LEGAL APPROVAL '1>~ ~ .. - ..: MEMORANDUM July 8, 1987 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD T FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX PARKING LOT VARIANCE section 5-144(c)(4) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when a variance to section 5, Article X, Parking Lots is requested, the Technical Review Board must forward to the Planning and Zoning Board a recommendation, and that the recommendation forwarded is to be made part of the public hearing proceedings. To that end, this memo is forwarded consistent with 5-144(c)(4). Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director, agent for the City of Boynton Beach, is requesting a variance to Section 5-141(g) (8) "Driveways" of the Parking Lot Regulations which permits, among other things, no more than two (2) driveways from any property onto anyone public or private right-of-way. In this instance, the applicant is requesting to be allowed to provide three driveways onto N .E. 9th Avenue. The variance request is being submitted in connection with future site plan approval for the expansion of the existing Public Works Complex. For an explanation of the Code requirement, the nature of the variance requested, and the variance justification, please refer to the attached Notice of pulbic Hearing and application. On Tuesday, July 7, 1987, the Technical Review Board (TRB) met to review the plans and documents submitted, and to formulate a recommendation with regard to the variance requested. After review and discussion, the TRB recommended that the variance be approved as submitted. CA~~N S. ~~ CSA:ro cc City Manager Technical Review Board Central File \ /:' ._~, (' (' ,. APPLICATIO:, r 0R V!'1RIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS 6/.;l r ?/~ City of Boynton Be.ach, Florida" Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately nnd submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete .applica~ions will not be processed. Please rrint Legibly or Type all Information. I. Project Name of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: City of Boynton Beach Public Works Complex 2. Date this Application is Submitted: it' .: 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name . :;.' this application is made) : .. . Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director Address: P.O. 'Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone: 734-8111 ext. 255 4. Agent's Name (person, if any; representing applicant):*. Same as above Address: Phone: * A letter from the aoolicant or owner authorizing the agent is requi~.ed. _ ____ Property O"~er's (or Trustee's) Name: s. City of Bovnton Beach Address: 120 E. Bovnton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone: 734-8111 . . , 6. correp~~~e~~e id~re~s (if'dii~e~~nt than applica~t or agent)~~: . - * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 1-- -II ~Y. . ...~--......--... .....-.-::. '. _1It'I__~ -..;.. 'iiF ~r. , 7. What is apPlican~s interest in the prernise~affected? Ovmer/Develouer (Owner, , Buyer, Lessee, Builder I Deve,loper, etc.) 8. Street Address or Location of Site Upon l~ich Parking Lot is Located: city of Boynton Beach Public Works Complex 9. Legal Description of Site Upon '~ich Parking Lot is Located: ~l"'l1''''''h ~inp "'If 'N 'R qi-n ~'1f?'n""". E<>s"" of "'t.E ls.... S........eet (See attached survey) 10. Intended Use(s) of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: , Public Works Complex ~ 11. Devel~per or Builder: Citv of Bovnton Beach' 12. Architect: Miller-Meir-Kenyon-Coooer 13. Landscape Architect: The Uecker Land Team 14. Site Planner: Same as Architect IS. Engineer: Eckler Engineering 16. Surveyor :. Richard'L. Shephard & Assoc. 17. Traffic Engineer: None' I [" . . . 1 ~ I :1 , .. 18. Copy of last, recorded Warranty Deed included? (check) _'. , .' .. ..' _I '. --. .. -'- . ___--'-.. __ .... 19. Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) '. _........ ~O..:__ Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached?, (check) ., -.. .... . .-... .. -.- . -. ........ ... ........... .. ... .. .... , 21. Number of variances requested on the following sheets: ..---......- "'-.. Note: See attached fee schedule for' variance filing fee. Additional fee(s) are required if more than one (1) variance is requested. 11 _. ~-.... .~. ...... ~ .. . .. . ..'~ :: .:::":~ :~'-.~: ;_. ~. :..~ .~:.. .;:...~.~..~~ ~ ~~ :~~ ".~ ~: - ".-.~" .....--... ....... '''-''''-'.. .--.... ." '~.'. ; , .. - . .. _. . -. . . ..... -. ,- -_."------": :..:=-..::.:_~~.. ....~.. .:.-:.... .... . -...- .~.:-:...-; .~-~.--=~'..~-.~:: -:~'..:,;~-'. ....,... - ....."'.:.._~..~~:.. -~ -. . -. ..~--.- . - . .. --. - . -- ..- -.-. ., ~. Plannin~ De~t. 5/82 - '. -- - .._. ~ -:; ;;, " 4";'lv~ 't-V,-..l'~""""'A~'" " ~ ,~" --".'~ ..,'''-,.."..' ',,..,-...""'" ,.,." ......- ~~,.~~ ~~. ~ !~ .. ~ The uncersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning BOarc to 'aran't to ~be ?eti tio:1er a variance. to Article.X "Parking ~ots", bf Chaoter 5, "Building, Housinc and Construction Regulat10ns," o! the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florid~~ as it oertains to the property described in this application, and Lor the ~easons stated below: Section, Subsection,anc Paragraph number of soec~r~c re~~irene~~ to which variance is req~ested, and exact language contained in the Code: 5-141 (g) (8 ) No more than two t 2\ O.....~ ~"''',.'?~.<:' C"~!' .:::~ permitted from an'\' o"'opo,-t-y nT'\;-n ;=>....,. "':;6 public or orivate riaht-of-w~y P,..n""",,o"'';-.;o~ which are bordered bv more than nne I'>"n1 -i,.. or orl.'v' 'h' ~ - a't:e r1g .-,:,-o...-v:av rr.ay be pc.....TTI; i-ted tvlo-L2)_ drive\.;ays, at each right-of-v:av aeoendina uoon traffic volumes. Nature of Variance Requested: ~Qq"O~. Tr'}- ?:':'....."...s.:!. ~= . construct three (3) dri ve,,;avs onto 1\1. 1=' Qf-'\, z.,.c.T".lle . i t Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or Other Reasons Justi- fying'the Requested yariance ,attach additional sheets if necessary}: See Attached . ':' ~ ~ l -" '. (I) (lie) understand that'this 'aoDlication and all caners or ola~s submitted herewith become a part.of the pe~~anent records of. the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby.certify that the above statements and the state- ments or showings mace. in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of '(my) (our) knowledge. This application will not be accepted unless sianed below. , , ~~, :.' ,,:-, , .. ;~. ~:.::.~ ',~'. ..::.'~: ,':~,;,::,>f~, :'.,...:: ,~'~'f"~:-- ~- ~; '.'~.;.~., ~~.'~;~.::~-'~~ ';" ~.~:.. \- ~i,~:=" '..:i.~;~'.-i ~'..~.,. .',';,:. t;, -.=:="~: :_ ;'::' '.':' '...'Signature"-of' Applic?n~, ox: 'Agent: ,-," , ' ,~'.._':;,:_:,:.:;::;;:::~'~- -,.. -- ...--:-..:..,.~.. Date: .... .... ... " -... -. ----~_...--. " . 0.. .... .. ~ ~...'. __.. --.....-- ~... - . - ---:"-. ," . -... .. ~., ..' . -. ~,~-:~ --:-~- .;. .';:': . ::::~:'.,; - --. J..",:'.,~:.:J,_. ~ ~...- ~' :\- :.~:':...:~:~~~:;";::_,~.::'~:-~~~0S~;.;-:~:,: _:'~~~" .-,~::~.~ ,:_~ -. - ~-_~~I' '''~-.- .--..;--._- -_:~." -.. .-- Pla~~ing Dept~' 5/82 ...... ..-...- "-,:",-....... -.,.- ......... -'" .-.... I:' 't\ '~~ . =t..,..- ,..- If- . I?) .g It is necessary to allow for three (3) driveways onto N.E. 9th Avenue for the following reasons: 1. The middle driveway and east driveway are necessary to provide efficient ingress/egress ~o the compound within the secured (fenced) area. Tractor trailers and other delivery vehicles to the storage warehouse building would enter the east driveway and would exit the middle driveway due to the limited turning area within the interior parking lot areas. 2. The west driveway ~s necessary to serve the angled parking in front of the Parks and Recreation Building.' Ninety- degree parking, which would allow for the elimination of the west driveway, cannot be provided as there is insufficient room between the building and the right-of-way to allow for, the required access aisle width for ninety-degree parking. The one-way traffic flow necessary for the angled parking requires both an ingress and egress. This row of parking is to be employee parking which is to exist outside of the secured area. . ..... . .. ", .. _ .::'''' . ",;... _' ....:.... ..:".~:'-::'~ '.:_,-. ...~ :::.::' :~./.::. ..":':::"_'.. : - :: _a .. ":~.": '. ...... ~.~:_-: ~7:.::..~.:.. ~-. - . '-"-.'":"' ~-::~... -. ....~..... -. "... .-l;,." .0 . ". ._...._ . I. -. ........-.- ... ... .. . ... . - . .' . ..... ~:..:.._:_. __'_.'~::_:.".__"'_".":':U--:':::"'.:--: .:::.~:..;:::.,_' . .. .__.~~_:___.....:. . -. . .,....... .. ' .. ._':. 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KOFFIVIAN~ his wife. ,. of the County of theboygan. and State 0/ :IVrichigan 'part ies of the first part, and CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ a municipal corpora- tion, exist~ng under the laws of the State of Florida, having its principal place of buslness m '. ~ mfrzhe County of Palm ~eacli ' and State of Florida' part y of the second part, IDUnpssetq. ,that the said part ies of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1. 00) ~X;X to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof ~ hereby ~cknowledged. ha ve f7anted, bargained, sold and traruferred, and by these present$ do grant, bargain, sell and transfer unto the said party of the second part andits successorsbmc a.nd assigns forever, ell that certain parcel of land lying and being in the County of Palm Beach , and State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: ../ Lots 1 through 7 inclusive, Block I, CONGRESS GROVE, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida~ according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Courlt in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 13, Page 63. , l~~j~~~ ~J~~. ~ ~~~', ., '11': .~ ~~(~ ,: :~. "'. :-n~'f' 'r-: '., ~. ...... <'::L~ . ~~I[~~:.u~~ "..~ .t~"("1l m'~~--: ~ 1\\'''\'O ,~:=t~? ; .> f: ~ .~.: . __ . .,,-~.. .. 1 r . : ' ~~ \~~ y ~ , ~. ~:i;;::" . - r ,_ PARCEL 1: The East 14. 2g, feet. of Lot 3 and the West 35. 74 feet of Lot 4. all in Block 5, CONGRESS GROVE, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,' according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Pa.lm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 13, Page 63. , I PARCEL 2: Rrium: Gene Moore p, 0, Box 7U Boynton a_ech, Aa. Rec. .- ~o fla,St. -12..00 Fed. St,,, f., (,0 Jn~n:;:, . - ,,?-o.q 0 , . " "11,...:" 1\ ffin 1!!uur ariIl fin ~nlb the same in fce simple forever. , And the said parries of the first part do. covenant u:ith the,said part y of the second part that they are lawfully seized of the said premises, that they arc free from all incum. brances and t.hat they have, -good right and. lawful authorit;r to sell the same; and the said part ies of the first part do' hereby full)' warrant th.e title to said land, and will defend thp same again.~t the lawful clairrt.! of all persons whomsoever. ..- 3Jn mitnrss mqrr~Off' the said part ies ,of t[l.e first part ha- ve hereunto set their '.' . him~ ,~.~~ ~e:~(..the da:r'a~d.);(!~r :above l!!r,it~en. '~.,~ '<,::;'~':;~~:.:' ..~~': ' S.ignril"5~nlrll ani. tl~'li~ll'iri D~ P~rsr~rr:' ()..;;' .....-.. ." \ .' ~"V /'~: ..' - .. . j)O/)<~z~/' jl. J~0/7-':-j.)t-~;;g(;~f~..-:=.-.c-tSEAL):I , -..------. --.. ...-.--.-.-.------- --.---.~/ ~ ... ....../ . (SEALY .. . . .. c"'-"--":'--':--'~'~:~;9)~~L~~--(sfu) , ' . I ,t/,/ I Dorls ~....KDf.i:niarl ' , ~. ,'~' (SEAL) '\ . ;.- ,I ~ II Ii 'I " I' ,I F j: II 11 'I I I ! .:.1 I , 'I I I I I ! I I .' ., i( \'-"0 7 "ab;' ~I\ (:" , -s ~",) . .'0 , . ' .- , !" ~" ....,:_\~ v WARRANTY DEED RAMeo's FORM 4 Made thi3' mr1nrrrtt ; ~ '. ' . HU~ 1185 f~CE '46 ID11t,!1 l11tortttur~. ~l; A:D.19 65 . -':; day of March JOHN D. MALCOLM, joined by. F,RANCES H. MALCOLM, his wife, ; of the County of FORSYTH and State of NORTH CAROLINA part ies of the first part, and CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH; a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of F1q?=,ida, having its principal place of business in the , ' irjafuxCountyof ,-.: Palm Beach and Stale of Florida part y of the second part, IDUttF55r1q. that the said part of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE ($1. 00), - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - _ _ Dollarf, to in hand paid, the receipt whereof i3 hereby acknowledged, ha p-anted, bargained, sold and transferred, and by these present$ do orant, bargain, sell and tra~fer unto the said part y of the second part and its successors~and msigm forever, all that certain parcel of land l;ring and being in the County of Palm Beach ; and State of Florida, 11Wre particularly described as follows: I ) ,Lot 141, ARDEN PARK, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach Coun1y, Florida, :,- , recorded in ~lat Book 2, Page 96. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""". , ., II I ~ >- Sl~ATE~F FLORluA ~ t- DOCUMENTAPv STAMP TAX al Z = =- ov,~~~ .......- c~~c - ..... - = ~PP.-'7'65 "":(~g:'.',,,> = ~ g g .. ..' '~'-~~~-!:.l.l~~:: 4.s.g ~ - , .... = _'") I""'~ ,o,.....:::::-:::-y/- . .= c... c~~..n....__,-.;..~....____......!;I' _ . -':: P.8,13Qlil. ......~t.:~", '-. ' 'J'~'JII.JI""II""",;",,'_"'A~""""~"~"I'",,'r ~. "?otum: c.ne Moore P.O, Box-;J6" Bcynto...n)38ach" ~ Re,:, . J,;) . e fin. St. · .if') / fe~, St.. I' l. > ' J~n~. ! - . q .7 () i ,: ., [0 manr nnn IDo ~olll the same in fee simple forever. , And the said parties of the first part do covenant u:ith the said part y of the second part that they are lawfully seized of the said premises,' that they are free from all incum. brances and that they have good right and lawful,authorit), to 'sell the same; and the said part ies of the first part do hereb)' full)' warrant the title to said land, and will defend thp. samR. against the lau.i11l clai17l.$ of all persons whomsoever. 1Jn IDitttr-ss ~l!prrnf. th~ .said part ies 'of. the first part ha ve hereunto set their.:' ,ha71:ds ,and seals, thf7dayand )'ear above, written.-. _. _' ',:' .~, ..., "., . '. H.' .., ,.. ' . . . ~......:~ .." - .. . ..... . . . - ..... ......... e-i~nrll, Sralrb mw Drllttrrri'1 in our l1rrsrnrr: .... " : ..' . , ':' '.,; '.,. >>-) Z~~I;J~~.. _. .. - _--_~( J~~.}~~co::",_~ ~:c~___ _:~~;~:_ -f-(/'~-;:s/ ~~ ~J '/.;~/./. d.);;;;_t~ (SF..AL) Frances H. Malcolm " ...- .-, ,'.-- -.'.. (SEAL) 10 .,..' , ., ~ ...' J.. , .' . ,~~,..: , NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet'at'7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, July'14, 1987, at the City Hall, Boynton Beach, to consider an application . for a variance on the following described property: Applicant/Owner: City of Boynton Beach Agent: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning 'Director Legal Description: A parcel of land lying in Section 21, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, said land being more particularly described as follows: Lots 121 thru 144 inclusive, as recorded by the Plat of Arden Park in Plat Book 2, Page 96, as recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and Lots 1 thru 7 inclusive in Block 1 as recorded by the ,Plat of Congress Grove in Plat Book 1, Page 63 as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida~ and that part of Northwest 8th Avenue (Orange Street) as recorded in the Plat of Arden Park in Plat Book 2, Page 96 and abandoned by Resolution No. 74-Q by the City of Boynton Beach, all above lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. ' Subject to easements and rights of way of record. Location: City of Boynton Beach Public Works Complex South side o~ N.E. 9th Avenue, East of N.E. ' 1st Street Requested Variahce:' RELIEF from ARTICLE X - PARKING LOTS,' section 5-141, Design Requirements, of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances (g) Driveways (8) No more than two (2) driveways shall be permitted f~om any property onto anyone public or private right-of-way. Properties which are bordered by more than one public or private right-of-way may be permitted two (2) driveways at each right-of-way depending upon . traffic volumes. Proposed Request: A?proval to construct three (3) driveways onto N. E. 9th Avenue i., All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any deci- sion of the Planning & Zoning Board with respect to any matter con- sidered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for: such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro- , ceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appea~ is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH aa PUBLISH: THE POST June 28 & July 5, 1987 '\' . " .' ,oJ. 'l ~:: il\ .l -, ,... ~ :i~ ;'11. q) .~ .. .0 I . I { 'I .. ;1 I \ . . I I I I I I , I I I - I . . : .oo. , , , . , ' i ' , ' I , , , I I , I I I t, t I , I 1- l , , , , , I I I I I I , , , , , I I I I I I , 1 T, I , I I I " i I ~ i 1'- , r,_ ,_ i;~ · ~J., _ " ~I ""'- ' ,. - - o I';'-~.(. -w J;tf '.. . ...... 1,.. . : . "oo ~.:.. "0 " . , " -, en !::! I- .....::i ~~ Wu.; CO..J Zo:: ~g Zz 6=> co:;E , ..... . '..- .J, " ", '.:'l.'>_ "c,,_ . ,~ ) ."" " " #;, -:~:~.'" i ~ .. .,' -' - ,- . ,. ,0 s ~ ~. h. MEMO RAND U M ", " June 9, 1987 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX - PARKING LOT VARIANCE AND ABANDONMENT APPLICATIONS Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents related to a request for a variance to the Parking Lot Regulations' (Section 5-l41.g.8). In addition, you will also find an application for Abandonment of a Right-of-Way, which forms the southern boundary of the Public Works Complex. . Please advertise both requests for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the July 14, 1987 meeting and the abandonment request before the City Commission at the July 21, 1987 meeting. ~ ~.~ .., J.AMES J(j GOLDEN JJG:ro Attachments \\ , _. ('~ LOCA;~f'Of\J fViAP . """. . ' . PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX . . . . 1]] ]I] ,j'. ." .. " : . " :' " '. .. . :: :: ., , : ':....:. . ~.: . , ~ o - ~~-~-- ~._,~ '.-,' -:l'~~:~~-=.:'-~r-;~'; · .:~;~ ~~I~;..~~. ~~\~=7f;~~~i;~'~' .n .. . .c~:~~:.i~,':';;L:~: 'j21 i':~," '~~~;i1~;ll~;j]~F'01;t" ,: if; 400 800 1600 ~.,' ".'~2400, _3200~~:: ~ooo~::..:~:-:~t~:::. ~-~.. _ ."~'... ....-'~___.,,_.... -"-"'~., . -.roZ..'l '.0#'.'_ . FEET . .:..........J. 0_; --. -=-:,~~...L:......P>ofi~_~.Jr.:.:r~-&l__.-. ......~.....~~.._,,~"":,.;. _-1'"._ ..' ......,...___._.~.. ... ~o ,~. .......... \fY . "