LEGAL APPROVAL ...... . ~:.p..t - '"'-" CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~.-: ~; -... 4 ~ ' 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 ( 3 05 ) ,73 8 -7 4 9 0 -- -. --.- .-- .~-- . . ~ _ _ ~ ..1:';J~I...:. . .rL--c;;;....'"""________=_~ ...--:..-si. .__, -..a: J . ~--:-:-- -,--,- - --' ...,=-~' ~'" .'~ , :~.~;tf~.~~.~~;:~;;-:;~::;~ ~~ -.;: i~. :r:. .~~.~' ~ ~: ~~'~~c; ~~ ~':1~;'~!., ~ ~~..;.,." ..--- _~,~~ . ,', .. JIi~ . - ---,' I'~ '. :.::;,:::.:.... "6, ~~~~~-s<.. ~ ~~...-: ;..;..:...._:-- :...:.--:...--:-- OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR :'(;:.. August 20, 1987 - " ,~ '.1 Miller Meier Kenyon Cooper Architects & Engineers, Inc. 101 N.E. Third Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Re: Boynton Beach Municipal Complex Site Plan Dear Sirs: Accompanying this letter you will find a copy of the site plan which was approved by the City Commission on Tuesday, August 18, 1987. This plan was approved subject to enclosed staff comments. Please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached check-off sheet, prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. I The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. Also, all capital facilities fees and road im- ' pact fees, if applicable, are payable at the time of permit. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, .. """- \' "j/. CSA:ro Attachments CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . ~""/' /./ / - Cjit./.1L~~:?(,../J: (. ,!. )l.~'~~~/'''~ CARMEN S. ANNUN IATO ~ PLANNING DIRECTOR cc city Manager Technical Review Board Central File ~ .... , C"_ '~ '1'\- ....i: ,~ '" ~. ' " STAFF COMMENTS BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL COMPLEX Engineering Deparment Forester/Horticulturist planning Department SITE PLAN 8 See attached memo Memo to be distributed at meeting See attached memo I I I / I I I / / ", / ~/ "- .0 , ...~' ,~ " "'L~_ ~;lf, , ' ~l ... ~. MEMORANDUM August 6, 1987 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Boynton Beach City Hall, Site Plan Comments: 1. A memo from Bill Flushing, dated August 3, 1987, is included here. 2. Drainage calculations were not included. - cPJ- ~ ~ Yt9 Tom Clark TAC/ck attachment I ... " . c'.' " "",' .b M_~_.t:1_Q..._-R__,B_J~__ DUM Augu~t 3, 1987 (Monday) TO: Tom CI arJ~ FROM: Bill Flushing RE: ' Boynton Beach Municipal Facility (CITY HALL) '-- ,. .,~ 1 " Subgrade could be compacted instead of calling for stabilization, this would be a substantial savings 2_ The debris baffle should be eliminated from the catch basin detail to provide jet-vactor m a i n, ten a n c: e 3_ ThE? i::ompc.ct.ion nr~;n-'=i""'d c:ompnct:ion not c c h 0 U 1 d b crt: mo'" c d r 1- e In the' dQt::d I" NOI mal median': cal pi OCCdUl e~ ::>I.uuld Lc u~~ ~~?? B ill Flu s h i n g' , '~ 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 0- .... ...:.. " .. MEMORANDUM August 4, 1987 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS, PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD ~_ FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, AICP PLANNING DIRECTOR ~ RE: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MUNICIPAL COMPLEX SHARED PARKING ALLOCATION Peter L. cheney, agent for the City of Boynton Beach, property owner, is requesting approval of a shared parking allocation in connection with a request for site plan approval for the redevelopment and expansion of the municipal complex. With regard to the number of parking spaces required by the Zoning Regulations for the municipal complex, the requirements are as follows: Main City Hall Building (Sec. 11-H.16.d.20) 21,781 ~ 300 = 73 parking spaces East Wing City Hall (Sec. 11-H.16.d.20) * 2,933 ~ 300 = 10 parking spaces .... .....' .'.... ..~.......'.~..,............-"'.-~.._.l.i.... * Excludes lounge, library, gymnasium, and mechanical areas as these are ancillary to the principle use (office space) West Wing City Hall (Sec. 11-H.16.d.20) 17,652 ~ 300 = 59 parking spaces Commission Chambers (Sec. 11-H.16.b.2) 200 seats ~ 114 = 50 parking spaces ".. '... In addition to the above uses which are clearly outlined in the' zoning regulations, the recommended parking for the fire and police department is provided below': Police Department Number of employees on maximum shift = 70 parking spaces Fire Department Number of Employees on maximum shift = 25 parking spaces ~ i ..' .. It is recommended that the Planning and Zoning Board approve parking requirements for the Police and Fire facilities as outlined above in accordance with Section 11~H (12) of Appendix A, Zoning, which states that "where a use is not listed below, parking space requirements shall be determined by the City Commission after review and approval by the Planning and Zoning Board." Given the above parking calculations, there is a total requirement of 287 parking spaces for the municipal facility. ~ The total amou~t of existing and proposed parking for the municipal complex is as follows: Parking Garage = 140 spaces New lot adjacent to school = 61 spaces New lot adjacent to west wing = 51 spaces Existing employee parking lot = 22 spaces (West side of school) Total = 274 parking spaces Based on the above, there is a difference of thirteen (13) parking spaces between that required by ordinance and that which is proposed to be provided. Section 11-H(13) of the Zoning Code contains the following provision for shared parking: . 13. Parking spaces required in this Ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in part or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or structure if quan- titative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on differ- ent days of the week or at different hours. Quantitative evidence shall include but not be limited to the following: (a) Field studies and traffic counts prepared by a traffic consultant experienced in parking st~dies. .. (b) Adjus~ments for seasonal variations. (c) Estimates for peak parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute or some other recognized land planning and design organization. .. All data furnished must be statistically valid. In addition, a minimum buffer of 10% shall be provided to en- sure that a sufficient number of parking spaces are available at times of peak hour use. Said buffer is to be calculated based on the following formula: Buffer = surplus shared parking 1 on-site + shared parking provided 2 l .. .- '~ I 4 (1) Shared parking spaces not required by the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations for the proposed use. (2) Parking spaces required for the proposed use as per the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Regulations. Evidence for joint allocation of required space shall be submitted to the Technical Review Board, and approval of joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be made by the Commission, after review and recommendations ,by the Planning and Zoning Board. ' With respect to section 11.H(13) of Appendix A, Zoning, as outlined above" the City is seeking to quantify, in this particular instance, that the "parking demand for the different uses occurs at different hours." Specifically, the Commission Chambers, which requires fifty (50) parking spaces, primarily operates in the evening hours when the primary City Hall functions are closed. Therefore, there is no need to provide parking for the Commission Chambers during the daytime hours when the main City Hall facilities are operational. This allows for a reduction of fifty (50) parking spaces during the period from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and reduces the required number of parking spaces from 287 to 237, providing a surplus of thirty-seven (37) parking spaces. The surplus of thirty-seven (37) parking spaces is sufficient to provide for the necessary parking for City-owned vehicles for the Building, Engineering, Police and Fire Departments. No buffer calculation is required as the uses occur at different hours and there is no overlap in parking demand. On Tuesday, August 4', 1987, the Technical Review Board met to review the plans and documents submitted, at which time they recommended approval of the shared parking allocation without reservations. .. .~. c!.. G..-- dO' ~ _ ..-r:- CARMEN S. ANNUNZIA CSA:ro ',. cc City Manager Technical Review Board central File 8 I' . . MEMORANDUM 6 August 1987 , TO: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist ._ RE: Boynton Beach Municipal Complex - Site Plan ... ~ 1. Two of the species, Eugenia foetida and Hibiscus rosa sinensis must be eight (8) feet at time of planting. 2. An irrigation system for the landscape area should be shown to allow the Parks Division to have plans for follow-up maintenance. 3. The issue of a water supply source for the irrigation system should be addressed. I!:f&~ ~ ;jJ L.L I KEVIN ~LLAH~ ./ /bks . ~...: '... q II