LEGAL APPROVAL , I / /II"Y of - / B,OYNTON @. ":JJ' .~.. -~ - . .~~ ~ . I -.... . 8E'ACI-I " , -,.. . . c ._ --:;- - -.- . - .-- . 4~ =,. ..:..~.;'~. -.. 1 .~. .. 4''rr:.ru==::=S~~C===t ~ '.~(;I: _ ~~'j .. '~........,.. ;'-=:;.. - ~ "fim ;~~.-~.t . t~ " "\.~'F~J""""";:;:;::';:"__~--o.., ~JIIl.::::.... I I';-'-~~1' .. . ,~_ .~---..-_~::.- I -.;1 f:., ~~"'\.,. . ~--.- C\~~~ I ~ ~l! !ll? ~ ~~-:;;. >... ._.....--.,.;~ !1::---O ~.-: -= ' ~- ~\.! .~ -.:-...r - -~_ { !l' ~i:r~~~_::~ - ~~---.;;:;"' - ,~ . . ~--~..._- . 120N,E. 2nd AVENUE r.o. BOX :l10 BOnnON BE^CH. FLORIDA :!3-C~Jl0 , pCl5) 7~-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR . April 24, 1987 Mr. Robert ste. Marie Menendez - ste. Marie, Architects 630 South Dixie Highway 'West Palm Beach, FL 33401 . REt Jonathan Chua Eye Clinic Phase II Site Plan Modification & Planners, 'Inc. Dear Mr. Ste. Marie: Please be advised tha~ on Tuesday, April 21, the City Commission appr.oved the referenced site Plan Modification, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations~ please have the appropriate Department Heads.initial the attached check-off sheet~ prior'to your " submission to the Building Department for permits. The approval of the City entitles you improvements shown on the site plan. 'procedurally as an as-built or record facilities fees and road impact fees, the time of permit. to construct only the' The site plan will be viewed drawing. Also, all capital if applicable, are payable at If you have any questions con9.erning this matter, please do not 'hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH &ft.'iJ<"'(:~.-7lj cT', {}.7[.1't. J "?J.r '.A.i~.' Carmen s.Annunz{~to, AIC ),~~ Planning Director . , flat cc: city Manager Technical Review Board Jonathan Chua, M.D., P~A. ".2- Central File Attacrunents --".' ,. j . ~ ' '\ " STAFF COMMENTS SITE PLAN MODIFICATION CHUA EYE CLINIC Engineering Department: Utilities Department: Police Department: Planning Department: Forester/Horticulturist: \ \ \ \ \/ See attached memo. See attached memo. See attached memo. Provide lighting details. See attached memo. 3 -'- I ~/ \ 1 I I I , I I /. , MEMORANDUM April 6., 1987 TO: Mr. Jim Golden . Planning Department llECEf\'ED APa 6 1987 PLANI'JII\j(J DEPT. FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer - RE: Site Plans, Phase 2, Dr. Chua Eye Clinic Comments: 1. Details sufficient for electrical permit are required for lighting. 2. Interior sidewalks require additional elevations and details. 3. Handicapped parking spaces should be shown in the Paving and Drainage plans. 4. Where dimensions are not shown on the paving and Drainage plans they should reference the drawings where they are shown or duplicate said dimensions. 5. Gazebo sidewalk and slab should be shown in more detail. 6. Landscaped areas should be dimensioned. 7. Prints should show the date they were signed and sealed. ~~~ ~~ ClZt Tom Clark TAC/ck Attach. /} . I ~"'1__ _J~_ _ .1""1 O____!_I_~_.__..0 ___J-..J_, I? _ W _ ;"'1 I f......; 1 ~, ~ .. ..... .!'::i \;jl~~~:c.y:l TO:, Tom Clark FRON: Bill Flushing RE: Jonathan Chua Eye Clinic. 1 . All Jim 14 items in the May. 4, 1986 memorandum to Golden have been addre=sed and corrected. I 2. The r e ~'J a s a calculation a corrected small I inputs~ sheeti3 ! I problem with the drainage this has been resolved and will be supplied. Biil Flushing ,1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH r5 ,. MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunziato, Planning Director John A. Guidry, Director of Utilitie5 ~~~ Date: April 8, 1987 FroM: Subject: TRB Review - Pha5e II, Dr. Chua Eye Clinic RECEIVED APR 9 1987 PLANNING DEPT. 1. Irrigation is not perMitted with City water. We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: the prop06ed Z" Meter. 2. U6e 4" DIP line with a plugged end and 2" corporation stop to feed dMt t MEMORANDUM RECEf\TED TO Mr. J. Golden Planning Dept. Lt. Dale S. Hammack Police Dept. DATI! April 7, 1987 "ILl! Dr. J. Chua f\PR 9 1987 PLJ\NN\l~G DEPT. ""OM SUSJI!CT Reference our discussion at the T.R.B. meeting of 7 April 1987, I am recommending the following: . 1. Provide exterior lighting details. ~fjf:a? Police Department DH: as () MEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director D"'T~ April 10. 1987 "ILII ""OM Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist au.neT Dr. Chua Eye Clinic Site-Plan Modification The landscape plan as submitted should be revised slightly to reflect: 1. 50% of all trees be native species. 2. 30% of all shrUbs/hedges be native species. This requirement includes both types of materials chosen and quantities. 1(0 ~n~~ KJH:ad ? . 1 I .... .. '&' ", ""I I . " I' SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City of Boynton Beaqh, Florida j i Planning and Zoning Board .' , This application must be fillkd out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department...:Incomplete applicationp will not be processed. "t,.. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project; Name: ' JO~ATHAN CHUA EYE CLINIC, PHASE II ./ 2. Date this Application is Acce~ted : (to be filled. out by. Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business~ntity in whose name this applic~tion is made) : .- . .. '.. ...." ..... JONATHAN CHUA, M.D.~ .P.A. 100 N.E. Fifth Avenue ..... Jo.... Address: " , Phone: Delray Beach, FL 33444 737-5500 ." 4. Agent'sNarne (person, if any, ,representing applicant): " MENENDEZ - STE.MARI~, ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. Address: 630 South Dixie Hlghway West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: 659-5701 s. Property Owner.' s (or ,Trustee's) Name: Jona~han Chua,.M.D., P.A. Address: 100 N.E. Fifth Avenue Phone: Delray Beach, FL 33444 737-5500 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: Please send all correspondence to the two above addresses. * This is the address to'which'all'agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 q , ... . . Page 2 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? OWNER . ~ .: . ,~ ~ :'" I ~ . , ~..". , (Owner, Buyer,' Lessee, Buiider, Develo~er, Contract Purchaser, etc.l. B. Street Address or Location of Site: WOOLBRIGHT ROAD AND L.W.D.D. E-4 CANAL, NORTHWEST CORNER 9. Legal Description ,of Site: Parcel C of the 10th Section of Palm Beach Leisureville, as recorded in Plat Book 30, Pages 129-141, inclusive, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florirli'l, lpc:c: i'I prll"'t of' PQl"'r('l C described as: Beginning at the southwest,cornpr of thp ~hnvp m('ntinn('o.. 10. Parcel C: thence north 1059'OB" west. along the westerly line of sii'ld PRrcpl C a distance of 99.5 fe~t: thence south 59029'23" east. a distance of 1?O.64 feet; thence south 69011'14" wes~, along the north line'of S.W. 15th Avenue, Int~n<!iiE!darffire ~t)IOlf5 S~t.t :to. t.h.e ,~oint .~.~ ~egin.ning...._ . ,.....,! PHASE 1 = OPHTHAMOLOGY OFFICE. . . . . PHASE 11 = AMBULATORY.SURGICAL'SUITE , 1~. Developer or Builder: TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATES, INC. 12. Architect: MENENDEZ - STE. MARIE, ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. 13. Landscape Architect: : ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS, INC. 14. Si te Planner: MENENDEZ - STE. MARIE, ARCHTTFCTS & PI ANNFR~, TNr 15. Engineer: ROSSI AND MAlAVASI ENGINEERS, TNe, Boundary = Gentry Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc. Tope = Richard I, ShephRrd lit Ac:snl"' , Tnr 16. Surveyor: 17. Traffic Engineer: N/A . lB. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Council for this. property? PHASE I APPROVED ON JUNE 17, 1986 19. Estimated construction cost of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: $ 200,000.00 '. Planning Dept. 10/82 /0 . ' .. ~ p : : . .' Page 3 II'. SITE DATA The follow~ng informa tion ~u:~~. ~.7-';t~i~led out. bel<?w and must appear, where appl~cable, on all s~x i~) ~2?~~S of. the s~te plan. . , . ... 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan .. 2. Zoning District C-l 3. Area of site 1. 72 :!: acres 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown .COMM~RCIAt - ':.OnF.~CE " 74',923 . . sq. ".~t.. .. . . a. Residential, including. NfA acres % of site surrounding lot area or grgunds b. Recreation Areas * NfA acres % of site (excluding water area) I' c. Water Area 0.00 acres 0.00 .% of site d. Conunercial 1.58 acres 92.11 % of site e. Industrial N/A acres % of site ,\ f. Public/In- N.A .acres % of site stitutional g. Public,private, and Canal Rights-of-Way. 0.00 acres 0.00 % of site ,- h. Other (specify) .14 acres 7.89 % of site Ingress, Egress & Parking Easements i. Other (specify) NfA. acres % of site j. Total Area of Site , 7? 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by' 50 ft. b. Water Area 0.00 Phase I sq.ft. 13.83 % of site 19.22 % of Site upon Completion of Phase II sq. ft. 0.00 % of site ./ c. Other Impervious Areas, including _paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas) , and sidewalks, patios, .. decks, and athletic courts. d. Total Impervious Area 32,100 sq. ft. 42.84 % of site Phase I 35,816 sq. ft. 47.80 % of Site Upon Com 42,460 06.67 tio" of Phase 11 50,'216 sq. ft. 67 02 % of site PHASE I PHASE I 2,688 sq.ft. 3.59 % of site j/ P'~nn;nN nnnf- , n In ') e. Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code}. . . .. . .' . .~. . . Page 4 , f. Other Landscaped Areas, 29,775 sq. ft. 39.74 '% of site excluding Water. Area 22,019 sq. ft. 29.39 % of Site Upon . Other Pervious Areas, ,Completion of Phase II g. including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding Water Areas 0.00 sq.ft. 0.00 % of site h. Total Pervious Areas ":s4"ll6..:S sq.ft. 4J.jj glfASJ:i t.e .24.707 32,98 % PHASE II i. Total Area of Site 74,923 ~q.ft. 100 % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential N/A sq. ft., b. Commercial/Office 10,360 sq.ft. (Phase 1) c. Industr~al/Warehouse 4,040 . ~~'.lf: ( Phase II) N/A d. Recreational N/A " sq.ft. e. Publici Institutional N/A sq. ft. f. Other (specify) : sq.ft. g. Other (specify) sq.ft. h. Total Floor Area 14.400 sq.ft. upon Completion of Phase II N/A 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units' ~. Single-Family Detached b. Duplex c. Multi-Family (3 + 'attached dwelling units (1) Efficiency (2) 1 Bedroom (3) 2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom d. Total Multi-Family dwel~ing units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units N/A Dwelling Units,per ~cre B. Gross Density 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site 25.0' feet 1 stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan Phase I: 10,360 ~ 200 =51.8 Phase I~ 60 (inc. 3 handicapped) Upon Completion of Phase II: 72 (inc. 4 handicapped) Upon completion of Phase II: 14,400 : 200 = 72 //2- ....... .~ e. , _ Page 7 IV. MISCELLANEOUS (check) The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, for two hundred dollars (~). ~.;;O~ -, ~... 2. For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000)" vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) 'single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact ~nalysis must be submitted. - 3., Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired -by the Technical 'Review" Board to determine compliance with the provisi9ns of the City's Code of Ordinances., V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent reco+ds of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless si ned ac to the instructions below. ture of Owner(s) or Trustee, r uthorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. . 3 -2.'7 ;~'1 Date ,. 3- 2'1 ;-&1- Date VI. designate" the above signed person as (my) ~, in regard to this application. ?-21~'1 Date 19 ature of Owner(s) or Trustee, u Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: Le Planning Dept.-lO/82 ~.. /~ e . MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOV&~BER 13, 1984 get around.. The Members agreed that the applicant should obtain an additional 20 feet. Mr. Annunziato clarified that the motion was to,approve the land use element amendment and rezoning, subject to staff comments, and the staff should make an effort to obtain 50 feet regardless of the Post Office's position. 'The Members agreed unanimously with this. A vote was taken on the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT AND REZONING 5. project Name: Agent: ' Owner: Location: Description: Sabers on Charles,F. Hill . Roger Saberson, Trustee Woolbright Road and L.W.D.D. E-4 Canal, northwest corner Request to amend. the Future Land Use ,Element from Moderate Density Resi- dential to Office and Professional Commercial and to Rezone from RlAA (PUD) Single Family Residential to C-I (Office and Professional District) : Mr. Cannon said the Planning and Zoning Board recommended in favor of this request. He read the memorandum addressed to the Board Members from Mr. Annunziato, dated October 31, 1984 and showed the surrounding land uses on the overlay. Chairman Ryder pointed out that this is adjacent to Palm Beach Leisureville. Charles Hill, Agent, 500 N. E. 5th Avenue, Delray.,Beach, said the project name should be Jonathan Chua Eye Clinic, which is what is proposed to be puilt. Basically, that was what they were-asking for, and Mr. Hili said the contract for purchase of the property was not only subject to rezon- ing to C-l but subject to the fact that medical or profes- sional offices will be built on the property. He informed Chairman Ryder that the purchase of the property was con- tingent upon the Board's approval. Mr. Annunziato thought it was clear Dr. Chua had associated himself with this property. However, the action taken by the Board should not be based upon an action by Dr. Chua. The action before the Board was a request to amend the Land Use Element and to rezone a parcel of land. Chairman Ryder said in changing the zoning, there is always the possibility that something else can happen by way of a permissive use such as funeral homes, nursing homes, etc. - ," - I ~. , r.. \ "~......~- '~ - <it MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOV&~BER 13, 1984 Apparently, there was no question that Dr. Chua was associa- ted with the request because he told people in Leisureville what his plans were and arranged to meet with them at the Leisureville Club House. Chairman Ryder was present at the meeting and said Dr. Chua had a rendering showing a one story building with 60 parking spaces because he has about 12,000 square feet. In support of that, Mr. Hill said they wrote to the residents within the 400 foot area. Out of 59 residents, they had 36 replies in favor. Chairman Ryder understood it was looked upon with favor at the meeting he attended in Leisureville, in contrast to what is adjacent to the area now. ! Chairman Ryder asked if anyone else wished to speak in support of the application. There was no response. Chairman Ryder asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the application. Mr. Pat Paolella, 1600 S. W. 14th Avenue, Boynton Beach, lives directly behind what they are trying to rezone. Mr. paolella had a map sent to him by Dr. Chua showing a straight line. Mr. Paolella assumed that from the straight line over, Dr. Chua is asking for the change to C-l. Further, in his letter, Mr. Paolella found figures of 120 feet and 107 feet, which was a different request than the whole parcel. He went to city Hall and instead of it being square on the map, it is cut on a triangle. The triangle serves the present owner to Mr. Paolella's left and does not serve a purpose for the land to the right, which is being requested. Mr. Annunziato explained that the map Mr. paolella looked at was erroneous. They took a look at an action taken by the city Council in 1981, when they adopted the zoning map. What happened was the piece of tape slipped. Mr. Annunziato told Mr. paolella what he saw was the current configuration of zoning. Mr. paolella lives directly in back of that and C-l says a man is compelled to put a 24 foot shrub on the outer boundary of his property. Chairman Ryder said Mr. Annunziato made reference to a wall. Mr. paolella did not have a guarantee that the wall would be built. He was objecting to this for one reason. If they have protection and the wall required for compliance as in C-2 and C-3 zoning, they will not object. Mr. paolella was speaking on behalf of the people that live along the canal. Chairman Ryder suggested that the change in zoning was only the beginning. Subsequently, the Board will be considering ..: /~._.., - " - - .. ~ t MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 13, 1984 the site plan, and the Council will be considering the site plan. That would be the time to make sure the wall goes in. At one time a few years back, Mr. Paolella said a lady and gentleman were driving a car northwest on Woolbright Road, and the lady made a right hand turn into the weeds they were talking about now and landed directly behind his house into the canal. That was why Mr. Paolella was disturbed. Mr. paolella said the shrubs would be 24 inches high, and the headlights on his car are 28 inches high. There is a parking lot behind his house. A little further is a shopping center with all of the filth in the back of it. They have, rats and the most disgusting odor you ever want to smell behind the buildings. The owner is aware of it and put dumpsters back there so the residents could smell them. Mr. Paolella was adamant in saying they do not want that on this other piece of property. Chairman Ryder did not see the comparison and agreed that what was there was not very pleasant. Mr. paolella repeated that he wanted protection behind his house with a wall. If they could show him a wall on the plan, he would welcome the project. Mr. Gregory thought this was an inappropriate time for that particular subject, as the Board was on the matter of rezoning. - -' Mr. Angelo Siragusa, 1911 S. W. 14th Avenue, Palm Beach Leisureville, Boynton Beach, lives west of the property in question. He took exception to the comments made by the Planning Department saying the rezoning request for that parcel of land is not strip zoning because it is strip zoning. Mr. Siragusa asked why the Board was considering granting an amendment to the Land Use Plan without assuring the residents of Leisureville that they will get what someone said they were to be given. He said they are granting a Land Use Amendment based on a promise and asked why the Board could not handle it like a package as they did on previous actions. Mr. Siragusa told the Board Members to let the applicant submit site plans and look at the whole thing as a package so the residents will know they can make vehement objections. He said the Board Members should not rezone that piece of property until the site plan is submitted. Mr. Leon Himelfarb, 1591 S. W. 14th Avenue, resented the equating of'a doctor's office with a butcher shop up the street and said there was no comparison at all. He did not want the B6ard to retain that thought in its decision. 11.# , - ,., - ;r: 6 -. MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 13, 1984 It seemed to Mr. paolella that Mr. Himelfarb did not live on the same block he lived on. Chairman Ryder advised that Mr. Himelfarb lives in the same block. Mr. paolella said Mr. Himelfarb lived on the corner. Chairman Ryder advised that Mr. Paolella's comments had no bearing 'on the subject. Mr. Himelfarb vehemently argued that his residence is closer to the building Dr. Chua ,would put up than the residences of the previous speakers are. Mr. paolella disagreed. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Annunziato reminded Chairman Ryder that Wade Riley, Vice President, Riteco Development Corp., wrote a letter in favor of the request. Mr. Linkous believed the residents were unnecessarily concerned because C-1 limits a lot of things. Mr. Gregory moved to approve the request, seconded by Mr. Hester. Motion carried 7-0. CONDITIONAL USE 6. project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Novatek Truss Plant Raymond M. Baribeau, President Novatek Construction Systems, Inc. 1401 Neptune Drive Request to construct a 10,684 sq. ft. truss plant on a 1.24 acre site Mr. Cannon said the Planning Department was recommending that the Board approve this conditional use. He showed the location of the existing building on the overlay and said . the applicant is proposing to construct a truss plant to the rear of that building. This would be an open building for the construction of light-weight metal trusses. Mr. Cannon - read the Memorandum dated November 2, 1984, addressed to the Board, from Mr. Annunziato. Mr. Cannon read the staff comments from the Building, Fire, Engineering, police, Public Works, and Planning Departments. He also read the comments from the Energy Coordinator and Urban Forester Raymond M. Baribeau, president, Novatek Construction Systems Inc., 1401 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, agreed with most of the comments but asked for an explanation as to why he has to have a water hydrant on the property. He said it is a steel plant, and they cannot set it on fire. Mr. Baribeau had discussed before with staff the bathroom they want to provide in the back for the new plant. Although I \ \ \ - ,~ - 17- fit e , " MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 13, 1984 the handicapped have his sympathy, Mr. Baribeau said you do not find too many handicapped people making trusses out of steel. Mr. Annunziato said Mr. Baribeau no doubt will have handicapped employees as office workers, or handicapped purchasers may go to the facility. Mr. Baribeau advised that they already have three existing bathrooms with those specifications. He said they were talking about a bathroom especially meant for the plant in the back. Mr. Schultz agreed with Mr. Baribeau but advised that the State Code on Handicapped requires it, and what they were talking about was six extra inches in width. Mr. Baribeau said they are limited in space because they bought an exist- ing building. All of the walls are made with concrete block, so he cannot stretch the wall. Mr. Schultz wished Mr. Baribeau would check the number of handicapped stalls required for the number of stalls in the bathroom. He reiterated that six inches is not much. with regard to fire protection, even though it is a metal building, Mr. Annunziato said there will be storage of materials, vehicles, etc. in the back. This is a very deep lot. The city's Code requires that no part of any industrial building can be more than 200 feet from the source of water to fight fires. These lots are 450 feet long, which is the reason for putting a fire stand somewhere on the back portion of the property. Mr. Schultz advised that a fire hydrant would be required. Mr. Baribeau informed Chairman Ryder that there is no wall construction. The building is open on three sides. The fourth wall and the front of the building is the existing building. Mr. Annunziato informed Chairman Ryder there are open bays on the east, west and" north: Chairman Ryder asked Mr. Baribeau if they would have to cut the metal trusses. Mr. Baribeau replied that most of the time they do not, which is the advantage. He estimated 90% would be pre-cut. The only place where they use welding equipment is in the existing building. They can put up a house with three men with no equipment in 72 hours. Chair- man Ryder asked if Mr. Baribeau would have power presses or drills to punch holes. Mr. Baribeau replied, "Yes, in the existing building." He added that the existing building is completely closed. \ \ , Mr. Baribeau sa~d a truss can be 50 or 55 feet long, which is why they need the space. Chairman Ryder asked what is on either side of the property. On the east side, Mr. Baribeau said there is Southern Sheet Metal. On the west side is a Ig _ , II _ (/ (/ c ~.' ~, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 20, 1984 our responsibilities lie in the most economical position with police and fire. We must think about the county coming in to serve that area which is pretty much surrounded by the city. Vice Mayor Ferrell asked 'if this was left in the county, what right-of-way would be required and Mr. Annunziato informed him the county's position is they would only accept 50 feet, which is the minimum for a subdivision. Mr. Ferrari stated they would certainly like to be in the city of Boynton Beach. The request to annex was not their request, but was a request from the City of Boynton Beach. The post office will operate whether in the city or county. Mayor Zimmerman added that a lot of cities have the post office outside the city limits. Mr. Ferrari' requested this to be tabled, so they can con- tinue discussion with the Planning Department. Councilman Cassandra moved to continue this request to December 4, seconded by Councilman Wright. Motion carried 5-0. Approve request to amend the future land use element from Moderate Density Residential to Office and Professional Commercial and to rezone from R-1AA (PUD) Single Family Residential to C-1 Office and Professional District for a parcel of land located in the northwest corner of Woolbright Road and LWDD E-4 Canal. These requests were submitted by Charles F. Hill for Roger Saberson. -Mr. Annunziato explained the location of the site and zonings bordering the property.' He stated that he submitted a report and recommendation.. One issue raised in developing this property was the impact on surrounding properties and since it is separated by an 80 ft. canal, it is felt it could be developed without causing a sufficient adverse impact on the residences to the north. This land is approximately 4 feet higher than the property to the north and it is recommended a 2 ft. hedge might be required in the middle of the wall to separate the property to the north in noting the land elevation and lights. He referred to the proposed use being a medical office facility and explained there didn't appear to be any conflicts. He explained that the property probably could be developed for single family purposes. He referred to consistency with the comprehensive - 12 - ~ ~ (.~" ( c \ "--, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 20, 1984 plan and explained that traffic access was sufficient and it was determined there would be minimal impact on nearby resi- dences. Approval is recommended. Councilman Cassandra asked if we could stipulate what should be built and Mr. Doney replied negatively because if rezoned to C-1, .whatever' is 'allowed -in that zone' can.:be built. ... Councilman Cassandra referred to stipulating the permit should be pulled out within 90 days or revert to the origi- nal zoning and Mr. Doney advised that he did not think that would be appropriate. Mayor Zimmerman asked if there could be an agreement outside the zoning to allow a one story building instead of two and Mr. Doney replied negatively as whatever the zoning category permits must be allowed. Councilman Wright asked what was planned and Mr. Annunziato told about the plans to build an eye clinic, but this cannot be stipulated. Mr. Charles Hill, agent, informed the Council there is a purchase contract on this property subject to it being rezoned to C-1 and he read a clause included noting it will be for medical and professional offices. Mayor Zimmerman referred to a time limit and Mr. Hill replied they will ' start as soon as possible and six months is given for a mortgage commitment. Councilman fession in respected. this land. Warnke stated that Dr. Chua has been in the pro- De1ray Beach for many years and is very He doesn't think he would have any other use for He feels he would be an asset to the city. Mayor Zimmerman asked if anyone else was in favor of :granting this rezoning and land use amendment and received no response. He asked if anyone was in opposition. Mr. Paolella, 1600 S.W. 14th Avenue, stated he lives directly behind this property. In speaking on behalf of the neighbors along the canal from the west side to the east side, they are not opposing this~ however, they would like to go on record they are in favor of this with the provision that the site plan show a 6 ft. masonry wall being erected from the northwest existing property line to the northeast corner to the southeast corner. Mr. Hill replied that the developer will stipulate they will conform to the recommen- dations of the Planning & Zoning Board in that regard. Mayor Zimmerman clarified that the recommendation was for a north wall only and Mr. Hill replied that he didn't know - 13 - ~1) (~! c. c t \._, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 20, 1984 what purpose it would serve to have a wall on the east because on the other side of the E-4 canal is a retention pond and then commercial zoning. He thinks a block wall would prevent any lights from bothering people to the north of the canal and does not think it would have to go around to the southeast corner. They will abide by the stipulation of the Planning' &. Zoning"Board on. the 's1 te'o pl"an. "';Mayor Zimmerman asked if the Council had control over the site plan requiring a wall along the canal and Mr. Annunziato replied that the city Council has that authority. The code says a hedge may be substituted for a wall. The Planning & Zoning Board, staff and City Council have the ability to make these determinations. with the difference in elevation, the staff did recommend a wall. There was further discussion about the necessity and location of a wall and Councilman Warnke clarified that the site plan will come before the Planning & Zoning Board and City Council and the wall is not the issue right now. Councilman Cassandra moved to accept the Planning & Zoning Board's unanimous recommendation for the rezoning of R-1AA (PUD) to C-l office and professional district. Councilman Warnke seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion carried 5-0. Approve request to construct a 10,684 square foot truss plant on a 1.24 acre site at 1401 Neptune Drive to be known as the Novatek Truss Plant. This request was sub- mitted by Raymond M. Baribeau for Novatek Construction Systems, Inc. Mr. Annunziato explained the location. A report has been provided for the City Council including an analysis of this ~equest performed against the performance standards. They have found they can make the recommendation this would be consistent under conditional uses allowed. It is recom- mended this request be approved subject to the list of staff comments which the Planning & Zoning Board included. This request was presented to the Community Appearance Board and subsequently approved. Mr. Raymond Baribeau stated they agreed with the comments 98% and have resolved the other 2%. Mayor Zimmerman asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak in favor or in opposition to this application and received no response. - 14 '- d') ~ ~ PHASE II . ~VING AlIJ!JR.3NAGE !:y"f! \ JONATHAN CHUA \ EyE CLINIC ,TRANswofiiii' AssociA ,[s. INt; . I (D.R JO"iAW/.!' CHUIlI .,.....,.. .0 : . "'., 1 . ---..--...... .....-.-~ ",.to . ~ . . " '';''f ...:1,. ." "'4 .... .' 10M I,...... 00' ~ J' '.. :If'\ .' 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