildIng DIVISIOn of the Development Department. A permit submittal checklist is available In the BuIlding Division. A list identifies the baSIC documents that the Plans Analyst checks for when an apphcant submits for permit review PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments. NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments 12 Clanfy what part of the bUildIng is eXistIng and what part IS proposed on the X site plan, Including square footage calculation. There IS an inconSistency In square footage figures for the proposed additIOn between the figure prOVided on the reVised site plan (11,338 sq ft.), the figure on which the traffic study IS based (11,652 sq ft.), and the numbers for the eXistIng square footage of manufacturIng, warehOUSIng and office prOVided In Environmental ReView Permit ApphcatlOn (and those of 1993 Environmental ReView). ReVise Page 3 Poly Plastic PackagIng File No MSPM 00-002 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT traffic study 13 Include maXImum heIght dImension of buildIng on the sIte plan draWIng X (Chapter 4, SectIon 7, SIte Plan submIssIOn reqUIrements) 14 IndIcate the proposed colors for the bUIldIng addItIon on the elevatIOn X drawings. The color and materials of the addItIOn should match the existIng bUIldIng (Chapters 4 and 9; Chapter 4, SectIOn 7, SIte Plan submIssIOn reqUIrement). 15 IndIcate the number of required trees whICh are native specIes. At least 50% X of reqUIred trees must be natIve species (ComprehensIve Plan PolIcy 4 4.5 ) 16 EXIStIng hedge on adjacent property to the north and south may be used to X meet the landscape requirement provIded the existIng hedge meets all applIcable standards of the landscape code (Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, Landscape Code) 17 IndIcate and label locatIOn of fire hydrants on the landscape plan. (Chapter X 75, Article II, Landscape Code. 18 PrOVIde a 5 foot concrete sIdewalk to connect with eXIstIng sIdewalk along X Industnal Avenue (Chapter 6, ArtIcle III, Sec II) or obtaIn sidewalk waIvers. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS NONE X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS To be determined. nSHRDA T A\PL~G\SHARED\WP\PR01ECTS\POL Y PLASTIC P ACKAGII'G\l ST RE\1EW COMMENTS.DOC