02/06/1995 15:31
4078539007 -
December 1, 19ge
Ms. Tambri J. Hayden
Planning & Zoning Director
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton BeaCh BIva.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
Reference: Kilpatrick Project
Dear Ms. Hayden:
As agent for the owner. please accept this letter as our formal use approval reQuest for
Lots 1, 2, and S, Block 2 of Cedar Ridge, a P.I.O. and High RidgQ Commerce Park at
P.I.D. as reoorded in Plat Book 46, Pages 68-61 of the Public Record of Palm Beach
County, Florida. The proposed use requested is for the oonstruction of a 40,040 $.f.
facility that will house the corporate offices of The Kilpatrick Company, their wholesale
irrigation/pump supply division and their wholesale turf equipment diviston which will
consist of office. warehouse. display, showroom, assembly and storage areas.
The proposed uses will comply with all of the city's performance standards. They are
lndividua lIy addressed as follows:
1. Noise: No sound will be created which is in violation of section 15-8 of the City of
Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances.
2. Vibration: No ground vibrations will be generated by the proposed US9.
3. Smoke, dust or other particular matter; No emission of smoke, dust, dirt or other
particular matter will be created. The proposed use will not allow the emission of
any substances in violation of any federal, state, county or city laws or perm its
governing the emission of such substances.
4. Odors and fumes: No objectionable or offensive odors will bQ fQadily pgrcQptible at
any point beyond the industrial district.
5. Toxic or noxious matter: The proposed use will not allow any toxic or noxious matter
to be discharged In such concentratIons as to cause damage to property or
vegetation, discomfort or harm to persons or animals, or prevent the reasonable use
and enjoyment of property or rights-of-way at or beyond the property line or to
contam inate any public waters or any groun dwater. The lawn mower aquipment that
oomes in for servicing will be cleaned in the pit area provided with a recycling
:tystem which cleans and reuses the water for this area. See attached copy of
equipment being Installed.
6. Fire and Explosion: The proposed use will not create a iire or explosion hazard.
3750 Inve5tmem Lane, Suite z/ ~ Pillm fleilch, FL 33.0404-17'65
Q(fio= (4071 863.9004 Fu (407) 663-9007
02/06/1996 15:31
Ms. Tambri J. Hayden
December " '995
Page 2
The handling of gacolino or diQ$91 fUQI will b9 handlQd as por tho attachgd lotter
provided by -The Kilpatrick Company" dated November 1, 1995. The handling and
storage of solvents will be as per the attached letter provided by -The Kilpatrick
Company. dated November 1, 1995.
7. Heat. Humidity or Glare: The proposed use will not produce heat. humidity or glare
which is r9adily perceptible past the property boundary. The lighting will conform to
the city standards and the residential uses that abut this property to the north will be
additionally protected by the existil1g native shrub hammock which is to remain in
the required 40' buffer zone.
8. Liquid Waste: Any disposition of liquid waste will be in conformance with the
provisions of Chapter 26 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances or any
applicable fedoral, state or county laws or perm its.
9. Solid Waste: Any accumulation or disposal of solid waste will be in conformance
with Chapter 10 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances and will not be
transferred to adjacent or nearby property or rightS-Of-way.
10. Electromagnetic Interference: No electromagnetic radiation or interference will be
11. Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste: No hazardouG materials or hazardous
waste will be created, stored or handled with the proposed use.
Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $250.00 for use approval. I trust this
information is acceptable for consideration of the use approval.
As always, pleaee do not hesitate to call shol.Jld you hav., any question s.
Vice President
Enclosure: Check
Recycling Equipment Brochure
The Kilpatrick Company letters dated 11/01195
cc: Hal Kilpatrick