CORRESPONDENCE (b) Gropu B satellite dish antennae shall be frees~ing, ground mounted, and self supporting without sClUcturaJ connections to any other structure or building. (c) No part of any satellite dish antenna installation may extend beyond the height of the horizontal eave line of the uppermost tloor of any single-family or duple); home, (2) Satellite dish antennae installed to serve any use other than single-family or duplex homes must also comply wilh the following requirements: . (a) Chapter 4 of the Land Development Regulations: (b) Only one (1) Group B satellite dish anterma may be located in a nmltifamily complex and it may not be located on a roof. Nolhing in this provision shall be COlIStrUed to alter or impair any rights, authority, or restrictions imposed by deed or under the rightful authority of any homeowners' associaxion. (c) A Group B satellite dish antenna installed in commercial and industrial zoning districtS may not be located on a roof so that the dish is visible from a public right-<lf-way or residential district, except as stipulated in1.a.(4) hereinbefore. (d) Group B satellite dish antennae Which are mounted on a tower and used for communication in connection with the operation of a busineu shall provide reasonable screening and shall be subject to conditional use approval. (3) Satellite dish antennae properly permitted prior to April 4, 1995 may remain in place notwithstanding provisions stipulated herein but they may not be replaced, rccollSUUcted or modified without bringing the entire installaxion into full compliance with this section. N. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. Alluses located within the city shall confonn to Ihe perfonnance standards set forth below, and shall be constructed, maintained and operated so as not to be 1997 5-5 Zoning 7 a nuisance or hazard to persons, animals, vegetation or property located on adjacent or nearby properties or rights-<lf.way; Or to interfere wilh Ihe reasonable use or enjoyment of adjacent or nearoy property by reason of noise, vibration, smoke, dust or other particulate matter; toxic or noxious matter; odors, glare, heat or humidity; radiation, electromagnetic interference, fire or ""Plosion hazard, liquid waste discharge, or solid waste accumulation. Furthermore, no use shall be caaied out sO as to create any nuisance or hazard which is violation of any applicable federal, state, county, or city law or permit, and all such laws and permits are hereby adopted as perfonnance standards in these zoniIli regulations . 1. Noise. No use shall be carried our in any zoning district so as to create sound which is in violation of Section 15-8 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 2. VibratiollS. No use shall be carried our in any zoning district so as to create inherently and recurrently generated ground vibrations which are perceptible without insO'UlIlents at any poInt at or beyond the property lines of the property on which Ihe use is located. 3. Smolte, dust, dirt, or other particulate maner. No use shall be carried out within any zoning district so as to allow the emission of smoke, dusr, din or other particular matter which may cause damage to propeny or vegetation, discomfort or barm to persons Or animals, or prevent the reaso!lible use and enjoyment of property and rights-of-way, at or beyond the property lines of the property on which the use is located. Fu.rt1termore, no use shall be carried out so as to allow the emission of my substances in violaxion of any federal, state, COUDty or city laws or permits governing the emission of such substanceS. 4. Odors and fumes. No use shall be carried out in any industrial district so as to allow the emission of objectiollable or offensive odors or t'uma in such concentration as to be readily perceptible at any point at or beyond the boundary of industrial districts. For all nonindustrial districts, Ihe standards contained in this paragraph shall apply where the sd OOSLol1 IlL9LHl9s1 mOllna dV1SIdl ~dlO:OI 0001 '8 'Jew 8 Boynton Beach Code '--) district abuts any residential district. S. Toxic or noxious matter. No use shall be carried out in any zoning district so as to allow the discharle of any toxic or noxious maner in such concentrations as to cause damage to property or vegetation, discomfort or harm to persons or aninWs, or prevent the reasonable use and enjoyment of property or rights-of-way, at or beyond the property line of the property on which the use is located; or to contaminate any public waters or any groundwater. 6. Fire and explosion hazards. No use shall be carried out in any zonins district so as to create a fire or explosion hazard to adjacent or nearby property or rights-of-way. or any persons or property thereon. Funhennore, the slOrage, use or production of f1anunable or explosive materials shall be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. 7, Heat, humidity, or glare. No use shall be carried out in any zoning district so as to produce heat, humidity or glare which is readily perceptible at any poine at or beyond the property line of the property on which the lISe is located. Anificial lightinl which is used to illuminate any property or use shall be directed away from any residential use which is a conforming use according to thesc zoning regulalions, so as nOI to create a nuisance to such residential uses. 8. Liquid waste. No use shall be carried out in any zoning district so as to dispose of liquid waste of any type, quantity or inanner which is not in confonnanee with the provisions of O1apter 26 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, or any applicable federal, state or county laws or pennies. 9. Solid wasle. No use shall be carried OUI in any zoning district so as to allow the accumulation or disposal of solid waste which is nOl in conformance with Chapter 10 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinance, or which would cause solid waste 10 be tranSferred in any manner to adjacent or nearby property or rights-of-way. 10. Electromagnetic interference. No use shall be carried out in any zoning district so as to create electromagnetic radiation which causes td OOSLol1 abnormal degradation of performance of any electromagnetic receptor of quality and proper design as defined by the principles and standards adopted by Ihe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or the Electronic Industries Association. Funhennore. no use shall be carried out in any zoning district so as to cause: electromagnetic radiation which docs not comply with the Federal Communications Commission regulations, or which causes objectionable electromagnetic interference with nonnal radio or television reception in any zoninS district. 11. Hazardous materials and haurdOIlS waste. a, Prior to the issuance of an occupational license in the city, the operator of any lISe that uses, handles, stores OC displays hazardous materials or that generates hazardous waste, as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations. Part 261, and requires a pennit for same from a Slate or federal agency. or requires periodic reporting to a state or federallliency, shall be required to obtain a permit in accordance with Section 11.3, Environmelllal Review Pennits . I ., b. The operator of any such lISe shall be required to design and consuuct, prior to occupancy. an appropriate separate spilI containment syslem to hold spilled hazardous materials for cleanup. independenl from the StOrm water drainage system. along with an appropriate early warning monitoring program. The containment system and moniloring program sha11 be a type which is generally acceptable to the Florida Depanment of Environmenlal Regulation and the South Florida Water Management Dislrict. and shall serve all strut:tures or areas whel'e hazardous materials are used. handled, StOred or displayed. or where hazardous wastes are Senetued. c. Depressed ttuck wells which arc utilized by users of hazardous materials and generators of hazardous wasle shall provide a drainage system whiCh shall be designed and maimained to include oil and grease receptors, and open bOllom sedimentation pumps as pollutant retardant structures. Such systelllS shall be designed so as 10 prevent pollutants .from entering surface IIL9LttI9\1 Sd301lne d71SIdl f',dlQ:OI 0001 'b 'HI', wllera and groundWlller. Parking areas and driveway. adjacent to ll\ICk wells shall be dai&ned to divert nuaoff to storage and exfilttations systems OIl- .ite, prior to discharge Imo surface Waters or storm sewers, d. Users of b,zardous materials and generators of haurdous wasre sball develop haurdous materials response plans prior to !he operation of su~ ll$CS, whi~ shall require !he approval of the enviroIlll1entaJ review COIlJIlIinee, This plan shall ldelUify appropriate lI1USureB for contamination response inducling. but not Jimited to,: (1) Provision of equipment and Irained personnel on.sire or a contract wilh a COntamination response firm meeting Florida Department of Environmental Regulation standards, where appropriate; (2) SpecifICation of follow-up waler quality monitoring programs to be implemented in rhe cveIlt of comamination; (3) Spcx;itication of desi,n and operational measures to contain and direct contaminated surface runoff away from Jaka, pollds, canals, drainage structures and/or other conneclions to tbc surficial aquifer; (4) Specifications for tbe development and implementation of an early warning monitoring program; (5) Proof of financial responsibility whicb wi118$SUlC that cleauup COSlS can be provided: . (6) A copy of the permit issued by or application for permil to the govermnenlal agency or agencies responsible for permitting the handJing, storage, display, or generation of the particular hazardous materials or hazardous wastes. Where only periodic reports are required to be supplied 10 such agencies. copies of these reports shall be provided to the environmeulal review conuninee; (7) Where the information required under (1) through (6) above is required as 1998 S-9 2'_11lg 9 put of the infomwion required for permittinS by or reportinc to IOvenunental aaencles responsible for regulating hazardous materials or hazardous wastes. this information shall be considered sufficient for !he , purpose of this section. 0, ELECTRlCStJBSTATIONS,SWITCIDNG STATIONS AND UfIL1TY FACILITIES. Electric substations, switching Stations and utility facilities are allowable in all land use caregories and zoning districts subject to full sire plan review as described in OuIpter 4 and subject to screenir\g on all sides wilh walls or acceptable landscaping as described in Chapter 9, SCClion 10, paragrapb C4, (Ord, No. 9605'1, f I, 1-21-97; Ord. No. 96-66, i 1. 1-7-97) Sec. 5. ResldenUaI district regulations and use proYisions. A. R-I-AAA SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRlCT. These dlstricr regulations will creare the lowest population density of not more than 3.48 dwelling units per acre. 1. Uses permitted. Within any R-1-AM single-family residential district, 110 building, structure, land or water shall be used except for one of the following uses: a. Sinllle-family dwelliIlls incl\IdiQg the garages and other customary accessory buildings. Carports are not allowed. Disaster sbelters are permitted. The shelters are 10 be used only for the designated purpose in times of danaer. b. Churches and other places of worship with their attendant accessory uses, including daycare and pre-school faCilities., Pfovidm, for a minimum site of one acre with a minimum of one hundred fifty (ISO) foot fromage. Nursery schools. primary and secondary s~ools and colleges and universities are nOI to be construed to be an accessory use to a place of worship by these regulations. facilities. c. City-owned and -operated d. Privare golf courses and asSociated clubhouse facilities including private bath, 9 'd OOU ON IlL9LHl991 Sd30llil9 dV1Sldl l'jdZOOIOOOZ8Hf'!