CORRESPONDENCE ".-'- .'.....!.-..c...-.'. .-,"--'.-.,' ,,," " '\J( ,-'. ".,,, I ~ . . . ~ t~ Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects! Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 December 17, 1990 Mr. Christopher Cutro, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Hypoluxo Service Station Dear Mr. Cutro, This letter shall serve as a request for a thirty (30) day postponement from the December 18, 1990 City Com- miss~on Public Hearing. Therefore, we would respect- fully request to be placed on the January 15, 1991 City Commission agenda. The reasons for this postponement request are as follows: 1. Additional time will allow the applicant to meet with the Palm Beach County staff. As I indicated at the Planning Commission Public Hearing, the re- sponse from Palm Beach County regarding consistency with the Comprehensive Plan is in direct opposition to the determination made by. the same staff when the application was considered by the Board of County Commissioners. (See attached staff report highlighted sections.) 2. In light of current regulations regarding separa- tion of service stations, my client would be unable to proceed with a service station-type use in any event due to his proximity to his own service sta- tion less than 1,000 feet to the northeast of the property contained in the application. 3. I have been authorized by my client to investigate alternative land use designations for the property. This investigation may result in some mOd~fic~~EIVED of our request. In the event that these ~ssu~~ . DEe 19 19jO PLANNING DEPT. \ Cutro Hypoluxo December 17, 1990 Page 2 of 2 cannot be resolved, my client does not have author- ization from the current property owner to annex the property into the City of Boynton Beach. Need- less to say, all parties agree that annexation of the property for some use is desirable and consist- ent with the future growth plans of the City. The thirty days being requested will allow my office to investigate all of these matters and report back to your office with the results. We thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ~~~ t/JaL~ ~.' Kieran s: Kilday ~ Enclosure cc: Mr. Frank Aliaga Mr. Robert Federspiel Mr. Jeffrey Thistle File #872.2 ~ ., . . " A\ \aqcD BIZ~\ ," Sec. '8 Twp. ~ S Rng. ~ 3 Quadrant Sheet: \ ~ Aerial Page: 2. \q wn@n[ft)n~w @[}K@~@[fu : .:-..:. i'. ..",. -:-.:"':.: :. . :.:.:.~'t;. .:::;"; .;....._.....:.,..;.:. "'\.....:. ;:,-':.:J~~~ -Ac:.'-FI~:: o"X -, "-lv'-,,>,"'~' .~:.: CLUj c. IT'! C l= >> 0 M ~ "!'."-: B c>Yt.),o~ t-.\"€:'o.~g ~ ~~Prc." CCIM."~~., l~'3: ~$ t~ .: c.Cll_~ }:~:. l ~ c..o~lt~E .:..:' .:...." ....::: ~t:i~ ~ \\../~~ I f\D I IP."~-~~ It.." .., , I :~;tOll~ I I I I r C:c../~~ -,.cc:./~~l! ' \ P.tc;-,,~ :,~~~'V~~~\b--~ ; I -!~,D _-lI",)'t~\C) IL..- . OAD ,,,") r .r--, ',eJ 'c.t"'c.e. II'LJSEI uuOt;vlOoL6n..O ItI...,-n:o 'It) , 1,Cl..~&Y .1".)0413, :"eufI\.) II , I e....."utt.~, I It , ~~c.""tt.. ---L _ .1. ~~e.'~ . \ p..~) ~ ~~ ! I i '\fet''"l. , L i I i ! . ~ '- Request: REZONING: FROM RS TO CG; SPECIAL EXCEPTION: PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT INCLUDING; AUTO SERVICE STATION (WITH MAJOR REPAIRS) ~, ...:::;J " ~~ ) ( PETITION NO: 'D'" 2...2.. . ~ ~ " :'k# ~.+ fA A)'w.:.P w-#' ~ ~\Z. i ;//~ , "S__ .' , ", '. : .' ...-.-....- - , . , ; I 1 ~ .. .. 1 >> q .. ,. .. ~z'~ ' ~ i _ ,.-u:.. . _ SJ(l1LIt. ,_ .. c._...s;!l'I,_ _ _ ,......IlLL-..__ ,__ ~... U:Il. _.._. -~_.. .:..,.... , e i,: . ~~ ; , g:."', -< "-" . 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I : ," -: . , ,:', ':. ~:<:if,~\':;":';-:'(I~;';; '. , '~ ~ ~ t: '~ 5' !~ ,[::I , .. -..~ . .:'" High R~~ Road 1l~-I---_ I ~ . ;...... ~ I .. . . Ji ',il. ifr;f; :; ;" :!!::J ~ ;~ ,.. J::ii~: : t- · if rJ 11. & & -f." · - ::I it i lU~~~ SJ'II ::e, I!. ,to- a. ~.e:;t~ B i" 1/1 ~J . n ;.1 !f tll .:=: IQ ct III ..i:.:ai!! . ~ G ~ Jf I ~I: if~ It :e ill. c t: if f ; 1 'If !r, "i I 1J h lit .J .. :D 11 .. '.. r lr.1' . '" - 0..... .. Ii 1"'1' .If != .. ... Ii il n if .. ... Ii ,1& " ... .. ;;; !=..... to> to> \ f:, ri 5'! ..t:;F:!I s;eot CIl ~! 25' ,== eti !! ~ ; ., lt D 2" '" C..,g t t!:... b C 'ir;fi iil~;f~ ~ I (-.'lli'll . 1.B: .. r ;_ll~. III ~I J ..., . ... ~ lC _. [I ie _ ~ - ... ~ ,-;; .: -...-- . .: .= t:- ~ f~ l5' -;: C .... :l I . ~~ n e ~ ... ;a N · P:D"~CIt pc.~..P ... 0..... ~ ::: ~ ~~J; :;~ 'tR-.:i,i-. HYPO.LUXO :::, :.:~":'::.. -. ROAD I '.C.D. =- ~ -==== PALM ~EACH COUNTY, FU :)RlDA Site Plan KIId.y . -'--1.tM L~Nc:NI"'II/rs.n.w. . ^, 156 1 ""- ,...,. "., . ..,SuI6e ~ . ..,..... ~:. ""..~!f..l~"~e..dI.FIorido3340' ..1..,. ~N"~,~~ I~J889-6522 ' .. . . . . ~ .......-...: ..... J S? .. .. s 1- >> ct r .. .,~,#V , '11 . I ..' , ," :~~. lttC .. , t"l c:' ' ~ ' I :. , ",U' ...,.,. '\ H !~ l>j:\ ,1 " - ; I 1 t '1~j!lb~n r;r;:1':::.4 :::.4 i:;f ,. ,::ii''I: : : 110 :s s,t~ -:.;. ~.. Q, it1tf11i-"1l If .. ~.e:::.4~ .I n I l~ J"t ..... ~ . }l t. 1 ,1 Iii: .i ~ . ... .- it i . ~ In. .~~ "x .- t r.{. ii "1 Il AI Ii' I I 'I It · t .1... :II ~ ... . .3 1 f I' It'. .. 004_ ;: ~ . 11 ." wii ~ l ,! . h.i! ~ ... :r ... ....... ~ ~ . to> ... ... Ll' I Hlgl\ R~~ Road , _~_ !. ~ \ '. ,.,. x I E" ,pot o ----= ~- III 0. , ~. i q t.. .~~ :?t'iJi ....}':!l~e... fJ) 1 ~'! r - ':i! l ! ! i ~ " f!l :.011 f.,s CCBl:&::!!t;' 0 r~ ;~i iij~~l ~; '("iIJ'II. IcE:.1 t:l;:I: lC' I I It.. - '. '?f. Ii i ~, :a , ~ ~ N .. ... to ~ll~~' ... :~s: t: .-. f' !:~~ :~ =: =::~,:; . . _ .:~4~ HYPO~XO ROAD I ;'C.D. Dt_" J;.t;'f.., - ,......JIu..-.-. __ :.:..-=::."=:'= PAl.M ~EACH couNTY. f1.('RIOA Olt....,..- u.:J.l. .... -- - ...-, # ___01__ - SU. Plan . ..._ F , , . . > , ' 11 ~. 'i-:'. .' ..' , {::- :~.. .~. .~: . -.. .', ; .....,::.~ \ KIId..,. ~... ..-~ ",,-- " ..... tOl)O. :r.... .~~ ~,~i;t~~ ~.....m. t"IDtloU UtOI '.t,.,. ...,"'..": f,)Cl6)ea9-&522 - . . PETlT\otl.l!O.J~ 0 ~ ~.~ . - DATE SOBMli'fEO:m. .t9 198'0,',.;:-::'. . . . EXHIBiT' 'NO:Jt <;,~~;:;' ):~>":.~:};;:;: . )Ii . . ~.' " :';ill~ .. . ;::.:iIfltE corl',' .::/. ~., . ~ , ' 5, '- i Petitioner: Owner: Agent: Telephone: site Planner: Samuel & Carmen Mercado Same Kieran Kilday 689-5522 Fuson Mutgan ================================================================ Location: This property is located on the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road. ================================================================ Request: A Rezoning from RS-Residential Si~gle Family Zoning District to CG-General.Commercial Zoning District, with a 'concurrent special Exception for a Planned Commercial Development to include an auto service station with major repairs. Tabular Data: Proposed Zoning District Use Total Acreage Building Square Footage CG-General Commercial Zoning District PCD-Planned Commercial Development l.26 AC 6,388 (2,988 S.F. auto repair, 2,400 S. F. gas/convenience and 1,000 S.F. fast food) Usable Floor Area Parking Access 6,069 28 One Point From Hypoluxo Road & One Point From High Ridge Road ================================================================= ACTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, March 29, 1990: Motion to postpone the petition for thirty (30) days April 30, 1990), carried 4 to o. . ================================================================= ACTION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION March 1, 1990 Motion to recommend approval of the peti tion, subj ect to the conditions suggested by staff, carried 5 to 1 (REZ) and 4 to 2 (SE). ================================================================ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the petition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to site Plan Review submittal, the site plan shall be amended to indicate: a. The buffering shall be supplemented on all sides: 1) , There shall be a continuous six (6) foot wall along the entire length of the southern and western property lines. The landscaping shall be upgraded on all sides to include minimum lO feet high native canopy trees, planted 20 feet on center and a minimum 30 inch high hedge spaced 24 inc~es.,on center. Native palms fifteen (15) feet on center on southern property line. b. Floor area/lot area ratio shall be shown on tabular data. 2) 3) , Petition No. 90-22 March 1990 , Page //:5' (p 2. All lighting shall be low intensity, shielded and directed away from surrounding properties and shall be a maximum of twelve (12) feet in height. Vehicle parking shall be limited to the parking spaces designated on'the approved site plan. Facility shall conform to all landscape code requirements in effect at time of p~rmit issuance. 3. ...... 4. 5. No storage or" , placement equipment or accumulated outside on the site. of any materials, refuse, debris shall be 'permitted 6. Off-premise signs shall not be permitted on the site. 7. No outdoor loud speaker system shall be permitted on site. 8. No outside storage of disassembled vehicles or parts thereof shall be permitted on site. 9. The unloading of inventory items shall be done on-site within the areas designated for loading and shall not interfere with other vehicular circulation or parking. 10. No advertising flags, foreign flags, pennants, banners, streamers, balloons, signs upon any vehicles, prices or vehicle stock numbers or other information as required to be posted on such vehicles by law other than upon a sticker affixed to a side window, or similar objects, gimmicks or advertising designed to attract the pUblic's attention off-site shall be displayed outdoors, or upon any building, vehicle or wall, other than inside a window as may be permitted by the sign Code. _ 11. Point of purchase sign area on the High Ridge Road frontage shall be limited to one (1) fifty (50) square foot monument type sign, a maximum of six (6) feet in height. 12. A minimum of one (1) handicapped stall shall be provided adjacent to each building. 13. No openings shall be permitted in the southern facade of the auto service facility and no vehicular access shall be permitted behind this building. 14. Secondary containment for stored Regulated Substances- fuels, oils, solvents, or other hazardous chemicals- is required. Department staff are willing to provide guidance on appropriate protective measures. 15. Plans for underground storage tanks must be signed off by the Department of Environmental Resources Management prior to installation. 16. Generation and disposal of hazardous effluents into sanitary sewerage system shall be prohibited unless adequate pretreatment facilities approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (FDER) and Agency responsible for sewage works are constructed and used by project tenants or owners generating such effluents. 17. Sewer service is available to the property. Therefore, no septic tank shall be permitted on the site. Petition No. 90-22 March 1990 Page //7' ""t 18. Water service is available to the property. Therefore, no well shall be permitted on the site to provide potable water. -- 19. As part of any site plan application for any portion of the project, the developer shall submit a solid waste stream reduction/recycling plan approvable by the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County. 20. The owner, occupant .or tenant of the facility shall participate in, 'an oil'. recycling program which insures proper re-use or disposal of waste oil.' 21. No portion of this project is to be approved on well and/ or septic tank, existing or new. Existing septic tanks are to be abandoned in accordance with Chapter 10- D-6 F.A.C. 22. The Developer shall provide discharge control and treatment for the stormwater runoff in accordance with all applicable agency requirements in effect at the time of the permit application. However, at a minimum, this development shall retain onsite 100% of the stormwater runoff generated by a three (3) year-one (1) hour storm with a total rainfall of 3 inches as required by the Permit section, Land Development Division. In the event that the subject site abuts a Department of Transportation maintained roadway, concurrent approval from the Florida Department of Transportation will also be required. The drainage system shall be maintained in an acceptable condition as approved by the county Engineer. In the event that the drainage system is not adequately maintained as determined by the County Engineer, this matter will be referred to the Code Enforcement Board for enforcement. 23. The Developer shall design the drainage system such that drainage from those areas which may contain hazardous or undesirable waste shall be separate from stormwater runoff from the remainder of the site. 24. Prior to November 1, 1990 or prior to the issuance of the first Building Permit, whichever shall first occur, the property owner shall convey to Palm Beach county Land Development Division by road right-of-way warranty deed for: a. Hypoluxo Road, 71 1/2 feet from centerline b. High Ridge Road, 54 1/2 feet from centerline All free of all encumbrances and encroachments. Property owner shall provide Palm Beach County with'sufficient documentation 'acceptable to the Right of Way Acquisition section to ensure that the property is free of all encumbrances and encroachments. Right-of-way conveyances shall also include "Safe sight Corners" where appropriate at intersections as determined by the County Engineer. 25. The property owner shall pay a Fair Share Fee in the amount and manner required by the "Fair Share contribution for Road Improvements Ordinance" as it presently exists or as it may from time to time be amended. The Fair Share Fee for this project presently is $44,220.00 (804 trips X $55.00 per trip). 26. The second story of the facility shall be used for storage purposes and ancillary office use only. " Petition No. 90-22 March 1990 Page //..!1 ~ r ' ~27. --~28. 29. Petition shall be limited to following types of repairs: t engine tune-up, carburetor repair, wheel balancing an~ - replacement and repairs to exterior parts of engines. ~~ Landscaping tO,be placed on both sides of wall and signs shall be maximum of eight (8) feet tall. As provided in the Palm Beach County Zoning code, sections 400.2 and 402.6, failure to comply with any of these cond~tions of approval at any time may result in: a. The denial"~r revC;cation of a building permit; the issuance of a stop work order; the denial of a certificate of Occupancy on any building or structure; or the denial or revocation of any permit or approval for any developer-owner, commercial- owner, lessee, or user of the subj ect property; and/or b. The revocation of the Special Exception and any zoning which was approved concurrently with the Special Exception as well as any previously granted certifications of concurrency or exemptions therefrom; and/or c. A requirement of the development to conform with updated standards of development, applicable at the time of the finding of non-compliance, or the addition or modification of conditions reasonably related to the failure to comply with existing , conditions. Appeals of any departmental-administrative actions hereunder may be taken to the Palm Beach County Board of Adjustment or as otherwise provided in the Palm Beach County Zoning Code. Appeals of any revocation of Special Exception, Rezoning, or other actions based on a Board of County commission decision, shall be by petition for writ of certiorari to the Fifteenth Judicial circuit. Petition No. 90-22 March 1990 Page //~ ~ ,,~,'" . \ ',,- ,.;.,; STAFF REVIEW AND ANALYSIS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPATIBILITY LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial Low Intensity (CL) Underlying Land Use: Low Residential 2. CONSISTENCY WITH LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: The request has met the minimum comprehensive Plan threshold requirements for zoning certification. A finding of fact, however, must .~e made that all mandatory performance standards have been satisfied in order for the request to be considered consistent with the comprehensive Plan. PLANNING COMMENTS: The subject property has a commercial Low Intensity (CL) land use with a underlying Low Residential 2 (LR 2) land, use. CL uses include a limited range of commercial activities of a convenience nature designed primarily to provide services to adjacent residential areas. . . .,/ Services stations, fast food restaurants and convenience ,. stores may be considered on property wi th ,a CL land use \, designation in the Urban Service area when the property is ~ located at the intersection of two major arterials. Hypoluxo tRd. and High Ridge Rd. are shown as arterials on the County's \.. /./ Right of Way Protection Map. Therefore, the proposed uses are ~ consistent with the use intensity and density requirements of . the Comprehensive Plan URBAN SERVICE AREA: The subject property is within the Urban Service Area. MANDATORY PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. WATER SERVICE: Water service will be provided by the city of Boynton Beach utilities. 2. SEWER SERVICE: Sewer service will be provided by the City of Boynton Beach utilities. 3. MAJOR THOROUGHFARES: a. This proposal has been reviewed pursuant to the Palm Beach county Traffic Performance Code (Ordinance 87- 18), Article V (Standard), Section 3 (Insignificant Project Standard). Total traffic from this project is 804 trips/day. TRAFFIC: High Ridge Road Hypoluxo Road PRESENT: FROM PETITION: TOTAL: PRESENT CAPACITY AT Lh~EL AS SERVICE "D": PRESENT LANEAGE: ADT AT BUILDOUT: EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE: 2,509 160 trips 2,729 22,842 644 trips 23,486 13,100 2 Lane 20,000 A 30,000 4 Lane 25,000 A b. Land Development Evaluation & Palm Beach County Subdivision & Platting Requirements: Not applicable. Petition No. 90-22 l-larch 1990 Page //'7 \\) , . ,':"'>. i, ; ". " l . c. Required Engineering Related Permits: 1) The property owner shall obtain an onsite Drainage Permit from the Palm Beach County Engineering,Department Permit section prior to the application of a Building Permit. 2) The property owner shall obtain a Turnout Permit from the Palm Beach County Engineering Department, Permit section for access onto Hypoluxo Road and Lantana Road. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: a. SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (SFWMD) COMMENTS: Snn!D has been notified. No comments have been received to date. b. PALM BEACH COMMENTS: None. COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT c. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: 1. This site is not located within a Wellfield Protection Zone. d. VEGETATION PROTECTION: The site currently supports a one-story residence, a shed and exotic vegetation. The existing trees shall be incorporated into the project design to a maximum extent and all invasive species shall be eradicated from the site prior to any construction activity. The landscaping of the project shall conform with the Palm Beach County Landscape Code. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION: The cities of Lantana and Boynton Beach have been notified. No comments haye been received to date. ============================================================= OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ~. FIRE PROTECTION: The Palm Beach County Department of Fire/Rescue will provide fire protection. 2 . DRAINAGE: a. Drainage District Confirmation: The site is not located within any drainage district. b. On-site provisions: Grass swales and exfiltration trenches are proposed to accommodate the required storm water. c. Zone B - No flood hazards are Flood Hazards: anticipated. 3. SCHOOL IMPACTS: No impact on the County school system is anticipated. 4. PARKS AND RECREATION: system is anticipated. No ilnpact on the county park 5. NOISE IMPACTS: anticipated. No significant noise impacts are Petition No. 90-22 March 1990 Page //Y , I { , . . ~ . ,..., ============================================================= ZONING EVALUATION: SITE FACTORS: A l.26 acre site with 159.76 feet of frontage along High Ridge Road and 263.39 feet of depth along Hypoluxo Road. The site currently supports a one-story residence, a shed and several trees on its western half. The rest of the site has already been cleared of its vegetation. ADJACENT LAND USES: NORTH: Comprehensive Plan: Zoning District: Low residential (3 du/ac) RS-Single Family Residential Zoning District single Family Residencies Medium Residential (5 du/ac) or Light Commercial RS-single Family Residential Zoning District Undeveloped Low Residential (2 du/ac) RS-single Family Residential zoning District Day Care Center Supporting: EAST: Comprehensive Plan: Zoning District: supporting: SOUTH: Comprehensive Plan: Zoning District: Supporting: WEST: Comprehensive Plan: City of Boynton Beach zoning District: PUD Supporting: A Medical Facility SURROUNDING LAND USES: The petition site is bounded on the north and south by single family residential developments. On the west, the site is bounded by the City of Boynton Beach. This property supports a medical facility. Along Hypolu)co Road, to the east, special exception uses such as PCDS, a serv~ce station, a church and some light industrial uses are scattered on both sides of the road. This indicates a transition to commercial uses along the Hypoluxo corrIdor, especially toward the east. The proposed use shall constitute a transition from residential characters to the south and the commercial uses at the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road. Sufficient buffering measures must be taken to mitigate negative effects on the surrounding residential areas. ZONING CODE REQUIREMENTS: The site plan has been revim-red and meets or exceeds the minimum property development requirements of the Zoning Code section 6l0.D. However, the staff recommends the petitioner, revise the site plan to improve the circulation and buffering aspects of the project design. PROJECT DESIGN/ANALYSIS: The petitioner is requesting a rezoning from RS to CG with a Special Exception to develop a PCD (Planned Commercial Development), including a self service gasoline station with a convenience store, auto repair facility and a donut shop. The site is located at the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road, close to the Interstate, which makes it an ideal location for the proposed use. Petition No. 90-22 March 1990 Page / / 1'1 IJ- . , ',f' /:-. \, ~ ' The site plan has good building locations and also good traffic channelization and parking geometrics. The intensity of the use has been well controlled on the si te, which mitigates its negative effects on the neighboring uses and makes it compatible with the CL-Light Commercial uses. If the site plan is revised to provide impr?~~d stacking so as not to conflict or interfere with other traffic on the site and to provide for better bUffering to minimize the noise effect on the adjacent properties, it shall constitute an adequate, well functioning site plan. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the approval of this petition, based upon: l. The intersection of High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road is shown as a major intersection on the Thoroughfare Plan. The major intersections are considered proper locations for gasoline service stations. The proximity of 1-95 is another positive criteria for the proposed use on this site. 2. The site has been designated for CL-Light Commercial uses by the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. The low total floor area ratio proposed in the project design mitigates the negative effects and makes the project compatible with CL uses. 3. The site plan meets or exceeds all the code requirements and with some amendments to stacking, handicapped parking space and buffering, it can be an adequate and functional project. RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT This request is consistent with the 1989 Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan; Zoning Code Sections 402.2A (Planning Commission; Authority, Functions, Powers & Duties); 402.5.A (Board of county Commissioners; Zoning Authority). This Special Exception request is consistent with Zoning Code sections 102 (Legislative Intent); 200.2 (Definitions; special Exception); 610 (CG-General Commercial Zoning District); and with other land use and property development regulations of the Zoning Code. ------------------------- --------------------- Petition No. 90-22 March 1990 Page / c:1 (J 13 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-352 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING~D ZONING BOARD ~~v- ~ CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP PLANNING DIRECTOR THRU: FROM: JORGE L. GONZALEZ ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER DATE: DECEMBER 5, 1990 RE: REQUESTS FOR ANNEXATION, FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT, AND REZONING SUBMITTED BY KILDAY AND ASSOCIATES FOR FRANK ALIAGA/CYPRESS AMOCO, INC., LESSEE (HYPOLUXO SERVICE STATION) - FILE NO. 558 A. INTRODUCTION Kieran J. Kilday, agent for Frank Aliaga/Cypress Amoco, Inc., Lessee, is requesting that a 1.26 acre parcel of land located at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road, approximately 1,600 feet west of Interstate 95 (see attached location map) be annexed into the City, the Future Land Use Element designation be amended from flCommercial Low Intensityfl in Palm Beach County to flLocal Retail Commercialfl in the City, the text of Area 5.b of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities Section of the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents be amended, and that the parcel be rezoned from RS (Residential Single-Family) in Palm Beach County to C-3 (Community commercial) in the City. Each request and the land use recommended in the City'S Plan is summarized in the following table: Existing Land Use: (P.B.C.) Existing Zoning: (P.B.C.) Requested Land Use: (City) Requested Zoning: (City) (CL) - Commercial Low Intensity (RS) - Residential Single Family (LRC) - Local Retail Commercial (C-3) - Community Commercial Land Use Recommended in Cityls Plan: (OC) - Office Commercial The subject parcel occupies 262.39 feet of frontage on Hypoluxo Road and 159.75 feet of frontage on High Ridge Road. The property is presently occupied by a one-story residence with a shed on the northeast corner with six trees near it. The remaining portion is cleared. The proposed use of this property, if rezoned, would be for a 1,200 square foot food/gas building (with a 1,200 square foot second floor for storage), a 1,000 square foot retail building, a 2,988 square foot auto service building with an office, and approximately six gasoline pumps. B. PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future. Land Use Element, text amendment, and rezoning are being processed consistent with state statutes and City of Boynton Beach Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Part II. /4 2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Law. 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning. 5. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. 6. Boynton Beach code of ordinances, Appendix A, Section 9.C: Comprehensive Plan Amendments/Rezonings. 7. Boynton Beach 'Ordinance # 89-38: 1989 Comprehensive Plan. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require newspaper advertisements, public hearings before the planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission, review by the Department of community Affairs, and the Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and text, and rezone. These procedures take approximately 8 to 9 months to complete. C. SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING As previously indicated, the subject parcel is located at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road. The land use and zoning of the surrounding area varies and is presented for your information in the table which follows: Direction Jurisdiction zonina Land Use North P.B. county Residential Single Family Single Family Homes East P.B. county Residential Single Family Vacant Parcels South P.B. county Residential Single Family Day Care West Boynton Bch. planned Unit Office portion Development of ACLF D. CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - ANNEXATION POLICIES The proposed annexation is consistent with the policies pertaining to annexation contained within the Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element. Palm Beach county has been notified of the proposed annexation and they have responded. (see attachments) E. CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND TEXT The subject property lies within the City'S Reserve Annexation Area and the Utility Service Area. The subject property is currently shown on the City'S Future Land Use Element (in the Reserve Annexation Area) as "Office Commercial," so an amendment to the Cityls Future Land Use Element to "Local Retail Commercial" as requested by the applicant, would be necessary. Pursuant to section 163.3187(1)(c) of Florida Statutes, this amendment request is a "small scale" amendment; thus, it is not subject to the twice a year submittal requirement. In addition, an application for a text amendment to Area 5.b of the section entitled Land Use Problems and opportunities of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents has been submitted to add the words and figures in underlined type and delete the words and figures in the strike-through type as follows: - b 5.b Hiqh Ridqe Road Corridor (presentlv unincorporated) Presently this area is occupied by several large-lot single-family subdivisions, and several large vacant parcels. Annexation of the subdivided areas would not be practical, since it would not be possible to service these lots efficiently, if annexed individually. Annexation of these lots should be by referendum or other legal means for annexing the entire area. The unplatted parcels on the west side of High Ridge Road, immediately north of the Miner Road right-of-way should be annexed, however, prior to development, in order to eliminate this unincorporated enclave, and should be placed in the Low Density Residential land use category. The parcel which has been developed for warehouses at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and I-95 should be placed in the Industrial land use category, and the parcel immediately to the west, which is occupied by a church, should be placed in the Local Retail Commercial category, in order to be consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. Continuing westward, the parcels which abut the south side of Hypoluxo Road, between the church and High Ridge Road, should be placed in the Local Retail Commercial category, consistent with the Palm Beach county Future Land Use Plan. The parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road, to a depth of approximately 300 feet, should be placed in the eEf~ee-eemmere~ai-~afta-ase Local Retail Commercial category, consistent with the Palm Beach countv Future Land Use Plan. All of the parcels along this segment of Hypoluxo Road should be limited to a maximum building height of 2 stories (30 feet) in order to prevent conflicts with the low-density residential subdivisions which lie in the vicinity. These parcels should be annexed only if an analysis of the annexation applications shows that annexation would be consistent with the Cityls annexation policies, as set forth in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and the requirements of Florida statute. The large, vacant parcels on the east side of High Ridge Road should be annexed only if an analysis of the annexation applications shows that annexation would be consistent with the City'S annexation policies, as set forth in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and the requirements of Florida statue. If annexed, these properties should be placed in the Low Density Residential land use category and should be developed as to be compatible with the surrounding low-density single-family housing. The adjacent right-of-way for Hypoluxo Road should be annexed only if there is reasonable expectation that most of the abutting parcels between High Ridge Road and Interstate 95 will be annexed. The right-of-way for Interstate 95 and the seaboard Airline Railway abutting any annexed parcels should be annexed, however, in any case. It should be noted that the recommendations in area 5.b of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities section to place certain parcels in the Office commercial land use category include all parcels to a depth of three hundred (300) feet from Hypoluxo Road. since the subject parcel only has a maximum depth of approximately one hundred and ninety (190) feet, the recommendation also encompasses the parcel south of the subject parcel. The text amendment submitted by the applicant, as it reads now seeks to change the land use designation of the parcel south of ' the subject parcel in addition to the subject parcel. The land use designation of the parcel south of the subject property cannot be changed unless the owner submits an application. If the text amendment is approved for the subject parcel, then the new language in the text of the Land Use Problems and opportunities section sh~uld be modified for the change in I~ land use to include just the subject parcel, not the parcel abutting to the south. Section I. of this memorandum entitled "project Approval," recommends specific language that should be added and/or deleted from the request to the text amendment in order to correct this problem if the text amendment request is approved. F. PROPOSED REZONING As previously indicated, a gasoline service station/ convenience store is being proposed on the subject property. Appendix A, Zoning, Section 11.L.1 of the city of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances states: "There shall be a minimum distance of one thousand (1,000) feet between the nearest property line of the lot or plot of land upon which the proposed service station is to be constructed, and the nearest property line of a lot or plot of land upon which any other gasoline service station, church, public playground, hospital, public school or other similar public or semi public place where large numbers of people congregate are located. Such distance shall be direct airline measurement." The subject property is approximately seven hundred and seventy (770) linear feet southwest of an existing Shell gasoline service station located on the north side of Hypoluxo Road, approximately seven hundred (700) feet west of Interstate 95. Since the subject property is within one thousand (1,000) feet of an existing gasoline/service station, the development of a gasoline service station is not permitted on the subject property according to Appendix A, Zoning, Section 11.7.1 of the city of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. It should be noted, however, that a discussion of the distance requirements for gasoline service stations is scheduled for the December 11, 1990 meeting the City of Boynton Beach planning and Zoning Board. Any changes to this part of the Code of Ordinances can have an impact on the future development of a gasoline service station on the subject property. G. ISSUES/DISCUSSION Section 9.c.7 of Appendix A, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances, requires the evaluation of plan amendment/ rezoning requests against criteria related to the impacts which would result from the approval of such requests. These criteria and an evaluation of the impacts which would result from the proposed development are as follows: a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies. The planning department shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan. The proposed land use amendment/rezoning would not be consistent with Area 5.b of the Land Use Problems and opportunities section of the Future Land Use Element support Documents because the applicant is seeking a more intensive land use category (Local Retail Commercial), than the land use designation recommended in the Comprehensive Plan for this parcel (Office Commercial). However, the applicant has submitted an application for a Text Amendment to Area 5.b to amend the existing language in order to accommodate the proposed development, as outlined in Section E. of this /1 memorandum. The proposed land use amendment/rezoning would not be consistent with Policy 1.4.13 of the Comprehensive Plan which states: "subsequent to Plan adoption, establish procedures to provide that the City shall oppose requests for changes in land use which are in conflict with the City of Boynton Beach or Palm Beach county Comprehensive Plan." As previously indicated, the proposed land use amendment is not consistent with the City's Plan. In addition, the Palm Beach County planning Division has responded that the proposed land use amendment/rezoning would not be consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use of the site (gasoline service station/convenience store) is only allowed in Palm Beach County as a "Special Exception" if the property is at the intersection of two major arterial roadways. The county Thoroughfare Plan does not consider High Ridge Road to be a major arterial roadway. In fact, prior to submitting an annexation application to the City of Boynton Beach, agents for the subject property petitioned Palm Beach county for a Special Exception but were denied. It should be noted that in the justification statement for the land use amendment/rezoning the agent for the applicant states: "The application contained herein is also consistent with the current county Comprehensive Plan designation of C/L (commercial Low)." This statement is not accurate since a gasoline service station/convenience store is not allowed in this parcel under the County's Comprehensive plan because High Ridge Road is not a major arterial. As noted in the paragraph above, the Palm Beach county Planning Division has stated that the proposed application is not consistent with the County Plan. It should also be noted that in the justification statement for the text amendment the agent for the applicant states: "This text amendment request is consistent with the current Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan designation which shows the property as Commercial." This statement is only partially accurate because even though the county Plan designates this parcel for commercial use, the present county land use designation of commercial Low Intensity does not allow a gasoline service station/convenience store. The applicant also states that "...this parcel is located at the intersection of two major arterials which contain significant traffic volumes." This statement is also not accurate because High Ridge Road is a county collector, not a major arterial. High Ridge Road does not possess "significant traffic volumes" when compared with major arterials like Hypoluxo Road. In addition to the above, there will be a further discussion concerning consistency with applicable Comprehensive Plan policies in subsequent sections of this memorandum. In Section I. of this memorandum, entitled "Project Approval, II the Planning Department will recommend limitations and requirements which should be imposed on subsequent development of the property, if this request is approved, in order to comply with policies in the Comprehensive Plan. b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with protection of the public welfare. As indicated in Area 5.b of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities section of the Comprehensive Plan support Documents, liThe parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road, to a depth of approximately 300 feet, should be placed in the Office commercial Land Use category. II The established and projected land use pattern for 10 the parcels immediately south of Hypoluxo Road and immediately west of High Ridge Road is low intensity commercial, specifically office commercial. The reason being that office commercial serves as a transitional area from the more intensive commercial uses near Interstate 95 and the low density residential uses west and south of the subject parcel. c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the the proposed rezoning desirable. There has been no significant change in conditions in the vicinity of this property since the adoption of the Comprehensive plan which would make the proposed rezoning desirable. d. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. The city's utility Department has determined that there may not be sufficient potable water capacity to accommodate all new development projects in the City until the existing water treatment plant is expanded sometime in the middle of 1991. Thus, it may be necessary to phase the issuance of building permits of all new development projects with the availability of potable water. Due to the City's current potable water shortage, it is recommended that if the subject property is rezoned to C-3, that the subsequent development of the property be limited to a specific use that does not generate more potable water demand than a gasoline service station/convenience store. Such a limitation is necessary because there are other uses permitted in the C-3 zoning district (restaurants) that generate significantly more potable water demand than a gasoline service station. Concerning compatibility with roadways, the applicant submitted a traffic impact analysis to the City, which was subsequently transmitted to the Palm Beach county Traffic Division to review for compliance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. The proposed project is not a "previous approval;" thus it is subject to the county's Traffic Performance standards Ordinance. The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has responded: "The traffic study for the project contains insufficient or inaccurate information to determine compliance with the Code," (see attachments). Consequently, a modified traffic analysis needs to be submitted which includes or revises the items listed by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent and nearby properties. It is arguable that proposed rezoning would not be compatible with the current and future land use of adjacent and nearby properties. The future land use' of adjacent and nearby properties is as follows: Commercial Low Intensity in the County to the north; Commercial Low Intensity in the County to the east; Low Density Residential in the County to the south; and Low Density Residential in the City to the west. None of the existing or future land use of adjacent properties allows the development of a gasoline service station/convenience store. It should be pointed out however, that Area 5.b of the City's Land Use Problems and opportunities Section recommends the Local Retail Commercial land use category for the parcels immediately to the east of High Ridge Road. Contrary to the existing land use designation in Palm Beach county, the land use designation recommended for the parcels east of High Ridge 10) Road allow the development of a gasoline service station/ convenience store. f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning. Under the existing Residential Single-Family zoning in Palm Beach County, the property could be developed for a maximum of six (6) single-family dwelling units. But due to the fact that the subject property fronts Hypoluxo Road and the close proximity of the Interstate 95 interchange, single- family development of the subject property is not appropriate or likely. Consequently, it can be argued that the property is not economically developable under the existing zoning. If annexed and developed consistent with the recommendations in Area 5.b of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Documents (office commercial), the property could be developed for a variety of office uses including, but not limited to: financial institutions, medical and dental offices and clinics, pharmacies, medical and surgical supplies, professional and business offices, copying services, day care centers, funeral homes, etc. Thus, it can be argued that if the recommendations in the City's Comprehensive Plan are followed, the property is economically developable. g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole. The city of Boynton Beach comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, Appendix B estimates that under the existing and projected future land use designations, the City of Boynton Beach will have a total supply of 721.91 acres of land for retail and other commercial uses (excluding office and industrial) at build out, and a total demand of 580.01 acres of land for retail and other commercial uses (excluding office and industrial) at build out. This equals an excess of 141.90 acres of land for retail and other commercial uses at build out. Thus, it can be argued that the proposed land use amendment/rezoning to designate additional land for retail and other commercial uses is not related to the needs of' the City as a whole. In terms of the proposed rezoning being related to the needs of the neighborhood, the applicant has not submitted any evidence which would affirm this. h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. As discussed in preVious sections of this memorandum, the Future Land Use Element Support Documents of the Comprehensive Plan estimates that the City of Boynton Beach will have an excess of 141.90 acres of land for retail and other commercial uses (excluding office and industrial) at build out under the existing designations and projections in the Future Land Use Element. Thus, it can be argued that there are adequate sites for retail commercial development elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. H. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS The Planning Department recommends that the requests for the Future Land Use Map Amendment, Future Land Use Element Support Documents Text Amendment, and Rezoning submitted by Kieran J. Kilday for Frank Aliaga/cypress Amoco, Inc., Lessee, be denied. This recommendation is based on the following summary of findings contained within this staff report: ~ 1. The proposed land use amendment/text amendment/rezoning would not be consistent with the recommendations for area 5.b of the Land Use problems and Opportunities section of the comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Ele~ent Support Documents; 2. The proposed rezoning would not be consistent with Appendix A, zoning, section 11.L.1 of the city of Boynton Beach code of ordinances, which requires a minimum distance of 1,000 feet between gasoline service stations; 3. The proposed land use amendment/text amendment/rezoning would not be consistent with Policy 1.4.13 of the City's Comprehensive Plan because the proposed project is not consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan and the city's Comprehensive Plan. A gasoline service station/convenience store would not be allowed on the subject property under the County's land use designation or the Cityls recommended land use designation. 4. The traffic impact analysis is incomplete and inaccurate, according to the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. A new traffic impact analysis needs to be submitted; 5. It is arguable that proposed rezoning would not be compatible with the current and future land use of adjacent and nearby properties. None of the existing or future land use of adjacent properties allows the development of a gasoline service station/convenience store. It should be pointed out however, that Area 5.b of the City's Land Use Problems and Opportunities Section recommends the Local Retail Commercial category for the parcels immediately to the east of High Ridge Road. 6. There has been no significant change in the conditions in the vicinity of this property since the adoption of the comprehensive Plan that would make the proposed rezoning desirable; 7. The property is physically and economically developable for a variety of office uses according to the land use designation recommended in the City's Comprehensive Plan; 8. As outlined in Appendix B of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, it is arguable that the proposed rezoning is not of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the City as a whole because it is estimated that the City will have an excess of 141.90 acres of land for retail and other commercial uses (excluding office and industrial) at build out under the current land use designations and projections in the Future Land Use Element. The applicant has not presented evidence that demonstrates the proposed rezoning is related to the needs of the'neighborhood. 9. As outlined in Appendix B of the Future Land Use Element of the Support Documents, the City will have an excess of 141.90 acres of land for retail and other commercial uses (excluding office and industrial) at build out; thus, it can be argued that adequate sites exist elsewhere in the City for the development of the proposed use. I. PROJECT APPROVAL If it is the desire of the Planning and Zoning Board to recommend approval or the City Commission to approve these requests, it is recommended that approval be contingent upon the following: 1. The Text Amendment to Area S.b of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities Section of the Future Land Use Support Documents should be modified and approved as follows: ~ ~ - . S.b Hiqh Ridqe Road Corridor (presently unincorporated) Presently this area is occupied by several large-lot single-family subdivisions, and several large vacant parcels. Annexation of the subdivided areas would not be practical, since it would not be possible to service these lots efficiently, if annexed individually. Annexation of these lots should be by referendum or other legal means for annexing the entire area. The unplatted parcels on the west side of High Ridge Road, immediately north of the Miner Road right-of-way should be annexed, however, prior to development, in order to eliminate this unincorporated enclave, and should be placed in the Low Density Residential land use category. The parcel which has been developed for warehouses at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and I-95 should be placed in the Industrial land use category, and the parcel immediately to the west, which is occupied by a church, should be placed in the Local Retail commercial category, in order to be consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. continuing westward, the parcels which abut the south side of Hypoluxo Road, between the church and High Ridge Road, should be placed in the Local Retail Commercial category, consistent with the Palm Beach County Future Land Use Plan. The parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road, to a depth of approximately see 190 feet, should be placed in the e~f~ee-eemmere~a;-~aRa-ase Local Retail Commercial category, consistent with the Palm Beach County Future Land Use Plan. The parcel immediatelv south. currentlv occupied by a day care center should be placed in the Office commercial land use cateqory. All of the parcels along this segment of Hypoluxo Road should be limited to a maximum building height of 2 stories (30 feet) in order to prevent conflicts with the low-density residential subdivisions which lie in the vicinity. These parcels should be annexed only if an analysis of the annexation applications shows that annexation would be consistent with the Cityls annexation policies, as set forth in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and the requirements of Florida statue. The large, vacant parcels on the east side of High Ridge Road should be annexed only if an analysis of the annexation applications shows that annexation would be consistent with the Cityls annexation policies, as set forth in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and the requirements of Florida statue. If annexed, these properties should be placed in the Low Density Residential land use category and should be developed as to be compatible with the surrounding low-density single-family housing. The adjacent right-of-way for Hypoluxo Road should be annexed only if there is reasonable expectation that most of the abutting parcels between High Ridge Road and Interstate 95 will be annexed. The right-of-way for Interstate 95 and the Seaboard Airline Railway abutting any annexed parcels should be annexed, however, in any case. 2. It is recommended that a six (6) foot high CBS buffer wall be located along the south boundary of the subject property in order to minimize impacts on the existing day care center; 3. Due to the Cityls current shortage in potable water supply, it is recommended that the subsequent development of the property be limited to a specific use that does not generate more potable water demand than a gasoline service station/convenience store. In addition, it may be necessary to phase the issuance of building permits for this project with the expansion of the existing water treatment plant; ~ 4. A new traffic impact statement needs to be submitted which complies with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance standards Ordinance. In addition, it is recommended that a right turn lane (north approach) on High Ridge Road be installed at the projectls driveway to facilitate traffic flow. Any additional road improvements recommended by the revised traffic impact statement and/or Palm Beach County should also be installed. 5. Pursuant to the recommendation in Area 5.b of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities Section of the Future Land Use support Documents, development of the subject property should be limited to a maximum building height of two (2) stories (30 feet), in order to prevent conflicts with the low density residential subdivisions which lie in the vicinity. 6. Pursuant to Appendix A, section 9.13 of the Code of Ordinances, a site plan must be submitted within eighteen (18) months of the final rezoning approval by the City Commission. At the end of the eighteen (18) months, the City Commission has the option of extending the zoning approval or applying a more restrictive zoning district and/or land use designation. ~<~ . 0 . GONZALE NOTE: Pursuant to Section 163.3174(4)(d), Florida statutes, the Planning and Zoning Board, as the Local Planning Agency, is required to make a recommendation to the City Commission with respect to the consistency of these proposed amendments with the Comprehensive Plan. a:hyposerv.doc ~ ... '. ~ I ~ ~I . ',_' ~t1~ _ _ .\- ' . l_ ---:. ,- -p . ".- - "'"t"" f.iL - ,.... ; ,.. - I- ~ '3:: - h "I'":) I -, - I- - '\ -" _ . _ _ f-' I ~ , . ,,:1 - ", ;c-/\\{i\~y~:'~:~ft ~.\ ~ '0 . AOO. '.8Q.o. ..... !". "~.'" ",,, II ,., , ".,.. . . ..,........,_ ..:......,.-:.,r ,.... .. . ~,;..> -' . .' . ,,, .., - - - ~ - ,-'1- .;: .. ,~:. ,-- '~ ,~ - . . . . ... ' --', . .. ' \ ~~,,/. ""'. , '-..;("~ ~.,... ~ - q. ~CJ ;.. .:... r ..:." I · q~ " '1 . \ I j:.... ~ I. . If: T -, .,' \ _ w;.::.J O'!':.!'I'T . .~..i \1-1, ---'..!' . , . - /<";b~\"'~.' / ,,/'_./ ~'.. .n,: I BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of applicat~on required) " PROJECT NAME: Hypoluxo Road Service Station , '. AGENTIS NAME: Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates ADDRESS: l55l Forum Place, Bldg. lOOA West Palm Beach, Fl 3340l PHONE: (407) 689-5522 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: Samuel Mercado & Carmen Mercado, his wife c/o Robert W. Federspiel 501 E. AtLant~c Avenue Delray Beach, Fl 33444 PHONE: (407) 736-0400 Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High PROJECT LOCATION: Ridge Road. (not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) '", * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. -1- .. ~ '. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE~ DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: Cypress Arnoco,Inc./Samuel Mercado & Carmen Merca~o, his wife Area of subject Property: 54,983 Sq. Ft. or l.26 Acres Estimated Present Population: N/A . Existing Zoning: (County) RS Density Allowed: 6.0 d. u. 's /acre Proposed Zoning: (:.'~ity '..) C-3 Density Allowed: N/A d.u.'s EXISTING UTILITIES Existing Water Service Agreement with City of Boynton Water: Beach Utilities. Existing Water Service Agreement with City Wastewater Collection: of Boynton Beach Utilities (includes Sanitary berv~ce). Solid Waste (garbage): City of Boynton Beach Public Works .. -3- ~ STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: This l.26 acre currently supports a one-story residence, a shed and exotic veqetation. Proposed Use: Petitioner is proposinq to construct a self service gasoline station/convenience store (approximately 2,400 square feet), an auto service facility (minor repair) (approxima~elY 2,988 square . '. . feet) and a retail structure of (approximately l,OOO square feet). Total square footaqe proposed is approximately 6,388 square feet. JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: See Attached Justification Statement EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See Attached Exhibit "A" " ... -4- ~1 .' SIrE . it'::jI,,"i- ". \_-IJF~ .:.'l. fi /. -" .~I' ,..~.. " If :nY , ~:. " AlJII[j,l.. : .':~ '.. _.. ., "~. . - ." I I r::;::::::;-~ I: ~9~~~' ~. fi ;;_1" ~fll"I" >:.-' b "-' .~. .,~I i ,':tol '. 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J';.t:~:,!::.ti-;;.l"" .1'--; ,~II . d .. f' ..,.. _.< .;-,..t..... .......~......,.,.W!t~\!I:f.'Jt ._'J"~ ~ .' rr'" _, ~l ~01.~~ -;~ ;;~~H:...:i.}~~i1Crh1 t.~tMi :~m;~.~I~~ _.~I r ' _,~~<:l~~1\ t.'...\,. ;;i~i . f~; ~ ,t t "~~/i\l, >.~~~'~;:-qS.J.'1'. r.~J,!:g1\~.~;!~ i~;lJ~l ! . ~!J' ' _ w :i~' " '.... \<1'1'" ..'" ...' _..- 'II.... r;;; ) I .. ~n\~c ,"" ',/' .. ,:-., II 'l ,.,.- ,ti-.,~~ 1;~' ,!rll ,7 - ", ~ __- .'.i m;j.i_r:\..'\; IIJK:t\I~~ifJr\J!l}!' ! ,..od T '" ~WJl. ~;;;.!;; ';'~1" If/], imclw) W::;;HIA,I ~ "I~n\\'~" ' ~\ l\,'~~m f!}f}:m~LI . llU 1.,,,1. 1. 1. l' ," , ,_ ~ ~r.;;>, . ell, Df .o,'IO..."'h ~!,ar:!!:,lng Department HypoluXO Road Service station/Samuel Name of Development/owner Mercado & carmen Mercado. his wife. Locate the subj~?t property on this map and shade in the area. . -. ~ '" -5- :J-~ . . _ a ~.~.~'_.'d~__........_....t. OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and'accompany such petition. , " ~~ )(, A ~~/~ Signature of Owner(s) of Record Samuel Mercado & Carmen Mercado, his wife Type Name of Owner(s) Cypress Amoco, Inc. c/o Frank Aliaga Type Name of APPlic~nt 7560 High Ridge Road Street Address 383 Denny Court Street Address Lantana, FL 33462 City and state Boca Raton, Fl 33432 City and State 407-736-0400 Telephone Number 407-732-2662 Telephone Number .. -6- J-l1 APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best'of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. APPLICANT IS: Sig Owner optionee Cypress ,Amoco, Inc. ('/0 'Prany l:lliiil~ Type Name of App icant xx Lessee 383 Denny Court Street Address Agent Rnc~ R~ron. Fl 33432 City and State Contract Purchaser 407-732-2662 Telephone Number -7- :!JO . ........ ........ AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared : '. Samuel Mercado, & r~rmpn Mp~~~ao. hi~ wife ' who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) Sep Attached Exhibit" "A" "' .. (Attach if insufficient space) 2. .That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J. Kildav/Kildav & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. ~~~ (Signature of Owner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me of Florida at Large My ~6~1~~ion Expires: . I ~ -J'" -q3 '. ......:.:: .._-,_..-~ .. . . -8- j{ ~,-q7C Kilday & Associates Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT The applicant is requesting to be annexed into the City of Boynton Beach along with a concurrent request for a Land Use Amendment and Rezoning. The applicant is proposing to construct a self-service gasoline station/ convenience store, a retail structure and an auto repair facility on a 1.26 acre parcel located at the southwest corner of High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road. Additionally, this parcel is located within the City's Future Annexation area as indicated in the City's Comprehensive Plan in Planning area 5.b. (High Ridge Corridor) . The reasons why this annexation will be beneficial to the City of Boynton Beach are: 1. The proposed development will create a substantial increase in the City's tax base as the project will have a market value of approximately $500,00.00. 2. The parcel is located in the City's Future Annexa- tion Area and will not create any enclaves. There- fore, conflicts between City and unincorporated services should not be effected. 3. Annexation of this parcel will also provide the basis for the annexation of the parcel which lies to the south (Little Dude Ranch) in connection with the existing .water service agreement. 4. New construction will provide employment opportun- ities during and after actual construction. ~ CORPORATE RESOLUTION OF CYPRESS AMOCO, INC. The undersigned, as Secretary of Cypress Amoco, Inc., a Florida corporation, hereby certifies the fOllowing to be a true and correct representation of corporate action: 1. The following persons are acknowledged and confirmed to be the persons holding the specified offices of the corporation through the current calendar year and until their successors are duly qualified and elected: Frank. Aliaga: Maria Aliaga: Marie Gharib : President/Treasurer Vice President Secretary 2. The Officers of the corporation are authorized and directed to undertake any and all lawful, proper and required acts necessary and/or incident to performance of the corporation's obligations, including without limitation the execution of all annexation, zoning and land use documents, which documents shall be executed by the President and/or Secretary of the corporation as required by any governmental agency. Dated: September 27, 1990 .:-- \_.- ...... ...-.....~ ",:-' '" -. - ~':. .~} ~> .~~ .:::: ,,,.. -..... -' -.. ., '- ..~ ',"\...1", ....- ~- '<,I.. ,. 33 Mr. J. Scott Miller, City Manager City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Agency Agreement Letter Dear Mr. Miller, As owners of the property described in Exhibit "A", this letter is to serve as permission for Frank Aliaga, as Lessee, together with Kieran J. Kilday and Kilday & Associates to act as the agents, to prepare and submit all documentation, and attend all meetings pertaining to the property described in attached Exhibit "A" as it relates to any Land Use Amendment, Rezoning or variance process. including Annexations. . Furthermore, Mr. Kilday and Kilday & Associates are author- ized to agree to terms or conditions which may arise as part of the approval of this application. Sincerely, ~~f~i!~ ~~~-r~_ Carmen Mercado STATE OF: COUNTY OF: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS a btfJ. day of ~~ , 1990, before me personally appeared Samuel Mercado & Carmen to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and County the day and year last aforesaid. (NOTARIAL SEAL) ~ - . ~' .' "-J ~ M.S~S r. . _' Nota y PUb1iC-.-<;.: state of: -':.:- '..::. .~ My co~1ssi~n ~~~ires: 31 Mr. J. Scott Miller, City Manager City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Agency Agreement Letter Dear Mr. Miller, This letter is to serve as permission for Kieran J. Kilday and Kilday & Associates to act as the agent, to prepare and submit all documentation, and attend all meetings pertaining to the property described in attached Exhibit "A" as it re- lates to any Land Use Amendment, Rezoning or variance or Annexation process. Furthermore, Mr. Kilday and Kilday & Associates are author- ized to agree to terms or conditions which may arise as part of the appr ~ 1 of this application. I Ii a, Lessee co, Inc. FLORIDA OF: PALM BEACH Fran Cypre STATE COUNTY I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS ~\/{ day of $&j)~ /'174 1990, before me personally appeared Frank Aliaga to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and County the day and ,year. last. aforesaid. - '. - ....--- - , ,,- -... : '- .' , . (NOTARIAl;- .SEAL ).- "..':.' . L.... . .', ....-.. , . . --- ~~ d7tzt, No ary Publi State of: My Commission Expires: ._.r-'... , ~ -~ - ...:. -" "-.."' mmrnv~, !rrA'rn t!:: rro~ . 1,~Y COM!r1IsSl0N EXPir;ES: \':tAP.. 2, t!)!)Z, DOf.lC':O 'l"HRU folOT^,!.l' rucu..: UNtlIU\WO'ITI:RC', ,...,- 3j '".. :; :,,,-".1 ..-.. .., ~ ---. 0" " .,; .oj. ~-l ~.f...~"""/.:'4.Jr..-;;... ...... " .. .~ , .. 7-;;5-') -- .. ~........., " . " , , " LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Hypoluxo Road Service Station 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment only xx c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Frank Aliaga/Cypress Amoco, Inc. Address: 383 Denny Court . Boca Raton. Fl 33432 Telephone Number: 407-732-2662 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates Address: 1551 Forum Place, Bldg.100A West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 Telephone Number: 407-689-5522 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Samuel Mercado & Carmen Mercado, His Wife Address c/o Robert W. Federspiel 501 E. Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, FI 33444 I" " Telephone Number: 407-736-0400 . . , .; . ' Planning Department 5-90 Page 1 3&; :.' ':f~. . , ... '. , '. . '. .\ ' I r .' . 7. correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8 . What is the applicant '.s interest in the subj ect parcel? (OWner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) Lessee 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Hiqh Ridqe Road. 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: See Attached Exhibit "A" 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): 1.26 Acres 12. Current Zoning District: (County) RS-Residential Single Family 13. Proposed Zoning District: (City)C-3-Community Commercial 14. Current Land Use Category: (County) CL - Commercial Low-Intensity 15. Propos~d Land Use Category: (City) Local Retail Commercial 16. Intended Use of SUbject Parcel: Self Service Gasoline Station/ Convenience Store, Auto-Service Facility (minor repair) and retail c:::t-rnrot-nrp 17. Developer or Builder: Frank Aliaga/Cypress Amoco, Inc. 18. Architect: N/A 19. Landscape Architect: Kilday & Associates " 20. Site Planner: Ki]rl~y & A~~oc;~tes 21. Civil Engineer: Sheremeta Associates 22. Traffic Engineer: Sheremeta Associates ,. . . ,I" .'\, "T' "l r \ '! 23. Surveyor: Sheremeta A~soci~te~ Planning Department 5-90 ." , . , j. .:i i Page 2 31 .-.. .-........ '.. I 0..) .... \.:..J .-.. EXHIBIT II A II . Lots " 2 and the North' 6 feet of Lot 3, High Ridge Subdivision, according to tho plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 22 at page 6 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, Less and not including: A parcol of land for road right-of~way purposes in Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Bogin at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, as shown on the Plat of High Ridgo,Subdivisio~, as recorded in Plat Book 22, page 6, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence South 88035'48" West, along the North line of said Lot 1, a distance of 288,81 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 1 (bearings are relative to the North line of said Section .8, being South 88035'48" West)i thence South 50 "'48" West, along the West line of said Lot 1, a distance of 15.16 feet to a point on a curve whose radius point bears South 1020'51" East, a distance of 5617,58 feet, said point being on the proposed right-of-way line of Hypoluxo Road, as shown on Palm Beach County Drawing No, 3-80-631 Right-of-Way; thence Easterly, along the arc of said curve and said proposed right-of-way line through a central angle of 0044'33", a distance of 73.58 feet; thence North 89023'42" East, along said proposed right-of-way line, a distance of '89,81 feet; thence South 44023' 1,".East, along said,proposed right-of-way line, a distance of 36,10 feet to a point on tho E a s t 1i n e of s n i d Lot 1 '; the n c e Nor t h 1 0 4 9 ' 5 5 " E a s t , along said East line, a distance of 44,73 feet to the Point of Beginning, ........ " 0, o ,'~ 35 A written commitment to the prov~s~on of all necessary ":facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required. n/a (11) For rezonings to planned ~oning districts, the sp~cific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all .materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also "'be submitted. ' _,(e) * n/a (12) Where Conformance with the County's' Environmentally Sensitive . Lands.Ordinance is required, an Application for Alteration of Environmentally Sensitive Lands (Environmental Impact Study) 'must, be submitted to the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (copy to city) prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the Land Use Amendment and for. 'Rezonipa.. aoolication to the_ city. *Not required per Uept. 0 ~n~~onmentaLResource Manag~ment. III. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform:the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. , This application will not be accepted unless signed acc ding to the instructions below. (}t~)~ . ~ ~gnature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business et:ltity. q -~b.qO Date . I,. V. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT ~~Q~~.. Signatu of Authorized Agent Kieran J.. Kilday/Kilday & Associates (I) (We) hereby designate the above authori ed. agent with regard to /ll~ ,~ ~ ~ gnature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other 'business entity. }/- O?d'''~CJ Date signed person as (my) (our) this application. Cf -02h-QO Date Planning Department 5-90 Page 6 3~' I; . ". WRITTEN ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS 'fi " " . " . t. d' t' J I , l I ,I , The site supports a one-story residence with a shed on the northeast corner with six trees near it. The remaining portion is cleared. The trees west of the residence consist of a mango tree, two citrus trees, and a queen sago palm. The trees. east of the residence consist of a mango tree and a Norfolk Island Pine. These trees will be preserved, if possible. They will be eradicated for development of this site as they are not considered significant species. All invasive species will be eradicated from this site. New landscaping will conform with the City of Boynton Beach Landscape Code. .: . ' 'i ': . ~ '~ ' -j, I : , I ;' ~ J'" 'I .' . " Llo . . . . " . . . , , .' '.;."\~""~~':':'I""n-::"'.''''''t., '.' ..... o. .,...,",,"-HI"?-;:';;~..u~f~ Kilday & Associates Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 REQUIREMENTS G. AND H. PROPOSED RESTAURANT Items (g) and (h) of the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning Application require a justification and a comparison of impacts between existing zoning and proposed zoning. Currently, in Palm Beach County, the property is zoned RS-Residential Single Family, a zone entirely inappro- priate for this property which is located immediately west of the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and I-95. The proposed uses as indicated in item #2 below are ideal for this site. In addition, the property does not abut any residential land use. ~he_application, r contained herein is also consistent' wi th the current \ \ 1../.).,.....'..c,.l:.. County Comprehensive Plan designation of,C/L..(Commer- cial Low). The current zoning would allow up to 7 residential units to be developed on this parcel. 1. Current zoning in the County would allow six dwelling units per acre. 2. The proposed uses are the retail commercial uses permitted within the C-3 district. For land use intensity purposes, a gasoline service station/ convenience store, auto repair facility and retail structure have been designated for the site. 3. The owner anticipates development of the property to commence upon final approval and permitting within the normal time restraints of proceeding through the process. 4. Employment projections: Assuming a self-service gasoline station/convenience store (1 employee), an auto service facility (4 employees) and a retail building (2 employees) for a total of 7 full time employment opportunities. f 4( . ',', " " ,_ _, . .\4:. . " . ":. .; ..~ '. ~.. " .,.. 0 .. '.. . _' '" . .'..: .:,.~.....~~~ HYPOLUXO ROAD SERVICE STATION PROJECTED WATER & SEWER DEMAND STATEMENT The petitioner proposes to ,annex and rezone the subject parcel to C-3 (Community Commercial) to allow a 1,000 square foot retail building, a 2,988 square foot four bay auto service repair facility and a 2,400 square foot gasoline service station/convenience store. Us- ing the Palm Beach County Health Department's flow rate of 0.1 gallons per day per square foot of retail floor area and 250 gallons per day for a service station/ convenience store, this project is expected to generate an average daily flow of 648.8 gallons per day. Under the existing Palm Beach County zoning of RS- Residential Single Family, 7 dwelling units could be constructed. At an average flow of 350 gallons per day per unit, .the existing zoning would generate an average of 2,450 gallons per day. The County's Comprehensive Plan shows commercial desig- nation for this site. Thus, there is no difference in expected flow'rates between this request and that which would be allowed according to development regulations if developed according to the county's Comprehensive Plan. ' .i . Typically,' there is very little difference in water and sewer flow rates for commercial uses unless irrigation is going to be done from public water. At this time, the source of irrigation water is planned to be from on-site wells. , , , OJ I 'i ',1 . f ; 1-~ i i " .' .,' . ,.,'. .. .J'- . . . ' '. .:'J-'~ ,,-'~ .. - /~ - . ~Q~EBstl~~gI~g_Cbe~==Is~I_a~g~~~~~I_eEEblgaIIQ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must b~ filled out completely and accurat~ly and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. ~s~~8eb_l~EQB~eIlQ~ 1. Applicant"s Name (person or bu~ines~ entity in whose name this application is made): -~~~~~-~~-~~~~~-~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~----------------- Address: _~~~_~~~~~J?~~~~L~~~~_~~~____________________________ _~~~~~~~_~~~~~L~~_~~~~~______________________________ Telephone Number: _L~~~L_~~~~~_~___________~_____________________________ 2. Ag~nt.s Nnm~ (person, if any, represent~ng app~ic~nt): -~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~-------------------------------------- Address: Tc=lept'lo;lo Nurr.ber: , -------------------------------------------------------- 3. Correspondence Address (if diff~rDnt thQn.applican~ or ~gent):~ -l" This i:;. the .::tdC:ro~:!:a -t;,Q \';hi::::h ,:>,::'1 ,';'.gC!r.d.:\:~. ~ ::?".:t.~;r~~ c!iiid ott',or materi~ls wi~l be mailed. !I. Pr-:OF'OSED {,:~1Ej\:DMEt"IT. The "_\,-':der:."..qnl!:d I"l~r~by .-:>cr":~,ticn'~ thl:~ i-:'~.:'.nr.ing "nd Zonin~-~~;~~-;;~-~r~~-~~uncil Q~ thE City c{ Dcynt~~ noacll, ~lorida to anend the tl?l,:t of thn C-::lmpr"(~hC?n~i ve PI,r.n ft'Jr the rC!::'.son~ ~.tc,'":'~d bolow: 01 . ,".. ':.nnl ng rep1.-.. 1-86 P.:\9 E? .- 4-3 ., Attach additional ~heet5, if nec:esscnry. 1. Section, page number, Pl~n which the applicant and e:~act desires to language contained be am~nc!ed: in 'the COr.lprehensive See Attached Exhibit "A" The Applicant is requesting a text amendment to Section VIII. LAND' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE PROBLEMS and OPPORTUNITIES, S.b High Ridge Road Corridor (presently unincorporated), pages 81-82 as follows on attached Exhibit "A". .... ..::.. Natu~e of amendment requested: See Attached Exhibit "A" ----------------------------7-------------------------.----~------------ ----------------~------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---~-----------------------------------------------------------.---------- . ' . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------_._-------------------------~------------------------ /" ----------------------------------------------.------------------------- ----------_._-------_.__.__._._~--_..,.._--_._--_........._-.-- -'- --....---------...----.-.---------- 3. F'rcp~r-t.:ies or pC?r~on~ .t:'nt ~";Ql.t:!.d t,e !\~ .fec:t.~.j b'l t=t'-cpc:i~d :tm~r.clr:1c.~nt: See attached Property Appraiser's Map and correspoding Property _..____.________._...______......____. __'_0"'''_'' ._______._......_._ M..'__' .__ 0__ _ ________ _0_._._._________..__ OWner List. ------------------------..----------------------------------------------- ________.__.___________.____ -___.__0___-_--.------.-----------_-.-__0__0______----____ Planninq Dept. 1-86 p~q~~ '2 4-1 , r , '. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Statement of conditions~ hardships, or other reasons justifying the proposed amendment: See Attached Justification Statement. ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------~~---------------------------'- -----------------------------------------------~---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------.------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- III. blgI_QE_eEE~~Isn_~BQEEBIY_g~~~Be,~ For ~ll ~ropo5~d Comprehensive Plan ~mendmentD which would chan~e the permitted use of property~ the applicant must ~ubmit the following materi~~s in t~~ (2~ ~opi~z~ 1. ,A comoletm list 6f al'] pro~Qrty owner5, mailing ~ddrE55es, and legal ,dDscripticns for dll prop0r~ies Fer which tho ~~rrnittod U9QS of said properti es ~'IOU! d IJI? ch!:\nr:;~~rj ~ .:'0. rccordC!d :: n '::t"1? :!. at: :::'r::rt off i =i.!'ll 'ta:.: .~oll~ in t.~l:.! crJl.lnty C:::.lL!r.'~ ~1nl.~'.::C ~-:;h.:d 1 :::-~ .f'_',t""li'I ~!":cd by .ttH~ appl1t:.:>.nt. M,,,lili,nl;J l.;:,~,:-.:!ls 'fw- thp-sc~ ;:\ddl-~"?Sr.;C;~s Ii1U~-:;t ':;iJ.'.:3C be ;)n~'1id;!)!:I. Sa::.d li~:;t ~h<'ill C\':? .'::\cco:T.panic;!c' =v ';In c:.'Ii~j,!Iv:i I: ~:;~:~:..t::.i:g t:h:.t t:':l i:,hf.'. b~~!.5.t of 'the a~plic:,:\nt~s k:1c"JtQd~f.O', ~:1j,d l'~'.:.;t ,>" r.:t':'I1\':l.~t:=.'tn ,~.nt! ::.\,::c:u:'.:\tG!. N01:i'fi'::Clt:!.on of ;3'ff';~ct,nc.! ;:1r-::p,:-!I-'.:y '.:H'mc::r~ ~'I::.l: ~.JC? c!cn~ by '':.''1e Cit)' of E'fJyn't',cn B:~,,:,.:h. 2. A cCP'/ of 't:.~ P::.'\lm ES'c>c:t1 COi-tnt'/ Prr.:lper"I.~,.: ~~ppr.:\l'Z..;;or~::; mnp~ -;:;hcH-Jing ~ll o.f :!H? :=:'"'cp;!l~tit::.!!:> r::::~!::!r.rn':! +.C in p~r.':~:Jr:q:I'. ~, :,;>,bl:'VG. Planning Dopt. 1-86 ;::D.qe :3 45 II .. . ". "',.', . IV. eEEb!geI!Q~_E~~g~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to tho following ~chedule. All fees shall be paid by: check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. For amendments to the text of the comprehensive plan for the benefit of a part.icular property or properties. $500.00 Where postponement of action by the Pl~nning and Zoning board or City Council is requested by the applic~nt, after the application has been advertised, the following fees shall be paid: For re-advertisement of the application, 5125.00 where r'e-advertisement is requil.-ed For each '::tddi ti anal, transml ssi on of ~;; 2'5.00 t~e application to the Planning and Zoning Board or City Council, after tho initial transmission. v. g~BI!EIgBIIQ~ ,. , (I) (We) unders'tand that this ,:;\pplication and al! pl.:\n .and papers submitted herewith b~come a pa~t of the permnnent rD~ords of the Planning and Zoning Board. (1) (We) hereby c~rtify that the above statements and any statements or showings in ~ny papers or pla~s su~mitt2d her~with are t:""Lle to t~\e b!?st of (my) <our-) !mowlEdqe i:',I,d belief. n;i~ application will not b~ accepted unless siqne~ ~ccc~d~ng to the instructions below. , __ _'/2_a/~_~:. Signat~ e ~~Applicant ~n_____, Kieran J. Kilday 9-28-90 : ~ lJa.te :i I ~ f ~ VI. aYI~Q31~aIIg~_QE_Qgg~I /0/;4/9 --------- ---------------------- .. ~.. ,^ ~- I ,.. ~ _ M " l":'\r"\ s. g;'\~.tLtrr. of ,...Ll ~h.:lI _ _ ,_c I Ig~... t Date I , ; '1 , ; " . . . , ; { ,'; , . , " (I) (l'le) h~f-c::.b'/ d~:,si q:1..':'d.:~ t.h':J .::\bo'le ~::;-:. ~!'1cd ::>r~!'"'=on authori:ed ag~nt with r~~Qrd to ~hi$ RpplicatiDn. ______.!:! ,!tt_____,_____________~_ Signatu~~f Applicant' c.~ ~myl ( OLl~- ) < , . :J.::..t:c , . . ~ ~~ , I ~ ,; . : PI~nning Dept. 1-86 ;:>agE:! ~~ ~ I, Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects! Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR HYPOLUXO ROAD SERVICE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT The applicant is requesting an amendment to the City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Land Use Plan to allow the development of a self service gasoline station/ convenience store, a retail structure and an auto repair facility (minor repair). This request is being made to allow a parcel located at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road to be developed as Local Retail Commercial. This text amendment request is consistent with the -current-palin Beach County Comprehensive Plan ' ._ 'desJ.gnation which shows' the. property. .as.Commercial.. -Tne' Boynton Beach Plan also recognizes that the Commercial designation is appropriate along Hypoluxo Road. However, the Boynton Beach Plan does not recognize Local Retail Commercial just west of High Ridge Road, as requested by the petitioner. The proposed plan for the subject parcel is ideal because of its proximity to I-95 and because this parcel is located at the intersection of two major arterials which contain significant traffic volumeS:--~-'r.' . . - ." -. ---, I , \ r- \..j I . , I..~) \~:, t.l, \.j (_~( \;:- \ ('t, c: -. (' , , ~1 ......,.-r~,l"l~:."il.J...~..... ,.. ... >..,. ,...~.. _... _:,. . ._ EXHIBIT A 5.b. High Ridge Road Corridor (presently unincorporated) Presently this area is occupied by several large-lot single-family subdivisions, and several large vacant parcels. Annexation of the subdivided areas would not be practical, since it would not be possible to serve these lots efficiently, if annexed individually. Annexation of these lots should be by referendum or other legal means for annexing the entire area. The unplatted parcels on the west side of High Ridge Road, immediately north of the Miner Road right-of-way should be annexed, however, prior to development, in order to eliminate this unincorporated enclave, and should b e placed in the Low Density Residential land use category. The parcel which has been developed for warehouses at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and I-95 should be placed in the Industrial land use category, and the parcel immediately to the west, which is occupied by a church should be placed in Local Retail Commercial category, in order to be consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. Continuing westward, the parcels which abut the south side of Hypoluxo Road, between the church and High Ridge Road should be placed in the Local Retail Commercial category, consistent with the Palm Beach County Future Land Use Plan. The parcel at the southwest 'corner of Hypoluxo road and High Ridge Road to a depth of approximately 300 feet should be placed in the .Office Commercial land. use category. All of the parcels along this segment of Hypoluxo Road should be limited to a maximum building height of 2 stories (30 feet) in order to prevent conflicts with the low-density residential subdivisions which lie in the vicinity. These parcels should be annexed only if an analysis of the annexation applications showed that annexation would be consistent with the City's annexation policies, as set forth in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and the requirements of Florida Statute. Amendment should read: EXHIBIT ,A The parcel... "Continuing westward, the parcels which abut the south side of Hypoluxo Road, between the church and High Ridge Road and the parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo road and High Ridge Road to a depth of approximately 300 feet should be placed in the Local Retail Commercial category, consistent with the Palm Beach County Future Land Use Plan." All of the ... Florida Statute. 1f) -~ ~ .', PLANNING 'AREA 5--HIGH RIDGE ROAD CORRIDOR, QUANTUM CORPORATE PARK, AND VICINITY ~, 5.a. Thompson Road (presently unincorporated) This area has been subdivided and is largely developed for single-family detached dwellings, although the northern end of the subdivision is still vacant. Annexation of these lots should be by referendum or other legal means for annexing the entire area. If annexed, the land use and zoning imposed by the City should limit the development of these lot$ to single-family dwellings. Commercial land use should not be allowed on the northerly lots, as is permitted by Palm Beach County, since and the L-18 Canal provides a sufficient buffer between these lots and Hypoluxo Road, and the parcel depth would not allow for a sufficient buffer adjacent to the residential lots which lie to the south. Sob. Hiqh Ridqe Road Corridor (presently unincorporated) o presently this area is occupied by several large-lot single-family subdivisions, and several large vacant parcels. Annexation of the subdivided areas would not be practical, since it would not be possible to serve these lots efficiently, if annexed individually. Annexation of these lots should be by referendum or other legal means for annexing the entire area. The unplatted parcels on the west side of High Ridge Road, immediately north of the Miner Road right-of-way should be annexed, however, prior to development, in order to eliminate this unincorporated enclave, and should be placed in the Low Density Residential land use category. The parcel which has been developed for warehouses at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and I-9S should be placed in the Industrial land use category, and the parcel irnmedately to the west, which is occupied by a church, should be placed in the Ptlbiie-e~d-P~iva~e-Sove~~me~~ai7i~5ei~tltie~ai Local Retail Commercial cateqory, in order to be consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. Continuing westward, the parcels which abut the south side of Hypoluxo Road, between the church and High Ridge Road, should be placed in the Local Retail commercial category, consistent with the Palm Beach County Future Land Use Plan. The parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road, to a depth of approximately 300 feet, should be placed in the office commercial land use category. All of the parcels along this segment of Hypoluxo Road should be limited to a maximum building height of 2 stories (30 feet) in order to prevent conflicts with the low-density residential subdivisions which lie in the vicinity, These parcels should be annexed only if an analysis of the annexation applications shows that annexation would be consistent with the City'S annexation policies, as set forth in the Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and the requirements of Florida statute. . ~ c 81 " ~ .~ ,"-" " ,--. ( c. ~ , , .'.....~.....::."(~::13..t;,.J..Z.".:)~,~ ..'";".... ", . .-~ The large, vacant parcels on the east side of High Ridge Road should be annexed only if an analysis of the annexation applications shows that annexation would be consistent with the city's annexation policies, as set forth in the Intergovernmental coordination Element, and the requirements of Florida statute. If annexed, these properties should be placed in the Low Density Residential land use category and should be developed so as to be compatible with the surrounding low-density single-family housing. The adjacent right-of-way for Hypoluxo Road should be annexed only if there is reasonable expectation that most of the abutting parcels between High Ridge Road and Interstate 95 will be annexed. The right-of-way for Interstate 95 and the Seaboard Airline Railway abutting any annexed parcels should be annexed, however, in any case. S.c. Hiqh Ridae Commerce Park This subdivision is one of the few large industrial sites remaining in the city. Although it would be desirable for one or two large manufacturing plants to be located on this site, the property has already been subdivided, which may preclude this type of development. since this property will be bordered on the north and the west by residential projects, care" must be taken to avoid creating land use conflicts. Specifically, the height of buildings on the northern 1/2 of the property and on the western 400 feet should be limited to 2 stories (30 feet). Vegetative screening and buffer walls should be used in these portions of the subdivision, as well special setback requirements and use restrictions, in order to prevent land use conflicts. These setback requirements and use restrictions should be considered in greater detail at the time of site plan approval and approval of uses in the industrial park. S.d. Incorporated and Unincorporated Parcels at southwest Corner of Miner Road Extended and Hiah Ridae Road The unincorporated parcel in this area is an enclave and therefore should be annexed. These two parcels shoul~ eventually be placed in the Industrial land use category and, where the parcel size permits, should be developed as planned zoning districts. Both of these parcels should be developed and used in a manner similar to the adjacent Quantum corporate Park. This area has been designated as an "A" rated natural habitat in the conservation Element since it contains a subtantial area of Florida scrub. Consequently the city should pursue the acquisition and/or preservation dedication for at least a portion of this this scrub habitat. The portion of this parcel which is preserved should be sited so as to maximize the habitat value of the scrub preserve which was required in the adjacent Development of Regional Impact for Quantum corporate Park. 82 50 ... '".':.1 . . .... ."" ~ ., ~ Return to: HOMESITE TITLE SERVICES, IHe" I~07 N, Oixie Hwy., l,~,. fL, 33460 Pri"...d fo, ,lawy.n' Tille Guaranly Fur,d, Co r1ando, Flo,ida TM, in,tr"",_"t wo' prepared bYI ~ Uarrantg 19eed a- -t a- m~i:l .Jnbruturr. Modp Ihi. -t No"",_~HlLtL-~SQ. Post Officr Box 2637 Addr.".l'.4.l.m..-llaACh., 1"1 ",..4 ... 33480 (SUTU!~IY FOIM-SECTION 689,02 F,S.) 7...7'" day of AU9ust 1984 , JZrlltlt'm ... CO JOE FEARNLEY, individually, and AS Trustee 0' .h.. County 0' Palm Beach , SIal. of Floridll . orontof.. OM 00<_.., T.. r, '~..c"tc2.. . '-".."h ,.. H. CI.~'I"'" SAMU~L MERCADO and CARMEN MERCADO, his wifp. '" ." ~ ~ ""0... po.I ollie. odd,... I. 7560 lli9h Ridge Road, Lantana , SIal. of Florida 33462 . orante-e." 0' Ih.. County of Palm Beach .ilnrllllrt~, Thol said o,on'o" '0' and in consid.rolion of Ih. ,'om A, Ten and'No/100 ($10,00)---- CD N - - - -- - ----- -- - - -- -- -- ----- --- -- ---- ----- - ---- - ----- -- -- -- - - - - - - -OoIlors. ond o'h.., oood and ....Iuable con';d.,o,ion. '0 said o,anlo, in hand paid by lQid o,anl.., I.... ,ec.ipl ..hp,...,f i. ......by o(~nowl.dOed, ha. o,onled, ba,oained and sold to 'h. soid o,anlH, ond o'onl...... hot;rs ond o.sion. lo'.~', ,.... followino d..sc,ib..d 'and. silual.. lying an" b.ing in PAlm Beach County, Florido, 'o.wil, ~ i LOTS,l and.2, and the North.6 feot of.Lot J, !lIGll RIDGE SUBDIVISION, accordin9 to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Cler~ of the Circuit Court in And for Palm Beach County, Florida, as recor~~~ 1n Plat Book 22, PAge 6. ~ ~~~ b~~ SUBJECT TOI 'J (a) Restrictions, reservations And easements of record, if Any, Zonin9r and, TAxes and Assessments for the years subsequent to 1984. .' ~ (b) (c) Crantor warrants and represents that he does not now nor hAS he ever resided upon the described property and tha~ the aame is not his -homestead-. ond so;d o'an'.... doe. '--by fully warron' the t;tIe '0 soid Iond. and wID del..nd ,h. some oooino' ,.... !owful claim. of all ,.."on. ..horn......... . · NG,on'o'" ond No,on.... 0... used fa, singulo, or p1u,aI. o. conI..., ""'"..... .Ju ..tnr.. WlJrrftlf. G,ontor ha. "",...nlo .., 0'0......... hand ond s.eo! the cloy ond )'90' fi"I 0 >~.= AS TO SAID GRANTOR wri".ft. (Seal) liS (Sear. (Seal) (Seal) STATE ~ FLORIDA COUNTY ~ PALM BEACH ' I HfllElY CfanfY Ihot .... 1M cloy b.f.,.. _. "n offic... du.... quoJ;fiecf 10 ...... ocl""...I.odo...."". penonolly aPP<<lred JOE rZAR.LEY, individuall~ and .a.Tru.tee 10 _ k_ 10 ... ........- dncribed in 0"" wt.o .a<<vted the fot.ooinG ....- and od,-'-cIg.d befo,. - that "" ..............-. WJTHE5S MY "-" -.I eHIdaI ....1 in the C-'Y and S40te ..... o"""~ 1984. /..L. #lor ~......... 't' Iii If 7 , . ,::~.~:-. " '..." . .......,.' . -.,;. St.tIII.f'lt~ fb"ltttlr':iiz".,,-"/ r:::i ~.:; . , u. '.--" P' . ... -.'" C oJ , C I ....,~Jk'Cft...J.."$"=?.~,,,.,.., ,- :: " :r::;.t.:' -.-... .... ',-.- ..............,. ' <,. ~. : ' .' ." ~~""'. .. --~, ,.' .."'\~."51. AfCORO VERlFI€O f'AUo! BEACH CQ:Jr:j:\' F'.A JI)Efj 3 OU~4l<lc CLERK ClilClJlT COUll , , ,...:-:-~~~~.I.:.~~~~..,," , " .: MEMORANDUM TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director FROM: Sue Kruse, City Clerk SUBJECT: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of December 11, 1990 DATE: November 9, 1990 Attached please find a copy of a public notice which has been scheduled for the December 11th Planning & Zoning Board meeting: Applicant: Agent: Owner: Frank A1iaga, Cypress Amoco, Inc. Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates Samuel & Carmen Mercaco Petition for voluntary annexation The notice was mailed to the applicant on this date and will be advertised in The Post on December 4 and 11, 1990. pr Attachment ~~ , , cc: City Manager City Commission RECEIVED ./ NOV 9 1990 PLANNING DEPT. . . \ .. 5~ -' ~'[ ~ , , NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE NOTICE OF TEXT AMENDMENT The city of Boynton Beach proposes to change the use of land, amend the text of the Comprehensive Plan and rezone the land described in this adverti~ement. A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the Planning and zoning Board on December 11, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. at city Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. A public hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City Commission on December 18, 1990 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Legal Description: Lots 1, 2 and the North 6 feet of Lot 3, High Ridge Subdivision, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 22 at page 6 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Less and not including: A parcel of land for road right-of-way purposes in section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, as shown on the Plat of High Ridge Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 22, page 6, pUBlic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence South 88 35'48" West, along the North line of said Lot 1, a distance of 288.81 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 1 (bearings are re6ative to the North line of said Section 8, being South 88 35'48" West); thence South 5 1'48" West, along the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 15.b6 feet to a point on a curve whose radius point bears South 1 20'51" East, a distance of 5677.58 feet, said point being on the proposed right-of-way line of Hypoluxo Road, as shown on Palm Beach County Drawing No. 3-80-631 Right-of-Way; thence Easterly, along the arc of said curvS and said proposed right-of-way line through a ceBtral angle of 0 44'33", a distance of 73.58 feet; thence North 89 23'42" East, along said proP8sed right-of-way line, a distance of 189.81 feet; thence South 44 .23'11" East, along said proposed right-of-way line, a distance of 36.10 beet to a point on the East line of said Lot 1; thence North 1 49'55" East, along said East line, a distance of 44.73 feet to the Point of Beginning. This property is currently outside the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach, but is the subject of a petition for voluntary annexation. APPLICANT: Frank Aliaga, Cypress Amoco, Inc AGENT: Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates OWNER: Samuel & Carmen Mercado PROJECT NAME: Hypoluxo Service Station PROPOSED USE: Gas Station, Convenience Store, automotive repair and retail buildings. GENERAL LOCATION: 1.26 acre parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road. . RECEIVED DEe 4 '1990 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 5.2 ~,. REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - CL, Commercial Low Intensity (Palm Beach Count'll To - Local Retail commercial (Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - RS, Single-family Residential (Palm Beach Count'll To - C-3, Community Commercial (Boynton Beach) AMEND THE TEXT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Change land use recommendations under Area Sob. of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities Section of the Future Land Use Element, as it applies to the parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road to allow Local Retail Commercial land use rather than Office Commercial land use. A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment, text amendment and rezoning request are available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department, at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard regarding the adoption of these Comprehensive Plan amendments. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which r~ord includes the testimony and evidence upon which the apP,al is to be used. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK PUBLISH: THE POST DECEMBER 4 AND 11, 1990 cc: , City Manager City Attoreny City Commission Planning Dept. File , i ,I s~ <.........~,~. .\0.','. .~."',...._ 40 . <.op 0, "'1If . .,.. ..' .tI A'" ~ I . '. ' '.' l'" " i I , , I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA > > SS > COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED Charlene D. Dickens , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: .) , ~ -j ..1 ., That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the best of his/her knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property' owners, mailing addresses and property control numbers as recorded in the latest' official tax rolls in ~~e Governmental Center for all properties for which.th~ permitted uses of, said. properties would be dlL\l1ged. The property in question is legally described as follows: .' " ~~ T~~ FURTHER ,AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. (k;zk /)lJ~~ (Signature) " " ~..' : ' Sworn to and subscribed before me this A. D., -:t9-2L. Uh" 28th day of September ,I . of{ '1 ,.~ -J '," .:! Notary Pub state of F at Large . '~OTAnY t"uotrc_ t'l'A'rE ()r- rromD~. LtY. COlli MISSION EXeml::s: W\n. 2. ID!)"%. .ItONc;!d "MII. kln'hal: llULlI,lC UNOCRWRITr::RI1. J, ; I;' . ,,' · 'I" I ' rf I" " "J, . I . . i 1::1:' !J . I;; ~~h :7-1 '!~ ~l \ . '/ My Commission Expires: 5~, , 'Ie fl. '''0 Ut.... 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BEEIDB~II STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ) ss ' ) BEFORE ME APPEARED__________________ ___~~~~!~~~_E~_E~E~~E~__________t WHO BEING DULY SWORN. DEPOSES AND SAYS: THIS 27th DAYSept. PERSONALLY That the accompanying Prope~ty Owners list is, to the best of his/her knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and property control numbers as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the County Courthouse for all property within FOUR hundred ~~O) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: "\ SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT SAVETH NOT. (!jw~ [){)~~A/' (Signature) Sworn to and of ::d.t?p.E:/12&e A · D., 1 9 ;r9~- · subscribed before me this c;?~!:!_ day NOTARY SEAL Notary Pub c State or Florida at large NOTARY PUBLIC. 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X% 0 X J> J> :D J> .... ...... ,.. ....... .... ........ r ........ ." :I>:D :D1> :DJ> :D:D 1> ~~ xx xx -----~~--~ - C"I .... 1"1 0 .... '7 :D 0 N .... "'... 0&- NN 0&- NN N '" .... ...... OIl .... 0 ,",0 co W.& co .... 0 ....UI .... ... :D N N ....... "" "" ...'" '" ~ -. .... .& "'UI Z )( N 00 0&- "" N... 0 co "'UI 0 1"1 ... ... YlCO .L 0 II'l 0 "'CO co "'- .... .... .CO . N ""... ,n N " ~: ,~! :~ o ~ ., '-0 0 '.. 7(P ., z " ., '.J P\C fl. 1610 111'" (P" \." ~~ :l -" .& ... ... . ... 'l I ! .: '. , '. ; .' " \ \ i ,1' ! , .- .........-.- oO... . '"\.. do." '~-r-"~ }.\ .. GROUND 1.EASE THIS LEASE is mnde ~nd entered into by and between SAMUEL ~IERCADO and CARMEN MERCADO, his wife, hereinafter referred to as II 1. e S S 0 r , II 8 n d C Y PRE S SAM 0 CO, I N C . a F lor i d II cor p 0 r 8 t ion hereinafter referred to as III.essec." .A R TIC 1. E 1. DEMISE OF LEASED LAND LEASED I.AND' 1 . 0 1 1. e S s 0 r for n n d, i n con sid ern t ion 0 f the r e.n t s , covenants, nnd ,conditi.ons herein contained to be lecpt, performed, nod 0 b S e 1" v c d by J, e sse c, doe s 1 e a s e nod de fA is e to I. e sse e, n n d L e sse e doe s 1" e n t n n d nee e p t fro In 1, c S SOl" t the 1" e alp r 0 per t y , 1" ere 1" 1" e d ton s II 1. e a 5 e d 1, n n d" des c rib e din Ex h i bit "A, II n t t a c h e d hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The dcmis'~d piflmises consists of 54,983 squnrc ~ect, more or less. ~,~: Lessor's Warranty of Title 1 . 02 L e s so 1" her e b y r cpr e s en t san d w n r r::l n t s t h Qt. 1. e s so r is the owner in' fee simple absolute of the Leased Land ~ubjcc~ to covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, and other m~tters "f \' c cor d . 1, Lessor's Warranty of Quiet Enjoyment ~: 1.03 Lessor covenants and agrees that Lessee, on pnyint the rent and other charges herein provided for and observing and keeping the covenants, conditions, and terms of this Leace on Lessee's pa~t to be kept or performed, shall lawfully and quietly h old, 0 c cup Y J 'a n den joy the I. e tl sed Lan d d u r i n g the term 0 f t his Le~se without ,hindrance or molestntion of Lessor or nny person .claiming under Lessor. AnTICLE 2. LEASE TERM . Fixed Commencement nnd Expirntion Dntes 2.Ql This lease shall be for n term of cwenty (20) yenrs.t ref err e d ton s " 1. e a seT e r m t" C 0 t:I men c i n t 01\ the e S 1" tie r 0 r 0 n e bundred twenty days (120) following the rezoning of the leased Innd by Palm B~nch County to nllow the use of naid leased land" for the primary use described in Article 4.01 below, or the dntc upon vhich the Lessee shnll open for business on the lease,{ lllnd, .,rovided however, that the snid Lease shllll not commence later thnn July 1, 1990, the actun! such commnncement date to be know\! ,; f, II or h e Com men c em e n t D ate II and the I. ens e s h all ex p ire t wen t y ycar~ (20) fo~lowing The Commencement Dnte. :., . Holdover 2.02 If Lessee shn11 hold over after the expiration of of t h ~ Lea seT e r m. 0 r :1 n y ex ten s ion J s IJ C h ten a n c y s h all b e fro m' .montl. to month on all the terms, covenants, nod conditions of ,thi!' Lease. ,. " ,. f ARTICLE 3. RENT, TAXES, AND UTILITIES Monthly Rent - Prorntion 3 . 0 I . r 0 r the fir stye a 1" 0 f /;. his t. e n Ii e I. c sse e a g r e est 0 p n 'I to (.~~sor as rent for the I.cascd 1.111,t! the :llJm of Three Thousand six, It II n d red Six t y - F i v e :1 n d 53/1 00 0 () 1 In r r. ($ 3 t 665 . 53) t e i g h .t.), . c (: n t. s ($. 8 0 per s q'u n :- c f 0 0 t per :l n n \1111) ~ per m 0 nth tog c the r w 'i t h .... '......: . '. .... . ~ <:.~ .,: " . . :' :.. , , ",~,<:;;,:~,:::.,:,:,,/,~<'ft " 17.....,... . _~.. ,:", . :..... : If. ....~... .. " ... ," applicable Florida State Sales Tax for each month from the commencement date, payable monthly. In the event this Lease commences on some date other than the first day of the month, the first month's rent shall be prorated to reflect the actual period of tenancy. For the second year of this Lease and for ~ach year thereafter,' 'subject to the adjustments under Paragraph 3.02, Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor as minimum rent for the Leased Land the sum of Four Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Three and 73/100 Dollars ($4,123.73), ninety cents ($.90 per square foot.per annum) together with applicable Florida State Sales Tax for each \ month payable monthly. . , ' Rent Adjustment 3 . 0 2 - Com men c i n g 0 nth e s e con d a n' n i v e r s a r y ,0 f The Commencement Date of this lease, and annually thereafter the minimum'rental specified in this lease shall be subject to increase in accordance with changes in the Consumer Price Index. The Consumer Price Index shall mean the average for "all items" shown on the "United States city average for urban wage earners and clerical workers and promulgated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor," using the year 1982 - 1984 as a base of 100. '. For each successive year of the term of this Ground Lease, following the second year the monthly rent shatl bear the same ratio to the Consumer Price Index for December of the immediate preceding year as ninety cents $.90 per square foot bears to the Consumer Price Index for December 1990. In no event, however, resul~ of such adjustment be less second year of the Ground Lease. shall the monthly rental as a than the monthly rent for the " In the event that the Consumer Price Indax ceases to incorporate a significant number of items, or if a substantial change is made in the method of establishing such Consumer Price Index, then the Consumer Price Index shall be adjusted to the figur~ that would have resulted had no change occurred in the manner of computing such Consumer Price Index. In the event that such Consumer Price Index (or a successor or substitute index) is not available, a reliable governmental or other nonpartisan publication, evaluating the information thereto for use in determining the Consumer Price Index, shall be used in lieu of such Consumer Price Index. " .' Lessee to Pay Taxes 3.03 (1) Lessee agrees to pay all real property tax~s, special taxes, or assessments, including. street improvement liens, if any, and all property taxes on personal property located on the Leased Land, levied or assessed upon or again~t. the Leased Land during the Lease Term or any extensiDn. '0.' ::-.: Proration '. (2) For any fraction of a tax year at the beginning or end of the term, Lessee's ?~ligation shall be prorated as of the commencement or end of the Lease Term, or any extension. For any such fraction of a t.x year at the beginning of said term, Lessee agrees to reimburse Lessor for its portion of such taxes within sixty (60) days after presentation to Lessee of receipted copies oft h e b ill s c 0 v e r i n g 't h e sam e . For any s u c h f r act ion 0 fat a x year at the end of the Lease Term. or any, extensio~, Lessor' agrees to reimburse Lessee' for Lessor's portion of such taxes within sixty (60) d~ys after presentation to Lessor of receipted copfes of the tax ~ills. I ! . , . " ':t. :.... o , ! . 'j ~ ~ ~ I, ., I "~ -\ - ': " ' ; ',\ '. I ': I ;~\, ",i } 2 1[? I' Ii '. , . I I 'j I ; "1 .r',; ,'? ' , '1 ~ I '~ " ,~.... ,",.#'",J'.___';._I._.. ~. . .. ,~....-..... ~ . -.. . .-'----- . . \, . ~ . . I, . !. , ' ; ~ Installment pnyment (3) In the event any special tax or assessment is levied or nsse~sed on the Lensed Lnnd which becomes due and paynble during, and the delinquency date for which falls within, the l.ease Term, which tax or assessment may be legally paid in installments (whether by subjecting the demised property to bond or otherwise), Lessee shall have the option to pay such tax or assessment in installments. In the event of such election, Lessee shall be liable only for those installments of such t~x or assessment which become due and payable during, and the delinquency date for which falls within, the I.ease Term. Lessor agrees to execute or join with Lessee in the execution of any applicntion or other instrument that may be necessary to permit the payment of such special tax or assessment in installments'. " Excluded Taxes , , I ::. (4) Except for sales tax on the rent, Lessee shall not be required to pay any franchise, estate, inheritance, ~ucces~ion, ca~ital levy, or transfer tax of Lessor, or any income, excess profi~s, or revenue tax, or any other ~ax, assessment, charge, or levy upon the rent payable by Lessee under this t.ease, and all such taxes, assesr.ments, charges, and levies shall be payable by Lessor. l.essor shall not, without consent of t. e S f> ~ e, d 0 any act w h i c h w ill c nus e the t n xes 'n n d n sse ssm e n t s 0, n ' . t h ~ I. e as e d Pre In is est 0 be in c r c n :I ell. i' I I , I i I Consent (5) Lessee shall hnve the right to contest the amount or validity of any such tax by appropriate legal proceedings. Lessor ~hall>> upon request,' jotn in any such proceedings if Lessee determines that it shall be necessary or convenient for Lessor to do so in order for Lessee to prosecute such proceedings properly. Separate Assessment of Lessor's Property (6) If Lessor's tax bills, prior to the commencem~nt date of the Le~ie Term, include propc!ty other than that cov~red by t his L e 3,S e, {, e s s 0 rag r e est 0 a r ran g e wit h the t a Y. i n g authorities to have the Leased Land separately assessed, and suc~' assessment shall be ~ condition precedent to Lesse~'s ob~igation. to pay the taxes on the Leased Land. Lessee to Pay Utility Charges 3.04 Lessee shall payor cause to be paid all charges for water, heat, gas electricity, sewers, waste and trash dispo~nl and '3ny and all other utilities used upon the Leased Land. throughout the term of this Lease, including any connec~ion'or impact fees. A R " I C I. E 4. I USE OF PHEHISES , Primary Use 4.01 It is understood and agreed that the primary purpose r 0 r wh i c h the' Lea sed I,ll n d has bee n 1 en sed n n cI h i, l; (: d i. s for the development and construction of an automobile service station and conv~nience store. The Lessee ~hall not utili~c the leased land ro'r any purpose other than the above referred to prim3ry purpose \01 i tho u t the \01 r i t ten con s e n t 0 f 1. e s s 0, r>> w h i c 1~ Ii U c h con s e nt' may :3 14 ,i ! , . " \ ,. . -' not be un r'e :1 son n b 1 y wit h h e 1 d :1 n din t his reg a r d L e s so r acknowled~es that Lessee contemplntes the utilization of the le~sed land for additionnl pur~oses and that Lessor's consent will be limited to th~ lawfulness of said purposes nnd the requirement' of reasonable assurnnces from Lessee that such uses will not result in a nuisance with rcs'pect to neighboring properties. Termination if Use Becomes Unlawful, Impossible, or Impractical \ 4 . 0 2 1 f, t h r 0 ugh n 0 f a u 1 t, act 0 rom m i Ii S ion 0 f I. e sse e, i t is or becomes unlawful for Lessee, or anyone holding under Lessee directly o'r indirectly, to operate nn automobile service station" and con v e n i e nee s tor eon the I. e a s c 1. n n d, i f n par t 0 f the I. e a sed, , Land are condemned or changed by public a~thority so that i~ bee 0 m e s imp 0 Ii sib 1 cor imp r net i C 3 b 1 e t 0 U Ii e the Lea sed }. Ii' n d s U h s tan t i a 1'1 y II sit \/3 s be i n g \I sed a t the t i me 0 r s u c h use is declared unlawful, then Lessee shnll hnve the right at any time thereafter to terminnte this Lease by giving Lessor ninety (90) days' notice in writing of such termination. Rent Abntement if Prcmis.es Are Temporarily Unusable ., 'j , . 4.03 t'f, as :1 result of caUSes othcr thnn th,)se hcreinabove set out, such as strikes, riots, insurrection, or other similar or.differe~t causes beyond the control of Lessee, the Leased Land sha'll become unusable from a practical standpoint, for the primary purposes set forth in Article 4.01, abovc, for a period of one hundred twenty (120) consecutivc days or longer, then Lessee may, by notice in writing from Lessee to Lessor, at any time prior to the date when this Lease would otherwise terminate, further extend this Lease, without the requirement of the payment' of re~t, for the period of time which the primary Leased Land was unusable from a practical standpoint for the primary purposes set. forth in Article 4.01, above. Signs 4.04 Lessee shall have the right, subject to obtaining ~equired permits to erect nnd maintain upon the improvements on the Leased Land nIl signs that it deems appropriate t~ conduct of its business. all and. , the " ARTICI.E 5. CONSTRUCTION BY LESSEE Lessee's Right to Build - General Conditions , :~ 5.01 Lessee shall have the right, at any time and from time to time during the term of this Lease, to erect, maintain, alter; remodel, reconstruct, rebuild, replace, and remove buildings and other improvements on the Leased Land, and correct and change the contour of the Leased Land,. subject to the following cdnditions: (a) The COAt of any such construction, reconstruction, demolition, or of any change, alteration, or improvements shall be borne and paid for by Lessee. (b) The Leased Land shall at all times bc kept free 'of' m e c h ani c s' and m 8 t e ria '1' men's 1 i ens ash ere i n"'a r t e r' m 0 r e specifically provide~. (c) Lessor shall receive drawings showing the exterior appearance improvements. Cd) Lessor sholl have construction, while such consent withheld. copies of architects' and dimensions of major consented in writing to such shull not be unre:Bsonably .,' (e) 1.essor shall be notified at the time of commencement of any work. \, 'g '. .....~ :' " i . ! : \.' k t ,. I i \ , " I ,. :' " , ! . " : . I ". I I , , ;'j ::1 '.' r " . . ' :,. , ! '. . , , ........,1'.. ..' " \ ,. (f) To the extent that governmen~nl regulations require the construction of a wall sepnrating the demised premises from the neighboring properties, the Lessee shall construct such wall as the first major structural improvement to the leased Pre~iscs. Zoning 5.02 (J5 In the event that Lessee deems it necessary or appropriate to obtain use, zoning, or subdivision and plan a p pro val and' P, e r m its 0 f the L e :l sed 1. :l n d, 0 ran y par t the reo f , Lessor agrees, from time to time upon request of l.essee, to execute such documents, petitions, applications, and authorizations as mny be appropriate or required to submit the Lea sed 1. and, 0 ran y par t the reo f, for the pur p 0 S e s 0 fob t a i n i n g con d i t ion n Ius c per m its, Z 0 n i n g a 0 d r c Z 0 n i n g I t e'n t n t i v e and fin a I ' plat lIpprovlll and further, for the purposes of nnnexation 'to or the creation of districts nnd governmental subdivisions. Expenses (2) In the foregoing instances, Lessor shall be without expense therefor, the cost and expense thereof ,to be'. borne solely by Lessee. Commencement of Construction 5~03 Lessee expects to commence construction of a service .station and convenience store within fifteen (15) days after possession is delivered to Lessee or after issuance of all necessnry permits and other nuthorizations, whichever is later. Lessee's Ownership of Improvements and Fixtures 5.04 (1). It is expressly understood and agreed that any and all buildin~s, improvements and fixtures of whatsoever nature .~t anytime constructed, placed, or maintained upon any pqrt of the Lea sed 1. and s h a lIb e n n d rem a i nth cpr 0 per t y 0 f I. e sse e ,or 'i t s suhlessees, a~ their interests may appear, untit termination of t" is' Len sew her e II p 0 'n tit I e s h all v cst wit h the 1. e S s 0 r . Obligation of ' Lessee to Remove Underground Storage Tanks (2) Notwithstanding the foregoing upon the termination o r t his 1, e :1 s e, the 1. e sse e 5 h nIl b ere s p 0 n sib 1 e, a t the sol 'c e lee t ion 0 f the 1. e s s 0 r, tor c m 0 v e II n y u n d erg r 0 \1 n d f u e I, s tor age t:1nks from the subject demised p~cmises at Lessee's expense. tn the event the Lessor shall direct the Lessee to remove said t~nkst the same shall he accomplished within forty-five (45) days following the termination of this Leas~. In the event the Les~or shall elect not to require Lessee to remove snid tanks, Lessee shall at his expense obtninthe certification from a licensed professional engineer or Stnte certified testing service certifying said tnnks to be sound and free (rom leakage. Environmental Hazards (3) Lessee agrees to keep the premises free from any and all environmental hazards during the term of this Lease. In the event the property shall be polluted by 'any regulated substance, toxic substance, nod/or hnznrdous waste~ the Lessee shall indemnify, save, and hold Lessor harmless from nny and all liability expenses and costs related thereto. The Lessee shall at his own expense remove any such hazardollJ; or toxic substances from the premises. ' . '" . ~ . . :: #: - ' , .. 5 8L ; i I . i ~ .' 1 ' . 1".: I' :, I';': . " f'..'~ .' I ~ ' G ' {, t. ,- . ~ ~ ': r f:;; t', .. /.; I & . j' t:' i' l t. 1 .,. I r I:, I" L :r . I: r 'f; ! ~ l. ! ( , ~ ~ ~ . ! . , , t 1 ': :~ , ' 'i,l r, H /' . . . , . ':1" I . , ." I ~ . . ,.~'f . ; . , :. 'f: ,,' ..'~ ~. ..', ,.:" ~ ~. , . ;: '1 '! ". . .... ;..~'~.':.~,... . '. ARTICLE 6. ENCUMBRANCE OF LEASEHOLD ESTATE 1. e sse e 's Rig h t toE n cum b e r Wit 11 0 II t t. e s s 0 r 's Con s e n t 6.01 Lessee may, at any time or from time to time during the t e r m 0 f t his 1, e :l s e, en cum b e r b y m 0 r t g n g e 0 rot her s e cur i t Y , instrument, by wn.y o'f assignment, or otherwise, 1.essee's interest under this 1.ease and the leasehold estate hereby created for nny. purpose, without the consent of I.assor, pro'vided that any such encumbrance shall be subordinate nnd junior t6 the rights of Less~r under this Lease. Rig h t' 0 f I, end c r 6.02 (1) Any Lender on the security of the leasehold estate shall h3ve the right at nny time during the term of this Lease: Prevention of Forfeiture (a) To do any act or thing required of Lessee hereunder llnd nIl such ncts or things done and performed shall be as effective to prevent a forfeiture of Lessee's rights hereunder as if done by the Lessee; nnd Foreclosure Proceedings (b) To realize on the secur4ty afforded by the leasehold estate by exercising foreclosur~ proceedings or power of sale or other remedy afforded in law or in equity or by the security documents (hereinafter sometimes collectively. referred to ns "foreclosure sale") and to' trnnsfer, convey, or assign the title of Lessee. to the leasehold estate created hereby to any purchaser at any such foreclosure s31e, and to acquire and succeed to the interest of Less~e hereunder by virtue of any such foreclosure' sale. Curing Default (2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided for in this Article, or elsewhere in this 1.ease, the rights of Lessor, in the event of 3 default, may not be exercised until written notice of such default to ~ny Lender, or to the person or firm designated by any such Lender to accept such notices. It i~ agreed that such Lender shall have the right to cure ~ny such dernul~ within ten (10) days with respect to any default thnt can be cured by the payment of money, or within thirty (30) days with respect to any other covenant or condition or term of this Lease;, and, if sucb default is of such nature thnt it cannot be remedied within said time, then such Lender shall have such additional time is is reasonably necessary to cure such default, provided that it commences the curing of such default within said thirty (30) day period, and thereafter diligently continues the curing of the same. 1.entibr llS Assignee i 6.03 No such ~ender shall be liable to the Lessor as an 3ssignee of this Lease unless nnd until such time as nuch Lender shall acquire the rights of Lessee hereunder through foreclosure or other appropriate proceedings in the nature thereof, or as ,a result of nny other nction or remedy provided for by such mortgage, or which may otherwise be provided by Inw. 6 8~ I' II .. /. \: , .- l'. /. , f.:: r, f.,' L . 1" t.:. ~: . ~.' '. f' I", }':. l.: ~ ..' j t ' . i r 'i" i::: j; I, i: , I:: , r.' .: !? " ',( ! ' . I " i i . t j I I " I I I " I i I '. , j .1 " .' , , r, I ~ . .'. ~ ."...,.. ,,,~.~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",-_. - '. , ' ARTIC1.E 7. REPAIRS, WASTE AND NUISANC~ Lessee's Duty to Repair 7.01 Lessee, at Lessee's own co~t and expense at all timei during the term of. this. Lease, agrees to keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, all buildings and improvements which may be erected upon the Leased Land in D good state of ~ppearance and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted. \. Waste nnd Nuisance 7.02 Lessee shall not commit, or suffer to be committed waste on the'leased lands, nor shnll he maintain, commit, permit the ~aintenance or commission of any nuisance on leased land or use the leased land for any unlawful purposes~ any or the ARTICLE 8. INSURANCE 8.0) The Lessee agrees to maintain the following insurance coverage with a good and responsible company or companies doing ins ~I ran c e bus, i n e s sin the S tat e 0 f F lor i d a and m n in t a in d \1 r i n g the entire term of this 1.ease any extensions thereof the following coverages: \, A. Fire and extended coverage insurance in an amount not l~ss than the full insurable value of any improvements constructed on the lensed lands and on Lcssec's fixtures, goods, wnres, and merchandise located tdthin thp. leased lands; B. Public liability insurance in the minimum amount of three million dollars ($3,000,000.00) for loss from an accident resulting in bodily injury or death or persons 3nd three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) from an accident ,resulting in damage to oi destruction or property. Additional Insureds 8 . 0 2 :lddition'a1 l.essee agrees that the Lessor shall be named as, an insured on the aforementioned policies of insurance. Proof of Coverage on Securing the Foregoing Coverages 8.03 The Lessee shall furnish notice thereof together with a certified policies. the Lessor with written copy of ,the approprin~e Protection :lgainst Cancellation 8.04 Proof must also be given by the Lessee to the Lessor t~at each of the policies provided (or in this articles expressly provides that the policy shall not be cancelled or. altered without ~hirty days (30) prior written notice to the Lessor. Failure to Secure 8.0S If the Lessee at any time durin~ the term hereof should fail to secure or maintain the roregoing insurance, the Lessor shall be ~ermitted to obtain such insurance in the L e sse e 's n n me 0 r n's the n g Po n tor 1. e s nee and s h:11 1 bee 0 m pen f, n t e d by the l.cssee for the cost of the insurance pl'e,,~i".Jrns. The t.essee shall pay to the Lessor interest on the paid insurnnce premiums nt the rate of l8% per annum computed from the date written notice W:lS received th:lt the prcmiunlr. hnv~ been pnid. Proceeds from any l~irc nnd Cnslln'lty 8.06 Cover~ge sholl proceeds to reconstruct the properties. be paid ~o the Lessee to utilize such improvements nnd replace the damage~'. " ...., ..'. ',' .~ ~~ ::": ~ ~.:. .;~:.~;' 7 I, g3 , , . 1 . 2" r' f:. 'f- I,: - . 'f' .: ~- ", t 1>' s: !' ,- f r , I I, i I- f, I, i. I " , r i' , ; , I I , : i f i .......:_,..._~,... '" .. . , ARTICLE 9. MECHANICS' LIENS prohibition of Liens on Fee or Leasehold Interest 9 . 0 f [, e s s ~ e s h a I I not s u f fer 0 r per m ita n y me c h ani c s' 1 i ens or other liens to be filed against the fee of the Lensed Land nor against Lessee's leasehold interest in the land nor any buildings or i~provements on the Lense Land hy renson of nny work, labor, serv~ces, or materials supplied or claimed to have been supplied to Lessee or anyone holding the Leased Lnnd or nny part thereof through or under Lessee. Rem 0 valor 1, i ens by 1. e sse e , / 1 j I ! ; I J 9.02 If any such mechanics' liens or materirilmen's"lie~ shall be recorded agninst the Lensed Land, or any improvements ~hereo(, Lessee shall cause the same to be removed, or, and in the alternative, if Lessee in good faith desires to contest the same, Lessee shall be privileged to so do, but in such case l.essee hereby 'ngrees to indemnify nnd SllVC Lessor harmless from .11 liability for dnmages occasioned thereby and shnll, in the eve not 0 f a j u d g men t 0 f for eel 0 S \I r e \I p 0 n sa i d me c h n n ie's lie n , cause the same to be discharged nnd removed prior to the extension of such judgment. ARTICl.E 10. CONDEHNATION All of Premises 10.01 If during the term of this Lense or any extension or renewal thereof, all of the Lensed I.and should be taken for any public or quasi-public use under any law, ordinance, or regulation or tiy right of eminent domain, or should be Gold to the condemning authority under threat of condemnation, this Lease shall terminate and the rent shall be abnted during tlle unexpired portion of this Lease, effective as of the date of the taking of said premises by the condemning authority. Partin] 10.02 If less than all of the leased premises shall be taken for any public or quasi-public use under any law, ordinance, or regulation, or by right or eminent domain, or should be sold to the condemning authority under threat 0(' condemnation, this lease shnll not terminate. unles's such taking materially impairs the use of the premises for the previous purpose referred to in Paragraph 4.01 above. The rent payab)e her e u n d e r d u r i n g the u n e x p ire d p 0 r t ion 0 f t his Lea s e s h all b e' adjusted equitnbly. Allocation of Awards I 0 . 0 3 1. e s S 0 ran d L e sse e s h a 1 I e a c h bee n tit 1 e d tor e c e i v C nnd retain such separate nwards and portions of lump-sum awards as may be allocated to their respective interest in any condemnation proceedings. .'The termination of this Lease shall' not nfrect the rightsi of the rcspecti,ve pnrtien to such nwnrds., ARTICLE 11,. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASE Lessee's Rights to Assign - Consent of Lessor ": ,. 11.01 (1) Lessee shall have the right to assign, convey, or transfer Lessee's interest in this Lease and the leasehold estate created hereby, fo"r the purposes o( "security, or. otherwise,and ,.' 8 84 , . .' , J t. L L, r ", I:' '. '" 1 :: . i ~ . t. ) ~': .f.. {: 1 ~ ! I I: ;': :' I I' i I j , l r i; t I " I , . . ~ I I t.,\, '.. ....~ 1:_'" _. .. .' r.: I without limitation; subject only to the written consent of Lessor to such assignment, which Lessor shall not in any event, unreasonably withhold; provided, such consent shall not be required for an assignment for security purposes; provided, further, such consent shall not be required in connection with the transfer and conveyance of Lessee's interest in this Lease to any purchaser at a foreclosure sale (or similar transaction). Upon the Lessor's conscnting to an assignment by the Lessee, the Lessee may rCQucst the Lessor to release Lessee and the guaran.tors under this Leasc from the obligations hereof, except for those obligations with respect to those arising as a result of Articlc S.Q~ (2) and (3) an~ the .Lessor agre~s to release Lessee and guar'antors from 'said obligation, provided that Lessee's assignee shall assume full liability and obligation for the performance of all terms and conditions of this Lease and shall have a financial credit worthiness reasonably acceptable to Lessor in light of the obligations being assumed. " ! ~ \. ;: i' I F 0 ~ e c 1 0 sur e S a Ie Pur c h a s,e r a s Ass i g nee (2) Any purchaser,at foreclosure sale of Lessee's interest under this Lease shall be deemed to be an assignee accepting assignment thereof, from nnd after the effective.date or the assignment, transfer, or conveyance of such interest, and shall thereupon be bound to perform the provisions of this Lease to be performed by Lessee hereunder. Estoppel Certificates 11.02 Either party shall at any time and from time to time, upon not less than five days prior written request by the other party, execJte, acknowledge, and deliver to such party a statement in writing certifying that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect (or if there has been uny modification thereof that the same is in full force nnd effect as modified snd' stating the modification or modifications and that there are no defaults existing, or if there is any claimed default stating the nature and extent thereof); and stating the dates to ~hich the' r en tan dot h c' r c h a r g e 9 h a ve bee n p aid 'i n a,d van ceo 1 tis expressly understood and agreed that any such statement .delivered pur~uant to this section may be relied upon by any prospective assignee or sublessee of the leasehold estate or estates of Le~see, or any prospective purchaser of the estate of Lessor, or any Lender or prospective assignee of any Lender on the security of the Leased Land or the fee estate or any part thereof, and any third person. ART I C 1. E 1 2 . DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. Time for Curing Default , ; I ;, '; .. 'j , ,t , I. .1 ': '. , .12.01 No failure to perform any condition or covenant of this I.ease shall entitle Lessor to terminate this I.ease unless: (I)such failure shall have continued for thirty (30) days after notice in writing requiring the performance of such condition oc' c 0 v e n ant s h a 1 I h a v e bee n g i v e n t 0 1. e sse e; and (2) i f s u c h d e f .1 U 'l t is of such 3 nature that it cannot be remedied within this time, then, unless Lessee shall fail to cure such default within such additional time as is reasonably necessary to cure the default, provided that Lessee sha 11. commence to cure the default within this period and therea!ter shall diligently continue the curing of the default. If l.essee shall allow the rent to be in arrears more than thirty (30) days after writt~n notice of such del i n que n c y, 0 r s h a I I r e,m a in i n d e f au J tun d era n y 0 the r c 0 \\ d i t ion oft his I, e a s e for ape r i 0 d 0 f t h i r t y (3 0) day s aft e r w r i t ten notice from I.essor, or should any other person than Lessee secure possession of the .premises, or any part thereof, by reason of any receivership, bankruptcy proceedings, or other operation 0(, la\o1 in'sny manner whatsoever, Lessor may at his option. without not ice t 0 1. e sse e, t.e r m in It t e t his 1. e tl ~ e (0 r i nth e a I t ern a t i v e , ' 9 8j/ I' . . . " Lessor may re~nter and take possession of said premises and removc nIl person~ and property therefrom, without being'deemed guilty of nny manner of trespass, and relct the premises or any part thereof, for all or any part of the remninder of said term, to a party satisfactory to Lessor, and at such monthly rental as Lessor may with reasonable diligence be able to secure). Should J. e s ~ 0 r bell n :l b 1 e tor e let art err ens 0 n n b lee fro I' t s to do so, 0 r should such monthly rental be less thnn the rental l.essee was obligated to pn.'y under thi.s lease, or any renewlll thereof, plus the e~~ense of reletting, thcn Lessee shall pay the amount of s u c h de f i c i en c y to t. e s s 0 I' . Not wit h s tan din g the for ego in g the Lessor shall only be required to' furnish written notice relative to non-payment once in any given twelve month period during this Lease. : I' I.. ! ' 1-" I' I' .. ( .j ) ,~ ., ;i. ;1. ":1, , . I It is expressly agreed thnt in the eve~t of default by Lcssee hereunder, Lessor shall have a lien upon all goods, chattels, or personal property or any description belonging to. Lessee which are placed in, or become a part of, the leased premises, as security for rent dui and to become duc for the remainder of the current lease term, which lien shall not be in lieu of or any way affect any statutory Lessor's lien given by law, but shall be cumulative thercto and t.essee hereby grants to Lessor a secuFity interest in ~11 such personal property placed in said leased premises for ~~ch purposes. This shall not preve~t the s~le by Lessee of any merchandise in the ordinary course of busi~nss free of such lie~ to Lessor. tn the event Lessor exercises the option to terminate the leasehold, and to reenter and relet the premises as provided in the preceding paragraph, then Le~sor may take possession of all of Lessee's property on the premises and sell the same at public or private sale after giving Lessee rea~onable notice of the time and place of any public sale or of the time after which any private sale is to be madc, for cash or on credit, or for such prices and terms as Lessor deems best, vith or without h:tving the property present at such s~le. The proceeds of such sale shall be applied first to the necessary. and proper expense of removing, storing, ~nd selling such property, th~n to the payment of any rent due or,to become due under this lease, with the balance, if any, to be paid to Lessee. \: ': :' " .. A I I rig h t san d I' e m e die s 0 f I. e s s 0 run d e r t hi!> I e a s e s h a I l' b e cumulative, and none shall exclude any other right or remedy at la~. Such ri~hts and remedies may be exercised and enforced concurrently and whenever ~nd as often as occasion therefor arises. ARTICl.E 13. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL 13.01 In the event Lessor desires to dispose of the demised premises, the Lessee shall have the first right of refusal to purchase the demised premises from the Lessor upon the same terms and pricc 3S an acceptable bonafide offer having been received by the I. e s s 0 ran d sub m i t t e d tot h e I. e sse e . 0 n r e c e 1. p t 0 f not ice b 'Y thc Lessor of his intent to dispose, .the Lessee shall have the e x c I II S i v e rig h tan d 0 p t ion top u I' C has e the d C Tol i sed pre m i s e s pu,su:Jnt to 'the terms set forth nbove by giving the Lessor written notice of Lessee's election to purchase such real property within ten (10) days from the date of such notice to the Le~see by the Lessor. In ~he event the Lessee clects to purchase the t.e s so r 's in t ere s t " in the rea I p to 0 per t y, a c 10 sin g s h a 1 I be held within ninety .(90) days after the notice is given by the Lessee to the Lessor of his election, and at che closing the purchase price shnll be payable upon the same terms as th~ bonafide offer submitted ~o the Lessor. ; ~ " 'U ,: I '.' "~ " . ..J:; , -/ ~ ',c I ',j: Option to Renew 13.02 Lessee is hereby granted nnd time be in default under this Lenscs have nn shall, if option to not at ~xtend the the fj , i "1 , ; ! 0 8{o I' '.. ..~....... ','l......~,t...:~~~,~. " I' " term of this Lease for an additional period of ten years (10) only from the expiration of the initial twenty (20) year term her e 0 ( ~, but 0 the r w i s e \1 n d e r the j; ,'1 met e r m s, c 0 v e n tl n t s, n n d condicionK and subject to the same exceptions and,reservations hereiu contained except that the rcnta1 will continuc to be .3djusteri ~nnu:illy in the same mnnner as provided under Article 3.02, By way of example, the rent for the first year of the extanded term ~h311 be equal to the rent charge during the twenti~th year (20) of the originnl term adjusted by the chnnge in the ~onsumer price index occurrin~~ ,illring the twentieth year. r ~ , How to Excrcise 13.03 This option shall be exercised delivering to Lessor written notice thereof United States registered or certified mail on prior to the expiration of the original term of only by l,c::sscc's in person or by or. before 180 days this Lease. . , ',' ARTICLE 14. GUARANTY .,' ~( :!: .'i: 14.01 Frank Aliaga and Maria Aliaga, required to execute a personal Guaranty as to trust hereunde~ ~n form as attached hereto as his wife, shnll the obligations Exhibit IIB.II. be of i I I ,. .. I ARTICLE 15. GENERAL PROVISIONS Conditions and Covenants 15.01 All' of the provisions of this 1,ease shall be deemed 8S running with the land, and construed to be "conditions" n~ \lell .ns "covenants" as through the words sp'eci fica 1l'l expressing Ot imparting covenants and conditions were used in cach separ~te provision. No Waiver of Brc~ch 15.02 No failure by either 1.essor or Lelif:ee to insist npon the strict perf~rmnnce by the other of ~ny covenant, agreement, term, or condition of this Lease or to exercise any'right or r e m'e d y con s e que n t up 0 nab l' e a c h the l' e 0 f 5 h nIl con s tit ute a wa i ve r of any such brench oi of sU,ch covenant, agreem~nt, term, or con4ition. No waiver of. nny bre~ch shall affect or alter this Lea s e, but each ' and' eve r y c 0 v e n n nt, c on d i t i on, a g l' C em e nt, a fill term of this Lense shall continue in full force and effect with respect to any other then existing or subsequent breach. Time of Essence 15.03 Time is of the essence of this Lense, and of c3ch provision. , , :~ Computation of Time .~. 15.04 The time in which any act provided be done is computed by excluding thc first day last,' unless the Inst day is ~ Saturday, holiday, and then it is also excluded. by this Lease is to nnd including the Bundny, or legal .~~ '"! , " ,; Unavoidable ~~ltJy - Force Mnjenrc 15.05 If either party shall be delayed or prevented from the perform:1nce of nny nct reqnired by this Lease by cuason o( acts of Cod, strikes, lockouts, labor trouhles, inllbili1:Y to procure materials, restrictive governmental lnws, or regultltions of other cnuse, without (oult nnd beyonet the rcnsonoblc contrel of the p~rty obligated (financial inohiltty excepted), per(ormnncc of such net sholl be excused for the period of the delay; and the period' for the performnnce of on:,' slIch act shall be extended for ape r i 0 d e q \I i v :1 I e n t tot h e pel' i 0 d 0 ( ~ II C h del Q y, pre v ide d , however. nothing in 'this section r.hnlJ.. excuse l,essec from r:he . i , , . , "I .. J .. " 'I ) . I I I 87 , ~ I. . . . ' ", . '. I: I.. f prompt payment except as may be of any rental or other charge expressly provided elsewhere in required Les'see this Lease. I I ! " Successors in Interest 15.06 Each and all of the covenants, conditions, and restrictions in this Lease shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the successors in interest of Lessor, and subject to the restrictions of Article 12, the authorized e n c u m,b ran c e s, 'a s s i g nee s, t r 11 n s fer c c s, 1 ice n see s, and 0 the r \ ,. f successors 1n 1nterest 0 Lessee. Entire Agreement I 5 . 0 7 T h'i s L e 3 see 0 n t a ins the e n t ire n g r e e men t 0 f the parties with respect to the matters covere~ by this Lease, and no other agreement, statement, or promise mnde by any party, or to any employee, officer, or agent of any party, which is not contained in this Lease shall be bin~ing or valid. Partial [nvalidity J5.08 If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this t. e 8 s e' ish e 1 d b 'J a c 0 u r t 0 f com pet e n t j u r i s die t ion t 0 b e i n val i d , void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the ~rovisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated. Relationship of ,Parties 15.09 Nothing contained in this Lease shall be deemed or construed by the parties or by any third person to create the relationship of principal and agent or of partnership or of joint . v e n t u reo roe :l n y 3 S S 0 cia t ion , bet wee n I, e s r. 0 ran d 1. e 's see, n n d neither the method of computation of rent nor any other provisions contained in this Lease nor any acts of the parties shall be deemed to create any relationship between Lessor and Lessee, other than the relationship of Lessor and Lessee. Interpretation and Definitions : I . " (5.1,0 (1) The language in all parts of this Lease shall, in all cas e s be s fm ply con s t rue d :1 C cor din g t 0 its fa i r mea n in g and not strictly for or against Lessor or Lessee. Unless otherwise provided in this Lease, or unless the context otherw~se requires, the following definitions and rules of construction shall ap~ly to this Lease. Number and Gender I (2) In this feminine nnd masculine, plural, and the word partnership, firm. or requires. Lease the neuter gender includes the nnd the singular number includes the "person" includes 3 corporati"on, association wherever the context so Mandatory and Permissive (:t) "Shall" "will," and "agrees" are mandatory; "may" i to per m i s s i,v e . Captions "); ~l (4) Captions of the articles, sections, and paragraphs of this Lease are for cbnvenience and reference only, and the vards contained therein shall in no way be held to explain, modify, amplify, or aid in the interpretation. construction, or meani,ng of the provisions of this Lease. ~ :~ ~.l ~. , '~ 1. ; . 'i ,; ) 2 &B : i . ~".." .,. .' I, .' .. " Term Includes Extensions (5) All references to the term of this Lease or the Lease'Term shall include any extensions of such Term.' I: Land nnd Premises ( 6) I. ens e d I. and, I, and, 1. e :l sed Pre rn i s e s, and Pre m i s e s shall include the improvements to the Land. \ . . r Parties ( 7) Par tie s s h nIl i n c 1 u d e the 1. e s S 0 r n n d 1. e sse e n a m e d i nth i s I. e a s e . Sublessee (8) As used herein, the word "sublessee" shall mean and include in addition to a sublessee'. nnd subtenont, n licensee, concessionaire, or other occupant, or user of llny portion of the leased premises or buildings or imp~ovements thereon. Attorney's Fees 15.11 In the event either Lessor or Lessee shall bring any action or proceeding for damages for an alleged breach of any provision of this Lense, to recover rents, or to enforce, protect, or e~tablis'h any right or remedy of either party, the prevailing party sholl be entitled to recover as a part of such action or proceedings, reasonable attorney's fees nnd court costs. Interest 15.12 Any sum accruing to Lessor or Lessee under the provisions of this Lease which shall not be paid when due shall bear intcrest at' the rate of 187. per a'nnum from the date vritten notice spec~fying such nonpayment is served on the defaulting party, until paid. Modification 15.13 This Lease is not subject to modification except in vriting. Deli~ery of Rent and Notices - Method and Time 15.14 (1) All rents or other sums, notices, demands, or requests from ,one party to another may be personally deliver'ed or sent by mail, certified or registered, postage prepaid, to the addresses stated in this section, 3nd shall be deemed to h~ve been given a~ the end or the third full day following the date of mailing.) Payment or Rent ( 2) All r e n t san dot her sum spa y a b 1 e b y 1. e sse e t 0 Les$or shalt be paid in lawful money, or by check payable to Lessor, .iclivered in person or mniled to I.cnnor at 7560 lIigh Ridge Rond, Lantana, Florida 33l.62 or Lessor's designated depository U' n vritten notice from Lessor. Notices to l.essor .' 'I '. ( :3) A 1 '1 not ice's, d e man d s, 0 r r e que s t s fro m 1, c sse e t 0 1. e s s 0 r s h all beg i v c n t 0 L e s s 0 r 11 t 7 5 6 0 II i g h Rid g e R 0 ad, Lan t 11 n a , Florida 33462. Notices to I.essee .', ,j", ~ (4) All no~ices, demands, or requests from Lessor to I.essee slut1 be given to I.essec lit 383 Denny Court, Boca Raton, Florida 33432. 1 :\ 8'1. -,- .... .' """ ........,. .. . Ch~nge of Address (S) Each party shall time, to designate ~ different conformity with this article.' have the right. from time address by notice given to in l-tultiple Parties (6) ,If more than one Lessor or Lessee is 'named in this Lease. service of any notice on any of the Lessees or Lessors 5 h a 1 '1 bed e e m e d s e r vie eon all 0 f ; the I. e 5 see S 0 r L e s s 0 r s , respectively. Arbitration 1 5 . 1 S (1)' I nth e eve n t t. C '5 90 ran d L e 5 see can not a g r e eon any point in this Lease that is subject to arbitration, arbitration shall be conducted in the manner prescribed in this section. Appointment of Arbitrators (2) Within ten (10) days after written request of either party, 1.essor shall appoint in writing an arbitrator nnd g i ve w r i t ten . not ice the reo f to I. c sse e, II n d wit hi n ten (I 0) day s after the service of such noti6e, Lessee shall in like manner appoint an nrbitrlltor and give written notice thereof to Lessor. The two arbitrators thus appointed (in either manner) shall select and appoi~t in writing a ~hird arbitrator and give written notice to Lessor and Lessee, or if within ten (10) days after the appointment of said second arbitrator, the two arbitrators shall fail to appoint a third, then either party hereto shall have the right to make application to the Circuit Court to appoint such third arbitrator. Hearing (3) The three arbitrators so appointed shall promptly fix a convenient time nnd place in the County of Palm Beach for hearing the matter to be arbitrated and shall give written notice thereof to each party hereto at least fifteen (IS) days prior to the date so fixed, and said arbitrators shall with reasonable diligence hear and determine the matter in accordance with the provisions hereof and of the statutes and judicial decisions of the State of Florida at the time applicable thereto, and'shall execute and acknowledge their award in writing nnd cause a co~y to be delivered to each of the parties. Enforcement of Award (4) The award of a majority of said ~rbitratots sh311 d e t e r m i net h e que s t ion arb i t rat ed, n n d a j u d g men t may b e. r end ere d by the court confirming the award, or the nward may be vacated, modified. or corrected by the court, nt the instance of either of the parties. in accordance with the then exi~ting ~tatutes of the State of Florida applicable to arbitrations, the provisions of which statutes shall apply hereto a~ fully as though incorporated', her e, in. New Arbitrators i :1 (S) If two of tbe three arbitrators first appointed shall fail to reach an agreement in the determination of the matter in question! the mnttcr shall be dccided by three new arbitrators, who shall be appointed and shall proceed in the ~amc manner. and the proccss shall bc rcpeatcd until a decision is finally reached by two o~ the three arbitrators selected. Arbitration Fees ',: ': !; 0, , . j, (6) Ench or the parties shall pay for the services of" ts :1ppointee and. one-hn I r (t) or thc fee chnrgcd hy' thc" 14 rtJ I .. ~':'f'''.''",\,~"\;'~#".~",,,, , . '.. r i' ~rbitrator selected by their appointees and of all other proper costs of nrbi,trntion, with the exception of attorney's fees and witness fees. ; :' . i'~. i.' i. Brokers' Commissions' . , i . . I i' \ , ; , 15.16 Each of the parties represents and warrants that there are no claims for brokers~ commissions or finders' fees in connection with the execution of this Lease, except as listed. below, and each of the parties agrees to indemnify the other agai~st all liabilities arising from any such claim. Both parties warrhnt to the other that they have not engaged the services of any broker with re~pect to this trinsaction. ARTICI.E 16. EXECUTION, RECORDING, ,AND INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE Offer and Acceptance 16.01 Execution of this Lease by Lessee constitutes nn offer which shall n~t be deemed accepted by Lessor llntil Lessor has executed this Lease and delivered a duplicate original to Lessee. This, offer is not valid unless accepted before , 19 The submission of an unexecuted copy of this Lease for exnmination ooes not constitute an offer, reservation, or option for the Leased Land. Recording 16.02 The parties shall, concurrently with the execution of this Lease, execute, acknowledge, and record the memorandum lease attached as,Exhibit "A" and made a part of this I.ease. }'ollowing. recording, the memorandum shall be reattached to this Lease. Counterparts I 6 . 0 3 T his 1. e a s e, con s i s tin g 0 f 1 6 p age s, has bee n ex e c t1 t ed, . by the pnrties in severnl cOllnterpnrts, each of vhich shall bt! deemed to be nn original copy. Exhibits ,0 i < t6.04 Exhibits A through n inclusively are attnchcd and made a par tor t his 1. e a 5 e . .! ,:: .; " 1 .! .; Execution '. 16.05 pnrties on This I.case II,) ~'Jr,.. "", {,-t I hns been executed 1 9 2' ~'. n t 1 1.,. /.' JJ./ ". .:0 By: hy th~ WITNESSES: LESSEE //. <'If / ~taa~~v;/ -' " LESSOR ~?~t.q'/J7~~ . " LESSOR nl':ZZ-M--/g~~ .'i' , 'I' ".-I'! " 'I; I ~ .n n )~ L "11,~ ".. ; ; ~ 1 5 <:::[, , ' " . . " STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Refore me this dny personally appc:lred 'F......,,"'t<:: )1-((Ct,.,,., . :1 s Pre sid e n t 0 f C Y PRE S SAM 0 CO. 1 N C., tom e .... c I I k no.... 0 a 0 d' k 00.... n to me to be the person described io aod ....ho executed the foregoing instrument, and ackno....ledged to and before me that ~~ ex~cuted s3id instrument for the purposes therein expressed. \: I . . \.1 I TN E SSm y h:l 0 d and 0 f f i cia I sea I, t his '-?>/-s. ~ d n y 0 f Oct 0 b e'r. I 9 8 9 . . ' .... . " " : : I j. -/,S -'8'i ~, , , .. , ....t ".- STATE OF FI:ORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH i" Before me this day personally appeared SAMUEL MERCADO and CARMEN MERCADO, his ....ire, to me ....ell known and known to me to be the persons ,described in and who executed thc foregoing instrument, and ackno....ledgcd to nnd before me that they executed said instrument for the purposes therein exprcssed. N6vew-Der WIT N E SSm y h and n n d 0 f f i cia 1 s e:l 1, t his 1> r day 0 f ~ bEn", 1989. i ~ <-t?otm-l-tl >t. '+?r~<tlJ Notary Public " State of Florida My commission expires: ~-"3f..qz.. ( SEA I. ) ~ ~ i :'/ " 1 , , ~ " " il" :.' :i : . , i i , , .~ ,C " , 4 ,:~ ", ,} ~ .' '.' : ~ '. , ) , .~ , , ,,\ .\ ,'. ,'j. ': . ~ ".; ,1 p i \ . ~ ~ , . :; ~ . , , 1 ,q , '; /I \ 'J 1(1 er~ )......" .: , . " t$:::; ",~ I ,.:,; ,~._lli.__,~ _...:., , : I , , . i.' i 1.1 r .' I' I:.! \. : . . \ , i i ~: a ~ ; L L f' L i i. ~ t... . j. r. i :: t:; " ,', !" . ' . /. i: ,.: r I l r f , , > f. '. ..:.=~-:. ._'c!n5n:hJ_!;1.IITER & O'BRieN, H~C ..,. , .. . . PART TWO OF EXHIBIT "A" , . i, , .' 'y ar )YNT' " .' , . . '., " " " " " '\ ...~..... .-.:.: ':-..... ......~..~.~,~'" ':'. ~, i\.::::',.:~.~:" .. .. .,,~.: ._:':..,!I,:.~."\~t.::.(.:~::..:~. . :...':.'...... '. ,,',:' ,I' ,~ ,.' .. . :. ~ #. ,'~1~':' ",":': . . '.; .. .. 1'::\111 i\ IT ".\" Jo' ... ~m~~f:{;:~L .. .. m~s(;'n I fl r I 011': _ .:' Lots ,.:..'2 "nO the Uorth G, feet',o''i\.~ot 'Subd'i v rs'',ib'r''. accord; "9 to "tht::' p"l n't '''th,g~'o~'f' noo~' '22 'o't poge 6 of the Pub Ii c necords' .0J County. F'lol'idn. .,' ....~ 3',' :,' .:" ': . ':. f:::{:l:::~"~"; ;.', . . ~:: :.: :'t.: .... ...... ..:'.~ ;'::,( . ... -. , ,3,. High nidgc rocordcd in PInt Palm Ocnch .. ..... 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Public nc~ord~ of P~lm neoch County, Florida: thence Sou~h 08035'~0- West, along the North line of soid Lot " a ~istoncc or 200,01 feel to tho Northwest cornor of soid Lot I (bearings' are relative to the North line of soid Section B. being South 00035'1\0" west): thence SO':-!t,h 501'<10- West, along the w~~t line of soid Lo~ 1, 0 dist~n~~ of 15.16 foct to,o point on n curve whose rodius..point:bcors South ;. f~:20:5";',' ~a~.~, 0 ~isto~ce of 5~7.T')59,'/~~'~", sO)9 poio~ bc',ing ;' or:":' tf)e::,proposod r 19ht-.9f-~oy hoe ::QJ>,:HY:P'9,~ uX.9: ~.oad, as showo .,','. :":'on"~P.a:I"m~,.:B'~Q'~h"~: Count y Draw'i ng Nc).'!:.'::r:::'O,Q ~:G:3':r.s~rf;"9h t~o f -w oOy';:' .; ,\~,:,,';,=::,;';"',:, " . , '. .:.......:. ............. '........ . .... . .' ../:':'......~.; .!./~.,.... ".. .... thcnc.e::'-cas.\:'er,;,.ly.. along. the. arc!: of.;;:~'so.i'd.:;curv'e ~::ond' said, , :.... ',' ;:',='..'.'.,.,' , ....:; ~..,,:. ,.':: ::......... '-t-.... 4",,. ._..~ ::. .... ~.~. '.. .... 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I L t, I', .: ", r ''1' : . ----------- T '" Ii GUARANTY ------ FOR VALUE RECEIVED and in consideration for and itS an 'inducec:unt to Landlord making the \lithin Lease 1Jith Tennnt; the undc:,si:;ned (the "Gunrnntor"), on behalf of him:lelf, his legal repr~sentatives, heirs, SUCCeS:lOrD and nsoig:ls, guarllnte~r. to tanc.ilord, Landlor,d's SUCCeS80r:l and u:lsigns, the full perf~rmnnce anc ob:lervance of 011 the provisions therein provided to be per:orocd and observed by Tenant, including the rules Dnd re8ulationll. \lithout requiring Dny notice of non-payoent, non-performance, ~r non-observance, or proof, or~ notice, or decand, ~h2r~by to charge the Guarantor therefor, all or vhich the Guarantor expressly vDives and expressly'agrees to the validity of :hi6 agreement and the obligations of the Gunrantor hereunder 9 h a 11 not bet ere in 0 t ed, a f f e c t e d 0 riD pili red by reo D on 0 f ::'h e ,.s;Jcrtion by Landlord agninst the Tenant of any of the rights Or rct::p.d:..;s rr.served to Lanalord pursunnt to the provisions of the \."i.':.hin l.ce9t~. The Glll1rontor further agrees that this Guaranty shall recain and continue in full force and effect DC' to any rene1Jal, ::1odification or extension of the LeaDe. As a further induccaent to Landlord to lDake the Lease and in consideration the r c ~ f J T. :s n tj 1 ~ ': d and the G u D run tor d g r C e t h Q tin any D t: t i .:> n " r pt'oc(ieding brought by either Landlord or the Gunrantor llga.inst the other on any matters I.'hatsoevcr arioing out of, under, or by 'l.'irt;,:~ 0: the terms of the Lease or of this 'Gunrnnty, the Landlord 8~~ :he Guar'sntor shnll and do hereby vaive treil by jury. In the c'Jenr.. Lendlord, incurs any expenses in the enforcement of :his Cuar~ntY, \lhether legal action be instituted or not, the Guarantor ag:"(:(:1l to be liable for !Jnme (inclUding retlDOnn c nttorncj"s' ~ GU;;~;to~ru ,Ali;;n----~---~- __C{1)n,'n~,Q~,(i, ~\~~__ Gu a r a il~~~1n-^h~gn \ .~ 1 Datc-d: /c...... ~1--e,'1 . '. ...!... .' " : : , . , , I I i i: ~. I ; . ~. , , , , . t, . ~ I , . . . , , j ! ,/ ',I . 0"1 ". ) '..1 " .., 'j . ;, 'i " .' ..:~ , i :i} ., . ., " 1'1 i. , .. ,. ..,. .::!! c ... " ;':', ~. . .'. " , , , EXHIBIT liB" ~~~----- ~"~3..~(S) r\dd:,,~r;s: -------------- -----. .----.. ... -27- " " I " ,I ;~ :'! ~: . ~, .: .I'~ ", 'l.~ ". I~ "1 '. ;:i , . , : $ ~ 2 ,.~ :'! . j~ ,q '->11 j " , 'll~ :'~:~j . \ .": , ~ .::1 ':J . I , , I \ '-"(1"\.-':..,'. . :, . . . . . EXHIBIT "C" I 1 ! " ,..,: I'. f'.: " :,~: F: I' 1"' 1." ! , I' L I MEMORANDUM OF LEASE on the 1st day of November) 1989, a Ground Lease 'was ~ntere~. into between SAMUEL MERCADO and CARMEN MERCADO, his wife) and CYPRESS AI-lOCO, INC., a Flc>rida corporation. This Memorandum " ! I oft hat C r 0 u n d' Lea s e is pre s e n t e d for r e cor din g: ' : '.' 1. The name of the Lessor in the Ground Lcnse is SAMUEl. MERCADO nnd CARMEN MERCADO, his wife.. 2. The name of the I.essee therein: CYPRESS AMOCO, INC., a Florida corporation. 3. The address set forth in the Ground Lease as addresses of Lessor nnd Lessee: Lessor: 7560 High Ridge Road 1. n n tan tn', Fl. 33462 I.essee: 383 Denny Court noca Raton, FL 33432 4. Date' of Ground Lease: Novem~er 1,1989 5. Description of lensed premises as set forth in the G r 0 u n d 1. e a s e : See 'Exhibit nA" attached. 6. The date on which the term of the Ground Lease com~ menc:es is: , 1990. 7. The initial term of the Ground Lease is 20 years from the date of commencement. . , 8 . The Ground Lease contains nn option to exten~ the term of the Ground Lease for an additional ten (10) yenrs, and the date of expiration of that finnl period for which the Ground 1. e 11 s e may bee x ten de d is: 9. NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 713.10 TO ANY CONTRACTORS, SUnCONTRACT~RS, LABORERS OR MATERIAL- MEN, OR ANY OTHER PERSONS WH~.'MAY SUPPLY ANY LABOR OR MATERIALS, FOR THE' IHPROVEMENT OF ITIIE PREMISES, THAT ANY CLAIMS OF I1ECHANICS !..rENS ARE LIMITED TO THE TENANT'S INTEREST IN AND TO THIS I.EASE- It 0 L 0; T HAT S U C H C L A I M S S n ALL NOT A 'f ,. A C fl TOT H f. FEE S I H P LET I T L E OF' THE' LANDLORD; AND NEITHE INITIALS: ~ LANDLORD, NOR ANY PROPERTY 0:r--, ~ Ii " .;. " ',' f . I ! " , ., 7 ! ( , , : 'J .;', '.'j:i ,,~:~ j ,1 . ":.1 , " J . I , ~ I I .- ....-.. . . . -. ..----- . , INTEREs'r OWNED BY TilE 1,ANDl.ORD, SHALL BE R,ESPONSIBLE OR UTILIZED IN ANY WAY FOR TUE PAYMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS. EXECUTED on the day'of 1990. Snmuel ........ ....... "".:'~"'''''''''... .,." . ": '. 0"" "'. ..", ...., ,f.. ........' '""'.. Mer c n d C!/ :.,' ",., ..:.. .:, ' '.:. " )'. . / "," , .' /... 'y f!.: ..:J"p \ ~.- \ ~. " nj'. ,,,#.",, '...... \ . ~ '. He rcn:do; , '\ ,-:'j ,",--I L~{ '~:~::i l' \ '. ,I' J~i:;} MIO CO ,':\ IN C .::-. "." ..JIO*-. '.............1' , ., I'/~.. i '\.I~ ,.;t... "l",.:I'~ '. ",; ,"", .~'\ \ ." <, I " ,. ~:""'1'O\ d'" 0-.. ,., ::~~:'_I ....' \, Carmen CYPRESS By: LESSOR'S ACKNOW~EDCMENT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PA1.M BEACH , Before me this day personnl'ly appenred SAMUEL MERCADO and CARMEN MERCADO. his ~ifeJ to me veil knovn and knovn to me to be the persons described in nnd vho executed the foregoing instru- ment, nnd ackno~ledged to nnd before me that they executed caid instrument for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official senl, 1989. day of th is Notary Public State of Florida My commission expires: ( SEA 1, ) LESSEE'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PAUl BEACH Before me personally appeared , to me ~el1 kno~n nnd kno~n to me to be the individual described in and ~ho executed the foregoing instrument as of the above named CYPRESS AMOCO. INC., n Corporation, and nckno~- ledged to and before me thnt he executed such instrument as such of snid corporation, and that the seal a f r ixed to the foregoing instrument is the corpornte sea I of said corporntion nnd that it ~as affixed to anid instrument by due nnd regular corporate authority, nnd thnt Rnid instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hnnd nnd official seal, thin 1989. day of _ Notary Public State of Floridn My commission expires: ( SEA 1. ) % . _Ia__ . . ~ . . j: I . r I o. j. I' I. I I', , , l. ' I I, i: i,: , . I .. o 1: .' , ,', t., , . !... o. ". . /"- ':.::. ',,':'. t~, ~:';;~::,;,:' y r : . ! . , , ~~ ~~ SHEREMETA ASSOCIATES..!-INC. ~@fN]~[ll)[b IfUfN]@ [gfN]@UfN][g[g~~ 101 S,E. 6th Avenue '. Delray Beach. Florida 33483 (407) 276-7300. FAX (407) 276-7344 TO City of Boynton Beach Planninq Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached 0 Under separate cover via o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Prints o Change order o Plans o [L~jjlJT~OO @ff jjOO~~~[ij]Ojjjj~[L DATE 1 990 I JDa 901 92 . 9 0 2 October 10. ATTIENTION Tambri Hevden "E HYPOLUXO SERVICE STATION the following items: o Samples o Specifications COPIES DA.TE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Oct. 90 Traffic Imnact Analvsis Renorts 4 9/27/90 Boundarv Survevs THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: at For approval ex For your use o As requested o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections o REMARKS o For review and comment o FOR BIDS DUE Replaces previously o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US 19 o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints submitted information. COPY TO Lindsey Walter \,/ SIGNED: Richard W. Sheremeta, P.E. 11 - I I - i ' 1 - I I HYPOLUXO SERVICE STATION r TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Project ~89192.902 j I Prepared by: ,..... I i SHEREMETA ASSOCIATES, INC. 101 S.E. 6TH' AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33483 r - I i , OCTOBER, 1990 I r- ! i - ~ r I - . \ 9B I" - I 1 I i r , I" ! TABLE OF CONTENTS I - r" I Page r- ! Introduction ...........................................1 I n v en tor y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I Trip Generation and Analysis............................2 - I ! Background Traffic...................................... 3 Link/Bui 1 dout Test...................................... 4 Model Test.............................................. 4 Site Related Improvements....................... .........4 - ! 5 urmna r y. ." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LIST OF FIGURES I Fiqure Title Paqe I 1 Trip Generation Map 6 I - i - i ! ~ - I I ! 11 I r . - i I n - ! - j ..- j j ..- I I I I I r I ! I ..- I ; ..- I ! ..- l - I i - I \ INTRODUCTION The proposed 1.26 acre Hypoluxo Service Station facility is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road, approximately 1,600 feet west of 1-95 in Palm Beach County, The proposed project will consist of a 1,200 S.F. food/gas building (with 1,200 S.F. storage on 2nd floor), approximately six (6) gas pumps, 1,000 S.F. retail building, and 2,988 S.F. auto service building with office. It is anticipated that this project will be completed in 1991, INVENTORY Existing daily traffic volumes on the adjacent roads were obtained from the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Palm Beach County's "1989- 1990 Traffic Volume Map" and from the Department of Traffic Engineering. These are: High Ridge Road, North High Ridge Road, South Hypoluxo Road, East (Peak Season) Hypoluxo Road, West (Peak Season) 2,077 4,454 30,169, 30,169 The Average Annual Daily Traffic is: ADT = Peak Volume x [1 - (F/2)] where the peaking factor F is: 'F = DTP - DTO DTP for Peak Volume as defined in County Ordinance No. 90-7 -1- IlJJ ~ --"" ' '\f -' . ---- - i for this project has been determined, from past The peaking factor Road, Provided by the Traffic Engineering counts, taken on Hypoluxo Department of DTO = 21,64l and DTP = 24,953 to be 0.13. F = .13 for Peak Volumes ....- I I Based upon these factors the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) have been computed: TRAFFIC LINK LOS AADT High Ridge Road, North 13,700 2,077 High Ridge Road, South 13,700 4,454 Hypoluxo Road, East 46,300 2S,20S Hypoluxo Road, West 46,300 2S,20S These are the existing traffic AADT's that will be used in this report. TRIP GENERATION AND ANALYSIS - I The daily trip generation to be applied to the Hypoluxo Service 'Station project has been determined utilizing Trip Generation, and Pass-By Trip Rates as specified in County Ordinance 89-19: Based upon that - , information, traffic generation from the proposed project has been determined as follows: Total AADTfs Generated for this Project = 698 -2- . / The allocation of net vehicle trips generated by this project and its impact (% LOS) on the link directly accessed has been made as follows: DIRECTION SPLIT % AADT % LOS I l : North 10% 70 0.51 - 0.51 South 10% 70 ,- East 48% 335 0.72 West 32% 223 0.48 As can be seen from the above directional split of net project ; I I generated traffic, all directly accessed links are impacted by less than 1% of the link's capacity. ..- i Therefore, for the purpose of addressing anticipated roadway capacity during the buildout of this project (Test 1), only the directly accessed thoroughfare links, within the projects Radius of Development ~ I ' i I - I Influence, will be considered. ..- I BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Background traffic vol urnes affecting the accessed 1 inks wi thin the Project's Radius of Influence, during its buildout, have been determined from the County Traffic Engineering Department for the Quantum Park D.R.I. as follows: ..- ; TRAFFIC LINK BACKGROUND ADT High Ridge Road, North 0 High Ridge Road, South 28 Hypoluxo Road, East 0 Hypoluxo Road, West 0 -3- ..- I I ..- I f I - i ! LINK/BUILDOUT TEST (TEST 1) Based upon information presented herein above, anticipated traffic - ! ) f- --- I j ,.... i , , , - I , , , - i I - ! .- I I ,.... r- I i - I demands, during the project's buildout period, for the affected links within its Radius of Influence have been determined. Total link demand has been compared to LOS and is presented as follows: EXIST PROJECT BACKGROUND TOTAL LOS LINK AADT ADT ADT ADT ADT High Ridge, North 2,077 70 0 2,147 13,700 High Ridge, South 4,454 70 28 4,552 13,700 Hypoluxo, East 28,208 335 0 28,543 46,300 Hypoluxo, West 28,208 223 0 24,431 46,300 As can be seen from the above, total Buildout Traffic is well within roadway capacity for the affected links. The above trip generation data has been illustrated in Figure 1 - TRIP GENERATION MAP. MODEL TEST (TEST 2) In accordance with Ordinance 90-7 affected projects links within its defined Radius of Influence may not exceed projected LOS in the Modified 2010 Plan. Based upon Modified Table 5, as presented within County Resolution R-90-283, there are no links within the projects Radius of Influence which have been identified as below the adopted Level of Service, SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS In order to assess the need for site related improvements at points where project driveways meet directly accessed links, peak hour trip -4- /03 r ! r r- I I I - ; I I r ,.-. i ' ! - I I i ,..... I - I l I - , generation needs to be determined. Based upon historical data as presented by the ITE, a peak hour factor of 13% of ADT will be utilized with the assumption that one-half of the peak hour traffic is inbound; no credit will be utililized for pass-by trips. Based upon this criteria the peak hour inbound trips have been determined from previously noted directional splits as follows: LINK AFFECTED APPROACH SPLIT% PEAK HOUR MOVEMENT High Ridge North 10 10 Right High Ridge South 10 10 Left High Ridge East 48 46 Right Hypoluxo West 32 30 Right The above noted movements and affected links assume that all traffic approaching the site from the North, South and East will enter the site directly from High Ridge Road since no median opening in Hypoluxo Road will be permitted. No turn lanes are recommended for Hypoluxo Road, nor is a left turn lane (south approach) recommended on High Ridge Road. A right turn lane (north approach) on High Ridge Road is however recommended in order to facilitate traffic movements into the site because of relative proximity of the driveway to the Hypoluxo/High Ridge Roads intersection, -5- ..)D1 r I - \ i (S3NV7 Z) OVOH 390lH H91H (,&,&0*3') '&;1*3' ~ \ \, , - \ , ...- I I \ r , I ...- i \ \ ~ ~HJJION_ - , :- ~ lii ~ .- ~ tL <:. ~ -.1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \() ::::) ~ -.I t\t C) ~ :x:: ~ ~-O.J , ~ ~ . ~ cJ! ~ ~ ~-m \ . '~~ .' . ~~ t1 i~i--. ~ ~ 2 ~- gffi \.1 ~ ~!~ ~ 1 ~ S ~ m lQ ..C).I ~SS~~~ ~5 Ii tfi ~ ~ 8 ~. ~ii! 11 ~ t.S l ~5 t ~ t\ WU :l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IJj -o.J- (;s;~) 3'Sg-; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\ , ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1- ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~i ~ l ~~ h'~ ~~ r-q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~. ~ ~ .~ ~ !O 0; f ~ ~ C. /,'1./1... - I , r- SUMMARY ~ I /' I ~ ! r r r- , 1 I - , i r I I I I , I . r I ! , The proposed Hypoluxo Service Station site has been analyzed in accordance with the requirements of Palm Beach County's Ordinance 90-7, Based upon the findings of this report the proposed site usage satisfies both Test 1 and Test 2 of the Traffic Ordinance. As a result of peak hour turning movement analysis, it is recommended that a right turn lane (north approach) on High Ridge Road be installed at the project's driveway to facilitate traffic flow. -7- /A.Jl{ ~SURVEY SOlJl1I. INCORPORATED 101 S,E, 6th Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33483 (407) 276-7341 · FAX (407) 276.7344 [lJ:E:LrLr~OO @[f LrOO~~~[rAJOLrLr~[L TO PlfU/NINC )EPIJ~TMJ:.I./r Ct1Y 01 80!J1J7~AJ &/Jeli DATI: QJ ocr fib TJOIl NO. 89/912 ATUNTION 'Ttlmhrl /lc;ydfltJ R[.: 1/ !I'~1. UXlJ J'lrE WE ARE SENDING YOU rk1:tached 0 Under separate cover via o Shop drawings ~rints 0 Plans o Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 ~EI../ve/(':J the following items: o Samples o Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 4 1'lSEP ?O SOD BnllNDftR.9 JOt VE1J- 7 rrl 'ol'a~"'()nfl added f2. 4- oc.r 9lJ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval r/rFor your use r/!As requested o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints o For review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE 19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO llN D.mtJ WIlJ. '{En.. .ff{ftAJ.t, (Jt.II'H:;A 111 f (JJ c/. . W/tnc./, /D1 SIGNED: CITY of BOYNTON BEACH f" ~ ~ 100 [, Boynton Such Blvd, p, O. Sox 310 Boynton Buch, Flollda 33435,0310 14071734,8111 November 1, 1990 Palm Beach county Engineering and Public Works Department - Traffic Division Attn: Mr. Charles Walker, County Traffic Engineer P,O.Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE: Hypoluxo service station - File No. 558 Traffic Impact Analysis Dear Mr. Walker: f" Attached you will find two copies of the traffic impact analysis submitted october 10, 1990, for a proposed service station facility consisting of a 2,400 square foot convenience store with six gasoline pumps, a 2,988 square foot auto repair bUilding and a 1,000 square foot retail building to be located at the southwest corner of High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road. Please review this project for compliance with the (interim) Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance standards Ordinance. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me, Sincerely, I, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH J~ Q~ 74-~'~ TAMBRI J, MtYDEN . Assistant city Planner tjh Encs A:HYPoTraf xc: Chronological File (- IDeo CITY of BOYNTON BEACH " ( @. " , .~. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, p, O. Box 310 Boynton Buch. Florida 33435,0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR November 1, 1990 Mr. Dennis R. Foltz Palm Beach County Planning Department 800 13th street West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 RE: Ray Flow Properties - File No. 553 Hypoluxo Road Service Station - File No. 558 Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning Requests Dear Mr. Foltz: Enclosed you will find copies of the applications and related documentation for the above-referenced annexation and land use amendment/rezoning requests. Please provide your comments concerning consistency with the county's comprehensive plan and a summary of the county zoning categories which abut these parcels in the immediate vicinity by November 30, 1990. The first public hearing for these requests is scheduled for December 11, 1990. Sincerely, , ' . . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~l~ Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Directqr tjh Enclosure - '... A:PBCAnnex ~ cc: .. . Carmen' Annunziato, Executive Director, Palm Beach cou~ty Wide Planning Council (with enclosures) Central File . . ,..' \ \ \ \ '. \ \ \ \ ,00 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .. /0' , --.. f'~ Kilday & Auoclate. Landscape Architects! Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689.5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 . - ,,. w November 6, 1990 Hr. Chris Cutro. Director noynlon..,Beach Planning Department P.O. llox 310 lloynton Bench. FL 33425 RE: Separation Requirements for Service Stations ~, ,,"~ Dear Mr. Cutro, In January. 1990, I appeared before the City Commission regardinp, a water service agreement for a proposed service slation at. the corner of HypoluKo Road and High Ridr,e, Road. At lhat time I indicat.nd t.hat the owner of the property wi shed to annE~X i rlto the City of Boynton Beach but cou I d not because hiB propo!;od use of a service station would be within t,OOO feet of another" service station located on the nort.h side of Hypoluxo Road. Ironically, the other servIce stntion was also owned by my same client who wished to locate the"new service slation so that his facilities would be more convenient. for his local clientele as they travelled eit.her east or west on the road. At t.hat. tlme, the City Commission discussed the City's Zoninp, OrdinaTlce separat.ion requirement and recommended that it be eliminated. Attached you will,find a copy of the minutes from that meetinR. At this time. my client is still attempting to obtain " approval for, Lhe construction of his service station. He is st.i.11 desirous of nnnexinr,inlo the City of Boynton Bench nnd my office has filed appropriate annexation and land use requests. However. because of the separation requirement. within lhe Zoning Ordinance lie will still be restricted from obtaininr. approval to construct a service station on this site. 1 am therefore writinp, to request your attention to this matter. 1 have been authorized by my client -to do whatever is necessary to help resolve this issue. However. in liflht. of t.he fqct lhat the City Commission sur.b!'R~T7W.~ elindnation of the distance requirement, 1 believe~~~"".Nrn.LJ .~'~ ,. " ~ov' 8 1900 f~NNfNG DEPT.' ,.. ~~ "'1/0... - , .' I l .1 I / --' HI'. Chris Culro November 6, 1990 Page 2 , ,." -~ I: . ',"" should probably be treated as a City initiated amendment to the Ordinance. ,,~ ~~J f /. e .., ^ftnr you hnve hnd n chnnne appreciate your response. to review this matler would Sincerely, ~~~f2foA/ L~J. K.lt? L/ ^ttachment c.c. File: 872.2 .' .':: .1 ~ '. .. . : ,..,.~' "~", . /I'~. .' ~, ).'. " . ...... ~. .-: ~ f '" ,: I. '......' ':.,. . . '..' I'. ; , ,:~ . .: ~. , -' ~. , '., tI . f .~ ... .. ~. , '< ..' ' ~ :'" .,.. ".'- ' .. ..... .~f, .' . ",'.' " ..." " 1'"' :.# . .' . Ii.!" ., .-.. ; . J ... MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION Mg~TING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 2, 1990 : , . / / ,I I C. Reaolutions: to ~ ~ ~w ts ) \ \', , \ None. D. Qther: 1. Consider approval of Water Service Agreement - Sam and Carmen Mercado . . . . . . . . . . . . TABLED Vice Mayor Oleni~ moved to remove this item from the table, seconded by Commissioner W!eche. Motion carried 4-0. / Vice Mayor Olenik apologized to tho applicant because after the break at the last meeting, it was brought to the commission's attention that there was a question of whether or not they would be annexing into the City. He thought the~ Commtssion :should hear a presentation. ' Kiernan Kilday, Kilday & Associates, 1551 Forum Place, West Palm Beach, FL, informed Mayor Moore they will be subject to annexation because the City is on one side. However, because of City regulations, they proposo to agree to annex upon obtaining a certificate of occupancy (c.O.) in Palm Beach County. The reason for that is the proposai for a service station at High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo ~oad. .The City's Zoning Ordinance has a provision of a 1,000 feet separation between service :stations. In this case, the owner making the requcet owns the exieting Texaco service station on the north side of Hypoluxo Road. Mr. Kilday said they propose to work within the county's confines, get it built, and then annex into tho city as an acceptod fact. ..r' ~ . ',:'...' , ~i Mayor Moore questioned whether they were going to come in as a non-conforming use and be grandfathered in. Tim Cannon, Interim Planning Director, replied that the Water Service , , Agreement states it is an annexation application. If the :. applicant is within 1,000 feet of another existing station in the city, it will be a non-conforming use.,~,Di~~ussion ensued about the 1,000 feet requirement. ~i'Mr,.:jCanno'n~.l .-;:i suggested that:: requirement be eliminated':~fron\~th'e~:cird'ina'i"i"c::e'*' Vice Mayor Olenik moved, seconded by Commissioner Wische, to approve the Water Service Agreement, subject to the applicant: coming into the City for a C. 0., at uhich time the City will have its Ordinance straight. Corn~i88ioner Wische seconded the motio~, and the motion carried 4-0. , , . ;- , , ,.' ';: "". ' .. r' #:,!' . It : ~ ,,' ':. .' . ~ '.,;:. '-.', ..~~ ) .. .' 17 ~, \ , \ \ \ \ , r',.' , ~~JJYr ~".' . " ,. '~. y- \ . , , \ . \ \ \ \ \ MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Kruse, City Clerk FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Assistant City Planner DATE: November 7, 1990 SUBJECT: Applications Submitted by Kilday & Associates for Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning arid Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment for Frank Aliaga of Cypress Amoco, Inc. (Hypoluxo Service station) File No. 558 Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and related documentation for the above-referenced requests. Also enclosed are three (3) checks in the amount of $500, $800 and $500 to cover the review and processing of the annexation, land use amendment/rezoning and comprehensive plan text amendment, respectively. The advertisement prepared for a December 11, 1990 Planning and Zoning pUblic hearing and a December 18, 1990 City commission public hearing and forwarded to the City Attorney, will be forthcoming. , . . . J'~~ ~ TAMBRI! J. EN~ ...., TJH:frb Encs ..: ',. " .. 113 .. .. / / ~ t NOTE - Please :eview as soon as possible. City Clerk must R~~~rt~~fnadr~~,,~~e ~n2_of Thurs. (11/8/90) to meet g ~~~.PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES MID/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submtited to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first pUblishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Planning .--:- i J PREPARED BY: /~w/ HefjtUn DATE PREPARED: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: 1/ /c,/tO / Land use amendment, re20ning and comprehensive plan text amendment for a 1.26 acre parcel at the Southwest corner of Hypoluxo and High Ridge Road SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Standard legal advertisement SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Affected property owners NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: PALM BEACH POST DATE ( s) TO .'BE PUBLISHED: 12/4/90, 12/11/90 APPROVED BY: (1 ) ~- ~- (Department Head) J'/1Jfj(J I j(Date) .' ( 2) . (City Attorney) '. (Date) (3) (Date) (City Manager) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: ' COMPLETED: J , z1 NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE NOTICE OF TEXT AMENDMENT The City of Boynton Beach proposes to Chang~the use of amend the text of the Comprehensive Plan and rezone the described in this advertisement. Rev;-sec;L ~ fA. ~ fO' Ct- kt yt#vr/1~ /.' oJ land, land A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the Planning and Zoning Board on December 11, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. A pUblic hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City Commission on December 18, 1990 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon as thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Legal Description: Lots 1, 2 and the North 6 feet of Lot 3, High Ridge Subdivision, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 22 at page 6 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Less 'and not including: A parcel of land for road right-of-way purposes in section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: '>k Begin at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, as shown on the Plat of High Ridge Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book' 22, page 6, PUBlic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; ehence South 88 35'48" West, along the North line of said Lot 1, a distance of 288.81 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 1 (bearings are re6ative to the North line of said Section 8, being South 88 35'48" West); thence South 5 1'48" West, along the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 15.06 feet to a point on a curve whose radius point bears South 1 20'51" East, a distance of 5677.58 feet, said point b~ing on the proposed right-of-way line of Hypoluxo Road"as shown on Palm Beach County Drawing No. 3-80-631 Right-of-Way; thence Easterly, along the arc of said curvS and said proposed right-of-way line through a ceatral angle of 0 44'33", a distance of 73.58 feet; thence North 89 23'42" East, along said proP8sed right-of-way line, a distance of 189.81 feet; thence South 44 23'11" East, along said proposed right-of-way line, a distance of 36.10 beet to a point on the East line of said Lot 1; thence North 1 49'55" East, along said East line, a distance of 44.73 feet to the Point of Beginning. This property is currently outside the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach, but is the subject of a petition for voluntary annexation. APPLICANT: Frank Aliaga, Cypress Amoco, Inc Kieran J. Kilday, ~ilday & Associates Samuel & Carmen Mercado ~.: : i . AGENT: OWNER: . .. PROJECT NAME: Hypoluxo Service station PROPOSED USE: Gas Station, Convenience Store, automotive repair and retail buildings. GENERAL LOCATION: 1.26 acre parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road. I' . . . ! ~' ~', ' . '..-- J/~ '~ ,: , ,! REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - CL, Commercial Low Intensity (Palm Beach County) To - Local Retail Commercial (Boynton Beach) From - RS, Single-family Residential (Palm Beach County) To C-3,'Community Commercial (Boynton Beach) REZONE: AMEND THE TEXT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Change land use recommendations under Area 5.b. of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities Section of the Future Land Use Element, as it applies to the parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road to allow Local Retail Commercial land use rather than Office Commercial land use. A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment, text amendment and rezoning request are available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department, at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or"by attorney and be heard regarding t:he adoption of these Comprehensive Plan amendments. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of ~he proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be used. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK . . ~, I " . .' ~ , ' ,t\ ' , ... f lit/) . , j Bca['l'j Gf County Commissioners Karen T. .Marcus, Chair .. Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist "Mary McCarty Kenneth Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Jan \Vintcrs November 21, 1990 Department of Engineering and Public Works Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 RE: HYPOLUXO SERVICE STATION - FILENO. 558 Dear Ms. Heyden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled Hvpoluxo Service Station - File No. 558 pursuant to the 1990 Traffic. Performance Standards Code (Ord. No. 90-7) and the Municipal Implementation Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-6). The County Traffic Division has determined the following: The traffic study for the project contains insufficient or inaccurate information to determine compliance with the Code. The items that are needed are listed below. - The study address only 1,200 square feet of the 2,400 square foot convenience store. While the 1,200 square feet on the second floor is only for storage, it is part of the convenience store land use in should be addressed in the study. - The study takes a credit of 50% for the convenience store due to interaction with the gas station. Palm Beach County does recognize this interaction'- however at a different rate. A recent study, made available to area traffic engineers on July 29, 1990 by Palm Beach County, shows that an average of 37% of gas station customers are also convenience stor~ customer (or conversely, 27% of convenience store customers are also gas station customers). One of these internalization rates should be used. 1/1;..1' - -. ..:..":...-. .T'"~ "RECEIVED" NOV 29 1990 PLANNING Dt:Pi" v- _..1.=::-:-,' , -. - .. An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 1.11 @ printed on recycled paper Page Two If you have any questions regarding the determination of the County Traffic Division, please feel free to contact me , or call 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER &-~ ~~ po~ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Traffic Division CRW:DW File: New - TPS - Traffic Study Review '- JI B II Board of County Commissioners Carol J ,Elmquist, Chairman Karen T, Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A, Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillips ,/ Count" Administrator Jan \""inters Department of Pl~mning, Zoning & Building December 6, 1990 Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director, City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Annexation of the proposed Hypoluxo Road SeIVice Station, Dear Mr, Cutro: The Planning, Zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 1.26 acre property located at the southwest comer ofHypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road. Annexation reviews do not address questions of whether a future development order for the proposed annexation would be considered a previous approval vested against the 1990 Countywide Traffic Perfonnance Standards, County staff comments are as follows: 1. PLANNING DIVISION: Steve Morales, Planner The Planning Division has undergone a review of the proposed annexation in accordance with Chapter 171, Florida Statutes and Palm Beach County's Interim Annexation Review Policy. The area to be annexed is substantially contiguous to the City's current boundaries, and is located within the City's future annexation area, However, the proposed use for this property is not consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan, Self seIVice gas stations/mini-mart are permitted as a special exception in CL designated Land Use provided that the property is at the.., _ _ intersection of two arterials (Criteria 4 Criteria and Process for Detennining , Commercial Subcategories). High Ridge Road is not an arterial, therefore, thill' TICETI TnD ' project would not be consistent with the County's Comprehensive Plan, An .1!. " n . " 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: Bob Kraus, Environmental Analyst OEC 12 1990 PLANNING DEPT. This site is not in a well-field protection zone nor are they considered " environmentally sensitive, The Property has previously been developed and does not contain sensitive native vegetation, 800 13th Street. \VEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406. (407) 697-4001 //1 @ printed on recycled paper Boynton Beach Annexation 12/6190 Christopher Cutro Page 2 3, FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator Comments will be forwarded, 4, SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice Planner Inclusion of this parcel into the city limits augments the already present mixed service area south of the Boynton Beach mall between Old Boynton Beach Road, Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach Blvd" and Knuth Road, Mixed service areas promote hazardous conditions for emergency responding vehicles because the agencies do not share the same communications systems, The Sheriffs Office recommends the city adopt proposals that both improve service levels for citizens and which does not increase the potential hazards for law enforcement officers, Having clearly defined lines for service and eliminating the mixed services areas will satisfy that recommendation, 5. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Allan Ennis, Development Review Engineer Comments will be forwarded, 6, UTILITIES: Linda Hammond, Civil Engineer, Engineering Division The properties are not within the County's service area, No Comments 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Richard Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation results in the loss of ad valorem taxes of$166.00 as the above municipality does not participate in Fire-Rescue Countywide MSTU and the Library Taxing District. In addition, certain revenue (i.e., utility service tax, franchise.fees, sales tax and state shared revenues may be marginally reduced but cannot be estimated from the available information, 8. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Tim Granowitz, Principal Planner No apparent impact to the County's Parks Department. Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions, Please be advised that the comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners, Please include these comments with your backup materials for all meetings and hearings where this annexation is discussed, /~D Boynton Beach Annexation 12/W90 Christopher Cutro Page 3 Attachment cc: Board of County Commissioners Bob Weisman, Administration Grace Johnson, Boca Raton Growth Management Bob Banks, County Attorney's Office Donna Kristaponis, Planning, Zoning and Building Bob Kraus, ERM Kathy Owens, Fire/Rescue Diana Newcomer, Sheriffs Department Allan Ennis, Traffic Engineering Division Linda Hammond, Water Utilities Richard Roberts, OFMB Tim Granowitz, Parks and Recreation Department Beth McCall, Zoning Division FILE:MAClANX BOYN(Mercado),REI 1:1'1 Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary Me Carty Kenneth Foster Maude Ford Lee Count)' Administrator Jan \\'intl'n December 10, 1990 Department of I:ngim'cring and Puhlic \\'orks Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 RE: HYPOLUXO SERVICE STATION - FILE NO. 558 Dear Ms. Heyden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled HVDOluxo Service Station - File No. 558, revised on December 5, 1990, pursuant to the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code (Ord. No. 90-7) and the Municipal Implementation Ordinance (Ord. No. 90-6). The County Traffic Division has determined the following: The traffic study for the project has been changed to reflect the comments of November 15, 1990 by the Traffic Division. The revised study has two errors in the calculation of the trips generated by the convenience store component of the project. An internalization rate of 37% has been used, rather than the correct rate of 27%. An incorrect pass-by rate of 55% was actually used, contrary to the 45% shown in the report. Correction of these errors increased the trips generated by the convenience store from 604 to 855. The total trips generated by the project increase from 1,009 to 1,260. This increase does not appear to change the results of the study. ' If you have any questions regarding the determination of the County Traffic Division, please feel free to contact me, or call 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~~ ~~ ~ft Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Traffic Division . .~. mCE1VED CRW:DW:emg File: New - TPS - Traffic Study Review - Mun. dw/boynla DEe 14 1990 PlANNiNG DEPT. - - .. An Equal Opportunity - Affirmath'e Action Emplo~'~r" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 /:J~ @ printed on ,ecycled paper reC-l1-'9(l TlE 15:33 ID:KIu::.:lY ~ ASSOCIATES T8.. ~O:407-689-2592 " ".~~~~~"t1'S:",,,.. ... . . **762 P01 .' d.. ,0 " I " , , :, '; : I .... I ',' I , ' ! ", , . \ :: I .,: . \ ,. r { , ~ . i' t , l l t .' t " ) , ~ , ~ ( , i f ~ s , Fax Transmission To: ~~9~ Fax Nutf(ber. ~.3tJ.. 7+59 ~te: /;;. .. / / -,9() rrom:~C? w~ . , ,I .~~~~~..; (~~. ~. . '., . .. .. . Ax copy w1ll be original document _ Original document to follow In mall Humber of pageS"~includes 1hts cover) Client Nome: Pro~ Number: 1I0IO ~ fOC2-<O , . , ;. t' 'Ii....-.~ IIII.~.;... 00 ...~:.......,....._..,~ . . . '. . /d3 re:C-l1-'9:) TLE 15:34 ID:KlLOOY ~ ASSO:IATES TEL 1'-0:407-689-2592 nEC-SS-9~ TUE 13:20 SHEREH 1:*762 P03 p.ee t ! ! . ~ The peaking factor for this project has been determined, from paat count., taken en Hypoluxo Road, provided by tbe ~r&ffic En~ineering Pepartmcnt of DTO . 21,641 and DTP A 24,953 to be 0.13. F I: .13 for Peak Volume. ,Based up=n these factors the Annual Averag. pailr Traffic (AAn~) have been computed: ~ft~"P%e l.INK .LQi. ~ Higb Ridge Road, North 13,700 2,0" Hi;h Ridge Road, south 13,100 4,484 Hype 1 UHO Roil.C!, East. 46,300 28,208 HYPClluxCl 2\Clllcl, Weat 48,300 28,208 The.e are the exiatin9 traffic AADT'S that vil1 be used in this re~ort. ~RJ~ pENtft~T!ON AND AHA~Ysts The daily trip generation to be epplied to the Hypoluxo Service Station pro~ect haa been determined utilizing '.1'r1p Generation, ant! Fa.as-By TrIp Ra~es azs .pacified :Ll'\ County Ordinance 89"19. Based upon that information, t'raffio generation from the propolled prO~flct has been deter.mined as fellows: A~t.ivity AD'!' Oen, Pals-By ~,t. ~ri~ Rate 748/~ta. 59\ 887/1,000 SF 45' 166/1,000 SF 45\ ADT a.n, tor* Thi. P!."e'4A~t 0.. 8t.tion/~uto Service *Convenience store (2,400 e.F., 27. Credit for Gas Station) Retail (1,000 s.r.) 314 ass ~:t Tot~1 A~n~'. Cenerated for this froject = 1,260 "2" . ~ev. 12/&/50;12/10/90 . ,-:.... 1cJ.- ~ .' ' .DEC-11-'9lJ TlE 15:35 ID:KILDAY & ASSOCIATES TB.. t-o:407-68"'~2592 ~eC-11-90 TUE 1~:21 SH~R~H **762 P04 ~.e6 ?he allocat1on of Det vehicle trips generated by this p~oJect and ita impact (~ LOS) on the link directly a~oes.ed ba~ been made a8 !o11o~.: DIREOTIOR SPLIT , ~* , LOS* North 10' :1.01 0 . ? ~ South 10' 101 O.?~ East 48t 484 1.04 Nest 32\ 323 0.10 ,.. "an b. seen from the above d.irectional split of net pro~ect ,enerated traffic, all directly accessed links are impacted by l' or I..e of the link'. oapacity. ~horeecr., for the purpose of addressing antiQipated roadway capacity chu:inv the builClo~t of this project ('.rest 1), only the directly accessed thoroughfare links, within the projects Ri!ldius of Development Influenoe, will be consi4ered. BAOKORODND ~R~PPIC Baekqround tra.ffic volumes affeotil\g the acc..sed 1 inks within the proj.ot's Radiu. of Influence, during its buildo~t, have b..n determin.c! from the Count1 '1'raff1c Engineering Department for the Quantum Park D.R.l. ae follow.: '1'RArpre LD1.xs High Ridg. Road, ~orth High Ridge Road, SQuth Hypoluxo RODd, East Hypoluxo Road, We~t BACKGROUNfl A'Q't' o 28 o o "'3- . Updated 12/S/90 ,'r~ )a-5 DEC-l1-'9\J TLE 15:35 ID:KILOOY ~ ASSOCIATES TEL t-Q:407-689-2592 ~EC-11-~e TUE 131~1 SHEREH t:t762 P05 r- . 121 'T ,LIN~/BU~LDOYT TEST (TEST 1) 1...4 upon information presented herein above~ ant1ci~8tec! t~aff1c demands, during the proj.ot's buildout period, tor the affected links wi thin ita ftacUus of Inf1 uenCle have been determined. Total 1 ink clemanc! hae been eomp.~oQ to LOS ana i~ presente~ as follows: Ja.Um. EXIST ~!)T PRO~2e'1'* JAOKOROtrnD ADT ~n'1' Sigh R1d98, North 2,077 High Ridge, South 4,454 HYPOlu~o, Eaat 28,208 Hypoluxo, West 28,208 101 101 484 32S o 28 o o '10'l'AL" ADT 2,1'78 4,583 28,692 28,531 LOS AJrt 13,'700 ~3,?OO 46,300 46,300 As can be seen from the above, total Bu11dout ~raffic is well within ~o.dway e8pacity for the affecte4 link~. The ahove trip generat10ft data ba. been illustrated in figure 1 - ~RIP GENERATION HAP. HODEL TEST (~E8T 2\ ,tn aceord.nc~ with Ordinance 90-7 affected projects links within its defined aadius of Influence may "ot ex~*ed p~o~ected LOS in the Modified 2010 Plan. Basea upcn Hodifiea Table 5, as >>re~ent.d within County ~esolution R-90-283, there ere no links within the p~o~ect. Radius of :nfluence which heve been 1dent~fied as below the adopted Level of Service. BIT2 REL~fEn IMtROV~ENTS In order to aSBes. the need for site ~elated improvements at point. where pro~.ct driveways meet directly accessed l1nks, peak hou~ trip -4- · Rev1s~d 12/~/IO i... Iglo DEC-11-'90 llE 15:33 ID:KILDAY & ASSOCIATES TEL t-Q:407-689-2592 ~ae-~1-ge TUE 1~:22 8H~REH tf762 P02 , ....me gener~~ion nee4s to be determined. ~as~d upon hi.to~~cal da~a &S pr..ented by the ITE, a p@ak hour factor of 1$\ of AnT will be utiliEe4 with the .s.umption that one-half of the peak hour traffic i8 inbouna; no credit will be utililized for pass-by trip., 8a~ed upon this oriteria the peak hour i~bound trips have been determined from ptGviou.ly noted directional splits as follows: LltfR APP20'1'~D APPRO~CIt SPLl:T' P2AK HOQR* MOVDUtN'l' High Ridge North 10 lS Right High Ridge South 10 15 Left High Ridge East 48 '70 IU.ght Hfpoluxo West 32 47 Right The abovo notod movements and affeoted 11nks assume that all traffic approaching the site from the North, South and East will enter the _it. directly from HiC;h Ridge Road since no median opening- in Bl>>oluxo Road will be permitted, No t~rn lan~. are ~ecommended fo~ Hypoluxo Road, nor i. a 16ft turn lane (south approaoh) ~eoommended on Hi;h Ridqe Road. A rivht turn lane (north approach) on High Rid~e Road 18 however recomme~ded in order to faoilitate traffic movements into th~ eite because of relative proximity of the drivewa1 to the Brpoluxe/Hi~b Ridge Road. lntereeotion. -5.. lfr Rev. 12/5/90 1(;f-1 So ::::l!, _ So S. _ :z Qll T U .. 1.... i: .... 1 c......... MOORI:O:.~'L'L"'- P.Q:2 r~ --- Bo.rd of County Commbeione... K.rcn T.' Marcu., Chair Cll'oJe Phillip. Vjcc Chair Carol A. Rot)erts Carol J, Elmquist Mu)' McCarty Ken Poster Maude F, Lee Count)' AdmJ"btrator J&I1 Wlnttr~ -.. December 11. 1990 The HonorablQ G~no Moore 'Hayor. City of Boynt~n Beach ~311 South Foderal ~igh~ay Boynton &eaoh, Florida 33435 Dear Mayor Moores It is my UndvrQtandin9 that th~ City CommisQ1cn will be voting this eVen1ng to transmit a Compr.hensive Plan amendment to the Department of C01r\lllunity Arta1rs. This amendlnent addrolses the propos:.4 anmexation of the 1.:26 acres a.t the southwest' eorner of HypoluXQ Road a~d High Rjd~e Road. As the District rII reprGG.ntative on the county Commission, I would like to provide you with infor~ation that may help with your decisions regarding the zonin9 of ~he property. According to the County's Planning staff, the proposed us@ fo~ thiQ p~op~rty is not consistent with the County's comprehensi~e Plan. Solf service gas stations/mini-marts are permitted as a .pecial ~xoeption in the CL designated Land Use provid6d that the pro~~rty is at the intersection of two arterials. High RidgQ Road i. not an arte~ial and th1a project is not consistent with our Plan. ~h~s property _as the subject of a zonina betition. ,po-~a with the Soard of County Commissioners sitting as the Zoning Authority. t h~ve attached the verbatim minutes ot the March 29 and M.y 2, 1990 meetings tor your edificfttion. . 1: realize that whatever development the Citii of Boynton Beach decide. to allow will be appro~riat:.e and eOhDcientioue t.o the ~urrounding neighbor!. I encoura06 you to do all you can to help the area along the east High Ridge Road, south of Hypoluxo Road to maintain 1t~ ~eauty and residential character. .. An Iiq1131 Opportunity . ^m~ll\4Iti"c Action HmI'Jo)'41t" BOX 19$5' WEST PALM BEACIt. FLORIDA U~02p19&9 ~'Pfitt~ on ,."yC,.d ~3IUI 'r ' . .. ,.. - . ..:': ':, ".... .;.; 'l~-',~ . _e. . - .". .. ~,I. DEe! i 1900 ,"' r , 'FFiCE " --- . /~8 / -- 1~-11-~~ TU. 1~:41 C~N~ MCCR~.A~~~- P.~X DEC-11-1990 17:32 FRCt1 BXC RECEPTlWIST TO 97342497 P.01 paae Two. Mavor Moore\ Thank you for your consideration of the ~attor. If I can bft of assistance to you, pleasQ do not hegitato to call on me. Sincerely, ~~td 'carOl J. ~lmq~ Board of County Commi~~ionere DistriC!t III At t aC!hmcm to ~ ec: Boynton Beach City Commission Margaret Sisoian Linda. Hess 'J'~ra AX'oher CJE/~~.moore.zon .. !Q-j \. i ! ! ~ I ------w---------l4Lu-.- - -.- - . _ _____ ...~_._ u__ tI. t~... - .-..... . I, . , , f -_._-------_._--~ . ___~..___.__.__n__..._.~~_. .... __. ~.~-.- ,-...- --. ~ .-.' ~~~~ I . , ...... . ~ . ------------~... .. -..-.- -. + '-'.-. --~" . . . -. ---~- .----------_.--~_._+-~ -'--.''-'--''--'.- --'.". - ...-.- .,.,.. . - ,. - _________..______~ .d~ b~r:r.;-, ~o_ ___. h_' _ __ _ ,,_. _ _ _ .. _ _' _ _,.... _.h'" _ .' ,- ~ ..UU__ .H~~/ _u~:_uu~ r:- . #-i{~ .. .. .......-..... _-::~~ f;f-{J-~ ~ . . :_~_:_U~~.. ~I%D ... UU~, .J1r/1 .( . - - - 'i . -. . (vfr1/ fo ~. --:-- - ../ .:,.-....... r ('- (' '------.. - ..... MEMORANDUM TO: . Chris Cutro, Director of Planning \. reJ James A. Cherof, City Attorney 15- Code Interpretation, Parking Lot Driveways for Service stations FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: March 1, 1991 You have asked me to examine an apparent conflict between section 11 L 5 of Appendix A of the Zoning Regulations and section 5- 142 (h) (3) as they relate to setback requirements for driveway entrances from intersecting right-of-ways. Stated differently, you have posed the following question: Should the requirements of the Boynton Beach parking Lot Regulation be applied to the construction of driveway entrances for service stations? The question is answered in the negative. There are several principals of statutory construction that must be applied: 1. The principals of statutory construction apply to zoning ordinances which are issued by cities. Rinker Materials Corp. v. city of Miami, 286 So.2d 552 (Fla. 1973). 2. The general, and most persuasive rule of statutory construction is that whenever possible, the Courts will, and must, attempt to construe related statutory provisions, if conflicting, in such a way as to harmonize them and give them both full effect. Palm Harbor Special Fire Control District v. KellY, 516 So.2d 249 (Fla. 1987): villery v. Florida Parole and Probation commission, 396 So.2d 1107 (Fla. 1980): District School Board of Lake County v. Talmadqe, 381 So.2d 698 (Fla. 1980). 3. Where a statute is passed with knowledge of prior existing laws, construction is favored which gives each statute a field of operation rather than a construction that would leave one statute meaningless or released by implication. State Department of Public Welfare v. Galilean Children's Home, 102 So.2d 388 (Fla.~DCA 1958). 4. law and Since zoning ordinances are in derogation of the common deprive owners of th~jf<:It.i\rjf[)r .property, any MAR 1 q!.:::s PLANNInG DEPT. I 31 ';', :\ \ ('. ('- f' .~. ~ ... ambiguities which may arise from conflicting zoning ordinances should be resolved in favor of the property owner. Thomas v. city of Crescent city, 503 So.2d 1299 (Fla. 5th DCA 1987). 5. Courts must also give specific terms and provisions precedence oyer those terms and provisions which are more general in nature if the two provisions conflict. Lake Barrinqton citizens Commission v. Village of Lake Barrington, 312 NE.2d 337 (1974). In applying the above rules of statutory construction to the question posed I conclude that the two proYisions of the Code are not in conflict and can be read together. The parking lot regulations should be generally applied to all parking lot construction unless a more specific ordinance of the City exists, such as the one which applies to service stations. The Boynton Beach parking lot regulation does not apply to the construction of driveway entrances for service stations. Section 11 L 5 of Appendix A controls the distance requirements for parking lot entrances for service stations. Ilms LIB CUTROMEM cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official Vince Finizio, Administrator Coordinator of Engineering ( J~ J. / MEMORANDUM No. 9l-112 May 7, 1991 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director James A. Cherof, City Attorney ~ Service Stations/Required Frontage Code Reference: Appendix A Section II L 2 FROM: RE: You have referenced code measurement for essence is: requested clarification of the above section with respect to the points of determining frontage. Your question in When a seryice station is located on the corner of two intersecting streets should frontage be measured from the point of intersection of the property lines at the corner? Your question is answered in the affirmative. Section 11 L 2 of Appendix A provides that the minimum frontage for seryice stations is 175 feet on all abutting streets. No specific method of measurement is provided. However, the Boynton Beach parking Lot Regulations, adopted after Section 11 of Appendix A, provides guidance for purposes of interpretation. .Section 5-142(h)(3) deals with driveway set-backs and provides that the measurement is "from the intersection of the right-of-way lines along local streets". This appears to be a practicable approach to the measurement of frontage since lot configurations are variable. Accordingly, this method of measurement should be used to calculate frontage. For purposes of clarification I have attached a diagram. If you require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager /33 ..