CORRESPONDENCE February 12, 1981 " TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Torn Clark, City Engineer Re: Resolution accepting improvements for Josephine S. Latino Subdivision Forwarded herewith are the following: 1. The original. "Agreement" guaranteeing the bonded improvements for one year for acceptance. by the.. City signed by Mr. Latino and notarized. . 2.. A letter from the Design Engineer certifying that work to be completed for this subdivision is now complete. The Technical Review Board members have also recommended acceptance 6f the improvements by the City. : I recommend that the City pass a resolution accepting the improvements for City maintenance and operation. ~ -, :f ~ .Ar _~.. ~~. lfrt.c,) -- . " Cash surety held by the City includes the following: 1. Cash bond for sidewalks .......................$.3,435 ~ This was posted by John Pagliarulo with a check on his account. Mr. Latino advised verbally that it was actually his money. 2. Cash bond for water, sewer & road construction $ 7,131 This was posted by Mr. Latino, the developer. I recommend that the cash. bond for the water, sewer and road construction in the amount of $7,131 be returned to Mr. Latino and that the return of the $3,435 be held up until it is resolved as to who actually footed the bill for this cash bond. ~V~- :~ Tom Clark TAC :rnb Attach. cc: Perry Cessna Bud Howell . Carmen Annunziato 'Grady Swann - ) REPLY MESSAGE This form ...lIable from Crayarc Co., Inc., A Subsidiary of Dictaphone CorporaUon, 11% ThIrd Awe.. Brooklyn. N. V. "%:12 - --'-. _. ~_. _. -..- - .- -..-. - --. - -.. - - - - -' _. - - -. -. - - - .~-.. - - - ._. - . -- - - -- _. - - -.- _. - . -- ---.- ~- -- -...-- TO Mr. Thomas Clark City Engineer OCT 3 I 1979 FROM Telephone 732-8111 . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . Office of the City Manager P.O" BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 I SUBJECT: Josephine S. Latino Subdivision - Final Plat Approval Replat of Tract A, .~eacrest Estates DATE: Oct. 3,1979 FOLD ... As you' know, the City Council on October 2, 1979 approved the final plat with the acceptance of a cash bond in the amount of $10,566. It is my understanding that you currently have a check for $7,131. and that the developer will bring.in either a new check for the total amount or a check for the difference, which will constitute his cash bond. We should be sure this provision is met prior to the recording of the final plat. PLC/db cc: Central, City PlaJlD-.er, PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED Finance ~ /.~~ I / ~ Cit Mana REPLY DATE: SIGNED THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED CRAYARe CO..INe..IIROOKLYN, N. Y. 11UZ . - DETACH THIS COPY-RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES \'iITH CARBONS INTACT. ;;LJ \) . --\- (;, ~ ~ 6tjl' f1 c;'py, · ---.,-;> \ (; )~, f ~&- '-; 1:...~:: ~~ (!tfI~llD SCI-IOOL 130AI-tD ~l'i:...i. ..... l,,,_,~.: -~~. . ~" . . J ." '.. "1.' ~J'l;?:~: .N;:.-ru _ ."...'lw..~...._-~ . OF' PAI...l'vl BEACH COUNTY, FLOHIDA SEP 28 1979 -< .,.- 7f::z /~ /1.1 .... . 1/"" /.,/ . ~...... ~ -.' .--'..... .t.. '-;t/ ___._.r....,.. ....,~..... 3323 BELVEDERE ROAD .WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402 I""II1U111 '''JUOAf . ...........,. 'tI:LI:PHONC' .83.0050 I OlliS J I MSA ,.... ,.......u".... THOMAS J. MILLS SUPEnINTENOE:NT 01.: SCHOOLS September 27, 1979 JAM! S C. VI llJl\I(,;A nOBERT S. HOWEll BE RI\IARD KIMME l. M.D. . . . SUSAN R. PEll THOMAS W. SANSBURY Daniel J. O'Brien L.S. O'Brien, Suiter & O'Brien, Inc. 2601 N. Federal Highway De1ray Beach, Florida 33444 SUBJECT: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IN . BOYNTON BEACH TRACT "A" SEACREST ESTATES ...v---...__......_~ Dear Mr. O'Brien: The Department;of School Plant Planning has reviewed the information pro- vided relative to propose~ sub~ivision in Boynton Beach, Florida, Tract "A" Seacrest Estates. The information provided indicates that Seacrest Estates subdivision when completed will consist of approximately twelve (12), three (3) and/or four (4) bedroom rental duplex units. This office estimates that Seacrest Estates will generate approximately 13 public school age students when completed. A probable grade level breakdown of which would be as follows: 5 pupils in grades K-5, 4 pupils in grades 6-8, and 4 pupils in grades 9-12. .. Schools of attendance assuming existing attendance boundaries remain and no new schools are built at the time Tract "A" Seacrest Estates is com- pleted, are listed below. Also listed are the present existing membership, the additional student membership to be generated by the development and a projection of the number of students each school will be expected to.house. in five years, as well as, the usable permanent capacity of each school. 1983-84 Usable Existing Membership Projected Permanent School Name Membership 1./ from Dev10p. l-Jembership 2:./ Capacity De1t'ay Beach 228 5 1150 275 Carver Middle 1145 4 1895 1346 Atlantic Sr. 2041 4 3220 2072 : ~/. Existing membership represents student membership reported as of September 1979 which constitutes attendance accounting during the first attendance period. 2:./. The 1983-84 projected membership will be evaluated annually and may be revised based on each schools' actual enrollment and the amount of residential building activity ~~thin each school's attendance boun~ary. ?J .. ! ~. : .,.. 'Page 2 Daniel J. O'Brien September 27, 1979 You will note that the schools w~ich ~~ll be expected to house students emanating from these units are potentially seriously overcrowded. While the School Board and Administration recognize the need for additionaly school facilities, there are at present no funds available to build such facilities. The factor that will determine enrollments is dependent upon the rate at which the various developments in the area are completed. It should also be.noted that this is a county wide system. Therefore, the school system's ability to meet building ~eeds in one area mus~ be viewed 'against the total county school construction demand. State funds are allocated to school districts based on the .actual number of students in attendance rather than on projected enrollment. Based on past experience, state capital outlay funding allocations for this district. are generally inadequate to p~~vide facilities necessary for the additional' students emanating from the approved developments. Therefore funds for 'capital outlay use must be generated locally, perhaps through u~llage in- creases, ad valorem bond issues or some type of "fair share" impact assess- ment. The administration, therefore, will recommend to the Boynton Beach City Council that the petitioner consider a contribution equivalent to .4 of 1% of the selling price of each residential dwelling unit, on a one. time initial sales basis as a means of assisting the School Board in its attempt to acquire funds ~~th which to alleviate overcrowded school condi- tions. These funds will be placed in a special capital outlay account to be used in the area impacted by this development. The School Board has twice in the past 8 years attempted without success to pass bond issues to finance new school construction. It is essential that a realiable source of school construction funds be found; this will require a strong cooperative effort with the School Board by other governmental entities, responsible developers and concerned parents. However, if the school funding problem could be successfully resolved, the School Board would be able to build the facilities necessary to accommodate new residential growth within the county. Sincerely, 1~lA-(' U---- Howard JOhn~ Senior Planning Specialist School Plant Planning . HJ: 1mb cc: Mr. Tom Clark A MEMORANDUH SEP 28 1979 Mr. . Peter' L. Cheney,.. City Manager FROM: Torn Clark, City Engineer .. ._~O: September 28, 1979 Re: ~osephine S. L~Q_Subdivision FinaJ_p'~t approval (a re-plat of ~ract A, Seacrest Estates) I recommend that the subject final furnishing a performance bond .or a and approved by the City Attorney. be $10,566.00. plat be approved subject to cash bond properly documented The amount of the bond should Fees required for the final plat have been received as follows: Filing Fee Inspection Fee Recreation Fee - 150.00 105.66 6,113.00 A school impact fee of .40% of the construction cost will be paid to the School Board for each building when closings are made. .. One set of prints for the plat and development plans is attached hereto. TAC :mb Attach. cc: Carmen Annunziato ~ -V' a---- I$~ Torn Clark t 5