REVIEW COMMENTS .' STAFF COMMENTS THE HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH SITE PLAN BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memo FIRE DEPARTMENT: See attached memo ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: See attached memo UTI~ITIES DEPARTMENT: See attached memo POLICE DEPARTMENT: See attached memo PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memo RECREATION DEPARTMENT: See attached memo FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST: See attached memo COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT: See attached memo o I , \ \ 4< '--- .' BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-132 April 4, 1990 TO: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: THE HAMLET - APARTMENTS Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. Show, on ME-1, the location of each type of fixture identified in fixture schedule. 2. All drawings and/or documents, submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional, shall show original raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings. 3. Show, on site plan drawing, the setback dimension from east property line to the guard house and the recreation building. Show, on site plan drawing, the setback distance from the south property line to the guard house. 4. '-:" 5. t Specify, on the elevation view drawings, the following stair specifications: riser and tread size; landing sizes; clear stair width, handrail and guardrail height, location and rail configuration. All stair specifications must comply with the applicable building codes. 6. South Florida Water Management District permit or letter of exemption is required. 7. Lake Worth Drainage District permit or letter of exemption is required. 8. State, on plans, that the internal sidewalk and road intersection provide a handicapped accessible transition. 9. Show, on plans, the location of the required handicapped parking space for buildings 9 and 10. Position the handicapped parking spaces as close as possible to the handicapped accessibility path leading to the handicapped apartment unit. 10. Specify the slope of the handicapped parking space ramp. 11. Appropriately locate the handicapped parking space as close as possible to the handicapped apartment unit (for one bedroom and three bedroom units). 12. Show, on paving and drainage drawings, spot elevations along the required handicapped accessibility walkway leading to the handicapped apartment entrance from the associated handicapped parking space. Where walkways have a slope, identify slope and where required, provide handrails. (page 1 of 2) ~ \) Memo: Timothy Cannon The Hamlet April 4, 1990 Page Two 13. Show, on paving and drainage drawings, spot elevations along the required handicapped accessibility walkway leading to the guard house, recreation building and all other accessory amenities. From each associated handicapped parking space, where walkways have a slope, identify slope and, where required, provide handrail. 14. Show the location and identify the width, length and elevation of the level platform that is required at the entrance to each accessory building, including guard house. 15. Show, on the plans, elevation view of a typical length of the fence that borders Northeast 4th Street. Identify the height, type of material, type and color of finish material proposed for the fence. Include a section view drawing showing the foundation and all vertical and horizontal structural materials and components, including the capped columns. 16. Revise Safety Enclosure for pool area. Fence height is required to be 4' with a rail configuration that will not allow a 4" sphere to pass through. Show, on plans, an elevation view of the pool fence showing height and rail configuration and identify type of material. 17. Show size of project title signage. Specify, on plans, that all signage must comply with sign code. .~ 18. Show, on plans, the location and type of building identification signage and site directional signs. r 19. Show, on the landscape plans, the calculations needed to achieve the required 50% native species count for both tree and shrub landscape material. 20. Tree and shrub size specifications must meet the landscape code minimum size requirements. 21. Show, on landscape plan A, 10 foot isosceles right triangle at the side of the site ingress/egress accessway. "Callout" that within the triangular space there is a clear visibility, through the landscape material, between the heights of 36" to 72". 22. Show, on plans, trees planted at a maximum of 40 feet on center along the east border of the property, north of entrance. 23. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pad. Identify type, size and color of material used for the sides of the enclosure. Identify the overall height, width and length. Identify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components for the dumpster enclosure and pad. ael E. Haag . meh: eaf cc: Don Jaeger HAMLET.SDD 0- FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-202 woe TO: JIM GOLDEN, PLANNING DEPARTMENT FRm1 : WILLIAM D. CAVANAUGH, FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE: APRIL 4, 1990 RE: THE HAMLET APARTMENTS STREET NAME AND UNIT ADDRESSING SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY BOTH THE BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT AND FIRE DEPARn1EtH. '~ . #U~-~c WILLIAM D. CAVANAUGH, FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I r WDC/pg o MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-213 TO: Timothy Cannon Interim Planning Direc%r FROM: John A. Guidry Director of Utilities DATE: April 4, 1990 SUBJECT: TRB Review - The Hamlet - Site Plan Resubmittal We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1. Relocate the in-line valve east of fire hydrant #6 to a point just west of said hydrant. 2. The standard water service detail should indicate a ball valve with a square nut adapter ~nd a valve box instead of a ball corporation. Use brass nipples and adapters as required. 3. Show all utility easements, specifying a 12~ easement for water mains and meters. Sewer mains shall be in an easement that is either 12' wide or twice the depth of the main, whichever is greater. t' 'dm1. bc: Peter Mazzella xc: J. Scott Miller .... . . 7 - ._-~.. ...-... .......:.-~..":.""...~........ '""!';'!'>> RECEIVED' .- -~ MEMORANDUM APR 4 1~90 PLANNINu ui.:.t"T. I' .. POLICE # 90-039 .. , TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: The Hamlet DATE: April 3, 1990 As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 3 April 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. stop Bars and stop signs at ends of all parking aisles connecting to driveways. (5-142C) 2. ... Speed limit signs. 20 MPH throughout complex 3. Children Playing signs along roadway adjacent to recreation area. 4. '~Comply with Security Construction Ordinance. (5-8G) to! I/. Cb>ohS ~ Lt. Dale Hammack DH/cm ? PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-099 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board THRU: Timothy P. Cannon ~c: Interim Planning Director I' FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: April 12, 1990 SUBJECT: The Hamlet of Boynton Beach - Site Plan With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. Required parking for private recreation facilities can be reduced by 75% (Section 11.H.16.e(12)(e) of Appendix A-Zoning) . 2. Proposed building colors must be shown on the blueprint elevations (item no. 14 on site plan application checklist). N.E. 4th Street to be dedicated and constructed between N.E. 16th Avenue and N.E. 20th Avenue prior to the issurance of a Certificate of Occupancy (policy 2.6.2. of Comprehensive Plan) . 3. 4.t' Details on project signs have not been shown. For future information, certain types of subdivision signs require site plan approval. ~ 5.- There are several drainage inlet structures located in pavement areas. These inlet structures must be relocated to grassy swale or landscaped areas (policy 1.11.7 of Comprehensive Plan and design requirements of Article X - Parking Lots). 6. .Engineering drawings for turn lane and roadway improvements to be included in set of plans submitted for sign-off prior to permitting. 7. As outlined in the attached correspondence from the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer dated April 11, 1990, the proposed project complies with the Countywide Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. Therefore, it is recommended that the right turn lane referenced on page 11 of the traffic impact analysis prepared by Olsak & Associates, Inc., dated February 1990, be constructed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ~ t. J7JLL AME~ J. GOLDEN JJG:cp 9 \}i:;I'jl b~;^CiO)l, :\i;l:i;ULl.~f IUtU , 4-11-:;Iu , "., 1t'1'1 , ... uoYn~ull 0\;11 Ta;t.,* L Boant Of COUDt1 COlaml.alonc::w Carol J. Elmquist, Chairman Karen T. Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillips County Admlnfltrator ja.n Winter. Apl"l1 11, 1 g90 . Department of Engineering and Public Works James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 " Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Dear Mr. Goldan: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled The Hamlet at Boynton Beach, N.E. 20th Avenue/N.E, 4th Street pursuant to Countywide Traffic Performance Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-7) and Municipal Implementat10n Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-0). The County Traffic Division has determined: The project meets the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of. Palm Beach County because there are no overcapac1ty roadway segments within the project's rad1us of development 1nfluence.under Test #1 and Test 12. ]f you have anY guest1~ns regarding the determination of the County Traffic Division, please 'feel free to.contact me. or call 684-4030, Your transm1tta1 of this traffic study for our review is appreciated. Sincerely, OImE OF THE COU~N~ l1an A. Ennis, P.E.~AICP Dev~lopmgnt Review Engineer - Traffic Division' AAE~cjlc. File: New -.TPS - Traffic study RQvi9WS . '.. . . j,: . . ..~tfOt'''''''tW ! ' f" ~N A. . ..~~ if "\.\:""F".l:"I."{/.~.. ..;~~\ \ leA;:;:., U'1. I\,jY ~ ' , , · I No. 39459 '\ * s t. t: .~ l~\ STATEOF jt:t:) ~u:;:.~ ORI\) ~,"1~.yl i ,. (!:'p......... ~~~ l , 'TeD r.~ ....,., .. . - .,...~,,,,.., au\Haml Qt "An I:qud OpportUnIty. AffIrmatIve Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684.4000 @ prIfIt,cJ on "Cy~/fd ~r 10 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-183 TO: Jim Golden, Planning Department f FROM: John Wildner, Superintendent, Parks Division THROUGH: Charles c. Frederick, Director~~~ Recreation & Park Department . T-- ~ SUBJECT: Hamlet P.U.D. DATE: April 5, 1990 We have reviewed the master plan for the Hamlet P.U.D. The following comments are submitted: 1. Based on 24 multi-family dwelling units, the recreation land dedication is computed to be 240 x .0150 = 3.6 acres. 2. Based on the following recreation elements provided: 1. swimming pool 2. recreation building 3. picnic area 4. tennis court 5. turf play field 6. children's play area 7. basketball courts We recommend one-half credit be provided. ~ 3. The recreation impact fee will be determined based on 3.6 acres divided by 2 = 1.8 acres. As the development site is fully developed and 1.8 acres for public parks dedication are not available, it is not recommended that an acreage dedication be required. The developer is requesting a waiver of the fees required for one-half credit. This is a policy issue which should be addressed by the City Commission. The development has provided private recreation facilities which exceed the requirements for one-half credit. The acreage provided for private recreation is 2.54 acres and should serve the development adequately as a neighborhood park. 4. The developer shall provide specifications on the recreation elements indicated to ensure commercial quality equipment is provided. This should be provided prior to final signoff of the project. JFW:ad ~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-181 FROM: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist KJ1t TO: SUBJECT: The Hamlet of Boynton Beach - Site Plan DATE: April 4, 1990 The following comments pertain to the landscape plans for the above project: 1. The quantities of landscape materials should be included to accurately determine the native species percentages (50% native trees/30% native shrubs). 2. The Tree Management Plan document must be submitted and adhered to prior to issuing the land clearing permit. KJH:ad .. ~ ... 0\ I~. ~ .. .j COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: . April 4, 1990 James J. Golden ~l Senior city Planne~~{~ Johnnetta Broomfield Director DATE: FROM: RE: TRB Comments: The Hamlet of Boynton Beach The initiative that led to the city making a commitment to financially support the above project (see attached letter dated 11/14/89) was the result of discussions with Mr. Thomas Hinners, President, Florida Affordable Housing, Inc., and myself regarding the content of the Affordable Housing package and what it would take to make this development desirable in the City. That package as represented to myself by Mr. Hinners included the fol~owing: affordable apartment units for approximately 256 families (one, two & three bedroom units) , recreational facilities(indoor & outdoor), on-site management, guard security, the completion of N. E. 4 th street and the construction of a day-care facility on the property located east of N.E. 4th street. The site plan for development as submitted includes all of the above with one exception; it does not include the building of a day-care facility even though the survey as submitted includes the ~ite for the day-care center as a part of the total development. Since the day-care facility (among other things) was one of the ~easons for my support and my recommendation to the city Commission for their support, I would request that the developer provide a response to the following as it relates to the total development: 1) Is the developer still requesting/anticipating approximately $200,000 from the City to complete N.E. 4th street and to upgrade the Se\'lage Pumping Station #310 to accommodate the level of development in the area or is this financial assistance no longer needed. 2) Did the developer receive $1,000,000 in support of the project from Palm Beach County. If you will recall (see attached letter) support from the City was contingent upon the developer receiving $1,000,000 from the County. 3) When will the developer submit site plans for the day-care center and when is construction anticipated to be completed. JB:kc attachment /3 I I ( 8Cl THE HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH NEW SITE PLAN . ~ c ~ Jay Fe1ner, Managing Partner for the Hamlet Joint Venture Company, is requesting site plan approval to costruct a 240 unit multi-family residential complex on 22.578 acres. The property is located on the west side of N.E. 4th Street extended, between N.E. 17th Avenue and N.E. 20th Avenue. The Technical Review Board recommends approval of.this request subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. . . , \ )1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMO NO. 90-082 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board and Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Timothy P. Cannon Interim Planning Director DATE: April 3, 1990 SUBJECT: The Hamlet of Boynton Beach As outlined in the attached correspondence from Jay FeIner, dated April 2, 1990, the developer is requesting that the City Commission consider reducing the 25% native habitat preservation requirement to allow for the preservation of small scattered pockets of micro-preserve. Although policy 4.3.5 of the Comprehensive Plan is referenced, this policy concerns "A" rated sites. The site is actually shown as a "B" rated site in the Conservation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the correct policy pertaining to "B" rated sites is 4.4.1 which states that "micro-preserves may be required oriented to preservation of a minimum 25% of all native plant communities which occur on site". POlicy 1.11.14 of the Future Land Use Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan also concerns preservation of 25% of native habitats. In addition, it should be noted that, because the site has been significantly disturbed, it i~ not subject to the County or City's environmentally sensitive lands ordinances. The basis for this request is Policy 6.1.1 of the Housing Element, which is quoted on the second page of this memorandum. Concerning parks and recreation, the Recreation and Open Space Element Support Documents of the City's Comprehensive Plan require that a five acre public park site be provided in the northeast corner of the site. Instead of dedicating the five acre public park site, the developer is proposing to construct an intensified private recreation facility in the center of the site which consists of seven items: 1. Recreation building 2. Swimming pool 3. Tot lot (children's playground) 4. Picnic Area 5. Basketball courts (2) 6. Tennis court 7. Multi-purpose play field Policy 1.8.2 requires that a parks and recreation dedication fee be collected for projects which are not subject to the dedication requirement contained in the Subdivision Regulations (rental projects generally do not have to be platted). Policy 5.5.5 of the Comprehensive Plan requires the payment of a parks and recreation dedication fee in lieu of land dedication. The formula for payment of the impact fee is contained in Article IX, section 8 of Appendix C-Subdivisions and Platting. If five private recreation items are provided which meet the criteria within the ordinance, a 50% credit can be granted toward the payment of the impact fee to the City. The developer has met ?5 these criteria. Therefore, based on a dedication requirement of 1.8 acres and a contracted land value of $1,125,000, the payment to the City would be calculated as follows: $1,125,000 divided by 23.6 acres equals $47,669. 49/acre which multiplied by 1.8 acres equals a payment of $85,805.08 to the City. The developer is requesting that the City commission waive the $85,805.08 parks and recreation fee. The basis for the developer requesting the above exemptions and waiver is policy 6.1.1 of the Comprehensive Plan Housing Element which concerns provision of affordable housing: Subsequent to Plan adoption, establish procedures to provide information, technical assistance, and explore possible incentives to the private sector to maintain a housing production capacity sufficient to meet the required production. These possible incentives could include assistance in land assembly, below-market rate financing, allowances to build on nonconforming lots, and density increases. With respect to the above, the developer's request is reasonable. However, if it is the decision of the City Commission to approve this request, the Planning Department will need to amend the Recreation and Open Space and Capital Improvements Elements of the Comprehensive Plan to remove the five acre public park which is proposed to be located on this property. - p " ~/? L---- TI HY P. CANNON JJG:frb Enc A:PM90-082 Iv THE HAMLEr JOINT VFN.l'URE 4723 W. Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, Fl~33445 April 2, 1990 Tim Cannon Senior Planning Director City-:of-.Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Bch. Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 Re: The Hamlet of Boynton Beach, Low-income rental apartments Dear Cor.~ssioners: Tnis letter is a formal request to the city commission to grant the Haclet Joint Venture incentives and credits for the above mentioned development. The development, as submitted to the city for site plan approval, meets or exceeds comprehensive pIal policies in several areas~ The site as it currently exists is a "B" rated, environmentally sensitive property. Policy 4.3.5 of tbe Comprehensive Plan requires that 25% of all native plant communiti-=s in "A" rated sites be preserved. Due to the ratLlg and sccttered condition of thE existing ecosystem on th~ s"i.{-e, the p,eneral consenSll~ at the prelimi.nary technical reviev," board r::::eting wes that expanded recreation facilities would take preced.:::nc'~ O~2r savine 25% of intact scrub habitat. The landscape plans suh~tte~ s!p~' small scattered po:::1~ets of micro preserve that w'i.ll be left intact. Intense effort was extended in order to leave as much micro preserve CE possible, as called for in policy 4.4.1 of the Comprehensive Plan,~nd still allow the project to remain economically feasible. A meeting was held with parks and recreation personnel to rrovide specific criteria to guide the development and facilitation of the recreation facilities for this project. The private recreation amenities proposed are far in excess of tbe requireJ1ll'>Jlts of the Comprehensive rIll:: pulicy 5.5.2 for the 50% credit toward public park dedication. As a result of the proposed site amenity package, a waiver of the recreation impact fee is requested. /7 /Continued: We firmly believe that this project more than adequately serves the requirements of the cities comprehensive plan and wishes of it's citizenry.- and respectfully request the commission grant the waiver and credits outlined herein. ay elner Managing Partner '; 4 .. J)/ II ":, , " tt; ~ I SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the' Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please print legibly or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: The Hamlet of Boynton Beach 2. Date this application is accepted: (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) I 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): '. Hamlet Joint Venture Co. Address: 4723 West Atlantic Blvd. Delrav Beach. FL 33445 '; Phone: (407) 496-2000 ., i 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Jav FeIner. Manaaina Partner Address: 4723 West Atlantic Blvd. Delrav Beach. FL 33445 Phone: (407) 496-2000 5. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: Hamlet Joint Venture Co. Address: 4723 West Atlantic Ave. Delrav Beach, FL 33445 Phone: (407) 496-2000 6. Correspondence address (if different than applicant or agent)*: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. l Planning Dept. 1/89 c20 ,- ,. ~ , f 1,: Page 2 7. What"is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (OWner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Contract Purchaser 8. ; I i :\ 9. Street address or location of site: West of N.E. 4th Street South of N.E. 20th Avenue Legal description of site and property control I: See Site Plan 10. Intended use(s) of site: Multi-fami1v residential 11. Developer or builder: Hamlet Joint Venture Co. - ~ 12. Architect: Slattery & Root Architects 13. 14. Landscape Architect: Joe Peterson Site Planner: Slattery & .Root Architects 15. Engineer: George Abou-joude 16. Surveyor: Obrian, : Sutter &.Obrian 17. Traffic Engineer: Ivan 18. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? No 19. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: $9,177,000.00 1 Planning Dept. 1/89 ~} " I' . II'! ; J':': : II" :, i ~: r '. .~ll II. SITE DATA . : r :.The following information must be filled out below and must 1 ' 'appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. . I !i, : 1. Land Use Category Jhown in the Comprehensive Plan Mu'~i-family residential Page 3 2. Zoning District 3. Area of Site 21.08 acres 918,623 sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including 16.83 acres 79.83 % of site surrounding lot area or grounds b. Recreation Areas 'It 2.54 acres . 12.04 , of site (excluding water area) c. Water Area N/A acres % of site d. Commercial N/A acres % of site e. Industrial N/A acres % of site f. Public/Institutional N/A acres , of site g. Public, private and Canal rights-of-way 1.71 acres . 8.13 % of site . h. Other (specify) acres % of site' . : i. Other (specify) acres , of site I . j. Total area of site 21.08 acres 100 , of site 'It Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5: Surface Cover a. Ground floor building 120,960 sq. ft. 13.16 % of site area ("building footprint") b. Water area N/A sq. ft. , of site c. Other impervious areas; including paved area of public & private s'treets, paved area of parking d I lots & driveways (ex- ~ . eluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 327,642 .;q.ft. 35.66 % of site d. Total impervious area 448,602 sq. ft. 48.8r-. % of site e. Landscaped area 10,680 inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape.Code). Planning Dept. 1/89 %' of site sq. ft. 1.16 l dA " . . . I I . . Page 4 I I ,. , f. Other landscaped areas, 423.051 sq. ft. 46.06 excluding water area g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas 36.290 .~ of site I ,. , ", " ./ , , , - sq. ft. 3.94 % of site h. Total pervious areas 470.021 sq. ft. 51.16 i. Total area of site 918.623 sq. ft. 100 6. Floor Area -. a. Residential 165.504 sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office N/A sq. ft. , c. Industrial/Warehouse N/A sq. ft. d. Recreational 3.025 sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional N/A sq. ft. - . f. Other (specify) . 1.225 sq. ft. Laundry Building g. Other (specify) 2.304 sq. ft. . Office . Management h. Total floor area 172.058 sq. ft. : .' 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units . a. Single-family detached N/A dwelling units b. Duplex N/A dwelling units " c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1) Efficiency. N/A dwelling units (2) 1.Bedroom 72 dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom 136 dwelling units (4 ) 3+ Bedroom 32 dwelling units d. Total mUlti-family 240 dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units 240 of site % of site 8. Gross Density i_ 11.38 dwelling units per acre 9. I , Maximum height of structures on site 37 feet 2 stories 10. Required off-street ~arking a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan Recreational Area a:: 5.2, Recreational Area a:: 5~ Unit Parking a:: 482 240 Units x 2 . = 480 Total Provided a:: 534 ) Total Required 532 517 Standard + 17 Handicap Planning Dept. 1/89 dd Page 9 IV. MISCELLANEOUS The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: (check) 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. 2. For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be required by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION (I) .(We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. - . ~tbik- yf;Ao Da,te : VI. Agent y'~o (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (ou r) ori~ regard to this a ure of Owner(s) or Trustee, A thorized Principal if property ~s owned by a corporation or other business entity. application. Y~/90 Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical 'Review Board Planning & zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: l Additional Remarks: Planning Dept 1/89 ~j-' ,6'-C!- :. l 1 : ~ l f! tt I t~1 ,at ~ ~ ~ I c !t ~ 1: !( r.. t: \11 r. ~ ~ '--. t ~ \U 1:.. [ ll' ..i .all~.' !. ;~;: .il ! ,f ~;: ~,:: I~ I-i I 11 d~ ~ ,1 ~h ~ ~~ ~ h ~~ \,. - ," ., I ..t ~....(:. ._~t ~~ ::..~~~ ~ ." " ...... _ . ... r --"7~.'" . - . -- . ....1. .....--..:.... ...4. -f. ..~_. I u..",. _ II .~ ............ A6............,..... ~_.~() ... /: .L /' ...-~ , ~--', .;~~ ~ ~.-...~ ..-- [!I!![IJ) t ? ~ 1 -f ~ , ., '1 J ~ ~ .- -- -- __ __ __ -- -- .- k::>~.ed'.- -- .. -- .. -- -- - -- 'ljillll,II!li/i/'ljlll!llllf!f!l'iWllWII Jl ~ 11"111,, :IIIII1,;.,j"illl:I".I:II"I~1I111 :~IIII !I \ 'I' ' .. "" .. I I" -, IIII i II ' 1,::!I;iWi,~I'lIl,.U' ,'lmll'~ .11 lii.~ II i!'I: ,'II ,illl/lj!';:1111','j"I:;,;iil/1I ,.11'!l. I'! II /, . · '" 11"/(" "I'" ", I c' o'!11 !" iij!:i''';i!:f:, '~!i'h;li I;:', '1 (II. E!! '1,11:!l1.1111!:l.j,I.ld' 'li'l " l~';! I:: ',,'il"I.:j1i '!I!ilrl,lIi:I:" 'il'II.1 "I! " I"" I ", ,. 11.j II I 'I I Ii' 'II" III !tlllh:"1 '," ,"j , '," "1' 'i') ",' I, "~'I ", 'I' I 1,;1, '" I. ",', 'jl1!'~'111~! \1:' I' 1\ 1 'I' " ,. ',p' 'I n ."; ~ ~ SLATTERY & ROOT '-"' '1: ~. .~~~!i ITEC!~"...o NOR'H 'AU' IE loCH nOR.,... ..011 us 1)1. I I -IE HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH .11 ~ -' It : ft I, s i ~ I I J ,,' ;\ . I j' I , I i , ! I' II I l [I I 1 . ! I I I I.,..J m 1f It II . . .. - .. t[ .. -.. 1* F 't it I vt .. -.. -.. -..-" - U . l Llml JHE HAMLET Of BOYNTON BEACH I~ l-'-'... SLATTERY & ROOT .,. ::. '1: ARCHITECTS :.-=:=-~ == . 1 .- . ~q~- WT , J~ , " \ I \ LRE~ 5 00( ... .. ~ ... z > o . , o ~ t: ... , f! ! 2. :. , , , .., ... c ~ " ; Go . ac \ . o . v . ; I ; " : ' . . ,. .. I ( 1 :,' ; ,e, \\ '0 1/8 1/4 .1 MILES 400. . 800 9)z:-1600 FEET a:..J. p. N N 'I 11 .03 I '-.,,/ /~ . . LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE - lYPE CATALOG NUMBER " c .. -. .'. WIDELITE XLM-100-FT-S-DB- S5DEG-XL-RPTA. o WIDELlTE FM-1000-C-QV o ALT. HUBBELL SLG-1000H-15X SLG-1000H-16X DESCRIPTION 250 HPS CUTOFF FIXTURE WI ARM TO MOUNT TO ROUND POLE. 36' OA DIRECT BURY FIBERGLASS POLE WI 4" X 12" HANDHOLE & SMOOTH SURFACE VEIL. SAME AS "A" EXCEPT DOUBLE HEAD. SAME AS "A POLE" EXCEPTlWlN MOUNTING. 1000 MH CUTOFF FIXTURE W/5 DEGREE UPTILT. MOUNTS TO TYPE "A POLE." MUST ILLUMINAITE POOL TO 10 FC. MAINT'D. NEMA TYPE 7 X 6 1000 MH FLOODS. ",- "- '. A WIDELlTE . XLS-250-3-S-DB ,A POLE SHERMAN SB36-0-50-DB ~ B WIDELlTE .( 13 POLE . SHERMAN I 'I_ DPOLE SHERMAN TB46-C-200-DB NEMA TYPE 5 & 6 PARABOLLlC SPORTUTERS. COMPLETE WITH ALL NECESSARY MOUNTING HARDWARE. SAME AS "A.. P.OLE" EXCEPT TENON TOP & 46' OA. COMPLETE WITH BULLHORNS WERE REQUIRED. ,.._ .NEMA TYPE 3 X 5100 HPS COMPACT FLOOD WI HPF BALLAST." :, E HUBBELL -~ MIC-0100S-258 NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY VOLTAGE PRIOR TO ORDERING FIXTURES. POLES TO CONFORM TO S. FL. BUILDING CODE WITH SPECIFIED LOADS. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR AIMING ALL SPORTS LIGHTING TO BASED ON FACTORY COMPUTER DESIGNED AIMING DIAGRAM. ~ '.- "-', --;",; .... ~ ::. ..-.-------_. .- . ... .....--._.... ...:...... . ..r' . . , -ow ..__..... ....~.~ " I I 1:..-, d(P .... -- ;' ! / ... ! mruRE TYPE A 'l (; / "':.if/iI" .,. ~.', -. . .'. ..'.1.... -.... t<..'.I:"t):". ~!>>' . . :~{sj~1I~1~.~;~l:~\~~.:~ :~:, .::':';:;:)::~~~~\~!,~~~1E~ SPEClFlCA110NS e: o HOUSING One-piece die-cast aluminurQ fixture housing with integrally cast heavy-duty hinges. Lens frame swings down for easy lamp access. and is secured to fix- ture housing by captive corrosion resis- tant screws and gasketed for a positive weatherproof seal. o REFLECTOR Single. piece hydroformed Alzak'" reflec- tor is d~signed for consistent and effec- tive photometric performance, Meets IES definition of Type III cut-off distribution. ":-::.':_..:. . ~ ~ .,. ... o LENS Shock resistant tempered glass lens. ej, n.m No. I o SOCKET Premium glazed procelain mogul base socket with reinforced center contact for positive fit. Pulse rated to 4KV. o BALLAST Pre-wired high power factor regulating ballast is designed for - 2QoF starting temperature with metal halide or mer- cury vapor lamps (-4QoF starting for HPS). Coil and windings are copper. Ballasts are mounted to an integral heat- sink for effective heat transfer. Capacitor (and starter for HPS models) are field replaceable. o MOUNTING Standard factory installed extruded alu- minum surface mounting arm provides COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR UGH11NG 175 to 400 watt HID Excel.Lyte cut.off luminaires provide excellent illumination for a wide range of roadway and parking area applica!ions. Superior optics minimize house. side light trespass and maximize street.side throw for effective light control. The architecturally- styled housing features a durable polyester . powder finish and full gasketing for long service life and low maintenance, APPLICATIONS . Parking Areas . Malls . Parks . Roadways . Perimeters . Outdoor Tennis Courts easy installation to square or round poles. (A rotating mounting plate permits flush mounting to 4" minimum round or square poles. Mounting plate is preset at factory for square poles.) , Accessory extruded aluminum 4" round tenon adapter permits the installa- tion of up to four XL Series Luminaires (speCify mounting configuration) to poles with 2" (2:Ya" 00) x 4" tenons. An ac- cessory surface mounting plate is also available for mounting the fixture to walls. o GASKETS Lens is permanently sealed to frame with liquid silicone. Lens frame assem- bly is sealed to the fixture housing by a continuous neoprene rubber gasket. o FASTENERS Corrosion resistant. o FINISH Dark bronze Duraplex pOlyester powder coating provides exceptional weather resistance. o U.L LISTED o USER PROTECTION Published three year limited warranty. .c. ~ ~7 ..- .. -- . ORDeRING GUIDE - EXCEJ..L YTE LUMINAIRES CaIaIog Numberl') Primary Une . (wilh Surface Mount Btacket) VoIlage Watts .400 WATT METAl HAUOEilAERCURY VAPOR lAMPS (TO -2O"F) ~3)-S-OB 1201208 "55 24012n 480 250 WATT METAL HAlIOEitwlEACURY VAPOR lAMPS (TO - 20"F) . )(lM.2SO-{3)-S-CB 1201208 294 2401277 480 ~ ~_,,:::=-:~,;.":17S WATT METAL HAUDEilAERCURY VAPOR LAMPS (TO -2O"F) ~.-_.._. -- -)(lM.175-(3)-S-OB -', 1201208 210 24012n 480 400 WATT HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM LAMPS (TO -4O"F) )([S..COO.(3}-S-CB 1201208 . 2401277 ~ ~ 480 A 250 WATT HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM lAMPS (TO -4O"F) ;,i#r25O-(3)-S-CB 1201208 24012n 480 150 WATT -55V HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM LAMPS (TO -4O"f) Xl.S-150-(3)HX-55-S-DB 1201208 188 2,8011.60 2401277 1.401125 480 ,70 (1) Surlace tnoUltlng brackel15lilClOfy insIalled and fClIatlng mounting plate allows rilO be installed 10 eilhef round Ot square poles, ..- mil1"""'"'- (2) AI 8aIIas1s are /ligh poMll' lac1Oto. (3) \\:lIlag<< Slandard HID rUlltles are Iumished with HPF single voIlage ballasllor 120-1. 208~. 240... 277~. Ot 480v. To speedy. 8dd lIOIIage to- ~........ "".ll..-__L . . Leulhan operating. .~: XlS-4OO-277-S-OB, ,. ~ f' i ":.'. l i C. - 0P110NS (Factory Installed) Description Component Catalog No. Fused Ballasts 12Ov, or 2nv systems F1 208v, 24Ov, or 480v systems F2 Photocen Receptacle Plug-in twist lock receptacle only. Photocell not included P . " -;;--- :Q'<Af-r ~i"". . .. POlE MOUNTING (Tenon) - Una Current Starting Oper_ 4.0012,30 2,0011.75 1.00 2.6011.50 1,30/1,12 0.65 1,8011.04 0.9010.78 0.45 465 4,3012.48 2,15/1.86 1.07 300 2,7511.60 1,3811.20 0.69 ACCESSORIES (Field Installed) ~~ "~ino Re..;.,,,,.~ Description -.c Glare Shield iOOlponent Catalog No. Architectural bronze painted glare shield. Painted aluminU/lll sect""", GS-XL field installed in patterns of two (any corner). three side or :four Sl~_ .~ be tions. Four side assemblies provide 150 cut-off. four side ~semo.). ~''\~flOura- Auxiliary Lens Clear vandal-resistant polycarbonate shield protects lumiMlire fro.;"- '" . gun pellent and other missiles. Note: To mount auxiliary lems ana...~ ~I<s. .alr- on same lumina ire. consult factory. ~ ShIeld Wall Mount Bracket For mounting XL series with surface arms to walls or other mat surl,"",,- }fe duty casting 6'h- x 6'h- x 2" deep with one ~4- tapped t:oIe on ~,\... avy- sides for surface conduit. Four corner knockouts allow SW,XL to t>.,t.. ~~_~ur to wall, . 'U\PJ Pole Mount Tenon Adapters Permits installation of XL series luminaire with surface arms to top I.'~"".... XLM.(.).DB 2" Std. pipe tenons (2%- 00) ~s With .Specify drill mounting from configurations shown below. One arm XLM-DM10-DB Three arrtlS @ 1~,. Two arms @ goo XLM.DM09O-DB Four arrMI @ 90" Two arms @ 180. XLM-DM2180-DB WALl MOUNTING l=1 l XL Series mounts to wan via SW-XL mounting plale. Four .. comer knockouts enable SW-XL 10 be lagged 10 wall. =:..' ~-.MOUNTlNG CONFIGURATIONS u. ., · POlE MOUNT1NG (So.ri...) ~ ... Standard unils wilh surface arms mounl directly to square pole (4- min.) via (2) bollS, Rolating mounting plate converts XL Series to ..- round pole. ~~ '-, Shpg. WI. (Lbs.) ~illO 36 ~... """"1l'lQ 34. 34 42 38 '~T 35 AL-4-XL SW-Xl: XLM-DM312Q-DB XLM-DM4090-DB ~.O4\ :r.. 04" WIRE t'" ,'"' , -'NeE .... ORI~\ ~ FOflll \ .t..~NTING DIMENSIONS . ......ARO SURFACE ARM 1~- XLM Series tenon adaptors convert XL Series ann mounted fixtures to 2" tenon mounting (21i1. 00). ~~ T r-1-- XLM-DM1D-oe L-r- EPA - 1.30 0-0 XLM-0M21llO-0B EPA - 2.60 XLM-OM2090-DB XlM-OM3120-0B EPA - 1,73 EPA - 2.60 . . . . . - --... -.--.. -.- _.. .,-, .J )(LM-DM<4090-0B EPA - 3.03 .... 04. . 3t. . .i '" - ... ... ~ ~. PHOTOMETRIC DATA lsofootcandle chart One 400w HPS mounted on 30 ft. pole XlS-400 2 o . 2 :I 4 , - :I lsofootcandle chart Four 400w HPS mounted on 30 ft pole XlS-400 4 :I 2 o 2 :I 4 4 QUICK FIXTURE ESTIMATOR XLSeries features SOo cut-olf with 43.5% of the lamp lumens on street-side and only 14,5% of the lamp lumens on house-side. 4 lsofootcandle chart Two 400w HPS mounted on a 30 ft. pole XLS-400 :I 2 4 o 2 :I 4 CONVERSION MULTIPLIERS MTGHT LU400 LU2SO MVR4001U MVR2501U 20ft. 2.25 1,24 1,53 .92 25 ft. 1.44 ,79 ,98 .59 30 ft. 1.00 .55 .68 .41 35ft. ,73 .40 .50 .30 . 40 ft. .56 .31 .38 .23 The following guide is designed to help you estimate average footcandle values on the ground the fixtures at various mounting heights. I~ , WIdIIt ~ L8l_ IIMC1nll ~I ~i :6 250 WATT tIPS (lateral Spacing) ~ 40 50 60 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 25 8.9 7.1 5.9 5.1 4.5 40 2.6 3.2 30 2.7 2.5 2.4 25' 40 6.9 5.5 4.6 3.9 3.4 30 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 .---- 50 58 47 40 3.3 2.9 2.6 23 2.1 19 1.8 - - 400 WATT tIPS (laIeral Spacing) 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 30 1.0 90 1.7 68 60 5.4 4.9 45 42 3.9 36 3.4 32 30' 45 8.9 7.3 6.3 5.4 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.2 60 7,1 59 5.0 4.4 39 3.5 3.2 2.9 2,7 2.4 250 WATT ~AL HAlIDE (laIera/ SpacIng) 40 50 80 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 25 8.4 6.7 5.6 4.8 4.2 3.7 3.4 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 25' 45 63 50 4.2 3.6 3.1 28 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1,7 80 5.5 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.7 2.4 22 20 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 .'.....":, 400 WATT ~AL HAlIOE (laJeqI Spacing) - - .. 50 80 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 180 170 180 190 30 1.8 6,5 U 48 4.3 3.9 3.5 32 3.0 2.8 2.11 2.4 2.3 2.2 20 30' .as U 58 4.11 4.0 35 32 U 2.7 2.5 2.3 2,1 2.0 1.9 1.8 80 52 4.3 3.7 3.3 2.9 2.11 2,4 2.2 ----:-:~; :"'~~.:. . .'~ .,,:.,~~~~~~~': ~; /)7'.. . . .-- ',- > ,~: ~DlMENSIONS . . 0-- -L DE] T .~ ~ 3r 14. ~ T .1 .. ~~I~h.1Ir'3~.1 T r-1B.~. -r-14.--1 EPA-1.30 sq.IL . -- .. .. . -_._'_ _ .z _..... ~~. I , ~_._........._...__. . . . . .. - . - -. "- '-..~ . --;--- --......- ---- ..-.... ....-.' . -'. . .__O_'_.H.-.. ,...., ,";;:1_::- : . ~......._~~- , ...;:::;~- """) . . -. .. "'~.' ~_: _:-:'::.~~"'. ;~:'''-' !~.~~~=r_~.__._._ . ...... ......... .-- --. ~. .~ -- ..---""'----------. . '. . - "--- ~_=.:.~_.c_~.:.:t::_:=..::._.... 1 ':-. :...*U~_;~~;.;~~~~-:.....#'~......-.,~. I .._~;-~~~~~..:.. ... . . Gii1lD"B company W1DE-lITE P,O, BOX 606 SAN MARCOS. TEXAS 78666 (512) 392-5821 FAX (512) 353-5822 e :._::-.:...;:,..:.:;....;:.::: . - .~ ~._..:.:.::.::::.::...:~~...'"-'.- ._._-~-'- ..--.--.. ...;',.:._J Specifications anCl Climenslons are subject 10 change without notice. BULlETIN 0379-0389 Printed In USA Copyright 1989 . .' -:. ';.. 1.. - . ~.: - _ _ '":T. :-.."c"' - . ".". ". . ,.. ." .,-......,. -,". "-. ....--_.._~...... - . ...:...:....~:~:~,~.-:~::~.~t::~_.._ -::c. ~o POLE TYPE A P..lt. ,B Pok. . ~ -.:SHERMAN t,:; ,- ~ " POLE DIVISION DIRECT. SIDE BURIAL ~_MouNr FIBERGLASS POLES NOMINAl ABOVE WGT. CATAlOG MIG. SHAFT GROUND OF TIP BUTT NUMBER HEIGHT LENGTH LENGTH POLE 0,0. 0,0. (f1) (FT) (FT) (LB) (IN) ON) SIDE MOUNT 501 LUMINAIRE 5 INGLE MAST ARM 5816-(;-50 .1 b.4 --n-;-4 8 ~ - 3.1 I. ~l .4 7.3 5.7 -1. Jr." S820-C-50 11 9./' 15.75 4 3.7 7. 9 ~ .5 5.8 4.5 2. f1JuiA: 5826-C-50 2 6.3 21.31 6 3.7 9.3 .0 5.0 3.5 2. 583 -C-5 9.51 4.58 7 3.7 ,0. .4 4.0 . 2-. -c-s' b. .TS- --rT J.I ,1. .0 2.5 . J. 'I'" 583 -C-51 9:40 4.44 13 3.7 .2. '-0- 7.5 . 3. r 584 -C-5 5.98 9.98 167 3.7 3. 2 .0 2.5 . 3.9 5816-0-50 .3 16 :;nr T.---.r-s- 40 4.41 7.97 ...7 -4-.4 3:5 1.7 B'o 5820-0-50-02 16 19.75 15.75 51 4.41 8.66 4.6 3.6 2.7 2.10 5826-0-50-02 21 26.31 21.31 72 4.41 10.08 4.4 3.4 2.5 3.00 fl.G 5830-0-50-02 25 29.58 24.58 93 4.41 10.79 4.0 -3.0 2.-3 3.30 31i-D-50-D2 31 36.15 31.15 148 4.41 12.20 4.0 3.0 2.2 3.50 - -" 583"9-0-50-02 34 39.44 34.44 175 4.41 12.91 4.0 3.0 2.2 3.50 r 584b-C-50-D2 40 45.98 39.98 261 3.70 13.62 4.0 3.0 2.2 3.60 .. ~l . SIDE MOUNT DOU8LE MAST ARM 180 DEGREES \.' )DI.l TWO-SOl LUMINAIRES EPA PER LUMINAIRE. 1. EPA RECOMMENDATIONS ARE CALCULATED PER AASHTO STANDARDS AND INCLUDE A 30\ GUST FACTOR. 2. STATIC DEFLECTION OF POLE DOE5 NOT EXCEED 1.3' OF SHAFT LENGTH ABOVE GROUND. 3.EM8EDMENT DEPTH5 ARE BASED ON LATEST ANSI STANDARDS. 4.MAIN DEFLECTION UNDER FULL EPA DOES NOT EXCEED ASTM STANDARDS STANDARD: POLE CAP; SMALL ACCESS DOOR (2 1/2- X 5-) WITH COVER; HOLES DRILLED FOR MAST ARM SELECTED; WIRE ENTRANCE PROVIDED BELOW GROUND LEVEL; STANDARD COLORS - LIGHT GREY(1) , ~~ ;~n~F'~~ ~ND ~LACK(31 . _~OPTI RGE ACCESS DOOR 14- X 12-)L)UNDERGROUND HOLE FOR ANTI- ~ R T ON P E INSERT; SPECIAL COLORS;TENON FOR MOUNTING APPARATUS NOTES: . '" e ......, TJP DlAME:TER - SUI" ON POLE CAP CAN IIC PAINTD TO HATCH PaL DEF. % 4EPA 46 MPH t10UNTING to..a FtR SUlE ARM IO.tlTS TO IE DRJllE1l TO JUYER'$ SPEClF1CA TroNS. 2-t/2'xl!' HANlHllE \lITH A CAST AI.. DClJl OR A 4'>d2" HANIlKlLE V1Tlt A nlCRGLASS JlDQR. CtPnDNAU. -2-3/.. AHTl-flOTATltlN THRU H1.ES CDP~ LIl1TTDHMAHCTER :d! ';eo. .0\ .. eJ .. ... - . . . CalaloO No. fiXTURE TYPE c ~~:-1-~;.: . .: '.;':'- :":,.' . . Y":'!" ,.:-. - \~.~~~~.. ?;:Z~:~;~ ',. "..t-,.. jl - .;:: .: .~ ... . . '.~1?f~.:.~~.:...-' . ~.'. ...~.: . . '..':~- ':::: :' .". , . ... Excel-Lyle 1000 luminaires are designed to provide superior area illumination with 1000 watt metal halide and HPS lamps. Computer-clesigned, high-efficiency reflec- tor systems are available for either Type III medium cut-off or forward throw cut-oll dis- tribution. Very low EPA and wide pole spac- ing make Excel-Lyle 1000 ideal for shopping center applications. Its high per- formance optics also make Excel.Lyte 1000 the perfect choice for automotive dealer- ships and tennis court lighting. TbIl Excel-Lyle 1000 combines crisparchi- tectural styling with durable, enclosed and . gasketed construction. The rounded con- tour housing is single-piece, die-cast alumi- num with a polyester powder coating for mellent weather resistance. The tempered glass lens is permanently sealed to a die- cast lens frame which swings down for con- venient relamping. The Excel-Lyte 1000 features a unique ballast assembly installed in a cast aluminum mounting arm for ease of maintenance and separation from lamp heat. These quality construction features provide long service lile and assure opti- mum performance. SPECIFICAnONS D HOUSING Precision one-piece die-cast aluminum housing with rounded corners eliminates leakage and unsightly weld seams, A one-piece architecturally styled die-cast aluminum lens frame swings down for easy famp access, and is secured to fix- Ilem No. I : ~ .~ . . .." ': = '<.:.: :~.:';~,~3~: ture housing by two captive screws. Bal- last service door is held by two captive screws and safety cable. D LENS Clear, tempered flat glass lens, or tem. pered sag glass for BT.56 lamps. Both lens styles are permanently sealed to lens frame, . D REFLECTOR Fabricated from high purity pre-finished anodized lighting sheet with reflectance up to 86%. Optics are: IES Type III me- dium cut-oil using E-25 1000 walt HPS or BT.56 1000 watt metal halide or Cut- off forward throw using BT-37 1000 walt metal halide. Ideal for tennis courts. car lots and perimeter lighting, D SOCKET Premium glazed porcelain mogul base socket with reinforced center contact for positive fit. HPS socket is pulse rated to Excel-Lyte 1000 COMMERCIAL OUTDOOR UGHnNG 1000 watt HID APPLICATIONS . Shopping Centers . AulO Dealcr:;hips . Parking Areas . Outdoor Tennis Courts . Malls . Parks . Roadways . Perimeters 5KV.Lamp is held in precise photomet- ric alignment and is protected from breakage due to vibration by an insu- lated lamp support at bulb end of lamp. (E25 and BT56 only) D BAllAST Pre-wired high power factor regulating ballast is designed for -20oF starting temperatures with metal halide lamps (-40"F for HPS lamps). Coil windings are copper. Ballast compartment is sep- arate from the lamp compartment. For . cool operation. ballast mounting uses full length dual-sided heat sinking for effective heat transfer. Capacitor (and starter for HPS models) is thermally iso- lated from both the lamp compartment and ballast compartment. o MOUNTING Standard factory installed cast aluminum surface arm provides easy installation to square poles or flat vertical surfaces, Accessories are available that permit flush mounting to 4- round or straight square poles. -.---- - D FINISH Dark bronze Ultraclad polyester powder coating for exceptional resistance to weather and oxidation. :-..-:-::-:";".:..c:.r.t' D ULlISTED o USER PROTECTION Published three year limited warranty. ~6l ... .. ORDERING GUIDE - EXCEL-L YTE 1000 LUMINAIRES Une Current Shpg. WI. (Lbs,) Catalog Number" Primary Une (with Surface Mount Arm) Voltage WallS lYPE 10 MEDIUM CUT .oFF DISTRIBUTION 1000 WATT METAl HAUDE lAMP BT56 ENVElOPE TO -2O"F XLM-1000-3-(.)-S-OB 1201208 1070 240/277 480 .. 1000 WATT HIGH PRESSURE SODRJM LAMP E25 ENVELOPE TO -40oF XLS- 1 000-3-(.)-5-0B 1201208 1090 2401277 480 . BanastlZl Type Slarting Opere .. 9,215.3 4.6/4.0 2.3 ~} Regulating 45 9,215.3 4.6/4,0 2,3 Regulating 49 CUT.oFF FORWARD THROW DISTRIBUTION 1000 WATT METAl HAlIDE lAMP BT37 ENVElOPE TO - 2Oof1'l . XLM-1000-FT-r}S-OB 1201208 1070 2401277 480 A 9.215,3 4.6/4,0 2,3 Regulating 45 (0) Vo"age: Slandard HID fixtures are fumished with regulating HPF single \lollage ballast for 12OV. 208V, 24OV. 277V or 48OV. To specify add voltage to catalog number. Example: )(LM.10Q0.3-2n.S-DB, (1) Surface Mounting arm is factory installed. (2) All ballasts are high pc1Ner factor. (3) At time of catalog printing Venture Ughting International offers a 1000 walt lamp in a BT.37 envelope Catalog number MH.1ClOO-U-BT37. . Less than operating, 0P110NS (Factory Installed) . Description Component Catalog No. Photocell Receptacle P Plug in twist-lock feceptacle only. Photocell not included. Ordering example: XLM- 1000-3-277 .S-OB-P. Photo Control Button PB Button type photo control factory installed in side of surface mount- ing arm. Specify voltage. (Not available in 480V,) Ordering example: XLM-1000-3-27~. P8J208V. .~ . Surface Mounting Bracket Arm q~~g~~ with Uptilt Tilts fixture up by approximately 5- or we. Ordering Example: XLM.1OOQ..3-277 oS 1 OOEG-OB. Mastfitter Bracket Arm SMF14 For mounting fIXture to a 2:V.- 00 tenon" Ordering Example: XLMJ'f 000-3.277 -SMF14.0B, FEATURES ACCESSORIES (Field Installed) Description FusIng Protects HID circuitry. 120v or 277v systems 208v. 240v or 4BOv systems Round Pole Top Mounting Adaptor For field allachment to standard surface arm converts unit for mount. ing to round pole mounting (4- 0.0.). Component Catalog No. F1 F2 ~ ) Two Ute Square Cross-Arm Mounting Bracket For mounting two XL-10CO luminaires in-line. Mast fitter fits 2-~- 0,0. pole top tenons. Three Ute Square Cross-Arm Mounting Bracket . For mounting three XL-1000 luminaires in-line. Mast fitter fits 4- 0,0. pole top tenons. Houseside Shield Reduces light behind the pole. Painted dark bronze to match fixture. 4- Square Pole Mounting Adapter For field allachment to standard surface arm allONs unit to be mounted to a 4- square straight pole. SCA-XL.21SQ-30.0B . SCA-XL-31 80-30-0B GS-XL XL-4SPA.OB Reflector HouU1g Mogul Base Socket__ -.'.1000 HPS or 1000 MH C&C . --"~-:-:-:=-:-:-~..-:".~;:~.,"'~<~''''~~~;'P" Ballast HousinglMounting Arm ... Lens Frame Assembly lens Frame Gasket Forward ThrON (MH) Rellector Cover Altachment Cable .00. ,.,.J Ground Screw Photocell Button Side Mount F1 Of F2 In-rl/lll Fusing ...33 "..- --.- -- --- ~- -. . . . . '._ :_;~:DlMENSIONS -- ..... -_.......~-::--=.:.. _.-. .-\ . r 'I _b-17.llO' fl ',_..------ , I Drill mounting dimensions ior standard surface arm w:XL. 4SPA.OB adapter on 4. straight square poles. EPA - 1.9 MOUN11NG CONFIGURAll0NS r5"~ ~ 1 -r 2" .44 dia. .75 dia. Drill mounfing dimensions lor standard surlace arm on 5" ~ . ~ straight square poles. Drill mounting dimensions lor round pole top add on bracket (XL.RPTA), Note: 114. 00 tenon is used height must be 8". FOR S" OR ~ STRAIGHT SQUARE POLES Note: For mounting to 4. straight square poles the XL-4SPA.OB adapter is required. FOR ROUND POLE WITH 4. MINIMUM 00 USING XL.RPTA ADAPTER Note: II 4. 00 lenon is used. heiQht Of tenon must be 8. and tenon must be capped. '-' - "0" One Lite One Lite Tv.o Lite @ 90" .- -- . - -- - - - - .,....--...-....,- -- ... -----...-.... Three Lite @ 90" - ..-..--.--. _:::_d~- ~~_~~:~:;::~_~~-:;_..:.... ..., ;:~-~~: ~::;--- - .) -' ".... 10. 180" .' .. Tv.o Lile @ :a: Tv.o Lite @ 180" ~~~ _:_--:-~.l:_ Three Lite @ 120" . .. . . . .~~-=: ~.--:-,,'.:;-:r:"'Y_' ."':"~.'" o:;j .:.'.1:-';:0=" " ~_~-='_t.._ ". ::::..:=::--=--~:r:".~" SQUARE CROSS ARM MOUNTING SCA.XL.2180.30-0B Four Lite @ 90" SCA.XL.3180-3Q-OB S1 ..... . PHOTOMETRIC DATA ISO Footcandle Chart One 1000 Watt Clear Metal Halide Lamp 8T56 Lamp Lumens 110.000 XlM-1ClOO-3 -~ 1IH ,M OH .M 1IH :1M ~ 2H :1M 2H 'M OM .M HORIZONTAL FOOT CANDLES AT GROUND LEVEL ~.o x MH (0 DEG.) AIMING, 1,00 LAMP POSITION FACTOR M,H.A BCD E F G H 30 12.00 8.00 4.00 1.50 1.00 0,50 0.00 0,00 35 8,82 5,88 2.94 1.10 0.73 0.37 0.00 0,00 .co 6.75 4,50 2.25 0,64 0.56 0.28 0.00 0,00 45 5.33 3,56 1.78 0,67 0.44 0.22 0.00 0,00 50 4.32 2.88 1.44 0,54 0.36 0.18 0.00 0,00 . ISO Footcandle Chart Two 1000 Watt Melal Halide MHtOOOlU/8T37 @ 1800 Lamp Lumens: 110.000 >eLM-looo.FT . 30< .lIH . 'H ~ . 0>< ,.. ~. ,.. :lo< 3>f 2H 2H 3>f 'H ow ... .. HORIZONTAL FOOT CANDLES AT GROUND LEVEL 0.0 x MH (0 DEG.) AIMING. 1.00 LA!-AP POSITION FACTOR M.H. A B C D E F G H 30 30.00 20.00 10,00 6.00 4,00 2,00 1.00 0,50 35 22,04 14,69 7.35 4.41 2.94 1.47 0,73 0.37 40 16,87 11.25 5.62 3,37 2,25 1.12 0.56 0.28 45 13.33 8,89 4,44 2.67 1.78 0,89 0,44 0.22 50 10.80 7.20 3,60 2.16 1.44 0.72 0,36 0,18 . GCNLYr: company PO. BOX 606 SAN MARCOS. TEXAS 78666 (512) 392.5821 FAX (512) 353.5822 ISO Footcandle Chart One 1000 Watt Clear HPS Lamp E-25 Lamp Lumens 140.000 XLS-l ClOO-3 "-... ) .M M 'M :1M ~ 2M IH ,M 2M :1M HORIZONTAL FOOT CANDLES AT GROUND LEVEL 0.0 x MH (0 DEG.) AIMING. 1,00 lAMP POSITION FACTOR M,H. A B C D E F G H 30 20.00 10.00 6,00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 35 14,69 7.35 4.41 2.94 2.20 1.47 0,73 0.37 40 11.25 5.62 3.37 2.25 1.69 1,12 0,56 0.28 45 8,89 4.44 2.67 1.78 1.33 0,89 0.44 0,22 50 7.20 3.60 2.16 1.44 1,08 0.72 0,36 0.18 ISO Footcandle Chart Four 1000 Watt Melal Halide MHtOOOlU/BT37 @ goo XLM.1ClOO-FT 3H ~ . 'or. 2H ." OM '" .'.- 2H :lo< 3H '.2H ... lH IH lIH )Of HORIZONTAL FOOT CANDLES AT GROUND LEVEL ~.o x MH (0 DEG,) AIMING, 1.00 LAMP POSITION FACTOR M.H. A B C D E F G H 30 60,00 40.00 20.00 10,00 5.00 2.50 1.00 0,50 35 44,08 29,39 14,69 7,35 3,67 1.84 0.73 0.37 .co 33,75 22,50 11,25 5,62 2.81 1.41 0,56 0.28 45 26.67 17.78 8.89 4.44 2.22 1.11 0,44 0.22 50 .21,60 14,40 7.20 3.60 1,60 0.90 0,36 0.18 -) Specifications and dimensions are subjecllO change without notice. BULLETIN 0383.()889 Printed in USA Copyright 1989 .... 3j c.atog No. -, .--' . ....,=-,.,"- . SPECIFICAnONS . o HOUSING. alloy with integr:aJ!Y- DiEH:ast a1uml.nlJT!l fins and a built'ln. cast heat diSSIpating aiming device. o REFLECTOR ed aluminum . High purity anocIiz 'thout machine reftectors. assembl~~um effici:ncy. . to assure ..... . forrnng... .... ~ - ::: 0 'rocKEr' ul base sock~!. Pre-wired griP-~~:~ held in P:lse Glass end of t. e nt and protect. . photometric a1lgnm: patented "StabiJux from breakage by seeke!. I'. ~ ~. ~.-- - :~~" :':.~:::....; o LAMP ACCESS ovable socket A gasketed an~~p acces.'i assembly proVl -~._':-~-;-~~~ I . . lalion system is. temperature ~ the~~emperature ri:~ Class H (180 C) f II class below. 8 the windings ~ in a drawn a1u- components . FIXture and ballast minum container. ate but integral com- arranged as separ ponents. _...,,-~ D MOUN!lNG ballast baseprovi~es . Cast a1urmnu~ andard vertical pipe slip fitter for 2 st tenon. D GASKETS askets provide High temperahturprer&'f seal, positive weat e D FASTENERS All stainless steel. D FINISH . t industrial gray. Corrosion.reSlstan o U. LUSTED .. Ii factory for (Most models: consu D BALLAST ballast designed fO~F U L file card.) . h power factor HPS (-20 . 'TECTlON ~~.F starting lemper:,~. Lamp . - - -- '''0 USER PRO ear r""eel warranty. M tal Halide/Mercury not exceed Published three-y e t factor does per' current cres 'ndings are cop . I'd 1 65. Coil 80d WI psulated in a so I ~re and COil are enca nd with the . rvoJ...ocler resin com~d the encapsula- ',,^,"1~ located OUtSl e . .ting capacitor maintenance. Um, lion for ease of ~. .-~...t::'!,~..;~ .....~ ~ .'4,.:-t~,..;-.'... . ,. ".~"';'....:.:.,lu~. ";:' r;~~..J."'~-;'" . ., , .......- '.""f:~-~_"~"., ~ ~~ ' ':~;'{'f~~~ . f.r . '~ ~, :,~ ~: ~... ....; ~ :...., ....:.jJ..: 'H'i'l' '.'::.: . .. .:.:'~:" ':'1.. . .,' ,,;~f~ . . ....',."-...~'!.. . .......-:......:I\J':..@ .[:r ~~xii;~/{~tf!~: - .i.__... ... .t'T;.-::t.. "~"'''~ ., ..~..!"".t~.~:~~<~.,;:t'i; ::)~~.t":":.....,.). .. ....~....t......",.. y..... '=~~:~ ~--f:~~ r. #~.~:;::)'" : -tC' i.""7~11.".,.,.;._ .,;., ~:~::'.-"'...4:'..~...:...,lJ..._. H D LENS red to withstand 7132. glass. tempe. I shock; held by thermal and I?hY~C::ame and seale~et~ die-cast a1umlnu n extruded g~s housin~ f1an9~t~~ ~crews to prOVide a and stalnl~ss mbly. sealed optical asse . ~ '."7""~,=-'''' '~~ :~~;;-:~_....' SlRIAL and 1ND":rrs LlGH11NG SPO 1500 watt HID 400 to d of outstanding k recor Ut A proven trac de the Wide- e performance ~as ~~ industry standard. F Serit!S noodlght !Jon a choice of , Heavy-duty const~ fo~r reflect~r OptiOns HID !amp ty=bi~ty for superior Indus. prOVIde the r hting, trial and sports 19 APPLlCAno~s aI AoodIightlng · Gener d Aprons . Airport Ramps an . Parking Lots . Construction Sites . Tennis Courts . Athletic Fields ......:: .. .. ....;:..~ .-,' ~ -~.-.:...;.-~~~~~:~ -",4.~~_.__ e BUlLETIN 0343 ~CLJ .;,:-,'~~',:~.9-~'DERING GUIDE-F SERIES FLOODLIGHTS - - . . _ . ~_........_-_. -.- -..... ..-' ~~.,_._-------.~._"~... . BaJIast Data'" - - 1'1 - ' . -. . -, ':'... p . U U Cu t _____;,:.~.~ Number -, _"_",--=:""~_,,,:"~_,",.,, omary. . .__. ne . ne rren __ _ .h -- _. - _.-.......- _.. .-, Voltage Watts Starting Oper. .1500 Watt Metal Halide (or 1000 Watt Me~~ry Vapor ~t 1500 watt operation) .. FM-15OO{ ')-208 .. .,. ,., . 208 1610 . 2401277 FM-15OO{}480 . 480 .. '1000 Watt Metal HalidelMercury Vapor . ~-1006{C)-QV M-1QCX){ ~ . 400 Watt Metal Hali.delMercury Vapor FM-4OO( )-OV FM4OO{ }-400 .10Q0 Walt High Pressure Sodium Fs.1 QCX){ )-QV Fs.1 QCX){ }-400 400 Watt High Pressure Sodium FS4OO{ }QV FS400{ }480 . '. . 1201208 2401277 480 1201208 2401277 480 1201208 2401277 480 1201208 2401277 480 1610 1070 1070 455 455 1090 1090 465 465 (lJSpeo1y reflector Iype from dz$lnbuloon guode. (2)AI baIaSlS a:ellogh power !actor Illemym glade, capable rJ S1at1ong 11>8 lamp 10 _20oF (-40oF Hps) unless Oll1elWl5e speo. iec1 . Less 1tIan operatrng CAUTION. HID Urwlafes ShOuld be crwated on rFJUfIfJ<<J syStems only. Ungrounded power t11SUtliRoon syStems may carry tIIt)I1 tr.WlSIefl/ l'OIIages whCtl <:an cause labe of any ~ fJ/eClf.caJ equrpment. opnONS (Factory Installed) 13.f:1J17 .80 6.7515,85 3.40 9.215.3 4,614.0 2.3 4.012.30 2.011,75 1.0 9,215.3 4.614,0 2.3 4.312.48 2.211.86 1.07 Ballast Type RegUlating - , Regulating Regulating Regulating . ReguIaling ~egulating Regulating Regulating Regulating Regulating Est. Sh~ . ...:.::":.'-.::':.:;.-. . _.0. Wt. Obs. '.- --_'~_'._"-"~.J"".:-') .. 92" -. :....-1 . '.1 . ~ .. - 92 - ,; .... ........... , -9<)"' '~'. ,1 - .. ...,.a . 1 90 ..... 64 .:'. . '.j .64 92 92 66 66 ) . Component Description . Catalog No. "UteMatic" Auxiliary Ughting LQ-70 Patented.soI'd state .UteMatic. emergency/auxiliary systems. __.:-::::and.for cold weather operation _ ~._u-_- w__ aa.vn"to -700 at extra cost. To -.... order, s~ "LQ-70" as catalog number suffix. Example: FM-1ClOO-A-QV-LQ70. .. .. DISTRIBunON GUIDE Component Catalog No. V Description Vertical Aoodlight Available at no extra cost. Ordering example: FM.1500-B- . .':"-.480- V. Special Coatings F Series fIoocIghls are available with special coatings for corrosive ~esJcc:msu1t factory)~ _::' :_...._..;::..:~:..: .,~,' Marine/Hazardous Applications Specially constructed versions of the F Series floodlight for harsh marine and hazardous location lighting are available. Refer to MF.HAZ Series flood- light catalog sheet, Bulletin 0344. .. __~.. :=.':" ~e~~ury VaporlMetalJ::faflde ,_ -- --- ;z --.. - (Phosphor Coated) Catalog No'..,. BeamSpread NEMA q: _"'~~ '~" ,-:, Hort. x Vert Type Catalog No. 1SOOw . FM-1500-B FM.1SOO-C FM-15OO-D 1000w Metal Halide (Clear) Beam Spread _,__ Hor. x Vert. NEMA -- -Type Catalog No. High Pressure Sodium ___",;=.-"'-_._.. . . '--::--~'~~;.:?;~'~--.::.:;::t";,~~.~~~;j':~. -- .. Beam Spread NEMA Hor. x Vert. _Type., '.. '1000w FM-1()()(}.A '.' 1440x1350 7 . ~15 ..cd;i~J~:~~ ~:12V=~c,~:::~ :~:~J~L~~15 '., :~:~1~: 400w ''..':.., .' ", -- .......- -4OOw 400w FM-4OO-A . , _.1440x1320 7 . . FM-4OO-B.' :.1260x1300 6x7. FM-4OO-C'. 1480x1310' 7 FM-400-D .. '..'; 1360x1300 .7 FM-4()()'B FM-400c FM-4()()'D 320x 480 1400x 1070 1300 x 1040 3x4 7x6 7x6 300 x 500 1460x1050 . 1200x 900 3x4 7x6 6x5 1000w FS4()()'B FS-4ClO-C FS-4()().D 270 x 520 1460 x 1050 1300 x 930 3x6 .7x6" __._.7x6 ._..~; "...~~) -- 2x4, 7x6 7x5 .... ,97 ~':':":'~".,. ~~ ~. DIMENSIONS . ..:~: ~ .-.~'~~:':;~~.. .;....:t .~:".....;. :;;,':. ... .~ . .:: '''~::' ~.:.-- '~~-=.-- ,=;;::::~,:.:;~,:1500 and ,1000 Watt M.od.els _~;::~.:,~-,-_._,. : ._~-S--_._.:. . e. .. 27-1/2. I 26. j'r".1Iz. 1\ ) TI,J ~ 118. L _::J ;. 400 Watt Models e. ....- . ~ A ~ ,'_~':;'.i~_-=_,,-~>.,~'!.::r.:X Dimension .,' '". " Metal Halide/ '. Mercury Vapor 1500w " 1000w 400w High Pressure Sodium 1000w 400w Regulating .. _'-- h_~._;"'_~~,;_~. 12.'h. 12.'h'" 901h'" 12-1h'" 12.1/2'" EFFECTIVE PROJECTED AREA 2" vertical pipe tenon by others C B~ A-- r'O", I ~I 9.11z L' rS"l I X __. I . '-l Effective Projected Wind Area Direction in FL Z 1500w 2" vertical pipe 1000w tenon by others A (00) 3.09 8 (150) 2.93 C (300) 2.76 D (Side) 1,86 A (00) 2.11 B (150) . . 1.85 ":""c (300) . -c ,0' :.-1.74 . D (Side) 1.31 -. .... -~ ~-':":':i-'~~ti~::... 400N .-------. ..~ ,--_"-0-- _ :.~-"'";"'~-~:~-'i:~,:,,~~=-_:': ;:".": :.::.- TYPICAL DISTRIBUnON PATTERNS NOTES: 1. Drawings show shape of patterns only and are not to scale. .. ._~.~: __'.~ ..: . 2~ A and B reflectors are of specular aluminum; C and D re~eclors.are. of diffusing aluminum. Type A reflectors are .----";:- not suitable for clear lamps. -- --. -. .. .. . ..,., ~o . Shape of Pattern: .......J.;. _ .~.. Reflector Lamp Type: A phosphor coated 8 phosphor coated D" to" .. ..tMW..l~'::_ 8 clear (melal halide) D clear C phosphor coaled 'C clear D phosphor coated ... 38" . ACCESSORIES (Field Installed) Fused BaI\astS - ~7"":126V.-277'; SystemS" .--'~. F.f1' .08V. 240v or 4SOv . . systems F.f2 Fuses are KTK 30 amp unless Olherwise specified: available at extra cost Mast Fitters . NOTE: Mast fillers for 2 - sid. pipe require a tenon hl of 4.518 - min. ~ MF-1 Mast filler for 2 - standard pipe: supplied at no cost for ftoodIights without integral ballasts when specified on order. FM-1000-A.M. Shpg. ~ 2-112100. Adapter for standard ~ lowering devices or ; mounting on conduit r stems - &:ps lIoodIighIs for inslallalion on standard lowering mecha- nisms. Base lapped for 1.1/4- pipe. Available at extra cost in place of mast filter on 1500.1000 .__ ...and 400 walt lIoocJights without . -. integral ballasts when specified on order: FM-1~A.TH1_ Slipg. ~ 2 Ibs. Trunnion Base ~nt Wall Mounts :. Designed to permit mounting of fIoodf.ghts on flat vertical sur- faces. 1d are constructed of qual. ity cas! cWminum aDoy. NII-@"" . . ..-' - '- 'r T . 1[1]]r- 1 .- ~,.~. -,--I T J' 1 WB-S For use with WB-1 wall mount to provide surface mounted wiring; tapped for two 3/4 - pipe ertrances. Has wiring compart- ment with gasketed cover plate. Shpg. ~ 3-112 Ibs. Shock Mounting Brackets 5MB-1000 -,..,. ....::. For mounting noodlights ~ Ir-- ",,1 integra balasts Oess mounting ~.~ II arms and MF-1 fitter) in applica- tions where severe vibrations may ~ '. . , present a problem. Bracket is ... .. . constructed of hot-dip galvanized HV.1 ~' steel with neoprene pad.s to ~ast aluminum. Ca1ibrated for--' .absorb shock. Cadmiu~ plated horizortaI ~ SuppflEld at assembly hardware furnished. extra cost in place of mast fitter on Shpg, ~ 36 100. .. floodlights without integral balasts .when specified on original order: FM.1000-A-HV1. Shpg. ~ 3 100. e 5MB400 As above. but for 400 walt flood- lights. ____. ." Shpg. ~ 31 100. WIOE-LITE P.O. BOX 606 SAN MARCOS. TEXAS 78666 (512) 392-5821, TELEX 776-479 PX.1 ,,~ ., WG-4-F Cross-arm bracket with ~ ~ As bove stub "l.'" base Shpg ~ ilbs.. a. but for 400 walt 1I00d- -=..~~ . .-=:-,"i'~~ -- C3 _.~ 0:0::_: ..:-.;;~ 110 .---. . . t ..H...- . ..,,~ I dJ ....lIN'w.....,,'-'" .~ t<;;;"~ ~ ~.,~ ..,;;;;;::::::=:: )i ~'.i;~ "--r:~:;::-.1; I :lJ; I i i PCM-1 : , Bracket with .standard r~~) for models with integral . - (photocel not included) f tl,~ into 112 - NPT hole in bantllll ~ or mast fitter. . 1/2 Ibs.. Shpg. 26. i Flat Base Mount r-'I I I ~ FB-1 Cast aluminum. For 2. ~;a~d pipe nipple (limit height ",.0 : no~ pie not included). For :~llRaWr:~ floodlights on Oat surf~". "'t::.,. Shpg. ~- .. I ~ Cross-Arm Bracket ~:~. · ---1 .~ ..~..::~ 'IV-D' --~ Cutoff shield for 400 walt 1I~ lights: directs. 6mits light patterns provides precise vertical cutot without dislortion of lateral pa!- tern. May be readily installed I.'!: the fl8ld. .. ~-::::.r-!:..-:~'.". Shpg. WI. 3 Its ~..-I:'" Iv v~ SK-100 .... Same as above. except for 1000 watt lIoodIights. Shpg. WI. 5 100. Wire Guards and Auxiliary Lenses WG-1O-F Wire guard for 1000 wall flood.. lights: 10 gauge sleel, bright zinc electroplated after fabrication. Furnished with self-tapping screws. Shpg. ~ 1 Ib ) AL.1O-F ~ lens for 1000 Walt flood.. lights. 1/4. thick impact-resistance polymer lens. furnished with _ mounting hardware for easy field attac:hmert. Shpg, ~ 2 100. - AL-4-F As above. except for 400 walt lIoodrlQhts. .--_.....~'.' ~------ .-.- .---- . Note: Accessories such as aux!!- - ------'" Iary lens, wire guards or shields are for Independent use only, ~... .. ,--- -------.------....--... ._~~:? ,. ---- BULLETIN 0343-0287 Printed in USA Copyright 1987 39 -.c. Ie '- ~. . -:-. .:- t,._~,~o~;~SPORTSLITER @ "IXTURE TYPE ~T. i I . 1~;\.j"'~~~:!~!ft!~i1~~-~~;rt~..._.:, - control. The SL Series Sportsliler floodlight is functionally styled to provide quality.controlled illumination for all sports lighting requirements. The SLG Series for general purpose and the SLH Series for heavy duty applications provide optimum lighting performance for stadiums, coliseums, parks and .. recreational areas. Lens Assembly - Thermal shock and impact.resistant. .. tempered glass surrounded (on both sides and edge) by silicone gasketing provides a weathertight seal. Stainless steel lims band and corrosion-resistant hardware are standard. Quadrant latching provides uniform pressure and ensures a weathertight seal. Efflclent Parabolic Reflector - Exclusive Anodal~ finish provides factory-controlled maximum photometric efficiency. IES-NEMA beam spreads 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6 are available. Parabolic reflector is formed from a single piece of aluminum. The spinning process is computer programmed to provide optimum light control for H.J.D. lamps. Socket and Wiring Compartments - A spring loaded, nickel-plated mogul base socket is mounted in a thermally- isolated die casting. The large:isolated wiring chamber at the rear of the casting is designed for ease in wiring. Watertight cord bushing and gasketed cover with captive hardware allow quick installation. Integral Ballast - Cast aluminum weathertight box features captive hardware with silicone gasketing. The large box .;~_. - .-.-.~. houses a class "H" insulated. -2O"F (-400 HPS) starting, 60 Hz HPF ballast Ballast assembly is thermally isolated and is designed for cool operation, long ballast life and easy maintenance. . : 1"-.- :-::-w....:--.' - Steel Trunnion - Heavy duty steel mounting trunnion (yoke) is finisned in gray Lektrocote8, Mounts with 4090 slipfitler brackets. Repositioning stop anows trouble-free relamping without reaiming. ADDITIONAL FEATURES . Sight thru latch aiming . Calibrated aiming sector and repositioning stop . Leklrocotee finish. . - -_. - . . Up-aiming option . 1000 and 1500W Hot Re-stn'ke option (4BOV) ._-_._.--- " .--.--".-.-- -.. . '-"T-'.-'~-- -.::: -..:;:~~:"'--"'::"':-'.-'-' .- ~~~ .. LIghting DIMENSIONS 22'110. CSn,_J J. Er' .~. 115_ -L "..- .....(211_) '1121." to' -- ./ I-"--Iss:r......,-- SLH no .... ~..Mi'C2OI -,'- r 22'110. Iln......, I 1 J... ..... 1121-) T - -.- --~-- ......~,~......_. ----.. _---:-"----~._~---~-. - .--~ -J;'.Iz:..;- '-:- __--...-:~LREMOTE . 1i. .... ..,;:r ~'I- II::::", ---- .. _.- . 171-1 -...:;.--. _._--'-'~--' - .... ....... ...... - --_. _. - " ____A .. Plojecl Type Catalog Number RelNlU :';c.. Lt(j Hubbell/Llghtlng DIvision, 2000 Electric Way, Christiansburg, Virginia 24073, (703)382-6111 . Fax: (703)382-1526 . Telex: 23-740n19 Lf;/ Hubbell Canada, Inc., 870 Brock Road S., Box 100, Pickering, Ontario L1V2R3, (416)839-1138. Fax: (416)839-9108. Telex: 06-981288 \ Harvey Hubbell, Ltd., Ronald Close, Wobum Adlnd. Estate, Kempston, Bedford, England MK42-7SH . Tel (44 234) 855444 . Telex: 826065 October 1989 C1989 HubbeR Incorporated Printed in U.SA , _ ~SPECIFYING INFORMATION The following Is a listing of Standard Units. When ordering, com- plete Catalog Number by using catalog logic. ~ ......... Purpoee I w.I9ht 1- ~.outyt I WoIgIll IUA ..... Cal8lag. ..... c.lMlg (14 - r<<atl8go ..- 1bL.. TrPe .......... IbL I.. ft.) REJ.IOlE UNIT - LESS BAllAST ASSEMBL yo Sl.G-XXXXX-G20 14 6.4 2 SlH.XXXXX-020 18' 82 2.8 1500 Sl.G-XXXXX-G30 14 6.4 3 SlH.XXXXX-030 18 82 2.8 SlG-~-G40 14 6.4 4 SlH,XXXXX-o.co 18 82 2.8 max. SlG-XXXXX-GSO 14 6.4 5 SlH,XXXXX-OSO 18 82 2.8 SlG-XXXXX-G60 14 6.4 6 SlH,XXXXX-060 18 82 2.8 HIGH PRESSURE SOOIlJIr 600 SlG-06OO5-15Xtt 50 22.7 5 Sl.H-OSOO5-15X tt 54 24.5 2.8 SlG-10005-12X 54 245 2 SLH-10005-12X 58 26.3 2.8 1000 SlG-10005-14X 54 245 4 SLH-10005-14X 58 26.3 2.8 . SlG-10005-15X 54 245 5 SLH-10005-15X 58 26.3 2.8 SlG-10005-16X 54 245 6 SLH-10005-15X 58 26.3 2.8 METAL HAUOE . SlG-1000H-12X 50 22.7 2 SlH-1000H-I2X 54 24.3 2.8 SlG,1000H-13X 50 22.7 3 SlH-1000H,13X 54 24.3 2.8 ~ Sl.G-1000H-14X 50 22.7 4 SLH-1000H-14X 54 24.3 2.8 SlG-1000H-15X 50 22.7 5 SLH-1000H.15X 54 24.3 2.8 - 1...- G-1000H-1I1X 50 22.7 6 SLH-1000H-1I1X 54 24.3 2.8 - , SlG-15OOH-12X 58 26.3 2 SlH,15OOH-12X 62 Z7.9 2.8 SlG-1500H-13X 58 26.3 3 SLH-1500H,13X 62 Z7.9 2.8 1500 SlG.1500H-14X 58 26.3 4 SLH-1500H,14X 62 Z7.9 2.8 SlG-1500H-15X 58 26.3 5 SlH,1500H,15X 62 Z7.9 2.8 SlG-1500H-16X 58 26.3 8 SlH-15OOH,15X 62 Z7.9 2.8 . Spdy WIlIage. voIage Me! ~ Type to be used. Example: SlG-l~. Reler to ClIIaIog logic below. - .a1N H.P.s. - Consul Factory. t ftIudes Protec:live 0Uet H'" tt ~ ilcUIed, fi/:t1N LntS haw fllur --.d Hot "-lIIra as standard. OPTIONS* The following factory app/'Ied options are available, Order with the fixture by adding the suffix. SufIIx -HR .c(X) .fOOt 1Ion 1000 << 1 f/X1N MelaI Halide Hot Re-sIrike 1613 so CORD - OCher \h8n standard :r length replace "X. wilh 6 (8 Il) << 12 (121.~ SINGLE FUSE 1'20, m \/OIls) DOUBlE FUSE (208. 240, 480 volts) CHARCOAl.. FILTER BREATHER FOR AIMING ABOVE HORIZONTAL UNlTwmc LAMP -c.FB oUA -I: -Hell Resde .....aIllI n 1000 and lWN Metal Halide. conSl.IlIldcry. f$l.ClIlIIAIlor X as IcIowI: 1-12OV; 2.l!08V: 3.24011: 4-277V: 5-480'1. ACCESSORIES For field Installation with SL Series. Order separately. ~ Description Sl.-Cl. t INTERNAL CONCENTRlC LOWER sc-HCLt INTERNAL HALF CONCENTRIC LOWER Sl..fLSut FRONT LAMP SUPPORT Sl.-SPC. POl YCARBONATE SHIao (1000 wall Nema S. 6 only! Sl..V . VISOR (fully rolationa~ LR-30 lUMINAlRE SAFETY RETAINER (STRANDED AIRCRAFT CABLE Va x 30") 4090 CROSSARM MOUNTING BRACKET 4024C SlIPFITTER 8- OD. (2" 1'iP8) "$oJIItlIe b NEMA 5 IIlllII beam apuds. 400, 600 IIlll l000w Ody. "'Nol1Ubllll1or f!JX1N Of Hell Reo....... fNcllUblllllor ... MIl Hell Reo'" SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONS FIoodI~ shall be HubbeU lighting Spcxtsliler Series. . Ca1 No. Sl klr use with _ wall ~ MECHANICAL _ ___, -----' fIoocI91t shaI consist a one-piece spun aIumi1um pilraboIicr8ftec:ti tInished -_.~:::~~ ..in Anodal provicing maxinun ~ Iigt't 0IApIL Fronl reIamping ~ --_~':~~~:J steel door assembly shall be IingecI with lIvee (3) swing action ~ and ... -~ - -- sealed with.high temperature siicone lens gaskellens to be flennaI shock. impact-resislanl tempered clear glass. Unit musl have integral sigI'C'lIw amng latch. SockeI shall be spring loaded nickel'plaled moguf base, tne:U1Ied in a lhermaIy isoIaIed die cast aIumiun housing. A large IsoIaIed wiring chamber shall have wa18l1i!t1l ccrd bushing and gasketed CCoIeI' with captive hardware. BaIIasI housing shall be cast akJrnirom wealher1ight box with captive screws and siicone gaskeling. The baIast assembly shall be'lhermaIIy, isolaIed lor cooler operation and longer ballast life. Unit shall have heavy~ steel tnJrrion (yoke) finished in gray lek%rocole. A reposition stop shall be provided for ~ !tee relamping wilhout reaiming. Unc shall be counter balanced when yoke position bolts are loosened 10 provide ease a manenance and instaIalion. Unit shall be SLG General Purpose << SLH heavy~ with proIective 0lAer hulL ElECTRICAL The standard l\oodIigI'i shaI1 be UL listed - sUtabIe lor 0lAd0cr wet Ioc:aIion appIic:aIions. The baIast shall be class "If' Insulated .2O"F, stilting and 60 Hz HPF baIast. PHOTOUETRIC PERFORMANCE The IIc:xldlq1t shall provide IES Nama beam spread _ with mininun ellic:iency a %.. HOT FIE.STRIKE - see page 11 b. PHOTOMETRIC DATA* 1I.ta1 Halide H.p.s,' 1000W HP-03537 Consult Factory HP-03385 HP-03380 HP-02167 Beam Type 1000W Nema 2 HP-03194 Nema 3 HP-03197 Nema 4 HP-01004 NemaS HP-0100s Nema 6 HP-01006 '6OIJW consult factory. 'Photometries same for Hot Re,s1rike 1500W HP-01062 HP-01183 HP-01034 HP-01033 .HP-01035 CATALOG LOGIC SlH-1000H-151-XX SL Seriea TT T OpUona Application ~ Voltage G _ General Purpose 1 -120 H - Heavy,Outy (with huI~ ~ : = Wattage .. 4 - :en MelaI Harlde -1000,1500 5-480 High Pressure Sodium _ . - OUAD- T AP" 1 000, 0400, 0600 1'20,208, 240, 277) . Beam Spned lamp Type 2 _ Nema 2 H - MelaI Halide 3 - Nema 3 S - High Pressure Sodium 4 - Nema .. 5-NemeS (s-Nema6 Bellnt 1.HPF o - less Ballast ..'----- .- ---- .~. :;.--'---.....:.. ~ . .. \ ."" POLE TYPE D Pok. .. -~ SHERMAN POLE DIVISION DIRECT. BURIAL FIBERGLASS POLES POST TOP NOMINAL SHAfT WGT. MAXIMUM EPA CATAlOG MTG. SHAfT ABOVE OF TIP BUTT PER LUMINAlRE (1) OEF.% NUMBER HEIGHT lENGTH GRNO. POLE 0.0. 0.0. 80 MPH Too MPH 1100 MPH 4EPA (FT) (FT) (FT) (LB) (IN) (IN) 46MPH 501 VERTICAL LOAD. - !-3/r DR =-- TDIDN ~--1 . 4. f . 13 16 21 31 1001 VERTICAL LOAD. . 36,15 . 31.15 . 3.3 TB20-0-100 16 19,75 15.75 51 4.41 08.66 10.0 8.0 6.3 1.2 TB26-0-100 21 26.31 21.31 72 4.41 10.08 9.5 7.5 5.7 1.8 '1'830-0-100 25 29.58 24,58 93 4,41 10,79 9,0 ~,9 !),3 2.0 TB16-0-100 31 36 15 31 15 122 4 41 12 20 6 5 5,0 3.8 2.8 '1'839-0-100 34 39,44 34.44 147 4.41 12.91 6,3 4.8 3.5 3.0 T846-C-100 40 45.98 39,98 206 3 70 13,62 6,0 4.5 3.3 3,1 2001 YERTICAL LOAD. '1'826-0-200 21 26.31 21.31 76 4.41 10,08 10.0 8.0 6.0 1.8 TB30-0-200 25 29.58 24.58 105 4.41 10.79 10.0 7. 6. . '1'836-0-200 31 36,15 31.15 169 4,41 12,20 10.0 7. 6. . T8~Q.;n-'nn 34 39,44 34.44 202 4.41 12,91 10,0 7. 6. . 46-C-200 40 45.98 39.98 295 3.70 13.62 10.0 7. r 5. i . 3001 VERTICAL LOAD. 2-1/2'X:S' HNaKll.E VJT)ol " CAST AL. Jla]If DR " .'xU. HAHZlK1E \11TH " rDEJlGLASS IllXlR. CCPTJtINAU. '1'829-0-300 25 7 Q ,<:11 ,-c,58 117 4,4 10,79 1 7,-n 9 ,-" "7-." .6 T"36-F-300 31 36-1~ Of 1 1'; 172 5 12 12.cn 12.0 9 5 7.0 1,9 T839-F-300 34 39,44 34.44 200 5,12 13.62 12.0 9.5 7,0 2,0 TB46-C-300 40 45 98 39 98 359 3,70 13,62 12.0 9.0 7.0 1,9 *VERTICAL LOAD - WEIGHT OF FIXTURES + MOUNTING APPARATUS NOTES: 1. EPA RECOMMENDATIONS ARE CALCULATED PER AASHTO STANDARDS AND INCLUDE A JO' GUST FACTOR. 2. STATIC DEFLECTION OF POLES DOES NOT EXCEED 1. 3\ OF SHAFT LENGTH ABOVE GROUND. 3. EMBEDMENT DEPTHS ARE BASED ON LATEST ANSI STANDARDS, 4. MAIN DEFLECTION UNDER FULL EPA DOES NOT EXCEED ASTM STANDARDS:~ . STANDARD: 2 3/8- TENON FOR TOP MOUNTED LUHINAIRE, SHALL ACCESS OVAL DOOR (2 1/2- X 5-), WIRE ENTRANCE HOLES PROVIDED BELOW GROUND LEVEL, STANDARD COLORS-LIGHT GREY (1) , DARK BRONZE(2) AND BLACK (3) OPTIONAL: 3- TENON, LARGE ACCESS DOOR (4- X 12-), UNDERGROUND HOLE FOR' ANTI-ROTATIONAL PIPE INSERT, SPECIAL COLORS, STAINLESS STEEL WIRE MESH IN PLACE 01" TENONS FOR TIP DIAMETER J- OR SMALLER. .. , -.. -2-3/" AHTt-ROTATUlN TltIU HCI..ES CDPTJONAUo LJaTTDHJlJAHCTDt .~....~ ....... 462- .... MICROLITER@Hi9h Pressure so~~tJ~E: ~PE =----.--. ~--_..\. . Low Wattage . High Performance Floodlight A compact H.I.D. floodlight for energy efficient outdoor lighting and specifically the retrolighting of PAR and R lamp fixtures and 500 watt Quartz floods. Utilizes efficient H.J.D. high pressure sodium light source. The Microliter luminaire provides an optical assembly with controlled NEMA beam spread. Ideal for floodlighting applications such as building facade, sign lighting and display, as well as general safely and security lighting. . FEATURES . Reflector System - A one-piece aluminum, hydroformed parabolic reflector with Hubbell's exclusive ANODALe finish provides maximum reflectivity and beam control. The reflector is designed to produce a Ty~ 5 horizontal x Type 3 vertical beam spread when a clear lamp is used. The reflector assembly is field adjustable by rotating 900, When this occurs, it will provide a Type 3 horizontal x Type 5 vertical beam spread for use on column, sign, marquee and facade -lighting. All units are shipped with a factory installed lamp. 100 and 150 watt units are shipped with a clear lamp. 50 and 70 watt units are shipped with a coated lamp and provide the wide distribution (5x6) required for lighting applications having setback limitations. Rugged, Weathertlght Housing - One-piece, lightweight. die-cast housing is designed for heavy-duty applications where . .Iong life and maintenance-free service are essential. Additionally, a satin smooth, protective, bronze LEKTROCOTE~ . finish having a chip resistance of up to 4H pencil hardness is applied. One-Piece Door & Lens Assembly - A die-cast aluminum door frame pivots on two cast hinges, and the door Is secured with two captive HUBBELL GARDe treated screws. A thermal shock anctlmpact resistant glass lens is provided and sealed to the fixture housing by a continuous high temperature silicone gaaket to ensure weathertight operation, Intpgral Cold Weather Ballast - Both NPF and HPF high pressure sodium ballastry are available and integrally mounted to the housing for maximum heat dissipation and cooler operation. All NPF units are 120 voll HPF units are available in ~201277 volt on 50 and 70 watt luminaires and QUAD-TAP" (120,208,240, 2n volt) on 100 and 150 watt luminaires. All ballasts are suitable for -40oF cold weather operation. Mounting - To make installation quicker and easier, each Microliter luminaire is shipped with a factory Installed lamp. All . units feature a Y2 inch threaded knuckle with locking teeth for rigid multi-purpose aiming. Knuckles are also protected with a durable bronze LEKTROCOTEe finish. Additional Features - All units are UL-1572 listed, suitable for wet locations. Optional mounting accessories and photocontrols are also available. ~_.. ", .....- ~ .... - ..----. ~~~~.::-.~7:"::'-;~ ~ . .... ..' li~~~~ "LIghting E ~_. DIMENSIONS t--7Y..': --. I (179 ml>>) '- r I \ I 9.'.... (235 mm) ~ \4.... .. ~':"~m) ..{oj'::: .,., ~.~. MIC-SPC-2 MIC-GS-2 I ~~ .. "._, ,... fa MIC-TS S-302 ~. Projecl --- . ..-......'= ~ T~ c.wog Nurnbet --- AImaItcI ~8 ... ".1_p .... -.. ~ ORDERING INFORMATION NEUA Catalog Number Beam se....d Voltage H- x . .... NORMAL POWER FACTOR. HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM "'IC-OOSOS-651 50 519511611111 Coated 120 N.P.F. 7 3.2 .71 .1 ...1C.Q070S-651 70 5(950) 1 6(1110) Coated 120 N.P.F. 7 3.2. .71 .1 "'1C.Q100S-651 100 5 (711 1 31340' Clear 120 N.P.F. 8 3_6 .71 .1 "'1C.Q150S-651 150 51711131340' Clear 120 N.P.F. 9 '4.1 .71 .1 HIGH POWER FACTOR. HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM "'1C-0050S,259 50 51951 x 611111 Coated 12O/2n 9 4.1 .71 .1 70 51951 1 6(1110) Coated 120/277 9 4.1 .71 .1 100 5 (710) x 3134') Clear 12O/208/240/2n 10 4.6 .71 ,1 150 51710' x 31340' Clear 12O/208/240/2n 11 .50 .71 .1 SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION Unit shall be Hubben lighting Microliter Series. Catalog ~ MIC- tor use with a fat use with a walt lamp. Mechanical The housing shall be cast aluminum and have a y,.lhreaded knuckle. Unit shall have a hinged and removable lens assembly lor easy access and maintenance. Unit shaH have a one,piece, hydlOformed. paraboflC reflec10r thai is capable 01 providing either horizonlal or vertical lamp operation. Luminaire shaD have a factoly Installed lamp to ensure maximum performance and ease of instaDalion. NPF Of HPF baJIast shall be inlegrally mounted to the housing lor maximum heal dissipation and cooler operation as specifl8d by the designated catalog number. AU painted components shall have electrostatically charged powder paint Lek1rocole flllish. Electrical lklit shaD be UL 1572 fISted. suitable IOf wel locations. Unit shall be capable of starting at -40oF lor cold wealher operation. - ..\ OPTION "The following factory applied option is available with the Microliter Series. It must be ordered with the fixture by adding the appropriate suffix. ~ I S_:I I Description PhoIocontrol. 120 volt ACCESSORIES For field Installation with Microliter L Order separately. Catalog Number Description Weight Ibs. legs. .8 .3 .8 .3 Isofootcandle Curve MIC-0150S-X5X Mounting Height. 20 Ft. Aimed 600 (300 Below Horizontal) 1MH o 1MH 2MH 3MH MIC-GS-2 MIC- TB MIC-SPC-2 5-302 Glare shield 4. deep. . Crossarm trunnion box. Half yoke with large wiring box lor mounting to any ftat surface. PoIycarbonale shield assembly. Pole top sliplillef lor y,o swivel knuckle. Sfipfds ~o 0.0. pipe .8 .3 7'1 P$~~it .. LIghting - .. TESTED TO CURRENT IES AND NEMA STANDARDS UNDER STABIUZED LABORATORY CONDITIONS, VARIOUS OPERATING FACTORS CAN CAUSE DIFFERENCES BElWEEN LAB DATA AND ACTUAL FIELD MEASUREMENTS. HubbelllUghtlng Division, 2000 Electric Way. Christiansburg. Virginia 24073, (703) 382-6111 . Fax: (703) 382-1526 . Telex: 23-7 40n19 Hubbell Canada,lnc., 870 Brock Road S., Box 100, Pickering, Onlario L1V2R3, (416) 839.1138. Fax: (416) 839,9108. Telex: 06-981288 ;. Harvey Hubbell, Ltd., Ronald Close, Wobum ReI. Ind. Estale. Kempslon, Bedford, Engand MK42-7SH . Tel (44 234) 855444 . Telex: 826065 Seplember 1989 . c 1989 HubbeD lncorporaled Printed in ~ -.-----. PHOTOMETRIC DATA Isocandela CUl'\(e MIC-O 150S-X5X TUl"" ....,,,. ..S/'JII(.....,'.. ....... touOCI tIIGIt ......... too.YM IlAIIs..-.:AO-<l'ltl()frl'Al It' ..... '''ICLIAIlt KAMSNlI&Owl.'CAl ..' _ns 'M ......."<<"', ." LCl. "'. .....L....III$ .... ...... .- ...... '(MlCAtIDL(~. IIIIt 0 -.. -&r- .-a ...... C&NOl.[~" .", OOC.frIO("a C&"A,.I "..,.....o.,..eu..o-. - . Awl-.c.a Of a.c"..I. ".., ,""I ....1It66..()f'.oa..T."ln...on '0'''' 5MH 21 .. 18 I",DO_ ~~T!f~I 1~~:L.l..l.. _L. '=::', . I ::::~- -n..L_ I UIt, . . \ . T"" 3MH !. ~ I I I ',2 ~~12 !i: 10.:.' ~!.tl ~D .~- 14 13 13 12 10 , 8. 1 I ~ !IO Ij-'ii-,5ii-iil0-.r;t-~ 103 21 24 21 17 14 -,i-gTJi ~ 134 -~i:44:~~~~i':i4 llip:-; _~~o !II n ~ ;!g 27 " 131 I! 1 343 i~~~~4: ~. ~ ]a , ~ ~ .!.~W_.I _4~3, '''',32 lI4 13 42 21.17'101 I us 14"'2/"19.j"~27-'ato' 1 ~II 101' ei'-aii'.. -32 -22 -,41'i 0 iiz Sz~..1!t~lI.II' .~ E.I. z.a_!'~~~L' 71 ~ 142 ~'_'~ 111.14 .:.~2...'0i-'J-! _ ~ '~ 14' 14' 13' 12 11.,0, I' 7 ~ lI4 12 12 12.11. 101 I; I 1 ~ 15 11. 11 11- 10 10 I' 7 1 ~ 10 --~ I I I <0() 3$ 30 2S 20 IS 10 S 'In81 ~ 431 321 24Cf18l1l1 III :JIOI co..-.10TALS 10 I'S . <0() "'C:"~"Y:':;::.~...-:~.". OfGAIES It4Of'lZONtAU 4MH 1 12 9 gll 1<3 ~ ... :::3 ~II o 12 2MH 1MH o 3MH 2MH 15 18 21 .! ., ::': r/~i' ' . .. " ,~I 1/ I ~ ; . , ,. / .,' 4081 N.W. 2nd Avepue Boca Raton. FL 33431 . Zuhair M. Jalloul,. P.I;. CONSULTING ENGINEER' . . PROJECT: THE HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH . ~8TER AND SEWER DEMAND FLOW CALCULATIONS: TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS = ANTICIPATEO:DEMAND PER UNIT~~ TOTAL DEMAND= 240x 275 GPD = 240.UNITS 275 GPD 66,000 GPD NUMBER OF ERCs'= 66,000 GPD/ 350= 188,6 ERC , .407-750~JJ . (~05r3~~- .ZUHAIR M,.JALLOUL, PoE REGISTRATION #35416 MARCH 26 ~ '-.1990 ' J .. .. .. . ," ~ ZUHAIR M. )ALLOUL, P,E, 4081 N, BOCA RATON BLVD. BOCA RATON, FL 53431 PHONE: 407-750-5278 MARCH 26, 1990 PROJECT: THE HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH . FIRE FLOW CALCULATIONS ASSUMING 60 PSI PRESSURE AT EXISTING WATER MAIN TOTAL LENGHT OF DIP LINE FROM EACH LOOP DLRECTION = 1,400 L,F. AND 1~250 L.F, USING 1,400 L,F. REQUIRED FLOW AT FIRE HYDRANT = 1,500 GPM 6 or 2,16x10 GPD FLOW FROM EACH DIRECTION ~ 1,080,000 GPD HEAD LOSS 9 7.4 FT,/ 1,000 L,F, OF LINE LINE HEAD LOSS = 7,4x 1,400/1000 = 10,36 FT HEAD LOSS IN FITTINGS = 5.50 FT TOTAL HEAD LOSS = 10,36 + 5,50 = 15,86 FT, , TOdAL HEAD LOSS IN PSI 6 15,86 FT x 1 PSI/ 2,307 FT * 6,87 PSI R~SIDUAL PRESSURE @ 1,500 GPM = 60- 6.87 ~ 53.13 PSI . .. . ~.~ ZUHAIR M. JALLOUL P.,:.E. fJ 35416 '. ~ I , ZUHAIR M. JALLOUL, P.E. 4081 N. BOCA RATON BLVD. BOCA RATON, FL 33431 PHONE: 407-750-5278 MARCH 26, 1990 PROJECT: THE HMvlLET OF BOYNTON BEACH . TOTAL SITE AREA 21.07 ACRES .. PERVIOUS AREA 8.99 ACRES BUILDING 3.44 ACRES "PAVED 7.50 ACRES WALKWAYS 1.14 ACRES TOTAL PROJECT - ROOF 17.63 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA FOR WATER QUALITY 8.64 ACRES . . % IMPERVIOUS FOR WATER QUALITY= (8.64/17.63)x100=49.01 % 2.5"x PERCENTAGE= 2.5x.4901=1.225" 1.225 INCH x AREA CONTROLS REQUIRED VOLUME OF ON SITE DETENTION = 1.~25"X 21.07= 25.81 AC-IN OR 2.151 AC-FT FOR DRY DETENTION = .75x25.81= 19.36 AC-IN OR 1.613 AC-FT .. EXFILTERATION'TRENCH CALCULATIONS: L = V K*(H2*W+2H2*DU-DU-2+2H2*DS)+(1.39E-4*W*DU) . cfs/ft-2-ftHead K= 9.26 x 10E-4 .. V= VOLUME TREATED (ac-in) =. 19.36 AC-IN H2= DEPTH TO WATER TABLE = 6.5' ,. W= TRENCH WIDTH = 5.0' DU= UNSATURATED TRENCH DEPTH = 4.5' DS= SATURATED TRENCH DEPTH = 0.5' \' L= 259 L.F. LENGTH OF TRENCH PROVIDED = 320 L,F, . ~~ ZUHAIR M. JALLOUL P.E. # 35416 11 . . Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering · Inspection · T..~lng CLIENT: PROJECT: LOCATION: FeIner Construction Proposed drainage N.E. corner N.E. 17th Ave. & 2nd Lane Boynton Beach, Fl. ORDER NO. . REPORT NO. DATE: 4793.2 2 . 1111189 tI TEST: Usual Type Open Hole Exfiltration Test SURFACE ELEVATION: Ground surface Water table from ground surface In excess of 6' CASING DIA),lETER: 8" TUBE DEPTH: 6.0' ONE MINUTE PUMPING RATE INCREMENT IN GAL./MIN. LOCATION: Approx. 920' w. & 300' S. of .N.E. property 1 17..9 corner 2 17.6 3 17 .2 4 16.0 5 16.7 , 6 16.6 7 16.5 .. 8 16.4 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: 9 16.4 . . 10 16.4 . 0' - 6.0' Lt. tan quartz fine SAND 11 16.4 . 12 16.4 , 13 16.4 . " 14 16.4 K (Hydraulic Conductivity) '15 16.4 K, - ~'.19xl0-4CFS/FT2-Ft. Head 16 16.4 17 16.4' . . ~~(/#/ Michael J. Heil, Project Manager P.E. #21083 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE. BOYNTON BEACH. FL 33426 · Boynton Be.ch 736-4900 Pomp.no Stich 941-8700 . ~cf' r- . . ~ . NUtTING ENGINEERS Of' 'LOItIOA tNC, ElTAlUIHED 1M7 Geotechnical & ConstructlonM.lerl.ls Hydrogeology & Monltorlng'Wells Engineering · Inlpectlon · Teetlng . CLIENT: PROJECT: . LOCATION: Felner Construction Proposed drainage N.E. corner N.E. 17th Ave. & 2nd Lane Boynton Beach. Fl. ORDER NO. REPORT NO. DATE: 4793.2 1 11/1/89 ~ TEST:. Usual Type Open Hole Extiltration Test SURFACE ELEVATION: Ground surface Water table trom ground surface In excess of 6' CASING . DIAldETER: 8" TUBE DEPTH: 6.0' ONE MINUTE PUMPING RATE .. , INCREMENT IN GAL./MIN. LOCATION: Approx. 300' s. & 360' w. of N.E. property 1 17.4 corner 2 17.1. , 3 16.8 4 .16.7 5 16.6 6 16.6 7 16.6 . 8 16.6 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: 9 16.6 . 10 16.6 . , 0' - 6.0' Lt. tan quartz fine . SAND '11 16.6 - 12 16.6 , - 13 16.6 ,. K {Hydraulic Conductivity) 14 16.6 K-9.32xlO-4CFS/FT2-Ft. Head " ~4{] d'l Michae~ J. Hei~. Project Engineer 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE. BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426. Boynton Beach 7~900 Pomp.no Beach 941.a7~ 19 TH-r5 ff-/t-Jt LE T . . ---- -f~ __ I L / v ~ f, {., c " v ~ ~- r ~ 1,. ~ ~ ~ tvv-#u ~. e ~ tV-A ~ CQ tO~' .2 .;li {to ( ~J J, L~. > t ~r?- ". t-- (." f" "'" <<~, .Jc" L, ~./rv 3 · 1'( v~:~ c~ t ,.J ~ tJ I'" (. yVe cf-~ t A (f L< k(t Vz,'''' fl''-~ . ..2 11' · , \' S <<-s 'f- C 'eo ",'L "" ~ rIM u ~ f-I..o< '" /0 s, J C" [, e.l." OV( ,fA'" h 1'<. "Y o,,~e..' t1, ~ t " ... . ... _.~ ..~ ~,~ t-~- ... - c2 4--0 *. d- - 4-cto . "PAV rjJ r, (,J - t,'. ~f ~"S t-C.. -,Co ~1 ta v " (r .: v 1"( L.c... -r-. "0 k C r" lVLe " ,'t~s } '... '" {to. "u ~ W' '/- t - A ~ .-Co vv,J ~JC (f-~~,-{.~ c t:.... " So f{'n'~S (f'ff<~ /,.;: 5 7 { r "'.{ · c ... 1-" .{ .. . ""." .'f-;..(.{,~< k.VCh.f- r.e~st",~ ~"C('p " .~ I- ~ re.~ (:~ 5..; f~J,~s fa CY~."o~J (r~"~+<-<"^<'~ ""J 1:' 0 ,)) , G-"' /),1 ,\~ f, :"<,,,J (c"Av..1-,~V\-c f )v.~. I(-"fli sf. 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V' " · "-5 · 71 t'( v< ~ Ir' "- 'I-s. r r... c C' < ' r' t ~ ~ ( e.. r . , ('. (, "l< L ~ ~ Jf;.r(tP~-,Vl c"'- i-C >.; +'(? < '" j' '^ I T" Ie , '. t ~ ~ f -r c.... 5 IV. J7 ^L '!-' e" 0V<.> V1 0 I f- ~ .,,, rl .. ~ 'i'"J e. . 0 c . . J c2... ~et~.~~~~ - C\U; (o",-~",A fo uJ<cc~cr<~) /' f v'( os '< J r~ "- ,- U.~17 JJ. 'v J, '" ^> f. C. ( , ....1. , ~ f +-. / 0 <1 ~ ( "{J' -, .". 1-( r ~ \..- "- 'f, () (At C /. "-' iF N- e" J', h {?}~Vi : W {, c < · Q" C C. ,r. -" iJ. , ; )J. f. If- If. S t-vc. t Je C ~ 1, r ~ ~ tJ <{"J (0 <c> {.'L ~J 11 e C e. fw~ n1. ~)1 E. /6 Iff A-v~ V-<<C a'IAJ fl. /? 02 0 ~1 'v(' VI. II(.J2c;o Vt tJ V" , t~ i-(o,) ''''''''',e "'f ~ {,. v{.< r :. {<:, <> @"&"<"7 . { f c (, '; .2.. 6. ;Z '" 'I- ~ c (" C' 'c C u.u ve. P (. ~ -) ;{ ~c L: C · "- ~,. j;" J s; l^J C.'r <<,'+fe. ~ fit sf tvvt- I '\. \ , ,. r., v (.. i "'C, '''' ~ r"" -.c 0 Vl) rc v f ., " y[' eJ 0 J j} .'5 ,.7., .. >:J '^-' r '" "'c 5. '1-00" r.. "cV '" '" r. / ~ 'J' t ,.6: D v <, IA ":J e p f. "- - f ... ( c /'.. I '" r ~ ...., :J 7- . 'yvt.!C V c:y Co p+!SS r- -: f-e {-~ ~~, ~(C- {e f-Je v- Ie> if eVe if'!- fo v ('. I .. ..! I ) P '-'C J c tv, v e . , oZ) /)"' C r ~ p ~ \- ~ . .. 5 j R <, 'I- /'., L t r H f- {.C e j '- (' f' r \ ( i r - \ C( " ~.. v }. ".1..'>< c 1-. Q~ -< 0 C/vf e50 ('6' 3 j2/..<c{J,,:t:HP_ v/7),: ~, {P~~ o~ --,.. ,---- ....... MEMORANDUM TO: Jay FeIner FROM: James J. Golden, Senior city Planner DATE: March 8, 1990 SUBJECT: The Hamlet of Boynton Beach - Site Plan With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. Traffic study to be resubmitted pursuant to the comments from the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering Division. 2. Comprehensive Plan requirements for a city park site and preservation of native habitat to be discussed at March 13, 1990 meeting with Technical Review Board. 3. Parking lot design in vicinity of guard house to be discussed at TRB meeting. 4. Parking calculations on page 4 of application and on site plan are incorrect. The number of spaces required for the 240 units is 2 spaces per unit (480 total), pursuant to Section 11.16.a of Appendix A-Zoning. Parking requirements for all recreational amenities must be shown in accordance with 11.16.e(12) of Appendix A-Zoning. 5. Proposed building colors must be indicated on blue print elevations (item No. 14 on site plan application checklist). 6. All exotics must be removed from the site pursuant to the Tree Preservation Code. 7. N.E. 4th Street to be dedicated and constructed between N.E. 16th Avenue and N.E. 20th Avenue prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (Policy 2.6.2 of the Comprehensive Plan) . 8. Sidewalks are required along N.E. 4th Street (Sectfon 22-25 of the Code of Ordinances). 9. The internal sidewalk system should connect to the sidewalk system along N.E. 4th Street (Policy 2.4.4). 10. Details on project signage have not been shown. For future information, certain types of subdivision signs require site plan approval. 11. The five recreation items provided for 50% credit must meet the minimum acreage requirements set forth in Section 8.F of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. The acreage provided for each amenity should be shown on the plans and delineated accordingly. 12. Several proposed locations of inlet structures on the paving and drainage plan conflict with proposed scrub habitat preserve areas on the landscape plan. ~~j.~ OJAMES J. GOLDEN JJG:cp 6~ \ EN3INEERIN3 DEPARIMENT MEMO NO. 90-084 March 29, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FRa.1: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: T .R.B. Carroents The Hamlet of Boynton Beach Slattery & Root Architects Zuhair M. Jalloul, P.E., Consulting Engineer In confonnance with Chapter 19, Article II, "Site Plan Review and Approval", Chapter 19-17, "Plan Required", Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, Article X, Section 5-142, "Required Inproverrents" including Chapter 22, "Streets and Sidewalks", the applicant for the above referenced project shall su1:mi.t the following information, data and plan (s) corrections. 1. Revise interior grassed swale section and typical road cross section for N.E. 4th Street swales, to indicate that swale areas shall be fully sodded and irrigated as specified within j the landscape plan general notes. Chapter 19-17 (k) "Engineering Data", minimum standards for 60' public rights-of-way Specification Drawing A-81026 and Chapter 7.5 "Environrrental Regulation", Article II, 'ILandscape Code", Section 7.5-35 (6) "Particular Requirerrents for Grass". 2. Indicate on site plan the two sidewalks shown on the N.E. 4th Street construction detail. Chapter 19-17 (k) 'ITechnical". 3. Lighting for the public rights-of-way for N.E. 4th Street shall be designed and installed by Florida Power and Light Ccxrpany, a F.P.L. cost estimate for street lighting installation and an equivalent amount of monies pre- paid to the City of Boynton Beach for said installation. Upon approval of the street lighting plan, the City of Boynton Beach will authorize the installation of same. 4. Internal sidewalks shall continue through parking lot ingress/egress approaches and be so transitioned to facilitate handicap pedestrian circu- lation. Section 5-142 (g) "Sidewalk Standards". 5. In order to limit the Developers costs associated with parking area construc- tion, the Design Engineer may delete the requirerrent for stabilizing the parking stall areas, if the Design Engineer deems this action reasonable. All other roadway and street areas shall remain stabilized as shown on plan details. 6. Provide a current sw:vey not older than 6 rronths. Chapter 19, Section 19-17(k) "Technical Data". 7. Provide yellow longitudinal skip lines to delineate the left turn moverrent exiting this site onto N.E. 4th Street. Federal Highway Authority's IIManual on Uniform Traffic Control Devicesll, the State of Florida "Green Book", and Chapter 22, "Streets", Section 22-23 "Stahdards" pursuant to Department of Transportation Specifications. 8. Dedicate the R.O.W. for N.E. 4th Street. 9. Stonnwater inlet structures shall be located in. grassed areas. Section 5-142 (g) "Drainage Standards". 10. Provide a plan view and construction details for the off-site roadway inproverrents as specified on pages 21 and 22 of the Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Olsak and Associates, Inc. VAF /ck" cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner .~A:=t.V.L. . Vincent A. Finizio r . .01 I ~( MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-163 TO: Timothy Cannon Inte~im Planning D FROM: John A. Guid~y Di~ecto~ of Utilities DATE: Ma~ch 8, .1990 SUBJECT: TRB Review - The Hamlet - Site Plan We offe~ the following comments on this p~oject: 1. Fire flow calculations shall be redone on the basis of 1500 gpm, not 1200 gpm, in accordance with the City Code. 2. Provide estimates of the total daily water demand and sewage flow, 3. Please tie the proposed water main into an existing 16" wate~ main in N.E. 4th Street, rather than the 8" main. 4. Install a pe~manent sampling point near the common area. 5. Add a note to the effect that the City will own and maintain only the main line portion of the sewer. 6. Indicate cleanouts at maximum 75-foot inte~vals on the sani- ta~y service lines. We recommend access covers be installed .. .over all cleanouts in pavement. 7. Relocate the water meters to grassy areas nearer to water .. ma ins . .. .8. Show all easements. 9, Indicate meter sizes. 10. Add gate valves as needed. 11. Appropriate backflow preventers shall be installed on water services to the laundry, maintenance, recreation and manage- ment buildings. 12. Add a note that all water services with either end under pavement shall be of type ilK" copper. Water services shall also have ball valves at the main with sultab~e valve boxes to grade. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella UY RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-123 FROM: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist ~i4- TO: SUBJECT: The Hamlet - Site Plan DATE: March 8, 1990 1. The applicant must prepare a tree management plan for the site, including the total acreage of preserved, relocated and removed scrub habitat. 2. Thirty percent (30%) of the shrub/hedges for new landscaping must be native species. 3. The Australian Pine trees must be removed completely, and the area made into a relocation site for scrub habitat. 4. The Wild Tamarind native species should be Tamarindicus bahamensis. KJH:ad q ~ 2. 3~ ~ . , 4.. 5. 9 6. 7. ENGINEERING DEPARIMENI' MEM) NO. 90-053 March 7, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FRCM: Vincent A. .Finizio Acting Assistant to the Ci ty Engin~ T.R.B. Canrents (Courtesy Carrnents only, based upon T.R.B. rrotion) The Hamlet Slattery & Root Architects RE: .:. In confonnance with Chapter 19, Article II, "Site Plan Review and Approval" and Boynton Beach Parking lDt Regulations,Artic1e X, the applicant shall suhnit the following infonnation and data. 1. Provi~e a traffic impact analysis. Section 5-144 (n) "Traffic Impact Analysis". Parking facility lighting system shall be photo-cell activated. Section 5-142 (g) "Lighting Standards". Provide smtab1e illumination of 'the pedestrian walkways. Section 5-142 (b) "Pedestrian Lighting". . . Provide internal directional arrows. Section 5-142 (c) "Traffic Control" and Chapter 19, Section 19-17 (e) "Internal Circulation". Location and dirrension of present and proposed. street and highway dedication required to handle the traffic generated by the proposed uses. Chapter 19, Section 19-17 (d) "Streets" ~ Provide a current survey not older than 6 rronths. Chapter 19, . Section 19-17(k) "Teclmica1 Data". Drainage system shown on site plan drawn by Zuhair M. Ja110u1, P.E., conflicts with landscaping plan that indicates scrub habitat and nango groves to rerrai.n. Resolve plan conflicts. Section 5-142 (9) "Construction Standards". 8._ Indicate on plans the location of all raised contiriuous concrete curbing. Section 5-142 (e) "Curbs". Curbing shall canp1y with. the mini.rm.lm standards .. . specified within Section 5-142 (g) "Curbing Standards". 9. Parking lot stabilization as shown on site plan is not a requiranent of the Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations. In order to reduce project costs, the EI:gineer of Record. may delete his plan requirerrenf' should he deem it practl.cal. . , 10. Provide a full set of Drainage details.. Chapter 19" Section 19-17 (k) "Teclmica1 Data" and Section 5-142 (g) "Construction/Qrainage Standards". 11. Provide construction details and a plan view of the errergency access area at N.E. 3rd Street. Chapter 19, Section 19-17(k) "Teclmica1 Data". 12. Provide storrnwater drainage swa1e details for on site parking facilities and for N.E. 4th Street. Section 5-142 (f) "Drainage" an:1 Section 19-17 (k) "Technical Data" and Engineering DepartIrent Standard Drawing No~ A-80033 "Swales". 13. Provide yel1CM longitudinal skip lines to delineate the left tu.rn rrovanent exiting this site onto N.E. 4th Street, and provide a set of construction plans for the irnprovenents within N.E. 4th Street. Chapter 19, Seqtion 19-17(k) "Technical Data" and Section 5-142(g) "Construction Standards". 14. Provide dimensions and elevations of proposed parking facility. Section 5-142 (g) "Construction Standards". con It. . . . . 57 EN3INEERING DEPAR'IMENI' MEM) NO. 90-053 con't. 15. Provide .pedestrian sidewalks along the R.O.W. of N.E. 4th Street, Chapter 22, "Streets and Sidewalks", Section 22-25 "Sidewalks Required". 16. Indicate on plans the location of. all handicap stalls and ranps. Handicap parking must catply with Florida ~ of Building Cedes and Standards and Section 5-142(k) "Handicap Requirerrents". 17. -=, Parking lot drainage gradient lines irxlicate an inverted crown in conflict with the typical section which irrlicates a crowned pavercent area. Resolve plan conflicts. Section 5-142 (g) "Construction Standards". Also provide a construction section for the parking areas. Section 5-142(g) "Construction Standards" . 18. Dedicate R.O.W. and construct N.E. 4th Street. Provide lighting arid road- way construction plans for N.E. 4th Street. Rerrove existing speed burrps. ,. NM'/ck 9C: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner . . oF' Page One of Two BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-092 March 12, 1990 TO: Timothy Cannon, Acting City Planner FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & site Development Administrator RE: COURTESY COMMENTS FOR HAMLET APARTMENTS Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments have been provided as a courtesy with the applicant's full knowledge that there will be a full review made when the project's site plan is placed on a Technical Review Board agenda: 1. All plans submitted for public record by a design professional, registered in the State of Florida, must show original signature and seal of design professional responsible for drawings. 2. Show handicapped accessibility walkway leading to project from Northeast 4th Street. Identify walkway material, width and slope. .. 3. Show spot elevation along handicapped accessibility walkway leading to the apartment entrance from the required handicapped parking space. 4. Provide a complete floor plan drawing for building type C. 5. On plans, identify the type of material and width of all walkways. 6. On paving and drainage plans, omit typical parking stall detail shown and use the typical parking stall detail shown on the site plan drawing. On the paving and drainage plans, show the location of the handicapped parking spaces. 7. On the plans, identify the pool and wading pool square feet surface water area. 8. On the plans, identify the square foot area of the tennis court and basketball court and their associated paved area. Also show appropriate parking space calculations for the entire site consistent with Section 11H of the City Code of Ordinance. 9. On the plans, identify the type of grass cover and its location throughout the site. 10. On the plans, show the location of trees planted at 40' on center at the southeast corner of the property. 11. On the plans, show continuous vehicle use area landscape screening around the perimeter of the property (continuous screening landscape material plant spacing is two feet (2') on center). 12. Provide a sidewalk along Northeast 4th Street. 13. Show location and size of project title signage. All signage must comply with the sign code. 14. Show the location and type of site directional signage. 15. On the plans, identify the location of the guardhouse from the east property line. S9. ! I Memo: Timothy Cannon Hamlet Apartments March 12, 1990 Page Two of Two 16. On the plans, show an elevation view, floor plan and typical wall section drawing of the guardhouse building. Include the guardhouse parking space and accessibility path to the guardhouse. 17. South Florida Water Management District permit is required. 18. Lake Worth Drainage District permit is required. 19. Show landscaping around compactor dumpster. 20. Identify the location of the required pedestrian lighting. 21. All landscape material must meet the minimum size, spacing and grade requirements identified in the landscape code. 22. On the plans, identify the width of the perimeter landscape strips. 23. Provide a total count of each species of trees, shrub and ground cover material and show overall percentage of landscape material with a 50% native count. 24. On the plans, identify the total number of two bedroom and three bedroom units. meh:eaf cc: Don Jaeger HAMLET.SDD (a) MEMORANDUM POLICE # 90-024 TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: The Hamlet DATE: March 9, 1990 As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 6 March 1990, I am recommending the following: 1. Remove speed bumps. (Public safety) 2. Improve N.E. 4th St. and open N.E. 4th St. North & South (Public Safety) 3. stop signs and stop bars at ends of all parking aisles connecting to drive ways. (5-142C) 4. .Sidewalks on main entry way & along N.E. 4th St. (Public Safety) 5. .2nd and 3rd driveways West of guard house on the North side should be closed. (Public Safety) ~[k4-- L . Dale Hammack DH/cm ~- ~, ,. ~ RECBnTBD MAR .S. C::l!7 PLANNING DEPT. - - (0' r ,'. - '-. FLORIDA AFFORDABLE HOGSING, INC.. October 24, 1989 Mr. Remar Harvin Director of Housing & Community Development of Palm Beach County 801 Evernia Street West Palm Beach, FL 33401 I Dear Mr. Harvin: Enclosed is a revised set of financial projections with respect to the affordable housing for senior citizens which we would like to develop in Boynton Beach. The principle revisions were reduc- tion of the number of units from 256 units down to 240 units, and elimination of the developer fee. There are a few other refine- ments that may more accurately reflect what we feel the numbers will be. . .... Mr. Douglas Dawson of your staff objected to the large developer fee and also the consulting fee being paid to Florida Affordable Housing. Those fees were in essence being paid from the equity contribution and the elimination of those fees results in a reduction of the equity contribution. Based upon the projected cash flow, the $4,407,000 equity contribution will yield less than a 1% annual cash flow return initially to the. Developer, Hamlet Joint Venture. Bo.ynton Beach City planners advise us that they will require dedication of a 60 ft. strip for continuation of Northeast 4th. Street since there are presently no through streets between U.S. 1 and Seacrest in this area. We desire to have an enclosed communi ty with security such as is offered at Wedgewood Apart- ments in Riviera Beach, and as we are presently developing at Auburn Trace in Delray Beach. Bringing Northeast 4th Street through cuts off a 1-1/4 acre parcel from the 23.6 acres we are acquiring. Adjacent to that 1-1/4 acres to the South is St. Andrews Manor, a home for approximately 90 Alzheimers patients. We have met with the Reverend Edward Doherty, the Administrator of St. Andrews, and he is very interested in utilizing the 1-1/4 acre parcel for an addition to St. Andrews so that they could 4723 W. Atlantic Ave. · Suite 9 · Delray Beach, FL 33445 (407) 495-8470 · FAX (407) 495-7147 (& ..'- ... '._ '___"_.'_".~._m _'4.---, '..__.. . __ _~_. ~.. .. ...-.... .... .. '\' .-.-. offer skilled care for Alzheimers patients. Presently St. An- drews is only equipped and licensed to offer intermediate care and when patients regress and need additional care, St. Andrews is not presently able to care for them. The projections now reflect sale of that 1-1/4 acres t6 St.. Andrews for $65iOOO~ We-: are pleased with this revision in our plan since there is such a. critical need for care of Alzheimers victims. Father D'oherty-' advised us that there are approximately 48,000 Alzheimers victims in Palm Beach County and about 200 beds. At Mr. Dawson's suggestion, I talked to Tony Smith, whom I knew through our Auburn Trace development in Delray Beach. I talked to Tony late this past Friday and he advised me that he would unfortunately be on. vacation this week, but that I should sit down with you and discuss utilization of funding from the coun- ty's Housing Trust Fund. I know just from what I read in the papers that you are extremely busy, but there is some urgency with respect to this request, as discussed in the Executive Summary of the booklet I sent to you, and a great need for decent affordable housing for low income senior citizens. Could you please find the time to meet with me this week. Thank you for your consideration. Kindest regards, J Thomas G. Hinners President TGH:rf " cc: Tony Smith Johnnetta Broomfield James J. Golden (o~ ~.. .... I THE HAMLET COSTS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 80 160 240 One Bedroom Units @ 650 sq. ft. Two Bedroom Units @ 850 sq. ft. Office, Laundry, Recreation, Maintenance, Guardhouse LAND SITE IMPROVEMENTS sewer, Water, Streets, Parking, Drainage, Perimeter Wall Dandscaping and Irrigation Recreational Amenities SOFT COSTS Architect Engineering Ad Valorem Taxes Feasibility, Appraisals, Surveys Legal & Consulting Title Policy & Closing Costs Construction Interest Accounting: Office ~ender Finance Fees Tax Credit Fee Insurance R-ent Up Reserve Contingency PERSONAL PROPERTY Maintenance Equipment Offi~e Equipment/Furniture Laundry Machines Furniture Recreation Equipment GRAND TOTAL 1 52,000 136,000 188,000 x $35.00 $6,580,000 6,366 sf x $60.' 382,000 1,060,000 $1,000,000 330,000 70,000 1,400,000 $ 90,000 50,000 55,000 25,000 100,000 80,000 450,000 80,000 220,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 100,000 1,550,000 $ 30,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 10,000 140,000 $11,112,000 (pi.-. THE HAMLET FINANCING ASSUMPTIONS I. FIRST MORTGAGE: Amount Interest Rate Amortization Term Annual Debt Service $ 3,043,000 11% 30 years 15 years '$ 347,759 II. SAIL Second Mortgage Amount Interest Rate $ 2,550,000 9% Amortization & Term - 3% interest only payments of $76,500 per year, when available from cash flow, for 15 years with deferred interest of $2,295,000 plus principal payable after 15 years, i.e. no compounding of interest. III. TOTAL FINANCING: ,1 First Mortgage Second Mortgage City/County Grants Equity Contribution Total Development Cost $ 3,043,000 2,550,000 1,112,000 4,407,000 $11,112,000. . .. 2 QJo THE HAMLET RENT ANALYSIS 1989 Area Median Income: $37,600 CALCULATION OF TENANT RENT: Number Percentage Net Persons per of Median Income 30% of Monthly utilities Rent tl Family Income Limits Income Rent Allowance Projec' 1 42 15,780 4,734 395 (60) 335 2 48 18,060 5,418 452 (70) 380 3 54 20,280 6,084 507 (70) 425 TENANT/UNIT-TYPE MIX: Number of Persons 1BR 2BR Monthly Rent 1 2 3 75 5 $ 25,125 58,900 4,250 80 150. 10 160 $ 88,275 . x 12 $1,059,300 .. 3 (00 q-.. .... THE HAMLET OPERATING EXPENSES utilities $ 70,000 Repairs & Maintenance 60,000 Management Fees @ 5% 53,000 Security 75,000 . Office' Expense 10,000 Advertising 8,000 Insurance 50,000 Ad Valorem Taxes 130,000 Payroll & Related Taxes 80,000 Legal & Accounting 10,000 $ 546,000/240 Units $ 2,275/Per Unit OTHER INCOME coin Laundry Machines $ 30,700 Vending Machines, Pay Phones, etc. 4,000 $ 34,000 -- 4 07 ,... ,... l:ll:ln ~l:ll:l 0 0<0 n to( == N I-' Rl Rl lb Rl Rl Rl 't:l rt lb 1'1 lb H > ...... ...... C"C"'IIl 't:l C"'C" Rl ::rOO III t'2 3: rtrt::r I-'rtrt 1'1 Rl II) III ::r t"" t"" 0H II) lb 1'1 =' III l:l t'2 I-'=' en en '1j 0 enenz rtl-;! 0 '1j I-;! V10 Rl Rl I-' Rl Rl Rl Rl t-'-O H'< ~ I-' 0 00 1'1 1'1 0 8 1'1 1'1 rt =' rt =' 0 0 z 8 < < -= Rl < < OQ lb 0 >rt -= 't:l ltl t-'- t-'- =' t-'-t-'-O I-' 0 I-'ltl H Rl o 0 rt 00't:l t'2 8 I-'=' Z 1'1 lb ltl ltl Rl ltl ltl >4 H ltl o rt < =' ~ I 1'1 't:l =' -=.... t'2 ~ Po ~~ Rl I 1-'11) Rl 0 ""lb lb en =' II) II) III en rt =' 0 1-'='1-' ~ t-'-t>:l rtrt ltl Nrtt-'- en 8 ......0 3: rt>4 ....t-'- t1 =' =' Rl ltl ltl ~ t'2 ... 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" .r .. .:~. ~,_.._....... .....--.-.. ....__..~........._.~~... .._-~..._.._".. ~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @... " . 'IT\.r · r.; .H 211 South Fflflf" Highway ,... o. Box :na Boynton e,lICtt, "'arid. 3342!5-0310 (407) 7304..111 OFFIC( OF THE OIR~CTOR'OF UTILITIES Oc;tober 31, l~e' Mr. ihoma~ G. Hinners, Pres;cent F10rida Arrordablo Housin9. Inc. -4723 W, Atlenlie Ave., Suite 9 Delray Beech, FL 33445 'O.ar Mr. Hinners: SUBJECi: The Ham'~t - PrQPoeed Developments After r~viewing your pr&liminary layout for tni~ project, we o.n e~c~rtQ;n the fo1'?w1n9; 1. A 16" water main exists in th~ N.E. 4th St. right-of-wey. 2. A 10" 9ravity sewer a1so ~~ist. in the N.E. 4th St. r1ght-of-way. with . manhole at N.E. 17th Avenue, This .r.. i6 e.rv.d by Lift Steelen No. 310, which must b. uP9raded to accommodot~ the ~dditignal flow~. 3. The city ha. .uffi~;.nt reo~rvo cep~Qity at both the water and wast.water treatmont p'ent~ to :~rve the propo~ed facil1ty. - IF you hdVO any (ur~her qU~5tion8 re~ard;nQ th1~ matt~r. pleas. rcfe~ th~m to P~t~r Mazzella of th1~ office. Sine.rely your~. C~y OF I BOY7-' BEACH ~oh ~rY. Dir ctQr o' Utifiti.. dlh xc: Peter Ma=:el1a '.. . .- ~'. .~"'); ~ " '. :~:~ ::. ". . '. t...... ',' o. 0; ..... .. #. I' 70 ~ of', .'. \ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd. p, O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 November 14, 1989 Hr. Thomas G, Hinners, President Florida Affordable Housing, Inc, 4723 West Atlantic Avenue Suite 9 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 Dear HI.', Hinners: This letter is to advise you that at the November 7, 1989 regular meeting of the City Commission, Vice Mayor Olenik moved and Commissioner Wische seconded the motion to commit Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000,00) for the Affordable Housing Development to be developed by your organization within the City of Boynton. Beach, One hundred twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000,00) would be used to upgrade the Sewage Pumping Statio!! #310 and also Seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000,00) for the completion of North East 4th Street, ' It is our understanding that Florida Affordable Housing Inc, will build the road and be reimbursed by the city at the time of the completion of the entire development which is estimated to be December 1991, Additionally, Vice Hayor Olenik motioned and Commissioner wische seconded that the above motion would be contingent upon Florida Affordable Housing, Inc, receiving One millio!l dollars ($1,000,000,00) from Palm Beach counti to support the Affordable Housing Development, Finally, Mr, Hinners, as stated in the City commission meeting, the city does support the development of affordable housing within our City, Though final plans have not been approved for the construction of the housing units, and also we know that this is the initial stage of. the application process, the written proposal as submitted to the city has been reviewed and we do support your application for the SAIL program, ry! / / ;' / . - !..-- . - \ - /' ~ ....' ...... ,. .', If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call, Good luck in your endeavor, We look forward to working with you in the future for the completion of this Affordable Housing Development, Sincerely, J;h. II( , - - € f..'7 X( (/.. Georg~)Hunt Interim City Manager (J~----~ JB:GH/kg c: Johnnet~a Broomfield, Director Community Improvement Department . :1;.. qB-- ..... /4:~~/~ : " .:. ;, . I ..'~ . . i ' ;., r .. '...-' PLANNING DEPT. AGENDA MEMORANDUM NO. 040 j' .T~~ J, Scott Miller, city Manager I FROM:. Timothy P. Cannon DATE: February 27, 1990 SUBJECT: Preservation Requirement for The Haml'et Project Please place the above-mentioned item on the City Commission agenda for the March 6, 1990 meeting, Mr. Jay Felner, agent for Hamlet Joint Venture Co., has requested that the City Commission consider reducing the native habitat preservation requirement from the 25% which is usually required to approximately 16%, The applicant has submitted a site plan (for 240 rental apartments), which will be considered at the March 13 Planning and Zoning Board meeting and March 20 Commission meeting, however, the applicant would like the Commission to address the preservation requirement at this time, in order to amend the site plan, if necessary, prior to the P & Z and commission meetings. A copy of the proposed site plan is attached, as is a letter from the applicant, The property in question is a 21-acre tract located in the vicinity of N.E, 4th Street. Approximatley 14 acres are covered by Florida scrub, which is in a somewhat degraded condition. Due to heavy impact on this site form pedestrian and motor bike traffic, much of the ground cover and understory has been destroyed, however, a significant number of sand pine and other native trees remain, Because the site has been significantly disturbed, it is not sUbject to the county or City's. ~nvironmentally-sensitive lands Ordinances, Nevertheless, the site is shown as a "B" rated native habitat site in the city's . Conservation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Policy 4,4.1 states that, for "B" and "C" rated sites "micro-preserves mAY be required oriented to preservation of a minimum 25% of all . native plant communities which occur on-site." The applicant is requesting that the preservation requirement be reduced from 25% to 16% in order to place the maximum number of units on the site allowed by the zoning regulations (10.8 dwellings per acre), The preserved area would consist of 2.23 acres on the western portion of the property. An additional .5 acres would be preserved in scattered locations around the site. Such a request would be consistent with Policy 6,1,1 of the Housing Element which states "subsequent to plan adoption, establish procedures to provide information, technical assistance, and explore possible incentives to the private sector to maintain a housing production capacity sufficient to meet the required production, These possible incentives could include assistance in land assembly, below-market financing, allowances to build on non-conforming lots, and density increases," The reason that this 1 75 request would be consistent with Policy 6.1,1 is that the financing for the project is through the Palm Beach County Housing Finance, and consequently, a certain percentage of the units are required to be rented to low- and moderate-income families, It may be possible for the full 25% requirement to be met, if some of the buildings were to be constructed as 3-story buildings (the buildings shown on the proposed site plan are all 2-story buildings). However, it is not desirable for 3-story buildings to be constructed on this site because of the conflicts that would be created with the surrounding neighborhood, which consists entirely of low-rise residences (single-family to the north and west, an ACLF to the south, and a mobile home park to the east). Allowing 3-story buildings on the site would arguably conflict with Policy 1.17.7 which states "Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to utilize buffering measures, performance standards, and other project design considerations and use limitations which minimize land use conflicts, as part of the review of development plans, Due the need to balance preservation needs with the need to provide incentives for affordable housing-and the need to minimize land use conflicts, it is the Planning Department's recommendation that the applicant be allowed to reduce the preservation requirement from 25% to 16%, The language in Policy 4,4.1 implies that the city has this discretion with respect to the exact amount of habitat to be preserved, Timothy p, Cannon -,-- ~ cc: Kevin Hallahan ~ohnetta Broomfield ~ 2 ~ SLATTERY & ROOT ARCHITECTS Architectural Design & Planning Member: A.I.A. February 26, 1990 Boynton Beach city commission 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: The Hamlet of Boynton Beach Low Income Housing Project Developed by The Hamlet Joint Venture Dear commission Members: The project presented for your consideration consists of 240 low income rental housing uni ts. The property selected for the proposed housing complex contains roughly 14 acres of scrub oak habitat. The city comprehensive Plan requires that 25% (or 3.5 acres) of said acreage be preserved intact. The developers have taken the utmost care to preserve as much of the best oak scrub habitat available and still allow the project to remain economically feasible. . . Various design schemes were looked at including reducing the density of the units, as well as increasing the heights of the ! buildings to three (3) stories. We feel that the scheme selected is the most economical and aesthetic design possible to have on this difficult site. The net result of the proposed design scheme is the preservation of 2.23 acres (16%) of the best available intact scrub oak. We realize that the 2.23 acres is less than the required 3.5 acres of habitat and propose to leave an additional 1/2 acre of intact oak scrub to be scattered around the site. 2101 N.W. 2nd Avenue - Boca Raton. Florida 33431 - (407) 392-3720 11760 U.S. Highway 1 - North Palm Beach. Florida 33408 -(407) 775-1334 7S Boynton Beach City commissioners February 26, 1990 Page 2 We respectfully request that the city commission waive the 25% requirement thereby ensuring that the city is meeting its policy goals as outlined in sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.3, pertaining to low income housing, of the cities'comprehensive plan. 'Mark D_ Burton, SLATTERY & ROOT MDB:le ~ ~ .. f7&; SLATTERY & ROOT ARCHITECTS 2101 NW 2nd Ave. 11760 US Hwy. 1 Ste. 5 Ste. 301 Boca Raton, FL 33431 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 (407) 392.3720 (407) 775,1334 [!'[ELrLr~OO @If LrOOLi:\~~[KXJDLrLrLi:\~ TO CI/f ~ fjhy;.pp b?AdI RE: DATE o Samples the following items: o Specifications > WE ARE SENDING YOU ";ti Attached 0 Under separate cover via o Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans o Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 NO. o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections -1f FIf Jt.- f72/3. 19 o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints r;;:;eh?1-/1.R7 '! ~ For approval o For your use o As requested o For review and comment o FOR BIDS DUE > .... Vi ~m ~~c.5'1 r'V, PRODUCl24o.l 1N7fBS/1l.e.. -. IbsI. 01471. SIGNED: COpy TO _ ,~noa~d of Count). Commissioners Carol J. Elmquist, Chairman Karcn T. Marcus, Vicc Chair Carol A. Roberts Ron Howard. Carole Phillips County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Engineering and Public Works March 5, 1990 Jim Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: THE HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH Dear Mr. Golden: By way of cover letter, dated February 13, 1990, I have received a traffic report from Ivan Olsak, P.E., for a proposed 240 - unit apartment complex named "The Hamlet of Boynton Beach" within the City of Boynton Beach, Since the application for this project was submitted after February 1, 1990, I assume that is subject to the new 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance Code unless .otherwise notified by the City as to a valid previous approval covering this site. ~The traffic study prepared by Mr, Olsak did not specify a project buildout time from and did not address the Countywide Traffi c Performance Code (County - Ordinances 90-6 & 90-7 and Resolution R-90-283), It should also be noted that the traffic study did ~ot use the accepted trip · generation rate for attached housing (7 trips per day per dwelling unit) which is found in the County Road Impact Fee Ordinance (Ordinance 89-19). Moreover, traffic study should have addressed the need for turn lanes at the intersection of Northeast 4th Street and N,W, 22nd Ave, ..... RECEIVED~ . MAR 13 . PLANNING DEPT. "An Equal Opportunity. Affirmative Action Employer" .. BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 - 71 March 5, 1990 Jim Golden Page 2 Without clarification of the above items, a determination can not be made as to whether or not the project complies with the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance Code. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning these comments, Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER 4~ Allan A. Ennis, P,E., AICP Development Review Engineer AAE:dem File: SID "H" misc. Dist. 3 Intersection. City of Boynton Beach - Municipal cc: Audrey Wolfe, Special Projects - Palm Beach County Ivan Olsak, P.E., Olsak and Associates . .. aae\jgolden.tra .. 71 I ! ,I MEMORANDUM TO: Technical Review Board John Guidry, Utilities Director Bob Eichorst, Public Works Charles Frederick, Recr & Parks Dir Ed Allen, Fire Chief Edward Hillery, Police Chief Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Don Jaeger, Building Official Vince Finizio, Acting Asst to City Engineer FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: March 7. 1990 SUBJECT: Special Technical Review Board Meeting - March 13, 1990 Please be advised that the Technical Review Board will meet on Tuesday, March 13, 1990 at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "c" to discuss the following projects with the developer's consultants: 1. The Hamlet of Boynton Beach (9:00 A.M.) 2. Carriage Homes of Congress Lakes (10:00 A.M.) The purpose of this meeting is to assist the developer's of these projects in meeting the City's development regulations prior to -resubmittal on March 26, 1990. .. Ma _ GOLDEN JJG:frb " cc: City Manager Timothy P. Cannon Tambri J. Heyden Johnnetta Broomfield John Wildner William Cavanaugh Lt Dale Hammack David Crockett Pete Mazzella Mike Haag Central File Tom McMurrain Jay FeIner , . \ \\/ TRB3.13 Z0 -i /,' v, t~' , . .. . :" TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS .. 240 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX SOUTHWEST CORNER OF N.E. 4TH STREET &: N.E. 20TH STREET CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PREPARED BY: OLSAK &: ASSOCIATES, INC. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA MARCH 1990 , " , r TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 IDeATION MAP......................................... 2 SITE PLAN............................................ 3 TRIP DISTRIBUTION....................................4 , TRAFFIC GENERATION RATES.............................5 PROJECT BUlLOOUT..................................... 6 MAJOR PROJECT MAP........... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 8 HISTORICAL GROWTH.................................. 9 10 RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE TEST 1................ 11 1992 BUILDOUT TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENTS....................12 TEST 1 - TOTAL TRAFFIC...............................12A RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE TEST 2...............13 1992 BUILDOUT TRAFFIC ASSIG~ENTS TEST 2.............14 . . J?~J\lC lI()tJ~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41].!5 -- :L~ RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS........................20 ROADWAY REQUIREMENTS................................. 21 OFF SEASON CONVERSION FACTORS.....................22 - 23 THRESHOLD E VOLUME................................... 24 1% LOS VALUE......................................... 25 3% IDS VALUE......................................... 26 ITE TRIP GENERATION RATES.........................27 - 29 QUANTUM PARK TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS..............30 - 34 '~cQ 11 .f. INTRODUCTION This is the site of a proposed 22.6 ~cre, 240 dwelling unit ~partment complex, which will be located in the southwest cor.ner of the intersection of N.E. 20th Avenue and N.E. 4th Street in the unincorporated area of Boynton Be~ch. The purpose of this Traffic Impact Analysis will be to determines ~) The effect of this projects tr~ffic upon the surrounding roadway traffic; b) Site related improvements. c) Compliance with. Palm Beach County's New Areawide 1990 Traffic Performance Standards (Municipal). Traffic counts were available from the Metropolitan Planning O~ganiza~ion Traffic Count Locations and from Peak Hour Tr~ffic Counts taken by our firm during the 3rdweek of March, 1990. --- . Access to the site will be from N.E. 4th Street. - Five hundred thirty two parking spaces are required, but the project will provide parking for five hundred thirty four spaces. 'The dwelling units are categorized by the number of bedrooms b~sed upon the following: One Bedroom - 72 Dwelling Units Two Bedrooms - 136Dwelling Units Three Bedrooms 32 Dwelling Units -1- ., ... ~$ or' 1 kt P J 'C,:.III I Ir~ l"'I&" ....., ~ ~. , . f,~~f~"'V' r /..... 211" cr ~ ; I' . j : r..1 Ill" A.I · '" :,.1"; _., . .~ -=-, ,.~I" ~:;. 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W:! !!: jjjt%i!;!~ll!H!Hi;:r' f:!l' !\ ~,';. , _' -. :1,:; ..!II,," ",t,I",I!tl!IIl:I'lh.' :llo'/, :to ~~~ '~, I ~ _' , '(' 1''''.11 "1 .,_t' ,', II I" .. - v r ~ ----'""-1 -- .. _ __'___' ___ -------.----;-IhWI'II.it:,I':'H..llj.!I.,i.l-j,I!1 J I:..Wd .=1 I .cr. II I' ;j I' ! li'l ~Il II' it: ., I: I __.:.,~ ~ ir.r- ~. · · HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ SLATTERY & ROOT ~ t,: IW .~..~S!" ITEC!~.>;,.. .....'u,....,...""N'"l,,,f"A..II~ uohn"UI _I ~S- Hi ~ ,- TRIP DISTRIBUTION This report will address assumptions as to the general distribution of traffic as follows: N-35% W-30% E-15% .' S-20% .. .. -4- $3~ ~ 4 TRAFFIC GENERATION RATES Trip Generation Rates are taken from Palm Beach County's Fair Share Impact Fee Ordinance and are as follows: 7 T/D.U. x 240 Dwelling Units = 1680 Total Trips/Day. These 1680 trips/day will then be distributed throughout the roadway network assuming 100Y. occupancy and development based upon the trip distribution identified on Page 4. This Traffic assignment constitutes Test #1 in Palm Beach County's Mandatory Traffic Performance identified on Page #11 of this report. In this test the Traffic must be distributed to a 1Y. threshold level. ~, . , . -5- 87 . .. PROJECT BUILDOUT Building Permits for this project is contemplated to be obtained under one building phase. Building permits for Models will be constructed with the approval of the project which will then leave approximately 230 dwelling units left to be constructed. This report will then assume one phase beginning in August 1990 and ending in December 1992. This data including the historical growth rate will be added to the surrounding roadway network. Based on these assu~ptions, buildout for this project will be a two year time from ending in the calendar year of 1992. ... -6- gY' ~ MAJOR PROJECT MAP Provisions of the Traffic Performance Code dictate that all major projects within the project radius of influence during the build out period of the proposed project shall be specifically accounted for in projecting background traffic. A major project is defined as: Any PROJECT, including those within municipalities, which is: , (A) A Development of Regional Impact; (B) A PROJECT which generates more than seven thousand (7,000) trips; (C) Any PROJECT of any type or size which is contractually bound to financing or constructing any portion of a Major Thoroughfare which is not site related; The major projects within the Study Area include: D-7 Quantum Park D-8 Motorola D-9 Boynton Beach Malls R-20 Citrus Glen R-21 Melear PUD C-18 High Ridge Plaza - -7- ~ ~ , MAJOR PROJECT MAP (CONTINUED) All traffic from the unbuilt portion of the major projects approved prior to the County Engineers approval of the proposed projects traffic study which will add more than 10Y. of th~ adopted Level of Service "0" within the proposed projects Radius of Development Influence during the Buildout Period of the proposed project shall be specifically accounted for in projecting traffic. A review of the major projects reveal only one possible project generating more than 10Y. on anyone link before 1992. This project would be Quantum Park. The buildout for Quantum Park has been slow. Phase I generates some 12,018 trips (see page IV - 3 Quantum Park T1A enclosed). The only occupied structure within Quantum Park is the Publix Distribution Center. The only buildings scheduled for construction is a 19,000 square foot "Safe-T-Clean" office/warehouse plus a second building in the 16,000 square foot range also an office/warehouse. ~ Because approximately 20Y. of all the uses listed in Phase I _ would be required to be built before the 10Y. threshold would be .met on N.W. 22nd Avenue according to the TIA for Quantum Park, page IV-6, it is concluded that Quantum Park will not approach the 10Y. threshold on any link prior to the Buildout of this project, January 1, 1992. -8- 90 ~ , HISTORICAL GROWTH Based on the information contained on Page 13, it will be necessary to compute the Historical Growth for five segments of road in which development traffic exceeds 1% of LOS "D", these are: a) US 1 from N.W. 22nd Avenue to Hypoluxo Road. b) US 1 from N.W. 22nd Avenue to Boynton Beach Boulevard. c) N.W. 22nd Avenue from US 1 to Seacrest Boulevard. d) N.W. 22nd Avenue from Seacrest Boulevard to High Ridge Road. e) High Ridge Road from N.W. 22nd Avenue to Hypoluxo Road. f) Seacrest Boulevard from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Hypoluxo Road. . , -9- 9/ ~ , HISTORICAL GROWTH (CONTINUED) The West Pall Beach Urban Study Area Traffic Counts Annual Average Daily Counts Nere then obtained for the following four years 1986, 1987, 1988 & 1989, to to deterline the above roadways historical growth pattern, The following infor.ation was obtained: AYE. HIS. GRDIITH 1986 1987 1988 1989 RATE ROAD LOCATION YOLU"E YOLU"E YOLU"E YOLlmE X/YEAR a) U.S. 1 N.II. 22nd Avenue 4976 4996 7564 +tn/Yr to Hypoluxo Road b) U.s. 1 N.II. 22nd Avenue 18926 22744 19557 19309 t5X/Yr to Boynton Bch Blvd. c) N.M. U.S. 1 to Seacrest 16472 18930 15916 16500 tn/Yr 22nd Ave. Blvd. d) N.M. Seacrest Blvd. to 9712 11251 1107B 11481 t6X/Yr 22nd Ave. High Ridge Rd. I) High N.M. 22nd Avenue to 1677 t10X/Yr Ridge Rd. Hypolulo Road f) Seacre5l Hypoluxo Road to 10345 B8B4 1274B 13475 t11I/Yr' Blvd. Boynton Bch. Blvd. .. 'High Ridge Road frol N,N. 22nd Avenue to Hypoluxo Road assule average of lOX/yr. -10- . ?~ ~ , RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE TEST 1 The New 1990 Traffic Performance Standards now require under Test 1 that the projects traffic be distributed throughout the roadway system identified in Table 2 as outlined below: Net Trip Generation Maximum Distance 1001 - 5000 2 m~les However, as stated in the Traffic Performance Standards this project must address only those links beyond the 1/2 mile radius on which its Net Trips are greater than 1;' of the capacity of the link affected. For this project all of the links subject to this portion of the Traffic Performance Code are listed on Page #13 of this report. , . -11- ~ , 1992 BUILDOUT TRAFFIC ASSIGN"ENTS 17000 175' Hypolulo Rd. 5-Line '200' 1-95 6-Lane High Ridge Rd. Sucrest Blvd. U.S. 1 2-Line 4-Line 4-Line 2232 18428 17000 '501 8230' 688 2282 18650 17688 12115 12115 12115 12115 U501 229 -lli. 1164 12365 12344. 12631 13279 N.II. 22nd Ave. 4-Line N.II. 22nd Ave. 2-Line NA 1680 22206 JH. 22550 18428 -ill' 18485 N.E. 4th St. 2-Line .. .. 22206 '275' 22550 LEGEND 18428 1992 PROPOSED TRAFFIC ~ PROJECT TRAFFIC 18485 TOTAL TRAFFIC 'Less thin 11 threshold -12- . ~f ~ ~ TEST 1 - TOTAL TRAFFIC 1992 240 8UILDING PE~ITS LINK ANALYSIS FOR ROADWAYS WITH >11 OF LOS"D" OR GREATER U.S, 1 U,S,I N,W. 22nd N,W. 22nd N,W. 22nd FRO" - TO 22nd - 22nd - U.S. 1 - Proi, Seacrest - Hypoluxo Rd, 8,8,S. Proi. Entr. - High Ridge Entrance Sea crest Road NU"BER OF 4 4 2 2 2 - EXISTING LANES NU"BER OF PROP 4/30200 4/30200 2/13700 2/13700 2113700 LANES/CAPACITY LOS "C" DEY. TRIP bB9 344 1164 516 229 ASSI6~ENT EXISTING 1999 16500 19309 7564 7564 7564 ADT + HISTORICAL 500 2997 4551 4551 4551 GROWTH + "AJOR PROJ. TRAFFIC = TOTAL 17689 22550 13279 12631 12344 TRAFFIC EXCEEDS N N N N N LOS .C. -12A- 7'6 RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE TEST 2 The New 1990 Traffic Performance Standards now require the projects traffic be distributed throughout the roadway system in accordance with Resolution R-90-283 outlined below: MODEL TEST/TEST 2 Net Trip Generation 1001 - 4000 Maximum Distance 1 mile However, as indicated in the report "When an application for a Site Specific Development order has a radius of Development Influence beyond the directly accessed link, then that project must address only those links beyond the directly accessed link on which its net trips are greater than 3% of the Test 2 Network capacity of the link impacted. Page 14 shows.all links of roadways greater than 3%. As indicated on Table 5 the directly accessed link, N.W. 22nd Avenue from Seacrest Boulevard to US 1 is below the adopted level of service based upon the 2010 Model Run. Since this link of roadway is not included in Modified Table'S, Exhibit C, and this project has no link of roadway shown on Table 5 with greater than 3% project traffic, this project meets Test 2. This project therefore meets Test 1 and Test 2 of the new 1990 Traffic Performance Standards and only the projects Peak Hour needs to be analyzed to determine its effect in relation to the ordinance. -13- ./0 , 1992 BUILDOUT TRAFFIC ASSIGN"ENTS . TEST 2 17000 n~. Hypoluxo Rd. ~-Line .2 . 1-95 6-Line High Ridge Rd. SeicrfSt Blvd. U.S. 1 2-Line 4-Line 4-Line 2232 18428 17000 .50. .230. UB9. 2282 18650 17688 12115 12115 12115 12115 8150. *229. J!! 1164 12365 12344 12631 13279 H.M. 22nd Ave. 4-LiII! . N.If. 22nd Ave. 2-Line HA 1680 22206 a34U 22550 19428 -.ill' 19495 H.E. 4th St. 2-Line " SITE _./ 1680 ADT /,- 22206 8275. 22550 LEGEND 19429 1992 PROPOSED TRAfFIC ~ PROJECT TRAFFIC 19485 TOTAL TRAFFIC 'Less thin 31 threshold -14- .9Z , PEAK HOUR Conversion factors must be applied to the Peak Hour Trip information contained within the current ITE Trip Generation Rates because the trip rate of 7 trips per dwelling unit, which we are required to use, is derived from local information. Therefore, the ITE Trip Generation Rate will be factored up to reflect Palm Beach County's trip rate of 7 trips/dwelling unit. The peak hour trip generation is therefore based upon the following information: a) A.M. Peak Hour Enter .651 T/D.U. x (.27) x 240 D.U.'s = 42 Trips Exit .6541 T/D.U. x (.73) x 240 D.U.'s = 114 Trips b) P.M. Peak Hour Enter .805 T/D.U. x (.63) x 240 D.U.'s = 122 Trips Exit .805 T/D.U. x (.37) x 240 D.U.'s = 71 Trips This information will be used to identify peak hour turning movements at the sites entrance and N.E. 4th Street, as shown on pages 16 through 19. ... -15- .9? . N.E. 4TH STREET & N.W. 22ND AVENUE AM PEAK HOUR N.E. 4th Street -2- -1- -12- 2 1 12 .J + L. N.W. 22nd Avenue -2- 2-1 L1 -1- -72- 72~ ..c-- 65 -65- -14- 1~ r1 -30- i t I 9 0 10 -43- -0- -30- .. LEGEND 12 EXISTING PEAK HOUR TRIPS -14- EXISTING PLUS DEVELOPMENT PEAK HOUR TRIPS -16- ~ . , N.E. 4TH STREET & N.W. 22ND AVENUE N P.M. PEAK HOUR TRIPS N.E. 4th Street -1- -1- -6- 1 1 6 .J ~ L N.W. 22nd Avenue. -1- 1 ~ L 14 -14- -80- 80 ---- --- 89 -89- -39- 2. C 3 -88- I t r 0 3 6 -21- -3- -56- LEGEND 89 EXISTING PEAK HOUR TRIPS -89-~EXISTING PLUS DEVELOPMENT PEAK HOUR TRIPS -17- /o() AM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES PROJECT ENTRANCE AND N.E. 4TH STREET N.E. 4th Street -42- -3- 0 3 ~ ~ Project Entrance Road ~ -114- o . -0- Ot i f 0 19 -0- -19- LEGEND o ~XISTING PEAK HOUR TRIPS -0- EXISTING PLUS DEVELOPMENT PEAK HOUR TRIPS -18- N (OJ P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES N Project Entrance & N.E. 4th Street .. LEGEND 9 EXISTING PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC -9- EXISTING PLUS DEVELOPMENT PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC -19- ./o~ , RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS The project generates a total of 1,680 ADT on the surrounding roadway network. As shown in the report, this project passes Test #1, which requires the project traffic to be assigned to the roadway network below the 1~ threshold. This project also passes Test #2, which requires that the project traffic be assigned to the roadway network, to the a 3~ threshold. None of these roadway links within the 3~ threshold are shown on Palm Beach County's 2010 Map. The Peak Hour Turning Movements shown in this report indicated the PM peak hour on N.E. 4th Street is greater than 100 vehicles per hour. Palm Beach County requires construction of _ right turn lane when a right turn peak hour volume exceeds 100 trips per hour, therefore this warrant is met. The next page indicates this requireed turn lane. Also, turn counts are included for N.E. 4th Street and N.W. 22nd Avenue. Both the A.M. and P.M. peak hour volume for a left turn movement is more than 30 vehicles per hour. Palm Beach County requirements are when a left turn peak hour turn count is greater than 30 vehicles per hour; a left turn lane must be constructed. The next page also indicates this requirement. Other than the left turn lane being constructed on N.W. 22nd Avenue and the right turn lane on N.E. 4th Street into this project, no other construction is warranted or recommended. -20- I~ .. ROADWAY REQUIREMENTS . N.W. 22nd Avenue ___J~ Proj ec:t Entranc:e , . __J LEGEND REQUIRED TURN LANE ~ EXISTING LANE N -C. r--- + N.E. 4th Street -21- .J{)~ OFF SEASON CONVERSION FACTORS Seacrest Boulevard, north of N.W. 22nd Avenue. F Off Peak = DTP - DTO = Pk Factor DTO Pk Factors = 13627 13323 13323 Pk Factors = .0228 AADT = OPV x [1 + (F Off Peak)] 2 AADT = 11318 x [1 + (.0144)] AADT = 11481 ,.j. , -22- /os- ~ OFF SEASON CONVERSION FACTORS N.W. 22nd Avenue F Off Peak = DTP - DTO = Pk Factor DTO Pk Factor = 9157 - 6893 6893 Pk Factor = .328 AADT = opv x [1 + (F Off Peak)] 2 . AADT = 6498 x [1 + (.164)] AADT = 7564 .. -23- /CXo , Facility 2 lanes undivided 2 lanes one-way 3 lanes one-way 4 lanes divided 6 lanes divided 8 lanes divided 4 lanes expressway 6 lanes expressway 8 lanes expressway 10 lanes expressway ... -24- THRESHOLD E LOS Standard 13,700 16,900 25,600 30,200 46,300 60,000 73,800 110,700 147,600 184,500 .Io? 1Y. LOS VALUES FACILITY 1Y. THRESHOLD 2 lanes undivided 2 lanes one-way 3 lanes one-way .4 lanes divided 6 lanes divided 8 lanes divided 4 lanes expressway 6 lanes expressway 8 lanes expressway 10 lanes expressway 137 169 256 302 463 600 738 1107 1476 1845 ... -25- I{)? 3% LOS VALUES Facility 2 lanes undivided 2 lanes one-way 3 lanes one-way 4 lanes divided 6 lanes divided 8 lanes divided 4 lanes expressway 6 lanes expressway 8 lanes expressway 10 lanes expressway 411 507 768 906 1289 1800 2214 3321 4428 5535 ... -26- /09 APARTMENT (220) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: DWELLING UNITS On a: WEEKDAY TRIP GENERATION RATES Average Trip Rate 6.103 Average Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends per Dwelling Unit Range of Standard Number of Average Number of Rates Deviation Studies Dwelling Units 0.542-11.814 2,94 120 272.9 DATA PLOT AND'EQUATION 14,000 en c 12,000 z w CL a: 10,000 t- W ...J U 8,000 :I: W > w 6,000 (!) <( a: w 4,000 ~ II t- 2,000 0 0 o 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2,400 x = NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS o ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation: T = 5.92(X) + 51,0 R2 = 0,932 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION: Not available. .//0 .\ APARTMENT (220) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: DWELLING UNITS On a: WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR .. TRIP GENERATION RATES Average Vehicle Trip Ends (Weekday-A,M, Peak Hour of Generator) per Dwelling Unit Average Range of Standard Number of Average Number of Trip Rate Rates Deviation Studies Dwelling Units 0,568 0,095-1.079 . 91 231,9 DATA PLOT AND EQUATION 600 en c z w c.. a: t- ~ w 400 ..J (.) :c 0 w 0. 00 > 0 w 0 (!) o 0 c:( a: 0 ODD W 200 ~ o 0 , II 0 t- o o o 200 400 600 x = NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS .. o ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation: T = O,54(X) + 5,0 R2 = 0,863 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION: 27% enter, 73% exit. . //1 .. . APARTMENT (220) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: DWELLING UNITS On a: WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR TRIP GENERATION RATES Average Vehicle Trip Ends (Weekday-P,M, Peak Hour of Generator) per Dwelling Unit Average Range of Standard Number of Average Number of Trip Rate Rates Deviation Studies Dwelling Units 0.702 0.095-1.636 * 109 231.8 C/) 600 0 z w a. a: I- w ..J 400 Q J: W > W C!) <( a: w 200 ~~ II I- DATA PLOT AND EQUATION o o 400 600 200 x = NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS o ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation: T = 0.59(X) + 24,0 R2 = 0,804 .. DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION: 63% enter, 37% exit. . /IJL. t/l P ~ ...0 -=r ...0 ...0 0 ~ 0 0" \f'\ ~ p... r- ~ C""l C""l ~ .. r-4 .. .. .. ~ ~ .. ~ 0 ~ ...0 ..::t -=r ~ ~ ~ ,...l~ p...(/I ~~ t/l ~ ...0 ~ pp... -=r ,.... . ~~ til . . ~ 5 . C""l r- 0 (/I ...0 ~g C""l :i C""l 0" C""l 4: ~ ~ 0 0 -=r ....." t/l P ~ -=r ...0 C""l C""l 0 -=r ~p... 0 ~ -=r ~ r- C""l 0" ~ ...0 b~ .. .. .. .. 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'\ \ \ .' \ \ \ \ \ \ , 1. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ J)g> \ \ \ \ \ // e~;02;1"e eel17 ~ftON 5LATTeRY & ftOOT AftCHITeCT TO 17:le70415' ",02 I' Ra: The Hamlet: of Boynton Beach ~ow-~ncome ren~al apartments Dear Commissloners: This let~er is a formal request to ~~e city commission to gran~ the Hamlet Joint Venture incentives and credits tor the above mentioned development. .~he development. as submitted to the city for site plan approval, .neets or exceeds eOl1rp2:"ehens1ve plan policies in several areas.. The 9i te CiS 1't currently exists is a "B" rated, environmen1:aJ.ly sensi tive property. Poliey 4..3.15 of the Comprehel1s1ve plan requires 'that 25~ of al.1' l'la~.ive plant communities in "An rated sites be preserved. Duo to the rating and scattered condition of the existing ecoeystem on tho git., 'the general consensus at the preliminary technical review board meeting was that expanded ,recrea1:1on facilities 'Would taka precedence over savina 25% of lntact scrub habitat. ~hQ landQcape plans, submitted show small scattered pockets of micro prcu:Gr\7C1 that will be left intact. Intense effort Wa.::I ex'tendCld in order to leave as much micro preserve eo poeaible, ac called for in policy 4.4.1 of the 'compreheneive Plan, and $~ill allow the project to remain "economically feasible. .~. A meet:lng was neld with parks and r.craation personnel to provide speci!lC er1t:er1a to guide the development and facilitation of the recreat10n racil1t1es for thi~ projec~. Tho private recreation amenities pronosed ar~ iar in eKees~ of the requirements of the Comprehens1ve.Plen policy 5.5.2 for the 50~ credit toward public parK de~1cat1on. As a re~ul t of thGl proposed si't:e amenity package, a walver of the r~cre~tion impact fQa iE requested. .. , We tlrmly believe that th1e projec't mo~e than adequately serves the requirements ot the cities co~rehensivQ plan and wishes of it's citizenry and respect:fully request the eo~i~~ion grant the waiver and cred1ts outlined hereln. .. Sincerely, .~ of' ~ TOTRL P,ll2 //? -~-----'-'<;- - Board of County Commissioners Carol]. Elmquist, Ch~irman Karen T, Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A, Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillips County Administrator Jan Winters April 11, 1990 Department of Engineering and Public Works James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, P. o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Dear Mr. Golden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled The Hamlet at Boynton Beach, N.E, 20th Avenue/N,E. 4th Street pursuant to Countywide Traffic Performance Ordinance (Ord, No. 90-7) and Municipal Implementation Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-6). The County Traffic Division has determined: The project meets the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of Palm Beach County because there are no overcapacity roadway segments within the project's radius of development influence under Test #1 and Test #2, If you have any questions regarding the determination of the County Traffic Division, please feel free to contact me, or call 684-4030. Your transmittal of this traffic study for our review is appreciated. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY E~NEER //-~ , 1"1 an A. Enni s, P. E.,) AICP Development Review Engineer - Traffic Division i . J~,:t~G'''~,..,,~ 1 ,e!c", 11 411...-:,. ; .~, \ ~N '1, /:... -;10 ; ,,:..4 t-~" ...O....".~..,I'I~;... , .f" ,'.,",.,FIC "'. ~ ~..~u !t- ..(<.-'" :.q .l'~. ,:", " .o-(j "'... ~ ~ ~: r~O ~94c9 ~ +. ~ ~: -v tJ : ~ ;:. ~ . ~ ~';P~ STATE OF ' ~ ~~ -. ...~~ ; ';_1,1/0;-...',1). ORIU ~ ,.'..!" l _ u~ '. .' ~>. . ; .... ~p '...',' ,,'" " ~ ..........,'.. 'lED E'~ ,tl,if) .. ""'IAtI~"""".t AAE:cjk ... File: New - TPS -,Traffic Study Reviews aae\Hamlet JRECEfWED ,. APR IV 18) PLANNiNG DEPT., 41\ .-- ~'.. .. An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 JEJO @ printed on recycled paper PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-091 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager FROM: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director DATE: April 12, 1990 SUBJECT: New Site Plan - The Hamlet of Boynton Beach. Please place the referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Tuesday, 'April 17, 1990 under Development Plans. DESCRIPTION: 'Request submitted by Jay FeIner for site plan approval to construct a 240 unit multi-family residential complex on 22.578 acres, located on the west side of N.E. 4th Street extended, between N.E. 17th Avenue and N.E. 20th Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. In addition, the developer is requesting that the City Commission consider granting several exceptions and credits for this project, as outlined in the April 3, 1990 .memorandum from the Planning Department and the April 2, 1990 correspondence from Jay FeIner (see attached). ~ l (;.--- r /k TI OTHY P. CANNON JJG:frb PM90-091 . ... \ I:tJ '" l./., 17.... 90 e"t:7 0J1)"'lI'r1'SSlon f'nij, ROUG-H DR.A.pr \ , DEVELOPMENT PLANS A. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: The Hamlet of Boynton .Beach Jay Felner - Managing Partner Hamlet Joint Venture Company West side of N.E. 4th St. extended, between N.E. 17th Ave. and N.E. 20th Ave. SITE PLANS: Request for site plan approval to construct a 240 unit multi-family residential complex on 22.578 acres l~ . 1 Jim GOlden, Senior Planner explained this request came to the Commission with recommendations for approval from the TRB and Planning & Zoning Board. This had been placed under Development Plans due to the exceptions and credits the developer was requesting. Jay Felner, Managing Partner of the Hamlet Joint Venture Company requested final approval of the development. Reference was made to the City Commission previously discussing contributing $200,000 for infrastructure on this project, subject to Palm Beach County contributing $1,000,000. Mr. Felner made comments about the November 7, -19~9 Ci ty Commission meeting where he had appeared with Mr. Remar Harvin. The County representatives will meet on Tuesday, April 24, 1990, at which time a decision should be .m~~e . t ~;iim Cannon, Interim Planning Director interjected the deve- loper was requesting the City waive the recreation impact fee of.$85,000. . ~ Ms. Johnnetta Broomfield, Director of Community Improvement referred to her April 4, 1990 memorandum to Jim Golden, Senior Planner and remarked that initially when the appli- cant came in they discussed recreation, the housing develop- ment and a day-care center. She was interested in when the site plans for the day-care center would be submitted and when construction would be complete. Ms. Broomfield noted the day-care center was one of the reasons why the Dept. of Community Improvement had expressed support of the project before the City Commission. Mr. Felner stated he had no problem with construction of the day-care center. The reason for the delay on the day-care center had been related to an easement which ran through the middle of the day-care center property. They are abandoning the easement. The applicant had been working with the Utilities Dept. towards a new pumping station so it could be put on the property in the proper location. Mr. Felner stated on the advisement of staff, the child-care center site plan approval was being handled separately. 1 I;JQ Commissioner Weiner didn't want to approve this site plan if the day-care center was not included on it. Mr. Felner explained the day-care center was not included on this site plan because it is going to be located across the street on N.E. 4th Street, outside the walled community. The property for the day-care center is owned by the Hamlet Joint Venture. Mr. Felner stated they had been working with the City towards a lift station being constructed on a portion of that property. It was being handled separately so the housing portion of this project would not be delayed. /' Mayor Moore asked if that lift station was over and above the $200,000 and the $85,000. Commissioner Olenik recalled the $200,000 for infrastructure included the construction of the lift station. Mr. Felner responded that was correct. Discussion took place about assurance that the day-care center would be built, when it was not included on this site plan. Relative to the loan approved by the State, Mr. FeIner indicated the day-care center was included in the paperwork submitted to the State. Mr. Felner stated the center had to be completed when the apartments are completed. The site for the day-care center and lift sta- tion measures 1651 x 3321. The lift station will occupy a 301 x 301 segment of that property. The child-care center will occupy 7,500 sq. ft. and will accommodate 150 children, which is the HRS regulation. Remarks were made about tying the day-care center in with issuance of the certificate of occupancy on the apartments. ,~r. Cannon further explained the applicant could submit the day-care center on a separate site plan or he could submit it all on one site plan. One solution to this, in Mr. Cannon's opinion, would be to stipulate that after a certain number of building permits are issued, the developer would have to come in with the site plan for the child-care center. The child-care center would have to be under permit or the City would not permit the remainder of the apartment units. Mr. Cannon didn1t think it would be unlawful for the child-care center to be attached as a stipulation, par- ticularly if the City is offering some type of financial incentive. City Attorney Cherof interjected this would have to be in the form of a stipulation joined by the developer as this would be a unilateral imposition, conditioned subsequent to the approval of the site plan. He thought the City would be in "uncomfortable waters" if it tried to withhold later building permits, without a stipulation. Mr. FeIner was agreeable to this being part of the motion. It was agreed that when 25% of the certificates of occupancy are in place, they would have to have the child-care center completed. (This changes later in the discussion.) This is all depen- dent on the developer getting the $1,000,000 from Palm Beach County. 2 IllS "": .. Don Jaeger, Building Official requested this be tied into the permit issuance rather than the certificate of occupancy issuance. The certificate of occupancy is a ministerial duty of his position without discretion, if the building is completed according to the plans. The issuance of the per- mit should be the key. He suggested it be tied into a cer- tain number of buildings. Unless the developer came forward with a site plan and completed construction according to the permit, the City would then stop issuing permits. City Manager Miller thought it should be tied into 25% of the permits issued. Discussion ensued. Mr. Felner suggested they submit the site and building plans and go through the entire TRB process before they break ground for this project. Some Commissioners still wanted further assurance the center would be constructed. Mr. Felner asked, "What would you like me to do to assure you, so that you have a level of comfort?" The response was to bring in the site plan for the child-care center and. finish it before 50% of the project is finished. Mr. Felner agreed. Discussion took place regarding forgiving of the 25% native habitat preservation. Mr. Cannon explained the requirement for the preservation of native habitat on this site is at the discretion of the City. This is a B-rated site and has been significantly disturbed. If the City didn't feel it was necessary to preserve the habitat, they could approve the project without that preservation requirement. The landscape requirements of native vegetation would still be >>pheld. These numbers would not be deviated from. The waiver of the habitat and the waiver of the recreation requirements are part of this, if approval is given. Motion , Vice Mayor Wische moved to approve the site plan for the Hamlet with all the amendments that had been mentioned, that is, the prohibitions on the child care center, with the $200,000 towards infrastructure included, subject to the County providing $1,000,000. This would also waive the $85,000. This would be subject to staff comments. The sti- pulations between the developer and the City will ultimately be in writing. Commissioner Artis seconded the motion. Henrietta Solomon, 230 N.E. 26th Avenue, Boynton Beach, was allowed to address the Commission, as a representative of village Royale on the Green. Mrs. Solomon stated the area where this project is to be constructed suffers from high crime. She didn't think 240 rental units should be constructed in this area. In her opinion, affordable housing should be scattered throughout the City. She asked the Commission to consider the neighborhood this project is going into. Mayor Moore called for a vote on the motion which was on the floor. The motion carried 5-0. 3 /bl1 l / Feiner Construction, Inc. 4723 W. Atlantic Ave., Suite 9 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 (407) 496-2000 .~ ~/HJ~@rJ . ~ { M_6 IJ k/</2 t! J LEITER OF TRANSMIIT AL DATE~PROJ' NO, A TfENTION RE: TEL, NO, <_> GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU _Attached Via _Shop Drawings _ Prints _ Plans Samples Copy of Letter Change Order Other SpecificationS ~ COPIES / DATE NO, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: FOR APPROVAL APPROVED AS SUBMITfED APPROVED AS NOTED RETURNED FOR CORRECflONS OTHER 19 x X FOR YOUR USE AS REQUESTED FOR REVIEW & COMMENT FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS ).(30 ,... . ... ... r,'Rnf3: l,. R. ('aretta, Trustee "-':'.:' .(..~.~.:(t << li20 Il<1rr1.son St., 1I011v\/lhll(, Florida 1M..., 457-7207 .... Auburn Trace .Joint Ventllre ....!l<........ ,.(,1 4723 \01, Atlantic Ave., Del rav Bench, Florida ,n,.., [,Q5-Bl.iO - J. hcfQO'f ~qt~. Ihl' 'M SeKf'f $h.'" 'Sell ".s eu>tot $lWI1 bIV 'he I~Qw.tt') Il!al DlfJOfJrly (.n"", P'(')()tooI'",'l3lkJ ()Qf$0f\.l,! O'~I'Y 1"P..f"('II'\,'''V') Itur":(:I~ty '~') lIoon II.. I.~.., lp.,,"1 031'" coe....ho..s wNth "~C1..UOe. Ihe SlanCJ.1,ds lor n"... ESI.,UO rt.)t\S.olcrJQns p...UIOtII)l'I U'M:t 'UVCfW 01 QlI,)it~' I-Slal....:.f~'S.-\ ,,'Id:l1lY :k):..~~.um 10 IhlS "~rllfl'lef" Palm Beach DESCRIPTION: 1., L'Qo"ll "nalO'''''' vi Ile.. P'O(>O"y Ioc.,.".\ COUnly. h')t.~: SEE EXHIBIT A 'bl leI SII""I ad<lo.... Clly. llO. ell"" ProoOfIV os: i4, 03 Acres 1n Boynton lleach None - Vacant Land rfflSoOnaIly: 650,000 II, PURCllASE PRICE.... ...... ............................................. ............. ..................................................... ............... S Po\ltoAENT: 10,000** 1.1 Ibl Seller's Broker S Oeoosotl.,IO lltl ""Ill in .scrow by Sulljocl 10 NIO .......10.."" 01 """'0391 ... 000<l .tand,"O In I....." 01 io Ihe amounl 01 havinl) ::10 aooroxun.ua IVRsent pnnc:lQal batoalce 0' S 1.;:1 P'ufena.s.money mor'~ arc2rnQflQa08,.,.e be_..-q anruaJiIltent'Sl: 81 _ ~.()f1I()f,"S set IOflhheIOtl"If'I~1 0' .......... S Idl O'/'.or: S I" e."""" 10 CIOS. IU.S. cash. LOCAU.Y ORNm C"'~"" Ot c:aS/llef. Ct'<ld<I, SUbt<JCllo ..Jiu$tn..... 0'" pn>ra''''''' S PI. Tllo..! FOR ACCEPTANCE, EFfECTIV~ DATE:" lhis ollar i. ROI "00.."" by llnlI ""__cd 10 Oil p;,,'IU' OR FM:.~ OF EXECUTION com"""''''''I.''In....''.1Q bel_en lhu """,,'$ on", belon. September 27, 1989 ,I~. ".po.HUJ WIll.., e"y.r'. OOhon. b. roM",d 10 euyer.nd IhI oller wiU\(j'.wn. The rJ.1le 0' this Contract t-elllltctiVfl Oaht.) will b. the date when Ihe I.SI 0". 01 Ihe Buy&:' 3nd U'UJ Sellor has sionoa this oller. IV. flNANCINQ: 1.111 1/'.0 pun;hos4I pric. Ot lJI?f pOll eI ~ is 10 be lin.nced by . IIMU "".Iy loon II;. Conh.a lOt 5.110 .nd PuIC/Ul'" I"Coo.1t0d1 is contlillooN 0", It'c e...,.,. cA.lII.....j a ""'linen C;Of'Y'Wftlmen. 'ot tl'W.l k)an wtlhlf1 days .rom EUoclr-.e 0.310. at :1.1\ i",lI;J1 intelest rat. no' to ..ceed ':.: 'Ifm 01 )"e:ws;, l)ud fI' I~ c-trOUaI an'IOUf"( of $ . Buyer WttI make DPplQhOn WIll"" I1.J"'S lion EIf~I""" O~ttJ. O)I..J tlSd 'C31onoblo d.a;ge.'Ce 10 ubla..1 II~ bvn COIn- 1n.trT'lent ~. Iherealler. 10 n.,et the lernlS 81"1:1 condilions of 1M C()I'T\ITUlm4tnl and \0 doStI "at toon. Ct'VVf 101..... pay ~ loan eapens.eS. U &.ryer I;:ul$ 10 obIlWllhe bDll conw'Ultnu" antS. Pon"lPIty "o,lIies SoISet In wntinQ. 01 alter <llhQQnt elkwl fo\1dS to meet the lerml nnJ cont.lllions 01 lIat COlM"'"~ut Of 10 w3f\4 Buvor 1 "9hll undet Ihis lutlOaraQUIDh Yf'Ilhin rhu: I.nu II&11ed for ObCa~ the contmltmenl. Ihen ellht!f owty may QnCet 'Nt eonlfad De'd ~ shQU bo relURJOd IhQ cJcoosrtl$l. tbl lho ....I.1Q '''''''03QO ""SCI1l>o<lIn PillaQl'.llh nlbl.b<Mo 1Ia.(CHECK III OR 1211: 11\ 0 Q .NiaI.... .....e.. '010 OR (21 0 . A.O<IIn,..... '.'0 01 'S. lI'" .",.,m. AI IbM Olune Irans'" some Uxeu Inle,esl ,..es Ale sub,.'l to incfease. It k'tc.e:lsed. Itle 'alO sn.,11 nol a..e.eet Woo pet alUlum. Selle. shell. wilhin \byS I.om EIIIJCIMt Date. IUfnash . "~Iemen1 lrom al mcw~s ~,)I1flQ pnrc~ bo&.1rccs. muthod ot payment. jntCfe~ r~IG and slat us 01 fnQllQa(}Qs, If eu,..e. h.U aoreed 10 asSUft'Wt a nlOfltJ\)Qd whch f&o..ltleS a()pl()VaI o' &r;ref by Ihe fI'OI'l~tt lot as.\umlAion. Ihen 8L1'ft)f sJlOJlI plon~llly c.ota., all f"C'OJ.cd Dophe~tlClt'5 a"'l __I cNlQcnlty cornotele ard letUln tt'Eom '0 U", InotlQ.:lO.... A,.., fOOIIQ3Qee ~(S1lg 10 ..ceed $ "'\0. be paid hy iii not filled in. eQually dividddl. II Ihe Buye, IS nOI :lcc,pled by (rClf1~e 01 the leQltfements lot 35SUfR.ll1Of\ Die not In ~COl'OOlnce .tth lhe Ittfms 01 lhe ConIfxl Of rnor~ft m.....' .a ct\3fC)(t ." .uceS$ ~ ,,,. 'talad 1110.,.... SIltUoc 01 BuyOf 1NtV' 'cSCIf"d lhis Conltacl by Pf()l'T'CJ( '#IrnUen notice to Inti otrler party ....t6Cst edhCr elcel$ 10 poly IhQ .'rCfease .11 Interns. 'ale Of e.ceu fnOf lqoqoe ChO'ges, V. TITLE EVIDENCE, A'Io." -20- ClOys lltll",. c:toso/lQ d.lO. S.lIer 'hO~. ,1 Sell"'.. ..oen... ",,,...., 10 e..... Of ew..... Ollorno<, in llCCClaanc. w.th SI.ndar" A. tChe<:k (II OOI2JHIIODll'"Ic:lOII~IoOOI2\(lI."..,....arw:.ccn,,"'met. \/ithin 60 days after all contingencies have been satisfied, Vl. CLOSINQ DATE: fhls Iraos.achon Shall be ClOset:J and lhe deed and QlhOf etas..) pof)etS ck:1N\lrau on . uu~,s ilUIQfl()Qd by OUWtf prOViSIOM of ConnDct VII. RESTRICTIONS; I!ASEIAENTS: LIMITATIONS: &.rre< ....lIll.ka lillo """"Clio. '"''.IQ.,..I'Clion'.lJIohil,,''Cl''' II'll othe' ""...""",nll irmose<lby o<,.""",~... 'ulhol.y; nlSlI",,""" oil'''' UI.'Itt-t' Allpeannq on the pL." or othcfwt,. common 10 the Sl.J~t: publ-.: IIhhly e.3s-:n..~n\S 01 "."COIII '1!:)s...-muaW, O)Ie 10 be b:~I~ COIlI,..,lOuS III Real Property "11:$ ~d IU If'Io.. 11\,111 K) Ittet ilI\ W1I.Jlh us to lhe ..,at Of' hOlll lines and 1'h real in WtlJU\ as 10 U-.o "10 lines, "uteS! c..cflot'VirMO SOtfC.dlCd Mfem); taxes lOt year 01 c:Jc)sJnQ and 'lUb5eOte'f"4; ~3IS. :'UUIN'd morlC).1QtlS If'd OUfehase l'I"OOCy nlOflC)3C)Cs.I' ony;, 01her~ 640,000 pro.ded. thai \hOt. ...... .1 dO""9 "" vClIa'ocn ot 1/'.0 ''''OQC)lIlQ ancl none oIlt'cm pr""",1S use 01 Rool P'OOOfly lOt mu 1 t 1- t am11 V ourooselSl. VIII. OCCUPANCY: Se<Iot w:"'."" lhal I""," ... f'<I oar'lol in occ....."ey other Ih..... Se<Iot. hut W PrOOClly is M1Il>N:led 10 be ronla<l Ot OCOIOOo<l beyor(l clOsK1Q. tho 'olCl aral "'""" O....eI w. be "a'ed hot..... ancl Iho lenanll.\ 01 oca.oanl. cliSClO...., ourSUolO' 10 Slat'IJ:lo" F. S<oller aQI.... 10 00<..... OCClJO.rcy eI PrOOOfIV al 1_ eI CIO"'''O ...,... OIhe....... ...,ed _ern " OCCl-'ancv io 10 lltl ""'MI,ed bofOt. dO..-q. Iluyeo auurna. all ,ilk 0110.. 10 PrOOO'ly lrom d:l1O 01 occ.ooarcv, SI\IlI be ,,,,,,,,,,,,,lJIo ard 1i:>b'a "" """"""....... !rom !h0l1 d.1te, ar.s snal be de4med k) have ac:ClKlIed ProI::lefty in Uletf ..iallnlJ conchliot\ a5 01 lime oItok.WlQ occuparcy unlrlll!lss OIherwise staled hHe.n Of In. ,eporall Wfll~ IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewlluen or hnnctwriltcn PfOy\sod Sl\al conkOl an cr.,t.,d Pl'O'oICs;ons of Contract ., con'hCt wllh "att", X. ..~aULATION FUDER: If C.,,',uacl b Ullllzed lot ,... $ale 01 . now r.saoeoc.. lhe mSl.Ilahon RIdc1 01 IlIQUNOktot m2Y be aUac~ XI. COASTAL CONST"UCTION CONTROL UN~ C'CCCl") "'O!R: II Coo.",,:> I. ",.,,0<1101 Iho -. of Pr""""y .f1eeled by 'ho CCCI.. Cl"pI,~ 161. FS.. (1961\..' ""~. .....'0(lIy 8f'd 1/'.0 CCCI. Ada< '" _..8I0oI may lltl ..,~ 10 I.... ConUllCl XII, fQREION INVESTMENT IN RI!....L PflOPI!RTY T....X ACT I"~~'l RIOER: Tho ....,"'. """I cconuly ",,'h '/'.0 pr.....""" eI F'RPtA ..d .Wlc.>DIo '09U'0"""" ...""" ""'1 .eq._o &:net to l.JIQ\oIde adOlllon.3I ~ al CIO'lMq 10 rn8'4tt w"hI"toIdInQ rCU'....en....s. anrJ ttI8 FIRPTA RtC10r Of' eo..,alen4 lnay be altadled 10 1M Cont,act XI1I, ASSIQNASILIlY: (CHECK III Ot 1211: &.rre< (" all ""'f .-...on OR 12\ 0 rroy 1101 ouq. Coo.,,,,," XIV. SPECIAlCLAUSES:ICIIECKCII"'(2\);~""IIIIiiII"f1achodORI2\D isrot.ooOc:'lJIo. ** See Addendllm THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT, IF NOT FULLY UNOERSTooO. SEEK 'THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. TtlS FORM HAS eEW APPnovED ey tHE flORIDA ASSOClA\1Ot1 OF REr\lIOOS IollO n IE FLORlOA BAR. AWl""" Does no< eonsllM. .. cpnct1 /IlaI a->y oIlho Ierms Dfl(/ COI101icns i1 /1ld C""tmel VAJu/d be ..., lho pM_ i1 . pI.lleulo, _, r...".. _ co-ocIIliOns $I>CAJId lltl ~lBted _ WO'I lho """""I"" ......esl.. objcclMlS fJOS' 01 QI nO<(l$led p8'l<lflS. COPYIlIGlIT IllSS BY THE "'Ef~~~ ~o .!.~ Fl~R~'" ~~TlON REALT ,INC. ** ** ~' 'rZ .. ,Set.... SocIolSocurity 01 Tulo." -::~'2 -70- '1'''2:-7 C:, ~IO lBuyer\ Soool s.cur~y '" T.. lo. .. .. ~IO 0.10 13..ler. l&ryerl Soo:lIl Seeu,,'y Ot Ta. 1.0. .. Sooal Socurlly '" T.. 1.0. .. Mrt~c" 'to "r". ~..1111 ..1Ilot Pa'89'aPh "__IF OTliER T.wl CASH. THEN SUBJECT TO CLENlANCE. - llROKERSFEE:ICHECK&COMPUTETHEONE.oPI'\.lCIoSLE\ By: ,1/1/. /i itA. r.fp .... IP A USTlNQ AO"!!"'E,", IS Cu"nENTLY IN !Ff!CT. ' - ,w s;;'er ;tqt... 10 PI'! lhe 6rOl'lef f\8I'T'ed below. ~W"19 cOOOlitfalinQ suo'&QeOIS 1'\Qmle"d. .:1GCOrd.'IQ 10 11'10 l8fma .,. an e.fS.I.... leoGIDae Itslft) DQfee,,'Iet't, OR o If NO LIanNa AQ"E~M(,", IS CU"R~HTLY IN EFF!CT. . ~ _~ pay ''''' ere.- noo"""lii:-lO;;'~.... cl c"..;q, "om 1/'.0 dlsbn"""".. eI lho lJIocuaUs 01 u.. ...... C""""'.....'o,., II.. ....0..... ot ICOMPLElE On.Y ONE\ _ .". uf fJl'osal:U'(J\OI,O (Wico OR S . lor &0k0f'. ",",ven in etleGIll'lQ 1M "'U by lirUnJ 11'1.1 &.r,er ready. WtIftrWJ Atld ~ 10 putchase pu'~...an' 10 Ihe tt.A~'IQ Coo.,""1 II B".", 10" 10 ooorlorm ..... ueoo"'1S1 io 'vl.."'O' 50'S. U""ecI. b~ 1101 o""",_q lhe 80"".... !.:e .bo.... orc,..-' ........1.01 _, &_, .. I". ~.,"'" lor 80010.... K1"';OS .."It......~ COsl. .,.oetOOd by &C*M. .)I'd I.... ba&.>>lC.O s~ be glW 10 s..:t\ef. II U'8 tr3l'tUClion shnll nol' COM because 01 lell(!oI or 13....0 of SetIer 10 petlOlrn. s.ae. ~ Po'" Ihl' I".. lne '0 Stok_ on ~. In ant "'q;..l1l'Wl aflSflllO o..t 01 Ihd Contract cone"........) lhe ~Of 5 100. tho P!'f:'v."irq patly ShAA IUC.,.... ",..~ aUOIf'lf!y IctC'S ;,nJ GO)!. IEsa_ ~l By. /dh ._ 01 C_'1lroQ _0Q0nt\ (Seller I l$eo"'" JIlO!RS CAN Sit OBTAINED fRO... Till!. F\.OI1lOA ASSOCIATION OF REAI.TOHS OR TIlE F\.OAIDA eAn. "-:: .. ADDENDUM THIS_ApDENDUM to Contract for Sale and Purchase dated as 0 f ~ h e ~ 9ri:1; day 0 f S e p t em be r, 1989, by and bet wee n L. R . Paret ta, Trustee, as Seller, and Auburn Trace Joint Ven ture as Buyer. time by ceived, shall be 1. This Contract may be terminated by Buyer at any notice in writing to Seller. Until such notice is re- or until closing has occurred, the following charges incurred by Buyer: 01' a. Commencing on December 15, 1989, Buyer shall pay $1,000 per month to Seller as a nonrefundable extension fee; b. In addition to the above, on March 15, 1990 the $10,000 deposi t paid hereunder would become nonrefundable but would be applied to the purchase price upon subsequent closing; ~ c. Commencing May 15, 1990, the monthly extension fee ~~rom Buyer to Seller shall be increased to $4,000 per month. In the event Buyer terminates this contract prior to ~~ ~_:l IS, 1990, the $10,000 deposit paid hereunder shall be refunded in full to Buyer. In the event Buyer does not pay the required extension fee within 10 days of its due date, this cont~act shall terminate. In the event closing has not occurred by September 15, 1990, this contract shall terminate. _ 2. Seller represents that they are the fee simple owners of the property. Further, Seller covenants that they have . full authority to execute this Contract,~nG ~ha~ ~nl _~~t_ic~9fla -cf tRG ~raport::( :.0.. c b~efl. J.i.';:l\_lo"c~ 814)' er JU,()// r~{Y ..f~/e{/ t>>AI ~... i r? t?v# /#.sp ec.:r/p.-p-> 70 ~~ "'eJ-/1/R~ I/' c- ~.se. t?f' -If, e:: 'pJ-p,P'r,/ 3. Se11er hereby grants to the Buyer, its agents ~r ~ ontractors, the right to enter the premises to make said soil ~ tests and surveys, if they are not already available to the _ Seller or. if Buyer feels .addi tional tests are necessary. The ~ Seller will also make available to the Buyer existing soil dataro. 1~ ~ surveys of topographical features on the property, engineering,.' L1. ~ site plans and any other w6rk which Seller may have in his pos- ~ session relative ~o the property. The Buyer shall pay all costs incident to its examination and engineering and shall not suffer any liens to be placed on the property. If the Buyer does not r. close this transaction for any reason, the Seller shall be enti- tled to all engineering plans, tests, or surveys obtained by the Buyer,. at no cost to Seller. 4. Legal description on survey, deed and title policy are to agree. ) . \,~ .' 5. It is anticipated that Seller will deal with the sale proceeds as a 1031 tax exchange. This involves Buyer pur- chasing another parcel and trading it for the subject parcel. Seller herein will hold Buyer harmless for any and all liability that may be involved therein, together with all closing costs for any and all other real estate closing that may be involved. Buyer herein agrees to execute and complete all other documents pertaining to the other closings as well as the subject closing, provided Seller indemnify and pay all costs thereto as reci ted herein. Seller agrees that this 1031 tax exchange will not cause any delays in the subject closing as called for in this contract and will indemnify Buyer if any such delays should occur. WIT~S: I . <If) ~_~~La ,. . BY: ,;r BUYER: .,. AUBURN TRACE JOINT VENTURE .... BY: FELNER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Managing Partner Jay Felner, President ?'~~--::, .. c jD! , ,. leqal Descrlotion: .. '. I that part ~f lots 22 through'26, inclusive, of the SAM GROHM .JR.1S. HYPOlUXO SUBOIYISrOH. :ording to' the plat thereo,f, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 81, public records, Palm . ach County, Flo.r.ida, lying Westerly of the West line of the East ?40 feet of Section 16,:, ' ~nship 45 Souto. Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida; , ' . , 5S, However, the South 60 feet of said Lot 22. '\ " , .... 0" o . .0... SO LESS, the foiiow1ng speciffcally describ'ed parcel of land; .." '.'.. ~ ..... .. .:" :..... .....: .. i.. .. .... .. 00 .. . . ~ .0:.. FROM the Southwest corner of Lot 20 lying 'in said SN-\ BROWN JRI~. ~YPOLUXO SUBOIVISIO~, . run North ,020_021-2511 Hes t. along the \~es t lines of Lots .20. 21 ana 22, 'a distance . of. 379.12 feet to a line .60 feet, ~!ortherly of and as mea'sured at right angles to, .... the South line of s.aid lot 22; " .' , , , ':'. Thence, South 890-56.1-:!!811 East; along said line, a distance of 25:02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;' :" , , " , . " .... ~..:. . '. .'. . . . Th~nce~ Horth 024')-021-25" West,' along a line that.lies 25 feet Easterly of the West line'of said Lot 22,.a distance of 61.08 feet; Thence, ,South 89~-57!-23~ East"a distance of 364.25 feet; Thence, North 000-021-3i" East. a distance of 58,89 feet; .ThenceJ South,89"-57.1-2311.East,'a-distance of 20.2 feet; Thence, Horth '000-021-3711 East" 'a distance of 24' 'feet; , Thence). SQuth 890-571-2311. East, a 'distance of 8 feet~ Thence, North 000-02.1-:-37'" .East. a distance of 70.6 feet;, ThenceJ South 890-571-23I1,East~ a distance of 159.6 feet; Thence, 'Sou'th 000-021-3711 WestJ a distance of 70.0 feet;' ThenceJ South'890-571-2311 East.,~ distance of. 20 feet; .... ..':, .Thence. South 000-021-3711 HestJ a distance of 29.95 feet; .. "'. ,Thenc.e" due East, along a line that 5s 602'feet Sou,therlyofand as ',' .;:.: measured at'ri'ght an91 es to) the 'North 1 i rie 'of ,Lot:26 of said SAM BROWH '.' ", '~ 'JRJS. HYPOLUXO SUBOIVISIOl'{; ,a distance of 377.17. f,ee't to a po'int in'a . .' '., :: line that is 355 feet Wes:te'r1y pf'anq perpendicular, to. thE: East l.jhe of . .:"~,:.::,:::'~ .Section 16, TOrmshi p 45 South, Range 43 East;" ' : ." ' " ::j~i' Thence, $outh O1Q-531-20'1I East, along said line; a distance of 114.06 ~'..\~:~' feet to the North l,ine of said South 60 feet of Lot 22; .:,::.t~!.." Thence, Horth 890-561-.4811 \-lest, along said.line) a'dis.tance of 959.13 feet~ -'..;,~. to the POUlT OF BEGINNING. ;::"~~ - .':....-.. , . . "0 .' .. ".0 . . .. .' . ~, . " , . . .' " . .: . , .. .. . "0. & . eo. . :.' . ~ "::.:,-: . .... . . ~ Containing: 14.03, Acres " .. :/~::. . 'L}; ."0 .: "o..!, .' .... ". ..' o .0... ::. '. ': , ' .. ' Idq' ,:~" O:"A1IE:I: Charl..'l D, r.lnnn.... T.. ,l'~.l, ;' 0920 $k'tlioe Drt'I... D"lr:"1f B"'l(''l !:'l '''''''f, :P'-<>ne !.Of,_,';'O, ~ """ .'uh'lr" TTnc'? Jntot Vp.!1:IJre ,1'80-,-,. cI 4i2J W, Atlantic Av.... Oelrnv 8..nch. Fl 33445 I"""",, 495-84;0 -" ,....~ no~ tl\nt 1M ~ 11""" ,... nlld ev.,." VWI bN 'he IQfOwwq '~OI Ofn()e'ffy C~"IIW ~tv' nnd Oftfsonat Cf~IV ,-P-olon.,dV llcOl~1W1'Y ~~l \.100'11"'" I~ tefl"l"!ll'lfld CQn:ldlOn1....ncn lNCtuce 1M SlendarQs lor n4C11 e,IDte r,~tSaClk>f\S Dflnied on II'" ,~" or aUac:::f"Ietd .~13l"W1an:tI't.J ana 011., aodencJum 10 1M Ifl~'unenc. L CI':SCIIIPTlOH: la. L.Q:ll <le'e,",,'''''' cI n..o, ""'-oy ""'.'ed In Pnlm Beach ~lv,F1Qrc:la: SEE E.XHIBtT A Ibl S1I_aadre...cty.z":c"ItvoP..,.,."v": 9,57 Acres in 8ovnr:on Bench leI ~"""'"V: None - vaennt land n. ""'RCHAS E PRICl!.,...."... ..... ..........,'....,..",..................,..,..,.. ....,..... .............. ......., '.,...... ...........,.." ..... ......... S PAVIAI':NT: lal 0e00.~1.'10 be I'leId In ...:row by lbl SuIlieCIIo 1oNO a..u'rexlon 01 """tQ:lQe in 9'O<l standlrw} In ,.....,. 01 "I"'}S': ~ ,-..... ~'" ' co-:. Buver's Broker In .h.. amount of s IO,QOO ** hfNenq an aoProllemale Pf"sen. Dnrc.pal ba~nc:e 01 S ~t/ A leI Pvra>o3. ""'""Y """'QI)Qe ond """1Q3Ql! l'OIe _rq annual k"....sc at ....L!LL ... on ,..",. .01 lonh _. in """,,",01 ...,:..... S /1/ A ldl 01"-" S ,-,.....,,- 1., Sa.....,. .., _ eU.s. C:lSh. ux:.o.u.y cn-N COfIU.., 01 c:1Sl1ie<. cheCkl, """'eel 10 eajustmenl. and Il'<l'1lIIons S ~ ~t... <C 0 r.' 0 Ill, TlMI! FOR ACCl!PTAHCI!lI!FI'I!CTlVI! CAn:" INs "". Is not ..eculed:W'~ .,._ad 10 ,,'_,;on OR F~ OF !XEC'.JOON eommun""""" In wnerq _ (,.., _"" en cr ~ S.ot'~~",Jo..o" ....~, : ';89 S'.-:.7' Ze," ,-1 fer, the deooliUs. .wlll. ~r SU"ye,., oDlion. Oe returned 10 Bwer and 'he aU., w"hefr...n. , I The dele 01 Ihls C4nlracr (.~"ftC't1~ ":It,.,-, Wilt be Itt. dale ....he" the lasl OM of Ihe Buye, and the Sette' has SlqMd Ihls aile,. IV, FlH""CIHO: 1., U ,"" .....,..... grc. 01 onv cart 01 . I, 10 be ronanced by . IhItU C..IV loon, INs ConlraCl 101 s... .ncf """""'" 1"C:>n<nocl'l ;, ccncIo~ on I.... eu.- Obla.r-.-t I ",diM comrrwc~ '01 ,,,., bef\ Wtthw1 Uavs "om Eli_CINe O~I.. .. an inilQllntefllst 'ale not 10 ..ceed ,.: .e,m o' ~ .., In I'" OI---=- "'""""' cI S ew... .... ""'".. A""'ca'lOI'I ....ton day., Irom E/f..,u.. 0.... ancI_ ........- ailqonce 10 __ I.... ..,.., ccm- ........... ancI, 1,.,...lIet, 10....... .... IOfnos.nd cono,tIons 0/ ,he con'"........" ard 10 CION '...10.... ew... ."... ".., OIl","" .............11 0..... ,..10 10 Olllan I.... 10.. ")......~._. enl. """""'IV ..,.,roe. Soo<ler in _ln9, 01 .,Iet ollll)onl 0/'011 lads 10 ~ !he _ anti cona~1cno cI lhor e"",,,,~""'" Of to _ 0....... 'lQIlI. .....,., .Ns SUXlW~a"" ....hin ..... I.... sa"ed 'or OOlaonrq ,he _I....... !hen"'Mt Darty....... cancel.... ConIrDCI and Il<II"!f" .,.." be munaed ''''' deoo..tl.\. Ibl The .....,onq"""OQOQe Oo-scr.bed In ""''''''.'''' IIlbl_ hIlS (CHECK III OR 1211: 1110. _..bIe int'"'" ral. OR 121 0 a O_InI""'sa ro'. 01 ~ PM annum. AI "me 01 title It:rm.lef some li.fl'd Inlerest '"'e, IWe suotect 10 inert'sso. If increased. Ihe rall SMtI not IllCtea ~. De' annum. Seller ,".11. .....hln Cbv'I (rom EHe>eIi'vlt ~le. furnrsh . slatement from p mor,~, Slat_lg C)f1l'"C1DOl ba_'V'I:es. I"'Wttt'lOd Of oavfTWW'll. imef'eSl 'ale ano Slalus ot l'I"Ofl'QOQ8"S. ., ~ hi:! ;)Qr'nCI 10 a.ssume . morlQOOl! Wf'IIICn f'I!OJlf1!'S looroval 01 ~ t7t .M nof03Qltl! 'Ot M$UfTIOliorl. lhen ~ YWM ororrolty Obtaft al ~ aDOlCll1on5 and WI' C1~'V c::c:wroete .~ h!"'r\.-n Itw!m 10 ,,,,,,,,,,,,-. Ar.,,,,,,,_cha'Q"Ulnot 10""''''''' S ......",lladby III nOI III1"d 'n. .oua'" ~lvld.(lI.1I1h" Buver i. nol .ee.cl.d by mortQ.;lQe1l or 'he '~13 lor as~ton ant not in ICcero.:Jr.::e w.." I,.., !'flns Of 1.... COnuKt Of mc:r~ ~ a cnarqe in ,~, 01 ttle ,.ated ~ SeOef' or &Ilte'l' mrw '~crd this Concr8C1 tpy ~~ wI1Uen I"OtCI to I"" 01""" De,1Y "'.,., edhef CteClS 10 gay 'I'M trlCft&54t In ~5\ lallt Of' 4!Jtcess n'IClt~ cnarQes. V. nn.E EVIDENCE: A'...... U ':l:rts be,,,,. ""o.orq "'''0. S...Of .M" ., Set"". ".oens.. <let"'" 10 a.... Of euy.,.. .,\()t....." ;n ace_anc. "'~h SLa"""'" A. 1c:>ec:K C II OIe21tlllano'Ir""loI"I"'CRI21~1~"'......"""c.,."",,''''''''' within fiO days nfter all contingencies hae been satisfied .. V1~ CLOS1NQ DATE: Thlos IrM58Cuon sMII b. ClOs~ an1lh1t de-ed N"d CUlef Ctosrq Q304tfS ti~te-d on . unwr" elllleno&Q by other grCNlSlOf"S of Conrrad. VII. RESTRIC1TOHS: U.SEMEHTS: UMITATIOHS: ev.... ",,,,,,'.111'" SUbI"CIIa: Zenono. ,...tnetoons, """"boloans anc:l Othe< re<N~"""'" ""DOsed by ~"""",Olll .......".V:'_""'" ann .....,U"" &OO8enf'Q en the 0&:11 or ott""www ccwn"'On to lhe SUO::Sfv'sGT, CUbfC: utdily '''M't'nMI, 01 'eeotCI (easemeont3 ant IQ be 1oc:=lht<S c:cnt~ 10 ReM ProOeny InIrs and rIOf """'lII' (!'\an to I~ jn Wtdlh ,u to IN ,.ar or I""... Ii,.." ~ 7':, l&et in wcJll'\ :IS 10 lhe soo linn. """'1 oc.r'lI!!f'tlftM specdieo "'l'If'It; "xes let ynt 0( (:I()sarq and ~ ";"'tats:. a'~ 1TQ1Q:)Qe1 and DlJtcRue t'nOflil"ty tnOftQ3qes. if 8f1'V; ot~ """'~ hI""'" ....... al"""""'''o _"onclh''''''-''' and none '" I....m."..."...... cI Re.._ry lor mult ::.-tam::.l'/ ~.~ VlII. OCCtJPAllCY: S_ _ronr. IMe I........ ""' ro oarlles in occworcy Other than Set...., !luC W _ry ;s Inrende<I 10 De ....,"" 01 <lCCI.CI<<l t>eo,oond ~ "'" lad a"d ....... _"'" .no. be ..alord ,...... ,., the 1......1., or OCC\.I)8n.. diselO''''' eM"",,"1 10 SI""""'d F. So,.... aQI'"' 10 <le4_ occwooncy '" Prooer1y ., rw... '" dooon;J ........ __ saAI"" ""'-' n ~ is 10 be _ bortono ClOsns. a.,.,. .......... Of nsk 01 loss 10 """'""v 'rom d:lle cI OClO.OlarC"(, ..... be rnoonsaIlIe oncl llao.. 101 _--=- ,""" ""'I GAl., ancf ...... be _'0""'" ace""t'" _tv In ....... ....111'9 conco.lon.. c< ,...... Oil""", OCC\.Oarcy unon.s "'_. OUI'" ""'.... Olin a ......al. -.In]. IX. 'tYPEWRITTI!N OR HAHOWTIml':H mOVISIOHS: r_",,," or hale-,lIen or"","","" sm. contrellll or,",eel """"""'"" 01 Con~eclln con/llcl",dh 1-'" X. INSUUTlON RIt)I':R: I Contooc:lls ut~ad 'or h ..... ol a mw ,esO!rc.. Ihe '.......,ion Ride< 01 1KlUN...... m:tV be .It~ Xl., COASTAL CDHSTRUC1TOH COHTJIOL UNE l-Ccct.-l RIDI':R: U ContUICI ;. u...."" 101 "'" .... 01 _tv .1t0CWd by I'" CeCl.. o.."'et IS\ FS, 119S71. as .....-d, ...." .""'" end I,.. c=. RIOo< 01 _ ....., be .lIoc;;;;; 10 """ Controct. Xn. 'ORI':IOH INVE:nNIHT IN AU.L mOPI!RTY TAX ACT 1'F1APTA-11I10I':R: TI>e carl"" "''''' eomo<v ...Ih ."" """'""""" 01 FlRPTA ancI o"",;,;able fe9U'l111cno ..men ~ ........ Se<Ieo 10 _ *"",'IenaI ca.h 01 c:tosonq 10 ..... ....~ ;;0;;-_.. anti h FIRPllI. Ride< or 0(lUN....... ~ be 1lt3Cf\ed 10 Ihos Cont,acI. xnL ~IONA.IUTY: (CHECK III 01 1211: eu.- c nlCJ ....., US91 OR 121 a may I"C( &s""l" ContI'8Ct. XIV. SPI!ClAL CUUUS:(CH"CK 1"01 1211: _IIIC! Is IllaclledOR 1210 is notaQOilQbkr. ** SEE ADDENDUM THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALl.Y BINDING CONTRACT, IF NOT FUUY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIONING. THIS FORI.! HAS ~EN APP\lOIIl1D BY T~ FlOIllCA ASSCCA1ICN OF REl'LlCRS,IM) l~ FLORIOA B.AI\ ,!o~ <lOIrS rd ecrUldtJl. .. CX>hcn IflOll ..., aI rt>tr """" M>d ~lials .. Ihs CMlr.lcI s/tOvtd ~ w::uot"" I:ty rt>tr IWT!es ... a part/(;tJ8r ~ Term! M>d COle'''''' $/>OtJII! ~ ""9Ollatrd ~ le>a'I rt>tr ~:Mr Peresu. ~ M>d ~nr>g fIOSIlials ot IIIo1l~rd j)Oo'SO"lS. COPYRIGHT IllSS EN THE F\.CRfOA BAS1 J.HO THE F\.CflICA ASSOCAllCN CF IlE.ALTCfl5.lNC. - Co.. (Buy"" \Se/Ier, 0... ~. Social s.c.,.oy or Tu LC. ~ SacaI :Security or Tu Ul , I" .0 - (1IoIye<, ~ Date (Se/IeI' ,: l Social Secr.ny or T.. Ul ~ SodoI Se<:unIy or Tu Le. , o.o-ctal.roe< "'..,lI(lh II ~ IF orneR mAN CASH. ll1EN Sl.JllJECT 10 c:.ENWlCE. l~ AQonlI BROKElt9 FEE: (CHECK & COIoIPI.El" 'THE 0l'E APP\.lCofoB\.EI By: CJ ~ = ':=R.~::-"IS="=:"::~:;".'1rq aub-0q0nI' Nlmed. 00C<:l0RlIrq.. ,.... ,_ ot .. ..csllnQ. _..IIsI"'" IQ'--.<: OR I;- ~ LIST1~UU~3 <.tm"t... rcn..r . ~ ~ ~ &r. ~ ,.,..,...g beIow~ .. ...,... ~ ';k)..-q. 'rom Ita. ~ ~y ONE) ~:<1~.~ ., c; " ....<.... ...,ectw"ql.... ..... by 'In;J1rq I"" a.... """v, --.q.ncf..,..1O """"'.... t:ur7o*'IlO "'" ~ Conernel. II a.~ '''" ~ 3. '" 't"tAtne'd. '0"" 11"""1I"'()I. bit "" .,.e~ 1"- ~Okef S ,.,... .cow ~ ","1 De l)I<<1 Sn;;.~. n 'vi ~,,,ton 'or &ok..., ~- . .~o,." lI!'oe"'OPd by erc-et. 3rc2 ,,... balat'CD ,twI be oald fO Sef\M. If :r.. transac:11On V\8It no( c:IO'M bee1UM 01 '"-"II 01 .~ ~ Se6-w 10 I)lIffOlm. ~ ".. I*f"" .. ~ 1M 10 g,o-ww~~ Il."""""-'"T -4...,.......... .... _. ..~ ._~Co:.au~ ..~_. '- ~~ ..', v,..... -... .-<~ _.._~ '"~ ~!:.- _ I l. 1.Ir,:.1 lip" I ty r.nr., 1"'"'_c1_"'~ By: ..:..=--::: :---. ....,.,..,....ec:I SIQfVIlCWy, ISM.... \5000"" J~ I""'" 01 c:ooo<<alW1Q -.,o..tQIeIltt ADDENDUM THIS ADDENDUM to Contract for Sale and Purchase dated as of the 14th day of September, 1989, by and between Charles D. Clapper, Jr. as Seller, and Auburn Trace Joint Venture as Buyer_ 1. following: This Contract is expressly contingent upon the a. Buyer obtaining a second mortgage loan from the State of Florida under its SAIL program for twenty-five percent (25%) of development and construction cost for this project. b. Buyer obtaining a low income housing tax credit allocation from the Florida Housing Finance Agency for the maximum amount allowable under the Internal Revenue Code. c. The subject property and the adjacent paretta 13.4 acre property receiving final site plan and pla t approval from the City of Boynton Beach for at least ~ apartment units plus a day care center for up to 99 children. 2$'.2. c::~~ d. Confirmation that electrical, water, sewer and telephone services are available to the property and the utili- ties shall be adequate for Buyer's intended use; and the Buyer's abili ty to obtain the necessary state and local governmental permits for sewer service, water service, and storm water drain- age,-for its intended apartment project on said property. Buyer shall be diligent in submitting all data required by such govern- mental agencies. e. Buyer obtaining a certified topographical survey, bearing a legal description, made by a licensed surveyor, showing the area, dimensions and location of the premises to the nearest monuments, streets and alleys, as well as all improve- ments and encroachments. The survey shall also show the location of all recorded easements against or appurtenant to the property, and disclose any condition rendering the premises unusable, in Buyer's sole opinion, for the purposes .stated herein. ~ f. satisfactory soil and subsurface water condi- tions to allow the Buyer to use the property for its intended use in the Buyer's judgment. g. Buyer obtaining ingress and egress permits to public thoroughfares adequate, in Buyer's sole opinion, for the intended purposes. /3/ In the event items c., d., e., f., and g. above have not been obtained and closing has not occurred by April 30, 1990, Buyer, at its option, may terminate this Contract and receive a refund of all monies paid hereunder; or waive anyone or more of the contingencies; or invoke the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Addendum. In the event items a_ and b. above have not been ob- tained by February 28, 1990, Buyer, at its option, may terminate this contract and receive a refund of all money paid hereunder; waive either one or both of the contingencies; or extend the period of time within which to receive said items io~ an addi- tional 90 days, in which latter event the Ten Thousand and No/lOO Dollar ($10,000.00) deposit paid hereunder becomes non-refund- able. 2. It is the intent of the parties for Buyer to make every effort to close within nine months hereof, but recognizing the difficulties of obtaining all of the above items from the various governmental bodies involved, Seller hereby agrees to grant six additional extensions of one month each for a fee of Four Thousand and No/lOO Dollars ($4,000.00) for each extension. This fee is not to be applied to the purchase price but is a non-refundable extension fee payable at closing. In no event shall the closing extend beyond fifteen months hereof. 3. Seller represents that they are the fee simple owners of the property. Further, Seller covenants that they have full authority to execute this Contract and that any restrictions of ~e property have been disclosed. 4. Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that Seller has dealt with no real estate brokers in this transaction, and agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from all claims of real estate brokers claiming by, through, and under Seller. 5. Seller hereby grants to the Buyer, its agents or contractors, the right to enter the premises to make said soil tests and surveys, if they are not already available to the Seller or if Buyer feels additional tests are necessary. The Seller will also make available to the Buyer existing soil data, surveys of topog~aphical features on the property, engineering, site plans and any other work which Seller ~ay have in his pos- session relative to the property. The Buyer shall pay all costs incident to its examination and engineering and shall not suffer any liens to be placed on the property. If the Buyer does not close this transaction for any reasons, the Seller shall be entitled to all engineering plans, tests, or surveys obtained by the Buyer, at no cost to Seller. 6. are to agree. Legal description on survey, deed and title policy L 13~ 7. Buyer agrees to allow Seller or their representa- ti ves, upon Buyer's receipt of reasonable notice, to examine their files to determine that reasonable progress is being made toward satisfactory contingencies enumerated in paragraph 1 of this Addendum. In the event Buyer does not close on the land, it agrees to make available to Seller all files related to efforts expended in satisfying paragraph l.c., d., e., f., and g., 8. It is anticipated that Seller will deal ~ith the sale proceeds as a 1031 tax exchange. This involves Buyer pur- chasing another parcel and trading it for the subject parcel. Seller herein will hold Buyer harmless for any and all liability that may be involved therein, together with all closing costs for any and all other real estate closing that may be involved. Buyer herein agrees to execute and complete all other documents pertaining to the other closings as well as the subject closing, provided Seller indemnify and pay all costs thereto as recited herein. Seller agrees that this 1031 tax exchange will not cause any delays in the subject closing as called for in this contract and will indemnify Buyer if any such delays should occur. ,; ~~ SELLER: BUYER: AUBURN TRACE JOINT VENTURE ~~~ /' ~ FELNER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Managing Partner BY:~__d~ J Felner, President L /38 .' , I I EXHIBIT A LE~AL DESCRIPTION . -#~/.? _ ~~~~/-a-~~ All of Lots 20 to 26 inclusive of Sam Brown Jr.'s Hypoluxo Subdi~ vision lying in Section 15 and the East 340 feet of.Lots 20 to 26 inclusive of Sam Brown Jr.'s Eypoluxo Subdivision lying in Sec- tion 16 as recorded in Plat Book I, Page 81, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. j)~ - ~&J: IJ'~ s ~+~ N \ f~ ~ /6,{"/ ~ \ ~ '" .~ \ - M ~ f'-. .31t'. /7 ~ /91 , ~Jv .- ~ .' MEMO NO. 91-250 .--------- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Charles C. Frederick, Recreation & Park Director J. Scott Miller, City Manager September 23, 1991 Boynton Bay Rental Apartments Reference your Recreation & Park memorandum No. 91-388 concerning a revised site plan submitted for the Boynton Bay Apartments requesting changes in. the recreation facilities, I wholeheartedly agree that the second change (third paragraph) deviates from a family oriented recreation package orig- inally approved by the City Commission, and thus they do not appear to be meeting the Commission's intent of providing a strong family recreation. element for low income families in this community. Also, making the basketball court a multi-purpose court and moving the courts in another way substantially alters the originally approved recreation element for this. development in a somewhat negative manner. Based on the reasons stated above, and more elaborately outlined in your memorandum No. 91-388, it is my feeling that this request for change be denied at the administrative level. Should the applicant wish to pursue a change in the recreational facilities he should file a formal ,site plan modification and thereafter proceed before the Planning and Zoning Board and then to the City Commission for their review and appropriate action. . . .... JSM:cd cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Chris Cutro, Planning Director Jay Felner, Felner Construction, Inc. Centra 1 Fil e Attachment RECEIVED '- SI:'P 23 PLANNING DEPT. \ .- - _1:35 =-. RECREATION , PARK MEMORANDUM 191-388 FROM: J. Scott Miller, City Manager John Wildner, Parks Superintendent .AA~J Charles C. Frederick, Director ~r- Recreation & Park Department ~ ~ K Boynton Bay Rental Apartments TO: THROUGH: RE: DATE: September 19, 1991 Attached is a revised site plan for Boynton Bay Apartments requesting changes in the recreation facilities as approved. The City Commission originally granted full credit towards its recreation impact fees based on a strong family orientated recreation package. This is the second change requested. The original plan called for two basketball courts, a tennis court, an open play field, childrens playground, pool, recreation building, and a picnic area. The first change requested substi tuted a shuffle board court for one of the basketball courts. The second change requests making the remaining basketball court a multipurpose court (including tennis) and moves the courts "in such a way that the open play field is shortened from 229' to 184'. Our experience is that multipurpose courts are not effective (conflicts between different user groups tends to occur). Usually one use (probably tennis) dominates. Open play fields should be at least 200' long to allow ball playing by children up to 12 years old (Little League age). It appears from these changes. that the developers are changing from a family oriented recreation package to one that is senior citizen directed. While the changes requested still meet the formal criteria for providing private recreation, they do not appear to be meeting the Commission's intent of providing a strong family recreation element for low income families. We await direction as to how to handle this request. Attachment(s) JW: ad RECEIVED }?Jo SEP 1 9 1991 Cl.'tV' MAl'iAGER'S OFFla .. .1" Feiner Construction,: Inc. ?"7 ~y 4723 W. Atlantic Ave., Suite 9 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 . (407) 496-2000 I c-,c_' ,,,C..H;;>"~ L I" c.., / LEITER OF TRANSMITI At DATE 9-j(q -, I PROJ, NO, A TrEN110N -::J"h..\ kJ I L cfJ u bI2 RE,&~~ eZ~/A- TEL,N;,L-) 3" doa GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ~Shop Drawings Copy of Letter 1 Attached X- Prints Via _ Plans Samples Change Order Other SPecifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION J 9'-/2.q( I -/2,.q/ THESE ARE TRANSMl1TED AS CHECKED BELOW: FOR APPROVAL FOR YOUR USE AS REQUESTED FOR REVIEW & COMMENT APPROVED AS SUBMIlTED APPROVED AS NOTED RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS OTHER x ~u~ - - /91 , ;...-"<:"-<-- .,:::::.-'" -.->" -" ..' \.oJ': ,'-.. v-- ,~..e= r""""'; "\ <&::.:> .._~ ~ _'or b...."" ~ ;s.~",r-' \ ..::;... o--,;::C . ~ c...- f" '-"" ;JJ'" \\'t.- ."':....\~~ ./ ~ ': :. lot. ... ~ ) .. , 1 - ~ ~ \ . \ .\ . \ " , \ \ - \ l t~ t 7' ~- .. " ". . " ... , \ ~---- ,. , , ., ~ -~, - ,.\-,"-.... ,~-~ ------ ------ J?:E . q _ I ?...... '1 I -\e.......~' <;.. - O~-;.~-'<''O~ \,- . _,,\e-"\. "\(::>~~'-- TO: FROM: ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM i 9~-116 J. Scott Miller City Manager August 26, 1991 DATE: Sue Kruse City Clerk RE: Recorded Easement The Hamlet, LTD Attached please find a 'copy of ~he above mentioned recorded easement that was recorded in Palm Beach County on August 6, 1991. ~~ mas c: Engr. Admin. & Coordinator Building Official utilities Director Planning Director .... :- l.. :-'?r;. ... !-. ., r '- ,'0 ~.r'O'~ ".. . ~~~.~:::. ~~., . . I ( .... q .:~.:. -. 'I'~ ~\ ~'r' .J' . O~\'~. '\~. ..\\\;\~ ~." ~"-\\'\' ,.. ~ .\' '. ,. · 1 . '~;lu -.--:..---... ~ \. \ ~ )~9.... , . ,"" ,.,(.::,;... ~ .yj , . ,... .' :- .,t,.. ..~, .. . , !-. ...:. '.. \ ~~. N \ tiff.c: (tl i'il,! :S ~;;; :t; _oS? ~ o.....~- QJ-Cl:Jt=: \<.>0 0 !i:.bCC:: 000.: ~ ,,\ Cl::) ~' .:~~( -:~ ' , . ~,. , \'/. :.~ AUG-06-1991 09:20am' 91-'222775 '" , ' . ORB 691.5 Ps 1114 " Con - 10.00 Dot .60 JOHN B DUNKLE i'CLERK - PB COUNTY, FL EAS E'M EN'!' THIS'INDENTURE made this 26' to... ~ 199=:- " day of July ,A.D., by The Hamlet. LTD ~lership . a ex~st~ng Beach Cotmty and'having its principal. under the laws 'of The State of Florida and Palm , 4723 W. Atlantic Ave., 41-9 place of business at l)p'~:lY 'RP:lrn, V1 ,33445 first party, to the City of Boynton Beach-l a political subdivision of the state of Fl.orida, second party: 0' (\'lherever used herein, the terms, "first party" and "second party", shall include singular and plural, heirs, l.egal representative.~ and assigns of individual.s and the successors and assigns of. corpoiations, wherever the context so admits or . requires. ) WITNESSETH - WHEREAS, the first party i.s fhe owner of property.' situate in Palm Beach County, Fl.orida, and described as,fol.l.ows: See exhibit "A" attached '- Cl.i1d, .- WHEREAS, the second party desires an easement for water and , sewer utilities and/or other appropriate purposes incidental thereto, on, over and across said property, ,< , and, WHEREAS', the first' party is willing to grant such an , easement, see attached sheets 2 - of 2 for sewer, 3 of 3 for water. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants each to the other running and one dol.lar and other good and valuabJ,c considerations, the first party does hereby grant unto the party of the second part, its successors-and assigns, full and free right and authority to construct, maintain, repair, install and rebuild facilities for above stated purposes and docs hereby grant a perpetual easement on, ovc)~ and across the above describ~--pr-oQ.erty for said purposes. /.\ \~. Ll.i5~( ,0.. /.? '\....-' " I , . "- /~y ...f'L\~E\) '~ ,. ,'Ff{ Rt.\J\.-\ I,C"ICj\ yo " -t "G \. 2 ,'::l '; . ~ f\'v ifNion \'.~C" l.;" '-.. m of ~o R'i- ' c: ~ . ':::',:;;;;;;# \ 410, ",>; " .- ,." -;~'u "~'::' "."..... ,. .... :....::~;:::~', \ '. '':~-. {;}:f)}?'. :N7H~~~(;> ...- , . .~... , , </ ~"'Limited 'Partnership " . ~ -. ... 's. .~. +. ~. .. .;; ., .:,'/ , ,;.1- . '0 e ORB \ 691 S Ps 111 S' ',. ., :'0"' ....:... .' '. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the first party has caused these presents to be duly executed in its "name , attested by its proper officers thereunto/'duly authorized, the day and year first above written~ ", Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: The Hamlet, LTD, by, Felner DeveloJmmt Corp. Jay Felner, President ~ <7& MEa~ Partner . . ~U - . By?r--= . ATrEST(i2~ (CORPORATE SEAL) ,STATE OF Florida COUNTY' OF Palm Beach I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized'in the state and County aforesaid to ta~e ackn?wledgemen~, personally appeared ~G2;I , if....6l...t.6t ~ geH"t0-____C. ~ ~ wel.l. known to me .to be./ ~he:.-.:_ ',', President and 'bth.VL , respectively, of' the*~~~named as first party in tne foregoing Easement and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and vol.untaril.y, under authority dul.y vested in them by said'~ ~ Limited Partnershil ~ WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this c5(9 day of ,?-..uLy , A.D., 1990. ~~ i~~~e State and County aforesaid. My commission expi1:esy\;\IHI1.~!:1J;~}.~;.: ~ tlm:.:-.Y i't'::~r:; S.:'i:; OJ' FLOl:I::lA Al;.tARC3')l; ." ,~-'J' ':" .. . -...,~. .., ..~ .. r, ........;~.~'J)a)).).i ;,'" ......1. . IAf ...C.'Io!\'!~~._.. [..,rl:'t::,;, CC.(\B..... 'C'Jr)'~. 40' .. .),... ..,., ....... ' ':.~'.A' .' f" 0:> -.".-, l... L" -.'!t~ I':]' "'-"r.R'i & AS~,..,>r,I'~..... 't.J "J-::" ','- _...~ I... . "".--.. -a /-", OJ . ~ '.-' .....; '~\ 'i .;oJ 1 ,) ".;:J.' .~:~, . tt :.;;. ~ ~t '0.... ., -:. oJ .. . '-l, ~ )_, " ~V). , lJ. ':0.: - . '.~ \}1 \ "c" .J .,~: :. ... ';. ?i \ .:.~:~~ '. J ,:: t1 ,.; .'::)..:::t- ' Jl. ,; .!::'.:~' '- ! .~.. ' :~t\..'t')""",' :\..., :..t . .'9.<.:~ 't/ ,:;' .~_~:;~:~:;~::#,. 'J11111I1,I,ll\\\:', ' .". ,- iLl J -f-,'...... " ,';;;i~<:;? I 'l:J~~'ittJ/ ). ......... o. 1':": ~/ i/ J 'J I " , i -j , l .. . ' 1\ .' '," ~.~.~. . ''..;,''..: ....: . .,' 1 I t,. ~~r; .' It ,. ..... ~ -:.:;:-- ORB 6697.Ps S3 EXUIDIT "1\" , LEGAL DESCRIPTION ORB 6915 Ps 111.6 DESCRIPTlOII, . lllAT PAnT OF SECTIOtl 15 AND SECTIOII 16. TOWtlSlIlP .(5 SOUTH. RAtlOE 43 EAST, -'PALH OEACH COUIITY, FLORIDA. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS' ALL'THAT PART OF LOTS 22 TllnOUOH 26, ItICLUSIVE, 'OF SAH aROW/1" JR. ''5-:.... HYPOLUXO SUBO I V I S I ON. ACCORD 1110 TO THE PLAT THEREOF. AS "ECDROED IN-::- PLAT OOOK I, P1\OE 01. PUOLIC nECORDS. PAlM OEACII CDUNlV, FL-onID.... LYIIIO WESIEnLY OF TilE \'fEST LINE OF TilE EAST 340 FEET OF SECTIOtl 16, 10WIIStIIP 45 SOUTH, RAIlOE 43 EAST, PALH OEACH COU/lTY,'FLOnIDA, ' LESS, 1I0wEVEn, TilE SOUTII GO FEET OF LOT 22: ALSO lESS, THE FOLLOWINO DEscnlBED PARCEL OF LANDI FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORI/ER OF LOT 20 LYIIIO III SAID SAM aROWtI JR.'S HYPOLUXO SUODIVISION RU" 1I0nTli 02-02'25" WEST, ALONO lliE WEST LIliES OF LOTS 20. 21 AND 22, A DISTAIICE OF 319.12 FEET ro A LIUE 60 FEET 1I0RTHERLY'OF AND "'S HEASURED AT RIOIIT AIlOLES TO. THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 22: THE/ICE SOUTH 09-56'40" EAST, AlOtlO SAID, LitlE, A DISTAtlCE OF 25.02 FEET TO THE POltlT OF OEOIIINltlO: lHENCE NORTU 02-02'25" WEST, ALONO A LIIlE THAT LIES 25 FEET EASTERLY OF THE WEST LitlE OF SAID LOT 22, A DISTAtlCE OF G1.00 FEET: TIlEIICE SOUTII 09'51'23", E"ST. A DISTAIICE OF 3&4.25 FEET: THE liCE /lOnTlI 00-02'31" EAST. A DISTAIICE 01"50,09 FEETI ,TIIE/ICl! SOUTII 09-51'23" EAST, ^ OlS1AIICE OF 20,2 FEE.: '1I1E/lCl! 1I0nTII 00'02'31" EAST, A DIST^,ICE OF 24 FEET: TIIEtlCE SOUTH 09-51'23" E"'ST, A DISTANCE OF'O FEET: 111EIICE 1I0nTlI 00'02'31" EAST. A OISTAIICE OF 10.& FEET: TIIEIICE SOUTII 09-51'23" EAST. ^ DISTAIlCE O'F 159.& FEET: TIIEIlCE SOUTlI 00-02'31" WEST, ^ DISTAIICE OF 10.& ,FEET., THEIICE SOUTII 09-51'23" EAST, A DISTAIlCE OF 20 FEETI lHENCE SOUTH 00'02'31".WEST. A OISlA/lCE~ OF 29,95 FEET: THl!IICE DUE EAST, ALOIlO A L IIIE ll1AT IS &02 FEET SOUTlIERLY OP AlIO AS, HEASUnl!D AT nlOIlT A/lOLES TO TilE 1l01lTlI'L1I1E OF LOT 26 OF SAID SAM onOWN ..In.'s IIVPOLUXD.SUDDIVISIOIl; A,DISTAtlCE OF 311.11 FEET TO A POWT IU A LIIIE TIlAT IS '3G5 FEET WESTEnLY OF AlID PEnPEIlOICULAR TO THE EAST LIUE OF SECTION 16, TOWIIS/flP 45 SOUT/I. RANOE 43 EAST: THE liCE SOUTII .01-53'20: EAST. ALOIIO SAID LINE, A"DISTA/lCE OF 114.0& FEn TO lllE /lORTII LINE OF SAID SOUTH GO fEET OF' lOT 22: THENCE lIonTIl 09-SG'40"' WEST. ^LONO SAID LIIIE, A DI5T^IICE OF 950,'3 FEET'TO TilE POItIT OF OEOItI/lIlIO. 0, ::;. AIlD TOOETHEn WliH: o' :- , TIlE EAST 3<10 FEET OF THAT PART OF LOTS 20 to 26. IIICLUSIVE, OF SAM anOWN JR.'S HYPOLUXO SUDDIVISIOIl LYIHO III ~AID SECTIOII 16, AS RECORDED IN PLAT OOOK 1, p~aE 01, PUDLIC REconDS OF PALH aEACH COUIITY, FLORIDA. AND TOOETHtn'WITH: THAT PAnT OF LOTS 20 TO 2&, IIICLUSIVE., LYI/IO IN SAID SECTIOIl lS, OF SAM DROWtl ..IR.' S HYPOLUXO SUDD I V I S 1011, AS RECORDED III PLAT BOOK 1, PAoE 61 OF THE PUDLIC"RECORDS OF PALM DEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA, DE'NO THE SOUlI. 332 FEET OF THE WEST 165 FEET (AS MEASURED ALOIlO THE,SOUTH AIlO WEST LINES TH.EREOF) OF S",IO LOTS 20 TO 26. ItICLUSIVE. ALSO DESCRIOEO AS, OVERALL OESCRIPTIO~' TIIAT PART or SECTIon 15 1.110 SECTIOII 16. TOUIISHIP q5 SOUTH. RAIIOE U) EAST. PALH DEAtH COUNTY~ FLORIDA. DEI/lO A i'ART or LOTS 20.'21.22.23.'211.251.11026. SAri !lROWII JR.'S /U'POLUXO SUDDlYISIOII ACCORDlIlC TO illE PLAT TlIE.REor RECORDED III PLAT DOOK 1, rACE ~ 1 or TilE PUDLIC . RECORDS OF PALH BEACIl COUIITY, FLORIDA, AND DEINC HORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIDED AS rOLLOW~1 . . 'COHHE/lcr AT TilE SOUTIl'.lEST CORIIER or SAID LOT 20. SAH BROWII JR..'S IllPOLUXO SUBDIVISIOII. TIIEIlCE 1I0RTH 2~02'25" WEST. ~LOIIO TilE WEST LI/lE or LOTS 20. 21 AIlO 22, )79.12 rEET TO TIlE POIIIT or DEOIIlIIIIlC AIlD TO A LIIlE 60 'rEET /lORTII or (AS MEASURED AT RIC"T AIIOLES) 1.110 PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTII LIIIE OF S~IO LOT 22: TIIEIlCE SOUTII 69 56'116" EAST, ALONG ~AID PARALLEL LIIlE, 25.02 rEET; TIIEIICE 1l0RTIl 02 02'25" '.lEST, ALOIIG A LINE 25.00 FECT LAST (AS HEASURED ~T RIGIlT AIIGLES) AND . PARALLEL WITII TilE '.lE~T LlIlE or suo LOT 22. 61.08 rctTl TIlEIIC~ SOUTII 89 57'2)" EAST, 3611.25 FEET 1 TUEIICE /lORTI! 0 02')7" UST. 58.69 rEET: TUEIICE SOUTH 89 57'23"' EAST, 20.20 rEETloTI/ElleE 1I0RTlI0 02'37"!:AST. 211.00 FtET: TYEIlCE SOUTII 89 57'2)" tAST, 8.00 reEl:: TII~IICE 1I0RTH 0 02')7R EAST, 70.60 FCCTI T"EIICE SOUTII 89 57'2)" tAST, 159.60 rEETI THEIlCE SOUTII 0 02')7" WEST, 70.60 rEtT: TIIE/lct SOUTII 8?057' 23" [AST. 20.;)0 HET. TlltIICE SOUTII 00002' 37". VEST, 29.76 fEET TO A . :OlliE 602.00 FtET SOUTII or CAS IIEASURED AT RICIIY AIIClES) AIID PAnALLtL \lITII TilE 1I0RTII LIllt or LOT 26 or SAlO SAlt DROWII .)n.'s IIUOLUXO SUDOIVISIOIII TIIEIICE DUE CAST. AlOIIC SAID PARALLEL LIIIE 376.117 rEET TO A LIlIt )65.00 rr.tT ~tST or (A5 /tEASUREO AT nlCIIT AIIClES) AIID tAnAllEL ~lTlI'TIlE E:AST L11IE: 0; SECT10/l 16, rOllllSIUr liS SOVIII, RAlleE: It) tAST; TIIEIICE SOUTII 1 53'20" tAST, ALOIIC SAlO "AfiALltL lIllt, 1111.69 reEr TO filE: ItORTII till! or SAID SOl111/ 60,00 FEET Of L.OT 22. TlltllCC SOUT/l 89 56'118" tAH, 1.1.0110 suo 1I0RTII LIIIE. 25.01 reET TO ... LINE )110.00 rEtT wesr or (AS UtASURCD AT RICIIT AIlOlES) ~IID PARALLEL '.lITII THE EAST ~llIt or SAID SECTION 16/ THEKCt . SOUTII I 53'20" ~AST. ALOIIO SAID PARAllEL LIIIt, 378.98 rECT TO TIIESOUTII Llllt SUO LOT 201 TIIEIICt SOUTII 89 57'09" EAST, ALOHG SAIO SOUTII LIUt. 3110.19 FtET TO Tilt tAST LIKe o'r SECTlOII 1"6 AIID TilE WCST Ll/1C or SECTIO// 151 TIlE/lCE 1l0RXI/ 891 )1'00" EAST. COIITIHUIIIe ALOlle Tilt SAID SOUTH ll//C or LOT 20, 165.00 fEET: T1IEllct 1I0RTY 1 53' to"\lEST, PARALI.EL '.lITII TIIC SA! 0 \lEST L IIIE or SteTIOII 15, ))2.00 :'I;ET: TytHCE SOUTII 89 )1'00" \lEST. 165.00 Fter TO illt SAID WEST lIIlE or SECTIOII 15: ,TlltIICE :16nTII I 53'"20" liEST, ALOIIG SAID '.ltST LIIIE. 7611.)0 FttT TO tilt :IOnTlI LUtE: or. LOT 26, SAIi DRO',lH JR. 'S HrrOlUXO SU801VISIOIII TIIEIICto'Ut \ltST, ALOlle SAID 1I0nTII LUIE, 1)112.25 Fen TO Tilt ;lEST LIlIE or SAID lOT 2~: TlltllCt SOUTII 2 02'25" tASt. ALOIIO Tilt WEST LIllI: or SAID' . LOTS 22, 23, 211. 25 AIID,2~. 716: 11 rEtT TO TilE SAlO POI/IT or OtGUI/IlIlC, ')~9 ' RECORD VERIFIED " PALM BEACH COUUTY, FLA. L JOHN B. DUNKLE ,.: i ,;' CLERK CIRCUIT COURT ;~'4;~": . - 1~iffi</ . ';'> , :' ~ \~ : . ~.: ; . " ....- If" ,-.:. .~\ I; :;; '. . ''I ,';j- . ORB 6915 P9 111 7 ~ DESCRIPTION OF SEWER EASEMENT: " '. AN EASEMENT 12 FEET WIDE IN 'fIlAT PART OF LOTS 20 THROUGH 26, INCLUSIVE, SAM BROWN JR.' S HYPOLUXO SUBDIVISION" AS RECORDED IN,' PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 81 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, 'THE CENTERLINE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' COHMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST tORNER' OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE N.,053'20"W., ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 16, 207.43 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE.DF SAID LOT 20; THENCE N.89057'09"W., ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, 60.03 FEET TO A LINE 60.00~EET WEST AND PARALLEL WITH THE SAID EAST LINE OF SECTION 16; THENCE N.lo53'20"W., ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 632.22 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINd; THENCE S.87000'05"W~, 151.09 FEET TO POINT "A"; THENCE N.7047'37"~., 190.00 FEET; THENCE'N.65024'01"~., 150.00 FEET; THENCEN.89 01'33"W., 394.00 FEET; THENCE N.88 47'09"W., 406.00'FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND;. BEGIN AT SAID POIN~ "A"; THENCE N.83004'16"W.~ 260.00 FEET; THENCE , N.75 33'46"W., 379.94 FEET; THENCE S.78001'30"W., 326.00 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "A"; THENCE S.3025'20"E., 366.09 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE. ..... .. I. I II I II. 'I: \1- .' ,I , \1 I! I Ii I ., L :i !I .ll 89-190 <:JI . :.''', .:":"'~:-''''.:''"';;.dK.'~;.'/ :~ :'.:,~,.........~..iY FJIJ SHEET 1 OF 2 ..e~. GAAllir1;1Y 5Ef{/C"'t€ EI15c/V/ll/! . /7 _ O'\H\\EI, suttER & O'BR'U, 'IC. ENG'NEERS.SURVEYORS.L~NO PL~NNERS 2601 NORT" FEDERAL "'G"WA'. DELIlA' REACH. FLORIDA :.~ . .. '/~ "," / ,/" -- AI/JTtI: {lCc.- GI/Eci / FtJ;l 1Jc~{'I?Ir'//t1# 7/115 /5" #.4/ A ;-t/t'I/E}/ 8t:?I/A/tJ,4;!Y tfJr ., PIJY,{//2JH' tJlfY ~cNrllL _ AIlII~rMEA//.s ~~ '" ~~ ~~ ~~ -'....... _ \ t-.. '~~ ~~ 7. 1 c &!? / &(,1 ';e, ~tbtP. t1CJ ____- 7 A ,~ ~~ '3\ ~ ~ \{) ~ ~ ~ ~ ". .. ....:. .. ... .,. . ~. , @~2. -z~' AI. / t1 !7:J / & IF' JA,< -~------= '_tfA71 ?/"vc?'/" \ go'? 4:; , . 5c'C/,ltJA/'ItJ> ,A/. I" 7P / ~tJ uJ1./. 5 e'. C'tJK' A/e;t c);:'" 7CC'/'/cJ# 1(;;./ rtf/;:'. ~7 7'/ ,l?t9c .:15 E, ~ ~~ '-\:--... ~~ ~\t) .. .. ~ \'1-, ... .. i. .. ~:,:~~1~tr::H:;..;:~~\ ,\h . ~:.'~ ".l:\ ,,;;.~ :;fJ :J,' ;:;~;::J.~;~4~r.:,r!?1 ~ i~~ ....~~.r..:'~.: :~~~","""4~ ,.;......~l.'_. '. - ~' ~::: "'.~:~,'~~::l~'/~,;}?;~.rr ~~"'.' ~"J"J" ..,' \ .' .' A' '~' ,...,~~..,,.:;~r ,~" . ~. ,. ~.- H'; . .:' -' - -- tlt1I1/.1 II. if/E/.5A/./tJ tI1A/() ~(/I?t/eYLJR p9'Z~ = QRB 691. 5, P'3 1.'1. 1. 8 , ~_~"r:-- 7L C'... .; -.. ,- \.--""'/'.---.... , ~ I') ~.!:.l'\ , \ '~'\ ~ ~ \~;.. ~ ~ '- ~ , -'<:::. ~'\ ~ ~~~ ....~~ , ~~\ \ ~ } t.\. ~ ~~ ~ ~" ... .~ ~'-\ ~, , <<::::. 'C ~ ~', ~ .......... h. ~ ~ \i \ft .. ~ tl ~ ~ 'o~ ~ ~ i\ ~~ \3\' \\\ ~ , ~ t).., ~'o\ \)\ ,.,..~ ~ .~ ~ i,:; ~ ~ '-:~ ~ ."~ r\\ '\\ ' .... .-\ ~ \;') \ . ~ .( ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '\ 'i'~ .(o,"u 0 , ~ '--~ ~:\ ~ \ '-/9 tJ. () tJ / :~~ 1/.7 " J/. 1 ~ J 1 " ;v'. .- \' ~ ?;r: (;:). ;tI. c. 4 'Pt1/tV/ tf/, L3 t;-G lA/tV I ttl G . ~ ~ll: / " ::r /7!? 0101"" t<o:P9" 19 {'lAtl' i(Jty /9/ 1991 ......_ .~,. ~h"ccr e t?/' ~ " > '.' -' ~. i1~~~S}i; ~t:)) ~~, - ::." ORB 6915 P'3 111'9 DESCRIPTION OF WATER MAIN EASEHENT: AN EASEMENT 12 FEET WIDE IN THAT PART OF LOTS 20 THROUGH 26, INCLUSIVE, SAM BROWN JR. 'S HYPOLUXO SUBDIVISIOtS, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 81 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING IN SECTIotl 16, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, TIlE CENTErlLINE Cf HIJICII IS DESCRrRED AS FOLLa~S: COMMENCE AT TIlE SOUTIlEAST CORtlER OF SAID SECTION 16; THENCE N .1053' 20"W., . ' ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTIOU 16, 207.113 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 20; THENCE N.89057'09"W., ALO:1G SAID SOU1H LINE, 60.03 FEET TO A LINE 60.g0 FEET WEST AND PARALLEL WITH TIlE SAID EAST LINE OF SECTION 16; 'mENCE <,~,X,' " N.l 53'20"~o' ~O~~G SAID P~~AL~~L ~n~E l?~.~!~/'E.ET TO THE ~Irl; Ofs BEGINNING; ~~''l:,~';': ' ,WENCES.88 06 42 H., 111.<:::" Fr.._T 10, POLin ,\, fHENCE 5.88 06 40 W., 15.46 jf<-].r~;:' (..:FEET; rnENCE N.2 30' 16"W., 155.27 FEET TO POINT "B!!; THEUCE N.2030' 16"W., ~sA ?<. l:" 25.gB FEET; THENCE N.3010'34"W., 204.43 FEET TO POINT "C"; THENCE ...,(,. ;;,::': N.3 10' 34"W., 13. 79 f~ET TO POINT "D"; THENCE N. 3010' 34"W., 74.30 FEET .TO ',',;',:: POINT "E"; bHENCE N.3 10'34"W:, 87.61 fEET; THENCE N.0054'2a"E., 116~32 FEET;-- " TIlENCE N..33 46'14"W., 123.30 FEET TO POINT "f"; THENCE N.33 46'14"W., 3.90 fEET TO POINT "G"; THENCE N.33046'14"W., 10.00 FEET; THENCE S.89044'47"W., 91.48 FEET TO POINT "H"; TIlENCE S.89044'47"W., 53.58 FEET; TO POINT "I" TIlENCE S.89044'47"W., 91.17 FEET TO POINT "J"; THENCE S.89044'47"W., 86.60 FEET; THENCE N.87025'34"W., 80.37 FEET TO POINJ "K','; THENCE N.87025'34"W., , 103.35 FEET TO POINT "L"; THENCE N.87025'34"W., 41.08 FEET TO POINT "H"; TIlENCE N.87025'34"W., 84.30 fEET TO 'POINT "N"; THENCE N.87025'34"W., 98.60', FEET TO POINT "0"; TIlENCE N.87025'34"W., 35.75 FEET; THENCE S.88018'55"W., 123.09 FEET TO POINT "P"; THENCE S.88018'55"W., 55.77 FEET TO POINT "Q"; TIlEN~E S.88018'55"W., 7.71 FEET; THENCE S.4020'55"W , 245.15 FEET; THENCE N.90 OO'OO"E., 22-.'98 FEET TO POINT "R"; THENCE N.90600'00"E., 91.00 FEET TO ,POINT "S"; TIIEMCE N.90000'OO''E.~, 62.70 FEET; THENCE N.72013'22''E., 8.30 FEET 'TO POINT "TIi; ::iIENCE'N.72od;22I1E., 168.57 FEET; THENCE N.90000'0g''E., 108.46 FEET; TI-JENCE S.76045'58"E., 105.71 FEET TO POINT "U"; TIIENCE S.76 45'58"E., 39.83 FEET TO POINT "V"; THENCE S.76045'58"E., 267.29 FEET TO POINT "W"; TIlENCE S. 76045'58"E., 34.36 FEET TO POINT "X"; THENCE S. 7601/5'58"E.. 166.10 FEET TO StlID POINT "E" AFOREDEscrUBED f1NB THE EtlD OF' SA!D r:ErIT!::RLI~IF.; I'J1!) BEGIN AT 11-JE SAID POINT " A:; TIJENCE ,tJ. 1 53' 20"W., 32.02 FEET TO 'mE E:m OF' TIlE CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "B"; THENCE N.88006IJIO''E., 18.13 FEET TO TgE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGI~ AT SAID POINT "B"; 'THEtlCE S.88 06'40"W., 40.37 F~ET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN I\T SAID POINT "C"; THENCE N.88 06'40"E., 19.90 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "C"; THENCE S.88 06'40"W., 47.50 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "D"; TI1ENCE rL86049'26''E., 15.60 FEET TO TI-JE END OF SAID CENTERLINE-AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "F";,.THENCE N.560131J/6"E., 12.88 fEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "G','; THENCE S.56 13'46"W., 15.00 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "H"; THENCE N.OoOO'OO"E., 18'62 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "I"; THENCE S.O OO'OO"E., 50.04 FEET TO THE END OF SAID . CENTERLINE -AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "J"; THENCE N.OoOO'OO"E., 10.70 FEET TO TIlE END OF SAID CENTERLINE ArlO; BEGIN AT SAID rOINT "K" 'mENCE N.OoOO'OO"E., 8.48 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "L"; THENCE N.O OO'OO"E., 11.02 F~ET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "M"; THENCE N.O OO'OO"E., 190.89 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 26 AND TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT _"N"; TI-JENCE . N.OoOO'OO"E., 14.18 F~ET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "0"; THENCE N.O OO'OO"E., 10'65 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "P"; THENCE N.O OO'OO"E., 12.76 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "Q"; THENCE N.OoOO'OO"E., 10.52 FEET TO ' TIlE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "R"; THENCE s.ooOO'OO"E., 11. ~ 1 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "S"; .....TfJENCE S.O OO'OO"E., 12.99 FE~T TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "T"; THENCE S.1746'38"E., 15'39 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "U"; THENCE S.13 14'02"W., 13.57 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "V"; THENCE S.13014'02"W., 15.11 FEET 'TO TIlE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "W"; THENCE S.13014'02"W., 25.6~ FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE AND; BEGIN AT SAID POINT "X"; THENCE S.13 14'02"W., 30.64 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CENTERLINE. ~:\:.} ,: of'... . ~. 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FLORIDA OAt(; . vI/LV /9, /99/ flHO BOOt(' "AG!: -1-- '""- S".,,: IVt'Nc S//Ee-r .? t1/' g O~IlIRHo'g~_/9L:J J' . . _'. I ".::.~~'.\.'~::~',':' 71G ~{~7:: ,-- - ORB 6915 Ps 112~ . ~t~? LINE DATA TABLE , LINE' BEARING DI5TANCE L1 N . 890 57'09"W, 60.03' L2 N.01o 53'20"W, 109.45' L3 5.880 06'40"W. 111.25' 'L4 S.88o OG'40"W. 15.46' , L5 N.02o 30'16"W. 155.27' L6 N.02o 30' 16"W, 25.88' :1 L7 N.03o 10'34"W. 13,79' J L8 N.03o 10'34"W. 74.30' :: L9 N.03o 10'34"W. 87.61' . , L10 tl.OOo 54'25"E. 1 1 6 . 3 2 " ',~ ( ~ r . 1 . L 11 tl.33o 46'14~'W. 123.30' .::-,.,,<. j .-.. " . 46'14"W, 3.90' - ~i:~)F( ~ L12 tJ . 330 L13 , N. 330 46'14"W. 1 0.00' L14 5.89'0 44'47"W. 91 .48' :' _ .i. ' L15 5.89'0 44'47"W. 53.58' . ' L16 5.89'0 44'47"W. 91.17' , L17 5.89'0 44'47"W. 86.60' L18 N.87o 25'34"W. 80.7.3,' L19 N.870 25'34"W. 103.35' L20 N.87o 25'34"W. 41. 08 ' L21 N.870 25'34"W. 84.-30 ' L22 N.870 25'34"W, 98.60' L23 N.870 25'34"W. 35,75' L24 5.880 18'55"W. 123.09' L25 5,880 ,18'55"W. 55,77' L26' 5.880 18'55"W. 1 . 71 ' . . ....~ ~,!. 90'0 OO'OO"E. 22.98' :- :2u N.900 OO'OO"E. 91. 00 ' or' L29 N . 90'0 OO'OO"E. 62.70' L30 N . 120 13'22"E. 8.30' L31 N . 120 13'22"E. 168.57' L32 N . 900 OO'OO"E. 108..16' L33 5.7,60 45'58"E. 105.71' L34 5.760 45'58"E. 39,83' L35 5. 160 . 45' 58" E . 34.36' L36 N . 00'0 OO'OO"E. 190.89' L31 5 . 16'0 4S'58"E. 166,10' L38 N.860 49'26"E. 15.60' L39 N ..:010 53'20"W. 32.02' L40 N.88o 06'40"E. 18.13' L41 5.880 06'40"W. 40,37' L42 N , 880 06'40"E. 19.00' L43 5.880 06',40"W. 41,50' L44 N , 560 13'46"E, 12.86' ~ L45 5 . 560 13'46"W. 15.00' .~ .~~~. L46 N . 000 0,0' OO"E. ,18. 12 ' .~. 'w''' .t. , -.,'1 L41 5.000" ob ' OO':E. I ' 50.04' . ..:.1' . L48 N .000 00' OO"E ..' '10.10' L49 N ..000 OO'OO"E, 8.46' L50 N .000 00' oeY"E. ,11.02' L51 N,OOo 00, ~ ,00': E , 14. 18' L52 N ,000 00 ~ '0'0 "E . 10.15' L53 N.OOo OO'OO"E. 12,16' L54 N.OOo o 0 '"'0' 0 "E , 10,52' L55 S.OOo OO'OO"E. 11.41' L56 5.000 OO'OO"E, 12,99' L57 5 . 110 46 "38" E . 15.59 ' ..". L58 5.130 14'02"W. 13,51' L59 5.130 14'02"W. 15.11' L60 5.130 14'02"W. 25,68' L61 5 . 1 30 IJ' t'2"w. 30.64' 5HEET 3 OF 3 1LJ1 RECORD VERIFIED PALM 8Ef.CH COUNTY, FLA - JOHN 8. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT 89-190 ",...1 - , . 'lo' ,~ 4~r-: ./ ~o_"J.ji~A-' J/ J1 i i l<!.-e .,/' F ,'f--e APARTMENTS BOYNTON BAY July 1, 1991 Mr. J. Scott Miller City Manager The City of Boynton Beach 1 ()() E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33424-0310 Dear Mr. Miller: When our Joint Venture (Boos/FeIner Construction and Florida Affordable Housing, Inc.) approached the City of Boynton Beach to request some assistance for our proposed affordable housing community, we requested individual meetings with the Mayor and each Commissioner prior to presenting our request at a City Commission Meeting. Not all of the Commissioners would meet with us, but those who did were advised that our financing from the State of Florida carried with it a requirement that Ii, ~ +~/: ;~. we rent at least 40% of the apartment homes to low to moderate income senior citizens"--_;., ~.~. . At the time we intended to rent approximately half of the apartment homes to low to ' moderate income family households, many of whom would, of course, have children . and that is why we also proposed the child care center across N.E. 4th Street from the community. When we appeared before the City Commission, the Mayor at that time, Gene Moore, did not give us an opportunity to discuss our development, but instead belittled us for requesting assistance and harshly criticized staff for bringing us before the Commission. The request was put to a vote and a majority of the Commission voted to pay $75,000 towards the repaving of N.E. 4th Street in exchange for contribution of the land for N ,E. 4th Street by us, contingent upon, our obtaining $1,000,000 of financing from Palm Beach County. The funding for affordable housing, provided by the State of Florida through the Florida Housing Finance Agency, is allocated 45% to families, 45% to elderly households and 10% to farmworker households. The financing for Boynton Bay was allocated from the funding for elderly households, and required, through a recorded Land Use Restriction Agreement (copy attached), that at least 40% of the Boynton Bay . . hou.seholds be el.derly (age 62 years or q1Qe.Q~i~h the balance of the apartment homes avaIlable for reSIdents of any age. ~cEIVED 499 Boynton Bay Circle Boynton Beach, FL 33435 JUL 1 PLANNING DEPT. J Lj f 407-364-7600 407-731-1457 FAX ,~ , So that my, partners and I could build quality, affordable housing, as we had done previously at Auburn Trace, our affordable housing family community in Delray Beach, we requested a favorable $1,000,000 mortgage loan from 'Palm 'Beach County " to build this $14.2 ,million community. Palm Beach County agreed to this mortgage loan, contingent upon our reaching agreement with the School Board of Palm Beach County to address the issue of racial balance in the public schools. The concern of the <:,,.1."01 n~'n'd o~, Jll. '>~In n"-"11 ro"'U'lt.. "nd th" Bo""d nf' ro''o''tlh' roOm""l'S(;lon"r.:: ""as' ....n...llv .1J'\;u.... .I u...l ~'" """V I "1' t.U1 . &""" c...... v. ........_..... ..,,'t "-",,.. 11. .... 1..........., T that building an affordable housing community in our location would worsen the racial balance in the local schools. The School Board's impact analysis disclosed that Poinciana Elementary School, which serves this area, had 757 students enrolled (peak enrollment 776), which enrollment was 84% black. According to the School Board, "Study area 250" currently delivers public school students at a ratio of approximately 80% black to 20% white, Their study areas immediately to the south of our community "collectively deliver 290 public school students to us - 289 black and 1 other. " We strongly resisted any racial quotas on our community but, after many months of . negotiations, entered into an agreement with the School Board recognizing our requirement to rent at least 40% of the apartment homes to elderly households, and - establishing a goal to rent the remaining 60% of our apartments in the approximate range of 20-30% black and 70-80% other. Under the agreement we must submit quarterly reports and we will be monitored by the School Board, You are new to Palm Beach County and may not be aware of the fact that the School Board of Palm Beach County is under great pressure from the Federal Government to achieve better racial balance in its schools and they, therefore, must take steps such as the agreement entered into with us. The alternative they would otherwise pursue would be closing of schools such as Poinciana Elementary, and locating new schools further west. In response to the newspaper report about Mayor Wiener's concern that seniors housing "could nudge the Palm Beach County School Board to close the aging Poinciana Elementary to help solve integration problems", we would point out that senior housing will in fact help preserve Poinciana Elementary. With respect to the child care center, Mayor Wiener and City Staff made the child care center a requirement for approval because they felt the City of Boynton Beach had a great need for a child care center. 2 j1J '- At about the same time as we were working with Palm Beach County, we were approached by representatives of the Four Sea Suns Retirement Community adjacent to our property to the south, and the Boynton Mobile Village Retirement Community adjacent to our property to the east. We made appearances before these two retirement communities, containing 188 households, and it was made very clear to us that the only affordable housing community they wanted next door to them was an affordaQle community for seniors. They were very happy to learn that our financing from the State of Florida for :!.ffordable hcu:;:n;; required tllat at lea5t 40% 'of the "apartm:;nt ' homes be senior households, and strongly encouraged us to make the community 100% senior citizens. Since the affordable housing financing from the State of Florida requires that at least 40% of the units be occupied by senior households, and in light of the agreement entered into with the School Board of Palm Beach County, we decided to gear our marketing initially solely to senior households. What has become clear to us is that, although some senior citizens did not mind living in buildings with a lot of children, , the vast great majority of senior households do not want to be disturbed by children, In light of our required senior citizens set aside, we have gone to numerous seminars on . senior housing and read many books on the subject and all the. experts agree that seniors prefer living in retirement communities. Mixed age communities have . generally been quite unsuccessful. In fact, as a result of the newspaper articles this past Friday, several of the applicants at Boynton Bay have called to express their concern about families, and wanted their deposits back, From the standpoint of need, there is as much need for affordable housing for senior citizens as there i,; for famiiit:s. SiI.ldies, commissioned by the Florida Housing Finance Agency, have estaUlished that fact and that is why the State allocates an e<}ual amount of funding for affordable housing for families and for seniors. We have certainly had at least as much demand from low to moderate income senior households I at Boynton Bay as we did from low to moderate family households at our Auburn Trace I development in Delray Beach, There is presently far more affordable housing in Palm Beach County for families than there is for seniors. ! Almost all retirement communities for senior citizens are either extremely costly and geared to wealthy households, or government housing geared to very low income seniors, and low to moderate income seniors are forgotten. The only way to provide decent affordable housing for seniors is through the long, laborious process of obtaining necessary governmental assistance, as we have done. 3 /50 ~ .. , .. ~ Seniors on fixed incomes, without employment income, are finding it more and more difficult to maintain their homes and live decently. The housing of older Americans is generally older and less adequate than the balance of the Nation's housing, The percentage of income spent on housing is higher for older households than for younger households. Seniors' greater needs for health care and other services further aggravates the problem. Boynton Bay will provide for low to moderate income senior citizens of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County the following: 1. Rents approximately $180 per month below the market rate for conventional apartments - $425 per month for a one bedroom, $495 per month for a two bedroom and $570 per month for a three bedroom, currently - for households with incomes in the approximate range of $10,000 to $21,000; 2. Security which is extremely important to them - an enclosed community with a 24 hour gatehouse attendant; an emergency medical call button system and a security alarm system; - 3. Our clubhouse has been designated by the Division of Senior Services for Palm Beach County as a congregate meal site and mini-senior center where seniors will receive a free noon meal and an Activities Director will schedule and coordinate numerous fitness, social and educational programs on a daily basis; 4. The ,}..!ae Volen Senior Center will provide free transportation to our senior residents every weekday for shopping, medical visits, meals at other meal sites and senior centers, banking, general errands and some social outings; 5. On-site we will have, in addition to the community center, a fitness room, swimming pool and spa, gardening, card tables, a library, wellness classes conducted by hospitals and medical clinics, a car care center, etc.; and 6. For an additional charge we will provide laundry service, housekeeping services, trash pickup, etc. Auburn Trace is a model affordable housing community for low to moderate income families. We pledge to you and the C~ty of Boynton Beach to make Boynton Bay the 4 )51 ,. '--. ,... J foremost affordable housing community in the Country for low to moderate income senior citizens. We know you will be proud of Boynton Bay. We are planning a cornerstone ceremony in October at which you, the Honorable Mayor and the Commissioners will be invited as our honored guests, but we hope that you will visit Boynton Bay soon to see what an asset this community will be for Boynton Beach. Kindest personal regards, cc: ' Honorable Mayor and City Commission Chris Cutro, Director of Planning 5 IS/;< '1fU!, City of tJ3oynton 'Beach ~~ - ~ ~ 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bta& 'BouUvanf !I'.a. 'Bo~310 'Bo!JlZton 'Bcadi,1'foritfa 33425.0310 City 9faf{: (407) 734.8111 1'}U: (407) 738.7459 June 26, 1991 Jay Felner, President Felner Construction, Inc. 4723 W Atlantic Ave, Suite 9 Delray Beach, FL 33445 .RE: Boynton Bay Apartments Dear Mr. Felner: When the Boynton Beach City Commission originally approved the above referenced community development in 1990, you had indicated in your presen- tation that this rental complex would serve the low to moderate income families. Also, along with this family concept a daycare center was sub- sequently approved for construction on an adjoining land parcel. . I am now reading in the newspapers of general circulation your adver- tisements for rental ad notice that emphasize a "senior citizen" community. I am somewhat confused with this change of approach - a family oriented . community to one of senior citizens. An explanation on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~-" c-2~- A:~~cott Miller City Manager JSM': cd cc: Honorable Mayor and City Commission Chris Cutro, Director of Planning Central File R " REC~ffi})ED JUN 21 -~r,lNli~G DEPT. p~NN",G DEPT'! 4 \ -- ~ - . .. jJmema's gateway to tfie (julfstream )53 I '" t~~ ~~ J~~~ ., n. - GEE & JENSON May 3, 1991 Mr. Ivan Olsak Olsak & Associates Consulting Engineers 308 Greymond Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Re: Boynton Bay Rental Apartments Proposed Drainage and Roadway Modifications Dear Ivan: In accordance with our previous conversations and review of your proposed modifications by the city of Boynton Beach Engineering Department for the re~~~enced pr?ject, I have the,fo~lowing responses: 1. The roadway typical cross-section may be modified to change the ,12 inches of stabilized sub grade to l.2 inches of compacted subgrade. 2. The 8 inch 1imerock, base and the' 1- inch of'-Type II asphalt proposed should remain as in the typical road cross- section previously approved. 3. The roadway widths of 12 foot each should remain as in the typical road cross-section previously approved. Raised curbing shall remain at the entry way per the original design. 4. Your concerns 'about entry way drainage are noted and we suggest that you submit a modified profile- 'for--the'''- -, drainage at the entry way moving the--l'ow-point-- of' the' ' entry road west of 4th street to a point in line with Catch Basin 25 and add additional inlets if necessary for this roadway entrance to drain properly. "'fA+\ ..~ JrnCEIVED MAY ~ . , :::;,: if LANNING DEPT. .. ~ \ . . .--..... .......~ ! ;S'1 One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923. 407is83:3301 . FAX 4071686-7446 , .n Mr. Ivan Olsak Olsak & Associates May 3, 1991 - Page Two WRS:kvc 91-025 5. In addition, your proposed curb cuts at the end of parking areas to allow for drainage in, areas where continuous curbing was designed is acceptable. Please call me if you have any questions on this matter. v~yours, w. RiChJ;~ --- ,'<~L '. /~ cc:'Chris cutro Vince Finizio Don Jaeger . ",-~~ ~ ,'.. ~~ ~ ~,-;; \ ~ -:-... :;, 6> /-::: -j . f'"": .....~ r'-:\_ '~::\ ~ ~ ~ . 'r:;' "j' \ .',\ i:J! .-' ' '~~> / i',~ ~4~/ . ~I_-:.:--'..---' ~'({ '! \ . .,..N\~G ~ez \.. i~")~: GEE & JENSON ;55 RE~ Dear.~r. uinners~ "::. . , j,: .1 1;~' .' . t '\ ....: \' ~~';",.!': " . , \ '," , ", . ,,'.,' > ~. :' \ ~ " " I'; ." ,.., .....!~\~..'/)(\ \, \'l:'.",..J:;.:\'\~ " I' n I' \.'. \': " \~l, I. , \l\\ \::.:' ':',' \ I', ' : \ .~, :'-', :,r t '\' ' l-\at'ch '1.5, '1. ?1~(.~ ,:~;' .\ \1 ' \)~\ \\~:<~! %::\ ' :. \: \\ \ :~'.'.\'~: " ~\ ,\\ ,;' . ' ,l,~ .., \ , \ \\ \ \: . " ~~ :.'\ ~ \ \';, l\~ ::\'~', ;.\\ \\ \' ' " '.\ \\', ',,:'~1': k\\ ' ~ \ 1\ .\' 'J.i j' 1 \ \1 . I' . \ t ,.... ~" 1 \ " '\ \"~~: ,:l';:~.\ .'.\ Ii \ . h t the Hamlet rBOyntonB"Y) :.(\ \:' ThiS letter is to conf>-r>;, t ~or a building permitprior.:to' .tbe de"elopment proj e'it ~pp~ l ';;~ pla;' appro"al \ Apri.l 11 tb :':l.~91 ) . e"pirati.on date 0 ,t ~e remai.ns e"empt frOm tbe. Ci.~Y .S,,'\_ . . '1'\\"s, t\le Hamlet p< 0) ';;c ;rd;' nance \ citY ord. 90-18)., ': .,,' \\. .'. conc""rencY l-\anagemen . . .,. ,..,.,' -. l'.do lriotl.\\es;.tate 't f yon sbOu1d ha"e addi t i.ona1 queS ti.ons p ease:\ ;,\\ \\,\\\f.' contact me. .. . ,.' \. ".,.".' , ' ;>\'. ><-'i\,\\':-:h; ;\, , .\' ,\;\\',:;\\,\',' " '\]et'~ ,,-rr\.\ly''':lo'Urs.,;,,\\~,,\~::'\\'''\ \' .. " ..". . .,,1. -\ \..\ \ ~)~ \,; c!.'r~ otBO~'l'ON,\~~.~p~\',:" : ,,' ", \1" I . , '. ,\; /' ,i' . j ~ \. ~ \ \~ '\ '" . \ \\"'\'\": ~\\'" ','. . "\ t 1.., ~. ~ .. \ ~, . \ ot'ge 1J ~ Gon'Za,J.~"',\ ,'\\':\'.'. \, fo.SSistant' c~t~~t~~~~~\,r\ ' , \,' \. II ~~\:~\~,....\ . " .. ~ \! I' " . l' \ '~;. :~ .r; \\ . \ ." \ \: ," \'~;'i, I' . . l' ~,. \\ ,I . ,,\', . \ ~: '~. ' , .' \' \. "~ " \" '. .\' :,' \\ . I, ,\~,; \' " > ' ,\ '\\' W' f:\\" \ ' . ",. \..<; ~\ : \\~\: ~~~\'\~v:\. . :.- ".,..\ \ I;~~~l"'\". \' ' ,. ,\ ,;": .,;; \, \ " , ,\ \ ~\" \ .' ' , , '\:', ,\!~ ~ \. \ , .' \. "t.,1 \, \ \'. :\ l. ~ ~ '\ j \ I \; ~ I I . \ \ '\" ~ ,I : \' \'\ \ \ ~ \ \ \. \ \ ;1~" ~ I, e \\,'tJ; \. ' " , . \ I. \ .~ \ \ : . \ ~ " ,~,. \' ~ , , \, ::\\" , , ~\ " ,\':, I ( .'. . ate City oj: 130Yltton 13eacli 100 'I:. '.1loyrt lOti 'l\(iufi 'lllll/(l.t'arC< 1'.0. '.Bo~310 'Boyn'O" <Brarr.. :Trorida 33425.0310 City j{a((: (407) i 34'S 111 j5lX: (407) 738.;"459 ~r. 'rom Uinners 625 Aubnrn ci.rcle ~est uelraY Beach. YL 33444 to cc~ subject yile ~:hamlet3.dOc/cu"rent Ii I ! J J9, 51,,,,,;,0'5 galC'Umy to lfie gulf,tream , ~'\'. ~ \,,\\. ,.",:",' , " ------' ' ,. "" ,- 'J3nOAD AND CASSEL A TTORNEYS AT I.AW MURRAY D. SHEAR, p,A, MIKE SEOAL. P.A. ~f:rrn~Y A. DEU1Ctl. r.A. p....TRICIA LEBOW, 1',..... C, KEN BISHOP, P,A, InVINO ~IIIMOrr ALF:X C, KLIROS. P.C.' ROBERT D. GATTON, F".A, RIC.4Ano tJ, MACrAnlAND. r.A. DAVID SUEAR, P.^. c. DAVID BROWN, Jr, P.A. .. DURTON SPRAKER, p.A. DAVID.J. BERGER, p,A, r, VERNON BENNCTT MARWIN S. CASSEL, p.A. .JAMES S. CASSEL, p,A, MAURECN HEALCY KENNON, p,A. ALICE BLACKWELL WHITE. p.A, ALLAN B. SOLOMON, p.A, R'CHARD E. RE:CKSON. P.A. CLlrrORO I, HERTZ. p.A. ARVIN .J, .JArrE, p.A. M. STEPHEN TURNER RALPH C, DATlLLIO DOUGLAS L. MANN HEIMER MARTIN fl. ""r~'-;'. ,...^. IU^ n. oon()ON MONTC A. .JACKCL IGAL KNOOLER, F",A. NORMAN S. WCIDER RICHARD n, DOBKIN' MICIlAEL A, OFII"'N ANTHONY W. PALMA ....NDREW D. RArKIN CIIAnLr!'l !,\, !'I' nA I ION GARY S, DUNAY RONALD .I. KLEIN PHIUP n, SCHWARr7 UANDOLPH H. FIELDS, P.A. HARRY A, PAYTON. p,A. .JAMCS C. SLATER, p.A, ARNOLD STRAUS, JR.. P,A. STEVEN C. EISENBERG DAVID K. MILLER SUSAN RHODE:S ROBERT T, ROSE:N GARY BROOKMYE:R THOMAS K. TOPOR SANDRA p. STDCKWE:LL ANDREW COTZIN LAURIE: L. RIEME:R M, SUSAN SACCO RANDAL M. ALLIGOOD .JILL STEINBE:RG SCIlWARTZ RICAnnn 1"onnr.:!\. ..,". ARIHUR nr:nor:n THOMAS r, DIORIO DAVID R, LENOX ~\,~ ~~ JONATHAN C, OSTCR JAMES .I, WHEE'LCR S1 EVEN CLLlSON AMY S, SCHLOSSER nmAN SMITH H1A .J. COU:....AN 'HCDA.J, COLLINS JCrrRE:Y r. GORDON DE'nORAH H, JOHNSON KAYLA .I, BISI10p RONALD M, GACHt RICHARD N, MILIAN JOSE ^, CASAL MICHACL R, KERCHCR BE:RRY .I, WALKER, .JR. HEATHCR WITTCRS CHRISTOpHCR A. ANSELMO CHARLES G. BARGCR, JR. WILLIAM L. EpSTCIN JUDITH A, JARVIS BnENDA LCE LONDON STUART R, ....ORRIS JAVIER RODRIGUCZ KIM R. BECHTOL JErrRE:Y BROWN MAnl< .I, CltMIt:lAn!\1<1 EDWAno M, I<UIlN III JODI LAURENCE GARY E. LEHMAN 7777 OLADES ROAD SUITE 300 BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33434 14071 4E13'7000 FAX 14071 4E13.732' OF' COUNStL SHEPARD BROAD ALVIN CASSE:L LEWIS HORWITZ NORMAN BROAD, p.A. KELLY OVERSTREET JOHNSON _NOT ADMITTr:O IN "LontOA ." January 14, 1991 Jorge L. Gonzalez Assistant city Planner City of Boynton Beach ~OO East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Jorge: Re: The Hamlet (Bovnton Bay) , As you will recall, you wrote to me on December 18, 1990 to confirm that the above-referenced project was exempt from concurrency review by the City of Boynton Beach. You were also kind enough to provide me with a letter from Palm Beach County verifying that the project met the 1990 traffic performance -standard code of Palm Beach County. I have received an inquiry from the lender's counsel on this particular project with regard to the meaning of the next to,last, paragraph contained in your letter dated December 18, 1990 (a copy of this l.etter is enclosed for your convenience). This paragraph states that "The Hamlet project shall remain exempt from concurrency management ordinance for as long as the site plan, approved on April 17, 1990. remains valid and unexpired." On a recent telephone discussion, you informed me that the meaning to be inferred from this paragraph was that building permits had to be appl.ied for within one year from the site plan approval pursuant to City Ordinance. I woul.d appreciate you confirming this to me in writing so that I can provide our lender's attorney with a written explanation. RECEIYED JAN 1;' en PLANHII\lG UEPf. .. OTHER OFf'lCES: MIA....' ' FT. LAUDERDALE. WEST PAL.... BEACH. ORLANDO, TALLAHASSEE, ATLANTA, GA /57 .... Jorge L. Gonzalez January 14, 1991 Paqe 2 Again, your courtesies in this matter would be greatly appreciated and I would appreciate a response as soon as possible. Very truly yours, ,"---", CASSEL ay ," - GSD/djs Enclosure cc: Mr. Tom Hinners , / . :. BHOAD AND CASSEL J5f , , .... '. . ~ #'. . . CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Utilities Department 124 S.E. 15th Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 (407) 738-7460 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES November 19, 1990 Mr. Jay Fe1ner, Partner THE HAMLET JOINT VENTURE 625 Auburn CIrcle West De1ray Beach, FlorIda 33444 Dear Mr. Fe1ner: SUBJECT: Boynton Bay Apartments & Day Care Center - Easement Please be advIsed that thIs offIce has no objectIon to the ded I cat Ion of a new, pr I vate easement as shown on the attached sketch, to replace an exIstIng easement. The sketch Is somewhat defIcIent, however In that It does not IndIcate the 11ft statIon s t te that I s to be deeded to the City. One of our cond I t Ions of approval for the sIte plan was that saId dedicatIon be coupled wI th the abandonment of the ex I st I ng easement. Th I s cond I t Ion of approval Is still In effect. We trust thIs letter addresses your concern. If not, please refer any questions to Peter Mazzella of this offIce. SIncerely, RECEIVED CI Y OF BOYNTON BEACH ~-, ctor of Utilities Joh DIr NOV 21 1990 PLANNING DEPT. - - JAG:gb bc: Peter Mazzella cc: TambrI Heyden, AssIst. Planner - PlannIng Dept. F I 1 e /S1 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Nailing: Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 (407) 738-7480 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach FL 33435 BUILDING DEPARTMENT City Hall Complex West Wing Telephone: Address: November 21, 1990 . Felner Construction Mr. Jay Felner 4723 W. Atlantic Avenue, suite 9 'Delray Beach, FL 33445 RE: BOYNTON BAY RENTAL APARTMENTS (HAMLET) File No.:90-016 This letter is to inform you that your project has received final sign-off on November 19, 1990 of the plans submitted for review by the Technical Review Board. Completing the' Site Plan Review process, enables you to submit working drawings and construction plans for the site work and building construction to the Building Department for plan review and permitting. To initiate this process present to the plans analyst in the Building Department the following: aT appropriate and completed permit application form b) copy of this letter c) appropriate plans and associated documents d) a plan filing *permit fee The plan filing fee is made payable to the City of Boynton Beach in the amount of *** .3% *** of the valuation of the work specified on the permit application. The total permit fee is determined by the Building Department, and is due when the permit is issued. *section 5-4 Permit Fees, City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances For information regarding permits related to the site work contact the Site Development Division (407 738-7484) and (407 738-7480) for permits related to the construction of the building. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. RECEIVED Development Administrator Nav 21 1990 PLANNlNG DEPT. MEH:ald cc: Central Files ,TRB File SDD File ~~~~~:a:e_fi ~l' )&D , I ('. .', rJf'"t~.... {'(',f I " - 7~ ~etHtta flD-U 11~ 625 ~tt ~ 'Ult4t VdIC4'1 ~t4d ~ 33444-2 (407 J 265-4999..-11 1 Q"YI/ ' V 'j, err I November 14, 1990 Mr. Peter Mazella Assistant Director of Utilities The City of Boynton Beach 124 Southeast 15th Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Boynton Bay Apartments and Day Care Center Dear Pete: There presently exists a private easement on our day care site. This easement contains a sewer line which services the boat yard immediately East of the site. We are abandoning this easement and intend to replace it with a private easement on our 'property as described in the attached sketch. . I would appreciate a letter from you stating that the City of Boynton Beach has no ~objections to this arrangement, since this is a private easement and will not be serviced or maintained by the City of Boynton Beach. Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, &:~ Managing Partner /[0 ) '.... I , CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @...,., .~- 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR September 28, 1990 . Mr. Bob Wilson Cooper Consulting Engineers 652 South Military Trail Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Dear Mr. Wilson: ~ This letter is to confirm the telephone conversation we had on Thursday, September 27, 1990. Enclosed please find a letter from the Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works . verifying that "The Hamlet'" (Boynton Bay) project meets the 1990 traffic standards. The Hamlet is exempt from the remaining city of Boynton Beach LOS .standards (potable water, sanitary sewer, drainage, recreation facilities, solid waste, and parks) for as long as the development order (site plan) issued on April 17, 1990 remains . valid and unexpired. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Q~ ~rg~)G~nZalez Assistant City Pla~ner ,I JLG:cp Enc. cc: Central File jwt< , ~ . f" ~ ' .. Board at Cou..t,. Co...,..l.lonen Cuol J. Elmquist. Chairman Karen T, MarcuI. Vice Chal, Carol ^. Roberu Ron Howard Carol~ l'hllllrs , . . . April 11, 1 ggO County Admlnlltrator . Jan Wlnten Department of E"Klnellrlna and Public Work. "James J. Golden Senior Ctty Pl.nner C1ty of Doynton Belch 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 " Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Dear Hr. Golden: The Palm Belch County Traff1c D1v1s1on has ~evtewed the traffic impact study for the proj~ct ont1tled The'fiamlet at Boynton Deitch, H.E. 20th Avenue/U.E. 4th Street pursuant to Countyw1de Traffic Performance OrdInance (Ord, No, 90-7) and Mun1cipal Implementation Ord1nance (Ord. Ho. 90-0), The County l~affic D1v1:s1on has determl ned: . The project m9Qts the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code of, Palm Beach County because there arc no overcapacity roadway segments within the project's radius of development 1nfluence under Test '1 and Test #2. ]f you have any questions regarding the determ1nation of the County Traffic D1v1s1ont pleasQ 'feel free to contact me, or call 664-4030. Your transm1ttal of this traffic study for our rev1ew 1s appreciated. .'-", .. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COU~N~ · 1 Ian A. Ennis, P. [.1 AICP , Dev~lopmQnt Revtew Engineer - Traffic Diviston . . AAE:cjk . File: Now. TPS - Traff1c study Rov1DW$ au\H:amlot 0'.. . . I.,.. fl1!""""',.,r" . ~.... ~t: A ,. '4",,- 'I "~:!,J' v.~l:'!l'.t1."&.1 .~.~\\rlC..4 1,. d' \ I\.J~ "~., · I No. 39459 '\ *' % \\ STAff OF jt;l: J . ~';:I.) ORlt)~...:{~.y1 I ,~ ......,.. I"~~ l , /leD E.\'l~I"" ... ........,,,,...., , ~ , ~ "An I!qual Opportunlt)' . Arilrmatlve Action Employer" BOX 24h WEST PALM BEACH, fLORIDA 31402-2429 (407) 684-4000 @ pml'" m "cvr/ftl~" /h3 .... .-'-: L Boanl 01 Count, COMml_Ione" Carol J. Elmquist. ChairmAn Karen T, MarcuI. Vice Chll, Carol A. Roberti Ron Howard Carole I'hlltlr~ . County Admlnlltr.cor Jan WhIten --. Department or E"Rlnellrlna Ind Puhllc Work. Apt'11 ll, 1 ggO "', "Jamu J. 901 den SenIor City rllnner City or Boynton Belch 100 E. Boynton Belch Blvd. P. O. Box 310 " Boynton eeach, FL 33435-0310 Dear Hr. GDlden: The pa'~ BOlCh County Trafftc Dlvisiun his ~evl8wed tho traffic impact study for the prnjf!ct ont1tled The'IIRmlet at Buynlun Up-ach. H.E. 20th ^venue/U.E. 4th Street pursuant to Countyw1de Traffic rerformance Ordlnanc.e (Ord. tlo. 90-7) and Muntc1pal Implementat10n Ord1nance (Ord. Uo. 90-0). The County Traffic Dtv1s1on has determined: ' The project meC!ts the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code or. Palm Beach County because there arc no oVerc~pac1ty roadway segments with 1n the project's rad1us of development influence under Test '1 and Test fl. . ]f you have any qU9st1ons regard1ng tha determ1nation of tho County Traffic 0iv1siont pleass 'feal frec to contact mg. or call 684-4030. Your transmIttal of - this traffic study for our rev1ew is apprp.c1ated. " 0... . " " ,:t#""""""fII . ~..,. ~t~" ""~ I ,,~:~. v.~.~.v"'I.""~ 1~~\\rtcA{<:..cr · ( No. 39459 '\ * 'It · J % '.. STATE OF it;:: GJ-;;:!.t OAI~~"-:.{~'i I 'i:'I/......... ~''''~~ " . EO E" ..... ...",,,,... Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COU~N~ · lhn A. Ennh, p.r., AJCP Dev~lopmAnt Review Engineer - lraff1c Division AAE!c-ik .' Fi1.: Now. TPS . Traffic Study Rav1aws ". ~. . au\Hamlot - '.'An ~l)ual Opportunlr)' . AffirmatIve Action Employer" BOX 242) weST rAtM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 , @ pm"" on ',Cyfltd "."" fhLj CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ '.. ':: ' . .~. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435,0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR March 27, 1990 Palm Beach County Engineering Dept. Attn: Mr. Charles Walker, County Traffic Engineer PO Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE:\ The Hamlet of Boynton Beach - Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Dear Mr. Walker: Enclosed you will find two copies of the revised traffic impact analysis for the above-referenced project. Please r~view this project for consistency with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. . If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON) BEACH ;)(t."" 1- /S;c.:':f~_ II ,. JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:frb Encs cc: Vincent Finizio Jay Felner Certified Mail #P730 407 544 /eaS- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @' -.. .: ~ . .~.. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 12 June 1990 Timothy Cannon Acting Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-03l0 Mr. Remar Harvin Director, Palm Beach County Department of Housing and CommunitY,Development 801 Evernia Street West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Dear Mr. Harvin: This letter is in response to your request on behalf of the Palm ~each County Board of Commissioners with respect to crediting a certain proportion of the dwelling units in the Hamlet project toward the County's affordable housing. objectives. The City's .Comprehensive Plan, under Objective 6.3, states "By the Year 2000, the City shall continue to implement a series of housing programs aimed at providing adequate housing and housing sites for low and moderate-income persons available to meet their housing needs." The support documents for the Housing Element project the,.number of rental units, by rent ranges, that will be needed in the City through 20l0, however, the plan itself does not contain any such numbers. Therefore, it would be possible for Palm Beach County to credit 80 percent of the units in the Hamlet project toward meeting the County's housing objectives, without conflicting with the City's Pl.an. Consequently, it would be acceptable to the City for Palm Beach County to receive credit for the above-mentioned proportion of units, based upon the County's 1 million dollar loan contribution toward the project. Very truly yours, TPC/cmc cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Johnetta Broomfield, Community Improvement Director BOYNTON BEACH 7~ . Cannon Planning Director )&& .. wpdS\doc\agrccmt\dcv THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA THOMAS J. MILlS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOlS GROWTH MANAGEMENT CENTER (407-624-7239) 3930 RCA BOULEVARD, SUITE 3004 PALM BEACH GARDENS, flORIDA 33410-4272 " , . :' ~ ::. " ..;' . . .- .' . -... ..-....~.. . ":-f>"i,~:;~:i;,~.;<~:"~:;.<'" 0"", . : . :..,~..'. . : April 25, 1990 Mr. Jim Golden Assistant City Planner City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: The Hamlet Dear Jim: To confirm our telephone conversation, wherein you advised that the Hamlet affordable housing project in Boynton Beach has received all necessary approvals from the Boynton Beach City Commission. This includes the City's contribution of $200,000 credit for utility and road impacts, and $85,000 credit toward park and recreation impacts. The City's contribution of the $285,000 impact credits is contingent upon the developers of the Hamlet obtaining $1,000,000 in affordable housing funds from Palm Beach County. Upon receipt of the funds from the County, the developers may begin pulling building permits. Should any of the above not be your understanding of our conversation, please contact me. Thank you for your time in providing us with this information. . trulYJ~Ul Li da S. ~well Real Property Manager Growth Management Center LSH:dkh cc: William V. Hukill Howard Johnson David H. Williams ~1l1EI2> ~ 11~ _ __ ~~flif.G ~ ~ ( (;; r; ... .. ~ o tj " n. H P:= U .t/l .. W o -. ,,' :r: ~A~ l:)WI1. o-1Q 0~t1. n.OO ~U ::r:WtI) ~Cl o IX:.. tIltt..Otl) p:=ou~ ....,WWO P:=n::~ ZW 0-1 :J::;t1UO o f-4 H t<4 gj (-4 ~ tIl or1ll:)~ ~~n.A tIl Ww tt.l~~ ...~ ~ H ..-1-4 n:: N l%.U OOtl) Cl~ W ~C)~O Z ~ OHWA NQC)H ~<o:: tl]On..O f-4U 0-1 au ..tl4 0-1<<d-- .. t1. ... ~ :>-t o :2: 0 ,... 00:2: ~H~l:) ~tIl 0 ~Ht...U n.f::i:3::r: f-4An.U <1XI < tT::o:z;w f-4t1lHCO ~+ , ~ ~ dB~ ~ ... ~ I . ~ ~ ~ " ~ ... 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Gary Dunay Broad and Cassel, Attorneys 7777 Glades Road, suite 300 Boca Raton, Florida 33434 .- .' Oear Hr. Dunay: This letter is to confirm that the "Hamlet" (Boynton Bay) project, located within the corporate limits of the city of Boynton Beach, and specifically located at the southwest corner of the intersection of N.E. 20th Avenue and N.t. 4th street is an (A)(19) category development project, which means the project is "fully,exempt" from the cit~' of BOYllfon Beach concm:rency Management ordinance (ord. No. 90-18) for the construction of two hundred and forty (240) multi-family units. ' I I~ave also included a copy of a letter from the Palm Beach County T~affic Division which verifies that'the Hamlet project meets the 1990 Traffic Performance standards Code. ~ The Hamlet project shall remain exempt from the concurrency Hanaaement Ordinance for as long as the site plan, approved on April 17, 1990 remains valid and unexpired. zf you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, orge L. Gonzalez Assistant city Planner I. " Enc. cc: central File subj ec't. File. a:hamlet.doc " " )1)0