APPLICATION It t\. PLANNING AND ZONING APPLICATION CHECK LIST 1. APPLICANT "1/ . ..Jr< (/(~......4 ,4 ld" S; 4./( A3 A. CORRECT LEGAL r~ B. CORRECT ADDRESS ,./"" /" C. USE OF PROPERTY 2. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP (COpy OF DEED) .VIA , 3. SURVEY WITHI~ YEARS, WITH CORRECT LEGAL :;.2/.91 4. SITE PLAN AJ f ~ . 5. LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION 6. CERTIFIED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 400' WITH LEGAL DESCRIPTION. HAVE APPLICANT SiGN 7. PAID RECEIPT FOR FEE (AMOUNT &. DATE) ,'l '-1,)-0 SIGNED <f', f3Cdltct+- DATE '1 /h/cJ I '~.;o ., ., ; PZCKLIST Revised 5-6-88 . . , , \ '}~.. j ~ 40. ~.r'" ~ \~; .-:;' 'd -:'''f 1..1 '"~ ~ z..?.~ I ~ tJ Cj'" . ~ ~ _ 1 , '" I \ t. ~1 L--:"~,\ P r '.' " . . .. 11' , '\2.1. ~\ ~ . ':."!..' '.' '\ .~.. ~t, ". ... .:.! " ~ \ . ~ . .'.,. .' ~ "2. j ". . ,.,," ." ~,_' ~ .oJt . . . . . .' ~ \. ' . -; ~ \ ~ \;; \ . ,I l" 'i .;' ~:',", _. '. . . '> -~" '., ~. I"" , ~ ." ~\ ,.' \ \ \ . " ~ :S~ @ .:' -- \ .~" c::::.:-... ~ t--~ , ~ ~ _ f' '- ~,"O ~~9\ \ I .' 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"t' · ".' ..' . ...' .. ~ "~ \ ;~" .. \ ~ 10' 1\'. ~ . :;-'" ~ '.. ~,~",...~ -: J · "'.. ~<!.'.' :~ ~, \'f. 1\,,' "':--I~:C} i A'lJE. ~ ) · .-1" ,,-.' . ' . ~. .' . ".~' ;In . . '. ., ".- ..'" " . r . """ ,ffan '0'" """.. '" ,.. .. ,.---:", ~ ~ I ,,- ,"!: i .' t;: ><,.i'" . .-:'" , .~~~ R3 ~I.""';i\\\"" t I .~. ~: ~~ ,.... ~~ . ;c ,~ ..'c." .:\~]' " ... ." - .,~ _~ 00"00. I ",\~t -- roo .. .. -" .,'" -,' -,'" . \~~~\.~. .. . . -..-...., , 1 .~ .., ~ .,,__ .' 'li!"ffi).I,..' ,-I" ~ · I , "" . - -..' . ., .' ..... ;;.i, Ii Ii -i-" <J .. ' ~ .... '."- , '''~~ :I(,',\.~ " . "'':;~f~' ~ ...'j9to . I ~ '. '-'. ". )~, \ j - CANAl.. .'. ~~ ., .;""') ~. ~ .' b7J'{ . l , ( " ....i,. .' ' . .,; ~;~" " ,', l:11 .'!....::o:1t'. !....s~ \r(..~~ :~i~~~~' ~',~. ~~~' ..... ,., 'S .t~ 11\11" .~,. II' t~,.." ~ ,HI' ~ \ _,~.,_.c---"-' e' -. . -. E X H 1 BIT .. A .. Legal Description Abandonment of a 20 Foot Alley Abandonment of a portion of a 20 foot Alley dedioated by the Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA. aooordin, to the plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 11. Pa,e 71. of the Publio Reoords ot Palm Beach County. Florida. said abandonment bein, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the East Quarter Corner of Seotion 21. Township 46 South. Range 43 East: thence North 00' 00' 00" East alon, the centerline ot Martin Luther Kine. Jr. Boulevard (A.K.A. Northeast 10th Avenue'. a distanoe of 1,60 feet. more or less, to the point ot intersection with the West Line of Block 1. of said Plat of LAKE ADDITION' TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, extended: thence South 07" 37' 30" West a distance of 151.31 feet, more or less. to the Northwest corner of Lot 3. Block 1 of said Plat. and the POINT OF BEGINNING of said abandonment: thence continue South O~ 37' 30" West alone said West Line a distance of 90.36 feet: thence South 90'00' 00" West a distance of 20,18 feet to a point of intersection with the East Right-of-Way Line of the Florida East Coast Railroad as shown on said Plat: thence North 07" 37 30 East along said East Right-of-Way Line a distance of 90,36 feet: thence North 00" 00' 00" East along the North Line of said Lot 3, Block 1. extanded. a distance of 20,18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. .:;;i;. . .. 1 11""0,,.0 111.'11'1 \101141) /'II 'fI/IA \ I.t.tlta '-*",....' ,,~ \ .,......" ,,~. 1,"'0 1\, ,0 lII'..... ....s-- ~ ~ !o. ~, ~.. ~~~~ '" .... O. CIK..... ~.... . c;:::Il ~.... ~ t,"'- __ I; .,...... U.S.., ~.tl. ::;:.. (ll.1t~. ,..., 01\ (;NIl' ~ ..... "')II-~ \ c.MI' \JIll CII, eo<"" t;. QlIll \-" ......\ "" ....t1... ~ :::- .... ....... ".. . ~ .... "I. -- Il. ::.."..... Il.~' -- ~ ::~ ~-~... .,~ ~~',.. ...... -- ~~ \ 0.'.0. O........UI". , ~~ \. ~,~~ ~~ ~ ~~ .... .,.- ~ '" ..t. fOIllltl ~.~ ~ ~.... '.t.t, :::::;... l:)~' ~~ ..t.'. ::::::-.... ~ ~ .... fOIllltl-' ~ .,1. =........MIII ..0,'. fOIllltl """"" - - - '~~~:. ~'.. ~J l \ q. ..,. r:: ~ ~~ ,tIIQIl'O'f ,~~'l> ~. ~\JIll \l,j"''' ;1' \ ::-: CIIftI' t.. ==....,.. "" ~.- '!l :=- CIIftI' ~. ~ t.o." ,..tI ",,- "". 1l,IJIl'" ~ --------- ",.tA ~ - - -,- ~;-: fJ'~~, ~.(wf_t) 7"".s,.,.,..,t - Fe tL erlLl ( 16(1" \ \ ~!t59h~. !I " CI'<<-..t. H.._J.~ - \ _ If' Tit,,, tu, ~ t.."".. SH~J \ ~ --3.'1.1' t .4;t:t,.) JlIjA...,y _ ...l.- I , I . ". , \ -' ~ ! .:( " -~ '. cf~ ~. '. :,1 1-,) , () IT/. tJl" "--\ SP'7"J7'3'tlW w.~__ 81~1 ,F. ~/W~''Jte. ,F/I"'HI. Ii~t' t.'#ul' ,fC/~ ,if. !";tlJtIN, R4,'/""'.J 4 7"rcets "otE' \-egal oe.cripti"" "E..,,8n A". ,. attached ha,eto and made a part hereof. ,".~1t, .f p",,,,J }1~.._t~ F". ~ ;/"rll&1 Q. ~#~.-I "~_ III"VUOl" ~~ ~ ,. \,IIIllS $lIO'HnlllAOl' b&~~ ~~ ot 0"\01 tor ~\I, ,,",'~' .. tIlI-.' .~ . fecarl1, t. ~O ~t~: ~QI ~~ ~ ':'~ lI$!tOR art ~ ~ ,,- ~..l:d-' --;;-..A ..~~G U~E" " ft'I\ll\~-- ".-' ~, u~tOlII\ll~""'--' .. '(lit -" 0\ \lIlI1IlfIII'1 \I \Ill t.IQ1l ~ ~ ~ ll'1 \lit t\IIIIt. !J aev~ IllO"'fIl\I(tGI'I. . UtI, .. ~.. \lit . jU1IonaI ~ v~ l)I&llIIltl ,-, ~ (-,:30' . ~'tt:~';,J,~1 JOI MO.~ "",.2. 5/<~t.J, .f i.-pol ""s.,.,.,t,.'" 1l""J(~e.Jt ,1 nIle:! \...... """"'..... -::r" ':r.::::::;::;:::":':'-::: :::~..;:; .., ':':41'."--""""""." ------ . .... ,.. -"" ...... -..... "",...- -"', .... r'~'1.J,,!---1 /7" /. -, ...._,~.. l:tit l/~~. ....--==- . .~~~/~ .... .... =- . .... =- - ~...... p.~\S\O~S JOSll~ll C. O'CO~O~ ~. p,of~ t..and ~ ~ OAAWN BY:.t: (J'C - ..,1_'1.7&9149 1<<' , ,. "M' >",.,.,... '" 1~" ""en 1'1.'"'' , \, . -- 6. That the fOliowing grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: t:. X ~ ~\ ~ "^j 1\\ \~~0 t~, h~ ()1~(l..~~l~...e~ (;). \ ~.\\..~ 0\'\-~ (\\.' (;\'^-.<:. VV\\. ':--"~c., ~~.:-\'- I 3c;..'..~ \\~ RS \~.J~~ 'i\:e~\i' ~ 55 6'" ('< \-~S~j , b ' ---\ ~,,~ . ~\'Ic.. \ (\ (; ~ l, 13.. ') \ --t h c ~."" '. VV\ ~ '\0 \j 'e [, 'T \..... ~ ') w \ I \ ~d I ~ l\... V\ e . '''' ~ '{tr...(' ~ \.'" 'Q.. V'I..-\ rr ~ \\ \ f \/'." {\ '{' \ 0',", -{ G ,-'IA ~ r"... ''{.(\ 'v...l\... ~c_ 6- ~ ~ c...~ '\:. ~,>.{ + k~ ex' s;\ \ II' c~ ~)\.~l ti ~ IA ~ '\~'\ <) ""(>-L~ t CA) ~~ D'^- t- kc- '~~e~-,"-\ J . DATED I C /1 X' /4'/ APPLICANT(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) 7'~lU;e IJJt/lI7t~ , ADDRESS /2(P \5 (j !D'f} /Jr; 8(~0vt~ L~~ ~ F I ))tp)-) ..... ~ . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that __he__ are/is the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to Abandonl Vacate, that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. NOT~~e of Florida My Commission Lxpires: . . . .,NIc .. II ftMIt II" .,~,.._It.I. 6-19-87 . .- APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VAC~TE The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance P~ynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies vacate/ abandon, and discontinue the, (check one): NO. 76-27 of the C~:y of to the City Commiss~~~ to v) ) ) ) ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY aa described in attached Exhibit "An, and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in conn~ctlon therewith. Said application is to be filed with the Planning Department in triplicate and applications inVOlving more than one of the above listed nonfee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in- cluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above. was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): ( ) DEED ( .""- ) DEDICATION ( ) PRESCRIPTION Recorded in _.:;M. ,., t.'- -\::- Public R~cords of Palm beach County, Book \ \ Florida. , Page J J , and 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their' property and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely effected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and juriSdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. S. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of ~ll owners and occupants bounding and abutting ~he property interest described above. . ~ ADDRESS (~\.\( ( ,,\ ~ :;",,\\\\f\.. \\''''\'\ . ,:)) r:; A), t~~ , i s-t"'c_ t f\" .,\-,"\(:.... f<x:t,d,\,'\. ~ Vl3 )- ( r ~ <. - ~ ,/ " ( I /' I \ 'r ] -, 1'( r::I,,-::(~e "'-(\ \ -\~('. )<(..,-,,-\ d d l~'~<.J"", \~....... \\,-.~~,\..,., ~ '..1.1:15') .}) \ ).S ,'S. f\,\l\<(h~lS I\v f \ ! ,[\ I l' \ , ' '\ ' \. Ct \~, I C I J .;-: I r. ,i\ .\\< I t \ ~ r ,c.. T".\l' r: ~~ ~ _' K ( ~ \ \ \~ <' , , (\ ---_._.,-.._--_..__._--~._~..__.~ 1iPPLtC~TION TO ~BM'OON/V~C~TE ~ BOYNTON BE~CH PLANNING OEP~RTMENT APPLIC~TION INFOaMATION FOaM NOTE: Thia form muat be filled out completely and accurately and muat accompany all application. .ubmitted to the Planninq Department. (Three (3) copies of application are required.) AGENT'S PHONE: , A.J " \ \ \ ~ "'^ S ~ v.- \. D S,.>- \ \( s \-\ 6 '" 0. c.e.. 1\. W \ \ \ ~ u... vV' <; \J_l.... S,cG, \ D"-\"s ~ R.> ~'^- -\ () V\ ~ ct.>-C L.... f \ . \~LD 3.St-\ I 3 ~~ :);)- PROJEC'I' NAME: AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) ~CN-6~ f-\, ~ \ L \ \ 00-lN- ,:>' OWNER'S ADDRESS:__ - tL~ ~ v\ (0~~ - ~:.) v-.:.~ '" ~e~<-l-. (~C ~ -:::)-'-\ I ~0 +:\ 3~~"3 .~.- OWNER'S PHONE: PROJECT LOCATION: (n21 legal description) \ D C~ C"'\ ~~, '-'J \t,:-\~ '^- N · ~ ec\e \fc:.. \ \ -\ \ ~ l.LLC'-.L~ ~~(hC~ .~ \. ") 3L\~ ') CORRESPONDENCE jV ADDRESS: * (if diffe~ent than agent or c'r"mer) :sc....l.-'^-~ G.. '> 0 L~ V'-.. ~ y- ... * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. \ 1 "1 I ~i~,l.~~E\I',\ ~'ll\ ~nb\ 3.~O -~9 . "E;';;'~~')~~~~~ - \::I \,..'.1 . .' . . .:;...; ~ _ ,."...... -:-:; -:"" ~ -:::.. . . T . . "7" ," :,W -I ~ ~_-:"< ....".. ._.""' .~:","1 .,,~' l,!;-,' ,;'" ,. ~ ~ .'., ),...,.J , \ .", 1'1. ~ \ k\ ~ It'''r...C:::;/~ It. r~ \ : \ ""1'. A J ~ r\ IL b.-" \ \ \ W", ~ 1~\l"ll9\~\'''\.".!> !I , '" S" ~ ",,,.~ ~ · . · · .." ~.h. II"'"'' · - '\,.. \ .1.1.1. "r-!..' .... . . .. .' -. " ,I\t\ ..\. \ . ,do - .. " .., . .' \ -" -, ~"." I "~J 'J;. .,' Nt' . . '" \" ..' .',' " .. :!;. I'~"'" ,'\.' . ". " c;;:;. . . ,(.';\ \ ., \ ... \ I."'J\" ..' " ,,,. -T . ."" " 'u \. I'V\ \ ,,"\..- " " \I '-, \ ." ' 'I; )' " L .!~ \~Il REIN '6 \ltpM 5t' t.,.@",l , s~" 0 ".E<~ .) ~, '0' tA~. ytl. ~. .. ,,' .. . .' . . . .. · ";~fE~~~'~, ~o:' '~., ',", '~; , . ~' ' . ':, ~\ @" 1 ,0, " . " .. ~1 \\-~i~) l ... E:f ~ ,0,,' o.~ \ ~) i, ", .' . .,,' .... . .. . . '\ Ii. ~ \ ti \ . .,,'" .':~ - - - - -,,,,- - -....., "!' . ..' ~ 0_ ,O'~~ " .. ",.." l ~.~ -.-:,"' ~_.~ ~ .. . ~:; ,... \ ~';\:...i ., ,:1\' .:,,' 2 '" " ,,,,", ., " '.. ' , " r ~ \ \ \ " <" ' ,.... . ,...' ...' .'" .. 'r" ' "~;'.'" 00 '(4' \. .<>" , ~ '" .' . .;~~ \ \ I', \ \ t-:"'~. \. \ ". ,. .u" ' . ',. ...... 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I . 'r;. t>. . . ' . .:;J~ ',lb(J 11 i~j\ >,:; ~~1 . '.: .~\ ..)X' ;..:~t~ . ,,;; ,I ."'t~~ "1I~ ,; j :~ 1 ,tllCl 111"~' 101' II' z.'l..~ I .. In \1 L \ J. . ITANOAIID ~f f'J. fU,. IUIIVEY LEGEND "''', ...".(..t....~) I. """ ,~ l1I"I'~ ""...11_' ,\ t 1II1p/-' ISlIO 1I.101low_ {~\~ A Ne I>AA AI.~A. UI. -.."" III 1I0u C, CoIc_ ...- -'"'?-- c::::ll t....... C."', - ..... .{I" ~ 11_... C,II, - r ~~ I.(.S., - , ("; "..., CI~ C.... LIlI' ,.... t~ . H.)-I.... \ ColII_IJM ~ ") :JI C. c... ~ " ~ Don'IColtlrIl """" · ~~r' I/W 10<l0" WtIO' \ Ilt\ ''''1 lJ. 1Iow.... ,., - ~ ' ~l - '...... I', ....,. . j ;;...}" . I.~, ....~ II. '*' ..- ".N, ....- n' NoR .....- IHlVO -- YII'Uc.II,*",," OH. 0.0._ t O.U, 01llCIII_' "- .... ~ .. O.S.O. O'It1oll.s.,Il'" 0'1t1oll ,,~ " ( On IJM { ~,\ ~ "'( , ,.. ,- _.) '. 11_' ~~ r ..f,) ',I. ,..- ... \":~ '.C, -.. ~ .~ li C_... '.j ',C,C. _oICom. 1'1,* pI\lnd CoMluro t: '.C,'. "'- I\~ Con/lfl ""'0' H P'oIId"II'II'" ........., 11<1I0Il (. '.K, ,,,...'1tIlorI Hili .' '. , ',0.'. ....01.. " "glMlng '.O.C ....n1of c:ommonc-f '.R.C, '-'1\1 of Rov.r.. ~~~ CurwI"'. '.T, _01 ~~. T~ ~~ pt. hgt { ~ LItle ".,. "'1*11 ~ ... ~C.1lIl . - R,I, ~_og RIW Rlglll""Woy :to Ilt_ 5I<lloo c."., Storr T.O.I. To, of..... U", Ul~1ly ..... lea~l liesCrlDtIOr.: . t. ~ .v.I!. 7~".sh-e.'t' N,~tll I ..c-e<< e,-..I { '''''. I I H.' J' -4>/":')9 ~"!J , 0.'..."" ~~- i! t. ,h r.,,.., ~'N' tI,,~ S-.,.<<,. __ (Zf'1: #111",...1(' II/..~ _ ~"'1>4,,.) ~,,..u - -l... '" I- I '{J , '. ~'':,,-, (. ". ", , : ~ ...... l'.1 1 ;.' ... ~ , -l ~ '''''37',70'' ~~c;..,:tt,' ., - ~ "o"I...,c~ Jj _____ rq~f, Prooertv Address: - ___ 1009 North hderil HiohMilv - ~ Bovnton Buch. Florida Certified Tal Horice A. Nilliill --- lot 3 and the North 40 feet of Lot 4. Block I. LAKE ADDITION TO &OYNTON. FLORIDA, accordina to till alit thertof on filt In the Offie. of the Clerk of'the Circuit Court in ,nd for Pall &each County, Florida. as r.corded it Pl,t Book 11, Paa. 71, les~ the rioht-of-uv far U.S, Hiqhuv No. I, . Additional Surveyor's Note: Phase note the tRtensive encroachltnts fa Subject lot.s ilorovtltntl into the adjoininq 20 foot Allev alonq uid lot'l Nut line, The .bove desCribed lands contiin /Y?.. 'errs. lore or Ins, B,"~".t.~.Y ,5'"''''11 ~~t/~J .1 L,t.r')"f- BI.f I "" 1:>4. /,I -' ~ 71 F,.,.. : )/4n,e, -9 H/,;aiMJ' I HEREBY CERTIFY lhl! Ihe SkllCh ShOwn hereon IIld \Ill IIIMy on whIc:IIllla bUId WII dOlIt ullllet my IUpervlslon and II COIracllo 1111 best 01 my knowledge and lltUtl and tIIII. conlonnl 10 lIlI appllcabll flQU" ,.enll 01 Cl\aplar 472 aI \Ill Florida SIiIUIII and C/lIpter 21HH oIlh1 FIotkI, AdmInistralir. . , e; ITAHDAIID IUIIVEYDII'I ~a . , . landl Ihown hIrIon 11M not bNn lbs\rICIed by this oNICllot IIHI\IIIIIS, rtMIVlIIonI 01 r1Q~ISo(ll'way 01 rlCOrd. 2. Beartng RellttllCt: 81at1nVI and/fll AngIU lhown hlflDn III fllallvl 10 tlllllInt notld IIIrton II Ill. "SEARING LINE" II RIORUllIIIlIId In IhIlleld, 3, Undarground Improvtmenll wert noIloc:Itld. 4, Th. ball olthll IUMy lithe I.IgIl DeacrtpllOn pro. vldad by Ih. cllIRI. $, Elevatlonl lhown herlOll. /lIllY. 1ft rNllvt 10 llle ~Iollll GaodIllC VI/1ICIl DIIum 0111128. NOIe: Thll Document Is nol valid unllSllNltd willi an ~ SuMyOl'I SUl. Dateol Drawing: sil.?!.,1 -; I .,. , /"' DateofSurvlY: 5'/2.1/'1 ;.~~t.~_. Flela ilook .fl:L-- , Pagl 1t:al /. "/ Profll.1onal ~ FlorIdI Rlglalra/.iOll No. 4~ REVISIONS SCALE: /"s3(/ . DATE:S',~/,,, JOB NO.: 9'09-2 JOSEPH Co OtCONNO~ INC~ Pro{esJionall..and SUTWy Consultant 407-278-9249 DRAWN BY: J: 0'(: 1 1-" -;.... l(l"'l 6. That the follOwing grounds and reasons are 8upport of thi8 application: \-('.' ( ~.> ~('. c.....\~r'- V-(~~''^~(\ .('~\\;... \ \. ~ ^- submitted in '" \.-~ 0 \:\ '- ) ~. kfo.. ) ~€-'~ '<2. ~ )\ .;', ~:<: '<.c :-. 'S , (, ,- ~. \...~ \\-~ ~ -. c.. V\C'" br.'~,,^'- 'I L ,,,- \,\I,-~ (l,J,' \'v,>:-~ L~t \~ 'c~d\\~ (I... l \ f!. ,^C!-'l'C..c,c\, \AA. (2..:t- " t.;"o ,~:' L"_ l'''' \lcl,~,-)c 6..<;;, r)("-~'t M i k~ <:::.J<:~~\'^~ ~~\C\.~I'Vor) \C- -t 5~ ~~"c y- ~s.'.. -\'0.." D \A- -+ ke. ~~ 0'e.,,<~\ ~~ . DATEDz (),"J'!: ) ("( / , . ~ ,~~ .f APPLICANT(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) 2;??',tc(;' t?tL.~/k~~- ADDRESS /2G, 5[0 /o'J.} 4u ~~~)~'l'k"''''''' &-ct.cL-;J, 'Ss.{3) -:~ ..:;;;. STATE OF FLORIDA' COUNTY OF PALM ~EACH The above named appllcant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that __he__ are/is the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to Abandonl Vacate I that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. '-of ',:,., ;J:. of Florida My Commission Expir~s: . ...., h,;" ..".... II WIt. uw,....,..... )l .. t ,[- '~ 6-19-87 IL7 APPLICATION TO AaANDONiVAC~~~ The undersigned; pursuant to Ordinance Bcynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies vacate, abandon, and discontinue the, (check one). NO. 76-27 of the C:~: cf to the City Commissl~~ to V) ) ) ) ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the City and the public in and to any lan~ in conn~ction therewith. said application is to be filed with the PlanninQ Dcrartment in triplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed nontee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in- cluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the pUblic in and to the specific property interest described abcve was acquired and 1s evidenced by, (check one): ...::;;;. ) DEED v) DEDICATION ) PRESCRIPTION P ) (.\.. ~ Book I I Palm Beach County, Florida. , Page I I , and Recorded in ~ Public Rer.ords of 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their' property and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely effected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and juriSdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is not a part of any state or federal highway system, and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. S. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abuttinJ the property interest described above. NAME :tI tJc:"'./ ;.LL5.21: ~-a7/ -){W ADDRESS '-' "J .' I" 'C ."i(1 C'} t _'>~ \ \J . 1:_ I \ ') -- _ T ~'\ 1-,. . I .- \ ",:\., ,- \')" '\,,<\.1.:......,\ ~\l:'~tQ\" t-. I ,) ,) ~.~:.> '. ~\ ) ') t\J, -t~. ~\", ~(\.\ H~<ll."\LJ:'-'-J '~C', \v~\\_" K",L'"<.''^ f I :nL\-~:)- \ ::~. \ );-S, 1\1\,(,r~',-~,~ Y\v .:F \, l. "'-.,,(\~. '\ A ,'-.i~ -r ( TS3 u~ :i,' . ~ / 'I \.' \ \ " r" t, rZII/IIY c\ \ \\\ '<. :l....v-\.,.\.~.."..l~_')\'- \\.i\L.\ 1(1/ 7 11./ '1~'/ /yfllt/ ~:Y'l/) , L',.\ ~' vV\(. ,f c: '~['v'\..C ' iT 4} I / ('- \:: ~ ~','.. \ \ '~:'I. (\\ ~PPLICAT!ON TO ABANDON/VACATE ! BOYNTON BE~CH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM This form must be tilled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the planning Department. (Three (3) copies of application are required.) NOTE s PROJECT NAMEs AGENT'S NAMEs AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT'S PHONE: OWNER'S N1\MEs (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRESSL- - OWNER'S PHONE: l,U\ c\ \~..~ ~ ~v:\(:) b"-\~ -~ \-\b-~OL e ~, W \ \, ~ C"-- V1-1 ,~ --1 '2.'-., S w I tJ't L-. Ad ~~~~ ~eY-~~'" \: \ 3-.3l\~J- "1 3 ~ '3;5 'i \ ~~0--~ E- Ax"\ C~'~ \ \ \ t'((.(,~5 \ )-l:, ,S~ \ C\ ~ ~~ b~6..~ -t\ ?~ <., ~ ~;- -S5-~ ~.~'" '\lJ \' <) {~G PROJECT LOCATION: \ OD 0, N I (~ legal description) D ~ (~')~; ~ VI. ~ """ ~~c\~\i~\ \\\~~~r"",~) ~(.::-(\.~ ~ \=- \ ' .3"~ '1"3 .) CORRESPONDENCE ~ C ADDRESS:- .V\ ~;("-Vv'.\;, A\ (if different than agent or own-..r) DL~ V.....e_ y- 4 * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Plannino , Zonino Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, Auoust 13, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach to consider an application, submitted by Horace A. Williams, to abandon a portion of a 20 foot Alley dedicated by the Plat of LAKE ADD1TION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, accordino to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, of the Public Records of Palm Beach county, Florida, said abandonment being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the East Quarter Corner ob Section 21, Township 45 south, Range 43 East; thence North 00 00' 00" East alono the centerline of Martin Luther Kino, Jr. Boulevard (A.K.A. Northeast lOth Avenue), a di8tance of 1.60 feet, more or les8, to the point of intersection with the West Line of Block 1, of said Plst of LAKE ADDITION TO ~CN FLORIDA, extended; then South 07 37' 30" West a distance of 1~1.31 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1 of said Plat, and thS POINT OF BEGINNING of said abandonment; thence continue South 07 37' 30" west alono said West Line a distance of 90.36 feet; thence South 90 00' 00" West a distance of 20.18 feet to a point of intersection with the East Right-of-way Line of the Feorida East coast Railroad as shown on said Plat; thence North 07 37 30 East along said East Rioht-of-way Line a distance of 90.36 feet; then~p North 000 00' 00" E~st alono the North line of said Lot 3, Block 1, extended, a distance of 20.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. In addition, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on Tuesday, August 20, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, or as soon thereafte~ as the agenda permits. . All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings In person '.' by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to . appeal b~Y decision of the Plannino & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and 4vidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS July 26 & August 2, 1991 , ~,~J-\ ~_lUl~ lVlr-~ WILLIAMS' AUTO SALES :J::' ~ ......._ I--r-< -:;,.. _.f- -- r I _~ .-~.~ r 1 ,- -,~- I- .- 1. ,: . -T f- ~ 1 ~. I ~lO' :.. : . \~\1 t:'" h1,'n~ ~ ~ ,_ =~ :.: r ,...- "1 '''';d tl,"" - ...l. L-L- t= K ' I T\..o< 1 - -~ '). '('\ ~ L- ' .. 'i:) "~J~ 1 '1= f1: c-~ T I >-<:><~~~x~::.:~ - ~ C. ~ ,_ . I ~--'5~)"''/ ~ :"l- ~~ ,Ufll 11f' ~ ~ hf:I 11 Ilr"- ....,.. (/.~ f-t.1\. II 11 f.Siii '-= I :i L-t:..:../' ~__ I T -;::; l.. . \ \ ,.......::;:t , .. " 1 , \ 1 \ -- '............ -- \ I 11 ..;..- " " I I \ -1 -,,-:rr.- ~ ~ r ~ . I , 0 . ~ ~ '" e I j ',l II I- .. t2 .. . . & . ! E u ~ r<~ I I I :\ rrTTT7 H HIT r' I- l-<.l; L --/ T \111'T' I /."1T1T' L_ L ' 1 \ 1\ .-' /: T :/ 1 '... , I 1;: :11 11"1 i I ...- : ,:1 T 1 1 :~I i, ,I" T 1 ;:', . "~~,~~ MIL~SI~ ~ ~ ._ .__ I I . , r,---11 -n'I\I: '- = . '----r',,' - - .....-.'.' ....l ~ r--tI I II ,............. =-~ ~ r1It~L ~II'....- ~ _ ""'" "7 ......J.."'--l" ~_ r-> y J.. .. r I- ~~- Y.. ..,...,-.7-,,1 f.-- ,- _ ')0<.. yo"," ..... ~- 1-{(")'7/'...... T 'nU:1Jll1 I I 1 In r I IIIIlC; ..., L .' ~ ~I ,,1 : _ J!~/~' '::0-:' " '. r:::;- : ',' Lt. ~,',' rr 1. ~~ .~' -1 1 I '!, I " ""-- . I .- !~" _,.JF1 ;3-- illl'! ' jl..., I 11 -q c.. "\ I I r\lI'" t . ../ ", "...,.. '" 1. ,111".0 ,1' it l-' -d-I- PU~ ~tffi3~e7"':~] ++,'; ~ .....~~.: .. " ~ ~~~ n I - ~~~~ ~ ,I I 1, J- :J~ ' . :iI:: 1--.v ~ Oil. I'\-rrr ~/~ ~ ~ [ll1t M ~ .. I :a,., I (.\ ~ ~j-, ' ~lo~ ~. T~', ,: _~ 'e.... u ~<<9~ t:'; 111' TI": I-'r ,;.0 , .... ~ _" f)"" I~ W \ I = ~ ~,,~ ~ ~ :'l'~' ~~ h- e r:I ~ \-.~ n '" ~l ......'"' LlWI\rO'V ,\ 11 ~ -- .1..;..!3~' '~IP ....~rI II ,.:::,: -.:::,; , f= ~ 1 QJ.I. 11 11ill1 ~:: I \== ,~ _0 11 II" ~ .... i= - . :ii!~ H ;> r'l'&'~~"'= ~ .;:. C<i 1 ~ _ r- ~ ~~A ~ ~ _0-. \ ;- ~ rl:J~ W CIB~ ..1 ~ ~ ;~ ~f' "I'T'~- ill' Ii ~l~:.-;"'lt... ,- A;-t~ T i' .....JI "'111 ,.- _I \ i' C ' '~: , "I:,.. I I . " ." '/ "...--_.----...-J 11'1" ~1Jl[ 1l1111'it,II, "" BI \. ~,~~ ~' \ lr---' :' ' " \1" 'lD ~ 'i-~ Bll~lI11 ~O' I._ ,\~:1T ,11 r'l"'tlillT!\:~~ ',' "t-' .-1.... [. I";II!'!\~~ r- ,l I I ~ HIJiI '01" ~"FI~H.." "\ \:n ~ .,.. eo , lIliF .!.u.J ',. ,1,\ . , ~_ -.5 ~ ' I = 11 1'1 I I' I 11111 1 ' -I " rtnITrT;""' I . ~ ~ - -- 'I . 'I . ~~ t ~ ~ \ U \tHt111T'11 I . ...t. ~ fji"" 1ffi1\ H'" I I" :':; 0 1/6 r , i\~~~~J,~t 7,..... ,;;:~II',~1,~~ ';:f rT ~ TIll 1 II . - - . ~ ~~ ~ ...., -1 II' , JI";' '::J cO': I .~~ . ~c : ..., 1-..- 01- !'"J) ... ~J.I' ~~.:.: r:=- - , ~.~ ~~ ~ '~. .- ,\ 2'= ~ II II I of I e 1 I---' TI~ "r 1"1- ~ \ 1- ; 1; i i i \-' STAHOAIID IURVrY UIlUlD I. .., ,r,.IIn 1ocI..,T_, ....'1WltI 11,10 (In.''' -.. A..._... -..11... .... tole..... .....,"'."..,.. c::::;:) eoou.. c ..., eoou....... Ilnoa... eoou... "..- e_ Uot ,_ toMwuoe c... ~ (CtoIItI Meltl I... II MI. ...- '- '- no "" no_ IltIt ".....- 1I,It, 11.._ It., '""',_ NOVO ....___ _ Dol... Olt, __ 0,.,., 011",",__ - 0,',0, 0'...,.",5..... 0'11. o.UM PIal (._., ,,- PIal- _II ~... ',C,C, _ 01 Com- ,.... CvMl... "e", "'_ ConI,... ...., _01""01' - ',l, ~~""'1\Mn H'" ',0,', _01 "'_I ',DC, _01 ~ ""e, _ 01_.. e_.... _01 Toot_ h" If","", Unt ""PtIl\' llwt1. ConlW f\Wl., AI.,.. ,'.... Ng/lI' ...r AI..,.,,,, _ c.nw S'MY T,O,', TOll II.... u", Ullllr.... ".'1 A AM .,.., tit C, C,\1 C/\ ( eM, ~ IIW II, 't, - I.', \,1- M, t " "., "c, P.I. ',T, ,., l "",, ..... R U, ~ *, LrD') ~escriDtlor.: .~ -.'( '. "rJ " \Y~- 'I ',1 M :-'( . ~ " ~ ~~ .(~ "1 '-.: , ~, ""'.1 ~~ (. " " s_ '....: :::. ".It ~,R'.., ,'- -=-e- - .-.., '" (...r....~) ,,~ ~E, 7'''Sh-e..t- ( ff .. ~, ;t~ """'~\! .~- It" ~ "r ~ (..~~~/. t \ N...,.. .., ~ ....-., , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~." ,\i~ ~,~ ~! I '.;;, .r" .'^'4) ,.c-e eL e"-al ( 1';:1#' n' ''bY ... f' ~ t.'~ " ~ ~,\ ~ ~~ l .. ~ '... f~ ,\..,...... ... . ,~ ~~~ ~J' ~ . ' I;:. :fy"t) ~.F" , 9' .J"'Jr}~ r """tA I , , 1-/.'&' .f'/~~ ~4 ~ I ,. c,-.,t. _, -"7"-" .0.'..."'- ';~- '" I ~h 1;,.... , ~ '- "'4N, tZ 11ft s.......... '" . (2of'..., ~..,,-, N,....L - . R",,,.,.,.) y,.~ -- -+-- I , I :f\ . '. J , .(~..~: . " . :~ .....,l..J ;,' .. ~ ! ~ ,,,#o:1;".::r,," ----ze ~/Jr,'.v, ~ - ----:!...- "~"/~~c~ 7.i , ~ r'u/i Proo.rtv Addrnsl -____ 1009 North Fed.ril Hiohwav. - 1l0yntDn lluch. Florid. Certifi.d TOI Horac. A. Nilli'l. t~! ~ And lh. North 40 fe.t of Lot 4. Bloct 1. LAKE ADDITION TD &OYHTON. FLORIDA. accordlno to thl alit thlrlof on fill In tne Offic. of lb. Cl.rk of'th. Circuit tourt in and for P,I. &"ch County. FlorId'. .5 recordld at Plat Boot 11. Pial 11. less the riohl-of-woY for U.S. Highwiv No. I. ' ---- Tnt .bove detcribed lands cont,in _~.!_~. acrlS. lore or I.ss. Additional SurVIvor', Notl!: Phu. note the rltensive .ncro,chlents fo Subj.ct Lot's ilorovrRrnts into th. ,djoininq 20 foot Allev .lonq s,id Lot's Nrst Line. B'H#'''*'''_~.Y .su,we 11 ~~t;~J ~/k1:rJ~1- $/.fl ..... R6. II ~ ~7/ I HEREBY CERTIfY \hJ{ the skelch shown helfOr'l iIld \III IUMy 011 wI1Ith III based was clOlII undff my supervision and '1 correcllo lilt bell 01 my kIlowltdQl iIld bollllllld II1IlI conlonna 10 \lit appllcabll requlr,' 01101 Cllaptl/' ~72 o/!hI FlotIdI SlJ!ul.. iIld Chapllf 21HH 01 \111 FloI1dJ AdmInlslrallv, L ' . Noll: Thl. Documenlls not yJjld unless seJled wltll an III\bosSId SuM)'or'. Seal, ~IIOIOt,wl/)~; S-li!.l-/?I /? Dall of SUMy: 5"/2.1/'/ ~ . /"J;lfpn C, O'CoMat ,~ ll<.4Il .ilL- , P.g. .:l.t:.lff ,,' ofTol~1oIIII LanCI SuMyOl' / AcrI4I Reglsll1\lon No, 4502 JOSEPH c. O'CONNO~ INe:' ProfesJiDnal Land s"'~ Ccnsultant 407.27&9249 'o'C~ <: \:,'"",: lhnw,y, DdrdY tkach, FL 33483 h.....: #4'4e~ ~ H/,;ttiM.l' ITAHOAIID SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1. Lands shown herlOn I\avl nol been lbaliaclld. by thIs olflet lor IWInInlS, rlWVlllon. or rlght.-ol-way of rlCDrd, 2. BMrlng ReIIllllCl: 86aI1ng. IIId/or Anglt. .hown hlrlOn art llliIlYa 10 tIIaIllnt nollclllellon as Ih. "BEARING LINE" !Ja mcnumenllclln the lIeld. 3, Und.rground Improvtllllnl. werl not locIlad, ~. Thl baSI. of \Ills survey q th. Legal Oeser/pilon pro- vided by lilt cllllll. 5, E1lvallon. shown hereon, If any, arl ralallve 10 thl National GIOClIlic VlrtlcalllaIum of 1828, REVISIONS SCALE: /"'30' , DATE: S,J/.." JOB NO.: ""1-2- DRAWN BY:.To (J'(:, .. r""" r r'I ,1V ~.T'.I),/ . 1 e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planninq & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BE~CH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, Auqust 13, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall 1n the Commi..ion Chamber., 100 Ea.t Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynteu Beach to con.ider an application, .ubmitted by Horace A. William., to abandon a portion of a 20 foot Alley dedicated by the Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, according to the plat thereof, recorded in plat Book 11, Page 71, of the Public Record. of Palm Beach county, Florida, laid abandonment being more particularly described a. follow.: Commence at the East Quarter Corner ob Section 21, Township 45 south, Range 43 East; thence North 00 00' 00" East along tbe centerline of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevar4 (A.K.A. Northeast lOth Avenue), a di.tance of 1.60 feet, more or les., to the point of intersection with the West Line of Block 1, of said Plst of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, extended; then South 07 37' 30" West a distance of 151.31 feet, more or les., to the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1 of said Plat, and thS POINT OF BEGINNING of said abandonment; thence continue South 07 37' 30" west along said We.t Line a distance of 90.36 feet; thence South 90 00' 00" West a distance of 20.18 feet to a pOint of intersection with the East Right-of-way Line of the FAorida East _ Coast Railroad as shown on said Plat; thence North 07 37 30 East along said EastoRiqht-of-way Line a di.tance of 90.36 feet; thence North 00 00' 00" East along the North line of said Lot 3, Block 1, extended, a distance of 20.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. In addition, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the'city Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on Tuesday, . August 20, 1991 at 7:00 P~M. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. All 1nterested.p&rties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the planning & zoning Board or City commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS July 26 & August 2, 1991 .. e e -. E X H I BIT .. A U LeJal Descri~tlon Abandonment of a 20 Foot Alley Abandonment ot . portion of a 20 toot Alley dedicated by the Plat at LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA. acoordinl to the plat thereof. reoorded in Plat Book 11. Pa.e 71. of the Public Reoords ot Palm Beach County. Florida. said abandonment beinl more partloularly described as followa: Commence at the East Quarter Corner of Section 21. Township 45 South. Ran.e 43 East: thence North 00. 00' 00" East along the centerline of Hartln Luther Kine. Jr. Boulevard CA.K.A. Northeast 10th Avenue'. a distanoe of 1.60 feet. more or le.s. to the point of intersection with the West Line of Block 1. of said '~at ot LAKE ADDITION'TO BOYNTON FLORIDA. extended: thence South 07. 37' 30" We.t a distance at 151.31 feet. more or less. to the Northwest oorner of Lot 3. Block 1 ot said Plat. and the POINT OF BEGINNING of aaid abandonment: thence continue South 07- 37' 30" West alan, said West Line a distance of 90.38 teet: thence South 90.00' 00" West a dhtance of 20.18 teet to a point of intersection with the East Right-of-Way Line ot the Florida East Coast Railroad as shown on said Plat: thence North 07- 37 30 East alonl said East Right-of-Way Line a distance of 90.38 feet: thence North O~ 00' 00" East along the North Line of said Lot 3. Block 1. extanded. a distance of 20.18 teet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ...::r. - . . 6. That the tollcwing grounds and reasons are submitted i~ support of this application: _X ~ ~ ~ ^r: \"(-,_" \c b~_ (~~'C\..'v..(~l'_ ",~J V,) " I. ........ \ .... \ ~ ^ I I 0. t\-~ c' v\ ) ".......'-'.. \~ ,~~.;.,:" '-~ ~"(";.....\.r_ ,->".\ \ <._~ 'c _~, \..~ ~ ~~ ' '^-~' "t:' S c:;- ~ C. . ~ ~ b ".... ' · -r L,-",,-,> '-r- c..:. t:::. ~ I \",^--. \.-c..: <>:.. (.,.... \ l, \-~t.'+'".<;. t..... ~ ",- ~ 'v\~ "'"~ '" "'\\.'=:.~ Il'\~'~)\ ~ l.."~ ~,-\c ,r- -b '\,'\A.'-\ 't~1. ,~\.~ Sc:: ~:.~ ~'--"'* ~,-t-{'f::- L).....'~ (c~ ~ c.t.c~ ~~ "\- s bct..c\;:.. '-\<-r:. ~Q:.." c"'-,~, ""\ \\.l;.- 0 (~ ~ ~:::\) DATED: APPLICANT(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) ADDRESS / 2/;5'~ /C..7:f. ;-)\.: &';J ~ 'iL--B:-c.<lt I t=/ 33 1../3~'" ~. -. ' /' .- :I.. c::- 2- ,-;x-:-u' & t:.,.~~ STATE OF FLORID~ · COUNT! OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that __he__ are/is the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to Abandon' Vacate I that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. My Commission Expires: - ...., NIl ... II ...... II &MIl ~ 0IalIIiIIIIII falIiII- 'I. ,. 6-19-87 , ., APPLICATION TO Aa~DON/V~C~T The undersiQned, pUrsuant to Ordinance Boyn~on Beach, Florida, hereby applies vacatel abandon, and discontinue the, (check one)~ v) ) ) ) NO. 76-27 of the C:~~ cf to the City Co~~iss::~ to ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NON FEE INTEREST OF THE CI~ as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in conn~ction therewith. Said application is to be filed with the Planning Department in triplicate and a~plications involving more than one of the above listed nonfee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in- cluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the pUblic in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): ( ( ( ) DEED V) DEDICATION ) PRESCRIPTION · P fe- \ ' Palm BeQ~h County, Recorded in _...::;;;. Public Records of Book J{ Florida. , page.]L, and 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be qranted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their' property and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely effected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is not a part of any state or federal hiqhway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of al~ owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. ~ c...\~ ~~'t'A ,Sc,,~,,~~ ~~~ b 1\ ~ Mc.c,,- e '":t\l\.Q., 1= E C- ~(\).~ \ Y" c.c.A I " 4 ADDRESS 3" ~- J \ - -' tL... (7:\ A~ I'll t.::. t 1:S - '-.; , lY-l~,^""',"" ~~'" +=, 3~)Y.5.5- r - A.I - ~ \ b!. .1 )..-'~ {"-.I. ~c.:~'(\, ,~~\.,~ \~A.:'i' '\0 Y\ ~~ ~t, F' ~ ~i.~~- s \ 2.::;- s, A \AeJ (~~ ~ 1\\1 . ~-\, ~o..u.(~~_~&,,\~ 'f' 33~16 e e APPLICATION TO ~a~DON/V~C~TE The undersiqned, pUrsuant to Ordinance Boyn~on Beach, Florida, hereby applies vacatel abandon, and discontinue the, (check one)s NO. 76-27 of the C:~~ cf to the City Co~miss:;~ to v) ) ) ) ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CI~ as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the City and the publiC in and to any land in conn~ctlon therewith. Said application is to be filed with the Planning Department in triplicate and a~plications involving more than one of the above listed nonfee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in- cluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the qeneral area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): Recorded in _...::;;;. Public Records of ) DEED V) DEDICATION ) PRESCRIPTION . ~ fc- \ ' Palm Bea~h County, Book J ( Florida. , page~, and 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereot, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their' property and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely effected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is not a part of any state or federal highway system, and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. S. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of a11 owners and occupants boundin9 and abutting the property interest described above. -- !:!M:1! ADDRESS c...\'~ ~~'(\A tS:"uncl~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ Mc.c,,-e T,^e. I 3,.,.- ..t i - .- fL.. ...1 A~ ''\lIt:::., t:s - c.:~. tyJ..~,^"''''' ~~"',: \ 3:SYJ"S- r - Al - ( II . j).. ~ , '-J. ~ <.; '-'--:'(1, \ f.''t ~i '^~ \~...:)"''\c\'\ ~~~.t, F \ ~~{~~- "';> \ .....,:- " 1\, "\''1",'('", A,r ' , , ,'. ..., e e 'APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE ,~ BOYNTON BE>'CH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLIC>.TION INFORMATION FORM This form must be filled out completely And Accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the planninq Department. (Three (3) copies of application are required.) NOTE s PROJECT N1>.ME: AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT'S PHONE: OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRESSs .:;;;;;. OWNER'S PHONE: . 0\ \ \ .~'-~S ~~ (SC.~~ S ~L ~~e ~ \ '^- ". \ \ \ '" 0-"^^-.5 .J..).l:, S W l D~ 1\0 C6.~,^~ ~ \:. \ 3"'3",~) '\ ~.J ~ 3 s~ ~ ( I f\ \, \' . \~~.~~ t-\,Wi\ \C'-~s \"1-~ S ~ \e,~ l\~ rs~--S"'~-- ~~t.... +, s'~ ~ ., s- "\ '1 \c 3> ~ iJ PROJECT LOCATION: (not legal description) \ -- . I GC q ~. r-eA~~\ +-\:'~'L'~("~) tS e ''"\'-^'~ \S ~c... '{: t "5 .~ t.f ~ ':>- CORRESPONDENCE ...A...,. <' , ADDRESS s * ~ 'JJ....VV'\. e. (if different than aqent or ownet) Ci... c..> D uJ V'\ ~ ~ . - - * This is the address to which all agendas', letters and other materials will be forwarded. e ~ \ tj!; h>~-,' ~L; e ~DA COMPANY PUBLIC ..... It .,.,,9 we ......... Iff .... P.o. Drawer C West Palm Beach Florida 33402-3395 July 23, 1991 Mr. Vincent A. Ffnfzfo Administrative Coordinator of Engineering The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 RE: Alley Abandonment Request submitted by Williams Auto Sales Dear Mr. Finizfo: Please be advised that Florida Public Utilities Company has no obejction to the abandonment of the existing 20' easement described in your July 17, 1991 letter. At the present time, we have no underground gas distribution facilities located, within the limfts of the proposed abandonment. ...:;:;." . ~d David E. Pel1ico Engineer . . . , e e C4ifftcal' c....'I.i." ., W... "eIIIl I..", .. ,~, NO""OOlnl -'''''''\1 W." ""11\ INc" 'lll.... U.D1 "on '7""" 1.0')...'.... ,-.. ~ CCJMCAI!IT G/6/91 Vine.at A. r~ftt.~o Adainl.tratlv. Coordinator or !n,inl.rin, lbt City or Boynton I.acb 100 I. Boynton Belch Blvd. P.o. lo~ 310 Boynton !..cb. PL 33435-0310 R!: Alley Abandon.ent Requelt lubmitted ~1 Wl11!a.. Auto Sah. ' near Mr. 'initio: CO.Cllt Cabl..i.on of w..t "I. B.,ch hi' no obJ.ction in tb. .11'1 .bandon..nt. Pleas. feel free to c.ll .e it thert are an1 question.. Sineerel,. ~"'-,._~ Cl'~"-""'\_ \.. DOlDi n i q.ua Au I'" i....::;;;. . COD.truotion Coordinator DAI., . . -~-------_._._-,_.._--" G F=PL e .' '., ,,.., ,. ..' O,I,ay '..cll, f\ U44J.Z4OI ' -. ^UgURt 1, 1991 Mr. Vincent Finlzio City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Abandonment of Easement for Williams Auto Sales. Dear Vince, In response to your letter of July 17, 1991 FPL has no objection to the request for abandonment. FPL can foresee no future use of this easement by our facilities. If you should have any questions please contact me at (407) 265 - 3187. Sincerely, -r -'~~t1>r- Don A. Urqo Account Manager ...::;;;. .. In fPl Graur r..amplny " '~: . . e e@ Southern Bell 326 Fern street w.st Palm Beftch, FL 33401 .... July 24, 1991 FUe. 240.0911 Mr. V. A. rinizio Administrative Coordinator of Enqineerinq P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: ALLEY ABANDONMENT REQUEST SUBMITTED BY WILLIAMS AUTO SALES Dear Hr. Finizio: Please be advised that Southern Bell has no objection to the requested abandonment under the following condItion: The property owner will provide a properly recorded utility easement suitable to Southern Bell for the maintenance of the existing Southern Bell poles and aerial cables/terminals servinq this location and the customer at 1017 N. Federal Highway. Southern Bell facilities presently exist within this area under Florida statutes addressinq utilities construction within public rights-of-way. Southern Bell has no objection to the subsequent encroachment of the existing structure within this easement. Should you have any questions please contact me at (407) 837-9061. ...::;;;._ your"i1h- c~. Lonsdal. Engineer CJL/rr A 'I'L&.SOUrH Compel'lY . ~ e e IIIClNEEllIHC DEPAR'l'MENT .MEMORANDUM NO. 91-luee con't. T.R.I. COMMENTS - ,"utAH's AUTO SALIS 10. Percolation teat data and associated teat location plana are required to verify hydraulic conductivity, K. 11. Separate the exfiltration trench ayate. froa the water main by a .inimum of 10 feet and .ove the exfiltration ayste. under pave.ent. ut(;e~~ eee & Jenson Consulting Engineera Engineering WRS:VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Hanager ....;.. . . . . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO.91-143CC July 31. 1991 -, TO: Christopher Cutro Director of Planning FROM I Vlncent A. Flnlaio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RBa TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS WlLLUK'S AUTO SALES CONDITIONAL USE REVIEW GEORGI C. DAVIS, ARCHITECT In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, specifically Chapter 19, Section 19-17, "Plan Required", including Chapter 5. Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations". Section 5-142 inclusive. the applicant for the above referenced project shall submit tbe following plan revisions. information and tecbnical data. 1. The applicant shall provide a photometric plan depicting the level of illumination within the parking facility. Lighting systems shall be photo- cell activated and plan submissions shall comply with the requirements as set forth in Section 5-l42(a). "Required Lighting". including Section 5-l42(g). "Lighting Standards". 2. Provide handicap stall striping details which conform to tb~ requirements set forth in the Department of Community Affairs Accessibility Requirements Manual (lastest edition). Section 5-l42(k). "Handicap Requiremenu". . 3. Provide raised continuous concrete curbing where parking stalls abut landscaped areas in accordance with Section 5-l42(e). "Required Curbing". Curbing shall be interrupted to f~ilitate stormwater drainage into grassed areas. - . 4. Clearly depict u~on the submitted plans, the proposed vehicle display area. The display area shall not block the ingress/egress aisle nor encroach upon the 27 feet free backup area for the designated standard and handicap stalls as specified within Section 5-142 appendix. 5. Federal Highway shall be posted with standard Department of Transportation approved (No Parking) signage in accordance with the State of Florida, Department of Transportation's "Roadway and Traffic Design Standards". Index 117358. ' 6. The specified lighting system contains luminaires with the equivelent of 1.000 watts and in order to abate glare, the lighting system should be modified in order to limit glare. Standards and luminaires types shall be modified to utilize energy efficient fixtures with an approximate wattage of 400 watts. Additionally. light poles should be located outside of the subject easement area. Factors to be .'ons1dered by committee in review. 7. The Engineering Department recommends that the applicant provide proof ~f & Building Per" ,~ for the addition that ia encroaching upon a public dedicated rights-of-way_ Aa the structure is constructed over a force main the Engineering Department recommends demolition of the addition if proof of permits cannot be provided to the City. 8. The pavement area. as depicted upon aubject plan., encroachea upon a public dedi~ated righta-of-way and a letter of indemification ahall be provided to the City of Boynton Beach to ensure that utility repairs. construction or reconstruction. within the alley which may cause damage to the parking lot. will result in the parking lot being repaired at the ownere expenae. 9. The drainage plans addresses water quality (2.5 inches) but has no positive outfall, therefore a 3 year - 24 hour analysis is required. . e e ENGINEERIHG DEPARTMENT HEMORAHDUM '~ August 6, 1.991 TO: Tambri Heyden Senior Planner FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineerins. REs ABANDONMENT APPLICATION SUBMlTl'ED BY WltJ.IAK', AUTO SALES Please be advised that the following Public Utility Companies have no objections to the requested abandonment. 1. Florida Public Utilities Company - No objection 2. Florida Power & Light Company - No objection 3. Cr~cast Cablevision - No objection Southern Pell however, indicatea that the property ownera shall provide them a properly recorded utility easement suitable to Southern Bell for the maintenance of the existing Southern Bell poles and aerial cables/terminals serving thia location and the customer at 1017 N. Federal Highway. The Engineering Department recommends that should this abandonment be granted, that it be conditioned upon satisfying Southern Bell requirements. I would recommend that in order to properly provido all availaDle information in this matter to the Planning & Zoning Board, 1 reque&t that the Engineering Department Technical Review Board comments, relative to the encroachments that currently exist within the subject alleyway, be summarized by your department and provided to the Planning & Zoning Board by incorporating said comments into their backup material. -=- . Should you require any additional inlormation, please contact me at ext. 488. ~A. Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck 1', CCI J. Scott Miller. City Manager W. Richard Staudinger. P.E.. Gee & Jenson Consulting Christopher Cutro, Director of Planning Sue Kruse, City Clerk RECEIVED.. N.18 ., .fs1/ flANN\NG DEPT"" 1 . _ ~ Engineer~ . l: ~ e . 'aa: /"./'~ "'1':~'> ;:--:--,1.,' \ .... MEMORANDUM Utilities 91-418 TO: Sue Kruse, City Clerk FROM: John A. Guidry. Director of Utilities DATE: August 5. 1991 SUBJECT: Alley Abandon.ent - WIllla.. Auto Sale. 1009 H. Federal Highway - South of H.B. 10th Avenue Lot. 3 & 4, Block 1, Lake Addition To Boynton, Florida Subdivision Unconditional abandonment of the aforementioned alley is not possible due to the existence of an active sanitary sewer main. However. as discussed durinq the July 30. 1991. T.R.B. meeting. an acceptable alternative is the conversion of this alley to a utility easement subject to the removal of the structures encroachinq on this alley. ExlstlnQ or proposed pavements are not considered structures for the purpose of these easements which will allow for better utilization of the on-site parking. The Utility Department can approve this arrangement if It is in the interest of the City and other Departments. If you have any questions reqardlnq this matter. please contact Mr. Mike Kazunas at ext. 465. ~ gb xc: Mike Kazunas Peter Mazzella F1le REC""'T"!" ~- ,~ I \.' ...,. -- " ....4...1 ,~ '6, \~I PLANi,.f'tla iJt.fT. - .. - - , '.)f"". Chri. Cutro ~ 'lannins Dir.ctor Sue ...... ' C1t~lerk SU8JECTI_~la~~in.lL~_nJ""L.~~!~. ~tl.-=~l,I&u'Llhjj9l PCM.D+ DATE: -1J.J.S/91 .... Attach.d 18 a copy of an all.y Abandonm.nt application .ubmitt.d by William. Auto Sal... Pl.... r.vi.w and advi.. of your r.comm.ndation for approval or disapproval in .ccord.nc. with S.ction 22-40(.) of the Cod.. Thank you. SK:alb Att.chment PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED REPLY I ,/') Nv ' tJkjech~n~. SIGNED ...... . ~ THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED RECEIVED JUL 16 PLANNING DEPT. . .. . '_l1li1 n r:n r II"' u - . " e e ~ STAFF COMMENTS WILLIAMS AUTO SALES ALLEY ABANDONMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: No objection See attached memorandum See attached memoranda Memorandum dated August 6, 1991 No. 91-143CC (Comment *8) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS ...::;;;. SOUTHERN BELL FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMCAST FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY See attached memorandum No objection No objection No objection . ..:' ". '""' -' '.,' ~ \. e .. -. 7A1 WILLIAMS AUTO SALES ALLEY ABANDONMENT Horace A' Williams, owner of the property located at 1009 N. Federal Highway, is requestinq approval to abandon a 20 foot wide alley which runs between the F.E.C. railroad tracks and the rear of the lot owned by Mr. Williams. A buildinq addition, owned by . Mr. Williams, encroaches approximately 17 feet into the alley and existed prior to Mr. Williams' purchase of the property. Mr. Williams purchased the property for the purpose of constructinq a used car lot, currently under request for conditional ,use ABProyal. Staff recommends that this request be approved subject' to the followinq conditions: The applicant dedicatinq a 20 foot easement over the width of the alley for the purpose of maintaininq the existing City sewer main and Southern Bell facilities, the applicant providinq the City with a hold harmless aqreement for the improvements proposed'by the applicant in the future easement and the applicant demolishing that portion of the existinq buildinq that was constructed as an addition. .. ...........Jl - ~ . , I, , . . ' i,1fl 1\ '1'0 s FROMs DATEr SUBJECT: ..; .... "'....- - ,----....... - lIt. :"_ illIG ~~~ BidS_ PlaD. EDS. Util PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. , .... (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) 91-197 t!Il.~) ~~ ;;:f;C'w/P(- J. Scott Miller, City Manaqer ~'Q1J. ~~ k_ Chriatop~e~~, p~anninq~~irector Auquat 14, 1991 r...~.. """,~}..;:vt'.~t"~..t:"l!'I~" .....~..n.. wil11amj"'.\uto :-8a1.. -' Alley Abandonment Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Auqust 20, 1991, under Public Hearinqs. DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Horace Williams for approval of abandonment of a 20 foot wide alley located at 1009 North Federal HiQhway. RECOMMENDATIONs The PlanninQ and Zoninq Board unanimously recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. CC/jrn PM91-197. jm ...::;;;. p/ ~ ~"'- . (9Jf J /0 el.9-DI q I , , e e I ' i Ii I!' ,I I I i; II I' !I II ;1 I. II I! Ij ~ EXHIBIT "A" I. Abandonment of a portion of a 20 foot alley dedicated by the Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, accordinq to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, of the Public records of Palm Beach county, Florida, 8aid abandonment being more particularly described a8 folloW8: I I I: :1 Ii !I I! I' " i: Commence at the East Quarter Corner of Section 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; thence North 000 00'.00" East along the centerUne of Martin Luther }Ung, Jr., Boulevard (A.K.A. Northeast 10th Avenue), a distance of 1. 60 feet, more or le88, to the point of inter8ection with the West Line of Block 1, of 8aid Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, extended; thence South 070 37' 30" West a distance of 151.31 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1 of said Plat, and the POINT ,OF BEGINNING of said abandonment; thence continue South 070 37' 30" West along said West Line a distance of 90.36 feet; thence South 900 00' 00" West a distance of 20.18 feet to a point of intersection with the East Rig~of-:Way Line of the Florida East C0'8st Railroad as shown on said Plat; thence North 070 37' 30" East along said East 'Right-of-Way Line a distance of 90.36 feet; thence North 000 00' 00" East along the North Line of said Lot J, Block 1, extended,- a distance of 20.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ,. II Ii ,I Ij I ,I I' " l' II Ii I) ,I :i )' , ;: " ) I I, I) !I I' 'I I i I, I I I I I II II I - .~ _. I 'I _.,------"._---~---_.- ,~ e tit II j: il . DISCLAIMER I, ': .... II . I' MOW ALL MI" 8Y 'l'HESI PRESENTS that the City of Boynton II . ,\Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation, under the lawlI of I,the State of Florida, does hereby abandon and disclaim a !icertain 20 foot wide alley, 8.ituated and located in Palm j:Beach County, Florida, attached hereto all Exhibit "A". II II , liCity of Boynton Beach, Florida, have hereunto set their I,hands and affixed the seal of the City this _ day of Ii :1 I I, II I!ATTEST: I \, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized offlce~s of the , 1991. lisuzanne Kruse, C-ity Clerk " :/ :1 ilSTATE OF FLORIDA dCOUNTY OF PALM BEACH I, I' BEFORE...:;;.ME,. the undersigned I! appeared - ;1 Arline Weiner, Mayor ss: authority, and personally Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of " :Ithe City of Boynton Beach, 'Florida, known to me to be the q ;'persons described in and who executed the foregoing 'I: instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be jtheir free hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and lipurposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the !Iofflclal seal of said corporatlon~ and that said instrument IllS the act a1".1 deed of said corporation. .- Ii WTTNESS, my hand and official seal in the said state !I itnd County this __ day of , 1991. r I Notary Public, State of Florida ,I I e e ... ~BIT "A" I II I II I, II il Ii :1 I I I II I! II II I, I' 'I II I' ,I I, :, II I, il II , , Abandonment of a portion of a 20 foot alley dedicated by ,the Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, of the Public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said abandonment being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the East Quarter Corner of Section 21,.. Township 45 South, Range 43 East; thence North 000 00' 00" East along the centerline of Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard (A.K.A. Northeast 10th Avenue), a distance of 1.60 feet, more or less, to the point ot intersection with the West Line of Block 1, of said Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, extended; thence South 070 37' 30" West a distance of 151. 31 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1 of said Pl~t, and the POINT OF BEGINNING of said abandonment; thence continue South 070 37' 30" West along said West Line a distance of 90.36 feet; thence South 900 00' 00" West a distance of 20.18 feet to a p04,nt of intersection with the East Ri~nr:of'=Way Line of the Florida East Coast Railroad as shown on said Plat; thence North 070 37' 30" East along said East Right-of-Way Line a distance of 90.36 feet; then~e North 000 00' 00" East along the North Line of said Lot J, Block 1, extended, a distance of 20.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ,I '( I! II 'I 'I II I, 'l I! I I ! I, \1 I , , I I I I I ., '- _. e \', \ ~ ?~SS&O ;~ ~?~&O ~tS >>1991. ~ \\ \\ \ \ '\ \ \ ~ , \ II , \ \\ \' '\ ~,,'t't&s~' ~ '\\C1.t.y Clet:\(..,;::;,. · ,\ " ' \,1 ~\CorpVrate seal) \ \ \ \\.W1.l.1.1.Iltt\S. res 1\8/29/91. I' ,\ \ \\ \ \ \' \ \, \ \ I, \ I \ ,', II \.\ \ \ \. e .;..-- claY ot..______. .ct'lrl OF lIOy\l'fOlI ll&"C'" Ft.OI'tO" ~ayor 'V ice Mayor Cott\11\1.SS1.oner COttllt\iSSioner cottllt\1.Ss1.0net: \ , , ' \ \ \ . \ ., ."1. .! e e II ,I 'I I, 11 II I, ii 'I !I It !! i \\ I, 'I i: i; ~ aRESOLUTION NO. R91- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ABANDONING A TWENTY (20) FOOT WIDE ALLEY; SAID PROPERTY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ALLEY; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN - EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Horace. A. Williams, oWr}er of said property, " 'I;has requested the abandonment of the hereinafter described !itwenty foot wide alley; and j' !I WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the I' : appropriate City Departments; and Ii WHEREAS, public hearings have been held before the !;Clty'S Planning and zoning Board and the City 'Commission on I, 1 the proposed abandonment; and [: ,i WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said l:alley no long1t- serves any useful purpose. " " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY. COMMISSIOR " II i; or THE CITY OF BOYNTOR BEACH, FLORIDA THATs ij . :1 Section 1: The City of Boynton Beach, Florida, by ;i :'and through its City Commission, does hereby abandon a !: ! i certain twenty (20') wide alley, located in the City of !I Boynton Beach, Florida and attached hereto as Exhibit "A". il Section 2: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby i,authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached II Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in the PUo>>l1c . )cords of Palm Beach County, Florida. ,I i! :::ectlon 3: This F.3B('lu':.i '::1 '3hall \!immediatelY upon passage. II I I take e4'fect- I I "I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ ftV~ dJ/ / ~ ~ . ... r<..-q'-'~7 -, 91-209 '/J (~) C/r~ \ ~~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORk~DUM NO. TO: FROM: J. Scott Miller ' ~er Chril oPhe~ro Planninq Director AU9\llt 29, 1991 Abandonment of Alley'.t:IO"O!fNorth"'edertl'IU9hway DATEr REr At its meetinQ of AU9\lst 20, 1991, the City Commission agreed to abandon the alley located at the rear of.the property, located at 1009 North Federal Hiqhway,. aubject'to,theconc1ition8 that the H property owner remove an 'exlatinq 'atructure in" the' alley, and ~ dedicate a 10,:, foot~: utllity,i,eaaement ~,~;~t.h.~;:,f7.~,r,~(f~d\?:~~'::";' j The attached resolution will accomplish the abandonment as approved by the City Commission. This item has been scheduled for City Commission review on September 3, 1991. CC/jm Att. ...::;;;. ~d~~~~ ~~~. r/~/~ Chri. eutro Planninl Director -.' . ., < . suetu.. City Clerk SUBJECT: .._,._!,~~_n.!1in8~_Zo~~LBoo!_~4.JR&.~v&VuJ3...J991 POLD + DATE:.-11l5/91 Attached i. a copy of an alley abandonaent application 8uba1tted by Williams Auto Sal... Please review and advi.e of your r.c~nd&tion for approval or di.approval 1n accordance with Section 22-40(a) of the Code. Thank you. . SIC: db Attar''1I8nt RETURN TO - SIGNED REPLY A.LJ /'L'" I- f/ ~)c.. ( n,~n? ,r SIGNED J~~...: "u- / , , , ,:,,=':.:~=2t44,Horlfad.CTOO1OPrRSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COpy TO SENDER "._,-_.._-_.._---~--- ..._---_._.--_._...,---.__..,.,_.~--_._-~-----'-_._-_.-.+..--.-- e e@ Southam Bell 326 Fern street. West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Should you ltave any questions please contact me at (407) 837-9061. . . July 24, 1991 File: 240.0911 Mr. V. A. Finlzlo Administrative Coordinator of Engineering P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: ALLEY ..t:aAHDOHllENT REQUBST SUBMI'l"l'BD BY WILLIAMS AUTO 'SALES Dear Mr. Finizio:' Please be advised that Southern Bell has no Objection to the requested abandonment under the following condItion: The property owner will provide a properly recorded utility easement suitable to Southern Bell for the maintenance of the existing Southern Bell poles and aerial cables/terminals serving this location and the customer at 1017 N. Federal Highway. Southern Bell facilities presently exist wi thin this area under Florida Statutes addressing utilities construction within public rights-of-way. Southern Bell has no objection to the subsequent encroachment of the existing structure within this easement. Yours ;\ru~, Cl ~.9 c.lb-. Lonsdale Engineer CJL/rr ".6&.1.S0UrH Company e e MINUTES - REGULAR PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 13, 1991 In respons8 to a question by Cynthia Greenhouse, Mr. Cutro stated that the abandonment of the alleyway would have no effect on the conditional use. It was determined that the applicant still wished to have the alley abandoned. Mr. Cutro recommended the abandonment be conditioned on the owner demolishing the portion of the building which encroaches it. Ms. Huckle asked the applicant if he still wanted the abandonment of the alleyway. Mr. Williams responded affirmatively since it might aid in the sale of the land. It was pointed out to Mr. Williams that the Planning and Zoning Board's recommendation will go to the City Commission for a final vote. Mr. Williams was familiar with all of the staff comments and was in agreement with them. THE PUBJ~IC HEAR-ImrWA~ CLOSED. Motion Cynthia Greenhouse moved to APPROVE the request for the abandon- ment of the 20' wide alleyway located at 1009 North Federal Highway subject to all staff comments. The motion was seconded by Murray Howard and carried 6-0. Chairman Collins recognized the presence in tne audience of Mayor Arline Weiner. PARKIN LOT VARIANCE City of 8oynton Beacn Activity Center Bill DeBeck, Project Manager City of Boynton Beacn 125 S.E. 2nd Avenue: S.E. 2nd Avenue at S.E. 1st Street, rthwest corner Re est for parking lot variances to tion 5-138 "Scope"(a) and Sectio 5-142(h)(7) "Driveway" of Article , Parking Lots Tambri Heyden made the She explained the City pro- p~ged to demolish the existing Tennis enter adjacent to the Library and the parking lot which curre tly serves it. In its place, a Recreational Activity Center is roposed. This building will accommodate the function of the old A s Building which was destroyed by fire. A new 89-space parking 1 t is proposed. The remainder of the lot is proposed to remain as s. Two parking lot variances are being requested: one to allow he existing 3. Agent: OWner; Location; . .. .' ,lcription: - 6 - " ~______.______..____.__.__.__.___c '...i ',", ~ .;, " ... ",. e e MINUTES - REGULAR PLANNING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 13, 1991 With no further questions by THE PUBLIC HEARING. airman Collins OPENED Lloyd Powell, Officer of the Alpine Co., Inc., owning pro- perty at 1112 North Federal Highway spoke against the approval of this application. Mr. Powell estioned the location of this business on North Federal Highway He believes all conditional uses should be removed along th North Federal Highway corridor. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSEO. Shirley Stevens again under precedent setting. Once such a conditional use is permitt , it will be extremely difficult to deny such a use in the fut reo Ms. Huckle belieses the pplicant is sincere. However, once the conditional use is appr ved, if the applicant does not stay in business, someone.else could come in and mess up terribly. Assistant City Attor ey Yamile Trehy pointed out that Section 11.2(d) sets forth he standards for evaluating conditional use. She read a list of items to be considered and stated that recom- mendatior', should be based on these findings. Motion Marilyn Huckl moved to OENY conditional, se to allow for 1009 North ederal Highway., motion wh h carried 6-0. the applicant, Williams Auto Sales, establishment of a used car lot at Cynt~ia Greenhouse seconded the ABANDOOMENT Williams Auto Sales None Horace A. Williams 1009 North Federal p~ghway approximately 108 ~ ,at south of the southwest corner of North Federal Highway and N.E. 10th Avp.nue Request for the abandonment of a 20 foot wide alley Chairman Collins OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING. 2. Pro]~ct Name: Agent: OWner: Loca t i on : ... Description: Lloyd Powell, property owner at 1112 North Federal Highway, feels the abandonment of a alleyway should be approved. It is his feeling that the alleyway serves no purpose and it would be in the best interest of the ctty to abandon every piece of alleyway. - 5 - I I m l e-:- AUGUST 20, 1991 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA She pointed out past experiences feels many of the busines.es are begi tive in the area and asked the Commi dents in denying this application. City Attorney Cherof corrected Ms Greenhouse by stating that a conditional use is not a use tha the City has designated as one of the uses they want to phase t. A conditional use is one which is permissible provided ere are certain conditions applied to it to control the s tuation. r shops on Federal. She ing to look quite attrac- ion to support the resi- Vice Mayor Harmening moved t APPROVE the conditional use. Vice Mayor Harmening expla ned that many people cannot afford to buy new cars. He feels b siness would be quite good for a used car dealer. Mr. Willia s has convinced him he will run a clean operation and d~rves chance. He also feels U.S. 1 can stand, and has in Lantana, La e Worth and Delray Beach, many automobile dealerships, both new and used. Commissioner Arti~' econded the motion which carried 2-2. The motion FAILED. ( yor Weiner and Commissioner Matson cast the dissenting votes. Willi... Auto S.le. None Horace A. Williams 1009 N. Federal Hwy., approximately 108' south of the southwest corner of N. rederal Hwy. and NE 10th Ave. ABi\NDOOMENT. Request for the abandon- ment of a 20' wide alley. Vice Mayor 3armening moved to GRANT the abandonment subject ~o simultaneous execution of a general utility easement. Com~t8-. sion~r,Matson seconded the motion which carried 4-0. B. PROJECT NAME. APPLICANT. OWNER. LOCATION. DESCRIPTION. n, 701 NW 4th Street, questioned the Commission regarding the districting of Boynton Beach. Mayor Weiner informed her the edistricting is being considered and explained it is being done b ause of the 1990 census. The demographics have changed. Mr. C ro is drawing up two maps in each of the four districts of the ty. There will be apprOXimately 11,000 people in each district 0 that each district will have the 8ame numbers of people. Since he Commissioners, regardless of district, run City-wide, th will only have to do with where you 5 "" I (,. ( (/ ri I' j '(.'" . I .,: 4. . I i I (lff("'" ~~" W' '1\1"\ ~,11LI'; I PLANNING , ZONING BOARD (7 Members) RECEIPT NO. 1. NAME uF APPLICANT .hi L {i, " . ;,.. ,oj ,,"! ~~/ I( .J FEE 11 'I !f('" (; (' ~. APPLICATION reviewed and initialed by Planning Director 3. LOG IN ANALYSIS FILE fN~/91 4. MAKE FOLDER WITH APPROPRIATE COLOR CODING 7/11l/9 I I' .- 5. Establ hh date of P , Z Meeting tf/1319 I l~ ~((t~A ' 6. Request list of property ownTr8 ~t yOJ by applicant to be checked by Mery-Anne-Sar'ka-. t...." ~..u.~.{n~I.L6~ ~ ('UfL:'!>H;"<'l) /'It/.,.",') / ",1' ~hI cf U.'l..l..Cr.r II "to Advert ilIe twice (weekly) 11~ n(H"') (/~ -I 0,"'7 11\110wing 15 days before P , Z Board Meeting for first publication. 8. ~pe Notice of Public Hearing (Attach Original to Application). ?'#?.N/ a. Mail to *Appllcant and Property OWner. within covering notice. (Mail 30 days before first Rezoning, LUA and Annexation Applications an ,advertTsing-tm others. Date mai led 7 l: , -, --- b. ~Ob~~-Ci ~~ Clerk' s Approval S.t??h/ Distribute copies day before advertising to: 1) Mayor and Commissioners 2) City Attorney 3) Recording Secretary 4) City Manager's Secretary 400' with ub1i!;" hearing on day before ;...'tt-''''''''' / 1 i t-~ / '"" 7,;,.J ....... ? .:=. . c. Have copy of ad ready for: 1. Messenger from Post - Allow sufficient time for ad to be submitted to newspaper. d. Photocopy without Distribution List at the bottom, and, via speedletter send to Olga Sorensen to advertise in The Post. 9. Send memo to Planning Director with copy of ad and any information additional to that forwarded with application on day before adver- tisement. Memo to list papers being forwarded with any special instructions regarding return of original documents to City Clerk's Office. . /I, ~ 10. Send copy of memo and copy of ad to City Manager. ,../" CITY COI~ISSION MEETING DATE S - .[ C -) / . Note on AL: ,icant's Copy of Property Owners *TO APPLICANTz It is necessary for your or your representative to be present at the above stated meetings in order for your petition to be considered. COMPLETED Revised 5-6-88 PZBD -~ REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted. to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Planning PREPARED BY: Tambri J. Heyden DATE PREPARED: 7-12-91 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Abandonment of alley located between FEC Railroad and 1009 North Federal Highway SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) None SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Abounding and abutting property owners, Planning Department NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: DATE(s) TO BE PUBLISHED: To be determined by City Clerk To be determined by City Clerk 7 11,/ 'i J ( ( ate) APPROVED BY: (1) ~I~ -&:t.w- (De~ent Head) ( 2 ) (City Attorney) (Date) ( 3 ) (City Manager) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: A:REQPUB ~J. MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Chris Cutro Planning Director DATE: July 25, 1991 FROM: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of August 13, 1991 Attached please find a copy of the following three Notices of Public Hearing which have been scheduled for the Tuesday, August 13, 1991, Planning & Zoning Board meeting: 1. Conditional Use Application for Williams Auto Sales 2. Alley Abandonment Application for Williams Auto Sales 3. Two (2) Parking Lot Variances for the proposed City of Boynton Beach Activity Center Notices have been mailed to the applicants and agents and owners within 400 feet of the two Williams Auto Sales applications. All three ads will run in the Boynton Beach News on July 26, 1991 and August 2, 1991. ~J~ ~~<>-' --' Sue Kruse - SK:slb Attachments cc: City Manager REOEIVED JUl 24 qL PLANNING DEPT. "" I, , MEMORANDUM TO: Suzanne M. Kruse, city Clerk FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Senior Planner DATE: July 12, 1991 SUBJECT: Williams Auto Sales - Abandonment of Alley File No. 619 Accompanying this memorandum you will find two copies of the application and related documents for the above-referenced abandonment application. The $450.00 processing and review fee has been forwarded to the Finance Department. A legal advertisement for same has been prepared for August public hearings and will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney and City Manager. /'"' .d~' g ~ TAMERI J HEYDE TJH:cp Ene. A:Williams NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & zoning Board of the . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, August 13, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach to consider an application, submitted by Horace A. Williams, to abandon a portion of a 20 foot Alley dedicated by the Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said abandonment being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the East Quarter Corner oS Section 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; thence North 00 00' 00" East along the centerline of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (A.K.A. Northeast 10th Avenue), a distance of 1.60 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection with the West Line of Block 1, of said Plgt of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, extended; then south 07 37' 30" West a distance of 151.31 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1 of said Plat, and th~ POINT OF BEGINNING of said abandonment; thence continue South 07 37' 30" west along said West Line a distance of 90.36 feet; thence South 90 00' 00" West a distance of 20.18 feet to a point of intersection with the East Right-of-way Line of the Fborida East Coast Railroad as shown on said Plat; thence North 07 37 30 East along said East Right-of-Way Line a distance of 90.36 feet; thence North 000 00' 00" East along the North line of said Lot 3, Block 1, extended, a distance of 20.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. In addition, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on Tuesday, August 20, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 7A1 WILLIAMS AUTO SALES ALLEY ABANDONMENT Horace A. Williams, owner of the property located at 1009 N. Federal Highway, is requesting approval to abandon a 20 foot wide alley which runs between the F.E.C. railroad tracks and the rear of the lot owned by Mr. Williams. A building addition, owned by Mr. Williams, encroaches approximately 17 feet into the alley and existed prior to Mr. Williams' purchase of the property. Mr. Williams purchased the property for the purpose of constructing a used car lot; currently under request for conditional use approval. Staff recommends that this request be approved subject to the following conditions: The applicant dedicating a 20 foot easement over the width of the alley for the purpose of maintaining the existing City sewer main and Southern Bell facilities, the applicant providing the City with a hold harmless agreement for the improvements proposed by the applicant in the future easement and the applicant demolishing that portion of the existing building that was constructed as an addition. STAFF COMMENTS WILLIAMS AUTO SALES ALLEY ABANDONMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT No objection UTILITIES DEPARTMENT See attached memorandum ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: See attached memoranda Memorandum dated August 6, 1991 No. 91-143CC (Comment #8) UTILITY COMPANY COMMENTS SOUTHERN BELL See attached memorandum FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT No objection COMCAST No objection FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY No objection r " - ,l APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (Three (3) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: , \" \' ,\ ...\ S t U, \ .~~S \\~~ (' C'--\~ S t-\;t-: ~ t..t p\ \ IA \, \ \ \ \ O-Vl.-\..> \ 2.G S~ lG~' ~.J ~}J '^ ~-.^_ ~e.c~ \:- \ 3~ '-\ 5 5- \ 5 e,3 S "i ( AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: AGENT'S PHONE: OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) \ -btt'-~~ t\, W \ \ \ \C'-V~ s OWNER'S ADDRESS: \'":L<.o <::: \ \' f':,~ c) \...''-J '---' ~~~~"-- ~ . ,-- 'iJ' .) "~ - , f\~ + \ ~ 's ~ )'s- OWNER'S PHONE: \~ C~:~:c. '-)',{ '-~-,"" ..} \ '~\o PROJECT LOCATION: (not legal description) I GD C\ ~, ;=eA\O~\ g;~l,;(,c~V) ~ <S'-\ \.^'~ \S eLi-L ~ t=- \ '5.s (t,~ '~- CORRESPONDENCE ~ ADDRESS: * c (if different than agent or owner) ,/' < . _':f:J.",'v,,^ ,=, (;~ (~:> D L~j V\. e. ~- * This is the address to which all agendas', letters and other materials will be forwarded. 1 " i , 1 APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies vacate; abandon, and discontinue the, (check one): NO. 76-27 of the C~~~ of to the City Commissi=~ to ( ( ( ( v) ) ) ) ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in conn~ction therewith. Said application is to be filed with the Planning Department in triplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed nonfee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in- cluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): Recorded in Public Records of ) DEED V) DEDICATION ) PRESCRIPTION ~r0-\ Palm Beach County, Book J\ Florida. , page~, and 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their' property and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely effected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the fOllowing constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. NAME ADDRESS Qt ~~"L\~ ,Sc''-ln<irn- ~'<~ :1 "F E ~ t(\~\ \ Y-CC~\ 3' 1 -- l \- .~ +L.. rlJ ~ ~,~ ,'J\ t::.. I I:) - ~\' Is~~,V\'\t.., lS ~~~, + \ 3~) ~JS- '~ .J (-\ J.-S- tJ, +~S\!_~''(\~~ 4~'1~C'~.;s-~ .I ~r: ":,:)'''\'\0 v-.. ~-e ~QL, F \ ~ ~ ct _5 ~: ~ \ 'L-::; ,s' A \-'1.ct ~~L(,::" Av ~-\ ' h. (1-- u.(k~,s&(\.\ ~ \f' \ 3 _) ~ 'I ~ [:) '2\ \~ (Y\LC\i..~e TV\.Q. i :l J . -t 6. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted i~ support of this application: X ~ ~'\ t'^-c ~ \. e,' \c b~ ~~ v,.J.('" 'v\ ~J ~'f' 0, cl~~ c..>'V\. '> \i'J...!-~:> ~ \~~-~'\ 'J . ~~~ A." \ ~~ ~.:>_e..:-"" ~~ ~~~ J, <; '\ ~C' '" ~ S S " ~ So ') lJ '. \- " , \- I \f\~-.J- l,~s \-;- bet:2.'-', 't\}\A..{~~-G-J<::::u 'T~'\\~ l('\\(~ , \\2...~'t"" ~~ ~~ r.... ~''- & 'V\,~.\('c.r'.0'" V~\::,~ ~ \~~)\ ~ C"\>\.. f\:~\c: ~- *~ . V'vL~ tu. ..~\.~ Sc c~S F'~"~ E:"- +t,~ ~)\''-l lc\, t.-LC_) S e '\ S bcc.cl(::..~u '\cs'( c'~, '\ \,... €" S:'~ '-I~j DATED: APPLICANT(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) ADDRESS /' ) / <(' ,\ /?--y-t f'.) I ..-c--L::':- '.J l.___ /' U :.-., . '_ "-' ~ "-L ....:) u I .j::;..( 7-< J I';;:' '..... ~,_,J. '-'0 ~ I ~]-~--L:t' (t( tv{ 1 I _) _/ '-f~':J ?t~--Ck' &u~>c~~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that he are/is the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to-xbandonl Vacate; that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. of Florida My Commission Expires: ....,.. ... If...... II.... ~ CanIlIIIIIIII &pilllJIIlI ... .. 6-19-87 .. E X H I BIT .. A .. Legal Description Abandonment of a 20 Foot Alley Abandonment of a portion of a 20 foot Alley dedicated by the Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA. according to the plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 11. Page 71. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida. said abandonment being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the East Quarter Corner of Section 21. Township 45 South. Range 43 East: thence North 000 00' 00" East along the centerline of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (A.R.A. Northeast 10th Avenue). a distance of 1.60 feet. more or less. to the point of intersection with the West Line of Block 1. of said Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA. extended: thence South 070 37' 30" West a distance of 151.31 feet. more or less. to the Northwest corner of Lot 3. Block 1 of said Plat. and the POINT OF BEGINNING of said abandonment: thence continue South 07Q 37' 30" West along said West Line a distance of 90.36 feet: thence South 90000' 00" West a distance of 20.18 feet to a point of intersection with the East Right-of-Way Line of the Florida East Coast Railroad as shown on said Plat; thence North 070 37 30 East along said East Right-of-Way Line a distance of 90.36 feet: thence North oif 00' 00" East along the North Line of said Lot 3, Block 1, extanded, a distance of 20.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. _1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, August 13, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach to consider an application, submitted by Horace A. Williams, to abandon a portion of a 20 foot Alley dedicated by the Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, page 71, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said abandonment being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the East Quarter Corner oS Section 21, Township 45 south, Range 43 East; thence North 00 00' 00" East along the centerline of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (A.K.A. Northeast lOth Avenue), a distance of 1.60 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection with the West Line of Block 1, of said Plat of LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON FLORIDA, extended; then South 07 37' 30" West a distance of 151.31 feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1 of said Plat, and th6 POINT OF BEGINNING of said abandonment; thence continue South 07 37' 30" west along said West Line a distance of 90.36 feet; thence South 90 DO. 00" west a distance of 20.18 feet to a point of intersection with the East Right-of-way Line of the Fborida East Coast Railroad as shown on said Plat; thence North 07 37 30 East along said EastoRight-of-Way Line a distance of 90.36 feet; thence North 00 00' 00" East along the North line of said Lot 3, Block 1, extended, a distance of 20.18 feet to t~e POINT OF BEGINNING. In addition, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on Tuesday, August 20, 1991 at 7:00 P~M. at City Hall in the Commission chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS July 26 & August 2, 1991 STANDARD SURVEY LEGEND /w WIth 12/46/43 Section/Town. ship/Rang. 15xlO 15,10 Elevation A Arc AKA Also I<nown As S,M, Bench Mark Blk SloCk C, ~culaled Measuremenl ~ Concrlte C,S,S, Concr.t. Block StNctur. ,C,M, Concr.t. Monument C/l Chain Unk F.nc. t Celli" Un. Cor, Corn.r f:;> OIlta (Central Angl.) E/W Edg. of Wil.r EI, EJevatlon Fd, Found - Fencing I.P. ' ,Iron Pipe I.R, Iron Rod 101, A.ld Measurllll8nl M,H, Man HoII II-R Non-Radial NGVO National Geod.tlc V.rtlcal Datum O,H, Ov.r Head O,R,S, Ottlclal Record Book O,S,O, O'Bllen-Sult.r' 0' Brien ~ On Une p, Plat (or Record) Measurement P,S, Pial Book p,C, Point 01 CUlYllurl P~C.C, Point of Com. paunCl CUNelure P,C,p, Permanent Control Point p,l. Point ollnt.r. section P.K. Parker.KaIon Nail p'o,B, Point 01 8eglnnlng P,O,C, Point 01 Commencement P.R,C, Point 01 Revers. CUN.lure P.T, Point of Tangency ,Pg, Page t Propelly Un. Prop, Property ,~ ' Ouarter Corner R Radlus R,8, Radial Bearing R/W Rlght-ol-Wiy ~' ReslClence Section Corn.r S , Story T.O,8, Top of Bank U,P, Utility Pole LeGal DescriDtlor.: ~ - FJ.FU.,'r f fi' ~,,".l, J>,j,U"'f.Qut") ~.. "to ~~ ~~ \1 " , I "-f' ~ ~~ ~ ~t~ ~~ , ... ~&]-- ,:t." ~ ;1~ ~~ ()/~~,~~ ~ ~tlS I-I,y.":'--"/ ~. ~ ~ li, '!\ :t K'~ ,~~ '\ I:l\ ''<.~ ::t I ~.:r ~ 'q - .3i. 2j-; - (M) (....~ )I.E. 7,.J,.s~ut" !VtlrCJ, I .A""e cL e.ra/ ( /"P~ , , H' ,s I ..p/~9 "V4!::1 , I I ,'CtlNC"-ete 1I1.;w..'}!' " D, ;'-,:4, ---- -- n' I')~ r! ... ~ \'~ 'l5. " ~t ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ,~ ." ~ ~ , '~ I'-I~ ~\J ~ :~.~.,.."') (":/ - t> 97 .J'7'.3r;" - -.- - L- 0,;';, ;:'.' Z.D9~';'.i...,N'" ~PtJ. ..~ ("~.) ....... ~:t ~.~"" \(~~ <'( \~ _.fJ ~ (I':' ., ',) N ~ ~& ,\llt 'o~ ...~ ~ . ~ ~{ . 'i, ~ ~~tl '-i .I..;", ['t. -" t./.1. I I ...... 1'1,,0;:., I .;~~ ....' tri .{: -.J t,~ ~ " ,\..~ J . .""4 \' (\ '.r, , '. , : IY~. ""'.J "'S ~ 0.' -lo .:j ,~ .:) :;,; ...~..., (, " .., I " I .,.~ -( ~~ ~~.. ;-x~. '4,~~ ~E GX~:rt~N .of. . - ---.!...-<l,lrp4.( -r- ___ ~ .r<l~fs 'Property Address: - _______________ 1009 NDrth Federal Highwav - - _______________ 'Boynton Beach. Florida Certi f i ed To: Horace A. Williams Lot 3 and the Nortn 40 feet of Lot 4. Block 1. LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON. FLORIDA. accordinn to the olat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of-the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach Countv, Florida. as recorded at Plat Book 11. Paoe 71. less the riqht-of-wav for U.S. Hiqhlolav No.1. . The above described lands contain _~.!~_ acres. more or less. Additional Survevor's Note: Please note the extensive encroachments fa Subject Lot's imorove.ents into the adioininq 20 foot Allev along said Lot's West Line. Beu.-nda,.y SU;-lI4!.JI ~"..r"#'J ~/""tr.:J.p-1- Bifl "" RIJ. 1/ -' ~ 7/ ~r: fldnzee ,9 H/,;a:erM.I" Date of Drawing: SiZ.2-/9/ Date of Survey: 5'/2.//;J1 Field Book 8-1 , Page 31--~3> ~/ ~/~I ~ ..... .. /r . , / " ./ , ph C, o'Connor fesslonal Land SUrveyOl' Florida Reglstratlon No, 4582 STANDARD SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1, Lands shown hereon have not been abstracted by this office for easements, reservatIons or rlghts-ol-way 01 record. 2. Bearing Reference: Beatings and/or Angles shown hereon are relative to that Une noted hereon as the "BEARING LINE" as monumented In the field. 3, Underground Improvsments were not located, 4, The basis of this survey Is the Legal Description pro- vided by the client. 5, Bevatlons shown hereon. If any. are relative to ths National Geodetic Vertical Datum 01 1929. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the sketch shown h8l'llOlI and tha survey on whJchlt Is based was done under my supervision and Is correct to the best of my knowledge and beDet and that It conforms to the applicable requirements 01 Chapter 472 of the Florida Statutes and Chapter 21HH of the Aorlda Administrative Code: Note: This Document is not valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal, "30' SCALE: 1-:= DATE: S"~/"'9/ JOB NO.: 9/01-2 REVISIONS JOSEPH c. O'CONNOR~ INe:' Professional lAnd Suroey Consultant 407-278-9249 1555 S. Federal Highway, De1ray Beach, FL 33483, DRAWN BY: .:r. (J'C. CHECKED BY: ..T. ~;;:, 'l ')CA TION '"Mt-P . . ,. _ _ _ . 'h ~_'___ . - - 'WILLIAMS 'AUTO SALES ~ . , l o . IL o ~ U en ~ . .:; ,/.t "~ E ~ ... ~ c ! Il ! u ( , " , " , , '0 1/8 ~ TIIII 'I . : "0400. '800 FEET I: " . ~' FJ.1U~1 .f ,,...,, A)J.(tott_t') l, ,1IlI ,~ ~, ~ ~t~ ~"'~\J ... ~ t;-- - 'l'-. E ~ ~,~ '<.s. *' ~, ~~ ~WS~ (II,J(~;~"'I ..'~ ~ ~ ot., ~ ~." .d~ ,; " ,~~ ~ I ~': 'j;.....,. , I' , .- 'T;'XDAAD SURVEY LEGEHD I. will 121';'43 SedIonITown. IIIlp/Rangt IklO ".'0 EIMdoft A Ale AlI.A AIIO IlMwIl AI ..... IIIICII UMIl Ilk IIoU e, CIIcIIlIItd u_ IZ:!!D ConcrIII c.e,s, ConcrIIIlIock S\Iucton ,c,... Conc:t* IiIoIluInn CII. CI\IIlI link F_ t Clnllr UM Cor, CotMr ~, DIIII (ellll... Anall' EIW fIIot II WIlli B. BMI\DlI H, FlUIII ...- Ftndng ..,. ' ,hlI1'lpI 1.1. InlllIlDd M. "., ........... II,N. . MMI HoII N'" Non-llldlll l II8VO lIIIIonII GIodIllc 'o'II1lQIIlIIUllI O,H. CMr IlNII 0.11,', Olllclll~ IooIl o.s,o. 0.8t\Ill-SulIlI' 0...... t OnUM ,. PIlI (ar "-dl U_-'" ,... PIlI 8aoIl ',C, '0/11/01 tUMlin ,:C.C. PIllnC It CaIn. pound CuMlurI '.C,', I'ImlwnI ConInl PoIIIt ',1. I'aIN 01I0Il11' IIClIolI ".It 'arUr.KIlon Nail '.0". I'oIIIt 01 IIgIMlng ',O.C. ,*,01 CommencImenI '.Le, ,., 01 .....,.. tUMl.... '.T, I'aIN 01 T IftGtIlCy fl. ,. l PIopetty UM ='\ PlopIItJ 0uarIIr COmIr II RIdIUI ..., IIIdIIIIlw\IIO IIIW IIlgbl'ill'WIy l IlesldIIa s.ctIoa Comer Sloty T,O,'. Top 01 Bank V.,. \!UIllY I'oIt fl, "J'" .. " ~... ~ ""~ .~h ~"i.. X ~\' ~ '\ I '\ l \ (.,. ~ ,v. E. 7M .s~~t- )":'-e ~ era/ ( /e1t:r ---- n' " '.. ~ ~ " ~ -.'( " k ~ ! _ rJ l'::) ~ !.\i ~ , N.~t" I " C .NC.,..,t. --- -- ~ ~! ' ~, ~' "'if \,\ M '~ :f ~ ~ t,~j~. t\ .. J ' 0\ S/""3'73D'1IfI " i' , !lAJ..:/ l'3 , "'i ',,' :', : ~~'#5' ...~ .f17 . ~ . ~ il ~... ~!I i-oJ o,{' 1 (~,.' .~ ! '--: t',J 1101, , I .\: --- 1-..1 . CJ ./ .. I .. S'/. 3/ ,. -'I SP?3''7'~ " ...."W Jv.4,,:.ve 8/~/ .F. "/11; ~,,' '4>.../:r'~ Go.fie , q,4tJ'~ ""t- I' - ~ft k;r'4t,. ...r. - ~ ,4"/~,C< :r; . . '~~~ J I '. -_____ /l ' / '.. ,'" ,.." f /;', '/ _ - / ' , I {} () (I NOTE: Legal Description "EXHIBIT A", is attached hereto and made a part hereof. SJ<et'e.A '11-1 L.e~ AI l?es&r'.Pt/dN /7J4NdoNMeNC ,f "zrIJeJl , I HEREBY CERTIFY thaI the sketch shown hereon and the IW'YIY on which U Is'based was done under my supervision and Is comd to !he best of my knowIecfgell1d belIeI and that It conforml to the appDcable requirements 01 Chapl.,. 472 01 the FIorIcIa Statutes IlId Chlpter 21 HH 01 the FIor1da AdmInistrative Cod.: Note: ThIs Documenlls nol valid unless S8aIed with III embossed Surveyor'. SsaI. oare of Drawing: sit!.:t/~/ Dat. of SUMY: FIeld Book --- . Pag. ~ ' ~ """- "'-l \ ~ JOSEPH C. O'CONNOR~ INC:' Professional Land Swve, Consultant 407-278-9249 1555 S, Fedual ffiPway, Delray Beacll, FL 33483. ~ L'Mi'ts 0/ Pr~I'''II'/ P.6.P..vJ"NM''''l"W///~ ~r: #4r4e, ,t;! H/,;a~MJ STAHDARD SURVEYOR'IIIOTU 1. Lands shown hereon havt nor belli abIIIacttd by Ihl. office lor easements. rlSllVaIlonI or _-o111Y of record.' , , 2. Smng Referince: Beailngs I/IIJ/or AnQIa Ihown hereon are ,.lalIv. to thai Un. noIId hnon u the "BEARING UNE" u monumentld 1ft the fteld. 3, Unaerground Improvemtnts w.,. not.locIttd. 4, Th. basi. 01 th1a IUlVlY lithe LagaI DeacrIptIoll pr0- vided by the client. 5. EI.vatlons shown hereon, It any, are reIIUw to.tllt National Geod.Ue V.rtIcaJ Dalwn of 1828. . ' REVISIONS SCALE: /::30' : DATE:5"~J"'91 JOB NO.: "17"2- , ~RAWN . BY: J: (J'C. / CHECKED By:J;Pt. / /