CORRESPONDENCE Cl-rr O~ BO'LNI01'1 BRACH PLJ\NNING & ZONING OgPAH.'l'MEN'r I't:.. to COMMENT SHEE'r ?l L~ N~ ~~;D C~ Af\Jbf: <! <(<.~'(. DJrJ ~ <: pr/"::> p..':> ,... (.oP- 0 ~ TfO\ "fiORo f~ HJN~ ~1~A( u:!~( ~v 9J~~ Vyt --...-..':';-. IU~VIEWBRt S N~: ;/1, f'-e: I ~ C PBRMIT NO. . '1'(., '- S'l'l5 'IU\C'I'/SUllDIV1910N I OATB RECBIVBD, /d 5": ft.. S'fARTED REVIEW I I~ (. ~'- R.TURNaO I , 7' ~VIBW (CIRCLE) I , 1 2 3 4 REVISION PROVBD. IV/) IHOJ Bt"1' NAMg: IIlOJ1!1C'l' AODIU!188, COMMENTS ANO/Oll P~S I '. Caro I J ,o-f/cd tuJlL P Naill. ZONINa DISTRICT ~ COMMaaOJAL 0 as IDaNTI Au FILB NO. I .oaz. PBRMIT FBBI )1\'1'15 PICKeD 19Sen I P'I'I ON : ~'he perm! t. I\\lll\her. ident i f ied abrwe is the re fer.'enced number for your propol Illpnwt:!lIltmt (u), Prior to fUl'the).- processing on your request, the documents tt '\,I" tH,blllittt:d l.llllstrating the lmprovementts) ahall be amended to show compiicu dth tht:! below lltlted COllllllent(u~, 'l'o discusa the commentts) it is reCO''''l\enC "at '"''' appo lnl-ment be set - up wi t h the reviewer ident i f led in the upper right hi 'ufller, (40'1) ]'15-6260 betweell U A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru l~rlday. . Pie. chH't:!lIee the pt'o'ject name and permit number when corresponding with City's Sta \ f '-tH' ilIlH~IH.\\ I\lJ the plan (s) to uhow compl iance with the comment (a', return hi ;t~U) of plclllH for re-review to the Buildinq nepartment. Please note l Idd i \". 'l)l}n \ COlllllIl~lIt a may be 'Jel\~ l~ated ao a reu\} l t 01: reviewing the amended pia 'd' l:u\l\m~nL~J :lhilll ue rectified pl'ior to ataft n~view a roving the doCU\\\entf 1IIII'IUllUmUUUmmllllunmumummmU\UmlUl1llllUllftftUlUUUllll , ,--1 A{J{) tbJ}J~.. r/Te:.-;>~ ()/C4WJNfo, -f}Ji: WID f.7J .~N,t) /c::/V&.(j.j '__. (J/rl1~AlJ.fVtlI of,. T;.It:: /I"<t.A -::I1:)t:=.IU17f~~ Ad. U~lI('J(..I?4"/D/)",\ . ____.__ A6.o,17o;y' "tj,-:--HtJl) 16" "f1k:. ~/r&-' 1f4A.) lJR4W)lV~, tv/flJ A- OI.s1l,v~VIJijJBI(-- ~r/'16DC . ~Ala PIr'1~NSIDII)S f7Js- 0oLlrl1f.)rJ A^lf) ~ rtt of rl/C. A/6w _\LA-B ".:".'_ __~.1Y<=- f to ~t..D ..rc (lth0 t:::NC.-toSiJftt- 3.:'~: A "OJ f7;>,..)J)~ Com 1"'1(.'\/1'.& /'IA 1 B6. .A!plJc.o/5it WJJ!.~ 1f16: ,4,f,l'>v't:. COM~;.:rts. HAVh. 6:'6N CoI'J!I(~~ (AI/II"", /'/110' ~;Jt>ld drJ .A Ri:-.J(/~/'l1/~ f>/4/V$ I a;.1~ =.: . Oepartmenttl required. to review the project: r d /If.!) Al:.vti-I-<.) e-d l' &11( &fJ6.- ~/.;;J~;L ?--yL, i<14t-" Page of __ I, - III:" I .. . ). tl ,\ t 1...l(~lJt..U . Uti ~l.1.r o~ BO'LNION BRACH PLJU~NING & ZONING OgPAR'l'MEN'r COMMENT SHEE'r ULJ, \, \o.~ tJ\q Jf-" ....._------_..~_. IIEVIBWER' 9 "j,z I i/1/~ ',de PERMIT NO. . '1'(., - S'l'l5 IHOJ EC'I' NAMl~: ST~"fiORo , . DATB RBCBIVBD. / d 5": ft. S'fARTED REVIEW. leJ ~ '- RaTURNao I , -" ~VIBW (CIRCLE). 1 2 3 4 RBVISION PROVBD. ND ZONINa DIS'l'RIC'l' COMMaROlt.L 0 'tlI\C'I'/SUllDIVI910N. )J\OJ BC'f AODI\14J88 , 1.4 S--rR.AT Fa 1<1:> ])R.- )BltSON llE'l'lUEVINO COMMENTS AN%n llLANS, i1ynatur~ , Print Namo )1\'1'15 PICKeD UP, I Plana - CQmmenta n;:sen Ill'!, I ON : :"18 penni t: munbe r. ident i f ied above is the re ferellced number for your propoae lllpnwt!llIent (u). Prior to fUl"thtn- processing on your request, the documents tha 'u" tSul..nlttt:d 1.11uatrating the improvement ta) tlhall be amended to show cOI\\plianc ,I t h th~ be low 1 loted comment l t.I). 'l'o diseustJ the comment (s) 1 t 1s recolluuende hilt an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hall 'IHl\tH', (40'1) '.}'/5-6260 between 0 1\,M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru l;'rlday, . Pleal3 e hH'~llee th~ \H"oJect name and perm\.t number when corresponding with City' B StaB \f \.tH' i:"IU~IH.t\ I\~J t,he plan (a) to uhow compliance with the COlOment la), return bot H~UJ 0': p\'U\H for re-review to the Build\tI~1 Department. Please note th, H\diL'ol\a\ C()m\lll~nta may be qel\~l~ated au a retJult of: t'ev1ewing the amended plaut rd \ t.:lll\\I\lCl\Lu uh.dl t>~ rectiflcl\ p1'101' to ataft J:eview a roving the documents. ""t'UnnumnUlmm""UnmUmmmmftll\UffillUllftllmmmummul '.__ /. A () () tb 1].J~' Si it::- ;>4,.; ();P4f,AJ l.v~ -f1Jt:. W J D (.1J .~I\I.tJ k:::::./v&1J.I l] I rlU;;AlJ. J'9111 0 {- J;.h:: 11 '<Ell 7:~~A.J17/;L:..D /f-.J ~1..S1iNC.. 1'e"~D/)'1 AtJl)I17otV "a-:- AtJlJ ib- J1It=.. ~,r&-It4.v LJR4wJl\/', tvJ11J,4 OISlItVc:'VIJoJ/JB!(:.. ~r/J11fDL . .ANt) Ihr'1l::IVS/Otl)S n-J;. L.oGlrhl>N 1I^1..IJ ~ 1M rJf rl/C. A/6W _~LA-B . ".::'_"~__E2fl:...1Jk:. fto~&.D .i>C(4::.hJ t:NGto,svu:- '._--, t1 L)"rl7l>I'J.DL CoM ~.tSNt.s. f'I./J y BS:. ~'pl'c-,c?8~ WJJ6~ 1f/tf 11~-bJl6 ~ (. C. oM ~4 JIi1Vit. ;5s-uJ Co;?ffJ{~ W) !1.J. /'I i1IQ. .j/JDtO d(1J ;A Rt!:-.sclGm/~ P/4/V$ 7- ~...~ . .' " . Oepartmenttl required" to review the project: r d JV.!) Mt./ fr:-U) ~ f' &~ C. &LJ6. - t, ,.- _ ~__~ ....._..._.~_~_a.._ --- . Page { , of / Ill:", -t' )." .1lI,..lCuttU ,t't\H