KllUy It AeeocIat-
landscape Architectsl Planners
1551 Forum Place
Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
(407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592
June 6, 1996
Mr. Jerzy Lewicki, Project Manager
Planning and Zoning Department
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Re: Knuth Road PCD/Major Master Plan Modification
Our Project No.: 799.14(A)
Dear Jerzy:
Enclosed please find the Master Signage Program graphic as requested. Please note the
enclosed graphic reflects revisions based on the TRC Comments. The revisions are as
1 . The sign type "B" has been revised to add a radius to the top to be consistent with
all other signs.
2. The sign locations have been moved to allow for a 10' setback from the ultimate
3. The square footage of sign type "B" and sign type "0" have been revised to reflect
the Building Department's calculation requirement (the square footage being the
total area of the sign, rather than just a block of the letters). This revised square
footage is still under the allowed square footage by code.
As discussed previously, the developer agrees to all of the comments except for the one
recommendation to reduce the number of signs.
The graphic has been clipped to foam core so you can remove it, fold it up, and place it in
the file for future use.
Mr. Jerzy Lewicki
June 6, 1996
Page - 2 -
If you have any questions in regards to these comments, please do not hesitate to contact
me at (407)689-5522.
(l{ ~ j~
Marcie W. Tinsley
Kilday & Associates, Inc.
cc: Bill Winchester
Nathan Kalichman; Andrews & Copans Gas & Oil Co., Inc.
Jack Lynch; Rauch, Weaver, Millsaps & Co.
MWT lkfj/dLewickiAl8
Klldey It AAocIetes
landscape Architectsl Planners
1551 Forum Place
Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
1407) 689-5522 · Fax: 1407) 689-2592
MAY 2 4 :8SA3
May 23, 1996
Mr. Jerzy Lewicki
Planning and Zoning Department
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Re: Knuth Road PCD/Master Signage Program
Our Project No.: 949.41799.14(A)
Dear Mr. Lewicki:
Thank you very much for responding expediently to my questions in regards to the service
station construction. To recap our conversation, it is my understanding that the
construction of the Knuth Road service station itself will satisfy the Knuth Road PCD
eondition to begin construction within eighteen months of the approval. Furthermore,
following this construction, the PCD approval will be valid with no time certain expiration
In addition to the above issue, we also discussed the Master Signage program. During our
phone conversation, you made me aware of the code limitation of four colors per shopping
center. I understand that the Master Signage program allows us flexibility from most sign
code requirements, but since we do not have specific users for the majority of the center,
it is in our best interest to just show the service station colors for now. Then when we go
through the site plan process for the rest of the center, we will resubmit the Master Signage
program with the proposed colors.
Mr. Jerzy Lewicki
May 23, 1996
Page - 2 -
Thanks again for responding to my questions so quickly. If you have any additional
comments, please call me at (407)689-5522.
!l{ '" Qa-
Marcie W. Tinsley
Kilday & Associates, Inc.
cc: Bill Winchester
Jack Lynch
Mike Schroeder
Nathan Kalichman
File No. 799.5
Klldey It Auoc....
Landscape Architects! Planners
1551 Forum Place
Suite 100A
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
14071 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592
~ : i.
May 10,1996
Ms. Tambrj J. Heyden, Planning Director
Mr. Jerzy Lewicki, Project Manager
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Re: Knuth Road PCD Service Station
Our Project No.: 949.4
Dear Ms. Heyden and Mr. Lewicki:
Attached please find five (5) copies of the Knuth Road PCD Master Signage Program. As
previously discussed, this Master Signage Program will follow the Knuth Road PCD service
station site plan approval process. As stated in the Boynton Beach Land Development
regulations, a submission of Master Signage Program is to encourage continuity for
signage in a PUD while allowing flexibility with respect to type, color, number of signs,
location and design of signs (exclusive of setbacks).
Our office reviewed the signage on both parcels across Boynton Beach Boulevard and also
across Knuth Road. The signs we are proposing are comparable in character and lower
in height than all existing signs in this area. It is the developer's intent to construct the two
service station signs in conjunction with the development of the gas station and the other
signs will be constructed in conjunction with the development of the final phases of the
PCD. As you know, there is an existing billboard on the site which will be removed during
the first phase of the development process. The removal of this billboard will also
aesthetically improve the character of the site.
Color samples of the Amoco signs have been previously submitted, as well as a colored
elevation of the above-mentioned signs. If you have any questions in regards to this
Master Signage Program submittal, please call me at (407)689-5522.
r1{~, J~
Marcie W. Tinsley
Ki Iday & Associates
MWT Ikfj
cc: Nathan Kalichman
Paul Lingerfeldt; Lingerfeldt, Benton & Morris
Bill Winchester
Jack Lynch; Weaver, Milsap et al