LEGAL APPROVAL ~ .r .... . MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, Director of Plannina C t John A. Guidry, ". ~ / Director or utili ties, t}..... ",,/ '.' I / Transmitted herewith is Attachment C to the Application for variance to the Parking Lot Regulations as we discussed. DATE: October 10, 1989 FROH: SUBJ: Parking Lot Regulations RECEI\TED cmd attachnent O~r 1.' ("f, il."j~~ bI:J ,!;,.... ~~ PLANHll'lG DEPT. , I\L .! }f. - )- .=\ 'IT ACHMENT C The following is offered to c:arify the language contained in .~ttachment E: We are =urrently modeling the induced effects on sal~ water intrusion caused by pumping five new larg~r and higher capacity wells recently =ompleted in the eastern \~ellfield. Preliminary calct:lations reveal. the potential for sal t \'la~er "up welling" might e:x:~st. ThEre are two potential solutions to the problem, which are: 1. One of the limiting conditions to our consumptive use permit issued by south Florida Water Management District req~ires that Wells 1, 2 and 3 be placed on standby. With No. 1 Hell being the most 2Bsterly of the three, we are proposing to inject water (during the standby period) from Wells 2 and 3 into Well No.1. T~is will incrEase the hydraulic head just west of the salt water interface, and reduce the potential ~or intrusion. .., .. . stormwater for the exis~ing site would be addressed during a futu~e phased expansion/modifi=ation of t~e East Water Treatment Plant. To ~his end, we would design, ut~l~zing a portion of the acreage ~o the Eouth, a retention, infiltration system which would permit us to recharge the aquifer at the salt water in-::erface. Neither of the solutions can be considered as absolute solutions u~til our mcdeling work has been completed. It would be foolish at this time to add impervious surraces. The t10clificaticns to the plant are under a "fast track" owing to the fact that we are almost out of water. state regulations require that the city be under construction for increased water treatment plant cap3city when our peak day, plus commitments, are 90% cf installed treatment capacity. The recorded peak day in December, 1988, was 15.84 HGD, and 90% of 17.~ MGD = 17.75 MGD. In order to preclude a moratorium, we are currently operating thE plant 3t 15% reduced capacity, which means that there is a 2.0 MGD, plus or minus, savings on water. This has a ~egative impact on revenues; but, it does keep us orf moratorium for the present. Based upon connections which have been perm~tted but are not yet constructed, we have concluded that t~ere is approximately 500,000 gallons of capacity remaining, or approximately eight or nine months before the City could exper~ence tedious moments with respect to public drinking ~>la ter. '0-- ~ J ~ Health problems that can be encountered under reduced OFera~1ng pressure are amplif1ed during peak loads that may be cauzed by additional connections, irrigation, construction water demands, li~e breaks, e~c. Should tllese demands cause plant pressurE t~ drop to 40 p.s.i., both chlorination and softening would be lost. Thus, posing a serious health prob:em. Based on the foregoing, recommend variance to the Parking Lot Regulations at this time. ~ " (~ ',1 ,~'. i, t; II" ~~' i i >. r ; t" !. f(')" ". . I, " . . " r j 1 I ti ,r ~ , :, ~,~ 0' ~.p :i ~~.. TO: THRU: FROM: MEMORANDUM October 20, 1989 George N. Hunt, Interim City Manager Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director James J. Golden, Senior City Planner '" ," ..:. ; ',' 'f .:;. ::, RE: special Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board Boynton Beach Water Treatment Plant - PLV - File No. 342' ; .~; -': ,Please be advised that the Planning' and Zoning Board met on '::' Thursday, October' 19, 1989 and took the following action: 11. ~'~',' 1 t .~~";'i Unanimously approved. the request for a variance to ~:i.~'" :" Section 5-l42(a) .through (i), (k) and (1) of Article x,:~.,' Parking Lots, as submitted by the Utilities Director.':.':/'.' The motion' to approve this request was made by Mr. 'r::.' Blanchette and seconded by Mr. Howard. ::.~:~; '.1 .. , ',! 1. 2. Unanimously reconunended that the City conunission be ;: notified that the Utilities Department has a serious~; water shortage problem and the conunission. should look. into this problem as soon as possible and do everything in their power to give the Utilities Departmen~ what ,. they need to remedy this situation. The motion was' made by the Chairman and seconded by Mr. Lehnertz. ,~~,~ UJame~J. Golden JJG:cp cc: John Guidry, utilities Department :George ~ ,{ . :1 .;. 111.lt . ":'t:. 't ;. h.~',! ~i :{ Il ..... ; ~ :~~:.. I . :: I:~':~ ' .' '. ,~.....-t-...~1:"'"':"~..... ...,...,."......._......_..__w..~~".,..._ __... ~ ...g.,&._.._ _ .... . ~.,u~ ~ ......._~_._.__~I't~.........,;;j . MEMORANDUM 13 October 1989 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board Carmen S. Annunz ia to cp Planning Director THROUGH: FROM: James Golden Senior City Planner RE: .Boynton Beach Water Treatment Facility Accompanying this memorandum you will find an additional supplement to the above-referenced parking lot variance application which has been scheduled for a public hearing on October 19, 1989. ~!.~ () JAMES{lGOLDEN /bks cc: Tambri Heyden Central File t. ...L- _ I - . l" 'J MEMORANDUM October 3, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: Boynton Beach Water Treatment Plant - Parking Lot Variance Section 5-145(c)(4) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when a variance to Section 5, Article X, Parking Lots is requested, the Technical Review Board must forward to the Planning and Zoning Board a recommendation, and that the recommendation forwarded is to be made part of the public hearing proceedings. To that end, this memo is forwarded, consistent with 5-145(c)(4). John Guidry, Director of Utilities for the City of Boynton Beach, is requesting a variance to Section 5-142(a) through (i), (k) and (1) of the Parking Lot Regulations. A description of these sections accompanies the application form as attachment "A". The applicant is requesting relief from these sections in connection with proposed improvements to the existing water treatment plant. For an explanation of the code requirement, the nature of the variance requested and the variance justification, please refer to the attached Notice of Public Hearing and application. On Tuesday, October 3, 1989 the Technical Review Board (TRB) met to review the plans and documents submitted and to formulate a recommendation with regard to the variances requested. After review and discussion, the TRB recommended that the variance requests be approved as submitted. The basis for this recommendation was the justification provided by the Utilities Department in attachment "A" of the application. c~_ -- _ere ~~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZ TO CSA:cp Encs cc: TRB members Central File w / '; MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATE: September 28. 1989 FROM: Betty S. Boroni City Clerk RE: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of October 19 Attached please find a copy of the public hearing notice for the City's water plant scheduled to be heard by the Planning & Zoning Board at their special meeting on October 19 and to be advertised in The Post on October 3 & 10. Be~~ BSB/smk Attachment cc: City Manager RECEIVED SEP 29 1989 PLANNII'JG DEPT. - - ~ : MEMORANDUM September 28, 1989 TO: Betty Boroni, City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner RE: Boynton Beach Water Treatment Plant - Parking Lot Variance Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and related documents for the above-referenced variance application. The application fee has been waived as this is a City project. Please advertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the special meeting to be held on October 19, 1989, at 7:00 PM in the Building, Engineering and Planning Conference Room (2nd floor). ~f~~ JJG:frb Encs :bbwater ~ .. - ~ - MEMORANDUM 13 October 1989 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board Carmen S. Annunz ia to cp Planning Director THROUGH: FROM: James Golden Senior City Planner RE: Boynton Beach Water Treatment Facility Accompanying this memorandum you will find an additional supplement to the above-referenced parking lot variance application which has been scheduled for a public hearing on October 19, 1989. ~t.~ () JAMES{/GOLDEN /bks cc: Tarnbri Heyden Central File ,\&- .. . MEMORANDUM FROH: Carmen Annun=iato, Director of Plannina C~ I John A. Guidry, . .\ ,/ Director of utilities \ \W ,/ " /al // DATE: October 10, 1989 TO: SUBJ: parking Lot Regulations Transmitted herewith is Attachment C to the Application for Variance to the Parking Lot Regulations as we discussed. RECEI\lED cmd attachment ar.r. 1 ("f, i~~~ .,.",., ~ f." ~\!rrI PLANWNG DEPT.. to l .=\TTACHMENT C The following is offered to c:arify the language contained in Attachment E: We are =urrently modeling the ineuced effects on sal~ water intrusion caused by pumping rive new larger and higher capacity wells recently completed in the eastern wellfie11. Preliminary ;:alct:laticns reveal the potential for salt \'Ja-':Er "up \Jolel:ing" migh~ ex~s~. There are two potential solutions to the problem, which are: 1. one of the limiting conditions to our consumptive use permit issued by south Florida Wat2r Management District requires that wells 1, 2 and 3 be placed on standby. toJi th No. 1 Hell bE-ing 1:11e most ,=as terly of the three, we are proposing to inject water (during the s-tandby period) frcm Wells 2 an1 :J int:.:J ~;ell No.1. Ttis will i~crease the hydr~ulic head just west of ~he salt water interface, and reduce the potential fer intrusiol"~ . 2. stormwater fer the existing site would be addressed during a rutu~e phased expansionimodiricat~on of t~e East water Treatment Plant. To ~h~s E-nd, we would jesig~, util~zing a portion of the acr~fige =0 the south, a retention, infiltration system which would permit us to recharge the aquifer at the salt water il1':erface. Neither of the solutions can be considered as absolute solutions ~ntil our mcdeling work has been completed. I~ would be foolish at this time to add impervious surraces. The modificaticns to the plant are under a "fast track" owing to the fact that we are almost out cf water. state regulations require that the City be under construction for increased water trea~ment plant capacity when our peak day, plus commitments, are 90% ef installed treatment capacity. The recorded peak day in December, 1988, was 15.84 NGD, and 90% of 17.5 MGD = 17.75 MGD. In order to preclude a moratorium, we .:ire currently operating the plant at 15~;; reduced capacity, \",hich ~eans that there is d 2.0 MGD, plus or micius, saVings on water. This has a aegative impact on revenues; but, it does keep us orf moratorium for the present. Based upon connections which have been permitted but are not yet constructed, we have concluded that t~ere is approximately 500,000 gallons of capacity r2mainil1g, cr appro:dmatt~ly eight or nine rlonths before the city could experience tejious moments with respect to public drinking water.. u... Health problems that can be encountered under reduced o~erating pressure are amplif1ed duricg peak loads ~hat may be caused by additional connections, irrigation, construction water demands, li&e breaks, e~c. Should these demands cause plant pressure to drop to 40 p.s.i., bo~h chlori&ation and softening would be lost. Thus, posing a serious health prob:em. Based on the foregoing, recommend variance to the Parking Lot Regulations at this time. ,~ ~i'~~~. :i:: . "tile"f" i~:( . -'~F .;~: ti,C, :. .J .'~' ,L. ;.' ~'. " ;:t... . _ : =... . ,~;~-.l"" .J.~, +t~lt~~' '~I > ' h~~;~,::', ; [:,\,' , " ; t'::~'iL:: ': : ~ ..:;,': '. ..:: f.f. ..~~~3' :ttThis application must. be filled out complet.ely and accura: :~i ~~ ~t~i' ~~mit.t.ed in. two (2) copies to .the Planning Department.. Incomp t~;If! ff.\::.. ',,:pplicat.ions will not. be processed. flki},!~" ~iia~e P~int Legibly or Type all Information. -: : e;~~"};~~~'" . . :Jlf 1. pro~:::t:a:~.c:f w:~e:e T~:.::e::::n ~arking Lot is toea ted: ~ ~~;j~~: " '. "''::H'~r~'', 'i:;!: .H~!Ct:~'~\<': " . ".: '.' ~?I"(''")' ".' t~Iff~.';:' 2.' Date this Applicat.ion is Submitted: ~:#. ::t : ~:. i. . APPLICATI~N :E'OR VAR~ANCES I TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS ~lanning and Zoning Board Ci~y of Boynton Beach, Florida' September 25, 1989 ~ . 3~' Applicant.'s Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Mr 0 John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities, Address: ~ity of Boynton Beach 124 SoW. 15th Avenue ..j ". " . . ': :.~ " . Bovnton Beach, Fr, 33435 Phone: (407) 734-8111 ~'. : .' 4. Agent.'s Name (person,' if any, repr~~enting applicant):* . ~. '~~" : . ". ," Addres's:; : "... , I. ~ (. ., " .., , ..... . . ..! ~<;. ... t:}f~:;' . ,".::i~1 ::". ':' :);.~.:' ~" . ~=::. .:~ '. ,.... ~ ".: ; I : '. ..~_.- Phone: o' .:, ., * A letter from , in requi'red. 5. -Property Owner's the applicant or owner authorizing the agent .--.----'-.. . . -. . ----.-. (or Trustee's) Name: I City of Boynton Beach Acldress: 124 SoW. 15th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone: (407) 734-8111 6~ Correpondence Address (if different. than applicant or agent) *: . , 0 .,. . ,. :~:*;~:~;. ;'::~;,;., ~ ','0 . "'...-.. . ,'t.~. . . i'::......::. .1~i~~;.;.~.~~~:.-::-::.~,~.;;::..,.;.:.:.:--;::: -' ..-.i...- ~~.-: :.~,...:_~~:.'_.:-:: .~:..~'.::':"":--;"::=,~...,.::'=.;:,.- "';"':':~":':' ~:',-:,-:,,-_, . ~':....:..,.;. .. . ~~~~"'>!<=~"'--=:. :~'--~~":"':...';; ..._..:..::-::..-~-... .~..::.:-...;.~.~':.;'':;::-:::-~':':..'::"~';;~~:-::' j..~.~_~._......_.._~.~=.mr~.._. ~~:~"l~~~~2:...: ,~~.:iJ~~;':~~o<j':_...',:,;,::, .- '.~:": .'~~...;.':' ,:_:" --..~...~ ,~.;..' ..~~~.....~;~~,.., ;.' ..:lII: . _~ --- _ _'LICI' .. ........". .1..~........----... .--....... ..........,..-,. . -----..--. . * This is 'the address to which.all agendas, letters, and otner materials will be mailed. -\. , ,;; f~I\:' ~ , 'e'1W\'" f ;f~f;:: '. . ',l-";;j};. . .,q.,-.,... :. ,..f'l~l\ ,.io ~ \;: t;!'~'~.:'L4 . ."~r ~"., ~I .t.. I..."., , ... .~..., . :1 ~ 'I,::' ,K 11 ~....' ~'I' .,..... tl!~ . ;~~ < tl .,.' ;';r ~r'II':t .~ j:. Jil. ;;~4~.Y. . ", i' II. ';~l~~ ~..j. . ~"':~"'.'~o" ":J~~':h3<\. . ir ii .;'"':It;,f.~': l~~arl."r:'": . ~ It\;::t.I..',-I,: .H I t~I.~..:f4." ...U';t.,.l'....;..~"', ,.' ,..".\ If'l~~.' . f: Ft'",t '~ .. :i'.. . ",(!I; t,1,.,,' ": Il';;fP~',.,;, . ~,j,,,,:"\"f\"';~~~' < .. !f1f""1-i~.,';." .I,~t::... . i~. 'R'.~'~/ . '., '~..Il''';:'''' . 1'~'liJ:i:-':'~', , ':H;$""~'" ' 'irli~~~~' :. 1"~.'.&1""'''~''''' . . ;t.,C~. p~'~~'. 'Jf,. r....~.:" . ~..j. :l~h'" . ':ff(sf.5tI~', : {i~J~~~~ff j" . ",.f.git~I\"~" . .::ftl '>,':!.i'~" 'Iil,~,,;:;"~tt .' ,J1I.'~::,:\;';i;';' ,.. ,1. \l'~!t':" ~ . .r..'I)\~j.:/;'''~J::~.. . ~1,. ~"llt'!'-::,' 1, tl~~fit; . '~.i!.ti~!~ ~ >' 4'!;:'~---', ,ll,h, ;rL.'..., ::. . j 1'\:>. _, .oj, r'l) ",~..:(i\'''l-.... ii,r ;;rwl-< ~Z:;.' .,,:.~: 'J ~,~ . '~ti'fl~'."',1'~.::~ .,.'. II~ .~t':IIt.."./i'':.!,.;. f'!'..... f">';"'" 'I' "1' r'\"J~~t-;~~'!. '.' . ft;:;:-"N1:t~':. ..'1':,- '", .. '" .' ". . '. . , ..., " .f . '~.; 7". ," , ,'I. .' j;i;~:: :. . , ~i~~..~ ..... . ~ . ~: . -: .8. I.', ."', .f'.' . "~ .~ ,". '. .:'." .!\..... ." .:<:9. . .::,.... ~! :-.: : '., ~.:::.. " . 1 : ~:":: ~L~~'~ '[:17;':::" . : :'! i~:{~:. '. . ~. ;: ~...: . . . 10. '.11. What isapplicant's interest in the premises affected? Director of Utilities for the Owner (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) Street Address or Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot . is Located: 124 S.W. 15th Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida Legal,Description of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: That part of Tract 1 of Section 33, Township 45 South, R~nge 4) East, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 1, .page 4, lying West of the West right-of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad and East of the East righ~-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard, being also described as the East Half of the North Half of the,Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying West of the West right-of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad and East of the East right-of-way line of'Seacrest Boulevard. . Intended Use(s} of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: water Treatment Plant Developer or Builder: 12. Architect: 13. Landscape Architect: 14. Site Planner: '. ,,~.. , Engineer: CH2M HILL. Deerfield Beach, Florida 15. 16. Surveyor: 17. Traffic Engineer: 18. 19. Copy of last recorded Warranty Deed included? (check) .. -.. -... . . ..- -.... ....-....-----... --.--.....-.......-..... Letter authorizing agent (if any). included? (check) 20. Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached? (check) .-......-...-..---........ ..-....... ....... ... ....... . . 21. Number of variances requested o~"th~ "f'~i.lowin~' she'et's~' I I "c' ..... -' . ...... ....:.. .", . tt' . }i~it,,~ ,. .' 1i't~Y:> . i:;' Note: A separate sheet must be completed for each spe~ific design requirement (Sec. 5-141) or. permit application requirement (Sec. 5-142) to which a variance is re- quested. All variances which are requested in connection with the construction or reconstruction of a particular parking lot are covered by a single filing fee of. four hundred dollars ($400.00). ' ' . " Planning Dept. 5/82 ~. ~1;,.~:J;~~~;::..:.:.;. :~~:..:;:...i ".: ~:......,'-:.::~;..:_~:.:;:'._"_ '..~~~':. -, :...., . . _.. ... ._' ..~- _.. _ " .' rt ~~~;"':~i~--- .~~J-~.~~.-...r....,...;....... .............. :.~.. : ::..:.. ':. ..____&.1_.._. . . ,'0 ;::-'~.- --;';.--..,.. . ,,~: . _., .. . ..... ... ~~"~'... . ~:~r'~:';:::::"_':':'~-'~". .,..._...:.....~::-.:c.:-:.........__. ~.~~~~.~::.~. - -:_.:'~...~.,: .RI...... .. 'll~ .!i'~t'.' ::. .:r $,. .~t" . . I '., ,f:f;.' ..-:,~ ~ I '." . ..,~"'..!/:; . f:(" . .t:>;, X'.V:.' 'I..' . ;. .1r::. - 'YThe undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zon~ng Board to ;.; ~>,,: ,.1:.... rant. to' the petitioner a variance to Article X "Park1ng ~ots",. t~'r . ..k'~f :Chapter 5, "Building, Hous ing and Cons truction'Regula t70ns ,.. o~ ~~ it.:' 'f::'the Code of Ordinances of the City C?f Bo~nton B7ach! Flor1da, as 1t It~J';,r~:~;~~~s s~~t;~e b~i~e~rty described 1n th1s appl1cat1on. and for the .',' t"'.l\'" .'<eo''': 1'-' !d'" :;;..... .. : ~ .... 1.~~~' -i:'~X:'. t;:~e~tion, Subs.ection, and Paragraph number of specific req';lirement M:~' "'~~'...'Iktowhich variance is requested, and exact language conta1ned in f;:t.~~ ~~~t~' . p:?;the Code: . . ~~l~~.o:.', ,f:~~'" . ~1;[:'!{~~~~',;:~: . l,..,.. Section 5-142, Subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), tf~; .t./ . 'i; - . 1.~f~;~F'.,:;.:; .': - ( i ), ( k), (1) (s ee At tachmen t 11) ..1~~":~~/'''' .: 1"~I.~"\~'""l'"'I'':''' " I ~~-f: ;t;~" .I::'-"'i~ t-,.~~ .\ .-" 1;W:;~1~(;.(;-j'~:":: .1.;". ~~ tlf"~ii!: :.~:'. ~ ~ ;' ff~;?:H ":",~.~::. . Ii..:..... ti1 i ;..: . i!< .'" ,. ~ i; . . 3~'rn ..;[.~~l:/' . I . ~f~ ,&:,~~;:_...c. : :.W~~:., . jrf.'!~!L"!!;[t. . :t;~ ~t.',., iH:~',:,::, 'J '. ~, '. --,. . ; - ; , . ~ ~I;:-":{'~.: I . ';'~:;:s....(t'..:. C Nature of Variance Requested: l~: "~:;~:~ ~ . .! ~ ; ,'.;.' . The Utilities Department requests that all upqradinq of the site as required bv the above section and subsections I J. .' be postponed to a later time when it will be more appropriate . . .!, ~ . . .- . ,'J '. " .. . .~. . , '., .~ , .. . .,: ~,~. ,: . . ,.". .. ., Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or Other Reasons Justi- fying the Requested Variance (attach additional sheets if necessary) : See Attachment B .'" ... , .J. . ~ ..' . l '. " . W,::::'-' ~ ~ . I' :.: -. . .~ .;. 'j"':.':.:: , ',. :...~...; ~. . (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans .' submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the .. .Planning and Zoning Board. . . (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the state- 'ments or showings made in any papers or pl ns submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) know e This application will not be accepted unless signed bel ,'Signature of Applicant or Agent: ~ "". :. ,,':'-::-!.' ~..: . , ~ ~)~... ~: . . i Date: C:"pfo ?", ,QRQ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities - .....t: . . :~, ,.' .......:'. .. . .... .-' , . . -~.. - . }f\' .?-.~ . j '. Planning t>ep~. 5/82 -:::~~~~:." ~.~ ..;::.< ~ . . ." . ~~. , ,,~ .: ,.,.:~- "";"""-. _0':"- c'i"'" _~__ _.~. : . . _;.-. -'-"'. "",,-. 'j"'" ':' _' . _ ':: :'_"-~~"'.; ~._ ...... ..~~~~ .._..."......__ __~......,. _._.... "'-_'_"_." _ __.... ~_... ---_-.r.... ..... .~~;~~.,~:. </~I'I"'i ';~t~-'-::':~:~~:~,~~'.:i:tu.::' "~;;~~:'::".'~"l.~:.:~.....:.~_.:.~.-:.~,..":':- ;-:. .. .:';...-~~~ '.. ~.;~-- ":;~::'::':"'~:'~==-~'.-:' r.t...~.,. _.. _ , ~;!{1~:! I~~)i~~i} . .." . ......J, . .~ "I.~ .J .~ 11" . ~:.~f{r :~f. l~!~e~;::: ~;:7'l~.!: ~ 'E~ ..: ~ ;~' I i ."...:,1..... '(1 ~.. ~3~~'., : I ~~'.:~~.f..::: ~~; ';~~~-.l i~;:JW~ ! ; I'" I':')" ~ ;,i",,';:t v' ~"""" " ~.;.' , I' . . ;~ 1; .' il:: -: (, ~ II,.. . : ' l~' , J., rti.;:tL, . '1"; : :'.,' ' I.i; .:.:'.'~ ! . j 1 " '. .L " it;.);).;.: ~J' '."-',r._. 'l',,,~;;:; . ! .;', : ~ '"" . ,~- . i,-';'," .' . ,. I' ,. '. " .... f';- . . I . .0"' . ~- t ~.::~ . ~;,;'.:l~i~;: ".' '., ~:. : Attachment A BUILDINGS, ETC. , 5.142 (l) Retail establishment: Any building or part thereof which is wholly or partly devoted to the sale of commodities to consumers. (m) Shopping center: Any building or group of buildings con. taining retail stores, or a mixture of retail stores, ser:vices and offices. This definition shall include all office.retail complexes. (n) Standards: Minimum requirements adopted by resolution of the city commission for the design and construction of improvements required by this article as may be amended from time to time. . " .' , (0) Traffic impact analysis: A traffic statement prepared by a professional engineer competent in traffic engineering reg. istered in the State of Florida. Such analysis should ad. dress at a minimum, daily and peak hour movements, turn lanes required, signalization, capacity of the street,system and interior driveway lengths. (p) Variance: A variance is hereby defined as a relaxation of the terms of this article where such variance will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owing to the conditions peculiar to the property and not a result of the actions of the applicant, or his predecessors, a literal en. forcement of this article would result in an unnecessary and undue hardship. (Ord. No. 87.28, ~ 2,9.15.87; Ord. No. 88,23, ~ 3, 5.17.88) . '... . :,:)~ . .~. 0' .... .... Sec. 5.142. Required improvements. Each parking lot constructed or reconstructed shall include improvements as follows: @ Lighting. Each parking lot shall be lit in l:luch a manner as to provide a safe environment. Levels of illumination and liminaire types shall comply with city standards. i 'G> Pedestrian lighting. Walkways connecting parking lots to buildings or walkways between buildiJlgs shall be lit in such a manner as to provide a safe environment. . ~ Traffic control. Each parking lot traffic plan shall provide . \.J for stop signs at exits, directional arrows, internal traffic Supp. No. 35 :. o. . ,. . . 450.1 \~ \ I j." ! .._.~ _ u .. I..-"!O ...!"~.._ ...~ -...;" :~tlf~tJ . i ~r:~#~,'r-(~'''';' t " "i;~~1~:; 'i ,,~.;::;:,; ::. . .;~)~,; ',I . .. ~t~0:~~ . )~~~<f~.~~: ~~ , }!f1r!:;: . :;:-.v.{.~' .,~ '''i;';~~ L~~ ..},~;.: : \1'JO:6 .;.. ..~; l 'I' . ; '{:, . -, ". ~.:.r;:; . n,l "'.,1':" " Ii; I! f": .' 11' 1>' ~f;',~~~:: '-r-' ",!.,';, . ~ : . ~~:; :. , I,' , ~ ' . :'" "j J' :.:.... . . . ~.:.,H.;:. 1" 'C'.. ~.~~~}~.~ ~~: . :3," . ,:1. . ;:to .r" ~ ' '~,' ~ .' " [ . r., " J ' '~. :,,:' J : <" ;; i.' r.- ./- ;l" " " ...... :i:"', ' .:,;".\; . I. );::, l',~l!. 1 ~.: i, .::. I:; . ~. ~" .- ....:... . l ~...:.. .;", ~~~~~~:,~~~..; . : I ~,J.,oj"t.l")~,<", , 'I' '.'::. if~\rr;::.fl-r':: ~; , ~. ~:.. ...;;;:::~&, ~""-L1"';':'~J"" ",.., .---. ....--.-. -.-.--. , 5.142 BOYNTON BEACH CODE signs and information signs where appropriate. It is in. tended by these regulations that the applicant retains the responsibility for the proper and efficient movement of traffic onto and/or through the site and the additional or optional signing may be required to accomplish the safe movement of traffic. The location and type of traffic control devices shall comply with city standards. . @ Landscaping. Each parking lot shall be landscaped consis. tent with Chapter 7.5, Article II, Landscape Code, or in the instance of the central business district, Chapter 7.5, Arti. cle III, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. I(;)) Curbs and car stops. No more than two (2) access aisles V may be traversed without interruption which shall be ae' . complished by the placement of wheel stops or the installa. tion of a raised, continuous curb. LaI}dscaped areas in parking lots shall be protected from the encroachment of vehicles by a continuous, raised curb, or in the instance of a parking stall, by a wheel stop or a raised continuous curb. Areas to be protected include all landscaped islands, landscaping adjacent to parking stalls, and landscaping adjacent to curvilinear driveways where encroachment is , likely to occur. Curb design shall comply with city standards. . ~ Drainage. Storm water shall be contained on site. Con. V tainment capacity shall be designated for a minimum of two and one.half (2.5) inches of rainfall ,in one (1) hour. Drainage structures and French drains shall comply with minim~m city standards established by the city engineer. For impervious ar~as exceeding twenty.five thousand (25,000) square feet, the design of the parking lot and facilities shall be done by an engineer registered in the State of Flo'rida. and the plans submitted shall be sealed. Maxi. mum storage capacity 'of soil shall be considered at the rate of one (1) inch of water for each six (6) inches of soil above the water table. Drainage calculations are required in all instances. The hydraulic conductivity of soil shall be determined with tests made at the site using te}lt proce. dures recommended by the South Florida Water Manage. ment District or other procedures which have been ap. proved by the city engineer. Supp. No. 35 450.2 " 1 .,....~ _~. II :::~,--....".,.,.~~...... .-- .- - t1~ '- . """f. ., . . I .... I r ! ; ." '.~: : t' ~; . ~.: . .', , . ..... I.. ....... ~: ..... " }~ ~ ':\"ifol\ ..;."" I. '.~ . r;J~~rt ~'::~ 5~:': '~:::~~t '~:t ! ':'.;~~:r. ':'~: {~:i@f . ".:if' (~~~~ ;"~f~;: ~~:~:Iil} '..... ~.j.hl , ;'l;'tiQ:l' :'."Hii "'il..':\'"~l'; , 'L~I~ '\,' '.;.;~ . 'i;I'{;-: . .~ "~: :ii :. :.;:~;. :ii. .' .'-a;.~l';" f;{~f ":~~r~ "", - , ',1 ',. .1 .'.:. I ~ .., ~ ,," , ",'t ~ ! ", ! .. . ..... ~/:.:.::!,;"" ~. . -.. .' ~{::;..): :: :il;liJ . r-;,d. ,fo' .. i.Jt~~ t:.~'~';N~ iA :'mtt~: r 11 ~.:Jt:,t. : . fi;~l:., ~"'11'1'O:- . i:; !tfr", j.. J:;.,.-" 1(." .-, . ~";~:;~:~~~'~'. . ~;f:Ii~t~.~ t ~~!~1~'!: 'r,-,..... ...., f~rl~?f.; .1 ~r.~: I r~.;~, ~;J. ~~~~'I ~~~ .'. ,~ ii :i , ,,", ?fd :.: ~-''- ~ ': .. ". " :( j:.-' :L ; J t.;' ~ : ;S~" .:~:< ., ..1. I~.;. . ~f, f(:~ ~i:i~r . :'; . ,~J~, :.:..:' / \'~t.;:'. " g;::"':~.f~'~ ;~ ~[>.~;;; : ~ . . '. .. , "I' , , I\...~;:/,- " .1 le_.~. " ~~.~. ,:,,; j . I' . 1~ ~'. J: t.-(:'" ..,. " ,. i.' 1~." t ',.... . ~..., :...., ~. ,. ..--....~~- ., ' !. , ....... -].~~ BUll..DINGS, ETC. . A 5-142 &J P~rking lot construction. Each parking lot shall be con. structed consistent with city standa,rds. Materials and de. ~ sign shall meet or exceed city standards. ~ Driveway. (1) Parking lot driveways shall be designed to provide a minimum width of twelve (12) feet for one.way drives and twenty (20) feet for two.way drives, at the right.of. Supp. No. 35 450.2.1 ,~ ,........ .,...~I.~.I~~ ....,rf::?b7.-:rT1T.~~..:...~!:'..-.-'r'-. t;--"'-;-' ._~ ....,..." I ..j ..' '.1 . I ". ',,'~:.. , ;:;\.:'.;. . ...~ """ !i ;,';(\;. ",'L,lli,. .,..;.~Rr :-&1; ,:i...'!:,I1:f: : . i1~~7~', '?:~~~ ! '~flt~ '. .:~,' ,Mi -:'..' ~..,;. . '''{' , , '~~;~J . ..~:r):' ~ ~: _'.~1. . . . ~.;<. " .,. , ~(, . ~,:i' ~. I .1 ...... :~. . . '.\' "If: .: 1..... ,:".'. '-:~':r~: . X~.~';..~ '}.jf. .....,.. " ..;./,.... l{. ':;~ i;~t .hl'lri ....~~yt .~.";:t'I':lI~ . J. YI ..., . , ::to j; ~J/. "". . ~.~!~~-t ..~ffi;.~ t~:r-J' >"-~"; ,- , ",~ ~i:~:};:':: ~~l~::.f.'X ;"I~jl~~ ~~~;;;: l:":' :;': -"j' .' '. ,'..', "'r ,j " ';:,'" .~.~:....::.._._..... ~~~i:E,. . ~~;:i~~f1~{~>.".: '.,; f~l~:iN~>.J ~ . , ;!Ul...{ .,'. ..' . <.~~Y~I+i',".~ , f~lfl; . . ", ,". '_,i ~ .' <! '. '! ;",; , '. ,. " ~ ~~. ," ;.', ',~ :i,. <: : it' . :,' 1tt.'\", ;:" , '. ~<~,~/~ " .; . , 'j' . ~ .. . ' " ' I ~"'::~;~;'" ~:':1'l;b j ", .3\&''';''~~''I[11 BUILDINGS. ETC. f 6.142 way line. The maximum width of any drive at the right.of.way line shall be thirty-two (32) feet. unless otherwise approved by the city engineer. (2) Each parking lot driveway shall be constructed with a radius at the intersection of the vehicular traffic lane of twenty.five (25) feet or as otherwise approved by the city engineer. (3) No parking lot driveway may be construct~d closer , than thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the right. of.way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets of a higher classification as shown on the city or county thoroughfare plans. . (4) There shall be provided a safe and ,unobstructed dis. tance of eighteen (18) feet in length between the side of a parking stall and each of the following: . a. A public or private right.of,,!,,ay; b. An access aisle; and c. An interior driveway. This requirement does not apply in the instances that follow: 1. At the egress end of an access aisle; 2. At a driveway where ninety.degree parking is provided; 3. At an access aisle where ninety.degree parking is provided; or 4. At a right-of.way where ninety.degree parking is provided. (5) The minimum distance from the street right.of.way line at any major ingress or egress driveway to any parking stall or to any interior' access aisle having direct. access to such driveway shall be one hundred (100) feet. (6) Driveways which intersect streets which are owned and maintained by a governing body other than Boyn. ton Beach must be permitted by the proper governing agency. prior to submission of plans for a building permit. Supp. No. 33 450.3 . I f\ I~:';:~;"'''".'~~~:'~~~~_''''.'''::;'~~-~- ,.. I ~;'J. 'Q......."f:~-.~JIJ/,J4J~. ,-- . . _..----;-' .... .., ,'.... _..~,., ~. r'. . . . . ~ .: ~ __.0' .'. I. ~. .~~~i; :;.;,.\' ...r.... . . ! , . .\~.., . :;;.;;; ~ ., II', I ii*;, : t~t:.: \ . .,)~;~~i; , ,.,.,;i"., . ,,:~f."i!1.1[ . ~ .1I-!fIi .. .' ..::"":;:0 ~l~ ....X''';}.,: . ~":tf~'.. . ~ ~~.I.: . . ~"~~ f :,jr, ;r. :r: Jj . It'' - I . 1. ,,: !;. " : ~. . . ;" >.; . ..: ....... ',' . ., ;j" ' ',~: ,'.. . j: " ~:: . ~~~ ~ . : 1... '. '~'. ~ ~ . ~i~". . " ',' ~'. :.' ,; ". .. " ...J ::; . , I 5.142 BOYNTON BEACH CODE .... , .}," (7) No more than two (2) driveways shall be permitted from any property. Where properties abut more than ~me (1) public or private right-of.way, additional drive- , ways may be permitted depending upon traffic vol. umes, but in no instance shall the number of drive. . ways exceed two (2) on each street. ~ Parking lot layout. . (1) . Parking lots shall be designed to meet or exceed the dimensional requirements for stalls, driveways, and access aisles as provided for in city standards. (2) Each parking'lot or parking stall shall have sufficient access from a street, alley, or other public or private way. Maneuvering and access areas shall be of suffi. cient size to permit vehicles to enter and exit the parking lot and parking stalls in a safe and efficient. manner. In no instance shall parking lots be designed' to allow vehicles to back out into any public .alley or road rights.of.way, or segments of private streets which function as local or collector streets. (3) Within parking lots, a minimum design radius of ten . (10) feet shall be provided. If truck traffic is antici. . pated, this minimum design radius shall be increased . .,accordingly.' . 0) Parking garages. Parking garages, whether public or pri. vate, shall comply with this article where a.pplicable, and with the Standard Building Code and the county.wide amendments thereto. Where appropriate, security systems ~maY be required. (k) .' andicap requirements, All parking lots shall provide park- ing stalls with proper signage consistent with the State Handicap Code requirements, and with the Standard Build. ing Code and the co'unty.wide amendments thereto. ~arking lot striping. Parking stalls shall be delineated by CAouble.line, painted stripes where parking stalls abut each other, which shall comply with city standards. (m) Fire lanes. All shopping centers, retail.office complexes, and retail establishments in which the gross floor area of Supp. No. 33 450.4 I.; t:<:,~(:> . ~'l:&"""~' ~:;')~)..l.J~.y~'..:.~' . .... ;";.~r,:~?;(,.-;,,,:., J~'".''' "::~~r.."...r.".'W...'f'}...'r -- ~u .., .: .~~~~~~. j~t! .;.rrl'.~ . .~. \;. :j.j'i t:. ~': :~~~. ....1. )..... . .:-: :.~ . ...Jl,' ." ;~l ' .. ','.1..'" ;....:~~.2. . '. 'I..t"'!:. ~J~.~~... . ''':~~,'':''lj : ~:~ii~/i.~ . 'J;'. t...:~ . ,'rf.1~"';" :~ .... ~t-. -: f;~fatr .! ,..-. .' ';;'Il.j., ;~~ ,.~'~,t' ~~~j~t :.~ . <>1);- , "'-"ijj'J " .! .. ~ ' ll.iij ,.; ~~'~~~f.: , '-::'ir~t: '.' ~'r"":1'.. ,.~~~ ..:3 . r:-r.,,:I' .....?l~,.;..i., . , SO' "t.; <1:1k :~,9/~, / J':. I .: .1 '. , " '. '.. I. I ');.: . ,1-.' : . ., .:;. :.';'J' . . ~",::'.. ' 'I . .......f..........,.,...~.....~........,--. ...,"'........ " . ~.'~;::~~ .lil: ~. . -: ,~.~. .'.. . ::~ : ~:,~t.~~~,'.:,':: . ;:,~:.. . " -. ~.~.~,~ .' , . (~.~ . ~~;~.>':' ..\.'. .... . . . " ';~!.:?:~:. :1~i, fl~ r~....-:': . t~~,.,~t' .' k~t~:~':.:t} .,.' ~~"... ~I~""r,:;~:,: :' II " 'it ".'. . . r .\o-~,l......, ?f'~ ~~J?t. . . .?;...... ~~..., . . ~ll!' "(J:l,t=4.f..4 , illlt f~r1:;:'. .. : ~,"~" . .' l>.t'~:. :.... ~,. .~....~."...._.~.' ATTACHMENT B The proposed improvements to the existing water treatment plant are designed to increase the plant capacity and improve ~perational reliability. The capacity will be inc~eased from 17.5 to 20.5 million gallons per day (mgd) needed to meet projected water demands for the 1990 spring and Summer period. Furthermore, chlorine feed and storage facilities, currently located near the electrical motor control centers for several critical plant components (e.g. high service pumps), needs to be relocated. Corrosion of these electrical controls, caused by the close proximity of the chlorination equipment, has .been extensive and new motor. control centers are to be installed. Chlorine feed .'arid'storage facilities are to be relocated to the proposed building located between the existing chemical building and the south softening. basin. A recent fire in one of the motor control' ,centers has shown the urgent need for this work. . . :The new building will be approximately 1600sguare,feet and will' :have a paved area to provide drive-through access for chlorine :Icylinder delivery trucks. Design includes storm water management.! lin accordance with the city of Boynton Beach Parking Lot.. .:IRegulations for the area affected by the new building, but not :jthe. entire site. Designing. improvements for the entire site for : :;parking lots, lighting, dral.nage, landscaping, and 'traffic 'jcontrol would sign,ificantly delay the project and could result in :: a potential shortage of water supply distribution. . I iThecity currently plans to purchase approximately 5 acres of I land, adjacent. to the south property line of the'water treatment ': plant. 'This land could be used for construction of n'ew treatment: ':facilities that may be needed to meet future drinking water : standards. The site would also have room for a buffer zone for ..; sur;-ounding r.esidential areas. At the time. the additional . property is purchased and developed~ the requirements of the ; Parking: Lot Regulation may be incorporated into the design~ :. resulting in' the required improvements for the entire site. . ......... i ~i!,ic ..'..~;;I~:..:~: . .": .~2.;~ I. '~:'! :~:'~ ... ':::~~I< " ...'.; . .,-....,.. .. <0 . ...... .,' ~ .. . ;'.. ~l_, . . Jl~k~::. :' . '.t.~~:.r.".'. . ~~~~'~':~.l' 't. ; . I;~~;f};r},';::> ,.' . 11.;.) ffl"'::'~"" , t+1 I ~ . , : .\: j':;' tJ ~I,;t':, ,. !!~f~1~/':" .:.'. . ;.~~~fi'~~:> . t:,:: . , , .~ -t.Xf I ~~~ '{:"let! ~u~~;f""\.t~,n;u:uT~IOStI'~i~I-'It~~1..:6:(2t,;..... .......; ;.::,.;.;::-::-~ U;':"~.~"""'~P'l~f...~:::::u..;,..;..",~,.I~;'~::".:;"'t,:. ':Z:.."';".~<.:~~~.:.,)~~'.:~:' '-~....-- g.\." . '~~~;~j'i '1:::~~:: . 0< ti :..- :'t': . .~,:.~.. . . .:: ;j:' ......... .;.~~.~:~ . ~ .:.': """,[ . ~~;:~ .:. . '..:t:' :. '... . -." . .. . 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W~)':J'I,""..,;.~ ~; ..~ P::'~,'L:"!J,THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, l.'; ,.J......,/ . "'''';ir.,' ~,-~M:j1.,:~.\I~~. :~'++ t. t~~ .",.....{l.O.. . ' . . '... , , ..... ..,: ~ (..~;.t:..:\;i;Nr\~..v!:. '. "'l...::t~,"t>):.: (Insured)' ....;':.'!." .' ...,.,;q,~~~~..~~i.r,;\iii....7~::. C3!>-. ~"'..~" iI...,..... .,.... , .' 't".'~~"" "l''''''{1t;,.,.''' \ ~) t~ .:",.]1 ',~f~.I.:. " .".. . J . illl': ,,.... .~"~i"~".' t'--~9 . '~" 0>1 ;:':rR\,:;{:~(,9ITY HALL, ~.."~',~! ~pd AVENUE, BO~rO~..l:3E~ql!~;'...{.l ..:"..i.;:r~~:;;" ~~ t ,., ~~ :-'J"~'~:~~ ~.~'. .' ~'I I ': ~ I .; '1'(~~Sl " :.:;i!"~,:,~ I';~!."~' ~=~ .:. ~ jt'":"l'~..., ., . ., ...~. ......... : ....t .11,.," . ~ 'u'~ :';~ro" .~ .t'; &-::3 ,,';,;~}h~..~~ " . ."' ~':,;,'H,'{'~'\:.n ..... (Address) '~,:'I '~..IJ;";:" I '..' "d'r'.:"!'~ T I' 'l;tl"~r:>~;~':s' '_ ~ .... \i>ffa",,;1[ ,.. ...' , ......, .' I" .._"1..:10; 'V\."t ~ ....,.' _ ..... .;.t\.";'!"';"'~'~IIl\'t"f'".j . '.' .~t;:./l' r~'''''' .1: !: ,"." ':. ~'..~. 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'U'~~ #H";\:" t:~~) , ::': ~l''t~ .',. :<-.; t,I~~l. . , . . ~.. \'I-!;;:I ~'i;'l/,,'.'t/1!j\' ,...,: .It;.. ;" .;t"l, ". -I' pr I , 'f~!(:. ' _ : '" ",l'.. ~'l . . "'('~~ }'.....,$. ~}t. '1' '.. J'. ...\., )...'l....... ...... ,.' . ,...41 '. : 't""'llIU &.! ;t~' b,"....'I'~ ~ . , ~'I.-.. ~ .;I',J,i... t'., . " . , . :',. .... lit. : : (". .... .. B' .~....,..~~~) '.' ....n t ,:""{'':I'''.~''f-..r.t~r.;',, _.: I (IJ n.jStJ\ev'.J'~ :~.. \ .It,:;- '. v \,~lJf..J""~,, . '1' ~...;.,r.;~" ~. : t.!\.O~~'.I"t~ ,~ .; I........ ,j.~-t"i!1.,~;;~(,.r.I. I .... .. "-. '1.1"'~" .j"'~. .' ...... ....1 . ,. !o(ru:<:."~'... J''; .. ;J."';~" ,J ..t;~,,''',;'I\~ · . " .":' . i'I'.;:~";i:.i1r-Io.t.^'. ~.-. .;...., ,.~ .f,TG :'r.ld~Yj'~I ...~t.., ."( ,~';":' lC',qrt.f)v.'~,~:':. T;<;a\.>Li~ - .1\,/1"" ~t:<@~'.s ::. . I' +.. 1J.".......':wI'-., "'. ...... '.. ....~ -":1. J - " _. .. 1"1, ".:' ..t "\ ,.t .......l.t\~..IA. 1'1 \0 "., (": -. ,,':::~Ilt~;'\'" ;.. '.. ." " ..i.LE:,:.:I(, l'~ 'I'" ,,:..j', {'~T'j{Ji:J'I'r: I " ':'\.('~';j ~ ~t1~~I.(r-!~~;",' ..'J .1; ,~.;' :'l~,~ .i+ ;i'ii{~.LA!J:Y~"~TL~ C;;~~~.Tr:~W, ~'~p91~es9'.tni94'!,~!> e ~Jo'~~~~~,.~~.. n ,,'l~r~~~i~,:i!',~ ::,>-:~: :,,: .' :,!' t+ ..:,...~,~,t1o~)on page 3 hereof 'an~rI~;co!Ul(deraUon of paymeni fox:~thls policy, 'DOES _, ...,....).11 Jlt;m.E;,,~.L ~~.: .:;r' (~ '~'.' :l;,r -t~ t)11.q<the',abo.ve named, to whom thla'pollcy is issued, herelnafter"teferred~to'as the~hiNi )ag&huf:;t..~.~,~:. .:' 'i ;::;' _~.~::~~~';~!~~~~~i~98 or' damage, not to ex~'.the declared value'above;~own.':~e(InsuredrJ1lli~~.~use~l~~':{<@ , , " ;'.t' ~ :; '~'..:::of l'e.!tate9, Interests, liens.. encumbrance9, ,or other objections to the title or lnterelllof. ~JnSUted ,"f:~I, ~ ';. J:~. ~ ,~"ft;~~~,?~'.bY Schedule A her~.f,~.~d:~~t are not excepted bY'.~eduie'~'h'e~eot"iind1~~~~~~-,:\;~.'.~..;.\~ . ,.;' ~., ", by. the conditions on page 3 hereof, which exceptions and 'conditions are' expres&b'-:,mtadlf ;a~part i.:.(j. ~l . " ,': ~ ,1' '(r.' I~'." ~. J.,:;;(r'H'r~' " l": .. -.'" .' .; !I",' 1);~'lJJ"t .,\ ..rtT".':hi -. :-,,' <ii<JE' I,\ir:-n'l.i:).!;.~ /.',~ -', :,'. ~ :.' t, of.tlilii pollcy of lnsurance..:....t:-J..;:.l!. !... "'. ','IU' {v '1:::: .;: . .:.,;.r'~,..~ . \{;:.~r.::.J.:,...,t~ '. . ~,' ~t~;l(rt1\~!.\6~/':;"'" '., '.. ,."If '..(~~\f~~1f::,(~~~:'. t~; 1'\-'" . ":,\,.(rl;~' !:..,,:~l.,.' ~'1'.: tftl~~\ ',' *{<!P'W!:.li";@::--1. .~! C' ~ 'W.rh'i:1ilj~pollcy 'shall not' be eUectlv~ 'unuf after it ha9 been 'countersigned '.blthe!m~m" : Mem.:\rf:- ~ ./'~. 'l~;; ~ t#.~;ben70fiLawyers' Title. Guaranty',Fund '.who: is9ue, thIs 'pollCy.".,;(.jtl..lf~t;/~~h"'::~I~~;:W,) "';',' ::S::I:~;I~~i,~'i ~ ji': ~'lJ~'.N't.Q. H" I:..' !,'. . "".l"'tc1"\4(>1)t"tll 'f~" .<l d. ...., ,. .., ~'\~W;III'll; 'v" '~'..\li"l'" '\f.J~ fi~~iJt ..l~t. ; ~ I. ~~~ "'~'. r ',~ '.... "'.' .' . . .', ..( . ',, .. . .r. l" . II' ''1:'''..'t: ~~of.l....'.(t .).,.~ ; &:.: , '''~~'J~ ~ I ',I ..~'.. 'i' "'. .... ~:i H .1.;;;,i'IN;WITNESS WHEREOF, LAw:YERS' TITLE GUARANTY. FUND;has 'caused ih'a "a1t:,to'~r~:'I.'~' I,' ".: '.: ;:;: ~~be\!executed In its name by:. Its ~execuUve' secretary and ':Its ! .~1l1 :.to 'be aU1xe&I:~~I1i. ':~.~i~J';lt~'{i' .. ~~ ~ ". :",,~~'l"~'-<" , I . .,'. ;;~'Cf,~~~; ..,..). ' ...../11.- r"~).",, .~:. ...."... "'!,!.;;,," ' '~';;;J'.~f.I,.. ~ :.~. n* :'.WU~ :.1"; " ',! ., 'I ", I.:':";"\"i.'rl!~.~:~::;: .'...,.' '.:"!"'.:':';.', !lnl~~i .,1t..~!~i~.:~ ~'~f~. :'At.: ;t'.~,::~!-;;' ~ (,~ .f. ,'r...~~,.t"'~'r~.. ." ....h..~;:.t:.;,<t"t.,.,.i '. ..' !":oi,,:,..!'~',.,,,'.',:~J,.:,,i-.1t:-, .~....)~J:~.~~.l' &'3 . , .r ;,. ,. 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'N;'lJ'1~~f~'..~"i"I~tiL ~\t::;q .. .tt~ Hew~n~YLii.t8eter ',:EltecuU~ tin9-j~.Sr.; :'~ ..: ~-:'..~;I:tJ!t~cJ,:.;,., .-.,~ . t. ','.,.~,~\t!~ . .'. '". "~-,,,".'I'#.t.... ..,f. ,";~,.I'.J ""'1>f-"'~':tj::~. ~ ~',.&-1'1 {".":~r"J.t'r- IFF' I" .....MO. . 6RE' · "'?f · ~ .IT..;' I:! .:f ;.r:":';r.f"'q~':'I!\l!.\;. Jtu1,;,jt:.. iJ;;~t~tr.~.,' ~~ ,..,. ~J. ....".,.1,. i!-' u." . '. '.' .~ I f' ,," . ~""'.l.~., ..... ,~ t-,~' ",...,.' . ,-I.. ~1'.;~).".:r-'tl'.-'(\T,.I\I'~.~'l4, . ., ~.~.,.",...... t...f~ .."rlt. l.,... u........ i-.''';.. ...., ,",.7.t~f.lA "" J'~t'~J. .~ .. c' ~.t>-..., .............'i~... ,"':.., '"'" .'. . , ,"1'.. ,.,\..:I.....;.U:..l...~ .,:\"';'..1"" '-~ ~t~ r.t.:::~. ,t~) '1 ~ I\'~n\r.=-' ~'1j{(ld;' ~ -:,l.,.;.V.; ~ "1':" i"':"'~Qt^,'~~',l'Ii"i"U;fl'..~t;, ..., I'~..J.';""""_~ . .. .:~ t=----::t~ ~ ~~.:"~.f..' .~~ 1" . ,. ~. ".'.' r;-:' f'~,"' " .~t .:.: '.. . . . \'\'" ,;~, ~~ '..;i:'~". <.~~ ~ ..:.1 ~~'~",'~!lt~: '~BY:%" ( iU., . Uf'" ~.j ljl~', ~}Uf~~'~H..:~;" c.;''''''~ 4- ''t1f:. ~ :'r:' ~ ..:~/:., \.~,. I":' \ ... .. .. \,.:. f.:~";;~#~~'" ......~...r ", .l~l. '0 ~ ip"''''''~~'!''I-'.'~ .;;. ,.l!'~~9'!"",~!'~Mem er' Membera)'-af. ..FundHV 1.v,~, ..,f'.:.f..qq~t:~ "',~ '.,;,,"':':' :: .,tI..,: !' :' ~ }~:~/I"i&";1 .. . "'.-. @>1.1~~nl~(.,;:~';'I,~~" ~., ': ". .::'i!~JI'~t,~('it~~ ~I~, ,.,. ,,'-, 'L.:' ;:;.. }':"~' ~ ..~': ~ ,~ORCANIZEb c: ~~}rJ<@J 'j..- ~):'.'...~..'i}l"1 ' . . ,." 1.,.~lr....Y1 :-.:,-' . , \ .' . ~ '. ''li''194~;ljj:j.t". Z "(' ' ~ ".. t""'X-9 l:;';'~i.. "j~~<t~61" t 0 ell. ".A~nu .' '/ ~.:~ '(.:' '", ... ",.~ ",w.m, a J~~): ~ :t, . ~ 11,f~"<t;~:i.ili':l' . en.. ,,: .' e t ": ~:~.:,. ~;:>:- :', :'.: ' ~"'I> "i'r:'.a26.'" ~~ Ji{r:;~.;;: t"~ ,. ~.)., lAd......... :.11' ,....l..J...).. '. '.' '..J','~_"~'''''. ~.. ~.o,..-+" ......,~tI'i'tJ).,..t~ ;~,;.~). '. ....."'98 ".....,f.:. . \ . '.'!\:.1IJI.:'" "'lIS ,~"V {!...:...,-<?;:r..j ., ~ " h1t[nr. J!'~~;~' ':.... j '.1' .... hTor..Pl':" .... ' . . ".: ' I: .' _~' '. 'f ' ~tl'~,j~';':(l{-I" ~ {~le\ln\?:" '. ", ,'.'" 'll "1:!.q"~.Q-:;(lr.'i" ":'~.'i.I'.l~"J':.;lil';' '\..t"i:..S\JU\".~!~rr.~Gt1r.~ ~;D~~~T Boyntori Beach,tJr.~' .:t:\1orida' ' . ,,' '~'J\1.j : I:'. Ii ....: i ;,-)'; tlr.iJ~i>~~:\l}'~~f~'~4 ;.tt.:'!~J ~t ' I. . "'J"~'\tJ -!~. I "'r,;r "~:lT"l,~~.itfZl"'."'II'P' "'t.~t+'~ t~..) , . .\ .. ..... ".! .... .'. ~ .v.. }i4)!i"-,, :t." ....:~ ~~ I ~t. ....".,:.;..~:..1 ':~"~~";.'. ";+"(1';,;..'1' 11..-;,....'.\.....~.I!'~.,-t~~l~'I.:. .,.~:.~ (..~'~ .. .1J'f\..l.tr:li~L.~ 1'"i:~~l'.~q\~',nH,:''' '.;. \.;:. 'dO .: . :"'i\J.~:' .'...4. '.'. J ..t'J,"f~~;~~:(... ~"..': t~) ~+: '\!:'" ;'" . I ; ".,1."....(, I;' , . \ J '.' " : . ....... ;i,-1~;;rtf.t..:W..).~...i--' 1:~:...~:'..' '@3>9 I' (,"<_ .. :,.: ?.... . . . ~ .1 "( ',") ,... "". I.~:.~. ~(l.::I.;r..f3..tl '.' .',','-. "~") ','.,".....,,'."'..T.'. ...'....,', ~ 'r l.. ---'lit': ~. ~~I:."'~t~.f.;':!' . "J1 f.~ . ~':.''I,'.;t''. '1...H;,'.:..I.'t;1t\.('!1r.i1~I'("t"d)~(~~~ '.1' ~~. '!,1!.t;,:-t'~:WI: "';7::~:::~~(;~"; ;.... I.., .... ...,..1....1:.;.:.. ' ., ,...:;.~rk~~(.~~!H,:~.:;...:t~.3 ~,WTw't(trrW1rcr-J 161~'!:: . _'OP. \~ .~ .. ~:. ':0rOOTWiWTWT~" ,~f;JL~+~Jt'~)JL~~J(..~+9J. .1385 7 @~llJ~J(.~jL~Jt~~~~ '1': \:A:.;~:>.J ,'.t.. .' ... ~: t\ ::' ;' >.:'Y:.h '. .\ " .:.' .., . ;j , .:. ~ ~ . .1.. .... .':' I~ ~ :i. ~ . .. J,. .l. :. :~ ;. , .~ ../:i;:~~ f<f:'..~; .:;.t~; ..,'. . ': : ',:~; ., '. ~.' ", . . . .. norld. PreSll-llM 2-159 .\ '. .1 ~ .' . . . ~ .. '>/:;.f.\~f\; -. " ,,' 1'-" ~'''-r:-;, ,.~ ,,:;;;.; ,':: ".':""i"Nt~.,~..\,. . . FUND Form';:OP~l;: ~'~f"'\ . I t: I l! '.' r:SCHEDULE A. .... I' .' -:., tl:tF.....~~. .~ .,~ ~ -: . :.., . . , .-. .'.'; .~'... .ilJ ;1 .~,. . . . . ". ......~(l~\:/of.ro;{,.~. . . " 1. The \~s~;~t~~~J:a:~~t ~ of' Insur~d : ~o~e~~d by this polley is: oJ: ".'l~,;:;~~!;.-';''&i;~:~ . . ,'. . . . "-:.'~'"~~lJC;\'\I.r'~'''l''''' j . I. .~. . '. . .,..')....<'1:.: , ~ J..,j. '. . ..: . c. '. . 2. The ~c(iVideii~e,of the Insured'. title is: The City t)f Bt)ynten Beach, FloridaI' . ".. 1\ '; ,\........,t..~):,'~.,:l....~ . (,. . ;.. ~ ..~:,)/:;~:.~~::.~~~.. ....... . . .... . \ I',; .,.. formerly known as Town of Boynto14 by Master's t;+: ,~.' .:". Deed fr()\m~l';}A1nCtirrle,. Special Master, to Townof Boynton, said dee~.being dated I., ' ::6/l3/39~~tiifid'9/8/39 and recorded in Deed Book 592, Page 268 public.re~ords of ;';J":. .~,'.'" . Pa1m::'lBea.e~.'i.County,. Florida. . , Palm Beach .: .',." . f~,.:. ;. : ,- 3.. Th~j<reil1~~~~O~Whlch this polley..is issued is located in' ~~unty, Florida 1,.~.,'.' and is deScribedl:.NJ~' .~,. \'JX?6(;~1J 'trAOl"n~' '. . " .' , ". .,....~ 1.. rr::. '.' ~.' '.'_' ':~'?"~~r!!~~7, ...~~,j~.:~:.J.. .'. 'I: . ~. :'~'.~ .: .'\ :~". ..::' {:. .'. ....\~~~>>.. f' :' . . . " :..,.d.'f.lI'flL~I'.. i~l 1..'.\..... .' ....... ,(.. . '. ..,., . lj " . l.l.~, (:'..,.. '.:'.: .i,"~.!tJ:;\"II:;J.; ~1"},'I:dr,:"'!'.!' , .' '<','. ,'" , ,..:;1.... ~::., . :n::fi.f~~t:.~.': ~~,.'::::':';;::!.\::~: .:~ y~r~"., , ',1tit~r~~'.11;efJpe~~l~~ 53, Township 45.(.~outh; ,Range -i3 .~..~~;'~,<:: <- r:~:} . (:. ~:". ~:-~.j. : {:.~.~:i~'.'9~ .' ~...o;~\he~~~t\~~:i7t;l!~,,~n l~l1e ,in ~he, .C?~~Jce~C?f .the ~ C1~'rk . of .~~. ti(~\ .}, :.~"::. .' : ~'.:,i::..l..::. ',;:'.', :I'i:i;~~~.~~ OU.f!}n ~d}'~~" .~ 13each County~,~i~;r.lda, in Piat B~()\C:l( ...,;.., ;T':,,~,!.;,,:,:,;,~ ,;,(:-:,:':;I~lii1~. I ,,"'~~e~tJorJ " ~Wes.t right,:"of-waY~~f!'jof"the Florida. Ea.tjf.\;,'~.-: ., .4. '.1" ......... ..'tIt~'" IT :;1.tt)!;.1;~~ . ~ 'd'1;.JC~JYt!l.tf.' , "h " E " b :I . . ....t .. 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',;,'. hereof, Is 8ubJeeU~"'1n4..th.Js.1poUey,doeslnot..1nsure ,against the. followIng . encumbrances, liens and other,.objectlons: f\r.. : I .' 1. ,All:~~ei~t~{ii,'YV~af:~f ithtl'.'eUectlve: I elate "of this polley 'unless..tiote~:)leie,l that such taxes 'have"been paid. . 1 . .'. . ..;l1'1'l:1'''':Il~l\h..' 'I '. ~..:~I"'~J. . h~ I.~.' . :'7;;....... .... 2. Rights..of;peI1OJl,8..m possession other .than the Insured. ./..~:::.;~,..;I... . .,:)..;1:..... . ~"'" .. ...r 1J.,fllfl~.'i'i.' ., """".' " . . , . ffr .::'..::. : ..: 3. FacuiU1al,.fUl"taCciifate'.surVey'or,persona1inspectlon of the properly disclosed or would have dtsclosed.:'J t'~i':" " " \' .' "1\' "!,"~~V!~tt>'J~o I.tl ..f" i l ;: "," .' ~'! . ".. " ji~j("l{. :::., . ,. . '. ' ~ 1;;:U n.:. ~ :".! ' .' I' 4.' Unrecorded.14 .rmechanlc or(,materlaIman.llens. f 1 "I,~.;:':::i:I~~ I';' ,'. . ., " .t"I'll;')""'~::""" .. . ,.'. . . ,,'''.ct..l..tJ)J,I1a,<t ,..,~#~,. ". . t !. -. , '. :. , . . t4!J' t .' I. . ....... 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I I I ;..:..:;.- .......-- ,: -~I I ~ ~ I \i ~ ~ ( ~ I I i ( 4'f/, 6"2.. _---.____..___..,... _._ .I $&r.33 7ijS' .;)~j R J/.?l:' -., / ~ ,7'30.1< tIS ::=. ./~~~P..rC = Zpj'z- Ac- /'-itf1r-) ~/1Z::' P'I./}I/ - ;:..7 t I) JC'lp f,"\rA4J SICII\) ;.~t.///.~. CfJ i' .1;5-. 19 7-:; - t)-lt .J(~fJ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:00 P M. on Thursday, October 19, 1989, in Conference Room C located on the second floor of the Building, Engineering & Planning West Wing of City Hall, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, to consider an application for a parking lot variance on the following described property: ". Owner/Applicant: Agent: Legal Description: Location: Requested Variance: City of Boynton Beach Water Treatment Plant John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities That part of Tract I of Section 33, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 1, Page 4, lying West of the West right-of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad and East of the East right- of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard, being also described as the East Half of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying West of the West right- of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad and East of the East right- of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard. 124 S.W. 15th Avenue Section 5-142: (a) [,ilJhti,,!!- Each parldnr~ lot !'!hall be lit in Huch a manner II!'! to provide n safe environment. Levels of illumination nnd liminaire types shall comply with city standords. (b) rc~lc~triaTl lilJlzti"g, Walkways connecting porking lots to bUlldmgs or walkways between buildings sholl be lit in !mch n mnnner ns to provide n snfe environment. (c) Traffic control. Each parking lot trnffic plnn shall pro~ide for stop signs nt exits, directionnl nrrows, internnl traffic siron!; nnd informntion signs where approprinte. It is in. tended by these regulations that the applicant retnin!'! the re!'lponsibility for the proper nnd efficient movement nf traffic onto nnrVor throur,h the site nnd the additionnl or optionnl signing may be required to nccomplish the snfe movement oftrnffic. Tho locntion nnd type of traffic control devices sholl comply with city standards. (d) [,(lTulscnpinr,. Each parking lot shall be landscoped ronsis- t('nt with Chapter 7.5. Art ide If. Lnndscape Code, nr in t1w instance of the ccntral husiness district, Chapter 7.5, Arti. c1e III, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinancc!';. (t') Cllr"s a"d car stop.,;, No Illore tlmn two (2) nccess aisles mny be traversed without interruption which sholl he ac. . (,ClTllplished hy the placl'lllcnt of whcelstops or the installn- t ion of n rniscd, contillllOlls curb. Lnr)dscapcd nrr~as in p~rking lots shnll be protected from the encronchment of ,'chicles hy a continuous. rnif,cd curh, or in the instnnce of II "a..kin~ stall. by a wh(!cl stop or n raised continuolls clll.h. Areas to be protected include all landscaped islands. landscaping adjacent to parking stalls, and landscnping adjacent to curvilinear driveways where encronchment is likely to occur, Curb design shall comply with city st:md:mk ~ ,. , I~.'. .... ,........I<J~...~...w _t1 Jill t..f'...."...'flJo.. ......'. , , If) /)rnillonr. Storm wIIll'r !lhnll I", cont.nined Oil :;jlf', COli' lainllll'1I1 cnpnl'ily :;hnll Ill' dcsignolcd for 0 lllinillllllll of two mill one.hnlf (2.!l) illch{'!l of minfnll .in olle 11) hOllr. nrnillnl~e struclllr{'!'; nllll rl'l~lIch clrnins l'lhnll ('(lIIII'I}' wilh millimum city ~lnl\(lnnl!l f'!llnhli!lhcfl hy the cily ('1I1:i,,,.,,1'. For imJw.rvious nn'ns m((,l'f'dillr. twenty-rive tholl~alld r2!l.OllOl !~CJllon~ feet, HIP. c1{,!ligll of the pm'king lot ond fncilili"!l ~hall he done by nil cllr,illl'{'r r{'r.istcr~d in the fHnle of Florida. ond thl' ploll!,; suhmit.!ed shnll be l'lCnlell. 1\1nxi. lllUlll stnroge cnpacil.y of soil l'lholl he 'conl'lidercll nl. th,~ rnte of one (1) ill('h of wntf'r for cnch l'lix (6) inches of soil nllll\'C the woter lohle. J)"nillage cnlculotions nrc req"i..,.(1 ill nil ill!';lonccs. Tlw hYllr:l\Ilie cOllductivity of soil shall h" c1.'INlIlilled with Il'sls m:IlI(! nt the site usillr, tl~!;t I'roc,!, llt",f'!,; I"{'commt'n,l",l hy the South Florida Wnler Mnnnr~l'. III{'II1 IJistrict Ill' of h"r plo('{'d,"'{'S which hllV{' "I'CII nl" I'ro\'(~d hy the ~i ly t'lIl:i 1I{,l'r. . . , (n) !Jnrkillf! lot C01l.<:(rlldin1l, Ench pnrkilll~ lot :;hnll hc cnll. st,l"tlctC'll consil'ltl'1I1 with city stnndordll. Mnterials nnd dc- ::linn sholl meet or exceed cily stnndords. (h) Vril'rlt'(IY. (1) Porking lot c1rivcwnys slrnll be designed to provid" n lIIillilllum willt.h or f.Wf'JVf' (12) fN!t for Oll"-WIlV drivl'f, 1\11IJ h\'e~lty I~OI f"l'l for two.woy drives, lit the ~ight,nr. wny line,' The I1ln:dmllm width of ony 'drive nt the riglrl..or.woy linf' ~"nll he thirty.two (32) feet, unle!':s otherwise approvclI hy t.lre city engineer. (2) Ench pnrkinf: 101 drh.m....ny sholl he cnnlllrllclcd wilh n nulill!l nt Ul(~ inlcrfil'rlinn of the vehiculnr lrnrne Innc or t\\'enty.fivl~ 12(;) feel or os olherwille npproved hy t1\l~ city cngineer. (:1) No "nrking lot (Irivewny ",oy he construcled c1o!';er limn thirty (:10) feet fl'Otn the intersection of the rir.ht- of.wny lines nJonn lornl streels nnd one hUllllred eil:ht.,Y ClAm feet nlolll: lltl"f'l'I1\ of n Irigher clallsifknlion ns shown on the city or (,llIllll.y thoroughfare plnns. (4) There shnll he pl'Ovidell 0 !lnfe ond unobstructcd dig. tnncf' or eighteen (18) fect in length between the side of n pnrking !ltnll olld ench of the following: n, A public or privnte rir:ht-of.wny; h. All aCcess ni!lle; nnd c. An interior drivewoy. This requirenwnl doell not npply in the instonces thnt follow: . . , 1. At the cgrl'm~ f'nd of nn ncccss nisle; 2. At n drivcwoy where ninety.degree pnrking h; provided; 3. At an nCCCllS oisle where ninety.degree pnrking is provided: or 4. At 0 right.of.wny where ninety.degree pnrking is provided. ((j) The minimulII lli!ltnucc from the street rir,hl-of.wny line ot nny I1lnjor illf:rcss 01' er,ress drivewoy to nny pnrldnn stoll or to nny interior access nisiI' Illlvinf: direct occess to sitch drivewoy shnll be olle Irundrt'd (100) fct't. (()) Drivcwoys which inl"r!lC'ct strcets which nrr. oWlled olllll1lointaincll hy n governing body other tlrnn Boyn. ton Bench must he permitted hy the proper governing ngelll:"}', prior to suhmission of pIons for n bllildinJ~ permit. ...... (7) No more thnn lwo (2) (Irivr.wnYll shnll he Jlf.rrnif.lf!(1 from ony property. Where properties 8b~t.1J1ore t1.tnll olle (1) public or privntc right-of.woy, addltlonnl dnvl'!' wnys mny he permiltf'd depending \tpon trnffic ~ol. \tmes, but in no inslnnce flhnll the number of dnve- wnys exceed two (2) on ench street. ',,' rc'\o " (i). l'arhinlZ iot layollt. ---'----... (1) Parking lots sholl be de!'ligned to meet or exceed the climen!'!ional requirements for stalls, drive~vays, nnd nccc!'!s aisles (l!J provided for in city stnndnrd!'!. (2) Ench pnrking lot or parking Atoll shall hnve sufficient occc!'!s from 0 street, nH~y, or other public or privote wny. Mnneuvering nnd ncc~ss orens sholl he of suffi. cient size to permit vr.hicJes to enter ond exit the porking lot and pnrking !'Itnlls in 0 safe nnd efficient mnnner. In no instance !'Ihnll pnrking lots b~ designed to nllow vehiclc!'! to bock out into any public nllr.y or rond rights.of-wny, or segments of privnte streets which function os locnl or collector streets. (3) Within pnrldng lots. n minimum design mdius of ten (10) feet Elhnll be provided. If truck traffic is antici. pated, this minimum design radius shnll be incrensed accordingly. . (k) llandicap rcquircmC1lts. All pnrking lots shall provide pnrk- ing !';tolls with proper !'Iignngl:! consistent with t.he Stntc Ilnndirnp Code requirements, ond with the Stnndnrd Build. ing Code and the county-wide nmendments thereto. (I) l'arkillR lot stripinR. Pnrking stnHa shall be delincntcd hv douhle-Iine, pointed stripeR wherr. pnrking stnlls nbut ('ncil other, which shall comply with city standnrds. Proposed Request: The proposeu improvements to the existing water treatment plant are designed to increase the plnnt capacity nnd improve operational reliabjlity. The capncity will be increased from 17.5 to ;!0.5 mUlioh <Jallons per dny (mgd) needed to meet projecteu water demands for the 1990 Bpring nnd fiummer periou. Furthermore, chlorine feed nnd storage facilities, currently locateu near the electrical motor control centers for severnl critic"l plant component!:! (r..g. hicJh !":ervicc pumps), needs to h<:! relocateu. corrosion of these C'leetricnl controls, caused by th,.., close proximity of the chlorination equipment, has been extensive nnd new motor control centern "re to lle installed. Chlorine [eed "nd stor"gc f"eili tics arc to be rf:,located to the proposeu building located between the Qxisting chemical building nnd the south softening bnsin. 1\ recent fire in one of the motor control centers hns shown the urgent need for this work. The new building will be npproximntely 1600 squnre feet nnu will have a paved "rea to provide drive-through nccess for chlorine cyl inder uel i very trucks. Design includes !;torm \~ater management in accord"ncQ with the city of noynton Bench pnrl:ing Lot Regulntiom; for the nrea nffeetcd by the new building, but not the entire site. Designing improvements for the entire site for parking Jots, lighting, drairmge, lnndsc"ping, anu traffic control would significantly uelny the project and could result ill a potential shortage of wnter supply distribution. The City currently plans to purchase approxim1ltelY.5 ncres of land, adjacent to the south property line of the water trentment plant. This l"nd could be used for construction of new treatment facilities that may be needed to meet future drinking water standards. 'rhe nite would nIno have room for n buffer zone fot- surrounding rcsidentinl arenn. 1\t the time the additional property is purchased and developeu, the requirements of the Parking Lot Regulation may be incorpornted into the design, resulting in the required improvements for the entire site. All ~nte:ested parties are notified to appear at said hearIng In person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose ~ay need to. ensure tha~ a verbatim record of the proceedings IS made, WhICh record Includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BaRONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: THE POST October 3 & 10, 1989 cc: City Commission City Attorney ~ I I ~ . ...... ~ . .. .. .. '" u . .. .. . '. . . . , I t ' E 'I'TEENTH AVENUE i , -r , . RIGHT-OF.WAY LINE-.... EXISTING CONTROL ROOM . ELEVA' TANK . CIf..ORl1<E STORAG. l~' _. ',:. '. ~ .;.: ~'."~' . ~.j'; :: ~~~;I~ ~. 'f: ..}:....,,~.: l.~ .~~: .t:.i. 'eO t..~. :~. :..~:~ J~': :. "LT[nS': .r. :~:\ .r .. .\:...~..: .i 'f ,:, ".r~".:; r,' ,; '.. ;':, ~'i. r..l~~ '" II r-l';.~ .,~ ~ .....r~' . ~r..::,. 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