LEGAL APPROVAL ,. . . .- }171C Cz.t!J oj , 'Boynton t.Bcacfi ~tP lO(I'/~. 'jIIlY"/O" 'JlI'Il({, 'jllll,{t'r'II"'( '1'.0. 'jlll.\",J 10 , '}lOY"/O" 'llrt1({" :J(mjdiJ JJ.J25~1.;)(l ('i/y ~'I;,[{: (.111;") ;"3,1.'<;' , , ~/ :l.\': (-I (I i) i3S.;"4 5.<l OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR " January 23, 1991 Attn: Mr. Jay J. Nachtsheim 8541 A Boca Glades Blvd. West Boca Raton, FL 33434 RE: Banana Boat ~Satellite Dish) - Administrative site Plan - File No. 568 Dear Mr. Nachtsheim: Pleas~ be advised that Technical Review Board site plan subject to attached. on Thursday, January, approved the referenced staff comments, copies 17, 1991~ the administrative of which are . These plans were approved subj ect to your compliance with the at-tached stipulations_ and must.. now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Divisi~n of the Building Department, which ,will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After both sets of modified plans have the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on both sets of'plans from each Technical Review Board member. The sign-off, procedure requires that the Engineering Department sign-off first, followed by all other departments with the exception that the Planning Department sign off next-to-last and the 'Building Department sign-off last. -The Zoning & Site Development Administrator wB..l, provide the Building Department .sign-off. . One (1) set of final signed-off plans will rema~n with the Building Department and the other set of plans 'will be returned to you to be retained at the, job site. ' ", .'1mrrim:( (;tlil'71'tll/ iI' il;t' (;ul/:O:irCtltll ... '.. ... 0( i ; i { '- \.S~p' , TO: . Nr ,... 'Jay J. Nachtsheim -2- J~nuary 23,' 1991 To help facilita~~ the ~ign-off process, appointments,should be made _to meet with each Technical Review Board member to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by sUbmitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the' Building Department. The Build.1n9-=- Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill,_ drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built, or record drawing. If you have any'questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, (.~Lj~__ rJ.-:dv=- CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP, Planning Director CC:cp Encs - cc: Technical 'Review Board l\:l\pprltr J' ~. 1 . I ':: :"~ -', ,r-',..'" ,....;, -; ,- . ~ . ,.' ," .. .... ~ .. ~, STAFF COMMENTS BANANA BOAT ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN (SATELLITE DISH) Building Department: See attached memo Planning Department: See attached memo Community Improvement Department: See attached memo y SIp. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-18 January 22, 1991 FROM: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator TO: THRU: RE: TRB Comments - January 17, 1991 Meeting SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - BANANA BOAT LOUNGE SATELLITE DISH Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. Show on the plans the height of the dish from the roof deck to the uppermost part of the dish. 2. Submit a sample of the black mesh material so that its opacity may be reviewed for acceptability. I recommend that the material proposed to screen the satellite dish be opaque and harmonious with the exterior finish color and material of the existing building. 3. On the roof plan indicate clearly with a distinguishable symbol the location, type and height (in relation to the overall height of the satellite dish) of the material that is required to screen, from public view, three (3) sides of the satellite dish. 4. Where landscaping is proposed as the material to screen the satellite dish, specify and identify the following landscaping information on the plan view drawing: i. species ii. location iii. spacing iv. height (in relation to the overall height of the satellite dish v. grade and/or quality In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included with your documents submitted to the Building Department for review and permitting: 1. Complete and submit a permit application for the satellite dish and the required electric work. The owner or the owner's agent is required to sign the permit application. Include the appropriate permit fee as described in Section 5-4 of the City Code of Ordinances. 2. Show and' specify the size of the wire required to bond the satellite dish electrodes. 1RJECEIV ED JM~ 23 q, rLJ~lifHI'lU DEPTo - s- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH . J"hP ~ \i3J ...~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, P.O, BOl( 310 Boynton Buch, r10rlda 33435.0310 14071734.811 i": January' ~8, 1991 .~ Hr. Jay J. Nachtsheim 8541 A Boca Glades Blvd. West Boca Ratoll, FL 33434 RE: Banana Boat - File No. 568 Administrative site Plan - satellite dish Dear Hr. Nac,htsJleim: Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments \'li th respect to the 'above-referenced request for an administra- tive site plan. The comments belowi as well as the attached commellts from other departments, will need to be addressed on revised copies of the drawings submitted for, review, prior to applying for a permit. This procedure is detailed on the attached letter of approval from the Planning Department: 1. The elevation drawing is not labeled "south" to determine which direction the open side of the dish will face. '"' <... lndica te more clearly on the roof plan where the screen me'sh "-enclosure will be located. 3 . After the installation of the satellite dish and prior to final inspection bf the permit, the Planning and Building Departments will determine whether the existing landscaping and proposed mesh enclosure adequately screen the dish. /'1 ';-"'{C:'H(_t~ 't..' C), .e'j~(_,'r(,J? Tambri J. H~Yden : / tjh Attachments A:BananaBt xc: Chronological File ;. -. " COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT M E M 0 RAN DUM Jl;p DATE: January 23, 1991 FROM: Chris Cutro, Director, Planning Department Johnnetta Broomfield, Director~ TRB Comments: Banana Boat - s~tellite Dish TO: RE: Please be advised of the following codes and guidelines as it relates to the above subject: 1. Central Business District Guidelines (Pg. 33) Service Facilities and Mechanical Equipment #2. Mechanical equipment and utility services should be located and screened so as not to be visible from public areas and adjacent property. Parapet should extend around sides to screen rooftop mechanical equipment (not only along building front). In that the satellite dish may be seen from atop by occupants from upper level floors of residential buildings in the general area, the applicant may want to consider a screen above the dish in an effort to screen the top of the dish from public view if such a screen does not interfere with the transmission of the signal for operation. 2. Code of Ordinance (pg. 1900.2) M. Satellite Dish Antennae 1.(d) All satellite dish antennae shall be screened on three (3) sides with landscape materials or walls with landscaping which are of a height equivalent to the total height of the mounted satellite dish. (e) No satellite dish antenna shall be installed which requires mounting to a mast or other structure attached to the front, side or rear of a building. ....." JB:kc RECEIVED JAN 28 q I PLANNING DEPT. -, ~ . . '. ..... Cit" of Bovnton Bench ~fltROFDCMll\~UTStffiET . . Planning De'ilnrtInent- De"clopnlent File . :.~. ... ,l r3q J:3. CJc e..a~ Ave r Parking Lot Variance -PLY D Prc:appticarlons . Preapp D 'Conditional Use - CU D Master Plan - MP ,0 .... Rezoning - R D Master Plan ?>.iodification - MPM 0 Rezoning-e.nd Land Use ' CJ Preliminary Plat - PP 0 Element Amendment - LUEA 0 J',' D Site Plan.- SP , Annexation - A ~Ml 129 D adm.Site Plan Modification It PM~ Abandonment - Abdm . 9'J.t'f Number of She~ts (lettp-r I 1 P-q;<! 1) I::J-. Number of Plans ~ Date prepared: 8 -L J- '7 Z COMlviENTS: Approved!2.l '~ ~ ~I. I' ..g> I, Denied CJ Conditions l2Cl ~V7JLM'7~ StL-f-e({;/e., tIv's/1' , I ! TO BE,FILLEO OUT BY MICRO COMPAN~ . .. . . Fiche No. I X or X Retrix No. I Frnmes COM HEN' T S } ... <. .... " rt ~Tne City of r:Boynton r:Be(uJi , " J ' :#SKo . ......... 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BtiUfi 'Boulevara P,O. 'Bo;r.31O '.Boynton 'BerUfi, :Jforiaa 33425.0310 City :.Hal[: {407} 734.8111 :J'J1.X: {40i} 738:7459 ~-___::::o---~ , , OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR' March 4, 1991 Banana Boat . PO Box 790 Delray Beach, Fl 33447 RE: Banana Boat (Ground Satellite Dish) - Administrative Site Plan Modification - File No. 580 Gentlemen: Please be advised that Technical Review Board si te plan modif ica tion, which are attached. on Tuesday, February 26, 1991, the approved the referenced administrative subject to staff comments, copies of These plans were approved subj ect to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the' Site. Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After both sets of modified plans have the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on both sets of plans from each Technical Review Board member. The sign-off procedure requires that the Engineering Department sign-off first, followed by all other departments with the exception that the Planning Department sign off next-to-last and the Building Department sign off last. The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off. One (1) set of final signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. jlmericas gateway tv tlie (jufJstrcam 'OZ *~:FlS . .' A,' TO: Banana Boat -2- March 4, 1991 To help facilitate the sign-off process, appointments should be made to meet with each Technical Review' Board 'member to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by sUbmitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The Building Department will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the Ci ty entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The si te plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CJ~'~ CHRISTOPHER CUTRO"AICP Planning Director ' CC:cp Encs cc: Jay J.Nachtsheim Technical Review Board A:BBoat 3 ,- .., Ci . ..., ~ *J~ STAFF COMMENTS BANANA BOAT (GROUND SATELLITE DISH) ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum 9 -- RECEIVED :11()' BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-79 MAR 4,lql PLANNING DEPT. - - March 1, 1991 FROM: Christopher cutro, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~ Michael E. Haag, zoning & site Develop~t Administrator TO: THRU: RE: TRB comments - February 26, 1991 Meeting SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - BANANA BOAT (GROUND-MOUNTED SATELLITE DISH) Upon' review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. Show by dimensions on the plans, the overall height of the satellite dish. 2. All line changes made on the plans must be in ink, initialed and dated by the design professional responsible for the drawing. 3. Show on the plans the satellite dish screened on three (3) sides. Where landscaping is proposed to provide the screening, specify on the plans the specie, spacing and size of the landscape material. 4. State on the plans that the landscape material will be irrigated with an automatic water supply system. Specify the water supply source. ~ 5. All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional, shall show original legible raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings/documents. s- .. 9fSFb . .. COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 26, 1991 TO: Tambri Heyden, Assistant City Planner FROM: Sobnnett. Broomfield. Director~ RE: TRB Comments: Banana Boat - Ground Mounted Satellite Dish Please be advised of the following codes and guidelines as it relates to the above subject: 1. Central Business District Guidelines (Pg. 33) Service Facilities and Mechanical Equipment #2. Mechanical equipment and utility services should be located and screened so as not to be visible from public areas and adjacent property. 2. Code of Ordinance (Pg. 1900.2) M. Satellite Dish Antennae 1. (d) All satellite dish antennae shall be screened on three (3) sides with landscape materials or walls with landscaping which are of a height equivalent to the total height of the mounted satellite dish. JB:mk CC:CB-TRB RECEIVED- r=EB 28 q I PLANNING DEPT. ~ - .. -h k- -# SJ'b rrFie City of 'Boynton 'Beacfi 100 'E. flJoynton flJeadi. 'lJoukvara , P.O. flJOi(.310 flJoynton'lJeadt, :Jforitfa 3.3425.0310 (407) 738-7484 :J.!U: (407) 7.38.~459 flJuiUing !Depart~nt, Site !Devefopmtnt 'Division, City !JIaf[ Compkl( 'West ~ng April 3, 1991 Banana Boat P.O. Box 790 Delray Beach, FL 33447 RE: SATELLITE DISH - ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION File No.:91-001 This letter is to inform you that your project has received final sign-off on April 3, 1991 of the plans submitted for review by the Technical Review Board. Completing the site Plan Review ,process enables you to submit working drawings and construction plans for the site work and building construction to the Building Department for plan review and pe~mitting. To initiate this process present to the plans analyst in the Building Department the following: a) appropriate and completed permit application form b) copy of this letter c) appropriate plans and associated documents d) a plan filing *permit fee ' The plan filing fee is made payable to the City of Boynton Beach in the amount of *** .3% *** of the valuation of the work specified on the permit application. The total permit fee is determined by the Building Department, and is due when the permit is issued. . *Section 5-4 Permit Fees, City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances For information regarding permits related to the site work contact the Site Development Division (407 738-7484) and (407 738-7480) for permits related to the construction of the building. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. Development Administrator RECEIVED APR' ~ ~ I PLANNU'lG DEPT. -- " - cc: l~.......scptt ;Mill_~r.r lTambri Heyden ' ,.,' cenfral-"-F i 1.es'- TRB File SDD File '/ .P/.meru:a's (jateway to tfic (julfstream 'tf J Jf" . . I." 7 ~:~~;.~~j~'~"~"" .. ",MO" . ..... . \) ~ \ ""~~ \\ c>?~ 6l P.\\..l" 0 ~.-~- ~ ;- . -. . " , i \ I ;~~: :', "'~~:Ell\IlG ell OIlI<Tlfii1! vJ91 , ,'j.. ,~'~C~'NGttIGl'V " , 0":",,,7:.'" ..... ' .' 6 "fe\e?\'lonc: _ ~,1/1,'" ,,,,,.".. .. """ ...,'29' o. '1"\A'3t ' 1;p.~Uf)' tJl\ . -(oibd: ,/No~ I ct.-/) · 'it) -(fie" tit AI"; ~t€.A,l)ICG , ' ,. \,:..-:... . --:-- -:. # ,;~ . . :41 ~..,--~~ , ,~.;r e\ephGoe:)jh 7' sad: 7299 -.;". .