CORRESPONDENCE THE WOODS AT HU~~" Condominium Association, Inc. March 13, 1995 Mr. Mike Haag City of Boynton Beach Site Development P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach FL 33426 RE: THE WOODS - SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Dear Mr. Haag: On behalf of The Woods at Hunters Run Condominium Association, Inc., please be advised of the following: The Woods Board of Directors is in agreement to allow the owners of the 24 Type VII homes in our Association permission, in certain instances, to extend the side patio addition into the common elements from 12' to 14' in width. These conditions include the following: 1. That similar types of materials and colors are used to match the existing homes; 2. That each request be reviewed and approved, based upon its own merits, which would include there being sufficient area, site lines, encumbrances, set-back requirements and easements; 3 . Individual approval letters will be granted to owners requesting same with any pertinent conditions as determined by the Board of Directors. 4. That the homeowner agrees to landscape this new addition according to the existing landscaping requirements in The Woods at Hunters Run Condominium Association, Inc.; that the homeowner is responsible to replace any existing landscaping that may be damaged during the course of this work. Thank you for your attention to these matters, and should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, ~_~m __~~,^_'_~_______, 1""", '."'\ R 'ri ~ nl '\'on roo ;" '''\ I D l5 lef] Ls t, ~j ls I n II III J r---,,-,rt__.~~-"1 i ill j I In)l. MAR14"~ '!L:i' L l . i \_j PLA,NN:N~ AND~_ ~~ Z0JJ!1':&.DEPT. -- .c ~ /;/ . . /Wi!~ W' President THE WOODS BOARD OF DIRECTORS russell\woodcobb.ltr 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436. Telephone: (407) 734-5000 THE WOOJS AT HU~~" Condominium Association, Inc. March 1, 1995 Mr. Mike Haag City of Boynton Beach Site Development P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach FL 33426 RE: THE WOODS - SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 00 MAR - 1 1995 rn '/' PlANNING AND ZONING OEPT. Dear Mr. Haag: On behalf of The Woods at Hunters Run Condominium Association, Inc., please be advised of the following: The Woods Board of Directors is in agreement to allow the owners of Type VII homes in our Association permission, in certain instances, to extend the side patio addition into the common elements from 12' to 14' in width. These conditions include the following: 1. That similar types of materials and colors are used to match the existing homes; 2. That each request be reviewed and approved, based upon its own merits, which would include there being sufficient area, site lines, encumbrances, set-back requirements and easements; 3. Individual qranted to owners pertinent conditions of Directors. approval letters will be requestina some with any as-determined ~y the Board Thank you for your attention to these matters, and should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, (/:((ce:-l (#4e~ 4i"filam wo'tif ~ I / Pres ident THE WOODS BOARD OF DIRECTORS russell\woodcobb.ltr 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436. Telephone: (407) 734-5000 .... ~ ~ ~ f.< 4 t . I v "" !..l; {~ l\.>' / / . /] \ ') ') / PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-095 FROM: Ai Newbold Deputy Building Offi~'al 'hI Q;2' MJ.c ae E. Haag Zoning and Site evelopment Administrator March 13, 1995 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Transmittal of Development Orders for Minor Site Plan Modification Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents regarding development plans that received final approval. 1. Hunters Run, The Woods Type VII Units Miner site Plan Modification File No. MMSP 95-016 Control site Plans (1 sheet) - Building Department MEH:dim Attachments !..TM}!r:t.r5W.:J:J~ c!... (! , pulrNN (Iv~ BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-047 March 8, 1995 To: William V. Hukill, P.E. Department of Development Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Re: Hunters Run, The Woods Type VII Units Minor Site Plan Modification The only comment from the Building Division is to be certain that all permits comply with Table 600 of the Standard Building Code. There are no platted lot lines in this Hunters Run plat, therefore, we can only assume property lines between buildings and that distance determines fire rating and percentage of openings. ~ Al Nod AN:mh A:HUNTBRS.RUN PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-081 SUBJECT: Development Department Director Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, utilities Chief Field Insp. Al NeWbOI::fjd, D{/1;r~ Building official Michael E. H ag, ~lannlng and Zoning Admlnlstrator March 6, 199,/ Hunters Run, The Woods Type VII units Minor Site Plan Modification File No. MMSP 95-016 TO: FROM: DATE: William Wolff, President of the woods Board of Directors is requesting approval of a minor site plan modification for the above-referenced project. The request is to expand the existing side additions from twelve (12) feet wide to fourteen (14) feet wide on all type VII units. The proposed footprints are depicted on the site plan. Two (2) sets of plans are available for your review in the Planning and Zoning Department. Your review of the plans for the project is requested by Thursday, March 9, 1995. If the plans are consistent with the code and are acceptable, please fill-in the sign-off block on both sets of plans. If there are deficiencies, please sign-off with comments and forward written comments no later than Friday, March 10, 1995. If there are questions regarding the request, please contact Dorothy Moore at 375-6260. Thank you for your prompt response. MEH:dim cc: Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief John Guidry, utilities Director a:Hun~erti.rev/TRC \ " '.. u ""I Ol( .~' .,7 . >, " . . . ',{'1' "'_,','1,..;~""J~~~'~"'~ . ,.<.....ac.......' ."',' ',' ,~sr'" " . ~ , " .' . ' it.~;:"....~:~. C',: ., a: )j C - I n - -----.. G ~ - r<J .. zz -y 19 00 ~t=; Z '.: >~ 184 ;" - 0 0 Ww -l-l ~ Ww 0::<.9 - ~ O~ O-l CD -lW ~ L.L.(.) ~ :> ~ ("I") - .--..; O~. "-='AVING- 0"