LEGAL/APPROVAL GARY A. ~ORN, Isg. iIDZOW, KORN. BROWN, WOLFS 6< LIPTON, P.O. Sox 8020 Kallandale, Flo~1da 33008-80~0 Phone: (30S) 936-6888 (~ad.) (aOO) 935-688' (Outside D~de) 'ax No. (305) 9U-9S02 !' >>co """ 'r <I '" '\. 1- TL" " 'Is Ul NbD "- 1/ I ~ c ~1997 9: 34al 97-23554: ORB 9873 P9 11 I .... ....11..._ DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL ---~ " ---~ '. ~-' m msp Ql-0( ~GOto /X-~-J- '''' T . dooument p~.par.d by and ~.tur 01 P.A. RELEASE OF OVERHANG EASEMENT HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership (the "Owner": is the owner, in fee simple, of the following described parcel of real property (the "Real Property"): Lot 3, THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN, according to the Plat thereof. as recorded in Pint Book 77. at Pages 196-199, inclusive. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The Real Properly is subject to an overhang easement (the "Easement't) , created pursuant to the provisions of Note No.7 contained upon the Plat of THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN, as recorded in PIal Book 77, at Pages 196-199, inclusive. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The Owner hereby declares that the Easement is inapplicahle, with respect to the Real Property, and the Owner hereby declares that the Real Property shall no longer be subject, in any malUlcr, to the Easement. Accordingly. the Owner hereby releases, quit claims, discharges and relinquishes the Easement, and any rights appurtenant to lhe Easement, with respect to the Real Properly and the Owner hereby declares that the Real Property shall be owned, by all owners of the Real Property. free and clear of any encumbrance created by the Easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Instrument has been executed this ~ day of July. 1997. WITNESSES: HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership By: Address: . JQJ Westlake Drive ' Boynton Beach. Florida 3~436 S t--'f k~ tlLfccv A ," ~ STATE OF FLORIDA ..... : ) ) 55: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The execution of the foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of July, 1997 by ANDREW STEINBERG, as President of HOME DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF SOUTH FLORIDA I. a Florida corporation, the solc Gencral Partner of HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership. who is personally known to me and who did not take an oath. ' ' 'l)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))')'))))'.~ ... ~.: .' , "V" .. ' , , I ~.. I/. LauneThompson,). ~., ' . " , . ; : Notary ~lI~lic. State ofFldrida ~. .. .'. . ..,.~ rf.. Commls~lo.n No, a; 6~7352 >.. Notary Pubhc State ot. Honda I OFf\.(I My CO!l1mlssloo Exp. 03/05/2001 )', . " Ih ' J. , . Bonded Thro..hFII, No Service a lIondi .). . '. "'/NNNN~~~/~/~)1f/N/////N"f);#>, PrInt Name: ~ \.. -E.. ~.Sc)rl "". ~. ~,- . ...... . , .! . I"~ '1-' :. r ., -......v I GAKI\llfJ.CIIIDlII\IIM'IUl97 IEDZOW. KOM. '~WN. WOLFE" lJI'TOH. P.A.. "VENTURA. PI.OAIDA 331.0 . 13051 '31"888 M.lIUNG AOOIU!SS P.O. lOX 8020, HAUANDAUi. FLORIDA 33008.8020