LEGAL APPROVAL / .I ". . / .; CITY of ,II> ~ BOYNTON BEACH /. .... ~ 1.1 . . . ,'" 4 ~ .j " 1 . ,- , .~ -~ " -- " . < ,~:), ',. I 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, f10rlda 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 .;. OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR July 10, 1990 -. Hamlet Joint Venture Co. Attn: Mr. Jay Felner 4723 West Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach, Fl 33445 RE: The Hamlet of Boynton Beach, n/k/a Boynton Bay Rental Apartments - Site Plan,Modification - File No. 515 Dear Mr. Felner: Please be advised that -on Friday, June 29, 1990" the Technical Review Board approved the referenced administrative site plan modification, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. These plans . were approved subj ect to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Building Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off on each set of plans from each Technical Review Board member who made comments. The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board member to review and sign-off the plans. If the Building Department did not have comments that require sign-off, they are still the last department to handle and process the plan~. One (1) set of final signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. To help facilitate the sign-off process, you should make an appointment to meet with each Technical Review.Board ~ember (only A ._- -.------"./ - TO: Mr. Jay Felner July 10, 1990 -:2- those members who made comments), to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by submitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division of the Building Department. The Building Department will advise you. as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only. the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~;P~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: 'Technical Review Board C:Hamlet j ~ t,' ,- . , ~ L t, '" . 1 .. .j 1 " =- .. ,JA ")0, ;. " .! ~ .. .. ,~ . -, r ! ~ STAFF COMMENTS THE HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH ADMINISTRATIVE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION ~ , ... BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: .! FORESTER: ... See attached memo See attacbed memo See a~tached memo 1 ~/ ~ --:, ~ TO: THRU: ~ FROM: RE: ...:, r- t BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-288 July 5, 1990 Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & site Develop~e~ Administrator SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - BOYNTON BAY RENTAL APARTMENTS (FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH) - DELETION OF PARKING SPACES AT THE CLUBHOUSE RECREATION AREA Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following list of comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. t show on the site plan drawing the appropriate number of regular and handicapped parking spaces for the entire recreation area, clubhouse, laundry area, etc. show on the site plan drawing the parking space computations for all the required parking spaces as specified by Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.H for the specific uses as shown and identified on the site plan drawing. Provide a statement on the plans identifying the number of regular and handicapped parking spaces provided and required. 2. Provide a landscape plan for the area where the parking spaces were eliminated. 3. The new landscape plan must reflect the appropriate percentage of native species landscape material. 4 . ~ .. show on the plans a handicapped accessibility "walkway" (minimum width five [5] feet) leading to the main entrance of each building from each handicapped parking space. Provide detailed drawings of the required curb cuts and/or curb ramps and provide spot elevations along the entire path of the "walkway" starting at the handicapped parking space and terminating at the edge of the level platform at the entrance to each building. show and specify the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform required at the entrance to each building. Identify within the perimeter of each building the approved finish floor elevation. All handicapped construction and material must comply with the State of Florida Accessibility Requirements Manual. 5. Show the location, door swing, width, length and elevation of the level platform required at the entrance to the building. 6. show on the plans the location of the required handicapped parking signage and specify on the plans that the height of the signage is seven (7) feet from the grade to the bottom of the sign. 7. Show a typical regular and handicapped parking space detail drawing. Show and identify the size and the required pavement markings for both types of spaces. Striping must comply with the applicable codes. 8. 9. The landscape plan should show a plant directory, indicating the total number, species, spacing and height of all landscape material. All specifications must comp~ wit~+~ Landscape Code. RhCEl V,bU State on the plans that the landscape material will beij ~ irrigated with an automatic water supply system. .JUl PLANNiNG DEPT. !J - . ", ~ Memo RE: July page 'I . 10. , 11. -t 12. \ f 13. to Timothy P. Cannon site Plan Modification 5, 1990 Two - Boynton Bay Rental Apartments Specify on the plans that the quality of the landscape material will be Florida #1 or better. show the location and specify the type of raised curbing required to protect the landscaping material. Specify on the plans the distance between the laundry and recreation building. Horizontal separation distance must comply with the requirements of the Standard Building Code. All drawings and/or documents, submitted for pUblic record and prepared by a design professional, shall show a legible, original raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings/documents. 14. This submittal is identified as changing the parking space count of the recreation center only. All other changes (building types) will require a separate site plan modification submittal (see the Planning Department). MEH:bh ~ .. RECEIVED JUL ti 1990 PLANNING DEPT. "\ " A:BOYNBAY.SDD (0 . " EN3INEERIN3 DEPARlMENI'MEMORANDUM NO. 90-190 June 28, 1990 ~ TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager , FRCM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering .. -. RE: T .R.B. Cannents (3rd Review) The Hamlet of Boynton Beach Slatery & Root Architects In accordance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 19, Section 19-17, "Plan Required - Site Plan Review and Approval", and Chapter 5, Article X, "Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", the applicant for the above referenced project shall submit the following infonnation, technical data and plan revisions. 1. Resolve all prior Engineering Deparbrent staff caments including drainage issues previously presented to the Design Engineer. 2. Provide a revised Site Lighting Plan, Section 5-142(a), "Lighting". 3. Sidewalks to continue through all ingress/egress approaches and be a minimum of six (6) inches in these areas. Article X, Appendix, Section 5-142 (g), "Sidewalk Standards". U~....d-..A-:-=t::_~ Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner , ... 7 . I RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-351 TO: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director RE: Boynton Bay Rental Forester/Horticulturist 1 Vf\ Ji Apartments (Hamlet) .~ ~ FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, It DATE: July 5, 1990 ~ 1. The applicant must adhere to the findings of the environmental audits for animal and plant species on the site. These determinations are made by the State of Florida, Department of Fish and Game. KJH:ad ? . ... 1 ."# TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS 240 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX Southwest corner of N.E. 4th Street & N.E. 20th Avenue City of Boynton Beach PREPARED BY: OLSAK & ASSOCIATES, INC. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 1990 :' , /1 / I I I / I TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION............~.........................1 LOCATION MAP......................................2 . SITE PLAN.........................................3 TRIP DISTRIBUTION.................................4 ... TRAFFIC GENERATION RATES..........................5 TRIP DISTRIBUTION.................................6 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES...............................7 9 ROADWAY REQUIREMENTS.............................10 .. ~l RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS....................11 LOS I'D" DATA.................................... .12 -.. ITE TRIP GENERATION DATA.......................13 - 15 .. /5" INTRODUCTION This is the site of a proposed 22.6 acre, 240 dwelling . unit apartment complex, which will be located in the southwest corner of the intersection of N.E. 20th Avenue and N.E. 4th ~ street in the incorporated area of Boynton Beach. The purpose of this Traffic Impact Analysis will be to ' determine: a) The effect of this projects traffic upon the . surrounding roadway traffic; ~1 b) Site related improvements. Traffic counts were available from the Metropolitan ~lanning Organization Traffic Count Locations. Access to the site will be from N.E. 4th street. Four hundred seventy five parking spaces are required, but the project will provide parking for 509 spaces. , The 240 dwelling units are categorized by the number of bedrooms based upon the following: One Bedroom - 56 Dwelling Units Two Bedrooms - 160 Dwelling Units Three Bedrooms - 24 Dwelling Units -1- # , .. . ... ~.:I. Ul."" ..un ~J ~. .. f'.,II, s . .. .~~ "I 1"" CI ':. :. .. r {,.I 111" hi" i . j ~ '"~ ,.~'" ~ ... i~"! :. I .-' VILLAlit ..~ "ttU'fAL( :.: . -... ~ """ ... .., := ': ~. _ v - UH"Hl~"LUj ..I~ '\h. ., .16 \ OJ '~~'" '. "I II '. ~, .::::-r-:- ~""'i ~ ~~'e : :.; ~f~, ~~~ 4 ~ .. .. ... ~ :. ~ ,.;;.:. f.?,:.;'....- · ..::: - '" ..'. r'''; ~ - ..~:,. ~~ ( i 7 . Ol ~; _~!.? !_J J(OldING GRt: I 191;'1' HI \:..:.:I I I ..",1, ,'I"U A11 . ~ ~r ;; . ... . l!! . << 1ft I '" A'I1 l. "I III" hi ~ PGI'II , ~.:, ~~ "..." ru.. '.;~." "!!. ~ ~I"I .L1" r. I~ ~ -....- ". ,..>:I :"- I Ill" 'ft I ... ~ \:. ... t' ~ :; f"" ..' :.' ~\,~~:: v. . t, - - "..... r- f.. ~ J.' ~ I'..~ .. "I I . .",. III. oS .. "c.. r--r 9 - ,-- 7 I ~ - --,............' 'hl'- · I __ C - - _I '11111 __.. ... ~J~ ~ =. 1- .-;, 1111.':', .., r - '" ,.,,, . ....I~ [Cl . , ... ti.C~; . "" to. .. ..'.s r 21.,,'; ".,,, . ... . ~- Ill''; Ol Jl.o: ..., .." :;, ;Ii..~ ~I~ ~ UI ~~ ~\ 7", .... "It :)YII ION--~ 'VI II ~""'" ~ I "". /'.,.~ ::1,,,,.' '\ " ..'l~~ .....IHq ,~,~ u:n~::~Vt ';...._~~ "'" f.. ~ 4 . ; :~ .. , ,. 4- 1'.I..lu I .w, .. hI to ,.1" -" .1" .., 6 ". f: '.0"':. (" . ,U"., I ":' "l , ~ -I 'fi~~A "'-I ft'" ~'" ~~1ii .." .... RO I ..~ ,.. ~..!.!!JilI J; :: LOCATION MAP JJ' ~ Ii ) ==, J . , , I ~"ITH - ~ Li.y, ~-n .J It. II Uk' --Jl~r~~ .. I~L_ ~ '. ~~~~~#~~r - -.-. J R:.1f ~. Il",,","b c:J I y-, '-"':- - -, .. ~ ~ t~TOH 1...,[" J.Il.,.: .U~IIII' ~ L '"'- ~ ILEA ,._~.,... ~L---~ ~ ~~ ~~ - AU I "..IC...~ I< bLES e -- I'" ~.. .... ;;; Ao' \11:: ...f:: ii ..- ., .~ ..:.c: - -~- j -- """ duuII'IHl I r 'lu.i'T~ J " n. tw\C COil I COOUIN~ COVE I~l.o,l~ 1.1'." ,to".lr".i'== IL--:~Y; ( ~ \II;'H .:;"":' --; -, - ..~ "".," ..~pt::-:~ , ~...} r". ~ IL. ~l';" : . !:':f.1 .;' ; ::iliill" 0 ..::v ' I~, -t:..r-~ =-'- I 1-1 AYI~m - 22 1 I I "'''.!!.lUl-' ..wAMIIJl'Jk E ~ T _ _ . .. ~ j '.11-..1 Z~w (~~I~'l:i~1 I hi ....: :..; hIM,,,, ~ ,f:J ,_ I ~ J - .sOYI~~'l ~ to hi "In .." I'" . 1'11. h.. .1' . . I' ...,z,.. IrUTHrl. .. J (:. .. '''_.1 '.~'" .1~2I,---J ' oal:.. ~ tf , .\.. , \ I rl ~ I~U_'!..c1 Ilk ~ : .1' --I ! ,- -.-J Ih. YILI _'"', -2- /7 """-- ~--""""LIU ~~ :- ..!:::::::- ...Huo_......~. ~-!!!l ::'=--~~.?... --......~. ~ -:=..-=.:..-.::~ _. . ,'".. .-.. -.. __.0 ----.".~ . THE , z ,cz: H ~ ~ E-t H Ul .0 ) I ----------.. --.----- --- -~ --.~.,~ SITE PLAN tOO 10 0 0 10 100 10 zoo - .- r.w HAMLET OF BOYNTON BEACH . . NAta K Ct ~..)J( "''''lOe9S J"'l ~. .1. ~ ~ ~ ~I'" I w w a: ... .. :r ~ ... W % "'00' DOC::! ----......---.. -..-- _.___,"'l_ ____ ...--........-. -- ----.. -----..---....- ....-. -.. -..-- -'-'- ..- ,._.~.. -...... .--'--'. -'.---..--..--..-- ..- - ...-..-....... ....... --.----...- ---..,-............-.--. . -------......... .--- ,............. -.. ......-................,- --_0..____0-__-.. _ -.-........... -....--......-.- _0... ....._......__..__......._ ---........... ..-..--..........-. -... - ...,..... -...... ........ ""--" ---.,;........- .....-..-..-..-- --...-.- '''''--''--'.--- --- .....-......-. -.---.- - .....-...-.------.- .-........--..........- .--..... -.-.--......- ....-..-.-.. ----.-- .....-....-..-- --.- ...-...-'.-.---- - ..............-.--- --..-- ..--.-...-----.---....- -.,-..-..---- .---- ._.. _u_..._ _...._ .._.... -.. --.-.- ..-.- ,..... -...... ____..._._.__...09__ ---..- .....-..............-....-. ....-----...--.---..- --- -.- ...-.-..-....-..- ...---..--.....-........- ..- -- '---"-"--'-.. --. -.....-..-...-.-.-- ----- ---....--.. -.- ..----...... .--....--...--- .-'-...--- - -..- -......----.-.- ....- .---..-.-----. .--..- ----.--..-..-.....-. 'H N en t;,J e- -<III _a: u t:j O!; en c.:l~ ,,. z. ,,. 1oI- -< c.:l~ z: ~5~ :>i: yV1:: .... z ~ -<8 en ..J o :r u < W al ell ... o I- W -J ~ < :r w :r I- z ~ ...J a.. UJ t- V} I C"l I ~ . .. ~ " - TRIP DISTRIBUTION . This report will address assumptions as to the general distribution of traffic as follows: N-35% W-30% E-15% S-20% -4- , If TRAFFIC GENERATION RATES . Trip Generation Rates are taken from the ITE Trip Generation Rates and are as follows: 6.1203 T/D.U. x 240 Dwelling Units = 1,465 Total Trips/Day These 1,465 trips/day will then be distributed throughout the roadway network assuming 100% occupancy and development based upon the trip distribution identified on page 6. , ~ . ~ . . -5- ~ .. 6498 200 6698 . . 13475 50 13525 . 11318 200 11518 TRIP DISTRIBUTION Seacrest 4-lane 4-1ane N.W. 22nd Avenue ---.,----.----- "'-'---'" "/-- 6498 - 450 1465 6948 6 N 2-lane N.E. 4th Street 2-lane -6- ... U.S. 1 2-lane 16500 ... 600 17100 16500 300 16800 &j J' /- .13475 50 13525 LEGEND EXISTING TRAFFIC PROJECT TRAFFIC TOTAL TRAFFIC PEAK HOUR Peak hour trip generation is based upon the following information: a) A.M. Peak Hour Enter ' .568 T/o.u. x ( .27) x 240 o.u. IS = 37 Trips c Exit .568 T/o.u. x (.73) x 240 o.u. IS = 100 Trip b) P.M. Peak Hour , Enter .702 T/o.u. x (.63) x 240 o.u. IS = 106 Trips Exit .702 T/o.u. x (.37) x 240 o. u. IS = 62 Trips This information will be used to identify peak hour turning movements at the sites entrance and N.E. 4th street, as shown . on pages 8 - 9. . .. -7- 6/2 A.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES . .. Project Entrance 37 J ~ 100 . Of LEGEND 100 PROJECT PEAK HOUR VOLUMES . .. -8- ~ o 6 N N.E. 4th street , ~5 P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES . . 6 N N.E. 4th street Project Entrance 106 J 62~ I o . 0=:1 LEGEND' 106 PROJECT PEAK HOUR VOLUMES , .. .. -9- cJ1 ... . . .J , .. . ROADWAY REQUIREMENTS Project Entrance LEGEND REQUIRED TURN LANE -10- 6 N N.E. 4th Street ~ c0 RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS .. The project generates a total of 1,465 ADT on the surrounding roadway network. Based upon Table 1, none of the surrounding roadways are operating below Level of Service "C". Even with the additional traffic added to the major roadway network all roadways operate at better than Level of Service . "C". . The peak hour turning volumes shown on pages 8 & 9 indicate that the P.M. peak hour volumes on N.E. 4th Street is greater than 100 vehicle trips. Palm Beach County requirements are whenever the peak hour turn .count is greater than 100 vehicles per hour, a right turn lane must be constructed. Page 10, indicates this requirement. Other than the right turn lane being constructed on N.E. 4th street into this project, no other construction is warranted or recommended. " . . -11- ,:;~ ~ 0 \\\ b ~Q~ (11 o ~ ~~~ ..' ~~ ~ ~ ~~ vJ 0 ~ ~ t'" , ~ t-3 , ~~~t to.) t;0 !:' ~~~ -J HH t-3 0 ~~ ~ 0 t"'0 ~ot vJ ~~~. o ~H'Z .. ';dg~ o H~ vJ 0 ~""' o 0 t'" o ~~<r ~ ~~~. 0\ ~H'Z .. ';dg~ ~ H~ ~ 0 ~""' 0\ 0 t:t ~ \0 U' .. o \0 0 U' 0 o ~ ~ ~ Ci1 ~ ~ ~H oE o;o~ 0(11 ~~ ~~ ~H ~Q ~~8 o~ ~'gb~ ~~~H * (11 ~ ~~ H ~~ 8~ t<~ 8~ t< ~~ (11 ~ ~ H Q - - ~Cf 0: ~ ~t'" t-3 ,:l~ 0\ ~~ ~ .. .. -J ~ t-3 0 0\ 0 ~ -J ~ ~o ~ ~~ \0 0 tt1~ ~ .. (11~ .. .. 0 ~ ~ \0 0 0 0 ~ 0 . II APARTMENT (220) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: DWELLING UNITS On a: WEEKDAY TRIP GENERATION RATES . Average Trip Rate 6.103 Average Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends per Dwelling Unit Range of Standard Number of Average Number of Rates Deviation Studies Dwelling Units 0.542-11.814 2.94 120 272.9 DATA PLOT AND EQUATION ., 0 14,000 0 en c 12,000 z w 0.. a: 10,000 I- W -J U 8,000 :r: w > w 6,000 (!) <( a: w 4,000 ~ II I- 2,000 . 0 . 0 0 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000 2.400 X = NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS 0 ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation: T = 5.92(X) + 51.0 R2 = 0.932 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION: Not available. y .., APARTMENT (220) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: DWELLING UNITS On a: WEEKDAY A.M. PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR TRIP GENERATION RATES Average Vehicle Trip Ends (Weekday-A.M. Peak Hour of Generator) per Dwelling Unit Average Range of Standard Number of Average Number of Trip Rate Rates Deviation Studies Dwelling Units 0.568 0.095-1.079 . 91 231.9 . '. en o z w a. a: t- w -! (.) :I: W > W (!) < a: w ~ /I t- . . DATA PLOT AND EQUATION 600 400 o o 00 o fJ o 200 o o 0 000 o o. o , o o o 200 400 600 x = NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS o ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation: T = 0.54(X) + 5.0 R2 = 0.863 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION: 27% enter, 73% exit. APARTMENT (220) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: DWELLING UNITS On a: WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR OF GENERATOR . TRIP GENERATION RATES Average Vehicle Trip Ends (Weekday-P.M. Peak Hour of Generator) per Dwelling Unit Average Range of Standard Number of Average Number of Trip Rate Rates Deviation Studies Dwelling Units 0.702 0.095-1.636 * 109 . 231.8 . -. en 600 0 :z w a.. a: ..... w ..J 400 2 :r: w > w (!) ~ a: w 200 ~ II ..... ,. DATA PLOT AND EQUATION o o 200 400 x = NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS o ACTUAL DATA POINTS FITTED CURVE Fitted Curve Equation: T = 0.59(X) + 24.0 R2 = 0.804 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION: 63% enter, 37% exit. 3J . . SLATTERY & ROOT ARCHITECTS Architectural Design & Planning Member: A,I.A, . June, 21, 1990 Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Attn: James Golden Re: Boynton Bay Rental Apartments (Formerly the Hamlet) t Dear Jim, Enclosed is six (6) copies of the revised site plan. The changes on. the site plan are the addition of eight (8) parking' spaces directly to the west of the laundry building, the elimination of thirty-two (32) spaces east of the recreation building complex, and the addition of a dumpster enclo'sure adjacent to the compactor enclosure, to be used for re-cycled refuse pickup. The net loss of parking spaces due to the re-configuration of the recreation complex parking lot is twenty-four spaces. Please advise our office when these changes will be up for TRB review and if the presence of a representative from our firm will be required to explain the changes. Sincerely, @ci~ ~~ Mark Burton, AlA SLATTERY , ROOT ARCHITECTS II! MBile 2101 N.W, 2nd Avenue e Boca Raton. Florida 33431 e (407) 392-3720 11760 U,S, Highway 1 e North Palm Beach. Florida 33408 e (407) 775-1334 3) '. II n 6 GEE & JENSON Ivan Olsak Olsak & Associates consulting Engineers 308, Greymond Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33405 '}k February 11, 1991 Dear Ivan: Re: Boynton Bay Rental Apartments Drainage Review After the submission of additional soils data information by your firm and your review and concurrence on the drainage calculation issues raised in our February 6, 1991 letter, I have concluded that your drainage plan calculations are sufficient for approval of the referenced project. .. WRS:kmk 91-025 cc: Chris cutro Vince Finizio -niCriH~~lBD, '.Lj ~ ~ \\ .t ,l,...d- . ! ".......l- ." .-OJ l~. Of:' \ p'J\~~\NG DE.Pl~ , ~ One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409..1923.407/683.3301 . FAX 407/686..7446 ~ }A . n GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects. P1anners,rnc November 21, 1991 ~ Ivan Olsak Olsak & Associates consulting Engineers 308 Greymond Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Re: Boynton Bay - Paving 4th street Dear Ivan: .. This letter is sent to notify you that placement of asphalt on 4th street was not in accordance with City specifications. City 'specifications require Type II, while S-3 asphalt was actually placed on the roadway. Because of our concern for the structural integrity of this finer graded asphalt, the city will be requir- ing a $10,000 restoration bond at the time of the final accep- tance of the Boynton Bay project along with a One Year Guarantee for this roadway and for the Required Improvements within Boynton Bay. Please notify your client accordingly. Very truly yours, , Inc. rCr~ W. R1chard staudinger, city Engineer ." WRS:kvc enc 91-025 cc: Jim Cherof ~ris -.cutro"'", . ~ ~,.. ---. ~ V:Lnce F:Ln1Z10 J. Scott Miller Mike Sewell RECEIVED NOV 25 qJ PLANNING DEPT. RECEIVED NOV 25 1991 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE ----. -- . ..--- One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923.407/683-3301 . FAX 407/686-7446 o