LEGAL APPROVAL CITY of BOYNTON BEACH , ~.., ;;; ..- . 200 N. "Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 (305) 738-7490 " '-" --" .-- ..--- ~. . J:..~~-=:."~~':-.2 ....=-_~.'.;?;:;;':, .~~"" '.r; :':1I ':"'eg:.~~;;:;;;;-;~~2;-:t? -nt.~;" (~. to ~~;:; ~~~.;.~~.; ~:'J~~t~~~ ~..~. --_ - ~ .....I~~. ": -. Ji~~. J~ - t.... -~-'6 ~-~~~~ :::-...~~.: Y"""'- n .... -- :;.;-----... .. OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR August 20, 1987 ~ , " ,- Miller Meier Kenyon Cooper Architects & Engineers, Inc. ~~ 101 N.E. Third Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 '~ ;, 1\ ", ....~ , Re: Boynton Beach Public Works Complex Site Plan Dear Sirs: Accompanying this le~ter you will find a copy of the site plan which was approved by the City Commission on Tuesday, August 18, 1987. This plan was approved SUbject to enclosed staff comments. Please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached check-off sheet, prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. I The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. Also, all capital facilities fees and road im- pact fees, if applicable, are payable at the time of permit. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. - " 'f" :--- .r- . Yours very truly, CITY OF '--BOYNTON BEACH ,,'" ,/. ". ,II''' ,,/ ;' . (l., /1"",,, _,#.i /":.~ .. ,': /" ,.....~. ~~. 1..', ,,~1,-,," / . Y): ":~~,' y""""""'" /r- -..1.,., CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO '/-//..:...- PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA:ro Attachments cc City Manager Technical Review Board Central File 2- '.r . . . .......'. . STAFF COMMENTS BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX Engineering Department Public Works Department .- Planning Department .. - Forester/Horticulturist cL~ ,. ~ J. . .::. SITE PLAN See attached memo Dumpster Enclosure to be provided on site The required dumpster enclosure screen is a 6 foot high, concrete block, stucco-finish wall. Dumpster enclosure detail will need to be provided. Memo to be distributed at " meeting I ~ ! i I / I / ; I <~/ ... - - I, ~. f" 'at ., ' , . . MEMORANDUM August 6, 1987 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Public Works, Site Plan Comments: 1. The swale construction should be shown in N.E. 9th Avenue. When irrigation plan is submitted, said swale should be irrigated. ~V~#~ Tom Clark TAC/ck Lj . . MEMORANDUM FrOM: John A. Guidry. Director of Utilities To: CarMen Annunziato. Planning Director Date: June 1. 1987 Subject: TRB Review - Public Works COMplex We have the following COMMents regarding the above-referenced project: 1. Utilize the City's standard criteria for water utilities. especially services. 2. Add a cleanout in the sanitary service to the warehouse/vehicle Maintenance building. 3. The sanitary service to Building Maintenance should be S" diaMeter pipe. 4. Irrigation should be provided by a well and sprinkler pUMp. 5. Add a water service for the vehicle wash area. S. Relocate water Meters to grassy areas. We reCOMMend using type K copper on services. Services and Meters seeM oversized. ~/ ~ ~ dMt xc: Peter Mazzella ~ o ",. MEMORANDUM June 3, 1987 RECEIVED TO: Mr. Jim Golden Planning Department JUN 3 1981 PLANNING DEPT. FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Plans for Public Works Addition Comments: '- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ~,' 9. ~ 10. 1. The drainage system shall contain 2.5 inches of rainfall from the first hour of a 3 year storm on site. 2. Effluent from floor drains should discharge into sanitary sewers. The paving and drainage plans should include all improve- ments, including the lighting. The extent and limits of the areas to be re-graded and repaved should be shown. Additional existing elevations shown be shown. Elevations for interior sidewalks should be shown. Where raised curbs are not planned, wheel stops should be shown. Concrete curbs should not be shown adjacent to sidewalks. Parking Detail should be clarified. A note concerning where raised curs are required should be added. A memo from Bill Flushing, dated May 29, 1987, is included here. ~ ~artR-2- TAC/ck attachment I : &J " . . t:::L__~__t:1_..P _._8._e____t~L_P__h!._I-1 ~ay 29, 19B7 (Friday) TO: Tom Clark FROM: Bill Flushing RE: Boynton Beach Municipal Facility(PUBLIC WORKS) 1 . Drainage calculations design are required. include the results of for exfiltration trench The calculations must the percolation tests. 2. No provisions have been drainage problem along the 9th Ave. 3wales should irrigation system modified made to improve the south side of NE be provided and the to cover them. , - 3. Section A-A does not fit the site plan. 4. Subgrade' could be compacted instead of calling for stabilization, this would be a substantial savings 5. The debris baffle should be eliminated from the catch basin detail to provide jet-vactor ma"i ntenance 6 . "t...~ C c: E3 Fi"1 p: act ion . . u L -1: =:. ~ 0 u i cl L t: r t: III U V t: Ll i. U III L II t: nr~;~~;Dld clcl~:l. Normal mef~anical com~~c~ion proced~resOshould be used~~~ ~.J..- ~~, 7. The edge of the pavement of NE 9 Ave should be shown. on the plan. ..., 8. The lighting 'intensities in surface. plan candle should power show the light on the pavement ... 9. Three entranc~s are not permitted by code. 10~ New sidewalks are not one foot from R/W. Bill Flushing 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 9- MEMORANDUM , TO Mr. Jim Golden Planning Dept. OATIr June 2, 1987 "ILIr "1t0" Lt. Dale S. Hammack Police Department SUaJlrCT TRS - Public works RECEIVED JUN 4 1987 PLANNING DEPT. -' As per our discussion at the TRS meeting of 2 June 1987, I am rQ<1"~.t;r'lg the following: 1, Lighting to be photocell activated. 2, One way and Do not.enter signs erected on one-way drive. ~o#t! Police Department DH:as ~: .... ? i' r ~ -' \. ... I , -"' MEMORANDUM 6 August 1987 TO: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Kevin'J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist RE: Boynton Beach Public Works Complex 1. A vine should be planted on the fence along the south property line. The plants should be installed on ten foot centers. 2. An irrigation system for the landscaped areas should be shown to allow the Parks Division to have plans for follow-up maintenance. 3. The issue of a water supply source for the irrigation system should be addressed. 4. A variance should be requested to place landscape material in the City right-of-way where applicable. K~f4LI1t~~ /bks 9 J. . ~ ,.. !: .\/-.,;.' . "0 ' , . ',. . t I... . ':. ~ '-,.. .~ ...-~ -------- ":' SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (~) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION .. 1. Project Name: BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX . " , 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : - . ... . ".. - . .... CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNJON BEACH BLVD., P.,O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 734-8111 ..-.. - .~',,'::" . .'. '. ':'Address: Phone: . ~I" 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): . Address: MILLER MEIER KENYON COOPER ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, INC. 101 N. E. THIRD AVENUE FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 524-3800 .... Phone: 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Address: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 120 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD., P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 734-8111 Phone: 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: " * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. \ ' , \ \ Planning Dept. 10/82 I \L //D - ~...-i:" . , . . 0'_ t ...~...._'~'~""....",w..:t'oo~......""......~.....~~...":... .. .,. . ,.. . . . j .. Page 2 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises.affected? OWNER (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. Stree~Address or 'Location of Site~ 222N. -E. 9TH AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 9. Legn1 Descriptio~ of Site: . A PARC%L OF LAND LYlNC IN seCTION 21, TOWNSHIP" SOUTH, RANCE: ') EAST, CITY OF &OYNTON t\l.1\CH, PALM ~ACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID LAND WNC; MORE PAR ncULARL Y OI!:.SCIUIl.D AS FOLLO~S: LOTS 121 THRU I" INCLlr.:IYf, AS nCORDED &Y THE PLAT OF ARDEN PARK IN PLAT lOOK 2, PACE ,,, AS RlCORDED IN THf PUBLIC RfCORDS OF PALM &lACH COUNTY, PLORtDA, AND LOTS I THRU 7 INCLUSIVE, IN BLOCK I AS RlCOR~ &.... ~ PLAT Of' CONCRE.SS CROVE IN PLAT eooK I, PAC2 n AS Rl!.CORDI!O IN THf PU8UC IlfCORDS 01' PALM &EACH COUNTY, FLOIRDA, AND THAT PMT Of' NORTlfYE5T ITH AYVoIUE (ORANCE STRUT) AS RLCORDED IN THr. PLAT Of' ARDr.N PAIUC IN PLAT eooK 2- PAC2 " AND A8ANOON2D &Y ItlSOLUT1ON ""0. 7'-<) BY THE CITY OF &OYHTON RAOi.. AU. ~ L Y1NC AND WHC IN PALM &l.ACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SU&%CT TO ~ AHD 1UCKTS Of' YAY Of' 1lfCORD. ~ i 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: Public Works Complex 11. Developer or Builder: ~-' 12 . Architect: MILLER MEIER KENYON COOPER ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, INC. .. 13. Landscape Archi teet: UECKER LAND TEAM 14. Site Planner: MILLER MEIER KENYON COOPER ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS,INC. 15. Engineer: ECKLER ENGINEERING 16. Surveyor:RICHARD L. SHEPHARD & ASSOCIATES 17. Traffic Enginee~: 18. . it . Has a s~te plan, been prev~ously approved by the City Council for this property? VF~ 19. Estimated construction cost of pro~osed improvements shown on this site plan: $1,350,700.00 . Planning Dept. 10/82 1-1 .' '.._..........:......-rl'_~. _. ......-. .. .... .....:(. . . ,. . " . .' '. '. Page 3 II. SITE DATA The following information must be fillcd out bclow and must appc~r, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. Public And Private 1. Land Use Cateaorv shown in Governmental And Institutional the Comprehensive Plan 2. Zoning District publ ic Usage 3 . Area of Site 4.63 acres 201 ,726 sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown .. a. Residential, including 0 acres 0 % of site surrounding lot a:r:ea or 1 grpunds b. Recreation Areas * 0 acres 0 % of site (excluding \-la ter area) " c. \'Tater Area 0 acres 0 -% of site d. Commercial 0 acres 0 % of site e. Industrial 0 acres 0 % of site f. Public/In- 4.63 acres 100 % of site stitutional g. Public ,Private, and Canal Rights-of-Way 0 acres 0 % of site h. Other (specify) acres % of site ,,- i. Other (specify) acres % of site .. j. Total Area of Site 4.6, lQQ !;. 0f site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and . having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building 26,840 Area ("building footprint") sq.ft. 13.3 % of site b. Water Area o sq. ft. o % of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas) I and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 122,086 sq. ft. 60.5 ':; of site d. Total Impervious Area 148.926 13,800 sq. ft. 'S of site . e. Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code) . - sq.ft. 6.8 % of site IJ. Planning Dept. 10/82 ~. ~ .. ,-,:, ~I .. . . ...~_. .:'00 """".\: g. Other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total Floor A~ea 28 , 860 sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached dHelling units ,.- b. Duplex d,.;elling units c. Multi-Family (3 + attached d,.;elling uni ts (1) Efficiency d,.;elling units (2) 1 Bedroom d\~'elling units (3) 2 Bedroom d'",elling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dHelling units d. Total Hulti-Family d\.:elling units e. Total Number of DHelling . Units NA 8. Gress Density NA D...!e!.ling Units per 1\cre 9. Naximum Height of Structures on Site 28t.. ,. feet 2 stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calcul~tion of. Required N~~ber of Off-Street Parking Spaces b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan 90 Planning Dept. -10/82 /0' .... "\.... - -.' . . . , .' ..; .. " Page 7 IV. MISCELLANEOUS The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: (check) 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. 2. For projects that generate at least thFee thousand (3,000)' vehicle trips 'per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic ii'ii?L:4Ct .&ilr,.li"~i~ ~~=t ~c ::~==:.. t.tcd. . 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. ... t l V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning ~~a~d. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any~statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewfth are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless~::ed a::~g to the instructions below. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee', Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. VI. 5"115/81 Date .' (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: bate Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Govern~ent Agencies/Persons to be cont~cted: Additional Remarks: /4' Planning Dept.~'10/82 .>- - .~ ~,,( " '. ~ '.' '\; , \ l ~ . r:; Form Ten EH Arm Mount Form Ten EH: Arm mounted square architectural luminaires gracefully proportioned and carefully crafted from aluminum extrusions, Corners are precisely mitered and all fasteners and welds are concealed. Units are available in one-way. two-way and four-way configurations in two sizes with HID lamps from 70 to 400 watts. Configurations 0 1 Qc 2 0=0 4 D=HJ D , Distribution Patterns Type I (D,. :, . --. \ ~ . ".::~ .......... Type FM2t"':"k; t" U t.:) '-I c... \.V CJ I' " ~ ~ - Volts 120 208 240 277 480 19" housings 250W HPS 250W MV 250W MH 400W HPS 400W MV 400W MH .. Too Pel" ..neflOC:"" VlIetn loOn 10 Qlcw.oe J .ulrwt,ptoot w... / , lamp Refer to lamp Selector Finish NA BRA BlA Ii I ~ '2. 3 1!111116' 400 M H . Z4lf'O BRA Type III ~'"' . """-~ , . .7~ "'" TypeVS' f~] I~~~ ~ + I t E.uuOeQ ILumonum ~~;o:~" concea.ea ta$MtnefS ."., """', e 1 Example Reflector Type Primary Ballast Voltage ~Lamp FiniSh Jnf,IIN Options OIl 400MH BRA SItJGt./ ~!ot , f~~~ ' POL.~ ~.;- , TypeVQ ',!.?;1 Type VS is not available in 14". Supplied with sag lens, see product .details Pg. 17. Pole DOlSIe' ~l....tn II',ion.'....1 I E,u.., f.mO_JDie "'noea GOOIlnO Led C _ rQU,wQ4 'eheclOl ~ F~l tempereog..s.s.al. Contiguralion Size Prefix EH 19 2 3 120 Finish: NA = Natural Anodize BRA = Bronze Anodize BlA = Black Anodize Lamp Abbreviations: MV = MercuryVapor HPS = High Pressure Sodium MH = Metal Halide Options: AD = Amber Drop Diffuser CD = Clear Drop Diffuser F = Fusing MA = Mast Arm Filler PC = Photocell (on 480 volt, receptacle only) POLY = Polycarbonate lens Note: 1. VS Reflector available in-19"-250MH. 400MH, 250HPS. 400HPS. Dimensional Data EH14 EH19 A 14" 19" B 7" 10" C Arm length 6" 9" D Arm Height 5" 5" /~ 1! Ordering Information Prefix Size Configuration EH 14" 1 EH 19" 2 4 lamp Selector to. 14" housings 70W HPS 100W HPS lOOW MV 150W HPS. 175WMV 175W MH .Supplied with ballast to operate 55 volt lamp unless specified otherwise. .. T :l 1 s...cono QdS....ts . . :.', :'~~'.;:: ~",'t C' .". . .,' ~, - . ":: , . . .' ~ . -. .... (' ,~.. . ] .'l - :- ,~ , .' . . . . , . . . . ~ . '.............,.,........ ,....... It .. . . ,/ :J.i:)~.J~ ..~.-c. '. eo...., ,"v, .-Z +$0 T~ E:r ~ +"3 e -4.4~!..o,.c. .., .. . _____......11.-y~~.. .~........~ ~ _.. _~ .5">.I'-,~. ,- , -. -"(T..,tI J . ..' -.. ..____ ,T. . . .. _ .((::l.- % '" c:::.o LJ Go Go L. , ,.:.~ 6'-0" ct:1.t::.. ~. -~~''Df;. ''$ ;,.' : ' ..U) ,- ---~ -- . .. . .Q ....!, ==4S,~L 0 P &: .--.-.-..... J ~:.~. 1- ~+t.\t1l,ktN'~, .sEC,T1CN SjA 1 RE'lI5E!J .!i' N,T::,. i " SHEET TITLE: PUbLl C IOHAlEM HOIHHRIHO. INC. , COHIUUlHO 1Il0INIIII , _ J.~, ~"=L~"J~:;;:~;" - 5D2. SHT. NO.: S-RJ6 DATE: ~:'G.87 worzKS NO.: 85906 (30S) 524-3800 . ~ ~ ~~, ~"'-~. BOYNTON BEACH ~'. E~\~ MUNICIPAL FACILITIES : 101 Northeast Third Ave, Fort Lauderdale, Fl 3330'1 "-r ..:;::- . . /& .j'l L.:. -' II ',:.i. . ~ -. ~ i _. J .. .'. ~ J:1 :.\ . _,e; Un l~~l '.'i- ;:)~ I , 1 ~ . eJ' ISf l. ~_.- :It .. '" g! ,.;." ." .... f' ij " I' '~l" : . ~ ' i I ~ I .:!:I~ j t " ii' -: . . , . : I: f /' : ~:I: . ! . . . . . . . . J : . , , . . , I , " . .,,- , . - . . , : : .... . 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FROM: Board of Adjustment Members City of Boynton Beach Staff Staff Site Analysis - Board of Adjustment REFERENCE: CASE NO. & ADDRESS: #119 222 N.E. 9th Avenue l-1EETING DATE: July 13, 1987 PU CURRENT ZONING: OWNED BY: CONGRESS GROVE, Lots 1 thru 7 & ARDEN PARK, Lots 121 thru 144 City of Boynton beach DESCRIPTION OF LOT: FACTS: 1. Property is presently zoned PU and was formerly zoned C.O. (City Owned). ~ ' 2. This site was platte~ in 1925. 3~ The zoning at this site limits walls and fences to a 6 foot maximum height (see Appendix A-Zoning, Section 4-J-2. .4. The owner requests a 4 Ioot variance to construct a fence 10 feet high. . . ~ ~ bh XC: City Manager Ci ty .At.t~rney. City P15"t1n~r ""(;i,. ty Clerk' -.' Recording Secretary Members - Board of Adjustment !/~~ 7//J/fJ7 . . cU'.';~-' '. ~ ' - '. . ~' :. 't,' : .; ~ /9 ~, t. ~ ~.. ;/ , / ..,' . ~ ::D .. I' _... . 0, OF hD~US~~~~T, CITY OF BC':" ;';'.l.O:~ E:::,~CH DATE_ Ju__ne 9 ' 9E _ J, -:=,_ :: T~e unoersioned Q",,;ner (s) hereby respectfully petition the Board of ;'djustii.er to orant to-petitioner (s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning Code of sai~City pertaining to the property hereinafter oescribed, and in support thereof state (s):, . 1 through 7 (C.G.) l. Property involved is described as f0110\..'s: Lot(s)121 through 144 (A.P.) _ Conoress Grove I Block __ S/Dj.rrl,7,;" P?-rk Anniti.o1i.; 13 Plat ~ook 2 , Pa!;?e 63 96 , or otherwise described as follows: Property hddress 222 N.E. 9th Avenue C.O.- (City PO Formerly zoned: mJn~n) . Property is presently zoned: , Denial was made upon ,existing zoning requirements from which relief is required: I i , '-I I i , , Section 4~.2 of Appendix A, Zoning,.6 foot height limitation for v;aJ..ls, fences ~- :~ature of exception or varia~ce required: 'Request to constnlct peri.Ireter .. buffer wall and 'fence to a height of ten (10) feet, thus a variance of 4 feet is requested., ". Statement of special conditions, _hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance:- ' (a-f) ;! - ' , -- .; , -- -' ~Please.r~~pond,to ~e ,six (6) -questions as outlined on the attached Certified spot surv'ey (not more than six (6) months old) is required, with , a 11 setbacks and. d-imensions. Also. a .location U'.ap. Propo~ed improv~ent (attach sitedeveloprnent sketch): Ten foot high buffer wall/security' fence for new pt.Jblic VJOrks' canp1ex .. Certified list of names oand post office' addresses of property owners and ~ega1 description of thei.r property within 400 feet of subject proper,ty, as re,corded :in the County Courthouse. Such' ~ist shall be accompanied by an affidav.i..t stating that to the- best of t:he applicant I s knowledge said list is complete and accurate. ., Proof of ownership of property by Petitioner. Cs) such as oeed or purchase =~n~ract. agreeme~t. >If agen1-su1::mitfing.petition~ notarized copy of-.letter desi hlm tiS suCb "n:ust accaroany pe! i ti on., -:.: _ ~......:. ~ _., . ~ . _ ':. 0 \pplication fee"is ~each, accompanies Name .& address of in the amount of $275 .00, payable to the this' Peti tiQn. Beach. . Cl. ty ot Boynton . owner: P.O. Box 31<l Bovnton Beach FL 33435 Ci ty of Boyn ton - -. .. - Name of ~pp~icant: -.~ S. Annunziato, pi~q Director ApElicant I s address: P.O. Boy. 310, Bovnton Beach, FL 33435 Phone I 734-811"1 x257- D;te:......6/~/e7 . . ~i8-nat:ure of applicant: r,,:-' - ./( .....~:if- Date: I Penrlt Denied: ',- /'. - :ase # //1. .::-~ . -~~:~~g.1:~::...f~il~~;{?te~t.... __.: _ SPACE BELOl'..THIS oLINE '.FOR B01\RDUSE ONLY - .---. ..., ... . - ~. ~.':_-'-::--:.. - .. . I ! .1 "." . .. OF' .A.DJUS TMEZ:T, ACT.! ON .: . , J>.pproved' . ," Denied .1.ye Nay atiO:ls: - - ~.'"": '~'-----:..""---. --;--;.... . -....~.... :......... ... ~:""----':'- '. ~ : ":::- .... ~ : ft> , I Granting the' variance will not confer on the City any special privilege that is denied by the zoning regula- tions to other lands, ,buildings, or structures in the PU zoning district, in that the Public Works Compound is ,a unique facility in the public usage (PU) zoning category, and the proposed variance would further, rather than lessen, the requirements of the zoning regulations by providing additional bUffering a~d greater internal security. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the City, in that it would deprive the City of being able to provide both itself and its neighbors with additional benefits that serve to further the requirements of the zoning regulations. The,neighboring residents would benefit by the enhanced visual buffer and the lessening of impacts on their property values, while the City would benefit by the, additional internal security that would be afforded. E. The variance requested is the minimum variance necessary to provide for the level of external buffering and internal security desired. Anything less would work unreasonable ,..- hardship on the City and the adjacents property owners. ,::;.'~' :'" .. ~. ~:~.,~ i ~~' " -/ ~ .,; - " / -. A. B. C. D. .... ....... h. .".. .~,' .,. . L ... ~ -:. . . PUBLIC WORKS ..COMPLEX TEN FOOT HIGH BUFFER WALL/FENCE VARIANCE JUSTIFICATION Special conditions and circumstances exist peculiar to the site in that this is an existing public facility which is the only one of its kind in this zoning district, and as part of the redevelopment and beautification of the site, the ten foot high buffer wall is needed to provide a visual barrier to the benefit of the adjacent residential property owners, while the ten foot high security fence is needed to protect valuable City property and equipment from vandalism and theft. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the City, 'in that the present Public Works Complex has existed at this location for a long period of time, and is located in an area of the City which has historically experienced a high crime rate. Proposed improvements to the site, including the ten foot high buffer wall/security fence, and the enhanced perimeter landscaping, will provide a proper visual screen to the benefit of the adjacent property owners, where no screening currently exists,' and will provide greater internal security to the benefit of the City. ... . ... ........ ... - -.. .... :. .::' _.", .. :: ... ... "... -.. -- ." ........ .. .. .." ... . -.--..-. -.. -.. .. .. -.... .. ... .. .. .. - ...-. .. -- .. ; ... ...- --...- -;-0.;: .. ~-~_..-.....~:..____~..;.:::.--:-"'Io-...~ _~_..:_ _-:---- --A ..- -- ...-. ---- .-. . ,- , -.. -- - .. .. - ----.. ... .._- . .. .. . :.. LI .' ro .' . -2- F. The grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose, of the zoning regulations, and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. On the contrary, as outlined in previous sections, this variance request will further the requirements of the zoning regulations and will benefit both the City and the surrounding property owners, the benefits being derived from greater security and enhanced buffering. The benefits to be derived both on and off site are in the best interest of promoting the public welfare. . ~ - A .,' ..' ,. ;., 1 ~ -; .~::..-;~-_....:-~._.....;.;. ..': ... . ... ~. ,-.... ':. .:-------:-- :-.--:' "...... ~;:. -.... ,. ' ..... '..- - ~-:~. ::..~:. '.- ._- .... .... ........ -' 'oo \.. ...... .; .. . .. '.- . .,- ... . - . o. ' ,..... .. ~ -.. . .... ..... _.- '<!" "'--'-"--- , . , , , : .- .. /' , '. . ,~_ t.. I' . . .. ~..... - ',.~ , '. . ,. t. .': .. -~.. ~.-.".-~-.;.-::.';;::-' -- ..--.---. .. . . ...... . _. .. .... :........ ..' .. -r .. '.- ....:".. ..... 1 ..._ - - . - .. .~:~-- -........---- .. ... .. ._---... .....-..-.... - ~'_...... .. :2 2- i~tf~.;"~'.r>~ ' /. ' :} ...-.~' ~ ~.. .. '\-' , ".' u . .. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH HEARING WILL BE HELD IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, 120 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, MONDAY, JULY 13, 1987 AT 7:00 .P. M. CASE NO. 119 Applicant: Owner: Request,: Proposed Use: Location: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach City of Bqynton Beach Relief from zoning requirement of 6 ft. fence and buffer wall to be increased to 10 ft. fence and buffer wall Construct perimeter Buffer Wall/Security Fence for new Public Works Complex 222 N. E. 9th Avenue Lots 1 through 7 CONGRESS GROVE Recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 63 Palm Beach County Records Lots 121 through 144 ARDEN PARK Recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 96 Palm Beach County Records Notice of a requested variance is sent to property owners within 400 feet of the applicant's property to give you a chance to voice your opinion on the subject. Comments may be heard in person at the meeting or filed in writing prior to hearing date. If further information is desired, please call 734-8111, Ext. 205, City Clerk's Office. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Board of Adjust- ment with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure' that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. .;0 II LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS WILL APPEAR IN THE JUNE 28 and JUL~ 5, 1987 ISSUES OF THE PALM BEACH POST. aa JUNE 26, 1987 , , . . BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , 9-:3 ;,.?'~;~~;;'"',~;,~~..~~,r.;;~,,~~,~~'~<'. ,'Ii ~:. ,0 ~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~ i: \~ ~ [ ;;,~,~ ;. ~ Jr :. ~ ~ ~ i' ~ ; l' ;0 ~ ~~ ~~ ."-:: ~.:'C ',' ":7i:~:-!.':-"':..,:.::~"i ~ J 1 Ep ~3 I - ;::0; r-!4 I)f.;2. " ~ ,,.~l l "';: , : H.' . =? :~ i:I~ IJ " ,.7 Ij ,'1 't:tl ~ ~ l4: rn I~ :. 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BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC \vORKS-SITE PLAN REVIEW COMI1ENTS 10 foot high fence and perimeter buffer wall requires a variance. (Appendix A, J(2).) fTZ 2. Maximum of two driveways permitted on any frontage. There- rl 'ctv\~c fore, one driveway onto N.E. 9th Avenue will need to be V~~' P~:v~1 eliminated or a variance applied for. (Sec. 5-l41(g)(8) of ~t~,t..l ~J, tt' "jParking Lot. Ordinance.) t..J t... ~ Provide dumpster enclosure detail showing minimum 10 foot r~ by 10 foot pad and 6 foot high CBS wall to match building color. V O..A. 4~ ftC ~ ~ ~ · ~ ;.-t ~ \' If \5. J:f\.vG d'J ..ie ~. 6. {l /. Building adjacent to south property line requires a 30 foot setback as it abuts a residential zone. Details must be provided for disposal of waste water from vehicle wash. Waste water should not be diverted to storm water system. (./"'" Colored elevations indicating materials and photographs of adjacent buildings need to be provided. 7. Landscape Plan does not conform to site plan with regard to dumpster storage area, parking lot layout and design, and details at northwest corner of property where water tower is located. v 8. Landscape plan must include a minimum of one tree for each forty lineal feet within the 5 foot landscaped area adjacent to public rights-of-way. Also, for each ten feet of non- ~ living barrier (wall) ,'one shrub or vine shall be planted abutting such barrier. (Sec. 7.5-35(a)(1) of Landscape Code. ) :.. . , it ~ 9. Show sidewalk on site plan. () 0 . 10. f'.~ .x o~ ,\ -.1l, 11 t'f:t . ~...v:jQ.12. . n 13 t~' . v Oil/water separator can not be tied into storm water system, ~ but should be connected to sanitary sewer system. It is recommended that a minimum average of one footcandle per square foot be provided for general illumination and security. (Sec. 5-141(a} Parking Lot Ordinance.) Detail on lighting fixture should be provided. It is recommended that continuous raised curbing in interior parking areas be replaced with curb stops V at 16 feet as they are more cost effective. 14. Drainage calculations are required. . lfp u ...... ., . -2- 15. Signed and sealed survey is needed. O.k. 16. Clarify tree and shrub types on landscape plan. 17. Plans should clearly indicate how waste water from vehicle ~ wash oil/separator is to be disposed of. [rL ~+f..)JM/;:; ..- pC-? t.PCiz I ~ _ f}Jt, )U9tiJ . ... t1 .