AGENDA DOCUMENTS <;:~~( PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-328 Agenda Memorandum for June 18, 1996, City Commission Meeting FROM: Carrie Parker City Manager Tambri J. Heyden '19~ Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: June 13, 1996 SUBJECT: Knuth Road peD (MSPM 96-004) Major site plan modification (sign program) please place the above-referenced item on the June 18, 1996 City Commission agenda under Development Orders. DESCRIPTION: Winchester, requesting located at Knuth Road Kieran Kilday, Kilday and Associates, agent for The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd, owner, approval of a sign program for the Knuth Road the southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard intersection, Bill is PCD and RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approval of this request for a major site plan modification subject to staff comments in Exhibit C-Conditions of Approval (see changes Board recommends for comment 9 regarding number of signs and for sign type B) . . TJH:dim Attachments xc: Central File a:CCAgMSPM.Knu PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENf MEMORANDUM #96-311 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION June 11, 1996 DESCRIPfION OF PROJECT Project Name: Knuth Road PCD Applicant: Agents Bill R. Winchester, The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates, Inc. Location: Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard File No.: MSPM 96-004 I.-and Use Plan Designation: Local Retail Commercial (LRC) Zoning Designation: Planned Commercial District (PCD) Type of Use: Number of Units: Shopping center with a bank and service station out parcels Not applicable Square li'ootage: Site Area: Building Area: 13.87 acres 120,000 square feet Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning Uistrict: (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) North - Boynton Beach Boulevard right-of-way, and farther north is existing commercial/retail development, zoned C-3 South - Quail Ridge residential development, located ill unincorporated Palm Beach County East - Right-of-way of Knuth Road and farther east is commercial/office development, zoned C-l west - Quail Ridge residential development which is located in Palm Beach County. Existing Site Characteristics: The site is currently undeveloped and has no vegetation. Proposed Development: The developer is proposing construction of a shopping center, a service station and a bank on a 13.87 acre parcel of Knuth Road peDe Total floor area of the proposed development shall not exceed 120,000 square feet. 2- Page 2 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #96-311 Knuth Road PCD - Sign Program Concurrency: a. Traffic- b. Dralnage- Driveways: Parking Facility: Landscaping: Building and Site Regulations: Community Design Plan: Sigoage: The .ubJeet 01 thl. request II 8 sign program for the proposed pen that Includes six (6) freestanding signs, and two (2) wall signs for the service station (see Exhibit "B" - proposed site plan). The project, as a part of Knuth Road PCD, was reviewed by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. It was determined that the project meets the requirements of the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County, however this sign program has no effect on traffic. Evaluatloll of drainage will be conducted for each individual site submitted to the City for approval. This sign program request has no effect on drainage. Four (4), two-way driveways are proposed for this development: two (2) of them are located on Boynton Beach Boulevard, and the other two are to be located on Knuth Road. There is sufficient on-site parking proposed (601 parking spaces), which meet the minimum requirements as per the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning. Evaluation of landscaping will be conducted for each individual site submitted to the City for approval. Landscaping required for the base of the freestanding signs will be reviewed at time of permit review. Site regulations will be met when the attacbed staff comments are incorporated into the permit application. The Community Design Plan allows for a total of four (4) colors to be used for multiple tenant buildings and their outparcels. The request proposes the use of the following colors: white , black, red and blue; the limit of the number of colors allowed. At this time, the service station out parcel is the only use within the pen that has received site plan approval. The sign colors proposed are consistent with the previously approved building colors. It is noted that similar compatibility is expected when the remaining PCD structures are reviewed for site plan approval. The sign code for a pen sets forth only regulations for size, height and location of signs. All other aspects of PCD signs (number, type and design) are evaluated on a project-by-project basis, taking into consideration the special characteristics of the peD, through the submittal of a sign program. In general, a PCD is held to a higher standard than other commercial districts. The sign program submitted includes six (6) freestanding signs for all anticipated tenants within the PCD. Three of these six signs advertise the out parcels only. On the proposed freestanding, directory signs the tenants proposed at this time are identified and additional space for ~s Page 3 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #96-311 Knuth Road pen - Sign Program other tenants is reserved. Also, as part of this program wall signs for the service station only have been Included. Two wall signs, one for the canopy and the other one for the building, are proposed. The attached staff comments list the deficiencies and recommendations regarding the signage proposed. Future applications for wall signs will have to comply with this sign program or a sign program amendment will need to be filed. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the comments included in Exhibit C - Administrative Conditions. The Technic~lI Review Committee recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building and sign permits. .JL:dim xc: Central File u:KulIl,sgll.Jh'p , I E X H I BIT "A" , ~1{ - '. -- u_z ~ZO ..... -\ ., .- ~O\J\il\. =::- o ~ 2. :---r --;~9 '\ . - - 11 .. ::..--::::::: ,- ~ .:;,r-' - - 11 ..l g::::=- ~ ~h~~.~.-:-~n\' _I' l~ :-=j bl_ )) e. J..., .,,;"%U ::, -n- - v', 1 "" (f) 01 __ :0 ~... .....\. ~- - y o g ~ ~~:...,.' ':'1 rVA .'~ r '",:: '~;!fl1 ~:J ' ]:>- ...... 'F"""'" .\) '2 II , , ".~ ~ .- .' s1'1 . '-' --=. ~" ,..."..........0-... .--..-... WJT" ",~. /. r -0 . _........... o;r.- ..:.... "'" _-----...--.,A ill rH ..... h '~: ~.~ · [~', u"..... , j~' 010 __. ," .'<Jl. .' -" .,,- IT"""'( ( Y.... , 0:' -.....,~ 'It ........ ':; ,1'-........ ":,' ' 1\ 0. . \ ;:-1" ~O,r.J :. 1_ _ -', : \ r.... ~ . , 11\ ,\\\'i' ~~"" ~ ..: \: '\' \r.\:' ..-'t~:~;i{,:: - \ ...,:--' :1-... '::. ' II \,\ .. ~'G C\ cy." . '0' '\ ~ I !Ilo( '- < <"~ ..,- . \" 1 \" ~. ., J. -rrn"- ........ _ ~i' ~'f ~...... ~ \ - ~ ' \ ,~ U7l ~J::-"';::: ,/IJJ- -\.l:> 0 _...--: ~ . · ...........;Ell.., ~ '\t'1 ,,- nTl. ~ .. ""~ ...._ ....""}'/0'-.,~ .u:..l. -" ~ o _,I"" ::.~.~_:: ..::- ::;:.::: 1/1~(\\ \.... \\'\.1 T:: -: 1'1 . .. ~ ..' -. ." ,,' \ '" . , r=':'::e. ,-,:,: :'~, ,,\ . cIJ ~- 0":-"'" ~ -~~~ .~.. .. .. ; Lf{~:1 \ I D:n~ iW . .t.\~~ ~ ~ ~ _:: ::. ~ -. ~ 11 '" ~.. : '1~ ,-" -:... I In (\ I] i\ -.".. "" ..~i I -" ,\1. \ ,'L'" \. "" \' ~ : i ''0 r::.2: :~::: t~;lD h-r: "" \1 ! \"." . I i ::~' ~ ~c. ~ :;.:; :: J \_ ,.;.. .. - \" ~ :"'l\\\ \'&~~ .. \ \\1!1&~ \ _:" ~ "" ITI1 ~,\ \\Y\'^\ '\ 1\ ::w' -~":,, r , , ,":\~ , \ \ \ \ Ulll ,",._ _ r~ ~ ------ o o e . .. '" ." " t\ .,' . E X H I BIT "B" , '1 (II - 10 \I ~ i - r III ~ ~ e 1 " 1.\\' 0 IS.~~ ~; Z~ \il~- k ~'9 ,8 ~ . q_ iJi~ o ~ i~ Ii ~ ,~ ..,," ~e - i ". 1; \ .. 4, c i ! ~~ ~ Ii 'I i " ; :l ~ ~ '; i " " =;i 2 " ~ _.. ". .... c. 'i J~ j"t ~ It .r. i{: . -; i" io, ., . os' o . ~t. i: ~i ,; ~:.. ~. '5, ", II 'l \..t ,: . 10 . t ~. h n . .- 1 i\ ~l .~ .;; ~~ i~ ,~t. 'I ,~~t ;: I"~ "1 it ~l ,- .}., .1 . ~ 1; r , \ . , I . I "r ~r' :', \; \: \l\' OJ ,\ " 1 ~ :~~ \!m~~~ f\~ __ ,. -\ ,1\ >; . \: J 1, v - " . ',-,>: .'" ,/ I 'v' L:-~ ~ ill J't Il' J I.~~~',\l .. as J\ ; ~,,: ~i ('. t. '!' 'Il . L:;; :' " 0( ':l . e ~ '! i. .~i!: i Ii .... 't ~ ~ ~. t 'T "~t~ ~. ~...~< .!U~ h'. Jti.. ......~' tlt..ln,~~ 1'.lh..t. u,x.,lllllWL- . tltlU'"" llScl...U,1l.Li., -':hf"r\ .J. Of_~~' KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. BOYNTON Bt"ClI f'LOIlIlIA llASTtR :lG....AGt PRllWiAM KlIdo) " ....ocIQI.. landIC"'" ""lta.ell/Pla"",.1 \~~l~ 'tt'0'r' Plat I 'IV". Po,," etact'\, flo"dfl 3~'O' ,..01) 689-SSZ: _(o_:IAO'7) 689-~~~~ 8 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, June 11, 1996 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Commission Chambers 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 1. Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members. 3. Agenda Approval. 4. Approval of Minutes. 5. Communications and Announcements. A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1) Final disposition of last meeting's agenda items. 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: A. PUBLIC HEARING Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoninl: 1. PROJECT NAME: Quantum Park PID/PCD Center AGENT: James G. Willard, Esquire OWNER: Quantum Associates LOCATION: 13.93 acres of property at the southwest corner of 1-95 and Gateway Boulevard DESCRIPTION: Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Office Commercial to Industrial and rezone from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) to add into the Quantum Park PID. Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment 2. PROJECT NAME: Public Storage, Inc.!Planning Area I.q. AGENT: Mike Carter Construction, Inc. OWNER: Public Storage, Inc. LOCATION: Planning Area I.q. - West side of South Federal Highway between Old Dixie Highway and the Gulfstream Mall Page 2 Planning & Development Board Meeting Agenda for June 11, 1996 DESCRIPTION: B. USE APPROVAL 1. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: C. SITE PLANS New Site Plan 1. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Maior Site Plan Modification 2. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: D. OTHER Discussion Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan, Section I.q. of the Future Land Use Element, Section VIII - Land Use Problems and Opportunities, as it applies to property at 3000 N. Federal Highway. Quantum Park PID James G. Willard Quantum Associates West side of the intersection of Gateway Boulevard and High Ridge Road Request to amend the list of permitted uses for the Quantum Corporate Park PID to allow used car sales on industrially designated lots within the PID. Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Cedar Ridge Estates PUD Paramont Engineering Group, Inc. Condor Investments Southeast corner of High Ridge Road and Cedar Ridge Road (Parcel C and Parcel D of the Cedar Ridge Estates PUD) Request for site plan approval to construct 110 single-family townhouses and a private recreation facility on 18.88 acres within the Cedar Ridge Estates PUD. Knuth Road PCD Kieran Kilday, Kilday and Associates Bill Winchester, The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection Request for PCD sign program approval. 1. Change to the zoning code to add communication towers as a conditional use in the REC (Recreation) and PU (Public Usage) zoning districts and prohibit in all other districts. Page 3 Planning & Development Board Meeting Agenda for June 11~ 1996 8. Comments by members 9. Adjournment NOTICE ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE~ WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S. 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (407) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. xc: Central File a:agP&Dmtg.JUN 7.C.2 MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION KNUTH ROAD PCD I PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #96-311 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION June 11, 1996 DESC:RJ:YfION OF PROJECT Project Name: Knuth Road PCD Applicant: Bill R. Winchester, The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Agent: Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates, Inc. Location: Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard File No.: MSPM 96-004 Land Use Plan Designation: Local Retail Commercial (LRC) Zoning Designation: Planned Commercial District (PCD) Type of Use: Number of Units: Shopping center with a bank and service station outparcels Not applicable Square Footage: Site Area: Building Area: 13.87 acres 120,000 square feet Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning District: (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) North - Boynton Beach Boulevard right-of-way, and farther north is existing commercial/retail development, zoned C-3 South - Quail Ridge residential development, located in unincorporated Palm Beach County East - Right-of-way of Knuth Road and farther east is commercial/office development, zoned C-l west - Quail Ridge residential development which is located in Palm Beach County. Existing Site Characteristics: The site is currently undeveloped and has no vegetation. Proposed Development: The developer is proposing construction of a shopping center, a service station and a bank on a 13.87 acre parcel of Knuth Road PCD. Total floor area of the proposed development shall not exceed 120,000 square feet. 2- Page 2 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #96-311 Knuth Road PCD - Sign Program Concurrency: a. Traffic- b. Drainage- Driveways: Parking Facility: Landscaping: Building and Site ReguIations: Community Design Plan: Signage: The subject of this request is a sign program for the proposed PCD that includes six (6) freestanding signs, and two (2) wall signs for the service station (see Exhibit "B" - proposed site plan). The project, as a part of Knuth Road PCD, was reviewed by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. It was determined that the project meets the requirements of the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County, however this sign program has no effect on traffic. Evaluation of drainage will be conducted for each individual site submitted to the City for approval. This sign program request has no effect on drainage. Four (4), two-way driveways are proposed for this development: two (2) of them are located on Boynton Beach Boulevard, and the other two are to be located on Knuth Road. There is sufficient on-site parking proposed (601 parking spaces), which meet the minimum requirements as per the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning. Evaluation of landscaping will be conducted for each individual site submitted to the City for approval. Landscaping required for the base of the freestanding signs will be reviewed at time of permit review. Site regulations will be met when the attached staff comments are incorporated into the permit application. The Community Design Plan allows for a total of four (4) colors to be used for multiple tenant buildings and their outparcels. The request proposes the use of the following colors: white , black, red and blue; the limit of the number of colors allowed. At this time, the service station outparcel is the only use within the PCD that has received site plan approval. The sign colors proposed are consistent with the previously approved building colors. It is noted that similar compatibility is expected when the remaining PCD structures are reviewed for site plan approval. The sign code for a PCD sets forth only regulations for size, height and location of signs. All other aspects of PCD signs (number, type and design) are evaluated on a project-by-project basis, taking into consideration the special characteristics of the PCD, through the submittal of a sign program. In general, a PCD is held to a higher standard than other commercial districts. The sign program submitted includes six (6) freestanding signs for all anticipated tenants within the PCD. Three of these six signs advertise the outparcels only. On the proposed freestanding, directory signs the tenants proposed at this time are identified and additional space for 3 Page 3 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum #96-311 Knuth Road PCD - Sign Program other tenants is reserved. Also, as part of this program wall signs for the service station only have been included. Two wall signs, one for the canopy and the other one for the building, are proposed. The attached staff comments list the deficiencies and recommendations regarding the signage proposed. Future applications for wall signs will have to comply with this sign program or a sign program amendment will need to be filed. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the comments included in Exhibit C - Administrative Conditions. The Technical Review Committee recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building and sign permits. JL: dim xc: Central File a:Knut-sgn.Rep 4 E X H I BIT "A" I s = n_z ..... z 0 ..... .-.I .~ ., \ \ \ CONGRESS \l.'~.; AVE €,t./l/C . f'.C :--- " c: ." ~ ~ b ~ _,' "-IUl ~~:r~,' I ~i ,,--> rf!~'-~~fLd'Un; -, ~: iL -\\l"" \_, r ~::~ "'-:W'J .::,;0, ,'~ . ,- ';., ~:,~ .. if( tit ,. ~ '- ....t,<=D 'F""'"'" ) \ ';2 F ~ 1.:: . .. ~.,_ ..".....-0_... '---~~n:::! . . -- .. ..... .......:t ..."",.,W Y . ..' :.; " .~""'.,." --- "" ~I _-~=.,. . '/'-~II 1\ ,_ ~ ~~ rt\- '1'1-\ "~'lI;-" T...'..-..-------- - ___.h~ "...... \ ,y:. ,I- ,,' 1,'11 y;N" _ ~ \ '~.L 'D' I--_..f<: n n I r"'''(y'' '"'(1 " "",:il-a I- 1--._ d I It-" ,~'I ~~ "1" Ii" -n""!,- ''".T Y; \, _, b).if-- ~"~ 1'::;= I ,{ -- "I" ' --ii .U ." .' 'n'\ . ,'-".; ',.... - v.!,/ '7-- . .T. . T '1'\"\ J i .::J ,""'l.,r f>- -- I ~tT ~ __ I. f1'~""C;'- ' '- l r ~ ,. ,_ .pI ft '~h '.' - -- ...- . <::':' [:::" =___ p"," ,,~~:Y~ "ll '11---' _ ,- 1/ r ,'~ "'.;: .,::.", "':" ~ ~~. ~I .. ~ i'- ~ ," ice . _ __ v n "T,-' - f- - 11 :::~ ~'" -00- ..~ ' '. - __ 'I I = = I ;fi;::!;I: C>= ~~ T! _ __ ]1- ~mll\':i::~ __ ~. ~Yl · '- I II 1\ nlJt I i. ~~::::"= LO'-=: . .~, . ~O - I -, i- 1 ~I ~\" __ . t=::: .:t= I'" 'L _ . - ,.- ,I' '1'1''11'' ....:::E .. __ ' '" 'i.. I ' I I~~ -::::::: '=-r- >; ~ '::0 _ _ __ .= I- ::BI ':;11 . _' c. 0 _ 1= \ n. ~ \~!~. .;::0 ~-F :: . ,-_ - 1..1 , ~ ~,. \ _"\: ~,/~ 1- , IjD; L..: .~ ~-- '--,~I= ~ - - T .-- D ~ )> l> ,- '\ \ /7:-- 0- ____f-- >-t:D .""" '- - L1 - ----- ,I). - . 0- o~ (j)0> 0- 00 ');::J' r ITl ..... en \.0 - ,0 " . m ",: '" '"" ~ --- o . o ~,\ [1"\\\\1 -~ T-~-- \ Thf rrT r ir II '. \" '\ \ iT 4' t <D E X H I BIT "B" # ,., r.", U\H . iit ~ ~ , l, \'\~~ 'w- l ~~G~ .::::: ~ ~~'~ ~ \ :z ' l'4!. - -~ \ \ ~I ~ , ,___I hl : ~_.-: -' ~ r ~ I---'"------~ ,Q , -~ ~,..' --~-----~....~. - ~~~ r: ~. ~:. H~n ~\ ~\ .__ mU ~.~. ~j ~ 'i~~ r~tlU \\\,\~ \_ ~!l ?l?l 1 ql!1i .,_ ._" ._ _ . l~Q~ . " ' ,~ .__...-...--_~-' ~.1 'i , ~Ill . \ s~ ' -~ !\ , i ~ ~~I(l ~~- ~m 8'~ ..:' !'!: l.~ 'J l- ~, ~r\ 1~ .. ~~ .. ;1 II.: .; ~; ~i ':.; ~~ ;~ i~t ~ h "'~ <<l-" "';, if. I;!. ',\ to ~~~ i- 4i ~; ;~ i~ .l \"'~ . :.; l: ~l .~.' 1 I~ ~\ :~ \~~. .1 ~.., ;;~ '~J; Sl i? .l t,. t~;~ ~i ~! :.! t~ i" ~1. :} <\'c .1. " ~ 1\ r " , ,. e -;: ~::,. ~ , - .:. ,-- ~ i; - - % (jl 0 z ?\\ -\ "t- F ~ rJ) ;;. "" - t, " ~ z: " .. .. - ~i'~\ %~i ,~ i ~,- \t~~. ! gllgg l\ ;::1:1"- ti ~ Ei -:: ~. ~(;.)t" ua\t- ,< Ol'''....n a\' f\\t' "'0 . l1ra",,,,g ~o - Pa\h "1 ~~d~ ~.,\~,,~~.. "t-.d...1..01~' llN~Tll ROAD p.C.D. 90YN1'0" BtACH fLORIPA MAS1'tR ::IG"",GE PR00RAM Kilday " ,usoeial.S ~QndS(;OQe "rehHeC\s/P\on"e"s I 55 I f 01\'"' Pia.. 5,,11. 100-' w..' 1'011'1' B.QG~, Florida 33401 14071 689-55Z: .fo.~40') 68,-2~'2 8 E X H I BIT "C" - <} EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Knuth Road PCD File number: MSPM 96-004 Reference:The plans consist of 1 sheet identified as 1st Review, Malor Site Plan Modification, File # MSPM 96-004 with a Mav 20, 1996 Planninq and Zoninq Department date stamp markinq. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: NONE 1. Proposed utility easements are not shown. No structures or footers are permitted in utility easements (Sec. 26 .33 (a) ) , FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 1. Sign liB 11 is not consistent with the design of the rest of the shopping center signs, 2, All signs shall meet setbacks to the ultimate right-of-way (see Land Development Regulations, Chapter 21 Signs, Article III, Section 5 Setbacks) . 3 , See definition, Land Development Regulations, Chapter I, Article II Definitions: Sign, Area of. 4 . Outparcels for gas station and bank have a maximum of 64 sq. ft. of signage and the shopping center will have a maximum of 160 sq, ft, of signage. I PARKS AND RECREATION I I I Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 10 Page 2 Major Site Plan Modification Knuth Road PCD MSPM 96-004 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I 5. From the site plan, eliminate the note regarding future sign color determination for the shopping center, The colors requested for approval are red and blue in addition to white and black and represent the maximum number of colors allowed by the Community Design Plan. Additional colors must be granted by filing an appeal. Indicate on the plan that black, white, red and blue are the approved sign colors for the PCD and the remaining wall signage for the project will comply with the regulations identified in the Sign Code and Community Design Plan of the city's Land Development Regulations. 6, All signs, with the exception of sign type "B" have round tops. In order to unify signage, which is the purpose of the sign program and the PCD, redesign sign type "B" to match the shape of the remaining signs, 7, Indicate setbacks of all signs and provide dimensions for these setbacks from the ultimate right-of-way, All setbacks should be a minimum of ten (10 ) feet. 8. Show on the plan all existing and/or proposed easements within the PCD to eliminate potential conflicts between these easements and sign locations, 9 . It is recommended that the number of freestanding signs be reduced from six (6 ) to four (4) I by combining signs type D and C facing Boynton Beach Boulevard and signs type B and C at the Knuth Road entrance, since the number of signs is excessive and located closely together. 10, As required by the sign code, show on the permit drawings landscaping around the base of all freestanding signs. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 1. To be determined ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS l. To be determined. TJH/dim a:CmDptSig,Knu II ~~j~-' K PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-319 Agenda Memorandum for June 18, 1996 City Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Manager THRU: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki DATE: June 6, 1996 SUBJECT: Oakwood Square (Casual Male-Big and Tall tenant space) - ADAP 96-002 (modifications to the approved color scheme for southern outbuilding) NATURE OF REQUEST Joseph P. Braga, project manager for J. Baker Inc., owner of Casual Male - Big and Tall, is requesting approval of an administrative appeal to staff's determination regarding proposed changes to the facade of the Casual Male - Big and Tall outbuilding, the southern-most outbuilding located within the Oakwood Square shopping center. More specifically, the petitioner is requesting a color change of the building to employ their corporate colors. The following two color scheme alternatives have been presented: 1. Building exterior - ,Light Grey (SW #2128) Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072) 2. Building exterior - Light Pink (to match shopping center) Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072) (see Exhibit "A" - letter of request and proposed tenant space exterior elevation view drawings). BACKGROUND The Oakwood Square shopping center is located east of Congress Avenue between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Boulevard (see Exhibit "B" - Location Map). The color scheme for the Oakwood Square was approved by the Community Appearance Board on April 11, 1991 as follows: a) main shopping center - medium pink (Bruning Paints, Spoon Sugar 840-2W), b) outparcel buildings - light pink (Benjamin Moore Paints, Moore Guard 1-81289). The Board also recommended that the yellow canopy of the northern-most outbuilding for one of the existing tenants at that time (Perkins restaurant), be repainted to blue to match the existing, blue, spanish tile roof of the main building. Subsequent to 1991, as part of tenant changes to the middle outparcel buildings, the canopies for the two middle out parcel buildings were allowed to be painted in stripes of red and white. Staff's site visit conducted on June 7, 1996, revealed that over the last five years, since the color scheme was approved, the consistency of the approved color scheme has been eroded by changes that have not been approved by the city, which may not have been detected as no permit is required for mere color changes. For example, the color of the main shopping center was changed to off-white, both northern out parcel buildings were repainted light-pink and different colors Page 2 Memorandum No. 96-319 Oakwood Square (Big and Tall Casual Male) ADAP 96-002 accents were added to both structures. The subject outbuilding is currently painted medium pink and has a dark green canopy (see Exhibit C - elevation view drawings of the existing building facade). ANALYSIS Based on review of the proposed changes and field visits to the site, it is staff's position that the consistency of the approved color scheme be restored. The proposed light pink color of the building matches the approved scheme for outbuildings, however, the yellow canopy does not. As previously mentioned, at the April 11, 1991 meeting of the Community Appearance Board, the Board members recommended that the approved color of the canopy of the northernmost outparcel, Perkins Restaurant, be restored. The letter of request submitted by the applicant (Exhibit "A") and the phone conversations with the representatives from Casual Male - Big and Tall indicate the following reasons for the proposed changes: a. colors as indicated in Alternative 1: building exterior - Light Grey (SW #2128) and canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072) are the corporate colors of the company, b. the medium pink color of the current structure is perceived as inappropriate for a mens clothing store. During a phone conversation with the petitioner, he indicated that he would be agreeable to retaining the dark green color of the canopy, along with light pink or gray for the color of the exterior walls, although this option was not included in any of the color alternatives presented to the City. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of Alternative 2, which proposes light pink painted exterior walls, with a modification that the canopy would be repainted dark green as it currently exists, or dark blue to match the canopy color of the Clock restaurant. This proposal would allow the approved color scheme to be restored. JL:dim xc: Central File u:Dig&Tull.Rcp E X H I BIT "A" II J. Baker, Inc. 'llil~.~~~~:'~;~~='i~ S 6 S T URN" I J( II: .,." II: II: T .. CAN'" 0 H. M A . 020 Z I . 6 7-8 2 SfI,'Ii%"'~ May 9, 1996 Mr. Jerzy Lewicki City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blv'd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 407-375-6260 VIA: Regular Mail and Fax #407-375-6090 RE: Casual Male-Big & Tall #9556 Oakwood Shopping Center 324 North Congress Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr. Lewicki, I understand that the City of Boynton Beach has rejected the proposed colors for the exterior of the building. The colors that were proposed are the corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors that we use in our stores nationwide. I am aware that there is a certain criteria for the shopping center which consists of "medium pink" and "light pink" colors. The existing color of ollr building is the "medium pink" color and being a Men's Retail Clothing Store, I am requesting your approval to tone down the color to something that will closer resemble our corporate image. Please review the following information and option # 1 & #2 (color samples have been submitted); Existing Building Colors: Entire Building Exterior . Medium Pink Building Metal Canopy - Dark Green Original Proposal (corporate Casual Male-Big & Tall colors): Upper Building Exterior. Medium Grey (SW #2117 Touchstone) Lower Building Exterior - Light Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54- Y37) Option #1: Entire Building Exterior - Ught Grey (SW #2128 March Wind) Note: This "light aroy" color is almost "white" which is vary similar to the "light pink" color in the shopping center. Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54-Y37) Option #2: Entire Building Exterior - Ught Pink (shopping center color) Building Metal Canopy - Yellow (SW #6174072 Safety Yellow - B54- Y37) Please review and call me with your comments and/or approval. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Joseph P. Braga Project Manager CC: Foltz Development & Construction '; " ,'- "-"'-." '" ~",\.,.:~:\., ; . ;:;I'~';:';;-,; -i~.,::';; f;~i:~ ~~!!' !,~~l! :f;:,~;::,!!;:, .,', r "(';. Q z ~ "'I ..~O t!l~c::: 6j~ 93- 5z~ <O~_ ~5-:~ I=z ~ u, UJ"''i!< ..... ~ AI LO IXl -- :c: ~ -' ~ ~ UJ <JJu. ~~ :::l", 3~ ~.. ~~ ffi~ I<JJ <JJ'i!< I- :z ~ u.. W 0:: ~ ~ ~ ~ iij ~ ~ li:: ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Qi ~ ~ ~ ..' '" II ~ " ~ ~ ~ '{,tT ;r~;f"{:)~t~~, cf;:;~, ~j~~;;~ ',;~, . ',", '. ",. ~"" "";:~,,,..,.,..,.,:>,:\:;, ..:.~' . - ~.< ';'< ',i~~;, "\;t,,' ,.~..,., .),/. ,'. , ',. ,,~ . " " :~. 'c:- ; "', _:,-.", ,,~., ""'.',' ~i:" ',.' >,': .~-: '-'., ',' ',.'.,':-, ~> ~ ,,-,: -.:-';. :~.; "",",c., ;,,:,.,";;;,:: " \ o ~ ~~ -~ ~~ a:>"Z:CZ U1~9 ~~S U1 -- ...... 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PROJECT: Knuth Road PCD Service Station LOCATION: Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road AGENT: Kieran Kilday, Kilday and Associates OWNER: Bill Winchester DESCRIPTION: Request for sign program approval to include six (6) freestanding signs and two (2) wall signs for the service station outparcel. NOTE: Written comments and plans/documents (except control plans) were to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday, May 31, 1996. 4. Other Business NONE 5. Comments by members 6. Adjournment The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello, (407) 375-6013 at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. MEH:bme a:TRCMTG28 ,may r;. \..j"ct PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-283 TO: TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS Carrie Parker, City Manager Bob Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Building Division Ken Hall, Department of Development William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Mike Haag, Planning & Zoning Department Jerzy Lewicki, Planning & Zoning Department William HU~~~.~velopment Department Tambr~ J. Heyd7n ~ ~~ Plannlng & Zonlng Dlrector FROM: DATE: May 20, 1996 SUBJECT: Administration Technical Review Committee Meeting Tuesday, May 21, 1996 On May 21, 1996, after discussing the Quantum Park PID, the Administration Technical Review Committee will convene regarding the following submittal: Maior Site Plan Modification: 1. PROJECT: Knuth Road PCD Service Station - Sign Program LOCATION: Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road AGENT: Kieran Kilday, Kilday and Associates OWNER: Bill Winchester DESCRIPTION: Request for sign program approval to include six (6) free standing signs for the entire PCD and two (2) wall signs for the service station. NOTE: Written comments and plans regarding this submittal shall be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director no later than 5:00 P.M., Friday, May 24, 1996. The project is scheduled for the June 11, 1996 Planning and Development Board, and the June 18, 1996, City Commission meetings. a:TRCSPCL2.521 PLAl .LNG AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-259 TO: FROM: TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS Carrie Parker, City Manager Bob Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Building Division Ken Hall, Department of Development William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Mike Haag, Planning & Zoning Department Jerzy Lewiaki, Planning Q Zoning Department William Hukill, Development Department -----oLL Tambri J. Heyden /%). Planning & Zoning Director DATE: May 14, 1996 SUBJECT: Administration Technical Review Committee Meeting - Tuesday, May 21, 1996, followed by Applicant Technical Review Committee Meeting. On May 2111 1996, at 9:00 A.M., a staff-only meeting to discuss the submittal below will be held in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, Room 201, Mangrove Park School. At 10: 00 A.M., a standard applicant TRC meeting will convene regarding the same submittal (because the item below is an amendment to a DRI, the condensed time frame for processing is governed by state law). 1. Old Business None 2. New Business Master Plan Modification: 1. PROJECT: Quantum Park PID LOCATION: West side of the intersection of Interstate 95 and Gateway Boulevard AGENT: James Willard, Shutts & Bowen OWNER: Quantum Associates DESCRIPTION: Request to amend the previously approved PID master plan in connection with an amendment to the DRI to add 14 acres (the PCD Center subdivision) to the PID boundaries and designate it for commercial use and to add the option of commercial use to the existing land use designated for lots 57, 64, 65A, 65B, 66, 67A, 67B, 67C, 6aA, 6aB, 69, 70, 72, 73A, 74, 75, 76, 77, 7 a , 79, a 3 , a 4 , a 5 and 91. NOTE: Written comments and plans regarding this submittal shall be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director no later than 5:00 P.M., Friday, May 2411 1996. 4. Other Business NONE 5. Comments by members 6 . Adj ournmen t The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services wher~ necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program, or activity conducted by the City. Please contact Joyce Costello II (407) 375-6013 at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. a:TRCSPECL.521