CORRESPONDENCE N~ORTHWOODS AT HuQ~" qUJ -01 '-t P , 7~7, - 7~7 r- Condominium Association, Inc. January 30, 1996 city of Boynton Beach Building Dept. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach FL 33426 I To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that the Northwoods at Hunters Run Condominium Association, Inc. hereby authorizes Bright Image Signs to apply for permi ts to commence w 1. th the installation of new entrance signs to our community. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the Board of Directors at your convenience. Ma y mach President NORmWOODS BOARD OF DIRECTORS -1O --(0 ross\NOcbb.ltr ~~~~ lrn(OJ~W 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436, Telephone: (407) 734-5000 _.f.':_~..B-:;;L-, '9 IS F R I 1 4 : 4 IS HUN T E F?: S RUN P . Ell 1 , ( , , /, I . t' POD MANAGEMENT \;. .' ,", , , / uPLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY IF NOT RECEIVED PROP1;_~~,:~i \ :~~/. 407-734-5000 -____ 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 DATE: Ff'tt.l"'~r .) /9-Jf. TIME: / " 0/ :.j <J ? ./?,/. NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING COVER SHEET: oZ -, TO: COMPIo.N~ NIo.ME: FAX lroHBER: . ( 0 TELEPHONE Ntn1BER: ( t..(O ,7) j ,7)- (p ~ G::> ~ ,ROM: ~O~ ~~~~ e~f OP;;RATOR: --- <' ~ _ _ '6-; COl1MENTS : .t 0# v, . ' \( - f1l 0'1 'elf -(~('l'f P~\ y'CJut>t , AQ'r~ t ~ hej'~ f1ttv; ""'r;>: -S-<-tb") ~{kJ r effoHr. I rr <f'JA