LEGAL APPROVAL ~-""- , ......~, '" -. "," '. -......- I '-':;i ../.. ~ - - ~~.~ I I I ;1 /. . I / , "r- I #/16 I i / ; i .~ ! t L .' " : I ~! . ,I.. , CITY:'6l- ,I ' r I " . II .' BOY!~T:ON i BEACH .~ ~1 1"", "',l. . ~ I ~ i , I ~, ,I, . . I; ; . 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 t Boynton Beach" FL 33435 (40:) 738-7.~90 ~ .----~. ...._..__.__.~_. .....=.--. ";'J;tI..:..T~' "~" .' :~~~~E.:;!::t~~ : i~~)::: : .......; .~.__ _ "~g i ~ t ,7"'~r:r' , . _..""'" -. __ I. ..' ~.. ." ...;; r; f"" .... . .' ~j I ..' '. ~""_'~~IUJ' iI" ~ ~J~ ~ .. ,~ "" ..llt:.. ia .::.' .' ~I.~, '._,,- :;::.;p_-::.-:: ~"- ~"":<:::L~'~' ..- ,:--- - f ' -~-. ,.. ~ --_.~ ,:,' ~.. . -.....c ~ -- .. , '<',...~ ::.-..:.'.... .~ --- , " . " . ; I!: " " , , .' ,!:. OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR ~ : "" ,- ~: , 26 July 1988 ...... .., ,~'lr.iTom McMurrain -__" ':,~j132 West Glades Road B6c~ Raton, FL 33434 .. f' ':' I RE: Congress Lakes - Site Plan Multi-Family Residential, Our file no. 100 i . ;' i ~ ! D~ea.r iMr. McMurrain :---.",. 1 ,i ; I Please be advised that on Tuesday, July 19, 1988 the City co~ni~sion approved the referenced request, sUbject to staff comments, copies of ,,,hich are attached. After you have amended you'riplans' 'to reflect these stipulations, please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached check-off saeet, pr~,or to your ,submission to the Building Department for pei~mits. , , :!! ,: I !. ,II I : . The iapprova'l of the City lmprovements shown on the , ~iewed procedurally as an ! .:: i I IIf: :rou have any questions concerning this matter, please do not. Ih~~ftate to contact me. : J I ,I! entitles you to construct only the site plan. The site plan wi.ll be as-built or record drawing. Yours very truly, , , I' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~J: Carmen S. finnunziato, Planning Directo~ ,,' .i. Q .. , ./bks I:. 'i : cc: ; I City Manager Technical Review Board . Central File --_.~ ,~,._,,, , ..~'~~~_.j:-- ~: /",,/.: .. __.___. ,_ ,___-"'2L ,. 'I:L_"~T' . .' " , ~/(J1) k STAFF COMMENTS GERULAITIS MULTI-FAMILY PROJECT SITE PLAN Building Department Fire Department Engineering Department Utilities Department Police Department See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo 1. Lighting plan to be clarified 2. See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached'memo Public Works Department Planning Department Recreation Department Forester/Horticulturist ", -, " I .' .. I I J ~ ,. \'" I . -!- .. '-, -:If/fit> MEMORANDUlv\ :>M Carmen Annunziato Planning Director July 11, 1988 O"T~ YIL~ Don Jaeger Building Department suenCT SITE PLAN APPROVAL: GERULAITIS'MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT 1. ," . ' 4 1- As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: ., Indicate on the plans the proposed type of construction in conformance with Chapter 6 of the Standard Building Code. State if the proposed structures will be fully sprinkled. The proposed square foot areas must comply with Table 400 of the Standard Building Code. ' All buildings, two (2) stories or more in height, must be 2ptomatically sprinkled in accordance with NFiPA 13 as modified by NFiPA 231 and NFiPA 23lC. This requirement will be contingent upon Ordinance #88-32 receiving second and final reading from the City Commission. Submit details of the dumpster enclosure, The buildings are required to be accessible to the handicapped in conformance with State of Florida Handicapped Code. Submit full details indicating accessibility from the parking lot to each of the buildings. Details for the parking lot and street lighting must be provided. These poles must be designed in accordance with Chapter 12, Standard Building Code to withstand a 120 m.p.h. windload. Fences located within setbacks are limited to a six (6) foot overall height. All plans submitted for public record by a professional registered in the state of Florida must be signed and sealed. 8. Sewer and water flow rates, prepared by a registered engineer, must be submitted for the pool and pool house. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. The pool must be designed by a registered engineer. 10. A proposed sign package must be submitted for Board and Commission approval. ll. Approvals from the South Florida Water Management District and the Lake Worth Drainage District are required. : f!) ., '," , i 'I., i i yII./~ , , , i I: ; Memo "to Carmen Annunziato RE:Site Plan Approval - ; i' ; Gerulaitis Multi-Family July 11, 1988 Page, TWo 1:1 ' II'; : :12. " ;, i ,~ I i; " Il~ . i' : I ! \ "to ~ . i14 'I ':, . I ' , ' - Curbing is required for all parking stalls adjacent to landscaped . areas. The Lake Worth Drainage District confirmed that they have a drainage easement along the south property line of the project. The Lake Worth Drainage District does not allow trees or hedges to encroach into their easement. Section 5-l42.i.2 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances prohibits parking stalls to be designed to allow vehicles to back out onto segments of private streets which function as local or collector streets. :15. A horizontal control drawing must be submitted showing the exact , !,' - }ocations of all structures and site amenities. I, i i i \ 1,1 , I ,16. ~ i,,, , :1 1.7. , i i: No details were submitted for the pool structure at pool #2 or the numerous structures associated with the tennis court area. Details and elevations of these structures must be submitted for Board and Commission approval. The proposed system for the addressing of this property must be submitted for Fire) Police and Building Department approval. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure ia' timely permitting process. I: : :DJ :bh I '! I[XC: E. E. Howell . t' . !. f - , c ~ . , ,,' I, " @ ,.. ... -=I/~ ,l.. Beach Blvd, CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Florida 33425-03l0 (305)734-8111 TO: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director FR: Debby Davis, Fire Inspector DT: July 7,1988 RE: Gerulaitis Multi-Family Residential Project . ,'I " Re!iewing the plans for Gerulaitis Multi-Family Residential Project, it appears there are designated parking spaces located in front of fire hydrants. This project is required to have 39 more spaces and no parking will be allowed in front of hydrants. ~ 6 T ~11 ~ MEMORANDUM July 6, 1988 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Torn Clark I City Engineer \ t. 1 . RE: Gerulaitis Multi-family Site Plan . COMMENTS: ;" , , 1. Paving and drainage plans are identified as preliminary. Plans should be completed to show the following. (a) Handicap striping to be blue. (b) Section detail paving is required. (c) Section detail for parking lot drainage is required. (d) stop sign detail is required. (e) Section detail for planter island and drainage catch basin. (f) Show conduit routing for lighting. (g) A roadway section should be shown. 2. An eight foot concrete bicylce path is required adjacent 'to the access-road. 3. Additional street lighting for the access road should be shown. 4. Minimum intensity of lighting should be shown on plans at the most remote areas from the lights. 5. The plans should indicate that lighting for N"W. 22nd Ave. will be installed by Florida Power & Light Company with plans approved by the City. An estimated cost should be made and included as a line item in the cost estimate for the bonded improvements. --y'6!-: ~dal Torn Clark TAC/ck 7 J____ / r-, , "'-//16 ~ " MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Joe C, Swan, P.E. ~J~ for John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities )1 July 6, 1988 From: Date: Subject: TRB Review - Gerulaitis MUlti-Family Project - Site Plan ,-' \ ;' \,' V- We can approve this plan, subject to the following conditions: ~. Add a manhole for the parcel to the east, II 2. The connection at Manhole No, 9 shall be within 2 feet of the ~ existing invert. 3, All water service lines shall be "KII copper designed to the City's standard. Please revise. 4, Specify a minimum 15' between water mains and 3-story build- ings. 5. The department's revised detail on sanitary sewer will apply, requiring poly-lined DIP at all manholes. 6. Show the connection to the off-site water main. 7. Add a note that the City will maintain main line sewers only. Provide details on sanitary services including materials and cleanout locations. B. Provide fire flow calculations. 9. The current pumping station is rated at 275 GPM @ 80' TDH, which does not appear adequate to accommodate all proposed residential sites, plus the commercial and hotel sites. The developer must bear the cost of any upgrade required. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella 3 p!(/fIfJ .. " .... ._~..-.a. .. ~~_.. MEMORANDUM Jim Golden O"T~ 12 July 88 "IL~ ).. suanCT Catalina Club Sgt. Henry P. Ostaszewski , \ The southwest section of the main roadway (alley way or private road) \ . ~~, which travels from mol 22 Avenue to Congress Avenue shows 20 parking spaces backing out onto the roadway which is in violation of City Ordin~nce S-142i2, and also causes a serious traffic and pedestrain problem. " I Respectfully submitted, ')I'Jl}~<k.)4/~ . ~, Sgt. Henry P. Ostaszewski Boynton Beach Police Department HPO: dmj r' ? I...,.. ~ ..)~.rv'\.€~ ,,-=,6 ~"'"-..3 TO f ..5E1'J , 0 Fe.... c." TY -Pt-, A"'''''' ere:. ~ FROM Ko~-r=b 'G.l-&oR~ r At:- "T"o....JG.. FO {3.t... c.. WO R.k:.. SoP I~-i!!: cJ"D, /,-e -~' SUBJECf: -BE"J(P_,,"-~ I T/~---Le;..,1Y-/.s ~O~ :r : POLO. DATE:-F~-JYr ApPw~,j-:r /,?VS'r' ~,19~ CO~~ ~;,7'H- /tJd"-/G ~,tzK.r OW Nv rY') OE"rC!:- 01= 2:::lv^"" PS ;;T l&~- 7'"'114 r- u,.:J, c...c... 6'~ /l/E:"&"e> ~ ~D F=C>~ ~p~ t;.'OC-A"1"'100......3..!. PLEASE REPLY TO . REPLY ~~~~ L-~-/ . ~ DATE: 7 - ) s-- .J P '@' -=:>- Item' F269 Grayarc, P,O, Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc. '962 ,/, MEMORANDUM yr/~ July 6, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: GERULAITIS MULTI-FAMILY PROJECT STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for site plan approval: 1. The parking calculations for this project were not shown on the site plan application. The parking calculations are as follows: RESIDENTIAL 396 units at 2 spaces/unit = 792 70 units at 1.5 spaces/unit = 105 TOTAL = 897 RECREATION ft.2 Tennis courts (100~800 . 1,500 = 67.2 x .25 = 17) ':" Pool #1 (1,940 ft.2 ~ 30 = 64.6 x .25 = 17) Pool #2 (1,800 ft. f 30 = 60 x .25 = 15) Clubhouse (2,000 ft.2 ~ 100 = 20) TOTAL = 69 Based on the above calculations, the total parking requirement for this project is 897 + 69 = 966 parking spaces versus 927 provided. Therefore, an additional 39 parking spaces must be provided. This Planned Unit Development was approved on the basis of providing a five (5) item recreation area for the area south of N.W. 22nd Avenue to be credited toward the parks and recreation dedication requirement. The site plan does not provide for the five required items. Additional recreation must be provided to meet the approval of the Parks and Recreation Department for the 'five required items. 3. The Comprehensive Plan encourages the provision of water- related private recreation facilities in developments, wherever possible. The proposed development does not take advantage of this amenity. It is recommended that water-related recreation be provided and that this recreation may contribute to the five items required for 50% credit outlined in item no. 2 above, subject to approval by the Parks and Recreation Department. 2~' 4. Details on project signages are not included and will require future site plan approval. 5. This project requires platting. 6. A 30 foot building setback is required for the apartment building adjacent to the resort/office building (Section 9-B of Appendix B, Planned Unit Developments). 7. There is no finished floor elevation shown for the clubhouse/sales building. /1 ........-.... 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. CSA:ro -2- /tf=D 8. A six (6) foot high buffer wall is required between commercial developments and residential developments (Section 4-L of Appendix A, Zoning). It is recommended that this buffer wall be placed on the commercial parcel to provide for a continuation of the existing buffer wall at the rear of the shopping center. To eliminate this wall, a variance must be granted by the Board of Adjustment. The Technical Review Board is recommending that a continuous eight (8) foot wide bike path be provided along the entire length of the perimeter access road from N.W. 22nd Avenue south through the commercial property to provide for adequate pedestrian circulation, consistent with the intent of Appendix C, Subdivisions and Platting. 9. An on-site traffic flow plan is required as part of the documentation for site plan approval. All applicable Comprehensive Plan Environmental policies must be met (i.e., native vegetation, lake plantings, endangered species survey, etc.) N.W. 22nd Avenue is shown as a 108 foot wide right-of-way on the Palm Beach County Thoroughfare Plan. An additional four (4) feet of right-of-way must be dedicated and can be provided for on the future plat document. Lighting detail for parking areas/tennis courts to be clarified. ,T Consideration should be given toward providing a central mail facility and a storage building for maintenance purposes, based on past experience with similar developments. The Comprehensive Plan encourages the landscaping and irrigation of adjacent public rights-of-way by developers where appropriate. The applicant has previously committed to providing such landscaping on Congress Avenue. Detailed plans for this landscaping should be submitted to the Community Appearance Board for their review and approval. Legal documentation on the non-profit use of the tennis courts for the commercial resort must be submitted and approved prior to permitting. CA~~ -'s. ANN1m~~ cc Central File /.2. /I'd M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: John F. Wildner, Parks Superintendent SUBJECT: Gerulaitus Multi-Family Residential Project DATE: July 6, 1988 The recreation dedication for this property has been previously concluded. The current developer must still comply with our subdivision ordinance in order to qualify for the 1/2 credit already granted for private recreation provided. Therefore the developer must: 1. List the 5 separate recreational facilities provided. 2. If possible take advantage of the lakefront to provide water based recreation (boat dock; fishing pier, etc). REC=-"--'~ JFW: pb cc: Charles C. Frederick T.R.B. File -aUL ? l~'" . :.-: ". iT ,,: /:~~NING ,D&.. GERULAIT.DOC /~ ! ;' / -..: /110 MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: July ll, 1988 RE: Gerulaitis Multi-Family Residential Project site Plan l. The landscape plan should show a hedge between the canal property and the parking area located along the south property line. ." 2. A management plan document is required for the littoral zone plantings and upward hardwood plantings. 3. The applicant should initiate the median landscape plan (as previously approved) for Congress Avenue as part of this landscape plan. 4. The type of sod used on the site should be noted. 5. All landscaped areas must be irrigated including road R.O.W.'s. (Plan should be submitted). -.-f~~-~7S Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:GERULAIT /~ "