LEGAL APPROVAL .'.=- ~/rfie City of .. "'BOynton 'Beacli ~ ~ .... , -"'~ . ,. '?: . , CKf Planning & Zoning 'Department 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beach 'Boukvara P.o. 'Bo~31O tJ3oynton 'Beach, :Fforida 33425.0310 (407) 738-7490, :F.fiIX: (407) 738-7459 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR January 3, 1992 Mr. Ray Flow 722 So. Lakeside Dr. Lake Worth, FL 33460 RE: Little Dude Ranch, Inc. - File No. 643 Conditional Use (day care center) Dear Mr. Flow: Please be advised that on Tuesday, December 17, 1991, the City Commission approved the above-referenced conditional use subject to staff comment #3 of the December 4, 1991 memorandum from the Zoning and Site Development Administrator, comment #1, #2, and #3 of Engineering Department Memorandum No. 91-228, and all comments in Police Department Memorandum #91-127 and Planning Department Memorandum #91-316, copies of which are attached. These plans were approved subj ect to your compliance with the attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporate same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2) sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Development Division of the Planning Department, which will record the required identification markings on each set of the modified plans. After both sets of modified plans have the appropriate markings, you should proceed with your sign-off to obtain signatures on both sets of plans from each Technical Review Board member who had comments. The sign-off procedure requires that the Engineering Department sign-off first (if comments were made) followed by all other departments with the exception that the Planning Department sign off nexr<-to-last (if < comments were made) 5lmerica's (jateway to tfie (julfstream ~ .. . .-.-.- ~ . b~d ... TO: Ray Flow -2- January 3, 1992 and the Zoning & Site Development Administrator sign-off last (whether comments were made or not). The Zoning & Site Development Administrator will provide the Building Department sign-off. One (1) set of final signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and the other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at the job site. To help facilitate the sign-off process, appointments should be made to meet with each Technical Review Board member to allow them sufficient time to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing all the required Technical Review Board member signatures and completing processing by the Site Development Division, you may apply for building permits by submitting the appropriate documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting < Division of the Building Department. The Plan Review and Permitting Division will advise you as to any additional permits which may be required, such as Palm Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbing, excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping and irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~ Very truly yours, ~'-'~ &l-1Ac-; T<j1J- CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP Planning Director CC: jm Encls. A: APPRLET. DOC J .'~j PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Kruse, City Clerk FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Senior Plann~r DATE: October 31, 1991 RE: Little Dude Ranch Day Care Center Conditional Use - File No. 643 At the october 29, '1991 Technical Review Board meeting, the Technical Review Board postponed forwarding the above-referenced request to the Planning and Zoning Board until the applicant submits some additional information. Therefore, the public hearings scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Board for November 12, 1991 and before the City Commission on November 19, 1991, will not occur until December lOth and December 17th respectively. The advertisement that was prepared announcing the November hearing dates has been revised and rerouted to the City Attorney and City Manager and will be forwarded to you after their review. Therefore, please adjust and postpone the notification to property owners within 400' of the subject property and advertisement of the public hearings in the newspaper accordingly. r .~ ;/, , ~t1-.~ .", . '-d~ Tambri . Hey n TJH/jm ~ so ~~ MEMORANDUM December 4, 1991 TO: Christopher cutro, Planning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, zoning & site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - November 25, 1991 Meeting CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL - LITTLE DUDE RANCH DAY CARE CENTER (Land annexed into the City with building existing) After review of the plans associated with the above referenced project for code compliance, the following deficiencies were discovered: 1. The number of parking spaces provided at the site is less than the minimum number required by code. Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.H requires that the existing day care use provide a minimum of thirty (30) parking spaces. <The plans submitted for review depicted twenty-five (25) parking spaces at the site, five (5) less than the minimum required. : 2. The required perimeter vehicle use area landscape screening does not include the code required minimum count of native specie hedge landscape material. The Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance 89-38, Policy 4.4.6 specifies that fifty (50) percent of required landscaping shall be a native specie. 3. The overall height of the freestanding sign which advertises the main use of the premise is nine (9) feet, which is three (3) feet above the maximum height allowed by Code. Chapter 21, Sign Code, Section 21-32, Nonconforming signs, specifies that a sign or advertising structure in an area annexed into the city after the date of the adoption of this ordinance shall be brought into compliance with all provisions of the Sign Code within six (6) months following the date of annexation. No amortization period shall apply to signs within annexed areas. This land was annexed into the City by Ordinance No. 91-56 on August 20, 1991. ~ \ -.. - .. .... ,<d~~ ,1 < ,. I ',' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-228 October 29, 1991 TO: Christophe~ cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: Technica1 Review Board eo.aents Little Dude Ranch In accordance with the provisions set forth in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, specifically Chapter 19-17, "Plan Required" and Chapter 5, Article X, "City of Boynton Beach parking<Lot Regulations", the applicant shall provide the following infcrmatioc, techn~cal data and p:an revisions. 1.) Applicant will provide a site lighting plan in accordance with Sec. 5-142 ta) & (b) for existing lighting system. If photometries do not comply with with cur~ent City Code applicant will upgrade sys~em to comply with said codes. 2.) Striping needs maintenance and color change (black for standard stalls and blue and white for Handicap) 3.). Coccrete patching is required for damaged concrete pavement sections. 4. I Traffic circulation pattern at Knuth Road shows opposing traffic intersectlong adj acent to the dr.:>p-off area. This should be m0dified to show one-way entrance in from Knuth Road and one-way out on Old Boynton Road. 5.) At:plicant is to supply a signed and sealed survey of "as- bu~lt" conditions to determine what has actually been c~nstruc~ed vs. design t:lans. ?/Z.~ ~_ 1/;,.F Vince Finizio A.C.E. I( R chard Staudinger Gee & Jensen consultinengineers j'- \" < . , '. MEMORANDUM POLICE *91-127 . TO: Tambri Heyden Lt. Remchuk FROM: DATE: December 2, 1991 RE: Little Dude Ranch - Day Care Center As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting on November 25, 1991, I am recommending the following: 1. No Left Turn sign at <exit to Old Boynton Road. (City Ord. 5-142C). 2. Do Not Enter signs much conform to Uniform Traffic Control devices. (City Ord. 5-142C) 3. Re-stripe pavement. (City Ord. 5-142C) 4. Trim trees so sign is not obscured. (Public Safety) DR/cm L~ Re;z~:~ /./. CZ'" <, b~ b . . ..'" ~1e .. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ,MEMORANDUM NO. 91-316 FROM: chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board ~~ Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P. planning and Zoning Department Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner TO: THRU: DATE: December 3, 1991 SUBJECT: Little Dude Ranch - File No. 643 conditional Use - day care center Please be advised of the following planning and Zoning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request: 1. Designate on the site plan a parking area for the day care center bus which is being parked in the Knuth Road right-of-way. 2. Install "No parking" signs in the painted median and landscaped median in the vicinity of the drop-off area and pass-by lane to discourage vehicles from being parked and encumbering these areas. Appendix A - zoning, section 11.H.16.c.4. 3. If additional lighting is installed, add a note to the lighting plan which states that lighting shall be shielded from adjacent residences and residentially-zoned property. Appendix A - Zoning, Section 4.N.7. 4. Note on the site plan that the setbacks, zoning, parking and landscape calculations indicated are as per Palm Beach County requirements and include information on the City's requirement for setbacks, landscaping, parking and the current zoning. Also, note on the site plan that the parking lot layout, as shown, is inaccurate and is as depicted on the paving and drainage plan with a 12/13/89 revision date. 5. If this request is approved subject to any staff comments, a final sign-off will be required, prior to application for permits for lighting installation, change in project signage height, parking lot maintenance and traffic control installation and issuance of an occupational license. This procedure entails submitting two sets of plans incorporating staff comments and obtaining sign-off signatures from those departments that made comments. 6. The final sign-off set of plans shall include the following drawings: site plan sheet with landscaping included, landscape detail sheet, floor plan sheet, elevation/signage sheet, the version of the paving and drainage plan sheet that was revised 12/13/89 and the water and sewer plan sheet. The sheet labeled landscape plan/lighting should not be included since it is inaccurate. J~.Q.drt-dM/ Tambri J. He&6en tjh A:LiDudeCm xc: Central File 1 ~ . ". hKi ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: Tambri Heyden Senior Planner December 9~ 1991 From: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering Re: Little Dude Ranch Analysis of Existing Lighting An analysis of the above referenced parking facility lighting system was conducted on Friday~ December 6~ 1991~at::approximately 7:00 p.m. The levels of illumination were noted to fall far below the required levels of illumin- ation for parking facilities as set forth in Chapter 5, Sections 5-142 (a) (b) and Section 5-142 (g) "Required Lighting Standards & Specifications". The applicant shall be responsible to install perimeter and internal post mounted lighting standards in<order to comply with minimum codes, therefore, the T.R.B. comments submitted to your Department in this matter, shall be complied with as a prerequisite to Engineering Department final sign-off. END OF MEMO l \~,.o-1:A~ cc: Mike Sewell~ Rng. Insp. I J. Scott Miller~ City Manager w. Richard Staudinger~ P.E.~ Gee & Jenson Consulting Engineers "",j... ? RECEIVED~ DEe 9 PLANNING DEPT~" l . -... fJJie City of t.Boynton t.Beacli 6~ PUuming & Zoning fJ)tp~nt 100 T.. fJJoynton fJJeadi $ouUvartl P.O. fJJo;C310 $oynton 'Bea&, 110ritla 33425.0310 (407) 738.7490,<1"JU: (407) 738.7459 April 10, 1992 Ray Flow 722 South Lakeside Drive Lake Worth, FL 33460 I , RE: CONDITIONAL USE - LITTLE DUDE RANCH DAY CARE <CENTER ... t File No.: 91-051 Th1s letter is to inform you that your project has received final sign-off on April 8, 1992 of the plans submitted for review by the Technical Review Board. Completing the Site Plan Review process enables you to submit working drawings and construction plans for the site work and building _ construction to the Building Department for plan review and permitting. To initiate this process present to the plans analyst in the Building Department the following: a) appropriate and completed permit application form b) copy of this.letter c) appropriate plans and associated documents d) a plan filing *permit fee The plan filing fee is 30% of the estimated permit fee and is made payable to the City of Boynton Beach and due at time of filing an application for each permit. The total permit fee is determined by the Building Department, and is due when the permit is issued. *Section 5-4 Permit Fees, City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. For information regarding permits related to the site work contact the site Development Division (407 738-7484) and (407 738-7480) for permits related to the construction of the building. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me. Development Administrator J. Scott Miller 'Tambri Heyden Central Files TRB File SDD File Cf Ylmcrica's gateway to t/ic (juifJtrcam , ,I ~<J:fle City of f}3oynton tJ3ecufi b~ 1'fanning & Zoning 'lJepartrrunt 100 'E. 'BoyntoTL 'Beadi 'Bollfa'ard P.O. 'Bo:{.J1O 'Boynton 'lkadi, :florilfa 33-125.0310 (40i) i38.;-190, :f::tX: (40i) i38.i.f59 November 5, 1991 Mr. Ray Flow 722 South Lakeside Drive Lake Worth, FL 33460 RE: Little Dude Ranch Day Care Center - File No. 643 Conditional Use Dear Mr. Flow: please be advised that at the october 26, 1991, Technical Review Board meeting, the Technical Review Board determined that the above-referenced request could not be forwarded to the November 12, 1991 Planning and Zoning Board meeting as planned, due to an incomplete submittal which lacks an "as-builtll survey. The attached comments from the Engineering Department, Police Department and the Zoning and Site Administrator, list those items which do not meet current City codes (determination limited to the plans submitted), additional information needed and work that will have to be completed prior to obtaining an occupational license. Based on the information submitted thus far, the Technical Review Board will recommend to the Planning and Zoning Board and City commission that the existing parking lot be restriped and patched and that the safety of the current traffic circulation pattern be improved (conflict between the memoranda from the Engineering and Police Departments will be reso~ved Thursday, November 7, 1991). In addition, it will be recommended that bus parking be provided on-site for the bus which is currently being parked in the Knuth Road right-of-way. The Technical Review Board does not intend to recommend compliance with those comments which itemize nonconforming areas, unless safety is a concern. The submittal of seven copies of the "as-builtll survey and plans addressing the additional information needed (lighting, traffic control signs and project identification signage) to the Planning Department, no later than 5:00 p.m., November 14, 1991, will allow further processing of this request by the Technical Review Board and public hearings before the Planning and Zoning I I / J r JImericas gateway to tlie yulfstream / r / ~< -- .. ~~ Mr. Flow -2- November 5, 1991 Board and city commission on December 10, 1991 and December 17, 1991, respectively. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, <~~j{/~~ 11 ~ JJ-AAC0!--7V Tambri J. H~den U Senior Planner tjh Attachments A:FlowRej II ."- .~ .. ~ ~i<s ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-228 October 29, 1991 TO: Christophe~ Cutro Director of Planning FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: Tecbnica1 Review Board co..ents Little Dude Ranch In accordance with the prOV1S10ns set forth in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of ordinances I specifically chapter 19-17, "Plan Required" and Chapter 5, Article X, "City of Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations", the applicant shall provide the following information, technical data and p:an revisions. 1.) Applicant will provide a site lighting plan in accordance with Sec. 5-142 (a) & (b) for eXisting lighting system. If photometrics do not comply with with current City code applicant will upgrade system to comply with said codes. 2.) Striping needs maintenance and color change (black for standard stalls and blue and white <for Handicap) 3.). Concrete patching is required for damaged concrete pavement sections. ~1:0 4. ) Traffic circulation pattern at Knuth Road shows opposing traffic intersect10ng adj acent to the dr.:>p-off area. This should be modified to show one-way entrance in from Knuth Road and one-way out on Old Boynton Road. ~~5.) Applicant is to supply a signed and sealed survey of "as- bu~lt" conditions to determine what has actually been constructed vs. design plans. ~~~ ~ V;,.F- Vince Finizio ~/ A . C . E . RECEIVED ,-lOV 5 PLANN\l'lG DE.PT. - )J. ~ l>tJ(J MEMORANDUM POLICE #91-110 FROM: Tambri Heyden Dep. Chief T.M. Dettman November 4, 1991 TO: DATE: RE: Little Dude Ranch As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board Meeting of 29 October 1991, I am recommending the following: 1. No left turn sign at exit onto Old Boynton Road. (City Ordinance #5-1426). Note: On site inspection reveals plans accurately' depicts the parking lot and internal traffic as it exists on site. Deputy Chief T.M. Dettman TMD/sab RECEIVED ~o\J 4: .- PLANNH~G DEPT. - /~ '. ,. 6~ MEMORANDUM November 4, 1991 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: TRB Comments - October 29, 1991 Meeting CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL - LITTLE DUDE RANCH DAY CARE CENTER (Land annexed into the City with building existing) After review of the plans associated with the above referenced project for code compliance, the following deficiencies were discovered: 1. The number of parking spaces provided at the site is less than the minimum number required by code. Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.H requires that the existing day care use provide a minimum of thirty (30) parking spaces. The plans submitted for review depicted twenty-five (25) parking spaces at'the site, five (5) less than the minimum required. 2. The required perimeter vehicle use area landscape screening does not include the code required minimum count of native specie hedge landscape material. The Comprehensive Plan, Ordinance 89-38, Policy 4.4.6 specifies that fifty (50) percent of required landscaping shall be a native specie. 3. A field visit to the site revealed that the freestanding sign which advertises the main use of the premise was not installed as depicted on the plans. The plans submitted for staff review identified the sign positioned at an overall height of six (6) feet. The actual height of the sign is eight (8) feet. Chapter 21, Sign Code, section 21-32, Nonconforming signs, specifies that a sign or advertising structure in an area annexed into the city after the date of the adoption of this ordinance shall be brought into compliance with all provisions of the Sign Code within six (6) months following the date of annexation. No amortization period shall apply to signs within annexed areas. This land was annexed into the City by Ordinance No. 91-56 on August 20, 1991. 4. A review of a current survey is needed to determine if there are other code deficiencies at the site. I~ MEMORANDUM POLICE #92-071 TO: Tambri Heyden FROM: Lt. Thrasher DATE: 09 April 1992 SUBJECT: Little Dude Ranch - Day Care Center After inspection of the site, Little Dude Ranch - Day Care Center, I find that they have complied with all of the recommendations. ~ ~_.__..,. - Lt. Thrasher DT/np f\E.Cr.'''e.o ~~R ~ \99'L ....!~L. , \" ~,_" -.d.tnIo. ~''''~f~' eo'tN'tOK . b~ . ". J,J .. ,-' ~--~" .7[.... ! ...;. .:. ,;~. ." .1 ,~ . - , .v" , - ~ Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A '" ,......r'. West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 February 26, 1992 6~ Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RECEIVED MAR 3 1992 SITE DEVEL. BOYNTON BEACH, FlOA~ Re: Little Dude Ranch, Inc. - Our Project No. 474.4 Dear Mr. Cutro, Attached please find two sets of revised plans as detailed in your letter of January 3, 1992. These plans and this letter are submitted to comply with the requirements of the conditional use approval for the above noted project. The following comments address each of the staff comments as noted in the above referenced letter. 1. (12/4/91 memorandum from Administrator, comment *3) obtained permit *9200000137 sign to 6'. the Zoning and Site Development Mr. Ray Flow (property owner) and reduced the height of;'. the 0""'- 2. (Engineering Dept. Memorandum No. 91-228, comment .;*1) Mr. Flow coordinated this item with Mr. Vince Finizio of the Engineering Department. FPL will be adding another 400 w. directional light on their utility pole at the northwest corner of the site to bring the parking lot lighting up to City standards. 3. (Engineering Dept. Memorandum No. 91-228, comment *2) Mr. Flow has obtained permit *920000097 and has adjusted the striping. 4. (Engineering Dept. Memorandum No. 91-228, comment *3) Concrete patching is complete. 5. (Police Dept. Memorandum *91-127, comments *1, *2, *3, *4) Signs have been added, pavement has been re-striped, and tree has been trimmed. 6. (Planning Department Bus parking space has paving plan. 7. (Planning Dept. Memorandum #91-316, have been installed. Memorandum No. 91-316, comment been designated on site plan #1) and comment #2) Signs /6 .. .J ~~ ..:, Christopher Cutro Little Dude Ranch February 26, 1992 Page 2 of 2 8. (Planning Dept. Memorandum #91-316, comment #3) Note has been added to plan. 9. (Planning Dept. Memorandum #91-316, comment #4) Note indicating that site data is per Palm Beach County requirements has been added to site plan. City of Boynton Beach's site requirements have been added to the site plan. Parking lot layout has been revised on the site plan to reflect the layout on the paving and drainage plan. 10. (Planning Dept. Memorandum #91-316, comments *5, #6) These items are being addressed by submittal of this package. Please review the attached plans and comments and notify our office and Mr. Ray Flow in writing if they are acceptable. If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~------ ~~ Kieran J. Kilday 17: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-047 TO: Mike Haag, Site Development Administrator FROM: Michael E. Kazunas, City Engineer ~1..\,\1--rtn (-fEr-- 3/5icJ oz... DATE: March 4, 1992 RE: Little Dude Ranch Annexation Ray Flow. Properties,' Mr. Ray Flow Compliance with Engineering Dept. "Conditions of Approval" (Reference Bldg. Dept. Permit #92-0097) Please be advised that the Engineering Department has signed-off the above referenced permit specifying that this Department's conditions of approval, relative to the "Little Dude Ranch" annexation, have been satisfied by Mr. Ray Flow. MEK/ck ,~ I~ / ~P..:r / ,/ 7A1 LITTLE DUDE RANCH DAY CARE CENTER CONDITIONAL USE /? &~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-315 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board ~ ew:;;;r THRU: Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden senior Planner DATE: December 3, 1991 SUBJECT: Little Dude Ranch - File No. 643 Conditional Use (day care center) Introduction: Ray F. Flow, property owner, is requesting conditional use approval for an existing day care center, serving 200 children, located at 3520 Old Boynton Road; the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road. This parcel was annexed into the city on August 20, 1991 and zoned R-3, Multiple Family Residential. since day care centers are a permitted use in the 'R-3 zoning district, subject to conditional use approval, this parcel was zoned with the same provisio that conditioned the water service agreement; if the day care center exists or is proposed to be constructed at the time the property is annexed into the City, conditional use approval shall be required, consistent with the zoning code - Appendix A, section 11.1.H. status of Existing Uses Requiring conditional Use Approval. Surroundinq Land Uses and Zoninq (see attached map): Abutting the day care center to the north is the Old Boynton Road right-of-way. Farther north is a single family neighborhood, zoned RS in Palm Beach County. To the northeast is the Boynton Mall, zoned C-3, Community Commercial. To the east is the Knuth Road right-of-way. Farther east, zoned PCD, is the undeveloped Capitol Professional center, Planned Commercial Development. To the south, in Palm Beach county, are single family homes and condominiums, zoned RM/SE and RS/SE, respectively. To the west is a vacant, 1.25 acre parcel, annexed into the city with the subject parcel, zoned R-3. Farther to the west, in Palm Beach County, is a health care center, zoned RS. standards for Evaluatinq Conditional Uses: Section 11.2.D of the zoning Code contains the fOllowing standards to which conditional uses are required to conform. Following each of these standards is the Planning Department's evaluation of the application as to whether it would comply with the particular standard. The Planning Zoning Board and city Commission shall consider only such conditional uses as are authorized under the terms of these zoning regulations, and, in connection therewith, may grant conditional uses absolutely or conditioned upon the faithful adherence to and of fulfillment of such restrictions and conditions including, but not limited to, the dedication of property for streets, alleys, and recreation space, and sidewalks, as shall be necessary for the protection ,of the surrounding area and the citizens' general welfare, or deny conditional uses when not in harmony with the intent and purpose of this section. In evaluating an application for conditional use, the Board and Commission shall consider the effect of the community, and make written findings certifying that satisfactory provision has been made concerning the following standards, where applicable: 1. Ingress and egress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. Two, two-way driveways exist to serve the day care center; one onto Knuth Road and one onto old Boynton Road. Due to the layout oil> ~~.s PM No. 91-315 -2- December 3, 1991 and design of the drop-off area in front of the building, traffic circulation is one-way (counter-clockwise) in the parking lot, drop-off area and pass-by lane. On-site observations indicated that the one-way circulation is functioning properly. However, vehicles are being parked in the pass-by lane, as well as the entire length of the drop-off area, while children are being picked up and dropped off. In the event of a fire or catastrophe during peak hours of operation, emergency vehicles would not be able to loop around the parking lot or pull up close to the building, when the drop-off area and pass-by lane are obstructed with parked vehicles. Therefore, it is recommended that the painted median and landscaped median, adjacent to the drop-off area and pass-by lane, be posted with "No Parking" signs and that the pavement markings be repainted, since they have faded (see attached comments from the Engineering Department, Police Department and Planning Department). In addition, the Police Department is recommending that the driveway onto Old Boynton Road be limited to right turn only. The reason for this is that a left turn movement onto Old Boynton from the day care center conflicts with the exclusive, eastbound, left turn stacking lane on Old Boynton Road to Javert street. No sidewalks are provided within the parking lot to ensure pedestrian safety, however it is believed that patrons would use the parking lot for pedestrian movement, to and from the building, rather than sidewalks, due to convenience. 2. Off-street parking and loading areas where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection D.1 above, and the economic, glare, noise and odor effects the conditional use would have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the City as a whole. Thirty parking spaces are required by the City's code for this use, plus an adequate drop-off area. An adequate drop-off area is provided, as previously discussed, which is safe, convenient and efficent, when not illegally obstructed with parked vehicles. However, since only twenty-five (25) parking spaces are provided, a shortage of five parking spaces as per the City's code, parking is nonconforming. It is helpful to compare number of parking spaces with the number of employees and the capacity of the day care center. This information is usually not available at the time of site plan approval, but since the facility has been in operation for almost two years, the following data was obtained: 28 employees with a maximum shift of 15 and a maximum capaCity of 200 children, ranging from infants to children 13 years of age. Although bus parking is not required by code, the day care center has a bus which is being parked in the Knuth Road right-of-way. It is recommended that an area be designated for parking the bus on-site. with respect to noise, an H.R.S. (state of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative services) required outdoor play area is located in the rear (south side) of the building. As previously discussed, the adjacent land uses to the south, west and north are residential. To help minimize the noise impact of the play area, which is audible from the residences to the south and will be audible from future multi-family residences on the vacant parcel to the west, a six foot high wood fence is provided within a five foot wide landscape buffer, planted with trees and shrubs, along the perimeter of the play area. The glare and economic effects this conditional use has on the adjacent properties and on the City, will be discussed under item #6 below. 0</ ~~ PM No. 91-315 -3- December 3, 1991 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in subsection D.1 and D.2 above. The eXisting refuse and service areas adequately serve the day care center. 4. utilities, with reference to location, availability, and compatibility. The existing utilities adequately serve the day care center. 5. Screening, bUffering and landscaping with reference to type, dimensions and character. The existing landscaping sUbstantially complies with the landscape code, with the exception of the city's native species requirement, as discussed in the memorandum from the Zoning and Site Development Administrator. The minimum screening of the dumpster and parking areas, as required by code, are provided. As previously mentioned, a perimeter buffer is provided around the play area. Despite the fact that this buffer is not required by code, the city Commission has typically conditioned approvals of this type of conditional use where play areas abut residences with the requirement to provide a buffer. Since this buffer is provided, no additional screening or buffering is recommended. 6. Signs and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. The lighting plan submitted does not depict the existing lighting system. The only lighting that is provided are two light fixtures mounted on FPL poles. If the existing lighting is substandard with respect to the City's code, it is recommended that additional light poles be installed for safety and security reasons, as indicated in the Engineering Department memorandum. If additional light poles are installed, it is further recommended that these lights be shielded from the adjacent residences and the residentially-zoned property to the west, to minimize glare. Regarding signs, a freestanding sign identifying the day care center exists along the old Boynton Road frontage. This sign exceeds the six foot height limitation as per the city's sign code. The sign code specifically addresses signs which are nonconforming at the time a property is annexed into the city and requires that such signs be brought into compliance within six months after the date of annexation (August 20, 1991), with no amortization period (see Zoning and Site Development Administrator's memorandum). The existing day care center is compatible with adjacent and nearby properties owing to the fact that road rights-of-way separate the day care center from the land uses to the east (commercial) and north (residential) and that buffering and screening is provided along the south and west property lines where the day care center abuts residential. In addition, an on-site visit indicated that the existing day care center has had no negative economic effect on adjacent properties. 7. Required setbacks and other open spaces. The existing building setbacks comply with the city's setback requirements and no open spaces are required except for the minimum 15,000 square foot outdoor play area required by H.R.S., which is provided. 8. General compatibility with adjacent properties, and other properties in the zoning district. c(,l ~~ PM No. 91-315 -4- December 3, 1991 As previously discussed, the surrounding land uses vary from residential, private institutional and commercial. Where the day care center abuts residential land use, buffers and screening have been provided to mitigate any negative impacts. such measures have made this conditional use generally compatible with adjacent properties and other properties in the zoning district. 9. Height of building and structures, with reference to compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties, and the city as a whole. The building height is one story which is compatible with the surrounding buildings. 10. Economic effects on adjacent properties and the city as a whole. For reasons and observations already stated, the existing day care center has had no negative economic effect on adjacent properties. Furthermore, since this use was being served by city water and sewer under a service agreement prior to annexation into the city, recent annexation of this existing use and the conditional use procedure to eliminate the nonconforming use status of the day care center, will have a positive economic effect on the city as a whole. Also, much needed, quality day care will continue to be available for residents in this neighborhood. Comprehensive Plan Policies: This request, subject to the attached staff comments, is consistent with all relevant policies contained within the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. conclusion/Recommendation: The Planning Department recommends that this request for conditional use approval be approved, subject to the attached staff comments. These staff comments itemize those areas which the existing day care center is nonconforming with respect to the city's code of ordinances. Of the areas of nonconformity, comments regarding lighting, traffic control and parking lot maintenance are issues which staff recommends compliance on the basis of public health, safety and welfare. The recommendation for approval is based on the fact that the existing day care center is compatible with adjacent and nearby properties and that approval of this conditional use will eliminate the nonconforming use status of the day care center. Not only does elimination of this nonconforming use benefit the City, approval of this conditional use allows the owner to rebuild the structure if it is destroyed and allows extension and alteration, which would otherwise be prohibited under Section 11.1.A, D, F and G of the City's zoning code. It should be noted that prior to the City entering into the water service agreement with the owner on March 9, 1989, staff reviewed and commented on the day care center site plan that was to be submitted to Palm Beach County for approval and permits. This review was conducted because an annexation application was required to be submitted by october 1, 1989 (completed applications were not received until October 1, 1990) pursuant to the water service agreement and because annexation would have been completed during construction of the day care center in early 1990. Comments from this review were submitted to the owner for incorporation into his final site plans to Palm Beach County. The owner was advised that where a conflict existed between City requirements and Palm Beach County requirements, County requirements would take precedence. J;..,~ifv. ~/ Tambri J. eyden tjh Attachments A:LiDudeCU ;;3 STAFF COMMENTS LITTLE DUDE RANCH DAY CARE CENTER CONDITIONAL USE - BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ZONING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT: FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST: No comments See attached memorandum No comments See attached memorandum No comments See attached memorandum No comments See attached memorandum No comments No comments hKS'- 02~ '. .- .:t . . '. , . .' ,~ . ,.. - '/ . ' ., CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, . FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD . \ CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must.accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAME: ~ '-\\\L~ \Jl>OE'" AF\\\C\-\j "3:.nc:... AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: (Zip Code) PHONE: FAX: PHONE: . ~A'\ r\..aw ~'J~ SO. \..f\\<~.s\ ~\:: l.{4\<'~ \...UDQ...\~, \= L C~D~ ') '-\.,\-?>\~ 't)Q. OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee) ADDRESS: "33'-\ l, 0 (Zip Code) FAX: a.........- PROJECT LOCATION: 3S'dD O\...O ~'\fY\D(1 Rt).\ (\b,-\(),O\) (l)G~C~. F L (not legal description) . 33\{3C:, CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) - s ~ ('C) \;. * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.App . ,02 S- ,.....- ~ . . . . ,~ ._ I ,.. (2) "" -'. Fee 7.::;;:, , File No. {.~.1 ~ CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Date Submitted: /o;'~~/q/ (-ft. Ix -A !I~/{ pu..r b Applicant Name: ~. wi 1L/'\ tyJpl; t'.a.:.+,'lJ)., ('O)Y/>' f c..ti ) Applicant Address: 7 ~ ~ S ~ .I~K<:. SrdG 0p. L;:J/<c= 4Jd~ p<- Phone: Atf.21) .1///- 3/f?.3 Fax: Site Address: A.',;:2-() <!JlrP &-7/V-J-dAJ RcJ, /.4( (Zip Code) ~b,u VO~lJ {f2c~ 311J(. ~h J 10 (',q nil Cor Y}- , 51-gnat The OWNER has hereby des- ignates the above signed person to act as his agent in regard to this petition. (To be executed when OWner designates another to act on his behalf. ) PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app 01' ,', / .~~J (9) IV. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan t+ \ b \-\ \)t: C'\s. \\'-\ Q r-S\ D'Ef\\\ ~L 1. 2. 3. Zoning District Area of Site \.'-\\ R..""?' acres ~ sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. b. Residential, including surrounding lot area or grounds % of site acres Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) .L\~ acres 30.50 % of site acres % of site acres tc c\. SD % of site acres % of site acres % of site acres % of site acres % of site d. c. Water Area Commercial ..'\ ~ f. e. Industrial g. Public, Private, and Canal Rights-of Way h. Other (specify) i. j . / 5. Public/In- stitutional . . Other (specify) acres % of site Total Area of Site \.\.\} % of site 100 * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. Surface Cover a. b. Ground Floor Building '15~~() sq.ft. \L\.5'd % of site Area ("building footpri~ Water Area sq. ft. % of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. \~,l~() sq.ft. ~D.l ~ % of site d. Total Imperviou~ Area a " ~ ~ 0 sq. ft. 05.30 % of site Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required--see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code "d.., ex '8 Co sq. ft. Other Landscaped Areas, excluding Water Area :?:>b, <3S3 sq. ft. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 e. f. A:CUse.app I..\.,D % of site Ceo.DO % of site '~? h~cr (10) g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding Water Areas sq. ft. % of site h. Total Pervious Areas 3<1" '3 <1 sq.ft. L:.4." D % of site i. Total Area of Site <.0\\4\9 sq. ft. 100 % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq.ft. d. Recreational sq. ft. e. PublicI Institutional '8' C\2 D sq. ft. . f. Other (specify) sq.ft. g. Other (specify) sq.ft. h. Total Floor Area ~ ~~_f' sq.ft. ,- 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached dwelling units b. Duplex dwelling units / c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units ( 1) Efficiency dwelling units (2) I Bedroom dwelling units ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4 ) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total MUlti-Family dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 8. Gross Density Dwelling units Per Acre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on site feet stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking spaces"- a80 b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan / as PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app ,023 ~~~ (11) RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval'does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifica- tions, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commission, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all aspects of the proposed project shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this applica- tion and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant acknowledges that the City of Boynton has all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and that in the event of enforcement action by the City, the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any costs, expense,. claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO THIS /~ DAY OF QLl.111~ J , 19 :l.L. - . -- , ..... -- -J~ ",. - ~ '- ~ . f:t~'F )n7~md/2 ~. J &v- rAPPLICANT : -":"0 - .--"... ::.:.-- -.....- ,/,.. r _~. ~-_ -:>~~. '. . Natl!- t' P..b f1\; , ~late or Florida at Large My.C,ornmlsslon Expires Feb. 14, 1992 "', ': '~onded thru Agent', Notary Brokerage PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app 021 I -.,. .. -.:....!.: ,~)'r,(;.:t...;\ .... ~::'.. . .. .' . A' ~of"":;'~r{~'.tI':~H:' i'.. '. ",' . \-:...t~'--p;.~;f:1~~. ~~ ,1.....=:.. ... .' ~.. . (- ~.'., .I..~~Y n,...I.;~"". .,...tl"~',\""ff'$.1f;'~'t:"~ "~:""';",,"""~'.'-~tl"":"';"" .t. ....i::.;'.<:;:'.; , :..'.: .:.. .' ~~',.:;~...'<;:tRa" . y E--Flow " . .... . . : ; ..I, . ." '. .. '. .' ..... ..! : :.' ;. '. 722 South ,Lakeside Drive. Lake Worth, Florida 33460 .'0' .:..,~::~~:.;,: '. . '.' " . . . . . , '. . ~ .. ..' , t. ': ~>:.;;'.;:"'i..):(.'r:.t~._t"~::5~!" ~ :.~ 4 ':,~:;'~f:~;~ry:' ':;: - . . '"'' '..,' '. to' .~. ", 2...t~~<.:, ~ "..~...1~ .. " . ': "1 .~: !. : . .: .!~ . ~~.: :'::;-,,;~ ' . . .. .'.,':~.' ~, '.. : . ,~ ."J- . ." . . . r:'r: i l ': ; i \;.;~ ".' '{ ~~ . . :.':~:::' : .:::;-:, . ,',"'-.'~' .:(:.~~..:~ . . ""'. .' ,', ".:' ....:. . ., ',i;~ f " :,;:: ';' i.!': /,(::': <'l; ~.' ~ 1.;. : t ' .' As the ~eric~n work .~~rce ,recFuits.increasing numbers of mothers of young children. the',: need for" high' quality' child care f becomes more acute. '. Even though ..private industry; seems to' be meeting this need over all, there are, pockets of shortages that 'arise because of home building patterns as well .as other factors. The Boynton area has a shortage at this time. For several' years I have'. watched this Boynton trend from our nursery school in Lantana. Approximately" 30% of the students enrolled there are from Boynton and during certain' times of the year we deny enrollment to many '. others. . , , . ~;, . ~ :-;- : .: <;: '1 ~~\3:} ;,!~ ~:::1~"~:'~; ~ ~~: ::,: : ' ( " ;., . . "" . i" .~.:.::.'.::~..:.~~~'. ". For those people living in the 'enormous' residential areas being built to the' west this seems to' be' a "favorable' route to work. It will be a great convenience to them having a' child. care. center at this location as well as for those parents working at the adjacent Boynton Mall. o' ,) .~.. ~'~..' ')r'.o;'~rlf l'b- ~~,.."J.: .~. . ~ ;- '1 :..... ~ I .... ':' t ~ lite .'~ :'; f ~ f Ii if .:' ~ ;.: r~ , ~. ".. .. : f : ~ ~..,.". ~\.. .' ..,..... .... '.."'. ... ..,.,' ..... ::..- ..;,. .~'..~.... ...... ........ '"rf' f. . . .._.~ :;:~_;.:}.~1'~:(-; ,:' :~./?{~~.: ;.:.~:..~. . . ~.. ~-. ", ~,~ . . . '. '. ., . 'J l~':: ~ ;',):;::1 :-;~ .t1:\i.~~:..!~ r;!..<;: ~,..'''' . .... ,_._, ......-.,~ ...., " .. . Ray Flow ." ...~~:...r ~'(ll'~~ t-,...i.. :'i..(~~1 ~l( :..:.;- .\ "". . .'.., ....... .... ....... '00 . '. . . :'. ;r n or t ~ .' t t' .. ~ ',. .,' . " ~: ': ~ :.... ,"' .; ", ; (. ". .... -.. ........- ,...,,,..... ,.._.~....'~ :-......". ,''''"\- . ;.... ",'.;: .0, '_'. o :.,',. ....: ..",~. ," . ..... '. :..... ',.': ,', ., ';~i,!;;,,";U!/i . .:::.~~:{:'}'~',:':'~;:~: . ,. .." . " .. .' r: . . ~ s . ..,.... :. .. :-. ~ ~. .,' .". '.' '. .... e. ~ .e.. ." ...~..:...~( . i. '. ': .;. , , " .... '. '. ': ' :.... "s:.. ,.. ...... ~.' .. ,. ": .... ',-: ..,. '.' . . "', '.. .';~" .....'..- .... . (.:,,,,=~,,,,,.., ..:1J:::;,.w...~,<.:::. )~..J~.t.;.:..~:!!"I,2........"~(:~....ht:r~ri..'..~~ ~ :'..' . ',. . ," ...., : ., .' . . . .. '. . .' " . ". ~~. ~o ___~. .~J::. :~: "~.' ~~~ Private Pre-school · Summer Day Camp October 22, 1991 I Sharon Flow joint owner of The Little Dude, Ranch' l'oca'tied' at 3520 Old Boynton Road hereby consent to the conditional use application filed by Ray Flow to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. ~ Sharon Flow 3520 Old Boynton Rd, Boynton Beach. FL 33436 734-2000 7936 Military TraIl Lake Park, FL 33403 845-7000 5047 Summit Blvd. West Palm Beach. FL 33406 471-9400 3142 Ford Road Lake Worth, FL 33461 964-3000 .:i/ 1659 Seminole Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33409 664-2600 7053 High Ridge Road Lantana, FL 33462 565.5300 t\PR-21-1989 11:4Sam A9-11. 2273 ORB 6039 P9 1677 Con 355,000.00 Doc 1,952.50 JOHN B DUNKLE,CLERK - PB COUNiV, FL 6 ~..:I WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, lII<llh~ LI1i~ Lhe .L.Z~ t1ay uf AVdl. ER:\EST R, GILMER i:.tIlU ELiZABETH P. GILMER. hi~ wife. of Lhe Beach, SLall) uf FluJ'jd... GJ'iuILu,'*. dlltl RAY FLOW allu SHARO~ w i fe, w h u ~ e p u ~ L 0 f r ice Cl tI d C' e ~ ~ i l:>: ; 2 2 SOU l. II L a k e ~ i tI e 0 C' i \' e . io\urlh, CUlllliy III I'idlll Rl'dl..lt. Slale uf Flo,'ida. GJ'alllee:t:, 1989. be Lweell CuulILy of Pi:.tlnl G, FLOW. Iii ~ CiLy uf Li:.tke WITNESSETH, Lllul :;uiti Gn1Jllu,'. fUl' i:.tlld ill cOIIl:>ltle1'i:.tllon of the ~um uf T E X A ~ 0 0 0 i 1 0 0 (S 1 0 , 0 0 I U 0 l L A R S. <:111 tI U I. II e [' g 0 U U <:111 tI v .11 U C1 ld e CUll ~ i tI e c' i:.t - l i 0 Jll:> l u l:> i:.t j d G 1'<.111 L U C' j II 11<1 II d p a j tI u y l:> a j tI G J' <111 Lee, l her e l: e j p l w h e l' e 0 f i l:> II e C' e b y a C kll U W 1 e d!:: e t1, II it::; g [' a II L e t1, b C1l"l;: i:.t i II e U (:\ II d ~ U 1 tI l U L II e l:> i:.t 1 U G l' all Lee. <JlleI GraIlLel!':; iwj1':; alld a:;:;lgll:; furevcI', the fujlowjll~ t1el:>cJ'luetl li:.tntl, l:>ILuule. Iyillg allu uell1g ill Palm Bei:.tch CuulIly. FluJ'iua. lu-wil: T J' a l: l :>:i. 1.1':::;:' 1 h t) S U U l II 260, 00 [e C l LIlt: I't~ U r u f l h C S~BD[VrSIO~ OF SECTIO~ 19, TOW~SHIP 45 SO~TH, RA~GE 43 E A 5 T. it C t: UI'U ,I II C L 0 L he PI d l l h C l' e u f C' e curti e tI j II P 1 a l B 0 U k i. P d gel 9, P U iJ 11 eRe co C' t1::; U f P i:.t 1 III Be i:.t c It C u U II L ~' , Flul'ida. SUB J E C T TOr e l:> ll' 1 t: l. j U 11:;, J' e l:> e l' v i:.t L i U II:; a II d e (.I S C III e II ll:> II r c' C c U c' U . 1 f (.III Y : l i:.t X e l:> :; U !J l:> e llll e II l L U L II eye a t' 1 9 8 9 all U C1 11 v <:1 1 1 u ~ U II i II gut' U j II a II c e:; , i:.tUU AND will l:> H j d G r <111 lor Ii U C l:> he J' e!J y uefeuu Lhe l:>allle agi:.tll1l:>L fully WHJ'l'aIlL the lllle Lhe lawful clalml:> uf i:.tll Lu l:>aju p e J' l:> U Ul:> li:.tuu. whom- l:> U eve I' . .. G J' a II lu J' .. a II U .. G J' it II l t~ e .. it J' e use u f u J' l:> j n g U 1 H J' U J' p] U J' i:.t 1. a l:> C 0 JI Lex l t',equjt'e~ , Il\ WIT~ESS WHEREOF, G"anloc' 11<1l:> heJ'eunLu l:>cl GJ'i.1l1LUI"l:> IWllu alld ~eal L II e d i:1 Y i:111 U yea C' f j C' ~ L i:.t b 0 v e w c' iLL e u . ~ i g II cd, ~ t: a I t: ~/ ~ ~ u e 1 j vel' t' U 1/1 uUC' pc,el:>elr,ce=;: #~::('; -f!;:3f:l1~'~(: -- (:~,) I (~,:1, J. I-.t.. ~J..7..:.J2<.~ _,::.-L .J.J_~::;' ER~EST R. GILMER -c- '-, ) . ..~,t:.~~_,h~~~_l~, ~:tl.~.~ ~ ELIZ~BETH p, GILMER STATE OF FLORIDA COU~TY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY lhi1l 011 lhis (.I U l h lJ C' 1 Z t: U j /I lite S i. ': ~ e (J II U C U U II l :r l' e co l:> U /I <1 1 1 y <t P P t! iH t: U E R ~ EST R. G J L ~1 E R we 1 1 k /I U W /I L U m e L U beL h C P e C' ~ U /I ( l:> I f u I' e ~ U j /I 1: j 11 S 1 r U III e a 1 j 11 I h e p n: sell c e i:.t c k /I U w 1 e U g e U !J e rOt. e III e L h C:1 L h e i ~ II e ; l hey lheJ'el11 sli:.tleu, tl .. 'I, II.. r II J' C m t", i:t II U r f 1 C e J' tI u ] Y it rUt' e s i:.t i tI l U l it k e i:.t c k II U w leu g m e u L s , a 11 U ELI Z A II E T H P. G J 1. ~1 E R, 11 j ~ w j r e . U e s c C' 1 !J e U 1 /I a II tl w hue x e C U Led Lite uf twu sll!Jl:>c1'j!Ji/l~ wjlues~cs. aad e x e c U L t:: U l he l:> i:.t Rl e f u C' l II e p u [' po s e s h ~-.:_ \: \..: '-\, 1...', \ ,\- . ' J , '.. '\ ,', \-'\ \ '. . officiul sea] jll lht: Cuu/lly (.Iud o f A p C' 1 l, 1 9 8 9 , -.--,~~,-;J~ '. , ~OL~lc - SLaLe ur FluJ'lui:.t )] y C U 111111 j S l:> 1 lJ 11 E oX P j J' C s : SLi:.tle li:.t~l io\lTXESS DIY haul! <tau ctfuc'cl:>ajd, Lld~ Lhe/7Y1.. t1i:.ty ~- :J" , " ...' . \'" \ ( , ': \ .\ 'c_ RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLA. JOHN B, DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT ' OI=FICIAL SEAL LARRV SCHONE No\ary Fubllc 51.:lltl ot F1crlda My COlTlmls~ion Expl~.. AUQu:;t 20, ,~ ~oJ '\ .' I \ \ .", 'I, '., .' ~~~ . ,'. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Ray Flow, Owner, has requested the following parcel to be considered for CONDITIONAL USE for a day care center: Legal Description: TRACT 53, SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, OF RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 19, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THE SOUTH 260.0 FEET THEREOF AND ,LESS THE WEST 145.49 FEET THEREOF. Containing 1.41 acres (61571 square feet), more or less. Subject to easements; restrictions, reservations and rights of way of record. Location: 3520 Old BOYnton Road OWners: Ray and Sharon Flow Use: Day care center serving 200 children, known as The Little Dude Ranch. A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD WILL BE HELD AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD., BOYNTON BEACH ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. ON THE ABOVE REQUEST. ALSO A PUBLIC HEARING IS SCHEDULED ON THE ABOVE REQUEST BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION, AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH jm PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS November 21 & 27, 1991 J3 i I b y.;s 'Ill N ~\ , . ~ t'\ ...., - \l) ~ ct:. ~ \S\ '::i · \~,\.;,. 'ti..~t! ~ c<)~ ~~'I ' \)I\:~' ~ ~:\\~ \\ l-f'. ~ (', ~~ \r l ~\\\ -- ~\ l \ \ r -::t~t ',' \\ . ..... \! " 1,::~ ,\ \ ~\\ ,. ,'- ~-* ., ;~"-' ' ,', ~ , ~' . ~ ." \,' \ ~, \ \ ~ \ ' ~ \" \ ~ ~ ' \ ~ (~ ' . \: ;l\ ~ 'f ;' ~ \ ,1\ l~~. " -,,- '".' \ \ ~\ ~.. 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") 11~"'Trr TI""'''' In'Jt 'I !f II l,~ I I "' ~ 'J II \ 0 r i1 : I : 'j · :J:., {'# I r I I I nr---l r- 1 IT" II I , L ::r=:J'~{ Il~ ~~__~.\ jl~ h-rh If --II 1'-1 1 c.... no .J r~1 . p p ~?~'---J I~ 1 g" ~ (~~:~ .... ,F>;;.- I . 11',-~_~ F '~~'~I.d - = . , , - i"\ -' ' ! c iF~ CANA~- ~J~: I I . ...-.I.tI OdWM ro/V 8/?'IiCH Biu)., r t ,I 1 , .' 'I' i' t C .... _~ 1-U-1- ~ ' ,- 4'J n I I ,::: (T ~J\I(CD rJ .;~ .~ \\ ~ ::, ~~ ';, ~,~ . L6"D ' ~ .l-9 2C ~,..9 m q J ~ ~t\~'7~~~~ ~ ,.."~a...?""";~~~'\I. :'N,' ,:~}f.. I '( ~ . , c " I- ;r \. ., '- a ~:~ . .r' ... ij . \ ,. y ~ ~ ~';;' :.., 0 ~{OI~I':II'11tl . MI~ES. . .~. ~~ . ~. ( r:-1J rJ. \,~ " ,... '", ; ,~, .PC,~ 'J \ \ +.. '0' FEET -, ;;J/~f. '''~".: r ~r' 0 .40. 8~~N^,I^,r. {JP-_Dr. /O/(JJ l~ .L~ (: 'h_~ '~it' .' " II \ '\' \ "d \ \ \ \ . . '\ Ii .____ ,.T( v:r: ''''/ ...:.r-l.ll.l/",.l I j ~ ... ,) \ , f----. - - . , ....H.......... ... ft- ,. \ &: I ir+- L.... LJ' ~ I t <j ~ Cf~ _ -i" Ii -Ii i all ...,;;a~ ~'I .~ I":.,~ I I I .'1- 1- I 7~ I - I I -:r~ WJ.. ~' - \' -,. t: -~ - :2 ~ : I ~ .=+ ~ I ;"":l ---.., I ~ lee ~ ~~ . h j , . '..I r' ':, L'"..IlTI --I 11.".. ~ ll]' I :r~D :til I I~J: '~ I~ "t I! 1/ '.1: :.rTll~ i <>;:= k5: u..... Ir- "., :~tr{y.~.1 ~~ . ~ , . " I I I I I "l '1 -.... -- --~----- ---- ~-_.~ ....-..- . ._----.~- ~~J , ,liMO - 8' J.=f=\r I. ..... ITT, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l.I) II) \J l( \!) ~ (:) \) ~ 'rOM n ~ 1-0 NOT IN CITY ( , " igj r -2-_ I r~.. Rt>")_ \oJ ~ ~t~ 5 If I c::::J cc. , I I U PC: C. 12 1.1 N'C I .... i i I ~~ I i ,,\ 'v RrL1 3 J~: -! II . 1 . I LIT1 :1 dol ':"0... I 0 ~ II ,11 .~ -- .,." l!:::!z!J " ... "I ~ -- .O~I I - : .:: - ~:..... / .! :r~ "1 II' 6~ ! J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMO NO. 91-243TH December 5, 1991 TO: Tambri Heyden Senior City Planner FROM: W. Richard Staudinger, P.E. Gee & Jenson Consulting Engineers RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW BOARD COMMENTS LIITLE DUDE RANCH This memo is to update the previous Engineering Department Memo No. 91-228 of October 29, 1991. After discussions with the Police Department and a field visit~ comment No. 4 is not applicable. Also, applicant has supplied a plan indicating field changes to the paved areas, satisfying comment No.5. ... - WRS/ck ..3' ~ ,~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-324 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~I1~A.....-- ('~/ FROM: Christopher Cutro, planning Director DATE: December 12, 1991 SUBJECT: Little Dude Ranch Day Care Center Conditional Use Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission 'agenda for Tuesday, December 17, 1991, under Public Hearings. . DESCRIPTION: Request for conditional use approval for an existing, 8,920 square foot day care center serving 200 children located at 3520 Old Boynton Road. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board recommends approval of this request subject to staff comments, copies of . ' wh1ch are attached. t CC/jm A:PM91-324.JM J7 PLANNING DEPARTMENT. MEMORANDUM NO. 91-323 ~ Jf).L<-d.e. ~ R. ~ a.Il 6~8 .- -.. ... -...-'t" FROM: ~~~er, City Manager Christopher Cutro, Planning Director TO: DATE: December 11, 1991 SUBJECT: Planning and zoning Board Meeting December 10, 1991 Please be advised that the Planning and Zoning Board met on Tuesday, December 10, 1991 and took the following action: 1. Continued the public hearing for the Cross Creek Centre parking lot variance to the January 14, 1992 meeting at 7:00 p.m., as per the applicant's final request for another 30 day postponement. 2. Tabled the determination of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan for the proposed amendment to Appendix A-Zoning to amend the regulations governing service stations and convenience stores until the amendment is presented to the Board in ordinance form. In addition, the Board directed staff to formulate language to include specific landscape buffer criteria, a 6 foot rather than a 5 foot concrete wall and to change "larger" to "wider" under the locational standards. The Board reiterated their desire to exclude T-intersections as an allowable location for such uses. . 3. After conducting a public hearing recommended approval of Ray F. Flow's request for conditional use approval of an existing day care center, subject to proviso. Motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mr. Howard. The vote was 5-1 with Mr. Rosenstock dissenting. (PM91-324) 4. After conducting a pUblic hearing, unanimously recommended approval of Kilday and Associates' Mall South request to show annexed land as Local Retail Commercial, to rezone from AR in Palm Beach County to C-3 and AG and to amend the Traffic Circulation Element Support Document of the Comprehensive Plan to include Winchester Boulevard as a city collector on the Future Functional Classification Map and as a 4-lane divided road on the 2010 Roadway Design Map, subject to proviso. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mr. Cwynar. (PM91-325) 5. After conducting a public hearing, recommended approval of the City's water treatment plant expansion request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Medium Density Residential to Public and Private Governmental/Institutional, amend Area 4.e of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to remove obsolete text and rezone from R-2 to PU, Public Usage. The motion was made by Mr. Howard and seconded by Mrs. Huckle. The vote was 5-1 with Mr. Hinson dissenting. (PM91-326) 6. After conducting a pUblic hearing, unanimously recommended denial of the City's North Federal Highway request to amend Area 1.i of the Future Land Use Element Support Document, to remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed rezoning and to rezone from C-4 to C-3. The motion was made by Mr. Cwynar and seconded by Mr. Hinson. In addition a motion was made by Mr. Howard and seconded by Mrs. Stevens recommending that the City commission, an alternative to rezoning from C-4 to C-3, investigate an aesthetic/landscape overlay district for the C-4 zoned area of North Federal Highway. The vote was 4-2 with Mr. Cwynar and Mrs. Huckle dissenting. (PM91-327) ~8 .. -. . ,~ Planning Dept. Memorandum #91-323 Page 2 7. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the City's Application #13-A request to amend Area 7.a of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed rezoning and to rezone from R-2 to C-1. The motion was made by Mr. Cwynar and seconded by Mr. Hinson. Mrs. stevens was out of the room during the making of the motion. (PM91-328) 8. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the City's Application #1 request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and to amend Area 4.b of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed land use. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mr. Howard. (PM91-329) 9. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the City's Application #3 request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential to amend Area 4.h of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed land use amendment. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mr. Hinson; Mr. Cwynar was out of the room during the making of the motion. (PM91-330) & 10. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the City's Application #10 request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Medium Density Residential to Low Density Residential and to amend Area 4.a of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed land use amendment. The motion was made by Mr. Howard and seconded by Mr. Hinson; Mr. Cwynar was out of the room during the making of the motion. (PM91-331) 11. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the City's Application #20 request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from High Density Residential to Local Retail Commercial and to delete Area 1.g of the Future Land Use Element Support Document. The motion was made by Mr. Hinson and seconded by Mr. Howard; Mr. Cwynar was out of the room during the making of the motion. (PM91-332) 12. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the City's Application #21 request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from High Density Residential to Local Retail Commercial and Low Density Residential and to delete Area 1.h of the Future Land Use Element Support Document. The motion was made by Mr. Howard and seconded by Mrs. Huckle; Mr. Cwynar was out of the room during the making of the motion. (PM91-333) 13. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the City's Application #25 request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Office Commercial to Local Retail Commercial and to amend Area 3.f of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed land use amendment. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mr. Cwynar. (PM91-334) ~, 0: ,,~ Planning Dept. Memorandum #91-323 Page 3 14. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the City's Application #26 request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Local Retail Commercial to Office Commercial and to amend Area 3.f of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to remove text that is inconsistent with the proposed land use amendment. The motion was made by Mr. Howard and seconded by Mrs. Huckle. (PM91-335) 15. After conducting a public hearing, unanimously recommended approval of the City's Application #16 request to amend Area 1.a of the Future Land Use Element Support Document to remove text that recommends RIA zoning for a portion of the Lakeside Gardens subdivision. The motion was made by Mrs. Huckle and seconded by Mr. Howard. (PM91-336) 16. Continued the public hearing for the Cedar Grove P.U.D. to the January 14, 1992 meeting at 7:00 p.m., as per the applicant's request for a 30 day postponement. 17. Unanimously recommended approval of the request for a six month concurrency extension for Boynton Lakes Plaza. The motion was made by Mrs. Stevens and seconded by Mrs. Huckle. (PM91-337) CC/jm encls. cc: Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator A:PM91-323.JM ~() . ~li !> ~;: ~ -I' ~ ~-~ it~ ~ Uil b~.5 \ , I, ~ '" jo' *PI \ \ l' t. ('\ ,~Y, "'1\ " .' '( \1> \ '. \ ~ ~\. J.\'\~;\\: ..~,.., \ {l I \" \ W \ '.. \~ \ \ ';)i ~ ,~' ~ t~ . '. \ I ' \ \ \ -\ ~\ \ \ , \' ~\ l-~ '" -.'i, \;~~ ~~... ~ ~\l\~ ~J ~ ~ .. ~ , X:.~ 1SI '\ ~ t ~ \ ~ l "" ~ . ~ f '" .. \ \$'\ ~ ~ t-- a'\ .. - \," \3 "=!. , ;l . r fc:1'- s - ~~ (13) A F F I D A V I T STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SSe COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED (2.f\.....1 ~Lo0 , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That. the accompanying Property OWners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: TRACT 53, SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 'SOUTH, OF RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 19,' PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THE SOUTH 260.0 FEET THEREOF AND LESS THE WEST 145.49 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 1.41 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Sworn to and subscribed before me ~, t&s- (Signature) . /9 fA th~s day of ._~t-~--:: ~(Jj~~9uJ- ' A.D., 19 ~( ~;~~~ )"rnorL/ , ":/.-.sfate- of :Florida at Large , ./.' I. .. . _ ' 9'/ ,~ . My Commission Expires: r::;~~:~~~~~~t;te,of FlorIda at Large Bonded thru Agen~P rNes Feb. 14, 1992 s otary Brokerage PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app 9.1 , .,' hf i#ldflttciJ>,(bf!J17 ' ,APPLICATION FOR OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA , '\ CNH ~ ~ f..J~~ ~ BUSH ",':;',.", FEE $ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETED IN FULL AS PRPVIDED FOR IN THE BOYNTON BEACH,C,?DE OF ORDINANCES & RETURNED TO: CITY OF BOYNTON BCH., OCC.LIC: . P.O. BOX 310/100 E. BOYNTON BCH. BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425-0310 I HEREBY MAKE APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: ;(PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) 1. NAME OF BUSINESS (dba) t "diE 7Jvclc, -:'1(/1 IV e. /1 . 2. CORPORATE NAME j /It/e-- J)Vf'/e 7(i=!;/ic ~ live BUSINESS PHONE H fJ'3/j-;;<(Jt)(J 3. LOCATION OF BUSINEss86~ 0 O/~ 13,~,(~+()^! <J<d '. ....,,;':.,.,!i.', I:,~r- 4. MAILING ADDREss12:<. S, JIJKes/le- J)R,..,qi,Ty'1.IJKjj':'1VdRfttSTJ:"PUll\CI1;i.P'S'S~(O .. :" ,.t ! .' 5. CONTRACTOR/PR~FESSIONAL LICENSE HOLD~R: NAME-p R Y EJ D U) HOME ADDRESS 1:2 .2. ,~ ht:J j( e .5";-1 e- 'TITLE ,?t<es;deN V 'DR - ' ~OMEPHONE .5& ~ if '759 FLA. CERTIFICATION OR PALM BEACH COUNTY'COMPETENCYH 6. PRESIDENT/OWNER OF BUSINESS: NAME 1?R Y F / {) u.J HOME ADDRESS , . TITLE' PI? c- 5 i Ie-IV V HOME PHONE 7. DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS c: h j I,d C A a. e- 8. PROPERTY: ZONED ;(L? PROJECT TITLE PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT 1:((.1. ~ F to G() PHONE U .If? I 3/ <.,L '5 I TOTAL SQ. FT. OF BLDG./SUITE USED FOR THIS OCCUPANCY g200 % OF BLDG. USED FOR OFFICE STORAGE 9. 10. DOES YOUR BUSINESS REQUIRE OUTSIDE STORAGE. YES NO ~ N/A 11. TOTAL NUMBER OF ALLOTTED OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES FOR USE b2 ~ . ' 12. WILL YOU USE, HANDLE, STORE OR DISPLAY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OR GENERATE HAZARDOUS WASTE, AS DEFINED BY 40 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS PART 261?....YES NO ~. 13. WILL YOUR USE REQUIRE REMODELI~G AND/OR RENOVATION YES 14. WHOLESALE VALUE OF MERCHANT'S ~N-SITE STOCK ,INVENTORY $ --0 15. TOTAL NUMBER OF SEATS(BARBER SlfOPS/RESTAURANTS/THEATERS/ETC.) '- 0- 16. NUI1BER OF EMPLOYEES;:Z(} VEHICLES /~ MACHINES -0 - NO ~ . ", 17. RESIDENTIAL RENTAL SITES: H OF BUILDINGS fl OF UNITS H OF ROOMS___ lB. HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED (PLS. ATTACH) YES~NO~N/A____ 19. NAME OF BANK AND CITY: ,dItJ/V'E IYMn~ Raad~i~ 20. PREVIOUSLY LICENSED IN BOYNTON BEACH?...........YES NO 21. APPLICATION COMPLETED BY: NAME}i?~~ PltJCr) TITLE fJ~o.r ;c1eAJ V ~'f PHONE #~ - 31<'/ 3 I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS CORRECT AND COMPLETE. I WILL NOT OPEN FOR BUSINESS WITHOUT LICENSE APPROVAL'FROM, & FEE PAID TO, THE CITY OF'BOYNTON BEACH AND AM AWARE TH~' I ~~ECT TO FINE ANDloR IM~~MENT. . SIGNATURE OF APPLICAN k/ -<) " DATE /0 ~f -/<;/-~~\ .-- ......-.-.. .. ~ _ ,....., . ~'HIS SIDE Fen OFFICE ....."" '<-'.. '" I .J' -, (....1 .. ' BU NESS N].J.!E'r:r':1/iflL J.!JJAoU.;.l!anfJ)71 , ADDRESS ,';'{t:'~D ()leI- &J2u71(Yl.Rd ~, #P(OAA-W"-l at~~ilJIk--- USE ONLY APPLICATION FILING FEE, ; RECEI~T ft ~:7 J./ / I PERMITS IN PROGRESS YES ' NO c/' ~ ' TO ~S-.l;'j.'~1)EVELOPMENT ON (date)...J Dj 0)4 AJ . EXISTING CODE VIOLATION . CASE ft ~ DATE: M-\~ '--""" INSP. :l~rv\V^' /' (BRIEFLY DESCRIBE VIOL1\-:' . ,',. '" TION OR ATTACH CASE NARRATIVE) : I . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. "v/l ,;.:; ,'" ~E ,IlAjt'~", ~ ZONING APPROVED Y~S" c ' NO""":'" ZONE: ~"'--~ --" ~ , G5^tDrrn::"',AC:(L~,.-~~,,;; !~'I';:' .-t;;~'., vr;':' .,." ~ };q =~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~;~~~~~~;~~~~~~~:~~=~~=====~=~=====~==========~Q=~===L \ FIET.JDINSPECTIONS REQUESTED;" :!;':{da to r (Indicate approved or deriied . ..', .:, for each category). (time) SIGNATURE DATE SITE INSPECTION ., , . COMMENTS o. .1 ~ ! . BUILDING/ELECTRICAL/PLUMBING/MECHANICAL COMMENTS FIRE SAFETY . .. COMMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT DATE ISSUED: COMMENTS: ============================================================================= - =======================================~=====================-==~============= ~ . -:.'1 e".. . .:~i\t. I .. ~ \~\".'. :..: : CAPITAL FACILXT~ES FOR: ,- . SEWER $ REINSPECTION FEES $ .. LICENSE FEE , \ ..\ ., PtNJtL'n: FEE . . $ ":l'~.: \' ','I ~ ,',. <-~ "",,:, ;, , ,~OTAL . $ ~c::: {.:.::/;~~\;'" <"., "'",,!, I" : ~. .' ~.. :" ! ,.., OTHER TOTAL $~ TRANSFER .FEE TOTAL OIL FEES -$'.( ,A:olapp.ol , bh-2/91 . WATER $ ". :',. , , . . "' " . :'.. . ., . . ," (: ". ;: .u! ,.' "...-._--............ c .-.., '. ,"" . , fe' ~''\! ., ," .:. ~ /. . i ~ ,~ Kilday & Associate. Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 November 22, 1991 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Senior Planner Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Dept. PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Ray Flow Day Care Center, Old Boynton Beach Road & Knuth Road Dear Ms. Heyden, Attached you will find seven (7) copies of the Paving and Drainage plans prepared by KS Rogers Consulting Engineers, Inc. for Mr. Flow. Mr. Flow has reviewed his existing company records and this plan provides field depiction of what actually was constructed on the site. Additionally, Wednesday, November 20, 1991, I visited the site and compared this plan with the actual configuration. With one exception (a landscape island which replaced a proposed parking space in order to save an existing tree) the plan prepared by Mr. Rogers is identical to what is on the ground. I have noted on the plan the one change referenced herein. This plan, therefore, provides you with an accurate depiction of what actually exists on Mr. Flow's property. With regard to lighting, there is no lighting existing on the property. The plan does show the signage location. -n Tambri Heyden Ray Flow November 22, 1991 Page 2 of 2 By separate copy, I am providing this plan to Mr. Richard staudinger, consulting engineer to Boynton Beach. Hopefully, this plan will provide the information you need to properly assess Mr. Flow's project. Additionally, Mr. Flow has indicated to me that 'as built' utility plans were prepared and submitted to the Boynton Beach Utility Department and are located in their files. If I can provide any more information to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ~L~ FbI!- Kieran J. Kilday KJK/dm Enclosures cc: Ray Flow ,~ ~1 ~~ - 61& OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director DATE: November 21, 1991 FROM: Shannon Burkett Deputy City Clerk RE: Planning & Zoning Bd. Mtg. of December 10, 1991 Attached is a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing for the Ray Flow (Little Dude Ranch) Conditional Use Application. This matter is scheduled for the Tuesday, December 10, 1991 Planning & Zoning Board meeting. This Notice was mailed to the applicant/owner and property owners within 400 ft. yesterday. This Notice will be advertised in the Boynton Beach News on November 21 and 27, 1991. ,J4~ 8<-uJuff sIb attachment cc: City Manager - RECEIVED" NO\' ni _, PLANNING DEPT. - n BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 91-394 October 28, 1991 TO: Chris Cutro Planning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Building Official RE: TRB COMMENTS - OCTOBER 29, 1991 MEETING CONDITIONAL USE - LITTLE DUDE RANCH DAY CARE CENTER The Building Department has no comments regarding the above referenced project. Al~ AN: bh XC: Don Jaeger DUDE. DOC b"~ ~1 ::':~ZE: ' This ad has been,revised to change the Planning & Zonin[ Board D ~j and City Commissiori dates only. ,~ ~~~~ REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING , ~ LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS IOTfiiI .- ......... A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Planning PREPARED BY: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN DATE PREPARED: 10/31/91 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD:'CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST FOR A DAY CARE CENTER SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, section Placement, Black Border, etc.) STANDARD LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper, applicant and surrounding property owners. Others to be determined by City Clerk. NEWSPAPER{S) TO PUBLISH: To be determined by City Clerk. DATE{s) TO BE be' determined City Clerk. PUBLISHED: To by ( 1 ) BY: ...- ~ ~d tL-,,,t,lVk . '.' /~\./ (Departme~Head' (f/-~II ?~I (Date) APPROVED ( 2 ) (Date) (City Attorney) ( 3 ) (Date) (City Manager) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: A:REQPUB sl ". '''4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Ray Flow, Owner, has requested the following parcel to be considered for CONDITIONAL USE for a day care center: Legal Description: TRACT 53, SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, OF RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 19, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THE SOUTH 260.0 FEET THEREOF AND LESS THE WEST 145.49 FEET THEREOF. Containing 1.41 acres (61571 square feet), more or less. Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of record. Location: 3520 Old Boynton Road OWners: Ray and Sharon Flow Day care center serving 200 children, known as The Little Dude Ranch. Use: A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD WILL BE HELD AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD., BOYNTON BEACH ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. ON THE ABOVE REQUEST. ALSO A PUBLIC HEARING IS SCHEDULED ON THE ABOVE REQUEST BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION, AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH jm ~ - '<:.. ~f/("~~REQUEST FOR P9BLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ~ tf)~~ ~~ . !-:.:' A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Planning PREPARED BY: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN DATE PREPARED: It/I JlOl./q/ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Conditional use request for a day care center SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) STANDARD LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper, applicant and surrounding property owners. Others to be determined by City 'Clerk. NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: To be determined by City Clerk DATE(s) TO BE To be determined by 'City Clerk PUBLISHED: APPROVED BY: rJ, Iv CJv/ ~artment Head) li~3l't/ (Dfte) (I) (2 ) (City Attorney). (Date) ( 3 ) (City Manager) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: A:REQPUB .53 7-, ". 'N NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Ray Flow, Owner, has requested the following parcel to be considered for CONDITIONAL USE for a day care center: Legal Description: TRACT 53, SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, OF RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 19, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THE SOUTH 260.0 FEET THEREOF AND LESS THE WEST 145.49 FEET THEREOF. Containing 1.41 acres (61571 square feet), more or less. Subject to easements, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of record. Location: 3520 Old Boynton Road OWners: Ray and Sharon Flow Use: Day care center serving 200 children, known as The Little Dude 'Ranch. A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD WILL BE HELD AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD., BOYNTON BEACH ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. ON THE ABOVE REQUEST. ALSO A PUBLIC HEARING IS SCHEDULED ON THE ABOVE REQUEST BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION, AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 AT 7:00 P.M. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . jm S-1 ,) - -";""'.," , - ( " C \ I Supp, Xo, 2 . '. ,... "," " .' ..' ',,'.' '," '. n,'i" '<.:..,~.., :;~:7;1 :.:~...:.,"~'~7L...,..'"'3'.,; '--=-:,: r, .r"'7~..'-' .....~ ~"'''''':.:'J;::"",,~r'''''~~):'''''';'''',:~:;.,;,'-;.t~~.:,o-;f''~-~.';;''':,.::_~', ".'-c" I_~ -- _ ~ _ /" '^ ~ It''a ~ l r\ ~ ~ y ~~~ ~~~(iV ~r' I ~ ~~. .J ,c, I U !/ ",~ ~500.17o~ / ), 1T 1 I.' Y i~ ~l \.."r Dairy processing. ~ 'J l ~ Dry cleaning plant. "" ~ '\ .." Laundry plant. ~ V' Nurseries and greenhouses. rJ' Public and private utility services.. Salvage yard. Industrial. a. General. For uses in the industrial dis. tricts, there shall be required one (1) parking space per employee and staff member of the shift. of greatest employ- ment plus one (1) space per one thou- sand (1,000) square feet of total floor area. b. Warehouses. The minimum number of parking spaces for a warehouse shall be one (1) space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross floor area, plus one (1) space for each employee on the shift of greatest employment. (Ord. No. 87.36) 12 .:."",- APPENDIX F-ZONING CODE b. Planned general commercial develop- ment. Planned neighborhood commercial de- velopment. Planned office-Business park. Professional offices. . Self.service laundry and dry cleaning. Variety store. The following uses shall provide at least four (4) parking spaces per one thou- sand (1,000) square feet of total floor area: Auction, open and vehicular. Auto paint and body shop. Auto sales. Auto service station, with or without major repairs. Boats, retail and wholesale. Chemicals, retail and wholesale. Commercial, new and used, automobile, truck, boat, motorcycle, mobile home, and recreational vehicle sale and rental and repair facilities and lots. Electronic equipment, retail and whole- sale. Flea market: Open. Indoor recreation, except theaters and bowling alleys, Lumber yard, retail and wholesale, ~tachinery, retail. ~leat cutting, retail and wholesale, ~tillwork and woodwork, retail and wholesale. ~tomiment sales. Precision instruments and optics, retail and wholesale. Printing and publishing service. Propane gas and fuels, Septic tank service. Shoe, appliance and other repair services. Taxidermist. Upholstery shop. The following uses shall provide at least one (1) parking space per employee on the shift of greatest employment plus one llJ parking space per each ten thou- sand (10,000) square feet orIot area: Bakery, large scale preparation. Confectionery, large scale preparation. 5. Educational Institutions. College, university, trade, and vocational institutions and seminaries. Five.tenths space per' student plus one (1) space per employee plus one (1) space for each four (4) seats in the auditorium and other places of assembly. . Day care centers and other pre.school facil- ities. There shall be provided at least five (5) parking spaces for transient use plus one (1) space per employee and assistant with a minimum of two (2) employee parking spaces. Such facili. ties shall provide a convenient drop-off area adjacent to the building provid- ing clear ingress and egress, Elementary and junior high (Grades 1 through 8). One (1) space per classroom plus one (1) space for each administra- tive or educational staff employee. Senior High, (Grades 9 through' 12). Two- tenths space per student plus one (1) space per employee. Miscellaneous Uses. (Ord. No. 79-10; Ord. No. 87.32; Ord. No, 87-36) Accessory use. Parking for accessory com. mercial and professional uses shall be c. 6. 3729 ~:~ ss-- " -;t~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Kruse, City Clerk FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Senior Planner DATE: October 24, 1991 Little Dude Ranch Day Care Center Conditional Use - File No. 643 . RE: Accompanying this memorandum, you will find a copy of the application and supporting documentation for the above-referenced request. A check in the amount of $750 to cover review and processing of this application has been forwarded to the Finance Department. The legal advertisement pUblicizing a hearing for this request before the Planning and Zoning Board on November 12, 1991 and the City Commission on November 19, 1991 will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney and City Manager. ~~A~.14~1 Tambri J. en / TJH/jm Encls. A:DUDE.JM s, %-e CitY .of .- 'Boynton ':Beacli ~ ~ ,,~ r-' - - ~ 100 'E. tJ3oynton 'lJeadt. 'lJoufevara P.O. 'lJoi(,310 'lJoynton 1Jeadi, :!fl3rUfa 33425.0310 (407) 738.7490 :FJU: (407) 738.7459 Pfanning tJ)epartmenti City 9-fa[[ Compfo;. West 'Wing ."...... ".. October 11, 1991 Mr. Ray Flow ' 722 South Lakeside Drive Lake Worth, FL 33460 ~' .' , RE: Little Dude Ranch Day Care Center Conditional Use Application - File No. 643 Dear Mr. Flow: Please be advised that review of the above-referenced application has been tentatively scheduled for the October 29, 1991 Technical Review Board (TRB) meeting, November 12, 1991 Planning and Zoning Board meeting, November 14, 1991 Community Appearance Board meeting and the November 19, 1991 City Commission meeting. In order to adhere to this schedule, the items listed below need to be submitted to ,the Planning Department no later than October 21, 1991 at 8:30 a.m. to complete the above-referenced application and satisfy the submittal requirements. ' 1. Pages 2, 9 and 10 of the application need to be revised, accurately completed and returned in ~ copies as instructed below. a) Page 2 of the :application was not received. A blank copy of page 2 has been enclosed for comple~ion and attachment to :the application. The following-information on page 9 must be revised arid/or completed: Questi6~ 1 -Complete the land use category as High Density Residemtial. ' Of v , b), fJ~ . ~. .' . " '.: ;' f' ',:l:- : ...;.. . - . " ." . '. . -./ "~3 Little Dude Ranch Day Care Center Question 10.b - Obtain the number of parking spaces provided from the site plan. Page l1,,'.(rider to site plan application) must be notarized. Page 13, (affidavit) of the application references exhibit "A", the legal description of the property, which has not been'provided. c) ut/ 2 . oL- 3. Page 2 01(.. Questions S.c, 5.d, 5.e, S.g, S.h, S.i - Must be calculated and completed. It appears that this data can be obtained from the site plan. The following information on ,page 10 must be completed: Ques~ion 10.a - One parking space is required for every 300 square feet of gross floor area plus an adequate drop-off. Therefore, based on 9,600 square feet of building, 32 parking spaces are required. ( (t,.. ) The Community Appearance Board (CAB) application which was stapled to the back of the conditional use application was not submitted. A blank copy has been enclosed for completion. See instructions highlighted in yellow on the CAB application for specific submittal requirements. 5. Page 4 of the conditional use application requires 2 copies of the following: 4. Ii- (J.e a) ol{" b) n/!/ c) 'ilL L I" warranty deed -- I have ~cated a copy of the warranty deed that was submitted iast year for the annexation and land use/rezoning applications which will suffice for this application. written consent to the development proposal by all owners of record, if joint and several ownership -- This is still needed in 2 copies. ' drawing showing the location of all properties lying within 400 feet of the subject parcel and the list of the'property owners' names, 'addresses and mailing labels -- The drawing submitted shows a 300 foot radius, not the required 400 foot radius, and the list of property owners only encompasses those within 300 feet. We have redrawn the radius and obtained the names and addresses of the additional property owners for you., We have also typed mailing labels for the additional property owners and for ,those property owners within 300 feet for"which not all 'the mailing labels ,were provided.:' ' ',,-',' ' .. . ~ . ," - ".';'. .", ~. . 1 .... , - ."',. ' .j~ 8> ,,' - b e;;J ~ Little Dude Ranch Day Care Center Page 3 6. A copy of pages 5 through 8 (the site plan checklist) of the conditional use application has been enclosed. This checklist itemizes the information which must be provided on the required site plan. The 8-1/2" x 11" site plan copies submitted are not acceptable because the dimensions are not legible and not all the information on the checklist is provided on the site plan submitted. Seven (plus one for the City Clerk equals eight) 24" x 36" sets of plans comprised of the as-built survey, site plan, landscape plan, , lighting plan, floor plan, drainage plan, building elevations and utilities plan are required. Since this project was constructed within Palm Beach County, these ,r/ plans were required in order to obtain a building permit, I) V therefore, if you do not have copies or cannot get copies from the,architect or engineer you hired to prepare your constrJction plans, you might be able to obtain a copy from the Building Department at Palm Beach County. J \ c -P_~~~~.J , , ,/' '); ~\......,\ '~u In addition to the seven complete sets required, nine partial sets comprised of the site plan, landscape plan, building elevations and floor plan are required. Please reference the yellow highlighted information on the top of page 5 of the conditional use application for stapling requirement. I am returning both copies of the conditional use application to make the necessary revisions stated above and am also returning those documents which were submitted which are not required. If you have any questions regarding completing your application, please contact me. Sincerely, /l ~~iL~~ Senior Planner TJH/jm Encls. . . . - ~ ' :-. :~~'~.,. :; . ..:. , - . ..,,: ~', .. :;, ~"r/.:':'" . ' , I . ::.. ~. '. I '. . . .- .;';>." ~'~;'-~..: ~ -" '.:'; .}.~'~~:' ,,' <: ! "I, J . ,: j.; ", ~ .' : ; . :.~ >' , . ::' : . i ,... ~ ' , f.. : , ~. :sr', t, , ~'" ,. ~ .' - y-, '"'" Board of Count)' Commissioners . -...~ ,1 -" , s&'J, ... . Carol j. Elmquist, Cha'irman Ka~Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A. Hoherts : Hon Howard Carole Phillips INIIIALJIIG ' County Administrator , Jan Winters Department of EngineerIng and Public Works June 9', ,1989,. ,..,' .,...",..,-......,',.._'..~.,,',_..,'_.,..,....',' Applicant: Ray Flow 3142 Ford Road Lake Worth, FL 33461 K. S. Rogers, ,Inc. Subject: KNUTH ROAD - DRAINAGE REVIEW DC060-589 FOR SITE SOUTH WEST CORNER KNUTH AND OLD BOYNTON ROAD. PETITION 89-12 Reference: 88-086 sheet ~ of5 ~he subject drainage plan is'in compliance with current drainage criteria. By copy of this letter to the 'Building Official indicated, please withhold the Certificate of Occupancy until' the Engineer of Record has certified 'to the Land Development Division, that the construction of the drainage system shown on the plans has been satisfactorily completed. BUILDING,OFFICIAL Robert Palchanis . Thank you for your continued cooperation with Palm ,Beach County. Very truly yours, .' Alan A. Kurtis, P.E., Director Land Development Division '. " .. An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 '1) l . I ." , oJ i_ P"''1., ,.., )~/ . ,,~ ~ r-~'~ .' PALM DEACII COUNTY'LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION UTILITY PERMIT 'Permit not valid unless pink copy is signed and returned within 15 days to: Palm Beach County Engineering Department :~;)nd Development Permit Section p,O. Box 2429 ' West Palm Beach, FL 33402 PERMIT NUMBER: WS 078-589 ,...... '.', "_DATE: June 9, 1989 FEE: $25.00 PERMITTEE: Ray Flow 3142 Ford Road Lake Worth, FL 33461 REP: K. S. Rogers, Inc. LOCATION: KNUTH ROAD, OLD BOYNTON ROAD - INSTALL 4" FORCE MAIN AND 6" WATER MAIN FOR SITE SOUTH WEST CORNE\~ETITION 89-12 REFERENCED DRAWING: 88-086 sheets 2 & 3 of 5 Permit is hereby granted for the subject work within the right-of-way as shown on the approved plans, subject to your acceptance of the provisions of Chapters 125.42, 338.17 through 338.20, 1980 Florida Statutes, the applicable General Conditions indicated on the back of this permit, and the following (if circled) special conditions: 1. That there shall be no material disturbed within four feet (4') of the traffic signal poles. . 2. Contact Mr. Sheehan at 478-3330, twenty-four (24) hours prior to construction. Any damage to the traffic signalization equipment shall be repaired by the Traffic Division at the permittee's expense. Th:lfLJ2.l?rmit shall not become effective until such time as the above refe~ence9__~ondi~ions h~ve been acg~~ted and will bec~VOID if the siqneq coPY -iP not r-eturneq to this office wi tpin ,_fifteen__J1.5.l days: or, if ~.cept~tFft Construction Coordination Division has not been contactefl fo~ inspection within 180 days from the date issued. PERMITTEE SIGNATURE (AUTHORIZED SIGN~r1JIffi-'QR D~~HORI~ AGENT) t'~~~ ~ L.. SIGNATURE i2a~~ f2~ JL.. 7? ....- COUNTY APPROVAL Alan A. Kurtis,P. E., Director Land Development Division "1?A y EL8~ , PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE AAK:JEP:nm cc: Construction Coordination ,/ -I, ';;'1) " J!.. e2:.,;.'; . 5 70 .;; '_::-- -....1 .. -~.. ~J~; ~ ~,I fJ J ~ 2~,~;g .~,~, : i:. ~;:..~ t l<;:t \:.,: .;....... _616 _5 ~ ~2 . ~; t~c~ 5' 50' '41', 41' l' : ~::!.::2t~ [,:( :-~J~;:'~;k~~' J/f Ii: _ ~ ~ ::!-ttl ~' _ ' . l' - -. 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II! ,/ -"CD' ~ ,,'_ ~'1. ',PH ' / 'I'l'/{ ." . ? 'I.L. J ;PH : 5~~ 1 ~ 5~~~. ~~/t ~ (~l : I . './ 3 : ~ 4,";;A~ . 2 ,~'A / "1.. ~ ,:~~.~ ;: ~ ~ ~d,o f' /I, ~ ~ b.~ Pt . ~f" I ~.j Z98,65 3".1 ., 16 5 3 3 ~ ~ -- 0 --, ?f~ ~ O.89AC- · g*~, " :1)' _ . No~..', . I :l'~ . . ~ _ v 5 3 ~ 2 ~ ~ t/ 43 - 2 . -, 5 )5\ ,~.:~ ... 0.9 4AC ~" ,.:, 0:92 AC / ,.. I "'_~ "",10, :.~~ t ~~ i';"~: j 57 -2: w, ' /~41 :,,) ~........, :J.OOAC: ~. I ~.>,:..~- CiA~w6om -'LAk'Eis' PH .~~.'. 51-1 , PH , PH C~ 10 PH, 12 \- ~ ~ PH ',6C ; 5A \1 ~ 58 ~. ~ w- I 68 I ~___ _ _ ...J... , ,-~ ' " ". or - - - :1- ..,-' , ~,::' ,.... ..... \- ...... ~..Q;}~~ \..z... . ' " 3 ~... , : PH I FI1 r.r--=-- :D ~.:.. - PH ; 30 " 3C , PH Z ~ \ :' 0 ! \ ; III e J I ~ 1 ( -l. ;. _ _ '0. I, _ _ _ _, 2.(:,8 t - - -' I I-- - ., . . - ~ Jo'Ji : PH : PH ,~' ~H I' t"lH ':J . 'I '" 5"2- 2 : _:c ! 3t : ~e" \ .~. to : 1 t ~ O.86AC -" . ----.. Li L _ t::4 r...... ....,.,1., -, .... TI1 lIs, ~ m. -,.t' ,~. ~ 47-1 4.55 A:::' .,; 1P lI\ ( 0' f' .. FH 26 . - 5.00AC' fl- i ;\'\ . . 1,,42,i "z. 7.;" ,52-1 3.55 AC (0- h.2 .. 0 ., rn ':t J.Q.:.,4 . 4 " ~-'. "\...J'I ~ /f..! PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN A 400 FOOT RADIUS FROM LITTLE DUDE RANCH 00-43-45-19-04-014-0410 Ater, Robert J. & Penny L. 9681 Javert Street Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-04-014-0440 De Santolo, William A. & Carol A. 3525 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00~43-45-19-04-014-0470 Cloutier, Paul L. P.O. Box 524 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 00-43-45-19-04-014-0500 Kovar, Joseph M. & Melanie S. Hunter 3561 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-04-014-0530 Jacaruso, Steven P. &-Christine 3575 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-05-047-0010 Klatt, Ernest & Bill R. Winchester P.O~ Box 1240 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 00-43-45-19-05-051-0010 Rascati, E.J. << Patricia C. 570 NE Sample Road pompano Beach, FL 33064 00-43-45-19-10-000-0610 Merritt, James R. & Janice 3561 Silver Lace Ln # 61 Unit 61, Bldg. 5-B Boynton Beach~ FL 33436 00-43-45-19-10-000-0620 Schechter, Adele 3561 Silver Lace Ln ~ 62 unit 62, Bldg. 5-B Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-10-000-0630 Schenker, Mary S. & Jack Miller 3561 Silver Lace Ln # 63 unit 63, Bldg. 5-S Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-10-000-0640 Jam Martha 3561 Silver Lace Ln # 64 unit 64, Bldg. 5-B Boynton Beach, FL 33436 M " "...- \" \.. . ~., -,. 'f~ 00-43-45-19-10-000-0650 Shull, Hella I. 3613 Silver Lace Ln # 65 Unit 65, Bldg. 5-C Boynton Beach, Fli 33436 00-43-45-19-10-000-0660 Small, Lenora E. 3613 Silver Lace Ln # 66, Unit 66, Bldg. 5-C Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-10-000-0670 Fronrath, Rita 3613 Silver Lace Ln # 67 Unit 67, Bldg. 5-C Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-10-000-0680 Weeks, Jane A. 3613 Silver Lace Ln # 68 Unit 68, Bldg. 5-C Boynton Beach, FL 33436 08-43-45-19-05-048-0010 Knuth Rd. Association 1551 Forum PI, # 100 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 08-43-45-19-05-015-0010 Boynton JCP Assoc. 7620 Market street Youngstown, OH 44512 00-43-45-19-05-054-0010 Klatt, Ernest & Violet M. P.O. Box 1477 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 00-43-45-19-05-053-0020 Gilmer, Ernest R. & Eliz. P. 9613 Knuth Road Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19~05-053-0030 Crowell, Dennis C. 9587 Knuth iRoad Boynton Beach~ FL 33436 00-43-45-19-05-057-0020 Martin, Duke R. & sandra J. 6601 sheridan street Hollywood, FL 33024 00-43-45-19-04-015-0150 stalfa, F.J. & Dorothy 3604 Ruskin Ave., Rt. 3 Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-04-015-0180 Duffy, Alice E. 3590 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-04-015-0200 schulz, Gordon T. 3580 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach FL 33436 6Y . .' ,~~ . .' .. ~_.J . ",_, ..... t '1..1 00-43-45-19-04-015-0220 Allen, John H. & Ardith A. 311 Washington street Wapakaoneta, ohio 45895 00-43-45-19-04-015-0240 Williams, Richard P. & Millie G. 3562 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-04-015-0270 Knapp, Richard F. & Leslie A. 3546 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436- 00-43-45-19-04-015-0300 Wade, John G. & Wynett 3518 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-04-015-0420 Lamb, G.V. & Ernestine 'c. 3545 Old Boynton Road Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-04-015-0450 Gundlach, J.L. & Esther M. 233 S.W. 7th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 00-43-45-19-04-015-0480 Williams, Richard P. & Mille G. 3562 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-04-015-0500 castaldo, Jerry & Diane 3581 Old Boynton Road Boynton Beach, FL 33435 00-43-45-19-04-015-0520 valentine, Neil & Donna 1933 Tom-A-Toe Road Lantana, FL'33462 00-43-45-19-04-015-0540 Ratty, Walter Jr. & Rosemary 3601 Boynton Road Boynton Beach, FL 33436 00-43-45-19-05-048-0020 Mish, F.C. & Dorothy L. Rt. 3, Box 1203 Knuth Road Boynton Beach, FL 33436 6r I'"~ '. ~ ~.' ~ ,::.~r. :l: ZZgg-689I9OC1 lOt<< fPUClJ 'lP"9.....d- 'tOOl 01"'$ ."., ...,,"~ ....., IJ~/""'O\P'V -,.""", ....~" AOPI!)l ,\ uVId 811S ',aplJO!:I · ,(lunoo If.l4Ieg wIld .----- -_.lr-f.....-'" - --rnf ...,., . .. .__ _ ,." .."...'0 - - ..-rl'l\ "'0 ,,-Jl..1 ...>$ ~ .~; ~ ~ .. .: . 'b N , \- . iii .. u .. Cf) t ------ -.-...-..- -....-.-- H~~~l~~:J~{f.lI~V~ ~;:~~.,: -=-= i..;~::~~~:l WI ~lt: :!..~ t si'~=.' I.! ! ,: ii \! i~ :; t: ,.~ tt !~ It h g. ~ ii' Jl!s It : .. UI 11 "OJ J Hi ~I i1 i"l is; i! I,II 't; !l It H t $'> I. .. I!.~f r sse J t1i.d n~ i; "".'.1 .-J I" 1'101 I..~: . ,t'!i;Ptr !r BE 1- i - ~ . .2 . II: : :! I .:.:..... III tIS .. . .. . co c: 0 ..! ..<"6,=:,,;g.::c:c ~. .~)I>."~O-". .!! ~ l 4; r ~ ~ . ~ N co g.~ '" _.... .a:... E .. 0\.8 o :...:tr~i,;!'i ~ a:;: ::. !h~~';U~ J: :1 in ~"Ii: o!: t .t ! '::.t .=l ~: l ~:.; !!.. i:: rc~...~~~ .. ~ : . co! ~o-:..;:;S~ ::;~J~d : :8- = ;; ., ~ ~6: s i .... 11 ~ ,\, ::li' It: ~ : ., , .. I ~tL .1; - --1 -::cl'-~ ~ 1\': ~'i .,..' ' :. .. :.: ~ .. .. . ...... 5 ill i. i ~ :' f t .,;' i ~ \'! it i! 'I Q II II! !:.J. J I '/fJ .. .Ii . " - .." ., . c I' :a :: ..... a:'" II' <u I 0." a ~ ..I ~~~: i: Q .. ~! ,I e, ) .' - c a: III .c;~ IAN .......1"1 , ~~ -I ~, 61, ,/. . ./ / ./ .-- KJldliy & AasocIat.. Landscape Architects/Planners 1561 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 '(407) 689-5622 · 'Fax: (407) 689-2592 Justification statement This 1.41 acre property is located on the southwest corner of Old'Boynton Road and Knuth Road. Proposed is a two hundred child day care facility to be operated by Mr. Ray Flow and the Little Dude Ranch. , Please see the attached letter from Mr. Flow regarding his views on the subject property. It is a well known fact that the shortage of reliable and affordable child care is a high concern of all working parents. This project will provide a convenient day care facility along a major roadway in the heart of a growing Boynton Beach area. The site provides ample area for outdoor play facilities and being a corner lot, abuts only two surrounding properties, both of which are vacant. There are large residential .... developments under construction within a five mile radius, and those persons travel Old Boynton Road. &. This proposed day care will service residents in the area with a convenient, quality facility and help to alleviate the shortage of such facilities in the area. ',"'. I. I I I i ~9.$ b7 I. "l V" /I"._~:L , ~ '~ )v ! .~....:) ....... \ I. \, SUBJECT TO EA~~MENTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF ~.,..:1j;:',;:jk :~:E~:R.~.~ ,:~,:,,"!:I.\ .... '!';;~t:';'~. :~~f~; . I 0j~if<<~ iJl~(f2X. .~*J~~ "*~,(tlhJ.i::.. ' ..,. 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