REVIEW COMMENTS 'Tli.e C.~it:y 0.:1- r.Boynt:on :Bea.cli @ 2"lQ.nn':pW __ Zc>.u'W 'DcplUtnu...c .I 00 'E. 'BDy..._n 'B6ac/i '.BDu4vlZl"l:f !P.O. 'Bo'CJlO 'BD!f"."" -"'G&Ji.. :Tu.ridiia JJ.,2$-OJlO (407)373-6a60. PAX.(4Q7)S75-6090 :e-~ ~~.a!I!!!!!!Z.""""-"-~~___ C:::~~ -'--:BC~:s::JEOI!.. DATE: ~.-r l'=:a , \q~ -, ':)"1- _cu ~ ,~ FAX NUMBER T.RANSMXTT%NG TO, NUMBER OF PAGES BK~NG TRANBMX~- (~n~~ud~nq Cc~_r L_~t_r) - L .. ~~~" ~..~_~ TO.. "b,~~ - ~~*7 rROM: <:::" - , . c:- ~-- ';"r~".-r-." ~1!.\r~ RE.. Sent. By. ~ ~,~-.-. c: .. FAX . JM _"'tTTU!rica:S qat':w-'Qy to the quif$trea= TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT ** # 4 *** SEND *** NO REMOTE STATION 1. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT ] 1 MARTINCAVAGE 9-16-96 10:58AM 2'39" 4 I TOTAL 0:02'39" 4 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 mowrn ill U299J6 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-065 PlANNING AND ONING DEPT. TO: I :u:r. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director \m~ Hukill, P.E., Director of Development 1t\.ugust 28, 1996 FROM: DATE: RE: BOYNTON BEACH CDC - VARIANCE REVIEW We have reviewed the minuscule drawing attached to the agenda for subject variance and recommend denial for the following reasons: 1. The applicant continues to ignore requests for topo information at the driveway, leaving us with no choice but to point out that any vehicle exiting the property will be well below safe sight lines to Gateway. 2. The driveway's proximity to Gateway will prohibit eastbound Gateway traffic from safely entering the CDC parking lot. 3. Exiting traffic from the CDC property does not have sufficient space to execute a right turn onto 1 st Street with sufficient space to stop for the Gateway stop sign. 4. Exiting traffic from the CDC property does not have adequate visibility to safely execute a left turn without interfering with traffic entering the property from Gateway. The driveway can easily be relocated southward. If parking stalls are lost on the south side, they can be added on the north side. If this variance is granted it should include a development order condition for construction of a traffic diverter at the end ofNW 1st Street (in west right-of-way) to eliminate right hand turns from Gateway onto NW 1st Street. Although not part of the variance, the easternmost parking stall should be eliminated because it has practically no backup space. You are reminded once again to inform the applicant that numerous issues relating to building permits are unresolved including, but not limited to, compliance with SBC Table 600. No permit can be issued without either compliance or waivers from the Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals. WVH/ck C:CDCVAR -00 AIUG 9 '00" " 2, :",,0 rn rn@rnnwrn DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-065 PlANNING AND "ZONING DEPT. TO: . J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Hukill, P.E., Director of Development DATE: RE: BOYNTON BEACH CDC - V ARIANCE REVIEW We have reviewed the minuscule drawing attached to the agenda for subject variance and recommend denial for the following reasons: 1. The applicant continues to ignore requests for topo information at the driveway, leaving us with no choice but to point out that any vehicle exiting the property will be well below safe sight lines to Gateway. 2. The driveway's proximity to Gateway will prohibit eastbound Gateway traffic from safely entering the CDC parking lot. 3. Exiting traffic from the CDC property does not have sufficient space to execute a right turn onto 1 st Street with sufficient space to stop for the Gateway stop sign. 4. Exiting traffic from the CDC property does not have adequate visibility to safely execute a left turn without interfering with traffic entering the property from Gateway. The driveway can easily be relocated southward. Ifparking stalls are lost on the south side, they can be added on the north side. If this variance is granted it should include a development order condition for construction of a traffic diverter at the end ofNW 1st Street (in west right-of-way) to eliminate right hand turns from Gateway onto NW Ist Street. Although not part of the variance, the easternmost parking stall should be eliminated because it has practically no backup space. You are reminded once again to inform the applicant that numerous issues relating to building permits are unresolved including, but not limited to, compliance with SBC Table 600. No permit can be issued without either compliance or waivers from the Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals. WVH/ck C:CDCV AR . -- ; _ t. \ ~w ~ " \<~ \ \\ \~ ~ ~ ~ \\ ~ \\ SOlS 1 4 r-D ~ o C,.....-\ M (") ~ .... -J \} \ \ \ 10('~ Q)-Do o ~. "\) -< ('0 z.. \S'. \S' -.--\0\00\ o")"~\) z.. (' '\ ry M ry ~- 0\\S'oz ")"-.--\-'... 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