LEGAL APPROVAL .. 'roo. .~ . L. - "' ---. ..:i, TO: Cantlen Annunziato Planning Director .--. ROCEl\rl1D MEMORANDUM DEe 12 198P I,l PLANNrN"'G DEPT, December 10, 1986 . - -. RE: DER!Garnsey Hall Enterprises, Inc. Please review the attached Dredge & Fill material and either respond to it or provide Ire with information as to what response we should make if any. PLC:jc Attachrrent g~~04 city Manager /2- " """ ,. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION ~. SOUTHEAST FLORIDA DISTRICT BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY J. SCOTT BENYON DISTRICT MANAGER .... P.Oo BOX 3858 3301 GUN CLUB ROAD WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402.3858 December 5. 1986 Palm Beach County DF - GarnseY-Hall Enterprises. Inc. (Atlantic ICW/Boynton Beach) The Honorable Mayor City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 33435 Dear Mayor: RE: GARNSEY-HALL ENTERPRISES. INC. Enclosed is a short form application (File No. 501261036) which involves dredge and fill activities in waters of the State within the limits of your juriSdiction. Section 403.911. Florida Statutes. asamended by the 1984 session of the Florida Legislature. requires the Department to notify the local government within 10 days of receipt of an application for a dredge and fill permit. The local government has 14 days from the time it receives the notification for a short-form application and 60 days from the time it receives the notification for a standard-form application to file objections to the application. Furthermore. the local government may participate as a party to the procedure and may request a hearing pursuant to Section 120.57. Florida Statutes. within 14 days after receiving notice of the ~ Department's intent. If the local government does not file ,~ objections within the designated time periOd or request an intent letter. the Department will assume that the local government does not wish to receive a notice of intent. Objections should be mailed to Larry O'Donnell at the letterhead address and should reference the file number. If you have any questions. please contact the Department. Sincerely. ~ @ f)...dL Larry O'Donnell Supervisor Dredge & Fill Permitting Enclosure(s) LEO: jsf/104 (GARNSEY-HALL. 2) Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life 3~ , . :. "~l..;~ J ~ 'ff...., .. ~'r""-_:". :.' '; ... -. ~r.i-.r' .... ~...:~~~.:::; -' r'l , . ...1 ~. - -~'-": ~. .:: "1 I. . t' . _.4 t;'"'... .' . . .. f _ . . I. .' . i \ .. "\ '--. JOINT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT or ~HE ARMr/rL~RIDA DEPARTMENT or ENYIRONMENTAL REGULATION For Activities in the Waters of the'State of Florida . .' .'. ~;. _..'~ . ....; ..;.~...! :t-'!': ~ ....:....~~. :~~'$-::.:; .':: .;;. '.p'[~ . ::..~~:..f ;~~""'t~...\..:~. . ;....;.: ~-J(l.:...:.:.~....."...._.. .~~:... .-;:.~: :...... .. CORPS. APPLICA TIo.N. NUMB~,~:~( o,:~J..c:~~l.~~~~,:..o~~.!y~:' ~;~~,~E~:.;~.P.P~'IC':!~J;!N:~Hii.MBER:~(Dif..i~tai.:~;~';:~~~iy).. . -. 0 --.' . .., ... -..-. .:':'J' '~'~:":':.;;':~~~~~~~:'::Y"f~~~':.~~~~-:~ ;.!';.:~':;:'"~~:t:.~ .'. ':-. "~-:':.'.~,'Ji.tJ....;-:-;-. fC>;:; .~. .c:'~i~~~~~:~J: ., ~~ .;:r /.1 ":.1 1. APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS, . . ~ ... . ., .' '.- ~ " 'Jo_..-_._...-~ .1. . , , ';;.': , --- I G I AI RI N Is.;1 EI Y. '0:- , HI A,IL. , L' NAHE ,312', 61 oIS'.~I W~ --110' SI Tlo"IA ,V,E IN I UI EI 1 I I I 1 STREET ..0.. 0..... I 3 b'l 413 'i 5 "' I STATE ZIP , E IN 1 T I E I R I ~I R I I IS. j :: I S 1 I II N IC , . I ': I. .1 I . I .. I B 10 I Y I N 1 T. .1 01 N I CITY IB I E.IA'IC 1 HI IF IL 'I TELEPHONE NUMBER (Day) .(30~ 737-6294 - . (Night) ( ) o . 2. Name, address, .zip code and~itle of applicant's atithorized agent for permit , . application coordination '.. ~, .' .Gera1d M. Ward, P.E. '.0 Consulting Engineer P.O. Box 10~41, Rivie~a Beach, Florida 33404 Telephone NUlllber (309 863-1215 .... ~ .:: . -~. - i ..... 3. NAHE Dr WATERWAY AT.LOCATION .or'~HE-ACTIVITY. Atlantic Intracoasta1"Waterway ~ 0.. 4" ... '... .-nOr-Code>'.... '.. .w/..w:.t:ode.. . .. .... . . . 4. LOCATION WHERE PROPOSED ACTIVITY EXISTS OR WILL OCCUR. Extended Boynton Beach Bi~d~ 22-'.. .. 45S 43E '. ~ Street, road-or ~ther descriptive location.. Boynton Beach Incorporated city.or town Palm Beach Section ~ Township '.' _....._. Range 26031.7'N B0003.3'W -- -' ,,; Latitude Longitude Tax Assessors Description: (if known) County Hap No. Subdi v. No. . lot No. s. NAHE AND ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE OF ADJOINING .. ADJO INS. THE WA TERWA Y. Weege Trustee c/o' James Weege, DVM 127 S.E. 15th Avenue Bo .nton Bch, FL 33435 PROPERTY OWNERS WHOSE PROPERTY ALSO FDOT 780 S.W. 24th Street Ft.. Lauderdale, FL 33315 (See Attachment A) 6. PROPOSED USE Private Single Dwelling t )..- 'Private Multi-dwelling [ ) Public [ ] Commercial l~) Other.[) (Explain in remarks) DER rQr~ 17-1.203(1) Effective Nove~ber 30, 1982 Page 1 Q f ~ 1;/1 '" .-\ Cl -.., , .. '. .... ...:' ,. I. -..... _"'\.: -... ".:.. , . i _....'!.;.!.:_,.~'...:... ..: . ....... -,.. { ." ." ...~.." '.. .. 1:.. .i:. 1_.,". .. '",: a. .... ~ ' "... ...~ :' - .'.1 . .. 7. OESCRIPT ION Dr PROJECT (Uae' addltiona1~'aheeta;'-l f .heceaaary) 0' _.. .lI. ... . . . . . - . . , A. Structuress 1. New work [X) Haintenance of exiating structure [ ] :2. op ier!l, c10cleis ..and uaeso-Coaaercial .[Xl :. Prhateo.[ .J . .Public [ J _.~ ": .__~o~.: ::,"1:. Hargi.na1 . length 12,1. 0 .Ft, 1(' ;.'t. .-. -:;.:C1JE.:::.o.. a. Singh pier [~ width . .~, .. +eo, ~;rk,.-t~e- Huaber or .. j .. ......,.... ;:'-t- .~ pier. [ . length .;".."~ ~";r: b. - width 'r~oJ ~r. .- ~:..~~ ';.. ;~~~ .c. Huilber -of .bost aUpe { ~ 4] :~. length 2S Ft. width 20 Ft. .. . '. - d. N uaber of . finger piers [ 0 J lBngth , width - - . e. Other (pleaail dnci-ibe) - - .. - .-~.. 3. Seewalla, revetaanta, bulkheadss length . - , , ~:. .. a. T yp a s Vertical [ J Riprap [ ) Slope: ,0 ',Horizontal: ~Vertie.l b. Hahrlial tti be uaed 4. Other type of structure . . 0 B. Excavation or Dredging: Hew War k [ ] Maintenance worle [ ] Total acreage involved ,. .. - -- I. Acceaa Channel [ J or Canal [ J Length . ft. Width ft. Depth ft.. Z. Boat Bnin' [ ] or Boat Slip [ ] Length ft~.. Width ft. Depth ft. - . . . - . ,'-' 3. Other Length ft. Width ft. Depth ft. . 4. Cubic yarda: Total for project . - a. 0 cy d . waterw.rdl 1:yd. landward of ordinary/aean high water b. Type of a.terial to be excavated/dredged c. rill: 1. Aaount of .atarial . , OCR., : a. ..Cubic yarde placed waterward.of ordinary/aean high water O. Cod. . 6 O~ 0 G..:!: %5' b. tubic yards placed landward of ordinary/aean high water - - 40' 1.'1+ 0.6:t c. Tot.al acreage to be filled Total acreage of -wetlande involved Z. tontainaent for fill a. Dike. [X] b. Seawall, etc. [ J c. Other (pleaae explain) 3. Type of f111 .aterlal to be uaed Clean Fill 4. Sourca of fill .aterial to .be .uaed Off-si.te DER fora 17-1.Z0)(1) Effective Nova_ber )0, 1982 Page 2 ~ 4~ ='"'. ,;........ . . .-. '1 I -) . "' ..' ... '.. , .... 8. Date activity is proposed to cODDence . . Sprinq '1987 to be coapl;t~d Summei-1987 ~. Previoua peraits far this project. have been DE:R , Corpa I . .1.. Denied (~al:e)_' ~ B. Iaau~d-(date) . .. .. '. ~ ,. . .. . - ," .' ..;. -~... ,;..,... C~.Other~ (pleaae explain) '. . ~:Dirfer~~tiate between existing work and proposed.work an the drawings. , . . ". ". . ., , 10. R.aarka (See Inatruction Paaphlet far additional ~nforaation required for all applicationa and certain.activitiea. -Uae additional.aheeta if neceaaary.). 11. AffIDAVIT Of OWNE:RSHIP DR CONTROL of the property on which the proposed project is to be ..undertaken O' '.. o. '. . '., I CE:RTIfY THAT:o (please check. appropriate .apace)_ [ J 1 BB the record owner, leasee, or record ease.ent holder of the property described below. [X] 1 a. -!!.!!.l' the record owner, lessee, or record ease.ent holder ..of -the property described below, but ~ will have before undertaking the proposed ~ork the requisite property ~nterest. (PleBse.explain,whBt.the intereat will be and how ~t will be acquired.) See Attachment __B:o, .LE:GAL DE:SCRIPTlON Of PROPERTY SITUATED IN PALM BEACH (Uae .ddition.l.~heets if.neceasary). .cOUNTY, f'LORIDA Lots 4, 13, 20, 27, 28, and 29 all in Dewey's Subdivision, BoyntDn Beach, Palm Beach County. Florida as recorded in Plat BODk 1 at Page 37, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Swor. and aubscribed before .e at . r/2,d~ L . /J K:. -- Sion,'ute 2:<. f/ /Z.L,?,. d~_L {'~ - CCJuonty, , this ./1:1"1. day of CAdll ~19a '1--:r-~' '. v ~~ 4/ta-,~ .. .. rr. .........-- -. . . NOT Y PUBLIC . ''10IKI\.Y maUe ~"rATE OF flORIDA- . Hy cOBBission, expires: f~Y ,C~M^,.iSSION EXPIRES MAR 101987 8",ND..D THRU GENERAL 1~C:"H~'rr ""'" (:,,;1 kA.'/~ OER far. 17-1.203(1) E:ffectlve November 3D, 1982 Page ) or 4 -;<# ~- . .-." l t .. 12. Application .ia .ade far a perait(s) .to authoriu the activitiea deecribed h~reir\. A. 1 authorize the agent.listed in Itea.#2-to negotiate .odificationa or-reviaiona,.when... necea.ary, and accept or a..ent to any atipulationa on ay behalf. 0: B. I under.tand 1 .~y have to provide any additional inforaation/data that aay be nece.aary ._, to provide .re..onable ....ur.nce. or'"evidence to .how that .the proposed project will coaply with the applic.ble State W.ter Quality St.ndards or other environaental .tand- . .-,- ards both .before conatruction snd after the project is coapleted. .. - . '. . .-- C..-In.add! tion, .1 .agree -to.provide .entry to the project ..ite for in.pec"t'ors with 'proper identification or docuaents aa required by law froa the environaental .gencie. for the purpoae of aaking preliainary analyses.or..the .its.'. rurther, I agree.to provide entrY..l -to the project..ite .for...uch inspectors to .onitor paraitted work if,. -perait .ie granted. .., D. Furtheri,oI "hereby aclcnowl~dge the obligation ana reeponalbi11ty for.oobtaining ill.of thii required atate~~fedeial:or'local jeraits beFore co.aenceaent of conatruction activitiea~; I alao understand thBt before cO~Dence.ent of thia proposed project I DU.t be granted tv separate peraita or authorizationa fro.,the U.S. Corps of Engineera, the U.S. Coast ,~ Guard, . the -Departaent '0 f. tnvi.ron.ental'.Regulation, ..and the Departaent-o f H atur al,. .' ....;.;... Resourcea, a. neceasary. 0 ....:. ...... 0.. ___' .:: ~ ~.... ..... .... .., I CERTIry that I .a f.aili.r with the inforaation cont.ined in this .pplication, and thBt to the be.t of ay knowledge and belief auch inforaation ia true, coaplete and .ccur.te. I further certify tha~ I poa.e.~"the authority-to undertake the propoaed activities. ... .: :::....:.CL:~vt.';t-~i~ -' ~gnBture 0 f AppliCBnt' 71/~/f.t. Date ~z THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SIGNED by the per.on who.deairea to undertake the .propoaed 8ctivi ty -or by. an .authorized agent. . '1 fan agent i. applying. on behalf 0 f the appli- cant, att.ch proof.or'authority~for .the agent to aign and bi~d the applicant. 18 U.S.C. Section ~DOl providea that: Whoever in any aanner within the jurisdiction of any departaent or 8gency of the United State. knowingly and willfully falaifie8, conceala,.'or cover. up by any trick, scheae, or device a asterial fact or ..ke. .n7 f.lae, fictitioua or fraudulent stateaenta or representationa Dr aaKe. or ueea eny fal.e writing Dr ooeuNent knowing aa.e to contain any fal.., fictitioua or fraudulent alale.ent or enlry, shall be fined not aore .than $10,000 or i..prleoned not Dore than five yeara, or both. NOTICE TO PERMIT APPLICANTS Thia i. << Joint Application; it ia ~ a Joint Peraitl You Muat Obtain 11l Required Local, Slate, and Federal Authorization. or Peraita Before Coamencing Workl I Fer your'infer.ation: Section 370.0)4, rlorida Statutea, require. that all dredge and fill eq~~paent owned, used, lea.ed, rented or operated in the etate ahall be register- ed with the Departaent of Natural Re.ourcea. Before selecting your contractor or equipaent you .ay wi.h to deteraine if this requireaent ha. been Det. For further .inforaation, contact the thief of the Bureau of Licenaea and Motorboat Registration, Depart.ent of Natural Resourcea, 3900 Co.aonwealth BoulevBrd, Tallahassee, Florida '2'0'. Telephone Huaber 904/488-1195. THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR A PERMIT rROH THE DEPARTMENT Dr ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION. DER rora 17-1.20)(1) Effective hoveabar 3D, 1982 Page 4 of II ~J/ ... ~.i""" '... ~ .. L. -, L ATTACHMENT: A " Reference Page 1 of 4 - Item #5 Diocese of .Attention: Suite 201C 8895 North Palm Beach Palm Beach Bishop Thomas V. Dail~y Military Trail Gardens, Florida 33418. J & J Ventures Attention: Jim Hall 612 Nervan Road Virginia ~each, Virginia 23451 ::) "1 -_ I \ .] ,t '.. ~.. .,~ -. ~. ...~. _....::;: :jC ~ )1 . .. . .. - .~. ;) ~ {' "::="-" :. _~;'....:.7:~....~ f :i . ..' - i --':. I "'!l ~'. II. .' ..,.~ ~r < " C., t ~TE~' /.1'~. ~~: '.', ~ i" ':~--.P~ ~ Vr......N -., ..' '" - -. i : : rh. ~..!I -;~~:-:-:~:.l ~ . .............. . -;.-. -, '. . ~i;: .,..J..J I' 0" ..:, .:r .!:l::: -t:.-.-__.,' .~~~:/ t.r. ~.:l;-;. _?:. c..tii-... _P.Jc,ige: i:..:=f I ... .;OC , . :.-.c: :':1:0 :~E1 g ~ 19: G:t~ C . . - see ~2 ~ VICINITY MAP ~~ tit MHW ~ 12' CONC. PILES PIER BENTS iO BE SPACED AT 12 n. O,c:. MLW 1 012 SCALE IN rEET . ~ LEGENDI r l-. '" '" '" l-fJfid~DS I 0.6:!:ACRES I . I I ClJT -PAR-CD.. un S1' A TI!l'1 L DTHE:R D1PRDVOIOITS k'YYY1_F'ILL IN UPLANDS 0.5:!: ACRES PROPERT UNE: 7"SECpON 2~ 681% n. SEe ION 2 10 SECTION c:oRNER ~ 100 n 100 o SCALE IN rEET GERALD M, WARD, P .E. CONSULTING ENGINEER COASTAL - ENVIRONMENTAL 8638A -, -1 :~~~~~VD_,j.////////~ , :~ ~ . 0 25 SO EXISTING ~ +1.5 :!:NGVD III HmU2. SCALt 1/'l n:cr GROUND SECTION A-A HHW OJ ..1.3' NGVD 0 ..,; LEVEL HLW OJ -1.2' NGVD4 5 > EXISTING MARGINAL PIER EXIS1. CANAL W/PE:RPE:NDICULAR lIE:RTHING :-----J I r'-\r " 10':; APPRdx. E:XIS~' NOTE:I I :'lO'.t- SHORE:LINE A APPROX. 4500 CU, VDS, or rILL TO . 'APPROX. MHWL liE PLACED IN O,6:t ACRES or I . WETLANDS &. APPROX, 1500 CU, VDS. , PROPOSED MARGINAL Dr F'ILL 10 BE PLACED ON 0.5:t:. . _ I PIER I 1 Si~ti ACRES or UPLANDS rOR MARINE I ~ PROPOSED "OORING ..J DEVELOPMENT, rILL TO liE OBTAINED. . I n -:rz: OFT-SIlE:. 34 MARGINAL BERTHS ARE I I PILES, X~- PROPOSED ALONG 12.100:t: SQ, n. Dr ' 87 fi~~ DOCK. NO DREDGING IS PROPOSED, I .5' 125" n. 0:' "I' n.cc , ~~3 - .6' MLW 1\ _ g N ff ~>- u ~ I ~ ~ ...2.5'% MLW I. ~ Ii E:XISTING J e :3 MOSQUITO 'I W . CONTROL l:l ;:;! DITCHES , /:I .::: O' HLW I ~ ~ .... tJ .... Ll C <r "l ~ I- I- III z: !:t - I 3 rf E1 /:I C C ..J L.. APPRCX. BOTlOM Ll ..... I- z: <r -J I- <r -4':t: MLW EXISTING BASIN W/MARGINAL PIERS L PERPENDICULAR BERTHJNG P.O, BOX 10441 RIVIERA BEACH. 305/863-1215 SHEET 1 OF 1 ATLANTIC INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY FL 33404 BOYNTON BEACH PALM BEACH COUNT~ FLORIDA APPLI GARNSEY-HALL - ~/v " . .. .. .'-;":.~::\,.: - ..E..... 1 ~ ;I II. . l. .~.~"'i::;..r .~, , ,,'. ~: .:.;:?~:~, ~ '. ., "- ~>;::;- 10,;:: ____,. C 25 5: u~:J~; :O~I: S:~E: 1'1 n:;:: !..!:,,'!:_ S:::-rI:;~ !.-~ =-; ~ ~....; ~": .!..S'=N~\'= t'!-i-:. 1 ~ N-V" C: -: ; ~ - .- . u _ *';. ~ L...: ,.,~.....: .- ....-1.2 Nu\.r,~ ~ > I . .\ . ! I I , ! 7'- PR:l?=SEZ SA"!! Al'l!;/.E C~USHED -.... . '0' ' R:J:K fILL \ r. .. NG\'Ii ,,"" ~ '" """"" "" ~ co~n.;i,"l"1!:~~~ . ,. 'DH,!:'. '" '. - 7.5':: NGVIJ 1,5':!: NG\'! .' t' lC 2C SCALe IN F"LCT TYPICAL FILL EDGE CR~SS-SECTION E:XI=i. P,t,VE~El'ii --.... otS'~ NGVL '\ -...:. .\L....d y///// / A??R:lX. E>:1 s 'Wi" G?:JU"ir: --.... LE ,,'i:_ '. ~. w E-. <i It..' <...; v. +l~'.:!:NGVli I ..: UU. :..l - 1 ~ N-\,n Cl Q: r.~ 6f -'..... u.. &...:' ~_w ; ....-1,2' NuVIi4 -I > "'\ "Y ",,j , 't... . f\ -1\ . .~ ,] .{i ;~ "\ ,." o ',"~ r.J' " 0" .? C 2= c:r to?IZ. scACe IN rcr1 SE:TIOt'i ~-: ...4-7':NGVn _ l. ,,,",, "'><'~~l='=:"" AP::>R"V 1\ '" /': . ..-'" JI \ ~ I EX!SlI~::; ".., ~_: G~:J:J:-G LEVi:!... ~ Sl< to: <: -ll>': .1.S':NGV! I ..: "''''..., ...' N-V" C: ~ .. ~ !: .". ..:- . u..... . L.: K:....... &' ....-.,2 N"V.&.c:.-l > E I \ i \ ,M~W~ I o. \ rAJ:W...J ; 'l;'"l/, WE:iLA."!D ....\ SH:J~ELI!'iE' rl:..:... ! ~~ n\ / ___, R ( ) 7- ~: I \ : ~\~ LtG!:!'iD, J <'" C 25 50 .tCiUz. S:ALt 1M rIJ:l SECTI8~ c-c t:1~" ~"7W A '" oC"". ,- _":".:..':::-:::-~._ T I ! it ! j', - 3P i I I ) U?LA!'it f1:"~ p - .'!3D~RICHJ:. CA?PROX. tXitNT) A - A~STRALI~N P1NES (EXIS;, S?;:!J!... PILtS - APPR:lX. EXiENi) , ; . - .......-......-- C ::>= c::c tORIZ. s:iZt IN f"C!:i rILL AREA PLAN DEI AIL. iDR I ::[1 ! i REV. !2/67ICK ~/ ; D?-,TE1:11'86 I;PP...,mv-' r'~:..Jr'o..;~_i.1 r lLL & MAr(~ NAL i"' ~r- AiLANTIC INiRACOASTAL WAiERWAyi 33404 IBOYNTON BEACH " IPAL.M BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA I~P?LI GARNSEY-H~.LL I ~NT RPR ""ES N:. : G~RAl D ~ w~-n - ~ " - - .. RK':", i"'._. CONSULTING ENGINEER COASiAL ENVIRONMENTAL I I 8532= ! P.O. B::JX 1(1441 RIVIERA BEACH, FL 3051'853-1215 S~EEI 2 ~f '2 >III .' , ...:a.. " '#...... . .. . ~ ,~) .. ) 'ATTACHMENT B Presently, Lots 27, 28 and 29 are in the ownership of Garnsey-Hall Enterprises, Inc. and Lots 4, 13 and 20 are in the ownership of a Mr. Reese. Mr. Reese has indicated that he will work coopera- tively with Garnsey-Hall Enterprises, Inc. in the development of this prDperty. Therefore, prior to constructiDn of any kind, the two parties will prepare the necessary legal documents to have all of the described LDtS in some sort of acceptable unity of title, purpose or cDntro1. ..,..,..0. ~ 'to %/2-- .. ., \ ~\ r~ .'" . ., , ., I City of Boyntoh Beach Planning Department 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Bo~: 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 December 19, 1986 Larry O"Donnel, Supervisor Dredge & Fill Permitting Florida Department of Environment~l Regulation Southe~st Florida. District P.o. Box 3858, 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, FL 33402-3858 . ... Dear Mr. O'Donnel: Re: Dredge and Fill Application for Garnsey-Hall Enterprises, Inc. (File No. 501261036) " . The City of Boynton Beach.nas the following comments concerning the abovementioned dredge and fill application: (1) Construction, placement of fill, and access should be coordinated with the Florida Department of Transportation with respect to the future construction of the Boynton Beach Blvd. bridge. The right-of~way for the bridge will occupy 60 ft. no~thwa~d from the section line. (2) The applicant will need to coordinate construction plans with the site plan for the Waters Edge Marina, which will lie immediately to the south of the applicant7s project. Easements for access and parking will be necessary from the owners of the Waters Edge Marina site and/or FDOT. Also, it is not apparent where the parking required by the City's zoning code will be provided. . (3) The City has adopted pplicies for wetlands preservation which have been recommended by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan. In order to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the applicant will need to address the following: Ca) Since the activity is water-dependent, filling of wetlands is permissible to the extent necessary, if mitigation is provided through the creation or enhancement of other wetlands. The applicant should clarify why the filling of wetlands is necessary in this instance, and should provide a plan for mitigation. page 1 :#~ _ . __. .. ~ ... _ r' ....._.;.~~.~.::.......;.:,... . . ',- \. .....1 " ,... , ... . . . . .. . J (b) The City's Comprehensive Plan requires a 10 foot wide buffer zone of native upland vegetation to be est~blishQd along the wetlands ~djacent to th site. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Planning Department. Yours very truly,' c--7~- ~~' ~?.- ~:'lr/~ ~h~ Timothy P. Cannon Senior City Planner . ... , ~ , . . cc: City Manager Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency .' page 2 '1?!tl "___............_.0-_:....... _..; ~.( ~.. '. MEMORANDUM 13 January 1987 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Dianna Lawes, Executive Director, CRA FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: ~ARNSEY-HALL ENTERPRISES, INC. Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of the response prepared by the DER in connection with the Garnsey-Hall. Enterprises project. This analysis may have implications on the Agency's plans to redevelop the mangrove area. G - ( ,<, ~ ~::t:- CARMEN S. AN NZIATO Ibks cc: Torn Clark Central File ft' Is . ~.,;.,;~ ~_'1. ~ .'._ I.,,-~ .. . ... -.. . ,<:~.!;.~~~~;.;:~~ ~ - STATE OF FLORIDA '.. ....... .'&::.,.: .~.;,--...:'!. e...... . .. ,'- DEPARTMENT OF 'ENVIRONMENTAL-REGULATION"'~=:-:"'.~.~:~:~~~'.~~.~.'. , ., . \~...; .'_.~_.. . t:r'" . ...... -.- -...... . ... .. ...--_...... -. ..._.-.' .;~. .... .....--=- --=- '--..=---"-. . . .,.. J, SCOTT BENYON . .. DISTRICT MANAGER . c.:; :':~~'~~~~:~,~~~~.~/~.i:~~:7.~:.::..:~.::~.:-:'>:-~::.. ,.: '-,'-' ~. .:. -. ::"'--'-"-'~;i~-~:~~~e~~~~iI Ente~:~~.~.~~~~~':" '~_::.:.~ . . . '.'.','~:"",,",:,;o::-'-:~_-. -~''-?:~'.~i''.:::-~<-:"::-'_~'- '.- 0.... .~ -. ,...:-> -.. ._;-,. --. -."-.-.: - u.:.... I nc. ( I CW/Boyn ton" Beach) .=,.,~ :~_...:..,-, ...,_._____-,_. Mr. Gera1dM.Ward,.P.E. .... '.. - . Consulting .Engineer~~+ ~ -:',_n...-_:~~":~.&~i::: -:,-'-:-.:,:::.:.,':.:'::.:.., ~.,':_;.:':-:;.~>;';"-:::-:-"-'._--' - .:.: ...-, .-... -.---.-- ..-'--00.--. PO Box 10441 . ....-"-. .-. -- . - Riviera Beach; FL 33404 BOB GRAHAM . .GOVERNOR VICTORIA Jo TSCHINKEL .. SECRETARY ',:~~- ~: SOUTHEAST- FLORIDA:'~:~:::__.:::7:-:--=::::-::: . . '--::.. DISTRICTc.'''-.--..::7< .-. ..~.;.:,-~::-,-~.:"c~:.:.:.:--.-.:..--::..:>-, .... tr . . . . ,. - h D M.' Wa rd. . - -' d., .. ear. r ... . - ....-.,....... ,:.~ . .. - - .-:- .' . ......-..._-:....;.~-=..'-~;..~--~-:.:.:.-=-_.::...:.._..._. :....-... . ....: RE:.:~- GARNSEY-HALL ENTERPRISES. INC. . File #501261036 :- '.:-,-Enc-i-o'~e.ii" i's -a: si'te' "inspection .i::eport'. indicating: that your pro ject, . . . -- .- ''''''as - proposed,- will. have an -adverse. impact on the envir:onment. --- -.-- ._-.. --;-;':::--::'-However ~-~, wi th the modifications. suggested~.-by- the'-inspector, the:- -0 --- ::,:.:.,:":~_.._,,.. '-:: --<-:-::'_:-impact:.cQuld:;be :._l~ssened_. to an exte.nt.-which. -would. eliminate. the'. :.:,-... ~ ~:..; - - .. . - justification for the denial recommendation-.-.. Please. consider: these::::::-::" _~..u_ ':;-. " modifications._ If. you feel that- you, can-modify. your:, proposal as . - on .....: _,:.. . .u . indicated. or in some other: manner which would reduce the adverse .._~~~:. u 00'.:.:_0 impact-. on the- envir:onment. please submit' a revised sketch/letter of ---------'. . : :: _~.._agreenlent,'.. ~6: the changes by Januarv 26, 1987. - .. .. '. If we nave .not hear:d fr:om you by this date. or if you do not wish to ~: modify.your_.proposal as suggested... we. will. continue.. to pr:ocess your ~.:o. application. as submitted. . . .,.. .. : . .'. . '.. .-:"._ Ch~is'.'S-hea -. (Phone 305/689-5800) ,of this office, will be glad to -._~-,'::"..answe.r' .any.~guestions..You may. have, concerning the...s'uggested ... . :,-:-:,::-:.modJfJcations. -. 'On --_.. _..., ,_. -.. .--,~,-' . . ~ :C-;:_ sin~~~_~t~ 7:f;J};' .::-::: L~.'Dom{eii .,... _.. . .-0_ p-" pSuperv~ s or - -.'.~',"Dr:edge &~ F~~l Permitting. .. .. ..- ._. - -.-. .. ....:. . ... ____~~O:~~!!.l~~ot~~~~.~E.X~!lA.!:_~? .'_____ '. Enclosure(s) cc: Palm Beach County Health Dept. City'~fBoynton Beach, Timothy P. Cannon -.... ..... -...-.......- -..-.-.----..--....----....-..-.-.... ....~ Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life ..- -'.{lib- ..,..........,,:>".-.. .. . :~:,........"..;'I'...:....I......~.,.:.... ..~..- ~....;_....__..o:.'\ ~._.. .,.,u "..:'_.....,. .'. . .. _",:.1 . S:. . :.. ~ '.. .". - .:-.~..,. . .. . .~' ""!"_.... ~ ;;;;;-.. ..... . DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL' . ~::..._. '-. .- =":~~. .... .' : ..:r--:.. .: 501261036 . ....~-F~le No..: .. ..,..,~ . .' . ~6 ~ . . -. .;: ;'.p -. . . . . County: Palm Beach Date: 1/6/'. . "R7 , . _:.:~.~ Applicant Name: .. . . .... .:... . - .. " ..-.~.~., . ....'. ..... 326 SW 1 Ave., Boynton Beach, FL. 33435... .. , .--' :.~: .::: Address: :----,.....-......- ........ . . Garnsey - Hall Enterprises Inc. .:'~-'~~~~~:~~en~._(~t:;_ appl~c.o:ble): Gerald M. Ward, P.E. ....... P.O. Boxo.~044~, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 .__:.Address: ....,. '. . ~ .~ section C:s) Section(s) 22 ~ownship 45S Range 43E .'~_'~-Locati6n of project: Township Range - .- -..' ':.':~:~~Local Reference: - ,-- --_... .._...~.- .... . " .... :;.;:: Water Body: Tn~-~coac~=l ~~~on~~y "-~.~Watei Classl.fication. of. Project. Area:- III Adjacent Waters:: .. ,-,:":,,:,,::,,:.:::::":'.-.._...-,.. ......-- .. . ..--..'7.-.....::-.-: '-_P. --- -.... -- - .... ... -... - ... . , . ~~.~guat5:.~ Preserv.e: . 'r:') . . _. -~.- ... . -' . . .'~~--: OUtS.tandi.Ii'g. :F10=i.~a Waters: no ... ._":;";:':':':':~-::""r~_-" __;.'.~__'.'_ .__. _. _' ..~~::~:-:- On s:ite jT;s.?ec-i-~on by: .. ._......_--:~.:__._ -..' . _.-e p.' .,.... ,.. 5~CA a::u: a. S'.~i::S-:!.c OZ::iginal App1ic~~on: Yes No -:-e- _~-;;t~':'-:...-..~=-;.:"'':--..~' ':-.. :.....-. "'-. .- :;~c~'. :n~tE7 o:f ~ec;"-...:i.on= .' :~....~:-:~:.:-:.:~:.:.~.-..,:: ..~.~.-_:....-. ~: - -. -.:..... - _.. _~:::,~t:ReVisea' Appli---ation:- l' .'HVSf . x Yes '"No.. Date: Date of 2nd Insp- 12/16/86 . . - .. . . ........ -:-"":.:.--'-~-:..:~'.~'..::'-~' ---~._- -. . - . -:---:. .,0 A~ ~o ~riesc=ipilon-of"'propc;sedn prc;j ect- and 'constructi'on techniques .-....:. -::.-.. . .::-:...- ... .. . ;'..:..... Quantify, area of project which extends into wate=s of the state .' .....'~;_.:... ~..(including the submerged lands of .those wa-te=s and the transi- .':"_:,,".~,:""~..'..' -tional 'Zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 ' . ~"'.'. and Sec-'-....ion .l7-4.28, Florida Aand."1'listrative Code. .. . .... ..........-....----..... -- - ... - .... .. _. -.. -... :.....<B. Biophysical features.of ge~eral area.' Incluae comments concerning extent. of development of adjoining properties as well. as relevant..:.. . historical facts about the area. . - ...-....---.. ...-. -...... -_._. ._~_._._-_.._....-... ~~....._--_._.....__.~. , c. Biophysical featuxRs of specific project site and spoil site applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevantohistorical facts about the area of the project. -i-= -.... - . D. Potentia1~pact of project on biological resources and water quality. ..-Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E~ Suggestions, .where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minL~iz~ the potential impact of project. . ,. L. .""'._......:;.:...,-V.-:...._ ~n .. ..... .........~..,~" PERM l6-10(Rev.~/79) . . ..._ .-:t ~~'~'''~''.::-:= ~" " . .,::;:~.~.-. -.: '.. .::;:....7",:.~.-:~ -':::';'~ ,.,. :::~;=~::}:::-..". .: -.~..GARNSEY-HALL ENTERPRISES, INC.-501261036 .. .~~~ . Page 2 Df 4 .. ~ ---:T.-"~'" . '..~.... . - "'-"-'''-~''''''-''-'''-- .. ...'_. .-.......-.......... --"-*"-" .-- . - -- ....~ .....-.... ..... ., ..~;.:'~-'_..- ':...... A~The applicant proposes'.t6fill' 0.6 ac:res of mangroves and build a 1210 ft. x 10 ft. marginal pier in the Intracoastal ...--.----......--.... , Waterway at the end of Boynton Beac:h Blvd., Boynton Beach, Palm Beac:h.County. The 0.6 ac:res of mangroves are to be "'''!''':'-T!''''-f"'r-:''''-''':''',,~.:, "--.'." . filled to a height of +7.0 ft. NGVD with 6,000 cyd. of clean .,;....:.=..=~=~_,-~.:.:...~'fill. The .filledarea is to be used for a marine oriented -'-~'~'oo~~ _~. . .,. . . development and 'wi 11 i nc:l ude a parking area, a retail building and offic:e spac:e. The.marginal pier is_to be made of 2x6 wood decking resting on 12 ft. conc:rete piles wit~ . conc:rete caps. There are to be 3~ marginal berths along the pier. '='~::",,".'-,", B.The mangrove stand on this property, along with the . :-.~_. mangroves across the Intracoastal to the east, comprise one - --,--. ----00. ..- of the largest remai ni ng mangrove areas in. southern Pal m .._:::.: '. - Beac:h County. The projec:t site is appro>dmately 1 1/4 miles ..:~ _....~. "..;. ...___.from. the Boynton Inlet. The Intracoastal is mostly .._:~;..:.:'=.~...:';'~~_,...,.__oo. .bul kheaded~ in, thi s . area, .. ex cept . f or the mangrove area .. ...O~ ~~.n... .. _~,... ."_ di rec:tl y. to, the east._ There.. are numerous res"i denti al and . -..n.:.., '-'commercial finger canals off the Intracoastal in this area and boat. traffic: is heavy. There is a c:ommercial marina ..-.---- (Water.s Edge Marina) directly south of the projec:t site. ~.._.~__.,.The C-16 Canal. enters Lake Worth ncw> about 3/4 mile to the. 0:'. ..; .' north of the projec:t si tee The proximi ty of the C-16 and the -. :.:~.':...~-:. ..:.;:....... Boynton Inlet probably cause widely varying salinities in . . ' this area. C_.The upland site ~o be filled is dominated by weedy and exotic species (see attac:hed list>. The site is obviously '.' - . '.'.'.' not a natural upland area, but an old spoil site. The upland :. :..~:~...:- : u .:._.: .:;.:: .area grades rather abruptly into the mature mangrove forest. '~~~"::----:---In".some'. spots~-: there is' a transi ti onal area domi nated by' .- _-"."_"_._"U.__' -." _. "-.-' .' ,. sea-o>:eye (Borrichia frutesc:ens). ::::=_:"_:'-~'..::.:_P-::."--. The subject property is 10.5 acres of a 21 acre mangrove -~_. ... .stand. The mangrove forest contains all three types .of ._~':":::._...___.. ._..mangroves -found in Florida, white (LaQunc:ularia rac:emosa),..~_. blacl: (Avic:ennia Qerminans) and' red (Rhizophora manQle). The ,. .".',-.. ... u_. . -.... trees in the proposed fill' area are tall (20-40 ft. > and ,...._...-;.-. - .:. .. ....'..... mature. Al though the canopy is c:losed and the ground. shaded, . "__ there is good rec:ruitment of young mangroves (especially ...--.--.-h....__.........blac:ks>. on.the. forest floor. The whole area appears, to.be_....,___~.__..o__..".. well flushed - there were few decaying leaves visible on the forest floor. Normal tidal flow reaches well into the mangrove ~orest.and debris brought in on storm tides is found throughout the forest. There are signs of erosion due 'to b.oat' wake aloog the shorel i ne. A number of mangroves' are "-' bei"ng undercut and' there are the remai ns of dead mangroves" in the shallow water fronting the forest. The entire mangrove forest~ inc:luding the area proposed for filling, is healthy and mature and should be considered excellent in terms of biological. produc:tivity. , .. . .. ..''0' .. ..... ........._.. ..~........:.. ..... .... '. . ..:-: . . ....._......... _... . ._'"_.. ._. _,....,.... ..... .., -.... .r . . Ig- fX ...... I.. . ..~.'"',..~.._.. D_ Filling will destroy 0_6 acres of valuable, productive wetlands_ The mangrove area to be filled is tidally inundated and contains all three types of mangroves_ These mangroves function in shoreline stabilization, provide .habitat for a variety of threatened, endangered and rare species and provide detrital export of leaf material to the' . '.....___..____.__..__.. estuarine system. This detrital e>:port is the basis of a....... . ... . ... .... food web which is important to many 'commercially valuable' - --,..........: . - "-"" - - - -'" .species, such as blue crabs .(Callinectes sapidus>,. snook (Centropomus sp.>~ mullet (Muqil sp_>, spiny lobsters (Panulirus aroga> , spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus>, tarpon (MeQalops atlanticus) and sheepshead (Archosarous probatocephalus> (Odum, W.E_~ et al 1982>. Filling of this area will not only result in direct loss of habitat but will also reduce the contribution of the mangrove forest to estuarine productivity. .' to . '.. .. ..: .. . ~ . ~ ...~. ..<- '.\_,I;..~-';"--._-... .......:~.. -.... ,-, . ~.'-'-'-'" . ---- '.. - .---"------:. . . " . .... - ....-... -.. .. . -....___.. _...M.....'..._ _ . - . .. ._- . "-....-. --.--.-.....-... . " - . --.... .. .... .. .. -. -.. . -.-....-'----.:-. ....-- . : - -'. "".." ---. . .".. . GARNSEY-HALL ENTERPRISES, INC.-S01261036 Page 3 of 4 The shallow water area fronting the forest slopes gently toward the channel. A variety of unidentified algae were observed growing on. the bottom during the second site inspection. .Two species of seagrasses; .Halophila sp. and Cuban shoalweed <Halodule wriohtii> were scattered o~..the . bottom along. the northern half of the property~ These"-.-' ...... ..... seagrasses were growing in areas which will be beneath the proposed pier. Sheepshead 0 and 'uni_dentified, juvenile .fish , were observed in the shallow water fronting the mangroves. .. .. --- . . . The proposed marginal pier will shade productive algal and .. :,~ _' .":.."--.. .. seagrass beds. Shading has a negative effect onseagrass --;~ ~o~_ ~.-;-:_..-::-':"--productivi ty. (Copel and' 1965) ."" Seagrass beds provi de shelter ,. -......-..-.- . and habitat for a variety of organisms and function as a ':.:':-'~''-:.''.~' . nursery for many species of juvenile fish (Zieman 1982). The' - _.. - -. . leaves and their associated epiphytic algae provide -- .:~= ':<.::'.:~... nutrients to the' estuarine environment_ ."--,..-.~t'''r~'-'' " ... ---- .- ... '-..-.. .. . '--. ". . ....... .. h. . ---- ---"---.. - '-" Inspection of the site .of the proposed pier indicated that the bottom elevation varies along its path. .At low tide, wate!,,"... in."some of the marginal berths will only be about 2. ft. deep. Therefore, boa,t traffic: in .these .areas will result '.. in prop dredging of the bottoms. -.. ....-..-....-.-----..--. .......-.-. ~.-_.~..._... -. ._...~_.. - " -'. .. 10-..... '" ,,_.. E~- Filling of wetlands should be greatly reduced, iT not eliminated_ Mangrove acreage filled should be replaced by created wetlands on a 2:1 basis (e_g. two acres created for one destroyed).. It will be difficult to find a suitable. ~n- site mitigation area, as almost the entire property is already mangrove wetlands and the 0.5 acre upland portion of the site is slated for development. Since the mangrove forest does suffer from erosion from boat wakes, the .... .----....- '" ..... --...--...... -'-"-'..- . .. .' -.". .'; .-.-.-- .~_. '.- /7 .' '.. -., .., ... -t. . :~'~.".:...~ .....-. ,. . . .- .~ ... .. ........ .... .,-- 9ARNSEY-HALL ENTERPRISES, INC.-S01261036 Page 4 Df 4 . . -" .~'.':.-. . . installation of riprap may be desirable in some areas;- however, installation of riprap should supplement; not replace, mitigation by wetland. c,r.~atio~._._ ~~.: :.: - ,....-..._ .._.., .... ~.~.'-:~':..-._--~..~., . The marginal .piershould be situated so th~t t:here.,is .~_ .,.,._.._..~,. . ..0....._..,.: ..sufficient water beneath all the berths at MLW<i .e~- b~ttom::-.:'.;-:,>,..:...._.;.. --:.-=-__'_0__'. -..-- elevations of at least .-4.0 MLW ). The length. of the pier and the number of berths should. be-reduced 'so as. to avoid _ . the seagrasses growing in the shallow water on the northern end of the property and to reduce ~e adverse effects of additional boats on water quality. No liveaboards should be permitted at the marina and sewage pumpout facilities should be constructed. . _._- ,---~.- --- .... .. - - .(~~ Completed by: Chris Shea 1/7 107 Date . Enc1Dsure(s) ... .~- . "'-:.- .-- .._--. .. -- - . --_..,. .. ;-- . - . . ....':'" ..........-: ". :""'-- '- . . _. .- .-,,- -.. - . ::.~.=-.:.~: _..:- :..~ - -.-_:..;" .. ..-... -- - ... . -- -'-. -' .- --. -.. " ~ -_. .. 00' x< 20 . .' .. . '......" . ' ..J ..._ .... .' -, _, I ~ - .' ~.....:--., ".',. ",". . -. -.... ~.~...:.::.:....:-: _...~~:. ~", - --... ----- ,,--'" _. " ;.' .' . _.._----..~--.. ......-..--.-.--- ",..-',.. .....- .;_: '. Li ter.ature Ci ted: - . .... ....~-.... .--- Copeland, B."J. 1965. Evidence for regulation of community .. ,_. metabolism in a maril"!e .e.cosystem. Ecology 46(4) :56'3-564 - :.. ....' .; . - - . . :-...:.:.::-::::: :~_. _. :....- - _~...._..~ __ :'u. Odum, W.E., C.C. McIvor, and T.J. Smith III. 1982. The -.'ecology of t.he mangroves of' south: Florida: a,..community- profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlite Services, Office of . Biological Services, Washington~.C. FWS/OBS-81/24. 144pp. ..... ."": ''0 ___.__........ Zieman, J.C. 1982. The ecolqgyof,the seagrasses of south Florida: a community profile. U.S. Fish and Wildlife _:. ;.;.. .:;._ P::,.;..... . ..... ._.: Servi ces, Off i ce of Bi 01 ogi cal Servi ces, Washi ngton D. C. FWS/OBS-82/25. .158pp. --. .. . - -' - ,---- - '._-- -... .. . - . ".-. .".. ... . . .....--..........---...... '. . . ~ ~" ::: - .." -- ." ..-- .. " ~_. . . . ....-.:,.. ..< - . . '.0"" . . .-:-~-==:-:~.:::.-.:..":. _-:', .. :- - -""--;-:: :. - . ---.. .... . ."=~.::~ -'.:. -.:,,' ..- "':. < .-' - . &..~ -. -~ . - . .:.: ='7~-~.,'.:~::.~-:-=&_.:.::~._ ..-.- .-...-..~.~.;;-~~-;:::..:..:~~,,-:~-::.-...~-:.:~.- . --~~:..---:'.~-~:~ =:- ~ -:.--- .. '..<. :;":_-:-.~::=-~. ~ '.- . ~ .- . .,-._ 1:- - -'. -- ~ .. . .-..... .. -_. . - , ---.-.---,-... . -'~"- &. ..... ----..-. '--. .-- . .... _.. .. - . --... .--. __a . .. _.. .. ." .._.... ..' ."-' _. . ~ . ..... . " -.. ..... .. ".. . ..- . -...-..... . ;\ .... . .... ...-l'_....~._.......'\_..,........._....._ , _.. . .. .... .' .. -~--" .._~ it .~" ,;. , . . ...' # it. ~ ..... ~.. 4,,,. . . ,. ~I5~:(.;"7~;'~\~,~ '....~ ..'~ i{:l{ :~\X~i~~~:;~,"~~.~'~:~;i/~ ;;.;:~:r~~~0~~j:r'~~;~~~0;~j.~1~~ !:E'i~ DX0J2.:V~~\~'::.~ :,~;,~ ~:~~; :~~~~~,;I~'~~3i:~;~f:'.~~~1l~~~(,:i~~ ?:~(! ~ ;,~Sj~{t~~~(" . 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"':!-'. -;- ." . . ........---... .-....-... ...... '. :....;~~.:::.:.~~... . os. "'''''_ ......_. . . ..~_..."'-.....~.. '.1 . ...;.,...:..... ". . :.._- .....~-._.. .. ...-.. . .......... .. .. .. ..- --'-.. . . .... ... ..... - - - .. .-. .. . ..... .' . -" -. . - ~. .-- -.-.......- --.. .... ..- . . ~ ..... . . . -...... -.- .... ..__..- .-. ---.....:.;; ._~..._...... ." - ~'- '. _.-_. ."h~'."'" . . _d.' _: .....~... ....._._.. -~_..-.... - . .. .-:.:-=-~.~.:=-~..~.......... ~_. ...-.. Plants observed growing at Garnsey Hall proper~y by C. Shea .and S. Swingle on Nov. 10; 1986: Upland area: . .' ,_:~~~~~~~,:::~':~::-~: ~ - c'., Sesu"vi um . 'portul acastrum . .. :. .::.:. Schinus terebinthifolius .-.. . . -- . .. . Casuarina gguisetifolia, Casaranthus roseus Dactvloctenium aeQvptium Cenchrus echinatus lP.omea pes-caprae u__.. .... ..- -_... .. ...... Cocc:ol aba uvi -fera . '''>;.'' .....:-. .-':... .~.. . . . . ,..-.. .-._-... . - ..~-:-:-,-.-:'-_-: -" Manqrove area: ~[~q~ncularia racemosa Rhizophora manqle :-:-.::~. ~~.'":'::"=-'~-.': :-~: ~ Avi c:enni a germi nans Thespesia Q9pulnea Borrichia frutescens -: -.....--...:, -'.....-----. .....-lri .. -:-=:~:~~~~.::_'''~'.:- . ~. -.. .. -'-" -. .'_.~. ". -. -.. .-.. . . - - - . "~'--'.~'" --""":"-~-'" .'-" . ......... .." -'.. . . .-. -'" .....~..... .. .. .~.. - .-.- ......- - -; -::..-.... '- . .'. ; -- .. :.--." ". .....,.; -'.-: .- ~.---: :.~;- ---. . --.----... ---......--..... _. .~.~.:..:::-- ....-:--.. .-:.- - ....- . . . _... - ..-.-- - .~. .... '. - ..--.......-..---. ...... ,. '.~:.:.: :::-:.':::".: ---'-- _~ 4" _~ ...... . '.. . 0.. _....__....~.......--_."'--_..... ...-.. - . . - ...--.. .-....._- . . ., -.-...... ... to. . .".-._'- -----~ "'. - ....._-.. ... . ~ ". Sea purslane Brazilian pepper _Austral i an. pi ne .,....~__ .__00 Madagascar periwinkle - Crowsfoot grass Sandspur Railroad vine Sea grape t-Jhi te mangrove Red mangrove Black mangrove. Seaside mahoe Sea ox-eye . . f)r.; ;..k. , .._.. .. 'OJ . -.. .'''.h.- ""'-~"'--_"""'A.,o~".~"''''''''''''' , .;......l'lOI.M"_ . W\".. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~~ ..... I ": - 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach,. FL 33435 (305) 734-,8111 . OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 28 January 1987 District Engineer Regulatory Division Permits Branch Department of the Army Jacksonville District, Corps of Engineers PO Box 4970 Jacksonville, FL 32232-0019 RE: Permit Application No. 86IPS-21053 Garnsey Hall Enterprises, Inc. Attached to this letter you will find a copy of the comments. regarding the above-mentioned project which were transmitted from the City of Boynton to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (State application no. 501261036). These comments also constitute the City's response to Permit Application No. 86IPS-21053. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please feel free to contact the Planning Department. Sincerely yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 7~ Timothy . Cannon Senior City Planner /bks cc: City Manager Dianne Lawes Central File . __...~', ._.....~ ..).~ ..~:t.._..". 2)11 ..1":.. !:".,.~_r<<''''~.~. ~-::.;..-......... -, ../clf ~ '+0 . ~. ..;,: -1j, ~ , ~-~~-8'jJ GERALD M. WARD, P. E. Consulting Engineer Coastal. Environmental P. O. Box 10441 Riviera Beach, Florida 33404 13 February 1987 RECEIVED . ,. l FEe 23 1987 PLANN"~G DEPT, - ~.. Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Southeast Florida District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach. Florida 33402 Office Location: Suite 202 31 West 20th Street Telephones: 305/863-1215 305/863-1216 Attn: Chris Shea { ~ Re: Application ND. 501261036 PropDsed Fill end Marginal Pier Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway City of Boyntorl Beach, Palm Beach County. Florida I Applicant: Garnsey-Hall Enterprises. Inc. \ Gentlemen: . ~. As cDnsulting engineer to hereby submit four signed (2 sheets) to reflect the 1987 and as summarized in Garnsey-Hall Enterprises. Inc.. we and sealed sets of revised drawings on - sit e d i s c us s ion s 0 f 20 J a n ua ry our letter of 26 January 1987. Based upon our on-site meeting 20 January 1987. we have determined that the following actions can be taken to reduce project impacts such -that we believe reasonable assurance will be provided that the proj ect. when constructed. will meet State Water Quality Standards and also not be cDntrary to th~ public interest: 1. The pier has been re-aligned to deeper water providing increased distance eastward of vegetated bottoms within an embayment near. the northern end of the property. Equally important is the greater water depth along the pier alignment. 2 . An ex c a vat ion will be a c c om p 1 ish e d a t the n D r t h sid e Df the proposed fill area providing a barrier to pedestrian traffic within the swamp fDrest. reducing boat wake induced littDral drift northward along the swamp forest AICWW shDreline and providing an additional tidal connection Df the mosquito ditch system to the AICWW. 3. The proposed fill area has been significantly reduced to provide for requested fill principally within higher elevation mangrove swamp forest or sea-oxeye vegetated areas or swamp forest containing previous spoil piles. The development area w 0 u 1 d n ow tot a 1 o. 6 a c r e c f w hie h O. 1 9 a c rei s for est e d h i g her elevation mangrove swamp and 0.08 acre is principally sea-oxeye vegetated transitional wetlands. Within the true jurisdictional area proposed for fill are spoil piles totalling 0.03 acre. Total jurisdictional wetlands to be filled is 0.27 acre. .~ c9t . .. Page 2 Florida Department File ND. 501261036 13 February 1987 of Environmental Regulation Garnsey-Hall Enterprises, In c. 4. To further improve the system, areas vegetated with exotics or upland grasses; contiguous to the property's swamp forest/mosquitD contrDl ditches will be scraped down to inter-tidal elevations to reduce the shading impacts and transitional vegetatiDn invasion and provide additional higher quality wetlands on-site. The applicant wDuld consider planting of mangrove propagules 'after observation of the scrape-down area hydrDgraphics and volunteer vegetation for a period of one year. The applicant considers long-term maintenance Df the fringing exotic vegetation to additiDnally be a reasonable and necessary condition. Excavation areas total 0.27 acres. The above proposals are being furnished in response to your letter of January 8, 1987 and the on-site meeting 20 Janaury 1987. They may substantially affect the other land planning aspects of tbe property's use. As such the applicant will reserve the right to return to his desires, if any formal review process is initiated. Please contact us with your decision. Very truly yours, Il,/i i: / (l1'Y1 f '. I ,. C A..a.UG I' !,Il,l ..t.~ ~ Gerald M. Ward, P.E. Consulting Engineer 86:3 8F GMW/ Enclosure as stated cc: Jack Horniman (2) ;;)1 S>Jf ,. -,.. !... '~----'......... MEMORANDUM 27 February 1987 TO: John Guidry Utilities Director FROM: Timothy P. Cannon Senior City Planner RE: Fill Permit Application and Mitigation Plan for !Garnsey-Hall j::nterpri ses,. Inc. Attached to this memorandum you will find an application to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for a permit to fill a portion of the mangrove hammock which lies north of the future right-of-way for the Boynton Beach Boulevard Bridge. This permit application includes a proposal to scrape down areas surrounding the City's lift station, in order to provide mitigation for the mangroves that would be destroyed. Please advise if you foresee that this project would interfere with the operation of or access to the lift station. Your comments will be forwarded to the DER along with the Planning Department's comments. -- -~~------ Timothy . Cannon cc: Ci ty Mi:\nager, Centre')l Fi 1 e, with attachements " " goY; MEMORANDUM TO Tim Cannon, Assistant City Planner John A. Guidry, ~/ Director of Utilities ~ D"T~ March 10, 1987 "IL~ ".0.. .U.J~CT Fill Permit Application and Mitiga- tion Plan for Garnsey-Hall Ent., Inc .' -., ~ We take exception to the engineers proposal of scraping down areas south of Lift Station #356, as all of the influent and effluent piping is located on the south and east sides of the site. RECEIVED MAR 1 1 198-' PLANNING DEPT. crrrl g( ~ ,~ .' ,.' City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 120 E. Boynton 5~ach Blvd. P. O. Bo:: 310 Boynton Beach~ FL 33425-0310 March 12~ 1987 Mr. Chris Shea Dredge & Fill Permitting Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Southeast Florida District P.O. Bo:: 3858~ 3301 Gun Club F:oad West Palm Beach. FL 33402~3858 Dear 1'1r. Shea: Re: Dredge and Fill Application for Garnsey-Hall Enterpri~es~ Inc. (File No. 501261(36) The City of Boynton Beach h~s the following comments conc~rning the above mentioned dredge and fill application: (1) The areas to be filled and the areas to be scr~ped down would encroach on the future right-of-way for the Boynton &each Boulevard Bridge (State ~oad 804). This right-of-way will occupy 45 feet northward of the section line~ which coincides with the southern boundary of the City's lift station site. The applicant will need to provide evidence of approval by the Florica Department of Transportation~ before the City can accept a site plan application or dredge and fill permit application from Garnsey-Hall Enterprises. (2) The applicant may need to relocate the road which provides access to the City"s lift station~ at his e::pense~ and \oJOL.lld h~l.,,'e to vet-ify that the relocated road lies within the ~cc~ss easement. The applicant will need to provide the City with a detailed survey showing the area to be Sct-c!:1ped dm'Jn ~ as well as e:: i sti ng and proposE'd elevations. (3). The Director of Utilities for the City would not permit the scraping down of areas south of the lift station, since all of the influent and e~fluent piping is located on the south and east sides of the lift station site. It is also possible that scraping down the areas surrounding the lift station would flood the access road at certain times. (4) A DOT drainage pipe runs along the southern boundary of the applicant"s property. The applicant will need to coordinate with FOOT to ensure that the function of this pipe is not interfered with during construction. page 1 - ~ :36lry ~ . (5) It seems improbable that~ gIven the confIguration of the areas to be scraped down~ that adequate flushing of the created wetlands would occur, Dr that the created wetlands would be equal in productivity to the wetlands that would be filled. (6) The applicant will need to coordinate constrLlction plans with the site plan for the Waters Edge Marina~ which will lie immediately to the south of the applicant's project. Easements for access and parking will be necessary from the owners of the Waters Edge Marina site and/or FOOT. Also~ it is not apparent where the parking required by the City"s zoning code will be provided. (7) The City has adopted policies for wetlands preservation which have been recommended by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council~ as part of the City"s Comprehensive Plan. In order to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan~ the applicant will need to address the foIl OL'-li ng : (a) Since the activity is water-dependent~ filling of wetlands is permissible to the extent necessary, if mitigation is provided through the creation or enhancement of other wetlands. The applIcant should clarify why the filling of l~etlands is necessary in this instance. The applicant will also need to provide evidence that the biological productivity of the area to be scraped down will equal that of the area to be filled. Cb) The City"s Comprehensive Plan requires that 10 square feet of native upland vegetation be provided for each linear foot of wetlands adjacent to the site. This buffer can consist of existing and/or planted native vegetation. and must be planted along at l~ast 50~ of the wetlands adjacent to the site. ~o summarize the comments above~ it appears that the applicant"s proposal for filling and for mitigation would encounter serious obstacles. I would suggest that the applicant contact FDOT with regard to the future bridge right-of-way~ and suggest that the applicant find some alternative to the mitigation plan he is proposing. . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Planning Department. Yours very truly, ~~~7&~ Ti mothy If'. Cannon Senior City Planner cc: City Manager Executive Director. Commun~ty Redevelopment Agency Central File - - .. <]2# .~ page 2