APPLICATION 2900 North Military Trail, Suite #165 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel: (561) 988-2437 Fax: (561) 988-0437 Tri-Star Bullding COrp. March 30, 2000 City of Boynton Beach 1000 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Mr, Rumpf: RE: Use Approval Application High Ridge Road Lots 19 & 20 Property Control Numbers: 0843450921002-0200 & 0843450921002-0190 DSLA Realty, L.c. d/b/a Majestic Greeting Cards Company This correspondence shall serve as confirmation of our agreement and acknowledgement that the processing and final issuance of a Building Permit for the aforementioned project is contingent upon the processing and acceptance of "Use Approval" through the City of Boynton Beaches' procedures. Any and all submittals, documentation and or information will be provided by this office to accommodate expediting this process. As agreed with yourself, simultaneously with the processing of said "Use Approval" the City will review the project plans as a pre requisite to issuance of a Building Permit. As expressed by ourselves this afternoon "TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE" and your continued cooperation in all matters pertaining to the processing and final issuance of a Building Permit is most appreciated. Very truly yours, TRI-STAR BUILDING CORPORATION 1-1 ---- Leonard S. Siegal Ls/lf Cc: David Braunstein, Majestic Greeting Cards John Vaughan, George F. White and Associates (631) 491-1598 997-6709 6:33PM ll~~ "' 0() -00 , DSLA. Rea1ty, L.c. dlbta Ml\iestic Oreeting Caros Co. 387 Wyanbran<l1 Avenue No"" Babylon, NY 11704 ; ':, ':',: ',i)I;';';~\;~~'~~~~:t*r:;,~i~",'~~;U/~:~~_ .,r,.,.,\""'H'~'-...'i:"';";!I';''!il',,,''''''': r..',!,:,~~!'I':I\,.I".",~.;~ .(" ,;1~,',l..,',i.I. ,,~._ """ City of Boynton Beach 1000 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-03 10 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Re: ~oval Application " ad Lots 19 & 20 " 1#. OY'f?;~'101.x OOJ-!J)()J/btV3 V"<5M:rt OO;)OFfo suc Greeting Card Co. (User) alion to amend the approval use for this Planing & Development to . ows: light office, manufacturing, warehousing and distribution of wil have approximately (20) full time employees on premises during FImore, we will comply with Section N Performance Standards as follows: ove use will not cause noise as specified in N-1. e above use will not cause vibrations as specified in N-2. The above use will not cause smoke, dust, dirt or other particulax' matter as specified inN-3. 4. The above use will not cause odor and fumes as specified in N-4, 5. The above use will not cause toxic or noxious matter as specified in N.5. 6. The above use will not cause fire and explosion hazards as specified in N-6. 7. The above use will not cause heat, humidity or glare as specified in N - 7, 8. The above use will not cause liquid waste as specified in N-8. ' 9. The above use will not cause solid waste as specified in N-9. 10, The above use will not cause electromagnetic interference as specified in N-IO, II. The above use will not handle or utilize materials or hazardous waste as specified in N-Il. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I.d OOtLoij IlL9Lttl9St Sd301lne dV1Sldl WdOO:OI OOOZ '8 'JBW March S. 2000 Page 2 I look forward to ~. ~utually beneficial relationship with the City of Boynton Beach. Sincerely, /J ~~~~~~ -: David Braunstein, President DSLA d/b/a Majestic Greeting Cards Co, W7-..,d"'" "" dri. w.-1 qcrp.. day of March 2000. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH '0... ~~ on the .!!t;Of llf.1tJif-- 0 personally appeared. c l);lj;] (t , onally known to or woo produced as identification and who did 1 not t e an oath. (;j;}4f1~t~ NotllrY Public Signature My Commission Expires: ~v '1(,. LISA FINEROW 6r:6, - V. COMMISSION" CC 685723 '4.At; I~IR!S OCT 5,2001 .. tONOIO THRU /If ' ATlANTIC BONDING CO., IN<:, S 'd OOU. orl IlL9Lttl991 Sd301lne dV1Sldl VldlOOI 0002 '8 'leVI Apr. 3, 2000 3:30PM .~'STAR BUiLDERS 15BI447671: ~! 0,7903 p, 1/3 TRI..STAR BUILDING CoKl'ORArION 2900 N. M1LITAlY TItAIl sum '165 BOCA ....TON, fL U4S1 TEL. (561) 988.2637 'AX: (56!) 988-0457 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: Hanna Matras COMPANY: City of Boynton Beach FAX NUMBER: (561) 742-6259 PHONE NUMBER: (561) 742-6258 RE: Explanation of Chemicals FROM: Lisa Finerow DATE: April 3, 2000 TOTAL NO OF 1'AGES INCLUDING COVER: 3 TRI.STAR REFERENCE: 762 YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER: Maje5tic Greeting Cards . Attached is the Use Approval application letter that we discussed, This should complete the file, If you need anything else, please call me at my office@ (561) 988-2437 X10 or on my cell phone@ (561) 302-9227. 4:30 PM ^r. ') Apr""r, L ~ 0 O~ 3::3 0 P ~1 '--IQTAR B'ir:c'eRS 1'6144',6'11 ,-'I"', '.',i.,.U.. '. ,v'.., I, No, 7 903 P 'j" , L J P.02 Majp..itic G,e.eting Ca,d CO., IRe. JB" WyandiJnclt ..tve. ND"" Bab)"tm, N#H1 Y(ll'k Jl1tH Ph: 631-491-0880 Fx: 63).491-1598 800.351.3515 4/3100 Mr. Michael Rumpf PI.nnina and Zone Director City of Boynton Beach I 00 Ea'll Roynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Highridge Road Lots # t 9 & 20 DSLA d.b.&,/MlljClItic Greeting Cal'd Co. Property Control # 0843450921002-02001 08434S092100Z-0190 PI D Use Approval Dear Mr. Rumpf, We are responding LO YOW' recenL request to explain how are manutacturini tacility will cumply with secLion 4N Qfthe City Zoning Code. The rollowlng is our response in relation lo the Performance Standards: I) NOISE: The equipment used in the manufacturing of g, ",eting cards docs not produce loud noises. The macllinery used is electrically powered. The Majestic Greeting Card Co. manutacturing facility will comply with section 15-8 of the City of Boynton Beach <':ode Qt'Ordinancc. , 2) VmRATIONS: No unusual or excessive vibrations are generated in our manufacturing or material handling processes. All manufacturing Wlits will be installed in compliance with vendor specifications thaI assure that the units do not vibrate durin~ operation. 3) SMOKE, DUST, DIRT or OTHER PARTICULAR MATTER: Majestic Greeting Card Co., in the production of greetini cards. does not ienerate smoke. dUIlt., dirt or other particular matter. 4) ODORS and FUMES: There are no odors or fumes generated in th~ production of greeting cards by Ma,iestic Orect;ng Card Cn. Inc. ' 5) TOXIC or NOXIOUS MATTER: Ml\iestic Greeting Cllrd Co.. Inc. will comply in all respects to the City's requirements regarding this issue, 6) FIRE aDd EXPLOSION HAZARrnl~ Sr"rage and use oftlammable materials will b. in accordance Wilh thc provi.sions of the Chapter 9 of the City of BoynLan Beach Code of Ordinance as well as City, County, State and Federal regulations, 7) HEAT, HUMIDITY or GLARE: Majestic Greeting Card Co., Inc. manufacturing . .''-" Received Time Apr, 3, 2:44PM AprAor,3 2000! 3:31PM '-O',STAR Pllil n'R~ !5hJIJ.!7h)11 ' , I.) U I ~ ~... I.i I ,. No,7903 p, 3/3 P.03 facility will not produce heat, humidity or glare. Site lighting systems will he in ' accordance with zoning regulation~. 8) LIQUID WASTE: All liquid waste (a minimal amount) will be disposed in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 26 of the City of Boynton Beach Code ofOrdinanccl' or any applicable Federal, State or County laws or pemlits. 9) SOLID WASTE: Majestic Greeting Car<! Co., Inc. will operate in confunnancc with Chaptor 10 of the City ,of Boynton Beach Code ofOrdinanccs. 10) ELItCTROMAGNETIC INTERFERKNCE: We will not have any device that would create electromagnetic interference. I ]) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS aDd HAZARDOUS WASTE: Maje8tic Greeting Card Co" Inc. will comply with all the Cit)"s requirements regard~ this issue. Durina the design period we will be having the advise of experts in this field, They will recommend all the nece8sary systems in order to meet and exceed regulations, If you have any questions regarding thl:1se matters please contact us at (631) 491-0880. Sa yours, /'2 _ ~7?~~ David Bnlu[l~leilt Presidont -.." Received Time Apr, 3, 2:44P~ Mar-31-00 04:3BP A&.~ -tv preUIOUSl:1 ~& tAdV' P,o" , 'S~~\ ~ +\~" 1. L t\\~\uro ~Ri \ 1'\01\ -f-'\ NYl~ ~ 'is c:iLtu..:C...~ ~ uPs CJV ~ -+ru de:. " On horcJ l,.lJC. k" 11 f' Q.. (tw:;) 5 ~ pJ2:l~~-n~c o...tJ:;r2<;' (oru. ~, hun OWOCl2s.se.r-onL a~ )a;ck. u..p 4'1 5~~ ~6bu~ ' frocLuct ;,~ u.sed (l~ Jt;Jr...ihR. f3Y04' s.~j of' ~ . Al'Uj u..e"~-ie..1 s n::fYYlJ"rCd ~ I ( ea...n Se d H P&M AT lJJ2\..,~_ re-t~t c~~4e..r ,+0 be re Clj c..Lt d., W LDt- lO~ , - rvJY\ u.;1YI\Jx.t,$ ~ j Ls c:ltl.cVt:n"d b4 uPs. (CIJry\frlO'II C CW"'l'"&L-r) ~ ~w...v.s -tru.d' ' Ql ~ u.x:- 1Lu.p ~ ' ~CJot.~ 0S;-l C G...li~. f'roct.u.ct l~ stvrrd Lr' ,-Hat rvz.... rcS(6~ Q.~JlQ..;f: . R--oclU.ct ;5 u.~~d --!o LJ1_bY"i'(~" YYYc-.chJ...Y'\.O..J("Y ~ (USot'a on y~ tD Lu.bv \ (ok re-r+) ~3 s ere- Je./1Yl)Ved t)J-e.L~ 1'x1 u: u.rad rOj l~ i c- j.eYV i' a.. . Clow+~ ~ C\~ wove 3;:) t.D+ oJ- Receiveo Time Mar,3!, 4:46PM Mar-31-00 04,3BP ~)oAe ~ P.04 d. Ft?\:::.h fO_ulJ- of- f1't:&r ~ a-cD<> F Prc&u.CI- j$ d..u~ b<j iJPS if ~ -\rude We ~ --nIX) 59.0{ ,pJ2\<54-t'G a..I.~~ on hond" (/:fnJ en furr. pro '" ",,,.,.v -,j)'\J.- tr. .:Str;rr ~8'" ( ~.nd- loLJ prvca.~ JVr bLI ck. u..p ) rtQ:tucr ',5 ()OY\ - .f1 (YY\~ end nDl....... hac::.ar-d...ou. ~ 'R-octu ct- ls U ~ .tv ~~(vllon) t)U..u"nW-uv~ , rx~'8 ,t'~o; . 1J.b6.:'4G., procLu..cr is re..t"Y""V~ bLj H-A:sM..AT IICiU)Sed ~ r-e.(YYC"f'""ot. H-~ We Proc1JJ. c*" i'& ve ae-k>bU- oU based. ryud.u. e-ti s ~d by CDfY'JyyOY) (\:)Vrl.i.v o-r ~~s. -tYu. ck. Proc:ltLc.t ~~. ,-f1'?\~h pc<-;~ of 'r ~o" r, (Y\cl LS (ml<;.tcfu-cd fYD'Y'-J'1Df-y)"bI~ ' AQ W?:\5k (GU:.ho~h)lJ...~-k"- ',"::. ~lrY'\o.t) b l'€'h}(Nd .-to ~' JDr reOj~ rock.. Lf\.f-n Ll~>6~ eM. l,iJe, 1Lu-r }Qu.y 61 b. nu.:h>' ~ NY 5 os ~c.h Otf fau.r c.oLors. . Receivea Time Mar.31. 4:46PM Mar-31-00 04:3BP P.OS , -tLot~~'" 3 WOc.tuD-IS 1lO)'i- ,.Y\'~~ . l1-OtiUd is ~ b<j UpS ((./J)';\ftUJY\ Co.-,ill-) 0Vl d i <; '" b~ ~ you.. \0 (Q4~ x a<.,QQ.f+) . \/v-cdu-ct- us;ed b-y s:~~ ~o~' &-ex- cL... cOY ~tV)'.e [1O..LSL ern .,~ CC:>l.,-!J~. lU2 ~f' ~o( I'::D ro.t.Js of '{Bv l.QLt <;. ~ on hord . \JJt1s~ ',:::. N:(YVuve0 lD-~' re~ar 9C*~ ~CJI. GO mf'r.::(\.LA. . .bwc~h bocO ProclLt ct ',<::. fu,u.uercd' !Iy s-<.r-.v. f7'oiUtd 1:1J'CM>.1 (\ ;g:<:;~&r\.lfY) .( l;)ruCI~. \., StvY'€~ 111 ..}t(Yy\il.. ~1S.~ (i~. (Jy-rt.)(iu_cr i s u,~.d -lv c....u. ~ fW"1~ ~~s ~. -- J procV..uf h puJ- oY1 f7\~Jc-;. lDl\iGh <:;YC. re~ ~ L U..e..fl ~d. I"B-j lfut:w fc.. s.e:.Y vI' c..e. / re cy {)JLY . , \)J~ Il..u.-r lJY\1.J../ tfY\L cl.r' w"Y\ on ~ pre.vvu::s \..<; . Received Time Mar.31. 4:46PM Mar-31-00 04:39P P.06 L/- M~CF ProcLu..d '15 ~I~~(L {f/?l.sh po.eM DJ -<J.6 F ) ProdLtct \~ Cu.J.ux..v-ed by ~. . . ~octu._Cr IS LL.sed -fv c.Leo~ ('o,U...f..fS of- py-~ pre'" fY1o~ct!'So ,S~ Ln \A'~ n-:.5/S~ C.&bthd . PY-OcU.Lct- is ~d fJY\ V-ozjs w}uch &-e r&Y\.O~ ~ Uu-.v\c..t.d VC':j J~)c.. Se/VICQ., re~lLv. Pn:xllA.& }.5; L.r. 1 CJGl. fY\.p.tat C6Ol...fc~-,r.S 'CYlC:l f'().o\/.... cf. Q-~ a --,',s ~l" I ,M L.,'.J.."o> I , J ."JC"\ ('';' V' 1 ';7'-" '- .:>r: ' (~ ~en '+u-Yu.. ,l6ci Mo~:C) Prociucr 1...5. .f 1Dn1~e.. (+I~S)""\ p:JLn.f at ), I \'"~." fo,\ . _1 Go" ~~V" ' Pv-od..-u..tJt I~ c~"vCOI b<..f ....'-""(f...l- -- - . PY"tic.Lu.d )''S, u,~d --\v resfvyL, CU~ f'Y~ ~f,.<;;: \?~l2.'~/r~' I PtotLL-<..d t-.(JYYU..~ l..y) I gd-- ~ CC)t'lS ~ \ S. r> i... I' " r j __ ... . . 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' '\).. 1.A~,",^--h/(,J _\)C)~h .nri'JI'\+-. "'f"Y1:::' tLLl C+ I ~ YJOY'I. &' ~c.;:>\ 1 l~- "i ---- ..... ~& ror'N-'" l;'-" \<pI (lBshc \:)O;<::kLL~ , Dn-lJj 3-5 1:Jo-b\-~ s ?Ke ~ t:71'" f"~ "" '> ' otc~~'~_' . -/..nA.j, (c.:k0-c..h 'IS ~~) UJ2'>..''''''' ,~ =~ t>",;"d )i,,,,,,,l!, <11lPrlL<' or "'" ""'55 ~d b4 nil' / II',t.::>.v- f{)(' ~,'c" Mar-31-00 04:39P P.OB b. 1J.e,-u-cto~-t=_~~~ ~)r:f ;;::-~ S;t~ 8<; ,1vdo f'\)( Qed r.0Y' hc-Zcwz::te<..L~. Received Time Mar,31, 4:46PM Check Due Date: Check Request ~J 1'7 J ,'JrUJ ! I ~n/ IWb . o ~ ~~\~ ~j6D \ Today's Date: Vendor: Invoice Number: Amount: Manual Check Number: r:njf M~ eSn(/ !/V 1&)-- Job Name/Number: Check Requested By: RetUI1l Check To: C{ Description: LhL IlpPr1JVttl. fPpifalift,-) Job Phase 7frJY CAlnmitnllm' AlIDI'Oval Date