REVIEW COMMENTS /" ) j/ . .~,r MEMORANDUM November 24, 1987 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS, PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: REQUESTS FOR ANNEXATION, FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT AND REZONING SUBMITTED BY AUGUSTIN A. HERNANDEZ FOR THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY-ELEMENTARY SCHOOL "P" INTRODUCTION Augustin A. Hernandez, agent for the Palm Beach County School Board, is proposing to annex a 19.23 acre tract of land at the northeast corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D. L-21 Canal (see Exhibit "A"). This property is currently zoned RS/SE (Single-family Residential with a Special Exception for a public elementary school) and it is occupied by a tree nursery that is currently in commercial production. Paralleling this request for annexation is a request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to show annexed land as Low Density Residential, and to rezone this property to R1AA, Single-family Residential. If approved, the applicant plans to submit in early 1988 an application for Conditional Use approval to permit the construction of Elementary School "P". PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning are being processed consistent with State Statutes, and Boynton Beach Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. 2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act. 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning. 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance #79-24. 6. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. 7. Boynton Beach Ordinance #86-54: Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require review by the City Department Heads, newspaper advertisements, public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Future Land Use Element and rezone. \rt -2- CURRENT LAND USE AND ZONING As previously discussed, this property is undeveloped and zoned AR (Agriculture Residential). The land use and zoning in the surrounding area varies and is presented for your information in the table which follows: DIRECTION JURISDICTION ZONING North Palm Beach AR County (Future (future Boynton PUD) Beach) East and Palm Beach RS Southeast County South Palm Beach AR County (Future (future Boynton PUD) Beach) Southwest Palm Beach RM/PUD County West Palm Beach County AR FUTURE LAND USE AND REZONING LAND USE Undeveloped, tree nursery in commercial production (Boynton Nurseries, Inc.) to be developed as Citrus Glen, Phase II. Sunny South Estates-Mobile Home Park. Undeveloped, formerly RCA Global Communications (to be developed as Lawrence Lake) . Orange groves in commercial production (Knollwood Groves) to be developed as Sausalito Groves. Undeveloped, nursery in commercial production (Boynton Nurseries, Inc.) Hypoluxo Road forms the northern limit of the City's Reserve Annexation Area and the City's Utility Service Area. Lawrence Road forms the western limit of the City's Reserve Annexation Area, as set forth by the Commission's policy, which is reflected in the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report. It is contemplated that all lands between Lawrence Road and Congress Avenue and Between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Hypoluxo Road will~at some time in the future be annexed. This proposal represents a continuation of previous actions to close unincorporated pockets in this portion of the reserve annexation area. The land use category requested, Low Density Residential, is lower than that which exists to the east, west and southwest in Palm Beach County and is consistent with that proposed to the north and south for annexation into the city (Citrus Glen, Phase II and Lawrence Lake). As noted in the correspondence in Exhibit "B" from the Palm Beach County Planning Department, the proposed land use is consistent with the current development pattern and the future plans for land use in Palm Beach County for this area. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES There are three policies in the Comprehensive Plan which address annexations as follows: 1. "Annex only property which is reasonably contiguous to present municipal boundaries;" 2. "Annex property only after the preparation of a study evaluating the fiscal benefits of annexation versus the cost of providing service;"'and f; \/ -3- 3. "Annex only properties which are of sufficient size to provide efficient service and on which urban development is anticipated." In order to determine the consistency of the Palm Beach County School Board request with the Comprehensive Plan Policies, each of the three policies will be addressed individually. Policy 1 - "Annex only property which is reasonably contiguous to the present municipal boundaries." Upon concurrent annexation of Citrus Glen, Phase II, and Lawrence Lake, Palm Beach County School Board property will be contiguous with the corporate limits along its entire northern and southern property boundary (approximately 3195.94 feet or 82.82% of its entire boundary), and its western boundary is coterminous with Lawrence Road. In addition, this property lies in the path of urban development. Policy 2 - "Annex property only after the preparation of a study evaluating the fiscal benefits of annexation versus the costs of providing services." As the school property is tax exempt, the cost of providing services will exceed any fiscal benefits of annexation. With respect to comprehensive planning and provision of public services, however, annexation of the Palm Beach County School Board property is desirable. Policy 3 - "Annex only properties which are of sufficient size to provide efficient service and on which urban development is anticipated." As previously reported, the Palm Beach County School Board tract is 19.23 acres in size. It is anticipated that this parcel will experience urban development for the following reasons: 1. The availability of public utilities within the Lawrence Road right-of-way; 2. The existence of this parcel as a County pocket in a developing portion of the Reserve Annexation Area, as outlined in the correspondence from the Palm Beach County Planning Department in Exhibit "B"; 3. The efficiency of services to be provided when analyzed in connection with the existing property on Lawrence Road currently in the City (Knollwood Groves), the recent approval by the city Commission for the annexation of the 53.6 acre Citrus Glen project' and the 48.23 acre Lawrence Groves project, the proposed annexations for the 13.54 acre Lawrence Lake project and the 28.82 acre Phase II addition to Citrus Glen, and the proximity to developing properties within Palm Beach County; and 4. Recent and proposed improvements to the surrounding road system, including the four (4) laning of Hypoluxo Road, the proposed six (6) laning of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Congress Avenue to Military Trail, the proposed five (5) laning of Old Boynton Road from Knuth Dairy Road to Military Trail, and the proposed four (4) laning of Military Trail from Old Boynton Road to Hypoluxo Road. ~A \/ -4- RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends that the applications submitted by Augustin A. Hernandez, agent for the Palm Beach County School Board, be approved subject to the comments listed in this memorandum as Exhibit "B". This recommendation is based in part on the following: 1. The parcel, upon concurrent annexation of the Citrus Glen, Phase II and Lawrence Lake properties will be contiguous to Corporate limits; 2. The parcel lies within a County pocket and it is in the path of urban development; 3. The parcel is located within the City's municipal service area; 4. The intensity of land use desired is appropriate for the location; 5. The request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies for annexation; 6. The land use category requested must be considered as a part of an overall strategy for annexation and it is appropriate; and 7. The request will not impair the value or future use of lands in the surrounding area. G~-~- Jt ~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIA CSA:ro cc City Manager Technical Review Board Central File \~ .' , Ex- k ~ ~ LOCATION MAP' CITRUS GLEN (INCLUDING PHASE II) ., . PALM BEACH COUNTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL lip" , . LAWRENCE LAKE ~i~~r---~-- -' --- ~f~~~ri . ~ j,,- .~~.~~ -- 'I 'r . " ) I~~~., : ~/19/BF; I I '.-.,I ~ _ _ _, .J v u. ~ \., . ~" . , v, '. " -~r :J~~TE T( .~i.n.:D_'. V~~-,oj . ./~1~6/85 i~ LL ~ ~_r - 1 r ! J I .....-----.-- -.-~.Lt~~r~I~~j lilllllJ . .::?5 .. . , \\/...A."Hn'T-'-~"_.'.~"'.";:" '... "'. T-1.(ai.JIIS "-'I' ,', .' ,"~. II, : ~ .~"'- ... c::: '..... ffiffi ~ ~ . I r Ii ~~ ~ I I '1 re~vm '~V r -"o:Io:o ~~ r I 1..1 i~ m ~r ~t:~11 ! d~ ~ 1 1111111,1'.......1//1111111 I".. ,~g~..~ , """ " !1 rr~':~ '1:21 B~ i'~;:;~ - !;~ .. 1 ... ,. v.;~iti . .. ~/LU~I'~ ~'.l~~~ ...- ,- .... I.. iii .,.. t ':t l!J)'.-- .- ~--,_. ~~- rm- <~ "~'-r--",-' . ~';'" ., ~~':.' , .:.........- ' .. -:.;. t' . M , "'., <' ~ ~ !.' '1'" .. r. ''';... .'r. .i.....-.:-, '. -e~--(~. )l~,:t't.... ^~ ..' 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II ,; I I.:';" .,., ..~: "',': ", ;t: ': , '8~~ I jS COMMENTS ON ANNEXATION MUNICIPAL STAFF INCREASED INCREASED DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL CAPITAL COMMENTS Planning No No None Forester No No See attached Building No No See attached Police No No None City Clerk No No None City Engineer No No None Parks and possible Yes See attached Recreation Fire No No See attached Public Works No No None PALM BEACH COUNTY STAFF Planning, Zoning and Building See attached Traffic Engineering See attached \1\ Building: Parks and Recreation: Fire: BOYNTON BEACH STAFF COMMENTS The Building Department does not anticipate any immediate effect on personnel or expenditure requirements due to this annexation. The Parks and Recreation Department anticipate using the school for community school programs such as after-school and summer school programs. The proposed annexation has been taken into consideration with the implementation of station 3. ~ MEMORANDUM ~"O" Ca.rrren Armunziato Planning Director Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATI: November 24, 1987 TO ~ILI: su.nCT Elerrentary School "P" Property': (Lawrence Road) '!he tree survey for this property should be su1:mitted to show: 1. existing trees 2. proposed trees for transplanting, rerroval and donation to the City for use in the adjacent park area. There may be existing trees which can be incorporated into the park design and be suitable for both developrent projects. ~~ KJH:ad .' \~ Doard of COUllt}' Commissioners Count)' Admini!>tl'<ltul' T1\ ~.f"1:'r.~r:;-r:.. Jan Winters L~~'-J~l~ ,: ~.d.~ Carol A. Roberts, Chair Kenneth M. Adams, Vice Chairman Ka'ren T. Marcus Carol J. Elmquist Dorothy Wilken November 16, 1987 'NOV 20 ~1 Department of Planning, Zoning & Building PLf-tNNtHG Ott2ljohn A Lehner, I: .: Executive Director r~. . Mr. Carmen Annunziato, ,A. I. C. P. City of Boynton Beach P~anning Department 200 N. Seacreast Boulevard ' P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 .' RE: Citrus Glen (Phase II), Elementary School .P" & Lawrence Lake~Annexations. Mr. Annunziato, The County P~anning Staff has reviewed the City of Boynton Beaches' ~and use p~an and zoning proposals for the 3 parce~s current~y being considered for annexation into the City. Our Staff research indicates that the current County land use plan category for a~~ 3 parce2s is Medium to Medium High (M-MH) with a zoning designation of Agricu~tural Residential (AR). . The existing AR zoning designation isdesigned.to encourage the deve~opment of agricultura~ uses. It wi~l allow residential development at a maximum of ,1 dwe~~ing (d.u.) unit per 5 acres, as we~~ as various low-intensity uti~ity and institutional uses. P~ease note, however, that the maximum allowable zoning under the M-MH ~and use plan category is Residential Medium (RM). The RM zoning designation will permit residential development at densities up to 16 d.u.'s per acre in a Planned Unit,Development uti~izingTransfer,df Development Rights. In order to utilize the higher densitie~ in the County the project must meet the requirements of the County Performance Standards for Major. Thoroughfares, Traffic, Water, Sewer, Environmental, F~ood, Drainage, Schools, Recreation, Fire Protection, Market Analysis, and Aircraft Noise where applicable. ,. . The proposed densities of the Citrus Glen (Phase II) and the Lawrence Lake projects are 3.68 and 2.44 d.u.'~ per acre respectively. These densities are significantly lower than the county's maximum'density of 16 d.u.'s per acre for this area, thus the proposed projects are consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan M-MH density allowance. Staff also finds that the proposed annexation projects are generally compatible with surrounding development, which is composed of the following: 3400 BELVEDERE ROAD . WEST PALM. BEACH, FLORIDA 33406 . (305) 471-3520 " ~ " Name of Land-Use Development Cat.eQorv ZoninQ Densitv Homes at. Lawrence L - 11 RS/PUD 4.35 dulac l1anor Forest L - H RS/PUD 4.58 dulac Sausa.lito Groves 11 - I1H RI1/PUD 6.5 dulac Sandpiper Cove 11 - I1H RI1/PUD 8.'0 dulac Whispering Pines Mobile Home Park 11 - I1H AR 6.69 dulac Sunny South 110bi.le Home Park M - I1H RS 5.1 dulac .;' See the at.tached map. Based on the preceding information and initia.l determination of p.lan consistency the P.lanning Staff has no objection to the proposed annexations. P.lease be aware that a.l.l annexations must meet the requirement.s out.lined in Chapt.ers 171 and 163 F.S. There is some concern that the configuration of this annexation may not meet the requirements for .compactness., as defined in Chapter 171.031. (12). This paragraph prec.ludes any annexation which creates .enc.laves, pockets, or finger areas in,serp~ntine patterns.- As a further point of information, I have attached a .letter from ThomasPe.lham, Department of Community Affairs, out.lining his interpretation of sections of Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. As you reca.l.l from our conversation .of November 11, we concur with I1r. Pe.lham's opinion (page 3, paragraph 2) that a city may not rezone or amend the comprehensive p.lan designation for an annexed parce.l unti.l such time as the annexation is fina.l. Because there is a 30 day appea.l period fo.l.lowing the adoption of an annexation ordinance the annexation is not considered fina.l unti.l the appea.l period has passed without the institution of .an appea.l. Thus a City may not begin the rezoning or p.lan amendment,process'unti.l 30 days after the fina.l adoption hearing. . . A.lso note that the County .land use and zoning regu.lations remain in effect during the 30 day appea.l period, and unti.l such time as the subsequent City rezoning and .land use p.lan changes are complete. We apprecia~e the opportunity to comment on these parce.ls. Should you require any further information p.lease do not hesitate to ca.l.l us. vy" ~ Respectxu11y, Stan Redick, Director ox P1anning, Pa1m Beach County FILE: 34\BOYNANNK RM:jx cc: Sam Shannon, Assistant County Administrator 30hn Lehner, Executive Director ox P1anning, Zoning & Bui1ding Administration Frank Pa1en, Zoning Director Richard Mor1ey, Principa1 P1anner - ~ .~--.. '. "~'''..'. tOn .. ... . ......-...:.1. . ::lS..,l1l " "'\ "01' . ~!~f'J :: ~ . q: n Q: "1_1' a,.. I. " ..... ....... .. f-- "- .. .. .. .. .. .. I. . .. , . , " " :1 to '; .. .. "I '.1 " 'RS , , . ~. . R.84.863 .: -: . If tt>~fE~"::;'~ C G .: LA\\!~ '0..74 '. 12, ..-1.. C'G ,. ~I' ,;.. . , . . ~ ." . . .. ., . ::-J. . ..~_......;"_. -.- -.r-t. . ... ....."'~_ .~ .,10-. .._ f -- "-- 1 ............................ I : .:,:. J tJ . r...~~.~ . . . ., . R S :. L:.-1'>\ I:" .. .Off ......0 if R.13.604 sr =r · I ,: '98301'1.1 , ':= :/' L: ...................: ............ -- .... ~ fl. c.;. .........:a..:=. .. - .. " ., --e._ ..:..-,J.If.......,,~.~... . .-;0.,....-.,-.. .-. .-s .. J --- .. .. .. .. .. .. IlOIlO" .. . ~ SE :~' . ' '. R-83.1422 = I P.B3-9~ ,. Ig831108 .. "1 .. .. ~..'.._ .~...iII!:... ..... .. . ~/ ~I' " , . ..: .. . .. , . . .:~... .. .. .. .... .... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .......... ." :L____------- :(_ ..u.~_..L_:._:-- yoca.~ _~... ,..... .... :'.:':~C:, eo.. .. .... 1=,--:, ,': ' ,. ,~-~ . , , ".. ,+" ,r ""':', --mn:.-v ....:1 1:1: ';'--;- :::1 .. . :;... J~ : .:' ~ of ~l: , .'-' .. .. .'. .. ..... .... .. ...:: .... . T...... " :1:1 'I . .. 'I;L :' ., ~' . ..... .--.:'.;.....,.. #'7... ... ... .,-:':. -:0 S ":'I'~Se:: ii' -l: " I~ _,' "'l ", " , J'I ,I,' " "'I 1 ,: I, I' t,t ;11 .,. .,' ~ 11 111. 01' .1: :iI! c' ~. .:'~7 ,. :h 19710117 I, :..?- -. -..... - I ' ".1:1 1_ h..:. 1,' "I II,": - ~,-:-. -..:, .' -I' . ~.. i,.... ..1 ,I 1 II J!"~ . III \ " I I ,i. .. ":.! . l' .. :. 110 ".. ~~,.: -:: :- - , CG/Sf] ...,. If I .",- at' 1 '~~~~..J ).. Q: ~ .... ~ AR M-Ml-\ ...f & R M st/puO R_84.773.774 P.e~.14' 19840612 sa..us,w-ro .. ~ .r ~S:~r~~ . r o(..:TJJlJ'\I.:JlC:., ). .~ '1-78-/185: :'l I ~.. , ~ Ilf.;................................... ...... .. , .::::: Jllll .1 . :.:::.:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.!.:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:,.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .......................... ........... L._......~ , , 7. . !AW~ct::. ~e~ _r' ... . , -;"0 AR. . M-h'\H K ". ,.. II. WH 1spEf?4~ rJJJ~S . .. .... .:.:. : -::=:= : t=:=:= ..:.:.: : ::=:=: ~ ~:~:~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~[~~ :. <::::: : f:: B . KNOkL~~g~Eg~ANGE, ~ i~1 .. ~. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ..... . . . . . ....:.:.: , .. , '~~ 1~~~~I . I .~:~:~ I ~ t..... I '- f~~~. .-u ---l 'RS:" . ~~~~~ " R,86-9$ ~Em? P,T9.293\l1 ~.:.:. ~-, L :~::: -'"'-----: . . ,.. "r"'" . 0 . ::(K) C~ _... '.1 t"".-a t .... ~ R-81-1197,I/g, P-lIl'" 198101127 , RM-SE PUp AR , , _____ _J S,6.JJOPf$ CCNE:- \ . RS I. I. t ~~ Board of Count)' Commissioners County Administrator Jan \\'inters Carol A. Roberts, Chair Kenneth'M. Adams, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol J. Elmquist Dorothy Wilken Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County Engineer December 2, 1987 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. P.O. ,Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 SUBJECT: CITRUS GLEN PHASE II/ADDITION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL "PII/LAWRENCE LAKE' Dear Mr. Annunziato: As requested, the Palm Beach County Traffic Division staff has reviewed the plans and traffic impact analyses for the above mentioned developments. The following comments are provided for Y04r consideration: . 1. If Citrus Glen Phase II and Lawrence Lake were being reviewed under the County's new Traffic Performance Standards (County Ordinance 87-18), the 4-lane widening of Hypoluxo Road between Congress Avenue and 1-95 would be required to be under construction before ~ building permits could be pulled. Also, the amount of background traffic'growth to be considered during the "5-7 year buildout" of these projects would be far greater in most cases under the new Ordinance. 2. The County anticipates adopting in the near future a 110' cross-section to replace the old 108' cross-section included in its Thoroughfare Right-Of-Way Protection Map. The plat for Citrus :Glen should, there- fore, show a 110' right-of-way corridor for Miner Road. ' 3. There appears to be an under-assignment of peak hour trips to the southern access to Citrus Glen Phase II from Lawrence Road. Given the 50%/50% distribution of trips to north/south Lawrence Road, and the locations of the two Lawrence Road accesses with respect to the 106 units in Citrus Glen Phase II, it :is likely that sufficient traffic would use the south access in the peak hours to warrant separate westbound left and right turn egress lanes onto Lawrence Road without school traffic included. It is also pOSSible that sufficient southbound left turn traffic on Lawrence Road would exist during the PM peak hour at the southern access to Citrus Gl en Phase II to warrant a separate turn lane. II An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer BOX 2429 WE,ST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-1989 (305) 684-4000 ~ / page 2 Please do not hesitate to contact me or Allan Ennis, of my staff, if you have questions concerning these comments. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~~vUv-- Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Traffic Division .4A!.. CRW:AAE:te File: Municipality - "Boynton Beach" f -- ". .0 r , :- .~ -.., " . ~ BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM' .. NOTE: This form must be 'filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept. PROJECT NAME: The School Board of Palm Beach County Augustin A. Hernand'ez, Agent AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: Department of Facilities Planning Building 503, 3323 Belvedere Road WPB, FL 33402 PHONE: 684-5283 OWNER I S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: The School Board of Palm Beach County 3323 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, FL 33402 PHONE PROJECT LOCATION: East side of Lawrence Road, approx .2 miles north of (not legal description) N.W. 22nd Str CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) Agent '- * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. ~.... \ . " . . .. :' " . ;; ,. .. " it !; ': CITY or" BOY~TO:N BEACH, FLOHIDA J\PPLICA'rION FOR ANNEXATION ;. " , . I. ;! DATE APPLICATION FILED: i: !i DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: RE.TECTION: " ': j: Di\ 'IE OF COMPLETION Oii' ANNEXA TION REPORT: I. l~ DATE OF ?RDINANCE PROPOSAL: ' 'ORDINANCE II H !: DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: " i! 'DATE OF REFER~NDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR , AGAINST I DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: 'I I I ! DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE 'I " , , , FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ON I ~~MLMU I : Name of Developer/Owner: The School Board of Palm Beach County Ii Area of Subject Property: 'I Estimated Present Population: 19.23 acres Gross Sq. Ft. or 18.20 ac.NetAerf I "0" Undeveloped Nursery Land I : Existing Zoning: RS Density Allowed: ,3.0 d. u. 's/ae Proposed Zoning: RIM Density Allowed: 5..40 Net 'd. u. 'slae , 4.25 Gross 'Vastcwater Collection: To be supplied by City of Boynton Beach Solid \Vaste (garbage): To be supplied by City of Boynton Beach . ; 11. /: '1 I. ii L I: '" I Ii rl :: I; : ~ .. . Ii I; I! I .. ,. : ~ ii oo ': I: Ii " : A-: '0'" tr j I II I I I II Ii I , ! I i .j Ii II II 'I ,! I' I! ,I II I; Ii I; ~ I. .. I. I! I: I' I' I! !' I ~ 11 , !; I' .' !' . I ; =: .. " " !: ,. I ." " : ~ ,I STA TE;\rENT OF USE 1; Existing US": J: ;: f ~ I I: Proposed Use: The site is a former field ~rown landscape plant nursery (Boynton Nurseries, Inc.) A 24 classroom elementary school with softball 'fields, pIa} ,! 11 field and other elem'entary recreational 'equipment. Capac'ity'of 712, student :, " ii and a faculty' of 80, people.' f", . . " ,. I' " i: i ~ r il I, II i! iI II JUSTIFICA TION , .. , Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boyntl I Beach, Florida: . I Existin~ schools located within central Boynton Beach are overcrowded and undersize in acerage., The vast majority of developrrent'in Boynton is ocour in the west area. This scho~l would se~e much of this new population, EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO DE ANNEXED ThE> <<:nllf"n nnE>-n::tlf (~~) of tonE> ~out:hwest: Quar'ter' (S.W.. It;) 'o'f the nor'thwest quarter of Section 18, Township 45 south, Range'43 east~ 'Palm Beacn ~bO~ty, Florida. ' ',", A-3 ,; . -0 t " EXHIBIT '''A'' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH ONE-HALF (S.~) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER' (S.W.J..i) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LAWRENCE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY , ABUTTING THE h~ST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. ALL OF THE-ABOVE BEING LOCATED IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. GROSS AREA (INCLUDING ROAD AND CANAL R/W) 19.23 ACRES LAWRENCE ROAD R/W (40' EAST OF SECTION LINE) 0.61 ACRES L.W.D.D. R/W (15' REQUIRED R/W OR EASEMENT) 0.42 ACRES NET AREA LESS LAWRENCE ROAD R/W NET AREA LESS ROAD AND CANAL R/W ~ .~ .. ."'r-. 18.62 ACRES 18.20 ACRES rf1\ ",(t1' ,0 -' .. ~ .I' :< ~ .. ~.",oo ... ~ i4 <:5 .. \ .. ri., . .. ... , .u -:' ..;:: ... ~ 6 .. ~ t: oJ; .~ 11 ~ ~ \ j - -\ ' \ I n t --- -- \ i. r.~ 1\\ 1 .\ \ a . \ ~. - -- ----' \ . ., _____~~ 1 " ._ ..._---'! f ~ -'- ,~ .-r-- .,IO,,,'Cll \ . . I) --- >- ... ~ o V :z: V <d t:) :l ..J ..: .... o o 4. o c:J Cl ~ ;; - .. .01 ,..J "" --- -- - \ \oJ c:::: c: ~ o \..I c:::: .1- 0.. V u: 0.. --- \- -=-- \ . ~ nut '-' ~, r~,' eo~ ~::! t~~ "p f o \0-- --= 5<;01 . --. -,---r Narne of Developrnent fO\"ner !he schOol lloa<<l of l'alln lleach County LOcale the subjec\ property on this rnap and shada in the' area. " ~ -. i' \i I' I.' " .. . ~ ,. " . . . '.- .. A-5 APPLICANT'S CERTfFIGATION , (1) (We) affinn and certify that ill (We) understand and will comply with the 'Jr'Ovisions and regulations of Boynton neach, Florida Zoning Code. (1) . (~e) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on Gny paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further JUUL (We) understand that this application. attachments. and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. ... .. APPLICANT IS: .. O..mer ~ . :" Opti onee Augustin A. Hernandez Type Name of Applicant . . . . ..: .. :. lessee Street Address . , x Agent Ci.ty and State Contract Purchaser 684-5283 . .Telephone Number , .,,-. . ~ .- I, A-S 1J\ . , .--.--------.-- ..- .- "- A-6 O\VNERS AUTHORIZATION I Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear t~e signature~ of all own~rs of property' in an area to be annexed. The authorlty author121ng a person other than the ~~ner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. .. ,-, Si Sturrock Jr., Managing Partner Boynton Nurseries. A Florida Gen Partnership Type Name of Owner(s) The School Board of Palm Beach County Type Name of Applicant BY: Augus~in.A. Hernandez, Agent .. P.o. Box 2348 3323 Belvedere Road , Street Address Street Mdress '. P:llm Rp~,.h '!:'T "t..Rn. City and State West Palm Beach. Florida City and State " (305) 655-5900 Telephone Number 684-5283 Telephone Number Copy to: .. Drennen L. Whitmir~, Jr. Esq. Gunster. Yoakley, Criser & Stewart. P~A. Phillips Point Suite 500 . 777 So. Flagler Drive - West Palm Beach, FL 33402 " . .. - i: ;, . ~ i A-E '!J ..' . . . . . - - A-7 , AFFIDAVIT J STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) S5 . I .. . '.- , . ] J 1 J '- ) J Before me, the undersigneG authority personally appeared' j Boynton Nurseries, Inc. , who being by me 'first duly sworn, on oath de~oses and s~s: , .. . 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the fOllowing described ... eo .. . . . . property, to-wit: (Give legal description) , . ' 5 E.E. A TT ACH e: c:> s << R. Vi:: t' ~ (Attach if insufficient space) '. 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. J . . 3. .That he ~as appointed Augustin A. Hernande; ~tent '. .1 to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish ..- . . . .." ......~ .' ~~wa,rn, to and subscribed before me ;.- t, 19~"" . ::- --" .." . - -': ,." '.:; =::' -,:- j"' ..~:'_ ,'<':',.,~.~~,t'~~~...)Ob 11 c, State 0 a at Large '..,",.~.~ '111.:'Cor.rnfs$ion Expires: ~ J ~ "...,.' .- 'ftobrr PuII&c:' ~'Rariiii ~ My Commission Expires July 29, 1990 IoAd.d Ihrv Tr.y hI. . "SUNA" laC( , -----i . . - j' . ji I' I, r' .' I' j' i' , " ,: II A-7 ~ " 'EXHIBIT '''A'' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH ONE-HALF (S . ~) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER' (S. W . ~) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LAWRENCE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY . ABUTTING THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. ALL OF 'THE ABOVE BEING LOCATED IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. GROSS AREA (INCLUDING ROAD AND CANAL R/W) 19.23 ACRES LAWRENCE ROAD R/W (40' EAST OF SECTION LINE) 0.61 ACRES L.W.D.D. R/W (15' REQUIRED R/W OR EASEMENT) 0.42 ACRES NET AREA LESS LAWRENCE ROAD R/W NET AREA LESS ROAD AND CANAL R/W 18.62 ACRES 18.20 ACRES ~~ - ~ ---. " STATEMENT OF JUSTIFICATION SCHOOL SITE "P" ANNEXATION & REZONING The subject parcel is proposed to be developed as a public elementary school. Development of the areas north and south of the school site are proposed to be residential planned unit development in the near future. This new residential growth coupled with existing residential neighborhoods of the area, will provide the student population that this school will serve. There are no other elementary facilities in this area. The development of a public school on this site will provide a community school for the area. Typically, elementary schools are good neighbors to a residential community. The land intensity is greatly reduced as compared to straight zoning and development of this parcel into a P.U.D. WP3\ES\SITE.PE 11/19/87 '0~ ... .- I .~.....~ - ' ....,. ~r....1 ! ~-=-~ ~'::; :7" ~~'vl"'W!~l_... f!R~~,N~AA~~li_n-~ L.:A~... ..... '.. . . ......-......-..-- .-- M t~/./ r I' . . .'. ",.' '/ .:/' '.. .--.!.....- . ,/./ ,. REAL ESTATE SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACf This is a legally binding contract. Seek your attorney's advise before signing. Boynton Nurseries. A Florida General Partnership of P.O. Box 2348, Palm Beach, FL 33480 School Board of Palm Beach County, n of P.O. Box 24690, 3323 Belvedere Road, Vest Palm Beach, FL 33416-4690 (pb. 684-5146 ), 2S b~yer, t::::: agree that the seller shall sell and the buyer shall buy the following described property UFOS i~: T::;~: , MIl CONDITIONS HERElRAFTER SF.1 FORTH, which shall include the STANDARDS FOR REAL EStATE TR.~"S~C!!C~;5 se: forth Oft the reverse side of this contract. 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION of real estate located in Palm Beach County, State of Florid3 18.45.43 S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NY 1/4 (less Lawrence Road Right of Way and t.21 Canal Right cr ~~.) 2. PURCHASE PRICE $900,000 Doll:rs Method of Payment: , a. Deposit to be held in trust by Escrow Agent b. Approximate principal balance of first mortgage to which conveyance shall be subject, if any. MOrtgage holder: Interest_t per annum; Method of payment Additional deposit urx>n resolution of c. Other: continqencies listed in Section 13 $ 20,000 d. Cash, certified or local cashier's check OD closing and delivery of deed (or such ~re:t;~ cr lessor amount as may be necessary to complete payment of purchase price after credits. adjustments and prorations. $ 875,000 TOTAL $ 900,000 _____3. TIME OF ACCEPTANCE: If this contract is not executed by the seller and buyer on or before A:ril ~, the aforesaid deposit shall be, at the option of the buyer, returned to him and this agree~ent 5~:11 t: null'and void. The date of contract, for purposes of performance, shall be regarded as the date ~h:~ ~:e last one of the seller and buyer has signed this contract. 4. ClOSING DATE: This contract shall be closed and the deed and possession shall be delivere: C~ C:, before!! day of Nov 19~, unless extended by other provisions of this contract. 5. PRORATIONS: Taxes, insurance, interest, rents and other expenses and revenue of said prc~:~:! shall be prorated as of the date of closing. 6. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: Check IJ (1) or [X] (2) within !!Q days from the date of. this contract. t:e. seller shall, at his expense, deliver to the buyer or his attorney in accordance with Standard A o~ rc~ers: side either: (1) abstract (2) Title guarantee. 7.: CONVEYANCE: Seller shall convey title to the aforesaid property to the buyer by statutory warranty aeed subject to matters contained in this contract and taxes for the year of closing. 8. RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, LIMITATION: Buyer sball take title subject to (1) zoping restrictions, prohibitions, and requirements imposed by governmental authority, (b) restrictions and matters 2ppeari~g o~ .._f\_~_ .... (pb.6SS-S900), as seller, a~d $ 5,000 $ ~/A $ 'OJ. ~. n . . I .~ _. _____....,_.__.____~.....-=-..-..":":=..-r........:..t"'"'___"...__._.._. . -- .. .' -, ~ted on the side or rear li~es of the property, (d) taxes for year of closing, assurwed tortgages, :~d purchase money mortgages, if any; (e) other: Seller warrants that there shall be no violation of building or zoning codes at the time of closifig. 9. DEFAULT BY BUYER: If buyer fails to perform any of the covenants of this contract, all r.Oi.€Y paid pursuant to this contract by buyer as aforesaid shall be retained by or for the account of the seller as .,. . consideration for the execution of this contract and as agreed liquidated damages and in full settle~:~t 0: any claims for damages. 10. DEFAULT BY SElLER: If the seller fails to perform any of the covenants of this contract, tee aforesaid money paid bY,the buyer, at the option of the buyer shall be returned to the bU}'er on d:~:nd; c: the buyer shall have only the right of specific performance. 11. TYPEWRITTEN OR HARDWRlTTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritten provisions inserted in tt.is form s~all control all printed provisions in conflict there~ith. 12. OTHER AGREEMENTS: No agreements or representation, unless incorporated in this, contract, shall t: binding upon any of the parties. \ 13. SPECIAL CLAUSES: (1) Subject to School Board approval; '(2) Subject to Department of Education approval; and, (3) Contingent on zoning changes. (4) Contingent on purchase price being less than or e't~:l to appraisal (5) Contingent on a satisfactory engineering report of soil evaluation. See Adcen:::trn to Contract attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. - DATE EXEtV1'ED BY BUYER WITNESSES: (Two are required) (~:-~T) ..-- (~:-:T ) ..--- Chairman: (~:'~T) ..--- Secretary: WITNESSES: (Two are required) L\ A ._<~~Ah-~ / ;;t." Ii 'A C' / G ~ .-/-?7C&:"- ~ , .. i'rlA.V--~~ ~ DATE EXEtV1'ED BY SELLER .3/1 J I f -; / / . . I (E~) . OOYN1'ON NURSERIES 0). ~"-~ (C:-: T ) ..-- ( ,.-,. I ~:.. ~;'I !p1{agreemt COn ract.ftrg By: 1/ . Attorney ,,(- R'Un{l.Jf b 311/ Ir7 ~~ ~ . " - ..... :. ;.,:.."':'t'l/...., :'...;._I...,t~"S:;~""'~{l~.,./';' .fo'....~ l:.,~.....!..,.V,.,.t :J"1't.~.,...... ';~f~;,~~~~1" ----~.~~~....~......~_.., .,",,-..,._--, ~ ...,~~ __.__ UA~~" ;;;.:::;~ -'"- STA..oJ"ADS FOR REAL EGTATE TRAI~~A_"'ONS .N':l! OF TITLE: (') A complele abst~C1 or Ii,tle prcp3rtd by II reput~ble abur:!et firm purporlir.g 10 be an ze:ur:te S\ ~";-':l ..r:' e '_'~:._:':\ ., Ille ,II11e, ro IIl3t rei property ro:o~ed In ~ublll: rC'tords ~r th~1 (oun!y to Ihe c!3te or Ihis contr:!cl. s!'lo"'inl; in t~: le:::r ~ ~:,,:':~': ~:: ~ rd:mtt: w'lh hlle s!~nd3f'ds adopled rrom lIme 10 I.me b)' the AOfl~a Oar, .ubJC'tt only to liens. en'umbrllr.c~. uceptier.s er C;;:::,r,:a::.:-" !:: ~..~:' _ '" \ ;,-nlfact and Ihose which sft:l!1 be d.lCh:lfged by sellcr II or ~erorc clo'lnS. (2) IIlille SU:lr:!nlee commitmenl iSJued br II qu~lilied lttk i~s;:rN ::::: ~: ::l \,',.: 10 Ihe buyer. upon. the ra:ord.n~ or Ih. deed herc::Jncr men!loncd.1U o~ner, ~u:lunlce In the llmount orlhe pureh:lse price insurir.s I~e 1:I!e ef :.:: :-.:,;.:: :':: re~1 proptrtl. subJett only 10 IlCn., cncumbr:lna:s, DcqlllOns or qu:!hliQI/Ons Jet (orth In Ihis conlract llnd Ihose which sh-II ... "'S" ....,.. ,'..... I" berore closing. '.. .'. ",. ..._.~...~ ....' J .' Su~.er .h~II h3\'e rirlcen (I') d:J!' !r ab~lf'C1.. or ri~,(S) d:JY' iraillc l:u~!3nl~. r!or;' Ihe d:Jle or rtt:ei"inS Ihe evider.ce of IiI Ie to el:rr:I:>:e S3~e. I (:'::: 'J '.'~ ~.: : ~ ~c dere,cuve. Ihe buyer sh:lll. -lIllIn ~Id penod nOI!f)'lhc .tllet In -nlln, speclrYlng Ihe detects,lrlhe uid defects render the lille I::'lrr:::k :l.1~::, :~ c \::':: \' ~" h:J\e nl"el)' (90) d.1~s rr~m the. rCC'Clpt or such no lice 1,0 CUte Ihe der~l', and. it I1rtcr ':lid period .eller sh:lll not h:l\'c eurrd th: c!er:::\, ~:.:':r '~13:: ~J': :~: ol'llon or: (I) :lcc-cpllng Illle IS Illhen Is. Ot (2) dem.nd'n~ a !"rund or:lll ~onln p.1id hereunder _hieh sh:JII fOrlh~ilh te rell:rr.ed Ie I~e ~:.:~ (~. ~:-:': :~ ::: _::~ the t-U).cr lln" seller sh:lll be rele:lscd or all rurther obh,IlIons under IhlS conlr:let, e. EXISTING MORTGAGES: The seller .h:J1I (urnish C'lIOppel.lellel1 (nol nC'teu.1ril)' in-..mdavit form) sc'uinc lcrlh Ihe rrir.:';,~1 ~l!:~::, r-c:.....: ..~ r:Jyment. :lnd "helhcr, Ihe mOrlC:J,e is In good standin" Ir Ihere II. charle ror Ihe eh:lnse or o"'nership retords b)' Ihe m"rl,pGee, .. s~::1 ~: ~,'r~: ~, :': bu~ct. Seller .h:JII rC'te,ve 3S ercdil at closins. an amount equal 10 Ihe ",ro_ fund. held by Ihe mortg:lS~, Itlhe caislin, mOrl;:J~e re,;:I::' :~: :"';':' :.' ~,~~:-: S:lme. 'hen the bu)er sh311 do '0; rro\'idcd. Ilo"t"'er, if Ihe mortS"" don nOlaccept the bu)'er, Ihen in 11131 e\.enl eccurrir.,. Ihe to:" er :: ~ " :,;,: ,',:-: _~. e3nccllhe COnlf.1CI 'nd :III monies p.1id bylhe bu)'et .h:JII be rerunded 10 Ille buyet. '. ': C. P,!Rp'ASC'f<t9N[Y MORTGAGes. A"1 ~...,haJ.. ..1",,1) II....' and "",l~4IUft<<l..:..d~,1 II,~ UfllrUI .1.IIIIaIt, I"" (, '.1 J t. , _.' :;!!" r J~ ~s('d In Ine counly ..here Ihe land i. located. Any purchase money morlla,. .h:JII provide ror insur3nce ag:linst Iou' ,. .... ::".::~:: . ~. amounl not less Ih3ft the full insur3ble .alue or I lie improvemenls,1ft a (irst mort a e lit ..1 pro"ide for :e;e:e'J:II:'n,~: :',: ,,;.:.:. .,r lhe holder. :lrler Ihirty (30) d3Ys dcr3ult alld in a .~ . :I)'S der3ult, A .econd mortS3&e .hall require, r.':.,,:t ~&": 1::1 i. :::- ~:: :" ~. liens :lnd eneumbr3n, . . u)'er .hall tI:I"e lhe riSM to prep:Jyall ot p3r1 or the ptincip:JIIII 'ny lime or times .. ilh i::!e~e<: :0 ~.I:e .'~ :- ~~ - co: 1. O. OTHER Mon TGAGES: In Ihe event bu)"Cr eacculn:l mortl3se I" one olher Ih:!n Ihe seller, all CO'lS llnd ch.1I&cs Ini:idenlJllherclo Jh.!:: ~: ;' ~ .: ~. ": bu)er. within 60 days of date of CO:1b:',J~:'. E. SUR YEY: U Ihe buyer dC1irC1 :I survey he .h311 tllIye Ihe properly surveyed al his e.pense prior 10 c1o,ir.C d::te, If the survey s:,,,.. s ::1 er.c':> J:~"':.' ..: Sol me ,hll be ue:lted :IS :I litle dcrC'tt. ~tITE INSPECTION: ^ltC:3St " day. berota' elos"'.. bu,rr. al buyer', Clpcnse. Ih~ll h:a...c the ri,hllo obl~in :s . :c~"trt !tu.'":'l -J ! .:-::-.:; e,lerm," 'nl! lh:Jt there is no evidence o( liye lermite or other "'ood.borins InsC'tt Inrcst:ltion on .:Iid rro" . lu!lSI.:nIIJll!~~:;c ~r....., :-..... inrnulion Oil S.1id P r Ihere i, .uch evidence. .dler ah311 Poll up Co Ihree (1'iO) percent or Ihe purch: or the Ire:Jlmenl re.;:.:"c.! I" r:-:':, ,.:" inrCSl3tion. including rcp.1irinj; cinS portions of ..,id Improvement. ",hich hIve been d:l . ul ir ehe cou, ror .ueh IreJ:~::'\t cr r:;- .Ilr\ e'.:: ~ Ihrce U~) percenl or Ihe purch:Jsc price. to P:lY. .eller m:JY P:lY Ihe "cess rr '::~..;ell~: ':.'-:'~:~ G. ROOF INSrECTION: AI last IS d3YS beror. elosln,. pense. .Ilall hye Ihe riSllllO obl:lin II ..riuen re~orl (rc!':1 :I 1,:::-:,:-:: :".,':' ":Jlin, lh:lt the roor is in II -II I crt is hi condition,'n Ihe t"'enl r 'lher to corretlleab or 10 rcpl::ce d3m3&e to f.lei: or S"(;'",I. ,::::: J~::: :-~, up to Ihree ()~) ~rCtnt orche putch3sc prf~ ror said ictl shan be perrorme 'nstd roonna conlraclor: bul irthe cosu rcor s~;!l re;,,;:." e,::~:l Ihree (3....) rer"nl or lhe purch.11C price. b elect 10 p:J)' .u,h CSC".. It buyer clC'tu n H, OTIIER INSPECTIO .nl "dol)" berore dosins, buyer or Ilis IIBcn' mil)' Inspccl :In appliances. :lir con.. :Ind he.:I,:::: s~ s:t~" :':~:~'.:..: 1~ stems. r1umNn nery. sprinklers. and pool syslem Included in Ihe ule. Seller ,h:lll P:lY (or rep31n nC'tesS3f)' 10 rllee suc .. '- .. cr. .::;. .'~ .!:r .:: :' e time or c . , 'Ihin 45 hours bdore closins. buyer .h.1I be enlilled. upon rca.on3ble notice 10 scllcr,lo insp~t the premi,es 10 dclcrr.w:: . Ini order. 'AII items or personal property included in the ule Ih:lll b~ transrerred by Sill or S:lle ..ilh ,.arr3nty or IiI Ie, I. LEASES: Seller. not 'C1S lh3n IS d.1yt before dosinl.IIl:JU r"rnish 10 buyer copies or:lll .rillen 'e:lsn and eSloppellelters rrom e:c:' 1::>:;r.1 s;-::.:,';-~ :'~ 'Jlure lInd dur31ion or Ihe len:Jnl', occupancy. rent:J1 r'Ies. and :ld\'3nccd renl and .ccurity depolil' p31d by tenanl, If seller is un.:tre 10 C~/J'.' '..' ::::::\ .rom len3nU. seller shall rurnish Ihe same information 10 buyer -ilhin uid time period in Ihe rorm or II seller's amda"il. :lnd t-l:~er m:~ cC'r.:::: :::-:~.:, heteal'lcr 10 conCirm sllth inrorm:ltion. At c1o.inS. .ener .h.1I deliver and ,sai,n ,II ori.inllllcasd to buyer. I. MECHANICS UrNS: Seller .hall rurnish 10 buyer an .mdllvlllhllt there have been no improvements to the .ubjC'tt properly for 90 ~3)' ,~":':~ 3:: ~ "etedin, the date or c1oSinll. and no rin3ncin, atatements. c13ims o( lien or polentl31lienon know" 10 seller. If the properly has been i!':1~re\C~ .. ':~ln :.,:: ime. seller sh.111 deli"er rcle:lSd or _:Ji"ers or 1111 mcclllnics liens II Cleaned by ,eneral contf3C1ors. SUbcOnlr3C1on.,upplien.lnd n:ll:ri:l".e~. In a.!":;:':"'!~ he scller'.lien lImd.1vil. wling rorlh Ihe namn or all aeneral contractol1. aubconlraclors. suppliers, and materialmen and fC'tilin& that :J1I t-;i:, rer - .:'rk :~ :': ubj"t prormy whicll could serve as b3Sb rot mechllcld liens have been paid or -ill be p.1id at c1osina. :. PLACE OF CLOSING: Clos;na .h:ln be hdd allh. omco or Ihe .ellet', .ltomer or I' olhenwise 'arced upon. ., TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE: Time Is or the c:sscncc o( Ihi. Sale .nd Purchase COft"acl. ,t. DOCUMENTS FOR CLOSING: Seller', IItlOfftC)' .hall prcp3re deed, nOle, morlsase,scller's amdayit. any correctiye inSlrume:1lS re:;\;ire~ rer ~.~~.::.-; ,e title. and closing stalemenland .ubmil copies ofume to buyct'.allorney, and copy or dosin, stalement 10 Ihe broker, '1le:lsl t\loO ~J~ S r:i~r t;) s:!'::~..::; 10sinS dal.. I. EXPENSES: Slate document3f)' .tamps required on ehe instrumenl of conVC)'an" lInd Ihe cosl or rccordins eny corrC'tti>ve instrur.'::~1I ~~J~: ~: ~:' ~ ~, :.: :IIcr. DO(ument3f)' st:lmpslo be lJffilcd 10 Ihe no Ie secured b)'lhe purctlase money morl,a,c. int.nsiblc IU on Ihe mOMpse. ant! l!'lc r:s: cI rc-::c'::'-, ": :cd and purch~sc nonC}' mongagc shall be paid by the buyer. . PRORATION OF TAXES: Tues .hall be prortllcd on Co (or Ihcctlmnt rur wilh due allowance beins made rot Ih, m:l.irr:um ~lIc..:::!e ~:.::_-: 3~~ 'r homcsle:Jd or olher clcmplion. ir ,lIowcd ror said )'ear. It Ihe dosin, OCCUrs .t 0 date ",hen Ihe currcnll:u is nol riled bul current anUS::>:::-:l is 3' J,:: ~ .:.' , I ",if! be proraled on such assessmmt ,nd mill3se ror the prior rur. It tile currcnlllSscssmenlls not .vailable. the tu .-i11 be s.-rora:C'd o~ t!':: ;-:;or '~3'" :] '. .o"ided. bo.ever. ir Ihere arc complC1cd improyemenu on Ihe aubjett propert)' by January 1st or thc rear or do,in" ..hich inrro'e~c:::s ...:r-c :-:~: ,,, iSlen" on January 1st oUhe prior rur.lhen Ihe tu .hall be proraled 10 assessmenllo ~e agreed upon belwccn Ihe parlies; bUI In} tal s.-r:'r:lI~n tool s: j C:I ]:-:' lim:J1C nal be 3djusted subsequC1llly.t the requesl or either party upon ~ipt or the l:u bill. and. lI.tement Co thaI dTcct sh~lI ~e s:l rer:h I~ ~~e ;::?,~ I llemtnl. INSURANCE: It Insurance is 10 be prorated. tho "net ,hall Oft or berore lhe dosin, dale, (urnish 10 buyer .11 insur:ln~ s.-o,li::cs c: C:;':I t~e::~!, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: Ceniried. conrirmed or r3liried ,pCl:'bl assessment liens as ohhe d;sle orclosin& (and nol as or 1.t:C 1!:le e( t!:e :.:':'::3:') , \0 be p.lid by Ihe sellcr. rendins lien. as of tile ~te or c1osin. sh;sll be assumed bylhe buyer. provided. ho-ever. Ih.t ..here Ihel:'"';':':-' c-" :-: ~:' :0::' ,u:lnli;slly completed IS or Ihe d:JlC of Ihe conlract. such pendin, lien. sh:JII be considered lIS cerliried. conrirmed cr rJlIr.e~ .:,,~ :~: ...:.:' .11. :II c1",in,. be ch;s"cd :In :lmovnt cqu31 to ttlc l:lSt eslimale bylhe public body or Ihe assessmenl ror lhe impro.emenl, -tU.'" tH- lUNi' II . '. , ... . .'... . .. I:~;f\ , N'ri......i ....., ~, ..~J~" r:"~~.:sntr. s::::r ,.'..:0 l..:- r:s.::-:'": I~c i::O:;::'~~:J ,~~ :!':: ,:.:-s.::-, ~.s:: .I ~~ ~::: cf ~:::":=-1 :~ :-eu.::s :~ .. :..: -::... ... :: ~:c,:,~~:.j:~.:.:-r:J"'S!~. ,rc::!:: (.:i:, :...~ ~:-...., 1~:~__.~:'s...~!J ~ L'::('";-:i::: C'r(I,::k::'II~.~,:s;1. ::r::!':::.::~ .~1~-:.:.. ".::;! -1-. :- :3~::::':-S t~: ,":':::::01. :~.! aU ~:;,,"'Si:.s S~J:J ~ r:,:,,~wi:." r:-:::~e::! l:l L~ ~~ a~~ a:1 ~::-::c:s s.~1 t'C r:::.:!~ =f :':11-J ,:: i:: ::-: J-; ~: .r.-\ I:"TES." SeE: D::-e:':'ll!'le dale er I~: Cl:>:I:fI:1 a:sd l~: &!a:e cf ,!:-s:~.. L':: rft7C:-:~. i::=!::~=-J IJ..:- ~ ...~ a::4 ;-x~ i:: - ~. S' ::' ~: -: .:: .:; !oe ~:::r ;;, l!'l: c:<:,,~::i,'n a..s il eli,:td :.J d tP:: dJ:e of lP:e ce::trxt. or~ir.J=1 -CJt I.,:d t:Jr ,. .::::. 'ROCEEOS OF SALE: The Deed .11111 ~ ra:orded and the cYidence o(Cille ,al seller'. upense.IO .ho-lid.l" Ihe bu)cr. ,".lheuI :r:y t:>:~:,:':'l' ces or chinle rrom lbe dale or Ibe Wt CYidcnce rcndcrin. "ltcr'. ' manttable. end Ihe C.1Ih p~s or .uch we Ih:lll be t:el~ ir. :-scro" ~y I~e ~'. auomC}' or by,uch other mutually acrud upon Escro or. period or nol longer Ihan r.~ (5) d3)'1. uclusivf OfS.1IUrdJ)s. Sunday. an~ ~t'!" , Ir IlIe sencr'. tille is so R'ndered uMtaRctabl uyer'. attorner ,han, .vithln Ihe uid riye (S) da)' period, notir, teller', .uorncy in .. f1:ir., or I~e :t and tbe seller sh:lll ha~ thirty (lO) d m the date or reedpl or .uch notiriClllon 10 cvre the dcrect.ln Ihe event selllt tails to limely cure s..:i~ ~e!c..:l. onies paid hefC1lnd,r shall. "Urn demand Ihmror, _ithin ri~ (5) d:llllhcf'C.1ner, be immediatel)' returned to burer. a:'ld sim,"llJr.:o:a!~ . il~ ,:,;:~ 'men I. buyer .II:!II e pmnisa aftd m:onY'C)' b)' Special Wan,nty Occd.ln thl cYenl o( the railure orthe burer 10 mille limel, c!em.1:'ld (or re('oIn~, 'all I.lt' u. -ajyjns all riShu epinst the seller as Co the intervcnin. defm. , R8k fA "3 C61\If\If3!fOI4. "I~ 8Iul",~ ~uu..I";v., .tlt." b,. d;;J~w.....d till. .t.J. lintJ 4r 11., ~:..._._n.......1 wI .1\... }.. j~ JI. ~{Q TTORNEY FEES AND COSTS: In connection with In,liliSlltioD 3nling oul ortheCOnlr3ct. the pf'C'Vailin: p,1f1Y shall be entilled 10 w:cu~lI c.,ja :...'.. ,So ;"ellld..... .._....u. - -- .... 0186B/031087 ~ ADDENDUM TO REAL ESTATE SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT Between BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general partnership, as Seller, and SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, as Buyer. 1. Upon the execution of this Contract by Buyer, the contingencies of this Contract as specified in Section 13, Ite~s 1, 4 and 5 concerning School Board approval, purchase price being supported by appraisal and satisfactorv soil evaluation, shall be deemed to have been fully resolved and-accomplished to the satisfaction of the Buyer and Seller. Buyer agrees to take all actions and to diligently attempt to obtain the satisfactory re~olution of all other contract contingencies listed in Section 13 of the Contract. " l- \ 2. Section 13, Item 3 is hereby amended to read as follows: (3) This Contract shall be contingent upon a vote of the Palm Beach County Commission at public hearing approving the re-zoning of the subject property to a Public Ownership District. 3. There is hereby added to Section 13 of the Contract, the following: In the event tha't the subject property is not or cannot for any reason be re-zoned as aforesaid within 120 days from the date of contract, or if for any reason the approval of the Department of Education is not or cannot be obtained within 120 cays fro~ the date of contract, Seller and Buyer shall each have the right to terminate this Contract by written notice to the other, whereupon the Escrow Agent shall return the deposit to Buyer, and the parties shall be relieved of all further obligation hereunder. 4. The parties agree that Gunster, Yoak1ey, Criser & Ste~ar~. P.A. shall act as Escrow Agent for the purposes of holding the deposit under this Contract. The parties acknowledge and agree that the Escrow Agent shall have the right to interplead with the Circuit C~urt in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, all or any portion of the deposit received by it pursuant to this agreemen~ in the eve~~ of any dispute concerning such deposit. The parties further agree to indemnify, defend and save the Escrow Agent harmless fro~ ar.y claims or damages incurred by it (including reasonable atto=~eys' fees and costs) arising from the performance of its duties hereunder. This indemnification shall survive the closing or termination of this Contract. The Escrow Agent shall have no liability with regard to any duty under this agreement nor be responsible for the loss of any monies held by it except in the event' of willful misconduct on the part of the Escrow Agent. 5. All notices required by this agreement shall be hand delivered to the other party or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid to the address set,forth below, or to such other address as the parties may hereafter specify in writing: .. SELLER: Boynton Nurseries 1425 Wilkins Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attention: Mr. James D. Sturrock, Jr. With a copy to: Drennen L. Whitmire, Jr., Esquire Gunster, Yoakley, Criser & Stewart, P.A. Phillips Point,' Suite 500 777 South Flagler Drive 1:) n ~"''\t' ,/\J;O., 'b~ ..... ,......;....... . '" -- BUYER: School Board of Palm Beach County With a copy to: '~ Robert M. Skakandy, Esquire 3323 Belvedere Road Building 503 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 All notices shall be deemed effective upon receipt thereof by the party to whom same is addressed. 6. Seller and Buyer each represents and warrants 'to the cthe= that it has not dealt with any real estate broker, salesman, agent or finder in connection with this transaction. Without limiting the effect of the foregoing. each party agrees to indemnify, defend and ' save the other harmless from the claims or demands of any real estate broker claiming to have dealt with the indemnifying party. Such indemnities shall include without limitation the payment of all \ costs, expenses and attorneys' fees incurred or expended in defense of such claims or demands. The terms of this section shall survive the closing or termination of this Contract. .. Chairman: Secretary: BUYER BOYNTON NURSERIES 1. 0 By: ~ :J)~/~~,. ~I SELLER \J -2- ~o . ~ .. . rrt -f :Ln ,ru , Ln ,." .. ...D <X> t., , .. ,~, '_ ."'t THIS It DEED PURSUANT TO A CORPORATE: DI~_....i,UTION AND NO . DOCUHEN."RY STAHl' TAX IS DUE AND OWING PURSUANT TO DEPAnTHENT or REVENUE RULE 12D-4.14(91 WARRANTY DEED --'... ''''f' Soi C'~;:~'" ,.. 'f. 'r~'I."" .. ;.r."Cl- THIS WARRANTY DEED made this ~ day of December, 1986, by BOYNTON NURSERIES, INC. a Florida corporation (hereinafter called "Grantor"l, to BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Plorida general partnership, whose mailinq address io 1425 Wilkins Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (hereinafter called "Grantee"l. (Wherever used herein the terms "Grantor" and Crantee" include all the parties to this instrument and their SUccessors and assignS") WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ot TEN and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuabl.considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, by these presents does hereby grant, bargain, sell, all.n, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the Grantee, all that certain land situate and being in Palm Beach County, Plorida, more particularly described aa tollows: The South onehalt (51/2) ot the Southwest quarter (SWl/41 of the Northwest quarter (NWl/.) ot Section lB. TownShip 45 South, ,..; '. ...!... .." ..:or:Ranc;e 43 East, Palm Beach County, Plorida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in f~e simple forever. TOGETHER with all ten~menta, hereditaments and appurtenances, thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations, limitations, conditions, ea8ements and .c;reementa ot record, taxes and asseSBMents tor the year 1986 and all aUbsequent yearsl and all applicable environmental, zoning and land use ordinances. u: - ~ ~, if: , . . ~ - ~ u .~ I P C\'o9. .~ .D co r- -4 0- Ul ru ..... Ul co AND said Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to the Property, and will defend the same against the lawful claims ot all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. Si9n~d, Sealed and Deliver~d: in the Presence of: BOYNTON NURSERIES, INC., a Florida corporation , l . ! . Ati~ ~<<<-- I ames D. SturrOCk, President '~~.,. --- --- ~ . ...., (CORPORATE SEA.r.~' ~.::..,~::..:t':':." \ . .~~: ~,~.... ~.__. . '0 <<:'. ..... 'J ...... ..' "0 :. , OJ. . :";~; ~~!,.... .....~ . . ....~ ~ ..,~' . . : ". ~.',., .. ." " 0, i':"'wt'~" c.~.;~,..:.......:.: "':!'~':"':I"" 0'-' "': .... ::.~.:..... ", . ,,- .... ..... ,.1 This Instrument was Pr~par~d by and Should be Returned to: W. Gl~nn Dempsey, Esq. Gunster, Y08kley, Cr1s~r , St~wart, P.A. Phillips P~int, Suite 500 777 South FIDqler Driv~ W~st Palm D~ach, Florida 33401-6194 -~\ , " ,. , OO~@[gOW@[Q) NOV 2 0 1987 FACILITIES PLANNING 6357B/092987 WARRANTY DEED THIS WARRANTY DEED' made and executed the L..9,H day of November, 1987, by BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general paftnership, hereinafter called "Grantor," to THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTy, FLORIDA, whose post office address is P.O. Box 24690, 3323 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4690, hereinafter called "Grantee": , - (Wherever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) ., WiTNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the Grantee, all that certain land situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, to wit: The south one-half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less and except the right-of- way for Lawrence Road. Subject to Taxes for the year 1987 and subsequent years; zoning ordinances, restrictions, prohibitions and all other regulations and requirements imposed by governmental authority; all easements, restrictions and reservations of record; and all matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. AND the Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. This Instrument Prepared By and Return to: Drennen L. Whitmire, Jr., Esquire Gunster, Yoakley, Criser & Stewart, P.A. Phillips Point, Suite 500 777 S. Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 '.. . ",-..:- .., -....-.- , i , , , I , ~v ;.;. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD P,O, BOX 24690 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416-4690 305-684-5000 THOMAS J, MILLS )t) "h , ~~",~!;,~., "'~CE1VEi3 Sfp " , :/ 11 1981 ,":" I: ~LA.'JiJ)Jli"'G ' " · D fpr... '" ,~- . -q-'/:. ~~ September 9, 1987 Mr. Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 200 North Seacrest Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Elementary "P" Site - Vegetation Survey Dear Mr. Annunziato: Joe Lawson, our Landscape Services Supervisor, reported recently on his visit to Elementary School site "P". I have enclosed a copy of this report for your information. Sincerely, Howard Segal, Plan Review Specialist Department of Facilities Planning HS:LK cc: David H. Williams Agustin Hernandez x6de6j8 t\<9 i . :-2"-:-'~.sn,\.ri;'-. ,j qil\:'\=,u\, ;.. ..,J MEMORANDUM , ,,(' L 8 1987 . ,.,'\Et;; ~: : ,',;;.,I\NG \'j.,....:..l ~ DATE: August 25, 1987 SUBJECT: Howard Segal, Plan Review Specialist Department of Facilities Planning Joseph T. Lawson, Landscape Services supeiviso~ Department of Maintenance and Operations ~ VEGETATION SURVEY - ELEMENTARY lip" SITE TO: FROM: I recently visited the above site to survey existing vegetation. The site is a former field-grown landscape plant nursery (Boynton Nurseries, Inc.). On the part of the site still being used as a field nursery, plants have been tagged for removal by Boynton Nurseries. It does not appear that anything useful will be left on site in this area (approximately two-thirds of the site -north side of property), so this part of the site should be cleared for construction. The south one-third (approximate) of the site was once used as a field nursery but has long since been abandoned of this purpose. There is a stand of large, mature slash pines, many of which can be worked into the site landscape plan if property protected. There are also several large Ficus trees. Most of these should be removed as they are either undesirable species or too close to where buildings or other improvements will be. There are several unusual species of Ficus trees that are located in outlying areas where they may be useful as shade trees. These should be looked at individually with the landscape architect to determine which ones to save. This southern section of the site is otherwise so overgrown with exotic weed species that it is hard to determine if 'any other desirable vegetation exists, but, in my opinion, we will probably find very little, if any, besides the slash pines and Ficus. JTL/hp cc: Frank K. West ~l\ SCHOOL SITE STATISTICS SHEET Gross Sq. Feet Student Stations Student Capacity No. of Water Meters Elementary 73,300 676 676 1 master meter ANTICIPATED WATER FLOW REQUIREMENTS Average Peak Daily Daily Flow Flow No. of Fire Flow Peak Hourly Flow Elementary 25,000 roJd 75,000 gpd 2100 gpm 160 roJm Proposed School Construction Start Date: June 1988 Target Date of School Opening: January 1990 WP3/ES/SITE.PE Vt6 .' ~ I .. ( ! LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION ----------------------------------------------- City of Boynton Bea~h, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly'or Type all Information. I. Es~sBab_l~EQB~aIlQ~ ., . " .... ' ~ . ": 1. Project Name: The School Board of Palm Beach County --------------------------------------------------- 2. ,Type of Application (check one) -.--...---- a. Re:;:oning only -------- b. Land Use Amendment only X c. Land Use Amendment and Re::oning --.------- 3. Date this Application is Ac~~p~ed (to be filled out by Planning Department): I . j l ! -------------------------------------------------------- . i ,t; 4. Applicant~s Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): The School Board of Palm Beach County -: -------------------------------------------------------- Address: Building 501 -------------------------------------------------------- '1 3323 Belvedere Road, WPB, FL 33402 -------------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number: -------------------------------------------------------- ,. 5. Agent.s Name (person, if any, repres~nting apPficant): Augustin A. Hernandez, Agent -------------------------------------------------------- Address: "Department of Facilities Planning, Building 503 -------------------------------------------------------- 3323 Belvedere Road, WPB, FL 33402 -------------------------------------------------------- :.c; ) I . ., I Planning Dept. 4-86 page 1 AU j j I f i J " . - I l' . .',Ii . I Ii ~ Ii J J i I :1 , I Telephone Number: 684-5283 -------------------------------------------------------- 6. Property awner~s (or Tru~tee's) Name: James D. Sturrock Jr., Managing Partner -------------------------------------------------------- Address: Boynton Nurseries -------------------------------------------------------- 1425 Williams Ave. WPB, FL 33401 -------------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number: -------------------------------------------------------- 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant"s interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder~ Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) Contract Purchaser 9. Street Address or Location of Subj~ct Parcel: of Lawrence Road, 2 miles north of N.W. 22ria Street. On the east side of 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: _]'.E~_!!..~~E~~s~_S'!.~r.E~E_~_=!i~~___ of the northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 45 south, Range 43 east, ------------------------------------------------------------------ Palm Beach County, Florida. , ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre):' 19.23 ,acres ----------------------------------------------------------------- Planning DeptO 4-86 t>(\ page 2 ,.' 1-::- -. Current Zoning District: Palm Beach County Zoning RS /SE 1- ..::. . Proposed Zoning District: RI M 14. Current Land Use Cntegory: County Land Use 'Catagory-. tfedium/Medium High 15. Proposed Land Use Category: _~o2_~~~~!y_~e~!~~n~1~~_________________ Construct an elementary schooi,(Public) 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: 17. Developer or Builder: _lh~~~hQWL~~aoL2t~2~~~2~h~2EU~___________ 3323 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beac~, FL 33402 18. Archi tect: __:~~~~~_~!~::?~_~b~~~!eB~;~~~~~h~_~:.a!~~~~~.:_:~i:~ 14( 19. Landscape Archi teet: Team Plan" 515 No. 'Flagler Dr. .Suite :r400 WP~, FL 334( -------------------------------------------- 20. Site Planner: Howard Segal, Palm Beach County School Board 21. Civil Engineer: Adair & Brady, 1958 S. Congress Ave., WPB, FL .33406 ------------------------------~----~------------- 22. Traffic Engineer: .Metric Engineering, 1800 Forest Hill Blvd," Suite A9 WPB 3~ ----------------------------------------------- 23. Surveyor: Metric Engineering, 1800 Forest Hill Blvd,~, Suite A,9, WP~, FL . 3340E ------------------------------------------------------- II. ~eI~B!ebE_IQ_~s_E~~~IIIsQ_~II~_aEEbl~eIIQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies, unless otherwise noted. (check) , I I I i 1 : j ..I , ! I : ,I 11 , , , ____a. This application form (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and PIDs). _~_b. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed (3 copies for PUDs, PCD! and PIDs). ____c. ,The fOllowing documents and letters of consent (3' copies for PUDs! PCDs, and PIDs): (1) If the property is under joint or several ownership: A writtt consent to the application by all owners of record, and __~_ (2) 'If the appl i cant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, anc ____(3) If 'the applicant is represented by an authori=ed agent: A co~ Planning Dept. 4-86 page 3 ~t .' protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites~ and other public improvements or dedication~ as may be required. (10) For ~ezonings to planned zoning districts (PUDs, peDs, and PIDs), the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning t such districts shall also be satisfied. Copies of evidence for unified control and development of the property, as well as condominium, homeowners', and property owners' association documents shall be submitted in three (3) copies for planned zoning districts. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan <in 5 copies, including survey) shall also be submitted. III. aEEbl~aIlQ~_EEE~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by resolution. fee schedule is attached to this application. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. ~~BIIE!~aIIQ~' (I) (I,.tJe) understand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith'are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed accordin to th~_ 'tructions below. -~~ _:~~-~---- ------------------ Signature of wner(s) or Trustee, Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. /\ ~ , V. -=~;:I~6IIQ~-~E-~EENT ~re (I) (We) hereby d the above signed person as (my) agent with egard to this application. s~~~~;;r(~)-~r-Tr~;t;;, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other buziness entity. p~-q(a-- Da~-- (our) authorized ctJd-.i29-r-L2'L'? , Date Planning Dept. 4-86 page 7 l\~ -, ,.. . OWNERS CONSENT AGREEMENT "t We, the undersigned, are "Owner of Record" of that certain 18.38 acre parcel in Section 18, Township 45, Range 43, being the s 1j of S.W. % of N.W. % (less Lawrence Road RIght of Way and L-21 canal Right of Way), have entered Into a real estate sale and purchase contract with the School Board of Palm Beach County on the above described property. We further state that the SchC'l1 Board. of Palm Beach County w111 be petItioning the Palm Beach County Board..of County CommIssioners to rezone the 18.38 acre parcel from the current AR-Agrlcultural Residential District to RS-Resldentlal Single Family ResIdential District with a Special Exception to allow a publlc educational institution. OOYNroN NURSERIES' 7 1') . ' ~ / .-.-- , / ~ : 'J../":rU~ ,Jl!(::1/L<.P., Mr. . ames D. Sturrock Jr.-, Partner ~yPton ,Nurseries '. 14~5 Wilkins Avenue "West' Palm Beach, FL 33401 .. Copy to: Drennen 1.. Whitmire, Jr. . Esq. Gunster, Yeakley, Crlser & Stewart PeA. ' Phllllps Point, Suite 500 777 South Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33402 .. wp~\forms\oca.pe ~:..-: "0:;:; ~- .~- ~ '-'- '.. I .- '-, '~, THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD P.O, BOX 24690 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 3J.t16~690 305-68-4-5000 THOMAS J, MILLS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOlS '" LETTER OF ZONING PETITION AUTHORIZATION ELEMENTARY - Elementary "P" Rezoning of property located: East sIde of Lawrence Road, 1% mile south of Hypoluxo Road. To whom It may concern: This letter Is to authorize Agustin A. Hernandez to act as agent for petitioner Thomas J. Mllls on the rezoning and specIal exception of property referenced above for use as a public educational institutIon. Mr. Hernandez has the authorIty to agree to those conditions which may be imposed during zoning that are within the scope of the duties and respons1b111t1es of the Office of Superintendent of SChools as authorized by Florida Statutes and the Palm Beach County School Board. .~/~~ Thomas J. Mills Superintendent WP2\PETITION\SITEP.LOZ 6\10\87 (\ . .;- ft DEVHLO~~ G ~ N H ~~~ ~L' BO ~ .~ OP B A 0 ORI A & AN " ~~ - =CIA!fD5::s.~~ -'O~~ AGREEMENT, made this day of , THIS 1987, by and between THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, a corporate body politic pursuant to the Constitution of the State of Florida, (hereinafter referred to;: as "SCHOOL BOARDll), and INTRACOASTAL DEVELOPERS, INC., a . Florida corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "INTRACOASTAL"). WIT H B S S B T H: WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD has projected the need for additional .school facilities in the south Palm Beach County area; and WHEREAS, in order to assist in meeting the aforementioned need, the SCHOOL BOARD has acquired a 28.82 acre parcel adjacent and contiguous to Lawrence Road in Palm Beach County, Florida, said 28.82 acre parcel being more particularly described in Exhibi t "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and, WHEREAS, the SCHOOL BOARD desires 1"0 obtain a secondary access to the aforementioned parcel in order to utilize same as an educational facility; and WHEREAS, INTRACOASTAL, as part of its continued interest in the provision of higher quality education for Palm Beach, County, wishes to assist the SCHOOL BOARD in its procurement and construction of secondary ingress and egress to the said parcel. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, including the undertakings by the SCHOOL BOARD and INTRACOASTAL as hereinafter provided, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows: 1. INTRACOASTAL shall convey to Palm Beach County, Florida, a foot wide road right-of-way along the North border of the subject school site, East of Lawrence Road and intersecting wi th said road way as more particular described in the legal description and drawing attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". gY DD ~r. ""'"r";i. -T riifi i I 2. In order to provide addi tional access to the subject si te, the SCHOOL BOARD shall design and construct an east-west road approximately five hundred feet (500') in length along the north side of the school site, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3. INTRACOASTAL shall reimburse the SCHOOL BOARD for costs and expenses incurred in the design and construction of the aforementioned road. INTRACOASTAL shall reimburse the SCHOOL BOARD for the aforementioned costs incurred within a period of two (2) calendar years from the date first above written. 4. This instrument embodies the. whole Agreement of the parties and there, are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those herein contained. This Agreement shall supersede all previous communications, discussions, representations, proposals or agreements, either verbal or written, between the parties hereto and not herein contained. 5. In connection wi th any Ii tigation arising out of the obligations and responsibilities incurred herein, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney's fee and costs incurred therein. IN WITNBSS WHEREOF. the SCHOOL BOARD and INTRACOASTAL have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers on the day and year first above written. SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Chairman Attest: Superintendent INTRACOASTAL DEVELOPERS, INC. D:I/16 BY: s~ '-r--.n .' 6358B/092987 AFFIDAVIT OF SELLER .liULS~LSU'a'LsLQ) NOV 2 0 1987 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH FACILITIES PLAr~f'lING BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James D. Sturrock, Jr. ("Affiant"), as Managing Partner of BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general partnership (the "Partnership"), who having been first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: 1) That the Partnership is the owner of certain real property, ("Premises"), situate and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: The south one-half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less and except the right-of- way for Lawrence Road. That the Partnership is in exclusive possession of the Premises. 2) 3) 4)~ 5) 6) 7) 8) That there are no judgments, assessments, tax liens or other liens against the Partnership or the Premises remaining unpaid, and that the Premises is free and clear of all encumbrances. That there-have been no improvements made to the Premises within the ninety (90) day period immediately preceding the execution hereof, and that there are no bills, statements or other invoices for labor or materials applicable to improvements to the Premises remaining unpaid. That there are no suits or matters pending against the Partnership that could give rise to a lien that would attach to the Premises between the disbursement of the funds and the actual date of recordation of the documents applicable to this transaction. ... That, as of the date hereof there are no bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, voluntary or involuntary, threatened or pending against the Partnership in any court, and that there are no grounds upon which any such proceeding could be filed against the Partnership. That the Partnership has not and will not execute any instrument that would adversely affect the title or interest of the Premises prior to the actual date of recordation of the documents applicable to this transaction. That the undersigned hereby executed this Affidavit to induce THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA to purchase the Premises, and to further induce Attorney's Title Insurance Fund to issue an Owner's Title Insurance Policy on the Premises. BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general I Sturrock, Partner Sworn to and subscribed before me this " ~ day' o November, 1 7 ...............................-...... ~ . '. ~~ -"" .'.., - ..... Expires: /~/:JJP'7 f ' '- - - . : (Nb'rARY SEAL) " .'_ i:...- .... ;- ............ ..;- 1 . , . ..-....'.......r rg\ 6359B/093087 NON-FOREIGN AFFIDAVIT OF ENTITY TRANSFEROR lO)R~l::il.\t@!O) LflllS~ =>. ./.... . NOV 2 0 1987 FACILITIES PLANNING STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ) ss. ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared James D. Sturrock, Jr. ("Affiant"), to me well known to be the person who made and subscribed the following Affidavit, who, upon being First by me duly sworn upon oath, and under penalty. of perjury, deposes and states as follows: 1. I am the Managing Partner of BOYNTON NURSERIES ("Transferor") and have the authority to make this affidavit on behalf of, and to bind the Transferor. 2. I have actual knowledge of the facts and matters recited herein. 3. Transferor is the owner of the real property described as: The south one-half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less and except the right-of-way for Lawrence Road. 4. ~ I make this-Affidavit pursuant to Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code that provides that a transferee of a U.S. real property interest must withhold tax if the transferor is a foreign person. To inform the transferee that witholding of tax is not required upon the disposition of the Property by transferor, I hereby certify the following on pehalf of transferor: (a) transferor is not a foreign corporation, foreign partnership, foreign trust, or foreign estate (as those terms are defined in the Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulations); (b) transferor U.S. Employer Identification Number is -)"'} - ~ 77'6 73(, ; and (c) transferor's office address is 1425 Wilkins ~ Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 5. Transferor understands that this certification may be disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service by the transferee, THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, and that any false statement contained herein could be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both. 6. Under penalties of perjury I declare that I have examined this affidavit and to the best of my knowledge and belief it is true, correct and complete. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. '; ;J'" this 19th 'day of November, NtT~~/?~ My Cormnission Expires: / z./3.) Y7 SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me 1987. -. (NOT~IAL SEAL) ,. .~ ~ NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE. NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The City of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the land use and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement~ A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the Planning and Zoning Board on December 10, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. at Pineland Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida. A public hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City Commission qn December 17, 1987, at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at Pineland Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida. - -1-. ~;'~l~I-~'Tw_D_D'; .T.,ANAL_"-': - ~-?-<iY /:. !~~~ CLmU~L =::::::-$'" ..,W Jl:il_,IE:..,_.~ , .~Aoof,f'''''~-1 '~Q' "1 ~~~~~~t~~~.~~t.1;; I, I I ""....,d..,. "<"w'<, <'h I' I :PP ICATION NO.2~ <.~.,,:,,:,'<,:,...";.,,<,.;,;.,:.,w,.:. ' I I . HftIlT:~~::;f$:~$r::r~~*t~t '. ~. l-l...L...o..........I. l--l.-:" ~ 1. '.;,. p ._ I,,, .J APPLICATION NO. 1 APPLICANT: Intracoastal Development, Inc. .' . . ; ~ ~ :..: ~ " ..-r:,; .' ":. .. AGENTS: Michael D. Gordon, c/o Boose, Casey, Ciklin et ale Enrico Rossi, c/o Rossi and Malavasi Engineers, Inc. OlmER: Boynton Nursuries PROJECT NAME: Citrus Glen - Phase II Addition PROPOSED USE: Planned Unit Development consisting gf 106 single-family detached zero lot line units on a 28.82'acre parcel with a density of 3.68 units per acre and a Land Use Intensity (LUI)=4.0 LOCATION: Lawrence Road at ~Iiner Road extended, southeast corner REQUEST: MIEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - Nedium - Nedium High Residential (Palm Beach County) To - Low Density Residential (City of Boynton Beach) ... REZONE: From - AR (Agricultural/Residential) Palm Beach County To - PUD (Planned Unit Development) City of Doynton Beach ~ ~ APPLICANT: AGENT: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICANT: AGENTS: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICATION NO. 2 The School Board of Palm Beach County Augustin A. Hernandez Department of Facilities Planning Boynton Nursuries Elementary School "p" Public elementary school consisting of 24 class rooms including related ancillary and recreation facilities wit" 8 faculty of 80 and a student capacity of 712 on 19.23 acres Lawrence Road at Lake Worth Drainage District L-21 canal, northeast corner AMElio THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN , CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - Medium-Medium High Residential (Palm Beach County) To - Low Density Residential "(City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From _ Rs/sE (Single-Family Residential with a Special Exception for a public elementary school) Palm Beach County To - RlAA (Single-Family Residential) City of Boynton Beach APPLICATION NO. 3 Intracoast~~ Development, Inc. Michael D. Gordon, c/o Boose, C~sey, Ciklin et a1. Enrico Rossi, c/o Rossi and Ma1avasi Engineers, Inc: RCA Global Communications Lawrence Lake' , Planned Unit Development consisting of 33 detached single-family units on an 11.521 acre panel with a . dens~ty of 2.44 units per acre and a Land Use Intensity (LUI)=4.0 ' ,:::::.':";::~:' Lawrence Road at Lake Worth Drainage District L-21 'canal, southeast corner AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . . From - Medium-Medium High Residential (Palm Beach ,County) _ To - Low Density Residential . (City -of Boynton Beach) REZONE: . From - AR(Agricu1tura1/Residential) Palm Beach County To ~ PUD (Planned Unit Development) City of Boynton Beach A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter con- sidered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. '\.\~ BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. , - PUBLISH: THE POST Local News Section November 23 & December 4. 1987 lr r I I \ ('1- ,,~o. 1/ 3U63 NOiG~U O'r- '.ANi> US[: Ct~Al\~GE NOTICE OF, ZONING CHANGE. I .~. . .., . The City of Boynton Be~ch proposes to annex. change the land use and rezone the land within the area shown in .the map in this advertisement. , . .' . . : A public hearing on'these proposals will be held before 'the. PlanniniJ and Zoning' ~oardon December 10, 1987, . at 7:30 p,m. ~t Pineland Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida. " .' , . A public hearing on these propo~als will also be held before the City Commission on December 17,'1987, Of 8:06 . p.m., or os soon thereafter os the agenda permits, at Pineland Plaza, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach~ , ~'o~i~~:!',.': .':L., " '.. :>, i. ~ . . ':'.,~, :~,~.,.. ., .....:..'......,'., . '.. ..,. . ' :,~ .:,', . -0: ; '/''- ~"-;,'l...:-.t;.W~.D~,. .~...~At:-....(: _.~'----- .; .-JoI...w~e,~oAtL:.) : c::n-;: <;\"1 . . ' ; ., .. ilJ' , .. ,.: , ! ' . ".: ., :': f, )Lr::'.i ~.. .... . tf/~~1- c' : '~? ' " )' r....:~-.~ ';'-:;,". ',.': ,': CiTBUSJ3'" ~~,.~"'\..\ ~~'!.;,i.J ~ :'i:;O:J/~ ~ ' . . .. I' L.-J' . . -~, I.'. :...~ ....."...J L f.; J. ~ .' ,'.s I"~---'- "..., , ..,,' ': - .. ~I ,...... 1G:J"i--C:l\F . ~:-'':'::::;'I::'T''-'l'l=::l;~:-:-A''P-:''''P';:-IC'-A'::-T'ION' N' 0:1.; '.. "'.il':.'" TIJ .. ~~ <'3W r4~r::l ~:':;:::rj:: /,., 11F1 ..JI '. ~ .:", ...~..',.., f":'>,' [1, ,-,..?,., : I,. ~.:.J~- ' " m" ';T,.:..... ~ . . 1 '~L-~nHF~~~~ ~!- ~ \Y"'~, '. (..:,''':~'''',' " I "I~ 1 ' " " .. .. w/.'= ~ ' ! ...' \!: (~ I ,I--:";&.PPCICATION NO.2 :. ...., :""~'.". - :=~~,j;! , I H~' r( ". , I' I . I, ~ "Y~i" ~."..~;.<...... ~.~a ... . · -"- ..,. . .~ '.. ". \. :. '. . I ~..t~.t~_~!t>t:~.~ !ttJ1['~. I rr~~):.'4:: . ~o ~ ~~'r . ~~A'f~RAI'1 Lll, '1 ~'~'---.!.-J' ~W -\-K II~ ~~~':'~,',\'. .. I ,AP~LICAlION NO..S ~. '. . .':l AMI r,: r',:. U'U"~.~ ." ---= · L .1 'T'!lli"O D' t 'lU llj! ~i~i,~t h~ . ' . . I ' \ , ' I .. .. I! . 1/ ' ,..... .~. 0' . '-:--,~~~;'" '. ' " ~~.::...:...=J .:.: ";,.J:- ::,-':~~:\~':~'L ":'J=:-'~;~:: 'J;~~J;~'<.l'~".~~D. .. ':. ..,:~~;~ " ....1 1~"I'I'j Tr~ ,I ..'IL...-JI' j, ~:-""E::-~.. 'r .J , I I LiJ.j~_. .- '::.~ ' I' , I r. '1 1= ! ~. =-'L'"'W;O~--C.ANA L. " . ..,.. n. I.. . __ _ _ _ _ ; y. =- t, ,-,.. j;: , " . :,---.--,-,-,........A......,.....;1' f91~~'~ . ' '.,. I" . , " I E-o-m:I!!: ~:~'~,~ I itti . ~ mrl " f.r~I~ l' ~: ". ' 1~=:--~..'''''1:~~ '..J ~ _,lfl. ;_.,,~,... -. , ." ;.~..u.r /. , . . 1~~S:i.,..:.:..-:.; ',.!.~~~a... ~ ~.!;tfg~f.(IJ)jrtl9ti!I 1I'li i & " t"''': ~ I. } 15ie.~;;~. ., '.' .:HI9--=-~lj0ii~~o'4~:.oo 'i.' f"'"t-~~ tl'.~ ~ --- --- I -. --~ -..:..:i:--....:~;:r:-rrn, 'EI I JI u; .-'.. u_..! 'L~ I". { , BOYNTON CANM~ I C-1S- ",.- ,.- '.. ". .,toO _'__' ~ __v .~.,' -~.ltIli;:~.m".,,: ill. ;;-n--I~ . ~' .. . . '0 , ' . I . . .'. I, . ~ ' ,.. ",' ..:..., .,,', APPUCATION NO.1. .. APPLICANT:, Int~acOost~1 Development, I~c"'".,.' .1. ... -:' I"':" .' ,;. ;, ~ " .. . ,Michael D. Gordon, c/o Boose, Cosey, Ciklin et al.., . , ,'. AGENTS:' .... .' ,'.' Enrico Rossi, c/o Rossf and Malavasi Engineers,. Inc. ';.:, '.';' !" ., . ' ~. OWNER:.," ., :'BOynton NUr$eneS; t '..',.., " <:r:':', '.: '~':' ... .' ": " :' .. PROJECT . NAME: . . Citrus Glen. Phase II. Addition ~ :.r:.! ., " .7 .: ! f. I ~ '.. ., ~.,. f., :. '. ~ PRO~OSED USE:., . Planned lJnit Development consisting' of 106 single-family deJached ~~j-o'lot line uni~ on' ., f . ',' '.. ....' 0 28.82'acre par!=el with a density of 3.68 'units per, acre 'and a Land Use Intensity ~ . .." t.), ::. ,',::' (LUij=4.0 : .....'.. ..,:-.' :',..~:: ...~., ::~:.., .... .'., ,.,. , . . .. " ~,: LOCATION:,:, .: Law.rence Road at Miner Road extende'd, southeast. comer , ,..' ~: REQUEST, : AMEND THE FUTURE LAND: . From - Medium - Medium High Residential (' , USE PLAN CONTAINED IN' , ". . (Palm Beach County) " . ~ THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: To. Low Density Residential.. . I, ..> " t. " :. ,...,', (Crty of Boynton Beach). . ~ REZONE: From . AR '(AgriculturaI/ResidentiaQ . k , Palm Beach County. . I ,To. PUD (Planned. Unit Development) " City of BOynton Beach ' , . , . . '. .,. ..: I', , ,',', , , 'APPUCA TION NO.2 , APPLICANT:. The School Board of Palm Beach County AGENT: " . Augustin A: Hernandez " " " . ::, . ," ,', ': ;-:';", ,. ''-, Deportment of Facilities Planning;':';1;~:':'~~" ;' ~.,~, i' ;':. ~;' . \~" .: " . OWNER: ,'.. ..: ,.;, " Boynton Nurseries' J, .:", ,.;. ,... '. ...., ... \ .. , j;,;" ,,,-, ,..".." ..' .: ,', PROJECT NAME: Elementary School ~'P" ,. .. ',:. " . .":'.,. . '.' :.... ,. ". PROPOSED USE:;. Public elementary School consisting of 24 class rooms including relate~ ancillary and. ~. , : , ., ." recreation facilities with 0 facilItY of 80 and a student capacity of 712 on 19.23 ac~: ' ! , ~LOCA TION:" . L~w~ence Rood' at Lake Worth Drai~ge',: -} , j::.~' .~ L'7' <''-, ,".,., . ,';< I \' . .. . ; ".., :,..." ,'., DlstndL.21canal,'northeastcomer,~:,:,..:;.':'! ..., ,...; '..',..,'.,' .\. ~'. '/i'.: REQUEST:, " AMEND"THE FUTURE. ,. F,-o,m =,Medium-Medium .High ,Residential,:; t..' . i '..1' : ~ " , LAND USE PLAN, ' ". ~ .-:\.0'. (Pal~ Beach County).;, , ,:.,' ;,.". ;, . ~ CONTAINED IN THE :, : ~}o -: Low.Density Residential " , .. ,- , , .." ,. ~.. 'COMPREHENSIVE PLAN :'~:" :(City of Boynto"' Beach) , " ' '. ," I ,'. REZONE:'From ~ RS/SE'(Sin'gle-Family Residential with a'.- r. ...,.',~..,., '1 " .' I': . Special Exception for 0 public elementary , '" , ' ' ''- T. '. ' :. ....., ...' schooQ Palm &ach County.,".,,: : ! 1 "',,' ",.,~..~,i_: -.: "':. .. ..... . ::"~:: '.,";::. . . ",'. '," ." _ .":' ~..:: '~.':. ~.# ..# J:~'1.'.' ""~ .:~ ",,:'" ,~(.~r.'..!..... ..~'.:\..' t .' ... '.. .'. To. ~lACiA (SifngBoIe-FatmiIyBeochReside,ntial) ('1~\'~'. ,.:.' ; "1\);)',,::,:; ,l,. <>'['.,'. ..,. ,. :. , ", '" .\.:....;. ;t;#' ,'! .....I.,..', ity 0 ynon # -'#.L ~ ., ~4.:.. ,.' ....: ....: ... ..~;.,.:<\.1" ,'. .~' 1'1 , l~.. ,'I'~' , -.. ":'",- ~:...'.j'.." ....:.......:\~~.~....~; ..)......:~.._t7~..:....;'.:f'.:'....,...... . .' .__:. ,_~,,, \' ..,.. ','. ' . .:..APPLlCATION NO..3..;,.,~. ' . ::', " ;'('" >;1' ,:' :' ,i.~'>",:'~ ..:. AP~L~C~~~.: .:' , : l~raCoastal DeveloPIll~nt,-lnc... !.-;",'" ;" ,~:,,:"., )':~;~\ ~:,::; :.:~: ~';: l:':,' -- .",1 :.,; ;:,',t::J ' .. : ., _ , I, .. " Michael D. Gordon, c/o Boose, Casey, Ciknn et 01.,. : "'1'. .' ", '.. ....i 'r' j" ~", . .... ... ' ,.. ,. R . j R . d MI. En . I . ",t'" ." '.,'" ,. ....,.. . , AGENTS: ';'.' , .. Enrico, OSSI. c 0, . OS~I a~. ,",0 cn.',asl ,gu~ers, ~..., . : (r',::j' :.:.~ ,:~... ,:i" ~l:; :....'~. , OWNER:. , . ,...RCA Global C::Ommu~cotions,,"\'~:r~:7':">';~."'.""~(~ :,;i<:='~':~';l J:!~. '11";,, " ~ \;'PROJECTNAME: :."LawrenceLake. , ." ,., ''''l'''~ .;...' . :.:' ; -";l,~"",':'",~",~"",,"'r- . I,,; PROPOSED USE:', . PI~d Unit Deve(opment cOnSisti"g of:33 affoched sio'g~familyu~iti on an'11.52('i[~' ~,l', . :,', ' " :~.,. acre panel with a density of 2.44 . units per acre and a Land Use Int~l'!sity ,(LUij=;4"P, j' ,... LOCATION:' .'. ;.', , Lawrence Rood at Lake Worth Drainage District l~21'conol,.:.J,"/"''';':': ~l'\; (;'.;7. /: . """"", ,,' 'j" so.;.o.Leastcome'r " .'.,'. "~'~J."' '.' ,:. .,' ....:. .':~'\ .' - . i :: . ReQUESTl' .]- i:~~., :('AMEND THE FuTURE~; ;, :.~I,' ~~~~ 7, ~d~~~M~dium.' High: R~Jd~~C;~;':':'J~i~f:.t,.~:' ~ r: ,-..: .' : ,', (;,'~. '~. ',; : LAND'USE PLAN" ",:; ~.. '_. '(Palm .Beoch.Cou~) ':'~';, ~> .L;.~.~.::.." 'Ii' :"r "!;" ,I', ."." : ,. ',:',,' .CONTAINED IN THE .."..'!o- Low Density Res:dential ,-..': '. '. ,\ ",' .. ~. ,. .." '.' I . ~', COMPREHENSIVE P.LAN , ..l " : (Oty of Boynt~,~~), '''';,~' '..'~ '~;''' ,'::' ",/:.:" -. .. :.- '~". '..- REZONE: From. AR (Agricultural/Residential) .. .-,. '.: J " t,,':.' I " ;..":. . : ,,; '.' :.: .; i ,,: ' Palm Beach County,:'; . ,: ,< <..~:" '!_> '. ,';,~.; ,....: ....",.' I "'r~'. :'\ ../ / .....'.To.PUD(PlannedUnitDevelopineitt). . '.,.:,.'.. .'..',.,.,~,.,.'-.';.: . City of Boynton Beach .'., ' " ,. A copy of the .proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request'is available for review by the r. public in the City's Planning Deportment. . ': All interesled parties ore notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person : \':ho d('ciN:'~ 10 (Irr"~1 (l~Y d('cHon d the rlonni:lr> r. 701lin'J ~~md or Cift CClmmi!!ion with respect to any matler , . '. , . . ~ .. . '. " ." , ,. .' ;. - , .. {. . ~ : , 't' .. ~ f _.:. , ,. , /, / w.,.. ./ AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH, ) ) SSe ) .. BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED Augustin 4. Hernandez , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property OWners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest offi- cial tax roles in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "An FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. , subscrioed before me day of A.D. My Commission Expires: ,~TA~Y ~lrc ~TATr or rlC~IO~ . Yo.( r.~!j.l.~5IOII UP. :.rR 19.1S58 f:::'9i,l:) ...~., ,.r tfr:l It ,., ~ ",-n ~ sO( .EXHIBIT '''A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH ONE-HALF (S.J:z) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER' (S.W.}.4') OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LAWRENCE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY . ABUTTING THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. ALL OF THE ABOVE BEING LOCATED IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. GROSS AREA (INCLUDING ROAD AND CANAL R/W) 19.23 ACRES LAWRENCE ROAD R/W (40' EAST OF SECTION LINE) 0.61 ACRES L.W.D.D. R/W (IS' REQUIRED R/W OR EASEMENT) 0.42 ACRE~ NET AREA LESS LAWRENCE ROAD R/W NET AREA LESS ROAD AND CANAL R/W 18.62 ACRES 18.20 ACRES {pO -~ ----~::..,-- Property Owners Within 400 Feet of Subject Parcel ELEMENTARY SITE "P" Section 18 SUBJECT SITE 00 43 45 18 00 000 3030 Boynton Nurseries,Inc. P.O. Box 2348 Palm Beach, FL 33480 00 43 45 18 00 000 3030 Boynton Nurseries Inc. P.O. Box 2348 Palm Beach, FL 33480 00 43 45 18 00 000 3040 Boynton Nurseries Inc. P.O. Box 2348 Palm Beach, FL 33480 00 43 45 18 00 000 3070 Boynton Sunny South Partners P.O. Box 487 Grand Blanc, MI 48439 00 43 45 18 00 000 3070 RCA Communications, Inc. 66 Broad Street New York, New York, 10004 00 43 45 18 00 000 7270 RCA Communciations, Inc. 66 Broad Street New York, New York, 10004 00 43 45 18 00 000 7280 Walter R. & Mattie M. Kennamer 8518 Lawrence Road Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00 43 45 18 00 000 7290 P. Earl and N. Bernice Walters 8562 Lawrence Road Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Section 13 00 42 45 13 00 000 5030 Maurice Epstein Tr. 111 E. Lantana Road Lantana, FL 33462 00 42 45 13 00 000 1020 Boynton Nurseries, Inc. P.O. Box 2348 Palm Beach, FL 33480 wp3\es\app\pe tp\ ~ ---- . , I ~ G .... .... ~ '4 ~.-.. ~ ":I Q ~ " t;J -1: " : . ~. ..'r 1 ({ 't' ~. .. .....-it. ~ 0 . .... ~ - ...-. . - .- . .' -. ~ , ... .::' ~:? ;~.~? ~t.: .;.. , ", . ,.I.'t '~h . ..:'. '~;i ~~.:r ;:).{;1 ~ ; r.:, ; ~ .~~~~~:, ~~ f 1 - ;;.r j;. :.:" - .. ,'t.' " \ fil6'... U ~i .'.:0',", . , .- '. . . .. 't ') ~ ~\ 0. filS'", , ~~ ~ \ ~ 7 . . 1i. .. ,- ",. Il' ~ tt)\U 0:; f'.-~ ...' . ~ ..P eN y. :~ ~ :: ;~:. ~ .. ",,3 .."Hr '-. ..~._. ..J--:....._...._ >::.-.1;:. 'J,r.~., ! '.' ::i:.~';: "., . t .,..., .. M . I ... .. H:1~ :;:;. .. Y:;"'l'.::,:~~'~~~~i~~'..~+:.:-":._. . '~_u " 11' ...' J' ?""'" ... r'.' :i t. t ". . i: ~.~j:n,:\.~~;: ~~'~~.;J~j~~: ........,. .. , t; ~'!~":' ~~ ~.l_~..l . - ..,-!' l.. ~ - "I I I I "- \: ,. or .t " I & ., .'. .' :~ I' .' . , . '1' .. I. . , ~I ' U/aJ 11 ~ :l ! 1 - . .-.. - -r-_ '!~: 1 " 'i'\', \,. : ~:t:. II . ..... : .1. ...J..,.j. !,"II F" , . 3fr '-- \ ~ (~ ~. DRAINAGE STATEMENT FOR PROPOSED SCHOOL SITE S18, T45S, R43E PALM BEACH COUNTY '. The subject property is located at the NE corner of the intersection of Lawrence Road and Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) Lateral No. 21. The site is about 18.38 acres and lies approximately 662.8 ft. along Lawrence Road and approximately 1208.0 ft. along LWDD Lateral No. 21. The existing land use of the project site is undisturbed wooded land. The existing ground elevation is approximately 16 ft. NGVD (per USGS quadrangle map) and level in general, but along its southern boundary the site is gently sloped toward Lateral 21. Existing drainage appears to be sheetflow toward the south where runoff is collected at Lateral ~l and conveyed east through Lateral 21 and enters Lake Ida Canal (LWDD Equalizing Canal No.4) and is conveyed south to Boynton Canal which emptie.s into the Intracoastal Waterway. The proposed project site .should be bermed around the perimeter of the project with the minimum berm ,elevation at the 25-yr 3-day flood stage, and the minimum finished floor elevation should be at the 100-yr 3-day flood stage. In order to meet South Florida Water Management District's retention/detention requirements, it is necessary that a surface water management lake be provided and storm water runoff discharged through a control structure which should be designed not to exceed the allowable discharge into LWDD Lateral No. 21. Prepared by: J i-An9,,~~.ng, P. E. Registration NOJd:;~3~~9~:~"".'" ~ .. 1. I I, I . .... (.' . I " "'III' " ,: ; I ; . 1 I '. LP" i . .. r , ~, . ~ ~, .1 ,.\ l~' .}:~\. '~+.\ . \' ;':l. t\ ' \~'I\ ,\" I', r\ '\ ,~~' 1 li\ .". '....-. )'.\. .: II " 1 ',~" , ' ",' ( ( IVIe1'FlI c:: e NGINee FliNG .INC. ,CONSUL'rING . ENGINEERS '. PLANNERS SURVEVORS ",SOOFOf'EsT lULL eLVO. SUITE A.2 WEST PAL'" eEACH. FLA. ,,4"" PHONE: (305\964.6336 - ,.-_. \ 'tRAFFIC It-\PAC't s'IllDY FOR pALM '5EACH COUNTY f,U:.MENTARY SCHOOL "1''' BOYNTON '5EACH. FLORIDA .....,. ",~' '~~a;\H:, " ,_",,-:l ,..'~ .. ......' t:.J" .....t~.... .:" '~, .....,.:~,S5~.:-'~4:; . . . ,; ~~':'''';''' !,:". ~\:"., , ,~ ' '. ",~, , ;.. . ,<. ,~...,"""U " ,', .,.. ' : ,. .:.'.f.;. _:-.:::--:'l!lo) ,~;. ,-,',;\P' .. .....".~,.....,. . : _,. . ~"-+\1 .\,,;.i.:t...~ :::.t\', ..1 ~ l'C ....'.t. ,~,.,:.,.' "',,' . , ' ':.. . 'OI-;f!:)".~, ~'; ~~J.~~' '...: ~ ~ "." ~,_.~~('.......,....;."...... . ,Co . " ,,-- 1;..' ,.,.".f.' . , ,:.,.'t:.' ,.;"~"~'\ol'~"~ ,~, ~,.: , '.., ,_~ .\.,.~~"';"'f,-\'- ~:"" 'v " t-:' ,.. ,.'. "~"(.'\ \ ,', ."> <::~;;S:~!:.~~\~\::' ." 'PREPARED '5Y: Ml(;III$L F. SE]([ON. p.E.. P.1..S. FLORIDA REG1STRJ\TION iJ 28558 \J ,~) "-~'!.. " , . " ... ."" 1 '. .. I ...,.... ~-.': ~....;. (' .. ( '. ., L i . i .. ! .'H ',. ::",,'." ... ' ( t, ...., TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION & ASSIGNMENT The trnffic distribution for the school was developed with considerntion given to both. the existing' and proposed road sy.stem and by discussions with county planning personnel as to the population make-up of the surrounding area. From these discussions it was determined that the majority of elementary age children would be residing in homes located west of the 'school. .Theresidenceswest of .the ;school .have a ::medianprice lof approximateiy$70,OOO. :Therefore, .the housing would tend to attract the younger family with elementary school-age children. The distribution was estimated by major geographical directions as shown in Fig. 2 and listed below: MAJOR DIRECTION OF TRIP GENERATION PERCENT OF TRIPS NO. OF TRIPS NORTH SOUTH 65 35 464 250 The distributed traffic generated by the'school was then added to the existing and future traffic in order to obtain the total traffic volume expected for each thoroughfare. The A}1 peak hour factors used for determini~g trips generation during the peak interval were 0.08 for trips entering the school and 0.07 for trips existing the school. These peak hour volumes were then distributed nnd ndded to the .existing peak hour assignments which were obtained from the County Traffic Division for each intersection within the radius of influence (see Fig. 4). -4- IJ~ /'-:. J .,/ . .!~';'-.J .- c ( ~~,L~.;~~.;;"" ~ '! :.. .0{ r SU~~~RY & RECOMMENDATIONS The existing Levels of Service would not be altered by the additional traffic generated by the school. The school traffic would only be apparent during the morning peak hour and not influence the 4-6 PM afternoon. peak hour as the, school will dismiss at 2 PM. .-i.,' The major effect on traffic 'floW-would be noticed by the Lawrence Road northbound ~raffic,that desires to make a left turn onto Hypoluxo Road. The number of vehicles making a left turn at this intersection will increase by over 50% (see Fig. 4). It is recommended that the traffic signal timing be modified to increase left turn green interval and increase the left turn lane in length in order to maintain the northbound traffic on Lawrence Road. .'1 It is also recommended that left turn lane (southbound) and right turn lane (northbound) be constructed on Lawrence Road at the proposed school entrances. ( . , -5- L o {p1Jl --r- (' .".'," '." "- .. ." I ~ ' . . . "'-. '.... .~ ....' . ':-._ .1.:' r TRAFFIC GENERATED I' , , '. . The traffic generation potential for both the student population and the employee population was derived by using generation rates for the traffic generations .reports ,published bY'lthe::Instltute of Transportation Engineers The following table shows the total generated trips for the school. Due to the young age group in elementary schools, buses will transport the majority of the students. Per the Facilities Planning Division of the Palm Beach County School Board, it is estimated that, 400 students will ride the bus, 100 students will walk, and the remaining 200 students will be dropped off and picked up via automobiles. TOTAL NO. OF TRIPS GENERATED ( TYPE POPULATION NO. TRIP GENERATION RATE TOTAL DAILY TRIPS GENERATED Student 700 1.02 714 -3- <- .,. \ . 7(.1 LJ^' \)\ (/ ( "- .. '.~'-", ~ . .. ..-..1 ( EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing traffic data was obtained from the 1986 edition of "Traffic Counts" compiled by the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Palm Deach County. Traffic volumes are shown for the surrounding thoroughfares on Fig. 3 of the report. JJy 'the useiofTable 1 in the Ordinance No. :86-1, the following existing Levels of Service in the area were established: PRESENT PRESENT EXISTING A.tI. ROAD NO. OF LANES A.D.D.T. LEVEL OF SERVICE Lawrence Road 2 lanes (2-way) 4,505 A N.W. 22nd Avenue 2 lanes (2-way) 4,566 B Hypoluxo Road 4 lanes (divided) 15,956 B Boynton Beach Blvd. 4 lanes (divided) 22,486 C Congress Ave'nue 4 lanes (divided) 18,014 B ( With the exception of "Boynton Beach Blvd., the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) , is well below the maximum desirable traffic volumes (Level of Service "C") as established by the County. I ----- -2- c 'C (.pCb I ~ . ~ " r ITEM Introduction () TABLE OF CONTENTS .' , . Existing Conditions Traffic Generated Traffic Distribution & Assignment Summary & Recommendations Fig. 1 Fig. 2 (~ Fig. 3 f'ig. 4 . (, . , ' ! '. 1 l " , I . i "'\ L I I I ~ EXHIBITS Location Map School Traffic Distribution & (ADT) Traffic Assignment (ADT) Traffic Assignment (PHT) ~-- ( ': ..' I,' o PAGE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 ,j\ ( I ( .. -. ~,.' ....... " "-.. _'K'_"'_' _~h.~ r " ! ~ ! INTRODUCTION This study is designed to demonstrate the impact of the proposed elementary school on the surrounding roadway system and the system's existing traffic capacity. The future .school will be_located .ona..l8.,2acre site west of the 'city of Boynton}leach;:1n .unincorporated 'Palm Beach County, 'FL, 'approximately -midway between Hypoluxo Road and Boynton Beach Blvd. on the east side of Lawrence Road. (see Fig. 1) The school is to be 72,000 sq. ft. with an enrollment of seven hundred (700) students. The facility will staff approximately eighty (80) employees, including teachers, custodians, kitchen staff, etc., and will operate five days per week from mid-August through mid-June. It is expected that the school will be operating at capacity from openirig day forward. ( This report has been compiled in order to meet the requirement as set forth by Palm Beach County Ordinance No. 81-6 "Traffic Performance Standards", Performance Standard No.3. Therefore, the study specifically addresses the Level of Service of the existing road network and the effect of the new elementary school upon these existing Levels of Service. I -, ,I I , -1- ~ .0 /\0 ;-- 0 =1 ~ !4 ... m f'\ . -f " . CJ 1: . :n c I: I 0 ~ .' ... . ::- 1;1 m CD '" ~ z . (II ...1 Q ." r . Z .. \ : m . . m . · :n @z .ON~ ,':J ( ,.. r\ ::' ... 'V... ." (i; 'l"l:n r c: J>o J>o ." "" ~." .,. f'\ .".... ~ :z: - ." on Z c: ~ :0 J>o :0 ... UI -< ~~ ." C'I (f) .,,:z n o~ X I Z 0 J>o... 0 l!: r . "'D . c. OJ CJ "" ;! ... CJ :II: OJ n ;C CIl ~ E CD 9 :II: ... o :II: CD f'\ J> n X CD ~ ~ t t ~ .;() 'O,., ~~ )<~ ~~ c: :u." ,..r- :u~ 1,;1/> :!!n Ps o r- !!! 'Or> f'\)C ~~ :r;Z oC> c :u ... i! ." ." fi ( I .~ \ ,...... ---- LAWRENCE RO, I/> I/>n -x -<0 "'0 r CONGRESS AVE. :II: ~ N N :II: ~ I/> C \~ x -< '0 o r C >< o :u ~ jl: ~ ". A l~ I :\ :1 \:1 · 'I II I, .\ I '1:\ '\ ;t t ,t f I ,i I 'I I <:I.. ,. ] ,I 'I \ :: " " .1 'I: :1; .1 I' I' 1\ [I '.1' , 1 , I: I, I I , r Cl I- -4 '" Cl =1 s: 7": m ~i ~ .' 0 .... 2i m .. Z ...1 G1 ~I z i rn · :0 Q!)z .ON{~ I:: !C . iD a> ... ... 6 rrI a r c 0 rrI ::D !:'; ~ '" 0 rrI Z Z ~ ~ :0 ~ -< 'tl (I) (") X 0 0 r lit "tl lit (, r--. ( "\ )I( . . . . I . . ~.......-~..._._-_.......~..__.__.. I . I · I : I . I · I · . FLORIDA'S TURNPI.E ) ( HAGEN RANCH .... JOG RO, allLI TAllY TRIAL LAWRENCE 110, CONGRESS AVE. I-u ------- .. o .. z .. o z .. n :r: .. ~ ,~ ~_._' r' I ~!TI x)( 0- :DC!) o::! cz (;)(;) x i ITl .. ........ -.... ",,"" I I I I I I C!) C!)O -x ~o !TIo r- if t .. p !: ..f" .. p . ---. --- -..- - -. -t'tl -X:D 00 . :D "0 00 cC!) (;)1T1 xO ~ :D ITl e- lTI C) lTI Z o -.....--- % .. .. o E ~ ;z: ... !" I~ )t- --- r- .. z .. .. z .. .. p z ~"J \ ..:\\ I . ., . \\ 1\ .\ , \ :\ . . I C 1 -. ,....... r .," ' ..- ," 0 .- 5. !4 ;\ ~ s . "w: - t\ 'J3 ; 1: - "'IJ ~ . 0 (II ~ 2: J> ..' (5% 0 - .... 0 .. \ tTl ':&0 rn -4 ;0 n' " . 'Z. ~~ 'rl ~ . 0 .. \ (;') C'l ~ rn ~. r . - l" on ~ .. . 'Z. ; =.rn ';l rn ~ . rn ~ ~ . . 'J3 ~ q)z ~ ~ C) 'Ot'l~ ~ .0 oj: -4 ~ 1(. J> on on (; 1(. '::i 1(. '" .... {2.50) ~5% LAWRENCE RO, . {\4~ ) Zo"toO '" u>O -~ -40 1'10 r {50) o 1(. 11- ...... ~~ . ,- -' ..---..t, .... 1(. - 1;2 1(. -- - \,II O~ -' {4G4\ 65% {57\ - '1(. I.JI '1(. ~ {\5\ CONGRESS AVE, oj: 1(. { 1.\\ 1(. 1(. ~ -' -= -:e (ll S =- o : (ll o "f- ~ e fo) fo) : ? ~ ..- -'" ~. ..... .,' .-. at!'""' ~ _C'l:s:. 0 ::o:s:.rn ~ ~o f'\ ~~~ .' 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OUl - .,-.....0 "'0 "'0 , ... .10- ;"0 en"'. en- 14641 4 ~05 . [1,500] . -6,469' <II'" I ::o~ . '"'8 . r : 11~1 18,014 I [1/,000] . -29,029- . I . . .10_ . io~ D ~- II if ~ '" ? ~ !" I .... $1' ~ ~ ,e. $~8~ , -4CJl"'''' un '~5 S~-40 c::o:O(ll ::Dol>o "'c:~::r: -4%-8 ::DOor lo -4 -4 ::: :0 :0 _lo l:> o -n ..., :!! ..., o 0 . ,... 0;0> '""OS! ~o . .... N- . ... OUl ",... ",- . ,... ",'" O' - "" e.g D> .... I 9'_ ",,,, ",0 ",- \ \ (571 4 168 (1,000] -5,225 - ~ ... CD '" so .. .. o ~ ~ '" p ,.. .. z .. .. z .. '" p ;z: ~ !" L /);J.- -1 L- .' . . ~ 0 ,., : ~! en . m --4 · . . .. ~ " . ~ . J] ~I - :. (") CD .. f -< ,., . - ~ . m - n: ;t :x . Z , CD ' :. " ():) ....1 0 ~ ...... r. ~ . - c Z . 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LAWRENCE RO, o l464) 650/0 (57) .. .,. !o.. " ~ %'4 -Jt. f\> - l50) - "Jt. U\ ~. 0"- - <, ,. - , " , -. ; - -- --, -- ."; ~ % o "i ',: ----,-~..'_. .,.-- . " . ';\ .~...-.e_ .~.............-- ~J ,.-' 1 .- ----- .----- --' .-- -- o(/) -\ Z _o:r. 0 ':0 :r. fT\ -\ fT\0 00 ~ (T\ ::!C- - . ~--- _ 0 ..;.:.~J ~(/) ~:p~ _ (/) - '...((/)"'U c:(/) 0; ,... - fT\ U' ~O~ ':O-\rt'\ a;O~ C:OJ~ -\rnrn ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ -\ o :r. ~ rn ~ -~--~---- ---'"..---- --- -- - -- _.- .--.'- -~ -- ~ ------- "'1'\ ~(/) rn - , 0 , Gl C rn:t: rn :tI -;no ~ (Tl . )2' 0 G')r" rn , N rn-\ Z ': o-;n -' , po ~ ;" ~'.-n ." ,\ f":'-n \,:..c..- -< \0 '-\ '-;09- (f) 'P'~ n -n-;o :t: ." - 0 -OJ 0 Oc: -\ , - 0 - ~ - "0 .. - ~ ~ Y' J I I /' ~ THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD P,O, BOX 24690 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 33416-4690 305-684-5000 THOMAS J, MILLS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECEIVED SEP 21 1987 PLANNIi'~G DEPT. September 15, 1987 Carmen Annunziato, Director of Planning City of Boynton Beach 200 No. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Carmen: RE: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL "P" - BOYNTON BEACH This letter is to confirm the School Board's position on the possible annexation of School Site lip" (Lawrence Road) into the City of Boynton Beach. Pursuant to our telephone conversation of September 14, an application for Annexation and a concurrent application for Zoning will be submitted to the City. As you know, the School Board petitioned Palm Beach County for rezoning of the parcel from agricultural residential to residential single family, with a concurrent special exception to allow a public educational facility. The School Board will seek a parallel course on the annexation and zoning of the subject parcel into Boynton Beach. You will notice that the applications for annexation and rezoning/conditional use approval both request single family classification. I look forward to working with you and your staff on this school site. Respectfully, A AU~in A. Hernandez Planning Specialist AH:dg cc: William V. HukIll David Williams Howard Johnson Vladimir Martinez WP3/ES/SITE.PE /\c; I I r THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD P.O, BOX 24690 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416~690 305-684-5000 THOMAS J, MILLS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS t:: , \ . . RECEIVED' OCT 9 1981 PLANNING DEPT. : . I' , . II . ---" October 7, 1987 . . / 9 ~ Enrico Rossi, President ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. 1675 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: Elementary School lip II Dear Mr. Rossi: Enclosed~ for your use, is the topographical survey for the proposed site of future Elementary School lip" at Lawrence Road, Boynton Beach. The surveyor was unable to complete the survey due to haza'rdous material encountered. Please reach me at 684-5143 if you need further information regarding the above. oward Segal Department of Facilities Planning HS:LK cc: David H. Williams Agustin Hernandez Carmen Annunziatov x6de6/41 1ltJ ,J ._ ,.. .' MEMORANDUM October 19, 1987 TO: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL "P" Accompanying this memorandum you will find a Departmental Review Form which must be completed in order to provide the information required as part of the Commission's annexation policy. Also attached is a location map for the property requested to be annexed. Please complete this form and return it to me by Friday, November 6, 1987 for inclusion in the public hearing proceedings. " C~S. ANN~~ZIAT7--~ CSA:ro Attachments cc Central File ]v ~I\ J. ,- ,. . ~ DEPARTr:iErHAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS , . RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED'HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your .department. Palm Beach School Board Elementary School "p" Name of Development/Owner Boynton Nursuries Area of Subject Property_':?8~7,658'.8 Estimated Present Population -0- Sq. Ft. or 19..23 acres Estimated Number-of Existing Housing Units -0- Existing Use Tree Nursury Proposed Use Elementary School Consisting of 44 class rooms with a faculty of 80 and a student capacity of 712 Would your Department need to increase the number result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: of personnel as a No Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official Planning Police , Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire Public Works, Library Energy Date Processing Please return this form to ,the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map ^'b ~, ... LOCATION MAP CITRUS GLEN (INCLUDING PHA'SE II) .' . PALM BEACH COUNTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL lip" LAWRENCE LAKE ~(~~,~: 2>~ o ! I.,\'~ ~II ~. t ~CsJj ~I 8 "- ~ '""'- ;;flF r - - ""' '\ ~ ' . , /[L "--MS'l .' ; ~ ~ 11191 B" r · - r ~ ,. ,.,..,J , '" . 1 ~~D. .. . -. '~rr :J~~TE,!1 "W..n."'D: - 1.... ~~ . ~/~r618 5 ... , ~ -.... ......~ 5/7 t'85'~ ...' ~:J""_" ..~c.-----. ....... ....._..~..:. .. r, 1'7 j. 8 5 'J~. . I' ;, _._-~-~-_.. "... 3/181~~di . m !~ 7 ~ Ir-:- 1/2 1/' S" 6' _.,~ 1, i ~iH:::::if.IJ~e!\:i ,~_.>. -t'~:"::'~".' . . . . ; -: I: . ~~ElVlcD~I~~a~;l; ':. .'. .' .- '1" ""'/~"~~ _u~" : :~EH~affi~e~~~ ' . , ' "'\. . ~ . w "'" : -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::m:::::mm: ' ......_-..... __. __ . .If'~..~ -*.... ,... ~ ~.- -.-. . . .... ~... . . - .- . - - -- -. -~ - ~-I'-3'I' -8-6-'~"--: .,.~ - .' .,' I.'.' ~If ..-....~ ~,-..~ ::7:2~.~;t~:~~:,IJ$ . .'~. _ .-:::: . . .':: i ., :...:.:.J~','J,..d \ ~ ::'\"\;:~'" ~.. . r:r;o.. " ; ..,... ,":.~......:- - :;. - KE: . I I' r-- .,'; \'.,}'~I\,....' .\~ . ., ., . ~ _.... . .:.. . . . . I~ / .1' , ", . .,.... j j"31,r:fA, ':', ~1~~""---" ;' ':':.> ~:. ; ,: :.:.<< ,', '.. :.' I" . 4 J D. " . . ~~~JI..;= ..~;,: ~ 1 ' _,,--- _. "...:......:...- ....-: .- '-'--. - -~.~::.." '" - .; ....... --:- . I - '. ~ ""/3/ ~~r' RIGHTS-OF-WAY! ,/ ~ Sd~' ~ .... ...... "'" ..... .... A" ... . .... '-, ~ n ' , . . . ~. 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DEP{{R1;-"JJTAL REVIEH FORM TO: ALL IlEPAR'l'HENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY hS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evnluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. , ' Pal m Beach School Board Elementary School "p" Name of Development/Owner-Boynton Nursuries Area of Subject Property~ 837,658.8 Estimnted Present population -0- Sq.Ft. or 19.23 acres Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existi ng Use oi'r:ee Nursury Proposed Use Element nry SdlOOl Consisting of 44 class rooms with a facul ty of 80 and a student c:~pacity of 712 ........ ........ l~ould your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a resul t of this annexation? Yes ~Q~\~~ \~ No Estimated Humber of additional personnel required: \)... _~~~.....~ l~ould your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annex,\tion? Yes v No Estimated nnnual increase in salaried: operating' maintenance: capital outlay: Connnents: ~~ ~)7 ~ t 'S.~ r-- c..-.~ ~~.,..JL.. ~ - (+ "'~~... <.;;.......~~ / p-(\ /- .' '- ICf~ (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer :Planning Util.i ties Police Building Official Fire Publ i c l~orks 0 Library . v/' Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation I Ener~JY Date Processing Please retui-n t.his form to ,tht> City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: LPcntion Map ... .....--.-~~ ~\ / / lJEPARol,'",:::::r AL REV 1 E\1 FORM TO: ALL IJEPAR'l't-1EN'l'S RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evnluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Pal m Beach School Board Elementary School "p" Name of Developmen t/Owne r ~oynton Nursuries Area of Subject Property 837,658'.8 _. -- S Ft 19.23 q. '. or acres Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Exi~ting Housing Units -0- Existing Use 'T'r~e N!lrsury PropOsed Use Elem~ntary School Consisting of 44 class rooms with a facult): of '80 and a student <'npacity of 712 ................... Would your Department need to increase the number result of lhis'annexation? Yes Estimated Humber of additional personnel required: of personnel as a No X i~ould your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annex~tion? Yes No X Estimated ~nnual incrense in salaried: operating & maintenance: capi t(\l outlay: Comments: The BuiZding Department does not anticipate any immediate effect on .' personneZ or expenditure requirements due to this proposed annexation. (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance " City Engineer Planning Police / Building Official Utilities Fire 6 Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Public \~O)'ks. ~ibrary F.llergy Date Processing Pleat;e return thi~ form to ,toe City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location M~P ", ... ------~- 0\ I . < ,. ., I I · DLP!~R'I. '.~::;:T AL REV I EW FORM TO: ALL J)EPARTHENTS / RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Plcase eVClluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Palm Beach School Board Elementary School "p" Name of Development/Owncr -Boynton Nursuries Area of Subject Property_, 837,6~8.8 Estimated Present populntion -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Sq. Ft. or 19.23 acres Existi ng Use 'T'r=~e Nu,"sury Pl-OPOS0d Use Elementary School Consisting of 44 class rooms with a ~~cult)~ of 80 and a student capacity of 712 .................. Would your Department need to increase the number of result of this annexation? Yes Estimated llumber of additional personnel required: personnel ~ a ~o V' ~#I- , Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a res~l~of this annex\'\tion? Yes No V Estimated nnnual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: -0- Comments: .' (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk 'Pianning Utilities Finance 7:olice City Engineer Building Official -"-- Fire ~ Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation rubl ic lvorks .:....-__ Library Energy .- - - Date Processing Plea:;e retut'n this form t,o .the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attaehment: Location Map -- - - -:..r-. _. f6~ HEP AR"1: :~::1 AL · REV I EH FORr1 RECEnTED TO: ALL nEPAR'l'NEN'rS RE: JeT 26 1981 ANNE~ATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEpdfj~NING DEPT. Please evnluate the illitia1 impact that the annexation of property described herein wi 11 have on your departmtmt. . Palm Beach School Board Elementary School "p" Name of Devclol'ment/Own('rJloynton Nursuries .. S Ft 19 . 23 q .. or acres Area of Subject PJ'operty _ 8~7 ,658.8 Estimnted Present populntion -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existi ng use.-J:.J'ee Nursury. Propos~d Use~letn,'ntary ~;chool Consisting of 44 class rooms with a ~ fnculty of 80 nnd a student c~pacity of 712 . . . . . . . . . . t\ouJd your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a resul t of t.his annexation? Yes No XX Estimated number of .additionlll personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annex;ltion? Yes No XX Estimated ;nnual incre~se in salaried: opl'rating & maintenance: capi tlll outlay: Comments: .' . (Attach if insufficient spa~) .~ City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning police Building Official , Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Utilities Fire Public NO.1 ks Library ---'- r1lergy Date Processing Plea:.c return this Jornl to .the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Atta<:hrnent: Locatinn I'Plp ... Q;?J .---.~..- - --. .. DLPAR'I i.'.~:nAL REVIEH FORM TO: ALL /)EPARTl-1ENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED. HEREIN Please eVilluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Palm Beach School Board Elementary School "p" Nnme of Development/Owner ~oynton Nursuries Sq. Ft. or 19.23 acres Area of Subject Property_, 8~7,6~8.8 Estimnted Present populntion -0- Estimuted Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existi ng Use 'Tree Nursury Proposed Use Elementary ~chool Consisting of 44 class rooms with a fnculty of 80 nnd a student capacity of 712 . . . . ~f.p~r~onnel a ~ No ~a . Would your Department need to increase the number result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as this annexation? Yes Estimated nnnual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capitnl outlay: / a res~ No Comments: .' (Attach 'f/!' ) ~ ~ns ~c~ent space. , City Engineer City Clerk Finance Building Official Planning Police Util i til~s Fire , Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Publ ic \~orks. - Library l~nergy Date Processing Please return this form to .the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map ... col'( ---.-~- r ~ DEPr~RT: "'~::1 AL REV 1 E\1 FoRN " \ TO: ALL J)EPAR'l'MENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY ^S GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evnluate the initial .impact that the annexation of property described herein will have 011 your department. , Pal m Beach School Board Elementary School "p" Name of Development/Owner~oynton Nursuries Area of Subject Property 837,658.8 -..-. ..- S Ft 19. 23 q. . or acres Estimated Present population -0- Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units -0- Existi l1g Use .T'ree Nursury Proposed Use Elementary S~hool Consisting of 44 class rooms with a faculty of 80 and a student cnpacity of 712 ......... ........ Would your Department need to increase the number of result of this annexation? Yes Estimated number of additional personnel requireC: personnel as a No V o Would your Department need to increase this annexntion? Estimated nnnual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: expenditures as a result of Yes No V n o t) Comments: .' (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Building Official Planning Utilities Police Public tvorks, Library Personnel and purchasing Parks & Recreation ~,/ Fire , Eller~y -- Dat'e Processing Please return t.hisform .to ,thf~ City Planner' s Office as soon as possible. Attachment: LOCution Map ... -- . - --:..--._- -~--- ~~ -' DEP!~RT:'I~:~TAL REVIEH FoH~1 TO: ALL DEPARTl;lENTS RE: ANNE~ATION OF PROPEHTY hS GENERALl.Y DESCRlnED HEREIN Please eVilluate the initial impact that the "nnexation of property described herein will have on your department. . Palm Beach School Bonrd Elementary School "p" Name of Development/Owner -Boynton Nursuries __ Area of Subject Property._ 837,658'.8 Estimated Present population -0- Estima ted Number of Exist:ing Housing Uni t.s -0- S Ft 19.23 <] . '. or acres Existing Use 'i"ree N'ursury Proposed Use Elementnry School Consisting of ~4 class rooms with a facult)~ of 80 and a studl~nt cnpacity of 712 ........ ........ tvould your Department need to increase the nUllIbor result of this annexation? yes Estimated Humber of additional personnel requ:red: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexntion? Y0S No of personnel as a No Estimated nnnual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: All the above have been taken into consideration with the implaoontation of Station 3. .' (Attacl0f insufficient space.) Cit)' Clerk Planning Utilities Finance City Engineer -~ Police --- Building Official Fire , .- -- Personnel and Purchasing Parks & Recreation Public tvorks, Library -- El1er~JY .Date Processing please retu~n this form to ,th~ City Planner's Of1ice as soon as possible. Attachment: LPchtion Map tb~ ...,.-: """"':--- MEMORANDUM October 20, 1987 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTS FOR LAND USE AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS Accompanying this memorandum you will find newspaper advertisements for the four land use amendment requests submitted to the Planning Department on the October 1, 1987 deadline. There are separate ads for the Via Lago request and the three contiguous requests located on the east side of Lawrence Road. With respect to the Lawrence Road applications, two of the three requests have previously been forwarded to your office (Citrus Glen Phase II and Lawrence Lake). The school Board application has not yet been forwarded, as there are several outstanding items which must be submitted before the request can be transmitted. The procedure for advertising these requests is outlined in the October 11, 1987 memorandum from the Planning Director to the City Manager, ,a copy of which should be in your possession. The relevant schedule within this memorandum is entitled "Schedule of Public Hearings and Advertisements for Requests and Changes in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and Rezoning." In addition to the above, please note that the three Lawrence I Road applications are also Annexation npplications and should be advertised for four consecutive weeks, consistent with Chapter I 171.044, Florida Statutes. The attached advertisements are to be used for both the notification to the surrounding .property owners.,and for the newspaper advertisements. The newspaper advertisements are placed in the "Local News" section of the Palm Beach Post. wQuld be permissible for the newspaper to retype these advertisements, provided that the headlines are no less 'eighteen (~8) point letter size, and the advertisements not less than one-quarter (1/4) of a standard newspaper to be It than occupy page. ~~ ~"~-~t~L- S'AMES J .(JGOLDEN JJG:ro 0" :' "," -....: CITY of . BOYNTON BEACH . ~~ ...... ~... . , 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 ( 3 05 ) ,738 -7 4 9 0 .- ,- - --- - :: -:---- ' '. ,.". ~i~"'--~--_:::_~ -- :.':;1r~:!: ,--._ ... ...: ," . '0..::....._ - -------- -. ._~.=-.~. ;;VL~&. ...-::, .', '.' ~.~... ;;"'~~~~fi~~;;i;~:--=~ -r:a~ ....:~ (~: :'f'J . I.".. _~ '.....r;; '.',. ~~.:I."# --.:..-'-::-.~.._;-.~c; ~--..... ...:,-:.; rah":J. I ~~~..~' -- ~~ 'i:Jit . .g,~~..... . ..--::- - . ''''-'1.1 .' _'-~""'_ lV___ ' /, ~ I.... - ==::::.- 0, ~~~~~ ~~-'~--- - OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR October 27, 1987 Mr. Richard'Morley Palm Beach County Planning, Zonning and Building 3400 Belvedere Road ' West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Citrus Glen - Phase II Addition -PB:im Beach County Elementary School "P" Lawrence Lake Dear Mr. Morley: Enclosed you will find copies of the newspaper advertisements and plans for the above-referenced annexation and land use amendment/ rezoning requests. These projects 'are located on the east side of Lawrence Road;~and form 'a contiguous strip south of the L.W.D.D. L-20 canal. I Please provide your comments concerning consistency with the County's Comprehensive. Plan, and a summary of the County zoning categories which abut these parcels in the immediate vicinity. If possible,'an update of-the attached correspondence and map would be most helpful,." Yours very'truly, ~ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '. ""L .. " CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA:ro Enclosure i " cc Central File- q}J -5 MEMORANDUM October 30, 1987 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD-ELEMENTARY SCHOOL "P" Accompanying this memorandum you will .find a copy of the application and related documents for the above-referenced annexation and land use element amendment/rezoning applications submitted by Augustin A. Hernandez for the School Board. The application fees have been waived for these requests. There are still outstanding and incomplete items for these applications as outlined on the attached list. The relevant items have been circled and will be forwarded to your office upon submittal to the Planning Department. ~I-~ ES JII. GOLDEN JJG:ro Attachments cc Central File .. " %~ " .~ l-!EMORANDUM November 2, 1987 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: PALM BEACH COUNTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL "P" Attached is a revised legal description for the above which includes the right-of-way for Lawrence Road. ~ ~. /;J!J., JbMES J. OLDEN JJG:ro Attachment \ .. ~ ~- ~ EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE SOUTH ONE-HALF (S.~) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER' (S.W.~) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF LAWRENCE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ABUTTING THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. ALL OF THE ABOVE BEING LOCATED IN PALM BEACH COUNTY~ FLORIDA. GROSS AREA (INCLUDING ROAD AND CANAL.n/W) 19.23 ACRES LAWRENCE ROAD R/W (40' EAST OF SECTION LINE)' 0.61 ACRES L.W.D.D. R/W '(15' REQUIRED R/W 9R EASEMENT) 0.42 ACRES NET AREA LESS LAWRENCE ROAD R/W NET AREA LESS ROAD AND CANAL R/W 18.62 ACRES 18.20 ACRES ~ ~ , i AGENDA MEMORANDUM November 9, 1987 TO: PETER L. CHENEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL "P" - ANNEXATION Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of an application for annexation submitted by Augustin A. Hernandez for The School Board of Palm Beach County, applicant. Mr. Hernandez is proposing to annex a 19.23 acre tract of land located at the northeast corner of Lawrence Road.and the Lake Worth Drainage District L-21 canal. In addition, you will find a legal description for a right-of-way impacted by this annexation which should be incorporated (a portion of Lawrence Road adjacent to this property). Please place this item on the Commission Agenda for the November 17, 1987 meeting for the Commission's consideration and for forwarding to the Planning and Zoning Board for public hearings. (!. c:..--- . - ~- -A- I~;::C;- CARMEN S. ANNUNZIAT~ CSA:ro Attachments cc Central File . u{l ~~~ --- THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD P,O, BOX 24690 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416-4690 305-684-5000 THOMAS J. MILLS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS November 18, 1987 Carmen Annunziato, Director City of Boynton Beach 200 No. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Annunziato: RECEIVED' NOV 23 1987 PLANNIi'iG DEPT. - RE: ANNEXATION AND REZONING OF SCHOOL SITE "P" Enclosed please find two original signatures by the School Superintendent on application for subject school site IIp,'' annexation and rezoning. As this information becomes available, it will be forwarded directly to your department. Respectfully, ~ A. Hernande~Plannlng Specialist Department of Facilities Planning AAH:dg Enclosure WP3\ES\SITE.PE C\~ r\ ...",. ~ . > -""- -~ ~ ,', DAVID.. ACKt........N ""CK .., ..IELI.O ..ETEII" ..LDIIICH "LAN I ..II"OUII, II ..EAIIY E, "lION 8ERNA,RO A. aAKE". II. T, WUTRAY eATTLE. "A. KENNETH a BEALL."A ODETTE ....AIE BEN DECK DON"LD", B [UTTEN MULLER, "A. W ....RT1N IIONAN ......ES II. .AINOELL DE.O...... E SU"TTI DOAlC S. OO.....ELL. ", "OHN T, OOlll4ODY, "A, .IOHN COltBETT ....UL w, ... COUorrHELL..Ift, LEWIS ,.. CAt....EN 0, .IOSE..H CURLEY LEE S. DAVID THO..... D. DlCAIlLO aT~N 0, DELL Eo.""D DOWNEY UIOH E. DUNSTON ROSERT .., OAAHAM DANIEL." HANLEY ROSS C, HE,"NO DD<NIS W. HILUER ....ULK.HINU RICHARD D, HOLT 'l:HO..... .., HUNT ..OSE.... IANNO,"R, KElTH ... ......OUSE B""O"OAO D KAU"MAN TAENT S. KIZIAN ROeERT S, K"""'EII ROeDlT.., LANe, "", SCOTT". UN" ....A" T, LUTTIER EDW..1I0... ....ROD GUNSTER,YOAKLEY,CRISER & STEWART,P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW PHIU.IPS POINT, SUITE BOO TT7 SOUTH F'LAGLER DAlVE P,O. 80X '-587 WEI!IT PALX BEACH, FLORIDA 034Qa-4G87 TELEPHONE (3051 aS5.18eo o J. tc.. 'WIttLLIANSON fl'82.'.04) .IOSE"H ,., OUNSTER ". ""0701 .....IISHALL .., CII.SER IRETlIIEDI \ ! O,.ncES IN: WEST PALM BEACH, ,.LORIOo\ BOCA RATON. ,.LORIOo\ STUART. F'LORIOo\ ..,CHAEL v. ..ITIIIONE C, ....Y MORGAN L. I.OUIS "AACHE" aTEPH EN c. "'GE IIICHARD ........DINO WILU.\'" .., P"RADY ALAN PELUNOII.. HUGH W, PEIIIIY "ICHAEI. O. PLATH Ell .._U 0, PttESSL Y. "", STE....EN ... R...... RO.ERT A'O ' AHDACW S. IIOIIINS IlONALD N, 1lOS1:NW~" IlOIIVtT T. lICOTT "'CHAEL p, S,'" MAlIC L SPENCEII ... OllIE aTEW"RT ..E""1lCY ... STOOPS SEY"OUR S, SUSSMAN "'ICHAI:L a, TAMWIJIO DON"LD L TwO"'PSOff,1I PCTEII VAN ....DEI. ...."'U L WANUSS CHAISTOPHER C, _ULEA DRENNItH L. _1nI111E. "A, ""CHELU C, WILKINSON D"VlD S, YOAIIU:Y DAVID... %ALPH TELEX NUlo4eER: 150-7227 CABLE AOORESS: GUN YOAK PAeH TELECOPV NU....ER: 130~) e~!5-!5C577 OUA r'Lt NU"IIEII: 0 8 6 9 8.00001 WAITER.S DIRECT D'''L HUMKR ( 305) 650 -0583 November 20, 1987 Mr. Bob Skakandy School Board of Palm Beach County Department of Facilities P. O. Box 24690 3323 Belevedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4690 Re: Boynton Nurseries - Sale to School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida Dear Mr. Skakandy: Please find enclosed a copy of the signed Warranty Deed per your request. The original document will be forwarded to you after its recordation. If you need any further information or documentation, please let us know. 1mk 0058w Enclosure Sincerely, ~7}( Lois . Kasisch Leg Secretary :' ) \, } r-- I'-'~' ...'.,... (.- ',--, t:' .Ute'I'..'.,' '-" ._, r~~\...!:-; ..f~U \j' t..~::.]!_~~! HOV 2 4 1987 \:I"\~:iLr~~~..".~~ .,. ~ . ..~.. 'P'.!G ~ .--~ 6357B/110487 WARRANTY DEED THIS WARRANTY DEED made and executed'the ~day of November, 1987, by BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general partnership, hereinafter called "Grantor," to THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, whose post office address is P.O. Box 24690, 3323 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4690, hereinafter called "Grantee": (Wherever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations.) WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/IOO DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does grant, pargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the Grantee, all that certain land situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, to,wit: The south one-half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section l8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, less and except the right-of- way for Lawrence Road. Subject to Taxes for the year 1987 and subsequent years; all easements, restrictions and reservations of record; and all matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. AND the Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. This Instrument Prepared By and Return to: Drennen L. Whitmire, Jr., Esquire Gunster, Yoakley, Criser & Stewart, P.A. Phillips Point, Suite 500 777 S. Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 ~s ,. r- . ~ !' IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has executed these presents on the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered -the presence of: By: BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general part (I~ ::D.dUM James D. Sturrock, Jr., Managing Partner /Juu r~cI- STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss. COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this L!:^day of November, 1987, by James D. Sturrock, Jr., as Managing Partner of BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general partnership, on behalf of the partnership. (NOTARY SEAL) 2' q~ y M E MoO RAN DUM November 25, 1987 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: TAMERI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL lip" - ANNEXATION, LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT AND REZONING .; Accompanying this memorandum, you will find a copy of the agent's cover letter, the revised land use amendment/rezoning application, the seller's affidavit, the warranty deed (this supersedes the contract to purchase submitted originally - as of November 19,'1987, the School Board is the new owner of the subj'ect property), the statement of justification, and the development agreement between the Palm Beach County School Board and Intracoastal Developers, Inc. These documents complete the submittal for the above-referenced documents. ~~~~. ,T:-RI J. HEYD ';. ' TJH:ro ' Attachments eo -....... ., ~""'." CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ... ~~ v, "" " 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (305) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR December 30, 1987 Mr. Agustin A. Hernandez Department of Facilities Planning school Board of Palm Beach County 3323 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, FL 33402 Re: Elementary School "P"-Land Use Amendment and Rezoning Request ' Dear Mr. Hernandez: Please be advised that on Thursday, December 17, 1987, the City Commission postponed ,action on the referenced request. On Tuesday, January 12, 1988, public hearing will be conducted before the Planning and Zoning Board, and on Tuesday, February 2nd, the City commission will conduct a public hearing. Both public hearings will be held at 7:30 p.m. at pineland Plaza, 211 So. Federal Highway. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C-~~~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, AICP PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA:ro cc City Manager Technical Review Board Central File 6\~ ". ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS r61~ - R&I\A+ ~I~ FORUM III . SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401.2179 TELEPHONE: (407) 689.0554 March 17, 1989 Mr. August Hernandez Palm Beach County School Board 3323 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE: Elementary School "p" Common Entrance Dear Mr. Hernandez: Enclosed is the proposed common entrance road to the school site in Citrus Glen II. The sketch also shows the typical section which pruvides for a right turn lane to the school and a left lane for traffic going West onto L~wrence Road. If you have any questions on this, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, --:;> ROSSI A ALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. ~ . ~~ .,.----~-- ~Rossi, P. E. .Enc.. cc: Carmen Annunziato Alice sturrock Roger G.SAberson, Esq. RBCElVEn- MAR 20 1989 PLANNING DEPT. ~ - 0\\ ,-. .. MEMORANDUM 7 June 1988 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director continuation of Public Hearings, Properties on West Side of US-1, Citrus Park, Elementary School P and Lawrence Lakes RE: Please be.advised that the economic analysis of the uses of land along the US-1 corridor has not been received from Walter H. Keller and Associates within the time frame previously anticipated. This has resulted in the need to continue the public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board for the change in future land use and zoning for the properties along the west side of US-1 to July 12, 1988. Changing this schedule will require that the City commission continue its public hearings on the above-mentioned topics to the Commission meeting of July 19, 1988 in order to allow for a complete submission to the State Department of Community Affairs. Therefore, when these items come up on the Commission's June 21st agenda, please have the Mayor announce that th~ hearings on all four projects have been continued to July 19, 1988 at 8:00 PM or ~as soon thereafter as the agenda permits at the City Commission Chambers, 211 South Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida. = CCARMEN- S~TO /bks \<9 .. ',- r.. .... ~ , ...... . CITY of''; BOYNTON BEACH 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (305) 734-8111 t-...__:~~. .___.._~_.. . ...:..=- '. -.-.. ~~Q-1?:F=EE<:::~~ . ...'.,..;, . ,) . ......~~~~~~~~~~ ;::B!~ .~,:, ..' ~ .,:;,,If' ~c....- .~:~~ ~'":Iia'd~' 'I'p... , - r~, ,.!,'~~iP " -- ,- . ~. .. . ~~' ~ ~~ -.. . OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 21 July 1988 Mr. Ralph Hook Florida Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Resource Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Dear Mr. Hook: Accompanying this letter you will find materials which are ~elated to Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the city10f Boynton Beach. These plan amendments were considered by the Planning and Zoning Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, and also by the City Commission, at public hearings which were held after due public notice. The City commission of Boynton Beach has approved the transmittal of these plan amendments to the Department of Community Af~airs. The three (3) plan amendments enclosed are entitled as follows: 1. Citrus Glen - Phase II Addition 2. Elementary School "P" 3. Lawrence Lake With respect to the July 1986 Technical Memo (Vol. 1, No.2), which outlines the procedure for submitting comprehensive plan amendments, including the information that is to be' contained within the letter of transmittal, please be advised of the following for the above-referenced applications: 1. Public hearings for these requests were held before the City Commission on July 19, 1988, at which time the Commission approved these requests for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. 2. The three (3) land use amendm~nt requests included in this transmittal represent the first set of amendments for calendar year 1988. \0\ .... Page Two. 3. Not applicable. 4. Not applicable. 5. James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 200 North Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490' With respect to the technical requirements outlined for Land Use Amendments in the July 1986 Technical Memo, please be advised of the following: 1. The present and proposed land use for these amendments are outlined in the staff report and in the Notice of Public Hearing which are contained in the individual agenda packets for each application. 2. The location and size of each property is contained within the respective staff reports. Also included is a location map within each agenda packet. The Notice of Public Hearing for each application also includes a location map and provides a description of each request, including the total acreage of the property. 3. A description of the surrounding land uses for each request can be found in the section of the staff report entitled "Current Land Use and Zoning" and in the correspondence from the Palm Beach County Planning Department which can be found wi thin .the exhibits for each staff report. I I 4. A description of the ,availability of public facilities is shown on the plans and comments concerning utility service are contained within the staff comments. 5. A discussion of the compatibility of the proposed land use amendment with the land use element objective and policies, and with those of other affected elements is contained within the staff report. In addition, you will find one blueprint copy and ten (10) photocopies of the Future Land Use Element. 6. A location map showing each land use amendment is contained within the exhibits of each staff report and is also shown on the Notice of Public Hearing for each project. 7. Other available staff information which further explains the amendments is contained within the respective agenda packets. ,at ~ Page Three. If you have any questions concerning these plan amendments or you find that you require additional information, please contact .Senior Planner James Golden at the address or telephone number previously listed under item No. 5 in the first section. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Co..- _c5~ Carmen S. Annunziato, AICP Planning Director /bks cc: Central File \'O~ ',.' . ~;~~. ;~;:~~.: .!~,;;. . . " ,. .,. ..... ,..~:/:;. .,"." ", ;~.:: .' :~". ."~ ::....~. " ';f:~:~:,:' " ':~:~ 't"" .~ . ,4 .." . ,: :...:-~:'l;'.'!: :: ''-'. '. '.. . :l,.!~: ~"~' .:./: ':~~~:...:.:! '.. ...:.1 .. :.. . ..~. ~ I ...... : ...... ..... .::" ~.... .~:. .10..... . ;",; ;;~:.~,:: ',(:, . :~:~i~:;~;:ii~~:~~:i>; ,:.,,;Il-\t. ,........... ..j'. :..,;.(':10..... :~ ..~:.:::..,.~. ,:::.~;;:~4.::,;i, '.;'" tA }, ::;J~I;~~::;~;' };,;:~~~ ' ....,:... ...... " :~i".' '.;, . .'11' .. ..".:Ji..~ .~.._..'... THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 3323 BRVEDERE ROAD P.O,BOX24690 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33416-4690 305-684-5000 THOMAS J, MILlS SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOlS February 23, 1989 Cannen Annunziato, Director of Planning City of Boynton Beach 200 No. Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: School Board/City Relationships Galaxy Elementary School Dear Cannen: Thank you for sharing Raymond Rea's response (letter of June 1, 1987) to Building Codes---Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act. I've included some sections which we have been infonned of from our legal counsel. I thought you might enjoy reading them. As I stated or tried to state at our meeting, the School Board intends to work with the City. My past experiences have shown that the pooling of our resources (School Board/City), far exceeds the expectations on the provision of public facilities by the communities at large. I hope to continue to work with you and your staff! AAH:dg Enclosures WP3\ES,GAE ~fVIETh rfEB ~4 ijB'89 ~r#~i~f6 \b'EPlf. / \\)~ :::::.. 1 HE SCKX)l OOAHO OF PAUl Dt:ACH COUNTY. rlOH:QA 3313 BELVEDERE ROAD PO OOx 24100 Wt:51 rALM OEACU, rL 33-ur,.4r.oo 3O~u..,!.OOO nIO'.1I,~.. J I.lIUS !,,,fPf HI""'N(.)(h' (. .'O"..1l!> January 3, 1989 MEMORANDUM FROM: William Hukill ASDistant Superintendent Growth Management Center Abbey G. Hairston General Counsel TO: r . ~ f I: SUBJECT: Financing Infrastru This is in response to your request for a written opinion on the issue of whether the School Board can pay for off site, non-contiguous infrastructure such as paving, water and sewer. Please note that our office has no record of previously issuing an opinion concerning this matter. However, this Office has recommended in the past that the School Board should not pay these fees because Section 235.26(1), Florida Statutes, and 6A-2.01(45), Florida Administrative Code, exempt the School Board from making ouch payments. Additionally, the ENCON case, \V'hich \-las reviewed by the Florida Supreme Court, clearly establ ishes that the School Board should not pay these type of fees. Please note that I have recei ved several requests from Richard Kurtz concerning \-later and set';er requirements for t-tiddle School "FF" and Middle School "AA", wherein the owners of property which the School Board seeks to obtain, have requested that the School Board pay for sewer assessments. The School Board should not pay these assessments. Our office will provide the necessary assistance to resolve this issue as it arises. Should you need additional information, feel free to contact nc. AGH:arj cc: J. Kenneth Schrimsher David Hilliams Richard Kurtz \0\0 [,4 I ,- .I~ . I . ~ 235.33 ImUCATION f~m!CA'fION and Ilub$tituw in SUb5CC. (2) "und lIndllary plant ronstruction conl.r.1rl.:l, chan~t! orders, anti l'aym('n!.I" lor "plant con~trucuon conl.r.1ct.:1 and r~ymcnts". l..:1wS 19RG, c. HG-I, ~ I, cr!. April 22, 19R/i, rt'Cn:lcW lhb !a~tion witbout chanr,c_ For rat. ifiration of :lculIns tal(('11 I'Ur:IU:l."lt to l.aws 1!l8:i, c. S!.",..IIG, lllld fur rclrollCU\,(' cCC('("t of I..:1Vo's I !JRG, c. t;/O.l. !;('(' 1/ i:ltoric-..al 1'0: otto to G 2:15.00 1. G. Sunitnry Improve': SellOol hoard, whid sanitary impro\'('m('nt school:! to city's cenlr and lIWllre of the r.O'lt and which actiVl'ly sou service provided by ci: p:l)' (ront (oot a5:;c:;~n rn('nt:l notwilhstarld::-;{; 235.34. Expenditures authorized (1) School boards. boards of trustecs, the Board of nc~~cnL~, hoard..'l of county commis. sioner.;, municipal bo:mls, nnd other a~cncjc:; and board:1 of the sbte ma}' c;,:pcnd funds, scpat'3tely or collectively, by contract or a:::-rccmcnl, for tIle pl:u:cment, p:lving, or maintaining of any road, byway, or sidewalk contiguous to or runnin;; through the property of any educational plant or for thc rnainu.'IIancc or imprc)\'cment of thc property of any cduc.ational plant or of any f:lcility on wch property. Expenditures may also be made for sanitary and utility improverncn~ ~nd for the in:;bll:1tion, opet'3tion, :md mainten:mcc of lr.1f(ic control and safcty de.-ices upon, or contiguous to, any existing or proposed educational planL The boards of county commi::sionern, municip~ bo:lrd.~, nod other a~encies and boards of the swte may p!:mt or m:l!nbin L"'Ccs, f1a.,'crs, &hl"Ubb~ry, nnd beautifying p!anLo; upon the r,rounds of allY cducatiord plant, upon approval of the superintendent or prc:;ident or the desir,-nee of eithcr of them. P~ymcnt by a bc::u-d for any improvemcnt set forth in this section shall be autho.izcd in any amounts :grccd to by tIlC bo::u-d, Any payments foO authorized to be made r.h:lll not b~ m:mdo.toZ1' unlcss the specific improvement and costs have been agreed to prior to the improver.:ent's being made. (2) The provisions of any bw, municipal ordinance, or count-j ordinance to the contrary notwithst.anding, the provisions of this section shall rc~ulat~ tllC IC'1'in~ of as$essment3 for spccbl benefit.3 on school or commcnity collCl~C di5triCtz and the diT'Ci:ting of the payment thereof. Any municipal ordinancc or county ordinance making prorision to the contrary is void nod shall be of no effecL Amended by 1.aw:J 1977. c. '17-458, ~ 19. cU. July 1, 1!)77; l.:1wS 1931. c, 81-223, ~ 30, crt. June 30, 1981; l..:1wS l!18:J, t. 83-217, t le5, efC. AUf:. 12, 1!)~~; l.:1ws 1935, Co ~l1G, ~ 21, dC. Ji:.:1e 14, 1935; Laws 1986, Co 85-1, ~ I, efr. April 22, 1986. 235.-20. H.'1(Ho nnd t (1) A board, ir.c1ud casement, or ~ift. s boundaries of the disl sites nnd may erect s structures as arc ncc( (2) Fixed capiml ou tional tc!c.:ision ~r.d commissio~cr r..a v inc Ludget request for fix Amer:ccd by Laws In7. 1978; Laws 1979, c, 7~1~ L.'lWS 1986, c. foG-1, ~ 1, ( For repeal of [hi Laws 1977, c, i7-:5~, s. te\'cral districts of this s boards oC trustees", and d c!j~tricts" lol/owing "hound L3ws 1978, c. 78-12-'<, d( Ilr:d added subsec, (2), l..:1w:; 1979, c. 79-1!JO c' office of the go\'en:or :l;d ' as W lransf('r powcr:;, dut: confo:-mancc therewith, Lav,':l 1931, c. 81-22:1 ~ board, includin~ the llo:l;d o. nc~al For repeal of thi3 section, see the italici=cd note at the head of thi:J cl-..aptcr. LaWll 1977, Co '17-458, broadened appliotion of Notes of Dxlslo:u &ection (rom the property of public nchoob to Snnlt.:lry improvements G educational pbnts end provided powcrs or boards oC trustcc3 nnd the no:u-d of nc;:en~, wwu 1981, c. 81-223, ~ 30, inscrtcd, "or" fol. lowing "eny cduentionnl pbct" in the rU"St s::n- tcnce oC subscc. (1). LaW:I 193.1, c_ 83-217, Wt1.'! n revi.~cr'!l CCITCC. tion bill emending cubncc. (1), S('c HC\-i:;c;,,'6 Not.c-1983, ' LaWB 1985. c, 8S-11G, ~ 21, eff. June loS, 19:15, Bubstitutcd "r:my" for "&h:lll" (It'l'c('dinr.- "cT.pt.nd (uncU" llnd Ilubstitutcd "contil':O:l3" for "nl!ja- cent" in the fir.lt ncnu-nct', and 1mb~titutcd "con- tiguous to" (or "in tile vic-inity of" in lhc tC'contl !l('ntcncc o( nub:I('t~, (I). l.aw!I J!)lUj, c_ r.r,..I, ~ 1, ('ff, April 2~, J~I~I;, tt.'t.nllc.....ll tili.'! I;cC'lion wilhout dl:UII:l', Fur ra~' ifiClunn o( Ill'lion:! ~1k('lll'ur:lullllt !<. l..aw:I 1:::1:-., c, H5-lIG, and for n'lro;u.ti\'(' ('((I'('l lI( I ~IW:l 1!JRG, c. KG-.I, 1:('\' 1Ii.'1turil'al Nut.. lu ~ ~l:. 1101. I~yllt('r'" Nolt'-1!l~1: Anll'rllh',j to (a('II.:';II:' .'urr.,..t 2. Constn.:cUon And .lIppllt'DUon Pt:rposc or this ccction proviiling t."::1t p:lY' men!.'! :1uthori%('d to be mAde by Echocl bo:1rd Cor &:It:it.3ry improvcmcnt.:\ &hall not be r:-..an::t.atol)' unk-S:l r.~c'('ific im~:-o\'cl:'l('nt nnd it.3 C03U hn\'c he(';} al~n'('d W hy f.<'hoo! bo3Tll bc!cl"C improve- m('lIt i:J m:ld~ i:J tv prc\'cnt levy or Il~..al e::3C~'l. m('ul'l Drrainst cd:ool property ~JiU:o~t ll~ Inl'nt of &chtlul hC1:lrd; bnlru:l~e of St.:ltut.c that "lll(' llJll'd(ic irnpro\'l'tnf'nt und i!.:1 C03t !-..avc lx-cn n;~('('d to \Jy thc r~};ool b:,~r;1 prior to Uw i::I- I'rf:\"l-(:\('nt.:~ ht'ir::: I:~~t!.'" i:1 ".o:a.!itio:1 ;.!"",("('dent In I..\'Y lIf /1:I:a':;:IIl\('Tl~1 (ur l:I'\'('bI t.:::d'i:..'l on 1:('11,,01 d::;tril'l:I, Cat:; of ~:('woary \', ::=--t:I",,1 Bd. fI( A!,.dlll:l Cutllll:,-. lq'I'.. :~:;:-l ~;II.~d ~'7 (I!179). NI1ni'h:trl,'r ('IlUllti":1 an' lIul nu~c.ri~("l by 1:('(ll'r:\1 hw 10 InHI ('flunly r.lOl!:; d,'r.\'.,d fnJr.l ad \ al..r":lI I~\:! n'\"'/IlW or (rolll oltJ('r , . url"'''\ III .l,,,t ri,'. :" ),I/ul "oar'!'\. ()I',A tty,( :,'~, 'J"{7 -3:~, ir:lo'rl'rl'la :/1/11. !.!. H.-I I :11, I ~rl1, :IW i 23:>.41. L('~jglntivc cnpit (1) The commb~ioll('r fl a:nounls reqll:n'c1 to fund r~qu('s~ rf.'C]uireu hy tlli~; ~ I..clucatlon C:I(l:l'1l Outl:w : confcrenct' :-;h:lll he wIC':f ii, COtnr.tis~;iorlPr, in ('CJ/lSu/lati pro,\'ic!e annually to t/w Sl:1. (,l'~!:1:at(' ~)f funds that l:h:tl {,l'I;):,;tr b;ls pUnal:llll to :'. (21 Till' ('omllli;;',iolll'l' sl. hll!!I:l't fl''1l1l'S: (or ('dill':!: :~. bCI:mh. illduclir:~ {II(' J!o:lr al'l;!l(';.b!I' /,ro\,j'i"'ll=, IIf . II:: submit tll I:It' l'lIfumi,,',:I'/:.'1 all:llnl (";Ii':t:ll (\11: I.l\' "'~.l/'" l:'~!ll':ltillll (':Il'iLtI (It:,:"., ;1: sld'/!I:l I/il' 1'I"!'hf.,.I.I.lh"",!. \0 " EDUCATION Title 16 J ~, EIHJCA TIONAI. F ACI UTI ES eh, 235 ~ 235.01 5-1 If" 9 2f" provid.,~ that nol' e provi~ion~ IIf the Ih'gubtury Law!'. 1982, (;. 112-137, I.;)w~ ), Laws 1983, c. 83-208, and !l3-326, enulllcrated provisions shall not stand repealed July I, led by such acts, but such chap- :.1. is revived and readopted. Laws 1985. c. 85-116, provided review of this chapter as db, alicized nute preceding this set.- d()L'lItl\l:tll~ de\'e1oped ~C1 as 10 proc:ccd illlnll~dialely with Ihc conslruClioll of cdllt':Itional facilities whctl fllnds ;It'(' m:lde a\'ailable. Repeal For repeal of this sectioll, see tlzc italicized note at tlte Itead of this c/wptcr, l..1\v~ 19116, c, 86-1 provides: taken pur~uant to chapter If Florida, on or lifter the errec- h act which action.. would have ~,er the prc.vi..ion., of this act ilre Derivation: Laws 19116, t', !It.-I, ~ I. I.mvs 1985, c. 85- rt 6, 9 2. 1.:1\\'5 1984, c, !l4-34<J, 9 I. I.aw'i 1981, c. 81-223, 9 2, l.aw~ 11)77, c. 77-45!l, ~ 3, I.aw~ 1974, c. 74-374, 9 I. IIlstorlcal Note For ratification uf action.. taken pur!'.uant to I...Iws 1985, c, 85-116. and for retmactin' dfect of Laws 1986, c, 86-1, see IIistorical Note tu ~ 235,00 I. I.Ibrary References , I.:t\\ ~ 1986. c. 1It.-1 provides: III take effect upon bt'cclIlIing II apply rclruactivdy from the cf- chapter 85-1 16, I.aw~ or F1or- School.. C?67. CJ.s, SchooI.. and Schonl Di!'.1ricts ~ 256, Notes of Decisions Under Educational Facilities Construction Act, once school board ha.. made initial <.lcd, sion to construct educational facility, local and state oHicialo;. working together, arc to then prepare pbns for the facility, with such plan~ lCl be subject to approval of state bOilrd of education bdore they may be incorporated into bOil I'd'!, annual capiwl out lilY budgt'l. Id. Educational Facilitic!'. Construction Act doe~ not remove from school boards the discretion to build an educatiollill facility, and onCe thilt decision is milde, the discretion to revoke it, Id, Construction and application I on system the availability ducational needs which is . student, notwithstanding c factors, and to provide ;nd the Blind and other fined by law. lesigns, construction tech. Jcational facilities for the :tory educational environ- :lr design and construction 1. Construcllon and appllcatlun School board's action, in rescinding con, !'.truction conlrilct to build ncw high school, did not violate ~ 237,121 providing for pcrson- 011 liability of hoard members "voting to incur i1n ind(:btedne~s" .. .. in exccss of the expendi. ture allowcd by law, or in excess of any appro- priation .. .. .. adopted in the. · · budget or amendmenls tllt'reto" .. .;" rescission of con- tract was not synonymous with "incurring a debt:' Jones v. Braxton. App" 379 So,2d 115 (J 979). J , 1 235.01. Purpose; rules (1) The purpose of this chapter is to authorize state and local officials to cooperate in establishing and maintaining educational plants that will provide for public educational needs throughout the state and meet the intent of the Legislature as described in s, 235.002. (2) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to implement the provisions of this chapter. .edueational facilities con. cted needs of the public ble by building uniform, ound base for planning for Repeal For repeal of this sectioll, see the italiciz.ed note at the head of this chapter. construction whereby sites nulatcd, and construction Derh'atJon: I.aws 1986, c, 86- t, ~ J. Laws 1981, c, 81-223. ~ 3, IIIslorlcal Note' Laws r977, c. 77-458, ~ 3, Laws t969, c. 69-300, ~ I. 23 '- ~ ~; supp, 86-2 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES CHAPTER 6A-2 ~Il) nUl'l IlIN: Imr:-fl III ll; nol rl~qlllrp.d wlll!n toll11 new nir-collCllt. iortecl CliO 1 trill lond Jll two 11lmdf(lCI forty. lhollnnrlcl (240,IJOO) 11T1l pl!r hour (lwenty (20) lo,m) or Ip!J!; . r.')) lXCIYIION: D;][-flEtT is not required when tying into existing, nde'1unle chilled waleI' capacity. (~) EXCEPrIUN: One (1) life-cycle cost onalysls may be performed on 0 group of future buildings at one time, even tho~gh the buildings arc planned for construction ot different times. The 6clected ond mandated system shall be used for every building in the group, and origin~l life-cycle ~ost analysis referenced In evcry project submittal. un for inspection by the office of completed new construction, see Rulc 6A-2.074, fAC. ., (9) . The office may delegate Its revIew and approval process of phase 1, II, and III documents to 0 board provided each of the following items are satisfied: ~a) The board sholl submit in duplicnte a written applicotion/ogreement to the office, including detailed lnrormat~on of the process it proposes to use, whiCh ~hall include but not be limited to the follOWing: 1. T~e board shall ensure that all plans and facilities meet the standards of the UBe and shall provide for tne enforcement. of thi s code in the :Ireas of the i I' jurisdiction. ~. The board has on its permanent staff a Florida registered architect or engineer who shall certify that ea~h. of the documents complien with the provlslonn of Chapter 23~, rIorida Statutes, and Chapter 6A-:?, fAC. In eddition, that sut~lcient staff is provided by the board to fulfill nIl these requirp.ments. 1. Th.! selected project architect or engineer for a proposed educational plant shall seal the plann and specifications ~nd shall certify that all documents comply with the provisions of applicable laws Dnd rules. 4. The board has had no mandatory requirement citations by the o,fflce on previously submitted arc~ltectu~nl/ engineering documents or on f~nal !nSpcctlons for a six (6) month pcrlod Immediately prcceeding the application date; and 5. The hoard shall, upon completion of a construction project, request the office lo make a final inspection of thl! completed construction. Should any violal ion of Inw::; or rule!; be found by the office al the time 1)1' 1I1~pcct ion, t.he ho:ud shall imm('(1i!ltely correct any wlc1 all deficif"!ncif!S, cit.!(1 ill writ lnq, nod no stnte fU,ndn n~H111 br' nllo>l(,d to Ill' used to correct s~l1d dellCll'nC1C'!;. ')) The office shall review 1I1t~ boarcl'u annllent ion/ nqrl!emL'nt, ilnc1 ~;hall apprO\'I' or (I '. . I~: . ~.. dwappl'lIvl! il in writ inq. 'I'l'! (1) Cllp) III :HI nppr.I\'I!d apl'll!'al illn/nqrl!l'm(,nt HIHlII Ill' r.,lllllll'd tn llll! board, IInl! shall h" valId fnr one (1) ye:lr f I'll," dale of npproval. !::) lhe h(wrd may tl!rrninate ilB opprovml IIppl ienl ion/ olJrl'cmenl nt nny Urn!!, provided it notifies the office in wrilin9 of such oction at the time of terrninot ion. (-:I) The hoard shall annually renew itH opproved nppl iention/ agreement with thr. office. Renewal action shall he within thirty (0) days prior to its elCpirntion date. l\t lhe time of renewal, tile Iloard shall certify there ore no chonges, or lisl nIl ehangr.s for consideration and approval by the offlCC. Should nny violations of laws or rules be found in the proposed changes, the application/agreement shall not be renewed hy the office, nnd the board shall he so notified in writing. (e) The office choU promptly revoke, in writing, a board'u approved application/agreement for review and approvnl of phase It II and III documents, when any violation of laws or rules is found at any time or ot the time of a final inspection hy the office. Spr~Clf1C Authority 229.0SJ(1), 235.01(2) F5. Lfl>l Implell1C!nted 120. ~~( 1) (a), 2,5').010, 235.212, 23~.26, 240.293, 240.327 rs. Ihstory NC!'II G-IO-7~, Ar:lendnd 9-6-7!3, 0-12-80, 6-21-B3, 10-1S-B4, Formerly 6A-Z.11, Amcnjed 2-2!J-96. c. f. OEf 1 S9, Flor ida Energy Conservation Nanllal for the Department of Ec1lJcat Jon Ilnc:l the DOE-fLO: 1 fad I it y Energy fleqIJireml!nt DocIJIl1'Jnt 6A-2.012 Exception from Codes and Ordinances. All erlucat.ionlll facilities COli!.> t rucl,erl by a bOllrd sMa 11 incl)rporat.l! the Stal e Uni fonl nui lding COde for PublIC EdoJL'atlonnl focilitielG Construction arHi nre hIH'i:'by e)o.empt frum all olher stllte, county, dl strict, ll1urli~i;):Il, or local buildlnrJ code!;, inl<!rpretnIIOIlS, blli lr1I~19 perrni t!i :'lll,j n!I'i'!!l"m~!lIt.; Dr fee:l for builr1lnq pllr,"1!.!), ordl lalle":l arl'l ,impact fee::; 01' sl~rvic.. :J'IIJlI:/!1I11Iy f"Pln.' (See Rulo~ 61\-2.0:11 (4El), r 1'\1.',., ';P,!~'.r1<: I\ut"orlty 22<}.n~J(1), 2.s.>..!l1(2~ r~;. l:'>I hp}'~/.,:~"t.'Jd ,~~'~~~.J2J! _~~S'J...?,~~1}(9'), 10), ,2'IO.211'l,J).::), 2'11. ,. r!,. nl3tO"ry _ Nm~ r.-f:)-7~;; l\rallrlCl,!.1 ')-(,":79;- S-11-02, (,-21-0'5, --.J \0\ 71 ,- EDUCATION Tille 16 " . ',. ~ . 6Cd under rcgul&ltions of the trimental to the welfare of , located nearer than three lY school site. if. July I, 1980 '77-458, !i 14. 77-104, !i 69. 76-280, !i 7. f I. I i i i Irmer s. 235.22 I shall ation as determined by he provisions of s. 7(1) lch funds to the Capital e same interest rate as Capital Outlay and Debt :tized by approximately interest over the life of ently than annually and ! at tlte head of this 1 of actions taken pursuant to .116. and for retroactive effect , 86-1. see Historical Note to ~ f ,; i ~, t and School Districts !i!i 331 to ~, -239. ~ 116 ards for new buildings, and EIHICATIONAI. I:ACILlTIES eh, 235 ~ 235.26 1 l'lIl1ill'd ;11'1'10\,;11 IIf ~(hllol plal1', n"pl'ctively, \\l'1 c derivcd fa 0111: l.:\WS IlJ~5, c, 297M, ~~ 69, 70. !.;IW, IlJ55, l'. 2~754, ~ 11. l'lIIllp,Gl'I1,l.a\\', 5..pp, 144(1, !i t\1/:!!:'O<' I, 010), OIl). I.a\\" 1939, l'. 1<)355, !i!i 9:!J III (/2~, .. . t 235.26. State UnIform Building Code for Public Educational l:acllUlcs Construction The State Board of Education shall adopt a uniform statc\\'ide building code for planning and construction of public educational and ancillary plants, except for Board of Regents facilities. The code shall be entitled the Stale Uniform Building Code for Public Educational Facilities Construction. In- cluded in this code shall be flood plain management criteria in compliance with the rules and regulations in 44 C,F.R.. Parts 59 and 60, established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, effective October I, 1986. Wherev- l.'r the words "Uniform Building Code" appear, they shall mean Ihe "State Uniform Building Code for Public Educational Facilities Construction." It shall not be the intent of the Uniform Building Code to inhibit the usc of new matcrials or innovative techniques; nor shall it specify or prohibit materials by brand names. The code shall be flexible enough to cover all phnses of construction which will afford reasonable protection for public safety, health, and general welfare. The office may secure the service of other state agencies or such other assistance as it may find desirable in the revision of the code. (I) Uniform Building Codc.-All public educational and ancillary plants constructed by a board, except the Board of Regents, shall conform to the State Uniform Building Code for Public Educational Facilities Construction, and such plants arc exempt from all other state, county, district, municipal. or local building codes, interpretations, building permits, and assessments of fees for building permits. ordinances, and impact fees or service availability fees. Any inspection by local or state government shall be based on the Uniform Building Code as prescribed by rule. Each board shall provide for periodic inspection of the proposed educational plant during each phase of construction to determine compliance with the Uniform Building Code. (2) Conformity to Uniform Building Code standards required for appro\'- al.-A board shall not approve any plans for the construction, renovation, remodeling or demolition of any educational or ancillary plants unless these plans conform to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. It ~hall also be the responsibility of the office to develop, as a part of the Uniform Building Code, standards relating to: (a) Prefabricated or factory.built facilities which are designed to be porta. ble, rclocatable, demountable. or reconstructible; are used primarily as class. rooms; and do not fall under the provisions of ss. 320.822-320.866. (b) The sanitation of educational and ancillary plants and the health of occupants of educational and ancillary plants.. (c) The safety of occupants of educational and ancillary plants as provided in s. 235.06. . (d) The physically handicapped, l t I i I S9 l '- ... EDUCATION Title 16 led documentntion and ,ll documents shall be 'Pproval. A bonrd may '~ruction on the site for ') another site within the , , provided the construc- . Uniform Building Code ion, casualty safety, and re in effect at the time a take into consideration: 'ds. als proposed to bc uscd. mditioning, plumbing, or ,Ie design. icapped persons. ,uare foot, ~ project has been inspect- rules, and codes affecting )f Education shall be the r interpretations involving ~pare in writing its reasons :>r the office, .-The office is authorized :orm Building Code, The ard at no cost copies of the ), The office shall make ,ns at a price sufficient to 1: EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES ~ 235.26 Ch. 235 (8) Fnllout shclters.- (n) Afll'r the effective date of this act,' a board may require the nn:hitect concerned in the initial design, stages of design, and construction of new educational facilities to apply for tcchnical advice and counsel on fallout shelter slanting and cost.reduction techniques available without cost through the Department of Community Affairs. (b) When thc board concerned detcrmines the application of fnllout shelter slanting nnd cost-rcduction techniques to be feasible and economical for the inclusion of n fallout shelter in the proposcd educational facility, the design and construction of such educational facility may include fallout protection ,...hich meets the minimum standards for such protection as prescribed by the Department of Community Affairs. (c) Educational authorities of the state and its political subdivisions are authorized to modify existing educational structures to incorporate fallout shelters, and the Department of Community Affairs shall make available to such authorities the same professional services as set forth in paragraph (a). Such authorities are further authorized to participate in such federal assist- ance programs as may be available to assist local authorities in providing fallout protection in educational facilities. (9) Legal effect of codc.-The State Uniform Building Code for Public Educational Facilities Construction shall have the force and effect of 1m... and shall supersede any other code adopted by a board or any other building code or ordinance for the construction of educational and ancillary plants whether at the local, county, or state level and whether adopted by rule or legislative enactment. All special acts or general laws of local application are hereby repealed to the extent that they conflict with this section. (10) Local legislation prohlbitcd.-After June 30, 1985, pursuant to s. Il(a)(21), Art. III of the State Constitution, there shall not be enacted any special act or general law of local application which proposes to amend, alter, or contravene any provisions of the State Building Code adopted under the authority of this section. I The term "the crfective date of this act" is as enacted by Laws 1967, c, 67-106, the effective date of which was July I, 1967, .. ~ ~ l- t Repeal For repeal of this section, see the italicized note at the head of tlzis chapter. Derivation: Laws 1988, c, 88-202, ~ 1. Laws 1986. c. 86-1, ~ 1. l.:1ws 1985. c. 85-1 16, ~ 16, l.:1ws 1983, c. 83-163, ~ 1. l.:1ws 1982, c. 82-240, ~ 10. l.:1ws 1981. c. 81-223, ~ 27. lA"lws 1979. c. 79~00. ~ 103'.. Laws 1979. c. 79-71. ~ 1. Laws 1978, c. 78-290, ~ 1. Illstorlcal Note Laws 1977, c. 77-458, ~ 15. Laws 1977, c. 77-280, ~ I. Laws 1974, c. 74-374, ~ 9. Laws 1970, c. 70-399. ~ 6. l.:1ws 1970, c. 70-196, ~ 1. Laws' 1969, c. 69-300, ~ 1. l.:1ws i969, c. 69-106, ~~ 15. 18, 19. 35. Laws 1967, c. 67-106, ~ I. Laws 1965. c. 65-239. ~ 117. Laws 1959. c. 59-371. ~ 10, 63 I . . ,... .. . . .,' ,c...,. "_'.".":'; ,f!,~"'~ r.:f~j'..;{,~~lr\~; i' ,~~,' ~\ ~,'r;:~)",,,;' "d"':",'", ',.:;.'. \.:: It."...." ..'....~. 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D'111..,,,,;::..7 fRo' i"!;:..,.I,.', ;,' ~.'. :,\,'..,~~~rc ''', ft''''''i~.. o'f:''l ;~.,~" 'T'':~-S .:j.~~~~5~~~~;.~i~~~~lJ~1~~f~~t}~~~~~~%~}Jf~l~1~~~t~i~?~~;~~fl~Fiitt~~~ "-.' ".'; .......... . ... ......' 0'" ,"....'~,.t I"'" .'0. !",.. .~''-.'''''':'''' .'<"'1'\; " .,..J......".-,.. .,... ..'''r.~ll-'.:....-.....l._ "'....\.. .,'.f'. ~,..;.').k::1~.....;'....,.;.:.....'~. . ..' ...... "., ~ 235.26 l.:lWS 1955, c. 29754, ~ 12, Comp.Gen,l..aws Supp,1940. !j 892(312), l.4Iws 1939, c, 19355. !j 926, for rmificalion of aClions laken pursuanl 10 I..:lWS 1985. c. 85-116, and for retw:lctive effecl EDUCATION Title 16 .j I EDUCATIONAL Ch. 235 of I.aws 1986. c. 86-1, sec lIisroric:11 NUll' 10 !l 235.001. Similar PrO\'lslolls: Cump,Gcn,l.aws 1927. !i!i 585-7. 588, 597-3, Rev.Gen,St.1920, !l!i -166:-8, -169. 47J-4, pal. or local buildin~ building permils :lnd building permils, and em pI the school board or sewage irnpac'l or e Dd. of Pinell:ls Counly mission, App., 404 S( denied 413 So,2d 877. This seclion perlaini f:lcilities cunslruclion exempls all educ:llio~ by dislrict school boarl dislrict or municipal :lvailabilily fees, Op,,' 1984, Cross References School buildings; financing conslruction. see !l 288,33, Llbrar}' ncfercnecs Schools <:?71. C,J,S, Schools nnd School Dislricls !j!j 256. 257. WESTLA W Electronic Research See WESTI.A W Electronic Research Guide following the Preface. Notes of Decisions County. App. 4 Disl., 496 50,2d 930 (1986) :lpproved 515 50,2d 217. Due process was not violated by legisblive en:lclment of exemplion for public !.cho()1 faeil, hies from payment of impact or service a\':liI. :lbility fees; il W:I!. virtunlly impossible: for publicly owned ulilily providers imposing those fees to show :ldverse dfed on their prop- erty righls, as fees were "guesstimales" of cusl effecls on needed fulure c:lp:lcity rathcr than refleclions of actual costs, I.oxahalchcc Rivcr Environmental Control Di<;I, v. School Dd, of Palm DCllch Counly, App, 4 nisi.. 496 So,2d 93ll (1986) approved 515 So.2d 217. " Dulldlng permits 4 Electrical work 7 Fire safetv 8 Impact oi service availability fees 2 Lighting 6 Local codes 3 Validity 1 Water system 5 1. Validity Title for :let modifying certain slandards th:lt related to state building code gave sufficienl notice that school board was exempled from paymenl of impact and scr\'ke availabilily fees to environmental conlrol district for righl 10 conneCI school to wastew:lter syslem and com- plied with requiremenl of Const. Art. 3. !l 6 th:ll law embrace one subject expressed in title. cven though litle did not conlain "uti lily:' I.oxahalchee River Environmenlal Control Dist. v, School Dd, of Palm DC:lch County. 515 So,2d 217 (1987). Equal prolection was not violated by subdivi. sion of this section exempting public school f:lcilities from impact service :Ivai lability fees imposed by publicly owned ulility providers; exemplion was ralionally related to legilimale goal of ket'ping costs of public school construc- tion within reasonable hounds, I.oxahatchee River Environmental Control Dist. v. School Dd. of Palm Beach Counly. App. 4 Dis!., 496 So,2d 930 (1986) approved 515 So,2d 217, Subdivision of Ihis section exempling public school f:lcililics from payment of imp:lct fees <lOll service nvailability fees was not uncunsli, tutionally vague. as meaning flf language rder. ring to Ihose fces W:lS known 10 agency :Iud to lay I'l'oplc. Luxilh"lchee Rivc'r Envirnnmelll:J1 Conlrol Hi,!. v, School Bd. llf Palm Be;lch 2. Impact or sCr\'lcc n\'allabll1ty fees Evidence supported trial court's conclusions th:lt environmenlal conlrol distrkl's fces charged for right to connect 10 W:lslew:llcr system were impact nnd service :lvllibhility fees thaI school board WilS exempt from pay- ing. Loxahnlchee Rivcr Environmcnt:ll Con- trol Di!.t. v. School nd. of P:llm BC:lch COllnty, 515 So,2d 217 (1987), ' Service :I\':lilabilily slandhy chargcs :lnd line charses for sewer syslem wc'rl' "impacl or ser. vice availability fees" within mcaning of subdi. vision of Ihis scction exempling public school f:ldlilies from those fees, in view of environ- mental cuntrol dislricl dirl'clOr'~ lestimuny'in, obvious meaning or rule ckrinilion uf those fec!.. Loxahatchc:e River Environll1ental Con. 11'01 Dis!. \" Sch,",1 Bel. of P;llm Bl'arh COllllly. App, 4 Disl.. 496 So,2d 930 (1986) approvc'd 5 i 5 So,2d 217. This !.ection providing Ih:11 :111 C'dllclllional facilities conslrucled h~' a hoard !.hall illl'or!'o, r:ltc slall' uniform buildint-: COlIc lor !,ohli<' , edllC:llillllal f;lcililit's ron,lnll.li"n ami "hall hI' exempl from "II stall'. CllllIII\,. di'lrkl. 1II11111<'i, 64 3. Local codcs Developmenl on pr. trict school board wh municipalily musl corr Iy's comprehensive Iali suant to the f1orid:l 1 prehen!.h'e Planning 1\ cal land use plan or I required Ihereunder d laIC the s....me subject Duilding Code for Pub I Construclion. Op,AII) 1979, Hillsborough COUnl) munily college which center primarily :IS :111 the benefit :lnd trainin and early cduc:ltion s the counly's local licel galed pursuanl 10 the !j!j 402.301 10 402,316 Feb. 22. 1979. Undcr !j 235,211 :lnC cd in 1974. Ihc dislrie responsibilily for enfe Ihe uniform building calional facililies. whi, seded :lny other build counly or state. for tl calion:ll facililies. In wilh the unirorm cudl'. board may ulilize loc inspectors who have he the office of edllc:ltion. Op,Ally.Gcn,. 075-98, I Public school buildi arc subjecl 10 Ihe build St:lle board of edllcatic ing code mand:lted U} for conslruclion in th:l 071-233, AilS, 9, 1971. Unle!.s there' is a dC:J plans :lpprll\'('d hv I h, Slrllction and Ih"., Sill i ~ J \\~ .., " J I t,l .: Ii ~rrY of BOYNTON BEACH ,~,~// 211 South Federal Highway P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425,0310 (4071 734-8111 June 7, 1989 Mr. Enrico Rossi, P.E. Rossi and Malavasi Engineers, Inc. Forum III - Suite 407 1675 Palm Beach lakes Boulevard West'Palm Beach, Fl33401 Dear Mr. Rossi: The City Staff has reviewed your submittal for the eighty foot entrance road, furnished to you by Adair and Brady, Engineers for the School Board on School Site "P". The basis for this review indicates that the road meets minimum City standards and consequently is accep- table to the City. In order to achieve City Codes, there is a need for the replacement of the sidewalk along the east border of the entrance road, with the bicycle path you and I have discussed on earlier occasions. Given this change, which you have suggested is agreeable to all parties involved including your client, we believe the road is ready for consrtuction and we expect to gear up immediately for our participation in the uti- lities portion of the project. Should you require any additional information regarding this situation, please feel free to call me at 738-7402. '. . Sin~erely, tJ ~ 9!i~iL(/: 9/ ff-lMV/- GeOr~)N. Hunt Acting Administrator Engineering Dept. GNH:jb cc: Peter l. Cheney, City Manager John Guidry, Utilities Dept Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Roger Kulver, Engineering Dept. Richard Kurtz, Palm Beach County School Board Alice Sturrock RECEIVED JUN '1 1959 PLANNING DEPT. ""'" - ~'? 'L, , I .I TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL Agenda Friday, September 16, 1988 - 9:30 AM Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge U.S. Highway One, Stuart 1. Roll Call 2 . Agenda 3 . Minutes 4. Project Reviews ICR Log 5. Local Government Comprehensive Plan Reviews a. City of Boynton Beach - Future' Land Use Element Amendments b. City of Royal Palm Beach - Future Land Use Element Amendments c. Martin County - Future Land Use Element Amendment and Coastal Management/Conservation Element Amendment d. st. Lucie County - Future Land. Us'e Element Amendments e. Consistency of Local Government Comprehensive Plans with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan 6. Developments of Regional Impact Yamato Plaza Report & Recommendations 7. Financial Statement 8. Public Comment 9. Staff Comment 10. Chairman's Comments 11. Council Comment 12. Adjournment NOTE: It is requested that the audience not smoke during the meeting. In order for all members of the audience to follow Council deliberations, the audience is asked to please refrain from conversing during the meeting. The council's Disaster Preparedness Subcommittee will meet at- 1:30 PM, following Council's regular meeti*g. 'RECEIVED ,., SEP 13 198B PLANNiNG DEPT. .t, ~ ~ JY - \\~ ., .. BOB H.UlTII'U;Z QOVl:MOR OF TRANSPORTATION ~ FLORIDA fIAt!:"" nUlDr:RSOI'l Sr:CRr:TAJIY 780 Southwest 24 Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315-2696 Telephone: (407) 837-5290 September 7, 1988 Mr. Ralph K. Hook Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Planning 2740 centerview Drive 'l'allahassee, :Florida 32399 Dear Mr. Hook: RE: Three Proposed Land Use Amendments - City of Boynton Beach In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 163 F.S. and Chapter 9J-11 F~C Interim Review Requirements, the comments of the FOOT to the proposed City of Boynton Beach Land Use Amendments are as follows. 1. The streets directly affected, Lawrence Road and Miner Road, are not on the state system though they are functionally classified as County Urban Collectors. 2. There is an indication, based upon the amount and pace of development in this area of Palm Beach County, that Lawrence Road located midway between Congress Avenue (SR-807) and Military Trail (SR-809) between the east-west arterials of Boynton Beach Boulevard (SR-804) and Lantana Road (SR-812) will become much more than a residential collector street. The Department questions the adequacy of an 80 foot right-of-way on Lawrence as indicated on the Palm Beach County Thoroughfare Right-of-Way Protection Map. However, as indicated, these proposed developments' fair share of the rights-of-way for Lawrence and Miner Roads as shown on the Palm Beach County "Thoroughfare Rights-of-way Protection plan" should be acquired prior to or upon review of any subsequent applications for development approval beyond land use amendment. 3. We share the concern of the Palm Beach County Traffic Division about safe access to these sites from Lawrence Road. This access in relation to the proposed Elementary School may warrant signalization. We recommend this be discussed with the Palm Beach County Traffic Division prior to the review of any subsequent applications for development permit. 4. The Department recommends.consideration by the City of phasing of developments generating substantial volumes of traffic in accordance1)~~~ri~ of adjoining streets and thoroughfares whi~~b.l~8.eYaft~irement subsequent to adoption of comprehensive plans under the 1985/86 Growth Management Legislation'SEP 111} 19~ :..~f.ANNING Oc~T~ ./;,~.. ' \\6 p-- .. 1-~' .. Mr. Ralph K. Hook Zeptemher 7, 1988 Page 2 If you or your staff have any questions concerning these comments, please feel free to contact me at (305) 522-4244 or Suncom 462-1214. Sincer~ly, {\ ~. ~7 .;? ,\ '/'an/~'~I ~~~-;P-7--ZP ~us D. Sc lid, P.E. ~~ Acting District Planning -~~r- Administrator GDS/JAjmg cc: vfr'. Carmen Anunziato, City Planner Mr. stan Redick, Palm Beach County Planner Mr. Jim Scully Mr. Michael J. Tako \\v ... . ".trearure . - 5~..lu~ie:; ~ :.-: : i ~O~I't .......'-~ .-. -'"":~:'"'-'I-"-:..;-"~"'7:'''' ,~:-~ ,.-... ~"'':''"-~~:l ~ \alII e I ,,;:J'illili~lli~.lli.. .....J-1 reglQnal /_.~ ~ ;" dO"''':, p!ann~ng i,l/" council ~ r f t , . ,'I " I . ! -I> I' !: .. ii,., I I . . :11 , I- .:1 : ik: t, t : ; I ' ... I., -I . U ~, t I .' .j. ! :.- t t r. r , It ' ;,. \. i' i' fi i [1 .- I 1~ : I :' it'. I , . , September 9, 1988 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato, AICP Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 211 S. Federal Highway Post Office Box 310 Doynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Subject: city of Boynton Beach Local Government Comprehensive Plan Documents Dear Mr. Annunziato: Council staff has completed its review of the proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Element of the City Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Section 163.3184(1) (c) and (2), Florida Statutes, and has prepared comments for Council consideration. These comments will be presented to Council at its next regular meeting on September 16, 1988. You are invited to attend the meeting and address the Council if you wish. Enclosed are staff's recommended comments and the agenda for the meeting. Following the meeting, the comments as finally approved by Council will be forwarded to the State Department of Community Affairs for transmittal to your governing body for consideration before final adoption of the documents. If you would like to discuss the staff report or Council procedures for plan review, please do not 11esit.ate to call me. I Sincerely, ~<-f~ Terry L. Hess, AICP Planning Coordinator .. " ~CElVED . . SEP 13 1988 PLANNiNG DEPT. -- - TLH: lb Enclosure 3228 ..w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florid a 34990 phone (407) 286.3313 Jim mlnlx chalnnan ~'\ thomas g. kenny, III vice chalnnan John acor .ecretaryttreasurer danlel m, cory executive director I, TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL M.E M 0 RAN DUM To: Council Members AGENDA lTEN SA From: Staff Date: September 16, 1988 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government,comprehensive Plan;Review - Three Amendments to the gity of Boynton Beach Future Land Use Element Introduction Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter l63, Florida Statutes, the .Council must be provided an opportunity to review and comment on comprehensive plan amendments prior to their 'adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted proposed amendments to the State Department of Communi ty Affairs, which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information forwarded by the Department of community Affairs is in the context of the relationship of the proposed amendments to the regional policy plan developed pursuant to Section l86.507, Florida Statutes. If a conflict with adopted plans or policies is identified, the regional planning agency is to specify any objections and may make recommendations for modifications. Council also provides informal comments to the local government through a spirit of cooperation, and technical assistance on matters related to the proposed amendments. These advisory comments are aimed at providing coordination between the local and regional comprehensive plans. Backqround The City ,of Boynton Beach is considering three amendments to the Future' Land, Use Element. The locations ,of the properties under consideration are shown on the accompanying map, and the number of acres and proposed changes in land use designations are summarized in the following list: \\t{) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . PROPOSED COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS - 1988 Current Land Use Proposed Land Use Number Acres 6A2 6A4 6A6 28.82 19.23 13.54 Medium to Med. High* Medium to Med. High* Medium to Med. High* Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Low Density Residential *Palm Beach County Land Use Designation. pro~erty recently annexed by City of Boynton Beach. 6A2 Known as citrus Glen - Phase II Addition 6A4 Known as Elementary School "P" 6A6 Known as Lawrence Lake Evaluation The proposed 'amendments have the requirements of Chapter review procedures, and comprehensive Policy Plan. as a result of that review. been reviewed in accordance with l63, Florida Statutes, Council's Council's adopted Regional The following comments are offered 6A2. 6A4. 6A6 The proposed. amendments are for contiguous parcels immediately east of Lawrence Road north and south of LWDD Canal 21. The parcels were recently annexed from Palm Beach County. Even prior to annexation, they were included on the City's Future Land Use Plan. When the site Plan for the Elementary School is prepared, it should include the preservation of many of the trees and other vegetation types which occur on this parcel. The materials submitted with this amendment indicate that the ci ty fully intends to recommend preservation and incorporation of trees in the park areas which are to be developed on this and the citrus Glen parcel. Based on the information provided, the proposed amendments do not appear to be in conflict or inconsistent with the policies. contained in the Regional comprehensivePolic~ Plan. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and their transmittal to the State Department of community in fulfillment of the requirements of Chapter l63, Statutes. approve Affairs Florida Attachments ~ ~ NOTiCE: OF LA~lD USE ,CHANGE NOTICE OF ZOi\Ui'.JG :C:-i,~NGE The Cicy of Boynton Beach proposes co annex, ch~n~e the l~nd use ~nd n~zone the i.4111d ~"ithin t~~ .::rea shc~... i.~ ;:hc :::=;: i..1 chi;:; _,dverti.=~:::ent. A ?ublic hearin~ on these proposals ~"ill be held before che ?lannin~ ,nd Zcnin= 3u~rd 0n ~~c~:::ber :~. :~a7. =t 1;;0 '.:::. ~t Pi~~l=nd ?l~za. 211 Scut~ ?ederal Hi~hway, 30yncon 3~ach, ~lcrida. .\ 9ublic hearin!! on c~zse ?r~:)osals ~,;ill,ll~o ~e i:~~J ::eiorc t::c Cit:: C.J::'~":tission on u-=cc:::ber Ii, L937, ~t 3:00 ?::4., oJ!:' ~:s 50en ch~rc;litcr as ::he cJ~enda ?er::i:s, ::t ?i~cl::.~c ?1..:1::.:1. :11 Scut~ :e~c:-.:ll ~i~:"~'::lY, 30ynton 3~ach, ?lor~=;l. _,C^NAI. .... , . "C041 _CITRUS_GLEN \ -.., L."~'"~'\ ~ :.\ .._..... ._ ..-...-.... S -,...-..-..-.'.'-. ,":..il::= ...:- .:... :-'- . :--"". ','-'AP?LIC~TION 'JO.1 ; ::~i= , ':, ..-1I 1- :.:.:.;:1..:" ~: :.....:._~ ... . (6A1'......... -=,:",._ ,-",:- ':"--'APPLlCA TION NO.2 _ --'.' j1~~~f~~ ~':I '__"_TCC&~ _(6~J,.) , ,.. ,.:'~,=~.::.. ==.::;::t:....~_.::.~' -- I u..] : APPLICA+ION NO.3 _~",:-~'r; .j r ,; r:; : I ("^')r : I ~n'i :11\ 1, .; I . : 0 D : I =r=- l:::: I ' ' '==' -- j _ ~-t-".'-"""'-.'n"'--:':-VE!'IU=_ ---------j 1..-; : ..~g r-~' It='. . -~..._- ._- -"! I ~----. I----...-J _I I .- I 'r-' ,-: I I . ,. --:- -_' 1'1'1'" v' I .' I.. I I ~'._. '-rW ' ' , , II. ~ ~ ~ I :t. : I tJ :..~.:..'.~.J I ;1 . I I Ii.; .: l' I '=- , i ' I I 1 ~= .:...:; I I =~~;.......:...:;.'t! :;;'.:"~' l..:..='_~':''=': -=:t..:"tt.o.,.....--1:AN.A' L.--=~1H3 ~ '. -:::-- .__-. ,. ___... - - - ! f~::::...:..;::.;:..:.:fjf:~:j ;~~~~~~~~:~~~i;,,>~.-i, II I_'~. .. .,.~. . _.,, .~_...........-_....I .1., "J" __ ____ ; ~~~, ,..",; -,..... J ~~.,;-~:~1ff:F?fji}~' ~~.~~.~~e ' - 30YUTON CMIAL, C-16 -I . --==--:-:~----: ",~i~:;; ~,':~lil '-::.:::-:-"-. ~.-.J , _"'n.. _:.!Irlt;S .:=lC...c....; ~:;.:;..~ ";:.:: ......J ~.. "", .f... ~.l ~-~::-, ....~.I ': 1~.-" ~ ,.! '''::~ :1 :~,~j ;.':."'" .oJ \ -;:'1 :.~! --.=. '.. ~-"'""'='~.. '.~ 1...= -=-/ - - ._.0 ,~. . ~I' ." ..'" . '!:'- - :::.} . .:. . ,. ~-".;:~ :;~ - --- - ~ ---... I ~ ~'~-.:~..ft~ , I .. .. " ':' .:-. ". ~ ~ : ". I.:. ~ I. I 'G:1- .", 1~~;:-: .,-C . i l;:-:r~ '-'= . - - . ~'-"-';; 4" ' ..__.,' 4;~ -"~. - .~ ---.. - ""i'" ~W.::l.::l. .' " , - . ...... ! ,l ~.=::'-2 ~ . : .; ~. iij ...-"\' 1;'-:::::::->. " .;..:...--<.. ...,;... ~ -"'\':':I t. :.._.';,~-~ ~ .-= l/2 l/2 ~ c:: ., ..:.-_~ j -~~':3 I ,:~'-" :- :'!:':,l' ,.-....,... \ ~ ',}~~ I .w-:~ .;Y : 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PROPOSED COMP PLAN AMENDMENTS 1 \?? ~ " 7 ~T'D:D ~ ',. METROPOLITAN PLA,NNlNG ORGANIZ.~7;Of'.j OF PALM BEACH COUNTY 160 Australian Avenue, Su,:e 301. West Palm 8eacn, ;:iorloa 33406 Tel 1305, oc':'O:: 7e August 16, 1988 ~~~; 1 '7 .~\.~.-;~ .......... -. ......'"' -\: ," .~ .'. ,,' ...' .. -. -: ,~::JL ~. ,."_;;L;;~.ii ..... .....:jl Mr. Terry L. Hess Plannina roordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council P. O. Box 1529 Palm City, Florida 34990 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Local Government Plan Documents Dear Terry: The staff of the Metropolitan Planning Organization U1PO) has reviewed the proposed future land use amendments submitted by the City of Boynt6n Beach and finds them to be consistent. with adopted agency goals and objectives. Sincerely yours, -;;;~0_' (9 t&{i./1J/~ Teresa P. Cantrell. Senior Planner cc: S. Shannon C. \.Jalker TPC:er 2 P.O 80x 2429, West Palm Beach, Flor'Cla 33402.2429 \~ ~' , .. . ", Board $>f County Commissioners C:1rol A. Roberts, Chair C:1rol J. Elmquist, Vice Chairm:m Knren T. Marcus Dorothy Wilken Jim Watt County Administrator Jan Winters ,-- , , .-tf . Planning Division .._--. August 24, 1988 r , ..- Mr. Ralph K. Hook Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Re: City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Citrus Glen - Phase II Elementary School "PM Lawrence Lake Dear Mr. Hook: The Palm Beach County Planning Division has reviewed the above referenced amendment requests and has the following comments. 1. The three sites are located within the Medium - Medium High Land Use Category and are zoned Agricultural Residential (AR). Generally, the maximum density which may be permitted in this land use category in 12 dwellings per acre. 2. The proposed density of the Citrus Glen Phase II (3.68 dwellings per acre) and Lawrence Lake (2.44 dwellings per acre) projects are well within the maximum permitted density of 12 dwellings per acre in the Medium - Medium High Land Use Category. 3. There is some concern that the configuration of the annexa- tions may not meet the requirements for "compactness" as defined in Chapter 171.031.(12). This paragraph precludes any annexation which created "enclaves, pockets, or finger areas in serpentine patterns." 4. The three proposed developments have been reviewed for consistency with the County's traffic policies and goals, no significant problems were identified. The County's comments have been forwarded to the City of Boynton Beach for their consideration. 800 13th Street P.D.I.A. 3 West Palm Deach, Florida 33406 . (407) 697-4001 l)W ,,{ . ' . t I' 2 Thank you for your cooperation. Respectfully, 51 - Stan Redick Planning Director SR:RW:dd FILE:GM8\HOOKBB cc: Sam Shannon, Assistant County Administrator John Lower, Acting Executive Director, PZB Board of County Commissioners 4 \'""trt-; /~ _-- M E M 0 RAN DUM .~.. RE: October 10, 1989 Betty S. Boroni, ~ity Clerk Raymond Rea,' City Attorney Public Road Dedication for School Access Citrus Cove Elementary School' TO: FROM: '. .. t~ ... In regard to the above entitled matter, herewith I enclose the original Right-of-Way Deed and ask that you record the same in the Public Records of Palm Beach County. .~~~ Raymona Rea, City Attorney RR/r Enc. cc: George Hunt, Interim City Manager Carmen Annunziato ~ r~.rrT~~'" "J) ~~ . b.i:. \ nL.J ..L (~......, "-oJ OCT 1 0 1989 PLANNiI~G DE.fT. ...... ----. . \r! ., .. .. :..~ ..~ '--i~'j:'ir '. ':: .':.':...,,~ ' . .~' ~. . .~~ :7. '... , J-' . ~. _. .c.. :'*; .:'~. .~, t I / \', "j. :;;{:~ J1.!~;i: . . ~ ~~t :..' . ~~~.. ;.,.' r,C.' '~':_:\..,..:,I""~.'.",' "'~.,:.., "'t"c.~ . " ~'~~f:[; , ,L': !t::W:t..,.,.:;,.. .,: ';:~.j,~,~.l,~.j ~:~. ;+t!!\., ,,';. '.:.::;- :.....,.. ,,;.:?";".....~??':1~1_ ~,~L~~..i-'.; , . <..:::.. ,.... . . . ........::... .~. . .... ..... ,\)~.~~: ..\'0..... y. +T;r~'~J'~:;;.~:->.~'}".;~--~...;,2C. . ....:.:. : ":':'.'.-.'~' .'. ) ~,:~,:.~,':,:,~:::.~~,~,,:.:.,~.::'. .:':.x", . .... . ~':~1~ . :~ :,:, ,A~s<,;: . "51"" ~:t~}:::. '.i . ~:: ." ~:' .;: :~. ," : ~12' . l~~ <7!J,.. .,j..,~~t?t~. '.... " ~.. ;1.' ;~ ., . , .~... .. %<$. Tl-lE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD p,o, BOX 24690 WEST PALM BEACH, FL3341&4690 407.684 5000 Tl-lOMASJ, MILLS SU'ERINTENOENT OF SCHOOLS October 3, 1989 Mr. ,Raymond Rea, City Attorney City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Public Road Dedication For School \ Access Citrus Cove Elementary School Dear Mr. Rea: I Pursuant to an agreement between the School Board, Boynton Nurseries and the City of Boynton Beach, attached find dedication of parcel of l?rid for right-of-way purposes. Also enclosed find a map showing the access to the school at the ,northwest corner of the site. This is an 80' right-of- way, being dedicated to the City by Boynton Nurseries and the School Board. . s A. G ernment Liaison Growth Management Center AAH:dg Attachments cc: George Hunt Carmen Annunziato WPC3\F.S,CCE RECEIVED OCT 1 0 1989 PLANNING DEPr. - .~. .1 . . . '. .' "4~~ , ~ '\' "',~,>::.~~ '.~ "::,::,, \, \?ID - .. .' . . , " , . I ... . I ~ ~ , I '. . . ....,.- z --~ ~ .. " ~~:::.::..: <t UlJ'l,CiO' ::'.(,U'J,.\~;;:t \. e ~ >- ~ ~ ~ r-\ ~~ ~~ \:)n t! 'IU;:' ::- ~Z\U ~%-: <~\- ~"%.~ Ct;'~ .0 f>l):::: . q (:)\~ t::!....~ ~ -.to ~ ~ ~ N -~ c:Cl \\.) '\ - '-1\ "'Z. "', ~I ~ 1m ~"'\ .$ \U . :z:. ~~ ~bi: ~~ ":Z.< s~ ~~ ~~ F~ ~u wv' ~'"% .....,lJ ~~ ':t_ ~~ ..)- \b ~ -u.. tU~ \r..,; ~)-\- '"""- ~€~ '8~~ t>-=, ~~ ... .. CL ~ lU \- - t.f) --\~ ; OcU o~ ::c~ 0~ cn~ I "\ \1M, "'~'t/"'.Ic-t V."AD - !:\ ~ lIJ~ ',r _". h ~-::l " - - -.--...-----'........ ,.. --- .. ,:lS:.: " ..,I;~! Ii ". [: i' i t,I{. ~ ,1.~ 1'.i" I , I I 1 .:e. tl. - f.i \ ..J -1 ...c =: '< ~ '3 '1 ~ o ~ ~ :s "!: < ~ ~ t; ,~ ~. '~ w '~ ~ .;:;.. ~ \U t~ ~ ~ I~ ~. ~ J"Z 3 ~ -: ...~~..--- ;JIII', . . .. ..' ~ --' -.----.. . .' :-;':~~:.;.:".:... .. . r',' .... . .",,~, I . '1 -' . RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED This INDENTURE Made this 2t?z::( Day of -C~ ,A.D., 19-G., between ~chool Board of Palm Beach County and State of Florida, party of the first part, whose mailing address is 3323 Belvedere Road, Building 503, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33402 and the City of Boynton Beach in the State of Florida, as party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable considerations paid, receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, remise, release, quit claim and convey unto the party of , the second par.t, its successors and assigns forever the following described land, situate, I lying and being in the County of PaUn Beach, State of Florida, to-wit: A parcel of land for right-of-way purposes, lying in Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, and more particularly described as follows: The North 20.00 feet of the East 310.00 feet of the West 350.00 , ' feet of the South one-half (S 1/2) of the Southwest one- quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northwest one-quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, Florida. Containing 0.143 acre, more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatsoever of the party of the first part, in law or in equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns. MLK:dkh 7\27\89 Wl'dS\romu\rlghlwD)' ,dele \"1'\ - . _-i-'::"r..~:'. --:->>.:: ::; ';:;; , : ):;;': ':,: ~, .' , . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the saId party of the first part has hereunto set hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered , in our presence: SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA ... Q,~~ Jc:;~A~-~ c?' /~'Z/~ Arthur W. Anderson, Chairman ~ /~ ,,', ~ :/' / >>" 'l4U . L~ / s;;i;-""-'~.~ Thomas ~IS, 'Superintendent STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH RevieYf~d :L Office of General Counsel By: (", . I i I . .',.... _:, ' ~ Attorney I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaId and in the County aforesaId to take acknowledgements, personally appeared 'tltV ~'~ ~a~ pt , to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoIng instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County 'and State last aforesaid this t:i(,t)d day Of~ ' A.D., 19 f! -Ib~ -l- ~ NOTARY PUBLIC This instrument prepared by: My CommIssion Expires: . Notary Public. State of flc:!!'" . ., E' J i':" , I. My Comml~s.on ::p:res unc ... ... Bonded Th,u 1.oy hin. 1",,...1'1'. )rlc. MLK:dkh 7\27\89 wpd8\forml\rlgfltway,dcc \"'C{; '\. '''r "', / .7 \, ! .' . RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED This INDENTURE Made this 20;( Day of .~r;~ , A.D., 19 I'r , between School Board of Palm Beach County and State of Florida, party of the first part, whose mailing address is 3323 Belvedere Road, Bunding 503, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33402 and the City of Boynton, Beach in the State of Florida, as p~rty of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable considerations paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, remise, release, quit claim and convey unto the party of the second part, . its successors and assigns forever the following described land, situate, lying and beIng In the County of Palm Beach, State of FlorIda, to-wit: A parcel of land for right-of-way purposes, lying in Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, and more particularly described as follows: , The North 20.00 feet of the East 310.00 feet of the West 350.00 feet of the South one-half (S 1/2) of the Southwest one- quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northwest one-quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 18, TownshIp 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, FlorIda. Containing 0.143 acre, more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together wIth all and singular the appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise incIdent or appertainIng, and all the estate, right~ title, interest, and claim whatsoever of the party of the first part, in law or in equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, ' its successors and assIgns. MLK:dkh 7\27\89 wpd8\rorms\rlghlw.y,de<<! \?f\ ....1;" _ '- '. :. .:.a;.. . ','. . -::. . a".~ _ .:..... ,.:~;-: .~~.~: ": .~'. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set hand and seal the day and year above written, Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA ... ~ ,)c:;:~.A~~ c::?' / t2/}/~ Arthur W. Anderson, Chairman ~' --'2' ~ t2A-~d-/' c:X. 0:~~ /~;;?~ Thomas J. Mills, Superintendent , STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF pALM BEACH Reviewed :.' Office of General Counsel .{ . ' ,. ., ' By, ' ,.....- : . I . 'i ., . . . , , Attorney I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgements, personally appeared ;1.1/ th-~~ ~(j I' ~ ., to me known to be the person describ~d in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in 'the County and State last aforesaId this 02LJd day Of#: , A.D., 19/1 -;J~ d ~ NOTARY PUBLIC ThIs instrument 'prepared by: My CommIssion Expires: ' Uolzrv ru~!jc. Stolte of n~r!!'" My C:OI!ll;.iicn E::p:rcs JLlno ~~, 6';2 tond.d lh,. T,oJ hin .In,.,.nce IftC. MLK:dkh 7\27\89 wpd8\fonns\rlgbtway,dee \'If ...." t. . Ii; 1/ ' ~ I I J i ' I I Ii EASEMENT DEED 1r~i<< ta<<tmtJtf.. madR t~is --- day of -----~--- 1989, bCttwCtCtn l1oynton 1fUrseries, a Florida Gsz.nCtral PartnCtrshlp, as' party of thCt I first part, and thCt City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as party of thCt I sCtcond part. 11llitltfSsttn: That th.. said party af th.. first part, in cansid..ratian af thCt sum off OnCt ($1.00) Dollar and othRr valuablR considRrations paid, thR rRcCtipt of which is hCtrRby acknowlRdgRd, hRrCtby grant unto thCt sRcond party, its succc:;ssors and assigns, a psz.rpCttual CtasCtmCtnt and right-of-way far thR purposR of a public utilitiCts sz.asCtmCtnt, OVCtr, I upon, undRr, through and across thR follDwing dRscribRd land, I situatR, lying and bRing in Palm BRach County, StatR of Florida, to I wit: Ii Property more particulary described in SCHEDULE tt A tt attached ;' hereto and made a part hereof. I I: ~~d~J~~g~~~ f~~itbJl~. tbe Santt unto thCt sCtcond party, its :i In ~itntss tn~tttOf said party of thR first part having hRrCtUnto ssz.t i thRlr hands an thR ~atR first abovR writtRn. SUccCtssors Signed, se31ed 31,d deli,'el'ed in the presence of: EOVNTON NU.ttSER!ES, A FLOR!f)A GENERAL PA/rTNERSH!P First witness bg --------------------------------------- nH~ ------------------------------------ Second witlless by --------------------------------------- nHe ---------------------------------,-- i. Std.1;e, of F[Ot-,dd.: Oo\,(~rt'J~ of Pdhn B0dch: Before me persona!~ appeared --------------------------------------------- to me well ~liown 03iid known to me to be the bidividua!s described in and Wt"IO executed the fOi'eg,jili'3 instrument aiid ac~now!edged befor'e me that the~ executed the same foy' the purposes the,..eil"1 o?xpr.essed, 1t1Jtc>>tjj 1To~ hai"ld atld offici.:!! sea! this -------d03~ of---------------~1989 (NOTARIAL SEAL) --------------------------------- Nota'r'~ F'IJblic: in and fOl' the Count~ and State afol'esaid, t.1:; Commission expires: \ ":)\. II ..~.. ....... ~'P'~...~,.--". -,.-.. --:-r- -..-- .---.- ........_,.-.___. .. . -~. SGHE))Ul,13 "~,, Ii I! (EASEt-1Etn gtanted by BOVNTON NUF:8ERIES to the crr\' of BO'r'tHOt1 BEACH) I! II EASEMENT'DESCRIPTION I! i: A strip of land 20.0 feet in width Iyin~ within the Northeast :: quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 13, Township 45 South, Range 42 t: East, Palm Beach County, Florida. Said strip of land being described as follow: The west 20.0 feet of the east 60.0 feet (as measured at right angles to) the east line of the following described parcel as described in Book 5125, Pa~e 1788 of the Public Records of Palm Beach CouJ;lty, Florida: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION , , Thct South onct half (S 1/2) of thct Southwctst quartctr (SW 1/4) of thct . \ Northctast quartctr (NE 1/4); Thct Southctast quartctr (SE 1/4) of thct, " Northctast quartctr (NE 1/4) and thR. South onct half (S 1/2) of thct: Northctast quartctr (NE 1/4) of thct NorthR.ast quartR.r (NE 1/4), all in Sctction 13, Township 45 South, RangR. 42 East, Palm BctQch County, Florida. \~~ , ~".1d" I. I " .: ~.~~7'--'-'--_.'--"'T"-"'_.-.-...'" . '," .r. ..,....~ ,-.,p.'. r~" ............... .----- -=-.-. ',: ;:-~, ; I , Ii ;, TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ~ ! [: 1r~i<< ta~(tmt.uf.. made!. t~is --- day of -----~--- 1989, between !i lJoynton NUrseries, a Florida Gltneral Partnership, as party' of thR. first part, and thR. City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as party of thR. " slu::and part. " 1tJitnessft~: That thR. said party of thR. first part, in consideration of !! thR. sum o'f OnR. ($1.00) Dollar and othR.r va!uablR. considR.rations paid, ., il ,thR. rR.cR.ipt of which is nR.rR.by acknowlR.dgR.d, hR.rR.by grant unto thR. Ii sR.cond party, a TEMPORARV R.aSR.mR.nt for thR. purposR. of !i constructing a drainagR. ditch, OVR.r, upon, undR.r, through and I' across thR. following' dR.scribR.d land, situatR., lying and bR.ing in Palm BR.ach County, StatR. of Florida, to wit: Property more particulary described in SCHEDULE tt A tt attached hereto and made a part hereof. Said TEMPORARY ltaSR.mR.nt will tR.rminatR. and CR.asR. to R.xsist at thR. complR.tion of thlZ. drainagR. ditch construction. 10 baut aub to bor~ tnt Samt unto thlZ. slZ.cond party, its SUCCR.ssors and assigns forR.vlZ.r. In ~ifntSS bJbtteof said party of thlZ. fir.st part having hltrlZ.unto SlZ.t thlZ.lr hands on thlZ. ~atlZ. first abovlZ. writtlZ.n. SigJ7::d, seaI::d =.'111 deli,'el'ed in the pf'esence of: Ei)"t'NTON NU,RSERIES, .4 FLO.R!J),:4 GENER,qL P.4RTNERSH!P First witness by --------------------------------------- nH:: ------------------------------------ Second t:Jitness by --------------------------------------- nH~ ------------------------------------ Sta-t'e of 'Fforido:: OOl-(V\-t./~ of Pd,hll Beach: Before me personal~ appeared --------------------------------------------- to me well ki"IOWli and Known to me to be the individuals de:.cribed in "md who executed the foregohig instrument and acKliowledged befo"r'l? me that the!j executed the sar.le for the purposes therein expressed. "1l1J1r>>ejj m!j hand and official seal this -------da!j of---------------,198':;i (NOTARIAL SEAL) --------------------------------- Notal'!j Public in a'lid for the COulit!! and state afor'esaid, N!j Commission expites: \~') ..........-.- . . ... -- . -. .. ' i. - . , , : , i i ! i, i !: , ,. i j " I' I, II , Ii i' II !i !'. ,. SG:HEDUL13 "~,, (TEt-1PORAR'r' EASE~1ENT g,'aiited b~ BO'r'NTON tlURSERIES to the CITY of BOVNTON BEACH) TEMPORARY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A strip of land 20.0 feet in width Iyinp within the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 13, Township 45 South, Range 42 East, Palm Beach County t Florida. Said strip of land being described as follow: The west 20.0 feet of the east 80.0 feet (as measured at right angles to) the east line of the following described parcel as described in Book 5125, Pa~e 1788 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County t Florida: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Thlt South onlt half (S 1/2) of thlt Southwe:st quarte:r (SW 1/4) of the: Northltast quartltr (NE 114); Thlt Southe:ast quartc:r (SE 1/4) of the: Northe:ast quarte:r CNE 1/4) and the: South onlt half (S 1/2) of the: Northe:ast quartltr (NE 1/4) of thlt Northc:ast quartltr (NE 1/4), all in Sltction 13, Township 45' South, Range: 42 East, Palm BR.ach County, Plerldo. Ii I d I \ ro z)r