CORRESPONDENCE PROJECT NAME: bLW~ ()) '/hl}{tees ?-<J N. REVIEWER'S NAME: VA-~ L- -A- PERMIT NO.: q1-- L-l~ DATE f;/ /2- RECEIVED: t?i 12- STARTED REVIEW: ~J~ RETURNED: S-J J 1- REVIEW (CIRC(,E): g? 2 3 4 REVISION APPROVED: N~ ~.~ '\~ '),~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET TRACT/SUBDIVISION I PROJECT ADDRESS: -LJ (Ou::..~~ Dte.:qUt.. fC:,W.5r- PERSON RETRIEVING COMMENTS AND/OR PLANS: Signature I Print Name DATE PICKED UP: I Plans - Comments ZONING DISTRICT: _________ COMMERCIAL O~~~SID~~~JAL~ MM~~) SPWV PERMIT .------ FEE: DESCRIPTION: ~ 0/ De. A.DDI nON The permit number identified above is the referenced number for your proposed improvement(s). Prior to further processing on your request, the documents that you submitted illustrating the improvement(s) shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comment(s). To discuss the comment(s) it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hand corner, (407) 375-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. Please reference the project name and permit number when corresponding with City's Staff. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. Please note that additional comments may be generated as a result of reviewing the amended plans. All comments shall be rectified rior to staff review a rovin the documents. ~ The Planninq and Zoninq Department has determined that the work shown on the documents submitted with your permit application is a minor site plan modification. The fee associated with the minor site plan modification is $100.00 (Resolution #95-45). The fee is payable to the City of Boynton Beach and is due in the Planninq and Zoninq Department prior to the Planning and Zoninq Department reviewer siqninq-off the permit documents for the proposed work. In order to facilitate the approval of your request, present this comment sheet or a COpy of same to the Planninq and Zoninq Department staff when payinq for the review fee. * Departments required to review the project: ~, et.!CP., PI~I V-(" Page --l of REV: 4-3-95 a:P&ZCOMTl.FRM THE GLENS AT April 21, 1994 ~j= . & M,s. Leonard Susser HUB- It lit 2415 TWlgwood Lane ~I~ cincinnati, OH 45237 Condominium Association, Inc. RE: 28 GLENS DRIVE EAST Dear Mr. & Mrs. Susser: The Board of Directors has approved your request to construct a side patio addition enclosure at your home. This approval is granted with the following conditions: 1. That you limit your construction to the Limited Common Element area adjacent to your home. No portion of your improvement may exceed the Limited Common Element shown in your survey; 2. That the addition be made according to the plans drawn by David Beasley and submitted to the Board of Directors on your behalf including all VI models in The Glens East. 3. That copies of any permits required b~ the city of Boynton Beach be submitted to the Board of Directors prlor to any work commencing; 4. That the homeowner is responsible to repair any area to the home or grounds damaged during the course of this construction; 5. That the homeowner is responsible to maintain, repair, replace and adequately insure this improvement to the home and is responsible to repair any damage to the original building caused by this addition being constructed; 6. That the homeowner and/or their contractor is responsible in the event that a hurricane is imminent to secure, re-Iocate or remove from the property all construction materials and debris so as to prevent said materials from damaging the home or that of their neighbors in the community; 7. That the homeowner agrees to landsca~e this new addition according to the existing landscaping requlrements in The Glens at Hunters Run Condominium Association, Inc.; that the homeowner is responsible to replace any existing landscaping that may be damaged during the course of this work; 8. That should any foundation or new concrete slab work be needed for these improvements that you contact Bestex Pest Control and have them treat for subterranean termites so as to maintain the bond bet~n the C,ndominium Association and the pest control company. ~U1Y,0~ George 0 dstein Presldent THE GLENS BOARD OF DIRECTORS rick\28eglens.app rn APR l 2 1994 PlANNING AND ZONING OEPT. 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436. Telphone: (407) 734-5000 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-123 THRU: Don Jaeger, Building Official Building Department 1)'11 Tambri J Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director planning and Zoning Department TO: DATE: May 3, 1994 RE: Transmittal of Approved Minor Site Plan Modification Accompanying this memorandum, you will find the approved Minor Site Plan Modification for the following project(s): The Glens at Hunters Run - All type VI models, side patio addition enclosure. The minor site plan modification was approved by the appropriate Technical Review Committee Member(s) on May 3, 1994. xc: project file A:memo94.123 transmtl.msp ( # JJ.3 ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM PLANNING AND Don Jaeger, Building Official Building Department TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Planning & Zoning Department 3 FROM: DATE RE qq 4- of Approved Mtnor ( M.Ay Transmittal Site Plan Modification Accompanying this memorandum, you will find the approved Minor Site Plan Modification for the following project(s): - ~L ~ - lIfE. JV1,J 1->0 ~ Sa, re pI ~ fII7 oD, PI Gf}-r,lt) w<J Wit- S f1' P /tA.B b 1d Y TJf15' JI/'~f' fUrl"1tA A-' 1'& Tecfhu I C Jft I i?EU J eJ.V C-e-1H ,,'*11 r7€C 7fIf'i'/?19'f;&te~ ~~ ;11A-i ~I /'1r1 -rift: G/c/J S At I!vtUTe:.~ ~ It;.u~ S I'D (,:: R.- J 1 -P,tJ-,1 0 It~TI 0 iJ G #.Jc../ () S v ~ G. -ry ?~ ~ 115 p~~':SEc7 F.)G . . TJH/jj memo94 XC- ~sP . TRA'/JsII T'- . . A .'!. ',' .~r:j_ , .....-,.,'. 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