LEGAL APPROVAL 4 d- rr . i :<:.CrT'( of ' :' '~J'" '.\ \. ' \-:;60"(1'1101'1 BEACH ~/~>~: ~;~~ :~-;~:~ :r: ., .' '" \ ~4.,....., . .~.:~~:'~ . ~'.i \ . ~.~~': ~ .~ \ ~ . ~\j.{t\,'" ~,.,t,l".J.;-'" : )~~ ~~ \~. (::"\ ' :'~ .~ ~?}~~ ~ . !![,l::t< : Bright ~mage signs. ~nc :~'V'l~1"'.:' . ":11 c:. ...1~ 3rd st ~_.<~' .,\." ;);J ~'ll:l frd?,:" "De'lraY Beach. 11L 33444 1'\~\":'^ ... ' . t~t'f:~) ~~: 'Bourque/Da~SeY Medical. ,. 'l."""" ,.' ~ 29 A ~:;.",,'\::1'" p'lan - Fi'le NO- · !\~1tF~): ' \\~":.'<""." ,I :.~r~r~'::h':,;\ Gentl.emen: ~:-'("'1;'''' ,I" \,,;- 1. f~;;~ .t'"' ',il:tt'" \ ~! .bf.;:. ~\. ~l \ fl'..' . .'t(:': ". ;) r\~l\ . 't~ ~:~~t ~ ,: ~\?\ :~. ~'~l\'Y: . ~ ~~...,...\'t" r, t:~fl )':; , ,..J":'.,t... \/. ' t~\~~~'i;' *,~.., t', . HF.t"j. ' . t"~.J; ~i. ~ ~~l~ ~~'. . '~'Jc '.'..,. ~if. "I., ,:.' . .~t{'. \ '..~;hf:l" h~f::':.> '(lo.~\_:y ~~'....\ :'~t' ~,~:;td~ . l~l,,{""" ~~~~0r: ': ~: \\th:<"(i:'. \'\'t' ~o" . 1\:, ~:-~r ,r:, \ hT~~''';' "CS"" f "... t'It'H:!i;' \ ~: rJJ "t\!{- ".' \ ~1\\'(r. t', ,~". \ Encs ~~'\i,~~n}' cc: \ ~ ;,'" :,,~,.;,' :}:~"~~ ~: tt \ t~l: ~..\ 'VY~!l~k}:' \;\1.\ .,.;:.. ,nt.,: ' ..."._.!, f;' I. 100 E. Bo')'n\on Beach B",d, P. O. BOY. 310 Bo')'n\on Beach, Flor\da 33435,0310 (407) 73408111 september 1.1., 1989 OFFiCE OF ~ p1J'NN~NG D~FEC'tOR Office B'ld9 _ ~dl\\inistrati~e site P'lease ~e ad~ised that on 'tUesday. september 5. ~989. the 'techUica'l Re~ie~ Boa~d appro~ed the ref~renced s~te p'lan su~ject to staff co~ents. copies of ~h~ch are attached. 'these 'lans ~ere appro~ed su~ject to your col\\P'liance ~ith the attaCh~d stiPu'latiOns. ~fter yoU ha~e,~nded yo~ p'l~n~i~~'l ref'lect theSe stiPu'latiOns. p'lease su~m~t t~O coP eS ~ . p'lan dra~ings ~ith the changes incorporated to the Bu~ld~ng Departl\\ent for permitting purposes, 'the' appro~a'l of the 'technica'l Re~ie~ Board ent~~'les'lYOu t~e site construct on'lY the ~pro~ementS sho~n on the.s~ e pan- - l;~ ~~i'l i'o~ ~~';,e~nr:'~~~~;~Y c~~c~~J':::~~~ :'t~~~~r~l~~~';, dO not hesitate to contact me. verY trul.Y yours, c~'!'l of BcriN'!ON BE~Cll 1- ~nterim city Manager 'technical Re~ie~ Board 'Buil.ding officia~ central. Fil.e ," .-'" -' ., .... STAFF COMMENTS 1J1t BOURQUE/DAWSEY MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING SITE PLAN MODIFICATION UNDER $100,000 BUILDING DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: -- ~-""- - ~--_. - --- .- ',,- See attached memo See attached memo - -~---' . '-~-_._-... .' , ~ 11 J Cjf ! ~ MEMORANDUM September 6, 1989 .- TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Mike Haag, Plans Reviewer RE: SITE PLAN UNDER $100,000 BORQUE/DAWSEY FREE STANDING SIGN The following comments must be satisfied by correcting and or clarifying existing plans or submitting new, corrected drawings. These corrections or clarifications are necessary to obtain TRB sign-off. To acquire a permit to erect the sign, complete the Building Department application form and submit the required plans to comply with the permit process: 1. Identify on the plans, the name of person who drew plans and date when plans were prepared. 2. Clearly identify all perimeter boundary lines. 3. Specifically show on plans the dimension of the sign from two adjacent property lines. --TJ.L? /0- f..;:2ike Haag MH: Id xc: Don Jaeger BORQUEDO.TRB - .~ ,--- '-- - _.. lIJ1f 5 MEMORANDUM September 8, 1989 TO: Bright Image Signs, Inc Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner FROM: RE: Bourque/Dawsey Medical Office Building - Staff Comments Small Project Review for Freestanding Sign File No. 294 With respect to the above request, please be advised of the following: 1. The extent of advertising shown on the plans exceeds that which is allowed by code on a freestanding sign. Such signs may advertise only the project title or one main use such as Dr. Bourque, Dr. Dawsey, Dr. Lashway Obstetrics and Gynecology Center. The plans submitted for permit must comply with the sign code. 2. The plans submitted for permit must also specify letter material, size and style. ~ ().~ TAMERI J. "lIEYDE TJH:frb xc: Central File BImage \