Mr. William 1. Niles
24 Oaks Lane
Boynton Beach, FL 33436
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Planning &: Zoning
Occupational Licenses
Community Redevelopment
Buknt 1. KJutarlaJc, NCARB
Director of Development
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Re: Landscape maintenance easement around the Oaks Condominium Community,
Hunters Run
Dear Mr. Niles,
I received your letter of June 20, 1998, and comments regarding the proposed landscape
maintenance easement.
It appears that over the years, the Oaks Condominium Association was unaware of its
community boundaries and has been maintaining the landscape surrounding it. The Hunters
Run Property Owners Association could assist and inform your Association as to the exact
location of these boundaries by using certified surveys and staking them on the ground.
Regardless of the width or duration of a proposed landscape easement around your
community, setbacks for material additions in your backyards will continue to be measured
from the boundaries of the land deeded to and owned fee simple by your Condominium
Associations as common areas.
In the event that the Hunters Run POA agree to grant such a landscape maintenance easement
to the Oaks Condominium Association, a precedent will be set and other condominium
associations in Hunters Run may then apply for similar easements. In turn, the Hunters Run
POA will have to apply to the Department of Development for a Master Plan revision for
Hunters Run. The process will have to be initiated through the Division of Planning and
Zoning and proposed changes to the Master Plan will be reviewed by the Planning and
Development Board and approved by the City Commission.
I trust that this letter will help clarify the issues raised in your letter. Thank you for your
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Bulent 1. Kastarlak
Director of Development
CC: Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning & Zoning Director
America's Gateway to the Gulfstream
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6371 Fax: (561) 375-6357