LEGAL APPROVAL " , i/of /iNTON BEACH ,. ~~ , -... . ..J / 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 ( 3 0 5 ) .7 3 8 -7 4 9 0 t, _ ..~...~_._.-=-~-- ;;'/:.~~,.~..i.~ .,-.:... .~t.. _c:t...._--~---___P"""Io I ......,::....o..~.... .....1 . --=-.--.: :-:~ . -..---..- -=:: ......~_. I ~;r~~ .~~ ',:'" ;::;;,~.~;;;:;;..;::::-_-=r.: .,........a~.. '" I; ~~1l.".. ..,.. \:'- Jl.. ..r..,......... '",... ',' tl~~~~--...P~.". ........::.;,~: ~:~.~~- ;..~ ~::.;')O!;?t!;)~f!~., ;.~. ,'u . ~. ~Q"'~"" _~~ . ..........- -- .~-t .- .-~""':...~~ \,." - ......--. . '. .. ., .. -----.:..,.. -".- ~~~~~ . ~~~ ~_.- -- . ..----.~ OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR September 30, 1988 1/ " Menendez-Ste. Marie, Architects & Planners, Inc. 630 South Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Re: Jonathan Chua Eye Clinic (Florida Eye) Site Plan Modification Our file #148 " Dear Mr. Menendez: Please be advised that on Wednesday, september 21, 1988, the City commission approved the referenced request, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached check-off sheet, prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. 'Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~s. CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA:ro Attachments cc City Manager, Technical Review Board, Central File L 2 STAFF COMMENTS CHUA EYE CLINIC SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Public Works Department See attached memo '. .' :3 r TO' 3~'N"'Ic? ~l-~ ~IDte. C,:7Y ,o~AI~~ SUBJECT: C~oA. ~,(6 ~ 1oJ' c,. FOLD i -:-... _ r- T ~....... (?$I~ <::.""-1 c::.C-I::>,S.o ~ AND l)uIV'\Ps.~ F'~ 1-'">40~~ /'J7vsr &- ~8"p~,,J62J "AJ PLEASE REPL V TO SIG . REPLY J~- DATE: ~L 0 . ;;? SIGNE ' Item' F269 Grayarc. P.O. Bo. 2944. Hartford. CT 06104,2944 @ Wheeler GrouP. Inc. 1982 I FROM If?p~eo- f; CHo~ V- '\ /j-GT7N'G :l)/~C"G 7"~~ oP ~~ c. L.JJI~~ .-' DA TE:--9-.? -'? " mv.sr HI9e/4!!r" /9 /I? /A/ n/';;'" /0 o"o.d?V~"'Y ~AI A/'~ C"oJlf:.Jl/~ e>P ~ps-.er;r L~ ~..s 7""0 ~"OR ~ .... 4 ~, ..:., SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board ,. . ,,~ This application must be filled out completely and accurately .and submitted in one (1) copy to the Plannirig Depart~ent. Incomplete applications will ,not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: JONATHAN CHUA EYE CLINIC (FLORIDA EYE) This submission is a request for approval of changes made during construction to the previously Approved Site Plans (Phase I Approved on June 17, 1986, Phase II Approved on April 21, 1987) See attached Supplemental Instructions #9 & 10 for a List of Changes along with Plans identifying changes by clouded revisions. 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : ~/~'1/J'-2 3. Address: JONATHAN CHUA, M.D.,P.A. 100 N.E. FIFTH AVENUE DELRAY BEACH, FL 33444 737-5500 Phone: 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representi~g appl~cant) : - MENENDEZ-STE.MARIE, ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. - Address: 630 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33401 Phone: (407) 659-5701 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Address: JONATHAN CHUA, M.D., P.A. 100 N.E. FIFTH AVENUE DELRAY BEACH. FL 33444 Phone: 737-5500 ~ 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant,or agent) *: PLEASE SEND ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE TWO ABOVE ADDRESSES. * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will he mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 b \ \L ',' . . .. Page 2 7. Nhat is applicant's interest in the premises affected? OWNER \ .: '11:"': Ii.. ,. ': . (Owner, Buyer,' Lessee, Buiider, Develo~er, Contract'purchaser, etc.} '" B. street Address or Location of Site: WOOLBRIGHT ROAD AND L.W.D.D. E-4 CANAL~ NORTHWEST CORNER 9. Legal Description ,of site: Parcel C of the 10th Section of Palm Beach Leisureville, as recorded in Plat Book 30, Pages 129-141, inclusive, .of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florirlfl, lpc;c; fl pflrt of Pflrrpl (' described as: Beginning a~ the southwest corm>r of thp flhnvp mpntinnprt.. Parcel C; thence north 1059'08" west. along the westerly linp of Siflrl Pflrcpl C a distance of 99.5 feH; thence south 59029'23" east. a distance of 1~O.64 feet; thence south 69011'14" west, along the north line of S.W. 15th Avenue, 10. Int~n1i'JdaFlfle~t)lOlf5 Sf~~.ito, ,t,h,e 'point .~,~ ~egin.ning." , PHASE I = OPHHIAr10LOGY OFFICE, , . PHASE I I = AMBULATORY ,SURGICAL 'SUITE, 11. Developer or Builder: TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATES, INC. 12. Architect: NENENDEZ - STE. HARlE, ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. .' 13. Landscape Architect: ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS, INC. 14. Site Planner: HENENDEZ - STr. r1ARIE, ARCHITECTS" PIANNFRS, TNr 15. Engineer: ROSSI AND r'lALAVASI ENGINEERS. INC, Boundary = Gentry Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc. Topo = Richard I. Shpphflrrl " Ac;c;or , Tn,. 16. Surveyor: 17. Traffic Engineer: N/A . lB. Has a site plan been previously approved by 81e City Council for this. property? PHASE I ApPROvEDtm JUNE 17, i986 PHASE. II' APPROVED ON ~PRIL 21, 1987 19. Estimated construction cost of proposed improvements shqwn on this site plan: N/A .. Planning Dept. 10/02 ~ \ \ L ~ Page 9 .. ' : IV.' MISCBLLANEOUS ~ (check) The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached, fee schedule. 2. For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000)' vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic i~.~~~L '~~~ly~i; ~u=t be =~~=ittcd. 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- 'quired by the Technical Reyiew Board to determine compliance . with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted ~ ss signed according to the instructions below. ~. .&-d1-~ gnature of Owner(s) or Trustee, Date Q~~Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. VI. Agent 6.-.Z1-8'2;. Date designate the above signed person as (my) gen t in regard to this apP1J~t:':;1_ 8 t S~gnature of Owner(s) or Trustee, Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business e?tity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: Planning Dept. 10/82 ? ........... ........... ........... , architects & planner's. inc. September 2, 1988 City'of Boynton Beach Planning Department 120 N. E. 2nd Avenue P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Re: JONATHAN CHUA EYE CLINIC, JOB No. 85402/33402.1 Attention: Jim Golden Dear Jim: Please be aware that we have revised the List of Changes we are requesting for approval, indicated on the Architect's Supplemental Instruction No.9. which was recently submitted. We have deleted. Item No.2A on that document, which requested the deletion of a door along the rear of Dr. Chua's building. Since our submission on August 29, 1988, we have discussed this further with Don Jaeger and have decided to leave that door in as shown on the existing plans. No change for that item will be necessary at this time. ::. any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate cc: Dr. Chua Ed Zuraw Francisco Lee File MENENDEZ. STE. MARIE 630 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA :33401-5835 ::::-,:;e65ge5: ? It ~ a::.. ~ ~ ~l - ~ ~ ~ YfJ ~. e.~ ~ a:-~ ,~ '~ ! ... bt ->'i ~~ ~ ../~ ,. D- .-' D ~ ~ ..I ~ ~ ~......' ::-'~'" ::-:,'.::'<:- t::::: ~::':. 1-"'-'-- ..'- \1.... ~.. _gt~__'" :::U: ~':\ .. 9.....- .~".. .. .--- .. .-'" ,,:......, ." ..;..~::: ;::::..'!..-'" ::;:~~: ..':.\ t~..;:fZ::..:::r:-", :;W \:; 9 ~ -- ~ ........ ,..- .",:,~:::: :;:;:0.:....-'" .....,., .... ~... ~\\,....... ~~:, .. ~:-~ ........... ;~.....~-- .... .......... ... ....... ::;:. ~:~'::...,-,... :E-- ,,:,,,,,,,,,"_" s...~-- . ,0 MI eo ,1 ___.- -r<' .- - ,. ,v.!.1 ~ : I. ~;,r,..,r-~"'-""- t. ~r;:~";';::-~ Cl-.wV'~ ~".~~' t. ~ ..~~ :y ..--' ...---'--- ~ -,...-~..' -'''::'':':'':'~-;; ........*......--. ~--;:---;... __ __ ~~~-;:-_--;-c.::---;:~ .- ' ----;---;-. . ~ ,; , LOCA T\ON MAP ,. ...' ' DR. CHUA EYE CL\N\C . .' , " . -~.i;.. .:~...,-~. c'1 ~. ~..~..... '>\"r. ..-.;:';': t . '="1> :3 \ .. ,,_I . ..;.:,r~~'. ".,.,;..~:;.-,: ;...~':f~~'.,,;.' . pol' ~-~ ..,.!.,..,-' . -.-,-4:' '~<.~{;:~ . ,. ~ , PU. ~~ '0 . 400 i 800' --- - M\LES f.EET ~ I., \ ~ ...n /II ". If " ,..,.,....,. ,-..' . .-.."...." ..".".,:,n - ", ~ - ~.-.. "-.f (." -' AR Ct-IITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS . AlA DOCUMENT GnD (Instructions on reverse side) . '. ~ . Owner ' Architect Consultant Contractor Field Other ~ (2) Dr.Chua & Ed Zuraw [] ~ (1) Rossi & Malavasi (]I (1) ,[]I \ (1) ~ (2) S&S For Bldg.Dept. . - . I ., I ...., 0": 1.\ . PROJECT: JONATHAN CHUA EYE CLINI,C I , " , ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL (name, address) BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INSTRUCTION NO: 10 OWNER'. TRANSWORLD A~SOCIA;rES', INC'. . DATE OF ISSUANCE: . ... '.. '11 "I' 100 N.E. 5th Aven,u: " . . ...'., TO: Delray ,Beach, Flonda 33483 ' ARCHITECT: (Contractor) "I r': '" 8-24-88 TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATE'S, INC:' . .0:.... MENENDEZ-STE.MARIE,ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. 630 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 CONTRACT FOR: SITE & BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 85402185402.1 The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time, Prior to proceeding in accordance with these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract DqC;:~,melJts and return a copy to the Architect, , . 'I. Description: ;: ' " ITEM NO.1 - Improve Parking Easement at, West end of property as follows and indicated in a copy of the Approved Site Plan for such , Easement and ~upplied by Boyn~on Beach Building Department. Adjust improvements to 'as 'built conditions. A. Clear area of all debris. . B. Resurface Paved Area, to match that modified for Eye Center accessability with 1" Type II Asphalt. C. Re-Sod grass areas. D. Modify and repair irrigation system for proper operation as required. E. Plant new hedge on the,Ea~t and South sides of the space designated for dumpster location with a plant material such as Orange Jessami ne. (Nurraya Pani cul ata), Coco Pl urn (Chryobalanus Icaco); Glossy Privet (Ligustrum Lucidum) or other suitable species, except Australian Pines at 24" o.c., 81 height from 3 gal.,full container. F. Stripe parking spaces following Boynton Beach requirements and provide wheel.~tops at each space. Attachments: lHere Imert IIJlln, 01 documentJ ,h,l.upport deJCrlpl/o~,' . Page 2 of 2 MENENDEZ-STE.MARIE, ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, INC. ' ISSUED: '~ 'DY , '~Q Architec ' ACCEPTED: 8.,27wgg DY Contractor Date Page 1 of 2 C': .' ' AlA DOCUMENT G71D · ARCIIlTECT'S sUrrLEM~i'n:\l INSTRUCTIONS . MARCIt 1979 EDITION . AlA" <<>1979 · lHE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 173S NEW YORK AVE" N,W" WASHINGTON, D,C, 20006 /1 ~ G71D-1979 "'. "'. ..., "'-- ~ L- l:. -I ... . I ...:I . .. ; : ~ !N i }~~,.~ ~.I) .-:-'Y4."-:, \'- 0.';,-- Ct\NAL ~ , ._.~. ...,-- '- .- .-.. .-....- J:K f-oll\E._ ...... , uTt.wu L.A;",lI''':' 4" SUf'f'1.'( \"'I-or. _ t "'C\. 'Y.'- n. ," ~.,:.; , t t F(;L~,~^Tl:! [.)ll$TIN:; '-~~'..~:rl.~~ ~~~ ( , --..-, 4 .. - r-' - ---. '&.7+. .' ,,"It''l\l,bL A.P'~" ~a ~..:.~-::'L. r:..:r -: ",:"":,0' "'_"""';""(..L....U ;"'It.... ,"- ':.~~f-.~ ~T . t:;,"i"';1M-~Z.S': ";'_!lot\~ / ^ ,. '\j , Existing New Wall \" , -!!: Plant ,.._--:; .;..----- ---- .-.- ;~. .-- r ........ 1I\"T'C\1 UIST'. <::"'......~s :.J.~Il.oii1 _...- &;M'" !::)I;''S''~ "''''.VIMG. . "'A"K'~C- ., "AlI~T ':\UT ~-.I l O'STI~ s,'t",p ...'. r ,;... << New He e ~..v .~ ,.,..~ JF . " (;,1;' " ./C~ t. s""'" .." _. or' II j l' ~ It ....1- t.R"JE us W I ~I tl...w i '" ." , ,. I" ,;: (' ,'r : .. r \! ..- t' T- 1;I,c.. .' .':; "'\~ ,'l U ;I ,., v , , ." ( ! ~"IV ! II .\T,. !: ~M. II ~:s J.; . u,,1\:.1I-M 1IJoSl" , PAvrn Ar:?f~j.,' ./ :. . , , !'\ m-r::u _-r=-_ ..., " r\ EllIS't _Cff~, L Z. :!. "'C S-E oJ. 0'... Q.\ V) ItS ~ . 0. U) Q.\Q.\>, ~ 0:: 0:: V) ~ '% .aLL SMtZ.!: Vt:.A~ W~I-:~ ...~ TO ~\Vl "A'/IMC Sl:"~'- t.c. $Tr.....u elF 11IP selL. , L~ MATt-ltlA... t.o""~ -3 7- ~~I..~W ...'" C~, C:'MtAt:T ALL ~:onr~t:~ &tl~ATll "'''''rob 't1:I " M1HI"'UM OF M -" ba:~"""I": I'^SE. COll1l'3~ S\VoLl. ~~T Of' AIol "'~1t'O' SUu.L.~~ w.'!"1l A ...ltt''''''M t.'~T\l \01'>4~ c:lt'\P,",C'T[:.t. :)~ S:'lC lUC.t:I:S, uNW c.3..,rL.t.TI~~ e; -r:l!::. L!.S~ ~t.l~1O:t "'~MtOYA.\.. or SJo...t.. T\4t. ~"'~~; \:\.lM. :'lrl""o. ....I~~ ':":~~C:.K. ~~~r. nir. "'Sf'lIAI.Tlc. ~I)Kc:."'--n:. S,uM",Io.t:.E. cou ...."c:.N ~::l""PAC.TZ:.b ~ \llv& J>. Ul(IJ:"Of'l TUle\(,NE~ C#' OHt:. I I\C." , S~It"NC AMI) ....AI't'K't\C CF P.vs:....."Kr U. bON,"- ...~ IHhIUTE.ll. ~l-l TilL bltA,W1 bJI~ WIIITi:. TM"A.n-rc:. ,""'INt: PftOVlt.s;:. ""to I~A\..L. "'''Le.J,.~T ~c:.RI! ....U....f"f.~ 1\.1 M.'- r-""I<:Mc' ~"C:I:.S:. L 10 RE.9UIIU\') ~-~" -"'. i 1/" .', ';',t ,.. __~lJ / '.\:' ....J",-- ___~__ 107,5., >(., bIn, s. eON<:. Slbt:.,,"ll.~- " 1h',?ICATION S,"(STE.M . . . . . 1_ \. RtL'Y'ATt. loUt. ""E..,::')l-Itit:.'l.T ~IJCT'~ LIHE C....H..'-. t"~"'~, c:.)(""~~IO\.l T..~\(.. ~'" ,.~. .l.Nb E.1.s:.....'"TRICAL. 5UP'M.'t 2.. f'\l!'llbE.. \>..... (;., TYI"c:.. 1\20 "'\>'~G. SI2t:.l S~l( WiT" ~C'r.~\.s:. ....0 ...v.e.. "'In Bt.ln' "I.~ r-l~a::. /I.. "':"'Il'"UM cF l::l' 1US.U: "'I MIS" Coft''' ba::.. .3. ,.ft'a'lIt.c:. k EW SP"'IIl\( \..1:." "U~~ 54 M\ t..' . ~ T;l~~ E.l('~l t\(:, P L A~ Resurface Paved A-r as and match ''''" I....:.O!.O" Existing Grades. a't Boundaries n: 1f))'iffi1mWl __,__--~d recent piivement \h \\ \L ~ \lU \ill 11 Ui lmprovements U U " w n ~ L BR "....,~ G 1-\ lCITY OfR:,YiisrNi~7;:0 R'I!. 'I'm ~'~:'rln,I~~T Duoldona POlIno! r:o. I r j, .::: i' ';~:r' ~ ? I" 5 ' ';-g- 1(-lt,O' I'v.._", t. .;:' l,;,,_ +,,:tt".(/ tile. O~n~r F /I) ~, I rY F fEw ,:;/,1'11 ') '/-,. . . ...'~:::t ....J:.:'c:,~ Iq 6 ,;- S' / t / , / .;'-.{ n' /1,//= / ~ '!;Ub.:l;vls:un --.. L, t/ '-/..(.?, /' dLCC!..~/ /"; ! :'IA. '----- G.RA.SS. .. t, PI~C\'oI.bE.. -:'I?',,~s. SOh S'MIL.A.~ TO T~t: t:.1CI::'-:-ltici ,~ru.~S. :z. 'Z.~ $IJ"'~~ ~c. -:F .. y.-.I?M ~\.l -rr.lO.T\11 '.:,!.....H.C A ~~M,."::.r ~'" ::~...~U AMb llCAvV FOO":" ~tVL\...;:lf>lo\tHr. (/ Sf<:. . ..~ ;':'f. . .::1 r .!'" " ...........'. . tm 0, ;-, .", 13 ,,' ,-. ' (€ .t ~:' \~.,.. :.:., '; \ .. .,' /- -'" I - ~",\'..r. r' ~ : .; '~~L _' ,7,~ ",.... .: .... i .~ ~:\..;"..~ ~l.o ~":l. ....' i; "r~"'~t". ." ,.,".. /. ...' ......("\ . Lot All NORK 1:/'J,Jl'!t " ',J :'1:', . ',: :\11" ',"~, t I: ;,'/~,:n\f WITH ALL CHY ur iJ:;y:;rOj~ tllA::H :;lJll~I~U CODES. ["at. App.ovt:ts:!tY/,,-1.... Jt:~, J"I"'f b.,~ t.'..~. ~ _reo ......-:.. ..--;t. ___ IITEeTS >> .A t1dt F I " '\::1 n I ^'" '"- ~ ~-' '" r- a- a-' . 'Y , r:- I I. I: ,'. T' I " )., \ J c::- I T r r.:: i 1\ \ . ~ "- "-- W ..___ I .....,. '" .. ...) I I ___ . "-.-...... SHI Q DRAWN t),R.e. DATI[ S~FT. 2.7_ t ,!)77 Al[VISIONS .AUG. 10, 1~?6"- Ab"'TIO~ OF P).VCh ""R\(IN~ ,)Jtu \ 33480 CHECKED "'ILI!: NO, 7704- o,.E SKAL ISSUE DATE,' JOB NUMBER: 85402 / 85402.1 MENE OEZ. STE.MARIE ................. ........... ......".... erch,tecta S plannera, inc. . 1130 SOUTH C'XIE WEST PALM eEAC..., ~LORIOA 33401 300.lJeO-ts701 FOn.: JONANTHAN CHUA EYE CLINIC BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATES RAWN. BY: SCALE: N. T. S PAGE: 2 OF 2 ~........ ... " " Owner 00 (2) Dr.Chua & Ed Zuraw Architect 0Cl Consultant 0Cl (1) Rossi & Malavasi Contractor 0Cl (1) Field 0Cl (1) Other 0Cl ( 2) S&S For Bldg.Dept. ( ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS . AlA DOCUMENT G710 (Instructions on reverse side) ..> '" ~ I PROJECT: JONATHAN CHUA EYE CLINIC (name, address) BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OVVNER: TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATES, INC. 100 N.E. 5th AVENUE TO: DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33483 (Contractor) TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATES, INC. CONTRACT FOR: SITE AND BUILDING CONSTRUCT! ON ARCH ITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: 9 DATE OF ISSUANCE: 8/24/88 ARCHITECT: MENENDEZ-STE.MARIE, ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS, I NC. 630 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 85402/85402.1 The VVork shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in' accordance with these instruction~, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the VVork as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. Description: ITEM NO.1: (REFER TO PHASE II PLANS, SHEET SP-1) A. Delete "Outdoor Waiting Gazebo" and 41-0" wide concrete sidewalk in accordance with attached Revised Drawing, Sheet SP-1. B. Delete "Ornamental Fence" - 41-0" high at all indicated locations in accordance w~th attached Revised Drawing, Sheet SP-1. C. Delete "Rolling Gate" at all indicated locations in accordance with Revised Drawing, Sheet SP-1. D. Delete 116"x 16" x 41-0" high Concrete Masonry Bollard" at all locations in accordance with Revised Drawing, Sheet SP-1. ~ ITEM NO.2: (REFER TO PHASE II PLANS, SHEET A-I, FLOOR PLAN) A. Delete "Door 3" along column line "A" between column lines "0" and "0.2" in accordance with Revised Drawing, Sheet A-I. B. Delete "Door 2" along column line "0.2" between column lines "A" and "B" in accordance with Revised Drawing, Sheet A-l. C. Delete "Exterior Concrete Sidewalk and Stairs" at rear exit 'to future Surgical Suite. Construction in that area to be revised and provided in next Phase (Surgical Suite). See attached Revised Drawing, Sheet A-I. D. Delete "Temporary One-Hour Rated Partition" in future Surgical Suite. Also, delete any reference to Dr. Chua1s office in Phase I & II Plans. Dr. Chua1s office will become part of next Phase and will be indicated as part of future Surgical Suite Plans. Temporarily 'delete Exit Light and Exit from Phase I until completion of future Surgical Suite. Phase I shall use remaining three Exits for exiting purposes. See attached Revised Drawing, Sheet A-I. E. Delete "Scoring at Ext.Concrete Slab" at exterior patio as indicated on Revised Drawing, Sheet A-l. ~ F. Delete"Quarry Tile" on mortar bed at West entry to future Surgical Suite in accordance with attached Revised Drawing, Sheet A-l. Page 1 of 2 /5 -, ITEM NO.3:, (REFER TO ADDENDUM #1, DATED JANUARY 16, 1987, ITEM' #4 DRAWING # AD-4)' . A. Change and modify "Pavement and Wa1 kway P1an" indi,~ated above in accordance with attached drawing~S.I.-1. ITEM NO.4: (REFER TO ADDENDUM #3, DATED APRIL 23, 1987, ITEM #1) A. Substitute Sheet #L-1 thru L-4 and modify landscaping as 'requested by the City of Boynton Beach and according to Revised Drawings indicated on the above Addendum and as hereby attached. B. Delete "(19) Peace Li11ies" at East side of building in accordance with attached Drawing, Sheet L-2. C. Delete "(22) Silver Queen Ag10a~ema" in exterior patio adjacent to the Staff Lounge and substitute with "A11yson Heather" in accordance with attached Drawing, Sheet L-2. D. Delete "(8) Variagated Pittosporum" at the planter located on the West entry to the future Surgical Suite in accordance with attached Drawing, Sheet L-2. ITEM NO.5: (REFER TO PHASE II PLANS, SHEET A-2) A. Wherever Exposed Concrete Finish is indicated (Mark #2), Delete and substitute with a Stucco Finish. (See attached Revised Drawing, Sheet #A-2. ' B. Delete II Signage Mounted on the Building Wa11" noted as Mark #15. (See attached Revised Drawing, Sheet #A-2). C. Delete "Louvered Gates'l indicated by Mark #10 at North side of building. (See attached Revised Drawing, Sheet #A-2). . D. Add Raised Concrete Platform and Electrical Meter and Panels as indicated on North elevation on attached Revised Drawing, Sheet#A-2. Attachments: Were imerlliJling 01 documents Ih~! Jupporl deJcripr;on.} REVISED PHASE II DRAWINGS, SHEETS NO. SP-1, A-1, A-2, L-1 Thru L-4 and NEW DRAWING, SHEET NO. S.I.~l. MENENOE7-STE.MARIE, ARCHITECTS & ISSUED: PLANNERS, I NC. BY ~ ~ e 8-21-8& Architect ACCEPTED: BY Contractor Date l. AlA DOCUMENT G710 . ARCllITECT'S surrUMENTAl INSTRUCTIONS . MARCil 1979 f[lITlON . AlA" @1979 . THE AMERICAN INS1ITUlE Of ARCHITECTS, 17JS NEW YORK AVE., N,W" WASHINGTON, D.C, 2000(, G710-1979 Page 2 of 2 ~~ ..... w' ~~~ t7~ ~. ;7' 1,~I)__ ,1110 I.. I II):.','" 1.../' \ ',~ \CJ1,14' !It 1 II I)//J.l' VI" (V)l~lt I J,I.!~( wlt!IIlWj,; V.tA" 1I/'IlA,t" WAtI ttW L\(~~!, tt H \ ({.\ .' I~I'" I II (WL\.V'J.I}'1.. t:) (p~t'" .". . . .... . I ~UL~~ ~I L.-~ ~t?b~ ()lJp.t.lp..y,-, ~ (%~ ~N~" ~V~~ \1.1?' I ~~e. Vb" p~~ ?f. ::.- -:--Ua r qrep. I I~.'ZI' 17. '211 W" I :. ': ~ ': ill', !I Iii" 'neW . . 1'1. ,) V,/U{ 'J, Ill:. ~ I 1r'J,~~. to~c" ~~ ~C~PN)w.L. ) . 1 I~.~?I I~ -\ , 1~"'IM$~ r-II.J. ~L.... ~ PA'MN1~ ~ .tP'tJ~, c.-Ur2Je, '2-1 4~O" ~, " " {~{t~ ~'.~~~("' t~')k. IltJ.~~P-1 "':")./0 O!J , {( t ~ H( lU I/{l (I.!i' ~. ftp..C:?...~ ~ I .tUllf ({{.{t t2E" tSE ' .:~~ldll;IllW1U PAVfM~~1 ~ HALIt.r1AY p~ -=MAIN .e+J"f1:2..Y ~AI...~ ~ Vb II ::-11.011 SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION I 9 MENE EZ. STE.MARIE ~........~. ........... ............ archltecta & plannera, Inc. . 830 SOUTH DI)(IE WE6T PALM BEACH. flLORIQ4 33401 30e'U5D'570t , 8-24-88 B- -Z8 PROJECT.' JOB NUMBER: 85402/85402.1 JO~ATHAN CHUA EYE CLINIC BO~NTON BEACH, FLORIDA FOR! TRANSWORLD ASSOCIATES, INC. DRAWN BY: SCALE: AS SHOWN SHEET 5.1.-1 :,/, '--' '/L5