LEGAL APPROVAL . / / ; / I ;.. ,. 'CITY'of . BOYNTON BEACH . ~;1 . ..;. . y '1'1'/1 J.... 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (407) 738-7.490 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR August 30, 1988 " Mr. Robert A. Bentz~ .~and Design South 1280 North Congress Avenue Suite 109 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 .!.,., Re: Coastal Corners Service Center site Plan Our File #: 115 ~' Dear Mr. Bentz: ~ Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 16, 1988, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan, SUbject to staff comments with the exception of those comments from the Planning a. Department and ~ommunity Improvement Department, noting inconsistencies with the proposed Urban Design Plan for Boynton Beach Boulevard. Copies of all staff comments are attached. '. After y~u have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached sign-off sheet prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. -. " .. I' 02 , / , . Mr. Robert A. Bentz August 30, 1988 ' Page -2- If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~s 79//r' 0' CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA:ro Attachments c6 City Manager, Technical Review Board, Central File ,~~ c'" ~ / / / I , . . , '" f ,lC '. ..." i. . . j - , #I'/.s- ~. \0" ... STAFF. COMMENTS COASTAL CORNERS SERVICE CENTER SITE PLAN Building Department See attached memo Engineering Department See attached memo utilities Department See attached memo ~ Public Works See attached memo Planning Department See attached memo Forester/Horticulturist See attached memo ~..... :. .~ ", Community Improvement Director See attached memo police Department See attached memo '....... " = I ~ , '. ~ ~ j- . i; ~. ~.r MEMORA'~~DUM . ,\ To: From: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director Date: August 3, 1988 Don Jaeger Building Department Subject: SITE PLAN APPROVAL: COASTAL CORNERS SERVICE CENTER ~- As a condition of' site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. The proposed gas island canopy cannot encroach into the required fifteen foot side setback. 2. Details must be provided for handicapped and standard parking stalls which comply with city codes. 3. Details must be provided for the proposed free standing sign. 4. The existing alley must be abandoned. 5. All structures must be accessible to 'the handicapped and comply with Chapter 533, Part V, Florida Accessibility Codes and Standards. Presently there exists a conflict on this requirement between the site plan and the paving and' drainage plans. 6. The perimeter hedge must provide a visual buffer for the on-site vehicular use areas and must be 36" in height, 24" on center, at the time of planting. 7. Construction details must be provided for the proposed buffer wall. This buffer wall must be a minimum of 21 from the adjacent property line. ~he-KQllQ~ing_2Qmm~n~~~re !Q~ th~_~22Ii2~n~~~_informa~iQn In order to facilitate the building permit review process, the fOllowing information should be provided at the time of plans submittal: 1. H~alth Department approval is required for food handling facilities. 2. Fuel tanks must be permitted through the Department of Environmental Regulation and the County Health Department. 3. A Department of Transportation permit is required for all work in the Boynton Beach Boulevard right-of-way. '4. Unity of title must be provided for the two properties. Note: a. Demolition permits are required. b. An Environmental Review permit is required prior to the issuance of an Occupational License. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. , , i I 0\ .:: __~ JE_#~__ Don Ja~:=';"";-- 6' DJ:eaf xc: . E. E. Howell ~I ... " :/II Is' , . MEMORANDUM August 2, 1988 TO: .Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Coastal Corners Service Center COMMENTS: 1. Drainage calculations should be based on containing 2.5 inches of rainfall on-site in the first nour of a three year storm as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. 2. As stated, the final exfiltration trench length should be based on an on-site percolation test and calculations based on SFWMD Technical Publication 87-5, published December 87. ., ... 3. Concrete sidewalks, 6" thick, to extend thru the turnouts on Boynton Beach Blvd. and N.E. 3rd Street. 4. Disposition of existing sidewalk on Boynton Beach Blvd. should be shown. 5. Turnout on Boynton Beach Blvd. should have exit traffic = lane marked right turn only. -y~ .~ - cf~ Tom Clark TAC/ck 6 =#/lS" " MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director C\ Ut ili tie s 1 From: John A. Guidry, Director of Date: August 2, 1988 Subject: TRB Review - Coastal Corners Service Center - Site Plan We can approve this plan, subject to the following conditions: 1. Establish a new water service to the proposed auto repair building, utilizing a tap into the water main crossing for the hydrant. Cut and plug the existing service. . -2. Reduced pressure backflow prevention devices will be required on both services. Please indicate on plans. ... 3. New sanitary services shall ~e of vitrified clay pipe to the property line, with appropriate cleanouts in the swale area. ; Cleanouts must have access covers set in a 2' wide concrete collar. Cut and plug the existing sanitary services which will not be used. : dmt bc: Peter Mazzella ,;. ;? r ;:r~ W\."E"'50.. G-.,-"QEiL.J SE"u '0 R- G.,..., R. c"...,.".:lc::1ii.1'2- -, FROM' ~ba~""''- Gc..ric:>~ :;P'//S' ~'"Tl.J a.. ":D ,,~~ -rt:. Q.. co,: 'R. ~h'4 (,. lVott ~ TO SUBJEcr:~~~... Q~~~ ;)~V,~ G-?'2C~-=-SINr~"'/ DATE: FOLD. g--2~f? 7 HE'" r'tI?E":Ss,vr LOG~r"N of rHwtr .l)v~' T1S~ /J1V$ r /Sf!: CJ.l.~6<-1EC> "pu/!F 72> oP E1~ ~~C> ~, .;C2: e--S: PLEASE REPLY TO I SIGNE REPLY. ~'~ -~. -. ~ DATE: SIGNED J> ~ ---" - Item. F269 Grayarc, P,O. Box 2944. Hartford, CT 06104,2944 @ Wheeler Group,lnc, 1962 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDR --- " 7f'//r MEMORANDUM August 3, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: COASTAL CORNERS SERVICE CENTER--STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for site plan approval: 1. The free-standing sign will require future site plan approval. With respect to the'proposed urban design plan for Boynton Beach Boulevard, it is staff's opinion that the plans should be modified (to the greatest extent possible) to reflect the following design requirements: ., 2. .:... = a) A 5' wide privately owned planting strip is required between the building setback line and the greenbelt area in all new and rehab development areas. Planting and paving in this area must be coordinated with public greenbelt improvements to ensure an appropriate blending of materials. (p. 25) :. b) A residential buffer (which includes a 6'0" wall and landscaping) shall be installed where a non-residential use is developed or rehabilitated adjacent to a residential area. (p. 24) c) Parking lots between the front property line and the front of the building (or between the side of the building and right of way line) are specifically prohibited. Parking is prohibited between a building (side) and main access drive off the Boulevard to maintain a continuous building facade along the street. (p. 17) d) Buildings shall orient their main, public entrance towards the Boulevard. Secondary rear entries are required to provide access to parking areas. It is recommended that service stations/gas stations locate their building at the 25' setback line and position gas pumping areas to the rear or side of the building. (p. 16) e) Buildings shall be sited to minimize pedestrian/ vehicular conflicts. Driveways and service areas shall not be located where they interfere with flow of pedestrian traffic. At intersections, clip back the building corners to enhance pedestrian movement and to improve sight lines for vehicles. (p. 16) f) Roof top mechanical equipment shall be screened from the pedestrian or drivers view. (p. 19) fA , , .....' .:rI1/~ ., -2- Items c, d, and e will require that the convenience store/ laundromat building be turned to face Boynton Beach Boulevard rather than N.E. 3rd Street, and that the fuel pump islands be placed on the east side of the relocated building or at the rear of the building. This will also require that the parking be relocated at the rear of the building consistent with the urban design plan and will eliminate the need for a parking lot variance for a driveway onto Boynton Beach Boulevard (see memo concerning the Technical Review Board recommendation on the parking lot variance request for a further explanation). As an alternative to a driveway onto Boynton Beach Boulevard, two driveways could be placed on N.E. 3rd Street. In addition to the above, landscaping and signage should conform to the urban design plan to the greatest extent possible. t ci~;:~~ CSA:ro cc Central File :. /0 b'C/ ~//J MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist DATE: August 3, 1988 SUBJECT: Coastal Corners Service Center - Site Plan The following comments pertain to the landscape plan for the above project: 1. The perimeter hedge shown must be 36 inches in height at the time of planting. The landscape plan should reflect irrigating the road right-of-way (Boynton Beach Boulevard). 2. .3. ... All interior parking lot trees must have a clear trunk of 5 feet at time of planting. . ~~~'~iJ.~~ Kevin J. llahan Forester/Horticulturist KJH:pb A:CORNERS.DOC ~ . " :/I/I~ MEMORANDUM August 3, 1988 TO: Carmen Annunziato Director, Planning Dep~ment Johnnetta,Broomfield Director, Community 1m ovement FROM: RE: TRB Comments on Coastal Corners Service Center Regarding the site plan for the Coastal Corners Service Center, the following areas do not comply with the concept of the Design Guidelines for Boynton Beach Boulevard. For all commercial development along the Boulevard (East of 1-95) the following site planning arrangements shall be used (see exhibits 5, 6 & 7). p.15. Buildings shall orient their main, public entrance towards the Boulevard. Ir". . Ser.vice Stations/Gas Stations locate their building at the 25' setback line and position gas pumping areas to the rear or side of the building. p.16. c6me'nt: --Plan indicates Convenience Store oriented to NE 3rd Street. Architecture and outdoor space along the Boulevard shall be integrally designed toward the pedestrian experience and shall be barrier free. Buildings shall be sited to minimize pedestrian/vehicular conflicts. Driveways and service areas shall not be located where they interfere with flow of pedestrian traffic. p.16. Comment: --Curb cut on Boynton Beach Boulevard. Parking areas shall be designed so that pedestrians walk parallel to moving cars whenever possible. p.17. Comment: --Pedestrians don't walk parallel to moving cars. /< ~/J August 3, 1988 Page 2 Parking is prohibited between a building (side) and main access drive off the Boulevard to maintain a continuous building facade along the street. p.17. Comments: --Parking located off Boulevard. --Main access located off Boulevard. --No continuous building facade along street. Parking.................located to the rear of the businesses. p.17. Comment: --Parking located in front of main entrances. Parking areas shall be separated from the building by either a raised concrete walkway or landscape strip (preferably both). Situations where parking spaces directly abut the building are prohibited. p.18. Disposal facilities and mechanical equipment shall be screened from view.....p.19. ...........a minimum of 60% of the building's facade length shall provide an awning, canopy, arcade or covered porch...........p.20. Comment: --Automotive repair building needs more covered area. Minimum awning height shall be measured 8' from the lowest part of the awning to the sidewalk. .# The landscape strip shall be installed around all parking areas as described in the City Landscape Ordinance............p.24. Underground irrigation shall be installed to provide 100% irrigation coverage....p.25. Signs of any form are prohibited on building sides, unless in a corner building situation. p.27. All buildings will exhibit clear address information on the front facade (611 minimum numerical height.........p.27. Sign lettering on facades or awnings.......for storefronts 60' or greater, a maximum letter height of 2411 is allowed. In a multi-tenant building, the suggested letter heights above shall apply to primary tenants only.........secondary tenants uses shall reduce the above letter heights by half. p.28. -<,> . ., August 3, 1988 Page 3 Freestanding signs are only allowed in rear parking areas..............p.30. Comment: --Sign located at corner of Boulevard and NE 3rd Street. The sign shall be located in a landscaped area adjacent to the entry drive of the parking area (4'-0 minimum from edge of curb) parallel to the entry drive. Height--maximum 4'-0". Area--shall not exceed 18Ix24". p.31. JB/jm Att. cc: Peter L. Cheney City Manager ~/-.s- ~ MEMO'RAN.})UM CC/ #II.)' TO Mr. Jiin Golden DATK 2 August 88 ".LK "",OW Lt. Dale S. Hammack suanCT Coastal Corners As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board Meeting, I am recommending the following: 1. Driveway on Boynton Beach Bv to near to intersection of NE 3 Street. 2. Comply Construction Security Ord. ;;#JaV ,L- Lt. Dale S. Hammack /.r- ,-' #/Ir CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Ooynton [1~3ch D1vd. r, O. DOl( 310 Boynton B~llCh. Florida 33435.0310 14071734,8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR .August 22, 1990 Mr. Fred J. Violette 319 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Coastal Corners Service Center - Site Plan - File No. 115 Dear Mr. Violette: Please be advised that on Tuesday, .August 21, 1990, the City Commission approved your request for a six-month extension of the above-referenced site plan. This extension will expire on February 16, 1991. If you have any questions concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH J ,tw, /" /7~O,a" JAMES J. GOLDEN Interim Planning Director JJG:frb cc: Technical Review Board /2 I / " #//J '- '- PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-256 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager FROM: James J. Golden, Interim Planning Director DATE: August 7, 1990 SUBJECT: Coastal Corners service cen~~ReqU~t for Approval of Extended site Plan - Fil No. 115 ) ""'-- -' Fred J. Violette, President of V&C, Inc., is requesting that the City Commission grant a third consecutive six-month extension of the above-referenced Development Order from August 16, 1990 to February 16, 1991. As outlined in the attached memorandum from Assistant City Planner Jorge Gonzalez, dated August 6, 1990, this project is exempt from meeting all of the level of service requirements in the city's Concurrency Management Ordinance for as long as the site plan remains valid. Therefore, the Planning Department has no objection to the six-month extension requested by the applicant. ~ I. ftO! ~ES d. GOLDEN JJG:frb Enc cc: Fred J. Violette C:PM90-256 /? '"-- ---~ ---- -1~-- ----- --- #;/S' V & C, In c. Coastal Corners 319 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435 August 6, 1990 Mr. .Tim Golden City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Dept. Re: Site Plan Extension Dear Jim: We respectively request a six month extension for our site plan approval,of the Coastal Corners Project. Plea~e advise: Sincerely, - ~Jt/~ Fred J. Violette Pres. F JV : b s lItECEI'VE1D ~U~ ~. imD PLANNiNG DEPTo - ---"> /? #//-J' MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Golden. Interim Planning Director FROM: Jorge L. Gonza1ez, Assistant Ci1l:y Planner DATE: August 6. 1990 RE: Coastal Corners Service Center (B.B. Blvd. & N.E. 3rd st) Pursuant to the Cityls Concurrency Management Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-18), the Coastal Corners Service Center site plan is a category (A) (19) project. This means the project is exempt from meeting all of the level of service requirements for as long as the site plan remains valid. Please contact me if you have additional questions. ~ZAd) . a: coastal.sp /.7' .J" . ! .' :.:. -#//,) I, l; PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-014 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager THRU: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director FROM: James J. Golden, Senior city Planner DATE: January 18, 1990 SUBJECT: AGENDA - Coastal Corners Service Center - Site Plan Extension Accompanying this memorandum you will find a request for the extension of the above-referenced development order. The current six month extension is due to expire on February 16,'1990. It is .recomrnended that the current extension be increased by an additional 6 months as requested by Mr. Violette. -The new expiration date would be August 16,1990. -~/y- ~ qf.MES ,. GOLDEN JJG:FRB Enc cc: Building Official Fred J. Violette Central File 01/18/90 ~6 ~- -. .'~~L~.!...-\'I'r"Jr:~ ....-..:..~ .~~::,...t.;-r>1,r-"..,.".r-~.f'.'.:."!"'''''.~''''~f..' -"'''''. .~..,...."'.I..1.~ . I. _ ,-r-/'... . .............., . .. ~ ......~ .. ....---. " --- -;:- . "'/ .' .:jI/I~ Fred & Joe's Auto Center 319 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 January 17, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida . , Re: Site Plan Extension Dear Mr. Golden: I respectfully request a six-month extension to the Coastal Corners site plan project. My wife's illness has stabilized and we find that we can now proceed forward. We should have a formal bank commitment for the construction financing within fifteen (15) days. At this time Rick Wensing,the architect from Pecht and Wensing, would be able to finish the working drawings and we should be able to apply for permits in the middle part of next month. Thanking you for your cooperation and consideration. Sincerely, ~J~ Fred J. Violette "Rf,CBI'TJ3,D J~~ 15 lS~Q p\J\NN\NG OE-PT. ~ f7{A '\!E:) . , .. . ... '. ,~ @.'.t,. .f'" , .',.. ',- ~/I.r CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @,.~.~:.:;,'-'"'' . ,. t - ..~ , ,. ......~ ~- 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 ,\ I OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR August 16, 1989 V&C, Inc. Attn: Mr. Fred J. Violette 319 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Coastal Corners Service Center - Site Plan - File No. 115 Dear Mr. Violette: . 'Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 15, 1989, the City commission approved.your request for a six month extension of the above referenced site plan. This extension will expire on February 16, 1990. If you have any questions concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Ca---. ~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, AICP Planning Director CSA:frb cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Central File ~ ~o< . . ,,,,.::':'".-: AGENDA MEMORANDUM August 4, 1989 TO: George Hunt Interim City Manager ..; FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director Coastal Corners Service Center - Site Plan Extension RE: ~. Accompanying this memorandum you will 'find a request for the extension of the above-referenced Development Order which is due to expire on August 16, 1989. It is recommended that the approval be extended to February 16, 1990 as requested by Mr. . Violette. ~tf~ ~. ~"""~/f~. CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO CSA:cp cc: Building Official Deputy Building Official Fred J. Violette Central File ~--......_- .. _~ __ ........_.. .....,..,,_..............._...._.... _. ___.____ .... ........ __ _._ _~. _nO' ctI//s ~~ .'- I ". ... ,Q// .r ,j , .. V & C, Inc. 319 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 July 31, 1989 Carmen Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Carmen: Due to unforseen circumstances arising from my wife's recent, major illness, it has become necessary to place our Coastal Corners project on hold. At this time 'I request a six month extension for the Coastal Corners Project Site Plan. This extension will afford me needed time to re-evaluate my position. Concurrently, 'we are talking with several developers to determine their interest in developing the property. 1\ i . Thank you for your consideration and please extend my appreciate to the City Commission. Sincerely, r.7~J~ Fred J. Violette, President '.' h i: 1 " :' ., .' \ " I' c.?jt" \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \' . .. (p[l/ ~//J " . (611) lettering, numerals or combination, in a conspicuous manner and of diverse coloration. (11) Parking Identification. Assigned parking spaces shall not be identified to coincide with room number, name or unit address. Section 7. Construction Sites The provisions of this section shall apply to any sites proposed for construction that,: are required to obtain Commission approval. .~ (1) Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures. (a) One staging area, to store equipment and park . .machinery, must be fenced. (b) The staging area must be visible from an accessible roadway to allow effective police patrol. (c) Lighting ~must be provided to allo\'\ complete visibility to the area. , ~ \~-----, (d) Padlock all storage trailers and park within staging area. L (2) Items that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Bureau. (a) The establishment and progressive evaluation of a se~urity budget. .' ., , . (b) The proper posting of the property., (c) The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. (d) The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. Section 8: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con~lict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 9: Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be . , 10 ~J"' ......_..~...."fr.....---~ , . ~l~j................_......,........-....t,...,. __"a..-_.,. ........... . .. _ ---.. l'I"~. _ #/J.r -,- , . \' !:"'I , ~I ....' ""..! ;'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "' ., ~ ~ "t- ~ ....::s ~ \\J ..~. , ,". . t.- , r'" ...~. .' ... " , .. ...... :.: .. .~"':' " ... <J ... ... ~ c( , ... ~-.: ~ ~ , '" (\ .; , ~. ". ,:;\:.~ -t ",:.:. . - . "'....... t:" . ~ ... ....... ~ ".:. .~'.. i: ~ ~~ ~ ..' 'V ~ , , ~. 'i~. : ~ (;. ~'~. . ~~ I ". ~ " . ot. "r ~ "-" ,~ .... .....~. ....,... .: .....~ :.~.. ~ li .~ .~ J ....; ~ .::: :,,~ ..... ..., ,'- "l' s:. :. N~ ~'\ ~ t\~ "- . 't'o. ......N~~ I . ~