APPLICATION .... -.r"' ; 1v-ot/ 3-- ;/ , , , ,. , , APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE .1 BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM , . NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (Three' (3) copies of application are required.) PROJECT NAME: --W-luP (,') vJ i I ~ S AGENT'S NAME: ~() n. 77JJ.,j M ~TS U"f AGENT'S ADDRESS: ;;Loc leA) LJ r ~ ~ ..; I k ;;.. 4~ c- .--Ro~ OA 'fL ~~y ~ c:, AGENT' 5 PHONE: ~D / ) 1 ~" - 7Cf.l fa OWNER'S NAME: ~J ~ f:je-'-r5(...,f.t- (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRESS: ~O i!J IL-+J v n-f R.ci S J I 'k. ~ # c... ~ B~ '"fL "?:>'3y)-~Co OWNER'S PHONE: (3-0.,) 1'3"'-71.l ~ PROJECT LOCATION: .bl3 - S-r ~ sE" ~-f"n. 5",- (not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE . ADDRESS: * (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas', letters and other materials will be forwarded. . . APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacate/. abandon, and discontinue the, (check one): ( ( ( ( I~ ) ) ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY . . as described in attached Exhibit II A" , and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the City and the pUblic in and to any land in conn~ction therewith. Said application is to be filed with the Planning Department in triplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed nonfee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in- cluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): ( ./) DEED ( ~ ) DEDICATION ( ) PRESCRIPTION Recorded in ~e.. S'JW,JLSJv-J No:r:- Book-L, Page ?> ~, and Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their' property and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely effected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes.: 5. That the following constitutes'a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. NAME Ho.&-[J wi 4-!t<4 CrkhW ve./J n CtJ r ()(). he, 1J 11 "17 ,/4 1N. '- G:..u-r~ f;r/L ~ SOdt1r1 p GtnMI,US' ~ 'R41/rOtlJ ADDRESS 4Z,[ s,;-~-tn N~ 815 fi 3'8V3r /'-17 ~y /lower /iff) LII1UJ/1t 4/'~ / II - ..;" J 8~ - MI- lffl'lC. 'fItJg Nt:. Jl-t:J 1'\/\/ /1- 33Y~ 1} /3p)t' B U 136 f[., ~ '3 yz,) Pi') Or"wv/Ot!Y 5;/tf, IIj jiU,-'1i: : . J 3"2.0&1 i . 6. That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: ~'~r~ ~r'"O l/IJ~ (Uoy( SCC-iJ"fr -h ~ rPet~ o~ Wl1 p~~r,^^-I"""~ tJl/\ IJM~j) .g.C),c.D ~~ i"'S'j a.~f ~S -Iv ~ re..r 0+-"'" 'J . t'rop~. ~__ ___ __ 0 to _ J Il U () 'Ilf) w 0 \J If) b k-f.4- I o-ff. JeIIU, ~ IAJL <IV' ~ ~l" ro I/s DATED: ~!tJ/1( APPLICANT(S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) ADDRESS JiJO ~Jn+-11O ~ .24eC- ~ & ~33~b STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that he ~/ls the applicant(~ in the foregoing Application to-Xbandon/ Vacate; that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. .ti!i\~lf~~ ROeERT E. CUllOM ff 11 MY COMMISSION' CC257387 EXPIRES ~..., .~~. FelJruIlY4.1991 '1Ir..~ IONOEO 1'HRU TIlOY FAIN 1HSlJWa, It<<:. PUBLIC, State of Florida My Commission Expires: 6-19-87 .. 4~ .~' f/I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A portion c~ Railroad Avenue, lying adjacent to a po~tion o~ Lot 9 and Lot 10, 8lock 8, PENCE SU8DIVISION NO.1, a $ubdivisicn as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 33, in the Publl~ Records o~ Palm 8~ach County~ Florida and more p~~ticularly described as follows: 8eginning at the Northw~st corner of Lot 9, Block B, PENCE SU80IVIS10N NO. 1; th~n~e run Westerly ~lnnQ the projection o~ the North line o~ said Lo~ q, a distance of 30,31 ~eet to a point on the Eastp.rly Right-of-way line o~ the F.E.C. Rai ll"'oad; thence ,rLu"! 8nllt.herly along said Easterly r-<iQht-o-f-way line with an ana1e 0-1= 98"12'47" measured clockwise ~t'om the last desc/"ibed coun:;c, a distance aT le3.10 -feet to a point, being d ~rujection of th~ South 1in8 o~ Lot 10, Block B, P~NCE SU8DIVISION NO.1; thence run Easterly along said projected South line with a~ angle of 81046'54", rned51u,red c:1ockw1se .frcm the ldt:lL \Jt=5Co;r'ibeo COurse, ~ distance o-f 30.31 ~eet to the Southwest corner o~ said Lot 10; thenc~ run Northerly ~lwnQ the Westerly lin~ or said Lolt:l 9 drlU 10 wlth illl <:Ingle of 98-13'0",1', mea:au.I~ec:l clockwise -from the last describeo course, c'd1stQn~e 0+ 1~3.10 -f~~t to the Point Qr Ueginning. i;l.nw \';ol1taining 4593 a.F., 0.11 ACl'"l!l!I mOIre 01'" le5lOi Legdl Description Pv~pa~ed By: Gentry Engineering and L~nd 8u~veying, Int. P.C"!. Eln:.: ?43 Delr.y Oeach, rl. 33447-0243 ~j? ~~ ~ i ::Y~ ~ -\ ~~ ~ d'/W --- _ _ R-A-,L....R..o~c .---- -- -1 \1 '" -1 ..)) tP ~ ~ _:5- r (1:' ~ ~ --- ~ :$"ArrERE; I't ' WA/~/f~A.tJ/ AYEI{(/c / . NO';" ANI> $~Af.V . VNIMMol/eO (031)' te/W) / IS3.1b'/ ~,,- ",'" ..... ...... ""~"#'"",, ...~ ~ ~ 0$>.. ,. ...... '\ i!' $' ~ r~ ~" ,.,. O}l> 1';: ....~ ~ ~ ~'\1:) , ... \. n ~ i- ,,~ ~- ':. '~ ~% ,:~p, ~ - r I";. ~. ~0" ~ -:r""". ...1' / "~:'l. .. I ~~ .~.~. C.K '~ ~ ~ ~-:. \ ~,. ~1O ~\ 1;\ - ~~ ~1:. ,,~ '^ ~- >or ....C' ~ 'Jr p?~ ~- s- . , ~ ~ .,..-.... ..'" ... ,."- c.-'" ...~"" ~ ;~'i ~...G' ~ ...cl! '"I-~.... 9~-I,..C'~ ~. .....~ q,.~ ~~; ~.. i -... r ~ ""'\ 0 -\ = \Jt c;:, 0\ U'1 ! ~ r\\ ~ \ ~:'Zh~l- <;.'\- . <y ~ ::" ~ ~ i 4~1iI~. CN-" q; ::t. ",a ::I::. ~ .... ~r., ~ ,,'>< C; ~ ~..... loo. o.J> ~~ ~ N. t'ft~ ~ ~ " (/I- f ~CI<, ~ ~i " ,,- z' ; ;:.~ .... / ~/t. .... ,..... -C>I ~.,. ",,,,, ~ ~ ~ ~d :)I.... ~~~~-:. ~4' . ..1ii .. ...'" OJ' ~ :C;"'o;, 0..... e '. .... ---,--_.._--'-~ ~ tJ- -.:. ,.~I' .;. OF S. €. 4111 STleG!if ([PO' ;e/W) ------ ~~ \.Iol !J'> (1\ ~. 'I ~ -\ Q:J / / '-...-.... C> ~ ~ 10 0'- ~ ,. /' ~ '0 ~ V\ ~ ~~ Q '" o ~ I:) l.. . () '" t- (> "'\ ... /0.0' ';<; ~~ ;~ ~ 4~. - .. ~... <Q'..... . .,. <j :.I ~ ~ j i> ~\ , ~ ..... . . t'10~ ......,:r ~ .... c: () '" I>>:r ...1>>'" ....-d \: O"'~ :l~C: "'~'" -..: ~~a ~ '" :1:'" 0-::=(1 C> . '" ",ao "'. ... 0. :r '" o :l ~ .... :z :l (;') ~ c: ~ d ~ '" n :r :l .... n I>> .... II) ... C> ::l Q. C> ~ Q. '" 6$'oj, ~~ ~-- ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ... (~itKic-xxlfk Evening (305) 483-7597 BURTON METSCH PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER 18181 Daybreak Drive Boca Raton, FloridamKX4C 33496 UC. N.Y., FL April 6, 1994 Mr. M. O. Bagley Director of Real Estate FEe Railroad . P. O. Drawer 1048 _St. Augustine, Fl.32085 Re: Road Abandonment Dear Mr. Bagley, I own property located East of your Railroad Tracks in Boynton Beach, Florida. The property is located between SE 4th Ave. and SE 5th Ave. and fronts on SE 4th St. SE 5th Ave crosses your Railroad Tracks and my property is approiametly 100 feet North of SE 5th Ave. I enclose a survey of my property showing the proposed Right Of Way abandonment in Red. I would like to know if the Railroad would like to join me in this abandonment process. Furtermore, if the Railroad is not interested in taking their half would it possible to go ahead alone and for me to acquire the entire 30 foot ROW. Burton Metsch