CORRESPONDENCE . \ f( re-.. ~ )C, ,/( ~.....--ro''';>-. -So (f 0,__ "" ,- '(/ S << -, (" -J- ') ? C_ <" 1-:;" ~ <__. t;- (' t' .., -c v<(_ xr ., STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Helping Floridians create safe, vibrant, sustainable communities" JEB BUSH Governor STEVEN M. SEIBERT Secretary June 10, 1999 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Thank you for submitting copies of the City's Small Scale Development Plan Amendments for our records. The reference numbers for the amendments are listed below. City Reference Nos. DCA Reference Nos. Ord. No. 099-10 adopted on 4/20/99 Ord. No. 099-12 adopted on 5/18/99 99S1 ,)<>--(",,,,..---+ 99S2 ~-f"Z- ,...1:) ~;c K-p- The Department will not conduct a compliance review or issue a Notice ofIntent regarding the adopted small scale development plan amendment in accordance with procedures contained in Section 163.3187(3)(a), Florida Statutes. . If you have any questions, please contact me, Community Program Administrator, for the DR! and Plan Processing Section, or Lavoise Whittington of my staffat (850)488-4925. Sincerely, :;?h/a D. RayJfubanks Community Program Administrator ~ DRE\lw cc: Michael Busha, Executive Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council J ...-' 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399.2100 Phone: (850) 488-8466/Suncom 278-8466 FAX: (850) 921-0781/Suncom 291-0781 Internet address: http://www.state.fl.us/comaff/ FLORIDA KEYS Area of Critical State Concern Field Office 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 GREEN SWAMP Area of Critical State Concern Field Office 205 East Main Street, Suite 104 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment May 28, 1999 Department of Community Affairs Bureau of State Planning Plan Processing Section 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahasseee, FI 32399-2100 Re: 99-S1 Wal Mart (LUAR 99-001) 99-S2 Robert Katz (LUAR 98-002) Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed required documents on two adopted small scale amendments processed in accordance with Subsection 163.3187(1)( c )2., Florida Statues. The total number of acres for the amendments is 10.04 acres; please note that the two amendments are well separated geographically. These are the first small-scale amendments filed by the CitY of Boynton Beach so they would also represent the cumulative total to date for the 1999 calendar year. Enclosed are the ordinances reflecting their approval by the City Commission on May 18, 1999, the publication notice, and newly adopted land use map with the boundaries and location of the subject property in relationship to the surrounding street and thoroughfare network. If you have any questions please direct them to Dan DeCarlo in our Department. His telephone number is 561-742-6264. Respectfully submitted, ~, Michael W Rumpf Director Planning and Zoning Cc: Treasure Coast Regional Planing Council South Florida Water Management District Florida Department of Transportation Florida Department of Environmental Protection DcdIMWR IICH\MAIN\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHARED\WPlPROlECTS\WAL MAR'I\LUAR\TRANSMI1TAL COVERLETIER TO DCA,DOC 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 ~ ---~-~------r-- SMALL SCALE DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT SUBMITTAL FORM " 1. Name of Local Government City of Boynton Beach / 99-81 Wal Mart (LUAR 99-001) Person Completing this form Daniel C DeCarlo Phone number 561-742-6261 Name of Newspaper that notice of small scale was published Palm Beach Post Date Publication Noticed (Please attach copy of notice) Feb 26, 1999 & March 8, 1999 2. Number of acres of small scale development amendments contained in package: a. Within Urban Infill, Urban Redevelopment or Downtown Revitalization as defined by Section 163.31, FS ~ o b. Within Transportation Concurrency Exception Area pursuant to Section 163.3180(5) c. Within Regional Activity Centers or Urban Central Business Districts pursuant to Section 380.06(2)(e), FS o d. Outside categories a ,b .c 9.64 acres 3. Cumulative total number of acres of small scale development amendments for the calendar year: a. Categories listed in Item 2 a, b, c. above o b. Categories listed in Item 2 d and above 9.64 acres 4. Total number of acres of small scale development amendments in this package that are located within a coastal high hazard area as identified in the comprehensive plan o Pursuant to Rule 9J-11.015(2), Florida Administrative code, this form must be mailed with all small scale development amendments as defined by Section 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutes to: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BUREAU OF STATE PLANNING PLAN PROCESSING SECTION 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 (904) 488-4925 J:ISHRDATAIPLANNINGISHAREDIWP\FORMSIOCA FORMSISMALL SCAlE.DOC ~~~ THE P~M BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF Of ,UBLICA TION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNlY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Peter W. Ortado who on oath says that he is Classified Suoernsor of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising, being a Notice in the matter ofWaI Mart Annexation in the --- Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Febroarv 26. & March 8. 1999. Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the pGst office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount ~oo or refuod for Ihc purpose of securing this advertisemcot for publication io Ihc d ewspaper- ~ LvtJ Sworn to and subscribed before me this!,day of ffj'P. 7~ . ~ I JIl-L. . . / J7 Personally MOwn XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ~{I). '1,))/, 'l//. "r'/.'" '/, 'll"/"~ ~i. ,,: /. '.':'//~ '/f'l.lll/ll/t'/Jllll<< ')" -:.......~ of ~~,,~ l.' iJ-':\1I ~..II"Lint'..1'\ )) )~ tl w(. \...~.... ,.. ,..-.. )) )~ .. ,;,t" N:".1r. P"("'';~ ?It? Co'.~~onda :~ ~~ '!..~~r ~1 1.:'~n:'\I~:,:.lL'n n~), 4_C ~:")1~7 I~ ' ~. . ',~. . , , .. ~'. 1 ) ~~ "'J~ ;~... ~::: C".i.",,,,IOll E:;p, 111IJ, .O:JO) :, . '... ,. " , ,', -" ',. ,- ,> ... ,.<tOO...,-,I,T"..K F'L.......,.J >C"'"",I",c~;r;R(,f'..1w!C.1).1) <,'J ""'))~""';".~ ))~). ,",.Y,Yi'1" ')'/1 ').,.))...\'))')'....;\'";'))...,')..;')';)':J')')...,. ).) ~ DltJ f;~' ,J J.ll1 - . NOTICII UP _1_ 13. ..~...... NOTlC2 011 L"- .. , - . .... CHAJt8&" - NOTICE 011 zOMNCI ~ W_ - .".. .;..-~ NOTICE OF PUIlLIC HEANNQ _ 01 a$t-feC. _ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN - 1_, 10 u.. ...... .........W tIM Planning and Dovelopment llno of 1'10_ Stat. "- 1iI Boord of THE Crn' OF BOYM- _ (W_ Bo"'t.... "...... TON BEACH, FLORIDA. win pr...ntly Iold out OIId '" lit conduct. PUIlLIC HEARING at tIlOnce W..torty ......, .. CITY HALL CO_SSlON ",,_'-Way anOj a clIat.,. CHA"BERS, looEaat .......t... of 30 f_: 11I0_ Horthori Boach Bouloyard, on ...r. lay, .Iong tIlO ea.t _ of BIoe, ".rch B, lin .t 7:00 p. ft. to .. .lIown on tho .''''- conaldOl tho roquo.t do- I 1I0ned Plat to .... NO""'a .crlllod horoln .nd .ullmltted cornor of Block 5: than. lIy KollII Po'.n, Klmloy-Morn E..torty,. dial... of 30 'e .nd A..ocl.to., Ine.. agent 'or to tho POINT OF BEGIN_ tho Wal ..ort Storo. E..t, Inc., LESS and not IllCludlng . contr.ct purcha.or, rogardlng Norlll 35 'oat lhoroot; LEI a total 0' 42.01 acro. (g.64 that porUon 0' thoroo' IyII .cro. to 110 annoxodl loc.ted within tllo Lalla Worth Dral on Iho wo.t .Ido 0' Wlnc..... .go Dlotrlct CUM L-24 RlgI tor P.r' Bouloyard 1I0twoon o'.Woy. Old Boynton Rood .nd Boy... PROPEIITY TO 11& ANNEXE Ion Boach Boulo..rd on tIM RECLASSIFIED, AND F northoo.t c",nor 0' Knuth ZONED (CH TO LAC AND , Road and Boynton Boach Bo... TO C-3) - le.ard. Tract 51 0' ilia SUBDIVlS/C Thl. roquo.t will .1.0 110 co... OF SOUTHEAST " OF SE Ildorod by tho City Commi.. TION 19, TOWNSHIP , lion 0' THE CITY OF BOYN- SOUTH, RANGe 43 EAST, I TON BEACH, FLOIIIDA, on cording to Iho Pial t"oroo', I Tuo.day, "erch HI, 1999 at cordod In Plat Boo' 7, Po, 7:00 p,m.. or .. .oon thoro- 19, 0' tho Pulsllc lloe..... ."or .. tho .gond. porm"..t Pllm Boach County, Florida. Iho CITY HALL CO....ISSION Trect 52 0' tho SUBDIVISI( CHA"BERS. OF SOUTHEAST " 0' 51 NATURE OF REQUEST: TION 19, TOWNSHIP , Anno.otlon, to .mond tho 1'... SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, I turo Land U.o "ap 0' tho cording to Ih. Plat thoroo', I Comprehensive PI.n from CM corded in P'.t Book 7, P., (Commorclol High) in Palm 19. 0' tho Public Rocorda Boach County to Loc.1 Rolall Palm B.ach Counly, FIOftc Commorclal and to ro.ono Iho AI.o doacrlbod a. tha Soutto proporty 'rom AG (Agrlculturo) 0' tho Southwa.t 1! 4 0' I 10 C-3 (CommunIty Commor. Soulhwa.t" 0' Iho Southe, clal DI.trlct) to allow'.... co.... "0' SECTION 19, TOWNS. morclal doyolopmont, 45 SOUTH, RANGE. 43 EAI LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LESS tho W..I 15 '.01 III. PROPERTY TO BE REZONED 0'; and LESS lII.t por. ONLY tAG TO C-3) Ihor.o' lying wilhin Iho LI That porUon 0' tllo 'ollowlng Worth Dr.ln.~ Di.lr1cl CI! properly lying Wo.t 0' WIN- L.24 RlghtoO"Woy. CHESTER PARK BOULEVARD: All Inl.ro.tod portio. .ra n. Lot A .nd Lot B, Bloc' 4, lying lied 10 app..r .t ..Id ....rl NOIrtIt 0' Norlll RIght-o'-W.y In poreon or by .ttorn.y I IIno 0' Stato Ro.d No. _ .nd bo ho.rd, Any per.on who I Lot A and Lot Il, Bloc' 5, lying clda. 10 Ippeal .ny doclol Norlll of tho North Rlg_" 0' tho Planning .nd D..... W.y IIno 0' Stoto Road No. mont Bo.rd .ndl 01 City C. 804 PAL" BEACH FAR"S ml..lon ,,"'III ro.poet 10 I CO....ANY PLAT NO.8. AC- m.ttor con.ldered .1 11M CORDING TO THE PI.t IhOlOO', mo. ling. will need a record raeorded In Plat Boo' 5, P.ge tho procOedlng. ond 'or .. 73: of tho PubPc Rocorels 0' purpo.o m.y nood 10 on.. P.lm Boach County. Florlcl., Ih.1 . ..rbatlm record 0' ! TOGETHER WITH: proc.odlng. ,.. m.do, wh THAT PORTION OF THE FOL. rocord Includo. 'ho t..UIllC LOWING PROPERTY LYING .nd ..Idonco upon whIch' WEST OF WINCHESTER PARK .ppe.' i. to be b..oct. BOULEVARD: CITY OF B~YNTON BEACH Tho Soulll 320 'oot 0' Tract PLANNING AND ZONING 42 0' tho SUBDIVISION OF SE DIVISION \4 OF SECTION 19. TOWNSHIP (SlI11742-6260 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PUBLISH: PAL" 'BEACH PC .ccordlng to Iho Plot tlloroo', .."ISIIU....Y '0. .. M....C" rocorded In Plat Ilookl, P_ 1in 1 a, 0' tho Pubic Rocord. 0' P.lm Boach County, Florida. ' TOGETHEII WITH: Tract. 45. 41, 4a .nd 50, 0' lho SUBDIVISION OF SE 110 OF SECTION II, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. .C- c......... to tllo Plat __, ro- cor_ In PI.t 800k 7,P.ge la, 0' tho P_ RocorcM of P.lm Boach County. 1'10_. .nd 01.. d...._ .. Iho E l'I ofSl'Io'Wl'Io,SElIoo' Sectton 1., To....... 45 Soutll, R.n~ 43 E..I; LESS tIM North 20 ,_ 0' Tract 46 .nd 41 'or ro.d rlgh...f-way; TOGETHEII WITH: THAT POIITION OF THE FOL. LOWING PROPERTY LYING I WEST OF WINCHESTER PARK BOULEVARD: . Tracla 43 .nd 44 0' tIM SU. DIVISION 011' SE 110 OF SEo. TION 1a, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANoa 43 EAST, .0- c....cllftg to tllo PI. _oof. ro- cor_ lit Plot Book 7, Page 19. of tIM Pubic Rac....eIs 0' p.lm Boaclt County, Florid.: TOGETHER WITH: Tho 25 foot road .. ....wn on 1110 plat of PALM BEACH FAItIoIIS COIIIPANY Pl.AT NO.8. .ccordlng to tllo Plat -"', racor_ III Plat 800lI 5. P.~ 73; of tllo PuIIIc R__ of P..... Beach CountJ. FIortcIa. Iylltg "'octly South of ..... ad- j.cont to _ South lno 0' Tracla 44, 50 .nd tllo 30' .. c.led rood Iyln. be....n ..... Tract. 44 .nd 50 ot tllo SU&- DIVISION OF SE \4 OF SEo. TION 19. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. .c- cording to tllo Plat _001. to- c....ded In Plat Boo' 1, Page 1 a 0' .... Putllc Racord. 0" Palm Boach County. Florida; TOGETHER WITH: I' Tract 41, L_ tllo NortIl 20 ,..t thoroo' ,.... roed Rlgh...f. w..y, of tllo SUBDIVI,SlON OF, SOUTHEAST 110' 011 SECTION 1a, TOWIt8HIP 46 SOUTH" RANGE 43 EAST, accordl", 10 i tho Plat 11I0100'. rocor....d Ill! Plat Book 1, Page Ig, 0' tIIo I P,""Pc Rac....d. of Palnl Boach i County, Florida. ' TOGF.'rHER WITH: , ~hw~-:=ri:::'~~~ '01- i A portton 0' Tract 42 0' tllo i SUIlDIVIStOfI OF SOUTHEAST, \4 SECTION OF SECTION 1a'l TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE I 4lI EAST, .ccordlng to tllo I PI.t Ihor~o', roeorded In PIs,l, Book 7, P,'r 1a, 0' tllo P-: R.eord. o~ P.Ir.' Beach Co.....! tv f-Iorlda LESS tho Soutll 320 \ ,~ .nd LESS tllo Nortll 20 'aot 'or road ,;Ight-ot.W., and baing _ro partIc-'Y do-I .crlllod .. ,otIGwa: Com........ng at tllo _.t comOt 0' aald Lot 42; tllonco run .Iong tllo Eaat Uno 0' ..... Lot 42 on .n ...umocI b..rlng 0' B. 01'OS'03" E" . ell.t.MO "I "~.AO 0' 20 '001 ... . roolnl c' .il.r. ....lIon "', t", Soutll Rlth"'" ,..'POlll' W., In" 0: !'od Boynt... Road uC .nd tllo W"', , Right-of-Way "no u~...ocS o. ~:'Inc"...t:~r P...... Bot.dev.,d ......t ,. .. no," .xl.Ia, ..Id polnl .1.. guru, AJoi boing tho POINT OF BEGIN- NINO; thence continue S. n 1 on"'n~"" "Inna .aid w..t ~ r/~ ~~. I~ ~&I(I .:;#, Ul 1.11'" r.,UIIl,,; "W4;UIU. VI I P.lm B..ch Coun'y. Florid.. .nd ..... d.ac:rlll8d ",Ih. E '" 01 S '" 01 W lot 01 SE ,. 01, Sectlon 1'. Townlhlp 451 South. R.ng. 43 Enl; LESS lhe North 20 1..1 01 Treel 45 .nd 48 lor ro.d rlghl...I-w.y; TOGETHER WITH: THAT PORTION OF THE FOL' lOWING PROPERTY LYING WEST OF WINCHESTER PARK BOULEVARD: Tr.cta 43 .nd 44 01 Ih. SUB- DIVISION OF SE 14 OF SEe-, TION 111. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. .c- corelin, to lhe PI."h.r.ol, r,. cord8d In ..... Book 7. P.ll. 111, 01 the PubUc Record. 01 P.lm B..ch Counl" Florld.: TOGETHER WITH: The 25 1001 ro.d .. 1Il0wn on tile pl., 01 PALIII BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO.8. .ccorellng 10 _ Pl.t ther.ol. r.cor_ lit Plst Book 5, P.ll. 73: 01 the Publlc Record. 0' P.lIII "sch County, Florid., lying elirsc:tly South 0' .nd .eI- jsc:.nt to the South Un. 0' Tr.cta 44, 50 .nd _ 30' .. cst... roed Iyln, 118twHn Mid TllOCta 44 .nd 50 0' tile SUB- DIVISION OF' SE 14 OF SEe- TlON 1~, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, .c- c9'dlng to tho Plst ther.ol, re- cor_ 1ft Plst Book 7, P.g. 111 0' the Pubic Record. 01 P,'III .....h County, FIorlcl.: ~~~""~R":'TH~ North 20 i 'Ht thereol 'or ro'" RI9hl""-1 :~T~A~ ~.g:.VI~~~I: I 111, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH,: RANGE 43 EAST, lOCcordlnlllo ' _ PI.t thereol, ....or_ In I' ...., _ 7, P.98 111, 0' the PIIIlIlc Record. 01 P."" "lOCh' c-ty, Florid.. ! TOGETtER WITH: The WHt ..to leet or tile 'o~ Ii -II d.ecrtbecI _,,: A portion or TrilCt 42 0' the I SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST I lit lIECTION OF lIECTlON 111,1 TO_SHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE I 43 EAST, ...corcllnll to the i Plst thereol, ....or_ In ....t, IIeok 7, P." 111, 01 the_ Record. 01 P."" "och C0un- ty, Florida LESS the 80utII 320 I twt _ LESS the North 20, twt lor __ IlItIIIt-of.W., _ : boIlI9 _r. ~ _: __ .. '_w.: eo..............g st _ Northo..t comor o. oakI lot 42; thence nltl _g the E.st In. o' sold l.t 42 on .n ...- _ring or B. 01"Oe'03" E., . dl.t8nc. o' 20 leet to . point o. Into'r- _tIon o. the SoIIth Rl\JlttoO'" W., 1In. or Old Boynton _ .nd the W..t ...........W., In. o. Wlnehest. Pork .........d .. now ."I.ta, ..... point .... -II ,the POINT OF BEGIN- ~; tlIonco continuo S. 0'''Oe'03'' E. -. uld WHt __'-W., lno or WIn....... tor Pork Bo......... . diot8nc. 01 243.08 loot; tlIonco B. aroe'Glft Wo, . d'.lanc. 0' 307.55 ._ to . point on the Weot lno of _ Lot 42: Ilionco M. 01'00'33" W. oioll9 the .Ht .... of _ Lot 42, . dio_ o' 124.80 leet; tIionc. N. "'110'1." E.. . die- tone. o. t 39.110 'oot; thonc. N. 01'00'33" W. . eIi._ 0' 127.53 'oot to . point on the; _ 80uth RI........,.W.' .... 0' Old Bo,nton Ro'" -c. N. arso'18" E. .Ionll the South '__-W., 1In., . eIi.tonc. 0''''87.28 'oot to tho POINT OF 'BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH: Thot cortoIn 30 _t _ flIgIll-o"'W." .. .__ ",, __n No. 11-78-102 _I cor_ In 0ftIc1ol Recordo Book 115M, P_ 1378, lying: ..._ . portion oj .Iock. 4 ' .na 5 o' PALIII BEACH fA....sl COMPANY PLAT NO.8, .... cording to the ....t th_', re- cor_ In ....t _ I, P.g. 73, o. tho PulIlIc Record. 0' P.lm .....h c-ty, FIorlcl., .nd thot c_n 30 ._ rood Rlllht......W.' lying In the SUB- DIVISION OF SOUTHEAST 14 OF SECTION 111, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST occoreflnll to the Plst theroo', record'" I.. Plst Book 7, P... la, of the Pu".c Record. of Palm Beec::n county. Ftortda'i 11I1 .. more fully d8ocrl_ .. lollow.: BEGIN ., _ North..al cor- ner of Tract 42. .. ahown on tho SUBDIVISION OF $OUT!+- EAST 14 OF SECTION 111. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. .ccordlll9 to the Plot _r.o'. rsc:ord.d In Plst BOOk 7, P.98 111, 01 tho Pullllc Recordl 0' P.'III B.sch Coun- t" Florid.; lhonca s..uu...;" .lon1l tho W..' Un. 01 n.cI 42, . dl.'anc. 0' 272,13 ,.., to tho POINT OF BEGINNING o' lhe p.rc.' to b. her.ln de- .crlb.d; th.nc. contlnu. Soulh.rly olong tho W..t Una 01 Tr.cta 42. 43. end 44, .. 1Il0wn on ..Id PI." to . polnl In the Sout.. Un. 0' bid Sec. tlon 111: thence W.alorly "onll _ South Iln.. . <*tonc. 01 30 ,..,: lIIonce Northerl" .Ionll tha E..t IIn. 01 Tr.cla SO. .., and 45. .. shown on tho .for...ld PI.t. to . polnl 0' 273.87 ,.., Soulh o. 'ho South Rlllht...,-Wo, 0' Old Bo,nlon Ro.d, . 40 '001 rood ~ ...own on lhe sold PI., o' S.c- tion 111; th.nc. E..t.rty, 0 dl.. tone. 01 30.0 '001 10 t... POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS .nd nol Inc_lI the South 20 ,..t th_': LESS thOt portion thoroof lying with- In lIIo Loko W_ Dr.ln.lI. DI.trlc:t Conlll l-U Rlght....- W.,. AND seGlNNING st the Northw..t c-. 01 __ 4, .. ....wn '.. ... PALM BEACH FAftIIS ~Y PLAT NO. .. .. re- . ~.-. THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNlY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Linda M. Francis who on oath says that he/she is Classified Advertisin2 Supervisor of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising, being a Notice in the matter of Land Use Amendment. Public Hearin2. Rezonin2 in the ---- Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of April 3. 13. 1999. Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida. and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach. in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this adveItisemeDl for pubfication ~___ _ . '11 ~4~-V#~ Sworn '" and subscribed before me this 13 day or.~, AD_ 19,99. . . It(\/h In h~ Personally known XX or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ~<INII?.'I;''II illllilllillllillllllllllllllllllll"~< ~~ ~ Karen MeLinton 'I' l~ ~ ~ Notary Public:, State of Florida : ( 1 ~ Commission No. CC S91337 ' : ( '>OFf\.\l"" !v1y CorlUIIission Exp. 11/15/2000:' ( , } 1.800.3.N"TAIlY !'Ia, Nl'tlI'Y '>ervice.t BoIldiDICo, :' )<'~""W':)'" i'i';)')', )..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,)..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,...,...,..,...,...,...,...,...,..,..,..,..,.., , _ _ NO. Ml2M ., NOncl 01' LAND USI! , .. A_NDMINT "OTIQ 01' PUItUC HlAIIING NOTa 01' ItIZONING NOnCllS HlIlIBY GIVEN tIuIt I'" PI-11l9 ..... D..elo_lIt 8o..eI a' T14I! CITY OF BOYN- TON BEACH. FLOIlIDA, w" t_t . PUIIUC HlARING at CITY HALL COMMISIlON CltUltIRRS. 100 E..t lIayntOll 1J...,h 80........... on Tu....., April 13, 1t1l1 at 7:00 p.m., I~ can.lcI.r IhItI r.......t .ub_ I.. II)' Merlin L 0....... "!l..t. ,.... 1Ial>ert K.tz, p,a... "tr own.r, far praperty ""'.t- --- at 3011 5.1. 1.1 A..n.... T'" eltr eam_.aIon of THI CITY Of' BOYNTON BEACH FLOIIIDA, wll _ holct . pu~ lie ....rtng la .,an.....r thltl r.. qu.at on April 20. ,_ at 7:00 p.m.. ... .. _ I...... eft" .. I". lIlI.nel. _m'te .t lh. Cltr H.' COmm....on Ch.mllere. NlI.JUIIE Of' IIEOUIST: Anw""""nt la I'" Fulur. ~_eI U.. M.p a' tile Camp,.. h.....v. Pten Iram Low Dene/tr ~Il" (LDIl) ta L.....I II.. I.N Camm.R'" (LIIC) .nel r.. oan. tile praperl)' Iram 111 A la C2 la .Ilc>w far ...eptIv. ,..... :c=~ ho.... ..... !*kIng LEGAL DESCIlfltTlON: Lata 4, S. ..... e, BIGeII 11. Town a' lIayntOll. . _... ..... .. ,...Cll'cIect III Ptet __ 1; p_ 23. III tile public r.. =:' P- ....... Co_tr. AI tsoter.at.., ...... .. naUo l'/ecl ta ..._ at ..... "'-IS lit __ ... lIy .ttorn.y _ be ..._. An, penon Who de- chtee la ~ ..., dec_ af .... PI.nnlll9 _ D..elo... m... 80_ .... Cltr Com_ o/Qn willi ,._t ta .n, m.. !eL .,an-.cl at tile.. ........ _ n_ . r_rel a' tile pr""......... ..... ,.... _ purpo.. ....y ...... to ...... I,...t . vert>etIM ....._ of tile PMMdln.. .. -.. which r__ "'- tile tHtIonony ... .""-. IIpQft wlllclt tile ....,.. Ie ta ... baN. CRY Of' BOYNTON BEACH PUNNINQ AND ZONING IlIMBION 1M2) 7..WHO PUlIUIH: The ...... AIlI1I 3. 1t1l1 .... AprtI 13, !!!L.- .. r /'~tp .;p )f,b I SMALL SCALE DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT SUBMITTAL FORM 0, 1. Name of Local Government City of Boynton Beach 99-82 Robert Katz (LUAR 98-002 Person Completing this form Daniel C DeCarlo Phone number 561-742-6261 Name of Newspaper that notice of small scale was published April 3 & April 13, 1999 Palm Beach Post Date Publication Noticed (Please attach copy of notice) April 3 & 13, 1999 2. Number of acres of small scale development amendments contained in package: a. Within Urban Infill, Urban Redevelopment or Downtown Revitalization as defined by Section 163.31, FS' 0 b. Within Transportation Concurrency Exception Area pursuant to Section 163.3180(5) 0 c. Within Regional Activity Centers or Urban Central Business Districts pursuant to Section 380.06(2)(e), FS 0 d. Outside categories a ,b ,c .40 ~ 3. Cumulative total number of acres of small scale development amendments for the calendar year: a. Categories listed in Item 2 a, b, c. above o b. Categories listed in Item 2 d and above 10.4 acres - 4. Total number of acres of small scale development amendments in this package that are located within a coastal high hazard area as identified in the comprehensive plan o Pursuant to Rule 9J-11.015(2), Florida Administrative code, this form must be mailed with all small scale development amendments as defined by Section 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutes to: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BUREAU OF STATE PLANNING PLAN PROCESSING SECTION 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 (904) 488-4925 J:\SHRDATAIPLANNINGISHAREDlWPlFORMSIDCA FORMSlSMALL SCALE. DOC ORDINANCE NO. 099-/t? AN .,ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING 9.64 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY MICHAEL SCHROEDER AS TRUSTEE, AND MARILYN R. SELVA; AMENDING ORDINANCE 89- 38 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM C-H (COMMERCIAL HIGH) IN PALM BEACH COUNTY TO LOCAL ,RETAIL COMMERCIAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has been followed; and WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: Ordinance No. 89-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect 'I 1< '. the following: That the F.uture Land Use of the following described land shall be designated as Local Retail Commercial. Said land is more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. Section 2: That any maps adopted in accordance with the Future Land Use Element shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should ~ny section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declareq by a court of competent jurisdiction to be. invalid, , such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: The effective date 9f this small scale development plan amendment shall be 31 days after adoption, unless the amendment is challenged pursuant to Section 163.3187(3), F.S. If challenged, the effective date of this amendment shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs, or the Administration Commission, finding the amendment in compliance with Section 163.3184, F.S. No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on this amendment may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status, a copy of which resolution shall be sent to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Local Planning, 2740 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. FIRST READING this ~ day of April, 1999. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this d~ day of d~~~ 1999. F: ~~~~~ Ci Clerk (CoroOl\abe 15~1) ~\~~' II/, ~" ....~iON e J'~ s~~Jt~~~~ ~ t(....~ 'co-.. .",. ~ =:::0.0 ',;0_ ~ lU ~ :::::z : = - '- '- :- g~' "i:: -:::, ., ~'9?''v I ~ ~o \ .....~~ ~ ...... ,<:) ~ ~~/J: FL o~ ,,# 1""11",11\\\\\\'\ CITY OF BO YNTO B~H,', FLORIDA I ../1 .. ' .I I.- _ ,I L.: t ,..i:. '. t .:. u-1.--- Mayor . ~ J ~/- /I V" Vice Mayor ~~ Commissioner . ~ e~/'~ 'Commissioner . ~ IH~. l'>Jt,lAd.,t~1' Commissioner " ..r .. ~'.. ~ -. . ". .' Tract 51 of the SUBDIVISION OF. SaiJTHEAST "% OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract 52 of the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST % of SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 4S SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 19, of the Pubfic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Also described as the South % of the Southwest % of the Southwest % of the Southeast % of SECTION 19s TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, LESS the West 15 feet thereof; and LESS that portion thereof lying within the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-24 Right-of- Way. Also, that part of the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-24 right-of-way lying North and adjacent to Block 7 of the Plat of Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8, according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County,Florida; same portion of said Canal L-24 right-of way lying within Tract 52 of the Subdivision of Southeast % of Section 19. Township 45s Range 43. according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 7 s Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida. Together with the West 15 feet of Tract 52 of the Subdivision of SE % of Section 19, Township 45, , Range 43, according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida. Together with the right-of-way of Knuth Road lying West and adjacent to the afore described Tracts 51 and 52. fj}UJ;;f Lf'1'1 (tJ/?ZJ. tt199-/0 ".,~. . : i..1 . , " ORDINANCE NO. 099-~ ! I I I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING 306 S.E. 1sT AVENUE (ROBERT KATZ HISTORIC HOUSE) ; AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND USE DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. II I WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of.Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Future Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a 'Future Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has been followed; and WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: , Section 1: Ordinance No. 89-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following: That the Future Land Use of the following described jlland shall be designated as Local Retail Commercial. Said land is more particularly described as follows: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 11, Town of Boynton, a subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 23, in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 2: That any maps adopted in accordance with the Future Land Use Element shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: This Ordinance shall become effective 31 days after adoption, unless challenged. If challenged, it becomes effective upon the issuance of a final order finding it in compliance. FIRST READING this ~ day of $..091' , 1999. '. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this /$ day of //1/91/ , ..1999. ATTEST: 'r~~~cU~ Ci Y Clerk (Corporate Seal) ~\\\\\\ \III ""'11 s:ca\o~\~~~l:@ti. W~ * ~o IV L\ ~ ~ A. ......... q..L\.. ~~ S" v.. oc.... ,"'- ~ :::: (<, ....~ . "'17"~.. "'V ~ ~ 0 '.CJo () -., (') ~ = >- :~ \ ~ = :t-: I' = --\ 0 :: % cJ ..... ~ 92 ..1 ~ ~ .... .... ~ ~ .......... ~ ~ ~1'//11 f: l 0 f(I. \ <0 \\\~ II", 1II111\\\\\\~ ...." '-Jr"\' .....,... .. .~. LAND USE AMENDMENT I REZONIN( ROBERT KATZ - HISTORIC BUILDING -, ,.-...", " , ---~-- ... I r I I I' hr~ .--r ' ',111, U. ,r ~,~~'?-. ! l I;, I ,!!If,! II " II' ,. ~~- :a II, I ""Ill II I~~~ ~ 'n :" T "T 11/1/ r II ii II ' T ..--- . __ I..', I d4: ~ ~ 1I/rrl . ,.11, " UIr 1111 [IT . I "" r I 01 -H - :' . , " -, · . -.. III ~ ~ 11 " 1,_ ,~ .......1" I --r ~ I I ' ~I I "i/' I .T , '~:- ,1/1 :. !!!"': .'11: L.....fS_1I1, I. fll'l- ~......;;;: -i, . i ' j I "... '1"'11:: .... I,:r, : I ~ , I .-' ~ O~ ~~~lf' -'F=: 'll, ,~ - ~ 'II I,!II~ " ~ ' 't:::::1 1= 3 ~ ~~ 1:1~1I1 ,.'1 _. . . I "" 1 :: E3== I ~ ~ ~ Ir. II: ~III' If, , . 'I" . I i 'I ,I" I:! 1 "illllllllllmID ~ . "11 : ,:, ~~ ~::tl... 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'........... .. ~~ ':1 " i , ' "'C;:~ . : ,I " ::1 .. ::'l ~"T1J ~ "-J1':1 EXHmIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Wal-Mart Property File number: ANNX 99-001 and LUAR 99-001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: NONE FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE . ,BUILDING DMSION Comments: NONE PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALlST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: I. No principle buildings shall be placed facing, nor within SOO feet from Knuth Road (except when separated by an unrelated use or property. 2. Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility with existing signs. 3. Ingress/egress shall be coordinated using proposed principle driveways to the Wal-Mart use (except for two out parcels on Boynton Beach Boulevard) and intercoMection between the principle use and perimeter uses. 4. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to J. Page 2 Wal-Mart Property File No.: ANNX 99-001 and LUAR 99-001 DEPARTMENTS " INCLUDE REJECT ensure internal compatibility and compatibility with the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. 5. Site plan approval for the entire project shall include a minimum 10 foot wide perimeter greenbelt where the project abuts road rights-of-way. 6. Prior to ordinance adoption, supply the city with a market analysis verifying adequate demand for the proposed Wal-Mart Store accounting for existing area competitors (e.g. K-Mart and Target). ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 7. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 8. To be determined. J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\WaI Mart\LUAR\COND OF APPROV AL.doc q. 11I"'1-" III...J _~] Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ill mowrn ill 601 21st Street, Suite 400 Vero Beach, FL 32960 TEL 561/562-7981 FAX 561/562-9689 MAR I 0 190q Transmittal PLANNING AND ZONING DfPT Date: March 9, 1999 To: Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Bovnton Beach File 04715379(02) Billing #72 4 digit code 1217 Wal*Mart-Bovnton Beach (E), FL Store #2789-00, NewSC Winchester Site 100 E. Bovnton Beach Blvd. Bovnton Beach, FL 33425 PH:561/742-6260 Fed Ex Priority We are sending you IdS! Attached o Shop Drawings o Other: o Under separate cover via the following items: o PrintsIPlans 0 Samples 0 Specifications 0 Change Copies Date No. Description 3/9/99 Revised Exhibit "B" These are transmitted as checked below: IdS! For your use 0 Approved as submitted o Resubmit 0 copies for approval 0 As requested 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit o copies for distribution 0 For review and comment 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return o corrected prints Remarks Enclosed is the Revised Exhibit "B" for the above referenced site. Please replace previous Exhibit for Citv Council meeting on 3/16/99. Please call should vou have anv questions. Engineering Planning and Environmental Consultants Copy to GWW KMR KAP Signed ~~ cTodd J. Howde , E.!. G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\ WP\CORRESP\Trans\City-Rumpf.doc\dlb ~, ":~;~'-n--~10l- ~r'91 ' -.- "--"''1 ~~ cr I ! ! [ ry ; ; '., ~" i --J ; ... ,. ,...____J Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI DA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION re: KEITH PELAN, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC 561-562-9689 MAY 3, 1999 DORIS MARTfILA, PLANNING AND ZONING WAL-MART - ORDINANCE #099-08 THRU #099-11 to: fax #: date: from: pages: 22 , including cover sheet. Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 05/03/1999 11:07 NAME BOYNTON BEACH P & Z FAX 5613756259 TEL 5613756260 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 05/03 10:55 91561562958940991 00: 11: 41 22 OK STANDARD