LEGAL APPROVAL CITY of BOYNTON BEACI-f IJ. , - ~ '@~~,~-~- -,- :--= 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O, BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA ~10 po5)~111 - :..:.:...=' ==- -:T---, -.L . . -r.':"".....~ -........ . _ ---. >'''''W'J:/ ' Y' 1:..-.-.:.. '-----~_ - ~ t ..........,.... l""'" , ... '- ,... -C. --, c- ,.." I ",.._ ~ &. - ___ . '6.. ,!;". .~.::.- . .......... ... -_.... -~-_.. J.,. :.t ,,- , .... ~_~ L, -~"-~~ !, r;i:'~,' .~~ _' I ~ j:JII~:., ~~. ;:i~ ..-..' ~ ---' - "'~ - , ---f - --:=;-- ~&~- ~- -- r- OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIREeTOR - ~.. 'i-: .. April 17, 1987 - -...... Mr. Angel Goi tia - Cape International, Inc. 2317 lOth Avenue North Lake Worth, FL' 33461 /' RE: Cusimano Office Bui1dina - parkina Lot variance - Dear Mr. 'Goitia: ' On Tuesday, Ap~ii 14, 1987 the Planning and Zoning Board approved the referenced request for relief from Section 5-141(g)(3) "Driveways" of the City's Parking Lot,.Regulations. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. ,. ~ Very truly yours, '. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH @VVJ?'-U.J J:. 0~_ Carmen S. Annunziato, AICe7 .~ Planning Director flat cc: City Manager Stephen Cusimano Technical Review Board Central File f" \ ~~~~;~~,.:,..,.~.'~.r';7.~~~~r." L, ~ ~~~'~::-:~T::-""~""'~'~:'''~r'''''-~~ ,....-:-..--..7--~~---:'~_. 4:~~ ,/',:,\ ,/L ": i /::.. i' ; ~ ,,' " , "i I ~'I j .~~: '. ji' ii' ,~11 ~ ", ~: ,'1: ',Ii: , , I ~ ~ ~ "_ ~; I' ~:.' I' ;::";:1 I ii, I "I I I \" ,II ~ I!' .' ~ i' '.I r i ," " :1 ',l 'I:" : 'I r I' .' I i ~ ! 1 i I: , " I, ":', '" ',' . ........ ......~.. ........- ",.' ;(", "...',i ~, " , ' . ~'. \, \ ! I I' , 1: ' \ .. L" ",,' i , .L .s ~,.t"'T F'r ,I . .,....--. ,.,.,..-~~:":'. ~ . i ~ r~ . ,. ~ ~7~ ~ ~ .. . &.--- ~.... . . '-4 . - '~ I _.. . MEMORANDUM 8 April 1987 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director Cusimano Office Building - Parking Lot Variance Resubmission FROM: RE: Section 5-144(c)(4) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when a variance to Section 5, Article X, Parking Lots is requested, the Technical Review Board must forward to the Planning and Zoning Board a recommendation, and that the recommendation forwarded is to be made part of the public hearing proceedings. To that end, this memo is forwarded, consistent with 5-144(c)(4). stephen R. Cusimano, applicant, is requesting;;,a,:variance to Section 5-141(g)(3) "Driveways" of the Parking Lot Regulations which requires, among other things, that no driveways may be constructed closer than 180 feet to the intersection of the rights-of-way lines on collector and arterial roads. The property in question is located at the southeast corner of S.E. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. In this instance, the applicant is requesting to be permitted to provide driveways onto S.E. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard in connection with subsequent site plan approval to allow for the construction of a new professional office building. There is an existing one-story single-family home on the property which is proposed to be moved to another location. The driveway onto S.E. 23rd Avenue is proposed to be 24 feet wide and would be located 23 feet from the eastern property boundary. The driveway onto Seacrest Boulevard is proposed to be 24 feet wide and would be located at a distance of 23 feet from the southern property boundary. In support of the request to construct driveways on both Golf Road and Seacrest Boulevard, the applicant has submitted a traffic report prepared, by Ken Rogers, P.E. (see attached). For an explanation of the code requirement, the nature of the variance requested, and the variance justification, please refer to the attached Notice of Public Hearing and application. On Tuesday, April 7, 1987 the Technical Review Board (TRB) met to review the plans and documents submitted, and to formulate a recommendation with regard to the variance requested. After (p ,-. . ~: .. . .'~ ~ . ~ { review and discussion, the TRB recommended that the variance be approved in part and denied in part_' with respect to the recommendation for approval, the TRB made findings that the applicant would be unable to access his property if required to not have a driveway within 180 feet of the intersection of the rights-of-way lines of S.E. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. Therefore, the TRB recommended that the applicant be allowed to have one driveway onto S.E. 23rd Avenue located as close to the east property boundary as possible, without interfering with the turnout radius of the driveway located on the adjacent property. However, the request to provide for a second driveway onto Seacrest Boulevard was recommended for denial. The reasons for this recommendation are as follows: 1. It is the policy of the City to allow for ~ driveway in situations where the access provisions within the Parking Lot Regulations would otherwise deny any access to a given parcel. 2. It was recommended to allow for a driveway onto S.E. 23rd Avenue rather than Seacrest Boulevard, as the middle turn lane on Seacrest Boulevard adjacent to the applicant's property serves as a left-turn stacking lane northbound for Golf Road, and allowing for a driveway onto Seacrest Boulevard at this location would promote a conflicting left turn movement for vehicles traveling southbound, entering the middle lane on Seacrest Boulevard to make a left turn into a driveway at this location. This ;,r.ecommendation was made based on information from the County Traffic Engineer's office that the physical separation between the proposed driveway onto Seacrest Boulevard and the intersection with Golf Road is insufficient to allow for restriping of the middle turn-lane to provide for a transition to accommodate the conflicting left-turn movements. In addition, the TRB requested that the applicant be advised to provide for the removal of the existing curb cuts onto Seacrest Boulevard and S.E. 23rd Avenue (which serve the existing single-family home) at the time of site plan approval, and to provide a dedication of fifteen (15) feet of right-of-way for S.E. 23rd Avenue within 45 days of the parking lot variance approval. (",. ./- ~ CARMEN S. ANN IATO /bks cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Central File ,.. f lie.. MEMORNADUM April 7, 1987 TO: Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden, Assistant City Planner Cusimano Office Building Parking Lot Variance Resubmission RE: Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the site plan, survey, and traffic study for the above-referenced project. These items were not submitted at the time of application as indicated in my original memo. These items should complete this application. -!;::;s L ~~ flat Attachment - - "- B p / MEI10RANDUM March 17, 1987 TO: Betty S. Boroni, City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden Assistant City Planner Cusimano Office Building - Parking Lot Variance Resubmission RE: Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents related to a request for a variance to the Parking Lot Regulations (Section 5-l41.g.3). Also enclosed is a check for $400'to cover the revi~w and processing of this application. Two items which have not yet been submitted to the Planning Department are a site plan and a report from a traffic consultant. These items are to be submitted by April 1, 1987 and willbe'forwarded to your office upon arrival. , . -Please ~dvertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the April 14, 1987 meeting. , " . . fl4i~ J ~ );JJ~ (flAMES !.1J. GOLl'EN /lat., - , . Atta'chrrients 4 , ---- RECEI\TED APR 7' 1981 PLANNlI~G DEPT. MEMORANDUM April 7, 1987 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Cusimano Office Building~ Ingress and Egress . The Traffic Statement prepared by Mr. Rogers appears to me to be a valid document and I can agree with the findings and recommendations. For the least problem with traffic movements, a single ingress and egress on Seacrest Avenue is recommended. \/~~?f?~ Tom Clark TAC/ck \\. s CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~j ...., .;. 4 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton "Beach, FL 33435 (305) 734-,8111 ~ --- ---- --- .-:::.....- .<,...",,:. ~ .~.: :t'L.~"C;~",,__~_~_:::_:=,,_~ ~~i': . ..,. " ., ~::--- ------ -:: .....a=_~ I ~ - ~ . ;". 'P"'''i'''.'';". ii;:;::"T.;i 0.; ; ~}' - ......... i....- -- ..' .~.:.:.;I'..IlJ"J\ I ~: ..~.,I.. , ., ............'.:.. ~~.--:...:::.~ '" ,...... 1'1. ~ ~~.,. i6t . .l:l~_ -,,",-,,,, .....-;; - .-.~- ~ -- --- . . . . . ._-~ .-- . ~~~~ -=-~::~-- ~- :------. OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR June 22, 1987 Mr. Stephen R. Cusimano 1467 S.W. 25th'Place, Unit "0" Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Your check dated 4/27/87 Dear Steve: Enclosed please find a photocopy of the above referenced check marked "insufficient funds". The last check you gave us was deposited into our account. Thank you. Very truly yours, C~F lOn;;:;LEACH JAMES J. GOLDEN SENIOR CITY PLANNER JJG:ro Enclosure \'Y ~"T1~;r,...~ f <;0"":"-11('01 ~-;J~ ..,......,~.. ':..:I.."_1'I1.'IYlo4 ::.-:: ;...""":'':..-''=':'::'O:: ~.',;-;~~'Il"~. I:nS I - S':!i ~ /'PS ~ 'i1;l:\vll':I1! '!!};I ' ~~ ,,"ir u'~ ~ .; . ~~ :~! iL;";t;:~lL;1 ~ Jd "u ( ~ r, " ~ h t~ .'. ~ ~ i I '\-"."'\'-_'-j" ~ '.., ,-' '; / r . ,." I~ \,<. ~. - ~":~~ nJ~~ --r II , -~ ~ .. . ~l' /~ t \ .....- .- , \~ ....o=r... I t=. , \.:;I , ..---r I . ~, . lK m , .~' . r -+. - --- @ .. 1: ~, ~ Ii. t. ~ 1: ~ ~ t t( f. II .' ~ ~ t ~" ~I'~.~'~ r"l . ;: ~ ::. ~,. :~. ~., .: ~~ ~' 1;;, ~ ~ '~ ,~ . _I... '.. ~::.. ~ t,. , .' ,",,,." - . . .:,.'},' . ~ . ':'. ':". . i ~ .. '-:.:'; . " ~ - : ! 'I ..,~'~-.-:.'~ _ It: ~' "-. I -~.",~ - t '. " ,., J ,- .... ; , , :~ -.,,1 " ': '-... , . ,~'" \ "t - , t ~s I f - ~';; ,~ .... ' ~ I: 'Il :i. \ " " :r;r> . ;:c' ~.}.. . ,~. ~ ~ \~' .... ".' \ ' ~" '::.\.. . \~ --- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ,shall, meet at, 7:30 P. M. on,Tuesday, ,April 14, 1987, at' the city Hall, Boynton Beach, to consider an application for: a variance on the following described property: Applicant: OWner: Agent: Legal Description: Project: Location: Requested Variance: Stephen R. Cusimano Margaret J. Voltz -' ..-' Cape International, Inc. Lot 1, 1essthe Roa4 R/W Seacrest PLAT OF HIGH RIDGE , as described in Plat Book 23, Page 225 ~ublic Records of Palm. Beach County, Florida Profe~sional and Business Offices South East corner Clot) of the intersection of Seacrest Boulevard and S.E. 23rd Avenue Relief from the following: Article X - Parking Lots, Section 5-141, Design, Requirements, of the Boynton ,Beach Code of Ordinances Cg') Driveway (3) No parking lot driveway may be constructed closer than thirty (30) feet from the inter- section of the right-of-way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets of a higher classification. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in per- son or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & zoning Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings is -made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. aa BETTY S., BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . . THE 'POST . , :March 29 & April,:::?'" 1987 CC: City Council City Manager Recording-Secretary PUBLISH: \~ I . . : , "1 {: I i:-" .' . ~ , , - -. hPPLIC1,'IION FOR Vl,RIMlCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS City of Boynton Beach, Florida' Planning and Zoning Board t.., 0 f"'. ., This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. 1. Project Uame of Site Upon .~hich Parking Lot is Located: Seacrest Project 2. Date this Application is Submit~ed: February 3, 1987 " 3. Applicant's Uame (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Stephen R. Cusimano 1467 S.W. 25th Place, Unit D :L~~'.' Address: Phone, Boynton Beach, Fl 732-=-4009 33435 .t. Agent's Name (person, if any, retresenting applicant):. CAP\3 ~'IIt\IC. ' Address: Phone: 5. · A letter from the applicant or owner authorizing the agent i~ r.e.~~!~ed, Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: Margaret J. Voltz 2404 Seacrest Boulevard Boynton Beach, Fl ------- ..- ----..... Address: Phone: 6. Correpondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: . This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. .: ......0".1 . ~ .: \t;; 7. What is applicant's inlerest in the premises affected? Buyer, (Owner), Develoner, Builder (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) B. Street Address or Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: South East corner (lot) of the intersection of Seacrest Boulevard and S.E. 2nd Avenue 9. Legal Description of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Lot 1, High Point, a subdivision in the Oity of Boynton Beach., accordin~ to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Oircuit Court, in,and for Palm Beach County, F]orio~., recorded in Plat Book 23. Page 22~. 10.. Intended Use(s) of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: M~dical offices and clinics. Professional and b~ess offi~PR 11. Developer crrXB;?iI~~ Stephen R. Cusimano 12. Architect: CAPE International, Inc. 13. Landscape Architect: 14. Site Planner: CAPE International Inc. 15. Engineer: CAPE International Inc. 16. Surveyor: Richard L. Shephard & Associates 17. Traffic Engineer: lB. Copy of last recorded warranty Deed included? (check) ", , 0_' , 0' .,. . _ _. __'0 _. 19, Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) ~,.u:"...(:> - 20. Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached? (check) ......._....,.. __.._.. .... . ..... .... .. ..a..... 21, Number of variances requested on the following sheets: x X 1 ........-...-...... Note: See attached fee schedule for variance filing fee. Additional feels) are required if more than one (1) variance is requested. 000 - Phnning Dept. 5/82 ., , . ,." " a.. . 1....t,..1 .tt~"'rT.t'4Iti"'"".""....# .''flJ'l.:.... .) 1 '......."'". "fD.t>~...,"t~-..~~,~~~~~~,\O~~~i:~~~~f';~' ",r , tZ::", ~'C~,,;,;.'7.,. -.<' J, "..,..C..;;-,;o, ;r~. ;"+-"':>~~:~~'i' Wt$-.;:',. "f...r::>:~....lt.):~Z"~./~.::-;.~~;-::;~~;...;:~...:.-io~.::ht~:'J'~~:'I."~j$t.r.,.i'iI:~. . . . . ~~;(I"';;{~jr..itrf.~#.~Aj!",~~~:'I;'~~ ~~l~.~:. ~:~. _ ....... ...... ...... , . "-', J..ffi~'"""~~~.l:".'" da;t.w:,..~;...'1:~~~' ~~"~f""', ...;~'-'t'~i: -:~':"?~"."""'t"~ I ..~.,..............,.~ v. .~'''''/1.'~!'t '--":'~:':'i:"""::;'.... ..~,,.,,,~~'\.~,,,._~.._:._ ;~,-,-,;,C ":'-" ~'" '" , .,.("!Shti"'~'~.i ....~;~~,;.;e,.. j:.,'T,It-~"">-\':._;:l-':':':" .... ~ ~~)I:~.to.:...'O'~ ~~::.:.-r~.i~.1.."~ ...~~ ~.. ...:....~-<<~ "t-v. ~.; ",,,,,.q'.~..":,::,,~;,,,,""':l . .... .....,... ~- "'*.....~,..I~~~"1.~f..~'lf-~....~."........._~.."';. .~. ,'r.. \\J . The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to Article X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations,. of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stated belowl . Section, Subsecticn,and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Codel ' Section 5.141. Design Requirements (G) Driveway (3) ,No parking lot driveway may be constructed closer than thirty (30) feet from the inter- section of the ri~ht-of-way lines along. local streets and one hundred ei~htv (180) feet along streets of a higher classification. Nature of Variance Requestedl Construct driveway approximately fifty-five (55) feet from the intersection of S.B. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd., along south R.O.W. line of S.E. 23rd Avenue Construct driveway approximately one hundred thirteen (113) feet from the intersection of Seacrest Blvd., along east R.O.W. line of Seacrest Blvd. Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships. or Other Reasons Justi- .. fying ,the Requested Variance (attach additional sheets if necessary) I Property, pre-platted prior to adoption of the Zoning Ordinance creates this non-conformin~ lot. (1) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board, (1) (We) hereby ,certify that the above statements and the state- ments or showings made in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge. This application will not be accepted un~~ss signed below, Signature of Applicant or Agentl Datel Planning Dept. 5/82 ~ c:> (""') - c: tJ") ~ c... ........ v> Ln ~ ~ { '<I ~ :~ r- 0 It '" II > w III " III Cl I: .. o ~ w " w 0 ~ " ~ I- <( <( I: 0 I. J: 0 i ~ C- O ~ .. 101 .. III .: z 0 .. i w , .: lJ ~ " III <( i 0 ~ W III .. Il Z '" III of Z u III ~ - Ii: ! .. 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W ...., -r fI"'lI ,....". ."..U I...'.....,. .4'......' .-1. t/-""'..,.......... ........,...u ...,'....,.,1',.,...,." ..."UI........rV-d 11- I'~...H.... day of September CLARENCE L, VOLTZ. a married man, .-/, D, 19 75 .Had,. tldR i!1rlmrrn , of thc Count.y of and Statc of lllinois , pa~y of the first part, and r.'lARGARET J, VOLTZ, a married woman. 1820 Robincrest Lane, Glendc.w ,~.;'{)0025. , of tlte County of . ami State of illinois , party of the sccond 1Jari, t' mt~;t~:.:'!'_t~:!~~+;~e a~~i~J/)1lig~ ~[.!!I~ J!.,:~t_ r~!!,Jo...r.. !l.!t..~i~ _ c..o!!.:~1Er~iloln of ,Ir Sll,m 0, .vO 4rs, in hand paw by the said party of the second part, the receipt ll'hrrcof is hercl,y acknowl- edged, has rcmiscd, released and quitclaimed, and by thru p,.c~rllts docs rcmi$c, release and quitclaim unto the said 1Jarty of the second part rLll the ri~ht, title, interrst claim a11d dun-and lddch the ,~aid party of the first part has in and to the j'ullou'ing d.cscribed lot " picce or parccl of land, situate lying and bcin~ in the County of Palm Beach State of Florida, to wit: Lot 1, InGH POINT. a subdivision of the City of Bo~'nton Beach, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Palm Beach County. Florida, recorded in Plat Book 23. page 225. THE GRANTOR retains a life estate in the said propert~', tlclurn: Jo~eph Tombe", I.\ty, p, 0, O,"we, EE to:fnton Be'CII, nl, 33435 f<cc, ,'.y.(.o no,SI. ' X' !ufta. . '( Inlans, ' flI,51. . r., STATE nF FLORIDAI {)OC:UMElH/dlY ",.'"~, <:lAMP Tt.XI ~fl'l tlTiir;,(HUi~-,:.i;:I~'i:l _. --, -'; I = = :~. .~.. 0 0 3 a :..: = stpzs',' ~ " .0; : '';' I = '6 . ". ~ /. ' ..... =_~', _ _ ___::--~-: . _.....1./ " ~:.. c::Io ~:1- ~ :~n Ch 4" ... ... f.y,S'" IDo llnur ntl~ to ll01~ the same, togcther with all and ,~inCu.lar the appurtenances thereunto bclonting or in anywise appcrta,ining, and all the c,~tate, ritht, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the saw/Jarty of the second part, . 3Jn lUitnfnli lUl}frrof. the said party of the first part luu hereunto set his hand and seal the da and year first Move u'ritten. e.-l~mrb. j;rlllrb un rrrb 'n Wur llrrllrnrr: V p .., l. IU._ ~~:-;:~~~ 'Y i~ !~ . 'J:1 .." (I~ -~ DOCUMENTARY 3,,: :: ~'7 rLORI A SURTAX~::,; "--a ~r -', lIP!. ~(m'1l ': 0.0.55 :::'j ~ ~ ~a . ~; "'" Im>\:t 11101 , ~(: :< H: ..... :ig ::u ... ~t'ulr of ~huiUaJ ILLINOIS (!jaunt!! II! U,l(\ 1<-. J . 1 Jirrrbg CI:rr1l!ll That on thi, day perronally appeared before me, an ojJ1.cer duly authorized to adminillter oatM and take acknowledtmentB, CLARENCE L, VOLTZ ;:.::::i;~jih ...;J~iit!;~~ell known to be the per,on dellcribed in and who executed the lorctoint /''In,.t~7J:nt and he has acknowledted belore me that he 0~loCiecrit :j4the ,ame freely and voluntarily lor the purpolle, therein expreued. .... i \,:.~,"('}";" ,~rBJI my hand and of!Ldalseal at ~I'o.......--I",",", '( ~0p'ou,'!;~1t~W , and State of fi.:s:rUi:D., thi, 1 ~ '.;:~ ~.~I' ~\~~~!f~;rSeptember A. D. 1975 Dlinois ,.. ~" a. .,ot'- ~ .,......(,,'. ....!.J J ~. _~ .I~Il\ :': '.:;~,~~l:: D"'~12460 f"r.E1874 ~~ a..<.--.-c-' ", .: P,::<,' reco.L "'. :v t r ,1.l' I, ia.~t.~~.",,,, eI' 0 ary U.u l-C ~ CtJ.IIUl\l.1~Knt ...,H.... ...."b U, 19li .~~..." .My Commission Expires -- \Cb I . ',I February 9, 1987 Planning & Zoning Board City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach; Florida 33425 Re: ,Seacrest Pr.oJect Application For Variance Dear Sirs: I hereby give CAPE International, Inc., the authority to act as agent before the Planning and Zoning Board for the above referenced application for variance. '..../ st 14 7 S. Boynton o R. Cusimano W. 25th Place, Unit D Beach, Florida 33435 SRC/klm cc: CAPE International, Inc. \\ cO:> I (,-00-' . Thll 1",lrument y,..paud anI! hr11 dneript1,,,, ';'1~i""'(\ Dlt.---'ll.-231L6 _ r,": Fctcr }~:'::. .J'_ City ~~st P41m Le:..oh . F'lorida for StlW or F'Jorlda o.plrl""1\1 pr Tuntport&lion by Palm Be.tlCh Ccrx\ty Ltnd Acq.J;1.Ci t:1.cxl (11\'1), WDI 'orm 13&-01 tlBeeb .. ~ \) .~ rARCEL NO, SECTION ST A IE ROAD cour-.n F AI' NO. 110,1 !lj~1.2-2WJ s -tl n P/>J.H ~ "l:t- THIS INDENTURE mid. lhb 1.2- bet..~n ~ J, VCL'IZ Jc.t ly ~yor . A., D,191.2. tJ put -,-. or lb. r&l'11 put a~ tbr STATE 'OF' FLO'R1DA, lor the Wl and brntl'll m,;~ ~llle of noricta ~psrtmtiit or Tran.opor1a'Jon,.. pul)' or lh. UC(jn4 part, ""TNESSEnt, Thlt 'he AId part -Y...- or lh. f,"' rarl. lor And In conslderation or lhe sum or On. Oollar and otber nhnble con.\ldenolioN. I'&ld, ~celpl or ,,'!lleh Is hr~b)' ackno....INl,ed, do _herrb)' Jr"nt. harrain. leU, a.nd cony.,. unto the 1'1..1)' ~Mit w.Bfart,IU turc~wn Ind 1!t.llfllS, the rollowin, described land, sltu.aU,lyin, and trrr., In lh, Couol)' or , SUII of norlda, IO'wlt: A pnrce1 of 1d for ro..'ld risht-of-',,':X1 p.JrpOsea 1}'ino in ~ SO'..1th- ~t 1/4 of 5eot:ia1 ~3, ~'11p 45 Sc-.1thl P~e 43 !:Mtl PAlm Be.!ch., , ' Co.x'\ty, na::'idA, t:r:lre pa.rtiC'..1ltrly de.ec:rlbed M follu..:s: All of tm.t portion of Lot 11 Plat of High Pointl Pl.t.t: Book 23, page 225, Public R.ccords of PAlm ~~ Cculty, lying Ho::tlr.."eSt of tbe ltq chord of & ~tt1t c.n:ve, uid cutVe h&v!na a radius of 25,00 fr>at &M ~ ~tt'l.t to iN Southtt1y rlght-af"'\o."t1}' 1lne of SE 23rd AvroJa (Robin&cn Street) ll:Id tha rlg:ht-o!~ ~ of " ~ SMCrest JkW.C'/ltrd In! 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MA4iJI.A~&r 'J'7 U~L. r.2. .nd ,his wife. to m. wtU kno'MI and kno'MI to me 10 bf the IndMduals dflCl'lbfd In and ""ho tneut.d the forflOln& In.tTument and acknowlt<Jaed before mt thaI they eueultd the limo (or Ihe pUfpoaes Iheralll clr.preued. ,.,' WlJNESS~,"-1\d and otocla! ~llhl. {ir~~~:, ~ . .~..~ ~ ~:;'i ~i r' \:~~~~~:..~.=:.' ,.:.<~::: .......... ...... 1"2. clay of . .,.. () to r/ " .J., D, 19 ..,7 $(~~, ~~,~ Not Public III .nd (or tht Cc and St.a,. dornakl, My Ccmmluloll exllkCl: ;rAIt. 5; 191' '~ 161['-7300 " .-',- ~ TRAFFIC STATEMENT FOR SEACREST PROJECT '. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL, 1987 Prepared By: , ' K. S. ROGERS, P.E. K. S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Fla. Reg. No. 24068 - AL/'? r;ygJ '~ C'\J \ ~ This office has been retained to prepare a traffic report for a proposed 8,000 square foot professional office building to be located on approximately 0.51 acres at the southeast corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S.E. 23rd Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The proposed developer of this project has submitted an application for approval to the Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board. The Planning and Zoning Board delayed action until further details concerning the proposed traffic expected to be generated by this use can be presented. It is the intent of this Report to provide to the City the information required in order to make._an informed decision. This 8,000 square foot professional office building would expect to generate an average of 160 single directional vehicular trips per day. This generation was ,calculated using a generation rate of 20 trips per day per 1,000 square feet of floor area. The developer~ have stated that they do not expect that this office space would be occupied by a medical use. Thus, this generation rate is applicable for the intended use. A generalized distribution and roadway assignment was performed based upon existing land use patterns and existing travel patterns. This generalized distribution has been calculated to be: NORTH EASTi SOUTH WEST 35.0% 13.6% 32.9% 18.4% The distributed traffic along wi~h existing volumes are shown in Figure 1. A review of the distributed traffic reveals that this proposed 8,000 square foot office building will create "No Significant Impact" on any adjoining roadway. ~ , ~ uS ,.. - C1) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ---------' 'P" "-.t: ' " ( .,.. uS ~ uS ,.. - C1) '0 ... t') C'6 ~ G) C'I\ t-C'I III CI cJO~ --'" u.u.", ",u.", "''''U; ~~'"' " ... g ~O~ -~- '"' ~ lSl cIlOS ~U;O ~~cJ p :z: ; \~ :,~ ~~ dote ~pR 81 Hgure '\ \:..5. toget5. con5U\\\ng engineet, inc. we5\ po\rn beocn, n. OEVE\..Op"'Et41' '1'R"ff\C ; . .. . . A major concern of the Planning and Zoning Board centered around the number of and location of the driveways for this site and what problems could be expected entering and exiting the site. In order to address this concern, the peak hour volumes for this project where determined. Both A.M. and P.M. peak hour volumes were analyzed. For offices, a high percentage of incoming traffic is experienced during the A.M. peak hour and a high percentage of outgoing traffic during the P.M. peak hour. It is assumed that if the peak hour volumes can be accommodated, then the off-peak hour volumes can also be accommodated. upon Third The A.M. and P.M. peak hour volumes were calculated based the following information obtained from "Trip Generation, Edition," Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1982: IN OUT A.M. 11.25% ADT = 14 trips 2.5 % ADT = 4 trips P.M. 2.5% ADT = 4 trips 13.3% ADT = 21 trips The A.M. and P.M. peak hour turning movements are also shown in Figure 1. The turning volumes shown, assume that both driveways are requested by the developer, will be installed. Both the A.M. and P.M. volumes shown in Figure 1 reveal that very ,little traffic will be entering and exiting this site. The driveway onto Seacrest Blvdc has been designed to allow 'both left and right turns into and out of ,the site. At one time it was suggested that left turns into and out of this driveway be eliminated. In light of the small number of trips expected to be generated during the peak hour and the small impact associated with this low volume, it is recommended that the driveway, as designed, be approved. -2- 6 ~ - ~ ,. It has been suggested by the City staff that the drivewayL_____---- on S.W. 23rd Avenue be relocated to the east property line. This request was made in order to locate the driveway as far from the intersection of Seascrest Blvd. as possible. In reviewing the proposed peak hour volumes, it is found that these volumes are sufficiently low to conclude that the impact' of these turning volumes are negligible.' . Although it is desirable to place driveways as far from the intersection as possible, it is also desirable to design driveways with adequate setback from adjoining properties. On the other hand, it is poor practice to extend the driveway radius into the area in front of adjoining property, creating conflicts ,between adjoining driveways. There is an alternative, which is to close the driveway on S.W. 23rd Avenue, leaving the one driveway on Seacrest Blvd. This driveway is capable of accommodating all of the project's traffic~ however, all of the traffic entering the site from the north, east and west will have to turn left from Seacrest Blvd. in what is a marginal turning area. It is the opinion of the writer of this report that the volumes associated with this project are sufficiently low, that ~ither alternative of leaving the driveway on S.W. 23rd Avenue, as proposed, or deleting the driveway in favor of a single driveway on Seacre5t Blvd. are equally acceptable. It is further recommended that the center lane on Seacrest Blvd. be restripped to allow left turns from Seacrest Blvd. into the subject site. It is concluded that the traffic expected to be attracted to .this facility will have no significant effect on the capacity of the area's roadways. It is recommended that left turns from Seacrest Blvd. be allowed into the project. This can be accomplished by restripping the center lane on Seacrest Blvd. -3- CVD i; i{1: f. .' '.> f ---- !Ji~ :::: .. ~ . .. :. I .. i :: ::: _J .-..-- :: : : ;: . .,.'- : ~ ,!: ......, ., ,.' :: ':: ~: ;:[1- : " - I '. Ii :~:t!t :,::;~, :r~ R -.......-' -. . l: , ; . . ---' ..---- :. ,'~E\ .. ,.,..... : ;! - .. - ~.-- " ' ': P'