LEGAL APPROVAL .' 100 E BOYNTON BEACH,'BLVD. P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON ~EACH' FLORIDA 33425-0310 ! ' (407) 738-7490 '(.;. . - (', OFFICE 0 THE PLANNING DIRECTOR f' I I I 'CITY of I , .. (.~)~OYNTON BEACH 1'- @. , . . ~ ~ . " , . I. .. 1 . #I , . J., . 'I '" I? r.'~! " ' ,J~ly 19, 1989 . i ~ o. I Heery Architects & Engineers, Attn: Mr. Michael D. Miller 999 Peachtree~street, NE Atlanta, ~eoigia 30367-5401 Inc i' 11- oj i ,d?... RE:" Motorola - Site Plan Modification - File No .z59 o d-tC Dear Mr. Miller: ~ Please be :advised'that on Tuesday, July 18, 1989, the 'City Commission approved the referenced site plan subject to staff 'comments, copies of which 'are attached. ( I '--".' These plans were approved ,subject to'your compliance with the . attached stipulations. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies of final plan drawings with the changes ~ncorporated to the Building Department for permitting purposes. . The approvalaof the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as 'an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questi9ns concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, (: '9 , i 't I . CITY OF BOYNTO~ BIEAC~.t)~1 I ~ .i..-~7 f-&' . CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, AICP I Planning Director , .\ " ." CSA:frb . Encs cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Central File u . ) .- - - -- - /1 '- .. f \. STAFF COMMENTS ,oJ MOTOROLA' SITE PLAN MODIFICATION ... .. 'l':: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: - . Amend application and plans to reflect required parking and gross floor area including addition. t- , II to -[ (' , ~,. It, r .\: ;: ~ : . , ,., , SITE PLl\H l\rrnOVl\L l\rrLICl\'l'lUU City of Doynton DeClch, FloridCl Planning'and Zoning Donrd 'This application 11lUSt be filled out completely nlHl nccurnt~ly and submi t ted in one (1) copy to the r lanning fJepa r tmcnl. I ncolnp] Q tc applications will not be processed. Please rrint I,egi~ly or Type all Information. ~ I. GEnERJ\l, INFOIU-1J\TION . , Motorola - Phase II Expansion 1. ProJect Name: Boynton Beach Facility Boynton Beach, Florida --...-----...---------- L. _~.._ I 2. Date ~lis hpplication is Accepted: (to be fi.lled out by planning Dept.) 3. l\ppl ican t' s name (person or bus iness en ti ty in \olhosc name thi!; application' is made): Mo toro 1 a, t nc . , ~ # Address: 1500 NW 22nd ^venue Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Phone: (407) 738-2132 (Joseph F. ~rr~.rli;L4.7...a) .l 4 . ~- Agent's Name (person, if any, reprr!sentingapplicClut): Jleery ^rchitects & Eng f neers, I nc. 999 Peachtree -Street, NE J\ddress: Phol1e: ^tlanta, Georgia' 3036]-5~01 - - (404) 881-9880 ~ichael D. Miller !I s. Property Owner's (or Tr~stee's) Name: Hotorola, Inc. 1500 NW 22nd ^venue , .1Idclrcss: . '. Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 (407) 138-2132 " Phone: t--: 6. Correspondence l\ddres5 (if different than applicnnt. or ngent) ': Same ~s above for agent · This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. PJ.nnning Dept. 10/82 '!J ~~ . I' i1tJ Q I. 7. 'Hh;}t. is applicant's inl<H'cst in the premises arrected? Owner -----...-- .. . . __e. _________ (O\mer, Buyer, T,essee, Builder, Devt!lopcr, Con trae t Purcha se r, e tc . ) B. street l\ddrcss or Location of Site: ----------.- -..--------- _.- ____.:..._,_ ~~.~. ~~ ..22~~.. A~~.~~~! . ~~y~ t9!1._P.~i!C;h.J., fJ.Qr.1.dil . ._334.36,. 9. Legi\l Description of Si tc/r1'operty 'Colltrol ft: a ..--.-- -- - -. .-....-...--....- - See attached ...-....-- ............- - .-- ......--....-----...--.-.---... -I ; --------_.:.-...------ ------;-..---..- ----- ----..--......--...--- --...-.- - --...-- 10. Intend'ed Use(s) of Site:. Engineering office expansion ll~ Developer o~ Builder. .~ N/A 12. J\rchitect: , Beery Architects & Engineers, Inc. / IIeery Engineering & Land Plnnning lIeery Engineering & Land Planning Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. Oailey-Fotorny, Inc. N/A 13. Landscape Architect: ,,14. Sit.e Planner: 1 5 . En 9 i'n e e r : l6. Surveyor: 17. 18. Traffic Engineer: Has' a site pI..n bacn pr\!!viously l)PP.l'O\":'(] by th~ cit.y council [or th is prope l' ty '? __. _~~~__ __ _ ..... u_ _, . .:........ _. ,_,__..._...__ _ ___ _._._n_. . 19 . Esthi1Clt:.ec const.ruction cost. of propn::,'.l ltiipJ:o\"c::.~...ts shoh'" (\11 this site plan: $400~OOO Planning Dept. 10/82 1 ~ - -.- 1\ TT I\CIIEO TO SITE PL^,I /\prROV/\L I\PflLl C/\ Tl ON LEGI\L DESCRIPTION or SITE /\LL OF TIl/\GTS 9~ TIIROUGII 107, SECTION 20, OF SlJlllHVISION or SECTIONS 29 /\U1) 20, TOWHSIIIP liS SOUTII, R/\NGE 113 EI\ST I\S PEn PL/\T tIlEREOf, RtCOIHJEIJ IN rL/\T nOOK 7 M,F. 20, or TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS or PI\Ul OEI\CII COUNTV, r1.0ltllll\, lUCLUOING 30 rOOT smlP LOCMEIJ IN SECTION 20,. TOHtlStllP 115 SOIJTII, RMlGE II:l EI\S T, /\fin OOUNPEIJ ON TIlE SOU111 OV OOVN roN CI\NI\L /\tll) ON TIlE f101tlll nv lItl\C t 911, Sf:C r lOll 20, or TIlE SUOllI V I S I ON OF SEC rl OtiS 7. 9 I\flll 20,1 OWlISIII P 1\ 5 SOUTII, RI\tlGEIl3 EI\ST, /\CCOImING TO TIlE Pll\T TIIEREOF, ItF.COIWF.ll trl PLI\T nOOK 7, PI\GE- 20, rl\ut nEI\CII COUlITY RECOlm I\LSO INClIJlJtrlG 30 rOOT STHIp SIIOWtI I\S RO/\O [I\SUtEIH RurlUlflG rRmt CI\NI\L C-16 tlORTII TO TilE tlOIHII LI'I[$ or LOTS to? I\NO 107 EXTEN\JED or sunOIVIslOtI or SECTION 9 I\NU 20, REconnr.n IN Pll\T nOOK 7, PI\Gf: 20 or TIlE PUOU C RECORDS or PI\U, llEI\CII COUN TV, fLOIU UI\, LVI tlG BETWEEN LOTS 96 TO 102 trI filE [I\Sf /\till LOTS 911, 95 /\tin 103 T1I1Wlllill 107 ON TilE WEST SI\IO SUODIVISION. . I\LSO, I\LL I.I\NOS, I NCLUD I NG LI\KE no rrpH or L/\KE tJM:KSorl /\tlD LI\NUS DES I GNI\TEIJ "SI\N" OEI\CII" OR "LOW fmCK" on OTIIERWISE LVIfIG BErWHN TilE I\BOVE nESCRIOEn pnOPERTY I\UO WEST OF filE RIGIIT-Or-WI\V or TIlE I.I\KE WOIHII IJHI\ItlI\'iE DISTRICT EQUI\LI ZING CI\t!I\L [-11, EXCEP T ItlG Tltl\ T rOR TI Oll OF tnl\CTS 9'1, 95, 103, 10tl,lOs, 106 I\rlD 107, SECTlOfI 20, SUBOIVISIOU or SECTIONS. 29 ^UD 20, TOWHSIIIP "5 SOUTII, RI\NGE "3 E/\Sf I\CCORDtrlG TO TIIF. Pll\T fII[ltr.OF, ItECOIWEl) It! PLI\T OOOK 7, PI\GE 20, PI\U, OEI\CII courITV PUBLIC IH:COIWS '"I1CII LIES HtTllIN 50 HE T or TIlE UES f LI tlE or 5/\ IIJ SEC fI ON. I\LSO, I\Ll T11I\T P^'H or TilE SW 11" or SECTION 17 ^Nt) TIlE flU 1/~ or SECTlOfI 20, TmmS1I1 P "5 SOUTIl, Rl\fHiE ~3 [^ST, PI\U, nEI\CII courn V, FLolt 1Il^, LV ItIG SOUTII or TilE SOUTIIERLV RIGIIT-Or-WI\V LINE OF tl\l 2?NI) I\VENUE 1\5 llESCIHO(l) IN OFFICII\L RECORDS OOOK 1738, PI\'iE 16136 or TilE J'HOLtC RECOIms or PI\Ut BEI\CIl COIJrlTY, FLORID^ /\r1O f10RTII or TilE SIJBI)IVISION or SECTIOnS 29 I\flll 20, TOUNSIIII' "5 SOUTIl, ll^tHiE " EI\ST, RECOltlJEU IH Pl^T OOOK 7, PI\(it 20. IIERE H1I\OOVE OESCR I OEn, I\NO EI\S T or HIE EI\S fEn!. V I.IUE or n Hill f -or -HI\ V OF CONGRESS /\VENUE MIO UESf or TIlE ~II:STEnLV LItlE I\T nIGIIT-Or-WI\V OF 111E L/\KF. HORTII DRl\trIl\GE IHsmlCT EQIJI\Lt7.ING Cl\ttl\L E-~. . EXCEPTlrlG rRm, I\LL or TilE I\OOVE DESCRIOEO P1UJPEIHV TilE RIGlIT-or,,:WI\V or COtlGRESS /\VENUE, LI\KE WORTII ORI\lNI\GF. OISTHICT E()IJI\LllING C^ttI\L E-" 1\110 In GIlT -or -WI\ Y OF CI\Ul\l E -16 rormERL Y nOVNToN CI\NI\L. , ~l . ~ Page 3 II. SITE Dl\Tl\ The following information,must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) ,copies of the site plan. , 1. Land Use CategorY sh6wn in the Comprehensive Plan --!:!9ht Industrial P.I.D. (PlannQd Industrial Zoning District DQ~r.loJll11ent) 2. 3. J\rea of Site 80.39 acres 3,850,268 ~rt. rt. 4 . Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown - j. Total Area of Site 88.39 100 , of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreCltion,and havihg a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by SO ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building , 295,950 J\rea ("building footpr in t") b l.' 247,025 . "fater 1\rea sq. ft. 7.5 , of sito sq . r t. 7 , 01': s i tf! c.'~ther Impervious l\reas, including paved .area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas) , and sidewalks, patios, ,.. ,'.., .. decks, a,nd a thlet.ic ';"". 610 '050" courts. ' : . i ~. . ; ~ sq.ft~ 16 , 0 f site d. Total Impervious Area 1,157,025 e. ,Landscaped J\rea. Ins ide 301 ,950 of Parking Lot.s (20 sq.ft. per int.erior' parking space required-- see Sec. 7.~-35(g) of L",ndsdape Code). f t · 30 nq. . , of site sq.ft. 1 \ 0 f site ~ Pl~nnlng Dept. 10/92 rage <1 f. other Landscaped 1\reas, 097,712 sq.ft. e3 " , of site excluding Water 1\rea g. Other Pervious 1\reas, including Golf Courses, Natural 1\reas, Yards, and '. Swales, but excluding Water 1\reas 1,760,5Bl sq.ft. 46 , or site 'h. Total Pervious 1\reas 2,693,2<13 sq.ft. 70 , or Alto 1. Total 1\rea of Site. 3,050,260 yq.ft. 100 . \ of site 6. Floor 1\rea a. Residential 0 sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office 8,900 sq.ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq.ft. .. . d. Recreational sq. ft. e. PublicI Institutional f;q.ft. f. Other (specify) sq. Ct. g. Other (specify) !;q.ft. h. Total Floor Area 8,900 '. sq. ft. E. ~ ,. rl,'''.1 330/000 ~ f Jto.,r e.. :II' 8'OOOf!) Iff'. 7. Numbe'r of nesidential Dwelling Units eo.."..Jy.,d ~~, /c/.w.f ."'00 a. Single-F~mily Detached 0 dW,elling units 12.3100 }3' b. Duplex 0 (lwell ing ulli ts ;/fir c. Hul ti-'Family (3 .... attached dw~llin9 units (1) Efficiency 0 dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwellif1g units (3 ) 2 Bedroom (lwelling units ..(4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total'Multi-Family 0 dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 0 8. Gross Density 0 Dwelling Units per 1\ ere 9. Uax:i..mum Height of Structures on Site 10. Required Off-Stre~t Porking feet 2 stories a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces b. Off-Street pnrking Spnces Provided on Site Plan 1512 current emoloyees + appr~i- ma te 1 Y 406 new ernp 1 oyees =: 1918 employees 'I, 2 x Hs ~p:lrpc: c 1439 required spaces +- so ul,i-/c,,, ~c r~ ~ -#J: W~~ (1705) Parking-5pacp~ Planning Dept. 10/92 ..~ 7 ~ . IV.' HISC~Ij.LMtEOUS The following ~aterials must be submitted in one (i) copy' Page 9 , . (check) x 1. A'check, payab1~ to the City o'f Boynton Beach, ftR per tho attac~ed fee schedule. .1 '. y..' . . . For projects t~at generate at lea9~ three thousftnd (3,ObO)' vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic .t . ... ..,. . po . ... ..,. . ._ . . _.. .\.... ,.,. _ . . \... ....., ..... "" '" ......t"-....\",... U.,\.4....J 'W'...- ...w_ w aJ'-' w .........._,. ........_. I Any other engineering and/or technical~data, as may be re- quired by the 'Tec'hnical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the city's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION 3. N/^ 2. . VI. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the, permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) ~hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or shbwing9 in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) kriow edge a belief. This application will not be accepted unl sig according to the instruction~ below. fLJ/zI/8'1' I Date I: s June 19, '1989 Oa i.e . eby designate the above signed person as (my) ed agent in regard to,this application. .. ~1z1 /SJP I Da~e SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedules Date Receivedl Technical Review Board Date Planning , Zoning Board Date Community Appearance Board Date City Council " Date Stipulations of Final Approva1t . , .. other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted! '~ddit~onBl Remarks! " .' r ! ~ . .. ~J !IL ! I;,. .. .... I _ 1 Cl () o z C) :;0 P1 (/) (/) )> < rrl NW 22nd AVE I ~ I 4; 1111111"11111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIII AIIIIIIII~ I O/1lI1l11111111111111111111111l111111l111111l10 a 1IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUO 011I11111111111I11111111111I11111111I111I11I110 1IIIIIIIIXIlIIIIIlIIIXIIlllllIIIIXIIlIIIIIIO o 1lI111111111l11l11l11l111 1Il1ll1l1ll111ll1l11 0 --- ,- l'v'N't/8 ....". .,.."r,r. ,.",..tf 1 r ~ L~..U . ... If . ..-- - .....' .. ,'. . '<;] ('), )> z )> r i I I ; j i II HEER ATUHT l, C[ORQ.\ ~ .~ -I~ '0 .. Itl O zlX e)l~rlt, ~et:' IE ~ ~ ~1U:>lr-I~ -t ~ ~ ~ !' - i \ -a -~ 7~ ~ 8 '"\i) . ..i :!) , 1Il(_ l)OIlot5' . , tpJ --l'- ~~~~~~~ ~: co.Jr-:" 1"I~r-I'-t -(....1..1.0 ~ we;> &.I.L.., "'5~~ - ,,"'-<l/'1l"t-. 1'0,1 - ~ 1:.,1- + ...,1- ~ IL.' . UI I 1<:.1.1 1.1,1.., "41<1 - ...u.. ~"11"I<1 CDUII1r;., z.~) I cb K I .'" " /D ....101 "0" ~ ~_ jF' MetlO ,. ~s, 1oI'l HOIIIMII" tt -- .&. I".' &. 1:0. ~ &>.ut1\I' ... ~ I. f>~ e-JL<.e:'1.J I.b %' A. e,J.....~.. Ho ~wuPll!ri~ .,"'..... I / I ! J i I , I ! J I j ~ " - I, I , ~~t,r.~~!,,' -~- ,...jl"'Ji~~~,,!,i:;:.- ;-~---:"'l ....:.~ '~It~~'~t.j.f;;'" ..~'t~I:': "i~<k.:';''''~ ~ .. il!iJF~~ :.~~.:: '~i:~S~ ,::'.r';'." . ,,~., "r.( ,.., ", '" " .', .:' I. r..t.. '0' ~.D....~ ," JIt.O-a :II."'~ '6'J" 't~.d .' \" \ ,~ ,- .',::, . '0" / ~.4 ~~'~w.:. ,;.,., . ~...t!_.. :-iA ~i.:~~-:a. ", ", .~. ..' ...... . ...... !,,-. "'''':J' ~ ~ ;; ~ . ... ! 1,.- . ... .......... . .' . . ' ". . ~ ': IJ~ IoW.L. J_ I~\ ~: CD-llm rl~M'" -(....1.1. ~ 1W'fP z.~) 1,J.l.., .. '.S~'J' - ,,~.. )0:..1- ~ 1<,,1- 't r I . ~ ....---_..-...- o J '. "'101 ..07. ~ ~~ OCCUI .... ~" ...IF-' tan: _oyrll.11It tt, , ..- .. &. Ie.", .. Ii:. 1~.I<l. ~~olol,I'''' ~~~~tJo%. I':' \.l.. t "' .... 08-11-88 .... :~~r~ 3 5 P tl CNTR- ..,01/SH2 r ll"~ - .... 03 3ECTOR MSG @ MOTonOLA IIVC. Augu!o;t 11, 1999 . . Ci ly of Tloynt:on ~ach 2~~ N. Se~cr~8t: Boulevnrd, P.O. nox JiA Boynton Delich, Florid~ 33425-9319 1\tln: Mr. Otrrnen 1mnundnto, ('lannlng Ulr.p.ctor Pel neelY~ Internatlonal~ Incorporated n,ln Ip.t:t:@r is to noli ry you or Moloroln' 9 Intnnt.lon to r.nt:,lIin H~'!?ty Internlltional, Inc., 999 ~'-'cht:r.nf! St:r~t:, Nort:hcngt: ~tVmt:ft, ~~rgin, /'tn our ng~nt: for t:he purpono of ptep....rlng /'tr.chltf!'C'tut'/'tl /'tOO ~ng,tn~dng (lrnwll"KJn nnc1 8Pf!cific~tlotl!l for the P[opor.~ 99,9"9 nqtJI're foot orClc~ hut lt1hY3 c)(p('n~lnn or our Boynton BflAch FacUlty at 1599 N.W. '-'-n(l l\V~nu~, noynt:on ~nch, Florida. sinc@r@ly, c:.2--., Ronald 1\JlM'l111o I RT!cp RT9111 jJ r, I~ June 19, 1989 HEERY Mr. Jim Gol den Senior City Planner Planning Department City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Motorola Phase II Expansion Dear Jim: '. We are submitting a Site Plan Approval Application and amended drawings dated June 19, 1989 for your review and consideration on the above reference project. As you know, Hotorola is constructing an addition to their facility in Boynton Beach designed by Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. The new construction is a two-story office building of approximately 80,000 square feet, adjacent to the current offices facing NW 22nd Avenue, and additional parking bringing the total number of spaces to 1,705. Concurrently, Motorola has decided to construct additional office space of approximately 8900 square feet within an open courtyard formed by the office building and the existing manufacturing facility. Adequate parking for both of these additions is being provided by the construction currently underway, therefore, no additional sitework is required by adding the courtyard offices. Adequate ,plumbing fixtures for both additions are being provided within the office space currently under construction as well. Finally, you should note that no changes to the exterior of the building are being proposed with this work. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We thank you for your assistance, as always. ~' ~~~5UWMI Michael D. Miller, AlA Project Director MDM:sjt Enclosures cc: Don Zipse Joe Sperlazza 88078a Heery Architects & Engineers.lnc, A Heery Inlemational company 999 Peachtree Street,N E..Allanla,Georgla 30367.5401, Telephone (404) 881.9880 Telex 54.2165 ATlANTA. BAlTIMORE. CUPERTINO (S F BAY AREA) . FRANKFURT. HOUSTON. LONDON. LOS ANGELES. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. SACRAMENTO. SALT LAKE CITY. SEAffiE ! ? .' .. (., , IIf '. .' , Il\.' II' AGENDA MEMORANDUM , .. t July 12, 1989 TO: l:["'. FROM: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Motorola - Site Plan Modification Please place the referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Tuesday, July 18, 1989 under Consent Agenda. , I DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Michael Miller for approval of a modification to a previously approved site plan to allow for an 8,900 square foot office wing to be added to the new office currently under construction (88,900 square feet total). Motorola is located on North Congress Avenue at the southeast corner of Northwest 22nd Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. C~~ CARMEN S. ANNU ZIATO CSA:frb Encs Mtrla.711 'If' k. ,. M SECTun Mst; CNTn'"l' '. , S 112 I' U I '-' (l -. I I - 0 0 U J -, . ~ 1 '! ( " ......._. __._ ... t. ......'"' .." ' II !1M 1&000..11.,.. ~ tcl,oet. ) , ..~e.. 'e~" "'.. -1hh tf(~rt~nlg Jlred p.r.J. ...J ".....".1 ,I.. .1 ;' " .I.,., '/)."'0 ".. A. U, '0 ',a r,,. I IUTtCO O[VU.otMtNT conrOMIIUN I . ~'r"'.""" ."..,,". OI..lH .... law'. ., r Ilt"c1" . ..." ......,", f1, """"r-I rl... .; .....It....., 11;9 [IU' tJ"olflt n"l-n\. MJl'lfnl, rln'''''' 33131 , I 1..,.',,"'1" ,..1r.J .r." .,...,.... .. MOI0hr'lJ\ IUt:. I . U..r....."...' .,,,,,.., tI"".. .", "WI.' .r., ! ,.,,,., JJ~I"w,u.. . ';,/1'. 'II r............, ,...lI..rl..r ..M.".. ., I ",,,,....,,.. ...11." .", "..".., I I ,~".....t .... ,"".,- ~ ...... ........... ..., ",.t--." ,_.~ ... ~. .....~ .. tl.a. ,...--.. ... ..... "'a... ..,.t ..~........,_ .... .-:._ .f -,&....-... .... .... .-......... .., --'... ., ...,......-? l r Ii I; l1filnt$$Ilh: 71.., ,r.. .,...,..,. ,... ....J ... n...'.I....".... .., ".. ....., .., t I 11.011 "...1 .."". .,..1...",. ,.....,J...."...... ....,,., ..'...,..., " .....r., ..,1..11..,1..1"..1. ..~ ."... ,......... .l.... CO'...,'. ',...r.'.., ..11. .Ii.". '....10.. ......... .....'" ."" ,.....,..... ....,. .r., "....,.., lOll "... .",..,.. 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