AGENDA DOCUMENTS 00 '---"" ~ ~ Fr1 2 0 I~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA February 20. 1996 I. OPENINGS: A. Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. B, Invocation - Rev. Conrad Braaten. Ascension Lutheran Church C, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Vice Mayor Matt Bradley D. Agenda Approval: 1, Additions. Deletions. Corrections 2, Adoption II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A, Appointments to be made: APPOINTMENT TO BE MADE IV Matson IV Matson IV Matson IV Matson IV Matson IV Matson III Jaskiewicz IV Matson " Bradley I " Bradley III Jaskiewicz BOARD Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Adv Brd Children & Youth Code Enforcement Board Adv Brd Children & Youth Adv Brd Children & Youth Board of Zoning Appeal Education Advisory Board Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Adv Brd Children & Youth Education Advisory Brd Community Relations Brd Board of Zoning Appeals LENGTH OF TERM EXPIRATION DATE Alt Term expires 4/96 Alt Term expires 4/96 Alt 1 yr Term to 9/96 Reg Term expires 4/97 Reg Term expires 4/97 Reg 2 yr term to 1/98 Stu Term expires 4/96 Alt Term expires 4/96 Alt Term expires 4/96 Alt Term expires 4/96 Reg Term expires 4/98 Reg Term expires 1/97 B. Authorization to renew Boynton's G,A.L.A. Beer Garden Proposal III. CONSENT AGENDA 6:30 P.M TABLED TABLED TABL~D TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED Matters in this Section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each Item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments, A, Minutes 1, Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of February 6, 1996 2. Joint Workshop Meeting Minutes with COBWRA & City Commission of Feb, 8t 1996 B, Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1995-96 Adopted Budget 1. Award bid for 12" Well Point System & Accessory Package to Thompson Pump & Manufacturing Company. Inc, 1 2. Award bid for the purchase of uniforms to Martin Lamar Uniforms and Harnso Uniforms C. Resolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No. R96- RE: Water Service Agreement for J. Scott anI Mary W. McOwen located on the east side of South Federal Highway opposite thl Stow-A-Way Self Storage business and northeast of the Gulfstream Mall 2, Proposed Resolution No. R96- RE: Subordination of Easement alon~ Lawrence Road - Nautica Sound P.U.D. 3, Proposed Resolution No, R96- RE: Authorize execution of Agreemen between Palm Beach County and the City of Boynton Beach for proposed potablE water interconnects . 4. Proposed Resolution No, R96- RE: Boynton Festive Center Substitution 0 Letter of Credit - $57,000 Complete installation of Phase II of the Water distributiar System 5, Proposed Resolution No. R96- RE: Boynton Festive Center Substitution a Letter of Credit - $11,000 Restoration Bond 6, Proposed Resolution No, R96- RE: Extension for Community Developmen Block Grant on NE 13th Avenue reference Palmetto Greens Park 7, Proposed Resolution No. R96- Accountability Act of 1996 RE: Supporting House Bill #107 - Lotter) 8, Proposed Resolution No, R96- RE: Ratification of the grant of sanitary sewel and water easement between the City of Boynton Beach and Sand S Investm~nt~ D. Approval of Bills E, Payment of Bills - January 1996 F. Authorize replacement of TV camera for the Sewage Collection TV Truck from Cues ir the amount of $6,000 G, Approve request to transfer cemetery Lots 97 B, 98 A & B, Block 0 to Roy and Virginia Larizza H, Approve request to Install an extended 8' vinyl fence around the outfield at the Senial League Field in Uttle League Park from Martin Fence (Palm Beach County Contract) in the amount of $12,215 I. Approve purchase of an upgrade to the interface software for the Perkin Elmer Gas Chromatograph (Ge) laboratory instrument located at the West Water Treatment Planl in the amount of $7,910 J, Approve sole source purchase of Flygt Pumps from Ellis K. Phelps & Company in thE amount of $46,798 K, Approve disposal of record. - City Clerk'. Office IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS' PRESENTATIONS: A. Announcements 1. Volunteers still needed for Leathers Park build. February 26 - March 3, 1996 2. Library Quilt Show at the Woman's Club - March 1 st, 2nd & 3rd 3. 1996 Goldcoast Surf Festival at Oceanfront Park - March 2nd & 3rd 4. Genera! City Election - March 12, 1996 2 B. Presentations 1, Proclamations a) Community Caring Center of Boynton Beach Week - Feb. 25th thru March 2nl b) Women's History Month. March 1996 2. ReView of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year endir September 30, 1995 by Paul Bremer, Ernst & Young V. BIOS: None VI. PUBLIC HEARING: A, PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: LOCA TION: DESCRIPTION: B. PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: LOCA TION: DESCRIPTION: C, PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 0, PROJECT: OWNER APlICANT LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 7:00 PM OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS Charter Drive North - Parcel C Stuart H. Cunningham, P.E, and P.L.S, Hunterts Run Property Owner's Association, Inc, Western terminus of Charter Drive North ABANDONMENT - Request to abandon a portion of Charter Oriv North, legally described as Parcel C Charter Drive North - Parcels A and B Stuart H. Cunningham, P.E, and P.L.S, Hunters Run Golf and Racquet Club, Inc. Western terminus of Charter Drive North ABANDONMENT - Request to abandon a portion of Charter Driv North, legally described as Parcels A and B Hills of Lake Eden PUD . T ABLEI Burlison A. Gentry - Gentry Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc. Newport Properties, Inc, Northwest corner of S,E, 36th Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard REZONING - Request for master plan approval to construct 51 single-family detached homes on 15,45 acres of land in connectio with a rezoning from R-l-MB (singleO'family residential) to Planne, Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5 (PUO with LUI=5) Boynton Beach Mall Debartolo Corporation Mr. Thomas Marsicano Approximately 900' west of the intersection of Congress Avenue & 01 Boynton Road DRI AMENDMENT - Amend development order to change traffi conditions and build out date VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTE PRESENT A liONS VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: " A. PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: LOCA TION: DESCRIPTION: High Ridge Commerce Park PIO Richard C, Ahrens ' Condor Investments of "Palm Beach County, Ine, Northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road USE APPROVAL - Request to amend the list of High Rid~ Commerce Park PID permitted uses to allow wholesale distributic and service of turf equipment 3 B. PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: LOCA TION: DESCRIPTION: C. PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: LOCA TION: DESCRIPTION: O. PROJECT: AGENT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Boynton Commercenter PIO Frederick Roth. Jr. PE . Michael 8. Schorah & Associates Boynton Commercenter. Ltd. Approximately 700 feet south of the southwest corner of Woolbngr Road and 1-95 USE APPROVAL. Request to amend the Boynton Commercente PIO list of allowed uses to include communication towers Tara Oaks PUO Kieran J. Kilday - Kilday & Associates, Inc, for Pulte Home Corp. Tara Oaks Development Company East side of Knuth Road approximately 570 feet north of Woolbrigh SITE PLAN. Request for site plan approval to develop 14.47 acre: of the Tara Oaks PUD for a 192 unit townhouse project with priVatE recreation facilities The Kilpatrick Company Richard C. Ahrens Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc, Northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Commerce Road SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to construct a 39,79( square foot wholesale distribution facility on 3,59 acres in the Higt Ridge Commerce Park PIO (lots 1, 2 and 3) E. Height exception for Boynton Commercenter for 100' communication tower for A T & 1 IX. NEW BUSINESS: None X. LEGAL: A, Ordinances.. 2nd Reading.. PUBLIC HEARING 1, Proposed Ordinance No.096-02 RE: Amend Nuisance Abatement Ordinance B, Ordinances - 15t Reading: 1 , Proposed Ordinance No, 096- Employees Pension Fund RE: Adopt amendments to the General 2, Proposed Ordinance No. 096- Fund RE: Adopt amendments to the Police Pensior C, Resolutions RE: Change to development order for thE 1, Proposed Resolution No, R96- Boynton Beach Mall DRI 0, Other 9:30 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION as provided by F,S. 286.011 to discuss the following law suit Proposed Settlement for The 300 Properties Association V5 City of Boynton Beacl XI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: TABLEr A, Consideration of final items on Residential Appearance' Code B, Discussion and pos.ible appointment to fill vacancy in District , until next Gener, Election on March 12, 1996 T ABLEI C. Cemetery Issues 4 XII. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: XIII. OTHER: XIV. ADJOURNMENT: NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO AN MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING. HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FO SUCH PURPOSE. HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADI WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASE[ (FS.286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM. OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY, PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (407) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY.FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST, 5 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-080 Agenda Memorandum for February 20, 1996, City Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Manager FROM: ~./n ,/ Tambri J, Heyden ~ Planning and Zoning Director DATE: February 16, 1996 SUBJECT: High Ridge Commerce Park PID - File No. USAP 95-005 Use Approval (Wholesale and service - turf equipment) Please place the above-referenced request under Development Plans for the February 20, 1996 City Commission agenda. DESCRIPTION: Richard C, Ahrens of the Ahrens Companies, agent for The Kilpatrick Company (contract purchaser of lots I, 2 and 3 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID located at the northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road) is requesting approval to amend the list of permitted uses for the High Ridge Commerce Park PID to add wholesale distribution and service of irrigation supplies and turf equipment. This request is submitted in connection with a concurrent site plan approval to construct a new building, consisting of office, warehouse, display, showroom, assembly and storage areas. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approval to amend the High Ridge Commerce Park PID list of permitted uses to allow wholesale distribution and service of irrigation supplies and turf equipment, subject to environmental review, TJH:dim Attachments xc: Central File a:CCagdmem,Com C I T Y PLANNING & o F BOY N TON B E A C H DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, February 13, 1996 TIME: 7:00 P.M, PLACE: Commission Chambers 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 1, Pledge of Allegiance, 2, Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members. 3, Agenda Approval, 4. Approval of Minutes. 5, Communications and Announcements, A, Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1} Final disposition of last month's agenda items, 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: A. PUBLIC HEARING Abandonment 1, PROJECT NAME: Charter Drive North - Parcel C AGENT: Stuart H. Cunningham, P.E, and P.L.S, LOCATION: Hunter's Run Property Owner's Association, Inc. ~'I Western terminus of Charter Drive North APPLICANT: DESCRIPTION: Request to abandon a portion of Charter Drive North, legally described as Parcel C. 2. PROJECT NAME: Charter Drive North - Parcels A and B AGENT: Stuart H. Cunningham, P,E. and P,L.S, APPLICANT: Hunter's Run Golf and Racquet Club, Inc. LOCATION: Western terminus of Charter Drive North DESCRIPTION: Request to abandon a portion of Charter Drive North, legally described as Parcels A and B B. REZONING (City Commission remanded on January 16, 1996 to the Planning and Development Board) 1. PROJECT NAME: Hills of Lake Eden PUD AGENT: Burlison A, Gentry Gentry Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc, Page 2 Planning & Development Board Meeting Agenda for February 13, 1996 OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: C. USE APPROVAL 1. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATl!;ON: DESCRIPTION: 2. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: D. SITE PLANS New Site Plan 1. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: 2, PROJECT: AGENT: Newport Properties, Inc. Northwest corner of S.E. 36th Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard Request for master plan approval to construct 56 single-family detached homes on 15.45 acres of land in connection with a rezoning from R- 1-AAB (single-family residential) to Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5 (PUD with LUI=5) , High Ridge Commerce Park P1D Richard C. Ahrens Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. Northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road to amend the list of High Ridge Park PID permitted uses to allow distribution and service of turf Request Commerce wholesale equipment, Boynton Commercenter PID Frederick Roth, Jr. PE Michael B. Schorah and Associates Boynton Commercenter, Ltd. Approximately 700 feet south of the southwest corner of Woolbright Road and 1-95. Request to amend the Boynton Commercenter PID list of allowed uses to include communication towers, Tara Oaks PUD Kieran J, Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc, for Pulte Home Corporation Tara Oaks Development Company East side of Knuth Road approximately 570 feet north of Woolbright Road Request for site plan approval to develop 14.47 acres of the Tara Oaks PUD for a 192 unit townhouse project with private recreation facilities, The Kilpatrick Company Richard C, Ahrens Page 3 Planning & Development Board Meeting Agenda for February 13, 1996 OWNER: Condor Invpctments of Palm Beach County, Inc. LOCATION: Northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Commerce Road DESCRIPTION: Request for site plan approval to construct a 39,790 square foot wholesale distribution facility on 3.59 acres in the High Ridge Commerce Park PID (lots 1, 2 and 3) . 9, Comments by members 10. Adjournment NOTICE ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDEN~$ UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S. 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (407) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. xc: Central File a:agP&Dmtg.FEB 7.C.l USE APPROVAL HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PID I PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-061 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board FROM: Tambri J. Heyden ~ Planning and Zoning Director DATE: February 6, 1996 SUBJECT: High Ridge Commerce Park PID - File No. USAP 95-005 Use Approval (Wholesale and service - turf equipment) NATURE OF REQUEST Richard C, Ahrens of Ahrens Companies, agent for The Kilpatrick Company (contract purchaser of lots 1, 2 and 3 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID located at the northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road) is requesting approval to amend the list of permitted uses for the High Ridge Commerce Park PID (see attached location map - Exhibit IIAII). Specifically, Mr. Ahrens is requesting to add wholesale distribution and service of irrigation supplies and turf equipment. This request is submitted in connection with a concurrent site plan approval to construct 39,790 square foot building on the referenced lots for the Kilpatrick Company. This new building will consist of office, warehouse, display, showroom, assembly and storage areas, Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7(E) of the Land Development Regulations requires that any use proposed within a Planned Industrial Development (PID) district has to be approved by the Planning and Development Board. Since 1983, when the High Ridge Commerce Park PID was created, development activity within this PID has been very limited, Only recently, Waste Management of Palm Beach purchased lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 within this PID, located just southeast from lots 1, 2 and 3 and submitted the PID's first use approval to expand their existing facility within the Boy ton Beach Distribution Center. Therefore, at this time, the only use requested and approved within the High Ridge Commerce Park PID is truck and solid waste container storage, recently requested by Waste Management. BACKGROUND The land use designation of this PID is industrial. The City's Comprehensive Plan allows for the development of light manufacturing and research and development activities in the industrial land use category which encompasses the M-l, Light Industrial and the PID, Planned Industrial Development districts, The City's Land Development Regulations, specifically the Planned Industrial Development (PID) district guidelines, were designed to provide a zoning classification for light industrial development that would better satisfy current demands for light industrial zoned lands by encouraging development that will reflect changes in technology and to relate the development of land to a specific site and to conserve natural amenities. In addition, it is intended lito accomplish a more desirable environment for industrial development in relation to existing and/or future city development, permit economies in providing public services, allow for economies of scale in industrial development and to promote the public health, safety, convenience and welfare of the City of Boynton Beach. II For comparison purposes it should be noted that IIlawn and garden equipment, tools and supplies, including retail salell are permitted uses in the M-l (Light Industrial) district. Pursuant to Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7.E" in a PID, a building and its customary ancillary structures and land uses may be erected, altered and occupied for any office, professional, ~ Page 2 Use Approval Staff Report Memorandum No. 96-061 Kilpatrick Warehouse, File No. USAP 95-005 business (wholesale and retail), educational institution, adult entertainment in accordance with Section 11.M, of the zoning code or industrial uses provided that such use or uses is/are approved by the Planning and Development Board, To approve such a use, the Planning and Development Board must make findings that the proposed use will not be in conflict with the performance standards listed in Section 4,N. of the zoning regulations, and that the use proposed is consistent with the intent and purposes of the planned industrial development district. The following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of the properties that surround the subject request (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) . North Undeveloped property zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD). East Undeveloped property zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) , South Commerce Road and farther south undeveloped property zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID) and proposed parking and storage facility for Waste Management of West Palm Beach. West Right-of-way of High Ridge Road and farther west unincorporated Palm Beach County ANALYSIS The purpose of the City's performance standards is to ensure that uses will not be a nuisance or hazard to persons, animals, vegetation or property located on adjacent or nearby properties or right-of-way; or to interfere with the reasonable use or enjoyment of adjacent or nearby property by reason of noise, vibration, smoke, dust, or other particulate matter; toxic or noxious matter; odor, glare, heat or humidity; radiation, electromagnetic interference, fire or explosive hazard, liquid waste discharge, or solid waste accumulation. The applicant has been asked to provide a response to the Chapter 2, Section 4 N. Performance Standards of the Land Development Regulations to evaluate the impact and appropriateness of this use within the PID district, These responses are paraphrased as follows: 1) Noise: The applicant states that no sound will be created which is in violation of Section 15-8 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, I~ is noted that engine noise from service of turf equipment will be generated, however the 40 foot wide peripheral greenbelt required along the north boundary of the PID to buffer the adjacent residential district to the north should be an adequate sound buffer, 2) Vibrations: As stated by the applicant, no ground vibrations will be generated by the proposed use. 3) Smoke, dust, dirt, or other particular matter: As stated by the applicant, no emission of smoke, dust, dirt or other particular matter will be created. The proposed use will not allow the emission of any substances in violation of any federal, state, county or city laws or permits governing the emission of such substances. ~ Page 3 Use Approval Staff Report Memorandum No. 96-061 Kilpatrick Warehouse, File No. USAP 95-005 4) Odors and fumes: The applicant states that no objectionable or offensive odors will be readily perceptible at any point beyond the industrial district. 5) Toxic or noxious matter: The applicant states that the proposed use will not allow any toxic or noxious matter to be discharged in such concentrations as to cause damage to property or vegetation, discomfort or harm to persons or animals, or prevent the reasonable use and enjoyment of property or rights-of-way at or beyond the property line or to contaminate any public waters or any groundwater. The applicant states further that the lawn mower equipment, which comes in for servicing, will be cleaned in the pit area located on the north side of the building, which is provided with a recycling system that cleans and reuses the water for the area, 6) Fire and Explosion: As stated by the applicant the proposed use will not create a fire or explosion hazard. Customers are asked to remove the fuel from the equipment prior to it being serviced, However, there will be some potentially hazardous fluids stored on the premises such as gas, diesel fuel, and PVC solvent, Gas and diesel in the amount not exceeding at any time five (5) gallons will be stored outside, The PVC solvent in the amount of ninety (90) gallons will be stored in rated and factory sealed containers, Due to the storage of this fire hazardous material within the building, the Fire Department has requested an increased capacity sprinkler system to be installed in the Kilpatrick Company building. The applicant has already submitted to and been reviewed by the city's Environmental Review Committee for the storage of these chemicals. An environmental review permit cannot be issued until use approval and site plan approval are granted and environmental review conditions have been satisfied, 7) Heat, Humidity or Glare: The applicant states that the proposed use will not produce heat, humidity or glare which is readily perceptible past the property boundary. Staff confirms, as part of the concurrent site plan review, that the lighting of the property will conform to city standards and is not in excess of city standards to produce glare, The residential uses to the north will be additionally protected by the existing native scrub hammock existing within the required 40 foot wide peripheral greenbelt along the north and west boundaries of lots 1, 2 and 3. 8) Liquid Waste: As stated by the applicant, any disposition of liquid waste will be in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 26 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances or any applicable federal, state or county laws or permits. 9) Solid Waste: The applicant indicates that any accumulation or disposal of solid waste will be in conformance with Chapter 10 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances and will be disposed of appropriately. 10) Electromagnetic Interference: No electromagnetic radiation or interference is to be created by this use. 1 Page 4 Use Approval Staff Report Memorandum No. 96-061 Kilpatrick Warehouse, File No. USAP 95-005 11) Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste: The hazardous materials associated with this use are discussed in 6 above, RECOMMENDATION As previously mentioned, immediately to the north of this Planned Industrial Development (PID) is a PUD; residential zoning district, The agent has requested a variance through the Board of Zoning Appeals (to be heard February 12, 1996) to omit the required 6 foot high buffer wall between lots 1, 2 and 3 and the residential property to the north. However, landscaping of the greenbelt is proposed. Due to the projected storage of solvents associated with this use, environmental review is recommended (in the subject case, environmental review has already been conducted) , Based on the above analysis of this use, staff recommends that the list of permitted uses for the High Ridge Commerce Park PID be amended to allow wholesale distribution and service of irrigation supplies and turf equipment, subject to environmental review. JL:dim xc: Central File a:ki-US-AP 5 E X H I BIT "A" ~ ~ ~vCATION MAP \ THE KILPATRICK COMPANY 'I. H I ~Jlll.LU~ - J ~ l r~., i ~ · - rrrrfy.(J T- .., tju, U " ,-' ' = Fe l..:-- T T ;== D<'~' . I--=- w...- II ,<Tl~tT 4 (,\ . ~__ :". ~ 1 -\- ~ #Aili.1' .. -, I .~. ,-', I , '] 1fi~~\ 1., ~: j] ...v~rl_ ~<=~ - = '. :': , " L /iF I...:: I='(':::J :: .~ ,.: ,/ I . - 1r1 ~ . ;~]- ~! 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