CORRESPONDENCE THE GLENS AT HURg A!Jt Condominium Association, Inc. May 13, 1993 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Building Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: THE GLENS EAST TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Please accept this letter as our request for modification as per blueprint of the Type VI models in The Glens East Condminium Association for a front addition over existing privacy walls. advance for this matter. your DIRECTORS GG/lg lisa\glncbb.ltr RF,C~"'~D M~~ , '3 \993 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436. (407) 734-5000 fE:~.;":t~~;~;< ~:r ,"il('~'i'1i"" '" ':"",J\:i"iL" ," ':,''J:) ." ;! :'111[' J ~+"/ ~:..: ~:J' ,': r '. i \ ~'"E,GLENS AT " I "/ f April 27, 1993 Hu~ ~tt Condominium Association, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Lovitz 1 Rolling Hill Rd. Short Hills, NJ 07078 RE: 39 GLENS DRIVE EAST Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lovitz: The Board of Directors is in receipt of your request to construct a front room addition to your home. This approval is granted with the following conditions: 1. That you limit your construction to the Limited Common Element area adjacent to your home. No portion of your improvement may exceed the Limited Common Element shown in your survey; 2. That the addition be made according to the plans drawn by David Beasley and submitted to the Board of Directors on your behalf; 3. That copies of any permits required br the city of Boynton Beach be submitted to the Board of Directors pr10r to any work commencing; 4. That the homeowner agrees to landscape this new addition according to the existing landscaping requirements in The Glens at Hunters Run Condominium Associat10n, Inc. i that the homeowner is res~onsible to replace any existing landscaping that may be damaged dur1ng the course of this work; 5. That the homeowner is responsible to repair any area to the home or grounds damaged during the course of this construction; 6. That the homeowner is responsible to maintain, repair, replace and adequately insure this improvement to the home and is responsible to repair any damage to the original building caused by this addition being constructed. 7. That should any foundation or new concrete slab work be needed for these improvements that you contact Bestex Pest Control and have them at for subterranean termites so as to maintain the bond bet he ominium Association and the pest control company. ~ ...,' "I. '!' ! ' r .' . . i.......~,:: .-~ :.'/':' ... BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~eJY~D MAY 1 3 1993') J , ........" /2:-; . 1.._~ , ' \ ~ .' . .-.~ .....; GG;lg rick\39Eglns.app 3700 Clubhouse Lane. Boynton Beach. Florida 33436. Telphone: (407) 734-5000 South Florida Water Management District P'Jst Oftl< .' 8", '}::301 Gun Club Road '--" / v'!. "--- _.:;~;, ;; '.4J.cn E .ec,;:,'.e- Q,ri' -:'':' '/h:st P,i,rn 8e~~C:-; F:crlfja :-3'3"':0.2 T -::If;;~r~cnj. <:;~':;5i 6dE.B2Ca Fl<)r d:1 Vi/', TS Line 1.2CO.~)2-20-15 IN REPLY REFER fO Permit (MOD) No. 50-00636-S August 6, 1981 Summit Associates, Ltd. (The Summit) 8665 Juego Way Boca Raton, Florida 33433 Gentlemen: Permit modification approved by the Governing Board of this District is as follows: TO INCLUDE: THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF 10.5 ACRES OF RESIDENTIAL LANDS, KNOWN AS THE SUMMIT AKA HUNTERS RUN POD O. FACILITIES CONSIST OF 1-1811 CMP CULVERT AND 1-1811 FLASHBOARD RISER WEIR DISCHARGING INTO LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT'S L-30. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: THE ADDITION OF 7 PROJECT SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLICABLE ONLY TO THIS PHASE OF PROJECT (SEE PAGE 2 ATTACHED). THE CONTINUED APPLICATION OF 8 LIMITING CONDITIONS AS ORIGINALLY 'AUTHORIZED. , Please update your records by attaching this letter and staff report to your permit . District permit modification does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining authority from federal. state and local agencies. Sincerely, CAH/sw Enclosure: (1) Charles A. Hall, Director Water Management Division Resource Control Department cc: DER Mr. John L. Hundley Mr. Nathaniel P. Reed Lake Worth Drainage District Conrad W. Schaefer Engineers, Inc. Mr. Alan Kurtis, Palm Beach County Engineer Engineer. City of Roynton Beach Mr. Stan Redick, Pa1~ Beach County Palm Beach County Area Planning Board Inspection, SFWMD - Palm Beach County, Sl/T46S/R42E S6/T46S/R43E RECEIVED MAY 1 3 1993 .~, ~:>~" ~ :,t-'. :. ;:.: ~ ~, ,-10 ld''''',:f' _. " :....;.,. ~tO' ;,:'t~ .. ~~ : '~.,'" - ::_r1 j::,...,... . ....- ~~''''''1 . ~ . ~r..,'_ -Are''''';'r - . .~; - - - ~:..:~. . -- _._------~.-" .~, . ~? ; ,..... Permit (MOO) No. ~U-UUbjb-~ August 6, 1981 Page -2- SPECIAL CONOITIONS 1. MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION 18.0 FEET NGVD. 2. MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION 16.0 FEET NGVD. 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: DESCRIPTION: 1-18" CMP CULVERT YJITH 1-18" FLASHBOARD RISER WEIR WITH A CREST ELEVATION AT 12.0' NGVD. l CONTROL ELEVATION: 12.0 FEET NGVD. RECEIVING WATER: LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT'S L-3D. 4. OFF-SITE DISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE MADE ONLY THROUGH FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. 5. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SUMMIT HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. 6. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE TO THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENTATION OF LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE COMt1ENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 7. WATER MANAGEMENT AND WATER USE ACTIVITIES INCIDENTAL TO DEVELOPMENT ADDRESSED HEREIN, SUCH AS CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING, t1AY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERMITS FROM THE DISTRICT, WHICH MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO CO~lENCEMENT OF SUCH ACTIVITIES.