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/ //,.-.... \..) II~tA.JVIf'", fn':_7,_~ V of"'- /~., " ), \\ ROSSI AND MALAVASI f~~~'~ ~ FORUM~~1 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-2179 TELEPHONE: (305) 889-0554 CONSULTING ENGINEERS . ....-~ RECEIVED April 25, 1984,. MAV 1 '~RA PLANN\NG DEPT. - Mr. Tom Clark, P.E. City Engineer City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Congress Lakes - Plat No. 1, Dear Mr. Clark: I am enclosing three (3) copies each of the following listed plans which have been revised to provide for a better orientation of Building No. 15 and to facilitate the future extension into Plat No.2. / / 1. Paving and drainage plans 2. Water distribution plans 3. Sewage collection plans. These planning changes made it necessary to shift utilities and parking. If you have any questions about this, I will be glad to sit down and discuss it with you. . Very truly yours, R~AVASI ENGINEERS, INC. ~~ Enrico Rossi, P.E. ER:ek Encl. 3 120 N.E, 2nd AVENUE P,O, BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, flORIDA 3J.U5.0310 , C305)~111 of the City Engineer ~. ~'-7..-..s-?/ .J ~4 T /t/J /?.l.A-/~ .' ~'I ,yr . h CITY of BOYNTON BEACH, - t, \ December 2f 1983- .' RECEIVED .. Mr.. Wade Riley, Vice President: l37S N. Killian Dr., Lake Park, Fl. 33403 Suite 207 DEe 5 1983 . PLANNING DEPT.' . \ Re: Name Change for Congress Lakes to,cat~Lina CluB ~ Dear Mr. Riley: .Reference is made to your letter of October 19, 1983 request- ing the subject name change toCatai.,ina C1'ub. I have advised the City Manager and Department Heads concern- ~ ing your request and ther~ are. ~o objections to the.name change. Property sales will, of.course, have to be made in the name of the recorded plat. . . Very truly yours, ""= P.E. TAC:mb cc: City Manager Carmen Annun~o Betty Boroni if 1-;' / '1\/ 1-yZ:fYQt, _~;p .. 4~, :;-, f;::.,d~ . f...1j!;A;(fF \, f . ~. : I.. RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION U33 ALFRED I, DUPONT BUILDING MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 1375 N. Killian Dr. Suite 207 Lake Park, FL 33403 October 19, ~983 Mr. Tom Clark City Engineer City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Congress Lakes Legal Description Attached Dear Tom: Please be advised that we are changing the name of Congress Lakes to Catalina Club. Please advise as to all necessary steps needed to be taken at your level to effect the name change. , Very truly yours, RITECO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION . D " L" , K":- .\.JC-n..(_ v~. Wade Riley ,...-) Vice President v Enclosure as noted WRjmkn .S' I GRAY,A"C'Y POBOX ;>9", HAR1FORD. CT. 06'~ CALL '.800-2A3.525O IN CONN '-800-822-5;'>60 r ;: E :~~ L)" J / t.:: :;. :; ;" C;:.: o ~~. REORDER ITEM. 269 ;1 TO _I FROM, 'Mr. Peter L. 'Cheney~ City Manager Tom Clark, City Engineer I : .... -Final- plat 'approva1 ,~ongress' Lakes "- SUBJEcr:-P-1at-N~ "O~D .. DATE:Sept~ 29, 1983 Forwarded herewith is a print of the finai plat for Congress Lakes, Plat No. 1, showing T.R.B. approvals. All required fees and a performance bone in the amount of $405,lll.75 have been received. Approval is recommended. Also forwarded herewith .is a ,proposed resolution. rlEASE ~;LY TAC : rob Attach. cc: Carmen Annunziato, ~erry Cessna- _ ~ ~~ ~ f\EPL Y TO t;- SIGNED. ,,~/ d c;(:' ~ . --------- ~:~:iV~.:~~---. - ~ Time k"Yvl - {, --... DATE: SIGNED ITEM' F269 0 WHEELER GROUP INC, Tt-i:S CCpy rGf~. FERSO!~ /..D2i=\ESSED . ---- --..-------.---.-- .._.-_.~_.~_. --.-,."- DE~ ;~c:-; Tr-::S CQ;:-'Y - RE-:";.:r.! ~c ~ ,t,r~S'..I\/ER SEtJt' \.'/rlrrr: r..r,-,D ;: l ,~:: COFf:;.::: ',a;llt: c/ .~t.:.!lo':' I~~: .:,c;: ? CONSULTING ENGINEERS September n ~f~/U" FORUM III . SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401.2178 TELEPHONE: (305) 689-0554 Received Q~ Date r-~~ Time ~ 12, 1983 V v' 1 I / o 10- rf1~~ ~1~ . Mr. Tom Clark, P.E. City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida Re: Congress Lakes, Plat No. 1 - Revised Entrance Dear Mr. Clark: Pursuant to my discussion with you in your office on this date, I am sub- mitting two (2) copies of the paving and drainage drawing for the referenced project which have been revised to show a proposed concrete raised curb around the median and a concrete mountable curb along the edges of the referenced entrance road. These changes are requested by the owner to make the entrance to Congress Lakes aesthetically more pleasing. The raised curbs will make it possible for us to put planting in the median. As you know, all streets within the boundary of this project are private streets. The Condominium Owners Association will have the responsibility of maintaining all areas which includes the entrance road. Very truly yours, ROSSI AND~AVASI ENGINEERS, P.E. ----- ., - ~~ ~~-' ~ Enrico Rossi, P.E. ER:ek Encl. 8 ~ o 6f~(lP- ROSSI AND MALA V ASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS -E,!~I~ FORUM III . SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-2179 TELEPHONE: (305) 689-0554 July 12, 1983 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO. 240 N.E. 2nd Avenue Delray Beach, Fla. 33444 Atten: Mr. Jeffrey Womble Re: Congress Lakes - Plat No. 1 Dear Mr. Womble: Enclosed please find two (2) sets of the File Plat, a copy of the Master Plan and one (1) copy of the Paving and Drainage and Water and Sewer. Plans. Please mark one (1) copy of the File Plat with your easement require- ments and return to our office, and we will add these easements to the Plat prior to recording. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. t Robert L. Anderson RLA: j p Enc. cc: Mr. Carmen Annunziato q h, f\ ROSSI AND MALA V ASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ ~1W FORUM III - SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-2179 TELEPHONE: (305) 689-0554 July 12, 1983 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. 351 N.E. 51st Street Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 Atten: Mr. Douglas Kendig Re: Congress Lakes - Plat No. 1 Dear Mr. Kendig: Enclosed please find two (2) sets of the File Plat, a copy of the Master Plan and one (1) copy of the Paving and Drainage and Water and Sewer Plans. Please mark one (1) copy of the File Plat with your easement require- ments and return to our office, and we will add these easements to the Plat prior to recording. ' Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. Robert L. Anderson RLA:jp Enc. cc: Mr. Carmen Annunziato )0 -----\ /'. \ r, ROSSI AND MALA V ASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS /61~. - R&I\"+ ~I~ FORUM III . SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401-2179 TELEPHONE: (305) 689-0554 I I July 11, 1983 Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435 Re: Congress Lakes P.U.D. - Plat No.1 Planner Dear Mr. Annunziato: I am submitting six (6) sets of engineering drawings and six (6) sets of the Plat for the referenced project, which have been revised to re- flect the TRB Comments. Also enclosed are two' (2) copies of the engineer's cost estimate. If you have any question~, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. ~, Ross.i, P. E. ER:jp Enc. II A. EARTIiWORK r', :.... .,;.. ," r \ ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGlNEERS,INC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS CQNGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 COST ESTIMA.TE , (ITEMS TO BE BONDED) . SUMMARY B. PAVING & DRAINAGE' C. WATER DISTRIBUTiON SYSTEM D. SEWAGE COLLECTION E. STREET LIGHTING TOTAL './" r, page 1 of 13 Ju1Y ~, 1983 ~ $" 'NJ A' ~~ "$" 225 .698~00' "$' . , 57 ~ 17L 25 .'$'. 112,742.50 .... .. .. .. .. . "'$ . , . , , 9 .500 ~ 00' '$:; :495~.1l~~,75,,;,. I~ ....-.. , ,~ , n ROSSI AND MALA V ASI ENGINEERS, INC, CONIULT1NO ENOINEERS Page 2 of 13 July 8, 1983 CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 B. PAVING & DRAINAGE ITEM ESTIMATED ITEMS .AND. UNIT, PRICES, . UNIT NO. QUANTITIES"'" . (PRICES'TO'BE'WRITTEN:IN'WORDS)' ........ .PRICE'." AMOUNT 80' R.W (ENTRANCE ROAD) l-B 1,655 S.Y. 1-1/2" Type II Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Surface on Bituminous Prime & Tack Coat @ Dol1ars/S~Y.----------~-----------------~"'" .2~80 .'. 5,166.00 8" Shellrock Base Compacted to. 98%.Max. Dry Density {Double Coarsed)'@'" .. ., . Dol1ars/S.Y.----------------------------~.,... '2:80 2-B 8" Shell rock Base Compacted to. 98% Max. Dry Density (Double Coarsed)'@' . .' . .. 1,700 S.Y. 3-B Dol1ars/S~Y.----------------------------~"'" '3.25 12" Stabi1ized,Subgrade to 50 P.S.I. F.B.V.'@....,......,......,.,...... '" 1,745 S.Y. 4-B 400 S.Y. Dol1ars/S.Y~-----------------------------"'" '1;25 6" Stabil i zed. Shaul der to 50 P. S. I. F.B.V.'@' ' " " " ..,. ., ....'.....,.'..,. Dol1ars/S.y.-----------------------------...,. '1;00 5-B 710 L. F . 5' Concrete Sidewalk'@.:.'.. ".. .,.. .". Oollars/l.F.-----~-----------------~----~. , .,. '6.75 60' R/W 6-B 1,845'S.Y. 1-1/211 Type II Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Surface'on Bituminous Prime' & Tack Coat @ . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-B 2,310 S.Y. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,634.00 5,525.00 2, 181. 25 400.00 4,792.50 . , Oollars/S~Y.-~--------------------------~"'" '3;25 .., '7;507.50 ./.3 ITEMS NO. 8-B 9-B 10-B ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 2,400 S.Y. 1,080 S.Y. 700 L.F. 11-B . ENTRANCE ROAD 415 S.Y. 12-B 13-B \ I 440 S.Y. 465 S.Y. r"\ (' '\ n Page 3 of 13 July 8, 1983 UNIT . , . ~PRICE' , ,. , , AMOUNT Do 11 ars/S. Y . ---------------------------- ' ., 1.25 6" Stabil i zed, Shoul der ,to 50 P. S. 1. F.B.V..~............,..... ....... ' 3,000.00 1,080.00 3,955.00 1,162.00 1,430.00 581.25 /'{ ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGlNEERS,INC, CONIULTlNO ENOINEUIS CONGRESS lAKES - PLAT NO. 1 B. PAVING & DRAINAGE ITEMS.AND.UNIT PRICES, " ., . (PRICES TO'BE'WRITTEN'IN'WORDS)' .,. 12" Subgrade Compacted to 50 P. S. 1. F.B.V.~' ,.,'..',.,'.',..,..... Dol1ars/S.Y.----------------------------...,..1,.00 4' Concrete Sidewalk'@'" ",.",....'. Dollars/L.F .----------------------------. .' , 5'.65 1-1/211 Type II Aspha 1 ti c Concrete Wea r- ing Surface.on.Bitumlnous.Prime' & Tack Coa t . @' ' , . . . . . , . . . , ' . . ' . . , . . , , . . , , . . . . Do 11 ars/S. Y . _________ _________-:-_________. . ' . , , 2..80 8" Min. Thickness Shel1rock Base Com- pacted to 98% Max. .Dry.Density . . (Double Coarsed)'@' ,.. '...,. . .. , .'",. Do11ars/S.Y.---------------------------- .. 3~25' 12" Subgrade Compacted.to,98%,Max. . Dry , Den s i ty' @' , , . , . . . , , . , . ' . . , . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .. Dol1ars/S~Y.----------------------------"" .' 1~25' ITEM 'NO. "". /* " n ROSSI AND MALA V ASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONIULTlNO ENOINEERS Page 4 of 13 July 8, 1983 CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 B. PAVING & DRAINAGE ITEMS.AND UNIT.PRICES UNIT . '(PRICES'TO~BE'WRITTEN'IN WORDS)' .",'., 'PRICE".. , AMOUNT ESTIMATED QUANTITIES 14-B 251 ROADWAY 15-B 16-B Doll ars/S. Y .----------------------------. . . . "2'.'8'0' ' . , '2l~560.00 8" Min. Thickness Shel1 rock Base Com- pacted to 98%.Max..Dry.Density (Double Coarsed)'@' ..... ...... ..,. "" ." " 7,700 S.Y. 1-1/2" Type II Asphaltic Concrete Wear- ing Surface ,on ,Bituminous.Prime' & Tack Coa t @' , , . , , . . . . . . , . . : : ~' ......"..,. 7,700 S.Y. . . . '. .. ............................... , Dollars/S~Y .----------------------------. . . . . '3.'25' 7,700 S.Y. 12" Subgrade. Compacted. to, 98%. Max. . Dry Den s i ty . @. , . . . . . . , , . . . . , . , , , ' . , , . . . . , 259025.00 Dollars/S.Y.------------------------~~--,..., 0.90 ." 69930.00 17-B PARKING AREA 18-B 19-B 20-B 5,740 S.Y. 1" Type II Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Surface on Bituminous Prime' & Tack Coat @.".. ...,.......,.....,.,.'.,.".,. Dol1ars/S.Y.----------------------~-----.,... 2.05 5,940 S.Y. 6" Min. Thickness Approved Local Shell Base Compacted to 98% Max. Dry Density 11,767.00 '@" ... ...'"..., '.'.".."..,'......, Dol1ars/S.Y.---------------------------,...,. 2.80 ." 16,632.00 1 2" Subgrade, Compacted. to. 98%. Max. . Dry Density'@' . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . , , , , . , , . , . , Dollars/S.Y.---------------------------..,.., 0-.90 ".. 5'9526.00 ~, , . .,.. 6'.00 Dol 1 ars/L. F.--------------------------- , . , . 4,320.00 IS' ~, 140 S. Y . 720 L.F. 81 Wide Bicycle Path'@'~""',' ..,..,.. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." . . . . . . ITEM NO. 21-B 22-B 23-B 24-B 25-.8 26-B 27-B 28-B 29-B ,~ " \ ("") AMOUNT 4,417.50 1 ,,064.00 12,915.00 . 8;606.00 12,640.00 26.520.00 '. 5,390.00 3,140.00 ~, ~, 3,600.00 "_ J' ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS,INC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS Page 5 of 13 July 8, 1983 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES' 930 L.F. CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 B. PAVING & DRAINAGE ITEMS.AND UNIT,PRICES '"' '(PRICES'TO'BE~WRITTEN'IN'WORDS)" UNIT . , . , 'PRICE' , , 6' Wide Pedestrian Path'@...........,. "4~75 56 L. F. Do11ars/L.F.---------------------------' 18" C.M.P.'@.,..........,..... .. Do11ars/L.F.---------------------------."" '19~00' 574 L.F. 21" C.M. P. ' @. , . . , . . , . , , . " , . . , . , , , , ' . , 331 L. F. Do 11 ars/L. F. ---------------------------. ' . , " "22 ~ 50 '24" C.M.P..@...........,',.,., " .,. . . .. ................................ 395 L.F. Dollars/L.F.--------------------------- ..., '26~00 30" C.M. P. ' @' . . . . , . . , , , ' , , . . . . . . . . ' , ' . . ., . I .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 L. F. Do11ars/L.F.--------------------------- ...' 32.00' 48" C.M. P. . @. ' . . , . . . . . . . . , . , , . , . , . . ' , Dollars/L.F.---------------------------.' .. . 52.00 7 Ea. Type "C" In 1 et ' @' , . . . . " ' , , . . , ' , . " . . . . . ............................... Dollars/Ea.---------------------------- ,," '770~OO 2 Ea. Type "E" Inlet'@"..'..... . . .. .. " , .. , Dollars/Ea.----------------------------., '1 ;570;00" 2 Ea. Type "F" Inlet @" ' Dollars/Ea. ___________________________ 1,800.00 ,r'\, t \ f\, CONIULTlNG IENGINEEII5 Page 6 of 13 July 13, 1983 ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGlNEERS,INC, ITEM NO. 30-B ESTIMATED QUANTITIES CONGRESS lAKES - PLAT NO. 1 B. PAVING & DRAINAGE ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES '(PRICES'TO'SE'WRITTEN IN WORDS) UNIT '; 'PRICE""" AMOUNT 2 Ea. TYPE "I" Manhole'@' ",..,"", , ,. Dollars/Ea.----------------------------- "' 870.00 1,740.00 31-8 190 l.F. 1 I Concrete Flush'Header"@ " , ., ............. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . 32-8 32,400 S.F. Dol1ars/L.F.----------------------------"'. ' ,. '6..00 Sol id Sod' @' , , . . , . , . . . . . , " . , " , . 1,140.00 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dollars/S.F.----------------------------.. .' '0.18 Seed & Mulch Around lake 8anks"@ .' 5,832.00 33-B 22,700 S.F. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ....... 454.00 34-8 3 Ea. Dollars/S.F.---------------------------- ,. ,. 0.02 Street Si gn @ Dollars/Ea.----------------------------- 110.00 330.00 35-8 3 Ea. Stop Sign @ Dollars/Ea.-----------------------~----- 95.00 285.00 36-8 lump Sum Outfall Control Structure (Comp1ete)@_ . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . " , Dollars/L.S.---------------------------- 4,000.00 4,000.00 37-8 lump Sum Sand Cement Rip-Rap at Outfall to l.W.D.D. Canal l-28 , @' . , , .' . . "-' , , ' , , . . " ,,"... Dol1ars/L.S.----------------------------". . ". "450~00 450.00 /7 ' r"'\ ,. ... ,""1 CONSULTING lNGINURS Page 7 of 13 July 8, 1983 ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC, CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 B. 'PAVING & DRAINAGE ITEM ESTIMATED,..." ..ITEMS.AND.UNIT.PRICES., ,. """ "",..,. .UNIT, , NO. 'QUANTITIES...... '..(PRICES'TO'BE.WRITIEW.IWWORDS}...'..,... ',PRICE','..,.., ',AMOUNT' ' 38-B Lump Sum Temporary Barricade w/Ref1ectors'@'" , Dollars/LS.-~--------------------------"" ''','200.00 , 1 ,200.00 TOTAL ITEMS "B" : $: =2iS', 698:.00. /8 I'~ ITEM NO. l-C 2-C 3-C 4-C 5-C 6-C 7-C 8-C r--, , , ~ ",,',, . ( , f\ , l ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGlNEERS,INC, CONSULTING ENGINEER' Page 8 of 13 July 8, 1983 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES' , . . 355 L.F. CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 C. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM . ITEMS .AND. UNIT. PRICES, , . . , . .... UNIT. , . '(PRICES'TO'BE'WRITTEN~IN'WORDS)"""'" 'PRICE~"" . 'AMOUNT 10" D.I.P. Water Main'@..'...,."..,. Dollars/L.F.---------------------------..., '12'.00 ' 4,260.00 1,060 L.F. 8" D.I.P. Water Main'@."..."'... ., Doll ars/L. F.---------------------------. ." '10.00' '" '10,600.00 ,2~470 L.F. 6" D.I.P~ Water Ma;n.@............,.. Doll ars/L. F .---------------____________. . . . , '8..50 ., '20,995.00 335 L.F. 4" D.I.P. Water Main'@' , . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . Do 11 a rs/L. F. ---------------------------' , . , . '6.75' ", ' . '2 ;261 .25 2 Ea. , . 8" Gate Valvew/Valve Box'@"'" .....'. . ' Dollars/Ea.----------------------------,.. "400;00' .,... '800.00 7 Ea. 6" Gate Valve w/Valve Box@ 325.00 2,275.00 Dol1ars/L.F.----------------------~---- 2 Ea. . , 4" Gate Valve w/Valve Box'@' , . . , . , . . , Doll ars/Ea.----------------------------. '. '175..00 ' . . 350.00 4 Ea. . , Fire ~drant WlGateValve' & Valve Box @ Dol 1 ars/Ea.----------------------------' '1~13~.00' .,., '4,520.00 ~~' -1'( ITEM NO. 9-C 10-C 11-C' 12-C 13-C 14-C 15-C ,-\ t ' o AMOUNT 4,500.00 DollarsjEa.-----------------------------.. , " .230.00 ",230.00 250.00 990.00 Do11arsjEa.-------------------~---------' . , .. 370.00 ,., " 740.00 Do 11 arsjEa. _____________________________' , . '2,.400.00 .. '2,400.00 2,000.00 TOTAL ITEMS IICII, '$ 57,171. 25 c20 ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. Page 9 of 13 July 8, 1983 CONSULTING ENGINEERS ESTIMATED QUANTITIES .. 15 Ea. CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 C. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES UNIT . '(PRICES'TO'BE'WRITTEN'IN'WORDS)' .' .,"., 'PRICE" . . 211 Water Service wj211 Gate Valve.@'..' DollarsjEa.-----------------------------.. . ,300.00 1 Ea. 1-1/211 Water Service to Lift Station'@_ 1 Ea. , . 111 Water Service wIlli Gate Va1ve"@' DollarsjEa.----------------------------- .' "250.00 9 Ea. Sampling Points'@'" ,.,....... .,.' ". ' , DollarsjEa.-----------------------------,. "110.00 2 Ea. 211 Blow Off' ,@' . . . , . . , . . . . . . , . " ,...', 1 Ea. 1611 X 1011 Tapping Tee wllOIl Gate Valve @ 1 Ea. 1611 X 811 Tapping Tee w/811 Gate Valve @_ 2,000.00 Oo11arsjEa.----------------------------- ITEM NO. 1-0 2-D 3-D 4-0 5-0 6-0 .r-""\ ,. '. '" ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGlNEERS,INC, CONSULTlNO ENOINEEfl5 Page .10 of 13 July 8, 1983 CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 D. SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ITEMS.AND.UNIT.PRICES UNIT,- , . (PRICES 'TO' BE 'WRITTEN' IN' WORDS)' . , . . . . 'PRICE'.' . . . , , . 'AMOUNT ESTIMATED QUANTITIES' . 805 lo F. 8" P~V.C. 0' - 6' Deep'@,........,. Do 11 ars/L. F. -------------------------.. . .,. 8.00 ", - 6,440.00 665 lo F . 8" P. V;C. 6' - 8' Deep' @" ,. , .. .. .. Dol1ars/LF.-~-----------------------":":': 9.50 ", - 6,317.50 140 loF. 8" D.I.P. 61 - 81 Deep'@'..,.... 11.00 Dollars/L.F.------------------------- 380 lo F. 8" P.V.C. 81 - 101 Deep'@..'.'. .- 11.00 80 lo F. Dollars/L.F.------------------------- 8" D.I.P. 81 - 10' Deep.@.'.'" 12.50 625 loF. Dollars/L.F.-------------------------' 8" P.V.C.' 101 - 121 Deep.@...,.. 1,540.00 4,180.00 1,000.00 Dollars/L.F.----------------------~--. , .... ,16.00 , -10,000.00 8" P.V.C. 121 - 141 Deep'@...."". 7-0 . 210 loF. 8-0 9-0 40 lo F. . ..... ............................ Dol1ars/L.F.-------------------------' . , , .. 28.00 8 Ea. Manhole 01 - 61 Deep.@'......, , . ' Dol1ars/Ea.--------------------------"" '800.00 4,410.00 1,120.00 6,400.00 ).1 .....""i:: .--.-- ,.-., '. .' (' ". ('., CONIULTlNG ENGINEERS Page 11 of 13 July 8, 1983 ROSSI AND MALAVASJ ENGINEERS, JNC, CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 D. SEWAGE COLLECTION 'SYSTEM ' ITEM ESTIMATED ITEMS .AND. UNIT, PRICES. '. UNIT NO. 'QUANTITIES"'.'. '(PRICES'TO.BE'WRITTEN'IN'WORDS)'.",..... 'PRICE' ~'" AMOUNT 10-D 4 Ea. Manhole 61 - 81 Oeep.@'...,....,....,. Doll ars/Ea. -----------------------------,', , , 900.00 ' 3,600.00 11-0 4 Ea. Manhole 81 - 101 Deep'@..'....., Do 11 ars/Ea. -------------________________ . , 1',000.00 . . 4,000.00 12-0 2 Ea. Manhole 101 - 121, Deep'@~"""""'" Do 11 a rs/Ea. _ ------::----------------------' , .,. ;300.00 ' . 2,600.00 13-D 1 Ea. Manhole 121 - 141 Deep'@.""..,....,. Doll ars/Ea. -____________________________. . '1,.700..00' "'1,700.00 .. ' 14-D 1 Ea. Drop Manhole 121 - 141 Deep.@'..... ~' Do11ars/Ea.-----------------------------.. '2;000:00' '. 2,000.00 15-D 910 L. F. 611 O. L P. Force Main' @' , , ' , . . , , , . , . . , . Dollars/L.F.------------::----------------,..," '8~50' 7,735.00 16-0 1 Ea. 1611 . X 6~1. C~ LM~J ~ . Tapping. Tee. w/611 Gate Val ve' @' . . . . . , ' , , . , , . . , . , . , , , . . , . , , . . , Do'lars/Ea.------~----------------------" 'l~500;00' 1,500.00 17-0 16 Ea. . . . . . . - .. . 611 Single Service'@"""."'.,..,..., Dol 1 ars/Ea.----::-------------------------' ~" '200.00 . '3,200.00 J.'J-. ,--.." (' " r-.. , I CONSULTING ENGINEERS Page 12 of 13 July 8, 1983 ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGlNEERS,INC, CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 D. SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM ITEM ESTIMATED ". .ITEMS.AND,UNIT.PRICES..,.., . .UNIT NO. QUANTITIES" , , . . " (PRICES' TO' BE' WRITTEN' IN'WORDS)' ., ......, PRICE' ' , . , , , . AMOUNT .. 18-0 Lump Sum Lift Station - 250 G.P~M." (Complete) Dollars/L.S.----------------------------". '45;000.00 45,000.00 TOTAL ITEMS liD" :$~112,742.50 J3 ~ , '. ( . o 1l05S1 AND MALAVASI ENGlNEERS,INC, CONSULTlNO ENOINEERS Page 13 of 13 July 8, 1983 CONGRESS LAKES - PLAT NO. 1 E. 'STREET LIGHTING ITEM ESTIMATED....,. .ITEMS.AND.UNIT.PRICES.,. ...... ...,.. '" ,...UNIT... NO. ' . . QUANTITIES' , . . , . ,'. (PRICES'TO'BE'WRITTEN" IN'WORDS)' . . , . . . . , . . 'PRICE' , , . , . . . AMOUNT' l-E 1 0 Ea. Type II Luminaire' (250 Watt'H.P~ Sodium Vapor) on 'Type ~'S-41".Pole.w/Underground. Elect. Wiring.@...,",...,.....,..... , Dol 1 ars/Ea.----------------------------- 950.00 9,500.00 . . TOTAL ITEMS "E" $ 9,500.00 .. .)!f