APPLICATION .' PROJECT NAME: WAL MART LOCATION: Northeast corner - Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Blvd. COMPUTER ID: Wal Mart\LUAR PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: LUAR 99-001 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Land Use Amendment/Rezoning AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER/APPLICANT: Keith Pelan, W AL MART Stores East, Inc. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Contact: J. Robert Bray PHONE: 561-562-7981 PHONE: 501-274-4000 FAX: 561-562-9689 FAX: 501-273-4107 ADDRESS: 6012pt Street, Suite 400 ADDRESS: 2001 SE 10th Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 Bentonville, AR 72712-6489 Date of submittal/Projected meetinl: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 1/15/99 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: Mail 30 days before P&D: ** 2/5/99 1 st Ad date: 2/26/99 2nd Ad date: 3/9/99 OUT/City Arty: 2/22/99 City Clerk/Fax: 2/24/99 TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 3/9/99 MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 3/16/99 1 st Reading: 4/6/99 2nd Reading: 4/20/99 COMMENTS: S:\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO ........._rt1 ........ - ,. ~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, January 13, 1999 047153.79(01) Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 . Suite 400 601 21 5t St~eet Vera 8eacn, Florida 32960 Re: Application for Annexation, Small Scale Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning Dear Mike: On behalf of the applicant, Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc, the contract purchaser of the subject property, we are enclosing the materials necessary to file applications for Annexation, Small Scale Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning. As we discussed, we have completed one application for Annexation, and one application for Land Use Amendment and Rezoning. The applications will be treated as one request, with two subject site areas included, The application fee check in the amount of$2,750.00 is based on: $1,000.00 for Annexation (5 acres or more) $1,000.00 for Rezoning (5 acres or more) $ 750,00 for Land Use Amendment (Up to 10 acres) Two (2) copies of the following are included herein: · Completed Annexation Application · Completed Land Use Amendment and/or Rezoning Application · Exhibit A - Legal Description of Area 1 to be rezoned only · Exhibit B - Legal Description of Area 2 to be annexed · Exhibit C - Map depicting limits of Areas 1 and 2 · Exhibit D - Subject Property Owners listing and property specifics · Exhibit E - Justification Statement · Agent Authorization · Owners Consent Forms · Copies of Latest Recorded Warranty Deeds · Contract for Sale and Purchase · List of Surrounding Property Owners within 400' of the subject property · Applicant's Affidavit for Property Owner's List · Signed and Sealed Boundary Survey · Traffic Impact Analysis for the Land Use Amendment which has been transmitted to Palm Beach County In addition, we have included labeled envelopes with postage, and the original map provided by the Palm Beach County Appraiser's office for determining the 400' surrounding property. . TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 561 562 9689 ......-~ ~-, , Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, I trust this infonnation is sufficient to begin your review. Please call me if you have questions or need additional infonnation. In our meeting on January 13, you mentioned that you were looking into the possibility of an expedited schedule for these applications, If the schedule will be different than that published, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4t\' \/,..-.,\ . ' \ L- ,~~-tl- Keith A, Pelan, AICP Associate KAP/kp Enclosures cc: DAM TEC Mr. David Blamer, Ruden McClosky Ms. Susan Motley, Ruden, McClosky Mr, Michael Schroeder, Schroeder & Larche Mr. Bill Winchester Ms. Laura Gersper Mr, Gary Wallace, KHA Mr. Kevin Roberson, KHA File G:\boynton\winchester\ wp\rumpftran,kap , A~~L1CATION ACCETABLE f'lA.TE' ~RECEIVED BY STAFF MEM. .~:' -/:;~ FEE PAID: 75~. ~ ~~ RECEIPT NUMBER: ;p" ) /~o; / CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section" below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION. /. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Wal-Mart Store #2789-00 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment Only _ x_c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): 4. Applicant's Name (person or Business entity in whose name this application is made): Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. Contact: J. Robert Bray Address: 2001 SE 10th Street Bentonville, AR 72712-6489 (Zip Code) FAX: 501/273-4107 Phone: 501/273-4000 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Contact: Keith Pelan Address: 601 21st Street Vera Beach, FL Suite 400 Phone: 561/562-7981 32960 (Zip Code) FAX: 561/562-9689 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee'H) Name: See attached Exhibit D Address: Phone: (Zip Code) FAX: 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent): Same as Agent *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) Contract Purchaser 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: Wests ide of Winchester Park Blvd. between Old Boynton Road & Boynton Beach Blvd./ Generally the northeast corner ot Knuth Hoaa ~ tloynton Bedch ~lvd. 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: See Attached Exhibi ts A & B 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 2 Area 1: Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/10Q) of an acre: Area 2: 32.37 acre 9.64 acre -(2. 01 Area 1: Current Zoning District: Ar e a 2: AG (City of Boynton Beach) AR (Palm Beach County) Proposed Zoning District: C-3 (all to be in Ci ty of Boynton Beach) Area 1: LR/C (City of Boynton Beach) Current Land Use Category: Area 2: CH (Palm Beach County) Proposed Land Use Category: LR/C (all to be in Ci ty of Boynton Beach) City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: Commercial Development/Retail 17. Developer or Builder: Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. 18. Architect: N/A 19. LandscapeArchitectUrban Resource Group, a division of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 20. Site Planner: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 21. Civil Engineer: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 22. Traffic Engineer: Kimley-Horn and Aasocia tea, Inc. 23. Surveyor: American Surveying Company of Tampa, Inc. II. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION The following materials shall be submitted in two (2) copies, unless otherwise indicated: (please check) ~. This application form. vb. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. _c. The following documents and letters of consent: v11} If the property is under joint or several ownership: a written consent to the application by all owners of record, v12} If the applicant is a contract purchaser: a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and v(3} If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: a copy of the agency agreement, or written consent of the applicant, and tJ fA (4) If the applicant is a lessee: a copy of the lease agreement, and the written consent of the owner, and Page 3 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON (5) If the applicant is a corporation or other business entity: the name of the officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said person has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation. ~ A sealed boundary survey of the subject parcel by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, dated not more than six (6) months prior to the date of submission of the application, at a scale prescribed by the Planning Department, and containing the following information: A computation of the total acreage of the subject parcel to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre. A tree survey, which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. (Also refer to Page 6, Sec. II h.(12) of this application if property is occupied by native vegetation.) This requirement may be waived by the Planning Director where found to be unrelated to the land use or zoning issues involved with the application. ~ A complete certified list of all property owners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county courthouse shall be furnished by the applicant, including a tax map showing placement of 400 feet boundary. Postage, and mailing labels or addressed envelopes must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge said list is complete and accurate. Notification of surrounding property owners will be done by the City of Boynton Beach. v1. A copy of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's maps showing all of the properties referred to in paragraph e. above, and their relation to the subject parcel. vii) ~) 03) An accurate legal description of the subject parcel. ~ A statement by the applicant justifying the zoning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitable for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. v< A comparison of the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which will include: /(1) A comparison of the potential square footage of number and type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under the proposed zoning or development. vl2) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. ~ Proposed timing and phasing of the development. Page 4 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON r(4) For proposed zoning of property to commercial or industrial districts, where the area of the subject parcel exceeds one (1) acre, projections for the number of employees. ~\~ (5) A compsiison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. For projects that generate move than five hundred (500) net trips per day, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted which complies with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, (a) For projects that generate two thousand (2,000) or more net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted to the City at least 30 days prior to the deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by the City's traffic consultant and Palm Beach County. The applicant shall be billed for the cost of review by the City's traffic consultant. (b) For projects that generate between five hundred (500) and two thousand (2,000) net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted at the application deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by Palm Beach County. However, if it is the desire of the applicant to utilize the City's traffic consultant for review of the traffic impact analysis prior to review by Palm Beach County, then the procedure and requirements outlined under item "a" above shall be followed. NOTE: Failure to submit traffic impact analysis in the manner prescribed above may delay approval of the application. ~ For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning. Water demand shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. v("7) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. Page 5 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON -Y~ (8) For proposed residential developments larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the lJroposed development shall be required where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning. _(9) At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Development Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with surrounding properties. The applicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well as proposals for mitigation of such nuisances and hazards. Such summary shall also include, where applicable, exclusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas, dumpsters, and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and service entrance, and specifications for site lighting. Nuisances and hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contained in the City's zoning regulations and the standards contained in the City's noise control ordinance. Also, statements concerning the height, orientation, and bulk of structures, setbacks from property lines, and measures for screening and buffering the proposed development shall be provided. At the request of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission, the applicant shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. /(10)At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Development Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit the following information: /(a) Official soil conservation service classification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. vlb) Existing and proposed grade elevations. ./(c) Existing or proposed water bodies. V"'"(d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreation facilities. V"'(e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required. ~~(11) For rezonings to planned zoning districts, the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. Page 6 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICA nON (12)Where conformance with the county's Environmentally Sensitiv'3 Lands Ordinance is required, an Application for Alteration of Environmentally Sensitive Lands (Environmental Impact Study) must be submitted to the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (copy to City) prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the Land Use Amendment and/or Rezoning Application to the City. III. APPLICATION FEES Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) 0Ne) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. ~-e AITAGt-tt50 CCf...)~ Fo~ s Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date V. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature of Authorized Agent Date Page 7 rt-.-. I I U':" OWNER'S CONSENT, AlITHORlZATION AND CERTIFICATION FORM We, the owners of the properties submitted for eoneideration in this application for Annexation, Land Uee Change, and Rezoning understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. We hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We hereby designate Kimley-Horn and Associates, and Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. as our authorized agent with regard to this application for A~exation, Land Use Change and Rezoning. ./-I/~ 9? Date o Bill R. i chester, as Tr tee ~~hi;~~ B111 R. inchester, Individually J - /1- 9g Date ~dL)uJ~ Elsie Winchester /-II-q1 Date MALL CORNER, INC., a Flo~ida corporat;on'k f ~I? ~11r- A ~J 'y: Bi 1 R. Winchester t : President / '-/ .f\; ?9 Date t-\t..~ Date J~c1;, - /L/I /'fJ --".." as TtJee gent: Date I - 12 -4"1 Kith A. pelan, AICP Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ~~ V ~+ it )LWk~ Date J- \(-ql (J:\7\CLIENTS\WINCHEST\WALMART\OWNERS.CON 0845-025 01/11/99 SJ) 01/14/99 THU 14:24 FAX 561 842 5697 KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL -h>~ VERO BEACH I4l 002 ~_n Kimley-Horn ~_~ ~ and Associales, Inc. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD\WINCHESTER BOULEVARD PROPERTY 047153.79 D=ccmber 1998 Revised January 1999 @ Kimley"Ham md A$50ciate,;. Inc, ./ 01/14/99 THU 15:30 [TX/RX NO 5917] '01/14/99 THU 10:27 FAX 561 842 5697 ~=~ KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL I4l 002 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS SEc.nON. PAGE INlRODUcnON .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 1 INVENTORY AND PLANNlNG DATA ..............................2 Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . 2 Planning Data ......................................... ' . , . 2 PROJECT TR.AFFIC ..... . . , . , . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 3 Trip Generation . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 3 Traffic Distribution . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , , . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC .............................,.,.....,.. 6 ASSURED CONSTRUCTION ........................... . . . . . .. . . .. 7 LEVEL OF SERVICE EY ALUATION .............................,. 8 Year 1997/1998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 8 Year 2002/2003 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . ' . , . . . . . . 8 Year 2015 ...............................".,.,.,..,'..'., 9 CONCLUSION ........................................,'....... 12 04715379-0199 Page i 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] 61/14/99 THU 10:27 FAX 561 842 5697 KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL 141003 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. LIST OF TABLES Iable..NlJ.., Il1ls eage 1 Trip Generation Comparison . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 4 2 199711998 AADT Link Analysis. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 2002/2003 (+5 Year) AADT Link Analysis. . . . . . .. . , . . . . 10 4 2015 MPO Model AADT Link Analysis. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 0471S~79-Ot5l9 Page ii 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] 01/14/99 THU 10:27 FAX 561 842 5697 KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL 141004 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. INTRODUCTION The study property is located between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road west of Winchester Boulevard. The site contains a total of approximately 40 acres. A portion of the site (9.64 acres) is c;:urrentIy in Palm Beach County with a land use designation of Commercial Heavy. The remainder of the site lies within the City of Boynton Beach with a Local RetaiVComrnercialland use designation. A land use change to a Local Retail/Commercial designation concurrent with annex.ation to the City of Boynton Beach is being requested for the 9.64 acres currently under the jwisdiction of Palm Beach County. Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. was retained to prepare a traffic impact analysis for the project for hoth current and proposed land use designations. lhis document presents the methodology used and the findings of the traffic analysis for the project. This traffic impact analysis was conducted in accordance with the Traffic Circulation Element of Palm Beach County. 04715379-0199 Page 1 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] 01/14/99 TIll! 10:28 FAX 561 842 5697 KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL 141 005 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, INVENTORY AND PLANNING DA TA Inventory Data The data used in this analysis were obtained from Palm Beach County and included: · 1997/1998 average annual 24-hour traffic volumes . Historic traffic count data . 2015 MPO FSUTMS Model Data . Roadway geometries Planning Data Development density for the approved land use designation was developed as specified by the Traffic Circulation Element of the Land Use Atlas Amendment requirements. The approved Commercial Heavy land use designation was analyzed at both 0.25 FAR (105,000 square feet) and 0.35 FAR. (147,000 square feet) as required by the Traffic Circulation Element. The proposed Local Retail/Commercial land use designation was analyzed at 40 percent building coverage, the maximum allowed under the proposed Boynton Beach land use designation and zoning. The Boynton Beach City Code allows struetw-es up to fOUT stories on land designated as Local RetaiVCommercial. However, plans for actual development of the property do not include multi-story buildings. 047JSJ79..()199 Page 2 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] 01/14/99 THU 10:28 FAX 561 842 5697 ~=~ KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL 141006 Kimley-Horn an~ Associates, Inc. PROJECT TRAFFIC TrIp Generation The trip generation potential for the approved and proposed land use designation traffic were developed based-on the trip generation ratell pub1i~hed by Palm Beach County. Peak-hour characteristics were based on information published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation, 6th Edition. The generation rates and results of the approved versus proposed trip generation comparison are presented in Table 1. The trip generation associated with the proposed land use designation will be greater than both the 0.25 FAR or 0.35 FAR trip generation associated with the approved land use designations, In order to present a conservative analysis, the radius of development influence (as specified in the Land Use Atlas Amendment Traffic Circulation Element) was based on the greatest net trip increase. Because the proposed land use designation was analyzed at the maximum allowable development intensity (approximately 40 percent building coverage), the greatest net trip increase occurs when the approved land use designation is at 0.2S FAR. Based on a net trip increase of 1,563 trips per day, a one mile radius of development influence was used to detennine the limits of the analysis area. 047IS379..{)199 Page 3 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] '01/14/99 THU 10:28 FAX 561 842 5697 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL 141 007 TABLE 1 BOYNTON BEACH BOULEV AlmIWINCHESTER BOULEV AIm SITE TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON Laad Use intensity Dally AM Peak Uour PM Peak Hour Trips Total In Out Total hi. DUE Appmved Duh'D:ttlon Trame Commercial Retail (@0.25 FAR). 105,000 s.r, 7,286 164 100 64 648 311 337 Pus-By Traffic 42.74% lll4 l!1 U II ill J.Jl W Net New External 4,172 94 51 31 371 178 193 Commercial Rcl:llil (@0.35 FAR)" 147,000 s.f. 8,991 201 123 78 810 389 421 P3$s-By Traffic 41. 79DA. 3m H II II .ll& ill m Net New External 5,234 117 7Z 45 472 2.%6 245 Prooosed Desi~.tinn Tl'lImc COnuDacial R.etail 168,000 d. 9,774 218 133 85 884 424 460 Pass-By Traffic 41.32% ~ ~ II II ~ ill. .1iQ Net New EXEerllal 5,735 118 78 SO 519 149 270 Net TrIp Inl:rease @ 0.2S FAR IS63 34 21 13 148 71 71 Net Trip Inl:rcase @ 0.35 FAR 501 11 6 5 47 Z3 25 Note; Trip generation WlIS c:alculllted using thc following data: Daily Traffic Generation Commercial Retail [p.B.C.] - Ln('l) = 0.625 Ln(X) + 5.98S Gt:ncrlll Office [p.B,C.] = Lnm = 0.756 Ln(X) + 3.765 AM PEak Hour Traffic Generation Commercial Retail [ITE 820] '" Ln(T) = 0.596 Ln(X) + 2.329 (61 % in, 39% out) General OffiCE [ITE 710] = In(T) - 0.797 Ln(X) + US8 (88% in, 12%out) PM PClIk Hour Traffic Generation Commercial Retail (ITE 820] = Ln(1) "" 0.660 Ln(X) + 3.403 (48% in, 52% out) General Office [lTB 710] = T= 1.121 (X) + 79.295 (17% in, 83% out) .. Development intensities are based on B parcel size of 9.28 acrcs. p:1n>Ir~.I[CQmpp"".MI)IrlD.-Zt'rl /IUIJ9 9..~1 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] 01/14/99 THU 10:29 FAX 561 842 5697 KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL l4J008 ~=~ Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. Traffic Distribution The extemaltraffic distribution was developed based on a review of the location of other existing and approved developments in the area. The distribution, by general direction, is summarized below: NORTH 27% sourn 20% EAST 23% WEST 30% The distributed external trips for the project were aasigned to the roadway network within the radius of influence. The assignment is based on estimated minimum travel routes and the available roadway network. 04715379-0199 Page 5 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] 01/14/99 THU 10:29 FAX 561 842 5697 KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL 141009 ~=n Klmley.Horn and Associates, Inc. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Background traffic was developed for three separate level of service analyses. Background traffic for the first level of service analysis was based on existing 1997/1998 average daily traffic volumes. These 1997/1998 average daily traffic volumes were then grown by five years (to 2002/2003) using historic growth data from Palm Beach County for the second level of service analysis. Background traffic for the third level of service analysis was taken directly from the most current approved Palm Beach County 2015 MPO FSUlMS model. Major project traffic was added to the year 2002/2003 volumes based on the table "Approved Development Traffic in West BoyntonlDelray Area" developed by Palm Beach County. The year 2015 model volumes already include the impacts from development of all properties within the area so no major project traffic was added. The 2015 model also includes the impact from development ofthe study property. Therefore, the 0.25 FAR (see Table 1) was subtracted from the 2015 model volumes before the proposed land use designation traffic was added. 0471 S3 79-0199 Page 6 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] 01/14/99 THU 10:29 FAX 561 842 5697 KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL 141010 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ASSURED AND PROGRAMMED CONSTRUCTION The existing number oflanes on each link analyzed was identified. A review of the Palm Beach County Five-Year Plan, as well as those improvements committed by the Florida Department of Transportation, was made to identify pertinent roadway improvements. The following roadway improvement is planned within the study area: La..wrence Road from Boynton 'Reach Boulevard to Gateway BOl1l~JaWf Widen to five lanes (construction to commence in FY 2000/200 1) A review of the 2015 model reveals that future plans oall for additional improvements to the following road segments in the study area: ~ton Road from ("..nngre.ql'l A venue to Ro}!I1iJ1n Bf".jll:~h 'Ro,u~ Widen to four lanes, divided Lawrence Road from Boynton 'Reach Roule"{aJ'd to Woolbright Rnad Widen to four lanes, divided 04715379..0199 Page 7 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] 01/14/99 THU 10:30 FAX 561 842 5697 KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL 141011 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and AssDciates, Inc. LEVEL OF SERVICE EVALUA TION YEAR 1997/1998 A link level of service analysis was undertaken for each of the significantly impacted roadway links within the one mile radius of influence. A significantly impacted link is defined as a link: carrying project traffic volumes greater than or equal to three percent of level of service "D" capacity of the roadway link. Table 2 shows the results of the level of service analysis for the proposed land use designation traffic added to Palm Beach County 1997/1998 AADT 1raffic volumes. All of the significantly impacted roadway links show level of service 'D' or better operation for the ex:isting 1997/1998 condition. YEAR 200212003 Table 3 shows the results of the level of service analysis for the proposed land use designation traffic added to the year 2002/2003 background traffic (developed from the Palm Beach County 1997/1998 AADT lraffic volumes). All of the significantly impacted roadway links show level of service "D" or better operation for the year 2002/2003 condition. YEAR 2015 Table 4 shows the results of the level of service analysis for the proposed land use designation traffic added to the year 2015 MPO FSUIMS model background traffic (developed as stated in the previous section). All of the significantly impacted roadway links show level of service "D" or better operation for the year 2015 condition. 04715379-0199 Page 8 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] 01/14/99 THlT 10:30 FAX 561 842 5697 ~=n ~ ~ ~ C"" Ill.... ="" ~~ ;~~ ~~~ ~~ oj;:: -g: =- ~ ~ III ~ ~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ... i:-= :is': 4 W1-'" ~!~ =:: E-< . C'. Q Gllll"1.1 i It 9 >>!::.e 1"1.1 ~ 'ti ... wE O"e &::E-< 1i ~ 1:: 41 IS .~ ~ t e .~ Q., Q., .. -< ",E-< ~~ p~ ~ ~ i ~.:l~ ~ ~ D i! ~Q {!. , rn ~ I U 4) >>- \QO:>- MM l _ Q\ I to-' r: - - KIMLEY-HORN WPB FL 14:1012 I I tn I . >: r-. . 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CONCLUSION lhis traffic: impact analysis demonstrates that the proposed change in land use designation for the study property between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road) west of Winchester Boulevard will result in acceptable levels of servic:e on all significantly impacted roadways within the radius of development influence. The proposed amendment change is in accordance with the Traffic Circulation Element and complies with the traffic standards in the County's Comprehensive Plan. 04715379-0199 Page 12 01/14/99 THU 11:32 [TX/RX NO 5912] EXHmIT A, Page 1 of 2 Legal Description of Area 1 - 32.37 acres Property within the City of Boynton Beach, Florida to be rezonedfrom AG to C-3. That portion of the following property lying West of WINCHESTER PARK BOULEVARD: Lot A and Lot B, Block 4, lying North of North Right-of-Way line of State Road No, 804 and Lot A and Lot B, Block 5, lying North of the North Right-of-Way line of State Road No. 804, PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO.8, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73: of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; TOGETHER WITH: THA T PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY LYING WEST OF WINCHESTER PARK BOULEVARD: The South 320 feet of Tract 42 of the SUBDIVISION OF SE Y4 SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; TOGETHER WITH: Tracts 45, 46, 49 and 50, of the SUBDIVISION OF SE Y4 SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and also described as the E Y2 of S Y2 of W Y2 of SE Y4 of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, LESS the North 20 feet of Tract 45 and 46 for road Right-of-Way; TOGETHER WITH: THA T PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY LYING WEST OF WINCHESTER PARK BOULEVARD: Tracts 43 and 44 ofthe SUBDIVISION OF SE 1,4 SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; TOGETHER WITH: The 25 foot road as shown on the plat of PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO.8, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying directly South of and adjacent to the South line of Tracts 44, 50, and the 30 foot vacated road lying between said Tracts 44 and 50 ofthe SUBDIVISION OF SE Y4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH: Tract 47, Less the North 20 feet thereof for road Right-of-Way, of the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST Y4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, TOGETHER WITH: The West 89,90 feet of the following described parcel: January 14, 1999, KHA 04715379(01) \\DOGBERTlYOLI \PROJECTlCADDIBOYNTONl WINCHSTR\5URVEYlExhibils.doc\d.Ib EXHIBIT A, Page 2 of 2 A portion of Tract 42 of the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST Y4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, ofthe Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS the South 320 feet and LESS the North 20 feet for road Right-of-Way and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said Lot 42; thence run along the East line of said Lot 42 on an assumed bearing of S. 01006'03" E., a distance of20 feet to a point of intersection of the South Right-of-Way of Old Boynton Road and the West Right-of-Way line of Winchester Park Boulevard as now exists, said point also being the PONT OF BEGINNING; thence continue S. 01006'03" E. along said West Right-Way of Winchester Park Boulevard a distance of243.08 feet; thence S. 89009'06" W., a distance of307.55 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 42; thence N. 01000'33" W. along the West line of said Lot 42, a distance of 124.60 feet; thence N. 89050'16" E., a distance of 139.90 feet; thence N. 01000'33" W., a distance of 127.53 feet to a point on the said South Right-of-Way line of Old Boynton Road; thence N. 89050' 16" E, along the South Right-of-Way line, a distance of 167.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH: That certain 30 foot Right-of- Way, as vacated by Resolution No. R-76-802 recorded in Official Records Book 2586, Page 1378, lying between a portion of Blocks 4 and 5 of PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO.8, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and that certain 30 foot road Right-of-Way lying in the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, all as more fully described as follows: BEGIN at the Northwest comer of Tract 42, as shown on the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST Y4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence Southerly, along the West line of Tract 42, a distance of 272.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel to be herein described; thence continue Southerly along the West line of Tracts 42, 43, and 44, as shown on said Plat, to a point in the South line of said Section 19; thence Westerly along said South line, a distance of30 feet; thence Northerly, along the East line of Tracts 50, 49, and 45, as shown on the aforesaid Plat, to a point of273,67 feet South of the South Right-of-Way of Old Boynton Road, a 40 foot road shown on the said Plat of Section 19; thence Easterly, a distance of30.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS and not including the South 20 feet thereof; LESS that portion thereof lying within the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-24 Right-of-Way; AND BEGINNING at the Northwest comer of Block 4, as shown on the PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO, 8, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence Southerly, along the West line of said Block 4, a distance of251 feet, more or less, to the North Right-of-Way line of Florida State Road No. 804 (West Boynton Road) as presently laid out and in use; thence Westerly along said Right-of-Way line, a distance of 30 feet; thence Northerly, along the East line of Block 5, as shown on the aforementioned Plat to the Northeast comer of Block 5; thence Easterly, a distance of30 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS and not including the North 35 feet thereof; LESS that portion thereof lying within the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-24 Right-of-Way. (Balance of property depicted on Exhibit C) January 14, 1999, KHA 04715379(01) I\DOGBERT\ VOL I \PROJECT\CADD\BOYNTON\ WINCHSTRISUR VEY\Exhibits,docldlb EXHffiIT B, Page 1 of 1 Legal Description of Area 2 - 9.64 acres Property to be annexed into the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for Land Use Change from Palm Beach County CH-Commercial Heavy to City of Boynton Beach LR/C, and rezoning from Palm Beach County AR to City of Boynton Beach C-3, Tract 51, of the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST 1;4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH: Tract 52, of the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST 1;4 SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, Also described as the South Y2 of the Southwest 1;4 of the Southwest 1;4 of the Southeast 1;4 of SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, LESS the West 15 feet thereof; and LESS that portion thereof lying within the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-24 Right-of-Way. (noted as Tracts 51 and 52, and as "Limit of Property to be Annexed" on Exhibit C) January 14, 1999, KHA 04715379(01) I\DOGBERT\VOLI\PROJECT\CADDIBOYNTONlWINCHSTRISURVEY\Exltibits.docldlb ..... - o ..... Q) C) ca D.. c:: 0 15 E .E c:: ~ Q) 0- e a.. "0 c:: m C> c:: C ~ - :::i :c en ~ ..... cu :.c Q) c:: ~ >< 3= W 0 <( ~ <.) <.) <.) <.) <.) iY iY iY iY iY ~ ~ ~ --l ~ ~ C"') <"'> C"') '? '? '? 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I- Exhibit E, Page 1 of 2 JUSTIFICA TION STATEMENT The property that is subject to this rezoning application consists of approximately 32 acres. It is located immediately west of Winchester Park Blvd., between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Blvd, The property is currently zoned AG - Agriculture, The future land use map for the City of Boynton Beach includes the subject property in an area recommended for inclusion in the LRC Land Use Category, Paragraph 7f of the City's Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan states: "These parcels have unique characteristics, since there are relatively few owners, the area is bounded by collector and arterial roads, and the area is adjacent to a regional mall and two community shopping centers. Consequently, the City should encourage intensive commercial development in this area." Concurrent with this application for rezoning, the applicant is requesting annexation and small scale land use plan designation change for a 9.64 acre parcel currently in unincorporated Palm Beach County, In support of this, paragraph 7g of the City's Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan states: "Those parcels along the north side of Boynton Beach Blvd. which lie to the east of Knuth Road should be annexed and placed in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and zoned C-3 Community Commercial." This information and surrounding development patterns justify this rezoning request. IMP ACT COMPARISON Development Yield - For the purposes ofthis analysis, the entire 42+/- acres has been included since the project is proposed for all inclusive development. Using strictly the zoning designations of the property which are currently Agriculture (both for the Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach parcels), the potential development is limited. Single Family homes are allowed on lots with a minimum size of 2.5 acres. The total yield for the property would be approximately 16 single-family units. Under the proposed zoning designation of C-3, the 42+/- acre property could be developed with up to 40% lot coverage and a building height of 45' or 4 stories, In a inaximum development scenario, it could be assumed that the site could yield a four story building containing retail on the first floor and office on the upper three floors. Because the maximum yield may require structured parking, the building coverage could be allocated to 25% for the office/retail building and 15% for a parking structure. A four-story building at a .25 FAR would yield approximately 1,7 million square feet. The balance of the site would then be available fbr parking. Although this may not be a practical development scenario, it is within the current development standards for the C-3 zoning district. Statement of Uses - The uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning would include those currently allowed in the City's C-3 zoning district. At this time, no C-3 permitted uses are proposed for exclusion. Timing and Phasing - The development as currently proposed would be built in one phase, Assuming that the rezoning request is approved in April of 1999, construction would likely commence in the fall of 1999 for completion in the summer of2000. Number of Employees - The proposed development would include employment of approximately 500 persons on multiple shifts, Traffic Comparison - Please refer to the traffic study prepared for Palm Beach County and submitted with this application, Exhibit E, Page 2 of 2 Water/Sewer Demand - The proposed development is expected to consume 18,574 GPD of water, and generate the same amount of wastewater. This is based on 5,310 GPD for the proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter (from use data available from similar stores) and 0.1 GPD/s.f. on the outparcels assuming 25% building coverage. Under existing zoning, the water and sewer demand would be approximately 350 GPD for each of the 16 potential dwelling units for a total of approximately 5,600GPD. The applicant is willing to commit to the provision of improvements to the water and sewage systems where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve the proposed development. Adequate water and sewer service has been verified with the City of Boynton Utility Department. OTHER REQUESTED INFORMATION Site Soil Conditions - The majority of the site is classified as Terra Ceia muck with the Pompano fme sands to the west. Both the eastern and western boundaries along Winchester Boulevard and Knuth Road respectively are in the Okeelanta muck. This information is taken from the 1974 Soil Survey for Palm Beach County, Florida, as prepared by the US Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. Site Grade Elevations - The existing site grades are generally around 15.0 NGVD. The proposed finished floor elevation for the proposed building is 17,0 NGVD, with corresponding grades in the parking areas and other site areas to accommodate drainage and site design requirements. Water Bodies - A wet detention pond is proposed to be constructed during development of the site. At the time of this writing, that pond is proposed to be located in the southwest comer of the site, Owner/Maintenance Provisions - The site is proposed to be owned by Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. The owner will be responsible for site maintenance. Prior to development of the subject property, a site plan along with the appropriate construction documentation will be reviewed by the City of Boynton Beach and relevant permitting agencies. This process will ensure that the project meets the development requirements of the City. END OF JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date: :fANI1ARy, I l<:tlter I, J. Robert Bray, Assistant Vice President of Real Estate ofWal*Mart Stores East, Inc., the contract purchaser of the subject property, hereby authorize Kimley-Hom & Associates, Inc" to act as our agent in the attached applications for annexation, land use change, and rezoning in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Owner: Owner's Telephone Number: (501) 273-4000 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1f/>r day of u..zY"\ , 1999 by J. Robert Bray, as Assistant VP of Real Estate ofWal*Mart Stores East, Inc.~are Corporation, who is (personally known to me) or who has produced . as identification and who did not take an oath. NOTARY PUBLIC: ~b2. ~" Signature, ~ Print Name: ~~\,(\Qu\ b, GOOl\a..n \ My Commission Expires: at; Y) /Cl003 G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\AGENT AUT.doc\dlb -rt..... I I W...... AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) S5 COUNTl OF PALM BEACH) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared Bill R. Winchester and Violet Klatt, as Trustees, who being by me first duly sworn, on oath depose and say: 1. That they are a majority of the Trustees of the Trust that is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to wit: Parcel lA as described on attached Exhibit. 2. That they desire annexation of Parcels II and IV to Boynton Beach, Florida and the re20ning described on the attached Exhibit. 3. That they have appointed Wal-Mart Stroes East, Inc. and Kimley-Horn and Associates to act as agent in their behalf to accomplish the above. 4. That as a majority of the Trustees of the Trust they are authorized to execute this Affidavit on behalf of the Trust and no further consents or authorizations are required. I//~.i~j- Jr kIr Violet Klatt, Trust e Sworn to and subscribed before 1999, by Violet Klatt, Trustee, and who . personally known to me. me this 1L. day of January, Bill R. Winchester, Trustee, I are My Commission Expires: \I otary Public, ~tate of Florida Jj \(!J.t.\41a- fr. ~(l~$~ Print Name of Notary Public ",....,,'. MIchael A. Schroeder RES W$~'f~~ tli COMMISSION 1/ CC507825 EXPI ~*~ ,: i FebnJat'/ 18, 2000 IJ: \ 7\CI.IENTS\WINCHEST\WALMART\AFFIDAVI.KLA 0845-025 sj 01/11 . .:J:~' l\OlIOOlTHR\l'lflO'lfAINlll&IlllANCi,INC, " ,Rf..'t\\,.. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 55 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared Bill R. Winchester, as President of Mall Corner, Inc., a Florida corporation, who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That Mall Corner, Inc. is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to wit: Parcel III as described on attached Exhibit. 2. That he desires annexation of Parcels II and IV to Boynton Beach, Florida and the rezoning described on the attached Exhibit. 3. That he has appointed Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. and Kimley-Horn and Associates to act as agent in the Corporation's behalf to accomplish the above. ~ ~ ~J!U! - A~ Bi 1 R. Winch ster ; Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of January, 1999, by Bill R. Winchester, who pre~iacd -as iQ8Rtifieatien I is personally known to me. ~o..o~~~ -- otary Public, S}&ts;.f F.lorida. ~( l ~ ~ ECL- A. H-~IZ:> f:1>...tte-) Print Name of Notary Public My Commission Expires: (J:\7\CLtENTS\WtNCHEST\WALMART\AFFIDAVI.MAL 08.5-025 ej 01/11/991 ~.-;S.'if..~~f~?J., Michael A. Schroeder f*1..Ji....r*l MY COMMISSION II CC5Q1825 EXPIRE ~:.~{Jf February 18. 2000 --r,i' OF "f:..<r,.... BOtlDED THRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE. IIIC. '.,...-' JAN-11-'99 10:02 ID: LAW OFFICES TEL NQ:407-241-0798 tl421 P03 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared Bill R. Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester, who being by me first duly sworn, on oath depose and say: 1. That they are the fee simple owners of the following described property, to wit: Parcel I as described on attached Exhibit. 2. That they desire annexation of Parcels II and IV to Boynton geach, Florida and the rezoning described on the attached Exhibit. 3. That they have appointed Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. and Kimley-Horn and Associates to act as agent in their behal f to accomplish the above. /1.RPi ~'1';k Bill R. Winchester ~flQ)~~ Elsie A. Winchester Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of January, 1999, by Bill R. Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester, who ~r6vlded I are personally known otary Public, Xte of Florida Jj I~ . . ~+te.Det>8'Y='J Print Name of Notary Public to me. My Commission Expires: ~w..~r~ Michael A. Schroeder (J: \ '7\CLIBNTS\WINCHBST\NAIJ(ART\AFFIDAVI .B&B 0845.025 sj Ol/ll/it!';'~"':;~ MY COMMISSION If GG507825 EXPIRES ~"~'~O'~ February 18, 2000 "1.~p.r::r,.~~~ BONDED THRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE, INC, AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared Judith L. Jocis, Trustee, who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That she is the contract purchaser of the following described property, to wit: Tract 52-1 - Property Control Number 00-43-45- 19-05-052-0010 and Tract 52-2 Property Control Number 00-43 -45 -19- 05-052 - 002 0, both of which are in Palm Beach County, Florida, are zoned AR and have a land use designation of CH. 2. That she desires annexation of the above-referenced property to Boynton Beach, Florida with a zoning designation of C-3 and land use of LRjC. 3. That she has appointed Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. and Kimley-Horn and Associates to act as agent in her behalf to accomplish the above. ~ JUd~TruL) Sworn to and subscribed before me this {( day of January, 1999, by Judith L. Jocis, Trustee, who pYovid~ ~ a~ -4.dPTlt: i ficati.on-+ is personally known to me. My Commission Expires: ",~-:r.~f~" f}}~\ Sandra A. Jeffery : .::J MY COMMISSION # CC583742 EXPIRE ..'<:" September 9 2000 , .",/99 60NDED THRU TROY FAIN',NSURANCE, INC, (J:\7\CLIENTS\WINCHEST\WALMART\AFFIDAVI.JOC 0845-025 sj AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared Michael A. Schroeder, Trustee, who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That the Trust of which he is Trustee is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to wit: Parcel II as described on attached Exhibit. 2. That he desires annexation of Parcels II and IV to Boynton Beach, Florida and the rezoning described on the attached Exhibit. 3. That he has appointed Wal-Mart Stores East, rnc. Kimley-Horn and Associates to act as agent in his behalf accomplish the above. and to I' I ~ ~~ ~schroeder, Trustee Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of January, 1999, by Michael A. Schroeder, Trustee, who pi:'o~rided ~~ idontification I is ersonally kno ./ me. (J:\7\CLIENTS\WINCHEST\WALMART\AFFIDAVI,SCH Name of Notary Public mv.I ppr; Sand... A. Jeffery f. 1* MY COMMISSION /I CC583742 EXPIRES - - . September 9,2000 o 8 4 5 - 0 2 5 s j 0 1 I 9 9) IOHDfD THflU TROY fAIN INSUIW<<:I:, INC. My Commission Expires: [99R9 ON XH/X~] 69:11 a~~ 66/t1/10 SCHEDULE '"A", tTEM 3 (CONTINUED) Case Number 98020S1~ 1 - ftl PARCEL I: BILL R. WINCHESTER. a/kta BILL RAY WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER. his wife PARCEL fA: BILL RAY WINCHESTER. an undivided 112 interest. and VIOLET KLATT, ERNEST ALFORD KLATT ~bd BILL R. WINCHESTER, as Special Trust~~s of The Revocable Trust Agreement Created By Ernest F. Klatt alkla Ernest Klatt dated May 18. 1990, an undivided 1/2 interest. PARCEL II: MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, as Trustee afTbe Trad 51 Land Tr-ust Agreement dated March 11,1998 PARCEL m: MALL CORNER, INC.. a Florida corporation PARCEL tv: MARlL YN RUTH SELVA. Truste~ of The Violet M. Selva Trust UIA dated tO/21/81. MJB Violet M. Selva PARCEL V: BILL R. WINCHESTER a/kla BILL RAY WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WtNCHESTEK. his wife and MALL CORNER. INC.. a Florida c:otporation Z9E-~ 9E/ZO'd ~IO-l _WOJ~ we~g:nl 88-,,[-uer [9999 ON XH/X~] 69:11 OllM 66/~1/10 L A w 'l E R g T I T L E I N S t1 R A N C !; c 0 R l' 0 R. A T I 0 N N A T :I ONA. r.. H E AOQOAR'I'ER. S R :I C H K 0 N O. V I R. GIN I A Schedule "A" Lartds PARCJ:;.t. 1:: TRAT PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING PROPE~TY LYI~G WEST OF WINCHESTER PARK BOULEVARD: Lot A and Lot S. Block 4. lying North of ~orth Right-of-Way line of state Road No, 804 and Lot A and Lot B. Slock s. lying No~th of the North ~ight-of-way line of State Road No. e04, PALM BEACH tARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8. accord~ng to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73: of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida: LESS that portion thereof lying within the Lake worth Drainage Oistrict Canal L-24 Right-of-Way. Tax Assessor's No, p~ 08-43-4S-30-01-004-00~O TOGE:niER WITH: THAT PORTION OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY LYING WEST OF WINCHESTER pARK BOULEVARD: The South 320 feet of Tract 42 of the SUBD!VISIoN OF SE ~/4 OF sECTION 19. TO~SKIP 45 SOUTK. RANGE 43 EAST. according to the plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 7. Page 19. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. ~lorida, Tax Ass@ssor's No. P~ OB-43-4S-19-05-042-o0~1 TOG.E:nl:ER WITH: Tracts 45, 4G. 4~ and ~O. of the sUBnrvISIoN OF SE 1/4 OF S~CTION 19. TOWPSHIP 45 soUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. acco~ding to the Plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 7. Page ~9. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florid~. and also described as the E 1/2 of S ~/2 of W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Section 19. Town~hip 4S South. Range 43 East; LESS the North 20 feet of Tracts 45 and 46 for road right-af-way: and LESS that portion of Tract 50 lying within the Lake Worth nrainage District Canal L-24 Right-of-~ay, Tax Assessor's Fo. PCN 08-43-45-19-05-045-0010 TOGETHEk WITH= THAT PORTIoN OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY LY!NG WEST OF WINCHESTER PARK BOULEVARD: PAGE 1 OF 4 ZSE-~ SE/EO'd ~lO-l _WOJ~ wev9:Ol 66-EI-uer [S9RS ON XH/X~] 6S:11 a~ 66/CI/IO ! N s L U R A ~ A N y C E S R s C o T R 2 p ~ o L ~ E A T t o N N A T ION A L R % C HMO k O. a E A D QUA R T ~ k S v I R a I N t A L~GAL DtSCRIPTIoN CO~INUED Tracts 43 and 44, of the SUBDIVISION OF SE 1/4 or SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP 4S SOUTH. RANGb 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book I. Page l~. of the PUblic Records of Palm Beach County. Florida: LESS that portion of Tract 44 lying within the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-24 Right-of-Way. Tax Ass~ssor's No, PCN 08-43-45-19-05-043-0010 ~ARC~L LA: Tract 47. LESS the North 20 feet thereof for road right-of-way. of the SUBDIvISrO~ OF SE 1/4 OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 4S soUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. according to the Plat thereof. recorded in Plat aook 7, Page 19. of the Public R@cords of Palm Beach County. Florida, Tax Assessor'~ No. peN OS-43-45-19-0S-047-0010 PARCEL II~ Tract 51. of the SUBDIVISION OF SE 1/4 OF SECTION 19. TOWNSYIP 4S SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. according ~o the Plat thereof. recorded in Plat Sook 7, P~ge 19. of the Public Re~ord5 of Palm Beach county. Florida. Tax Assesso~'S No. PCN 00-43-45-19-05-051-0010 PARCEL 11%: THE WEST 89.90 FEET OF TYE fOLLOWING DESCRIBbD PARCEL: A portion of Tract 42 of the SUBDIVISION OF SE 1/4 or StCT!ON 19. TOWFSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. according to the Plat thereof. recorded in plat Book 7. Page 19. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida, LESS the south 320 feet and LESS the North ~o feet for road right of way and being more particularly described as follows: PAGE 2 OF 4 2SE-~ SE/VO'd 110-1 _WOJ~ weVS:ot BB-El-uer [S9SS ON XH/XJ,] 6S: n 03J.L 66/f:TITO 1. A w y 1:: 1l S T I T L E I N 9 U R A N e 1!: c:: 0 ~ p 0 11. J\. l' I 0 !t N A 1" I 0 N A L 11 EA D Q t1 A k 't' E R S R I C H M 0 N D. v :r R G 1: N I: A LEGAL DESCRrPTION CONtINUED COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of sa~d Lot 42, thence run along the East line of S81d Lot 42 on an assumed bearing of South 01" 06' 03" East a distance of 20 feet to a point of intersection of the South right of way l~ne of Old Boynton Road and the west right of way line of winchester Park Boulevard as now exists, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue South 010 OS' 03" Ease along said 'West right of way line of Winchester Park BOUlevard a distance of 243.08 feet; thence south 890 09' OS" West a distance of 307,55 feet to a po~nt on the west line of $a.id Lot 42; thence ~orth 010 00' 33" West along the West line of said Lot 42, a distance of 124.60 fest: thence North 89b SO' lEi" East a distance of 139.90 feet; thence North 01" 00' 33" we~t a distance of 127.53 feet to a po~nt on the said South right of way line of old Boynton Road; thence North 890 SO' 16" East along the South right of way line a distance of 167.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Tax Assessor's No. peN 08-43-45-19-05-042-0012 PARCEL !v: Tract 52, of the SUBDIVISION OF SE 1/4 OF S~CTIO~ 19. ToWNSHIP 45 SOOTH, RANGE 43 EAST. according to the Plat thereof, recorded in plat Book 7. Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida. Also described as the South Half (5 1/2) of the Southwest one-Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest one-Quarter (SW 1/41 of the Southeast One-Quarter (SE 1/4) of section 19, Township 45 South. Range 43 East. LESS the South 25 feet and LESS the West 15 feet thereof: and LESS that portion thereof lying within the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-24 Right-of-Way. Tax Assessor's ~o, PC~ 00-43-4S-1~-05-052-0010 AND 00-43-45-19-05-052-0020 PARCEl. VI That certain 30 foot Road Right-of-Way, as vacated by Resolution No. R-7b-S02 recorded in Official Records Book 2596, Page 1378. lying between a portion of Blocks 4 and S of PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO.8. according to the Plat thereof, ~ecorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, of the Public Records of Palm ~each County. Florida, and that certain 30 foot road right-of-way lying in the SUBDIVISION of SE 1/4 OF SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP 4S SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. according to the plat thereof. recorded in plat Soak 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach county, Florida, all as ~ore fully described as follows: PAGE 3 OF 4 ZSE-~ SE/SO'd 110-1 _WOJ~ weSS:ot BB-EI-uer [gggg ON XH/Xl] 69:11 a~ 66/C1/10 ~ N S I. A W Y E R U RAN c: E S T CoR ! T I. E P 0 It A r I o N N A r :J: 0 ~ A L R ! C HMO N D, H E A D QUA R T E R 5 vtR(fIN.IA LEGAL DESCRI~r.ION CONTINttED BEGIN at the NorthwQ:t earner of Tract 42. as snown on the SuaOIV!SION OF SECTrO~ 19. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. as recorded in ~lat Book 7, Page 19. of the Public necords of Pdlm Beach County. Florida: thence Southerly. along the West line of Trdct 42. a dist~nce of 272.13 feet eo the POINT OF SEGr~ING of the parcel to be herein described: thence continue Southerly along the West line of Tracts 42, 43. and 44. as sho~n on said Plat. to a po~nt in the south line of sa~d S@ction 19; thence westerly along said South line, a distance of 30 feet; thence Northerly. along the East lines of Tracts 50. 49 and 45. as shown on the aforesaid Plat. to a point of 273.67 feet South of the South right of uay of old Eoynton Road. a 40 foot rOdd shown on the said plat of section 19; thence Easterly. a distance of 30.0 feet to the poINT OF SEGINNING, LESS and not including the South 20 feet thereof: LESS thdt portion thereof lying within the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-24 Right-of-Way, AND BEGINN!NG at the ~orthvesc corner of Block 4, as sho~ on the PALM BE~CH FARMS COMP~ PLAT NO.8, as recorded in Plat eook 5. Page 73. public Records of Pal~ Beach County. Florida; thence Southerly. along the West line of said Block 4. a distance of 251 feet. more or less. to the North right of way line of Florida state Road No. 804 (West Boynton Roadl as presently laid out and in use: thence Westerly dlong said right of WdY line. a distance of 30 feet; thence Fortherly. along the EdSt line of Block 5. as shown on the afore~entioned Plat to the Northeast corner of Block 5: thence Easterly. a distance of 30 feet to the POINT OF BEGI~ING. L~SS and not including thE North 35 feet 'thereof; LESS that portion of thereof lying within the Lake Worth Drainage Discrict Canal L-24 Right-of-way. PAGE 4 OF 4 ZSE-~ SE/90'd ~IO-l _WOJ~ weSS:Ol 66-EI-uer [S9RS ON XM/XJ.] 69: 11 U~ 66/t1/10 ''''.. . , J oJ bC}~15 ............. r_ l..___6 n..... L.........., ,....... ..w..... ~ n,c Ju....,...~..,t _.,... r'.,..:.&,.....L I.... tifarranty Bttd.awvtDIY ~-UtTtmt 6a01Il F.!.l ~....[rederiel; L.'. Hill ~ttorn12Y at l.oll~ ~d_P- O. !mr 190 ~p...., R....c:b.. .E1.a.~35 tlQill !tIlIPttturt. Mood" 110... 21.$~ c1a~ ..f J'atlUary III 70. .rtttlfllll ~t:tI.. R.. t,cloI'E; an4 V"BtUfA t.. tDif)!;. nb ~fe. ..I II... (;"....... ..r PA],:ft Seach . StIItc,.J tlot'i.da . ,:t~"'..r'. ....el glLr. R. WI!tc:aEsttll and SI.St. ~. tlntam Stt.ll , 1\1s ...iofe. .wl...... I.... ..1(:...- ~,Itl,,-. i. lIoynt::)t1 beach ~ _ o. Dra~r 124C1 Non:h M111t8ry Trail. ". th.. C.~...t)r..1 Pall!! !:Ieac:h . !-'lUe'or Florid~ ,,;......1_". .U:uJs.tb: "'11t~t '4...rd c:'hIt.tut. r..... ...lJ ;.. "~Jt,,i,Ic."'dU.t" ,., .1... sn'" I" -1WEL\Ti; mottsAND- .- :. -:.. - -.: .~-:-:-:- -- .: _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~,lb"!C .It,,1 flr'..... ~...,tJ It'tll \>>1,....1111... '1't"';t.~f.....1lS 'n di&,III!".....,... I" "';lI'd p.Jid I,~ "-Jlid ~llIt""t. t~ ........-1Jtt wht"ftlo"'f ;,.1" "...". lld..w.-1c<1j:'!"1. It", iJ'u1ltrd. harJllboed ",d ...Id lU tl\( ,_cd f::..l~, ...Il!. JI:!"I~'i M;'" III...! _!!..~ ,...~...... do.. ,..I. .I~'.. --frJ'lm~-,t~I~-b1Jtl..'~1l'r.iIF.'r:.<:;I'g 1I1I<.I1iCtiij:11I . Pu Ba-adt ~I;.J;.:-~""{;.._.f: -----. -'- ""_ c. , .11 oE "'. , .... ."'. >art of "'. . '.r<h .e '''to ~ ~ 'j_ .- .... c:o Road 904 ot Bloek 4. and all oi Lot. A atu' t.'ha~~ --S . or to~ ir ilOrthdf Sta~e R.oad 804 af .Ylock. S. l'AUC--::E::) -. ~ SEAc::a FAl'lKS CO.. Plat. no, S. all la.nd ly1ng Ul Sec:.. am;-;;" ". 3'1, ~S!:lip 4S Sout.h. Jta!l.qe 4.3 Ea.:t, c:o:\~ainir\l; ~ - ~ ~rl!l 0'1: lees 2 acreS. ;La recot'ded in t.he public ltec:- ..., arl1s . of . ~ah Se.e.c:h .C;ol1t\ty, Floridll.. ..... SUB~ct t.o restric.tions of record, SELLt:R.S to have 1S lIlontn:t frOlll dote execution of Deed to remove bl111dinq:!l i;cam prO\:lerty. ~rI1- ..J 0- "" .;. -I)e . -''' AJ'___. &!IIZD ~ GRANTORS and their heirs.essiqns a~ qrant12ea to have Ac:c:e411 -to Eb:tt and West c5raiba~. IIi te:hltlr for ~l.l.rpOSf! elf' _il:itanan<:e J:lrad UBI! as lonq as neceS8aty. ---.- - -"- .....-.. . --...-.- ....I( ".lIcl yro.lutnto c.1.~ hl'h'"h... lull, .f' ,.11 .-.-t-I'1- .....htltn.""'..... .. . . "'Crqhh". !Iltlf' .K'''tlf~'' ...... 11J-d fu, f.itJJ!ul_r.... .,)..,.t liS ..,tnt,...t ""'III.(I'C'. 3ft 1litUnl'lIl1 m"rr~g(. (:.........1. IIILI ~"'III" ~, ~.,,,,"w'. h:'l.d Jhd _I II... ...... Iin.1 yrj, I..., ~I.."'C -riltr'L l';cn..,.~~I,..1 .,wl,I..ll.......~I.'... ..... l..........~.w; ~;"\ /., .' ~' I h/ . ..eLl.~r..t-.t~~~. --. , "-u:f~~A:_f""1 . / '. i.l..-' I' R. T.iiwe /' 'f..-I ~~~_c......~~... i:ll.-__ ~~..{...L.:.:.!. _~,~,.J.e. (li....I' ..,- V~.rna to. !.ca_ N~~~"~4 '''4'1'11.,., the till.. '" ...i,1 1.,.,,1. It...\ _III ...-t.."" tl;" ........ lI\:;li,,~ ,,,,. I..~..I ..I...... :1 ~ : FLORI All ~ ... p nx II , !'''.~71': tlL' l'tt:lR!~ !S - ~ !If 0 0 /'l U)UlI:n nl" P1<U1. BJ::Aar :.... :: ... = rtJ.J"llI :: 0 OJ, : _ ~ I HEltEII'- (;":1'7' f"T '1<.1 oS,. ,.... d.,,. I...r..... ..... :... ..R;_ cl.;r., .;;:'"1<< b"" ... "'~'. I 11~ ;""1....~ ."I.'.....:i..rt.f r III: 1Ilii- "'...... 1"'",...H.. .. !"'- '- 1';ARL tl. tofE and ~A. t.. LCJIIIE. his -tEe. t~,. ..... I"""".. I., I". .... ,.........,s d....:ru....! ;11 ....t ...1... ....l......lIed ~ "'~;.... ,.lr!Pvillef'l'tdid ...-10:._1-'--1 J.o.t . .,,. _ . 11"'1 tl...)- .,.,,,-1""" do.- .~...... "'....,..-. _ ;', IS WI TNESS ..... lt~h,I,,,oll dIlI"",t .""1.. 111,- 0.....". ~I,cl 51... Iut ""I~ Ih~' d-d _'.. - I III 7a. '. II: 51'" "'~ZlUa.l:'Y . ~ L. . ~/j~' ,:'. .\1:' ~T\fr""'''';''h ":ll';t.o;; I ....r.. <:' ~: ''P:.~~' :'.. . . IollIUY"".l.Jt:rtarlollUlu._t.WI.t. . .'~~ ~~: JIr ~UIO" DPlIlU JNL .So. I'" .._.. .. ". .... .. . :., ~::('-: :;:" .., ., .................~-.................. b.;~c ,",=,,:Ju ~..:...,:.:."...~... ... r-. k..::.. t.&t. '" .:;::0..... . l,U. L GX:lt1t ~.. ---= ... ........ ';...: boot '*"* --. ~< '. ....1',.: . ~~.......;. ". ". J. ~. :..;,. , ''', 17~" cr,;. 8.. ~:':1 3.U I~.. -.... . ZSE~~ SE/10'd v10-1 ~WOJ~ wegS:Ol 66~El~uer [S9RS ON XM/XJ.] 69:11 a~ 66/t1/10 ?.uuJ \ J ...... "-....I r_ 1.__" nolo .._.." ~0M'4. ".1...... ......... 126373 ""1'i. 'Iter........... ...... r'I''''''~ I,. , \.. \... "- ltl..~...w'1 A- M..rlain . .'l., ~4itH4--.ati--.;mAit - - ~ kl~ -'<to!! l'Zorth r. ~ tmJIIItR'MGIIC~....~ -=::::=.:-~lItV"-""._J'J~T;g;!a:. -.::':.: 15- '-':=;:r..1~-- ::~iIF. ._~~~.;r~:"-""1,- i~;-"~:' -:~< - ~ Ie !;~ Uld Rlutl:Jm R. S'ttRlttTT. Ui., VHe CD . in . _ -,,'..I.I~" r;u../I'1<-ol-.....l!aJA.. Se.a.c:l:L-__ . S"'&J'( .J"~9.dCl. . JlrII,,'n,',_no! --- - n. .Bi'Lt.-R:.~SBSTsl an.r~I.E A.:.1tt~ttll. :.-.~ ....tcl.Lw. 1:lIost...&:.:..~wIa:D..IL ~ . ~.u. c:o.I .01 ..... c:......,...r Pallll 8eBC~ !U.i1';,life i!S . - .. ~ .ltIU8Sptb. T....l ...,,1 C'~..It... ..... _..<.I .., ~...,..Id~.;"., ,,( t.... ....,... ..r ut~-n4lr: .I:Ioyn ~Dn ~h7.nt:rri:cbr- -... "__'0'_- -. - _ SI.lh: '" r lori4:a . (lrd..tt'<'". fen' ($LOl ," - .~ .E:- D..lla~ ../It I "II.... JtovocJ MI.e! "AIo...h1r ~ld.,..Mnlio ,.. :mId glm.... It, 1..11.... ("I\lr by 1"ld p"I1tet:. 'h4.' rftI!Ipl -!u-w-nf II II'"""'.,. -<,~"'....k..hr...l: ...... gral.,~L I..upldl!'l Ii....! "'"'" In ,.... ...101 J"'nl~. ....4 ~'"h-c'J hl!!" ""J u-(Jtl.. I............ <<lot- r..'. "._1"1( II~.,....,,,,,..J 1~..,1. sI"...ll:. 1,.1.., 1i.,,1 h.l!u:: II' Pa.1Jll 8aach c.-...ty. F'/...;,w. "~-II: -.' '. :,... ~-' --~-~S4S~--46~' 49. ana-'so-~~in9" to the !Ilia Beach - ttiaJ1li i.artd and t1~~h!pnEd:lt Com~y U:a:C:-rllc:orddd in ~lat: 800k '. page 19. Pa~ S.eech County Court: ReeOriJ'l.L _and also lSescribe4 as the ~ of S~ of ,,~ of S~ of Section 19. ':I;c"'n- ship 45. 'Range-4a Sast. c:on~ainin~ 20.a~re~. ~re or lese. f(ei)o ;~f/1tdD ..' :~; .." . . .- -- ..... ... .....__.~_.~. r-----=-- ,,0 uu.1 lUlid lrf"ul.., .1..... ,,("thy rully __Ill ,he tI,1e ta ..it!. Illncl. lIud ....11 d"r"",1 do.. StIll..,. _11101' I~ ~ul cltUo.... ..I ..II l'c:""utJII -haf'tL.~er. ....._._~__.____.-=-"CnlIlICM:.....,td 71Crt1"~~ ..-r: \I8l!oI lu,..il'lIIllII'_ar p/t1[.I.~u l"'~1ellt mtq~1oO. In .Un.... IIblorHlt. Cr:ahlar hili "~.,,tt. JI!t \ll'aI110". It.t", II...{ .-111.. .;..,. -Itd _r Srft ..bn"l! ..,{I~... :li~,~ .~ dc.-ll........oll'..lIIIl' lll'l!!l!llee: .,. . _ I'J. L~~,?uL.... ..~ J} ~~ cr-Il ~.t:2--~.~v...,-J ~J!d~~ A1:;:,~ .__ls;",l) 1Vob!1<<E B. Srs:tUt!:1'1' (Salll (5coI1l ~"""~TF. o~. !'lodCla COUl"In (JE" PlIllJll SBllc:h _ I t1ElIJ;;I!.'I' CE!\1'In' 'th". an f!li. dli, \oc(_ Inf. _Ii lilllt:.!o- wi, 'N.ll&c..l hi ...... IIclu._I..dll""'ot.. ~II,. ':...-;':"\It'<:'li'I!:d". "--i.Eo-Ji~'''''~:rr _11 ~J:)J:li€ B". s1'!iiiil:t'f:-~J:rltnit--- - . - .._~ : .. ..-...--..--.-.-.------.-..--........---.-...--- - ... _'''_' w.._...-_.____...-_, ..-:.:..:....?'~'...."............ '" t.....1t.e<l.I:..&lIl1."! t1~_in~b"::1l!~~-tk..rlW'e(Dit.g-Mtt"'tIIellt-......~~~...~~ ~::::: ;" : --II""lli:irt.t;o.Y-esC<;lit~.t",r_ao~-~" - -...,.. .. - h .... ~"'''..:;~~). . -.~,~. :. " WITNEsS no: huncl ..od nlIl~:oI_1 i.. the, Cou~ty and Slue tell; d.lt.;jAJ Q'1 arJ"':~~~" . .' : .,-:-. .:"~ts-1T==':.==r-----_. -. - ~. -= __ """ ~I.~~_~~~":-~ - . .-. - ~:-ii' ... " . '._ ~ ~~'!I!~! .~l!.i.CI; 9-1- ':1cf lU.d1.ud A.. JltC:Cla1J1 ~? J~' ~ : . .~-: "...--... ---.. . --- --- ..... -~(.J~ ./-~-~..'".:..-:~;il:?:"-:~ .------ ----- - --:-=:~:'--=-..-::~.:""....- ''':...--:S";.ft-!.c,~-:'~#--:-:-.-:~ t~~::~42 rJtE:..,259. .tt!:t: \~~~~~.-. :.~ __L _. . .... -.-...-..--- --.....~- -... ..._-""';""...-:.._~----;;:; -~. . .":..~-_... ------.. - -- . ""',,,,;.;..:~,""", .. -:.......... ZSE-~ SE/BO'd ~tO-l _WOJ~ weSS:Ol BB-Et-uer [S9S9 ON XM/XJ.] 6S:11 03~- 66/C1/TO - -~ - .- '-,j" . ~-"_. ". '~'.-""-'~""f~ ....-1 ,- ~-"":",,,')lL,~"-"\'-.nC,T~"',,,"T'~'---c. ~~.s.r.."'-.';l:{G;.i \.. .. .'-~"""'l' . \__~. ~~C.. ,t}~::'< .,..;- ..~~.:.;..::..:....':/....:.:.:~~~:''';': .:".. ":",:""'.>;::- ".:' ..... .,.." ~~-,_, ._'0 . ...............:~A~.....,.~..,..._. .._... ~_ \" . - ...........t''D..cp. .. ..~~~ . ", .;.. .. .....0"- cD..D....CI- .' i''''- <: .-; ..... .... .\~ . .:z .. ~ ..., ~ '. ': ," ::~. :' I;. . . .' J/frC' :7rp.cP .~~ }5'1/O .' . ~I:~_.. .. ZSE-~ ( Oy... rt.,,4.. PAtX.. S J .....1:. .1It-.. .. lhis Yatrllnl~ Iced Mowl. ...." ....,.",..., "... 'ctl -l.." dl P1.OR;l11A. CJ.5 t'lWlSta~s lo~ ~CffilA1'Y II .........,.... ..,4ofl"!l '1""" .",. t...... af De 1 ."at'e . ~ "dl~llI!l 115 ",,''''I~ftl Nt. "f ,",U,-<iU al orlaNlIl and orallle t.-.m1es O' .0. ~ax 64) Uillt:er 1'4rlt. rbrlda 32789 lwTr~Jr- "",lJ...J IJ.. _......, ... , SILL Pf. w:l:rrOlBsnR AIItI D..StE A. IlIlfc;R!SUJ u.l....r ....ct..((l~. ..1.1... IJ P.O. bra_r 12r.O. ..."'toll a.aell. Florida ))/:0.)5 DQ(:U!let' .\ n .G 1'- !t~ 10_.'....',- rallc-l "" ".....,..' .~ ..... ....:. .... ...... . .....-.. ...., .......... -... tIl ._ ....-- .. ... ~I .... .. ........ ...., ___....... ..w& ...... .; ;.......,... ..... ... ........... _ ...... ... ~I ::Ii UUI1fsstth: TLo' II.~ ....~i~~ /0.- _J ;n ....,Icl~....,I_ a' .1." .U" ~ S lO.DO ..Kd .,It.. ,'alli.M. .,.,....'./_"..... ..,..,.J", ","-1 I. t......b, .~l\Cltut...l,l...t. "7 14_ IO...."OW' d.n /I"IIot.L 10.."".... ...a. ..lie... ..."'.... ..r...... .-....7 ....1 ...-1:.... .,..,,, ,~. .>11..'.... aU 11..., qo-/otll\ I...J ollu.'.'ot !:,a1a )aac;;h C......". 11....J.. ..,,,. the S~ch 310 f~et af Lo~ ~2. S~bdt.iaioD Seetloa 19. T~5hip 113 Sllt1th. ltadll!. 4] tan:. t'ec~rlied in 1'1at Book 1. hse 19 af che PUbl1c'l.~Drd~ of Palm S..ch C..uaty. llori44. cGfteaiD~aB 2. Z! &ctl!8 .arll or 1....... '= '.Ift ~ ~ DOCUMENTAR~' E ~. GO ~ ~~ f:L,ORI A SUR TAX :: :~ .,. \: I 5.4 all :a~ - . ." "r.~B :."- : .... ..... JU.r'7S ".i " .. fI 'ua'- ... <:> ..... Togttfttt' utlll..U ,I... ,_....1.0. 1.-...liler,r~I. "11.1 ..r-....oI_....._ ,/....... r..J"'l.i"1l' ... ,.. en,.. IUU. "J:l~I..I,~ tJi liaf, artd II) JUlJl 110. .0..... lot 1- ""'at. /"""u... ibul ,I.. ........... '-10" Cd.......-'- ...111, ~tl fo.c'll... I"a' II i. fau,flAl!y j..zrtl Df fti.l woul ;,\ 'of! .......c.., ,I,a' U ~... ..-l ri.'" .rwl /..u.f..[ ....'I,...ll" I. .,.Il dII./ ......."Y _1.4 1...0{. '/'11' II ~....L:P lall., _. -...& II.e III~ I.. ..aId ""'Ii .,..I ....It tl..(...J I:'. ,.-.. 1t"";1\01 ,ltr: lau./..' dolrw of ..It lOt'_..~ ..,J.._: -':!C:..a~~ 1o,.,J ;. (... .f all ._....r......:.. _...s-~ ~i'L\-:' 94" 'sll .E".~9-. .~...__.:'!1 '-1'~' l(.'" .'c" I~. -..'1& . ~ ._~-#f!i _.' ~~.~ - i: ........ '" . -e2;= ... ;~:~-::'i:t'~' ~:'~ '" . - .. ..'\~~~~~ lit lIIitntss 1fIlurHf ,I.. ".....,.... lid ........l.,..., ll-n...jj ,.. ,,~'" -.:;r. ..- Q..... .5' I,... .~<<t."" ,.. iI. .._... ...d ill Cdl'vNcl" _t I. 10. ,,~..I. .II.M I., I.. II~~ llo~~~:- ......"... .fll....... I"...."..'.. Jul" _."._~.J. ,1,- ~ ~...J ......../;...l oiL..-.. ___ ,~~~.......:,...." '...".,~ ~ A1'ttST'__4~J -. .'-~-t.~............ --."A ..." 't1IA"......ccTrft2 CCIl'lPA2IY . ~. 1\EiHIZ'W1I II......,...... ~~.I.Jol! ..WIIttJ,;) ~~......~ l!I~.l.... _ _~. .. _.. .... .. 51111'1'''. ....W a..J J.l,.-.lt.. ,.... rwr........ ..t. hy.... .if r 6/~...~ ......1r:.-C..tttt1itl:-., , tU' .. ;- .. . . , L ......... ~_.~.._.. - .~J..:J:_Irf1nmL____...... . ...._.... _ STATt o~ tldrlda } O,I;\'f1'Y UF' "rauge 1 .,11It....y Cl'1"." ...1 _ ............ -...- ..... ... ....._ ~l.. _........... ... ... A.... ... e-- ~ _ ~ -='~ -- .......-4 M. L. Vlthic& and. u. .1. AJ..~ld. -" ,-- ... - .. '- I'" .-...... ...... Secr8t.ary ~"'.... .I .. ..-......-. ........."""...~:.... . ;,. .\", ......-.. ~ ~ ..... ~ --.lIt -'.......1....... --.I.... .-.. ...... _ .. ....-._ J ..... .............. ~ ..-;:.~ ~:.:...~ '.." -... ............. .,1. ....... ... .~ . .... -.-._ ... ..... ... ... .......... ~ ... .... __~...,.... J .. __~........ ~.-.;" ~. " ..,t,.,.U! ... ,..... ~ "oJ.,... :.. ..... c-... ...... ~ Iw .,...........Jo.',.s-n- ........ l.\!.l-f!'~..~~(;t:i :.\ o'!. ".; cr''t\238i" 1447 ~; c' M-. f7t!" ~ ~.~:i: IUI.. UtE . . ~ ,~\. . 'b!.t '6 t't'i.1 ~. 'Cl~ctiJ(. ~t~".~<* # .~,.. ~_ ~ dI. f'IlIMt alatte . ~""'''''I'~,,:,~~~~.\'~'' 1IIJ~~~.IIIlJ1.im '/7'1J tUfttJ'''Ir'''' pwpt..../IIJ.' A,I,/..... .. l' . "C-.IIC. ....&C~ .'4.,.'.0.. :0'" t-l..L.'''~'' ~ dco....l./y a~..,'(J..rJ.t1!J~1c ,4,,('-:. L/. " f. ~ /?lilt Il, ;:z, II.-.:t . . I ~ ~... ..... -.. .. _ .-i .... ..""".. SE/60'd 1l0-1 -WOJ~ wegS:OI 66-EI-uer l S99S ON. Xll/XLI 6S: n (l'3J' 66/f:1I10 ,- .--' _4 ~~""l:,'d .....,. ".-- - - u:' " -....--- .. { ::'~~. sr"9ur'~- ' . .~~ ~.... u;ni..it Of' ..... ...... I ,r.ti'-' ~ 'M, <=,,..;,.,.,... ... ...,....... - ~ -,_. .... ,. ..... ~L .,_.,>!!:.r~' / ......,. &. .. ....... !..~.., .l.. -" -~. -.. ....,.... _ ... ......... ..-... w ... - ____.. ____.... .... I..... -- ' _ ... <&1.1' ....... .. ....' I . --:r....... ... -..... ......-,.... _W ~... .;." ..... ~'''~''. .' . '".. ' -.-~~ ./7 · ,........" .":-": .. - .....--:.. . -- - .- -'" ,~~'. . .-~~~ . r.~.. .",r.... . .~. of n_U" .1: ......~. :.~.;Jr."Y: .', ........ . _.._-.. . . . -,... :-'~(.-:ir ,.:ol~':":-:' "-: . ft.~:-.. . .....~..;:.~,.. .- .' . .....;;::~~.}?i.:-:;: .>~ .---' ..._ _~:t_._J.~_." .- . '. M, . .' ....- ~ -, ... 'E1II'ilili:i "f- ,--' ~ r...... -:.: i-.~-..... . '.... .-._'-.."-bAi I.' . _t___QI. .,' ~~~ t. '.00. ... 1*'1 !!!!It..~ .~. ~ _.~ : -. - )._-~~,-" - --.., -- --- -_...~ . ....... . ....,.-" . ..;..... ...:..:.~~-~.:.....~~:.,.-:!-~~,:-,~~ ....'c.:>(...-:---.. . \." ..:'.. ~.... ..,'..... . .WOJ~ WElS:OI 66-EI-uer .--------------- ZSE-~ SE/Ol"o VlO-1 [99R9 ON XM/XJ.] o U 1 ~ ... .. .. ;!! . 0 j. ~ ~ L . u 0... . .. .:~ii t a. 3" ~: ~ l. 11. ~ t' J/ <'" r:: ... ;;:. ... .,; .. .... .. i e e " ~ ~ .. !: ILl La.l t- Z <. a:; ~ g z c:: ~ t;j a:: ZSE-~ II... - - ZSE-~ 69:n Q';J-.U 66/tT/IO ~tA.l ,~ ..........". Dce" _D. I.. .. ......... I~'VWO ::T' lhis ltfarranty ittd M.J. flu 2~c! J... .., .:r~lr ". () Iv 701 &', Bddker T. ~Q~. St. a~ Cl1att _. ~.y. his vile ~ undividec! 1/4 itttuel!lt. otId c. SSltmc:.r I'o~y and If. JlUtb. Pollp'". hi. vife c Uztdivlded 1/4 irl~.rf!lt. /,P"'f',..../,... COIl/..J 11.t' .,.......... I" tl:"UISt. na":.t and Bill by vindle.t.."r ~ I,.I...~.. tMl10fflrc .J.l.t'U it P.O. Dr_I' 1240. 1!cynt.OIl Bead!. Flerida 3.34JS ".~.IN,,'I..' r..II...I/Io. 9....'... ,..~....- ...-4 ....... ..... ,.,.. . ......1_-..... ...--................... _ ..... ..'........IU .~ ..... "'111'. :".a/ ..._.1...._ .... ...._ " .............1&. ill" ..... -.-.,....... .... ____ ., ~..... lIfitntssrth: T....' .1... "......... ,... ....d ill ce""J_U.... ..f ,,,. .11- ..I S 10.00 riNd 0'"'' ....ill.."'.. ca.tI,J......o.." ......rlD' wl._( " "..~b., .c'f1fJ1/"...1I1..J. "..~ll,. tt...otb. It''ofIdlootl, ..1I.. .It...., -- ...19... --ri.....H. ""..to..,.. .....4 ....N/....... uoo'. ,I,.. ._/... .U 11..11 c......,... /a.od ,...-4. 1ft Pilla Beach COli"'!,. Fl...,J... "I,.' g oc::: ... - l'rac:t. 47 of the sUb4iIli.s1on of Sllction 19. TOwN;hip 45 Seuth. ::.a....g& "3 ::...,~. :'=:.1: :"'10 z191'..; o~ "''''1 for e.:.-.f1\l:= :t:l:.~. ~eC:l;i::;.s1;;; t.D the Plat. t.1le:reof as "corded in Plat: BCIOIt ,. pdq!! 19. of tht!! Public: peeords of Palm Beaea coUnty. Florida. ~ J SUBJ1>ct 1'0 rl!l~letiolUl. re:le.x:vat:i.ons and easlUt!!!I.U of r.eor4, 1f .fly: ~es for th. 111141' 19;4 ~ .ub~"4'1.Jlt. year,. IInd 4,IIY ~ a~1 :: "die!!. %.Crt 1nq ordiA'lftc:es, '. '" ~~ ..... ~~ '1ft ~l.. ="" ... ... ~ :t ~ Jogdfter ~ wl.- d.,~PlII''''''o. '" ~ To JlaUt and tD 1told~ 5 ~ E E o u .. .. ~ ~ DOCUNfNtliRt ~ ,SURIAl;: 1= 6 B. Q 01 : ...uk ..l! ,I... I.............. "---..II."'....U Mill abllurt.......~.. I....'.. 1.or.....'All e' tro ..-,.. .... .._ I.. ,.... dlftllr.. ,.....,,<Or find II... !/"tI1l10' ~.,.II, co~""', "",,, ...oJ ......,.. ',"cll II.. II....'..' I, &.....,..1(, ...tJ-/. ., ..uJ J....rl ;.. t.. .I_k. II..., ,I... ,.....1.... It,.., gaud rill1.1 ...." Iaw/ul otWlt~l,. I.. ,.t! I:",l of'IlI""" .c1tJ Ia""~ .&al I"" 11";&"10' 1"...En, (lI1I1 ..._l. II.. lilt. lei ,1Il.l '-d /IIl.lllldL rl.,.....l d.. ........ e.ewl II,.. l.&iuf"l cr..bou ..1 ...11 l>of'i'..... ...s.....u.......~. <iJoI.rl Ir.... i..Jd ~ .,_ ., call ....;.".,b_. .""rJtd I..... ...-.bus ,..1..0_1.1_1 '.. b~...bC" '1. 10 '73 ....-..,-......... k~,o .. 1111 ,,0 .!1 /1lt.,l.od'O 'i s ~ ((~I li~~~ S'.N"J.~ ,...r.J ....l J.tJ....J. (" .111' JIO'O..f1CO, I IiEIl.UT Ctll:t1f'Y ...... 011 .Iol. ....... ""...." -. ... ""'- d..l., ...._iud i.. .t,. S.... .r...",ld &pd i.. doo. Col....' al_"';,s .. u~ .C'tt~-etJc--,...... .flOft.ttt' .......tc1I Boaker r _ Pt:/IIOI!f. 6 r. .n4 c1ya~t "_ "ctllPt!!Y. hi.. vi ea. all IUI'U....U.a 3/' 1n*'e:nat: fO ..... k"..- to ~ ft... r'....~ 3 d....~ ... ..d ........ C"'I.eC",.~d ,two '.....l:lIoll'\t ,__.II.,,~...1 JI....... "ho .(iutG...ftl..... bellllfe .. ~&t they r"eeutr4 Ih&" ...,..,. wlTl'Itss .... \ahd .N! Jlei.1 ...1 i.. .... c-..... A...! em" ~ .r.....;., 'h,i 11.-- .'. fl' .... . "" . +ul . D I" 74 .... . ~ u>.\ ~"'"',, .. Y . '" . T . :~~~l-":':.~~..f"" ~~ . A'..t:2 t.- ..... ~....~\.~ 0:" '-IU--f,."--I'e1.'~ w.C&..,,, ';" ..:Jia ~ ........ -\. ~..... ... -- . '-'.'~'~-'" = ~{r,,-~{''''',,''~'';":' 1I0~"~t:.. I~....o 7~..e/!!itu,~~ri-d;,au'i. ....'... ."';'. SI... ., 'l.~ OY.,~ . ... ~.p . ;r; N. "'''''~d''~ AJJ;;,....I!>....";.. ~.:"IL /1....J:; ,o:.~r~~ :. 0..... COo,', ~ :., '7 ~ JI.:'-", . .... '.'" ~""c" 30. ..,s 1.o......:~~=~..-~S~... . ,'. . ,. ~335 pm 259 J I J 1 SE/Zl'd vlO-l _WOJ~ weSS:OI BB-El-uer . ,-, . ._~ .LU . SE/ll d ~lO-l _WOJ~ weRc:nl AA_~I_uer ...,. ,I. \_ SWM'B at tullUl2A c:ctntn', or PAUl aDO<< :t IttpDY c:b:r!rr that on this dill'" be!o~1l IN, an atflC'ltt' d1.i1y &latboruecJ 1tt the S~...~~ .for-e__let and 111 the county aforosaid to ~e .c~led'Jll8ftb. per~Oftal1y appeared c:. spec!!!:' p~ MA H. ~~ Slo~.Y.. hia ..HI!!, ~ UDdivi4etl. 1/4 int.ereet t.a _ !mown t.a be. die 1Il!!t'Soilill delil~d.blll!c! 1ft and ..he exl!C:Ut.e~ ~. f,,~:l.!:l9 i.l'l$trument. Ime! ..ho adux:lloOllld9'ed !:Iefere lIle t:h4t they bec:uellc3 the 8all18. w:rnu:.ss lIlY h~cJ...aIld official sul in the CcW'l't.y &nc! Sl:&b last a~or.sai4 th:l.8~day of july. 1974, I """IiI', All'"' Ptmt.IC ",:"o~c. 'dl.C...IIJ~, ' ..; ..."ta _.......... ~,." ~ . , Ita'l'lll'l' PV!l.It. sTifter nJjql1la It " ....' :-II. .....~..... ~ 1-. : 'If alytlllssle. ~.U FlL n. =if~" -~'~'~'-~~~l ' ."I'.IIe; Dr"''''''''~''" :t=~"" : .~_- "'~I''''U:,- ~lpl. . . .......,....... .4={Lo ~.;n S "j :..~~. .i .'~' .'_ ._..~.~ '. 4lo_ .~ . ":':-' . C ~ ....... 0:>: _;"-;"'" ... . ~"''''_~- C"V.I' .,;,-'-h.-~ 111 '~~ lj:'lo ~ _ ,..C' ...':""1 :'~.. w. 0 ~33S patE 260 .'~. ..---..;~, ~ ~~'G. ,... ~... :;..,.. ~ ~ f~?::- r F S - ". ZSE-~ SE/Elod ;lO-! _WOJ~ weSS:OI 88-El-uer ZSE-~ SE/;lod ;lO-! _WOJ~ we8g:0l 88-El-uer W' ~ ~~; ~ [99R9 ON XM/XJ.] 6s:n r~i.\ 66/t1l10 '-' .""'. :.:- .. :.~~I r;:'~.l '/ ',; ~'.,: ,1' ~. "::if '. '~ .~~~ . 'M'--:' \t:"~M,~.'$.o: '.,~;: r.~:~~,~; :,\mtf;~~ -:;,~:E~ :"u.... ~ ;~'.~."11r.:~~..!:.....: I' ,. . :'~.,.,,:,.'..~r_~l?'.,~~. I'" ",_"..' 0./ :.~.~, ~ ".' I;'~.:~. : .: . "~'. ....I~... ,. ..~',.. ': ..."'~f" ..I.~~~...tJ~.. ,.~~~..'tl. ,. ,. '. .:: ',I. .::'it........ ."R'.l. . ~..tr.~~~' , ,'...'~~~... M . I"~ .. '~:\:v,"t.. :., ~ .' '_. ..;;J ,. .. :-...~:.~ .,~....,,~.4U':" I'...~ .: .~~'~~1:..~. .~':~J.~~~~t"'.:~~:.~ ....,-:..'.:",:..:.' I.:. ~ '': '.:'I~~ ., 'j 1 ~ ! ... '-..- ~,,::':'-'~ --,"-.' ..... ..... ~:-;:..I~ \.,', tc....... ;....-.. ~, "-:;::;~',~~." '~:, ,'/:.,'J,.., ':_~"I ~,..::,~-.~; < ~\..:'~--',~~': . -"",'..""..-.......~..,. .- :::~-'. ". ':~' ..:,~.:r.>~':~. . ......1.. . ". J'~'" .....:1 ... ... .'.:.~,-,~'-" J .- ".- --.~c:I:::=; - - ~ .~ .-..... ._, , --.... " -/, ..', ,.' - .....t-' '___no '.--. -'.,. ( -- -- :2 1lfs ~ .; n:.r:;:; ",'''.c ~l :; ~... f}j t:l.~ aA t1 u.., . 11" ~ "'l'tWdecr III I!~..~ .... I't,~, ' A: lliI"'" J ,~g: IP.ftEfTl a.tI ClnIl ...... ... ... QIlftIlt. Flllr1IlI .-.---.... .... .~ '-~ ------------- . -....-. l ,-~ ZSE-~ SE/ll d v10-1 _WOJ~ weRG:nl RR-~I-uer I .." ", ,,- . ..m ar noRmA cotntn, or PALM .ZAOI 1: tl:l!:pUY c:S;::ll::r:trr that en this day, befo~.. IN. An a tfJ. au' d\i1y &lltbClr.1Zec! ill the se...t~ .toZ'eu!.d and 1:\ t'J'Ie C:CJUn~r IItoz:eaa1d t:G ~e IlclalDlrlel!g:DU2.t.a. per~ona11y appea~ed c. splUlcer p~ ~ H. Irlol.~ S>o~y, h.ia -lfe, 4D Wldiv!.l!ae. 1/4 int.erl!!..t 'eo _ lulown 't.o 1:>4!! die peuons de8~ribed 1.n. anI! -ho exllO:Ut.e~ ~1I fo~oih9' itl3t:rument ~d who ad:.no"1C1d9ec1 before Ille tJtat they becu'Ce4 !:JIe 8_, wI1NE.SS lIlY h..!!!4..aI'Id official slIllll 1n Us Coun'ty and Sub last _ear.said thi8~44y of 3u11. 1974. ./ , 'w~ '. MY Ptl'3t.IC _..,:"'~I:t 'U~,ill,.c: _ , .. ,-'" -....,.. ~101 ~ ' , MClI'II'l' ~'t, Sl'Aitar 1'IJ:I~ltI.1t .. ....' ~ ';"~" ~ '\,1-. ; ." alYIIII!SIC" UJ'IRO FEB. t1. ~ii'l ...~, '.;t~.~ ~ ~ 1. ' .",...eC"t Dr..,....... ,..... -, ~~.... : . ~_ -'1':,1....._ :. ~ ""t ~ _ .. ......' .-~(Lo ::;:dt~ ~"# .......~._;...~' ~'_~.:e...~'~ ,:<ra ij;- .~. :li .r.... :;;::- (J......:. - ,. '-;".<J' " . .~----' < .:' .~~-,.,,-~ 0.1 '~~ 7i,J, ~ - ",~ ...,':"11:""""", Grl2335 patE 260 ....... ____..; ~. f"- ~ ",."" ,.. ~.... ;;.... ="" .-' m~~=-rr$ - ',. ZSE-~ SE/El'd FlO-l _WOJ~ weSS:Ol BB-EI-uer "'''JlJ ~M~ ,4. \ ~hiB lndtru~Dht ~rBpdrad by nna should ba retUrndd tdl ~f~ -IJ!i- = ::n vRF. II. I I . \.1 V Mlchapl A. Sehroedar, Eeq, SchrOAder and Lareho. P.A. ~255 G18de~ Road, SuitB j19-Atriu~ Sooa R8t~n. ~L ]34~1 CIl'" lO:,jJill.,I.)':;--036406 7:::;80 i:~ '" 1'..:5 11I1 . II J UII I . II II! 2 U. 00 Coe . ;0 i WARRAt'T'i CE~O to SPECIAL 'tRUSTEES Of" REVOCABL& ~RUS~ ACR~!M1NT PP~::;_UA1!A-,!~r;:;J oJt~.sJt,.fU 1~.8t QA-D:P.1"\JT,kS T~I s %tJj)!:r1'rUJU:: I madE'! ~hig ';); .-- da)' e~ JaNuary, 199j, between E:JU.rE:;~ ,!:' _ 1<l.~1"t', a1ga MOwn BB ERJlE:st" R:L.\T"t'. C:ra"tor, wllClss post offlca C!ldcl:e~a is P.t), Crtl"'",r 1"77, Boyntan B"lJ~h. i='loritla :I342!S. and VIOJ..ET JUATT ("VI0I.!:'r") I EnNES'%' ALFORD xt..\tt ("^r..FonO") and DILL ~. Wl"cE1tST~J:l (" SlU.I'), aa Sl'ecial Tru8t.l!U~ ..,! the RE.'VOCI\8~ TRUST 1\CREE'H%HT cr'oatad by Grantor dated May is, 1990 Ctha "1'~ust..,. Cran~el!B (taxpayer It1ent;J..t.1c:a.tiCln UUJIlbGlr 55- 6C49g07, ",hOBCI poet: t)rtice adc5t'Asa is 1',0. J:)%'a."'er 1240. BaYfltcm Beech. Flor!da 33435; WJ:'1-N!:SSE1'H: That Grantor, lot' and in ccnsitieratJ.on of t:ha SUIll ot TEN J:)Ol.LA:RS ($10. DO) ANt) 00/100 aU,d oUS.%' goed and valuable conaid.ra~ion to Granter i~ hand ~a1d by Cranteee, t~e reeeip~ o~ ~nich is ackno~led~Bd, 9ran~.. barqains, sella. aliens. remises, rel~asr.s, convey~. a~~ conflrms ~b Cr~n~ae~. their BU~ce.Bors and ssl'tigns in r4"" BJ.l'llplA ror"'uNr-. the real prop~rty in Pajlll BlItllcn eounty. Florida. rle..cribad on Exhibit "1\" at~ac:hed hel:'eto and in~d~porated hQr~in by ref~rencGl (the lI~rbperty") . ~ ZSE-~ SE/vl"d vlO-l -WOJ~ we8S:01 88-El-uer -~U.j ~~~~;Ul 55-El-uer .~ ~- -./ "= [S99S ON XM/XJ.] 6S:11 a~ 66/t1/10 'iRE. 7~eO;)1J 446 SUaJEC7 T'O~ ell ?o~j"q 8"d/or ~ontrletion~ ahd prchibitions l~pogad hy qovornt1l8l'ltal ftUtrlorHy 1 ~oGerictio"81 @aD~~ah~a a~d o~h~r mat~Brs appeartnq on ~hg plat. and/or C:OIIIIICn to tJJg DutlcUvillionl end T&)Cos rot' the ydo:l1':" ]993 a Hd subElli!quent years, (2) (J] Grantor ddeQ hereby t'U! ly loIat'rSI1t: the 1:.J. tle to the Proparty and \01'111 da!O?1d tho Bama aq,dl1st th", lsuful cll!lJ.",~ of ell ~arSOng whamcoQver. tJ_o_~t 1 OD..--q f~!l_P.nu:r.' 2:.~i,~ ~~;::__h f..ll~q.r.Lt;lI!:_~.r::]ftf1!lk03,.~ s.f th... GrCU1~g::. W~era used herein tho 'te2:"llls t'Qran'tor". t'GritJ1tCJaa". "Sflecial '1"rust:eosu and I'SUccoD:;or Special Trustslu:" ahal1 ~la construed a.. ainC;Ul:u' or ~l.ut'a 1 as t:.he eon~e2Ct require!;. The tern- "'t"rugtees'. aba~l J.hcl~cJd the tIU~ZIlB IICo-'trw:tlu2s" Clt" "SUccl!oao.t" '1'Z"\u:taeo" Ill!< ~he c:aMtext. requ irl!!!!II. C:i:antegg. ~s Spaeial '1'rudtees. shall ha\lg th.. I'O""or lu,d 8uthcri~y to prc~ect, eanse~ve, and ~a S811 ~nd convey. ~o lease. to aneu'll\b&'2:'. 'to c!1stribut;d t.o bqnefJ.l::illriog of th. Trust. al"ld o~e~~ide to ~anagft and dig~oSQ ct. thd ~rcpgrty c~nvGYdd by this defilc.. 1'he TrUst. provides in p~t't:l.t1C!I1t: part. it: ft711o\Js: "1:1,01 O1l.fJ..Diti.!U1.5. For purposes df tnlH Artic:le, the followinq tgrmQ .hall nave ~hd fOl1nvj"q ~eaninq~: -2~ ZSE-~ SE/SI"d vlO-1 .WOJ:! we5S:0[ 55-El-uer [S9RS ON XM/Xl] 69:11 a~ 66/f:1/TO "'C )':""'i;~ t:J . ~ .:. 4 ./ A. ~eo!!l __l:.:'ppert.3:', rho t~r/'l 'rnal ~ro[:)I:lrtY" llull!I.nl>> and il'lc:ludeB rpal proppr~y lC1ca~od in the sta~D or rlorldtl or in any othar j~riad!ctio". dO~12stJ~ or torblqh, B. RGl_t:;IIJ:..~tD__"Il~-'!~'" Tl1a tl?l:"1'l 'Real ~!"ltJ!t:a ^SRCltS' mcans l'ln)' lntorm.t. Cc:ollll"let:.o or ~3rt.ilSl). includtl'1q ~ort9augg. lea.DB ~nd ."y oth~r ~qu1ty o~ dtbt intcr~9tc. 1n: elJ roar propertYI rJ.l) <gaMeraJ or Iblit.ad l:ulrtn8Tdhipg 0..,n1,,'1 atty i.ntczrtlct. (co",pleto or par~illlJ, il1"ludlnq /lIort1ftqQR, leases and a.ny o~hQr equity or deb~ i/'1t.erpsts. i" real ~rClpet:'t:YI C ili) clonely h~ld corpora~ianu o~hlhq any intdre~t Ccnm~l~tq or p4rc.lal), lnclucJinq lfIcrtl;lB9l!s. li!asa&: a.,d aPl)" oth'!!'r' equity or d~bt !n+.E>re",t:!:I. i/'l re~l tl"opl1rtYI (111) l'ro):2rletorr.tl{I'!l. ;;a.Dsoc:i03~iol'lg. jn.1nt v~ht:urt:!l or othar bUslr>E!sf:I l!ntitlas ot../Hil'1q ;;lilY int!!rctlt rC':2l11pletl! or "er-t!all. in<:;ludit'llJ IftClrt:l;fe'Jes. leasCls liud ~ny othQ!:" t"c;Ju!ty or de"~ inl:.C:Zl-e'lt,,>, 1n real propcrty: and tV) all l~prc~oments to and all t3~qlbl~ ~orgon~l p~o~Qrty and ~i~~ure~ COhl:.Dihad th. or used lh connection ..,Jl:.h. ahy 9u~h Real E:s:ta't:.a AsaQtr::, "1:3.02 1?u11'qp~. Grantor "llgh09 td vt!!';"t cO,"(I1li!tl. l!Iuthold.ty al1d rcuapbn~ibilil:.)' (01 ~ha administrBtion de all RI!",l ~~t~~e ~~AQta ~htch are ~~Datg of ony truct cr~atQd h~rQunder. i~ the 1nulvidual Spe~ial ~l"ustae~ nO/l\ed b~low. not in the corperate %~d~pe~d~"t Trustee. .. J.::J . 0'1 ~!!bJ.1l--P..L-a.e_'L1....t.1U.At:e.......A>>~. Lf!qal t.i Uer t:o all J:tlilal !;Q'l:ate AGgo~s OUn!!!! by this RsvoC::llbll1 Tru9t durinc; Grantor's lifet~"me. 01: by any ttlUlt, c::rcult.ec:l heraundor after c.;rant.or's death. t:tti!lll be hCllc1 in the nallles o~ the J.ndlvldual Spec!Dl Trus~gGS na~ud belovo "1J.0'1 M.mU..ntl!lqr~.....Q'--s.p~_la~a.!'J and ~c:!S"lld1:!ll Itcms\ A. D~I.l'J..tl9- c ~.t:.:.J_.w.u.u.!a~. 0\1%'! nc;J araht:~r I .!I l.1t:ct.ime arantar's \l1tb vlcr~ET dnd Ct'~ntor'J: adl1. tlUtES1' ALFC~Cl ~LA1'T (~ereafter rQt.~rGd ~u ad '~LFOR~'). and Granter's son-in. law, BX~~~, WtNcHFSTEF rho~ea!ter. r~!@rred ~o as 'BXLL'), shall Berve tClqQthcr .aD ::;peci.:!l TrulIt:aen of all Jtoal EBt:.ate AGsots, from t:.i~o to ~i~B or at any t1~e. 1n the Clriginal t~.!It ner~uhdll!r . C1) %C V!CLE't at liny t:ll\lt! 7:etuseg to serve. or TesiCJnp, or is unable to r:1!lt'ry an her du"tieg, cr ding, t10 t'l11c::c:ossor shl\11 be llpJ:lolntQd to rill VtOU:T'S posdtion IU .. spat:ial 'trustee, :ind t.ha r~Jft.:!l inil"lq b'o ~PQc:ial "I"t'ustGes or the rl!!lI1tin.1t19 onn ~t'E!C':to"'ll l':;,'u~tcc. ::I::; t.hli! c.as~ llIay bG. shl!.ll th~reaft8r sarVQ alone. -:J- Zgg.~ 9g/91"d VIO-1 .WOJ.j W~Rq:OI RR-f.l-u~r t [S9RS ON XM/XJ.] 6S:TT a~ 66/tT/TO j;;C: ;I'';;8l.J ;~ 448 (2) If ~trOR~ at any ~i~8 ~QfUa09 to sarva, or :rQ8.1.~l"I9, elr is unablg to carryon ni!' dutlaa. .or d!GS, CraneDI:" B 'i[rs ndd~ uqhtn r, $I\EJ2I \-IUICllESl'E;J;l-LUCAS thereafter refnrrl!d t.o ..s 'sHEIn'). l;hAll roplaca ALFo~b as a Spechl TrUSt.fUlI. rt SHER! at any t.ill'll! rotuslIs t.o servo. or t"a!'lliqn~. or L~ unablp to carry Oh h~r du~ioa, or diG~. Crantnr's gra:'\dd4ur;Jnt.er, 1<ATHRY" .:IOY wUlcH!::ST~Sl (hClr.in.~r:sr 1'8t'erred t.O J!S '.:tOY', ~hl'lll l:eplOCQ SlltP-l n9 l'\ special 1't"ut:St.ce. !f' JOY at. art)' t.i~Q rarUAClS ta fUtrVII. ell:' ~C!piqns, or is una1:)ll:! to C=l.rry or! h~l" aut.ioa. or dicus. t:.han no Quccascot' 111'\11.11 be eppainted to fill .J01('~ poQition as a specl~l l'r'u9leC!. and t.hd rl!mainlnl3' tl.,/O sf"ec1al Tru*tl!tt!I!l, ot' thp relTlalnlnq one Spec i.::sl 'trustee. as t.ht! ~UOl! ~ay bc. ~~al1 tharoa!tor &Crvg alone. C J l If Bl LL a t any ~ illlo rSfUBIl!U t.o nei'vcr., ar r~~iq"B, or 1n un~~la to c~rry on hi9 dutle9, ar dieo, Gra~tor'~ dau9htar, ELs,n: ^. W1NCH.E:S'tE.R (horaatb!lr reflifr.,:,c!d t:o as · tLSIE') Chall l;eplaca S:r:r..L iI!i n spaC.!hl 'frUc::tee. It' E:LSU: at any til'l\l.'! =1Bt'\,;.l.;uc: b, rterve. tit' reg1,qns. 01" ill t.J1'li1ble t.d carry en her d~tjes, or ~1es. SHE~I sHatl r~pl~c~ ELSIE ~s a spoe!al TrUS~ee. II! SliER%: at. any tift'ct ra(Ul!:Ict: td a:ervC!. t:li" rc:!siC?ns, or is unabll! tn carry OM tier dut:1ClS. or dies. .:to'! s.hall rW!:ll&ce SHERI all a special "%'ruatae. It "OY at: any e!llIC! refustll; ~o I!erva. or r-13siqhs. or is u:'\acle to carry Dne (31,::) h'i!2:' dut.le:i, or ditu:, thOM no auc'::~~~~~ Gh~11 he ~prointad to fill JaY'a pos!t~o~ 4S a ~~ecl~l ~~uetue, ~nd th~ r.p~ainl~9 ~uo special T~ust~es, O~ tho r~~alnln9 on~ Spe~ial Trusteft. as the c~s. may be. shall cherea!tar :aerve ~Honl.!. e4, t.ItU!I1 the llut. of "IOUT. ALF'OP.D, BtLL, ELSIJ::, SHERI .:a"d .tOY refuses t.o serv... or resiqntl, 02'" is unable to CArry on hie or her duties. or d:ies~ thlln 't.he carporato I:ndC!pendel'lt:. 't'ructCl. IU'I1112. 8flllh.llftE! 'l:he edtll1h:!ltration o~ ~hB p:&al E.sta~e Agast::s and rllcg!ve lIa cO/llper!1:8tiot'l far :ita aat:v!ces the fe~~ it normally chargec 1n its raqula~ly pUblished ach8dulo. ag the 1;8=& JIIay be. f::rOll! til'll~ to t11l\e, IlJlt~ndBd. or e~ othClrulue agree::! to ul1der llg1."eClllterlt lIIatte with the C:ar~orllte Independont '1't:ust.I!I" , s, 1l~EU"_C::_U1Jt.cv:''':f&JutIi. 1"hlit Spec!.a 1 T.rUs't.t!sa s..k:. and Succ.ssor Spaei~l TtUetaem hamed 1n the preceding P4ragraph A ~, s~all also serv~ ~~ Spaci~l l'tu&tG88 a"d SUCC8~sar9 of all Real r Es'tatll ASDotl!l in ;all truDtlil created hereunder aft:et" Gratlta~'b death, excopt. any Oescundanc's Trust he~eUnd2r for the ben8tit of <:In)' descendant'. af Alford. L!I.A 1.EE: KlATT, t.hQ w.i!e Dt Ai Cdrd (herl!.lnofter r-eferred t.:s as 'Lil.lt'l, l!l1d Di11 llhal1 sel'Va aa Spacial Trustoes of a11 Real Ectl:!te ^ss~t;a in all CEJsc.ncSant:a' Trusts hc!Z'e\2nd~%' for Ill"lY de"c~"c1~nt f:jf Allard. If' Lila at :ll'Iy ti~~ reslgna. or is u"nble to 9~~V~. or dlea, Lila's successor QS SpClcial Tr-U!'ttCD fol" ;ir.y Guch OesC'll!nc1ant:.. ~ Trust rca IIny dcsccndcn'l: o! ft:A.::Cl:<.J :..:!.e!. 1 t.:.~ Grst1to': I g grandson, C:HAP.1..ES l(EVltl l<.~1"T (hl!rea!t~r r'p-ferr!!d ~o Itll 'lCC!vin'l. J.f lSill at ~ny tillll! -4 - Z9E-j 9E/ll'd 110-1 -WOJj W~OO: II B6-El-u~r [S9R9 ON XM/XJ.] 69:11 Ot 66/tT/lO t . ,- I J ,;'I'lf 7580 F-, 449 r..1't 19/'1I11. or it! unabl. e to I!lltt"Yl!. f:l%' cHoa. Sill's E1uc.:::cssor I!EJ Spec~al Trust.c tor any such Ueecahdant1s ~~Ubt hereunder 'o~ any dllscendant: ot Alford n!\Dll bel St'ler-1. In case of a further vacancv in the offic~ of a Special Trustes of ~841 EatatQ Assets in ahy-Deaoendaht's Trust hereundgr ~o~ any 6escendsnt at Alford, the rl!!llain1n9 r;~E1ciaJ. Tr\3ot.ect I!!IMall servt: 810110. When ~h~ laat ra:mainlnq Spacial Trustllll oL Rgal Estate! AIISClt.b in any Uescenda tit IS j'rIJst. hert?11'1C1er tor any thUH::andStlt. of ..1 fore:! .t:'Bsigl'UL cUes 01:' is incapacit.at.ed, t.he corporate Ind<<I:U!ndont l'rustce shall them 1l:$~Ulll. the adad.niat:.ra tion 01' the Real tstate Allsots !.. such l:Je~c:andanl:'~ T%Ust ilnd sJ\all .t:'e:!celve as eottlpC!nsat.ion {or it.. I:;c!:"Vir:E1s the fees it: norlnlJ11y charges in i~e l:'l!gula~1y publiahed ~c::hedull! as tna salCle l1\3:,' kll~. frdltl. time to time, amended. or as tJtherwlse aqrll:!ad to undD:: Ilgreeltl~l1t lIIadc "/1t:.h tl'le corporate Ind12pll!ndonl:. T=,us't.Gl12_ c;:, 1J.QIl~. Ito sJ:!<<lcial TrUDeed ar sUcc::alisor S~eeial ~ru~teG vherp.ver actlnq shall be r~quirQa to qive bond or sursty ...r ",c:::c.ount fea.- the adM.Ln1stratiol'l of any trUst herQund12r t::J any r:ourt. 1.>, ~A.iSJ)!UJs..c. Any Spec:lal 1'!'U~t.ee of any t:.rust c:r~Atfld by tt:.is Aqrl!l!llletlt ltIaY at. 3ny tilllCl :uuaiqn by l.ru=trl.\lIIC!nt:; in '~r i ti n~ s i~t1ed. by !Ouch specla 1 'rrust:'!e .line! deliv'!Z'ed to the c:~antot". it thl!n 1iv!n9, at1d to the pE:rflO1'lg then e"tltle:!d t~ the incolllG fro", such trust:. ~:- ~e:!t:s--J:lL SUccessor ~b!o'tcla1 't'~t.Jl!~JI. Any ~~eceD~~~ Special Trustop vhel1 h~V. 8no ~ay GX8~C se all 01 the po\o#...s. pr.1 v il1299S, .!.II\ftlunities 8nd. exe_l'ticns conrl!lrrGd en 'tho original ~pecl81 Tru~~~es as fully and ta ~ha gaM~ @x~ent:; as it th9 lLUC:::C811110r had dri9inal1y bculn namCld al!l Spoclal Tz:'llstee hQ~Qin, 8xcapt as a~eciClcallY in th~d ~~t.1c18 Thirteen prnvid@d t.D t.he contrary. "13 . bS Oo.c.idS:1~--9f the SDec:1'l1.-I.~I,l~. Any povsr vlI,gtCld J,J, thrll:c:l o~ mot'lI to~lI~t:.ial 'rrust:.el5!s D~ any trust cZ'C!ated hareutldej:,< lllay l!@ exe.rdsl!d by II lIaj ort t)' of gaid S~ecial TrUst.e~a, but a special Trubt8G who hag not joihBd in exercising A pow~r shall nat ~a 11~ble t~ the be~.~iciarias or to others rat' tl'1e e,;)necquencee e~ t.h~ exerci.3e, and a dll1&~"t:l"9' spet=ial 'I"l'Ust.lle shsll not be liablo !ar the condectuClnelUl or an act in which ho join (alc] at: tht! diaer~t..iCltt af thtl ntajdr.1ty ot the:! s~ec:iBl ~rustQ~S i~ the dissentittq special Trust~a e~~re~.~d his dlslUll'lt: i,., ....rit!nc;t to ally at the ether Special Tr\.letUfJa ..t. dr bG!'ore the tlrrtg of j o1.ndetr, "'ny pO..,Qr' "eet:ed in two Special 't':t"lH'ItU!!l or ""y trugt l::t:'est~<.1 h~~eundC!r shall bl3 aXl!rc:::laed by both lIueh Sp~cial Trust~ec. ~~cept ~a hcteaftar provided. A. ~t~~. If any t~o In~lvl~uQl s~u~l~l Trugt@~s af Rl!al ,Gtato Assets or ~"Y ~rust r.r~ated h@raund~r are -!;- ZSE-~ SE/BI'd ~IO-l -WOJ~ weoo: II 66-EI-uer {#:f I [S9RS ON XM/XJ.] 6S:11 a~ 66/t1/10 .AC "/ :::;a LJ .... .;.~D thfJ et'll)' Sp6c.l.al Trustees ot sUch truat thon servinq and if thoso tUe ind :l.vJ.i:iulll special TrUE,\tods CllnnClt Aqt"~ll dl1 sny ilia ~t::.llr, then that. ueadlock ~hsl1 be reonlvad by tho vote of JOY, un lOGS JOY is one ot' Dlld t:\JO special 'trUat.eC!.9 who cRntldt a'iJrolJ or unless ",oy ia incill'llcitatCld, daal:! elr rl1!us6!1 to ad:., in vhich 8V.."t. the Cl6adleck shall ba t"csol ved by the vetil of' the CClrporate Indl!pentlent Trustee. S . J.g.s;;p. tJ..CV1_?I.-1ti:a.t._ .EIl t~---.1\Q!I.itU!. tor th~ ~urpoBos of t:!'Il~ Pl!ri:Jl;~Ill=Jh: (1' a Illi.al l:;at.at.& Assai:: c:cmailltinq ot any interest. (cOltlpl<!t", or pa.t"t:lal), .1nclu"Hnq lI1Clrl:qll~tl!l, lesnes anes any ct.hgr equity or dlllbt lnteraBl:s, 1.n reel prC;lper~y ahall be c:cnBidclrad 'locAted' ~h tho jurisdictiol1 in Which Iluch rQa1 prc~~rty is located: (ii) a ~e~l Estat~ AS80~ consls~i~~ of eny intere&1: (Colllp.letl1 or part:lal) I including 9quil:y cr debt ihtere~tu, iTl a l!~i~sd ~~ 9QMer~1 partnersk1~ o~ninq any inter-est (complata or partial), includlM9 1lI0t"!:.g!lg2li'1, lalUllU or aMY dt:hsr equity Or' clebt:: .I.n~C!ren~s, i" rnd. proper~y GIlal1 be cOhsid~rad .1~c~tQd' 1n th~ juri&dl~t1on Whdt~ such rd81 ~rO~9rty b locstedl {iiJ1 4 ,(::t3al Estat:;p ^!!Elet ~Jhlch consist!'l 01:' '1ny intC!rcst rcofllpj ate or parl:.hl), .i"cludlnq aqui't:y or dl:!bt: int:artilsta. 11'1 ., closely held ccrl=Jorat:lon cloIn,hlg any il'ltf!l"cst rcclllpleta or Pi11.-tiall. inc:1Udln9 IlIcrtc;laqell, 1eessJII C1%" I1ny ether qquity 01" dabt it1t:gi:'(!!lt:~, it'l rod property shall be cot1s1dl1rid 'loC::ft~otd' il1 the juriE:~ictiol1 uhere suc~ raal property 11"1 locat.t1dt r iv) a laeal ~stBt.G Jlbset ...hick ccm"i st:e c:lt any 1nt:.a!'C!Bt:, Ccolllplet.e or partial), i"cluding equity or dabt !nt~~Gat:.. lh a pl:'op~.iet:.or9hiJ), a.lloc:.f..at.io..... joint venelJrl! or C1thl!2:' llus1l'UH:c ent!~y o~i~~ any ~nterest (cu~plat~ or part:ia!). 1~1~~irt9 :Ilort:.~ages, leases cl:' any o~her aquity or debt intere8te. in rea1 proporly shall be COnSidl'H'ccl ' located' in till! juri cuHci::lon w1u:!re sueh real prClpl!r't~ is loc.tlld~ and (V, a Real r;state A!UUlt wtlich con.lat. of: tan9ibl. I'~r!:o"al rrl:llpYrt:y or .fixtuJ:'es shall b. co~glc!llIrQt.l I J.ocatQd I it! the jUrisdiction wh.re .uch 'tangible porBonal Il,..Qper-ty 01' f1~tur~s. a.tlil norlllally located. II Any person dQaling wlt~ the spe=lal rruA~ees gh.l1 dpal v~th the D2:1d S~u!lcia1 TrUDt.C!as in tl1g orde.r ab lIet l'o%"~ a!:lOY8' lIo pl!t'Bdn. howovl!Ir. shall. dllls1 with a Sl.IcCellllClI:' spacial tn,ltltag uI'ltil one or JIIore o~ t.hl! fo11Q.....1ng have been reclli"ll!d by saleS perRon or pla.ceJ of 2:'act.:lrcl in thd j.n.1sdi.ctjon wke~u tIll! ~raal Entat~ A~ae~ is l.ocata&, detQrmlned in accerdancs ~ith the -6- ZSE-~ SE/61'd ~lO-l .WOJ~ welO: It 66.EI-uer [99g9 ON XM/X~] 6S:11 a?~ 66/~T/TO ';"r. 7~80 Pg 451 l:lJ:o"isianb of '1'ruAt:. Snc:t.Jon 13. dS, Pars9Z'ap!'1 8. llS !!let: forth ~bo""e r A. 'l'J1.a "'rit.t:en rdsicJnation ot a prior special tructse S~drn ~o and acknovlad~Dd before a ncta~y public. a. A c:er~t~led d8at~ certificate of a prio~ speciel 1ru!ltee. C. The order of a court dr eo~paten~ jurisdietion adjugic8~inQ a pricr Special Tru~~ea 1nc3paci~Bted, or ~eJllov ing sald SJ)oc1l!1.l 1ruete~ far l!Iny rea!lon. b. Thq writton c~rtlf{cat;as df two physlc1a"s currantly pra~ticinq ~edlc!na thaI: 21 t;pec.1al Tr\.tllt:ee is physic::a11y or ~~ntal1y incl!Ipablc of handlirt9 the ~utiQg of Special Tru~tGe. E. The iott:",1 ttl!tl rCtl'Ioval of a Successor speciel 'tr~8t.llle and/or the appo:lnt:lIlel'lt. or an additional SUcc~ssor Special '1'rUbtee by t:be crantor Sworn to and 8cknawledqad before a noesry public, I~ WXTNESS ~"E~~OF. Cr~~tdr has ~lqned and eealdd thasB ~r8sents ~be day and year rirat above written. QealQ~ and deli~er.d pt'C!settcl!I rJ~t ~~s~rt;;- X!!:.R.~bd kn~=~;~ E~~ST KLA~. C~TQ~ (2) .---y----~--' ~H LY~N Joe:~ -'1- ZSE-~ SE/OZ"d V10-1 _WOJ~ welD: II BB-El-uer [S9R9 ON XM/XJ.] 69:11 ~~l 66/tl/10 -.....~ - JRa 75'aO p~ 45:': S~ATE: OF FLClRIDA CQUNtt OF PAUf B~ACH) The forsqainq in!otrUI1Bnt was aCkrtawlllc!gad before JIG this 'd-1 day elf J&i1Uo!lr~, ].993, by EJUlES"1" F. Y-tJ\t'1:', aIlla know" lUt ~~EST KLA~. who is persohally known to mG. ~~ l'IICHA~I. A. SC:H1l0ED.a;R ~atary Public: - gt:~C!! at Fldrida 1tJDITH LYNN laos ~y Coml'rd II s \tln Numbe r: ny C:otllJl\1s!!I1on Expiras; (NOTARY SEAL) (lC1at:1.fd . pb\.1/21/9 j) .' .;;:::.... o:'roGll'.1. !I~l. i" " "ug,'>4L.,..,llIJQCI8 ( ~~ 'N-,:J"'f"I.o~cSI"'aarF\drfl3ll \ :t:Iti!;~1 CoIn...~IO" -.d C;;C I~ '~~::.~ bt.C._ Aullllt.I1:1. .P.tS -1I- ZSE-~ SE/lZ'd ~IO-l _WCJ~ W~ZO: It 88-E l-u~r [S9RS ON XH/XJ.] 69:11 a~ 66/t1/10 ~jUI 7580 P'J 453 !t:~ liRIi v~~I F 1 C:u DOROTU'r H W1U<EI ~lcRj( OF THE -:OUII; - i'S ~OUNTY. FL l:;XHXBXt' "A" PA!tCEI. 1 All cf LaK!;! eossJ.& and lands atljac:en1:. oehat'ct.o, lying north of Boyn~on ~est Rd~d. west of tho ~-4 cAnal end East ol Lots sa td 76 incluc1cd an the ~lat in Ple~ Book 7. P&cJe 2d Clclas a parcel 20 fdst ti~e 4S feet bging 16 teat west of a~d 30 :ee~ east of the northerly extGlnldcn Q~ tha cunter 11n!! of v~13it:e Drive), ~l!ci;iol'l ~T~'nShip 45 S~uth, Range 43 Last, Pal~ ~aac:h Co~nty. rlo~1da PAFC~L 1.1 An undivided fift:t (50!or) perCbrlt: in-t:.Grlist in and to the following: Tha.t: porticn of the ~ 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the ~Iti J./4 of thl!l SE 1/4 lyin9 North of the Lakm ~or~h Draina9g District right-cf-~ay for the L-17 canal., LESS ro~d right-or ~ay tor 11111'Ca.ry Trail. (S~ 809). al~ in Sdct;ioTl 1. '1"dwnsh1p 45 S. Range 42 E, pa1m 13eaeh C::t1unty. 1: 10r .1da ThQ &t..1 t/.. of the )IE J./t. or Soc:tion 1. T01Inship 45 South. Range 42 Eaat, Pa~m 2~ac~ county. Flor~da~ LESS thd North lj2.0 feet thfJreof ond l::h... ri9ht-ot-",ay ~or H.i..1it:...~ ":'Z'~.!.1 l S~ g83". Sl.Ib1c!lc;t; to 3n :!:a$t1m~nt in fayor or Florida Pover aneS :t.i9ht C:cllIpany, r~corded in off!cial ~.COrd5 ~ook ]7eS, Page 782. g! tha Public ~eeords of Palm ~~ach coUnty. Flo~ida ~ASotCEL :II:Z: An undivid.~d r!!!t:)' (SO"" ~ar-c..nt. int.erest in and to t.h~ fol10....ingl Tract 47 Of I;he SUbcUy.f.sion ~t' secticn 19, 1'olJnship 4S south, Ran~ft 43 ~aet, LESS the right.-o~-way for Boynton Road, .ce~rdin9 to the Pla.t thereat ,u: rec~rdl!c! in Plat !lclclc 7. Page 19, "dt t.he! ~ubli~ Records et pa1m g~2ch county, Flortd8 -9- ZSE-~ SE/ZZ"d ~IO-! _WOJ~ ,/ ! x x weZO:11 BB-EI-uer [99RS ON XM/XJ.] 6S:TT aH~ 66/tT/TO J~~.lZ.1993 12:32PH . U;jWYEF.S TL . lAAuPz.. ~ J t MQ-tirWL1~~8-1e7'37 I In!tfa.. atJrlllGlilZl tIO CIIII 7Of,..1I0 Ole E4,M. It t'REt'NU:D BY: IlG~D!IO , RittJIUQ TO: ttrcl4AE1. tu Sf;ltAOSDII.R. ESQ. s'::Ii$1CmtR lilt! ~. P..A.. SUtfl 319~. 22S5 c~~&S lCAe eot:A M'rCR, rJiOlUDA nUl PRo~tltY CC~Tkot NO~ 00 43 'S 19 oS a~1 C010 stJl;e~eacut.' s UgSTES' & $KCtAL IWtlWtrT DEitb THIS :!!lict1Uo tIA~"NT't tlSCC Zll!dll tMa ~r l!1~ ar f'lateh. 3.~!lI. b~' Tl<<lM.\S ~tl)j.. ~c:c:!,acu. 'flIUf:"rSlt or TlJE Sl17ltlClJ. e. ~SCll1'l tRU~ ~T&D ~~r 23. 1~97. whus~ ~OJt e!fiOft addroaa 11 Unit ~'60 Plantation !toad. Ibte~ ~"eft, r'lor.ida ~39U tT&~~: t'dtl'l,:1~~catJ.an. ~WIlbCa~ tiS-C2421!Cl t.~U'!'ed t~ .. .~ea"~el:.~: Mt-::!IAU ~. SCaotDP.. AS tlttjSTEE CF tU "l'MCl' $1 WD US: AGRSEMSItt DAttD M!\lCI:I 1'7 r 1 In trtfJt N.L ~... .. ~ 1'..1.. ,IU. D'l ta norM_ caMaI..... aLt.. 2ASI. ..~~ OR g~ ... MID .,... cr m Qlf6 iBBRft~ ~,. ~. (T~~ ldea~Uc&Uea lI\lt!I1::lM' ~lO.J ) ~ I'OIt ClUce aaare. 18 c/d Il:htclGder ad M. P,A.. CD aM. 2255 01AcSes Rc:lad. I:Icea lt4tOD. P1~ia. 33024 b~1Dl!tfSt' ealll4 .Q~Mleet!. . f . 1rtnlE;SSS'ftll 1ha.t tl:Ie Cka21~ flU All4 La CQa.lclendOD c~ 121.l111 af ~.ft '#.1a.UOI ~11u.. ~:f o;aluabl. 4l:lIb8!dene . nee1gt whenaf 1. tJeftb1 ac:lctI.oWllq.4. l\e.Hby ~~., "'~I ceUU. .1lieu. I'eld.bM. "1....-. cmt.,ey. &hI CQhU~. -.ante! the ~~~ea. all tMt ce!'taU\ led eJ.tutQ Us Jdlll aelc:h CaUftty. rlar1da. c!e~i!led as fQU~~ : rraet 51. A IUIDIVtS1cno OF SlttIOri 19. tQ~IP u aaJJ't!. ~ .u US!. teeordlbg to the J.lla.t tt1etedf ad Z'C!ecLtd; ill plat ft_ '7. P.~ 1f. Clt the Pt1bU~ Reectt'd.l of Pal. a=k ~t.y. Sl'1.etlda I StrSJSCt TO: ~ 1. Ta!lt@l:l Ear the 1M%' 1t!t1 lint! ..,.bseQ'al!ftt ~.. ~. z.rming. nllr:riet1011s1. ~1~1ca. en4 oeller ~Ctld.n.i.n.t:. mposecll:ly !<S~llIMtIl1 uUlol:'1ty. .. 3. uau1C't.i=- acd _totezoa etlMdD9 CD thIl ~caat.iea\ lUll a.-de4- llIsa plat: d~ otbewlae ~ a the 1NW1...~on, 4. Ju!lUe uU11:.y MlIMletItI o! ~. , to - '-:;.. -.I.. ..- , . . .. ~ ~ , . ~ : .."" .. . ~" 16 - _.. .. . .. .. ,~ .. . l ' . . .. "'. .'. .. -, ..",. ~ . .' ... ~ .".. . . . . .. . , . , I . . .: - , . , , . . . . .. .. . -",.- ..-- :'. . . . .. ... I '.. . - . . . ,~ . , . .. .' . .e. ... . . ' . . ~. , j . .. . '. ., " ,. 9 . .' . .. . . . . . .1 I . f . , . .. " ,,. .. I ,- . . . , . .. ." .. , . .. IIIlC . a ... . .' 'Q~_~ Q~/~"~ ~'n-I -' .. ~ NQ.838. P,2 J , .' .. . '" .- J . . . - . . . . .. .. . '. " .. .. ..- . .. . . . . ". _lIlnlJ 11lt''7n-'' Qc:r_C'I_"D'" [99R9 ON XM/XJ.] 69: TT (l<>'-'l 66/f:l/l0 , a. ! D:ui4" 27' ODROTIIY ... IWJ(9" CLSIC fIB~, n. ., tCGMRER. lIIU.b :a.l1 tile t.e!Il!lNmts. h~l'lldi~tD: illl~ ilp~rttld.ccaa tbuet.e holc!1fl!1=!I at' 121 llnpiBe apper'taJ.ni~. , ~- U'ftIII_""''''''' 1!4U AI! '1ft ~ M' .. DIUI ~ . JpN.12,199'3 12: 33pM U:ll,JYE~:; Tl. . TO ~VS MD 'lCI BlX.12, 'ttw '&!It iii f.. ~C1 f~~ltC'. I N#D the at'Uta!' ~y ~t" vHb M14 c::t'~ntee tha,titbe ~t:a%' 1.0 laWf\l1:'r .~izt!lcr C1f Iud lane! U fee .1tlpl~, tllat 1~~ Qt8nt.C2t' ha. gClOlJ ~ SIll! 1alffl.ll a"tPt.od.~y te .ell aM. e!:liftftr !IUd. labd f Met ~ "uraBtII t!)!O UUa t.o add. lad ed. Will aef.bt! the ISIle aga1fts'"t the l&vf\&1 dai1lls of all ~nDD8 ala1mhl! 'by. ~~h '0:' ~ the aa.lcl Ciral1tor. . t tlt 'rT!&SS 1IlmR!OF !::he add c:t'*bt= b&b he~t:o lOt lUfl had ancl aeil1 in Ilh@ day ad rear fi~K Cove tI1'1tl:efl_ i S~ li1el&lA4 led r3GU....Mcl ~tfi~~ ~" 111M U Vi: e._. ~ I ;;4... IJ~~ a- ~ ~ wlf,it,:tMSQII. s=cU~1L 'tlttIS1'!S CP 1d -'=1'C1.\, C. WCAtt nusT fIltEb MAt: 23. U97 s-:t.u: OP n.cSUCA COt3lft'Y 0' StAUII haOi . 'me f~DCr Lr.4It.f:Wllmt 1Ia. .~le~ed. be!an .. Cllb(;- 8rty of .~. U'I ~ ftCIMas vt:.t.UIIISC*. S ~ tlUfttI C1':fta M.tu~ c. WQ.tt tIIat'r ~ MJt 33. ~,.,. t) Ht ~~ - JlQrpono~ to 111! !I.U ~1d.l!C! IlL- ar... 1. ~ ..~ ~~-,-", !d....~1 ~at.iClQ_ t\t ea-~-~ Jb:&l!~.1 lJ~h'l ~ CCIIIIl1cli:1 ~at:t.f. t( "t3'" tS1 Sl:ltuy ~ .t"1~\lI:,"mU.02'Ij:f'J.lllltl .:.,..~. .. r- ". . - -- .' - .. . . .. ." ...... . I' -. . ;.. . \. t . . .. tic .. ". "'" r. . . f. . ~ . . ..,. .. . .- '. . . . . '.- .... ... " :- .. ... .- .. .. :.. .. . . ~..... ..' ~ .. .. :..... ... : - -It , ~ ... 4 p . - . .. . .- . .. . . I' . .. . . . " . .' . .81( . . - . '" 0" . · - -.: t. - . , , - .- . ,- . . -, .' .. . . , -. I . . - . .. . --.........; . .' # . - ~ f"'.. .. .. '... - .. ~.. II . .. .. ., . . . . .~. 6 : - I' ." . .- ........... .... .... .. -.. . .. ... . . . . .. ~ ZSE-~ SE/~Z.d ~lO-! NO. 38 P_3 " - . ,~ . ,- - . , . .( .' .,. . ... -. ~.' .. t " . . ' : .... r. . .. .. 11 -. .: . , - . . . . ,. . . _WOJ~ weEO: II 66-EI-uer [99S9 ON XM/XJ.] 69: n mp- 66/tl/TO J~N.12.1999 lZ:32PH LAWvtRS TL '--.. r " ,"-...,1 , V Ft.laudetdari .....ain Office It o"e Rl1arld:d PIW 100 South t1St ",:td A\ll!t'\tJe Suite 10S Fort Utlderdale. I:L 3J3~ ~s41'e3..1341 Fax g~4/S24." 'itJ~l 'tol,I J;,e Sll$/46J.1]4' NO,838 P.l Q k~IS1itle In.surance @pCl(attott V" ill- '4!= ( tJ u IL -:f#= 'fQQQ7- 'Id' CJr()~d.rI-1 'wA l......l'1ht.-,- (JArr C Ear'*'"1'"(J'" /JIA-'If) DATE.. ,{- 17 -? f, TIME: Please tU/ivu- thl!.followlllg pflgtS to: NAME: . 1 D {tfS1J1 tl Fe- ~HiK FIRM: " LI t)6JV{ H r..,' G I,rlJt<'Y FAX: 7' if'-dff,' FROM: A f."P /( (fit) I(~ C /I!r jtI...r d,.v (bi ~I€ ~~ ~; J.Jf!) ~ ~ ..." ').... ItJ ~ r' Total numher DfJltlftS (btdudbtg cover $lute:t): :3 If jJtJu h~~ fUI)1 qlJ.~1U or t!IJ Plot reeelve IZlt pagt!!$, pltlfZSt!. t:lJ.l1 us 11$ SD01'L lIS j1dSsibltl. COJl.lMEJqS: C.!lIY of' . ()~ I OJ ~'f~ ,., r ~ I 0 /l.O'~ u.,!o/ ()(t d/l..RJ-fttJ 9.. \r,; U; fA-X 1v[/4~ (f;C.'; I/~P. OPERATOR: Aile. . Fm::'9S4...sU,t!JO ~I CONFIDENTIALn'Y NOTE: 17air traJrsmirttll is Urtmdld only.far th~ IUe Dfche bu/ilIitbJ.al Dr e1dit,y to whlclt. It Is tUlr/ressed rmd may Cr11d1ziit irifomrrztZon. tlttd ;, pr&Uepl. t:D1I,/fd.l1UlDl. tm.Jl ext!1nptfrlJm tlUclD.rure. UJf.4ill' ap'p&d~ ltrt4J. lfthe n!ffde oftltis I:1'rDU7ffitt61 . fS !tot dIe bltmtled 'ec:q,tlJl.t)1lJu. are 1t.t!11!!lJy IlQtifiJ!d tlitJ:t lZISJ1 tJissemundtiiJ1l, dist?'th1dhJrt 01" ~PJJin.iJ tJfthfs t:olrr1n""f~n. is stridIy p",ltibibttl. If"yDU. htz'lls I'tft:~i:Ut!d this COnuttlll'ltctZlitJlt fit ertflr, pleut! II.Dtify as iItuMrlillhly /JJI ttdqlttJne 1Z1'I.d rttrl17t: tlr.~ origillalli'rursmitrrzl If) tLf trI. the a.htJ'fle ttddnss 1Ita: tire 'U1'I..aed States PDStII.l Service. [S9R9 ON XM/XJ.] 6S:11 a?~ 66/t1/10 . . ~~....=-.. -.":; ..' ~"-1J.-1qM ll3:nr-. 88-254160 OIlS S805 Plt 1427 PREPARED d"t f Hlc:IUUIL 1. Sc:mttJ!DtQ., tsQ. hTOI~ JUn) u.Jl<:HE. 1'.1.. ;U3A :ZSS CLADU !lOAD , DO(:A b'1'Olf. r1:D1l:rtlA 33421 ru'1) 241.-0300 1&-254160 Com. 1 =:al'IlI<D~1lB COUNti:2FfDS ~ DUD ThJ.s :tnda"tw:'e ..4. t.b1J 6t.1l day ar Sept8lllblllr, .1fU. by FtDlUDJI. CAS 'J:1tA)lstttSStaM ~.AIrlr a Delava:-. cot'poratioll. r/k/a KOtfS'1'OJl UXAS GAS Mj) otL c:otuoa1lAtta2f. a c:orparacicm ed.Un." undor ~o J.a.g of DelswarlO, and bllviAq 1~. pru,eJ..pal ,lace af lIudne.. at, Uda salt.h St:reet. RtIU8tcn, tcuraA 71002 huutt:or: caUo4 tbo Gralltor to MAt.L cDRn:lt, DlC" a. 'lorid. earpCltat:!an. whoA POg~ ofrieca ad4rcau is d/d Sc:hroRder a.n4 tattl'ul. P.A.. slli~Q 31S1A. 22!l5 Gladell 1lO44, Boea bt.on. 1'1o~.lda :l:lUl af the eoW1.t.7 o:r Pal. Beach. stat. at plod,d.. 1l":t'.1.r1af~.r call"" tI\a Grantea. tt%'l1tESSJ!:11r. ~at. ..id C:rantlllr. tor and. !n c:ons.l..d.tr.a.Ucn ot 'the sua cU: 't'elI aM tlCl/1both.lll---rSlQ_OO)----Dol1ara, and other c)aad at:ld. valu.elc cond4at-lltiotl, t:hCll raclllSJ't Wh*rliaf! iA heref aclalowleatjJQ4, by u'ClIlCl pnll.n~. dotl. grant. ZM~1n, .-u. &1illl1, reld,lIfl, :rlll.a.., ClCInvl!Y at\d. ClOllflt1i uat.o the Gr.n~ee, .all tb4~ c.J:'t.ain ].and alt.batll J.t1 pd. sueh. C:ollnty. 'lorida, "b: Stt EX1U1ttT "A" A1"f~da:O H:t1ttTO IJIb !McoaSOORATl:D St1U::I1f Sf ~a: SU1l.:rECT TO ~ TaxeR .far the )Our 1988 aM SUllSClq\lClnt. YllarG, zonin.,. l'AIIt.:r:lctioftll, prohibiHonll and atluIr Z'lIqUirRnanb .l...mJ?O&ecl by C)t:JVGz:rtlIClftt:a1 a\lt:h~rJt:y. Raati' J.c:t.i ve coven.tnt..s I can41 tit:lnlll, stipu1at:iona. ealUilll.Cltat:s ded.lca:Uona ArId. r_uyat.iona .. M't fartA. abavtl ud r.c:itA4 on ~1.t. Z'tlCdrdGc1 121 Plat. Sook 1, at. Stagll 19. or t.h* ~Hc Rl!cords of ~a1D Beach towd:r. rlot'1da 1.'OCE'I"KE:R wU:1t all t.i!n8lllAUlt.. het8lilt:aaenta 11114 Ilppw:t.enanc:as t:horeta be1ol\qitil# ar In lln1""1118 IlJlIMlI:t.ail'l1l;<<1. 1'a HAVE AJrt) TO HOW, thll s..e in. feG c:apla forevu. 1, 2. J. .NI'D the Grant.or bercy eovenanh \lith uid c:rant.. that it b lawtl.ll1y ..lueS ot Bail! lUl4 !at 1M Gapl., i:hat. it ha. 90011 r.lqht and 1avM authorit.y to lieU IlJ'ld donvey .&1d 1&n41 that: it: b.z::lIlIb:r t\l11r ....rr.nt.. Ule t.itl. to .aid 1an4 tln<1 ...113. ..raw tIla sa.. .9ainet:. t:he la.vN1 claJ.:aa of! all porsan. _hopes.v...., and u.t. lIa14 la%1d b tree ot ..11 "bcUlllht'lUIeOtl. %11 "'XTttE.S~ VII!;1U;Ol'. C;rantor baB cBuaed tlleae prellQftu 'to ~ C1Xl1cut:ed in its naaCl. fU\CS i~. eorpcra~. ...1 to 11. bat'eunto affixed, by it.s prop or oU1C1_n thAr'llUI1'ta 41S1)' &Ut.l&oz:lzact. th. 4ay and year nrll~ aboVe vrittM. silp1ed, lOoa1&d and del.l..v41:*d n.ca:t~A GM 1'1WfSK%SSlaJt CDXPAJfY, A Delaware eorpor&t.loh, f/):./l BOUS1'aJl' TEXAS GAS UD orL COIlPORAtto. in 't.he pf:'a9ar\Ca ISf: ~U2 ... SC/tll.oEbU. ....." ~kt. P.A. 0'ItC -..::a .....c,1(. ."'.C :ae.. ..-lI6ItllIe aft.. B:..AOC. IIIOAO ....-:_ ....to-~ "'0_.0. :lSIIA:I'" ':1':1 .. ...Li....o..J: &.o'wl....o~ ZSE-~ SE/9Z-d vlO-1 - f....,. t&. ~ _WOJ~ wevo: II BB-El-uer [99R9 ON XM/XJ.] 69:11 a~ 66/tl/10 --- ____'.all I,' 1 ORa saos p, 1 ",..28 S'l'A'n or FLOSUDA. ~ 01" M1a JUW::B % BDBSlr cmt:tFY ".bat: on t2a.l. .sa7 Mf=- _, ... oULcer .sul,. flUA1..U1t14 1;0 ~ .c:JQ1al1tl.d~, penon&l1r .p~%"" #J.KU G. ~. wall JI:MWn ~ .. ~a ~ t:JIa 9i~ ttre.14_t of nodda CaR T::aft8ai.a!oft ~. a J)tll.....n C'O~t&t:iCln. tItIa BaUAtcm T~e Gall a1l11 aU conaantloa t.h. GlUtar 1ft t:z:a. ICln'lDbf dad, UId ~~ h. ae-.nGltle4g. ...~ the .... Lft t:lte pr..-nae lit tvc C:lJ .uba=~1.DcI .i-tn..... J:2:M11 Iftlt YOlancu:l.1y WKtv au~oJ:'i~y cb-Ill' "'~ca4 1ft tllaa by aaid ~t'.U,on and u..t. ~ &0.1 .rriz8l! tberet.o i. tlle ~ corporate .ild at ..id corpar&tldn. 1flnrus 1111 han4 &ftd Clfficial .ul 1n the COlU'lty aM state last a!carllUid i:hJ. 8th dar at S~t:lIIIMr, o' -,.. My cOIUI!.don bfl1ru: .0.. _tc ~~~!t:' ':i~ . ~~~...""",... \toi.-' -~ ~lIOmEa "IlIO l..AJlOfE. p. A. 001II11: ~ -~4:. ....-c ~. ................ .......... -e.Aii .. eoc- ....-C!JIIII.. ..1....&...... ~~-..;a...::I .'Wt..........c...... .......0.00 199RS ON XH/XJ.] 6S:11 Or- 66/t1/10 ~. . .....f . 5805 p., 1429 2XlnlU1' .A,"' It. portion of Ioa't. 42 of Gub:tl"laltrft Gac:t.ion J.!J, %DWDUip 45 8cn&'tb. ltanqe c:J Eut .s t'GCDJ:'l1ca4 1A plat lIocsk '. at palJa U, at tile PQ.blic bead. of ~a111 ae.~ ~t.l. n"dl!la. t... ~a leNtil. 330.00 fllet: aDd. la88 tha .~ 2D.00 ~..t tor roacl rl;ht-of-vay &lid. Wi"" 1110" >>_rtiertU.iZly ~at'111ad _II follcMI~ CaIIIIl8ftC1nq at tha 1flttthol1.~ CdZ1lU at ...14 tDt. &21 tiltlb.~ :nU:l .10Z2'1 t:laa .Ea8~ 11rw of odd lDt .~ on. aft ..~ bcial:'1Jlf of .lDul:J:a U"OS"O]- z..t .. calatarlaa at 10.00 teet. ~o . palAt ot i21t:.Gre.ct.ioll of the South ri~t.-of:".ay 1iD. of Old Iklfbl:cm aaad. and t.lUI .e.~ J:'ight-ot.."a1 U.n. ot: -lilchoat;u Part Bal&1lWa:td a. lIOW C1Zi.,t;a, add. paltlt Il1no beiftlJ the l'ab'l: ot! BG~1J'Ut1:lfJ taltru::CI dOlltilluo &out.ll. 01'06'D3" But 110ftf the _dA .eat: rJ,vht-ol...,ay 1121. Q~ W1m:heftoZ' Pad: Zau1..,ud .. CU.~&nlSll af 2'3.08 t:8il~' thGlld8 Boui:h U.O~tO@i. wast .. ~iIt.a!\l:!. at ~01,SS fe.t to & point on the ..II~ line of ...I.d. %.ot: U t tbcaZlC:C1 iforth 01.110'U- WGAt &101\9 t:bG "est line of Mid. ~t U. a 41st.MIdI! at 12'.50 t..t: I ' t.hatldJ tfort:h 89"50'16"' S..t . dbtana. or 131.9~ ~Mtt thGllC& Iroxtil ~1'OCl"3:1. lint. a 4illtanoa af 127.53 filet t.o a ~hlt Oft the 8dd CClUth dght!-aE-way lJJ.. "f Old 8c:1y7ltclri Jlc:Iat5: 1:!IMeil .ll'ot"th n. 50' U. &Ue along t.ha uld. south ~ 19h1:-of-way line . datanc& 0: 151. ,Ill faet t:.o 'tho h!%tt. at 1I8lJi1!l\1.nq D.u.:~~lro JOM/ Il~' JIt.A ~~tT' COUIIr SCHlI\XDD. AND lAaOfE. P.". 0-1: eocA --....e... ....... ,-.. .-..u_.. .... ......... ...... . eBf:.A ......... &-LO_O_ ~~....~ ..~"R.~"crtII.....~ ZSE-~ SE/BZ'd ~IO-l _WOJ~ we~o: It 66-EI-uer [9SR9 ON XN/XJ.] 69:11 a~ 66/C1/10 t"~t.L 4- -"'--- - _.~.. ----- -... - .. ---..--- . JlL-GS--t9'lt ~:&. 91-192360 W1:'I1IOUT E.."UUiINA1'%ON OR CPI'HIOl' OP 1'X':tL2. 1lA...c:o ~.... II ~ _____.. .............___ T - L _....._ _______.-.,.........~....._.......__ . ~HlS DEED WAS p~~D .....e.a'. ... OCS 6883 ~ S87 litis tWi...fhJm ~ bculeJ lit:: I~ "7.1 Jtl.A.I€ .J\. D. 1091 .It, MAJUt.Y1'I 1UttIt SZLVA" t./k/a kA1ttLYR R. DAtns, Truat.ee Qf the V%Ot.E~ M. SELVA TItUS't rJ/A iSatttd 10/21..191" KIa V%OLZ'f' It. S!1.1rA ( fenl""".1o kMILYN JtU'rH SE%,.VA. T~U.t.de of the V%OLZT II. SEt.VI\ TJlt1S'r U/: dat.ed 10/21/Bl" M/b ~O~T M. S2LVA.w1th ~h. ibdOPQnd.n~ powe~ a~a au'thc:u=i.ty t.o p.robtct;"c;cnildt'Ye and 1:0 sd11...1Il1eae,ellc1llllber o~ ot.h8rw'i . ...-- I1IM1-flle. ..IJ_. b tu.h.a~. IU'1c1 cli&I;lCA8 csf ~. t'ea1 pro(:ltu:t.y c:anveyed_ 99SG XDu~ ~ad, So~ton Seach. r1or~4a 3343& _.l~,.. I I I ,I 'I I, I~ .. !:.':::::.:::' ~:.: -::-...~ = :=:::.. -,:r :!:::- -=- ..-.;:.."';'..~~ - ....... .. ........ I ltIl1Alssdi. Thai I". .ol I".., ""~, f-....oJ. ... .-...J-,,- of Is... _ o'Il.O. OOJCx)CX~)tx. 1ft ~ Ildltl "7 ,,,- HJd .-4 NI'IJ. l"'- MU'P' wit_I b "....." .&......1.1... 11_ ....~, ........, N. ..- .,.J .....I-cr..... _.. II.. .."J, .-d ......,. 1__. _if .It. .t,J.., ,uz.. 1It1....'. .,r.,.. -'" J.--d ioOl.~r.. 11... ~d fUWI. -''' ..... ... ....I. 'It tIv lou.u,..." J..c.t....l 1.1. ,.1.. ... ...--1 eI J..d. ..t........ !~ ."J. ~"4J In ,,,_ COlli")' ., "a1a Beaeh $Id'. 01 Flcsri4.a . .....Iu '.rrac:~ S2 of a Subdivision o~ Sec:t1.on l.9 'to'lllftdhip 45 SClll~l1. ltange 43 Eadt. aceorc!ing t.o t.h._ P1.at. 1:!lllr4l!llClf Oil l1~e 1n thR oC~J.c:e: of t:he Clerk of the circuit CoUt't in and. for Pa1Jn Baac:h Coun~y, Pl.o~lda" reeorded .in the Plat. 8oo1t 1, at Psg- 19. Also. deaer~ed a. ~e SDU~ hal.f (8 1/2J of the South- west: one-quart.er (Silt l./4) of the Solith...t cn8-catlar~.r (Slf 1/4) of ~d Sduthe8at one-quarter tSE 1/4) of Section 1!. TO"'iU&hip .4S SOU~, 1Ul11.lJ8 43 Ea.t.. TOC:E':t'~t. vU;,h the !ltIproY'&- mantd 1ocat.ad thB~aon ~nd the t1x~ure. therein. Subjact to a re~ervat.1C1n or a l.ife estate in Marilyn RUth Sel~a, V.icslet H_ Selva Trust Tax I.D. No. 65-6019362 Prop.rty Control No. Oa43~S19050520020 The purpose of t.hin deed ie to refl.ee~ the cba~ge of name C1l the ~r~s~ee 0% ~he V101&~ H. SelQa Trust ~rom Marilyn a. D&~ia to Marily" Ilut:h !:e1Y'1l. ~hieh "Uk!! t:hanga wa. qran-ted by J'udgftlAI\t dat.ad J'une 24. l~'O under CaSe Numbe: cC-9a-4381-~t 1n t.he 1Sth Judicia1 circuit in and ~or Pal~ Beach Coun~y. Florlda. Con 1t~~~~ .b~ J~N B OUr<<J..E,ClE~ - PB COUNTY! ~l r, IYut ami tD Jlafd 1'-...... Iog_"" wUl, .u -Ii .t.-,ul.r .t.. .IHIUH__ "'-lWtle !.C'Io"IILq IIIP it, ~bo ~&I,,'.... ....Ii ..It tIo. _,I.'.., .t~"" mr... Inl.....L II..... lOIIodi) and cW... ..t..... ......'.. .f I". 'Dld lb,,, "..,.". ....".. I.. I.... _ "'"fU":'. ... .It. ....1)' ~_ M..., .......111 ....l It."..t ., I". ..J.d .t'''U~ _PlI" 1.....-. In. 1UibUss lIIhfmf. n.. ...111 /1.;' _"'" '-.. Ii...."'" ...tI ....t.J ,,,_ _..d. ,I.. J., ...d ".., -: IlPjl .6e_ IlHIIU..". ;i~ ..11 -J ,l..U'-ed 1/1 ~-.:e .1; ~~ _.a" ~ ~. I J:.T....tt OF FLO'1D..., A} I ,,: (;()L:,.-n- OF rt.rb- IJ~~ -1-' .' '-7"1f / ,~~/' r.h - ../:1: ~t.'4,.,.L~.~~--" Kat 1yri IUth Sel~a. f/k/a "ar~~~n R. Daq!d CIII _ . . .... ... a.. ......_....._ ....' . ___._ __-.-.- I HU!.IIY r:z..",rY .... _ ifoAI ...... W.. _, ... ..(f;~~ d..l. ...ot~...d i. ..... lh.~ :or.......:.! ..... I" ..." eo....." "I.........;.. .. ...... .e"-W~ prndllAlIp epPl!.ftd M4r11yn ~~~ Selva. f/k/a Mar!1.yn R. D4~i.. ~r~.t~. c! ~he V1o~et H. Sel.va Tru.t ulA dat.~d 10/21/81 M/B ~io1@~ ". S~lv. ... .... ._.. "" '"' .'" ,...... 4.,cr;h'" I.. ...11 ...... ...,..,...... .,,- ro--'''e 1..1t,.....~1 ..,( =he .,,"_,,"dl(,,1I brf..... _ dI.. she .......ud.hr ..._. ...., ~~l!:Ss. ...., ...hd ..... ",rl,I.1 ..1 I.. "" C:_ft'" ..... Jt~ ,,1:1, I' g~ 1" , RECOIlCl v~"'It:IEg P~'" BEJtC~ C;OUNTY 'UIo JO~ b OU"'lCL~ CLI!.t:l1ll ClftC&JtT COUD't I $..... .... .....-..... '''10 I.:z. 11.7 or I ~~v C... ,_,~I!=:......_... h. i ". ,..I.. I .- "... .,. ... '-. , . . AnnQ B_ HacLeah 'j'1lu I'_INn.' pl'tpurrl 'Yo' MacrAUln and t;",a AJJ~ 2&00 N.~_ 14t.h s~r~et Causeway Pomp4no &ea=h. Florida 33062 . .. ; .,..~ ..... ".,~ . ~ " ~ .. ZSE-~ SE/6Z.d ~lO-l _WOJ~ weSO:ll 66-EI-uer [9989 ON XM/XJ.] 69: 11 (J~' 66/f:lITO () fZ d- .rrC 7:: ..1.~7~ ~ed..~ r-;:;-~ -; :::-=.-:--:::--:::- .. :. -, ~. . td .~. a'I en ~ :r" ..... ..... Wo' ...., ~~ . ~ i..:, a o , tiC' ~ ~ . '-'0 . ~ - .-.....-.. 1.03184 wa1.l:!ttOl( FO. R.76-802 I.U arJl'1'1: 'JlIl 1'0 ~u '<<tiOH' .1 CJ:I:U.J:. 30 'roO..% lO.Ul J.1CItt rz "....! l.II ''''1)( IItM:t1 ,~ I:clKfAn FW lC. I I.lQ At.sC !\ICUlC ell tUZ PLAt tlI' tu SU'I- DtvlS10X Qr $ECtlOl 19. ~p ~J SbU.3. U21:t 63 US't tit t~ JUGIt Cadkn. ~I.InA V1I:DZ..U. tha Jo.reS of CGUD.t7 ea-.tutooen of Pd. a-cll COWltr. rlorl&a. ~r*y~t to autbdr1t7 tm Chaptar 33'.09. 'lortd& St.~t... ~POQ t~. p.tlt!om ul I~.'. &Ad 1,1. VlbCh.lt.r. e&lltd a ~hl1. ~.ati~ td ~a la.14 at til. C:O\ll1tr C:olll:lloius,o.ra' d\~r.. Cau.rtllllN... v..t Pal. .....,h 'lorid., oa th.. 14t~ ,., of ~apt.-b.r. 1"6. to .o-.t'.r ..d 'at.~.. Vbathar ar ~c tha Caumt1 VoYl& .~&t.. abeAdaD. ~t.~outlaua &ad ela... I'UGl.lw:.. ami dUcl&1. ~1 "'&ht df u. C;aqat7 u tlla raad rS,&ht ot .a,. or locar.lt that-La. vhl~h il har.laaltal d..ct~~e': aDd ~. aatlc. ol the baldlA1 of luch ...tib& v.. d~17 publilbad lD tba P.t. "acll 'oat Ti~.. OG S~b&a7. Au~lt 29. 1976 ADd SU~.Y. Saptaabar .s. 19'161 &ad WKERLAS, thL. 8oar~ vhil. coavcnad l~ r-rular .t..Loa gm the 1.~b d'1 at S'ptambar. 1976. dLd hold I~ch __etl~& at .~h ti.. &Ad luch ~l&c.. ~ tbl.'aD&td hClld& d.~erm1a.d tkat luck acttaD vt1~ uat ..t'r~&Ll1 int.rfe~. with the Coua~1 road 1,1e... &ad vill DOt d.p~ .. &a1 ,ar.~. of . re&.coabl. Deanl at Lner... ~ acre.. to hi. ,r.ai... fr~ at la..t aGe Count,. !tAta or r.d..ral bt&~&1; 1Ul. 't'HZ&EPDU, IE rr IZSOLVED IT U! IO.\lD 01 CCItl1ttT ecHa.SSIOHtIS rI P.AU( 1!t.4t:a caw:t't. l1.DlUDA. chae. the fa11.tJIW!.aa Ti.ht af va, d..cdbad halfoLo, to trttl lall~ at the ~ort~.t catDer of ~rlct 12. .. .h~ aa the .~bdL.LI'aD at S.ctiaft 11. T~I~l, " lauth, laftla '3 Ea.t. .1 ~.~ard.d in Pl.t laok 7 aa ~"a 1'. ~blLc "~a~. ot rat. Ie.ch C~~tr. .10=1d.: tba~a 'GUth.r17. .laa& tho v.at li~ at Tract '2. . dlac~. of 271.13 feat to tha ~lee of a.ti~DL~ of the ,areal.to ~. bar.ia d..urL,.dt thODe' coatiaua South.rL, alDAI eh. ~.t liD. af tract. 42. '3. &ad ". al Ib~ o~ ..1~ plat. to & palDt 1~ tba 'autk 11aa at I.L& Seetlaft 19. t~.uc. V..t.rl, .1DDK .al. Sautll l:'l:l.. a dhcIlSC1l of 3a het; t~bCa IIOl'tharl.,. alD"C tu aan HJMlI af. fi~tl So. " &ad. '.s. a. ahava CIII. tile alore- ..'d tiat. to . ,oiKt ot 213.67 ,...~ .o~th ot tk. ~th rllht dt ~.,. ~t elld 1Cl'1l\toll. 14M. . AO hot. t'OAd .h_ all the .aid ~l.t at S.~tloa 1'; thanee "'t~%l" . dlat_bee .f )0.0 r.at tG the 1'ata~ of kCllLaJ.U&. tAu.l:Id DaC 1DClu41A1 the louth 20 !a.~ tha%.ot. I! ,: I: Ii btill..daC .t th. IlOrtlw...t CllIt'b.t' of Ilock 4, u ahDWtl. all t.he Pa1ll 1e&c1a tarti.. CO.ut .lat *. I. .. rac:ot'lled I.. Plat Jaok , 011 pqa 73, f\&~Uc beard. at Pala kaeh Cou~,.. 110t1.da; cheoc. '~therl,. alo~ che w..t liD. of .aL. Ilock ~. a dlleaaca df 231 ,..t. .,n or hu, eo the Dank n&!se d _, b l;' \1) ':.I'".''''' ..._ [99SS ON XM/XJ.] 69:11 G~~ 66/t1/10 U_ of rLori',* ~t&U LIed as. tOIl ('Wut ~l:OQ' a-d) u pru.llt17 LaU ..t aDIS 1.11 U..l eb..ac. ....1IIt.rl~ 8101:1& ...14 rJ.111l~ of '&1 ita.. a. (Lat~. of .-'G l.atz tUaca eal1:b.tlt'. a1D1i& th. ..8n 11... of 11KlL S. aa a!Ml.ta .. tlI. atd~lIdlll:ld phI: to thlll lorr.b.ue cOnlilr d .lock 5; tb.aca euud,. .. Cbtaat.1 of :So holt to the lobt of ....i.aab;. %A.. aDtl _It J.DC.IIA41A1 d.a ..ft.k 3S '_t dlu.,f. \. &D4 tho .... ata kerab1 98Qa.tad, &b~J ~ .10..' AI publIc N&II tillat at -7 aad thh loud dOlu Iloanlly r.~. aDd_41ada1.a _, Z1.&ll~ .f cbA COWlt1 01. ,""La a.4C alIIll eM pdlla t.a. ed to tla. 8~ ciaacrUlad "Clad, l& tr rvtrkEl lESat~ e~t aatlca of tb.o ~ptIc. ot t~L. t.~alQtiad 11. pu!llI.k.d ill lilt. inu4 01 tb. talla Jaacll leu 'li... lIut ,.la "'a.c:1l Ploride. .Lth!a tbLt~t (jO) dat. !ollawLbc tho 4&tl of adoptL.. of tbl* "o.01UC1_. Tk* lo~.,.1A& r..alutlo~ ... 0Ita".4 ~, ~..laQ.r V.....r *' ..,.,.4 LtI aclo,dol:.. lb. ~UDll vu '.co~" ~ c:a..J....L...r t'U.1pePt'-tr ~. oD4 ~Dall '.1~& put to & ..ta, tk. ~ot. ~ .. (gl~~'1 1I11.U.\H u, t<E1)1.,U - A:I~ .I. \/" "'.U1TI:J. ~~ t08 ~ r. CULt'J:1'F1l - J.....e 1AQ t.TtAL - Are JOalEI:% C. .1cB."~SOW .. krc ~. Cba!ra&a ~h4~r.u~Q decler4d t~. r..olutlaa du:r ~..~.d aad aAGpt_d thll 1:'t.1t ..,. ol _ ~ep':~tl.r . 19". Jo:..tU err CcMI1'Y tQllK:t:lCllfRS gr r~ !tM:1 c:a.:;rr. r..ol1~ ~P~\'~l) AS 1'0 ~O~"" AN" .,/tc)"l sunl~"'C't' a~r~A4.t t:UU""T\' .lTtt~ oNmc I, ~. Cluk "1 X --~1'-r;,L,--~~ D111'-"':' Clc"'~~~J>,~ .... .....~ -...,. -.. -". , .' .. \ .. .. I Q...... .' - "":"- ,.:-:......~ t.'~~ . '06;;, v" .. "...,. ~ '~ . - .~, ,:.;, ..,':!I'" :r 1Ft ~.,.... p" a., . ;", ~ C::I -......... __ =... _. ~'t-' _ '.: 5: r;., ,.. >~~. ,'\. , ... . c: . a ) .,' ~ ~~. 'J ~ '\J ,,,,. :: " .> . t -;J," .' . - , ~JJ.; R "";,,,, ",. .'. ," . >.... ,)., ,.. . '.. .- .' ., .f.!.'" f' ....... \ ~ \.,," . ~. ., I ~ .c 'Ii ~ ...~.' ,;;; ,," t" .~._, ~.. .... ..... - ...r~..:-...::s.:; ;:,:!: ta~586 Fj~l1373 Z5E-~ 5E/lE>d ~IO-l -WOJ~ wego: Il 66-EI-uer r:r ,.... r- ei oa (::) ;- ESO o c;r A ~ 4 C" @i - 15 i l:~. / Lf 5 [99RS ON XM/XJ.] 69: H mul.. 66/tI/TO 1'- '}- ?-::; - ..,; ?7( l!:ASEME:NT tl2!:]::;O Tins EASEMEN1'. made t.his l"-t.h day of April 1994. 'b4t't.wAGn W:tNCHZS'tSR. WnrCH.E'5TER. ZEIHEst anl1 SCHROEOeR. a !"lor:Lc38 General l:>art.nerfJhip. G't"ant.or. and t.ne Crry OF aOYNTQ!1 BEACH. .in t.hGl St.a!:.A ot Florida. Grantaea ". '" "'I'tNESSl::1' lh 7hat Cran't.or, in ~onu~dera~ion o~ t:.he sum of One CS1.OO) Doll3.r and. in c:onrdderat.J.on of ana .in reliance I.lpon the- t:epre- Clen't.ai:.:l..ons Gnd Cellt1ltlit..ma 1'\t:,B cf the CITY OF BOYNl'OIol Bt::ACH her@1.n1!lft.e!" sef:. fort.h. 6videl'\cec 'by i!.'he racordi.n-a of Uda Easement DeGd by a~d on b.half of the CZTY OF BOYN~ON BZACH. and .for other good and v-a1uabl.. c:oftsiC1arat.J.on. t;ha rc:llC:..1pt. of ~1c:h is hereby ac:lc.now1edgel!l. hereby grant u.nto 'tbe Grantee. l.t.e suc- cessorB and ase:Lgns. a p.rpel:~a1 easement. for underground wai:.er 11ne anC! gro:lvity deWe~ ftlaib. vl'l.hin t:.he following c5eacr:1bed pro- 'p.rty. to wi.t ~ SE:E BXHtl31.i "A" A't'TACHED HER&TO ~t baing undera't.ood. hOVQver, ~at the Granto~. th@.ir .~cce.sorB and assigns. srie! U'\ose 'holl:!1.rt9 by. 1:.hrcug'h an~ under 1;berrt. reser.,e t.he ri.~ht t.o. and may. const.ruct:... use an.a maint:ain upon t.he Ei!i!8ement areB as d.slC~ribed l1erein. any duch improv~ltlent.s a.s a:t:e J1*r2ldtted by applicable co15ed. ocd1.nances. end. st:.a't.ut.es. and to Use E&arne for any la..,!ul purpose. Grantee agrees tl1at t.h~ ~at@r and ~e"'er line. -ill be in&t:.al1.d suff'icie~t.ly be10w t.". surface as to ma~e s~eh la~ful use ot the surface by ~he Grantor rea.sonably practical. Shou.1C! Grantee. perform any e%cavtition. ot: ot.her ....ork J.f'l t'he eGsement. e..t"e". :l..t aha!.l. lilt. it.s own e:ll:pCllnae. rel!ltore 'the el!ldement area. includ1.ng an"J pAving. J.~ndsc:ap:i.n9 or improvell\en1:,s l.ocat:.ord t.here.i.n or ~eredn. t.o .it.1!I condi-t.i.on iztltlle- diat.~l.Y prior to aueh eJtC:lVIlt..toa or work a.nd a9~II!.g t:h.a't. it. ahal:!' al.-..rays eot'1duc~ t.h~t wo~k in aueh 1!I way as not to prnc1.uc!12. even t.arltlporeril.y. commercially reasonable use of the Gr3n~o~' a pro- perty and llec::e.1il ~hereto from Stab!! Reat! 801. a./'k/e Soynton. Beach Bou1evard. an.c! l.t i9 un.derst.ooCl. ~hat. 't.he cClmm;itment.a and agreements of t.he Grantee hereunder ah.a1.1 inure to t.he behefit. o~ the ~~lr8. Bueee880rA and aA81gnu of ~~ ~rent.o~. Crantet!! .l!lgrees 'to defend. pay anc5 :1t"\d~tttn1 fy and. u.......e freC!l an4 harmless. dlCll Grant.or. j4:>.tnt:.l.y and .@verally. from and aga:l.na1:. any and all 1.1abi11't.y. eJ.aima.. t!amanc5l11. flnlllSl. suit!:. actions. procoed.ings. Clrd.r.. deerees and judq111ents of an.y Jeind or nat:..u.rCll by or in f'a"ll'Clr of anYOrllll w'hoIllBOGVer. and from and Ilg81net any a~d all cost.a and expen~a. !nc1bdin~ a~~orn.Y8' EGBG. result.ing from or in QOnnee~1on y~t.h 1089 ot li~e. bcd..11y or per- eonal l.njl.lry or properly daJ'lla9l!! arlsJ.l"g di.rlgetly or indirectly oUt. of or from or on account of any OCcurrence !n. upor:.. at. or from ~h. eaaement. arCUa or t.he propert.y of the Grantor aajacen~ ~herCit.o. resultin9 aireetly or .1nd!rec:t.ly from or in any vsy re~ai:ed t.o the i.nstall:lt,1.oft. op~rat..:i.on. c:::ortat:.ruetion or m:lin- 't.en&rtc::e. or 't.l1e ac1::.. or omissiono 0 ~ -e.hl!!! G2:'2U'1'tee wi t.h reepec:t thereto. of th~ un4ltrground sewer o~ water l!nlg contC!ltftp1at.ecS hereby. The pa!"t:lQs recognize .atld agr~a t.hat. t.l1e Crant.ot' in grat1~i.ng t.h18 eaoCll.t1lent. do~" lSJ'eci.f:lc:a1.1y reSArVe the right. t.o gr:allt ot-her eaeement.. or r:tg\ott:. ~o i:h.:i.ra p&t'tiel!l wit:.hin !:.he ease- ment. area "'1.~hout the prior Cdncent of' the Crantee ~ro....:f.ded. however. t"hl!l~ no auch r:igJot't.s sha1.1. be gro.n't.ed wh;1c:h totO,,1.c!l Thia 1.nstr\J3Ul!lnt ,....as prepared by:; Michael. 1\- Sc:hz-oeder. At.-t.orn-y Winchester. N~chea't.ar. zeiher and Schroeder, a Florida GertQral. Partnership t)_n_2o~ I 1~719 ZS€-~ S€/ZE'd 110-1 ~ :: . '. . ' . -ATE -.:,'-F"i....OP1QA ==1-7:' 'oJ'''''' I~: '.P.' _,' .-!~I\ ~.. . h ~ .... : :..":-,:.:.." ".~~.'t,,- 0 O. 45' .. : "fl." I,-t-r ~ ...r;;;-~ J ~ .. f_" . ';~~___ ...:..-- '" -WOJ~ wego: II BB-€I-uef - ~ .... c:::::. a... co eo.... .., - cz:: [S9RS ON XM/XJ.] 6S:11 or 66/f:Tl10 ~u:eclUde -ehe u.e of t.he easel1lElnt. by ~e C:Z'Ql1t.ee for the PUJl-pogQO herein ae~ for~~. Any pro~.18ion hereof to t.he contrary no~~idl.t.andi11g. "'bile by v.irt:ure of t.his !!:a.elllent. Deed a ~en (10) foot e..emel'1~ tor ~he ihs~a!.lQ.t.loh. ol'erllt.-t.1on. an4 lIIalnt.enance or t:IZ1dergro\ll'1d "'at.etr and c.wer l.lncs 1. gr:aEit,Gd. 1:.lIe IUlIUl!meAe. with respect. e.o d,. pnYtl:i.eal locat.iofl. of 't:1te linee is l1.mtt.ei! t.o 't!tIe 8om'h fi~. (SJ feet. o~ ~he e.som.n~ area. The provisions hereof shall inure to the bene f'i.t. of and tle bil1d,iftg upon t:he ISart.!es. thei.r sUc- cessors. and assigns. '1'"0 Hl\V& AND TO HOLD TH!:: SA!'1:E unto the Crantee. it.s OUc;:- cessors ~rtd l!l$s1.gftS farever. ::tN W:I'I'~ESS ~RSOF. Grant.ora have hereu.nto get thcd.r hands end seal$ ~e da~e f1~~~ aba~e vrl~tcn. SLgne4. seale~ & delivered in the presel1~e ~f: ~rJ:/ N ,~ 7"-' ~ wtNcm::STEIt. W:ItlCHEST!:lt. Z!!::tH&St ~rla1sc:aR~D1';]l. a Florid.a ::~(Li:~r~:~L- H :I: C14 lU!:L A. SCHP-O!::DEJl. a gener.l partner ~ '. ." "" 1(. ..~. I ..' ,Lr~ . ~_ hv-.---..t. AS TO 11 C~ ^. SCHROE:D'ER ~ 5TAT~ OF P"LOIUDA comrr-r o~ PAU1 S~CM 65 1. ~......e I... "~'f! ..#a~ I a Not.ar)" Public iJ"l and ~or t.ht juriCld::&.c1:,!Otl a.foraoa1.c!. hClrel:3y c.r~lfy t.hat M:l:CHAEt. A. SCHJtOED:E~. a. C:@fttU:el &>ar~her of WINCHJ!:STER. W:INCHI!:STEtt. Z1l:Z!J!:1t ANn SC~OEDERI a Flaric1. gGnezoa 1 p4ri:.tU!t'dh1p. Vhd~~ name ia e:l.g!!lEIes '1:.0 !:he a't>>ave doc:wn"u'lh "'... Ul;is .aay .....bawlo4gad ~D llame before me ~~ ~y jUri.dici:.ion afOresa1d, wrTNESS my han~ and oEfieial 8@al this JJa-~I~ . 19S4. 1-1 .... day ot "y Co~la=~on E:~plres: Holt.!' P..~I.., ~I~:. .r tlCIIIIIf. <ll ~ My C'alnll>!lsi.... !CIIW.t ,..., r1. 19M ...~I_......--.................. -2- ZSE-~ SE/EE"d ~IO-l -WOJ~ weLO: II 65-EI-uer ~ - -. c::l .a.. c::> - ~ -- c: [S989 ON XM/XJ.] 69: n (T';u~ 66/t1l10 - . Accepted and a9t~ed to: C:ITY OF BOY'NTON StAcH ,<>" r3tvtl ~_.4A_,a.J Meyor %b'~~/~_ S'1'ATE 01" FLo~IDA ) 55 CO~y O~ P~LM ~EA~M ) sa-oiU!: HZ. Ute undersigft4lct aut.hority. peraonally appeareel CAR!. ztMM!:RHmC " BEt''l'Y 5 _ SOP014I. ~e Ma)l'Qr '" c:J.t.y clerk oE the C::t.TY oE' SOYNTOIf BEAcH, ~g me ..,.1.1 'ltnCNl'l'l artd ](Down to me to be the !.na..s.'dc!ual dGeerib.ct in and Who e~eeU~l!4 'the foregoing ih.:.lt.rUJdent:. anc5 ac1c.no..,1edgel1 before rap. t.lta't. 'they ezecu't.ed t:he daJlIe fo~ t.he pUrp08GD ~orai~ azproR8ed. WXTNESS my hand and official $eal ~is 1~th day of A~rU. 19a4 - ~y COm=iBD1cn E~pireD: ~ Ilaurt Jt&. S:.ate af ~- 611 "-..;-... ~ Cht. 8. 191& ....... I. ........... ~-....... HAS/dr (WI:Dl-D3/3/14/B4/3) -3- ZSE-~ SE/~E.d ~lO-l -WOJ~ welO: II 55-El-uer . .. - <<".I C::l C- C) c-..t eo... - tt' [99Y9 ON XM/XJ.] 69:11 G? 66/Hno ...-.-.- ... EXY%8ZT -A" PZ'oper!..y .De.cri~t.iOrt EASEH2~ CESe~IPTION '!'he North Ten (10) feet of t:he $out.h 'T'wf!mty (20) feet. as JluUssurl!(! I?Itrpenc!icula:z:- t.o the SoUU property line of ~e fOll.o\olll1g ddaeribed ~u:..ape2:'t.y: Lc:It. A and t.bat:. pcrt.t.on of Ll:)t, D lying North of St.at:.e Ro8d S04. alo!:)!; 4 anet Lot A and. t.~:at:. port:.!.on of! l.cIt. B lyitlg ~o:t't.1'l of sal" s~ai:.e laoaa sa... S1ClC3c 5. Palm 1!eaeh f'al:'"!Ol:Sl Ccmpany 1'1o.t Uo. S o.c":'crd.tn<,1 to t.'he ~lat. t:.l1ereof oft file in the office of ~a Clark of ~. eir!:~~t:. Court. it! and for Palm Beach Count.y, Plorida, 8S recorded in Plat. Boole S. Page 7:3 ~ LE:SS <t.he Easterly 80 fl!!!et. of said B1.oek 4. and ~S5 riglit.-of-loIaY for 1:.he Lake Worth Drainage niet.rict L-24 canal. qeCORn "SRIFfE'C PALAA BE~CLi CdtJr.,t-v l:lA J!JHU B aU"l"!..f Q..ERJe C/r.rCUfT COURT -4- """"f'" I "co/ror:-- I Ill,." I Ill......... I I ......... t II"'... AG~1:?! ~~~:Sr2ALE ;;; - CJ1iil k1R BETWEEN WAL-MART STORES EAST, INC. AND BILL R. WINCHESTER, ELSIE A. WINCHESTER AS TO PARCEL I, BILL R. WINCHESTER, VIOLET KLATT AND ERNEST ALFORD KLATT, AS SPECIAL TRUSTEES, AS TO PARCEL lA, MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, AS TRUSTEE OF TRACT 51 LAND TRUST AGREEMENT, AS TO PARCEL II, MALL CORNER, INC., AS TO PARCEL III, AND JUDITH L. JOCIS, AS TRUSTEE OF TRACT 52 LAND TRUST AGREEMENT, AS TO PARCEL IV --------------------..-. Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paraqraph Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Heading Purchase and Sale Purchase Price Deposit Title and Survey Inspections Seller's Representations Conditions Default Prorations Closing Costs Closing Broker Assignability Notices Risk of Loss Miscellaneous No Representations or Warranties of Seller Like-Kind Exchange Agreement No Recordable Winchester and Mall Corner Cattle Grazing Operations Trustee 52's Representations With Respect to Parcel IV Contra~t for Purchase 22 Wetlands Exhibit A - Legal Description Exhibit B - 'Escrow Agreement Exhibit C - Survey Requirements Exhibit D - Surveyor's Certificate Exhibit E - Billboard Lease K1Att/W1ncha~t~r/064!RO~~ -i- Paqe Number 1 2 3 3 6 8 9 10 11 11 11 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 .' AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE This Agreement for Purchase and Sale, is made and entered into by and between WAL-MART STORES EAST, INC.I a Delaware corporation (hereinafter referred to as the IIpurchaserll) and BILL R. WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER (Winchester) I as to Parcel II BILL R. WINCHESTER I INDIVIDUALLY AND BILL R. WINCHESTER I VIOLET KLATT AND ERNEST ALFORD KLATT I AS SPECIAL TRUSTEES OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT CREATED BY ERNEST F. KLATT DATED MAY 181 1990 ("Winchester/Klatt") I as to Parcel IAI MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER I AS TRUSTEE OF TRACT 51 LAND TRUST AGREEMENT DATED MARCH 17 I 1998 ("Trustee 5111) as to Parcel II, MALL CORNER I INC., a Florida corporation I ("Mall Corner"), as to Parcel III and JUDITH L. JOCIS, AS TRUSTEE OF TRACT 52 LAND TRUST AGREEMENT DATED APRIL 14, 1998 ("Trustee 52"), as to Parcel IV (hereinafter collectively referred to as the IISellerll). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Winchester is the owner of Parcel I, Winchester/Klatt is the Owner of Parcel lA, Trustee 51 is the Owner of Parcel II, Mall Corner is the owner of Parcel III and Trustee is the contract purchaser of Parcel IV, all of which parcels are comprised of real property located either in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, or in unincorporated Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (IIRealtyll); and WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell the IIPropertyll (as hereinafter defined) to Purchaser, and Purchaser desires to purchase the Property from Seller subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, .THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the mutual covenants contained herein and the sum of $10.00 and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows: 1. Purchase and Sale. Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Seller agrees to sell to Purchaser and Purchaser agrees to purchase from Seller the Realty, together with the following property and rights (the Realty and such property and rights are referred to collectively hereinafter as the IIPropertyll): (a) Permits, authorizations, approvals and other intangibles rights pertaining to the ownership and/or operation of the Realty, if any (collectively the IIDocumentsll); Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 1 of 21 l' (b) All of Seller's right, title and interest, if any, in and to all strips and gores of land lying contiguous to the Realty, together with all easements, privileges, riparian and other water rights, lands underlying any adj acent streets or roads, improvements located on the Realty and appurtenances pertaining to or accruing to the benefit of the RealtYi and (c) All improvements thereon and all personal property located at, on, upon, under or associated with the Realty, if any. (d) To the extent applicable to the Realty, that certain Billboard Lease, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit E. 2. Purchase Price. The purchase price (lIpurchase pricell) to be paid QY Purchaser to S~ller for the Property shall be , ~~ . " :, subject to prorations~and adjustments as provided in this Agreement. The Purchase Price is based on the assumption that the Realty contains 1,795,108 Square Feet (IIAssumed Square Footagell) ($41.21 acres) for which Purchaser will pay. _ ~ per Square Foot for Parcels I and IAi: per Square Foot for Parcel IIi: per Square Foot for parcel III and . ~ _ _ per Square Foot for Parcel IV ( II Square Foot Price II) The Assumed Square Footage for each Parcel is as follows: Parcel I: 1,198,424 Square Feet; Parcel IA: 209,000 Square Feeti Parcel II: 168,577 Square Feeti Parcel III: 11,326 Square Feet; and Parcel IV: 207,781 Square Feet. While Parcel II is actually comprised of approximately 4.87 acres, and the legal description for same attached hereto includes the entire Parcel, Purchaser shall only be required to pay for that portion of same referred to in the preceding sentence, as the remainder is required to be utilized for storm water retention for properties owned by, or under contract for sale to, third parties as described in Paragraph 4 (f) below. If the II Survey II (as hereinafter defined) indicates that the actual Square Footage of any Parcel or Parcels is more or less than the Assumed Square Footage, the Purchase Price shall be adjusted to be the product of the Square Footage of the Parcel in question as shown on the Survey multiplied by the Square Foot Price, on a parcel by parcel basis, as indicated above, provided, however, in no event is Purchaser to be required to pay for more than 168,577 square feet of Parcel II. The Survey shall contain a calculation as to the Square Footage of the Realty and each Parcel. In the event that Purchaser does not obtain the Survey, the Purc.:hase Price shall be as set forth in the first sentence of this Paragraph. Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 2 of 21 At "ClosingJl (as hereinafter defined), the Purchase Price payable by Purchaser to Seller (subject to prorations and adjustments as provided in this Agreement) shall be paid by "Fed Funds" wire transfer. At Closing, the JlDeposi t JI (hereinafter defined) shall be delivered by "Escrow Agent" (hereinafter defined) to Seller and shall be credited against the Purchase Price, except as may be otherwise hereinafter provided. 3. Deposit. To secure the performance by Purchaser of its obligations under this Agreement, within three (3) days after the JlEffective Date" (as hereinafter defined), Purchaser shall deliver to the law firm of Schroeder and Larche, P.A., as escrow agent (the JlEscrow AgentJl), the sum of $25,000.00 ("Initial Deposit"). Within three (3) days following the Inspection Completion Date as defined in paragraph 5 below, Purchaser shall deliver to Escrow Agent the additional sum of $225,000.00 ("Additional DepositJl). Escrow Agent shall invest same in an interest bearing account maintained with or issued by a commercial bank, savings bank or savings and loan association doing business in Palm Beach County, Florida (which sum, including the Initial Deposit and the Additional Deposit, and together with all interest on such sums is hereinafter referred to as the JlDepositJl). The parties acknowledge that they have simultaneously executed an Escrow Agreement a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B (JlEscrow Agreement JI), which Escrow Agreement shall govern Escrow Agent's responsibilities with respect to the Deposit pursuant to this Agreement. 4. Title and Survey. (a) Within forty-five (45) days of the Effective Date, Purchaser shall obtain, pay for and provide copies to Seller's counsel of the following "Title Evidence II , to-wit: (i) a title report issued by Lawyers Title Insurance Company or other title insurance company acceptable to Purchaser (JlTitle CompanyJl) enabling Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A., as title agent for the Title Company, to issue an ALTA Form B title insurance. commitment ("Commitment") covering the Realty, whereby the Title Company agrees to issue an ALTA Form B owners policy of title insurance (JlTitle PolicyJl) in the amount of the Purchase Price at Closing, (ii) hard copies of all exceptions to title set forth in the Report, and (iii) an up to date survey of the Realty (certified to a date after the Effective Date) prepared in accordance with the standards set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto and made a part hereof ("SurveyJl), which Survey shall contain a certification in the form of Exhibit D attached hereto, shall show all improvements on the Property, if any, and overlay all matters affecting title to the Realty and shall show the actual Square Footage of the Realsy and of each Parcel. (b) Purchaser's Review of Title Insurance Commitment. The Purchaser shall have fifteen (15) days after receipt of the Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 3 of 21 .~ ~ title insurance commitment and copies of all exceptions and the survey to review same. Exceptions, if any, set forth in. the commi tment as to which Purchaser raises no obj ection' in accordance with this paragraph, the exceptions subject to which Purchaser agrees or elects to accept title in accordance with this Agreement and real estate taxes for the year of Closing, if not then due and payable, shall constitute "Permitted Exceptions", subject to which title will be conveyed. In the event the title insurance commitment shall show as an exception any matter, other than those matters specifically designated in this Agreement as matters subject to which title will be conveyed, which renders title to the Realty unmarketable (as determined by the standards adopted by The Florida Bar) or which materially adversely affects the ability of Purchaser to utilize the Realty and to develop the "Proposed Improvements" (as hereinafter defined), Purchaser shall notify Seller of Purchaser's objection thereto prior to the expiration of the fifteen (15) day review period provided for above. Seller shall be obligated to cause to be satisfied not later than at closing, any liens or encumbrances upon the Property, which are liquidated in amount and caused by or arising from the acts or omissions of Seller. Within five (5) days after receipt of Purchaser's title objections from Purchaser, Seller shall notify Purchaser whether Seller elects to cure any other title matters as to which Purchaser has properly raised objection in accordance with this paragraph. If Seller elects not to cure such title defect, then Purchaser shall, within three (3) business days of notice from Seller, either (a) agree to take title as is without any reduction in the Purchase Price or (b) terminate the Agreement by giving written notice thereof to Seller, with a copy to Escrow Agent, in which event Escrow Agent may immediately, without further authorization or direction, refund the Deposit to Purchaser, together with all accrued interest thereon, and the parties shall be relieved of all further obligation hereunder. If Seller elects to attempt to cure such title defects, Seller shall be entitled to thirty (30) days from the date of notification by Purchaser within which to cure such defects. If the defect(s) shall not have been so cured and removed from the commitment by endorsement thereto at the termination of the said thirty (30) day period, Purchaser, as its sole and exclusive remedies, shall have the option of: (a) accepting title to the Realty as it then exists, or (b) terminating this Agreement by giving written notice thereof to Seller, with a copy to Escrow Agent, in which event Escrow Agent may immediately, without further authorization or direction, refund the Deposit to Purchaser, together with all accrued interest thereon, and the parties shall be relieved of all further obligation hereunder other than Purchaser I s indemnification obligations under Paragraph 5 which shall survive the CloHing or the earlier termination of this Agreement. (c) Gap Affidavit. At Closing, Seller shall provide Purchaser with a "gap" affidavit in customary form, reasonably Klatt/Winchester/OB45-025 Page 4 of 21 acceptable to the title insurer, to permit the title company to insure against adverse matters appearing in the public records or a date subsequent to the effective date of the commitment (but in no event more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of recordation of the deed) and prior to the recording of the deed contemplated by this Agreement and in accordance with the requirements of Florida Statute, Section 617.7841. (d) Action Subsequent to Effective Date. Except as specifically otherwise provided in this Agreement, from and after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Seller shall take no action which would impair or otherwise affect title to any portion of the Realty, and shall record no documents in the Public Records which would affect title to the Realty, without the prior written consent of Purchaser which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. (e) Covenants and Restrictions. There shall be incorporated into the instrument of conveyance or embodied in a separate instrument to be recorded at Closing immediately following the deed to Purchaser a covenant running with the land in form and content satisfactory to Seller in its sole discretion, pertaining to the Property, which shall prohibit the construction upon any portion of the Property, for a period of eighteen (18) months following the recordation of the deed to Purchaser, of any above ground improvements, other than (i) storm water drainage and retention facilities; and (ii) improvements to be occupied and used by Purchaser as a Wal-Mart SuperCenter, along with parking areas, roadways, landscaped areas and other improvements appurtenant thereto, but not to be used or occupied by, sold, leased or licensed to, third parties. Any provision hereof to the contrary notwithstanding, however, this provision shall not serve to prohibit, delay, preclude or affect the construction or occupancy of improvements for free standing, out-parcel users located on separate out parcels within the Realty (a) on each of which the buildings are and will be not more than one story in height and not more than 10,000 square feet in size in the aggregate, and (b) each of which shall contain sufficient parking spaces to satisfy the parking requirements of local governmental authority with respect to the proposed use without taking into consideration the availability of off site parking spaces located beyond the boundaries of the outparcel in question. This provision is a material inducement to Seller's entry into this Agreement and absent which Seller would have been unwilling to execute and deliver this Agreement. The instrument and covenant running with the land contemplated by this paragraph shall constitute a Permitted Exception subj ect to which title will be conveyed to Purchaser. Rights. Drainage (f) Third Party Storm Water Drainage and Retention The Property is subject to the provisions of that certain and Off-Site Water Retention Easement (Drainage and Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 5 of 21 Retention Easement) recorded in Official Records Book 9742 at Page 367 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a copy of which has been provided to Purchaser and which shall constitute a Permitted Exception subject to which title will be conveyed. Seller may, prior to Closing, grant an easement to utilize the Drainage Easement and Drainage Facilities created and established by the Drainage and Retention Easement, in favor of the property referred to therein as the "Mall Corner Property" and the now vacant parcel located immediately east of the Realty and south of the Sports Authority store. (g) Access/Ingress-Egress Easement in Favor of Mall Corner Property. The Seller reserves the right to grant a perpetual, non-exclusive, access and ingress-egress easement, over and upon the Property in favor of the property referred to as the "Mall Corner Property" in the Drainage and Retention Easement, for the purpose of providing the Mall Corner Property with access to and commercially reasonable use and benefit of the northern-most median cut as it presently exists on Winchester Park Boulevard. The easement deed will provide that the location of the easement may be relocated by Purchaser, its successors or assigns, from time to time at Purchaser's expense, so long as the continuous flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic is maintained to and from the Mall Corner Property to and from the median cut in question, following a commercially reasonable route, which must be reasonably acceptable to the owner of the Mall Corner Property whose consent to such relocation shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The original easement location shall be within a portion of the Property being not more westerly than 350 feet of the west right of way line of Winchester Park Boulevard and not more than 80 feet south of the southern boundary of the entrance into the Property from the northernmost median cut on Winchester Park Boulevard as it presently exists. The easement rights contemplated by this Paragraph shall be Permitted Exceptions subject to which title will be conveyed. The parties shall negotiate in good faith to reach agreement with respect to the form of the easement during the first forty-five (45) days following the Effective Date. Should they be unable to do so, Purchaser may either terminate this Agreement on or before the expiration of that period, or shall be deemed to have agreed to the form of the proposed easement. 5. Inspections. Seller and Purchaser hereby acknowledge that as of the date of the execution of this Agreement, Purchaser has not yet had an opportunity to complete its required due diligence and fully review and evaluate this transaction. If on or before 5: 00 p.m. on the 75th day following the Effective Date ("Inspection Completion Date"), Purchaser determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that Purchaser does not desire to purchase the Property, then Purchaser shall have the right to give written notice to Seller electing to terminate this Agreement, provided such notice is delivered to Seller prior to 5: 00 p. m. on the KlattjWinchesterJ0845-025 Page 6 of 21 Inspection Completion Date. In the event such notice of termination is delivered on or before 5:00 p.m. on the Inspection Completion Date, then, within ten (10) days of' the date of Purchaser's termination notice, Escrow Agent shall del i ver to Purchaser the Deposit, and the parties shall be released from all further obligations each to the other under this Agreement. In the event that Purchaser does not terminate this Agreement as set forth in this Paragraph 5, then the contingency set forth in Paragraph 5 shall be deemed satisfied or waived by Purchaser. Purchaser, its agents, employees and representatives shall have access to the Property at all times subsequent to the Effective Date and prior to the Closing or earlier termination of this Agreement with full right to: (a) inspect the PropertYi and (b) to conduct reasonable tests thereon including, but not limited to, soil borings, environmental studies and hazardous waste studies, and to make such other examinations with respect thereto as Purchaser, its counsel, licensed engineers, surveyors or other representatives may deem reasonably necessary. Any test, examinations or inspections of the Property by Purchaser and all costs and expenses in connection with Purchaser's inspection of the Property shall be at the sole cost of Purchaser and shall be performed in a manner not to unreasonably interfere with Seller's ownership of the Property. Purchaser shall on demand remove or bond any lien of any type which attaches to the Property by virtue of any of Purchaser's inspections. Upon completion of any such inspection, examination, or test, Purchaser shall restore any damage to the Property caused by Purchaser's inspection. Purchaser hereby indemnifies and holds Seller harmless from all loss, cost or expense, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees and court costs resulting from purchaser's inspections in connection with the Property. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Purchaser shall not indemnify or hold Seller harmless with respect to and Purchaser shall not be required to remove, remediate, dispose or otherwise deal with any "hazardous substance" (as hereinafter defined), samplings derived from the Property or property .containing hazardous substances which it finds in connection with its investigation of the Property and Seller hereby agrees that Purchaser may, to the extent, but only to the extent, required under applicable law, disclose the existence of any such hazardous substance to appropriate governmental authorities without liability to Seller. Purchaser agrees to provide to Seller, at Purchaser's sole cost and expense, copies of all inspection reports and other items of due diligence including, without limitation, soil tests, environmental audits, surveys, and traffic studies. Purchaser shall submit copies of the foregoing to Seller, to the extent prepared by third parties, upon Purchaser's receipt of same, All items of due diligence shall be certified to both Purchaser and Seller, but shall be provided to Seller without warranty or Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 7 of 21 ~~ representations by Purchaser as to any content, assessment, facts, opinions or conclusions contained therein. Purchaser's obligations under this Paragraph shall survive the Closing and any termination of this Agreement, any provision of this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding. 6. Seller's Representations. Seller represents, warrants and covenants unto Purchaser and agrees with Purchaser as follows, to wit: (a) The Property is not subject to any leases, tenancies, or other occupancy rights, recorded or unrecorded, written or oral, except for the Billboard Lease. Parcel IV is, however, presently occupied by the contract vendor of that parcel who is contractually required to deliver possession upon closing. (b) constructive) condemnation Property. Seller has no notice or actual (as opposed to knowledge of. any pending lawsuits, any pending or eminent domain proceedings wi th respect to the (c) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by all Sellers has been duly authorized and no consent of any other person or entity to such execution, delivery and performance is required to render this document a valid and binding instrument enforceable in accordance with its terms. The Tract 51 Land Trust Agreement dated March 17, 1998 and the Tract 52 Land Trust Agreement dated April 14, 1998 remain in full force and effect and Trustee 51 and Trustee 52 have full power and authority to enter into and perform their respective obligations under this Agreement. Mall Corner, Inc. is a validly existing corporation in good standing under the laws of the State of Florida. With respect to Parcel lA, the signatures of only two (2) (a majority) of the Special Trustees of the Revocable Trust Agreement created by Ernest F, Klatt ~ated March 18, 1990 are r~quired. (d) Seller is not a "foreign person" within the meaning of the United States tax laws, to which reference is made in Internal Revenue Code Section 1445(b) (2). At Closing, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser an affidavit to such effect, which shall also state Seller I s social security number and the state within the United States under which Seller then exists. Seller acknowledges and agrees that Purchaser shall be entitled to fully comply with Internal Revenue Code Section 1445 and all related sections and regulations, as same may be modified and amended from time to time, and Seller shall act in acc~rdance with all reasonable requirements of Purchaser to effect such full compliance by Purchaser. a (e) naturally Seller hereby discloses to Purchaser that radon is occurring radioactive gas, that, when it has Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 8 of 21 I~~... accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon have been found in buildings in Florida.' Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health unit. (f) The entering into this Agreement (and the sale of the Property to Purchaser) does not constitute a violation or breach by Seller of: (i) any contract, agreement, understanding or instrument to which it is a party or by which Seller or the Property is subject or bound, including, but not limited to, the Purchase Agreement; or (ii) any judgment, order, writ, injunction or decree issued against or imposed upon them. The provisions of this Paragraph 6 shall survive the Closing or the earlier termination of this Agreement. 7. Conditions: It shall be a condition to Purchaser IS obligation to close under this Agreement that on or before the "Closing Date" (as hereinafter defined) : (a) Purchaser shall have rece i ved any and all governmental and quasi-governmental approvals of any applicable city, county, State or other governmental or quasi-governmental organization, agency or body (other than building permits) necessary for the construction of a Wal-mart SuperCenter containing approximately two hundred twenty thousand (220,000) square feet (not including outparcels), outdoor parking for vehicles, outparcels for uses consistent with a regional retail facility (but specifically excluding site specific approvals for particular users of out parcels such as, for example, site plan approvals for the intended user of an out parcel) and free standing pylon and/or monument signage consistent with Purchaser's business plan pursuant to a plan of development, whereby the size, type and configuration is satisfactory to Purchaser and with requirements which are reasonably acceptable to Purchaser (collectively, the "Proposed Improvements"). Such governmental approvals shall include, without limitation, annexation, zoning, variances, special exception uses, overall site plan approval (except as noted above), plat recordation, plat amendments, environmental permits, clearance from the Florida Department of Community Affairs regarding Development of Regional Impact issues, if required, and all other approvals (other than building permits) required to construct the Proposed Improvements (the approvals, permits, other than building permits, and other consents referred to in this Paragraph 7(a), and the expiration of all appeal periods with respect thereto, shall be referred to collectively as the "Applicable Approvals") with the exception of a building permit to construct the Proposed Improvements. Seller agrees to cooperate with Purchaser in seeking the Applicable Approvals including the execution of consents to applications in connection with zoning, land use, platting and all Klatt/Winchester/OB45-025 Page 9 of 21 other Applicable Approvals; provided, Seller shall not be required to expend any sums, undertake any liability or obligation or to burden the Property and shall have the right to oppose any attempted relocation of the median cuts in Winchester Park Boulevard or any other requested approval that may adversely affect other properties in which any Seller has an interest. Purchaser shall use diligent efforts to obtain the Applicable Approvals prior to the Closing Date. Purchaser agrees to file completed applications for annexation, rezoning and site plan approval and to pay all fees in connection therewith no later than one hundred twenty (120) days following the Effective Date, the "Government Approval Submittal Date"). Purchaser shall deliver to Seller, no later than that date, evidence that it has filed its completed application and paid all fees in connection therewith. Purchaser further agrees that it will pursue the Applicable Approvals in good faith and with due diligence. In the event Purchaser has not filed the requisite completed applications and paid all fees in connection therewith prior to that date, Seller may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice thereof to Purchaser and Escrow Agent, whereupon Purchaser shall be deemed in default hereunder and Seller shall be permitted to exercise its rights set forth in Paragraph 8. Purchaser shall provide Seller with a copy of its site plan for the Property at least five (5) business days prior to submitting the site plan to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for Site Plan Approval; In the event the above matters (collectively "Condi tions II) have not been satisfied on or before the Closing Date, then Purchaser, provided Purchaser is not in default under this Agreement, shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by written notice thereof to Seller, whereupon this Agreement shall terminate, the Deposit shall be returned to Purchaser and both parties shall thereafter be released from all further obligations hereunder. 8. Default. In the event of a default by Purchaser hereunder.not cured by Purchaser within five (5) days after written notice thereof to Purchaser, Escrow Agent shall deliver to Seller the Deposit, as agreed-upon liquidated damages for such breach, as the sole and exclusive remedy for default of Purchaser, whereupon the parties shall be relieved of all further obligations hereunder. In the event of a default by Seller under this Agreement, which default is not cured by Seller within five (5) days after written notice thereof to Seller, Purchaser, at its option, may, as its sole and exclusive remedy: (i) terminate this Agreement, whereupon Escrow Agent shall return to Purchaser the Deposit, upon receipt of such sums the parties shall be relieved of all further obligations hereunder; and/or (ii) seek specific performance of Seller's obligations hereunder. Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 10 of 21 9. Prorations. Real estate taxes, personal property taxes, assessments, rents under the Billboard Lease and all items of income and expense regarding the Property shall be prorated as of the date of Closing; provided, however, that assessment lien(s) which had been certified as of the date of Closing shall be satisfied by Seller at Closing provided that the building permit for the improvements for which the assessment was made has been issued or Seller is otherwise obligated to complete such improvements after Closing. In the event that the tax bill for the year of Closing is not available, then taxes shall be prorated on an estimate based on the prior year's tax; the parties shall not re-prorate such taxes upon receipt of the actual tax bill. In the event any bills for any other expenses pertaining to the Property are not available at Closing, then such expenses shall be prorated based on an estimate and the parties will re-prorate same upon receipt of the actual bill for such expenses. The provisions of this Section 9 shall survive Closing. 10. Closing Costs. costs: The parties shall bear the following (a) Purchaser shall be responsible for (i) the recording cost of the "Deed" (hereinafter defined), (ii) the payment of the "Commission" due the "Authorized Broker" (both as hereinafter defined) and (iii) costs to obtain the Commitment and the premiums for the Title Policy issued to Purchaser pursuant to the Commitment. (b) Seller shall be responsible for payment of the (i) documentary stamps taxes, surtaxes or other transfer charges in connection with the transfer of the Property, (ii) costs of curing any Title Defects to the extent required by this Agreement and the recording costs in connection with any curative instruments relating to same. (c) Each party shall be responsible for payment of its own legal fees, except as provided in Section 15(c) hereof. 11. Closing. The "Closing" shall be held at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of Schroeder and Larche, P.A., One Boca Place, Suite 319 Atrium, 2255 Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, or such other location as may be mutually agreed to by the parties, commencing at 10:00 a,m. on a date ("Closing Daten) which is the earlier to occur of: (i) such date as Purchaser may designate on thirty (30) days' written llotice to Seller; (ii) ten (10) business days after Purchaser obtains the Applicable Approvals; or (iii) June I, 1999. Any provision hereof to the contrary notwithstanding, however, should the Closing Date, established in Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 11 of 21 accordance with this section, be scheduled to take place during the month of December, Seller may, at Seller's sole discretion, extend the Closing Date to the first week of the following January. Purchaser shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to extend the Closing Date for thirty (30) days provided Purchaser notifies Seller, thirty (30) days prior to the Closing Date, of its desire to extend the Closing Date and within three (3) days of such notice, Purchaser delivers to Seller an extension fee of $30,000.00 ("Extension Fee"). The Extension Fee shall not be applicable to the Purchase Price, shall be nonrefundable, and is paid in consideration for Seller keeping the Property off the Market and extending the Closing Date. Purchaser's extension rights are conditioned upon Purchaser not being in default hereunder at time of exercise. At Closing, the following shall occur: (a) Seller shall properly execute and deliver to Purchaser the following documents with respect to the Property: (i) A general warranty deed ("Deed") subject only to the Permitted Exceptions, except with respect to Parcel II and Parcel IV as to which Trustee 51 and Trustee 52, as applicable, shall execute and deliver trustee's deeds with special warranties; (ii) An appropriate mechanic's lien affidavit; (iii) An affidavit of exclusive (other than with respect to the Billboard Lease) possession of the Property being conveyed; (iv) A non-foreign affidavit in a form reasonably acceptable to Purchaser; (v) Appropriate assignments or bills of sale transferring to Purchaser all personal property or property rights contemplated by this Agreement or reasonably requested by Purchaser in forms reasonably acceptable to Purchaser, free and clear of all liens, clAims or encumbrances; (vi) Appropriate evidence of Seller's formation, existence and authority to sell and convey the Property; (vii) An assignment of Seller's right; if any, to receive Enterprise Zone funds; (viii) An assignment of the Billboard Lease; and (ix) Such other customary documents that the Title Company may reasonably require in connection with the issuance of the owner's policy to Purchaser and the delivery of good and marketable title to the Property from Seller to Purchaser as provided in this Agreement (excluding any personal undertaking or Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 12 of 21 guaranty/indemnity or other requirement which imposes an obligation or liability on Seller or which requires any expenditure except with respect to title defects, Seller is obligated to cure pursuant to this Agreement), including, but not limited to, an appropriate II gap II affidavit in order to delete the II gap II exception and affidavits required for deletion of the matters of survey, unrecorded easements, parties in possession and mechanics' lien exceptions otherwise appearing on the Title Policy. (b) Purchaser shall deliver the Purchase Price (subject to prorations and adjustments, including, but not limited to, a credit for the Deposit) . (c) Escrow Agent shall deliver the Deposit to Seller. (d) Seller and Purchaser shall each execute counterpart closing statements in a customary form together with such other documents as are reasonably necessary to consummate the Closing. (e) Both parties shall pay their respective costs by ~Fed Funds" wire transfer. l n. / :'i: :~, 12. Broker. The parties each represent and warrant to the other that there are no real estate brokers, salesman or finders involved in this transaction other than Gersper Realty & Investments, Inc. ("Authorized Broker"), Purchaser hereby agrees that it shall pay the Authorized Broker pursuant to a separate agreement between Purchaser and the Authorized Broker. If a claim for brokerage in connection with this transaction is made by any broker, salesman or finder claiming to have dealt by, through or on behalf of one of the parties hereto ("Indemnitor"), Indemnitor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other party hereunder ("Indemnitee"), and Indemnitee's officers, directors, agents and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, damages, claims, costs, fees and expenses whatsoever, including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs through all trial and all appellate levels wi"th respect to said claim for brokerage. The parties acknowledge and agree that any brokerage charge or commission for the Authorized Broker shall be the exclusive responsibility of Purchaser. The provisions of this Closing and any cancellation or Agreement. paragraph shall survive earlier termination of the this 13. Assignability. Purchaser, its successors and assigns, may assign their rights hereunder with Seller's consent (which shall not be unreasonably- withheld or delayed), but any such assignment shall not serve to relieve or release Purchaser from its obligations hereunder. KlattjWinchesterj0845-025 Page 13 of 21 14. Notices. Any notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if delivered by hand, sent by recognized overnight courier (such as Federal Express), or mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, in a postage pre-paid envelope, and addressed as follows: If to Seller at: Bill and Elsie Winchester P.o. Drawer 1240 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 With a copy to: Schroeder and Larche, P.A. One Boca Place, Suite 319-A 2255 Glades Road Boca Raton, Florida 33431-7313 Attention: Michael A. Schroeder, Esq. Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. 2001 S.E. 10th Street Bentonville, Arkansas 72712-6489 Attn: Florida Real Estate Manager With a copy to: Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A. 200 East Broward Boulevard 15th Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Attention: David K. Blattner, Esq. If to Purchaser: If to Escrow Agent: Schroeder and Larche, P.A. One Boca Place, Suite 319-A 2255 Glades Road Boca Raton, Florida 33431-7313 Attention: Michael A. Schroeder, Esq. Notices personally delivered or sent by overnight courier shall be deemed gIven on the date of receipt, and notices sent via certified mail in accordance with the foregoing shall be deemed given when deposited in the u.S. Mails. 15. Risk of Loss. If, prior to Closing, the Property or any material portion thereof is destroyed or damaged or taken by eminent domain, Seller shall promptly notify Purchaser and Purchaser shall have the option of either: (i) canceling this Agreement by delivery of written notice to Seller, whereupon Escrow Agent shall return to Purchaser the Deposit, together with interest thereon and both parties shall be relieved of all further obligations under this Ag~eementi or (ii) Purchaser may proceed with the Closing, whereupon Purchaser shall be entitled to (and Seller shall assign to Purchaser all of Seller's interest in) all Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 14 of 21 insurance and/or condemnation payments, awards and settlements applicable to the Property. 16. Miscellaneous. (a) This Agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance with laws of the State of Florida and in the event of any litigation hereunder, the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any such litigation, shall be with the Florida state courts located in Palm Beach County. All of the parties to this Agreement have participated fully in the negotiation and preparation hereof and, accordingly, this Agreement shall not be more strictly construed against anyone of the parties hereto. (b) In the event any provision of this Agreement is determined by appropriate judicial authority to be illegal or otherwise invalid, such provision shall be given its nearest legal meaning or re-construed as such authority determines, and the remainder of this Agreement shall be construed to be in full force and effect. (c) In the event of any litigation between the parties under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs through all trial and appellate levels. The provisions of this subparagraph shall survive the Closing and any termination or cancellation of this Agreement. (d) In construing this Agreement, the singular shall be deemed to include the plural, the plural shall be deemed to include the singular and the use of any gender shall include every other gender and all captions and paragraph headings shall be discarded. (e) All of the Exhibits to this Agreement are incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement. (f) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties for the sale and purchase of the Property, and supersedes any other agreement or understanding of the parties with respect to the matters herein contained including, without limitation, any letter of intent between the parties. This Agreement may not be changed, altered or modified except in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of such a change would be sought. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. (g) The term " Effective Date" or such other similar term, shall mean the date upon which this Agreement has been fully executed by Purchaser and Seller and such fully executed Agreement delivered to Purchaser. Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 15 of 21 .,~~~ (h) Once this Agreement has been executed by Purchaser, this will constitute an offer to purchase the Property upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. Should this offer not be accepted (by full execution hereby by Seller and delivery of an executed copy to Purchaser) on or before , 1998, at 5:00 p.m., this offer may, in the sole and absolute discretion of Purchaser, be revoked by delivery of written notice to Seller, whereupon the Deposit (if previously delivered to Escrow Agent), together with interest thereon, shall be returned to Purchaser, and this Agreement, and such offer shall be of no further force and effect. (i) The parties hereby agree that time is of the essence with respect to performance of each of the parties' obligations under this Agreement. The parties agree that in the event that any date on which performance is to occur falls on a Saturday, Sunday or state or national holiday, then the time for such performance shall be extended until the next business day thereafter occurring. (j) This Agreement and any subsequent amendments hereto may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when executed, shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which shall be deemed to be one and the same instrument. Facsimile transmission signatures shall be deemed original signatures. (k) SELLER AGREES THAT THE TERMS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT SHALL HEREAFTER REMAIN TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL AND SHALL NOT BE REVEALED OR DISCLOSED TO ANY PERSON OR PARTY WHATSOEVER, EXCEPT: (I) WITH THE CONSENT OF PURCHASER; (II) AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO DISCLOSE TO SELLER'S ATTORNEYS, ACCOUNTANTS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES THAT ARE INVOLVED IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSUMMATION OF THIS TRANSACTION; (III) AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO DISCLOSE TO PURCHASER'S INVESTORS AND/OR LENDERS; (IV) AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW; (V) AS MAY BE NECESSARY IN CONNECTION WITH ASSISTING PURCHASER IN OBTAINING NECESSARY GOVERNMEN~AL APPROVALS; AND (VI) IN CONNECTION WITH ANY LITIGATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES. THE PARTIES SHALL NOT, HOWEVER, BE PRELUDED FROM DISCLOSING THAT THEY HAVE ENTERED INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY OR THE IDENTITY OF THE PARTIES HERETO. 17. No Representations or Warranties of Seller. Purchaser acknowledges that, except as specifically set forth in this Agreement, Seller is not making and has not at any time made any warranties or representation of any kind or character, express or implied, with respect to the Property including, but not limited to, any warranties or representations as to habitability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, physical or environmental condition, governmental approvals or regulations or otherwise. Purchaser acknowledges that it has not relied upon and Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 16 of 21 will not rely upon, either directly or indirectly, any representation or warranty of Seller with respect to the Property except for Seller's warranty of title and except' as otherwise specifically set forth in this Agreement. Purchaser will conduct such investigations of the Property, including, but not limited to, the physical and environmental condition thereof, as Purchaser deems necessary to satisfy itself as to the condition of the Property and the suitability of same for Purchaser's intended use. Purchaser will rely solely upon such investigation and not upon any information provided by or on behalf of Seller. Upon closing, Purchaser shall assume the risk that adverse matters may not have been revealed by Purchaser I s investigations and, upon closing, Purchaser hereby waives, relinquishes and releases Seller from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action (including causes of action in tort), losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees and court costs) of any and every kind or character known or unknown, which Purchaser might have asserted or alleged against Seller at any time by reason of or arising out of any physical or environmental conditions, violations of any applicable laws and any and all other matters regarding the Property. While Seller may have provided and may hereafter provide to Purchaser, as an accommodation to Purchaser, certain reports, studies, surveys and environmental audits with respect to the Property, this is acknowledged to be done without recourse, representation or warranty with respect to the materials provided or as to any content, assessment, facts, opinions or conclusions contained therein. 18. Like-Kind Exchange. Purchaser acknowledges that Seller may desire to structure all or a portion of the transaction contemplated by this agreement as a like-kind exchange. Purchaser agrees to cooperate with Seller in this regard and to execute any and all documents required to structure the transaction as a like- kind exchange so long as Purchaser shall incur no out-of-pocket cost, expense or liability thereunder. 19. 'Agreement Not Recordable. Neither this Agreement, nor any notice of it, shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 20. Winchester and Mall Corner Cattle Grazing Operations. Winchester and Mall Corner have disclosed to Purchaser that Winchester and Mall Corner are currently using all or substantially all of the Property in conjunction with cattle grazing operations. Any provision of this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the parties agree that Winchester and Mall Corner shall have until ten (10) days following the closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement within which to remove the cattle from the Property. Winchester and Mall Corner shall fully indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless from and against any and all claims, damage and expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 17 of 21 the continuation of the cattle grazing operation upon the Property from the period between the closing and the actual removal of the livestock from the Property by Seller within the aforementioned ten (10) day period. Winchester and Mall Corner acknowledge that their continued occupancy of the Property after closing is for the sole purpose of concluding their cattle grazing operation thereon and removal of the livestock therefrom and that they will not utilize the Property for any other purpose during such period. 21. Trustee 52's Representations With Respect to Parcel IV Contract for Purchase. Trustee 52 hereby represents and warrants to Purchaser as follows: A. Trustee 52 is the contract purchaser of Parcel IV pursuant to that certain Contract for Purchase and Sale between Marilyn R. Selva as Seller and C. Cantrell, Trustee, as Buyer dated March 4, 1998, as modified by the First Amendment and Second Amendment thereto under which, by mesne assignments, Trustee 52 is currently the contract purchaser. The Contract for Purchase and Sale is hereinafter referred to as the "Purchase Agreement", B. The Purchase Agreement is a valid, binding and enforceable Agreement. C. The Purchase Agreement is in good standing and, to the best of Trustee 52's knowledge, neither party is in default thereunder. D. Trustee 52 shall comply with its obligations under the Purchase Agreement and shall either close on its acquisition of Parcel IV in accordance therewith or direct the seller under the Purchase Agreement to convey directly to Purchaser. The parties acknowledge that should the Purchase Agreement be terminated as a result of a default by Trustee 52, such termination shall constitute a default hereunder. 22. .Wetlands. Seller has provided Purchaser, without representation or recourse, with a letter dated August II, 1998, from Michael R. Landrum, REM, to Bill R, Winchester pertaining to wetlands issues. Seller, at Seller's election, may seek to obtain the requisite government approvals to excavate and fill these and certain adjacent areas on the Property. Should Seller elect to, at Seller's sole discretion, to excavate and fill these areas, Seller shall give Buyer written notice of same not later than December IS, 1998 and: (1) the work shall be performed pursuant to the requisite permits and in accordance with the requirements of applicable codes, laws and ordinances; Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 18 of 21 (2) the work shall be completed in a good and workmanlike manner; (3) Purchaser shall reimburse Seller at closing for the cost of the work, including cost of permitting, engineering, survey and similar customary "soft costs" in an amount not to exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00), with respect to which Seller shall produce third party invoices marked "Paid" to evidence the expenditures; (4) should Seller determine that the cost of the work may exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00), Seller shall, before incurring the additional expenses, provide Purchaser with documentation to support the additional cost which shall be subject to Purchaser's consent which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, Any such additional cost/expense approved by Purchaser shall likewise be reimbursed by Purchaser to Seller at closing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first set forth above. Signed, sealed and delivered SELLER AS TO PARCEL I: in the presence of: J ../ " j ~'" ' ',1._, /.'u. t-I l )./(; iti 1-'//1/1/' BILL R. WINCHESTER /c'" '. . /' j. I . ~ /.j /} . /, ._ /:).' ,/. / .' I , ::. r....) 1.<.. L(,' l. C ,( Ie. L LL..J (,.( (. ELSIE A. WINCHESTER Dated: ~ .,/\ r r-,-/ 1\'- '-~/;.. .' I ....4_ ,"/ ~ " SELLER AS TO PARCEL IA: / I, " ,.' j' / /..' ,/7 T-, ....-/ /--,() , .K' ,/!/ ( .: ; .r:./ "~,). : i BILL R. ~INCHESTER, Individually Date: .--/' /':).- -<. -' 9' ~~y /. J" t' '/' ,. ,.1 ) . /'/ I /,,- __ t J / /, ,/ , ;' , , ,I , . BILL R. WINCHESTER, AS SPECIAL TRUSTEE OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT CREATED BY ERNEST F. KLATT DATED MAY ~/,/,,1.,,~~ _'~" G .; Date: /---.L - / '.' , ) '/1 / \ I ... , r Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 19 of 21 .' /'. -J; , / ;~,'! / ../ ~.> ,~',.:) Ci I {\, y- ..r~ -' C VIOLET KLATT, AS SPECIAL TRUSTEE OF THE REVOCABLE TRVST AGREEMENT CREATED BY ERNEST F . KLATT DATED MAY 18, 1990 // (I' . .. ft'" ,."/ ~ ~ -- -~~ -'" ~~ Date:". / ERNEST ALFORD KLATT, AS SPECIAL TRUSTEE OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT CREATED BY ERNEST F. KLATT DATED MAY 18, 1990 Date: -..-/' ~ ICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, AS TRUSTEE OF TRACT 51 LAND TRUST AGREEMENT DATED MARCH 17.~ Date: ~. ~ l' SELLER AS TO PARCEL III: MALL CORNER, INC., /' A FLORIgA CORPORATION / / ' /~ I __, ~ '-I '1/ --, ' ; -- i 1 \..../'" t: ~~/:" /../,{-....,...<., '" . ... ,'. ." ", / I.. '(, I . ". i ,,,-1 , B "" , ) . y .3-- ,;,. . /' ?.... .., / ,- :- / , .-r \ I, /\ I.' '1/.-...../' \'~ -..7"-j- :>. t: Printed ame of ~ers~n Signing _./ / I .!..-...:....- --- / ., /.. .,' Its: " f 5. ,,/ ( ,', /.I ~ j ./ ~/.j Da te : ,,// (....., - -...-:-;; - .~ 'I' ~:'" Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 20 of 21 -~~ SELLER AS TO PARCEL IV: ., ......---. JUDIT -L. OCIS, AS 52 LAND TRUST AGREE 14, 1998 USTEE OF TRACT T DATED APRIL Date: cr I ~CJJ9 f . PURCHASER: Its: Date: The undersigned joins in this Agreement as Escrow Agent for the purpose of agreeing to its obligations hereunder as Escrow Agent. SCH AND LARCHE, P.A. BY: I~ HROEDER, ESQ. 1.1 ,~qJ (J:\7\CLIENTS\WINCHEST\WALMART\AGREEMEN.6 0845-025 09/18/98 sj) Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Page 21 of 21 EXHIBIT A REALTY Parcel I: Lot A and Lot B, Block 4, lying North of North Right-of-way line of State Road No. 804 and Lot A and Lot B, Block 5, lying North of the North Right-of-way line of State Road No, 804, PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO.8, according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 5, page 73. The South 320' of Tract 42 of the Subdivision of SE 1/4 of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 7, Page 19. Tracts 45, 46, 49 and 50 according to the Palm Beach - Miami Land and Development Company Plat recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, Palm Beach County Court Records, and also described as the E 1/2 of S 1/2 of W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. That portion of the following property lying west of Winchester Park Boulevard: Tracts 39, 40, 41, 43 and 44, a subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 7, Page 19. Parcel lA: Tract 47 of the Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, less the right-of-way for Boynton Road, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Parcel II: Tract 51, A SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 7, ~age 19, said lands situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. / \ Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 \ Parcel III: The West 89.90 feet of the following described parcel: A portion of Lot 42 of Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, less the South 320.00 feet and less the North 20.0 feet for road right of way and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot 42, thence run along the east line of said Lot 42 on an assumed bearing of South 010 06'03" east a distance of 20 feet to a point of interesection of the south right of way line of Old Boynton Road and the west right of way line of Winchester Park Boulevard as now exists, said point also being the point of beginning; thence continue south 010 06'03" east along said west right of way line of Winchester Park Boulevard a distance of 243.08 feet; thence south 89009'06" west a distance of 307.55 feet to a point on the west line of said Lot 42; thence north 01000133" west along the west line of said Lot 42, a distance of 124.60 feet; thence north 89050116" east a distance of 139.90 feet; thence north 01000'33" west a distance of 127.53 feet to a point on the said south right of way line of Old Boynton Road; thence north 89050116" east along the south right of way line a distance of 167.26 feet to the Point of Beginning. Parcel IV: Tract 52, of a Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, accoridng to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of th ecircuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 7, page 1. Also described as the South Half (Sl/2) of the Southwest One-Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest One- Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast One-Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. LESS the South 25 feet and the West 15.0 feet thereof. Klatt!Winchester!OB45-025 EXHIBIT B ESCROW AGREEMENT THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT ("Escrow Agreementll) is made and entered into between BILL R. WINCHESTER and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER (Winchester), as to Parcel I, BILL R. WINCHESTER, INDIVIDUALLY AND BILL R. WINCHESTER, VIOLET KLATT AND ERNEST ALFORD KLATT, AS SPECIAL TRUSTEES OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT CREATED BY ERNEST F. KLATT DATED MAY 18, 1990 ("Winchester/Klatt"), as to Parcel IA, MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, AS TRUSTEE OF TRACT 51 LAND TRUST AGREEMENT DATED MARCH 17, 1998 ("Trustee 51") as to Parcel II, MALL CORNER, INC., a Florida corporation, (Mall Corner), as to Parcel III and JUDITH L. JOCIS, AS TRUSTEE OF TRACT 52 LAND TRUST AGREEMENT DATED APRIL 14, 1998 (Trustee), as to Parcel IV and WAL-MART STORES EAST, INC., a Delaware corporation (Purchaser) and SCHROEDER AND LARCHE, P.A., whose address is One Boca Place, 2255 Glades Road, Suite 319- A, ,Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (hereinafter referred to as IIEscrow Agentll) . WHEREAS, Principal(s) desire that Escrow Agent hold certain property as described on IIExhibit All hereto (IIEscrowed Propertyll) pursuant to certain documents described on "Exhibit B" hereto, if any (IIDocuments II) i and WHEREAS, Escrow Agent has agreed to act as escrow agent for the Escrowed Property on the terms and conditions now about to be set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein set forth and other good and lawful consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: I, Escrow A. Escrow Agent agrees to hold all of the Escrowed Property in escrow subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Escrow Agreement and the Documents, if any. The provisions of this Escrow Agreement shall control in the event of any conflict between the provisions hereof and the provisions of the Documents, if any. B. Unless otherwise provided for in this Escrow Agreement or any addendum hereto, Escrow Agent shall disburse the Escrowed Property without j,nterest or other accumulation in value. C. Escrow Agent shall not be deemed to have knowledge of any matter or thing unless and until Escrow Agent has actually received written notice of such matter or thing and Escrow Agent shall not b~ charged with any constructive notice whatsoever. KlattjWinchester/OB45-025 D. In the event the Escrowed Property consists in whole or in part of stocks, bonds or certificates of d~posit (or any other property which may fluctuate in value) Escrow Agent shall hold in escrow, pursuant to this Escrow Agreement, any proceeds of the Escrowed Property actually delivered to Escrow Agent and realized as a result of splits, calls, redemptions or otherwise, but shall not be obligated to ascertain the existence of (or initiate recovery of) such proceeds or to become or remain informed with respect to the possibility or probability of such proceeds being realized at any time in the future, or to inform any principal (s) or any third party with respect to the nature and extent of any proceeds realized, except upon the written request of such party, or to monitor current market values of the Escrowed Property. Further, Escrow Agent shall not be obligated to proceed with any action or inaction based on information with respect to market values of the Escrowed Property which Escrow Agent may in any manner learn, nor shall Escrow Agent be obligated to inform Principal(s) or any third party with respect to market values of anyone or more of the Escrowed Property at any time, Escrow Agent having no duties with respect to investment management or information, all Principal (s) understanding and intending that Escrow Agent's responsibilities are purely ministerial in nature. Any reduction in the market value or other value of the Escrowed Property while deposited with Escrow Agent shall be at the sole risk of Principal(s). E. In the event instructions from Principal(s) would require Escrow Agent to expend any monies or to incur any cost, Escrow Agent shall be entitled to refrain from taking any action until it receives payment for such costs. F. Principal(s) acknowledge and agree that nothing in this Escrow Agreement shall prohibit Escrow Agent from (1) serving in a similar capacity on behalf of others or (2) acting in the capacity of attorneys for one or more Principal(s) in connection with any matter. II. Release of Escrowed Property A. Escrow Agent agrees to release the Escrowed Property in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Documents, if any, and this Escrow Agreement. B. In the event Escrow Agent shall be uncertain as to its duties or rights hereunder or shall receive instructions, claims or demands from any Principal(s) or from third persons with respect to the Escrowed Prc'perty or any other sums or things which may be held hereunder, which, in its sole opinion, are in conflict with any provision of this Escrow Agreement and/or the Documents, if any, Escrow Agent shall be entitled to refrain from taking any action until it shall be directed otherwise in writing by all Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 .1 Principal(s) and said third persons, if any, or by a final order or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction. C. If all or any portion of the Escrowed Property delivered to Escrow Agent is in the form of a check or in any other form other than cash, Escrow Agent shall deposit same as required but shall not be liable for the nonpayment thereof nor responsible to enforce collection thereof. If such check or other instrument other than cash representing the Escrowed Property is returned to Escrow Agent unpaid, Escrow Agent shall notify the applicable Principal(s) for further instructions, III. Liability of Escrow Agent A. It is agreed that the duties of Escrow Agent are purely ministerial in nature and shall be expressly limited to the safekeeping of the Escrowed Property and for the disposition of same in accordance with the Documents, if any, and this Escrow Agreement. Each Principal hereby indemnifies Escrow Agent and holds it harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, costs, penalties, losses, actions, suits or proceedings at law or in equity, or any other expenses, fees or charges of any character or nature, which it may incur or with which it may be threatened directly or indirectly arising from or in any way connected with this Escrow Agreement or which may result from Escrow Agent's following of instructions from Principal(s), and in connection therewith, indemnifies Escrow Agent against any and all expenses, including attorneys' fees and the cost of defending any action, suit, or proceeding or resisting any claim, whether or not litigation is instituted. Escrow Agent shall be vested with a lien on all Escrowed Property held hereunder which is deliverable to Principal(s) under the terms of this Escrow Agreement, for indemnification, attorneys I fees, court costs arising from any suit, interpleader or otherwise, or other expenses, fees or charges of any character or nature, which may be incurred by Escrow Agent by reason.of disputes arising between Principal(s) and/or any third party as to the correct interpretation of this Escrow Agreement and/or the Documents, if any, and instructions given to Escrow Agent hereunder, or otherwise, with the right of Escrow Agent, regardless of the instruments aforesaid and without the necessity of instituting any action, suit or proceeding, to hold the Escrowed Property until and unless said addi tional expenses, fees and charges shall be fully paid. B. It is further agreed that Escrow Agent shall have the right to utilize the sp.:cvices of Schroeder and Larche, P.A. as its attorneys and same sha~l not affect or in any way prejudice or limit Escrow Agent's entitlement to reasonable attorney's fees for the services of such attorneys as set forth in this Escrow Agreement. Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 .. IV. Disputes A. In the event Escrow Agent is joined as a party to a lawsui t by virtue of the fact that it is holding the Escrowed Property, Escrow Agent shall, at its option, either (1) tender the Escrowed Property to the registry of the appropriate court or (2) disburse the Escrowed Property in accordance with the court IS ultimate disposition of the case, and Principal(s) hereby, jointly and severally, indemnify and hold Escrow Agent harmless from and against any damages or losses in connection therewith including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs at all trial and appellate levels. B. In the event Escrow Agent tenders the Escrowed Property to the registry of the appropriate court and files an action of interpleader naming the Principal(s) and any affected third parties of whom Escrow Agent. has received actual notice, Escrow Agent shall be released and relieved from any and all further obligation and liability hereunder or in connection herewith and Principal(s) hereby, jointly and severally, indemnify and hold Escrow Agent harmless from and against any damages or losses arising in connection therewith including, but not limited to, all costs and expenses incurred by Escrow Agent in connection with the filing of such action including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys I fees and court costs at all trial and appellate levels. V. Ter.m of Agreement A. This Escrow Agreement shall remain in effect unless and until it is canceled in any of the following manners: 1. Upon written notice given by all Principal(s) of cancellation of designation of Escrow Agent to act and serve in said capacity, in which event, cancellation shall take effect no earlier than twenty (20) days after notice to Escrow Agent of such cancellation; or 2. Escrow Agent may resign as escrow agent at any time upon giving notice to Principal(s) of its desire to so resign; provided, however, that resignation of Escrow Agent shall take effect no earlier than ten (10) days after the giving of notice of resignation; or 3. Upon compliance with all escrow provisions as set forth in this Escrow Agreement and in the Documents, if any. B. In the eVbnt Principal(s) fail to agree to a successor escrow agent within the period described hereinabove, Escrow Agent shall have the right to deposit all of the Escrowed Property held hereunder into the registry of an appropriate court and request judicial determination of the rights between Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Principal (s), by interpleader or other appropriate action, and Principal (s) hereby, jointly and severally, indemnify and hold Escrow Agent harmless from and against any damages or losses in connection therewith including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs at all trial and appellate levels. C. Upon termination of the duties of Escrow Agent in either manner set forth in subparagraphs 1. or 2. of Paragraph A. of this Article V., Escrow Agent shall deliver all of the Escrowed Property to the newly appointed escrow agent designated by the Principal(s), and, except for rights of Escrow Agent specified in Paragraph A. of Article III. of this Escrow Agreement, Escrow Agent shall not otherwise have the right to withhold Escrowed Property from said newly appointed escrow agent. D. Escrow Agent shall not be bound by any modification, cancellation or rescission of this Escrow Agreement unless in writing and signed by all Principal(s) and Escrow Agent. In no event shall any modification of this Escrow Agreement, which shall affect the rights or duties of Escrow Agent, be binding on Escrow Agent unless it shall have given its prior written consent. VI. Notices All notices, certificates, requests, demands, materials and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and deemed to have been duly given (1) upon delivery by hand to the appropriate address of each Principal or Escrow Agent as set forth in this Escrow Agreement or in the Documents, if any, or (2) on the third business day after mailing by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid to such address. All notices to Escrow Agent shall be addressed to the attorney signing on behalf of Escrow Agent at the following address: Schroeder and Larche, P.A. One Boca Place, Suite 319-A 2255 Glades Road Boca Raton, Florid 33431 VII. Choice of Law and Venue This Escrow Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. In the event any action, suit or proceeding is instituted as a result of any matter or thing affecting this Escrow Agreement, the parties hereto hereby designate Palm Beach County, Florida, as the proper jurisdiction and the venue in which same is to be instituted. VIII. Cumulative Rights Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 " No right, power or remedy conferred upon Escrow Agent by this Escrow Agreement is exclusive of any other right, power or remedy, but each and every such right, power or remedy shall be cumulative and concurrent and shall be in addition to any other right, power or remedy Escrow Agent may have under the Escrow Agreement or now or hereafter existing at law, in equity or by statute, and the exercise of one right, power or remedy by Escrow Agent shall not be construed or considered as a waiver of any other right, power or remedy. IX. Binding Agreement This Escrow Agreement shall be binding upon the Principal(s) and Escrow Agent and their respective successors and assigns. X. Escrow Agent Fees Escrow Agent shall, receive for its services in accepting this escrow the sum of $ 00.00 per hour of time involved with respect to this escrow, plus reimbursement of all costs, which fees and costs the Principal (s) hereby, jointly and severally, agree to pay and it is hereby understood and agreed that all such fees and costs shall constitute a first lien of the Escrowed Property hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed this day of 1998. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of: ESCROW AGENT: SC AND LARCHE, P.A. By: Name: Title. Date :~t1,LA~r M~ Klatt/Winchester/OB45-025 SELLER AS TO PARCEL I: .- II /,,", _., "" "-_.___ / ,/' ,/ .,'",.- '--"'" /" .4 J.,. " ," " ~.... i ), " . 1/ " ,> , , , . ,_~- .f, " , ',' '.f,..L ' BILL R. WINCHESTER ~. -j{:,:fJt t ,'/t ~~// It ~(At::i?;~-: ELSIE A. WINCHESTER ./ . '6' .-.' ,,> ./ ~'~ __~ l./ '. Dated: / .~)-.-, I. SELLER AS TO PARCEL IA: , , ,I' II, /' // "/~ . / ...) 1/ '...:.._ ,(LJ~ ),/,,;( /,( i /(.4;;..-//>,. BILL R. WINCHESTER, Individuarly // , J ;- f;/--- Dated: />~/~ - .~_.. ,I ~ '1; /' , ;' I , ,/ )' / -/.. / ;';- ----- ~/ . ), ! ' ..t...1 A; ;: /.( ,!"''f./,{.; ,;'- ..:'~1 LL? BILL R. . WINCHESTER, AS SPECIAL TRUSTEE OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT CREATED BY ERNEST F. KLATT DATED MAY 18, 1990 ./'",~ ".... -") ../' //,- -:>- _ /,,',/ Dated: .' \." "'--., f' ~ I> ..f.~QI~,r /, III il" VIOLET KLATT, AS SPECIAL TRUSTEE OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT CREATED BY ERNEST F. KLATT DATED MAY 18, 1990 Dated: )//J v '~J (": -...J } ( I (, /" ERNEST ALFORD KLATT, AS SPECIAL TRUSTEE OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST AGREEMENT CREATED BY ERNEST F. KLATT DATED MA~8, 1990 Dated: Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 TO PARCEL II: Asb.L ICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, AS TRUSTEE OF TRACT 51 LAND TRUST AGREEMENT DATED MARCH {" ~998 Dated: ~""- 11( I~'tr SELLER AS TO PARCEL III: SELLER AS TO PARCEL IV: USTEE OF TRACT DATED APRIL Dated: tf I J-1/r,? PURCHASER: tJ Its: Dated: The undersigned joins in this Agreement as Escrow Agent for the purpose of agreeing to its obligations hereunder as Escrow Agent. s BY MI~A. SC ROEDER, DATE: \...- 2J\ ,0\ \~ Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 EXHIBIT A TO ESCROW AGREEMENT The Deposit pursuant to ( II Agreement II) as an Exhibit Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 as and when delivered to Escrow Agent the Agreement of Purchase and Sale to which this Escrow Agreement is attached "' EXHIBIT B TO ESCROW AGREEMENT The Agreement to which this Escrow Agreement is' attached as an Exhibit. Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 EXHIBIT C SURVEY REQUIREMENTS -\ REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPERTY AND TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY INSTRUCTIONS A registered, professional land surveyor, qualified to operate at the project location, shall be contacted and requested to perform the following activities which include providing the civil engineering consultant (CEC) with completed drawings for their use, THE SURVEY AND TOPO DRAWING MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1. Provide one survey to the CEC on 24" X 36" or 3D" x 42" reproducible tracing material and four paper blueline copies drawn to a scale of I" = 30', }" = 40' or }" = 50'. Any other drawing size or scale will not be acceptable, The drawing shall include a dated title block indicating the surveyor's name, address and telephone number. 2. In addition to the reproducible and blueline (paper) copies, all surveys shall be completed in a "CADDII system in ".dwg" or "dxf' format. A 3-1/211 or 5-1/4" disk shall be submitted to the CEC for each survey. 3. Provide on the survey map a written legal description of the project lot or property survey based on the existing "Deed of Record", which shall read clockwise and agree with the measurements and bearings indicated on the survey map. The legal description shall show the total square footage and acreage, indicate a definite point of beginning and be properly referenced and dimensioned from permanent and well-defined reference points. The "basis of bearings" for the survey shall be clearly referenced. If the project is an assemblage of two or more smaller parcels of separate ownership, written legal descriptions and easement data shall be provided for each parcel in addition to the overall tract. 4. Building setbacks, required landscape buffers and all easements of record which affect the property shall be shown with footnotes referencing the appropriate recording data (i.e., book and page number(s) for such items). The survey shall be revised and updated by the surveyor within fifteen (15) days following receipt of a copy of the title commitment (furnished by others), All exceptions listed on the title commitment shall be noted on the survey, including book and page number. 5. Provide survey monuments at each property comer meeting applicable State Requirements, however, at a minimum, survey monuments shall consist of a }" galvanized iron pipe, 24" in length, set in concrete, with surveyor's cap. Disturbance to the site shall be kept to a minimum. Any disturbed arerO) shall be restored to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such disturbance occurred (i.e., minimize impact on vegetation), The survey map shall include a statement indicating the date that the monuments have been installed as described. DatasetID:DocID:DocVer -\ 6. The Surveyor shall certify that the minimum latitude and departure closure error of 1 in 5,000 for rural areas or I in 10,000 for small town areas, or 1 in 50,000 for cities and business areas has been complied with, except where local code requires greater accuracy and the total acreage shall be indicated on the drawings computed to three decimal places. 7. Provide a topographic drawing, drawn to scale with north point and graphic bar scale shown including all bearings, dimensions, curve data, present and future highway right-of-way lines, building setback lines and all easements of record which affect the property with a vicinity map clearly indicating the site location and a dimension to the nearest roadway intersection. The drawing shall include a clearly described bench mark, with elevation to 1/100 of a foot accuracy based on use & Ge datum. 8. The topographic drawing shall include names of all adjoining roads, streets, and highways with the type, width and condition of the driving surface, shoulders, curbs and sidewalks clearly indicated, including all existing and proposed median openings. 9. The topographic drawing shall indicate the owners of all adjacent properties, all structures and improvements on the property and 100' beyond the property lines, with exact measurements and descriptions of all property line encroachments including all fences, hedges or other improvements that could be claimed by anyone to be infringement or encroachment. 10. The topographic drawing shall indicate the general type of terrain and size of any drainage area that drains onto the property, including the 100 year flood elevation based on use & GS datum. If no portion of the site is within the 100-year flood plain, a note should be provided stating such. 11. The topographic drawing shall indicate the size (diameter) and type of all trees on the property with a diameter greater than or equal to 24". Provide this information on a separate overlay map (vellum tracing paper) only. Do not include this information on the base map. 12. The topographic drawing shall show spot elevations, based on use & GS datum. at 50' intervals on the centerline, gutterline, top of curb, edge of paving, edge of shoulder and flowline of drainage ditches along both sides of all adjoining roads, streets and highways which are existing and also any available data of contemplated or proposed changes. 13. The topographic drawing shall show existing ground contour lines, based on use & os datum, at one-foot intervals and indicated by dashed lines over the entire property, including an area at least 100 feet beyond the property in all directions. 14. The topographic drawing shall indicate existing storm sewers and drainage structures which have any effect upon the drainage control of the property including structure types and pipe sizes with't1owline grades and elevations. Also, indicate on the drawing if any flooding or erosion problems are being experienced downstream from the surveyed property. DatasetID:DocID:DocVer 15. The topographic drawing shall indicate existing sanitary sewers on or near the property, including manholes, type of pipe and size of pipe with grades and flowline elevations, If sanitary sewer is not readily available, the location of manholes, type and style of pipe and flowline elevations of the nearest sewer shall be indicated. 16. The topographic drawing shall indicate existing water lines on or near the property including fire hydrants, type and size of pipe, depth of cover. 17. The topographic drawing shall indicate existing surface and underground transmission lines or utilities such as natural gas, telephone, telegraph, TV cable and electrical power, including pipeline types and sizes with all utility pole locations with overhead wires indicated and the nearest available services clearly shown and dimensioned. 18. The topographic drawings shall include names, addresses and phone numbers of the officials with all utility companies, local governing agencies and the highway department. 19. The surveyor shall provide on the drawing and affix his seal and signature to the following certification: I hereby certify to , that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with "Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTAJASCM Land Title Surveys", jointly established and adopted by AL T A and ASCM in 1986 and is a Class A survey: The easements shown on this survey are based upon Commitment Policy No. prepared by Title Insurance Company. Surveyor Registration No, DatasetID:DocID:DocVer c. encroachments from the Subj ect Property onto any adjoining property; or d, encroachments by any improvements on the Subj ect Property onto any easements listed in the Title Work. 3. The Subject Property has access to and from a public road right-of-way, being 4. The Subject Property consists of one contiguous parcel, without overlaps, gaps or gores. 5. The Subject Property is within special flood hazard area as shown in the most recent Flood Hazard Boundary Maps prepared by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 7. The Subject Property contains (____ ___) square feet and the square footage of the Parcels comprising the Subject Property is as follows: Parcel I: Parcel IA: Parcel II: Parcel III: Parcel IV: 1,198,424 Square Feet; 209,000 Square Feet; 168,577 Square Feet; 11,326 Square Feet; and 207,781 Square Feet. 8. The Subject Property was last surveyed on Dated: Printed Name: Registered Land Surveyor No. State of Klatt/Winchester/0845-025 \ ' , " ~IBIT ~ " BILLBOARD LOCATIOU, R1U.~~ L2TTER AGR&BliEl!iT .' , LESSOR: .Bill R. WiDchastezo, P.O., 'praweJ; 124,O~ , ' Boynton 3each" PL 3342? Phone:' '32-3961 LESSEE. . . Sign-Craft, Inc., 1890:Churcb Street West Palm aeach, FL' 33409 Phone 686-070i .' LESSEE SUCCESSOR: Ackerley,CommunicatiQi18 ot Florid&, IliC. 5800 N.H, 77th Court, l1!ami, P!o=ida Pho~e 592-6250 . ". . " ~3/'" . 1. This Aqreemeot shall be iltcorporat:ed in 'and ma.de a part thoreof or that ce~ta1b~LeAse, dated December 7, 1987 between'the parties hereof which'Lease remains 'in fqll: force and eff~ct,. , , 2. According to the terms of 'the Lease described above, this Agreement between Lessor and 'Leasee covers the existing biilboards AS fqllows: " . . I ..., a. 2 locations on the West, side ()f Congress Avenue between Old Boy~ton Road and Boyqton Beach Boulevard, lllOre. particular1y.deseribed in the existing Lease. , ,. b. 2 loca.tions 011 the North. side. o~ ,Boy~ton Beach Boulevard between Winchester Park :Boulevard and Knuth Road, more particula~lY,described in the existing Le~se. 3. According to the, terms of ,paragraph 2.. of the existing Lease, the annua~ rent or Fourteen Thousand Nine'Hundred Dollars . shall be pay~ble a s follows I January.l, 19'91 $14,900.00 ' 4. All other'matters remain in ::ull force &nd ef~ect. Date. /~Q1 9/ Da te z ;:i:iJ 1.1., /9t; I ~88~r. '.~/;j(h6L-k Lessee:', ~~~~ .. EXlllB'IT ."Au "--' \ ~. . ' ) . ACIIIaD .. ' , , . .' , August 10, 1989 , . . Dear Lessor: . , Ackerley Communica~ions of Plo~i~ i..pleas~d to be the successor company to Sign Craf~ Inc. We pride ourselves in providing excellent service and a~~ention ~o those under contract with us in Florida. You can be sure We are looking forward to a healthy business relationship. . ' . I . If you have any QUestions plea.e feel free to direc~ them to: ' , . . Ackerley Communioations of Plorida, Inc. 5800 N.W. 77 Court . Miami, Florida, ~3166 po~ (305) 592-6250 . ATTN: Mil. ~n~ Marko! . 'i ').... 0) L( ~ ~', . We anticipate a good r.la~ion.hip and look forward t~ working , you. . t;I',1fpDS with Sincerely,. AC.KERLlY COMMUNleA'1'IOHS OP PLORIDA, INC. F~'SO~' '" Con~roller Fs/ob t ~, . . 5800 N.W. 77th C:>urt, Miami, Fl 33166 I Phone: (305) 592-6250 I FAX (305) 477-0743 , ' ",1 ......"'....., ,--.lMMUH ,00nN ",,'"'co PO""'.. ~ . !his leasTt', MClde Ilu's December .A,D.1987 7th d~1I 01 lly and Itlwtttt Bill R. Winchester I P.o. Drawer 1240, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Phone: 732-3961 Sign-Craft, Inc., -1890 Church Street West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Phone: 686-0701 lI,.,r,'1I ('nll"d IIle '''''0,. .alld Iu'u;n ('a'lI~d the I~"~e . , liIitnesStth, TI.al i" con,;d~ralion 01 I/I~ ('utllwetnll JIt~,.r;1t (,ollluin~d. Olt lI,e pari of 'ht! sa;d Ir.ssu 10 be k~pl alld perlorm~d. tht! II,id 11"110r do es /rrrebv Ircfl~ 10 /1/(~ SCI,'cll,'siwr. , lI,e {ollo"'''',g del('rib~d properly: SIGN STRUCTURES AT TilE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS WITU A SIeN ON E^CH 'SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE TO INC~UDE LIQRTS: 1 . Boynton Beach Boulevard North right-of-way line 30' West of Winchester Park Boulevard. 2. Boynton Beach Boulevard North right-of-way line 530' West of Winchester Park Boulevard. 3. Congress Avenue West right-of~way line 350' South of Old Boynton Road. 4. Congress Avenue West right-ot-way line 850' South of Old Boynton Road. ,t. . I lollaut and T, JfoId lI,eltlmelorlJ,e/rrna 01 Ten years unless otherwise speL: from Ihe . 1 st day 01 . January. A. D. 1988 .11,t! la;d lessee PC'Y;II!J IIturfortl,e in1 tial r~1I1 of Twelve Thousand One Hundred Dollars, ,\ lid 1I1t~ laid I~..r.e ('ourmml will. 11.1' laid Ir"or 10 I'"U lI,e Iltid ultl in l,"ym~lIl, <<Ix according to ~/he addendum attached hereto and made a part hereof, - ' {or lI,e sale/I,.rm. Ihe fir.' ptlum~nl'o be mad,. 011 Iht! 1 s t tkM~f(tJl~J(&rA~~ elelV 01 Janua ry, 1988 10 lUll!.:" 110 IInlelll'I"I. im/lropt',. 0,. on,.n,i,,~ ",,. 01 11,1' Ilrrm;.,..: Iwl I" lI61iy" 11';$ It'ast! or /0 sub. trl n"!Il'lIrlll/snltl,Jrl'ml,I" ",illlllllll1,I' ",ri/ll''' r,,".,.,,1 II/II,,' {,'s:mr : ,,,,1 III lur :wi,1 l'r,'miu.'( fur ,my fll/II'r l",rJHI'~ l/tuII "' " bi llboard loca t i on ,lUll' lu 'I"ilalll' ,/t'lilll'f lip .ni,1 pr,.mi,,,, nllllt! I'1It1 of ",i,llI'r", ill "' II"oe/ ralUlili,,,, a. 1I,,~u "rr ,,'om (IIr,lillllry Il"'ar nml dt'c'''V tIIltl dc.nag,. by Ihl' ,.1I''''I'nll ol,ly ~~(,"pl,.,I). AmnII,. :rttlcll,.,.,.r. IIt'rl'l'!1 ,'lJI','lttll,1 ' III,d ayrr,. IIInI if el,.(ellll/lllal/I,t! ",ade ill IIII'. /I"YI;"'"I oflht! rr,,1 ell elfor".f(,ltl, tII' i{ /I,,. saiel /rllrf, ,lu,1I viola/,. (IllY flI II,,. ('ou,.lItllll. o/IM, I,.,,,,.. 11",,, s,,;e/lrlS,.r s1wll /JrC'cmw 1t.'lICIIII alslln,.ra"t'I'. ltJilntS$ fII,r 11II1It1, IIml,rlll. I/,i. ?~ , . ,.It. J), 19 rt cl"y II( -p e.ce III /.e-R ~ $;gtt,.,/. Srttlrc/ 1II1t1 J),.Ii,'"rrcl illl'r,.,,.nc,. 01: I : ....., ,. '.... ..............,........,... .._........_........,...:........... L.".<<o.r.:.. ..'......., '.... , ....... ............ .................___:~..._............ .. Le.s.:Se.e.:.......:: STATE OF Flori'd", COUNTY UF pa 1m Beach }, j H;'R.E8V, CERTIFY ,hat on 'hi. day, before me, an oUic:cr duly authorized in the Slat.: aforelaid and In lhe Count" arornaid 10 take uknowlcdlmenu, personally appeared 10 me knawn to be lhe pcrIOIIS dacribed lD and who execuled th. lorc(OinC Jnall'umcnl and the y acknowlc:dscd before me that t hey caeca'" lbe ....... WITNESS ..., hancl .... oUkJal ... ba the eouo., and State Jul aloresald 111Ii. day of A. D. I' , Nb~ai'} Hy com ':1. .;':f'f; i O'f"~ro'rrdlr" 101.' ,~pires: '/7';J hIJln/lllmlP"ptlml 1.1: A ,ItIftSJ . , Bill R. Wincbester P.-. O. Drawer 1240 noynton Beach, FL ~ ~ ..., . LESSOR: LESSEE: " '" ADDBRDDH TO LEASE Bl11 R. winchester, Post oftice Drawer 1240, Bo~ton Beach, Florida 33425, Phon~~732-3961 sign-cratt, Inc., 1890 Church street, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409, Phone: 686-0701 1. The. initial rent at Twelve Thousand One Hundred Dollars ~hall be payable as tollows: a. b. c. January 1, 198~ April 1, 1988 ~epteabar 1, 1988 $ 6,050.00 3,025.00 3~025.00 '$12,100.00 TOTAL FOR 1988 2. For the r..aining tara at this Lease, r.ntal amounts will be ren.gotiat..d annually by letter aqreement and the rental amounts shall be pai~ according to the following schedule: a. 50t on or b.tor. January 1st ot the Ilease year. b.. '25' on ~r. be tore Ap~1rl 1st of the lease year. c. 25t on or before Sept.eaber 1st of t.he lease year. ., .3;.~. Th. following paragraphs are hereby incorporated in and made a part of thi. Laa..:' a. b. 'c. I.~ . La.... ahall ind8llJlity and hold Lassor harmless trom any and all damage, loss, liability, cost and expense, inqluding attorneys' tees whether incurred before, during or aft.r trial, on appeal or in conjunction with post judgment proceedings, arising out of, in conjunction with or with. respect to the existence, construction, maintenance, installat.ion, repair, use, or removal of t.he sign(s) upon the property and all acts or omissions of Lessee, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, invitees, licensees, successors or assigns. ' Thi. Lea.. shall constitute the sole agreement of the parties relating' to the lease of thf:' above' described premi.e.. Neither party will be bound by any statements, warranties, or promises, oral or written, unless such statements, warranties 'or promises are set forth specifically in th!s Lease. The word "Les.or" a. u..d herein ahall include 'Lessors. This Lease is binding up~n, and inure. to the benefit of. the heirs, .x.cuto~s" successors and assiqns of Las..e and Lessor. La.... r.oognize. that .Lessor, its SUccessor or a contract purchasa.r'may in the future tile applications with applicable qovernment aqencies or authorities ,for qovern.ent approvals in conjunction with proposed development ot the property. Lessee hereby waives any requirement that it join in or consent to any such application or the grantinq of any requested approval. Les.ee turther aqrees that should its written consent or approval be required notwithstandinq the provisions of this paraqraph ~~ it shall execute and del i ver I. , .. e. .~ forthwith upon request "and its failure to do 50 shall oonstitute a. material default hereunder which shall entitle Lessor, at Lessor's option, in addition to all other remedies available to Lessor hereunder and under applicable law, to terminate this lease upon written ,notice to Lessee. Lessee further agrees that after the filing of any. application for a building permit with respect to construction ot any improvement upon the property which is the subject matter of this Lease, or any larger parcel of land then owned by Lessor, its successors or assigns, of which said property is a part, Lessor, its successors or assigns shall have the right to terminate this lease effective thirty (30) days atter written notice of termination to Lessee. Should such notice at termination be given, provided Lesse. is not in detaul thereunder, rents shall be prorated through the date ot termination and Lessee shall cause its sign and all appurtenances thereto to be removed frail the property, at its sole cost and eXpense prior to said date. J:n the avant 'of litigation between, Lessor and Lessee concerning, arising out ot or with respect to th is lea.e, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover it. attorneys' tees and costs incurred. Date: ~-~-.t<1 ~ /~tf'P , . Date: ~~~~1,'? /7a-::>- Lessor: Les.e., , ' , , . , . . ~I '.' ... . 'f , . ;jI ..i . il;: t- ~ '. , . 2 ..;. .. ~ t " U i J ~ 'wi ~ It) lL lL ~3 ~ 0 N lL ~Q CICJ ~ 0::: 3 &tI lL 0::: en 3 .-4 W Z lL' ,." = eno 00::: 3 CO ::E en~ . ~ UWZ ~-' CICJ N Z N.....> lLZ'" N -0 ...,0 0\ U3 3&t1 ,." ..... ~ = .-4 0 , , ,." W 4U 0\ ~ 0::: 0:::0::: O\&tI O\W W U .....%Q 0. .-4N ~ .-4 .-4 Z ::J.: 0. .... -' IQ -' 0.0::: o.lL 4 c;[ 0 ~ en -' 0::: %"" ~~ ~o ..... a.. %.-4 U3 = = o~o:::&tI = en~::I: , o.lL o.~ W > ~ 0.-4 0. en lL ~ ~o::: 0 lL U = ZOU Q ~W ~ W N 0 Q 4 >~ ~ It) 3 ..... &tI Z ..... .CI It)~ 0 ,.,,~ 3 ..... ~ 0 W..... I ~ I ""N~ I .....0::: ~lL I ~O\ I . CI) =0-'= ~ . ~ ~ . ~ I ~ 0::: ~ .... It)(!) 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"'CO .. ..CO ~CO ~ OOCl Cl CO an In In Cl 0- 0- 0\ 0\ 0 ~~ ~ ... 0 Cl ... .-4 .-4 ... 0 I I I Cl I I I :t: 0 W W W Cl W W W .... .... It .-4 (,,) U U .-4 (,,) U (,,) < < 1- N .... .... .... N .... .... .... .- .- f Cl ~ ~ ~ Cl ~ ~ 0:: 0 0 E: .." I I I a.. Q.. f , , Q.. .." I , , Q.. ~ , , I Q.. .- ... :t IncnW.... I I I I ~enw....1 I In .... I , , I enw....' I :t: ~W::;)CQ(!)W (!)W W::;)CQ W ~ CQ(!)W (!)W W::;)CQ W en en :!) ""~""XQ"" Q.... 0::.... X .... .." ....XQ XQ.... ~::;! ~~::;!~~::;! W W ~ ~U<<....<r ....Jd ",,"t'dd ~ ....It\~.-f' ...... - .- .-..._._----_._~" AGENT AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLETENESS AND ACCURACY OF PROPERTY OWNER'S LIST I, Keith Pelan, as contact person for Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, agent representing the application submitted herewith, state that, to the best of my knowledge, the list of property owners provided to the City of Boynton Beach with this application is complete and accurate. The list was prepared by the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's office staff at my request, based on information I provided to them. ~ 1- {~.~~ Date Sworn and subscribed before me this 13th day of January, 1999 by Keith Pelan, who is personally know to me. ~~eLd~ ~~';~Ubli State of Florida OFFICIAL NCYJ' ARY SEAL SHIRLEY A BOURDOW NCYJ'ARY PUBLrC Sf ATE OF FI,ORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC786181 MY COMMISSION F.xP. NOV. 7,2002 .;$if/!!!..LeY 4. ~cJ.e.bOW Print Name of Notary Public My Commission Expires Miscellaneous Cash Receipt CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 711- ~-o ( A)} eX - oa::? tJa:J(). ~ i/ /. 9/ - Cl~ /lE;z.N - &aJ. ocoO. 31./1. 9/- 0/ ,A..s:count No. ~t't?, t'tJtJtJ . ~ '/1. 9/- 0 / o/r-OJ I L 1/ n-.e... No. 11061 M&t#~a/d~ s OJ, /'5c;J" CJO j.L~. /~- Oc:::J- {/ _ _ _ . 19 L....,...(" RecelvedoC /tML- -It/lR r :;~~~,?:~;~~/,~:::::-?g7~ 4P;~<Jtr- ~t:J.af. Dcp'. ? Z- 'I" 15/~ . By ~~. c:.4/4/~"'" ---- WAL * MART 702 SN 8th SL 6ENTON'IIU..E. ARKANSAS 72,'6 ~ =0' - . 9 0 9 3 4 7 31VENL'OH 'U"B~~~Tn~' 'iN!if"' 1= '''''''HI PAY 62361 01 07 99 9061046 TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS AND NO CENTS TO THE ORDER OF CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E BOYNTON BEACH BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-3838 ~AD'~ ,.;//~~ / , ~~ BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA 66..49 WINSTON-SALEM,NC 27150 531 9061046 $ 1::~:i;:~K' WAL1I( MART STORES, INC. L II-QO b .0 I. bll-"_:o 5 3 .00 It q 1.-:0 .a 'i'3 ~ 00. It ~all- . 4-~_ ~.; . .. ~. -' -;. ," " -":9'~:.'.;... ...,; . -.." . ." - .'.. . ....' -.