LEGAL APPROVAL _" t ". CITY of BOYNTON BEACH . f'S"' p; -)0 . 200 N: Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 (305) 734-.8111 - -= -:--- . . ~ --::'-v:--.-- ~~- -= -- ':'~;~~~lt.j,,: ..~ . ,rL...""c;;-........___~______""' , ~~., I ~.. """.'/. .. L. -- ...____ ----= ~ i t'~.f:.?':" .... ~~.7'n~F'~~~;F-;;-.;;F::;~ ":1\ ;.~. :. II . ~ :J'"1 . ". r" .-.-... .:' .,_ ii i ' I'. , , ......~ -G-~ " ~.-; _/II,t!..' !' ~..~~ __ ~ ..g ~A._~ ----- :'!=::it~ - ..;.-~-=-.~ fr . .- -.:IJI- .'~ - _.. -~ .--:- ~~.-' ~ ~ ~ --=-~......'!"':. ~--,....:""""'" OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 25 June 1987 Mr. David J. Felton 303 N.W. 12th Avenue Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Dear Dave: Pursu-an~-to our conversation in connection with the Parking Lot Variance appli9ation filed for Exxon Company USA, enclosed please find our check for $400~OO which represents reimburse- ment for your processing fees. , If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ca~~ Annunziato, ~lanning Director AICP --.. lbks Enclosure ~ i. Id MEMORANDUM 11 June 1987 TO: File FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato RE: Exxon Parking Lot Variance On Tuesday, June 9, 1987 the Planning and Zoning Board deleted this item from the Agenda as it was determined that Exxon did not need a variance and a fee of $400 was returned to Exxon. . -3}IJ -- --, ..",- -'.. t"r ~ --- i i I I M ElM 0 RAN DUM i I June 3, 1987 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS, PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD I FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR I RE: EXXON PARKING LOT VARIANCE I The Technical Review Board met on Tuesday, June 2, 1987 to review this request, at which time a determination was made that, in this particular instance, a request for variance approval was inappropriate. The applicant is proposing to intensify the use of the existing service station by the addition of two fuel dispensers to be located on the existing concrete pump island adjacent to Federal Highway. Since there arelno buildings being enlarged or expanded, and the parking lot is not being reconstructed, this request does not fall within the scope of the Parking Lot Regulations. However, the applicant must still meet the applicable requirements of section ll-L of Appendix A, Zoning, "Service Stations With orjwithout Major Repairs." Since the cost of construction for this project is less than $100,000.00, this request will be reviewed administratively by the Building Department. Any variance ! request to the Service Station Regulations will be reviewed by the Board of Adjustment, as the Service Station Regulations are contained within the Zoning Regulations. . Based on the above, it is recommended that this item be deleted from the agenda. , &m.1EN S -:- AJ'N~Z~ CSA:ro cc City Manager TRB Central File ffi . .'\,' .0'1 t' ~ ,"1 :., ~ /.- It 1{;f.,.I/...,!::- '. _1------- APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS City of Boynton Beach, Florida' Planning and Zoning Board ~ This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not pe processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. 1. Project Name of Site Upo~ Which Parking Lot is Located: Exxon Facility # 4-4762 S.E. Corner U.S. 1 & S.E. 15 Avenue 2. Date this Application is Submitted: May 8, 1987 "., ;..;.S: .:::f: :: . . 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Thomas Kosel C & M Engineer ~.:.." . Exxon Comoanv U.S.A. 3221 N.E. 10 Terr. Address: Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33310 Phone: (305) 566-4428 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant) :* ., Oavid..J. Felton Corporate Property Services, Inc. Address: 303 N.W. 12 Avenue Deerfie1d Beach,Fl. 33442 Phone: .... . .. . "... - '. * A letter from the applicant or owner authorizing the agent ._____._ .~_~__._required. . ._.__00.. __-___ __ _,..__'__' __,00' 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Exxon Company U.S.A. (305) 426-5144 Address: 3221 N.E. 10 Terrace Fort' Lauderdale, Fl. 33310 Phone: (305) 566-4428 6. Correpondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. jx . , ../ 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Owner (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, etc.) 8. Street Address or Location of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Southwest Corner of U.S. 1 S S.E. 15 Avenue 9. Legal Description of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: See Survey Attached 10. Intended Use(s) of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Service Station 11. Developer or Builder: Owner 12., IZngineer. Albert Weber I I I P. E. 13. Landscape Architect: 14. Site Planner: IS. Engineer: 16. Surveyor: J.H. Manucy, Inc. 17. 18. 19. Traffic. Engineer: Gee S Jenson Copy of last ~ecorded Warranty Dee~ included? (check) _, .... ... ... ".." ...:.._1 _ .._-.- ..._ __._.. _____.- __ .... Letter authorizing agent (if any) included? (check) .. x x 20. Site plan and survey (2 copies each) attached? (check) ., ._.........l".._~--_.. -..... . _........ ., -.... . ..- ......... .. ..... '" ..... .... ...- ... . 21. Number of variances requested on the following sheets: x .' ......_~.----.... 1 Note: See attached fee schedule for variance filing fee. Additional fee(s) are reouired if more than one (1) variance is requested. · .. .... Planning Dept. 5/82 ~A .;' The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a var~ance to Article ~ "Parking ~ots"~ of Chapter 5,. "Building, HousJ.ng and ConstructJ.on Regulat7ons, o~ the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, FlorJ.da, as J.t pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stated below: Section, Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code: A~ticle X Pa~kino Lots: Section S-141 Desi9n Aequi~ement Subsection "G" Driveway Para~raph (3) No parkino but,d~ivewav mav be const~ucted closer than thi~tv (30) feet f~om the intersection of the ~ioht-of- way lines along local st~eets and one hundred ei~ht (180) feet along st~eets of highe~ classification. Nature of Variance Requested: Maintain existing driveways.along U.S.1 and maintain the d~iveway along S.E. 15 Avenue which will ~educe to fo~ty five (45) feet Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or Other Reasons Justi- fying the Requested Variance (attach additional sheets if necessary) : Reduce vehicle conflict entering and exiting service station if only one ent~ance is allowed on U.S. 1. See Gee S ~ensen t~affic study. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby.certify that the above statements and the state- ments or showings made in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge. This application will not be accepted un~~ss Sign~low, _~ Signature of Applicant or Agent: WQ1~{) ~9J. . Da te : S \<b \ b 1 Planning Dept. 5/82 Q/ E}J(ON COMPANY: U.S.A. POST OFFICE BOX 9628. FT.lAUDERDAlE. FLORIDA 33310.9628 .~~..c2.44OJ 566-4428 May 8, 1987 To the City of Boynton Beach Gentlemen: With this letter we authorize David Felton of Corporate Property Services, Inc. to act as agent for Exxon Company, U.S.A. in all matters regarding City approval for our facility at Woolbright Road and U.S. 1. .....~~""L - ~< /././;~-:-__~~~~ Thomas H. Kosel C & M Engineer THK/mhd . A DIVISION OF EXXON CORPORATION / -..;- .~.~, ~"/ , ,. fl <4 ." ~~.,~~~__ ".....-"-'..-.~~~..{J.;~i~ ~':;':.::"'.:'~~:..:... ~~...:..~..::i:.. ::,~_,':;',:"..I...,..~,:~;. ._I.......~.~.._.... ~/!:.I f (, ~. C. I'" j ! J .~. ~~. ~~ . ~t(\ it ~~.....' "3.)co} .. ~. ;;~ ~ ~~~ ~~, ],/ ~ ;, \\1 ~ . .' . ~!;,>;;1c:tmi -,.:I!):;~"'!"..._. ......(....:. ::.."~"'..j ~'?1 "'-!~.. C$,'< ..... '4. '..i~'" ~~~~~~ -:'~~~il ).. ~...... 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LASSITP. lab wih. of th~ County of Palm Beach and IU 6 of Florid&. partl.. 01 the arlt part. and HUNBLE. OIL. REFININO COMPANY. . Ddawan c:orponUoIl whon J>OJt oUlctt addru. 11 P. O. Box 4Z0. . Charlott. 1. Nonh CarollDa. ~rty of the ncond pan. WITNesSETH: That thr nld partlu of th. nut pan. for and in eondderatlon of thf' sum of Ten DoU.... and other valuable eonllderaUon to them In haDe! p..cld. the l'f'celpt whereof h hereby ae!<nowlt!C1aed. have.rante':'. baraaln.d. .old. alienrd. rrmb.ed. released. eonveYf'd and eonnnn~ and by the.e pre.enta do arant. bargain" seU. alien" remhe. rdea!'e. convey lUld con- firm unto .aid,party of tbe second pan. its .ucce.sor. and aadans lorever. all that c.ertaln parcel of land lyina and belna b the County of Palm Beaeh and State of norid&.. more panleular1y deseribed lU follow.: A parcel of land locat~d in Seetioll 33. Town.hlp 45 Sollth. JlanJe 43 East. In th~ City of Boyntoll Beach. 1'\1m Beach County. Florida" d~.erl~d a. lollowa: From the lnteut:ction of the IlOnh line of said Seetioll. 33 with the crnter linf' of St.at~ !load No.5. a. same it abowu upon Map of the right-of-way 01 nid road whJcb h recorded 111. !load Map Book Z. on pale 165. public: ..~"uhS", of ~e.1m e~:e!: Cc=ty. Florida. run w"aterly alon, the north line of .aid Seetioll 33. a diatance of 50.01 feet to a poiDt; thrnce South 010 Ol' IS" W<<.t a di.t~nce 01 30 If'et (mf'a.ured at right a",le. to the north line of .aid Section 33); thence We.t~rly alona a line pal'dlel to the North liDe of .ald Section 33 a diuance of %5. S8 leet to & J>OlJrt "Which ia the point of heainnina of the parcel hereiD deseribed: from nid point of ~ginninl run w~.terly alona a line wbleb ia parallel to the nort.'l line of ..aid Section 33 &!Id 30 fret .outh therlt'Of. mf'~.uud at rig':.t anale.. a distance of lZ..41 feet to . J>Oint: thence run South.Olo OZ' IS'\ We.t a di.tance of ISO leet: thence run ~aaterly alena a line which I. 110 feet aouth of. nlea.ur~rl at riaht &nale.. 'the "rtb line of _id SecUOQ · \ a disLance of ISO Int to a J>Olnt on the we.t riahl-of-way IlD6 of State !lo.d No.5 a. ahown'upon the aforemelltioDed map: thence run Northf'rly alona ..ald right-ol-way Jifte a dl.taDee of H4,46 ant to \hf: pailU of tan.eney of a:.elU'Ve cODC::ave to the SOlltb"':ut and havii;e:a ra:'i~.hl. of %5 feet. thence nm'Narth- weater1yalone said eUrVi- a dht.ance of 39.84 led to ~ point of Be.WI.lna. . .- .. . ~'" .... ~~.. ..i\. '-_:. .t. .... 0- ....~.. ,:y-;':.,~ ~~.::-:-... ~.:: :,.!".. . ~ i;:.: . " . ..... ~ i ~ -l .' ,} ., I I ." J t ~ ;0.. c- , i . ., . fi~!.~~lt ~~'!,':i"i(tX: . ;' ~.. .~" l' -.' . ~~?l.nt>-,;..\l .:~. ;'..i....~,.Il. .-1!~ .'l~~.L ~ :~~~\1:~'\..j '. ' t,~,.~~fi~'f~; ~.:.t~~:~ -.!.~, .1' ~. ...l~"'t: ,....((.~,...;...t ~.: ~~\'.~.:.:. '- ~ ~~ "':,"l'~.r~ s<. 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''''''':'.~ ,.:"' ........'.J~.lJ \?c:1\ 893 H:Z 12\) TOCETHER ....lth all the '~neinent., hendhamenh aneS appurtenanc:e.. with every privU~ae, deht. title, lntereat and e.tate, reveraloD. re- malnd~r and ear~ment th.reto belonalZll 01' iD anywlu .pperta~; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .am. In I.. limpl. lorever. And th. .ald partl.. ul the flnt part do covenant with the .ald party of the aecolul Jl&rt that they ar,; lawlll11y .ebed of the .ald pnmhC'.; that they are Ire. of all enc:umbrancea, and that th.,. hav. .ood rlebt And lawlul authority to ..11 the .am.; and the .al' partlu of the lint part do h....by lull} warrant the titl. to nlel laDeS. and will ddend the aam. ala"'at th~ lawful claima of all perIOD' whom- .o~v"r, e)(c:~pt t~ lC~a for tbe year 1963 and .ub.~quent yean and app:ic- able Eonlng regulation., IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the uleS partin of th~ flut part have C')(ec:uted tMa d"t-d under aeat on the date doreaald, U/. 1. ,.t3L C7lSEALI w. G. LASSITER. JR. ~' \ .J "., PJUSCll.li'G:' t..ASs~ ER ...~~L) STATE OF FLOR1I'!A COUNTY OF PALK ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thb day, befon me. &.l' "i. fic:er duly authoriEed in the 5ta\~ aioreaaid and ira tl.e C..=t; :!::~e:~::! te Uk" ackno",l~dlmenh. peuonal1y app<<>ared W. G. LASSITER., .fRo aDd PJUSCILt..A G. t.ASS1TER, hia wi!~. to me known to be the ]:-enOD3 de. .c:dbed In and ....ho executed the foregoiDl lnatrum~nt. and they acltDowl- ed&ed befor~ me tbat tbey eJle<:\;ted the aame aa th~i~ bee act and deed 10:' th~ uaea and purpoae. therein atated. WITNESS my band and oUielal aeal iD the County and State lut doruald tbia ~ day of .JUDe . 1963. . . '-6,~ ~~. _ ~,':'... No ry Public. Statc~~lorida at Large .' ... o '. 0;'''' ~':;.':':,-.(.. ~~~~G;:~'; ;:.;~'!{'~: ::. ,~,". .. . .... . ., '. ::::;...... .,~:. :;~-:~:(-:~:" My CommiuioD Expirea , 't .' c.. (.. ~.t!!...., r~.C'. !',., of rlfw-:!, ., I........ l) Cr-.-......Ior"" ": n. J"M . ...-.. &, ~.c.~ WIl, Ca." 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"' Ii: i:: ~ f' ~ ~'.f= .I--~~.' _~ .!::: :-J--', - - ....: : Ii! r 1 '--- 1= .,OHH 1r\ '0 .400. '800' .1/4 .1 MILES~ \ - ~ - '. 1600'FEgT PLAIIJNI1JG . I-.~-J r I JL '-T , ~ \ \ ! I .. ..-,:-: - . :=.: ~ i i . - - .~~ V~ j - -/3' DEf'r. ~/87 ~. / . GEE & JENSON Engineers. Arch/tects. Planners. Inc. 2090 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd. [)ra..o..oer No. 4600, West Palm Beach. Fl33402 305/683.3301 Telex 513472 GB<J WP8 April 23, 1987 Mr. David J. Felton President and COE Corporate Property services, Inc. 280 West Prospect Road Oakland Park, FL 33309 Re: Traffic Counts, Exxon station (4-47-62), Intersection Of US 1 and Woolbright Road ......-.... . Dear Dave: We are pleased to submit herewith our driveway analysis for the above referenced location. The traffic count was taken on April 21, 1987 and lasted for a 10 hour period. The enclosed report summarizes the traffic volume about each of the four driveways for each hour. The analysis also has reached conclusions as to the possible closing of the US 1 driveway closest to the intersection of Woolbright Road and US 1 (Driveway "B" on plan sheet). We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project and if you have any questions concerning the study please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, GEE & JENSON Engineers-~rchitects-Planners, Inc. E:.0<tf.eL J~~es K.' Collins, P.E. , - JKC/kmk enc: as noted cc: Don Goddeau 87-240 0, ,I .; )4 J r DRIVEKAY STUDY EXXON STATION 4-47-62 Woolbright Road and US 1 April, 1987 INTRODUCTION A driveway traffic count was performed on April 21, 1987 for the Exxon Station located on Woolbright Road and US 1 (see location map) at the request of Corporate Property Services, Inc. The ,count was over a 10 hour period beginning at 7:00 AM. The purpose of the count is to determine the amount of traffic using all .driveway locations and inturn project the effect of closing driveway "B" (see plan). . DATA COLLECTION Traffic volume at each driveway was collected for both entering and exiting trips during one hour intervals again over the above r indicated 10 hour period. The following table represents a summary of the traffic counts: Entrance Entrance Entrance Entrance Time -A- . -B- -C- -D- In Out In Out In Out In Out 7-8 AM 6 3 15 0 2 8 I 9 8-9 AM 17 6 6 0 3 10 2 10 9-10 AM 20 3 10 0 2 15 2 20 10-11 AM 28 5 17 2 6 21 7 26 .11-12 AM 24 3 8 2 8 21 9 21 12-1 PM 18 3 14 4 6 14 4 17 1-1:30 PM 7 1 9 0 0 5 3 14 2:30-3 PM 8 4 8 0 4 7 5 6 3-4 PM 21 4 16 0 7 21 3 18 4-5 PM 13 4 10 2 6 10 3 18 5-6 PM 18 5 12 3 3 15 5 19 TOTAL 197 41 125 13 47 147 44 178 Total Entering = 413 Vehicles f\ Total Exiting = 379 Vechiles )~tf ('-, Entrance "0" is located ~n the south side of the pr6perty and connects directly with a commercial land use south of the Exxon Station. The differential in entering and exiting .trips is account- able to the mid day and last hour counts registering and entering maneuver but ending the count before they exited. Also some vehicles entered and remained parked throughout the. count. EXISTING CIRCULATION: The observation of trips through the count locations noted the following characteristics: 1. The self-service pumps are located furthest away from the building (closest to the US 1 driveways). Approximately 75% of the trips were observed as using the self service pumps. The counters observed that most of the cars that entered one driveway did not exit the same drivewaY9 There are no left turns permitted out of the .station because of traffic separators located in Woolbright Road and US I block that maneuver. 2. f" .3. Most of the trips that entered Driveway "A" exited Driveways "C" & "D". 4. Most of the trips that entered Driveway "a" also exited Driveways "C" & "D". 5. Most of the trips that entered Drive "C" were using the stations garage facility or entering the commercial land use (DrivewaY,"D"). 6. Some of the trips that entered both "a" and "C"'and backed into the gas pump lanes for proper accessibility with the vehicles gas tank to the gas pumps. 7. The intersection of Woolbright Road and US I provides a pedestrian signal phase. It was observed that many pedestrians are walking to the commercial site located south of Exxon Station. " /lPf (\ DRIVEWAY -B - CLOSURE RAMIFICATIONS The following information represents traffic projections concerning internal and external circulation about the Exxon Station if Driveway "B" is closed: 1. Driveway "B" presently handles 138 trips (over the 10 hour period) which represents 17.42% of the total trips. With Driveway "B" closed the 138 trips would utilize Driveway "CR. This driveway would then total 332 trips over the IO hour period or 41.9l% of the total traffic. 2. The trips entering Driveway "C" would more likely be in conflict with trips entering Driveway "A" if Driveway "B" is closed. The result would be more opposing trips at the self service pumps. 3~ Trips that entered Driveway "C" would most .Driveway "A" if Driveway "B" were closed. additional trips back to the intersection. would be in the "intersection twice. likely exit This would add Those trips r 4. Circulation within the Exxon Station would be disrupted as vehicles would attempt to turn around and reuse Driveway "C" to exit the station. 5. Closing Driveway "B" would reduce the number of pedestrian and vehicle conflict points; however, the resulting number of pedestrian and vehicles conflicts remain the same. 6. Closing Driveway "B" would reduce the possible conflicts of. the east bound approach right turns (particular right on red) with the west .bound approach left turn. However, this conflict could also be shifted to Driveway "Cn. JKC/kmk 87-240 i'. n) ..w -- ~~.Ir::" ,,~'g;':: 1m:.. ~:!~~~ '.."t'ifJ ...;. f--~ \' '1.n. ~ ~ .~~ ~ '.~'l.' -~ ~"f 1 ~ ...__.._-.l~"___'01On"ol_"__h' hl;,.- ~~ ,; .'rf:M~ ~ I........}. ...,.... - l!m.i! oil ~ .. - - -== '-1- . J( ~ . L ~~~t;~y" .-.. -I,tln ~Irl:: t'''VoII~'f I ~ ~~ I B q v:~ T 0 ~ I :1-JI~#~iz;~t~., ~II:I~~I~I:;~ .,' ~ I " (;,,.," c.'s ,~/r.~:~tF.!1 t.lW 14~' J.JJ .... a . . . ;:. ~\:I ~ .. t .. I.... .. .~ jl~ :;I" tl, ::J,.. f. '~"'~1 i~ C( ~ =...... - .; -I. n" """., .4;" ~ ~A) i 1,1". -!Y I 'w "I" ,!. ~I"~I.';I ~~~!~'::-' ,rrTr\: A . I ~.....~I' . .... A.' ~l...hl.... A.': '.' .1... ~ ~ ' ~~~~} l ~r i I NV'f AV ~~ ~:-.;tc;.. A ft'. A.... r~~ ir;:~ . . ~I ~ II~ .. t;. A ~. ~ ,~, ~ J ","... _ I. II I!y~ ~ 1 .. .!.Jl ;( ..&;)l Nt. N(!EJJ !WI z /, I"".C 1 ~ I, ~';./.J-1IfNR,~.. ,~':~~!~r~l~~i_ i! !!~~I~I'~ i:~: ~:!:~ ~;~ ~ ....--1 liJ: crr~ f ~ t ~5 ~. J.....!i I tl ~ \\ ".t" ' &~_~ ~ ---'Iun';~ ~'Y'! 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LOCATION MAP L ~ 11t17:'~~ I~'.~ : . ",,-- ~\ . -t- . ., . , J~Y< EXXON BOYNTON BEACH, FL FACI LITY NO, 4 -47-62 N ,.......... ~ ' Woplbright Road ? ~ 0 )a \ N.T:S. \ , /@ Iii .... w w 1 1 u > (' > 0: 0: W W en z en 0 -l \1.. - -l t- -l W c:r ::> en t- \1.. en , "t) t:: -.-- ::::, ~ @ ~ 4:::: ....... ~ ::::, (;:) (1) '- '- t Vi ~@ . ~ " (\ EXXON Jq) BOYNTON BEACH, F L ... .--.....- \.. 11\ r.: tl\ 0 R/..l.i i) lJ I\~ Exxon Co. LiA1'r October 21, 1986 "ILI ,.. Don Jaeger Chief Plans Review Inspector "'-.till JleT TRBi186-0504 Exxon Service Center 1601 S. Federal Hwy. As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents: A permit for the storage shed is required, No record exists of applicant ever securing one. The distance from the corner to the turnouts are not to code. TRB has recommended the removal of the north turnout on Federal liwy. and a 13' reduction on the east end of the Woolbright Road turnout. In order to facilitate the building permit review process, the following information should be provided at the time of submittal: Two sealed surveys are required, Details are required for the proposed dumpster pad and screen wall, Construction details are required for the island and for the alteration of the turnouts. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DO~J#+ DJ:bh 8\1 BUILDING OFFICIAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC \\'ORKS -_..~~._--.....::;-----~, _..__.._~_.~___ ~ _.._......"_~alW..T_... _ - ~.....-.--.._..'__.,._~ ---"--~-'~"'''''~''.. FOL.D ... SUBJECT: REQUIRED DUM~STER PAD __..__ _________________-DATE: 10/16/86_____.-:. Exxon station at 15th and Federal Highway has to comply with landscape ordinance requiring a 10' x lor dumpster. PLEASE REF'l V TO SIGNED "...- j?~,,~{/ b' ~1). (LL./"'-' .;- Glf ...: Cf bOYN>-.. . s' ftU.~' /"-~' 'Ii. J. 'flt- '~." . O 1 'L '/'. I, '. \- , Dr 1 f [.'! -:' ---I ? t._ - r-' .. 10 J . 0: CF"pllf ...'8~ b - , c: (.I' <. r U r--- ~ !:'!!l!!f'! /-- :;'>C Or-Flr.,.'C ."'- I .t.s~ ~".';l ",i)t .<'...:J/ ItCI' fl(;'" . . ~ (" ., '- / .-) -- .\ . " '.' f · J I ...;,.. -!::. __ _ t ..-::. . . RE:-;~::-~:._---~-~~-_...-~.."---...-.----..-.-.-..-.--l j ! I /O/11/E<0 SIGNED VulJ JAE3G,~/2- ................-_..1.........~u--' ._-~~----.- DA TE: lIem' F2tl9 C: Whe<lie' Group tnc. 1979 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED fJJ,A MEMORANDUM 16 October 1986 TO: Don Jaeger, Chief Plans Review Inspector FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Exxon Station/Woo1briqht and U.s. 1 The applicant should address the impact of closing the north driveway on U.s. 1 and reducing the driveway on Woolbright to conform with the design requirements of Section L-5 of the zoning regulations. Also, an attempt should be made to conform to the landscaping requirements in Section L-3. /bks U~n:.v~'X-.J"' ~~, /~~~--ZiJ CARMEN S. A~UNZIATOt/ 90ft "/l E lA () R I~, j.,! 1. ., : ' ,J , : .J i', \ Planning Dept. Attn: Mr. J. Golden r.,I,TC 16 Cctober 86 ,..\., ,w Sgt. D. Thrasher ~u.JlC~ E>:xon Service Stat ion As per the discussion at the TRB meeting of Oct. 16, 1986, the following is recommended. 1. That the Entrance/Exit Ramp on S E 5 Street (S. Federal Hwy.), nearest S E 15 Avenue, be closed. D. Thrasher ~t* 1,1\ [: Iv'" 0 R 1\ i',.J D U I.A Don Jaeger Chief Plans Review Inspector DA.Tr October 17, 1986 'H.I .w Kevin Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist ~U.J'CT Exxon Station Site Plan This memo is in reference to the existing landscape at the above site. 1. The area for the dumpster should contain a concrete slab (10' x 10') and enclosed on three sides with a concrete wall. 2. The applicant should meet with me to discuss how he can in- crease the landscaping to meet the 10% requirement if possible. ~;~ ~1'-;o:: 0 . ~I t':L{~/_-J Kevin J. ?lHallahan r-,l-- KJH:ad yff .J'.' " ,,\"" ' MEMORANDUM May 11, 1987 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN, SENIOR CITY PLANNER RE: EXXON COMPANY, U.S.A. PARKING LOT VARIANCE Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents related to a request for a variance to the Parking Lot Regulations (Section S-141.g.3). Also enclosed is a check for $400.00 to cover the review and processing of this application. Please advertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the June 9, 1987 meeting. J:;;; J.- ~ JJG:ro Attachments cc Central File .;) .. fPJ