LEGAL APPROVAL ." ,-. l ,~' '" '. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ .1. ~ 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach" FL 33435 (305) 734-,8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR ~ March 11, 1987 Mr. Angel Goitia Cape International, Inc. 2317 lOth Avenue North Lake Worth, FL 33461 RE: Cusimano Office Building - Parking Lot Variance Dear Mr. Goitia: On Tuesday, March 10, 1987 the Planning and Zoning Board denied the referenced request for relief from Section 5-141(g)(3) "Driveways" of the City's Parking Lot Regulations. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. r- Very truly yours, .- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 'Carmen S. Annunziato, AICP Planning Director flat cc: City Manager Stephen Cusimano Technical Review Board Central File -. \ ~" ~"_.- '1,< t. ,._>.__7.......-..-~ ~,;:'~ ",' " ' '-:----'~. ,..~,~'-~.':"T~~~~ \.: ~--'....... ---'--'-----~~7"'~T~-- "'''':'''1 " :' " '/ Ii III i: '! I: ./ iI " ,I 'I " ;1 .,; i : 'I 1 ,I 1 I ,/ 1 I I <I, 'I i I' ./ '" ',I .' :;) , ':1' :/. ,I ,I ", 'I .; :' " , , " i';_I~ ' I I V: f\,.)li i '. . r " ,'" .:lr"f' 'l.r.r,'"'"""~""."""~",,"'r~~T~s~rr!, t. -'," :.;; 3 ;~ I" . ~~~ \ . "1 :i.,~li.,_ r...--..-..---- ~: r'~:1'1" ~ L\ . _tl' \' f' --'. '^.:'J'1~,'~"" '" . ", . '" '. I . ~ '.' F . .. .;--- I. 'C -t .. ....".), ""'"-' ''F__ J'~'~1~ if f. t I: f 'i f. ." r ~ . .,' I; \ 1), ......._--....~- ._...........-.. ..........--...;-. ......'r-....~ ~."'1"'"-r:-P--.~~': 'e- t."" I ,I ~l ; I, i ~ f t f' . t: I ~. , I', t' " i: II l' i I t 1,. " I., ., ~ :1 1 \ i. , I, : ~ , :, " I: 1 t i . I , , :i " LP I' I I', ': I, 1'...:1 . ~l- f'V."~; . '. ~,l ,. <. ,,' ': , '.;,. ~'1"'~ ....--.-...'r~~~--------..--.-. , l!~. /'. / \ \ , , j I" ",\1 : ':..l ~ , '. ,. MEMORANDUM 4 March 1987 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board RE: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director Cusimano Office Building - Parking Lot Variance FROM: Section 5-144(c)(4) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when a variance to Section 5, Article X, Parking Lots is requested, the Technical Review Board must forward to the Planning and Zoning Board a recommendation, and that the recommendation forwarded is to be made part of the pUblic hearing proceedings. To that end, this memo is forwarded, consistent with 5-144(c)(4). Stephen R. Cusimano, applicant, is requesting a variance to Section 5-141(g)(3) "Driveways" of the Parking Lot Regulations which requires, among other things, that no driveways may be constructed closer than 180 feet to the intersection of the rights-of-way lines on collector and arterial roads. In this instance, the applicant is requesting to be permitted to provide driveways onto S.E. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard in connection with subsequent site plan approval to allow for the construction of a new medical office building. There is an existing one-story single-family home on the property which is proposed to be moved to another location. The driveway onto S.E. 23rd Avenue is proposed to be 25 feet wide and would be located 21 feet from the eastern property boundary. The driveway onto Seacrest Boulevard is proposed to be 27 feet wide and would be located at a distance of 21 feet from the southern property boundary. The property in question is located at the southeast corner of S.E. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. For an explanation of the code requirement, the nature of the variance requested, and the variance justification, please refer to the attached Notice of Public Hearing and application. On Tuesday, March 3, 1987 the Technical Review Board (TRB) met to review the plans and documents submitted, and to formulate a recommendation with regard to the variance requested. After review and discussion, the TRB recommended that the variance be approved in part and denied in part. With respect to the recommendation for approval, the TRB made findings that the 6 .' 'f' .!' applicant would be unable to access his property if required to not have a driveway within 180 feet of the intersection of the rights-of-way lines of S.E. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard. Therefore, the TRB recommended that the applicant be allowed to have one driveway onto S.E. 23rd Avenue located a distance of 2.5 feet from the eastern property boundary. Section 7.5-35(e) of the Environmental Regulations requires that a 2.5 foot landscape strip be provided between a driveway and a common lot line. However, the request to provide for a second driveway onto Seacrest Boulevard was recommended for denial. The reasons for this recommendation are as follows: 1. It is the policy of the City to allow for one driveway in situations where the access provisions within the Parking Lot Regulations would otherwise deny any access to a given parcel. 2. It was recommended to allow for a driveway onto S.E. 23rd Avenue rather than Seacrest Boulevard, as the middle turn lane on Seacrest Boulevard adjacent to the applicant's property serves as a left-turn stacking lane northbound for Golf Road, and allowing for a driveway onto Seacrest Boulevard at this location would promote a conflicting left turn movement for vehicles traveling southbound, entering the middle lane on Seacrest Boulevard to make a left turn into a driveway at this location. In addition, the TRB requested that the applicant be advised to provide for the removal of the existing curb cuts onto Seacrest Boulevard and S.E. 23rd Avenue (which serve the existing single-family home) at the time of site plan approval. ~~EN- {t AN~TO /bks q I" I;, " I" I" " ," j , Ii j 1111 · . ~e check from/Stephen Cusimano, attached pleas Please advise/Lif you .have a problem ,.lith this ,mother submib'sion for City approval. . . II... '. . , . d . , . . II In 1/ .. I , 1/. I.' It. SIGNE, \" < ~ ',,.,~ .-,U. '..;"I~ t"'(/.~' )':: (' . '1 '. /11 !',' , Called the bank and was advised the' check is good at this time. H II f I j I d . I' '. , ' '. f/ . . .~. .,,11/ . " _..,I..-,~ , , : -: " /Jj . SIGNED ',' J I PERSO~ ~OORESSED ::[RJ ~'S COpy TO SENDEk: ". ...:~ ~.~ r"";- r \" ..,,-.-.. . . .";' ~',-< - ": .-.... - ~ I-~.~.\ ".i~- ~-.-~ ,,-~.~ I , , .' I :; . ~ FROM Jean Oratz, Finance . Department , . SUBJECT: ,Check from Stephen Cusimano FOL.D .. Per our conversation about find a replacement check. check ashe will be making 'l'hank you. " ~tJ' .. -', -i-';'ETURN TO . REPLY .f; DATE: ITEM, Fa. WHEELER GROUP INC, TO I{ · I . . ! IBarbara I . Dcpt , 'Y;ll1r::T~'T~tl::in ~~ ~~;:;:.. ~ -:~.~ Schwertfager, Planning JUfJ llQ) 1981 . ';: l)m~ril~:~twiI;-T~987 . ,...... . l. --- ~ I' . . , " : I . I . 'i " i: j .\~ --- ,;" RECEr'T.r~ _..7 ~ ' MEMORANDUM FEB ?,n 1981 PLANI'lI.\G LJc.PT. TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATE: February 20, 1987 FROM: Betty S. Boroni City Clerk RE: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of March 10, 1987 Forwarded herewith please find a copy of the parking lot variance notice submitted by Stephen R. Cus~~which is the only public hearing scheduled ~the~March Plan- ning & Zoning Board meeting. \. ~df)~ BettYt . Boroni BSB/smk Attachment cc: City Manager \~ I, " ~. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF' . BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, March 10, 1987, at the City Hall, Boynton Beach, to consider an application for a .variance on the ~ollowing described property: Applicant: Stephen R. Cusimano Owner: Margaret J. Voltz Agent: Cape Internation~l,:Inc. Legal Descript~on: Lot 1, less the Road R/W Seacrest ,PLAT OF HIGH RIDGE , - - as described in Plat Book 23, Page 225 ~. 'Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida Professional and Business Offices project: Location: South East corner ,(lot) of the intersection of Seacrest Boulevard and S.E. 23rd Avenue Requested Variance: Relief from the following: Article X - Parking Lots, Section 5-141, Design Requirements, of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordina~ces (g)' Driveway (3) No parking lot driveway may be constructed closer than thirty (30) feet from the inter- section of the right-of-way lines along local streets and one hundred eighty (180) feet along streets of a higher classification. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in per- son ,or byat'torney and be heard. Any person who decides. to appeal any decision of toe Planning & Zoning Board with respect to any matter. considered at this meeting ~ill need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings is made, which repord includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH aa PUBLISH: THE POST :F-ebruary 22 & March 1, 1987 CC: City Council City Manager Recording Secretary \~ ~ ~ ~2> ~ RECEI,'nr CArl!: l'ITidutATIONAt.. ItiC.' .' FEB 11 198', PLANNIl~G DI:.t'I, FilE MEMO DATE: February 4, 1987 PROJECT: SEACREST .' . CONFERENCE:" C ii-y' P I ann I ng ..o'eipar~inent, ATTENDED BY: steve Cusimano, ApplIcant JI~ Golden, City Planner Angel Goltla " RE: Subml't ApplIcation for VarIance ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. ApplIcation appeared to be In order. 2. Next step In procedure: . ~Plannlng Dept. reviews application -Presents case to TRB - (Meeting 3/3/87) -Internal agency Meeting - (No attend applicant, agent) -Planning Department prepares report, TRB recommendations, comments, etc. -NotifIes applicant, agent, via report -If necessary, make adjustments -HearIng before PlannIng & Zoning Board (3/10/87) attendance by applicant, agent 3. Refer fl Ie memo dated 1/15/87 Correct~d version for o~erall procedure~ ~.. AEG/klm cc: .. Tom Scott steve Cusimano J ImGol den NOTE: (F ANY ITEM LISTED HEREIN IS UNDERSTOOD DiFFERENTLY BY YOU, PLEASE NOTIFY ME AT CAPE FOR A CLARIFICATION. . 2137 lOT" ^VEHUE HonTII . L^'<E WonT". rLontO^. 334el . COM r n E " E H S i v E ^ n C '" TEe Tun E r L ^ H H I N G (305'609.7900 EHGIHEEn.Hq 'fjY \l ,- - CI ~ ...,.. c:: &n <---I ~ C- , , LU VJ ~ ~ :~ ~ r- 'c ~ ~ = . · III S ~ e:li~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r % D I Q ~ ~ I ~ ~ I !HI ~ ~ .. j . -I./, tJ .Eb .s-..... V. ,.;:: -(~.. .):X;-,' ~':)" :~~I. ~~'IJ';~. t ;;~~t. ~,~;.o _ .~;~. ~;~1 ~'" IIOt ....... _M QUIT CtA'" DIID, ftIVi "UTeLA... ...~__ v.. .... ....... ~ ..............--...~--- 1B65 @rhn1Ti IntubtlllillnrurJt .,..",.... fIM4 .....,.. .. .,... .,.,... ..... ........ ... W,.,. ,......, .............. ........ ""J.~~.:J"'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ....,.., ...1lI.,....,. ........ =:':::::-~v;I...::.!!:.~=:;="':;':~~~= -"1-t.... I S- day of September CLARENCE L. VOLTZ. a married man. .A/ad#" Olllf lblwun .4. D.19 75 , of the' County of and State of l111nols' . pal"tg of 1M fir" part, and MARGARET J. VOLTZ. a married woman. 1820 Roblncrest Lane. Glenvlaw.~..aO,025. . of tlte County nl ami ,,)lale of mlnols , party of the ,econd part, , the "tJ,!~~t!~~!!~:~.f.~~eB~J1l6fY- !?[_~j!~,-t_~,_fo..,:!-!-_cl..l!! - c..o..n.!~tj!!if:lr:.:[ in Irand paid by the ,aid party of the ,econd part, the receipt wlrt'rcof i8 hereby ackn owl- ed4ed, luu ,'emi8ed, ,.elea,ed and quilclmmed, and by these preltmf, dot" remile. ,.efea.8e and quitclaim unto the ,aid lJar1y of 1M ,econd part all the ri~1rt, tille, infert'1t claim and demand which the ,aid party of the first lJart Ita, in and to the J'ollowinJ tU,crlbed lot , piece or parcel of land, .ltuat! lyinJ a.nd ~inJ in the County of Palm Beach Stale of Florida, to w~t: Lot 1. IUGH POINT. a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach. according to the plat thereof on file In the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court. in and for Palm Beach County. Florida. recorded In Plat Book 23. page 225. TIlE GRANTOR retains B life estate In the said property. ftc\u.n: Jowph "ombs,.. Atty. p,O, 0'..",.. E[ Boynton Bllcn. ria. 83435 ~. Go ~- ~; :: STATE I1F J:=LORIDA' :,'.~ DOCUMHWI.IIY ....;";;:;". "'AMP TAX I "':: on !if'ff"iif'iiEVf."HUlt\l.:' 'I~~-' ..., ,-,.- --, :,n en.: - .' t:'\~ ' "t,v.... ~ P8 :: SlPU'7S '" ~ =t 0 O. 3 0 I . ... E.!ill..____'~~,.,..,_....L., ' Flee, nl, SI. . turt.. . Int.",. .' '". SL . .r.. ." r urn )tnuf n"~ In )tplb the 'ame, wJether with all and lfintular the appurunanu, IMreunto bewnJinJ or in anywi,e appertaininJ, and all the estate, rllht, title, inured and claim what,oever of the laid party of the first part, either in leiw or equity. to the only proper aue. be~fU and belwof of the ,aid party of the ,econd pari. 31" Dthtrsll JII~rrrnr. the ,aid party of the fir81 part hu hereunto let hi" hand and leal "~do. and year fir.t above written. ' &llJ",il, &:l:tl an mil In (Pur I1r,.'IUf: ~/t~, ---t=' 7" c# ' ~ence L. v~ ~ -II i'i .... """, . DOCUMENTARY ~,~; ..d:, C>> ~ rLORI A' ' SUR TAXI' 1 ;~ :...-:,~ =, ... 0'.0' 15' ~ 111 : :IV _ :1' 1m, SI',..JI P.I ,;:: '. " . ' ,g, r 'dl_ ~___ .. . ..-.. . . "'. Rt'nlr It vmJfl'a,f ILLINOIS . ':'e>:: It"" , ',llO~' :', " ".~"l. CIIounl" I'll " ....(1 C" , .. " , , '.. '" . .... d.,. :t ~ - , ., J Jhrrbg Ql'rtlfy That on thl, day perronally oppearw before me, an olfl,cer duly authorized to admlnbter oathl and take ooknowZedtment" CLARENCE L. VOLTZ :.\:!.';~;~t ;l/Ji ". ,wellknoum to be the perron de.cribed In and who uecuted the loretolnt ';'nn,/i(" nt and he has acknowledted before me tMt he ?: '~;":-i-'ecrit . . thl! ,ame /reelll and voluntarily/or the purpo,e. thereln upre"ed. I ,e. . -'.../(,...... 'I. L_nd nd ,"'-1-' __I t ______11' .. ",;,', '.',,',' , ,r" mil ,... a O"oCHH 'e<H a ~ _- ... ,1fltloA , i.C~t"o~ktil.l'l " .. , and Stote of i'JrDiQ, thll I r- .... ... II""'" {f:ifo~,'t~~15September .4. D. 1975 . Illinois ... =- I. 1..11 fF~,..,.l~~. ~~~ t;J.~}~~!.r'. aU~L2460 rAcE18'74 Nomry Public '" _...... ..~... ......14.1111 ,~~.,.". '",' .My Commu,lon Expire. , \15 'I'll" I..trumetlt Jl!'9P.NcJ In' I..~ de.arlpilOll_I_IlI'.I~ Date 9/23/~' _1171 '.tar J. ~ Clt, Wett Palm Bucti . ~ldlI f~ illite III Florida ~~nt_,t~Tt.....-tatlon by Palm Bedl Oc:lalty lAn4 ~tt::l.Cla (tND. Wl>1 ~,~ mub . "A. THIS INDINtUR.! 1Il.ct. Ihb 1.1. ~, of htwMD K\PnMlE'I J. VtL1Z ..~ I,. 00 -. 'ARCELNO, RenON STATE ROAD COUNTY FAP NO. nO.l YJ~12-;;UjOJ Ii-ull 1'1tUl llKIlUl Ju..ly . It.. D, I'U. . pui -"1" II' ,'" nrfl put ,;.. ti.~ IT It. TE 'o~ - Fi.OiuDA. ,;,.: lhe _ ,114 b~llt :0.. t~l. 0' flOrida flep.,iMiii " , ., Tn..,Got.tIo., .. ..., .'IN _... .... WltNtSUm. That the ... part....I...- of the lint ,.rt, lor ,nd In conslcJffldon of tht tum of On. Dolle, ,net oth. ,.1.b1. ~11o.., ,.\d, tempt of whlfh Ie hereby ,eknowltdJecl. 'o_he<<by Jr.nt, "'rpln. ItD, and eomty .nto the ,.,ty,J.llt ~. Itllueeenon .nel blip, the foDowl", cIetcrftItcI II net , IItllll.,lyI", ,net Ilelnl lit 1M CoU817 0' , SII"oI l'1orida, to-wit: ' .~ \) ~ A perce1 ollmS f<< YOtId yjght-cf""tlq purpoeea 1M in the !bath- ,...t 1/4 of hat:ien 33, ~ 45 louth, P.aqce 43 Bat. Palm BMah.., , .: Ccalt)", ncrl.da, more puticu1ar~ ducribecS .. follonl All 01. tbat por:ticn of Lot 1, Plat of IU8h Pofnt, P~ I5oc:k 23, .-s. 225, N:lUc Recor~ of Palm !uob Ccalty, 1~ N<<thIeIt of the 1q ch:Id of . ~ent e&.It:'ft, .aid curve ~ a rad.W.I of 25.00 feat ri ~ t:a'C~t to itw 8cutb&r11 riabt-a!oft1'UM of SK 23~ ~ ~fNa:l Streat) Dt dw daht-af-w;r. ~ of . ,,:. ,. ." SeacrMt I5au1.ward,u .bcM1 en tha ~ plat. ~ ~ 82.00 1IqU8l'. feat 1Il<<. or le... "..-.- . .....-...'=.,....... ." " . ....~... ... . . w., ., ...:t"'~ .... -.;., " :~...:.:.=;.....:- 'f'. :f[ ,~:'~';;:>.~f:~ .. ..:::~::=:.:;S/ \~ ,: , '. , . TO HAVB AND to HOLD nil: SAM!. tOS.I,", wllh all .ncl.lllIU"',lhe "I'III'I.nanc:" Ih,",o b.lonp", or III any... lnetcIetll 4lf 'p,nlalnlll. lomer: ,lid Ih. "hi 1*1_ 01 .h. lint put do _ hereby luDy wernnllM tIllt to al4 land.1I4I will eI,'end the ame Iplrwl th,lawful cbImt ol,n pertona _h_m'. IN wnmS! WlfEReOF, aiel 1""_ of the flnl plrt' hi _h_nlo 1ft "ad_Ind ..I_th. "t. tnt.bow Mlttm, IIIll'tcI, ...led Ind eI.Uvtrtd In th. ~~ 01: (SIJl'INr' 01 twO .ltn.... ........., n..... "w) ~ ~~...S- ~ ;f' ~~- ~Jr.J. L..v~ V (S!AL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) 'rAno. r~eJ~,/IJA COUNTY or ?14JA1 "JiIU!f4~.4/-' . -- . -.. WOftftllpmonally,pl*itci' MA4....&r ~ I./L#LrL .nd ,his wilt. 10 me Mil kno.",. .n' llno"" to 1M 10 1M tIM IndhlelWlIa elttaibcclln .nd _ho ,xlCVt.dlhe Icmaot"llMtnamtltl .nd .ekno.IecI.tc1 ""ON ftlI thai they .xee.... the lime lOf th, 'Ilfpatet thtltln .xprNlell, .< ~~.1:it1,.......... olfldtllell thle 1'2 "y 01 IT(/~ Y J"o -:'_ :0. .".. E~".: ~ ':i"-..~ :-. :-:. =..: -:0.....-.. :::.. S i.._~~_, ;-':11' : -: ._,~ ~ o. \:~:..~~..~:~,:.=: .>,",:. ,.... ,.' ~ ........: ........ ,A. D. .9 1'7 '4/-./~~ ~ncI;or I . Co and Stal. .forftllcl. My (".0111"Il1o. explr,,: ;rAN: S; 197' \1 ......... - ~ " . - -1'2--"1-'" . , '\. , " , "- , ..........., " 1 , ~ .. , '"""'~~ · r,.~~ ,. ~~ ....... ............ ......... -'~ !!. \ t 1 '. !, .~ . I II l - P I. 1 I! . ~. ~ I . ~ ~' . ~ !. - - - -,---' ,- I 1-- ? l't I .I I J I __~ 1 _L____ -' .~- -- - ,..., " ---- I , It ~ -L i \' j 1 ,0) Ii .. ~ ! ~ t ... ! \ . r \ ':- .. ) " ' ~. .. .,. ... 'il ~ ... .... . '-":',_ 1 i :sEA~EST" ~ , !, I 4- I 1 , I 41 I i ~ t 4 III ClI It. " ~ - .. ~ II .. t ~ 1 > .~ II l L I r << , I : .- - -T~~ 1 ~ "",.'" <6A~2)~ CAPE lNT'ERNATIONAL. INC". COM."......~..,I .."e"~CTVlltI ..........'..0 ......M""...... I'ln __ ,."..,.ua ..o"TM 7'. ..... LAIl' 'WOfItTH. rLOlt.DA IJ..' ....,... \Q> \, " l ~:.-:.-- ~~. ..' .. . ~'I ,.~ 2i/~~j~~- APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS City of Boynton Beach, Florida' Planning and Zoning Board t.;: () c...., This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not ~e processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. 1. Project Name of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Locatedl Seacrest Project 2. Date this Application is Submitted I February 3, 1987 .' . .... ~~.) 'tl ~., . 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) I Stephen R. Cusimano MdreSSl 1467 S.W. 25th Place, Unit D Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 Phone I 732.;;.4009 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant) 1* . ~ I~'~~,I~. Address I 21~7 ,Got\, ~ w. ~~ ~t~. Phone I 5el9 .76&S s. - A letter from the applicant or owner authorizing the agent ~~:,:!:~~!re~____.. ,..' ' Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name I Margaret J. Voltz 2404 Seacrest Boulevard Boynton Beach, Fl _-._0_-- ..._ .___.._. . _.,. Addres81 Phonel 6. Correpondence Address (if. different than applicant or agent) -I _ This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials wil~ be mailed. ".: ....:ow.~. .j" . . ... .: \~ - 1'..- "'f 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Buyer, (Owner), De~eloper, Brii'dp~ (OWner; Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) 8. Street ~ddress or Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot 1s Locatedl South East corner (lot) of the intersection of Seacrest Boulevard and S.E. 2nd ~venue 9. Legal Description of Site Upon Which Parking Lot 1s Locatedl Lot 1, High Point, a subdivision in the City of Boynton Beach., accordin~ to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of thp Circuit Court, in,and for Palm Beach County, ~]orid~_, recorded in Plat Book 23. Pagp 22~. 10., Intended Use(s) of,site Upon Which Parking Lot is Locatedl Medical offices and clinics. Professional and buisness offi~PA. 11. Developer cftXrfU'il~~ Stephen R. Cusimano 12. Architectl CAPE International, Inc. 13. Landscape Architectl 14. Site Plannerl CAPE International Inc. 15. Engineerl CAPE 'International Inc. 16. Surveyor I Richard L. Shephard & Associates 17. Traffic Engineerl 18. Copy of last recorded Warranty Deed included? (check) ", ' , ,-, - .... .-.. ..._----,... -. , 19. Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) - ....,..E"'~(2 . i 'h (h" 20. Site plan and survey' cop e8 eac ) attached? c eck) . .. ............,.. ....._.._.. ...... .. ._.... .' ..... r;-:-........ ... .......". . .. .". ... .... 21. Number of variances requested on the fOllowing sheetsl x " X '1 ..':......--:-..f~ Notel See attached fee schedule for variance filing fee. Additional feels) are required if more than one (1) variance is requested. . ~.. Planning Dept. 5/82 ~ ~ -;1 '~ . ..' The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to ^rticle X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations,. of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stated below. Section, SUbsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code. Section 5.141. Design Requirements (G) Driveway (3) .No parking lot driveway may be constructed closer than thirty (30) feet from the inter- section of the right-of-way lines along, local streets ,and one hundred el~htv (180) feet along streets of a higher classification. Nature of Variance Requested. Construct driveway approximately fifty-five (55) feet from the intersection of S.E. 23rd Avenue and Seacrest Blvd., along south R.O.W. line of S.E. 23rd Avenue Construct driveway approximately one hundred thirteen (113) feet from the intersection of Seacrest Blvd., along east R.O.W. line of Seacrest Blvd. Stateme~t of Special Conditions, Hardships, or Other Reasons Justi- fying the Requested Variance (attach additional sheets if necessary) . Property, pre-platted prior to adoption of the Zoning Ordinance creates this non-conformin~ lot. (1) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (1) (We) hereby,certify that the above statements and the state- ments or showings made in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge. This application will not be accepted unless signed b~ew Signat~re of ^ppUcant ~'r ^gent. _& l/~;~~ Date. ;t.; ;j ~~JT. 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