CORRESPONDENCE G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTRIWPICORRESPITransICity-Afar2.doc SiRDed ~..a'J ~ ~ Todd 1. der, E.I. Copy to GWW KMR LJR MCS Engineering Planning and Environmental Consultants the abandonment pieces highlighted. In addition. please find enclosed two (2) copies of Resolution No.R-76-802 from O.R.B. 2586 page 1378. the Warrantv Deed between Wal*Mart Stores East. Inc. and Mr. Bill Winchester. the Trustee's Deed. and the Ouick-Claim Deed. Should vou have anv auestions or comments. please feel free to contact this office. Thank vou. Jose: Please find enclosed two (2) copies of the revised Boundary Survey (Full Size & llxl7) with Remarks These are transmitted as checked below: I:8J For your use D Approved as submitted D Resubmit D copies for approval D As requested D Approved as noted D Submit D copies for distribution D For review and comment D Returned for corrections D Return D corrected prints 2 1/27/00 1 Revised Boundary/Survey (Full Size & 11 x 17) 2 1/27/00 2 Resolution No. R-76-802 2 1/27/00 3 Warranty Deed 2 1/27/00 4 Trustee's Deed 2 1/27/00 5 Quick-Claim Deed Description No. Date Copies D Specifications D Change D Samples D PrintsIPlans We are sending you I:8J Attached D Shop Drawings D Other: the following items: D Under separate cover via Fed Ex Priority Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 PH:561/742-6260 Wal*Mart-Boynton Beach (E), FL Store #2789-00, NewSC Winchester Site 4 digit code 1217 047153079 L(2002) E(2072) File Date: January 27, 2000 To: Mr. Jose Alfaro Transmittal 601 21 st Street, Suite 400 Vero Beach, FL 32960 TEL 5611562-7981 FAX 5611562-9689 IIIIII"'I-n KimleY-tl>. ~ _ ,._~ and AssociaL",;;, Inc. ~;C "l.6~ FTL:6057S6;J FHl6&3199:1 THE INFORMATION CONTA.INED IN tHIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS ATTORNEY PRIVILl;:GBO AND CONFIDENTIAL INfORMATION INTENDED ONL l' FOR nIB USE OF THE INDMDUAL OR E},"TITY NAMED ABOVE. IF l'HE READER OF THIS MFSSAGB IS NOT mE INTENDED l\F-Clj)jF.NT. YOU ARE HEREIlY NQ'!'JFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DrSTRlBUTlON OR COpy OF THIS COM:MUNlCA nON IS STPJcrL.. Y PROHIBITED IF YOU HAVE RECEIVBD THIS COMMUNtCA nON IN ERROR. PLEASE lMM6DLATELY NOnFY 1)S BY TELEPHONE (II' LONG DlsrANCE. PLEASE CALL COLLECT) ANP ReTURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US ATTIJ:EABOVE ADDRESS VIA TH:Bli.S. POSTAL SERViCE. THA,NX You. j I COMMENTS: FAX NO.: COMPANY: (561) 742-6259 (501) 273-4107 (561) 562-9689 Mit;:baeJ Rumpf Tim Cribb and Tim Rogers Kevin Roberson and Todd Howder TO: If there are any problems or complications, please notify us immediately at (954) 764-6660. (Including this Cover Page) 3 NUMBER OF PAGES: ld3r" (}~'- . r'-" l~ \..\\007 II .~ l'l~ I -,,\ ' lo..',. \.!) -- 19583-0049 Boynton Beach FILE NO.; Susan P. Motley FROM: January 27, 2000 DATE: FACSIMILE COVER SHEET (954l 527-2.041;< FAX, (954' J3:H101~ SI'M@RUDEN.COivl A r (d< \J F ,S I~ T "W RUDEN MCOLOSKY SMITH SCHUSTER. & RUSSELL, RA. POST O"FIeE !lOX 1900 FORT LAUDERDAI.F. FLOIlIDA 33302 200 EAST BROIA'ARD 80ULEVARD FORT LI\l)DERD...lf, FlOR1vA 33JOl pa'ill' 1/ 3 n..fL9.~' _E ':? 6 44 9% 1'5613756 259 Sl'nt ~~:RUDEN M~CLOSKY 18FL . '-28-~0 09:3eaM FTL:6528i.S;1. FORTlAUDERDAlE. MIAMI. NAPLES. ST. PETERSBURG . SARASOT^ . TALLAi-L.o.,5EE . TAMPA. We;STPAlMBEACH Therefore, on behalf of Wal-Mart we must respectively refuse to provide any additional site improvements to an already heavily landscaped and aesthetically attractive site plan. I hope \.\ith this additional information that the Planning and Development Board will \Ulderstand our Right-of-way must have a public purpose anached to it in order tor the City to deny a requested vacation and justify retaining the right-of.,yay. There is no public purpose served by the retention of this right-of-way on the Wal-Mart property. This property should revert back to the successor to the owner of the property who pro\! ided this property to the govenlmental body without any compensation. As we discussed, the property subject to this vacation request was formerly owned by a predecessor ill title to Wal-Mart This property was dedicated to Palm Beach County and no compensation was received fi'om the County for such dedication. As a result of the annexation of this property into the City of Boynton Beach, this right-of-way became City right-of-way, Kevin Roberson and Todd Howder of Kimley-Horn bad i.nformed me some discussion took place at a recent meeting of the City's Planning and Development Board about Wal-Mart providing some additional site improvements because ofWal-Mart's request to the City to vacate certain right-of-way v.'ithin the Wal-Mal't property. You and I spoke by telephone about Wal. Mart's position on th.i5 jssue and I ofihed to express it in writing to you. Dear Mike: Re: Vacation oJ City (formerly CounlJ~ right-of~w(lY/Wf1I-j-lart Stores EQS~ Ilzc.lBoynton Bellch, FL Mr. Michael Rumpf PlatU1mg DirecLOr City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 J1afacsindle 5611742~6259 January 27, 2000 (954) $27-2412 FAX; (9541 33H01i SPM@RVOEN.COM .c. T ,., R 'I ,. Y:S A T I r. W RUDEN MCCLOSKY SMITH SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, RA. posr OFFice BOX 1900 FORT lAUDERDAL~, FLORIDA JJl02 200 EAST ElROWARO BOULEVAR.D FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33301 ~age 2/ 3 frq~644996~~6137562~9 -28-139 99:30'11'1 Sent b~:RUDEN McCLOSKY 18FL fTL:65l675" SPMlIs cc: Tim Cribb Tim Rogers Kevin Roberson Todd Howder RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCH~TER & RUSSELL, P.A. 1 (7r~,-~ ;J ,)4U3.m p, Motley Sincerely, position. If you have any questions or want any additional information from rue, please give me a call. January 27, 2000 Page 2 " ..P a 0;1 Ii! ::;,,::; fron 95476449~6?~6137~6259 -2s-~e ~9:3eaM Sent b~:RUDEN McCLOSKY lSFL