LEGAL APPROVAL : ........, " ..'..t:. s CITY of BOY,NTON B~ACH . ~.. , -.... . 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (407) 738-7.490 .. .. " OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR September I, 1988 \ Mr. Robert Bentz Land Design ~outh 1280 North Congress Avenue #109 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re: Coastal Corners Service Center Parking Lot Variance Dear Mr. Bentz: Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 16, 1988, the City Commission approved the referenced variance, sUbject to . compliance with the comments from the City Engineer (please see attached) . '. If you have any'questions concerning this m~tte~, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH , ~,d CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA:ro Attachments cc City Manager Technical Review Board Central File ,,- .. #, 0< It"' .. .... . , " . \ \ '. I M E M 0 'R A NO U M . August 2, 1988 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City' Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Coastal Corners Service Center ;. COMMENTS: 1. Drainage calculations should be based on containing 2.5 inches of rainfall on-site in the first nour of a three year storm as' required by the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. As stated, the final exfiltration trench length should be based on an on-site percolation test and calculations based on SFWMD Technical Publication 87-5, published December 87. 3. Concrete sidewalks, 6" thick, to extend thru the turnouts on Boynton Beach Blvd. and N.E. 3rd Street. 4. Disposition of existing sidewalk on Boynton Beach Blvd. should be shown. 5. Turnout on Boynton Beach Blvd. should have exit traffic lane marked right turn only. . /) 0 /J _.' -'U~ -- I ~ Yt?-- . Torn Clark l' TAC/ck ~ "~ " s 1!.-..:..1. .{' ".-.. ,. ...... . ',~ -...... .... APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS City of Boynton Beach, Florida' Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete app~ications will not Qe processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. 1. Project Name of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: .' Coastal Corners Service Center NW Corner Boynton Beach Boulevard and NE 3rd Street \ 2. Date this Application is Submitted: v 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Mr. & Mrs. Fred Violette 01'. . Address: 319 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435. (407) 7-32-4102 Phone: . 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant) :* Hr. Robert A. Bentz and Land Design South ~ Address: 1280 North Congress Avenue Suite #109 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (407) 478-8501 Phone: * A letter from the applicant or owner authorizing the agent ~s ~~9;~~_~~. ___..._._ '_' Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: , ..-........-.....-""'"- .. -- .,'" -.... ..._- ..... 5. Address: Mr. & Mrs. Fred Violette 319 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Phone: (407) 732-4102 6. correpondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials wil+ be mailed. ~ , \L .. . . . " . '''~ . 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Owner and Develo~er (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.~ 8. Street Address or Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: 319 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach,. Florida 33435 9. Legal Description of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: 10. Intended Use(s) of Site Upo~ Which Parking Lot is Located: . Retail and Automotive Center 11. Developer or Builder: Owner and Developer Contractor has not been selected at this time 12. . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Architect: Pecht-Wensing Architects and Planners Landscape Architect: Land Design South Site Planner: Pecht-Wensing Architects and planners Keshavarz and Associates, Inc. Engineer: Surveyor: Traffic. Engineer: Robert Turso Copy of last recorded Warranty Deed included? (check) ., ,- . .. .... " ,.._ J '" ... ..... --. - - ___..____.- __ _.' Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) " 20. Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached? (check) .. ...........T...~--._.. ....... . ......... .' ......... . -.. .......... .. ............. .... ........ .. ..I 21. Number of variances requested on the following sheets; \, Note: See attached fee schedule for variance filing 'fee. Additional fee(s) are required if more than one (1) variance is requested. Planning Dept. 5/82 ~ ~ .~. . ~ . . The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to Article X "parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations,. of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stated below: Section, Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code: Article X, Section 5-142, Sub~ection (h) paragraph (3) "No parking lot driveway may be constructed closer than thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets of a higher classification as shown on the City or County thoroughfare plans. Nature of Variance Requested: The owners property is only 123.97' long along Bounton Beach Boulevard. The present curb cut is approximately 70' wide. In his redevelopment the owner would like to reduce the driveway width to 32' but it would be located 48' from the nearest intersection. , Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or Other Reasons Justi- fying the Requested Variance (attach additional sheets if necessary) : The property is only 123.97' wide and the present curb cut is approximately 70' wide. We cannot set back 180' from the intersection and still be on this property. We feel the reduction of the existing cut and the redevelopment of existing uns.ightly buildings into a well designed attractive complex is a special condition which should be considered by Boynton Beach. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby.certify that the above statements and the state- ments or showings made in any papers r plans 5 bmitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) 0 leT' application will not be accepted unless signed el Signature o~plicant or Agent: Date: ~ -C$'~~ Planning Dep~. 5/82. ~ ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Bety S. Boroni City Clerk DATE: July 18, 1988 RE: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of August 9, 1988 . Forwarded herewith please find the notice covering the application for a PARKING LOT VARIANCE - submitted for pro- perty owned by Fred Violette. This notice is scheduled to be advertised in THE POST on JULY 24, and JULY 31, 1988. Be'fff~~ pc Attachment cc: City Manager RECEIVED JUt! 19 1988 PLANNING DEPT. - --- 7 . MEMORANDUM TO: Betty Boroni City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden Sr. City Planner RE: Coastal Corners Service Center I. Accompanying this memorandum you will find original copies of the following: 1. Abandcnment Application Authorization from the property owner on the north side of the right-of-way (Robert L. Scheurer) to participate in this application. 2. Parking Lot Variance Application Agents authorization letter Warranty Deeds Copy of revised survey -- JJG/csd " ~l~ U James . Golden 4' . ..- ~ MEMORANDUM August 3, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD . FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: COASTAL CORNERS SERVICE CENTER PARKING LOT VARIANCE . ~~ '. - -:- Section 5-145(c)(4) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when a variance to Section 5, Article X, Parking Lots is requested, the Technical Review Board must forward to the Planning and Zoning Board a recommendation, and that the recommendation forwarded is to be made part of the public hearing proceedings. To that end, this memo is forwarded, consistent with 5-145(c)(4). Robert A. Bentz, agent for V&C, Inc., is requesting a variance to Section 5-142(h)(3) "Driveways" of the Parking Lot Regulations which requires, among other things, that no driveways may be constructed closer than 180 feet to the intersection of the rights-of-way lines on collector and arterial roads. The property in question is located at the northwest corner of East Boynton Beach Boulevard and N.E. 3rd Street. In this instance, the applicant is requesting to be permitted to provide a 32 foot wide driveway onto East Boynton Beach Boulevard to be located a distance of 38 feet from the intersecting right-of-way lines between East Boynton Beach Boulevard and N.E. 3rd street (not 48 feet as noted on page 3 of the variance application). The variance request is being submitted in connection with a request for site plan approval, which proposes that the existing service station and adjacent property be redeveloped to provide for a convenience store, laundromat, fuel sales and automotive repair. For an explanation of the code ~e uirement, the nature of the variance requested, and the var'ance justification, please refer to the attached Notice of publi Hearing and application. On Tuesday, August 2, 1988, the Technical Review Board (TRB) met to review the plans and documents submitted and to formulate a recommendation with regard to the variance requested. After review and discussion, the TRB recommended that the variance request be denied. The reasons for this recommendation are as follows: 1. It is the opinion of the Technical Review Board that the proximity of the proposed driveway to the intersection of N.E. 3rd street and Boynton Beach Boulevard (38 feet) will encourage hazardous traffic movements, particularly conflicting left turn movements. 2. Driveways onto Boynton Beach Boulevard at this location would be inconsistent with the intent of the proposed urban design plan for Boynton Beach Boulevard and would result in pedestrian conflicts. I CL2.- -. p( N20~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZI CSA:ro cc Central File ~ C' I CORPORATION AJTHORIZATION ,', , , i __t_~~_~~:..__________. , a Florida Corporation autho~'~zed to contract business in Florida and being the,owner of'the property described in Exhibit IAI, hereby authorizes Robert Bentz, to represent them in all matters related to the road abandonment and. parking lot variance for property described in Addendum I A I . . ~--(/~) President ~~tion ~~-~---~-- /;t:retary of Corporation ___~~JY~~________ Date ____~~l~~_______ Date I' ~~------ Of-~ and subscribed before me this---~~-- day otary Public State of Florida at Large , NOTARY PUBliC. sn.TE OF ~~~~~A'990. MY COMMISSION EXP~~~~I~ UNOllI'llRITlftO . BONDI:D THRU NOT...RY , My Commission Exp~res:---------------- . ..t...... ......f. .",'" . :'.. "; . . ,~ . :y "", . _.~.: . .. .-.--.------:-------....... " I . 0' o \. . B>:UIDI'l' 111\" ~r;~AL 'D}~SC\UPj:;ONt . , '. .. --; --::...)'-. "~'--:::'.:~ "; ~.':' ,: "", ,~... ,. , L.. .' . . . ,. .. '. . ..r: . . : .~. '1 ':.. -.... . DF.C'nnJI"TI,...... '. . ..-" . . \" . r~~ tx,~? s 2 Jo~i~.'E A ~:;I~~s~d;E~ ~:~~r:~~~~~i; F~RI~L'ho;';;;;~;::~:::; . , . , . II \. ...... \ .ra TIlE PLAT 'IHERECF 00 FILE W' THl:: Of-'FrCE. OF": Tt~ CLEr~I(:9~. THE 'CIRCUrT COURT' IN Ar~}. 'i~ .....,. ,-1-'OR PAG.I BtACH COUNTY, rL.'JRIDA Itl PLAT EGOK '.7, P,ll,GE?6.' , .. '._ ......, . r:\ND: wrs 7 .;....:0 8 {LESS 'niE:: SOUTH 17. (, FEET THERroP" 1\NO:LES~ THAT PART qT:' I.i1r ..7. ~'.:';o.,". "0' f' INCLUDED IN 'rIlE EXTERNAL AREA FCR.\IED BY A. 20 ~ 'RADius 'lJ~ '\.m'rClf I? T~T''IO~ .,.''t"rre::' .:'> FAST LINE OF SAID U1r'7 AND T!\:'iGE."lr TO A' !.CklE i 7.6 FEET' NORTH OF' k'ID' PAR!\LLEL ro' TUE ~ ..'; '. SO{JrH LINE OF SAID WI' 7), :\tL CF L:)IS 9 ~ 10 AND 11, ',:I)RDEN. PARK, .,1\. 5u~pivlSI~.oE.~ ..,::. :(;.... rHE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, h.."(.:oRDH~J 1'0 THE PLAT TIlERmF'CN F1LE. IN. THE' OfFICE', oF.::.:..::. .::;' TIlE OFFICE Of' THE CLERK OF. 'TI!C CIR.iJlT' couRt IN "AND 'FOR' PAL'"l' BEACH (XjUr:TY,' F'IJ::>RIOA,.... < ".: ~ PLAT BCOK 2, PAGE 96. . . 0 . .' .... . ......~...,.:...::.:..........:::-;.......:.: Co JJ -r ~ 1}o..I I A..I t... . . 3"]) <3 0" g ". .~v~~ .. .fee r: ... /. o. ~7::,~ ~ ~6? I::~.'.;..: PI~P~o::x:ATED IN FlOOD ZG.\:" liB" . .'" '. '. '.' :. . _. ' : . ';'. . '~',. ....... '.. '0 . . ~.' ~. . :' .. . . .... "' ." .. . .. .. ",. '". ............;...:..... ... CER'l'IFIJ:O TO: V. f. C. INC., A FIi.:'RIDA CORPOR!\TICN.. eev ISG D 7" '2 5 . B 8 /3:i;;:-' . I . . . , . ., . . .- . . .. . . /a , ..... . . .It NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:30 P M. on August 9, 1988, at pineland Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, to consider an application for a parking lot variance on the following described property: Applicant/owners: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Violette Agent: Robert A. Bentz, Land Design South . Legal Description: Location: Requested Variance: . Lots 1 and 2 (less the south 18.5 feet thereof), all of Lots 17, 19, 21 and 23, C.W. COpp'S ADDITION, a sub- division of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida according to the plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida in Plat Book 7, Page 56. and Lots 7 and 8 (less the south 17.6 feet thereof and less that part of Lot 7 included in the external area formed by a 20 foot radius arc which is tangent to the east line of said Lot 7 and tangent to a line 17.6 feet north of and parallel to the south line of said Lot 7, all of Lots 9, 10 and 11, ARDEN PARK, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, according to the plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida in Plat Book 2, Page 96. 319 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL RELIEF FROM ARTICLE X - PARKING LOTS, Section 5-142, Required Improvements of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances (h)(3) Driveway No parking lot driveway may be constructed closer than thirty (30) feet from the intersection of the . right-of-way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets of a higher . classification as shown on the City or County thoroughfare plans. # .. . Proposed Request: The owner's property is only 123.97' long along Boynton Beach Boulevard. The present curb cut is approximately 70' wide. In his redevelopment the owner would like to reduce the drive- way width to 32' but it would be located 48' from the nearest intersec- tion. , All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of.-the Planning & Zoning Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings a~d .for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: THE POST July 24, and July 31, 1988 ~ N. 'Q ~ ~~ I;' " '" :' To IUvt and to ltold.".. ........ ~"'h"". u'"h .11 .ntl"nou~r ~".. eppurt... ..; ':'" ."';""',. ., " . '. .....Ionnino 0' In .",u.,... .""....'aln'ng. .nd.." d... ""01.., rigl." '11"', 'n'......". .'i,,", ..,w" ...J del.. ......,.. ..1', . .."",..., 01 "... .aid Ii,". """" ..II".... In lou, or "'fUll,. '0 ,I.,. onl, I'">r-' w.., """,.Iil ...d fwl.aol 01 ,I.. MAd. . . ."reo"d pa'" IMrI...,. .... .:_ .... .- . '. .' : :.. . . ". ... , ,. .In WdntSS 'ltlhtrtDf, TIo,. ..'rl.i'n' pori, "os "'f1n...lond _/rd,""'...,............. 110. .I., ...J ,.Hr' " . firS; 01,.,.... ...nil,". . ..., ";.': '" . '. I . ..$;a"~J. .....1"" and J..I~...,""./n p........C'f' 401: V & C INC.. a Fla. corp. . . ,:i ..:~.ft2!{~.::._.- . ..BY~~J.~ . _.U!.t1da.. 'r.a.L~ .. '.~i.'/1I:~~,L_.. ..At.test:. ." ... ..........l..~~ . . / i~", HLEEN C ~ '~.I .' et: I 5T.-\TE Of FLoim." . ... } . ,'-~ t.;.~"'''' 4: < l:ut':o.,,.\' OF PALM BEACH (SEAL) ~.; .c. . '--' PO: ~ ; .~ ,... r..::( Cl'-,,: I I HEUIY CUTITY ....~ ~.:..,'4ta~... ~:.. .,S>fIirrr dull. lUdoori~d in t1,. SIa." .ro~..id .nd iI. ~ Counly afornoidKA'" biEEJC~~"~ t-REDER1CK J. VIOLETTE. as pres,ident, and TH .VJ;"p~~{~>. . :1 ~s Secretary of V & C. INC., a Florida corporation . "~.!..~;,;.; :". . !I '0.... lnown to br 11,~ I"'noos dncr;b.d in and -"" n<<lIlrd ,.... fottwoi. -...-..,..... who od.~ ,. ,I b.'lor. m. do.1 they ,...Ulrd ah. ........ . '.. . ,I WITSESS my ...nd .nd o"i<~l ...1 in do, Counly and ~I. loot .r.......id lht" ~J'-I-IL.,".. doJ .{".; \0' il Marc~ A. D. 1983 . Lj:' " dLtdL.'t1c \ ~ (,~~: ~h~~~::';o\::,~' ,. ."., ; RECORD VERIFIED' '. . ........~. ..-.. _" .... ~- \ ~ :1 . PALM BEACH COUNn'. Fl" . ',"" f... ... ..., -~,~ . AS" , ~ .. : 'I RETURN TO: JOHN B. DUNKLE ":~ .':1.., .' , . .' . I: :' 0 l-..J .-:. '. il ~LERK CIRCUIT COURT 'Ol~~ ...... . '.. -'.:'':I~\.~fl~~'"~",, ;.' : I' 17,ulllSlfl/lllmlP"J'i'.rnlhy:.I' RICHARD W. SPRINGER, Esq., .3003 S. Corigr.~:-;:'a\~ I Ave., ste 11.. Palm Springs, FL 33~61' ':'. ."':.":.~ A.IJtm ,....' ". ." - C'l") C'l") CD C) !I II ., I! il II r ;1 I: II " '. ClUI'.(:LAIM .... RAMCO FORM 8 This 4l.Jt.Oaim Ittd, Ennrl.d &hI. f1(~S' Ja, 0' March . A. 0, 1983 .", V.& C, INC., a Florida cor~oration Ilnl pa".1. '0 V & C TIRE & AUTO CENTER, INC.,'a Florida corporation ~ co ..,1.0... po$lo1~ .dd.... Is 319 N.E. Second,Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 . ......nd port,: . ~w::r-;.: :;-...~:: ::=.~..~ ~~*::...:''':=:.=-:..~ _.....D _ ............ . " . ltfitatssdh" Tlta' ,,,.. ...'d/'n' part~.I<w ~ndl~ ,:....i.t....lion 01 ,I... au," al S . . 10.00' In "and pa'd I., .1.. H,d _.I party, ".. Ne'flpl ",I......../ls ~, edtnoWleclg..J. .I..... ........, ~" ... "as.. and q..U-d.I... unlo II., .ald eeco..d part.1I....."". .Il ,f... "01.1, tiff.., Inl.......'. 1:1.1", .,.J d.M...l wl.1J. .1... .ald /inl pwf.1 I..u In and '0 ,I.. /olL-lno dftC'rir..d 101, pi_ or j-n-' 0/ Iond. al'".". 1""" .,.J """" in ,,,.. Count, 01 Palm Beach 5'0'" 01 Flor.ida . '0-""': . PARCEL 1: LOTS 1 and 2, less the South 18.5 feet thereof, C. W. COPP'S ADDITION, a'Subdivision in'the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, according to the Plat thereof on file in . the Offi~e or the 'Clerk of the Circuit' Ccurt in and for Pa~m Beach County. Flor,.idal recorded in Plat.:Book 7, Page 58. .. .'. .. . . PARCEL 2: LOTS 7' and B,'less the South 17.6 feet thereof, '. and less that part of LOT 7. ,included in the external area formed by a 20 foot radius arc'~hich is tangent to the East line of said LOT 7 and ta~-~nt,to.a line 17.6' feet North .of and parallel to the S ,line of said LOT 7, ARDEN PARK, : a Subdivision of the Cit. Jf BoYnton Beach, Florida, acoord-. :.- ing to the Plat ther~-~ ...., file 'in the Office of :the Clerk : ..of the Circuit Court in and for. t>alm Beach County, Florida,' '.. . recorded 1n Plat Book 2, Page .96. . . I: ,I Ii Ii ., . .11 . I, il .:1 :;'~'.. .,' .' i: Of: :' .. ...:.-...... I: ~;\ .~ys.J:. :... .....~~..':.-:. .:--:w......~":-'~_. --..: /..~' '."::., -::"." :::... .- . . ..4!.a.:-"... , '.".. ;'\\.~. :.'. . I ~. . . ~,- . . . . . ........._...~-_. . an ell en a.. CD en I C'I') .CD .j I ' '1 I I .1 (' . -":"'i;/~~~~'~~'~.~~.~~~.r.P . ~ c... c... - 0: ~ ~ -:r . :- ~. .", .,~. -~,..,..'. :-: '. WARRANTY OEElI 48332 lhis ltfArtAnty llttd Mad. a"d ....eu'..., ,1.. S..n .. d., 0.1 May A.D. 19 74 LJ! DURWARD H. DOXtAD and MILDRID !. DOXtAD. his wife hereinafter called the &;ranlOr, to ROBERT L. SCHEURER. a 1ll8rried un whost postoil;.:e address is 1000 S.E. 1st Avenue ".~ina/l., ~a""d ,I.. llran'..: IWw_ .-d _.. .... _ ._.... _ ___. ...- .. .. ...... .. .... __ ... .~ "in. ...... ..........iw. ... ...... ef ~. ... ... __ ... ....... .. .........., Boynton Beach. Florida 33435 t1filntsstlh: TI.a' ,,,. Qran'~', lor .;,." fro CO...rd......iOft 01 tI.. .~ 401 s 10.00 end 011.... IIGluo/'/.. ('ona,d.ratlon.o, twc.lp' "'''-1 II "-'" ed.......WOod. L, rr.... ........." "- ........ '-vain. ..II. alJ.n. '.mi.... ,..,/.cu., nl"'''y and con/llM un'a ,1.. ".....,_, ell tIw.t crrta.In land .u...,. 1ft lab Beach Cou"'Y' Florida, ..Iz: Lots 9. lO and 11. A..-.nm PAJlK. according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Ci~cuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. recorded in Plat Book 2. page 96; AND . ..', . ~ , Lots 17.19.'21 and 23. .C. \l. 'COPP'S ADD"tTION. accordins to .the Plat .thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach' Ccunty, Florida;' recorded in Plat Book 7" page 56. . T ogtlhtr, ",ul. aU I'" """Mn". J..r.odUam.ni. and appurl.nancn ,1....,0. "'Ionglng or In an,. 10'" IIppt,:alnlng. :" I 10 Jtave iuullD Jtotd, .'" ~-In I.. ~l~r.l~, . . . '.:.: . ,:" . . :.~:."'~. .;- :.." ''':''~'~''..' ........ '~:"~'" ..' Ilnd ,1.. Q~n;~'''-L, a.~~~~,; ;"u':.~ ~.:..,;~_ .;... ,,,. Q~';'I.IoU1/~j,'~l;;"'.al ~ ~d In 1_ ""'Pr.:."", .1.. ,,~'or '-Oaad ""I., end r.u..lu' iwtJ.ari" fa ..U and CO""7 MId land: '''''I ,'" ,,-'or "''''', lull, _" .I.. 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S'"~ ......... _ ill lIoe C-~., .,~ to taM .n-kdtl ,.q";...-DY appeared. DUP.WARD. H~ DOXVJl and HILDRID B. IlOX'IAD. hi. wife, . . . r to .... hown 10 ... doc penon S dc~ t rr. ;;~" alCll-..l ... .......... -...-.. .." they ~ ~ boron m. .hol they .......ed "'e ""f:"';.....:~~...-::<;,;- .. . i WITNESS "'Y hond .nd olf~ .~~ . ~ ~ ..... loa eI--w .... 9th .., ., I' May A.D. 19 71.,1':....", \ 't)-\~~; ~! ~~:,,~. c.e_". :....:. ~_. /' - .... . . . . ~. . -.. , . :~\p' ':." iF:: . . '/~. -:%:", ~-' ~ t;r-Q~3f'.2 1216 -......... .l!tLIC....t::. __...._._.._~..&,__~df?;;!; V I[ttI~ t} rttE \" -?.~~::':.....:: ~ . !loury Public 1I01Al:r ruaUC.STAa 01 fL:;~I~.."! ~\,. 7' ~~. "'i~Ri;:). "...~. II. ..~::,1I.S1Cl, UI,,,.[$ II~Y ... l' ~JI'" ..... .... ,. ....,... 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