LEGAL APPROVAL MEETING MINUTES SPECIAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 25, 1996 Knuth Road PCD Major Site Plan Modification for Signage - This board's recommendation regarding curved tops for all signs and substituting Sign Band 0 to lower the size of the sign was approved by the City Commission. Discussion Item Relating to Telecommunications' Ordinance - This Ordinance was scheduled for second reading at the last City Commission meeting. It is being readvertised and will be back before the City Commission on July 2. With regard to this item, the Planning and Development Board discussed the possibility of a half-mile radius or a one-mile radius between poles. Ms. Heyden mapped this, and found that a one-mile radius was very, very large. Her recommendation is for as half-mile radius. Mr. Aguila questioned whether when it was mapped out, there would still be room for a "toothpick factory". Ms. Heyden responded that there are a lot of sites, but this use is subject to conditional use approval. The sites are scattered and some are as close a one- quarter mile apart. 6. OLD BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: A. SUBDIVISION Master Plan Modification 1. Project: Location: Quantum Park PIO West side of the intersection of Interstate 95 and Gateway Boulevard James Willard. Shutts & Bowen Quantum Associates Request to amend the previously-approved PIO master plan in connection with an amendment to the DRI to add 13.17 acres (the PCD Center subdivision) to the PIO boundaries and change the use designation from office to commercial/Industrial use, add the option of commercial use to the existing use designated for lots 65A, 65B,66, 67A, 67B, 67C, 68A, 68B, 69,70,72, Agent: Owner: Description: 3 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 18, 1996 comments except rejecting Comment #18 to allow for 40' right-of-way, including all other staff comments and including the Planning and Development Board conditions. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried unanimously. D. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Knuth Road PCD Kieran Kilday, Kilday and Associates Bill Winchester, The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION: Request for PCD sign program approval Kieran Kildav. Kildav and Associates. advised tha~ this application is strictly for signage. The conditions, as amended by the Planning and Development Board, are acceptable to the applicant. He reminded +he Commissioners that the applicant made one modification at the Planning and Development Board meeting which was agreed to by everyone. Ms. Heyden had no comments to offer. Motion Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to approve the request for PCD sign program approval for the Knuth Road, Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd., southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection, including all staff comments and Planning and Development Board conditions. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion which carried u nan imously. E. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Casual Male - Big and Tall at Oakwood Square Joseph P. Braga J. Baker. Inc. . Southeast corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue Request for an administrative appeal to allow color changes for the exterior wall and canopy of the southern-most outbuilding at Oakwood Square Chuck Foltz, contractor for the project, advised that Mr. Braga was unable to be present this evening. He advised that the existing building is dark pink with a green awning. The applicant proposes a yellow canopy with a gray building. These are the corporate colors of Casual Male. Staff recommended retaining the green awning and repainting the building with a softer pink. Because thiS is a men's shop, the applicant would like to eliminate the pink building. Mr. Foltz said the applicant is open to anything the Commission would like done. 22 MEEnNG MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 11, 1996 Estates PUD, subject to staff comments with the following exceptions: Comment #27 be deleted, and Comment #28 read that the exterior driveway be 20' and that the comment (Comment #24) about the meeting hall versus the pool in relationship to the road remain as per Sheet SP 1 of our submittal package. (In other words, that the meeting hall building be adjacent to the road was opposed to the pool area.) Mr. Wische seconded the motion. Mr. Rosenstock requested that the following comments be transcribed verbatim. "I think its improper for the members of this board to vote on an issue, as much as we might want to approve it or disapprove it, when you have 52 comments that are going to be bargained for by the Engineering and Planning Departments without the knowledge, and beyond the scope of this board. I'd like to see these items resolved before they come to this board in the future. We've asked for this twice now, and it seems to me that its getting worse, and not better, and my comments on my sheet that I'm going to give to the City Manager are that maybe we ought to reinstitute the TRB so that all of these issues, or most of these issues are resolved before they come to a board for approval or disapproval." Ms. Heyden advised that approximately four or five years ago, the TRB had the authority to hold back plans if there were voluminous comments. We no longer have that authority. We have to pass on plans within a certain number of days of submittal. Mr. Rosenstock feels that this is precisely the reason why the TRB should be reinstituted. However, Mr. Aguila pointed out that part of the problem that existed when the TRB was functioning was that there were certain staff members abusing this process, and projects were indefinitely postponed. The motion carried 6-1. (Mr. Rosenstock cast the dissenting vote.) MIJor Site Plan Modification 2. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Knuth Road PCD Kieran Kilday, Kilday and Associates Bill Winchester, The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection Request for PCD sign program approval. Kieran Kildav. Kildav and Associates. agreed to all conditions with the exception of Item #9 which deals with the number of signs. 18 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 11, 1996 Mr. Kilday displayed the plan which depicted the site. Along Boynton Beach Boulevard, on the north side of the property at the primary entrance to the project, there are plans for two signs. One of the signs will be a shopping center sign, and the second will be a monument sign identifying the south parcel which is planned for a bank. The third sign (Amoco sign) is located on the corner. Along Knuth Road, at the northern entrance, there will be two signs. One sign is a shopping center sign, and the second sign is an Amoco sign on the north side of the entrance. The last sign is a shopping center sign at the south entrance. The applicant is willing to reduce the Amoco sign on Knuth Road to a monument sign, but would like to retain the six signs as shown. Vice Chairman Golden explained that he does not have a problem with the sign program submitted; however, he will vote no because he has a problem with the original rezoning. Motion Mr. Wische moved to approve the request for PCD sign program approval for Knuth Road PCD on the southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection, subject to staff comments, and eliminating Comment #9 as amended by Mr. Kilday. Mr. Aguila seconded the motion. Mr. Aguila confirmed with ~r. Kilday that this sign program can change with the bank and cross access arrangement. However, Mr. Kilday pointed out that he will come back in for site plan approval on the bank. The motion carried 5-2. (Vice Chairman Golden and Mr. Rosenstock cast the dissenting votes.) C. OTHER Discussion 1. Change to the zoning code to add communication towers as a conditional use In the REC (Recreation and PU (Public Usage) zoning chtrIcta and prohibit In all other districts. Chairman Dube was of the opinion that this change would result in not being able to put towers on anything but City property. Ms. Heyden responded negatively. She said approximately one-third of the REC and Public Usage zoned properties are other than City- owned. The School Board, FPL, and DOT own some of this property. Chairman Dube questioned whether or not this would present a problem. He referred to the Congress Middle School property where the satellite dish is located. The City is unable to do anything to improve the looks of that property. 19 %e City of r:Boynton r:Beacfi 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead.. 'Bou1.evartf P.O. 'Bo;c310 'Boynton 'BUJCh., 1foritfa 33425-0310 City 9iaf[: (407) 375-6000 :FJU: (407) 375-6090 July 3, 1996 Marcie W. Tinsley Kilday and Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, #100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Knuth Road PCD File No: MSPM 96-004 Location: Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection Dear Ms. Tinsley, Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order regarding the above captioned, for relief sought to amend the previously approved site plan. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 375-6260. S~in:erelY' '9-Y4L ..1 ", ~ 'J ~./:Z-7PIU. , , /.;/. Tarnbri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dar Enclosures xc: Central File a:develord.knu ;Irrrerial's (jattway to tfu (jutfstream. DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA C:!~: ~.~~. p~--,. lli ~ :~;:~ PLANNING ANI) ZONING DEPT. l APPLICANT: KNUTH ROAD PCD APPLICANTS AGENT: Kiernan Kildav. Kildav and Associates. acent for Bill Winchester. The Winchester Familv Partnership. Ltd.. Owner DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: June 18.1996 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Reauestinc approval of a sicn procram for the Knuth Road PCD. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: southwest comer of Bovnton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road intersection DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "8..." ATTACHED HERETO. TH IS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1 . Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant ~HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit ".k.." with the notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other: N()lVt DATED: June 18. 1996 ~~L4c~~ ~ C:devord.frm r1lII.112419ll Knuth Road PCD(6/17Ill6) " I o II .,.1 )> ..... .. itl )l ..... I. :. - ' . , - . 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"t., 1'0 IJl,:.J l- I'~lh ~.\r.I.UIIUI.-- t Ih\laOl.t WjCl..l.lJA.. - "'hrrl n' _.---lo IlNUTII ROAD P.C.D. 80'Vtt'fON 8t:ACII rLonlllA ~ASltR =IG"...t:t 1'1I\lIOH.\'" K"dQ) " ...ocla'" lon"'OO' ArChll.th/!"'''''''' \J~' 't.'m '1... "",~:f Jt)I?'~ a,oe'" 'Ic,htn 3)-"0' 14011 6119-SS:; .. Q...O' I 6e~. :~i. ~~J (\ I" II .- /JA"-- ? EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Knuth Road PCD File number: MSPM 96-004 Reference:The plans consist of 1 sheet identified as 1st Review. Major Site Plan Modification. File * MSPM 96-004 with a May 20. 1996 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: NONE 1. Proposed utility easements are not x shown. No structures or footers are permitted in utility easement~ (Sec.26.33(a)). FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 1. Sign "B" is not consistent with the x design of the rest of the shopping center signs. 2 . All signs shall meet setbacks to the x ultimate right-of-way (see Land Development Regulations, Chapter 21 Signs, Article III, Section 5 Setbacks). 3. See definition, Land Development x Regulations, Chapter 1, Article II Definitions: Sign, Area of. 4 . Outparcels for gas station and bank x have a maximum of 64 sq. ft. of signage and the shopping center will have a maximum of 160 sq. ft. of signage. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: Page 2 Major Site Plan Modification Knuth Road PCD MSPM 96-004 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 5. From the site plan, eliminate the note x regarding future sign color determination for the shopping center. The colors requested for approval are red and blue in addition to white and black and represent the maximum number of colors allowed by the Community Design Plan. Additional colors must be granted by filing an appeal. Indicate on the plan that black, white, red and blue are the approved sign colors for the PCD and the remaining wall signage for the project will comply with the regulations identified in the Sign Code and Community Design Plan of the city's Land Development Regulations. 6. All signs, with the exception of sign x type IIBII have round tops. In order to unify signage, which is the purpose of the sign program and the PCD, redesign sign type IIBII to match the shape of the remaining signs. 7 . Indicate setbacks of all signs and x provide dimensions for these setbacks from the ultimate right-of-way. All setbacks should be a minimum of ten (10) feet. s. Show on the plan all existing and/or x proposed easements within the PCD to eliminate potential conflicts between these easements and sign locations. 9. It is recommended that the number of x freestanding signs be reduced from six ( 6 ) to four (4) , by combining signs type D and C facing Boynton Beach Boulevard and signs type Band C at the Knuth Road entrance, since the number of signs is excessive and located closely together. 10. As required by the sign code, show on x the permit drawings landscaping around the base of all freestanding signs. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 1- Delete comment 9. x 2. Sign type B shall be redesigned to not x exceed the size of sign type D. 3. All freestanding signs shall have x curved tops. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 1- To be determined. KINE TJH/dim a: CmDptSig. Knu