CORRESPONDENCE MINUTES CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 17, 1996 with the setbacks. This nonconforming structure cannot be enclosed the way the applicant is proposing. Staff suggested installing a fence under six feet because fences and walls that are under six feet do not have the 30 foot setback. However, this does not meet the applicant's security needs. Ms. Hileman said there is conflicting language within Section 11.1.E of the ordinance regarding nonconforming structures. There is some language where a nonconforming structure or building may be maintained and repaired, but it shall not be added to or altered in a fashion so as to increase the extent to which the structure or building is in violation of applicable regulations. The CDC thinks that this use would be very beneficial by enclosing the carport and reducing the possibility of people hanging out underneath it and doing things that they should not be doing. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz asked if it would be an addition if the perimeter of the structure were not changed. City Attorney Cherof felt it would constitute an expansion of the nonconforming structure. The issue is not whether it is beneficial or not. That section of the Code does not address benefit issues. It deals with the size of the structure, and the concept is that you do not expand, in any nature, a nonconforming structure. That is the way the code is written. Ms. Hileman questioned whether that would be considered an expansion or not. City Manager Parker asked if fencing is considered an expansion, such as a chain link fence. City Attorney Cherof and Ms. Heyden said they could put up a fence, just as long as it is not over six feet high. Mayor Taylor pointed out that this would not solve the problem because the CDC wants to use this for storage, and people could jump over the fence and take whatever is stored there. He asked if the fact that it.is connected to the other part of the structure makes it an expansion. City Attorney Cherof answered affirmatively. Mayor Taylor advised the applicant that we cannot violate our own Code. In order to do accommodate the applicant, we would have to change the Code for all nonconforming uses. City Manager Parker said if the applicant is willing, we could grant a fence variance this evening, and the carport could be fenced all the way to the roof and have a padlock gate. Ms. Hileman asked if there would be a possibility of putting an awning or an extension over - the edge of the building. City Manager Parker advised that this would be worse. Ms. Hileman asked what kind of fencing would be allowed. City Attorney suggested discussing this matter with the applicant after this hearing as opposed to trying to form the conditions tonight that might violate the Code. 20 tz1ie City of '.Boynton'lJeacli - rn SEP:}'~ ~Mi 100'E.. 'Boynton. 'Bea&. '1X1ulerJGTtl P.o. qJ0i(310 'Boynton. qJUJdi, 110rUfa 33425.0310 PHONE: (407) 375-6281 FAX: (407) 375-6357 PLANNING ANO ZONING DEPT. OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER j; L~ ;\", CD c.-N kI.sp September 24, 1996 Gator Engineering Services, Inc. 200 Knuth Road Suite 214 Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Attention: Robert Fetrow, P.E. Re: CDC Office - Access Drive Dear Mr. Fetrow: The drawing dated August 6, 1996, but first submitted to this office today depicts an acceptable access drive off ofNW 1 st Street. The rearrangement of the handicap parking space is also acceptable to us. VeI)' truly yours, CITY.?F BO~TO~BEA H, F;ORIDA /../ . //1'/.(/ /J: r /. y ~>(..j{.<<lffl4t (/5l ~i t William Hukill, P.E. City Engineer WVH/ck xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director C:CDCDRIVE 5f.merial's (jatt.way to tfU (julfsmam ~ ~ -0 '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ -" ell i q, U\ i q, Page 2 Administrative Technical Review Committee Meeting July 16, 1996 Rezoninq: 1. PROJECT: East Ridge PUD LOCATION: Northeast of intersection of N. E. 4th Street and N.E. 20th Avenue AGENT: John A. Grant, Jr., Inc. OWNER: Gary De Graf -- De Graf, Inc. DESCRIPTION: Request for master plan approval for 34 single family units in connection with a rezoning of 5.01 acres from R-3 to PUD (Planned Unit Development) with an LUI of 7.00. NOTE: Written comments and plans are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday July 26, 1996. 3. Other Business None 4. Comments by members 5. Adjournment a:TRCSPECL.716