LEGAL APPROVAL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMM......4iION BOYNTON BEACH, FLO. "':DA MARCH 3,1998 C. Resolutions: None D. Other: 1. Topless Bars Commissioner Jaskiewicz questioned whether it is permissible to prohibit liquor in topless bars. She further inquired as to whether or not this type of activity could be prohibited by Ordinance within a certain proximity to homes. Commissioner Bradley said the City has a Code that allows topless bars in industrial zones only. Attorney Cherof added that distance requirements are difficult to enforce. However, he offered to review the Code. He will provide an update by the next meeting. XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Update on COmmunity Development COrporation (eDC) Office requested by Mayor Jerry Taylor (TABLED AT 2/:17/98 CITY COMMISSION MEETrNG) Motion Commissioner Bradley moved to remove this item from the table. Commissioner lillman seconded the motion that carried 5-0. City Manager Willis reported that she and Wilfred Hawkins visited this location to make sure progress is ongoing. The interior project is moving along and we are anxious to see that progress expanded outside. . Art Matthews. 1262 Gondola Court. said he has worked diligently with the contractors and told Don Johnson they were doing all they possibly could do to renovate the site as quickly and beautifully as possible. He admitted that there was a situation the board has rectified in terms of a shortfall of funds. The contractor has assured Mr. Matthews the project will be complete by March 31st. This date is very important because all projects that were in existence plior to that date must be terminated by March 31st. The funding will be cut at that time. All of the necessary adjustments have been made and all of the staff is aware that all funding requests must be into HCD prior to March 31st. Mr. Matthews reassured the aty that this project will reflect positively on the Oty. Mayor Taylor questioned the total amount of money allocated for this project. Mr. Matthews advised that $90,000 has been allocated for this renovation. To date, approximately $50,000 has been expended. 24 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1998 XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Update on Community Development Corporation (CDC) Office requested by Mayor Taylor Mayor Taylor advised that some data was received at the County level with respect to the CDC. The CDC rearranged funding and shifted quite a bit of the money from maintenance into salaries. Some of the salaries increased by over 50%. The data indicated that the project would be completed and operational in March. The City Commission requested that staff investigate this situation because it does not appear that this office will open in March. Mayo... Taylor received a telephone call from Art Matthews to advise that work is being done on th~ inside of the structure. When asked if the office would be ready for operation in March, Mr. ' Matthews responded negatively and could not offer a date when the operations would begin. Mr. Matthews indicated that he cannot get an electrical permit from the City without expending an additional $4,000 that he does not have. The CDC can no longer get money from the County because Boynton Beach is an entitlement city. Mayor Taylor questioned whether the City has the ability to take the property back. City Manager Willis and Wilfred Hawkins walked through the strUcture. There are workers on site who have accomplished quite a bit on the interior of the building. City Manager Willis requested that this item be tabled until the next meeting to allow staff an opportunity to contact Mr. Matthews so that he can provide a report at that time. In addition, information on the reverter clause will be provided at the next meeting. Commissioner Tillman expressed concern about the operation of the COCo When the representatives last appeared before the Commission, they did not provide any bottom-line figures. Although they are working on the interior, if we have other agencies coming on line that can do infill housing, this place will be obsolete. Commissioner Bradley requested that the Commission be provided with parameters that spell out how COCs are formed. Commissioner Jaskiewicz feels the City has been taken over the hurdles on this property because we have made a lot of concessions. Furthermore, we have exceeded what the property is worth with regard to expenses. It would have been more beneficial to bulldoze that structure and build another home. Mr. Hawkins said the City's obligation to a COC is zero. We must make known what our plans and programs are with respect to spending entitlement dollars. The City Commission did just that at its workshop meeting to discuss the one-year plan. The COC would have to apply for S.H.I.P. dollars. This is a competitive process and there are others that can do the job the COC does. They do not have to be housed in Boynton Beach. We have no real obligation other than to make our plans known. B. Chapel Hill Entryway Sign Vice Mayor Titcomb advised that the Chapel Hill wall project began 14 months ago. Staff did an excellent job in bringing this project together. Building permits have been secured, a volunteer contractor is in place and funding is available to pay for the wall. One obstacle involves the two 19 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMM. .AON BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 17, 1997 Attorney Cherof added Item XI-O.2, "Request for a Shade Session on the Leisureville Lawsuit at the July 1 City Commission meeting. 2. Adoption Commissioner Bradley moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Mayor Taylor announced that Vice Mayor Titcomb would not be present for this meeting since he is out of town. II. ADMINISTRA TIVE: A. Appointments to be made: Appointment To Be Made Board Length of Term Expiration Date III. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A. Announcements: 1. Pre-budget Workshop - Friday, June 27, 1997 - 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. - Library Program Room Mayor Taylor made this announcement. 2. July 4th BIG BLAST FIREWORKS EVENT - Boat Club Park - 3:30 p.m. - Food Beverages, Contests, Bands and Fun - Fireworks at 9:00 p.m. Mayor Taylor made this announcement. B. Presentations: 1. Presentation by Art Matthews - Update on Boynton Community Development Corporation Office Renovation Project at 2191 North Seacrest Boulevard (corner of Gateway Boulevard) Art Matthews; 1262 Gondola Court, is President of the Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation. He acknowledged the presence of members of the COC in the audience, and introduced Angela Girtman, Project Manager, Mr. Stan Martincavage, the attorney, and Mr. Thaddeus Collin, the architect for the project. Mr. Matthews advised that the Mayor and City Commissioners received back-up information providing the sequences pertaining to the project. The COC has given this project a great deal 2 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSI. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 17,1997 of thought. and spent in excess of $16,000. The COC is serious about the development of this office and they want to proceed. All expenditures were with money provided by the CDC. Time has taught Mr. Matthews that rushing forth does not accomplish anything. This project has not been an easy one, and things got bogged down. However, the CDC has moved at a deliberate pace. Thaddeus Collin, of 75 NE 6th Avenue, Suite 219, Delray Beach, said he has been retained to help accomplish the goal of the COCo This property will be converted into offices for the COCo There have been discussions with Palm Beach County Housing and Community Development relative to their requirements for drawings and bid documents. The plans are currently on the street for contractors to bid the project on July 8th. This new office will be used for meetings and to house the COCo There will be on-site parking, landscaping, lighting and irrigation. This property will be an asset to the CDC and the community. In response to Commissioner Jaskiewicz' question regarding when the renovation of the building will take place. Mr. Collin reiterated that the bid opening date is July 8th. Once the bids. are opened, they will be reviewed and Palm Beach County Housing and Community. Development will be notified of their receipt. They will review the bids along with the COCo Once the contract is drawn up, the contractor will submit the drawings to the Building Department for review. When that procedure has been completed, construction will begin. Mayor Taylor advised that the City has been receiving complaints from the community for over two years about this property being an eyesore that sits at the corner of a major intersection. This project has dragged for more than two years. Although the COC has done an excellent job in this community, this project "dropped through the cracks". Plans for this project were sent to the County in October, and no response was received from them until February. Mayor Taylor was of the opinion that the COC should have contacted the City for help. While Mayor Taylor wants to see this project come to fruition, he knows there is a limit to the community's patience. Mayor Taylor is aware of the fact that some of the money that was originally set aside for this project was spent in other areas. That money has been put aside again. Mayor Taylor wants to be able to provide the community with a date when this project will be completed. He urged the COC to seek assistance from the City if they do not receive a response from the County within a few weeks after forwarding them the plans. IV. CONSENT AGENDA: A. MJnutes: - 1. Town Meeting Minutes of May 29, 1997 These minutes were accepted as presented. 2. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of June 3,1997 These minutes were accepted as presented. 3 MINUTES'. . PLANNING .AND DEVELOP:\lE~T BOARD BOY~TO:"l' BEACH. FLORIDA OCTOBER 8. 1996 Motion Mr. Aguila moved to approve the minutes of the September 10, 1996 meeting. Mr. Wische seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. 5. COMMUNICATIONS ANO ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Oepartment 1. Final Disposition of Last Meeting's Agenda Items Ms. Heyden reported the following: . Blockbuster Video Community Design Plan Appeal - Approved by the City Commission, subject to all staff comments. . St. Joseph's Episcopal Church Conditional Use Approval - Approved by the City Commission, subject to all staff comments. . East Ridge PUD Rezoning - Postponed. The applicant is resubmitting plans. This item will be heard at the next meeting. . Woolbright Place Master Plan Modification - Ended with the Planning and Development Board making the final determination. . Riverwalk Shopping Center Community Design Plan Appeal - Approved by the City Commission, subject to all staff comments. . Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation Parking Lot Variance - This board recommended that all staff comments be deleted except comment 9, which required the applicant to reduce the width of the driveway from 27 feet to 20 feet. The City Commission concurred with that comment and also required the applicants to move the driveway as far south as possible. The applicants have done that, and they have been able to make the driveway work without the variance. They have been able to set it back 30 feet, as required by the Code. . Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation Major Site Plan Modification - Approved by the City Commission, subject to all staff comments and 2 I I /' - e e , MINUTES PLAN~ING AND DEVELOPME~T BOARD BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA OCTOBER 8. 1996 recommendations of the Planning and Development Board regarding foundation landscaping along Seacrest Boulevard. . Flowers Bakery Site Plan - Approved by the City Commission, subject to all staff comments and the Planning and Development Board's recommendations regarding landscaping. There was a clarification at the City Commission meeting regarding landscaping on the east and west sides of the building. The landscaping will be installed at the corners only, and not along the entire east and west sides. . Palm Walk Time Extension - Approved by the City Commission, subject to all staff comments. B. Filing of quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers and Minor Site Plan Modifications This information was provided for the board's perusal. Mr. Wische commented that it was very well done. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Public Hearing Rezoning (Postponed from September 10, 1996) 1. Project: Agent: East Ridge PUD W. Keith Grant John A. Grant, Jr., Inc. Gary De Graf De Graf, Inc. East side of the intersection of N.E. 4th Street and N.E. 20th Avenue Request for master plan approval for 34 single-family units in connection with a rezoning of 5.01 acres from R- 3 to PUD (Planned Unit Development) with a Land Use Intensity of 7.00. Owner: Location: Description: 3 --,--__._~_~, .........__,.,.,._,.~........-,.., .~.~..wc--....,_.....-..' ~'\.~s ~ City of tBoynton tBeacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Bouf.eva.rtf P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Bead;', 110rUfa 33425-0310 City:Jla[[: (407) 375-6000 ~;;U: (407) 375-6090 September 18, 1996 Ms. L. Diana Hileman, Esq. Law Office of Allen Wm. Martincavage, Sr. 1200 S. Federal Hwy., Suite 1-201 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: File No.: Location: Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation Office MSPM 96-006 2191 N. Seacrest Boulevard Dear Ms. Hileman, Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order regarding Commission approval of your request for a major site plan modification. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 375-6260. Srcerely, iJ ~"J /J/f}.~ ~ IJ 'fJ T' bri J. ~Yden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dar Attachment xc: Central File c:devorcdc.msp 5tmerU:a's (jateway to tfU (jutfstream DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA i. PLA^J,' IJ,' '{~~; '.~:-'- -~.,,~ . '..i, .7\1 f<:'{i: ZONI~:G f)i:, r" -"-,... . - ...,..o<..........._.~, APPLICANT: Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation Office APPLICANTS AGENT: L. Diana Hileman. Esa.. DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: 9/17/96 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Reauestina site plan approval to convert an existina 1.800 sauare foot sinale-familY home to an office facility for the corporation and to construct an associated parkina lot. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: The.3 acre parcel site is located at 2191 N. Seacrest Boulevard (southwest corner of Gateway Boulevard and Seacrest Boulevard). DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Appli9Bnt LHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby v' GRANTED subject to the conditions marked as "include" in Exhibit "C" hereto. DENIED 4. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 5. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 6. Other: lorJl DATED: September 17. 1996 ~~~~ ~~~~~ City lerk Dev.Ord.BBCOC 9/18196 .. ." DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA i._ ~. PLAN~i I' ,,;-;:~'._._J Zi!!:U~'>:'i':' · ii. _A-..... ~_.... APPLICANT: Boynton Beach Community DeveloDment CorDoration Office APPLICANT'S AGENT: L. Diana Hileman. ESQ.. DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: 9/17/96 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: ReQuestino site Dlan aDDroval to convert an existino 1.800 SQuare foot sinole-family home to an office facility for the corDoration and to construct an associated Darkino lot. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: The.3 acre Darcel site is located at 2191 N. Seacrest Boulevard (southwest corner of Gateway Boulevard and Seacrest Boulevard). DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Appliyant LHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby V GRANTED subject to the conditions marked as "include" in Exhibit "C" hereto. DENIED 4. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 5. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. L.\J\J.j-.. .'\JI~ I,V'Mr: . } ) : , '1'" \J Y .~ \ I .J " 'W "" EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation File number: MSPM 96-006 Reference: The plans consist of 6 sheets identified as 2nd Review. Major Site Plan Modification. File #MSPM 96-006 with an August 13. 1996 Planning and Zoning Degartment date stamo marking . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS ~ UTILITIES { Ill"i' FIRE I ~ POLICE Comments: 1. In reviewing plans a potentially hazardous traffic situation is observed. The ingress/egress to this property is planned for a short distance from a I major roadway (Gateway Boulevard). The close proximity, compounded by the severe elevation change of the ingress/egress presents a safety concern for traffic entering and exiting the property. Vision would be minimal, and turning maneuvers would be done on a declining roadway which causes additional acceleration/braking. 2. Oppose granting of the variance without some additional precautions and roadway changes. Redesign of the roadway curbing on N.W. 1st Street that would prohibit traffic to make a right turn from Gateway Boulevard. Access to this property would I be accomplished by traveling Seacrest Boulevard to N.W. 19th Avenue, and then to N.W. 1st Street, north to the property. Traffic leaving the site would still have the option of traveling north or south on N.W. 1st Street. Currently, a right turn onto Gateway Boulevard, from N.W. 1st Street, is allowed. This would not change. OEVELOPMENTOEPARTMENT Comments: 3. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the citYs code requirements at time of application. J These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FOOT, PBC. SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with permit request. 4. Revise documents to reflect all comments. I EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation File number: MSPM 96-006 Reference: IhaJ2,lans consist of 6 sheets identified as 2nd Review. Major Site Plan Modification. File #MSPM 96-006 with an August 13. 1996 Planning and Zoning Degartment date stamg marking . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS CI 'NOI UTILITIES - l FIRE I ~ POLICE Comments: 1. In reviewing plans a potentially hazardous traffic situation is observed. The ingress/egress to this property is planned for a short distance from a I major roadway (Gateway Boulevard). The close proximity, compounded by the severe elevation change of the ingress/egress presents a safety concern for traffic entering and exiting the property. Vision would be minimal, and turning maneuvers would be done on a declining roadway which causes additional accelerationlbraking. 2. Oppose granting of the variance without some additional precautions and roadway changes. Redesign of the roadway curbing on N.W. 1st Street that would prohibit traffic to make a right turn from Gateway Boulevard. Access to this property would J be accomplished by traveling Seacrest Boulevard to N.W. 19th Avenue, and then to N.W. 1st Street, north to the property. Traffic leaving the site would still have the option of traveling north or south on N.W. 1st Street. Currently, a right turn onto Gateway Boulevard, from N.W. 1st Street, is allowed. This would not change. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Comments: 3. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code requirements at time of application. I These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FOOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with permit request. 4. Revise documents to reflect all comments. I I 11'" " Y ) , . ) .! ~ --- \.' ..) - ~~ 1 ''''-..C )\\-1_ -.... J, . 1.--1 J . ~ .~ ~~~- .- -." - 1l-4~ -~- . ""- ~ ~ c --_.. t~' _..~J' D t'~..._- ,,-,' H / J~I 'I E ~cir' ~i I IJ ". RK J / I..... 1 r [-7.1- ::..tJ IIlv'- - ./. ---~...; - . - I .. " .. .:. -::.:-. tlLII,- " '~-. if! ..=: , I'PE frill ~. "- J '0 1/8 MILES .. '"" 'I ' ,I '0 400 800 FEET tI- II \ \ , ,I Page 2 Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation MSPM 96-008 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 5. Provide certification by develope"'s engineer that drainage plan complies with all city codes and J standards. Chap.6, Art. IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8. 6. County and/or state permits required for J construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24. 7. Photometries must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before permit can be issued. j Chap.23, Art.IIA1a. pg.23-6. Note: Consider an alternative system of lighting which is not directed toward adjacent residences or eastbound traffic on Gateway. 8. Indicate ramp slope from parking lot to N.W. 1st J Street. I 9. Building construction must comply with Standard J RI' rnnA l A nAnA 1A1 PARKS AND RECREATION c FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 10. The required side yard setback for this property from Gateway Boulevard is thirty (30) feet. The ( proposed enclosures of the carport violate the setback requirements. Remove both enclosures to V comply with the code requirements. A zoning variance cannot be applied for these enclosures because it would increase nonconformity of this structure (this has been verified by the legal department). I 11. Provide current survey of the property. as required / by the Land Development Regulations (LOR). Chapter 4, Section 7.A. 12. The proposed monument sign setback will not meet required ten (10) feet setback from the property line. J Place the monument sign in an alternative location providing required setback. Also, provide information regarding size, lettering, style, height. colors, etc. of the sign. consistent with LOR, Chapter 9, Section 10.1. It is recommended that the sign plans be approved administratively at permitting, if the sign plans comply with the Community Design Plan and Sign Code. ~ w Page 3 Boynton BeaCh Community Development Corporation MSPM 96-008 13. The easternmost parking stall does not have a II back-up distance of twenty seven (27) feet. J I ncrease the required depth of the back-up distance to meet the required distance or eliminate this parking space. 14. Landscape buffer adjacent to the Gateway Boulevard right-of-way shall contain a hedge of j minimum height of three (3) feet. The landscape buffer along the southern property line should contain hedge material of the height between four (4) and six (6) feet. Amend landscape specifications on sheet 4 of 6 to comply with the LOR lfindscape requirements. Due to the close location of residential structures on adjacent lots, it is recommended that a six (6) foot buffer hedge will be shown on the plan and installed along the southern property line. 15. On Sheet 5 of 8, Landscape Plan, provide a note J indicating the source of water for irrigation purposes. 16. On Sheet 1 of 8, Site Plan, indicate the height of the J existing building as required per LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.E. 17. Indicate whether there will be any roof top j equipment installed as a part of the remodeling. If there is, provide details for screening of this equipment to meet the requirements per LOR, Chapter 9, Section 11.E. 18. Eliminate discrepancies between the proposed site V plan, floor plan and north elevation of the building as it relates to the storage area. 19. It is recommended that, in order to better screen the J vehicular use area, the hedge fronting N.W. 1st Street be extended further west to the propertY line. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 20. Delete comment no. 1. J ~ 21. Delete comment no. 2. J 22. Provide foundation landscaping around entire J building. I I 23. Provide a cluster of trees at the southeast comer of, -J the site. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 24. To be determined Page 3 Boynton BeaCh Community Development Corporation MSPM 96-006 13. The easternmost parking stall does not have a I' back-up distance of twenty seven (27) feet. J Increase the required depth of the back-up distance to meet the required distance or eliminate this parking space. 14. Landscape buffer adjacent to the Gateway Boulevard right-of-way shall contain a hedge of j minimum height of three (3) feet. The landscape buffer along the southern property line should contain hedge material of the height between four (4) and six (6) feet. Amend landscape specifications on sheet 4 of 6 to comply with the LOR '1indscape requirements. Due to the close location of residential structures on adjacent lots, it is recommended that a six (6) foot buffer hedge will be shown on the plan and installed along the southern property line. 15. On Sheet 5 of 8, Landscape Plan, provide a note J indicating the source of water for irrigation purposes. 16. On Sheet 1 of 8, Site Plan, indicate the height of the J existing building as required per LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7. E. 17. Indicate whether there will be any roof top j equipment installed as a part of the remodeling. If there is, provide details for screening of this equipment to meet the requirements per LOR, Chapter 9, Section 11.E. 18. Eliminate discrepancies between the proposed site J plan, floor plan and north elevation of the building as it relates to the storage area. 19. It is recommended that, in order to better screen the J vehicular use area, the hedge fronting N.W. 1st Street be extended further west to the property line. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 20. Delete comment no. 1. J " 21. Delete comment no. 2. v 22. Provide foundation landscaping around entire J building. I 23. Provide a cluster of trees at the southeast comer of ' J the site. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 24. To be determined ., "" Page 2 Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation MSPM 96-008 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 5. Provide certification by developer's engineer that drainage plan complies with all city codes and J standards. Chap.a, Art.IV, Sec.SA, pg.a-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8. a. County and/or state permits required for J construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24. 7. Photometries must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before permit can be issued. j Chap.23, Art./IA1a, pg.23-a. Note: Consider an alternative system of lighting which is not directed toward adjacent residences or eastbound traffic on Gateway. 8. Indicate ramp slope from parking lot to N.W. 1st J Street. 9. Building construction must comply with Standard J RI . .. endA nAnA PARKS AND RECREATION ~ FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST - PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 10. The required side yard setback for this property from Gateway Boulevard is thirty (30) feet. The ( proposed enclosures of the carport violate the setback requirements. Remove both enclosures to V comply with the code requirements. A zoning variance cannot be applied for these enclosures because it would increase nonconformity of this structure (this has been verified by the legal department). I 11. Provide current survey of the property, as required / by the Land Development Regulations (LOR), Chapter 4, Section 7.A. 12. The proposed monument sign setback will not meet required ten (10) feet setback from the property line. J Place the monument sign in an alternative location providing required setback. Also, provide information regarding size, lettering, style, height, colors, etc. of the sign, consistent with LOR. Chapter 9, Section 10.1. It is recommended that the sign plans be approved administratively at permitting, if the sign plans comply with the Community Design Plan and Sign Code. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 17, 1996 Motion Commissioner Tillman moved to approve the Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation's request for a variance from the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article II, Paragraph H - Driveways, Subsection 3 to allow a reduction in distance between the driveway and the intersection of the right-of-way lines from the required 30 feet to approximately 5 feet, subject to staff comments 9, 7, and 11. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS C. Project: Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation Office L. Diana Hileman, Esquire Law Office of Allen Wm. Martincavage, Sr. Boynton Beach Community Development Corporation 2191 N. Seacrest Boulevard (southwest corner of Gateway Boulevard and Seacrest Boulevard) Major Site Plan Modification - Request for site plan approval to convert an existing 1 ,800 square foot single- family home to an office facility of the corporation and to construct an associated parking lot with this use on .3 acre parcel. Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Ms. Hileman did not have any problems with the Planning and Development Board's recommendations. However, she said discussion of tne parking. lot variance arose as it related to the site plan, and they recommended deleting comments 1 and 2. She had a problem with comment 10. She advised that a carport exists on the property. It is adjacent to the residential structure. The CDC wants to enclose that structure for storage purposes and to eliminate the hazards of people hanging out there. The reason it is a nonconforming structure is because it currently violates the 30 foot setback. The CDC feels that by enclosing this structure it would not cause it to be an additional violation. She said she has been advised by Michael Pawelczyk, Assistant City Attorney, that this would not hold up the site plan approval process. Ms. Heyden advised that this is a nonconforming structure, not a nonconforming use. However, even nonconforming structures cannot be altered, modified, or added onto unless they comply with the 30 foot setback. Enclosing this carport is not in compliance 19